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Salient Arms International Showcases Their Firearms in Age of Extinction

Transformers News: Salient Arms International Showcases Their Firearms in Age of Extinction

Thursday, March 20th, 2014 11:16PM CDT

Category: Movie Related News
Posted by: ScoutBumblebee   Views: 28,683

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Firearm manufacturer Salient Arms International has a photo on their Facebook page from Transformers: Age of Extinction, which features their Salient Arms International 1911. The description of the weapon boasts that it is 100% hand built and fit. Salient says that each part is ordered and fabricated precisely, so that weapon is completely solid.

The High Capacity 1911 is featured as a 9mm, and in two different lengths (Government and Commander. It has a 21+1 round capacity, and is available in .40, .45, and .38 super. They are open for orders now.

While they don't have a webpage, you can check out Salient Arms International's Facebook page, email them at sales@salientarmsinternational, or even call them at 805-983-1200, if you're interested in purchasing from them.

Transformers News: Salient Arms International Showcases Their Firearms in Age of Extinction
Credit(s): Pete 'Paladin Six' Sinclair

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Re: Salient Arms International Showcases Their Firearms in Age of Extinction (1559085)
Posted by Sodan-1 on March 21st, 2014 @ 3:35am CDT
Are you guys seriously helping to advertise guns on a website about a children's product?

I'm gobsmacked beyond rationalizing this one.
Re: Salient Arms International Showcases Their Firearms in Age of Extinction (1559088)
Posted by Deadput on March 21st, 2014 @ 4:20am CDT
Sodan-1 wrote:Are you guys seriously helping to advertise guns on a website about a children's product?

I'm gobsmacked beyond rationalizing this one.

It's news regardless its a new screenshot of the movie we never saw before.

I guess seibertron forgot about that though.

plus you say this about a movie that has robots torn too pieces (say hi to Grindor/not Blackout)
Re: Salient Arms International Showcases Their Firearms in Age of Extinction (1559097)
Posted by frogbat on March 21st, 2014 @ 5:47am CDT
Sodan-1 wrote:Are you guys seriously helping to advertise guns on a website about a children's product?

I'm gobsmacked beyond rationalizing this one.

Agreed, the way the post is written sounds like an advert for their product.
Re: Salient Arms International Showcases Their Firearms in Age of Extinction (1559112)
Posted by mattj972 on March 21st, 2014 @ 8:14am CDT
It's a news story about the upcoming Transformers movie and like one had previously mentioned it does show a screencap from movie. I don't see anything inappropriate about the post but understand it is a hot topic. Either way I think you should give the benefit of the doubt.
Re: Salient Arms International Showcases Their Firearms in Age of Extinction (1559124)
Posted by ZackRoyer on March 21st, 2014 @ 9:17am CDT
Is this gun the simplified version for children's use? Or will be released in generations line? 8-}
Re: Salient Arms International Showcases Their Firearms in Age of Extinction (1559143)
Posted by SW's SilverHammer on March 21st, 2014 @ 10:39am CDT
You know I don't care that it's a gun, I just find it dumb this is a news story to an extent, it'd be like:

"Hey Here's a photo From the IKEA website that's cropped picture of Marky Mark sitting on a couch. We can't contain the excitement for Age of Extinction"
Re: Salient Arms International Showcases Their Firearms in Age of Extinction (1559145)
Posted by ScoutBumblebee on March 21st, 2014 @ 10:51am CDT
Just to give you guys an idea, we write about things relating to the upcoming movie. This manufacturer was proud that their product was featured in AofE, and that's cool for them. We shared it because it's an interesting fact that it isn't just a prop weapon. The movie picture wasn't the feature of the article because, while we haven't seen it before, is it really that exciting as a stand-alone shot from the movie? My point was certainly not to create a gun advert. However, that was the information afforded to me by the gun manufacturer's FB page, and that's the info I had to go off of.

Now, please. The Transformers franchise is about giant Transforming robots shooting each other. Let's not turn this thread into pro or anti gun. It will get locked if that happens.
Re: Salient Arms International Showcases Their Firearms in Age of Extinction (1559154)
Posted by Bumblevivisector on March 21st, 2014 @ 11:47am CDT
No one wants this to spiral into an actual gun debate; the rhetoric for every side of that argument has already been spelled out on thousands of other webpages, so no point in repeating here.

It's just that even Transfans interested in buying from this company would surely find this article more relevant if it included contact info for ordering a North American release of Masterpiece Megatron, and the fact that that will never, ever happen makes this news ironic no matter what your views are on actual firearm laws or Hasbro's company policy.

Just pointing out the realistic-toy-elephant in the room (well, strictly Takara's room), because someone had to. That's all that irks me about this; since my toy collecting eats up all the funds I'd need to collect firearms, whether or not any TF fansite has an email and phone# through which to order guns is irrelevant to me personally.
Re: Salient Arms International Showcases Their Firearms in Age of Extinction (1559158)
Posted by jasonwilty on March 21st, 2014 @ 12:00pm CDT
ScoutBumblebee wrote:
Now, please. The Transformers franchise is about giant Transforming robots shooting each other. Let's not turn this thread into pro or anti gun. It will get locked if that happens.

Obviously the second amendment is more important to you than the first...
Re: Salient Arms International Showcases Their Firearms in Age of Extinction (1559167)
Posted by Bumblevivisector on March 21st, 2014 @ 12:27pm CDT
jasonwilty wrote:
ScoutBumblebee wrote:
Now, please. The Transformers franchise is about giant Transforming robots shooting each other. Let's not turn this thread into pro or anti gun. It will get locked if that happens.

Obviously the second amendment is more important to you than the first...

the rhetoric for every side of that argument has already been spelled out on thousands of other webpages, so no point in repeating here.

Though, to Seib or any mods reading this, my google-ad thing at the bottom of this thread keeps bringing up stuff about "qualifying for concealed carry" and "firearm accuracy mistakes", and I don't know if there's any way to turn that off (I've got Firefox). If everyone else is getting that too, it's going to keep provoking readers, so no matter how civil anyone wants to be, this thread's going downhill fast. While I agree this technically meets news criteria, I'm starting to doubt there was ever a good way to present it as such.
Re: Salient Arms International Showcases Their Firearms in Age of Extinction (1559173)
Posted by craggy on March 21st, 2014 @ 12:40pm CDT
okay, being nice and avoiding the pro/anti- gun issue. because really... Murica. >:oP

how about some news articles on the clothes Mark Wahlberg is wearing in the trailer? are none of the buildings we've seen in any of the films for sale? maybe advertise them?

is this product being marketed as a Transformers 4 tie-in? because otherwise I don't see why it'd be newsworthy on a Transformers toys fansite focussing only on Hasbro's Transformers brand.
Re: Salient Arms International Showcases Their Firearms in Age of Extinction (1559179)
Posted by SW's SilverHammer on March 21st, 2014 @ 12:49pm CDT
craggy wrote:okay, being nice and avoiding the pro/anti- gun issue. because really... Murica. >:oP

how about some news articles on the clothes Mark Wahlberg is wearing in the trailer? are none of the buildings we've seen in any of the films for sale? maybe advertise them?

is this product being marketed as a Transformers 4 tie-in? because otherwise I don't see why it'd be newsworthy on a Transformers toys fansite focussing only on Hasbro's Transformers brand.

Well as far as I know from looking at the website, they're an upstart trying to use the TF4 market synergy to increase their market sales, and i'm not particularly sure if there's any "this (insert here) is officially licensed by the transformers brand" kinda thing.
Re: Salient Arms International Showcases Their Firearms in Age of Extinction (1559191)
Posted by hinomars19 on March 21st, 2014 @ 1:41pm CDT
I could understand this operating the other way around, Salient advertising on their page 'Hey, we get featured in new movie Age of Extinction' Sure that makes sense, because salient 'customers'(?) have a right to know about the whereabouts and achievements of the products...but does any TF fan give 2 hoots about or even know this company?

Seriously....this is kinda pushing it for Transformers news. I'm a Transformers fan, it's all I need from this site. I've seen this argument go around on a few news choices...but this one really seems to be pushing it on what a TF fan site needs to peddle.

And I'm not talking about guns, kids and laws. I'm talking about sheer relevance and the dangers of this site loosing it's focus. A good chunk of our users already have to use a shady hidden corner of the forums to view certain TF related toys and releases, but hey, turn on and learn about some small companies gun. Cool.

I apologise for being a dick, but it's a point that's bugged me just a bit. The 'no front page rule' on certain products makes sense, I've always respected it. But this site is for TF related stuff, not anything with official endorsement stamps. I don't need to know about one more gun being handled by actors in a film. They all look the same (the guns and the actors) This can't possibly have relevance, can it?

Again, sorry. I couldn't think of any politer way to put this. But it does bother me. I'm not out for an argument, and neither do I intend to bash the news crew. But yeah...
Re: Salient Arms International Showcases Their Firearms in Age of Extinction (1559192)
Posted by El Duque on March 21st, 2014 @ 1:43pm CDT
craggy wrote:okay, being nice and avoiding the pro/anti- gun issue. because really... Murica. >:oP

how about some news articles on the clothes Mark Wahlberg is wearing in the trailer? are none of the buildings we've seen in any of the films for sale? maybe advertise them?

is this product being marketed as a Transformers 4 tie-in? because otherwise I don't see why it'd be newsworthy on a Transformers toys fansite focussing only on Hasbro's Transformers brand.

You guys are missing the point. It's news because this is a brand new still from Transformers: Age of Extinction, it just happens to come from a fire arms manufacturer. We took the image from their Facebook page, when you take content from someone it's good form to give them a shout out. We're not interested in the guns at all (unless one of them transformers), but if they can provide info about the movie we will certainly take it. If this image had came from any other source, like say an MTV Geek! article, none of you would have batted an eye even though the content of the image would be the same. Someone in an action is having a gun pointed at them, but because the image came from the gun's manufacturer it becomes an issue? That's nonsense. Having your products featured in what is sure to be a blockbuster is a big deal, Salient Arms should be excited.

If the company behind Wahlberg's wardrobe or a realtor with a building seen in the trailer started posting production stills or releasing info we would absolutely report it.
Re: Salient Arms International Showcases Their Firearms in Age of Extinction (1559194)
Posted by El Duque on March 21st, 2014 @ 1:55pm CDT
hinomars19 wrote:I could understand this operating the other way around, Salient advertising on their page 'Hey, we get featured in new movie Age of Extinction' Sure that makes sense, because salient 'customers'(?) have a right to know about the whereabouts and achievements of the products...but does any TF fan give 2 hoots about or even know this company?

Seriously....this is kinda pushing it for Transformers news. I'm a Transformers fan, it's all I need from this site. I've seen this argument go around on a few news choices...but this one really seems to be pushing it on what a TF fan site needs to peddle.

And I'm not talking about guns, kids and laws. I'm talking about sheer relevance and the dangers of this site loosing it's focus. A good chunk of our users already have to use a shady hidden corner of the forums to view certain TF related toys and releases, but hey, turn on and learn about some small companies gun. Cool.

I apologise for being a dick, but it's a point that's bugged me just a bit. The 'no front page rule' on certain products makes sense, I've always respected it. But this site is for TF related stuff, not anything with official endorsement stamps. I don't need to know about one more gun being handled by actors in a film. They all look the same (the guns and the actors) This can't possibly have relevance, can it?

Again, sorry. I couldn't think of any politer way to put this. But it does bother me. I'm not out for an argument, and neither do I intend to bash the news crew. But yeah...

I already addressed this in my previous response, but to reiterate. The news is the image, not the guns, but since the image came from their Facebook page were somewhat obligated to mention them and what they do. It's no different than when Chevy releases images and video of their featured vehicles from the movie. Do we pass because the content came from Chevy and all they really want is to promote their vehicles, or do we go ahead and post it because it movie news? We both know the answer, we post it. Not to mention an automobile is with most dangerous piece of equipment most people will ever own >:oP
Re: Salient Arms International Showcases Their Firearms in Age of Extinction (1559196)
Posted by Seibertron on March 21st, 2014 @ 1:58pm CDT
For those of you with the desire to turn this into a silly debate, you're making a very poor argument. Guns are part of Transformers and have been since day #1.

If I had my way, no U.S. citizen would have private ownership of guns. But we live in America and people have the right to bear arms and many of you feel very strongly against my opinion. Those people are also entitled to their views and under current laws they are entitled to the ownership of guns if they so desire. The only reason I bring this point up is because I have some very liberal views about gun ownership which seem to coincide with the views that some of you are sharing in this topic. However, common sense about guns, Transformers, and the Transformers marketing machine at hand seem to show that some of you are making a mountain out of a mole hill.

If a gun company has their guns in the upcoming movie, they're just part of the same marketing machine that Mountain Dew, X-Box, General Motors, Western Star and so many others have been. We are not here to play politics with news stories about the world of Transformers here on

Again, for those of you wanting to argue that this is a website about a children's toy brand, I leave you with this image that says all that needs to be said about guns and Transformers.





Comparing G1 Megatron to his Real-Life Counterpart

Re: Salient Arms International Showcases Their Firearms in Age of Extinction (1559197)
Posted by hinomars19 on March 21st, 2014 @ 1:59pm CDT
El Duque wrote:
craggy wrote:okay, being nice and avoiding the pro/anti- gun issue. because really... Murica. >:oP

how about some news articles on the clothes Mark Wahlberg is wearing in the trailer? are none of the buildings we've seen in any of the films for sale? maybe advertise them?

is this product being marketed as a Transformers 4 tie-in? because otherwise I don't see why it'd be newsworthy on a Transformers toys fansite focussing only on Hasbro's Transformers brand.

You guys are missing the point. It's news because this is a brand new still from Transformers: Age of Extinction, it just happens to come from a fire arms manufacturer. We took the image from their Facebook page, when you take content from someone it's good form to give them a shout out. We're not interested in the guns at all (unless one of them transformers), but if they can provide info about the movie we will certainly take it. If this image had came from any other source, like say an MTV Geek! article, none of you would have batted an eye even though the content of the image would be the same. Someone in an action is having a gun pointed at them, but because the image came from the gun's manufacturer it becomes an issue? That's nonsense. Having your products featured in what is sure to be a blockbuster is a big deal, Salient Arms should be excited.

If the company behind Wahlberg's wardrobe or a realtor with a building seen in the trailer started posting production stills or releasing info we would absolutely report it.

Ummm...the screenshot is NOT the point of the article. You have written specs about the gun, and the thread isn't titled 'new still from Age of Extinction' The screen cap is part and course of the article...not the point of it.
Re: Salient Arms International Showcases Their Firearms in Age of Extinction (1559201)
Posted by Seibertron on March 21st, 2014 @ 2:16pm CDT
hinomars19 wrote:
El Duque wrote:
craggy wrote:okay, being nice and avoiding the pro/anti- gun issue. because really... Murica. >:oP

how about some news articles on the clothes Mark Wahlberg is wearing in the trailer? are none of the buildings we've seen in any of the films for sale? maybe advertise them?

is this product being marketed as a Transformers 4 tie-in? because otherwise I don't see why it'd be newsworthy on a Transformers toys fansite focussing only on Hasbro's Transformers brand.

You guys are missing the point. It's news because this is a brand new still from Transformers: Age of Extinction, it just happens to come from a fire arms manufacturer. We took the image from their Facebook page, when you take content from someone it's good form to give them a shout out. We're not interested in the guns at all (unless one of them transformers), but if they can provide info about the movie we will certainly take it. If this image had came from any other source, like say an MTV Geek! article, none of you would have batted an eye even though the content of the image would be the same. Someone in an action is having a gun pointed at them, but because the image came from the gun's manufacturer it becomes an issue? That's nonsense. Having your products featured in what is sure to be a blockbuster is a big deal, Salient Arms should be excited.

If the company behind Wahlberg's wardrobe or a realtor with a building seen in the trailer started posting production stills or releasing info we would absolutely report it.

Ummm...the screenshot is NOT the point of the article. You have written specs about the gun, and the thread isn't titled 'new still from Age of Extinction' The screen cap is part and course of the article...not the point of it.

The point of the article is that a gun company is promoting their products in the upcoming Transformers 4 Age of Extinction. As El Duque mentioned, we would do the same for General Motors or any other tie-in company. There's nothing wrong with this. If you have an issue with it, you're upset with the wrong people. Your attention should be focused on Hasbro, Paramount, and/or Michael Bay for allowing this to happen. Don't shoot the messenger!
Re: Salient Arms International Showcases Their Firearms in Age of Extinction (1559202)
Posted by El Duque on March 21st, 2014 @ 2:20pm CDT
hinomars19 wrote:
El Duque wrote:
craggy wrote:okay, being nice and avoiding the pro/anti- gun issue. because really... Murica. >:oP

how about some news articles on the clothes Mark Wahlberg is wearing in the trailer? are none of the buildings we've seen in any of the films for sale? maybe advertise them?

is this product being marketed as a Transformers 4 tie-in? because otherwise I don't see why it'd be newsworthy on a Transformers toys fansite focussing only on Hasbro's Transformers brand.

You guys are missing the point. It's news because this is a brand new still from Transformers: Age of Extinction, it just happens to come from a fire arms manufacturer. We took the image from their Facebook page, when you take content from someone it's good form to give them a shout out. We're not interested in the guns at all (unless one of them transformers), but if they can provide info about the movie we will certainly take it. If this image had came from any other source, like say an MTV Geek! article, none of you would have batted an eye even though the content of the image would be the same. Someone in an action is having a gun pointed at them, but because the image came from the gun's manufacturer it becomes an issue? That's nonsense. Having your products featured in what is sure to be a blockbuster is a big deal, Salient Arms should be excited.

If the company behind Wahlberg's wardrobe or a realtor with a building seen in the trailer started posting production stills or releasing info we would absolutely report it.

Ummm...the screenshot is NOT the point of the article. You have written specs about the gun, and the thread isn't titled 'new still from Age of Extinction' The screen cap is part and course of the article...not the point of it.

The specs correspond with the gun in..............................the screenshot. Which are really just a mirror of the info from the image's caption on their Facebook page. If Salient had just posted a text message that their firearms would appear in Transformers: Age of Extinction without the benefit of the image this would not have appeared as news. Again, this really just goes back to giving the source of the image their due credit. However, if you disagree with the way the news was presented you are entitled to your opinion.
Re: Salient Arms International Showcases Their Firearms in Age of Extinction (1559211)
Posted by hinomars19 on March 21st, 2014 @ 2:38pm CDT
El Duque wrote:
hinomars19 wrote:
El Duque wrote:
craggy wrote:okay, being nice and avoiding the pro/anti- gun issue. because really... Murica. >:oP

how about some news articles on the clothes Mark Wahlberg is wearing in the trailer? are none of the buildings we've seen in any of the films for sale? maybe advertise them?

is this product being marketed as a Transformers 4 tie-in? because otherwise I don't see why it'd be newsworthy on a Transformers toys fansite focussing only on Hasbro's Transformers brand.

You guys are missing the point. It's news because this is a brand new still from Transformers: Age of Extinction, it just happens to come from a fire arms manufacturer. We took the image from their Facebook page, when you take content from someone it's good form to give them a shout out. We're not interested in the guns at all (unless one of them transformers), but if they can provide info about the movie we will certainly take it. If this image had came from any other source, like say an MTV Geek! article, none of you would have batted an eye even though the content of the image would be the same. Someone in an action is having a gun pointed at them, but because the image came from the gun's manufacturer it becomes an issue? That's nonsense. Having your products featured in what is sure to be a blockbuster is a big deal, Salient Arms should be excited.

If the company behind Wahlberg's wardrobe or a realtor with a building seen in the trailer started posting production stills or releasing info we would absolutely report it.

Ummm...the screenshot is NOT the point of the article. You have written specs about the gun, and the thread isn't titled 'new still from Age of Extinction' The screen cap is part and course of the article...not the point of it.

The specs correspond with the gun in..............................the screenshot. Which are really just a mirror of the info from the image's caption on their Facebook page. If Salient had just posted a text message that their firearms would appear in Transformers: Age of Extinction without the benefit of the image this would not have appeared as news. Again, this really just goes back to giving the source of the image their due credit. However, if you disagree with the way the news was presented you are entitled to your opinion.

I'm not looking for an 'opinion entitlement' discussion. I'd like to think the opinions of the people who love and use this site everyday can't be bounced off so easily, to be fair.

I respect you have your ways, and I respect those ways are somewhat tied to pleasing a lot of people when it comes to sponsors, ads and the use of outside source material. But it seems odd to me that people questioning the relevance of this thread are being cut short quite so easily. It's flimsy at best, I don't think that's hard to see. I'd rather the news crew's response be along the lines of 'sorry guys, but this needs to be done. We get it seems pointless to most of you, but it's done because it needs to be.'
Again, my opinion. And I'm not looking to stir trouble. If anything quite the opposite.

And I sincerely hope I don't see an ad for any of Mark Walhberg's clothes or furniture here any time soon. God help us if he uses the can during the film :D There, I'll end on some humour out of good faith.
(And also I'd like to say the recent interview with Sarah stone is currently nursing tumbleweeds whilst this thread literally bursts at the kudos to salient, mission accomplished.)
Re: Salient Arms International Showcases Their Firearms in Age of Extinction (1559213)
Posted by Va'al on March 21st, 2014 @ 2:43pm CDT
hinomars19 wrote: And I sincerely hope I don't see an ad for any of Mark Walhberg's clothes or furniture here any time soon. God help us if he uses the can during the film :D There, I'll end on some humour out of good faith.

I'd like to see more on the wardrobe and makeup, actually. Or just more pictures of Wahlberg. Either way. My preferred type of guns. :D

(And also I'd like to say the recent interview with Sarah stone is currently nursing tumbleweeds whilst this thread literally bursts at the kudos to salient, mission accomplished.)

Re: Salient Arms International Showcases Their Firearms in Age of Extinction (1559215)
Posted by El Duque on March 21st, 2014 @ 2:47pm CDT
hinomars19 wrote:
El Duque wrote:
hinomars19 wrote:
El Duque wrote:
craggy wrote:okay, being nice and avoiding the pro/anti- gun issue. because really... Murica. >:oP

how about some news articles on the clothes Mark Wahlberg is wearing in the trailer? are none of the buildings we've seen in any of the films for sale? maybe advertise them?

is this product being marketed as a Transformers 4 tie-in? because otherwise I don't see why it'd be newsworthy on a Transformers toys fansite focussing only on Hasbro's Transformers brand.

You guys are missing the point. It's news because this is a brand new still from Transformers: Age of Extinction, it just happens to come from a fire arms manufacturer. We took the image from their Facebook page, when you take content from someone it's good form to give them a shout out. We're not interested in the guns at all (unless one of them transformers), but if they can provide info about the movie we will certainly take it. If this image had came from any other source, like say an MTV Geek! article, none of you would have batted an eye even though the content of the image would be the same. Someone in an action is having a gun pointed at them, but because the image came from the gun's manufacturer it becomes an issue? That's nonsense. Having your products featured in what is sure to be a blockbuster is a big deal, Salient Arms should be excited.

If the company behind Wahlberg's wardrobe or a realtor with a building seen in the trailer started posting production stills or releasing info we would absolutely report it.

Ummm...the screenshot is NOT the point of the article. You have written specs about the gun, and the thread isn't titled 'new still from Age of Extinction' The screen cap is part and course of the article...not the point of it.

The specs correspond with the gun in..............................the screenshot. Which are really just a mirror of the info from the image's caption on their Facebook page. If Salient had just posted a text message that their firearms would appear in Transformers: Age of Extinction without the benefit of the image this would not have appeared as news. Again, this really just goes back to giving the source of the image their due credit. However, if you disagree with the way the news was presented you are entitled to your opinion.

I'm not looking for an 'opinion entitlement' discussion. I'd like to think the opinions of the people who love and use this site everyday can't be bounced off so easily, to be fair.

I respect you have your ways, and I respect those ways are somewhat tied to pleasing a lot of people when it comes to sponsors, ads and the use of outside source material. But it seems odd to me that people questioning the relevance of this thread are being cut short quite so easily. It's flimsy at best, I don't think that's hard to see. I'd rather the news crew's response be along the lines of 'sorry guys, but this needs to be done. We get it seems pointless to most of you, but it's done because it needs to be.'
Again, my opinion. And I'm not looking to stir trouble. If anything quite the opposite.

And I sincerely hope I don't see an ad for any of Mark Walhberg's clothes or furniture here any time soon. God help us if he uses the can during the film :D There, I'll end on some humour out of good faith.
(And also I'd like to say the recent interview with Sarah stone is currently nursing tumbleweeds whilst this thread literally bursts at the kudos to salient, mission accomplished.)

It's all good. Sorry if I came across as being defensive, I'm just protective of my News Staff. Come on, you know you want to see some news about Mark's TF:AOE underwear!

I agree the Sarah Stone interview is much bigger news than this. Va'al does an amazing job setting these things up and conducting them. But that just the nature of the beast, anything movie related typically gets a ton of activity.
Re: Salient Arms International Showcases Their Firearms in Age of Extinction (1559221)
Posted by Va'al on March 21st, 2014 @ 3:16pm CDT
El Duque wrote:It's all good. Sorry if I came across as being defensive, I'm just protective of my News Staff. Come on, you know you want to see some news about Mark's TF:AOE underwear!

I agree the Sarah Stone interview is much bigger news than this. Va'al does an amazing job setting these things up and conducting them. But that just the nature of the beast, anything movie related typically gets a ton of activity.

Wish granted. Twice.

Re: Salient Arms International Showcases Their Firearms in Age of Extinction (1559224)
Posted by El Duque on March 21st, 2014 @ 3:27pm CDT
Va'al wrote:
El Duque wrote:It's all good. Sorry if I came across as being defensive, I'm just protective of my News Staff. Come on, you know you want to see some news about Mark's TF:AOE underwear!

I agree the Sarah Stone interview is much bigger news than this. Va'al does an amazing job setting these things up and conducting them. But that just the nature of the beast, anything movie related typically gets a ton of activity.

Wish granted. Twice.


Damnit Va'al. :michaelbay:
Re: Salient Arms International Showcases Their Firearms in Age of Extinction (1559237)
Posted by EunuchRon on March 21st, 2014 @ 4:03pm CDT
Wow, looks like everyone's... up in arms... about this topic! :lol:

Seriously tho... It's in the movie, the newsies give facts about it, and if someone wants one because... you know, it's in the movie... there's info on how to get one. People collect all sorts of movie-related stuff. I don't see what all the fuss is over. I know *I* learned something about the movie I didn't know before. It's little facts like this I dig, so kudos to the Seibertron crew for standing by their newsies! :APPLAUSE:
Re: Salient Arms International Showcases Their Firearms in Age of Extinction (1559255)
Posted by Sodan-1 on March 21st, 2014 @ 5:58pm CDT
I certainly didn't want to get into a discussion about the political or constitutional correctness of gun laws or any of that stuff; that's a wider issue that I know very little about. This just struck me as morally wrong. I'm not so naive to forget that the whole of the Transformers fiction tells the story of a war fought with various deadly weaponry, but the story has always been about the characters. (It might be about selling those characters, but they've never actually tried to sell something that can do another human being harm.) When the news article goes into the technical specifications of a handgun and provides details of how you can get your own, that's just crossing a line to me.

Salient Arms are proud that they got their wears into the movie? That's good for them. But is that rather boring screenshot really worth justifying a gun advertisement on the front page of And I'm sorry, but when you look at the article, that's essentially what it is. You want to give Salient credit for where the image came from? Again, that's fine. But I don't see why we needed the whole nine yards on their new 9mm.

And frankly, the fact that some of our concerns are getting fobbed off as silly is really troubling.
Re: Salient Arms International Showcases Their Firearms in Age of Extinction (1559278)
Posted by ZackRoyer on March 21st, 2014 @ 7:11pm CDT
Guys...guys... Kids nowaday can't even transform leader ROTF Optimus Prime, do you think they would know how to load and remove the safe lock of a gun?? :lol:
Re: Salient Arms International Showcases Their Firearms in Age of Extinction (1559290)
Posted by Burn on March 21st, 2014 @ 8:18pm CDT
ZackRoyer wrote:Guys...guys... Kids nowaday can't even transform leader ROTF Optimus Prime, do you think they would know how to load and remove the safe lock of a gun?? :lol:

Wouldn't put it past them.
Re: Salient Arms International Showcases Their Firearms in Age of Extinction (1559361)
Posted by Alex Jones on March 22nd, 2014 @ 9:12am CDT
jasonwilty wrote:
ScoutBumblebee wrote:
Now, please. The Transformers franchise is about giant Transforming robots shooting each other. Let's not turn this thread into pro or anti gun. It will get locked if that happens.

Obviously the second amendment is more important to you than the first...

You can't have freedom unless you protect yourself from tyranny.

1776 is the answer to 1984
Re: Salient Arms International Showcases Their Firearms in Age of Extinction (1559451)
Posted by craggy on March 23rd, 2014 @ 10:14am CDT
it wasn't until I read this topic that I actually realised the picture was a new still from the film. The news article just reads like an advert for the gun.
Re: Salient Arms International Showcases Their Firearms in Age of Extinction (1559494)
Posted by El Duque on March 23rd, 2014 @ 2:44pm CDT
Okay, so if I'm understanding this right those of you who found the news post questionable are mainly doing so based on it's presentation. What if it had been presented like this:

Headline: New Transformers: Age of Extinction Still Featuring Sophia Myles

Thanks to the Salient Arms Facebook page we finally have an image of Sophia Myles from Transformers: Age of Extinction.We reported that she had been added to the cast last May, but haven't seen much of her since. According to a leaked casting sheet she will be playing a character named Darcy who works with Stanley Tucci's character Joshua. Based on the recently released trailer they appear to be working on reverse engineering Transformers tech for human use. Check out the image mirrored below:


Salient Arms wrote:Salient Arms International 1911 as pictured in a still photo from the movie Transformers 4: Age of Extinction, in theaters June 27th.

This is a 100% hand built/fit weapon. Every part is ordered/fabricated oversized so it is hand fit to the next, as a result, tolerances stay very high.

High Capacity 1911s featured in 9mm and in Government and Commander length. 21+1 round capacity. Please note that it will also be available in .40, .45, and .38 super. Taking orders now!
Re: Salient Arms International Showcases Their Firearms in Age of Extinction (1559553)
Posted by craggy on March 23rd, 2014 @ 6:18pm CDT
that would certainly have felt more in keeping with normal reporting on the films, and places the focus on the subject the site is here for, rather than a manufacturer of devices designed to kill people.
Re: Salient Arms International Showcases Their Firearms in Age of Extinction (1559557)
Posted by EunuchRon on March 23rd, 2014 @ 6:28pm CDT
More info, even better!
Re: Salient Arms International Showcases Their Firearms in Age of Extinction (1559604)
Posted by 5150 Cruiser on March 23rd, 2014 @ 10:18pm CDT
craggy wrote:that would certainly have felt more in keeping with normal reporting on the films, and places the focus on the subject the site is here for, rather than a manufacturer of devices designed to kill people.

lol.... So let me get this straight.... people seem to be toltaly fine with this since 1984.....

But this picture and its orignal "presentation"...
El Duque wrote:

people are "up in arms"? Talk about being hypocritical. For those that are truly upset with the supposed advertisment of this hand gun, please explain how Megatron being a Walther P38 hand gun is any different. Advertisement is advertisement. Sticking a Decepticon logo on it doesn't make it any better. And yes, i understand that one is real and the other is a transforming toy. But ultimately the message is still the same.
Re: Salient Arms International Showcases Their Firearms in Age of Extinction (1559607)
Posted by Burn on March 23rd, 2014 @ 10:37pm CDT
Read the first post ... it has contact details for a firearms manufacturer, that's what people are upset about.
Re: Salient Arms International Showcases Their Firearms in Age of Extinction (1559614)
Posted by 5150 Cruiser on March 23rd, 2014 @ 11:04pm CDT
Burn wrote:Read the first post ... it has contact details for a firearms manufacturer, that's what people are upset about.

No, see a few post above mine. Yes, its part of it but Its in its presentation that people seem to be upset about the most. Re-araging the words and putting the contact info in a different place seems to be more acceptable. (and so we are clear, i didn't mean to come ass a smart ass to you Burn. Just pointing out the hyprocicy when re-aranging some wording all of a sudden makes the same advertisment ok).
Re: Salient Arms International Showcases Their Firearms in Age of Extinction (1559629)
Posted by craggy on March 24th, 2014 @ 4:48am CDT
Not overly keen on advertising real guns (as in giving contact details and flourish text about one of their products) on a site focussed on toys designed for children, BUT that is the source of the image and it's only right the source be credited.

If you can't see the difference between a picture of Megatron in gun mode and a supposed news article that spends 1 sentence mentioning there's a pic from an upcoming film and 2 paragraphs telling us how great guns are and where to buy them, then only the words of that great philosopher Mr. T can sum up my feelings.
Re: Salient Arms International Showcases Their Firearms in Age of Extinction (1559637)
Posted by Autobot032 on March 24th, 2014 @ 6:10am CDT
El Duque wrote:Okay, so if I'm understanding this right those of you who found the news post questionable are mainly doing so based on it's presentation. What if it had been presented like this:

Headline: New Transformers: Age of Extinction Still Featuring Sophia Myles

Thanks to the Salient Arms Facebook page we finally have an image of Sophia Myles from Transformers: Age of Extinction.We reported that she had been added to the cast last May, but haven't seen much of her since. According to a leaked casting sheet she will be playing a character named Darcy who works with Stanley Tucci's character Joshua. Based on the recently released trailer they appear to be working on reverse engineering Transformers tech for human use. Check out the image mirrored below:


Salient Arms wrote:Salient Arms International 1911 as pictured in a still photo from the movie Transformers 4: Age of Extinction, in theaters June 27th.

This is a 100% hand built/fit weapon. Every part is ordered/fabricated oversized so it is hand fit to the next, as a result, tolerances stay very high.

High Capacity 1911s featured in 9mm and in Government and Commander length. 21+1 round capacity. Please note that it will also be available in .40, .45, and .38 super. Taking orders now!

It certainly looks classier. I think it keeps the main focus on the film still, while keeping Salient's blurb available, and since they're the ones who've provided this still, it's only fair we thank them for it.

What I don't understand is, other boards have reported on it, so why is everyone jumping up our butts about it? Seriously. :HEADHURTS:
Re: Salient Arms International Showcases Their Firearms in Age of Extinction (1559672)
Posted by craggy on March 24th, 2014 @ 9:36am CDT
if I visited other TF sites frequently I might raise concern with them on their own forums if they presented the info in the same way and were as specific about their news articles being related solely to Hasbro's Transformers brand transforming robot toys. I rarely do visit other sites though (other than e-shops) because when I have I either find the layout and mechanics of the sites less satisfying than this one, or the mix of attitudes of the people far less to my liking.
Re: Salient Arms International Showcases Their Firearms in Age of Extinction (1559739)
Posted by EunuchRon on March 24th, 2014 @ 11:42am CDT
Autobot032 wrote:What I don't understand is, other boards have reported on it, so why is everyone jumping up our butts about it? Seriously. :HEADHURTS:

More squeaky wheels here than there? Some just get butthurt too easy and like transforming molehills into mountains. It's only a few peeps cryin' 'bout it all. Maybe they need a blanky?
Re: Salient Arms International Showcases Their Firearms in Age of Extinction (1559926)
Posted by Anonymous on March 24th, 2014 @ 8:32pm CDT
I like robots..... :michaelbay: :michaelbay: :michaelbay:
Re: Salient Arms International Showcases Their Firearms in Age of Extinction (1560662)
Posted by Spleenzorio on March 27th, 2014 @ 10:20am CDT
ZackRoyer wrote:Is this gun the simplified version for children's use? Or will be released in generations line? 8-}

It will have a G1 Megatron repaint camo ;)
Re: Salient Arms International Showcases Their Firearms in Age of Extinction (1560678)
Posted by ZackRoyer on March 27th, 2014 @ 11:09am CDT
Spleenzorio wrote:
ZackRoyer wrote:Is this gun the simplified version for children's use? Or will be released in generations line? 8-}

It will have a G1 Megatron repaint camo ;)

*Retool, at least I hope, since this one doesn't have the sniper scope. Hmmm, or the scope could be a minicon, the lasersight too.
Re: Salient Arms International Showcases Their Firearms in Age of Extinction (1560733)
Posted by T-Macksimus on March 27th, 2014 @ 1:40pm CDT
I can't believe it. A thread that went downhill THAT quickly without my snark or general "ass"iness involved and nobody bothered to PM me about it? Don't know how I missed this thread before but if I had known from the start that it would turn out like this I would have popped some popcorn first. This is more entertaining than anything on tv right now. :grin:
Re: Salient Arms International Showcases Their Firearms in Age of Extinction (1560797)
Posted by Alex Jones on March 27th, 2014 @ 6:52pm CDT
To be honest, I didn't notice the gun, just the things I could do to Sophia Miles :x
Re: Salient Arms International Showcases Their Firearms in Age of Extinction (1560967)
Posted by Va'al on March 28th, 2014 @ 1:36pm CDT
Another poster for Transformers: Age of Extinction has surfaced, and we get to take a look thanks to Paramount. Check out the image below, showing Mark Wahlberg and Nicola Peltz's characters Cade and Tessa Yaeger running away from their house - and a giant, looming spaceship, most likely commanded by Decepticon Bounty Hunter Lockdown.

Re: Salient Arms International Showcases Their Firearms in Age of Extinction (1560968)
Posted by mattj972 on March 28th, 2014 @ 1:43pm CDT
I don't like to read spoilers or know much about the story before hand, but does that ship kinda look like Scorponok?
Re: Salient Arms International Showcases Their Firearms in Age of Extinction (1560974)
Posted by dragons on March 28th, 2014 @ 2:08pm CDT
mattj972 wrote:I don't like to read spoilers or know much about the story before hand, but does that ship kinda look like Scorponok?

glad im not only one who thinks that all I keeps popping in my head is scorpinok looking at ship
Re: Salient Arms International Showcases Their Firearms in Age of Extinction (1560978)
Posted by mattj972 on March 28th, 2014 @ 2:54pm CDT
Maybe Scorponok and Zarak coming to Earth to do some damage. Now we just need Fortress Maximus.
Re: Salient Arms International Showcases Their Firearms in Age of Extinction (1560981)
Posted by Janus Prime on March 28th, 2014 @ 3:07pm CDT
I see Scorponok as well. I really, really, really hope the thing at least transforms.

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