Preorder at for Movie Masterpiece MPM-08 Megatron at $230 with Full Product Description
Sunday, February 3rd, 2019 7:56AM CST
Categories: Movie Related News, Toy NewsPosted by: william-james88 Views: 30,344
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Toysrus Canada will be getting Movie Masterpiece MPM-08 Megatron but for a high price. That preorder price is $229.99 CAD, which is over $175 USD. It is limited to three per person and is said to be released august first, 2019. Below is the full product description, and there are a few noteworthy aspects:
- There is no mention of exclusivity, which means that this could also be available on Amazon or any other retailer willing to carry this.
- The toy is said to be bilingual so Quebec fans will be able to get it more easily than the other MPMs since Barricade.
- There is an interesting mention in the description clarifying that this is not a 3rd party product. It is the first time I have ever seen such product acknowledged in an official listing.
SKN Number:
Product UID:
Manufacturer #:
Gift wrap is not available for this item.
Shippable to Quebec:
Language :
Product Weight:
2.4 lbs
Product Dimensions: (in inches)
14 x 12 x 4
Product Description
As the battle between the Autobots and the Decepticons rages in the streets of Chicago, Megatron blasts his way through, leaving fiery destruction in his wake. The merciless Decepticon uses his sleek Cybertronian jet mode to tear through the skies, dragging along the Autobot Jazz, then uses his massive robot form to tear the bold Autobot in two.
Use the Megatron MPM-8 and Autobot Jazz MPM-9 figures to reimagine the iconic Movie 1 moment when Megatron rips Jazz in two. (MPM-9 sold separately. Subject to availability).
Masterpiece Movie Series Megatron MPM-8 figure is perfect authentic figure for fans and collectors alike, with features inspired by the explosive 2007 Transformers live action movie. The figure showcases the merciless Decepticon leader with impressive attention to detail. Imagine unleashing Megatron action with articulated hands and mouth, die cast detailing, and Fusion Cannon, chain whip and Allspark Cube accessories. Converts from robot to Cybertronian jet mode in 50 steps.
Transformers and all related characters are trademarks of Hasbro.
Includes Transformers Masterpiece Movie Series Megatron MPM-8 figure, Allspark Cube, 2 accessories, and instructions.
Figure scale: 12 inches
Ages 8 and up
This Masterpiece Movie Series Megatron MPM-8 collectible figure is an authentic Transformers figure; not from a third-party
Figure's design was inspired by Movie CAD files from the Transformers movie, featuring die cast parts and 180 deco ops with 26 points of articulation
Figure converts from robot to Cybertronian jet mode in 50 steps
Figure comes with the iconic movie-inspired Megatron Fusion Cannon weapon accessory and chain whip accessory
Megatron MPM-8 and Autobot Jazz MPM-9 figures can be posed to reimagine the iconic Movie 1 moment when Megatron rips Jazz in two (MPM-9 sold separately. Subject to availability)

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Posted by -Kanrabat- on February 3rd, 2019 @ 8:22am CST

Posted by kevin-was-here on February 3rd, 2019 @ 8:31am CST
Posted by Aimless Misfire on February 3rd, 2019 @ 8:33am CST
Posted by Nathaniel Prime on February 3rd, 2019 @ 9:04am CST
Aimless Misfire wrote:I'll wait for the KO. Over $200 for a chunk of plastic is a complete joke.
I find it a complete joke when someone actually buys an 800$ statue, but that doesn't mean I should disrespect them for it.
Posted by -Kanrabat- on February 3rd, 2019 @ 9:30am CST
Aimless Misfire wrote:I'll wait for the KO. Over $200 for a chunk of plastic is a complete joke.
I raise you with a 1000$ doll.

No matter what one buy, it always depend on one's interest.
Beside, it's a pretty lazy argument to dismiss something we don't like when we run down the thing to it's base elements:
--Why buy a toy? It's just plastics.
--Why buy fancy clothes? It's just fabrics.
--Why buy good tasting food? It's just sugar, vitamins, minerals, and glucids.
--Why getting exited on sexy girls? It's just flesh.
--Why live at all? We are just ephemerial cosmic dust.
I really hate it when people do that.
Posted by Nathaniel Prime on February 3rd, 2019 @ 9:58am CST
-Kanrabat- wrote:Aimless Misfire wrote:I'll wait for the KO. Over $200 for a chunk of plastic is a complete joke.
I raise you with a 1000$ doll.
No matter what one buy, it always depend on one's interest.
Beside, it's a pretty lazy argument to dismiss something we don't like when we run down the thing to it's base elements:
--Why buy a toy? It's just plastics.
--Why buy fancy clothes? It's just fabrics.
--Why buy good tasting food? It's just sugar, vitamins, minerals, and glucids.
--Why getting exited on sexy girls? It's just flesh.
--Why live at all? We are just ephemerial cosmic dust.
I really hate it when people do that.
Your statement is... logical
Posted by Nemesis Maximo on February 3rd, 2019 @ 10:09am CST
william-james88 wrote: It is said to be released august first, 2018.
Well shit son, somebody get the time machine ready.
Posted by william-james88 on February 3rd, 2019 @ 10:13am CST
Nemesis Maximo wrote:william-james88 wrote: It is said to be released august first, 2018.
Well **** son, somebody get the time machine ready.
ah nuts
Posted by Nemesis Maximo on February 3rd, 2019 @ 10:15am CST
william-james88 wrote:Nemesis Maximo wrote:william-james88 wrote: It is said to be released august first, 2018.
Well **** son, somebody get the time machine ready.
ah nuts

Posted by Rodimus Knight on February 4th, 2019 @ 7:34am CST
Nathaniel Prime wrote:-Kanrabat- wrote:Aimless Misfire wrote:I'll wait for the KO. Over $200 for a chunk of plastic is a complete joke.
I raise you with a 1000$ doll.
No matter what one buy, it always depend on one's interest.
Beside, it's a pretty lazy argument to dismiss something we don't like when we run down the thing to it's base elements:
--Why buy a toy? It's just plastics.
--Why buy fancy clothes? It's just fabrics.
--Why buy good tasting food? It's just sugar, vitamins, minerals, and glucids.
--Why getting exited on sexy girls? It's just flesh.
--Why live at all? We are just ephemerial cosmic dust.
I really hate it when people do that.
Your statement is... logical
Naked photos huh?. Good thing that bad is covering her goodies, although you know the other region is in full view.

Posted by -Kanrabat- on February 4th, 2019 @ 11:03am CST
Rodimus Knight wrote:
Naked photos huh?. Good thing that bad is covering her goodies, although you know the other region is in full view.
You jest but "doll nudity warning" is a thing in the doll circle.

Posted by ZeldaTheSwordsman on February 10th, 2019 @ 5:19am CST
It's good to see movieverse Megatron's original body getting a toy that's not hampered by clumsy gimmicking and the designers having to learn the aesthetic's ropes, and a Masterpiece at that. It's a pity he doesn't include the spear from the flashback sequence, particularly at that price. Who knows, maybe that'll end up being his Retailer Exclusive Accessory.
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on February 11th, 2019 @ 6:21pm CST
Megs is really complex and really big. And that $160 is a lot less ouch when one considers the Inferno mold went for $140 and also where the new MPs his size are standing price wise
Posted by Ironhidensh on February 11th, 2019 @ 6:29pm CST
D-Maximal_Primal wrote:See, I find it funny that people are saying "ouch" over either Jazz or Meg's prices. Jazz is the same as both Bumblebees and Barricade, and those guys are fairly complex compared to G1 MPs around that price or who were released around that price. Prime and Ironhide were $100 and they both had far more engineering put into them (levels of success not withstanding) than MPs around that price.
Megs is really complex and really big. And that $160 is a lot less ouch when one considers the Inferno mold went for $140 and also where the new MPs his size are standing price wise
Also consider that so far we have found all of the MPM figures on massive discounts on Amazon.
Posted by RobRobRobRobRob on February 16th, 2019 @ 3:03pm CST

There will be much more to come as Toy Fair 2019 triumphantly parades through the weekend, so be sure to stay tuned to for all the latest Transformers news!
Posted by -Kanrabat- on February 16th, 2019 @ 3:30pm CST
I kinda want it actually. I'll wait for video reviews to see if I really want it.
Posted by Nemesis Maximo on February 16th, 2019 @ 4:48pm CST
Posted by RobRobRobRobRob on February 16th, 2019 @ 10:31pm CST

In addition, we have a complimentary video straight from the official Seibertron YouTube channel showing off the aforementioned figures. Be sure to take a watch and let us know what you think in the forums below!
Posted by Carnivius_Prime on February 17th, 2019 @ 3:28am CST

Love the pic of him standing on one hand on the box. I know it says requires additional support but maybe that's just there to cover their based and maybe he can actually balance like that (just not worth keeping him that way in case he does fall over at some point).
My Studio Jazz balances really well on one foot even without using those black support bits on the back of his feet (I never use those).
Posted by DMSL on February 17th, 2019 @ 7:42am CST
Posted by Overcracker on February 17th, 2019 @ 8:35am CST
DMSL wrote:The Sam figurine that comes with MP Jazz looks awful, the eyes aren't even painted. They can do better than that.
He's 2 inches tall. You'll never see those details in real life with the naked eye. This is just the camera's Macro lense doing its thing.
At most you would have gotten two shapeless blobs of black paint for eyes. There's no point to that.
Posted by Carnivius_Prime on February 17th, 2019 @ 8:41am CST
Overcracker wrote:DMSL wrote:The Sam figurine that comes with MP Jazz looks awful, the eyes aren't even painted. They can do better than that.
He's 2 inches tall. You'll never see those details in real life with the naked eye. This is just the camera's Macro lense doing its thing.
At most you would have gotten two shapeless blobs of black paint for eyes. There's no point to that.
Seems like it's a common thing for Spike/Sam in the Masterpiece line. It's those Witwicky genes.

Posted by Ironhidensh on February 17th, 2019 @ 9:29am CST
They both look great though. I won't even consider picking up Megatron until he gets the significant price drop all large MPM's have gotten so far. Even though Jazz will most likely drop in price as well, I'll probably pre-order him first chance.
Posted by SpikeyTigertron on February 18th, 2019 @ 3:31am CST
Ironhidensh wrote:Well, if the MPM line holds to form so far, Jazz will be an amazing figure, and Megatron will be riddled with QC issues.
They both look great though. I won't even consider picking up Megatron until he gets the significant price drop all large MPM's have gotten so far. Even though Jazz will most likely drop in price as well, I'll probably pre-order him first chance.
For what it's worth... some of the pre-orders or other Japanese e-tailers going for 30% off.... might be some of the best ways to pick up these MPs.
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on February 18th, 2019 @ 6:23pm CST
Posted by Ironhidensh on February 18th, 2019 @ 7:04pm CST
D-Maximal_Primal wrote:Really excited for both of these guys. I'm really hoping Megatron finally breaks the trend of the larger Movie MPMs having panel issues
I'm relying on you to let me know.

Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on February 18th, 2019 @ 7:10pm CST
Ironhidensh wrote:D-Maximal_Primal wrote:Really excited for both of these guys. I'm really hoping Megatron finally breaks the trend of the larger Movie MPMs having panel issues
I'm relying on you to let me know.
well, I suppose I do owe you considering you picked up that SS DOTM Megs and are really enjoying it!
Posted by notsoalex on February 24th, 2019 @ 10:10pm CST
MPM-8 Masterpiece Movie Megatron is a Zing exclusive in Australia, scheduled for release on September 1st 2019, and now available for pre-order.
It will be AU$200, and if you pre-order it, you will have to pay a $50 deposit on the Zing Pop Culture Australia product page here... ... 0531-Trans…
Size: 29 cm tall approx (35cm wingspan in jet mode)
Materials: 40.5 grams of diecast
Points of articulation: 43
Articulated whip accessory that can attach to his hand as seen in the hoover dam and rooftop scene in TF 1
Movie accurate ALLSPARK cube which includes diecast (can plug into chest to recreate death scene from Sam Witwicky at end of movie)
Massive transforming dual handed weapon
Heavy die cast feet allow figure to stay stable
So, fans in Australia, are you happy 'bout this? Tell us in the Pub forums below!
Posted by Rainmaker on February 24th, 2019 @ 11:00pm CST

Posted by william-james88 on March 8th, 2019 @ 6:43pm CST
This also gives us a good look at his finalized deco, which is covered in silver paint, or so it seems. Let us know what you think of this toy and if this picture has changed your mind in getting him.
Posted by Beachjezus on March 8th, 2019 @ 7:07pm CST
Posted by DeathReviews on March 8th, 2019 @ 7:39pm CST
Posted by TulioDude on March 8th, 2019 @ 8:11pm CST
Posted by -Kanrabat- on March 8th, 2019 @ 8:36pm CST
Posted by william-james88 on March 8th, 2019 @ 9:41pm CST
-Kanrabat- wrote:He's pretty impressive so far. But I want to see more angles of the in-hand product
Well, Kanrabat, the gods heard your prayers and delivered. A few users sent these images in and since the source would rather remain anonymous we will simply post the images below. They include images of the robot mode compared to the CG model, shots of the accessories being wielded, and images of the space jet mode. The person who received the toy said that it was very well articulated and felt very hefty. There is indeed die cast in select areas, such as the feet. As always, feel free to let us know what you think!

Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on March 8th, 2019 @ 10:07pm CST
Posted by william-james88 on March 8th, 2019 @ 10:10pm CST
D-Maximal_Primal wrote:That is MASSIVE!
And i really don't think they could have got him any more perfect. I love him. That right there is exactly what i wanted in an update to my first ever Transformer
I am very happy for you. They updated my first ever Transformer a few years ago and it is such a poor update that I wouldnt call it an update at all and more of an homage.

Transformers Generations Dreadwing Gallery
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on March 8th, 2019 @ 10:21pm CST
After getting several rounds of in hand images and size comparison, we have a new advertisement for the figure licensed by Hasbro. This advertisement is a stop motion video, and over the course of this short video, we get some awesome stop motion shots of Megatron breaking free from the cryogenic ice and transforming to escape the Hoover Dam, as seen in the original Transformers 2007 Live Action Movie.
This video came to us from the 變形金剛同樂會 Facebook page, and you can view the video in all its glory below! Let us know what you think of the next Movie Masterpiece figure, which will be due out in August of this year, below!
Posted by Sarahthecutevixen on March 8th, 2019 @ 10:29pm CST
Ignore the sketch of Mad Mew Mew from Undertale
Posted by transformers_va on March 8th, 2019 @ 10:46pm CST

Posted by TulioDude on March 8th, 2019 @ 11:18pm CST
Movie Megatron design is one of most imposing out there.When its said he controls the Decepticon faction through tyranny,you can feel it.
The eyes of the toy look better in thee pics than the the stock photos.
An excellent by HasTak!

The Transformers game intro shows thiis design in a brief,but in a menacing way.
Posted by Nemesis Maximo on March 9th, 2019 @ 1:41am CST
Ah, fuck it. I’m probably gonna cave. GOD knows I have weak will when it comes to toys.
Posted by Carnivius_Prime on March 9th, 2019 @ 2:53am CST
If I had the money to collect MPM's I would so be doing it right now.
I'm hoping the eventual Studio Series version of this Megatron will be a sufficently acceptable scaled down copy as much possible.

And I love Jazz more everytime I see him (transformed correctly).

Posted by Emerje on March 9th, 2019 @ 7:03am CST
Posted by -Kanrabat- on March 9th, 2019 @ 8:27am CST
And for once, the 2007 Megs is getting love, not the redundant ROTF one.
Posted by Evil Eye on March 9th, 2019 @ 11:47am CST
He looks awesome- the robot mode is more or less spot on and the vehicle mode is as good as a physical transforming Knifejet is ever going to look. I wish he had a nice "grimy steel" paintjob like his movie model but at the same time it would probably scratch to hell and back if they did that. He looks a phenomenal toy at any rate.
One thing that would have been nice is some clip-on ice pieces so you could display him in "stasis".
Posted by -Kanrabat- on March 9th, 2019 @ 11:50am CST
Black Hat wrote:One thing that would have been nice is some clip-on ice pieces so you could display him in "stasis".
I'm pretty sure some 3P guy is already on it.
Posted by Carnivius_Prime on March 9th, 2019 @ 12:44pm CST
Damn I love this one. The figure looks better than the old promo pic it's recreating the pose of.

Posted by -Kanrabat- on March 9th, 2019 @ 12:53pm CST
Carnivius_Prime wrote:Is he shorter than the first G1 Masterpiece Megatron though? The tall skinny one before they revised the MP scale to a more consistent size?
I have both MP Megs on display together and based on the picture posted previously, I guess this MPM '07 Megatron is a smidge taller than the top of the gun barrel on the bot mode's back of the original MP Megs. Plus he's way more massive.
Posted by Ironhidensh on March 9th, 2019 @ 1:50pm CST
Also, the pricing on this guy really calls out the complete bullshit on mainline MP pricing.
Other than that, yeah, he looks good for those who like this design. Hopefully he doesn't follow in the footsteps of the other two large MPM figures and be a qc nightmare.