Preorders and Official Pics for Legacy Wave 2 Toys
Tuesday, April 12th, 2022 12:56PM CDT
Category: Toy NewsPosted by: william-james88 Views: 48,068
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Below are the official images provided by Hasbro along with links to preorders of figures shown in the stream.
Legacy Wave 2
Sattered Glass Ultra Magnus ... tra-magnus
Transformers Optimus Prime Auto-Converting Trailer with Roller – Collector’s Edition ... -s-edition
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Posted by Munkky on April 12th, 2022 @ 12:58pm CDT
Elita is a big improveent over the Netflix toy, and I like how her vehicle mode looks like something straight out of the G1 toyline, has a very 1980's toy look to it. This is basically the G1 Elita toy that never was!
I'm fairly happy with how Tarantulas has turned out, as much as I would've liked a toy based on his Sins of the Wreckers design, that was probably never going to happen. Still, it's nice that they threw in a reference to the Transmetal design with the buzzsaw.
Jhiaxus was a nice surprise, I wasn't expecting him to be an original mould, I was sure they were just going to retool Studio Series 1986 Scourge because his vehicle mode in the comics looks similar, but as he is, he looks pretty good.
Motormaster/Menasor is also very impressive, I probably will end up getting all of the Stunticons. I managed to get a pre-order in for Drag Strip on In Demand Toys yesterday (for those who have Drag Strip, what am I in for? Is he good or nah?)
Posted by Sowndwave76 on April 12th, 2022 @ 1:04pm CDT
Jihaxus: looks interesting enough to where he may make my "maybe" list.
Motormaster: Incredibly good; considering what this figure is required to do, I'm more than happy with his appearance.
I don't at all care about the "battle station" mode, but man, that's a nice bonus. Especially for anyone who plays with their figures, and/or anyone that may not end up with all 5 Stunticons.
Also, there will be kids out there who have a blast playing with "Menasor" even if they don't have the limb figures.
Menasor: This ended up better than I expected. I agree with Emerje that the upper legs may be a bit thin in comparison to the lower legs. I'm also not a huge fan of the grill/grate sections at the knees, and the blaster is kind of mehhh.
But other than that, from what I can see, for being a regular mainline release figure, this is phenomenal.
And if this really is compatible with CW figures, even though I didn't care much either way, that's also a really smart move by Hastak.
The combining system-- I don't mind at all that the cars end up on the back of the legs, and I'm a big fan of how the arms are assembled... For me, this was the best option for this combiner.
The overall proportions-- at least from what I can see in the photos they look great (CW/UW combiners always looked like their legs were too short without 3P feet to add height).
The head/face sculpt-- fantastic from what I've seen. This is one aspect where CW/UW versions were off imo and was a letdown.
I think the front of the lower legs is a clever solution, and I've made it clear I'm not a fan of greebling and tons of extra, pointless molded detail, however, in this case where the shins are relatively large, flat surfaces, I'm okay with the fact that they didn't go with a completely minimal design.
For me, there's really nothing that I can see as a real negative.
Another positive is I don't see any 3P add-on kits being necessary.
In the middle of typing this I preordered both Wild Rider and Motormaster through Amazon.
Expected delivery date is December 5th, I'd assume (and hope) it will be earlier.
Here's my dilemma now-- I don't really want to get rid of my UW Stunticons, but these new versions are better in both modes...
And I really thought double-dipping was only going to happen with the SS86 Dinobots, but now I'm tempted to have two sets of these Legacy Stunticons.
Posted by Razorbeast88 on April 12th, 2022 @ 1:04pm CDT
Posted by william-james88 on April 12th, 2022 @ 1:06pm CDT
Tarantulas: Getting for sure, he is perfect for a mass market deluxe
Elita 1: I don't really have that much connection to the character but she looks great as a Transforming toy, will get.
Knockout: He looks like a good toy, headsculpt is good and I think he works best out of the attempts at merging Prime with the G1 style. But I don't care much for the mold and this isn't the knockout I want, he won't fit with the rest of my prime collection (no Knockout does still).
Wild rider: Glad they adressed how odd the back pack is, doesn't help that it's still a thing. Will get though because I want...
Motormaster: they knocked it out of the park. I have 0 connection to the character but this is some transformers toy. Reminds me of the Ultimate Prime toy from DOTM but done well and not like a freaken nightmare to transform.
Jihaxus: no connection but looks really neat, in both modes. Can anyone let me know which comic he first appeared? I feel like reading some jihaxus G2 comics.
Blitzwing: I'm not gonna spend that much money on a toy I don't care for so no thanks.
Posted by william-james88 on April 12th, 2022 @ 1:14pm CDT
Razorbeast88 wrote:Soooooo hasbro pulse got rid of the free shipping?
Yup, it's been a little while
Posted by Sowndwave76 on April 12th, 2022 @ 1:14pm CDT
Razorbeast88 wrote:Soooooo hasbro pulse got rid of the free shipping?
Yeah... I don't know that I'll ever order from them just because of that.
I'll take my chances with Amazon, GameStop, and hunting in-store.
Posted by Rtron on April 12th, 2022 @ 1:17pm CDT
william-james88 wrote:So here are my thoughts:
Tarantulas: Getting for sure, he is perfect for a mass market deluxe
Elita 1: I don't really have that much connection to the character but she looks great as a Transforming toy, will get.
Knockout: He looks like a good toy, headsculpt is good and I think he works best out of the attempts at merging Prime with the G1 style. But I don't care much for the mold and this isn't the knockout I want, he won't fit with the rest of my prime collection (no Knockout does still).
Wild rider: Glad they adressed how odd the back pack is, doesn't help that it's still a thing. Will get though because I want...
Motormaster: they knocked it out of the park. I have 0 connection to the character but this is some transformers toy. Reminds me of the Ultimate Prime toy from DOTM but done well and not like a freaken nightmare to transform.
Jihaxus: no connection but looks really neat, in both modes. Can anyone let me know which comic he first appeared? I feel like reading some jihaxus G2 comics.
Blitzwing: I'm not gonna spend that much money on a toy I don't care for so no thanks.
The original US G2 run is only 13 comics, 18 if you count the G.I. Joe arc that introduces Megatron's new body (G.I. Joe 138-142). Jhiaxus is the main villain through the whole 12 issue run, so it's hard to point at one specific issue, specially with such a short run. He literally first shows up in issue 1 of Generation 2.
Posted by Flashwave on April 12th, 2022 @ 1:24pm CDT
Posted by Munkky on April 12th, 2022 @ 1:32pm CDT
Posted by KittenGumbo on April 12th, 2022 @ 1:40pm CDT
Posted by KittenGumbo on April 12th, 2022 @ 1:42pm CDT
Posted by AcademyofDrX on April 12th, 2022 @ 1:52pm CDT
Rtron wrote:william-james88 wrote:So here are my thoughts:
Tarantulas: Getting for sure, he is perfect for a mass market deluxe
Elita 1: I don't really have that much connection to the character but she looks great as a Transforming toy, will get.
Knockout: He looks like a good toy, headsculpt is good and I think he works best out of the attempts at merging Prime with the G1 style. But I don't care much for the mold and this isn't the knockout I want, he won't fit with the rest of my prime collection (no Knockout does still).
Wild rider: Glad they adressed how odd the back pack is, doesn't help that it's still a thing. Will get though because I want...
Motormaster: they knocked it out of the park. I have 0 connection to the character but this is some transformers toy. Reminds me of the Ultimate Prime toy from DOTM but done well and not like a freaken nightmare to transform.
Jihaxus: no connection but looks really neat, in both modes. Can anyone let me know which comic he first appeared? I feel like reading some jihaxus G2 comics.
Blitzwing: I'm not gonna spend that much money on a toy I don't care for so no thanks.
The original US G2 run is only 13 comics, 18 if you count the G.I. Joe arc that introduces Megatron's new body (G.I. Joe 138-142). Jhiaxus is the main villain through the whole 12 issue run, so it's hard to point at one specific issue, specially with such a short run. He literally first shows up in issue 1 of Generation 2.
Unfortunately, outside of the Hachette reprint series, these haven't seen print in two decades. I'm fortunate to have those Titan editions, but G2 is like the UK-only books in not getting much love from later publishers.
Posted by Till-all-R1 on April 12th, 2022 @ 2:00pm CDT
Pre-ordered Motormaster, Wild Rider, and Elita-1 from Amazon. Which also allowed me to deduct $20 worth of points from Motormaster's price!
Still waiting on Blitzwing to be listed though.
Posted by bluecatcinema on April 12th, 2022 @ 2:07pm CDT
Posted by Grahf_ on April 12th, 2022 @ 2:26pm CDT
The only problem is that it's Target and they have a tendency to cancel preorders even when you answer the email to confirm you want to keep the preorder.
Also, as I don't think anyone noticed with all the shiny new toys to get, Golden Disk Terrorsaur is back up for order on Pulse.
Posted by partholon on April 12th, 2022 @ 2:44pm CDT
i was NOT expecting G2 Jhiaxus at all !
but i love that loon so he's a definete pick too.
i STILL hate the packaging of legacy, but theres figs in there i like.
Posted by First-Aid on April 12th, 2022 @ 3:05pm CDT
Day 1 of waiting for Transformers: Prime Masterpiece news.
Posted by blackeyedprime on April 12th, 2022 @ 3:06pm CDT
Grahf_ wrote:Also, as I don't think anyone noticed with all the shiny new toys to get, Golden Disk Terrorsaur is back up for order on Pulse.
Thanks, made me check the site and I picked up some restocks so Hasbro managed to get some money out of me after all hahahah (price hiked Tyrano Sentry Ranger and Artillery Roadblock). I'm in no rush to preorder TFs at the mo.
Posted by Overcracker on April 12th, 2022 @ 3:09pm CDT
The apparent CW combiner pegs however, do make me feel a bit better. Though finding CW stunticons at this point is going to be a bit difficult.
I guess I'll pre-order him when he shows up. Looks like he may end up better than I anticipated. which means I'm not canceling Drastrip now.
Posted by Gauntlet101010 on April 12th, 2022 @ 3:10pm CDT
It's amazing to see G1 Elita getting so much love after so long. And, finally, a mold that's 100& hers and not a repaint of anybody else. At last!
Jhiaxus - I thought I was happy with the Armada SS version, but this one blows it out of the water. You can't compare the two. Now do Straxus at Voyager size!
If I see Tarantulus in stores I'll grab him. But he's low priority.
Menasor is still a pass, but I have to admit it's tempting. Maybe my will will break if he's CW compatible. But it's still a lot of money for a guy I already have in a "good enough" way.
Posted by Nemesis Primal on April 12th, 2022 @ 3:13pm CDT
I'll be honest, I laughed when I saw the return of Siege Soundwave. Hopefully this means that that's the mold the SG release will be using so he gets to have an altmode that can actually move.
Tarantulas and Jhiaxus both look perfect, I'll be snagging those for sure when I see them. I thought I was going to see Tarantulas and go "meh, I'll wait for his Transmetal design", but they got me. If Tarantulas looks this good, I cannot WAIT to see Inferno.
Maybe it's because his appearance in the Wreckers stuff gave him time for me to warm up to him already, maybe it's because I'm already on board with the Legacy Prime crew because I have Arcee and she's great, maybe I'm just biased, but Knock Out actually looks great to me. I'm SO glad that he has at least one of his weapons from the show by having the spear, having the tip of it be his Energon weapon makes sooo much sense, and they even went so far as to retool his forearms and thighs despite those not being visible in his reshelled alt mode. Instant get on sight.
Elita...sure is a Minerva pretool, down to the guns, but it kinda works for her. I have zero interest in or attachment to the character, so I'll be passing, but Minerva''s gonna look great. Glad they made the alt mode "head" a fake part, that means the port will already be there to give Minerva a lightbar.
Motormaster looks Motormaster, but they've still lost me on the combined mode, so I'm only gonna grab him if he goes on sale (which probably is unlikely). That base mode for the trailer is straight-up Thunderclash's turret setup though, maybe something will come of that in the future?
Not preordering any of these at Pulse's prices, I didn't have too much difficulty finding what I was looking for from Kingdom so I think I can take my chances with retail for these.
...where do you see Breakdown?First-Aid wrote:Breakdown is another unimitigated, unwanted disaster from the "We Think Everything Should Be Geewun-ish" group. We have much better toy technology now so a more show-accurate Breakdown. In fact, to take a cue from another member here....
Day 1 of waiting for Transformers: Prime Masterpiece news.
Posted by Rodimus Prime on April 12th, 2022 @ 3:14pm CDT
Breakdown...? Am I missing something...?First-Aid wrote:Breakdown is another unimitigated, unwanted disaster from the "We Think Everything Should Be Geewun-ish" group. We have much better toy technology now so a more show-accurate Breakdown. In fact, to take a cue from another member here....
Day 1 of waiting for Transformers: Prime Masterpiece news.
So just to be clear, Menasor's limbs are not interchangeable? Dragstrip can't be a leg or Wildrider an arm?
Posted by Rodimus Knight on April 12th, 2022 @ 3:15pm CDT
Posted by william-james88 on April 12th, 2022 @ 3:52pm CDT
Gauntlet101010 wrote:It's amazing to see G1 Elita getting so much love after so long. And, finally, a mold that's 100& hers and not a repaint of anybody else. At last!
That mold isn't hers, it's Minerva's. That's why it isn't a cybertronian vehicle. It's the same as when Titans return Optimus Prime and Megatron came out first before Octane and Blitzwing.
Basically it's her own mold just as much as her POTP toy was her own mold.
Rtron wrote:The original US G2 run is only 13 comics, 18 if you count the G.I. Joe arc that introduces Megatron's new body (G.I. Joe 138-142). Jhiaxus is the main villain through the whole 12 issue run, so it's hard to point at one specific issue, specially with such a short run. He literally first shows up in issue 1 of Generation 2.
Cool, guess I'll have to hunt down the OG issues, they shouldn't be hard to find. Or I could read them online.
First-Aid wrote:Breakdown is another unimitigated, unwanted disaster from the "We Think Everything Should Be Geewun-ish" group. We have much better toy technology now so a more show-accurate Breakdown. In fact, to take a cue from another member here....
For those confused, First-Aid is referring to Knockout. Though I will say that it feels a bit like false outrage when you don't even know the name of the character you are outraged about.
Posted by sol magnus on April 12th, 2022 @ 3:57pm CDT
william-james88 wrote:For those confused, First-Aid is referring to Knockout. Though I will say that it feels a bit like false outrage when you don't even know the name of the character you are outraged about.
Yeah, not to mention he's actually good for a retool. Can't wait to get him!
Posted by Overcracker on April 12th, 2022 @ 4:18pm CDT
Don't have SS-86 Jazz, but this looks like quite the retool. I'll get him for sure.
Tarantulas also a must buy. Though I'm expecting a BWB release with the regular / Black Arachnia head further down the line.
Elita 1 looks great in robot mode... kind of meh in car mode. But I understand its not really her alt mode. Just borrowing it.
Jiahxus Looks great, but have no attachment to him. I'll probably wait to find him on clearance ro deep discount like I did with ApeFace and Snap Dragon.
Will definitely pickup Soundwave since I missed the Netflix version. Though I puzzled if it has the tape deck mode, or is the unaltered original Siege mold?
The combination gimmick with Dragstrip is quite interesting. At least it looks really good when combined.
Posted by Autobot N on April 12th, 2022 @ 4:23pm CDT
SiegeOvercracker wrote:Prime Knockout looks really good.
Don't have SS-86 Jazz, but this looks like quite the retool. I'll get him for sure.
Tarantulas also a must buy. Though I'm expecting a BWB release with the regular / Black Arachnia head further down the line.
Elita 1 looks great in robot mode... kind of meh in car mode. But I understand its not really her alt mode. Just borrowing it.
Jiahxus Looks great, but have no attachment to him. I'll probably wait to find him on clearance ro deep discount like I did with ApeFace and Snap Dragon.
Will definitely pickup Soundwave since I missed the Netflix version. Though I puzzled if it has the tape deck mode, or is the unaltered original Siege mold?
Posted by primalxconvoy on April 12th, 2022 @ 4:26pm CDT
Posted by sol magnus on April 12th, 2022 @ 4:27pm CDT
Overcracker wrote:Will definitely pickup Soundwave since I missed the Netflix version. Though I puzzled if it has the tape deck mode, or is the unaltered original Siege mold?
The Netflix version is the tape deck. This is Siege cleaned up. Maybe the tape deck is SG Soundwave?
Posted by Overcracker on April 12th, 2022 @ 4:27pm CDT
Autobot N wrote:SiegeOvercracker wrote:Prime Knockout looks really good.
Don't have SS-86 Jazz, but this looks like quite the retool. I'll get him for sure.
Tarantulas also a must buy. Though I'm expecting a BWB release with the regular / Black Arachnia head further down the line.
Elita 1 looks great in robot mode... kind of meh in car mode. But I understand its not really her alt mode. Just borrowing it.
Jiahxus Looks great, but have no attachment to him. I'll probably wait to find him on clearance ro deep discount like I did with ApeFace and Snap Dragon.
Will definitely pickup Soundwave since I missed the Netflix version. Though I puzzled if it has the tape deck mode, or is the unaltered original Siege mold?
Ahh, thanks. Well, that's a bit sad. Wonder why they are keeping the Netflix retool so exclusive. That's the one that should be re-released.
Posted by Overcracker on April 12th, 2022 @ 4:31pm CDT
sol magnus wrote:Overcracker wrote:Will definitely pickup Soundwave since I missed the Netflix version. Though I puzzled if it has the tape deck mode, or is the unaltered original Siege mold?
The Netflix version is the tape deck. This is Siege cleaned up. Maybe the tape deck is SG Soundwave?
Yeah, I know, that was the question. This looked like Siege since they showed him the weird spaceship mode. Guess I'll skip it then.
I really want the tape deck version.
Posted by Hokutron on April 12th, 2022 @ 4:31pm CDT
Posted by Sentinel_Primal on April 12th, 2022 @ 4:31pm CDT
Elita's good, looking forward to Minerva
Tarantulas is Season 1 Tarantulas. I might pick him up, but meh.
Jihaxus is pretty neat, but a maybe.
Knock Out looks better than I feared, but still shoulda been a new mold.
Posted by Spider5800 on April 12th, 2022 @ 4:37pm CDT
Honestly, not really digging anything else here. Was never a big Prime fan, and I am not really excited about updates on G1 characters AGAIN. Even the G2 stuff is more interesting to me at this point. Will probably be saving a lot of money on Transformers this year.
Posted by Nemesis Primal on April 12th, 2022 @ 4:48pm CDT
They didn't actually carve anything, that's not her actual head. It's fake kibble meant to look like her head is peeking out because Sunbow, Mark showed that it comes off in the stream.Hokutron wrote:They forgot the Minerva mold needed to be used for someone who wasn’t a headmaster, so they just carved a chunk out of the windshield. I think that’s hilarious.
Posted by primalxconvoy on April 12th, 2022 @ 4:52pm CDT
Delta Magnus shows that a turd can actually be polished. I've got the TT version, plus KO FP armour, hate the original ER Magnus mold and I'm STILL interested in this.
If Soundwave gets re-released, sans cr@pple-damage, then maybe Soundblaster, Springer, etc will too?
Posted by Sowndwave76 on April 12th, 2022 @ 4:57pm CDT
That looks like a clown car…
And I’m sure it wasn’t possible, but that would probably look tons better if the form of the car was complimented with one main color (and then maybe a small accent here or there).
Her bot mode looks fine, although is a few photos her head looks so big, it makes it look like a kid version of her character.
Posted by Brokebot on April 12th, 2022 @ 4:58pm CDT
(Still waiting for a Monstructor, btw.)
Posted by AcademyofDrX on April 12th, 2022 @ 5:08pm CDT
Posted by Sabrblade on April 12th, 2022 @ 5:13pm CDT
Of course he is. He's meant to go with the rest of the Kingdom Predacons.Sentinel_Primal wrote:Tarantulas is Season 1 Tarantulas.
Posted by First-Aid on April 12th, 2022 @ 5:24pm CDT
sol magnus wrote:william-james88 wrote:For those confused, First-Aid is referring to Knockout. Though I will say that it feels a bit like false outrage when you don't even know the name of the character you are outraged about.
Yeah, not to mention he's actually good for a retool. Can't wait to get him!
Sorry. I've spent the entire day as a Darwinian Antagonist and it's been a strain. My brain is focused on CBCs, CMPs, ECGs, and colonoscopies right now...
Yes. Knockout. Sad that I had this brain fart...especially considering I'm in the middle of rewatching the series. I officially lose geek points...
Posted by DeathReviews on April 12th, 2022 @ 6:49pm CDT
william-james88 wrote:Razorbeast88 wrote:Soooooo hasbro pulse got rid of the free shipping?
Yup, it's been a little while
My pre order did get free shipping, but I think that’s because the minions have Pulse membership? Perhaps you now have to be in their little clubhouse before you’re allowed “free delivery”.
Still got charged taxes though. In life there are only two sure things: taxes and me! ... y8Dk3Tl-Ag
Posted by Razorbeast88 on April 12th, 2022 @ 7:21pm CDT
Sowndwave76 wrote:Razorbeast88 wrote:Soooooo hasbro pulse got rid of the free shipping?
Yeah... I don't know that I'll ever order from them just because of that.
I'll take my chances with Amazon, GameStop, and hunting in-store.
Will Amazon have the SG Magnus though?
Posted by william-james88 on April 12th, 2022 @ 7:24pm CDT
Razorbeast88 wrote:Sowndwave76 wrote:Razorbeast88 wrote:Soooooo hasbro pulse got rid of the free shipping?
Yeah... I don't know that I'll ever order from them just because of that.
I'll take my chances with Amazon, GameStop, and hunting in-store.
Will Amazon have the SG Magnus though?
I thought it was a Pulse exclusive line in the US
Posted by Razorbeast88 on April 12th, 2022 @ 7:30pm CDT
william-james88 wrote:Razorbeast88 wrote:Sowndwave76 wrote:Razorbeast88 wrote:Soooooo hasbro pulse got rid of the free shipping?
Yeah... I don't know that I'll ever order from them just because of that.
I'll take my chances with Amazon, GameStop, and hunting in-store.
Will Amazon have the SG Magnus though?
I thought it was a Pulse exclusive line in the US
Yeah I think so too. Either way I already pre-ordered, along with Sandstorm. The rest I can wait for on amazon
Posted by Sabrblade on April 12th, 2022 @ 7:36pm CDT
The entire SG line has been and still is Pulse-exclusive.william-james88 wrote:Razorbeast88 wrote:Sowndwave76 wrote:Razorbeast88 wrote:Soooooo hasbro pulse got rid of the free shipping?
Yeah... I don't know that I'll ever order from them just because of that.
I'll take my chances with Amazon, GameStop, and hunting in-store.
Will Amazon have the SG Magnus though?
I thought it was a Pulse exclusive line in the US
Posted by Grahf_ on April 12th, 2022 @ 8:08pm CDT
I have a far out there idea about Chromia/Minerva. I'm one to link characters through past molds and they both technically share a previous mold. How crazy would it be if Hasbro does this mold as Cybertron Thunderblast as well to complete the mold trifecta. Granted that it's not technically Minerva and it's just Chromia/Thunderblast medic type but it's clearly based on Minerva. It's also quite the beautiful figure in hand. I got very luck on Facebook and someone was offloading one for super cheap.
Anyway though, with Thunderblast being an incredible example of a shellformer with only her lower legs being involved in the transformation, I would love to see Hasbro do another reshell of this mold into her. The lower legs on this mold become the back and sides of the vehicle mode. So it's not too much of a stretch to make it happen. Elita-One's lower arms are the only other parts that contribute to the vehicle mode so they could just keep the robot mode and just retool the backpack, lower legs and lower arms and done. A decent amount of the boat shell could fold into the legs so she wouldn't have huge wings.
I guess I just really want a new Thunderblast and looking at this new Elita-One mold made me think it was possible. I'd take a new one even if she's not a boat and was just a straight redeco. I wanted a new one so bad I went so far as to repaint my extra PotP Chromia into her and the mold looks so good in those colors. The accent colors lined up pretty damn well on the PotP mold to finish off the look too.
Hell, Studio Series 86 Scourge/Sweep could also work for her...
At least we're getting an Airachnid from APC Toys.
When we first seen the rumor for Jhiaxus as well as Armada Starscream and everyone thought they were going to be the same mold again, I thought SS 86 Scourge would've been a good base for him too. Glad to see he's getting what looks like his own mold. Better to see that it's this color scheme. Although I do want an orange Jhiaxus from Armada Starscream too.
Posted by Emerje on April 12th, 2022 @ 8:32pm CDT
william-james88 wrote:That arm transformation for menasor really impressed me. That's like a step higher for a combiner, integrating two components to then transform them together as one. They asked if that's a first for transformers and it is not, since Tidal Wave also had that. But it is hard to do and really cool.
That's a little different and I still think both qualify as their own unique things. Tidal Wave can be either turned into his big alt mode and then bot mode or start from the smaller ships and build Tidal Wave that way. Menasor requires connecting the cars to the arms before they can be transformed together, the cars can't be split otherwise unless you poke something into the holes ahead of time and that's just not fun.
Flashwave wrote:Elita is not be any means a perfect figure but this may be the first truly good G1 fembot in Generations now. With proper alt mode integration and a tolerable backpack. And it gives me hope now for the rumored Override.
If you're saying Override is being made from Elita 1, she's not. Minerva is being made from Elita, Override is being made from SS Hot Rod.
Sabrblade wrote:We'll see. In the stream, Mark mentioned how the last Jhiaxus they did back in Thrilling 30 was a "partial" of Armada Starscream, and did so to contrast how this mold is purely Jhiaxus on his own, as if to say that they didn't want to repeat the history of Jhiaxus and Armada Starscream as mold-mates. But it's possible that that was a bit of misdirection on his part to try to throw us off on expecting another Jhiaxus/Starscream shared mold.william-james88 wrote:Immortal Starscream wrote:Honestly for me the best of the line falls to Tarantulus and Jhiaxus. Color me impressed that they didn't do Jhiaxus as a mold mate with armada Starscream again.
That will only be confirmed when they reveal armada Starscream later this year.
I think he's simply saying this is the first time Jihaxus wasn't a repaint or a slight retool of a previous figure. But it's hard to ignore that all of his parts are basically in the same places as Armada Starscream's. Arms underneath, legs in back, cockpit folding out of the chest, small wings on the legs. I think Starscream will be unrecognizable, but will share the same transformation.
Posted by Sabrblade on April 12th, 2022 @ 8:43pm CDT
Now I've got this mental image of G1 cartoon Starscream constantly trying to overthrow Jhiaxus instead of Megatron, and adapting his body to reflect that. A sort of "Jhiaxus has fallen! I, Starscream, am the new leader of the Cybertronian Empire!" kind of body.Emerje wrote:I think he's simply saying this is the first time Jihaxus wasn't a repaint or a slight retool of a previous figure. But it's hard to ignore that all of his parts are basically in the same places as Armada Starscream's. Arms underneath, legs in back, cockpit folding out of the chest, small wings on the legs. I think Starscream will be unrecognizable, but will share the same transformation.
Posted by Emerje on April 12th, 2022 @ 8:48pm CDT
Grahf_ wrote:Target has two Target Circle deals going on right now. Spend $100 and save $25 and spend $50 and save $10. Both sales are for toys and you can use them multiple times each. Only Motormaster is up right now though. And Bluestreak if you haven't gotten one yet. Road Rage as well. There's a bunch of Marvel Legends preorders up as well in case you needed something to get Motormaster past $100. The Tiny Turbo Changers seem to be out of stock though as those were good to get when you needed to get to a certain price threshold. You can get an extra 5% off if you use a Target RedCard.
Of course Target does have a long history of canceling delayed pre-orders, but the risk is well worth the reward if yours is successfully fulfilled.