Recent Alex Milne Design Can Give us an idea of Legacy Bludgeon Toy Remolded from Tarn
Sunday, October 2nd, 2022 11:12AM CDT
Categories: Toy News, RumorsPosted by: william-james88 Views: 74,060
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Here is what Mark maher wrote yesterday:
All hail Takara Tomy’s Yuya Onishi san! He has knocked this IDW’s comic appearance design originally drawn by Alex Milne straight out of the park! One of my mega priorities when I finally got into designing for the Generations segment of Transformers was to have biweekly meetings with our publishing team and our IDW partners. There’s one thing I love just as much as toys, its comics!
And last year, Alex Milne, the same comic artist that first designed Tarn, also shared his design for a Bludgeon, which as you will see has a very similar alt mode. So, we are simply putting two and two together here. Of course, Bludgeon could still be anything but you can't deny how big of a coincidence this is. And the timing lines up with having Bludgeon be at the design stage in 2021 and released in 2023 as a remold of Tarn, both by the same designer who we know already has a toy being made based off of one of his designs.
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Posted by Rodimus Prime on October 2nd, 2022 @ 11:16am CDT
Posted by blackeyedprime on October 2nd, 2022 @ 11:30am CDT
Posted by SpaceEagle on October 2nd, 2022 @ 11:37am CDT
I'm also hoping for something more geewun to at least replace the aging RotF Bludgeon mold (especially with its rubber treads that melt the plastic.)
Posted by DeathReviews on October 2nd, 2022 @ 11:40am CDT
MCutter wrote:Has anyone pointed out Chopshop flying in among the Insecticon swarm? I'm guessing he'll be part of the next Buzzworthy 'collide' four-pack.
*edit: name of the four-pack
You can definitely see Chopshop and Venom there - and maybe Barrage if you squint hard. Will they count the Creatures Collide Ransack and not do a proper remold? Probably. Hopefully they'll do new molds for the remaining Deluxe Insecticons...
Posted by SpaceEagle on October 2nd, 2022 @ 11:43am CDT
DeathReviews wrote:MCutter wrote:Has anyone pointed out Chopshop flying in among the Insecticon swarm? I'm guessing he'll be part of the next Buzzworthy 'collide' four-pack.
*edit: name of the four-pack
You can definitely see Chopshop and Venom there - and maybe Barrage if you squint hard. Will they count the Creatures Collide Ransack and not do a proper remold? Probably. Hopefully they'll do new molds for the remaining Deluxe Insecticons...
For characters that are (sadly) very underused and unknown to some (thanks to Hasbro using molds of Takara's competitor at the time), I feel like the Deluxe Insecticons will end up being retools of the other 3 Insecticons (that had prominent media appearance and all that).
Except maybe Venom due to his bug mode not really being similar enough to Shrapnel, Kickback, or Bombshell. (I can see them attempting it with Kickback at best due to the big wings.)
Posted by william-james88 on October 2nd, 2022 @ 11:44am CDT
Rodimus Prime wrote:So I went back and got a better look at Tarn's face, and now I'm not so sure about the center face on the poster being the Nemesis... It's probably Tarn.
Only reason why I'm not saying it's Tarn is because the designers hinted in the video that there was more to it.
Posted by Rodimus Prime on October 2nd, 2022 @ 11:52am CDT
If Tarn could combine with the Nemesis that would be amazing.william-james88 wrote:Rodimus Prime wrote:So I went back and got a better look at Tarn's face, and now I'm not so sure about the center face on the poster being the Nemesis... It's probably Tarn.
Only reason why I'm not saying it's Tarn is because the designers hinted in the video that there was more to it.
Posted by Razorbeast88 on October 2nd, 2022 @ 12:01pm CDT
And tigatron was given pupils so I guess they could've done the same this time around, not sure why not
Posted by william-james88 on October 2nd, 2022 @ 12:03pm CDT
Secondly, and most importantly, he states the following in terms of choosing 6 core class bots rather than 4 core limbs and 1 deluxe bot as the body:
Ultimately, we went with 6 core class bots and perhaps we’ll get some sort of future purposes out of these molds.
While Dinoking is not mentioned explicitly, this is undoubtedly what is being referred to since Dinoking is a small Dinosaur themed combiner from the G1 era which also had 6 equally sized bots combining together. And, while Volcanicus has Grimlock's T-rex as the centre piece, it is Slug's Triceratops head here, which more closely matches Dinoking's appearance in the Japanese show. Also, Hasbro is NOTORIOUS for "stay tuned" or "we'll see" nothing responses, so actually hinting at something on Social media, in an unpromted fashion, means there is something in play. Another big tell that Dinoking is coming is that the rumour for Skar's alt mode (we already know he's the 6th Dynobot) is it's an anklylosaurus. And that is the 6th dino shell used in the original toy (all other shells correspond to alt modes the other 5 Dinobots have, you can see an image below).
Now, here is the full statement from Instagram along with images of the post and extra images showing you Dinoking.
I hope you enjoyed our Pulse Con show and saw some things you can wait to get on your shelves. (Tarn and Lio Prime, right!?)
I wanted to show off the core class dinobots that we will be releasing throughout 2023.
I wanted to try and make a core class combiner since it’s been several years since we last did and thats a feature that I’ve always loved. I think that was the legends scale Abominus for Beast hunters!? Or the retooled version we did for Infernocus…feel free to correct me in the comments. Many robots merging to make a bigger robot is just the best and we have so many in our history that need updates. I guess this was something of an experiment?
When Shu san and I started to work on this, we also were having conversations with Hasui san on how best to implement it. We had talked about one of the bots being DLX class to be the main body while all the limbs are Core. Perhaps this is something we’ll look at doing in the future for other combiners at this scale if you all enjoy these bots. Ultimately, we went with 6 core class bots and perhaps we’ll get some sort of future purposes out of these molds.
Having 2 bots form the chest also gives it some nice dimension.
But anyway, here we have Slug and Sludge who form the torso of Volcanicus! They combine using 5mm ports so you can use all our other weaponizers, fossilizers, modulators and even the new Junkions to build with them!
From the pictures you’ll notice that we had to fuse their arms, removing their elbows for structural support for the combined mode but a few of the other dinobots will have elbows.
Obviously Sludge as well has a bit of Combiner kibble for his thighs but remember: “Thick bots do squats!” And he’s gonna deadlift this Gestalt with those thunderous thighs.
Thanks again for tuning in and we’ll try to post more to answer any questions you may have.
Thanks and I hope you enjoy,
Transformers Victory Dinoking Gallery
Posted by SpaceEagle on October 2nd, 2022 @ 12:15pm CDT
That's still pretty exciting, I know people would prefer a bigger Dinoking/Monstructor but I s'pose for how small the original toy(s) was(were) I think that's at least cute.
Posted by Sigmus Prime on October 2nd, 2022 @ 12:17pm CDT
william-james88 wrote:Of course, Bludgeon could still be anything but you can't deny how big of a coincidence this is. And the timing lines up with having Bludgeon be at the design stage in 2021 and released in 2023 as a remold of Tarn, both by the same designer who we know already has a toy being made based off of one of his designs.
I would hope for some considerable retooling to Bludgeon, so that he looks more "G1 Pretender" and less "contemporary IDW". Would be unfortunate if he didn't gel well aesthetically with the other Pretenders they've released in Legacy so far.
Posted by -Kanrabat- on October 2nd, 2022 @ 12:18pm CDT
Cyber Bishop wrote:Rodimus Prime wrote:IMO the face looks somewhat feminine. Which means the Nemesis could be a female, which I think would be awesome.
Fembots are always welcome in my collection!
A fembot titan with genuinely feminine proportions and a minimal backpack would be not only awesome, but it would be quite a design feat!
Posted by ZeldaTheSwordsman on October 2nd, 2022 @ 1:14pm CDT
It makes me wonder whether they ran out of room on the white sprue. Or maybe they just thought the "glowing gold" look would be cooler.william-james88 wrote:Speaking of Leo Prime, I still think they went the wrong way with the lion face. I wouldn't have expected them to go full cartoony ala the MP but I was looking at the original toy and that face is perfect middle ground which Hasbro should have gone for instead.
I'm sure Aaron Archer would have gone for eyes more like the original toy if it could at all have been finagled, though.
...As an aside, can we take a moment to appreciate that the only version of Lio Convoy to have ears that aren't subsumed by the mane color, is the Leobreaker retool?
I suppose it's okay in this case for not setting off fellow FMA fans, but it's still irritating in a general sense that they've blocked image hotlinking.william-james88 wrote:ZeldaTheSwordsman wrote:Anyway, the chimera in question can be seen here. I tried to embed, but Wikia is a butt about that
Posted by Rodimus Prime on October 2nd, 2022 @ 1:28pm CDT
Yes it would. But as I said, upon further inspection my excitement was moot, I'm pretty sure that's Tarn on the poster.-Kanrabat- wrote:Cyber Bishop wrote:Rodimus Prime wrote:IMO the face looks somewhat feminine. Which means the Nemesis could be a female, which I think would be awesome.
Fembots are always welcome in my collection!
A fembot titan with genuinely feminine proportions and a minimal backpack would be not only awesome, but it would be quite a design feat!
Posted by blackeyedprime on October 2nd, 2022 @ 1:35pm CDT
ZeldaTheSwordsman wrote:...As an aside, can we take a moment to appreciate that the only version of Lio Convoy to have ears that aren't subsumed by the mane color, is the Leobreaker retool?
Only if a moment is taken for the Takara Legends Lio Convoy too...
Posted by ZeldaTheSwordsman on October 2nd, 2022 @ 1:41pm CDT
Oh. Oopsblackeyedprime wrote:ZeldaTheSwordsman wrote:...As an aside, can we take a moment to appreciate that the only version of Lio Convoy to have ears that aren't subsumed by the mane color, is the Leobreaker retool?
Only if a moment is taken for the Takara Legends Lio Convoy too...
Posted by Bounti76 on October 2nd, 2022 @ 1:56pm CDT
Cyber Bishop wrote:Rodimus Prime wrote:IMO the face looks somewhat feminine. Which means the Nemesis could be a female, which I think would be awesome.
Fembots are always welcome in my collection!
I still think the Ark's face should have been Auntie, since she's the operating AI for the ship.
Posted by Xenos Prime on October 2nd, 2022 @ 2:00pm CDT
Posted by Bounti76 on October 2nd, 2022 @ 2:01pm CDT
Rodimus Prime wrote::saint:Not to mention the 1st female Titan! Even IDW didn't do that! Though I always thought Carcer could be female, considering Elita was in charge. I don't remember if it was ever stated what Carcer's pronoun was.Cyber Bishop wrote:Rodimus Prime wrote:IMO the face looks somewhat feminine. Which means the Nemesis could be a female, which I think would be awesome.
Fembots are always welcome in my collection!
Carcer turned out to be Vigilem, who's male. The first female Titan in Transformers history was Lodestar, in IDW 2018, though in that fiction, Cargohold is a female Titan who's older than Lodestar.
Posted by blackeyedprime on October 2nd, 2022 @ 2:02pm CDT
Xenos Prime wrote:Fingers crossed Dinobot #6 is an Ankylosaurus.
Wouldnt really matter if it wasn't as they are going to need serious retooling to pull off dinoking anyways.
Posted by Rodimus Prime on October 2nd, 2022 @ 2:04pm CDT
Wasn't that only in the comics, though? In the cartoon it was Teletran-1. I don't remember WFC homaging comics much, especially not with something so pricy and high-profile. Which is probably why we never got the Last Autobot redeco, even though the Ark's face looks like it.Bounti76 wrote:Cyber Bishop wrote:Rodimus Prime wrote:IMO the face looks somewhat feminine. Which means the Nemesis could be a female, which I think would be awesome.
Fembots are always welcome in my collection!
I still think the Ark's face should have been Auntie, since she's the operating AI for the ship.
Posted by ZeroWolf on October 2nd, 2022 @ 2:04pm CDT
Bounti76 wrote:Cyber Bishop wrote:Rodimus Prime wrote:IMO the face looks somewhat feminine. Which means the Nemesis could be a female, which I think would be awesome.
Fembots are always welcome in my collection!
I still think the Ark's face should have been Auntie, since she's the operating AI for the ship.
Then it would have lost the Last Autobot reference they were going for. I could see the last autobot being the priority with the character being in the last G1 Marvel comics issue
Posted by william-james88 on October 2nd, 2022 @ 2:08pm CDT
blackeyedprime wrote:Xenos Prime wrote:Fingers crossed Dinobot #6 is an Ankylosaurus.
Wouldnt really matter if it wasn't as they are going to need serious retooling to pull off dinoking anyways.
I wouldn't expect much retooling.
Posted by blackeyedprime on October 2nd, 2022 @ 2:09pm CDT
william-james88 wrote:blackeyedprime wrote:Xenos Prime wrote:Fingers crossed Dinobot #6 is an Ankylosaurus.
Wouldnt really matter if it wasn't as they are going to need serious retooling to pull off dinoking anyways.
I wouldn't expect much retooling.
Nope also not expecting a pretender shell for core class Grimlock or Dinokings bots either
Posted by SpaceEagle on October 2nd, 2022 @ 2:11pm CDT
blackeyedprime wrote:william-james88 wrote:blackeyedprime wrote:Xenos Prime wrote:Fingers crossed Dinobot #6 is an Ankylosaurus.
Wouldnt really matter if it wasn't as they are going to need serious retooling to pull off dinoking anyways.
I wouldn't expect much retooling.
Nope also not expecting a pretender shell for core class Grimlock or Dinokings bots either
A shame honestly, I really liked the old Pretender shells. I'm guessing kids wouldn't "get it" much like before.
Posted by ZeroWolf on October 2nd, 2022 @ 2:13pm CDT
SpaceEagle wrote:blackeyedprime wrote:william-james88 wrote:blackeyedprime wrote:Xenos Prime wrote:Fingers crossed Dinobot #6 is an Ankylosaurus.
Wouldnt really matter if it wasn't as they are going to need serious retooling to pull off dinoking anyways.
I wouldn't expect much retooling.
Nope also not expecting a pretender shell for core class Grimlock or Dinokings bots either
A shame honestly, I really liked the old Pretender shells. I'm guessing kids wouldn't "get it" much like before.
That and the price point issues had they made shells, they certainly wouldn't be at the core price point anyway
Posted by SpaceEagle on October 2nd, 2022 @ 2:14pm CDT
ZeroWolf wrote:Bounti76 wrote:Cyber Bishop wrote:Rodimus Prime wrote:IMO the face looks somewhat feminine. Which means the Nemesis could be a female, which I think would be awesome.
Fembots are always welcome in my collection!
I still think the Ark's face should have been Auntie, since she's the operating AI for the ship.
Then it would have lost the Last Autobot reference they were going for. I could see the last autobot being the priority with the character being in the last G1 Marvel comics issue
Gonna be honest I didn't even know who Auntie is but I definitely remember The Last Autobot. I know I'm just one person but I feel like from the reviews I've watched more people know about TLA rather than Auntie.
Posted by Bounti76 on October 2nd, 2022 @ 2:18pm CDT
SpaceEagle wrote:ZeroWolf wrote:Bounti76 wrote:Cyber Bishop wrote:Rodimus Prime wrote:IMO the face looks somewhat feminine. Which means the Nemesis could be a female, which I think would be awesome.
Fembots are always welcome in my collection!
I still think the Ark's face should have been Auntie, since she's the operating AI for the ship.
Then it would have lost the Last Autobot reference they were going for. I could see the last autobot being the priority with the character being in the last G1 Marvel comics issue
Gonna be honest I didn't even know who Auntie is but I definitely remember The Last Autobot. I know I'm just one person but I feel like from the reviews I've watched more people know about TLA rather than Auntie.
Fair points, though Auntie was the Ark's AI in the first issue or two of the Marvel run, and she shows up again in Regeneration One. So technically, she and the Last Autobot probably had about the same amount of fiction, but the Last Autobot's was much more well known.
Posted by SpaceEagle on October 2nd, 2022 @ 2:20pm CDT
Bounti76 wrote:SpaceEagle wrote:ZeroWolf wrote:Bounti76 wrote:Cyber Bishop wrote:Rodimus Prime wrote:IMO the face looks somewhat feminine. Which means the Nemesis could be a female, which I think would be awesome.
Fembots are always welcome in my collection!
I still think the Ark's face should have been Auntie, since she's the operating AI for the ship.
Then it would have lost the Last Autobot reference they were going for. I could see the last autobot being the priority with the character being in the last G1 Marvel comics issue
Gonna be honest I didn't even know who Auntie is but I definitely remember The Last Autobot. I know I'm just one person but I feel like from the reviews I've watched more people know about TLA rather than Auntie.
Fair points, though Auntie was the Ark's AI in the first issue or two of the Marvel run, and she shows up again in Regeneration One. So technically, she and the Last Autobot probably had about the same amount of fiction, but the Last Autobot's was much more well known.
It would totally be equally as interesting methinks, and honestly would've given us a female combiner. The body shape could still work with just a head swap.
Methinks TLA being more memorable and being a giant robot already helped him win in the end, but I do agree that Auntie would've been interesting as well.
Posted by Sabrblade on October 2nd, 2022 @ 2:27pm CDT
And yet, had they made the Ark into Auntie, I can hear all the rabid cartoon fans crying out "SCREW THE COMICS! TELETRAAN IS NOT A GIRL!!!"SpaceEagle wrote:Bounti76 wrote:SpaceEagle wrote:ZeroWolf wrote:Bounti76 wrote:Cyber Bishop wrote:Rodimus Prime wrote:IMO the face looks somewhat feminine. Which means the Nemesis could be a female, which I think would be awesome.
Fembots are always welcome in my collection!
I still think the Ark's face should have been Auntie, since she's the operating AI for the ship.
Then it would have lost the Last Autobot reference they were going for. I could see the last autobot being the priority with the character being in the last G1 Marvel comics issue
Gonna be honest I didn't even know who Auntie is but I definitely remember The Last Autobot. I know I'm just one person but I feel like from the reviews I've watched more people know about TLA rather than Auntie.
Fair points, though Auntie was the Ark's AI in the first issue or two of the Marvel run, and she shows up again in Regeneration One. So technically, she and the Last Autobot probably had about the same amount of fiction, but the Last Autobot's was much more well known.
It would totally be equally as interesting methinks, and honestly would've given us a female combiner. The body shape could still work with just a head swap.
Methinks TLA being more memorable and being a giant robot already helped him win in the end, but I do agree that Auntie would've been interesting as well.
Posted by Bounti76 on October 2nd, 2022 @ 2:30pm CDT
Sabrblade wrote:And yet, had they made the Ark into Auntie, I can hear all the rabid cartoon fans crying out "SCREW THE COMICS! TELETRAAN IS NOT A GIRL!!!"SpaceEagle wrote:Bounti76 wrote:SpaceEagle wrote:ZeroWolf wrote:Bounti76 wrote:Cyber Bishop wrote:Rodimus Prime wrote:IMO the face looks somewhat feminine. Which means the Nemesis could be a female, which I think would be awesome.
Fembots are always welcome in my collection!
I still think the Ark's face should have been Auntie, since she's the operating AI for the ship.
Then it would have lost the Last Autobot reference they were going for. I could see the last autobot being the priority with the character being in the last G1 Marvel comics issue
Gonna be honest I didn't even know who Auntie is but I definitely remember The Last Autobot. I know I'm just one person but I feel like from the reviews I've watched more people know about TLA rather than Auntie.
Fair points, though Auntie was the Ark's AI in the first issue or two of the Marvel run, and she shows up again in Regeneration One. So technically, she and the Last Autobot probably had about the same amount of fiction, but the Last Autobot's was much more well known.
It would totally be equally as interesting methinks, and honestly would've given us a female combiner. The body shape could still work with just a head swap.
Methinks TLA being more memorable and being a giant robot already helped him win in the end, but I do agree that Auntie would've been interesting as well.
Then I would have pointed out that Teletraan is Mainframe's alternate mode, and everyone could win.
Posted by SpaceEagle on October 2nd, 2022 @ 2:30pm CDT
Sabrblade wrote:And yet, had they made the Ark into Auntie, I can hear all the rabid cartoon fans crying out "TELETRAAN IS NOT A GIRL!!!"SpaceEagle wrote:Bounti76 wrote:SpaceEagle wrote:ZeroWolf wrote:Bounti76 wrote:Cyber Bishop wrote:Rodimus Prime wrote:IMO the face looks somewhat feminine. Which means the Nemesis could be a female, which I think would be awesome.
Fembots are always welcome in my collection!
I still think the Ark's face should have been Auntie, since she's the operating AI for the ship.
Then it would have lost the Last Autobot reference they were going for. I could see the last autobot being the priority with the character being in the last G1 Marvel comics issue
Gonna be honest I didn't even know who Auntie is but I definitely remember The Last Autobot. I know I'm just one person but I feel like from the reviews I've watched more people know about TLA rather than Auntie.
Fair points, though Auntie was the Ark's AI in the first issue or two of the Marvel run, and she shows up again in Regeneration One. So technically, she and the Last Autobot probably had about the same amount of fiction, but the Last Autobot's was much more well known.
It would totally be equally as interesting methinks, and honestly would've given us a female combiner. The body shape could still work with just a head swap.
Methinks TLA being more memorable and being a giant robot already helped him win in the end, but I do agree that Auntie would've been interesting as well.
Hah, yeah, I forgot manchildren would probably grind a few gears about it.
I mean we can't even have a fembot without there being blatant boobs and buttocks sometimes or else someone will say it's not "girly enough".
I do think Auntie's more antagonistic behaviour might've also affected the decision, though. At least from a quick read at her TFWiki page.
Posted by ZeldaTheSwordsman on October 2nd, 2022 @ 2:50pm CDT
Posted by Jelze Bunnycat on October 2nd, 2022 @ 3:06pm CDT
They weren't kidding with Sludge in his write-up
I will say this: if they do end up making Dinoking... New heads are a must!
Posted by primalxconvoy on October 2nd, 2022 @ 3:09pm CDT
SpaceEagle wrote:
A shame honestly, I really liked the old Pretender shells. I'm guessing kids wouldn't "get it" much like before.
They could make the "inner robots" as Primeasters for inside the main bots.
Edit: - Wrong OP.
Posted by blackeyedprime on October 2nd, 2022 @ 3:35pm CDT
SpaceEagle wrote:Hah, yeah, I forgot manchildren would probably grind a few gears about it.
I mean we can't even have a fembot without there being blatant boobs and buttocks sometimes or else someone will say it's not "girly enough". :lol
It would have to come with blonde combable hair though for the moment it scanned earth and thought the vehicles were the sentient life form.
Posted by SpaceEagle on October 2nd, 2022 @ 4:07pm CDT
primalxconvoy wrote:SpaceEagle wrote:
A shame honestly, I really liked the old Pretender shells. I'm guessing kids wouldn't "get it" much like before.
They could make the "inner robots" as Primeasters for inside the main bots.
Edit: - Wrong OP.
That would be quite fun. I wonder if HasTak probably exhausted the concept to try it again, they did give us TR Twin Twist again but I feel like that was because they didn't want to make a new mold for him.
I did love the tiny Pretenders a bunch, though.
Would be nice if there were core class inner bots that had larger shells...but it seems HasTak would rather just mesh the robot and shell together nowadays.
Posted by primalxconvoy on October 2nd, 2022 @ 4:23pm CDT
SpaceEagle wrote:I did love the tiny Pretenders a bunch, though.
Would be nice if there were core class inner bots that had larger shells...but it seems HasTak would rather just mesh the robot and shell together nowadays.
I think that would be a great idea. The "Shells" could even be sold as separate transforming or parts-forming armour that the core-class figures could interact with. There's perhaps enough G1 Pretender characters (original, beasts, classic, combiners, double, etc) to kickstart or "bulk-up" such an endevour). It might encourage me to buy some core class in the future (apart from Daniel).
Posted by SpaceEagle on October 2nd, 2022 @ 4:32pm CDT
primalxconvoy wrote:SpaceEagle wrote:I did love the tiny Pretenders a bunch, though.
Would be nice if there were core class inner bots that had larger shells...but it seems HasTak would rather just mesh the robot and shell together nowadays.
I think that would be a great idea. The "Shells" could even be sold as separate transforming or parts-forming armour that the core-class figures could interact with. There's perhaps enough G1 Pretender characters (original, beasts, classic, combiners, double, etc) to kickstart or "bulk-up" such an endevour). It might encourage me to buy some core class in the future (apart from Daniel).
I feel like the concept would work great for the Mega Pretenders, since HasTak could then get away with selling them individually since the shells can transform too.
They could totally get away with releasing something like Grimlock's or Starscream's shell since there's core class figures for them (well, Grimlock is on the way), and the partsforming armour is a perfect reason to explain why robots are hiding inside them!
Posted by Sabrblade on October 2nd, 2022 @ 4:35pm CDT
Bounti76 wrote:Then I would have pointed out that Teletraan is Mainframe's alternate mode, and everyone could win.
While true, the Netflix cartoon did treat the Ark's robot mode as a robot mode for Teletraan.ZeldaTheSwordsman wrote:The Last Autobot also matches better with the "surprise savior" role
Posted by twitchybristles on October 2nd, 2022 @ 4:50pm CDT
Posted by Razorbeast88 on October 2nd, 2022 @ 5:58pm CDT
And I finally gave in to all the Jhiaxus praise I've seen here and got him despite not being attached to the character or design. And he's great, totally worth it. Just a solid, fun figure. He's definitely got a presence to him
Posted by o.supreme on October 2nd, 2022 @ 6:41pm CDT
SpaceEagle wrote:That's still pretty exciting, I know people would prefer a bigger Dinoking/Monstructor but I s'pose for how small the original toy(s) was(were) I think that's at least cute.
I do have strong feelings on this, but; it is what it is, If it does in fact come to fruition. I agree that core class (the new Legends class) is a nice inexpensive way to collect smaller/less expensive versions of popular characters. It is also a nice way to release characters that are genuinely small in scale (Rattrap, Cassettes, Spike etc...) . Even making the combiner/Volcanicus gimmick again is fine.
Before I get to my objection, I do appreciate the insight that the design team was looking back at the Legion Class TFP Terrorcons/Abominus from 2013, which I hadn't thought about in some time. I purchased that giftset on clearance at Target for my son, mostly as a novelty, but at that time, I wasn't back into collecting, and I thought there were zero chances of getting proper combiners ever again. It was a neat idea, but my son broke it in short order. I paid almost zero attention to TLK toys, so I had no idea that was repurposed into Infernocus. I'm guessing if there were ever to be a new SS Infernocus, fans probably wouldn't want it made out of core class, or maybe they would, because he wasn't that large of a combiner on screen.
At any rate, that is kind of my point. For the few times that Monstructor and/or Dinoking appear in fiction, they are basically the same size as Devastator, Predaking, Bruticus etc... The fact that the toys themselves were smaller was just odd, but then again, there were a lot of odd choices made in the original line.
Why was Scorponok 2/3 the size of his rival Fort Max? It took 33 years to fix that error, but I'm glad Hasbro/TT did. While I'm usually a fan of Animation Accuracy over original Toy accuracy; All that aside, a solid Toy design is all I'm looking for. The Weaponizes and their ilk take old characters and give them fresh new concepts, and the fossilizers were all new, and my favorite part of the Kingdom Line. However if a choice that is made is so nonsensical just because something was a certain way previously, it automatically makes a toy less desirable. (Legacy Blitzwing anyone?)
I mean, here's a good picture of many of the Decepticon Combiners form the original series. There may be some slight size variance, but which ones obviously stick out?
Now, to be fair, I am aware that in the 90's there were some Micromaster Combiners made in Japan that were canonically smaller. I have most of those, so it only makes sense, but for the record Dinoking & Monstructor were not among them. (Ironically their combined toy form is even smaller than those Micromaster combiners )
I mean if I knew for 100% certainty supporting core class combiners would lead to a proper sized Monstructor/Dinoking in the next couple of years, you bet I'd double dip for that. The problem is, we dont know. Such obscure characters are often "one and done", which is my greatest fear if these long awaited characters come out so vastly undersized. Thus, while it can be assumed that sometimes people at Hasbro read certain message forums, I doubt they'll ever see my signature, but I have updated it accordingly, just in case.
Posted by SpaceEagle on October 2nd, 2022 @ 6:57pm CDT
o.supreme wrote:SpaceEagle wrote:That's still pretty exciting, I know people would prefer a bigger Dinoking/Monstructor but I s'pose for how small the original toy(s) was(were) I think that's at least cute.
I do have strong feelings on this, but; it is what it is, If it does in fact come to fruition. I agree that core class (the new Legends class) is a nice inexpensive way to collect smaller/less expensive versions of popular characters. It is also a nice way to release characters that are genuinely small in scale (Rattrap, Cassettes, Spike etc...) . Even making the combiner/Volcanicus gimmick again is fine.
Before I get to my objection, I do appreciate the insight that the design team was looking back at the Legion Class TFP Terrorcons/Abominus from 2013, which I hadn't thought about in some time. I purchased that giftset on clearance at Target for my son, mostly as a novelty, but at that time, I wasn't back into collecting, and I thought there were zero chances of getting proper combiners ever again. It was a neat idea, but my son broke it in short order. I paid almost zero attention to TLK toys, so I had no idea that was repurposed into Infernocus. I'm guessing if there were ever to be a new SS Infernocus, fans probably wouldn't want it made out of core class, or maybe they would, because he wasn't that large of a combiner on screen.
At any rate, that is kind of my point. For the few times that Monstructor and/or Dinoking appear in fiction, they are basically the same size as Devastator, Predaking, Bruticus etc... The fact that the toys themselves were smaller was just odd, but then again, there were a lot of odd choices made in the original line.
Why was Scorponok 2/3 the size of his rival Fort Max? It took 33 years to fix that error, but I'm glad Hasbro/TT did. While I'm usually a fan of Animation Accuracy over original Toy accuracy; All that aside, a solid Toy design is all I'm looking for. The Weaponizes and their ilk take old characters and give them fresh new concepts, and the fossilizers were all new, and my favorite part of the Kingdom Line. However if a choice that is made is so nonsensical just because something was a certain way previously, it automatically makes a toy less desirable. (Legacy Blitzwing anyone?)
I mean, here's a good picture of many of the Decepticon Combiners form the original series. There may be some slight size variance, but which ones obviously stick out?
Now, to be fair, I am aware that in the 90's there were some Micromaster Combiners made in Japan that were canonically smaller. I have most of those, so it only makes sense, but for the record Dinoking & Monstructor were not among them. (Ironically their combined toy form is even smaller than those Micromaster combiners )
I mean if I knew for 100% certainty supporting core class combiners would lead to a proper sized Monstructor/Dinoking in the next couple of years, you bet I'd double dip for that. The problem is, we dont know. Such obscure characters are often "one and done", which is my greatest fear if these long awaited characters come out so vastly undersized. Thus, while it can be assumed that sometimes people at Hasbro read certain message forums, I doubt they'll ever see my signature, but I have updated it accordingly, just in case.
I completely understand that angle and I do hope there'll be be at the very least a Dinoking/Monstructor that's more scaled around CW gestalt size. I'd be surprised if they didn't even try to make a Titan class gestalt considering the whole 6 bot team à la CW Devastator. While I do personally prefer toy-accuracy over media-accuracy, I do prefer a scale closer to what the shows have given us (for the most part) would be really awkward having a Blaster that towers over Optimus or a Motormaster that struggles to reach Megatron's shoulder.
I'm guessing because both Dinoking and Monstructor haven't really had major presence (in comparison to the classic Scramble City teams), HasTak's playing it safe with the smaller size class, hence why it's coming out as Volcanicus first as well as hopefully satiating fans that prefer DK/MS as smaller lads.
(Also I will admit while I do love Legacy Blitzwing overall, the cockpit front bugs me not because it sticks out too far nor because its accuracy gone wrong, but moreso its based off of a mistranformation from the OG toy!)
Posted by Rtron on October 2nd, 2022 @ 7:34pm CDT
Posted by SpaceEagle on October 2nd, 2022 @ 7:37pm CDT
Rtron wrote:It's not guaranteed that a successful core class Dinoking / Monstructor will lead to a bigger version of those combiners, although it is a strong possibility. But it probably IS guaranteed that an unsuccessful core class Dinoking / Monstructor will lead to that being the only version of the character.
Preeeeeetty much. It's my guess as to why it's not DK/MS first and foremost on top of being a cheaper size-class.
It being successful will help show HasTak that DK/MS still have their fans and maaaayyy pave the way for a bigger version later on.
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on October 2nd, 2022 @ 7:45pm CDT
First up, I would like it if the Nemesis were the titan, I would like that, it would be neat, and a good opposite for I-ark-onus. I would also feel comfortable using Nemesis as the name too, given IDW made Onyx's titan the BWII Nemesis. Would be especially cool if Nemesis was a she.
Second, There are now 2 fiction only Titans: Lodestar who featured pretty prominently in IDW2019 and had a cool base and weaponized design, and Cargohold, who only showed up in alt mode, but did exist.
third, while I do hope we get Dinoking, I also have feelings about Volcanicus himself. I am glad we are getting him again, I like Volcanicus, but I really wish they would do a proper Cyberverse Volcanicus for us. That one was so much cooler in both design and execution, and I really want a proper toy of that team.
Fourth, with regards to Skar, my theory with the Dinoking stuff is that we will get an Ankylosaurus with a robot mode based on IDW Skar, but it will fuse cues from the RiD2015 Scowl, who I really liked both in design, characterization, and voice actor.
Posted by AcademyofDrX on October 2nd, 2022 @ 9:09pm CDT
Posted by Sentinel_Primal on October 2nd, 2022 @ 9:13pm CDT
Posted by SpaceEagle on October 2nd, 2022 @ 9:42pm CDT