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Rumour: Transformers Generations Combiner Wars Bruticus, Deluxe Wheeljack, Legends Rewind and More

Transformers News: Rumour: Transformers Generations Combiner Wars Bruticus, Deluxe Wheeljack, Legends Rewind and More

Friday, April 24th, 2015 3:28AM CDT

Categories: Toy News, Rumors
Posted by: Va'al   Views: 79,165

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Get those speculation engines revving - it's tIme for Mr Chaos, from the TFW2005 boards, to bring some more fuel for upcoming Generations Combiner Wars figures. What they provide in the quoted post below is a list of new names and item numbers (nothing else) from a so-far unnamed toy retailer.

We seem to be getting confirmation for Bruticus and the Combaticons, the addition of three new deluxes in Wheeljack, Smokescreen and Trailbre-- cutt-- breaker, and Legends Rewind, Stripes and Wreck-Gar. Make of them what you will as you read through below, but be aware that none of this is currently set in stone.

Well, it is that time again... it's new toy listings time! All of these were given to me by a friend who works at a large retailer. I will be providing names and Item Codes. Please keep in mind these are merely names; I have no idea what they look like or the mold choices. Everything is subject to change, of course.

Alright, first up is Combiner Wars. I already revealed that we are getting Bruticus but I can now confirm his limbs... and breaking the trend Superion, Menasor, and Defensor began, the entire Combaticon original team will be released as deluxe limbs! They are:

Swindle- b4661
Blast-Off- b4662

But while we knew these guys were coming we didn't know about these next 3 deluxes , which make up, for now, their own wave.

Smokescreen- b5607
Trailbreaker- b5608

While there were no new Voyagers in the list I was given, there were some new legends and they are quite interesting.

Autobot Stripes- b5610
Credit(s): Mr Chaos on TFW2005

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Re: Rumour: Transformers Generations Combiner Wars Bruticus, Deluxe Wheeljack, Legends Rewind and More (1678664)
Posted by SW's SilverHammer on April 24th, 2015 @ 4:33am CDT
Interesting, provided these are fact, and honestly some of them are odd enough that it could be fact (over the years with hasbro i've learned the truth in rumors can be stranger than fiction) like pretty reasonable listings for winter 2015/16.

For the deluxe combaticons, I'm willing to believe that at least two of them, Blastoff and Brawl, could be new molds. However it wouldn't be to surprising if much like the stunticons, they were all new molds that could get re-purposed/retooled later, maybe into technobots, maaaaaaaaaaaaybe Road Caesar or Liokaiser; keeping with those Authoritative pseudo latin combiners (Victorion). Or maybe just other characters who knows.

But i'd love, love, love it it Takara at the least repainted the set into Battle Gaia (never gonna happen)

Wheeljack makes sense in that it's a been a bit since they've made a neo-classics figure of him, and you can tell in recent years there are character outside of prime and bumblebee the staff likes to throw a bone at every once and awhile. And who knows, maybe this could lead to generations exhaust dohohoh......ho. (also never gonna happen)

Smokescream also makes sense because even though i'd think he's the one with the least demand, he's still one of the Datsun brothers. It makes sense for hasbro to open with the nice colorful one. This could lead to Bluestreak because MTMTE, and prowl; which I know prowlistator I want it to but yeah even for how much love hasbre's giving the comics and visa versa, maybe in another 30 years.

And speaking of comics, Trailcutter's an interesting addition considering he's, you know Dead. And not like just stabbed oh magic can bring him back if you clap you hands, no I mean the DJD fucked him up. But seeing as we got a pretty great generations figure year before last, i'm curious, yet mildly indifferent.

Rewind, Yes, all my yes. All i can hope is that this signals an eventual Chromedome headmaster. Yes i know the gimmick or brainstorm was a bit... twitchy, at best, but that was more of QC than anything else. If you got the revision instead of the early release, 9 times out of 10 it would play nice. And don't say hasbro won't do it because of the club, this wouldn't be the first time hasbro's done a character after the club/.

Wreckgar, probably a repaint of Groove. Maybe not, but it feels like it. Stripes, no idea maybe another Joe homage, or something from one of their other properties. I feel this one's probably going to be a new mold though. It could be something cat themed, maybe a new version of the cassetticon stripes, or maybe even tigertracks with a dumb name. Though i'm still leaning to joe something, due to the name stripes, and the inclusion of viper recently. If it isn't a cat, it's gotta be something super patriotic, like robot zombie George Washington patriotic. Stars and stripes 4eves baybe. Murica.
Re: Rumour: Transformers Generations Combiner Wars Bruticus, Deluxe Wheeljack, Legends Rewind and More (1678665)
Posted by Thadicon on April 24th, 2015 @ 4:52am CDT
Va'al wrote:Get those speculation engines revving - it's tIme for Mr Chaos, from the TFW2005 boards, to bring some more fuel for upcoming Generations Combiner Wars figures. What they provide in the quoted post below is a list of new names and item numbers (nothing else) from a so-far unnamed toy retailer.

We seem to be getting confirmation for Bruticus and the Combaticons, the addition of three new deluxes in Wheeljack, Smokescreen and Trailbre-- cutt-- breaker, and Legends Rewind, Stripes and Wreck-Gar. Make of them what you will as you read through below, but be aware that none of this is currently set in stone.

Well, it is that time again... it's new toy listings time! All of these were given to me by a friend who works at a large retailer. I will be providing names and Item Codes. Please keep in mind these are merely names; I have no idea what they look like or the mold choices. Everything is subject to change, of course.

Alright, first up is Combiner Wars. I already revealed that we are getting Bruticus but I can now confirm his limbs... and breaking the trend Superion, Menasor, and Defensor began, the entire Combaticon original team will be released as deluxe limbs! They are:

Swindle- b4661
Blast-Off- b4662

But while we knew these guys were coming we didn't know about these next 3 deluxes , which make up, for now, their own wave.

Smokescreen- b5607
Trailbreaker- b5608

While there were no new Voyagers in the list I was given, there were some new legends and they are quite interesting.

Autobot Stripes- b5610


And rewind.

I'm wondering if there is going to be some completely new molds and only a couple of retools or just major retools all round of existing molds
Re: Rumour: Transformers Generations Combiner Wars Bruticus, Deluxe Wheeljack, Legends Rewind and More (1678666)
Posted by RhA on April 24th, 2015 @ 5:08am CDT
Re: Rumour: Transformers Generations Combiner Wars Bruticus, Deluxe Wheeljack, Legends Rewind and More (1678672)
Posted by Autobot Roadburn on April 24th, 2015 @ 5:59am CDT
Awesome, I'll definitely be grabbing Bruticus! I already have the FoC version with the Military Titans Onslaught, but he's always been my favorite combiner. I don't mind having two, especially if one has Hot Spot for the torso. Love the look of that mold.

Rewind and Wheeljack are also probable buys, but I'll have to see what WreckGar and Stripes look like first. I'm going to try to avoid buying the other deluxes, because with FoC Bruticus, CW Superion and Menasor I'm running out of space. I do want to see what Wheeljack looks like before making a final decision too. If he looks IDW enough, I'll get him. If not, Takara Lost Age and MP will be fine.
Re: Rumour: Transformers Generations Combiner Wars Bruticus, Deluxe Wheeljack, Legends Rewind and More (1678673)
Posted by robotmel on April 24th, 2015 @ 6:25am CDT
RhA wrote:Stripes?


'Autobot' Stripes used to hang out with Twincast back in the day!

I guess if this is listed as a Legends class figure then it wont be a repaint of Ravage from the Universe Hound Deluxe from yesteryear?

I need Rewind AND Eject (bring back Perfect Effect!) so can we guess we'll see a repaint before the end of the year?

Those three 'Deluxe' figures, if they are actually Deluxe seem somewhat an odd choice as we have had all three characters represented very recently with their Generations Deluxe versions...? :???:
Re: Rumour: Transformers Generations Combiner Wars Bruticus, Deluxe Wheeljack, Legends Rewind and More (1678675)
Posted by RhA on April 24th, 2015 @ 6:28am CDT
robotmel wrote:
RhA wrote:Stripes?


'Autobot' Stripes used to hang out with Twincast back in the day!

I guess if this is listed as a Legends class figure then it wont be a repaint of Ravage from the Universe Hound Deluxe from yesteryear?

I need Rewind AND Eject (bring back Perfect Effect!) so can we guess we'll see a repaint before the end of the year?

Those three 'Deluxe' figures, if they are actually Deluxe seem somewhat an odd choice as we have had all three characters represented very recently with their Generations Deluxe versions...? :???:

Well damn. I own a Stripes. Sign me up!
Re: Rumour: Transformers Generations Combiner Wars Bruticus, Deluxe Wheeljack, Legends Rewind and More (1678677)
Posted by Evil Eye on April 24th, 2015 @ 6:42am CDT
I may very well have to replace my ancient and floppy FP Bruticus...
Re: Rumour: Transformers Generations Combiner Wars Bruticus, Deluxe Wheeljack, Legends Rewind and More (1678684)
Posted by bumblebeej8 on April 24th, 2015 @ 7:39am CDT

Bruticus is staying with the original members!!!

AND Rewind!

It is definitely a good time to be a Transformers fan!!!
Re: Rumour: Transformers Generations Combiner Wars Bruticus, Deluxe Wheeljack, Legends Rewind and More (1678694)
Posted by MrBlack on April 24th, 2015 @ 8:04am CDT
So Buzzsaw was rumored before, and now we have Rewind and Stripes potentially on the way. Given that Soundwave is currently supporting the CW Motormaster/Optimus body in the IDW comics, I wonder if we'll be getting a new Soundwave next year with all his cassettes?
Re: Rumour: Transformers Generations Combiner Wars Bruticus, Deluxe Wheeljack, Legends Rewind and More (1678695)
Posted by peaces on April 24th, 2015 @ 8:05am CDT
soundwave has to be coming
Re: Rumour: Transformers Generations Combiner Wars Bruticus, Deluxe Wheeljack, Legends Rewind and More (1678697)
Posted by Rodimus Prime on April 24th, 2015 @ 8:19am CDT
koolkollectibleskhai wrote:TF haul that came in today. Great start to the weekend! Reviews coming soon :)

Dat Cyclonus! I'm jelly.
Re: Rumour: Transformers Generations Combiner Wars Bruticus, Deluxe Wheeljack, Legends Rewind and More (1678699)
Posted by Sabrblade on April 24th, 2015 @ 8:26am CDT

Hasbro is gonna be doing a main line toy of one of the most obscurer than obscure characters in existence?!!
:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
Re: Rumour: Transformers Generations Combiner Wars Bruticus, Deluxe Wheeljack, Legends Rewind and More (1678700)
Posted by Mindmaster on April 24th, 2015 @ 8:28am CDT

The thought of a long-overdue modernized Classicsified Bruticus makes me giggle with glee. Love the Fall of Cybertron version despite its misgivings, but it was frustratingly close to what I wanted but not quite. Sign me the **** up!

Calling it now: Wreck-Gar from Groove, but heavily retooled.

MrBlack wrote:So Buzzsaw was rumored before, and now we have Rewind and Stripes potentially on the way. Given that Soundwave is currently supporting the CW Motormaster/Optimus body in the IDW comics, I wonder if we'll be getting a new Soundwave next year with all his cassettes?

Does he? Don't think I've read those issues, then...
Re: Rumour: Transformers Generations Combiner Wars Bruticus, Deluxe Wheeljack, Legends Rewind and More (1678706)
Posted by galvatron00 on April 24th, 2015 @ 8:37am CDT
Pretty awesome news.

So Wheeljack and Ironhide will join the Ultra Prime combiner with Sunstreaker, Mirage, and Hot Rod, with Trailcutter as an alternate? Remold First Aid into Ratchet..throw a Jazz repaint in there and maybe Sideswipe off of Streetwise..hopefully Prowl and maybe a Bluestreak..MAN!!

All of the G1 S1 Autbots swapping places in an Autobot combiner (with Legends class bots filling in as weapons/chest pieces)?! Who face DEVASTATOR at the end of the year?! :grin:
Re: Rumour: Transformers Generations Combiner Wars Bruticus, Deluxe Wheeljack, Legends Rewind and More (1678707)
Posted by galvatron00 on April 24th, 2015 @ 8:40am CDT
Mindmaster wrote:#allaboardthehypetrain

The thought of a long-overdue modernized Classicsified Bruticus makes me giggle with glee. Love the Fall of Cybertron version despite its misgivings, but it was frustratingly close to what I wanted but not quite. Sign me the **** up!

Calling it now: Wreck-Gar from Groove, but heavily retooled.
MrBlack wrote:So Buzzsaw was rumored before, and now we have Rewind and Stripes potentially on the way. Given that Soundwave is currently supporting the CW Motormaster/Optimus body in the IDW comics, I wonder if we'll be getting a new Soundwave next year with all his cassettes?
Does he? Don't think I've read those issues, then...
I know there's a picture floating around here somewhere of Soundwave walking around in the African plains (from a recent IDW issue) where he looks almost exactly the same proportionally as the Optimus/Motormaster mold.

EDIT: Found.
Re: Rumour: Transformers Generations Combiner Wars Bruticus, Deluxe Wheeljack, Legends Rewind and More (1678715)
Posted by MrBlack on April 24th, 2015 @ 8:55am CDT
The cover for Transformers #43 has him in the CW Motormaster body as well.

Re: Rumour: Transformers Generations Combiner Wars Bruticus, Deluxe Wheeljack, Legends Rewind and More (1678718)
Posted by Agamemnon on April 24th, 2015 @ 8:57am CDT
I want Wreck-Gar to be able to ride himself... :-s
Re: Rumour: Transformers Generations Combiner Wars Bruticus, Deluxe Wheeljack, Legends Rewind and More (1678719)
Posted by galvatron00 on April 24th, 2015 @ 8:57am CDT
MrBlack wrote:The cover for Transformers #43 has him in the CW Motormaster body as well.
Yes, yes it does :lol:
Re: Rumour: Transformers Generations Combiner Wars Bruticus, Deluxe Wheeljack, Legends Rewind and More (1678724)
Posted by MrBlack on April 24th, 2015 @ 9:02am CDT
itscramtastic wrote:
MrBlack wrote:The cover for Transformers #43 has him in the CW Motormaster body as well.
Yes, yes it does :lol:

The legs are a dead giveaway. They are nearly identical to CW Prime's. On top of that, his body proportions from a previous issue are also similar to Motormaster/Optimus.

The one big difference is the fact that the front wheels on Soundwave are behind his lower back, rather than part of his forearm kibble. I wonder if that is artistic license or a sign that any future Soundwave toy might have a different transformation?

This is purely speculation, but it seems quite odd for Griffith to suddenly give Soundwave a new body based on a different toy.
Re: Rumour: Transformers Generations Combiner Wars Bruticus, Deluxe Wheeljack, Legends Rewind and More (1678727)
Posted by evogrg on April 24th, 2015 @ 9:11am CDT
I always thought Alpha Bravo's vehicle cockpit and body looked like a space shuttle. I could see Blast Off being a propeller-less, winged retool.
Re: Rumour: Transformers Generations Combiner Wars Bruticus, Deluxe Wheeljack, Legends Rewind and More (1678733)
Posted by fenrir72 on April 24th, 2015 @ 9:34am CDT
First hand look. Don't own one but the new Cyclonus looks awesome! I'd be waiting for a Tomy release and I won't be transforming him into Galvatronous.

Despite some negative feedback over the "junk" in the undercarriage, it is a great retool of the Silverbolt mold.
Re: Rumour: Transformers Generations Combiner Wars Bruticus, Deluxe Wheeljack, Legends Rewind and More (1678736)
Posted by Bradimus on April 24th, 2015 @ 9:42am CDT
phantom1592 wrote:
Bradimus wrote:I have the Aerialbots standing guard on the coffee table in the den, and I can't help but be disappointed with Hasbro. No, not because Alpha Bravo has replaced Slingshot. I like helicopters and have no issue with the aesthetic of Superion. My disappointment lies with Firefly, who could have been best of the bunch.

As seen in the picture below, Firefly has a sleek upper body design. In fact, the figure could easily be turned into a fembot by simply swapping out the head. However, the figure has what looks to be a cape.

I can see it now, the classic G1 look with the small plane on the back of the Aerialbot. Still a good figure, but an unfortunate missed opportunity. #-o

I'm a little surprised that this bugs Transformers fans so much... I've always felt that the 'kibble' was what gave the robots their charm... made them stand out from each other. Things like Prime's Grill and windshield... and Prowl's Door wings were the kind of things that I loved as a kid. To look at the robot and know exactly what he turned into.

I'm really on the OTHER end of the spectrum. I don't mind the plane parts on the robots. I'd be disappointed if they weren't there for the Aerialbots. No, what always bugged me about the G1 Superion parts was the whole 'plane stands up' brick that the robots were. Seeing all that Robot kibble underneath the plane just breaks up the 'disguise' purpose of the Alt Mode and with no moving parts, the robots were pretty boring to play with too.

CW fixed a great deal of that for me. The arms on the sides still feels a bit cheap (though I do like them broken up a bit with some reprolabels... makes it less noticeable) and Silverbolt still has way too much under him... but I have three modes now and all three look pretty awesome and can do cool poses.

Honestly... I never saw Firefly as having a cape. Honestly, I love capes... Since you brought it up, I wish that had been intentional and they went a bit further with it :lol:

Um... I don't get it. :???:

You like identifiable kibble like door wings on Prowl, Optimus' grill, etc., but you don't get why fans want the Aerialbots to have their identifiable small plain on their backs kibble?

Also, you didn't like the G1 toys because of the kibble under the plain but you love CW figures with the same problem? I mean, these toys look almost identical to their G1 counterparts (main difference being updated jet alts), but have more articulation, so you overlook the kibble in alt mode because the robots can strike poses?

I don't understand at all. :HEADHURTS:
Re: Rumour: Transformers Generations Combiner Wars Bruticus, Deluxe Wheeljack, Legends Rewind and More (1678738)
Posted by LE0KING on April 24th, 2015 @ 9:43am CDT
itscramtastic wrote:
MrBlack wrote:The cover for Transformers #43 has him in the CW Motormaster body as well.
Yes, yes it does :lol:

Oh man, what'd they do to cosmos? In MTMTE He was a giant monster bot, now he's a minicon...

I'm guessing that the mold for Brawl will be an original tank mold, that they reuse for Galvatron.
Re: Rumour: Transformers Generations Combiner Wars Bruticus, Deluxe Wheeljack, Legends Rewind and More (1678739)
Posted by Moosey on April 24th, 2015 @ 9:45am CDT
Odd choice to make bruticus 5 deluxes..... I wonder how they'll pull it off. Hopefully we don't get another fall of cybertron esque combiner... But, I do have faith in hasbro that they'll learn from their mistakes.
Re: Rumour: Transformers Generations Combiner Wars Bruticus, Deluxe Wheeljack, Legends Rewind and More (1678740)
Posted by Moosey on April 24th, 2015 @ 9:45am CDT
Odd choice to make bruticus 5 deluxes..... I wonder how they'll pull it off. Hopefully we don't get another fall of cybertron esque combiner... But, I do have faith in hasbro that they'll learn from their mistakes.
Re: Rumour: Transformers Generations Combiner Wars Bruticus, Deluxe Wheeljack, Legends Rewind and More (1678741)
Posted by Bradimus on April 24th, 2015 @ 9:48am CDT
fenrir72 wrote:First hand look. Don't own one but the new Cyclonus looks awesome! I'd be waiting for a Tomy release and I won't be transforming him into Galvatronous.

Despite some negative feedback over the "junk" in the undercarriage, it is a great retool of the Silverbolt mold.

It looks fantastic in pictures and in video review. Superb retool of Silverbolt (great figure, too). But as I have CHUG Cyclonus I can't justify getting this one for myself. For anyone who doesn't have Cyclonus, get this one! ;)^
Re: Rumour: Transformers Generations Combiner Wars Bruticus, Deluxe Wheeljack, Legends Rewind and More (1678743)
Posted by Sideshow Sideswipe on April 24th, 2015 @ 9:59am CDT
So i was REALLY let down by the floppiness of Menasor and I'm going to have to let him go. I'm hoping that Defensor will not suffer from floppy shoulder syndrome as defensor and the protectobots have always been my favorite team.
Re: Rumour: Transformers Generations Combiner Wars Bruticus, Deluxe Wheeljack, Legends Rewind and More (1678744)
Posted by MrBlack on April 24th, 2015 @ 10:02am CDT
LE0KING wrote:
itscramtastic wrote:
MrBlack wrote:The cover for Transformers #43 has him in the CW Motormaster body as well.
Yes, yes it does :lol:

Oh man, what'd they do to cosmos? In MTMTE He was a giant monster bot, now he's a minicon...

I'm guessing that the mold for Brawl will be an original tank mold, that they reuse for Galvatron.

He got shrunk down quite a bit when Barber got a hold of him, but he's no minicon. He's still bigger than Prowl.


I'd say he's likely the same size as Soundwave on that cover, he's just bent over at an odd angle.
Re: Rumour: Transformers Generations Combiner Wars Bruticus, Deluxe Wheeljack, Legends Rewind and More (1678746)
Posted by Seibertron on April 24th, 2015 @ 10:03am CDT
Moosey wrote:Odd choice to make bruticus 5 deluxes..... I wonder how they'll pull it off. Hopefully we don't get another fall of cybertron esque combiner... But, I do have faith in hasbro that they'll learn from their mistakes.

Onslaught should be a Voyager ... pretty sure he's going to be a remold of Hot Spot. Onslaught isn't in the list in this news story.
Re: Rumour: Transformers Generations Combiner Wars Bruticus, Deluxe Wheeljack, Legends Rewind and More (1678749)
Posted by Moosey on April 24th, 2015 @ 10:10am CDT
Seibertron wrote:
Moosey wrote:Odd choice to make bruticus 5 deluxes..... I wonder how they'll pull it off. Hopefully we don't get another fall of cybertron esque combiner... But, I do have faith in hasbro that they'll learn from their mistakes.

Onslaught should be a Voyager ... pretty sure he's going to be a remold of Hot Spot. Onslaught isn't in the list in this news story.

Oh, oops! I totally misread that, lol.
Re: Rumour: Transformers Generations Combiner Wars Bruticus, Deluxe Wheeljack, Legends Rewind and More (1678751)
Posted by Bradimus on April 24th, 2015 @ 10:11am CDT
Sideshow Sideswipe wrote:So i was REALLY let down by the floppiness of Menasor and I'm going to have to let him go. I'm hoping that Defensor will not suffer from floppy shoulder syndrome as defensor and the protectobots have always been my favorite team.

Hot Spot's shoulders don't separate from his body, so no floppy shoulders for Defensor and likely Bruticus. ;)^
Re: Rumour: Transformers Generations Combiner Wars Bruticus, Deluxe Wheeljack, Legends Rewind and More (1678752)
Posted by Moosey on April 24th, 2015 @ 10:12am CDT
To clarify my mistake, when I read "all original members will be released as deluxe class figures" I was skimming over the listings and read that as in all 5 original characters would be deluxes.
Re: Rumour: Transformers Generations Combiner Wars Bruticus, Deluxe Wheeljack, Legends Rewind and More (1678754)
Posted by ScottyP on April 24th, 2015 @ 10:26am CDT
MrBlack wrote:
itscramtastic wrote:
MrBlack wrote:The cover for Transformers #43 has him in the CW Motormaster body as well.
Yes, yes it does :lol:

The legs are a dead giveaway. They are nearly identical to CW Prime's. On top of that, his body proportions from a previous issue are also similar to Motormaster/Optimus.

The one big difference is the fact that the front wheels on Soundwave are behind his lower back, rather than part of his forearm kibble. I wonder if that is artistic license or a sign that any future Soundwave toy might have a different transformation?

This is purely speculation, but it seems quite odd for Griffith to suddenly give Soundwave a new body based on a different toy.

Either he's being coy/can't say anything about it yet, or it's all one big coincidence. Here's a brief chat I had on Twitter with Mr. Griffith a couple months back: ... 2975985664 (scroll up a bit to view the entire short convo)
Re: Rumour: Transformers Generations Combiner Wars Bruticus, Deluxe Wheeljack, Legends Rewind and More (1678763)
Posted by Cyberstrike on April 24th, 2015 @ 10:41am CDT
Another set of Combaticons? I'm sick and tied of the Combaticons. Hasbro could have done the Predacons, Seacons, Terrorcons, Monster Pretenders/Dinoforce, or better yet an all-new Decepticon Combiner team but yet they have to release another set of the MOST over-used Decepticon combiner teams.
Re: Rumour: Transformers Generations Combiner Wars Bruticus, Deluxe Wheeljack, Legends Rewind and More (1678776)
Posted by Agamemnon on April 24th, 2015 @ 11:13am CDT
Yes, because the Predacons, Seacons, Terrorcons, et. al. are made up of cars, trucks, planes, and helicopters, so extending the re-paint/remold/reshell philosophy makes perfect sense.

Oh, wait.....
Re: Rumour: Transformers Generations Combiner Wars Bruticus, Deluxe Wheeljack, Legends Rewind and More (1678777)
Posted by Bradimus on April 24th, 2015 @ 11:17am CDT
Cyberstrike wrote:Another set of Combaticons? I'm sick and tied of the Combaticons. Hasbro could have done the Predacons, Seacons, Terrorcons, Monster Pretenders/Dinoforce, or better yet an all-new Decepticon Combiner team but yet they have to release another set of the MOST over-used Decepticon combiner teams.

Speaking for someone who didn't bite on the FOC deluxe mess in terrible colors, I am looking forward to getting CW Bruticus as that will be the update of the combiner I watched on TV in my youth. =;

The molds are ready to roll (and fly), so roll 'em out, Hasbro! :DANCE:
Re: Rumour: Transformers Generations Combiner Wars Bruticus, Deluxe Wheeljack, Legends Rewind and More (1678779)
Posted by shockblast2 on April 24th, 2015 @ 11:18am CDT
Why do we need another Trailbreaker?

Doesn't make sense. Another reason why you cannot believe everything you read. I actually blow this crap off in favor of actual reveals. Too many fan boys salivating at any piece of information and some of it turns out to be false every time.
Re: Rumour: Transformers Generations Combiner Wars Bruticus, Deluxe Wheeljack, Legends Rewind and More (1678782)
Posted by Editor on April 24th, 2015 @ 11:26am CDT
Meh, I'm happy with my FP enhanced Bruticus.

This one would need to really impress me, or it's a pass.
Re: Rumour: Transformers Generations Combiner Wars Bruticus, Deluxe Wheeljack, Legends Rewind and More (1678785)
Posted by prjkt on April 24th, 2015 @ 11:33am CDT
Bradimus wrote:
Cyberstrike wrote:Another set of Combaticons? I'm sick and tied of the Combaticons. Hasbro could have done the Predacons, Seacons, Terrorcons, Monster Pretenders/Dinoforce, or better yet an all-new Decepticon Combiner team but yet they have to release another set of the MOST over-used Decepticon combiner teams.

Speaking for someone who didn't bite on the FOC deluxe mess in terrible colors, I am looking forward to getting CW Bruticus as that will be the update of the combiner I watched on TV in my youth. =;

The molds are ready to roll (and fly), so roll 'em out, Hasbro! :DANCE:

the Takara release had (game) accurate and quite shiny decos for the Combaticons, but when surrounded by the three current CW combiners and Green giant, he comes off a little light-weight. Looking forward to the CW replacement.
Re: Rumour: Transformers Generations Combiner Wars Bruticus, Deluxe Wheeljack, Legends Rewind and More (1678807)
Posted by Evil Eye on April 24th, 2015 @ 12:44pm CDT
I wonder what I should do with my FP Bruticus once the CW figure comes out? He's in too poor a condition to sell and he falls apart with a funny look. Should I just retire him from combiner duty, have his components as generic/original Decepticons and use his weapons for the other members of my collection?
Re: Rumour: Transformers Generations Combiner Wars Bruticus, Deluxe Wheeljack, Legends Rewind and More (1678810)
Posted by phantom1592 on April 24th, 2015 @ 12:50pm CDT
Bradimus wrote:
phantom1592 wrote:
Bradimus wrote:I have the Aerialbots standing guard on the coffee table in the den, and I can't help but be disappointed with Hasbro. No, not because Alpha Bravo has replaced Slingshot. I like helicopters and have no issue with the aesthetic of Superion. My disappointment lies with Firefly, who could have been best of the bunch.

As seen in the picture below, Firefly has a sleek upper body design. In fact, the figure could easily be turned into a fembot by simply swapping out the head. However, the figure has what looks to be a cape.

I can see it now, the classic G1 look with the small plane on the back of the Aerialbot. Still a good figure, but an unfortunate missed opportunity. #-o

I'm a little surprised that this bugs Transformers fans so much... I've always felt that the 'kibble' was what gave the robots their charm... made them stand out from each other. Things like Prime's Grill and windshield... and Prowl's Door wings were the kind of things that I loved as a kid. To look at the robot and know exactly what he turned into.

I'm really on the OTHER end of the spectrum. I don't mind the plane parts on the robots. I'd be disappointed if they weren't there for the Aerialbots. No, what always bugged me about the G1 Superion parts was the whole 'plane stands up' brick that the robots were. Seeing all that Robot kibble underneath the plane just breaks up the 'disguise' purpose of the Alt Mode and with no moving parts, the robots were pretty boring to play with too.

CW fixed a great deal of that for me. The arms on the sides still feels a bit cheap (though I do like them broken up a bit with some reprolabels... makes it less noticeable) and Silverbolt still has way too much under him... but I have three modes now and all three look pretty awesome and can do cool poses.

Honestly... I never saw Firefly as having a cape. Honestly, I love capes... Since you brought it up, I wish that had been intentional and they went a bit further with it :lol:

Um... I don't get it. :???:

You like identifiable kibble like door wings on Prowl, Optimus' grill, etc., but you don't get why fans want the Aerialbots to have their identifiable small plain on their backs kibble?

Also, you didn't like the G1 toys because of the kibble under the plain but you love CW figures with the same problem? I mean, these toys look almost identical to their G1 counterparts (main difference being updated jet alts), but have more articulation, so you overlook the kibble in alt mode because the robots can strike poses?

I don't understand at all. :HEADHURTS:

Ahhhh.. See, I misread that. I thought you were complaining that he had too much 'plane on his back'. Not that he didn't have enough! I've seen people complain about that or Dinosaur heads or door wings...

It's all personal tastes, but to me it's all about the 'robots in disguise' philosophy. The robot mode in all the media gets altered and compromised when they choose their alt modes. It's why I was always fascinated with 'what did they look like on cybertron BEFORE they saw an 18 wheeler or tape player....'

So yeah, Having a robot walk around with Planes and wings and windshields and such is absolutely fine with me. However, when the Planes have robots underneath... then the really aren't fooling anyone. The disguise only works when looking down on the plane.... and how often would THAT happen. ;)

As for CW, They tried. THey straddled that line between G1 Nostalgia... and updated for an actual toy. The jet modes don't look as good as my classics Starscream... but They do have a more detailed transformation then 'make legs longer, Then stand up.' The original G1 toys had ugly looking jet modes... and ugly robot modes... And I never saw superion completed... but my devesator was pretty wobbley, So that's 3 modes and none really 'worked'.

Silverbolt is still ehhh... but the rest make me happy. All of them can strike some pretty sweet poses in robot mode :KREMZEEK:
Re: Rumour: Transformers Generations Combiner Wars Bruticus, Deluxe Wheeljack, Legends Rewind and More (1678812)
Posted by Syn_13 on April 24th, 2015 @ 12:52pm CDT
Well, this is interesting news.

I'm one of those rare, odd people who is actually very happy with the FoC Bruticus. Love the Cybertronian look and very happy with the Boosticus upgrade. Got him battling out with Superion at the moment and they look great together. This one is going to have to be stellar to make me change my mind.

However, this is going to be great news for some. I'm guessing Onslaught is going to be the Hotspot retool, as everyone has predicted. I wonder who the 6th team member will be. I know there's a rumoured Legends Shockwave, but I think that's more fan service than anything, so that he can be the unofficial 6th member for Bruticus to pay homage for G1. I reckon they'll do a Groove retool (other than Wreck-Gar probably) and it'll be a military bike.

Trailbreaker is weird considering we've already had one not long ago, and I thought he looked pretty good. I reckon we'll see another retool of the Offroad mould here.

Stripes is very obscure, but interesting.

Smokescreen and Wheeljack sounds cool, as they've not had an update for a while. I love my United Wheeljack so I'll pass, but Smokescreen is one I don't have.

Rewind - now that I'm looking forward too!
Re: Rumour: Transformers Generations Combiner Wars Bruticus, Deluxe Wheeljack, Legends Rewind and More (1678823)
Posted by Wheeljack808 on April 24th, 2015 @ 1:07pm CDT
Sooooo cool. I really love how we keep getting more and more awesome gestalts!!! I really hope we see the later gestalts like computron and abominus. :BOT: :CON:
Re: Rumour: Transformers Generations Combiner Wars Bruticus, Deluxe Wheeljack, Legends Rewind and More (1678832)
Posted by Editor on April 24th, 2015 @ 1:24pm CDT
Delta Magnus wrote:I wonder what I should do with my FP Bruticus once the CW figure comes out? He's in too poor a condition to sell and he falls apart with a funny look. Should I just retire him from combiner duty, have his components as generic/original Decepticons and use his weapons for the other members of my collection?

Strange, mine is still well connected, that's unfortunate. But yes, brake him down display the ones you still like and find new homes for the weapons, I'm sure the main gun will be easy to find a new hand to hold it.
Re: Rumour: Transformers Generations Combiner Wars Bruticus, Deluxe Wheeljack, Legends Rewind and More (1678838)
Posted by Evil Eye on April 24th, 2015 @ 1:43pm CDT
Yeah, mine was the second run with better colours but much looser joints (especially the shoulder blocks, which neither super glue nor Mr. Dissolved Putty could tighten up). Swindle's combiner knee is ludicrously loose too.
Re: Rumour: Transformers Generations Combiner Wars Bruticus, Deluxe Wheeljack, Legends Rewind and More (1678845)
Posted by MartianSpyGirl1996 on April 24th, 2015 @ 1:55pm CDT
Good grief, more of the same characters getting G1 updates while Tarantulas, Terrorsaur, Blackarachnia, and BW Scorponok still need their FIRST update after almost 2 decades.

REWIND THO!!! Now c'mon Hasbro, you have to make a Chromedome for him to Powerlinx to ;)
Re: Rumour: Transformers Generations Combiner Wars Bruticus, Deluxe Wheeljack, Legends Rewind and More (1678846)
Posted by galvatron00 on April 24th, 2015 @ 1:57pm CDT
MartianSpyGirl1996 wrote:REWIND THO!!! Now c'mon Hasbro, you have to make a Chromedome for him to Powerlinx to ;)
I see what you did there :lol:
Re: Rumour: Transformers Generations Combiner Wars Bruticus, Deluxe Wheeljack, Legends Rewind and More (1678849)
Posted by Immortal Starscream on April 24th, 2015 @ 2:06pm CDT
Pretty sure brawl will be a retool of rook. Alpha bravo for vortex, hotspot for onslaught. So that leavs swindle and blastoff.
Re: Rumour: Transformers Generations Combiner Wars Bruticus, Deluxe Wheeljack, Legends Rewind and More (1678851)
Posted by Evil Eye on April 24th, 2015 @ 2:07pm CDT
MartianSpyGirl1996 wrote:Good grief, more of the same characters getting G1 updates while Tarantulas, Terrorsaur, Blackarachnia, and BW Scorponok still need their FIRST update after almost 2 decades.

REWIND THO!!! Now c'mon Hasbro, you have to make a Chromedome for him to Powerlinx to ;)

Re: Rumour: Transformers Generations Combiner Wars Bruticus, Deluxe Wheeljack, Legends Rewind and More (1678853)
Posted by Immortal Starscream on April 24th, 2015 @ 2:08pm CDT
Pretty sure brawl will be a retool of rook. Alpha bravo for vortex, hotspot for onslaught. So that leavs swindle and blastoff.

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