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Potential Transformers RID Dinobot Grimlock Prototype in Age of Extintion BluRay Special Features

Transformers News: Potential Transformers RID Dinobot Grimlock Prototype in Age of Extintion BluRay Special Features

Wednesday, October 1st, 2014 8:39AM CDT

Categories: Cartoon News, Toy News, Rumors
Posted by: Va'al   Views: 128,794

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Some of you may already have their hands on the recently released BluRay edition of Transformers: Age of Extinction. And some of you may have seen the special features regarding the design and production process for the toys. Which also means you may have spotted a Dinobot shaped intruder: could this be our first look at the upcoming Robots in Disguise animated series Grimlock figure? Check out the image below, via fellow fan HaltroN1 on Twitter!

Transformers News: Potential Transformers RID Dinobot Grimlock Prototype in Age of Extintion BluRay Special Features
Credit(s): HaltroN1

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Re: Potential Transformers RID Dinobot Grimlock Prototype in Age of Extintion BluRay Special Features (1610071)
Posted by Bumblevivisector on October 1st, 2014 @ 9:00am CDT
Ah, so now there actually IS something in RID-II that looks like it came from Animated.

And hot on the heels of the Rifftrax live Broderick-zilla show, he has a bit of Cruellock/Doomlock in his design!
Re: Potential Transformers RID Dinobot Grimlock Prototype in Age of Extintion BluRay Special Features (1610072)
Posted by Lockdownhunter on October 1st, 2014 @ 9:00am CDT
I am very interested to see it painted.Reminds me of TFA Grimlock.
Re: Potential Transformers RID Dinobot Grimlock Prototype in Age of Extintion BluRay Special Features (1610074)
Posted by Lockdownhunter on October 1st, 2014 @ 9:04am CDT
So far,all of the RID figures are awesome,especially legion Optimus.I would also like to see a RID Bulkhead.BTW,this Grimlock reminds me of Godzilla.
Re: Potential Transformers RID Dinobot Grimlock Prototype in Age of Extintion BluRay Special Features (1610079)
Posted by Madeus Prime on October 1st, 2014 @ 9:30am CDT
Huh, not to shabby. This toy line is giving me fond memories of TFA.
Re: Potential Transformers RID Dinobot Grimlock Prototype in Age of Extintion BluRay Special Features (1610081)
Posted by Dead Metal on October 1st, 2014 @ 9:42am CDT
It looks kinda like a mix of new Godzilla and Animated Grimlock.
Re: Potential Transformers RID Dinobot Grimlock Prototype in Age of Extintion BluRay Special Features (1610103)
Posted by william-james88 on October 1st, 2014 @ 11:08am CDT
This looks great. I am mostly intrigued by the new transformation which seems to have his feet become his jaw. That will give him some fun asymetry as you can see where the body would become two halves. Looking forward to it already.
Re: Potential Transformers RID Dinobot Grimlock Prototype in Age of Extintion BluRay Special Features (1610109)
Posted by Rated X on October 1st, 2014 @ 11:20am CDT
Horrible. Money saved. I have no interest in any of the RID figures. Ill wait until TFCC repurposes the molds with new heads for classics collections.
Re: Potential Transformers RID Dinobot Grimlock Prototype in Age of Extintion BluRay Special Features (1610111)
Posted by OptimalOptimus2 on October 1st, 2014 @ 11:25am CDT
Grimlock? Again? Can we focus on something more than just Dinobots? The Monsterbots haven't been used yet.

Grimlock being in the new RID series is nothing but old news.
Re: Potential Transformers RID Dinobot Grimlock Prototype in Age of Extintion BluRay Special Features (1610114)
Posted by ScottyP on October 1st, 2014 @ 11:29am CDT
OptimalOptimus2 wrote:Grimlock? Again? Can we focus on something more than just Dinobots? The Monsterbots haven't been used yet.

Grimlock being in the new RID series is nothing but old news.

I think he's green, if that helps. More Dinobots is always cool though. They've been ignored for decades, I'm totally fine with a few years of saturation.
Re: Potential Transformers RID Dinobot Grimlock Prototype in Age of Extintion BluRay Special Features (1610118)
Posted by Hammer on October 1st, 2014 @ 11:38am CDT
Grimlock's in AoE for what, 4 minutes? and we get a million T Rex's flooding stores in one way or another. Now there's a series that features him? Oh boy :HEADHURTS:
Re: Potential Transformers RID Dinobot Grimlock Prototype in Age of Extintion BluRay Special Features (1610125)
Posted by griftimus prime on October 1st, 2014 @ 12:17pm CDT
very bulky. hope the bot mode looks cool.
Re: Potential Transformers RID Dinobot Grimlock Prototype in Age of Extintion BluRay Special Features (1610126)
Posted by Doubledealer93 on October 1st, 2014 @ 12:18pm CDT
well, it seems that all the other dinobots have been forgotten. all hasbro cares about now is grimlock since he was AOE for 10 minutes.
Re: Potential Transformers RID Dinobot Grimlock Prototype in Age of Extintion BluRay Special Features (1610127)
Posted by noctorro on October 1st, 2014 @ 12:20pm CDT
Looks cool, Godzilla influence makes him different than the movie/animated/classics.

Haven't seen that much about the new RID 2 series.

It's set for the start of 2015?
Re: Potential Transformers RID Dinobot Grimlock Prototype in Age of Extintion BluRay Special Features (1610130)
Posted by Fox Thiagarajan on October 1st, 2014 @ 12:42pm CDT
noctorro wrote:Looks cool, Godzilla influence makes him different than the movie/animated/classics.

Haven't seen that much about the new RID 2 series.

It's set for the start of 2015?

Could be wrong but I think it's set to start in April or May of 2015. Like this design, but am def hoping for more representations of other Dinobots as well. Having fun with the AOE ones in the mean time. :BOT:
Re: Potential Transformers RID Dinobot Grimlock Prototype in Age of Extintion BluRay Special Features (1610135)
Posted by ZeroWolf on October 1st, 2014 @ 12:51pm CDT
I like this, and I like the shift back to the bigger under jaw of animated grimlock. Also optimalOptimus2@ grimlock being in RiD is old news, but shots of his possible toy is new news.
Re: Potential Transformers RID Dinobot Grimlock Prototype in Age of Extintion BluRay Special Features (1610143)
Posted by Sabrblade on October 1st, 2014 @ 1:17pm CDT
We don't know for 100% certainty that this is Grimlock. There's been no confirmation, it's only a guess.

For all we know, this green Dinobot could be a whole new character.
Re: Potential Transformers RID Dinobot Grimlock Prototype in Age of Extintion BluRay Special Features (1610152)
Posted by ScottyP on October 1st, 2014 @ 1:35pm CDT
Sabrblade wrote:We don't know for 100% certainty that this is Grimlock. There's been no confirmation, it's only a guess.

For all we know, this green Dinobot could be a whole new character.

This is a fact.

That said, if it is indeed Grimlock, it's pretty clever to make him green given the name of the series :D

Re: Potential Transformers RID Dinobot Grimlock Prototype in Age of Extintion BluRay Special Features (1610186)
Posted by Shuttershock on October 1st, 2014 @ 2:51pm CDT
Re: Potential Transformers RID Dinobot Grimlock Prototype in Age of Extintion BluRay Special Features (1610190)
Posted by Jelze Bunnycat on October 1st, 2014 @ 3:11pm CDT
ScottyP wrote:That said, if it is indeed Grimlock, it's pretty clever to make him green given the name of the series :D


I refuse to acknowledge that as "Grimlock", only as "Build Hurricane" [-(
Re: Potential Transformers RID Dinobot Grimlock Prototype in Age of Extintion BluRay Special Features (1610199)
Posted by Peridot on October 1st, 2014 @ 3:37pm CDT
It slightly resembles AOE Grimlock from How to Ride Your Dinobot:
It's mostly the proportions (HUEG CHIN), but still.
Re: Potential Transformers RID Dinobot Grimlock Prototype in Age of Extintion BluRay Special Features (1610202)
Posted by Dead Metal on October 1st, 2014 @ 3:42pm CDT
Where are we getting the "green" Dinobot part from now? This is clearly just a prototype cast in resin.
Re: Potential Transformers RID Dinobot Grimlock Prototype in Age of Extintion BluRay Special Features (1610212)
Posted by ScottyP on October 1st, 2014 @ 4:06pm CDT
Dead Metal wrote:Where are we getting the "green" Dinobot part from now? This is clearly just a prototype cast in resin.

There's production or some teaser footage somewhere showing a green T-Rex. I'll go hunt for it.

edit: found it, not sure this got news'd here on Seibertron :/ ... mlock-rid/
Re: Potential Transformers RID Dinobot Grimlock Prototype in Age of Extintion BluRay Special Features (1610228)
Posted by Va'al on October 1st, 2014 @ 4:54pm CDT
ScottyP wrote:
Dead Metal wrote:Where are we getting the "green" Dinobot part from now? This is clearly just a prototype cast in resin.

There's production or some teaser footage somewhere showing a green T-Rex. I'll go hunt for it.

edit: found it, not sure this got news'd here on Seibertron :/ ... mlock-rid/

Somehow, it did not. This is all we have from those days: ... iew/30903/ ... ise/30905/
Re: Potential Transformers RID Dinobot Grimlock Prototype in Age of Extintion BluRay Special Features (1610242)
Posted by Dead Metal on October 1st, 2014 @ 5:31pm CDT
ScottyP wrote:
Dead Metal wrote:Where are we getting the "green" Dinobot part from now? This is clearly just a prototype cast in resin.

There's production or some teaser footage somewhere showing a green T-Rex. I'll go hunt for it.

edit: found it, not sure this got news'd here on Seibertron :/ ... mlock-rid/

Ah OK, never seen that.

That said, that mug shot does look real close to this, so yeah, that's likely who this guy is.
Re: Potential Transformers RID Dinobot Grimlock Prototype in Age of Extintion BluRay Special Features (1610251)
Posted by Zeedust on October 1st, 2014 @ 6:17pm CDT
Looks interesting, but I don't think I can form an opinion without seeing it in both modes.

JelZe GoldRabbit wrote:
ScottyP wrote:That said, if it is indeed Grimlock, it's pretty clever to make him green given the name of the series :D


I refuse to acknowledge that as "Grimlock", only as "Build Hurricane" [-(

I just roll with it because I'm already acknowledging both Inferno the ant and Inferno the fire truck, may as well do the same for Grimlock. That said, this one is still "the other Grimlock".

Hammer wrote:Fantastic
Grimlock's in AoE for what, 4 minutes? and we get a million T Rex's flooding stores in one way or another. Now there's a series that features him? Oh boy :HEADHURTS:

He'll probably get actual screentime and characterization in the show, and the RID v2 toyline looks like it's rather scaled-down from what they're pouring out for AoE, so it might not be as bad as you expect.

OptimalOptimus2 wrote:Grimlock? Again? Can we focus on something more than just Dinobots? The Monsterbots haven't been used yet.

I wouldn't mind Rhinox getting reimagined for a new show, personally.
Re: Potential Transformers RID Dinobot Grimlock Prototype in Age of Extintion BluRay Special Features (1610262)
Posted by Shockwave7 on October 1st, 2014 @ 7:13pm CDT
It does vaguely LOOK like TFA Grimlock, but it looks like the upper and lower jaw split apart to form either the feet or the arms or something. There's a big ol' gap between them at the moment, which I hope they mean to shore up. But given how Hasbro and other toy companies have been cutting corners lately, I have my doubts.

Like most tformer lines it shows promise, but we can only wait and see how the final product may look...
Re: Potential Transformers RID Dinobot Grimlock Prototype in Age of Extintion BluRay Special Features (1610281)
Posted by kaijuguy19 on October 1st, 2014 @ 8:48pm CDT
I like how he has element of his TFA,and AOE designs with elements of Godzilla thrown in. That is if he's meant to be Grimlock but seeing as how he's been given huge exposure through AOE I think it wouldn't be that surprising that Hasbro wants to milk his popularty as much as they can.

I'm looking forward to see what the NYCC has to show us. :D
Re: Potential Transformers RID Dinobot Grimlock Prototype in Age of Extintion BluRay Special Features (1610286)
Posted by Noideaforaname on October 1st, 2014 @ 9:19pm CDT
Continuing the longstanding tradition of not really resembling a T. rex all that well, I see. Not that I mind.

I kinda like the "bulky" look. Assuming that is what it is and not some odd illusion caused by the shadows and striped shirt...

Quick, someone do a quick color digibash!

JelZe GoldRabbit wrote:I refuse to acknowledge that as "Grimlock", only as "Build Hurricane" [-(

Build HurriCrane!
"But it's an exca--"
Re: Potential Transformers RID Dinobot Grimlock Prototype in Age of Extintion BluRay Special Features (1610359)
Posted by Sabrblade on October 2nd, 2014 @ 8:49am CDT
ScottyP wrote:
Dead Metal wrote:Where are we getting the "green" Dinobot part from now? This is clearly just a prototype cast in resin.

There's production or some teaser footage somewhere showing a green T-Rex. I'll go hunt for it.

edit: found it, not sure this got news'd here on Seibertron :/ ... mlock-rid/
That's it. Though, their calling it Grimlock is likewise a guess on their part.

The thing that really gets me is the fact that this guy will be a part of Bumblebee's team, so whoever he is, he'll be serving under Bumblebee's command, which is hard for me to see one like Grimlock willfully doing.
Re: Potential Transformers RID Dinobot Grimlock Prototype in Age of Extintion BluRay Special Features (1610390)
Posted by ScottyP on October 2nd, 2014 @ 9:46am CDT
Sabrblade wrote:The thing that really gets me is the fact that this guy will be a part of Bumblebee's team, so whoever he is, he'll be serving under Bumblebee's command, which is hard for me to see one like Grimlock willfully doing.

Well, if that part of the plot doesn't just write itself, I don't know what else does! :lol:
Re: Potential Transformers RID Dinobot Grimlock Prototype in Age of Extintion BluRay Special Features (1610792)
Posted by Flashwave on October 4th, 2014 @ 1:43am CDT
JelZe GoldRabbit wrote:
ScottyP wrote:That said, if it is indeed Grimlock, it's pretty clever to make him green given the name of the series :D


I refuse to acknowledge that as "Grimlock", only as "Build Hurricane" [-(

I refuse to acknowledge anything with tractor treads as "Hurricane" ;)
Re: Potential Transformers RID Dinobot Grimlock Prototype in Age of Extintion BluRay Special Features (1611936)
Posted by Va'al on October 8th, 2014 @ 5:33am CDT
As TFCon Chicago gets so very close, and NYCC is just around the corner, we'll keep on getting Transformers: Robots in Disguise news. Today, it's the auctions of a China-based eBay seller, jet_tang_2000, who appears to have prototypes for the series' iteration of the non-transforming Titans. The three figures available, show off three headsculpts and body variations: Bumblebee, Qui-Gonn Optimus Prime and a new head dubbed Galvatron by the seller - though it looks a lot like that wolfish character in the trailer. Check them out below!









Re: Potential Transformers RID Dinobot Grimlock Prototype in Age of Extintion BluRay Special Features (1611951)
Posted by Sabrblade on October 8th, 2014 @ 7:39am CDT
You know who the wolf Con is reminding me of (at least face-wise)? This guy:

Re: Potential Transformers RID Dinobot Grimlock Prototype in Age of Extintion BluRay Special Features (1611956)
Posted by Jelze Bunnycat on October 8th, 2014 @ 7:59am CDT
Sabrblade wrote:You know who the wolf Con is reminding me of (at least face-wise)? This guy:


Megatron? :lol:

By the by, that "Wolf-Con" may be connected to that wolf-like insignia we saw on a slide for a Hasbro presentation.
Re: Potential Transformers RID Dinobot Grimlock Prototype in Age of Extintion BluRay Special Features (1611961)
Posted by VioMeTriX on October 8th, 2014 @ 8:19am CDT
YAY!!! more non-transforming transformers.... what the fuck is this line coming to? soon we wont be able to call them transformers, just robots...

this is Hasbro telling us our kids are too stupid for real transformers? kids today can do things now that most adults couldn't do 20 yrs ago and even today, so don't treat the kids like they are stupid
Re: Potential Transformers RID Dinobot Grimlock Prototype in Age of Extintion BluRay Special Features (1611967)
Posted by Jelze Bunnycat on October 8th, 2014 @ 8:29am CDT
VioMeTriX wrote:YAY!!! more non-transforming transformers.... what the **** is this line coming to? soon we wont be able to call them transformers, just robots...

this is Hasbro telling us our kids are too stupid for real transformers? kids today can do things now that most adults couldn't do 20 yrs ago and even today, so don't treat the kids like they are stupid

Dear, those are prototypes what you normally call the "shampoo bottles", they're not the main line figures. I'm still surprised they're keeping the Titan lines alive...
Re: Potential Transformers RID Dinobot Grimlock Prototype in Age of Extintion BluRay Special Features (1611978)
Posted by griftimus prime on October 8th, 2014 @ 9:23am CDT
no way this show could be as bad as beast machines
Re: Potential Transformers RID Dinobot Grimlock Prototype in Age of Extintion BluRay Special Features (1611987)
Posted by Shockwave7 on October 8th, 2014 @ 10:23am CDT
With various sources now making hay about the upcoming RiD figures, I guess this means the movie toy hullabaloo is really winding down. We may well see the movie stuff on clearance soon. As I anticipated, most of the movie4 stuff wound up warming the shelf, big time. I'll soon be seeing Grimlock figures for $5 at Ross or TJ Maxx.

Still won't buy them. Stick it, Bay. Your 'reboot' was more like a rePOOP. What does it say about you as a writer/director/producer, when CHILDREN's shows have better writing and stories than your movies?

And I found the Classics Prime/Evasion Prime G1 2-pack at TRU. What a disappointment. Not in the evasion figure itself, it's a fine mold (it's the ONLY movie4 toy I have), but I was told there was going to be a face mask head-sculpt for Evasion Prime - which would have made it worth buying again. But it was just the normal face movie sculpt with shinier paint. That's just LAZY. It had chrome covered bits (they both did), but without a face plate sculpt... well why did they say there was going to be one in the first place if they didn't mean it?
Re: Potential Transformers RID Dinobot Grimlock Prototype in Age of Extintion BluRay Special Features (1611989)
Posted by Optimizzy on October 8th, 2014 @ 10:29am CDT
these stupid things fill up the toy shelves. I hate them. They are such a let down. I'm not one to rail against toys for kids but I think non-transformable transformers are not the way to go...

The simple one steps are alright, but this stuff and those sparkler AoE toys just take up shelf space.
Re: Potential Transformers RID Dinobot Grimlock Prototype in Age of Extintion BluRay Special Features (1611990)
Posted by Shuttershock on October 8th, 2014 @ 10:38am CDT
BEHOLD! We now possess the technology to give Titan figures LEG ARTICULATION! :HEADHURTS:
Re: Potential Transformers RID Dinobot Grimlock Prototype in Age of Extintion BluRay Special Features (1611992)
Posted by GuyIncognito on October 8th, 2014 @ 10:38am CDT
I hate non-transforming TFs too, but I'm pretty sure Hasbro (and their licensees) have been making non-transforming TF toys since the 80's, and it hasn't ruined the franchise yet, so I don't see what the big deal is. What about those stupid "drone" figures that were unpainted and had no articulation? Collectors still buy those on eBay. Or go check out the prices on MISB Action Masters. I bet you in 20 years, collectors will be paying top-dollar for these Titan figures.
Re: Potential Transformers RID Dinobot Grimlock Prototype in Age of Extintion BluRay Special Features (1612011)
Posted by dreadwing95 on October 8th, 2014 @ 11:47am CDT
the wolfguy being galvatron? i can see it. hes got similar features
Re: Potential Transformers RID Dinobot Grimlock Prototype in Age of Extintion BluRay Special Features (1612021)
Posted by gothsaurus on October 8th, 2014 @ 12:20pm CDT
"Galvatron" here appears to be missing the top half of his head. Eyes should be exactly midway in the face. >:oP

I hope the more high-end versions of the character has better proportions. I don't think anything bothers me more. (Thinking especially of figures with misplaced waists, too short legs, etc.)
Re: Potential Transformers RID Dinobot Grimlock Prototype in Age of Extintion BluRay Special Features (1612042)
Posted by Shuttershock on October 8th, 2014 @ 1:02pm CDT
GuyIncognito wrote:I hate non-transforming TFs too, but I'm pretty sure Hasbro (and their licensees) have been making non-transforming TF toys since the 80's, and it hasn't ruined the franchise yet, so I don't see what the big deal is. What about those stupid "drone" figures that were unpainted and had no articulation? Collectors still buy those on eBay. Or go check out the prices on MISB Action Masters. I bet you in 20 years, collectors will be paying top-dollar for these Titan figures.

I agree with your sentiment that non-Transforming toys have been around for a long time (Action Masters, Pretender shells, etc). However, I see those more as the best that could be done or as playing with gimmicks. Also, they (aside from some AMs) were all original characters, not simplified versions of ones that already had toys that did transform.

Again, not trying to start anything, just a conversation about why people are reacting the way they do at all these Titans. Personally, I think it's because, aside from one-step-changers and that deluxe BB, this is all we've seen of the RID line, and it's not very impressing to lead with simplified versions instead of the main line. That, and we've seen these types become shelf warmers twice now (Prime and AOE), and have no reason to think it won't keep happening.
Re: Potential Transformers RID Dinobot Grimlock Prototype in Age of Extintion BluRay Special Features (1612046)
Posted by Gallifreyan Autobot on October 8th, 2014 @ 1:05pm CDT
beast wars silverbolt! is that you? and how did you hop into a different portion of the multiverse? :???: :-? >:oP :HEADHURTS:
Re: Potential Transformers RID Dinobot Grimlock Prototype in Age of Extintion BluRay Special Features (1612047)
Posted by Megatron Wolf on October 8th, 2014 @ 1:05pm CDT
why is habro keeping this subline? Its clogging shelves now and thats not going to change at all when RiD comes out. Im sure hasbro thinks they're saving money by making nontransforming figures but in the long run their just hurting themselves. On another note im interested in this wolf looking character, not this toy just the character in general.
Re: Potential Transformers RID Dinobot Grimlock Prototype in Age of Extintion BluRay Special Features (1612060)
Posted by GuyIncognito on October 8th, 2014 @ 1:27pm CDT
Can we just keep this thread as a thread about this one figure? Do we really need to combine all discussions of the entire RID line into one thread? That's really annoying.
Re: Potential Transformers RID Dinobot Grimlock Prototype in Age of Extintion BluRay Special Features (1612062)
Posted by Va'al on October 8th, 2014 @ 1:31pm CDT
GuyIncognito wrote:Can we just keep this thread as a thread about this one figure? Do we really need to combine all discussions of the entire RID line into one thread? That's really annoying.

I cannot guarantee that, right now. From a posting news point of view, this is much easier - from a reading point, I agree that it can be very disruptive. The staff are discussing better ways of finding a compromise, and will take on any suggestions sent to! :D
Re: Potential Transformers RID Dinobot Grimlock Prototype in Age of Extintion BluRay Special Features (1612066)
Posted by Sabrblade on October 8th, 2014 @ 1:41pm CDT
JelZe GoldRabbit wrote:I'm still surprised they're keeping the Titan lines alive...
Megatron Wolf wrote:why is habro keeping this subline? Its clogging shelves now and thats not going to change at all when RiD comes out. Im sure hasbro thinks they're saving money by making nontransforming figures but in the long run their just hurting themselves.
IIRC, it's because the Titan Heroes/Guardians/etc. are actually a success over in parts of the world like China and such. So as long as there's some markets for these to profit off of, Hasbro's gonna keep making them.
Re: Potential Transformers RID Dinobot Grimlock Prototype in Age of Extintion BluRay Special Features (1612067)
Posted by Jelze Bunnycat on October 8th, 2014 @ 1:43pm CDT
Sabrblade wrote:
JelZe GoldRabbit wrote:I'm still surprised they're keeping the Titan lines alive...
Megatron Wolf wrote:why is habro keeping this subline? Its clogging shelves now and thats not going to change at all when RiD comes out. Im sure hasbro thinks they're saving money by making nontransforming figures but in the long run their just hurting themselves.
IIRC, it's because the Titan Heroes/Guardians/etc. are actually a success over in parts of the world like China and such. So as long as there's some markets for these to profit off of, Hasbro's gonna keep making them.

If that's the case I don't really see it here. Hopefully with the recent price cuts they'll start moving a bit.

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