SS 86 Ironhide Review Provides Best Comparisons Yet
Sunday, August 7th, 2022 8:43AM CDT
Categories: Toy News, ReviewsPosted by: william-james88 Views: 70,803
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So enjoy the screenshots from the review below and let us know what you think.
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Posted by primalxconvoy on August 7th, 2022 @ 8:46am CDT
william-james88 wrote:
So enjoy the screenshots from the review below and let us know what you think.
Thanks for just posting the screenshots. Much obliged.
Posted by Emerje on August 7th, 2022 @ 8:59am CDT
Checking the Seibertron gallery the only Legends figures I can find with 15+ on them is Blitzwing, G2 Megatron (same mold) and Octane which I have to assume is an error because there's nothing particularly special about those three figures and Black Convoy (using the Octane mold) is 5+ like the rest of the line.
Posted by Gauntlet101010 on August 7th, 2022 @ 9:25am CDT
Sabrblade wrote:Unless Takara goes and makes a Premium Finish redeco.Gauntlet101010 wrote:This is the last Ironhide I'll ever get.
For my collection? Maybe not TBH. These things are only getting more expensive and, for me, sometimes good enough is good enough.
I never went all Japanese when Japan had different decos then we had, just on figures I felt it was a real improvement on. Didn't get Buzzworthy Kup. And I'm definitely not replacing my entire collection. Just the figures that I feel really need it.
ER Ironhide and Ratchet just suck. I got them because I thought that was it for them. And they came with another figure. But here we are with a figure Hasbro should have just made to begin with. I'm getting him, but that's it. It's enough.
Posted by Rodimus Prime on August 7th, 2022 @ 10:45am CDT
Posted by ZeroWolf on August 7th, 2022 @ 11:30am CDT
If you want to watch his reviews check out the review forum where he posts them, along with all the other reviews from users like Lore Keeper, and ChuckDawg.
Now back to Ironhide please.
Posted by AllNewSuperRobot on August 7th, 2022 @ 11:51am CDT
Posted by Till-all-R1 on August 7th, 2022 @ 12:01pm CDT ... 8F6DFCB4CA ... E7A42E4E58
Emerje wrote:I get that the engineering bumps him up to Voyager, but size is just too far out of scale. Even the previous deluxe figures weren't really the right height, but they were still pretty tall for the price class. I don't think I could be happy with any excuse anyone could imagine up for making him this small at this price point. I don't think expecting him to be the same size as Grapple is wanting too much, not when they've already cut so many corners by giving him just one accessory and completely hollowing out his hands.
Between Ironhide and Override I'm not at all happy with the direction Voyagers are taking, not when they keep giving us less and less and asking us to pay more and more. At least with Override you can say they'll probably only get one use out of the mold so they have to offset the cost, but we know that wont be true with Ironhide.
This is what I was worried about a while back when I brought this issue up about seeing DLX bots in the Voyager price becoming the norm but people seemed fine as long as the "engineering" was there. It's really a blurred line separating the larger DLX bots and Voyagers but I wonder how long it will be before we see others like Hoist, Tracks, Sunstreaker etc. bumped to Voyager price point and not all that much being changed? I'd feel a little better if he were at least that same height as his predecessor in paying the voyager price, because IMHO there's not that much added engineering needed for Ironhide not to justify him being shorter. This may be an aspect where I'm very anal about scale and Bots being in scale to each other, but it does also raise concerns when being displayed because now I would have to figure out where to place him so he's not hidden behind a taller bot that Siege once towered over. If you are to buy this new version then it's must to buy a repaint Ratchet is it not? otherwise the two will be different heights. IDK...
-Kanrabat- wrote:I may have an unpopular opinion, but all that clear plastics everywhere worries me. Especially so many JOINTS are clear. Plus that clear plastic painted red over just won't color match anything.
There should have been NO clear parts at all with the windows painted a kind of blue instead. It would have been even more "cartoon accurate" and it would have been more solid.
At first I was okay with it because well real cars have see through windows. lol Which in a sense adds a bit of realism to car mode, but the issue is all you see is robot parts instead of vehicle interiors so it's kind of moot. The double issue is clear plastic being utilized too much in order to get clear windows which over time does become more brittle than standard plastic. The one aspect I like about it were the clear headlights as it adds to the detail of realism, and is why I really like Smokescreen's front end more than Jazz's. Those fake headlights really do stand out.
Otherwise I'm fine with the painted windows going forward as they really do look good on Cliffjumer.
Posted by AllNewSuperRobot on August 7th, 2022 @ 12:05pm CDT
Posted by YoungPrime on August 7th, 2022 @ 1:26pm CDT
H3ll, I wasn't even sold on the ER version vs SIEGE Ironhide and now this for about $8-$10 bucks more???
NOPE! That transformation means nothing to me... He should've been taller. Not SS86 Wreck-Garr tall but still taller than that is currently. So I hope HasTak doesn't try to make more of a habit of these dwarf accessory-less "Voyager Class" figures.
Posted by Agent 53 on August 7th, 2022 @ 1:30pm CDT
Posted by Sowndwave76 on August 7th, 2022 @ 1:31pm CDT
I'm pretty sure it's not camera angle, figure pose/positioning, editing, etc., but what I'm seeing in the photo of the SS86 and ER versions side-by-side is that the ER version is MAYBE 1/4" taller at most, and probably closer to 1/8".
And yes, I said in a previous post that I would've liked him to have been a little bit taller. And by "a little", I literally meant by 1/2"-ish.
Whoever said this figure is as short or even close to the height of the Datsun bros...
I truly don't mean any offense by this, but stop and actually look at these images...
Or look on your own shelf/display and compare your Siege or ER Ironhide or Ratchet to one of the Datsun mold figures...
Saying any version (including this new one) of Ironhide (or Ratchet) is the same size as Smokescreen, Bluestreak, Prowl, etc., is absurd.
That's the same as trying to claim this new version is as tall as Inferno and Grapple.
It's also pretty bunk to compare this new Ironhide to Wreck-gar. Wreck-gar (while a legit voyager figure imo), is taller than he should be. Probably so other bots would fit better onto the cycle mode.
But Wreck-gar's figure is as tall as those of OP, Megatron, Blaster, Rodimus (or extremely close to), Cyclonus, and taller than Inferno, Grapple, Springer, and all of the ER seekers... I literally just confirmed this with my own figures.
I always thought he was the same size as Springer. But even if he's really supposed to be a bit bigger, there's no way he's supposed to be as tall as those first 5 I listed.
If anything, that photo just shows how out of scale Wreck-gar is, not that SS86 Ironhide is overly small.
Again, sure, I would've appreciated him being as tall as Hoist and Trailbreaker. But 1/4-1/2 of an inch shorter is "too short"?? No way.
It's not like he's been made the same height as Jazz or Sideswipe.
All this to say, in the grand scheme, I think the height is pretty on point.
Posted by Lore Keeper on August 7th, 2022 @ 2:34pm CDT
ZeroWolf wrote:It's a difficult issue because of some folks complaints about the YouTubers ethics. This approach offered the best compromise so that we could still news these leaks and offer credit where credit was due.
If you want to watch his reviews check out the review forum where he posts them, along with all the other reviews from users like Lore Keeper, and ChuckDawg.
Now back to Ironhide please.
Posted by ZeroWolf on August 7th, 2022 @ 2:56pm CDT
Sowndwave76 wrote:I think people need to pump the brakes in regards to the size, specifically the height of this new Ironhide...
I'm pretty sure it's not camera angle, figure pose/positioning, editing, etc., but what I'm seeing in the photo of the SS86 and ER versions side-by-side is that the ER version is MAYBE 1/4" taller at most, and probably closer to 1/8".
And yes, I said in a previous post that I would've liked him to have been a little bit taller. And by "a little", I literally meant by 1/2"-ish.
Whoever said this figure is as short or even close to the height of the Datsun bros...
I truly don't mean any offense by this, but stop and actually look at these images...
Or look on your own shelf/display and compare your Siege or ER Ironhide or Ratchet to one of the Datsun mold figures...
Saying any version (including this new one) of Ironhide (or Ratchet) is the same size as Smokescreen, Bluestreak, Prowl, etc., is absurd.
That's the same as trying to claim this new version is as tall as Inferno and Grapple.
It's also pretty bunk to compare this new Ironhide to Wreck-gar. Wreck-gar (while a legit voyager figure imo), is taller than he should be. Probably so other bots would fit better onto the cycle mode.
But Wreck-gar's figure is as tall as those of OP, Megatron, Blaster, Rodimus (or extremely close to), Cyclonus, and taller than Inferno, Grapple, Springer, and all of the ER seekers... I literally just confirmed this with my own figures.
I always thought he was the same size as Springer. But even if he's really supposed to be a bit bigger, there's no way he's supposed to be as tall as those first 5 I listed.
If anything, that photo just shows how out of scale Wreck-gar is, not that SS86 Ironhide is overly small.
Again, sure, I would've appreciated him being as tall as Hoist and Trailbreaker. But 1/4-1/2 of an inch shorter is "too short"?? No way.
It's not like he's been made the same height as Jazz or Sideswipe.
All this to say, in the grand scheme, I think the height is pretty on point.
Posted by primalxconvoy on August 7th, 2022 @ 4:28pm CDT
Emerje wrote:15+ is just the Japanese way of designating something as being for collectors since typically a 15 year old isn't buying "toys" but is likely "mature" enough for some collectibles like Nendoroids which do say 15 and up on the box. Funny thing is I'm holding a Japanese copy of Studio Series Bumblebee Movie Cliffjumper in my hands right now and it says 5 and above right on the front of the box, as do just about every other Deluxe SS figure I'm looking at online, but oddly both Bee Movie Soundwave and Ravage say 8+ (for those that want to see for themselves it's the white box at the top with a number surrounded by Japanese characters).
Checking the Seibertron gallery the only Legends figures I can find with 15+ on them is Blitzwing, G2 Megatron (same mold) and Octane which I have to assume is an error because there's nothing particularly special about those three figures and Black Convoy (using the Octane mold) is 5+ like the rest of the line.
That's what I've already stated. As for the Legends figures, most of the ones we checked (both at home), and at the toy shop(s) we visited at the time had a "15+" rating. Chicken or the egg here, but it was probably related to the sexual content of the comics that came with those figures. However, the age rating wasn't bonding and toy shops were not always even aware that the rating was there. If any of the figures from Legends were below 15+, I can only assume it was down to the lack of sexualized themes in the pack-in comic at the time.
The "15+" rating is, arguably, the closest that such toys can be to bring an "adult collectible" (which, I assume, may necessitate different legal restrictions, etc). However, the point here is that there's no clear distinction between "MP" and "other TFs" as being "adult" and "kids". There's obvious evidence to suggest the average "CHUG" figure (even if they have an age rating below "8+") is aimed at collectors (in terms of aesthetics, character choices, etc), while adhering to legal requirements and/or additional features that will help it sell in its capacity,/function as a toy (for children). MPs, are also aimed at "15+", just like many "CHUG" toys in Japan, and arguably aimed at both collectors and (by the same legalities above) at minors under the age of legal adulthood (20/21 in Japan, in most cases).
I didn't want to go rummaging around for my Legends boxes (most of which do have a "15+" rating on them, from what I remember), but here are some random ones that were lying around, taken from MP, POTP, SS86 and Earthrise. All of them, barring SS86 Perceptor (which seems to be suitable for ages 3+) are aimed/suitable for ages 15+.
I would add that, in Japan, Takara has seemingly "cut their losses" with TFs aimed at kids as their major demographic (possibly due to the shrinking population, the lower popularity of TFs in Japan and/or the dominance of Bandai with their Power Ranger/Super Sentai styled toys). Takara may have joined forces with Tomy due to their shrinking market share. It might also be why, ironically, they stopped making "collector focused" toy paint jobs of most CHUG figures (sharing the costs with Hasbro) and why they doubled-down on an even smaller demographic of TF collector for their "anime-centric" MP line.
Posted by primalxconvoy on August 7th, 2022 @ 4:38pm CDT
ZeroWolf wrote:It's a difficult issue because of some folks complaints about the YouTubers ethics. This approach offered the best compromise so that we could still news these leaks and offer credit where credit was due.
If you want to watch his reviews check out the review forum where he posts them, along with all the other reviews from users like Lore Keeper, and ChuckDawg.
Now back to Ironhide please.
I don't want to dwell on this topic, but is that as close to an official stance on the matter when Seibertron reports such material at the front page? I'm going to add a link from these comments (and screenshots) at the thread about "stolen" TFs for future reference. Also, my original comment was simply giving credit where it was due. There's no point always criticising a website, especially when it's performed due diligence or met different people half-way.
Posted by -Kanrabat- on August 7th, 2022 @ 4:42pm CDT
YoungPrime wrote:Meh, still not sold on it. Especially putting him next to Wreck-Garr and expecting the same price.
H3ll, I wasn't even sold on the ER version vs SIEGE Ironhide and now this for about $8-$10 bucks more???
NOPE! That transformation means nothing to me... He should've been taller. Not SS86 Wreck-Garr tall but still taller than that is currently. So I hope HasTak doesn't try to make more of a habit of these dwarf accessory-less "Voyager Class" figures.
Well, I have DK-Guard and SG Ratchet. It's annoying that both have that partforming roof part and that alone make them "deluxe +", meaning more expensive than regular deluxes in theory. But those default feet are unforgivable. So I had to buy THOSE REPLACEMENT FEET that cost 16$US a pair just so that the vehicle mode feel "complete" and for the bot to still have decent feet.
Just those custom parts alone boost the total price far above a voyager.
Now for the new Ironhide, appart some filler pieces for the hands, he's pretty much prefect all over and will not need any extra parts. Plus, no partsforming at all. Furthermore, the bot will not be an "empty box" with his body FULL of folded vehicle bits.
So yeah, even though he's deluxe sized, there's definitely "voyager meat" inside that thing.
Posted by EnergonHangover on August 7th, 2022 @ 5:11pm CDT
Posted by -Kanrabat- on August 7th, 2022 @ 5:22pm CDT
EnergonHangover wrote:I still have my old G1 Ironhide and it's definitely one of those figures that needs a modern update! Since I've missed or been disinterested in all the recent Ironhides, I'll do my best to pick this one up. The color scheme, especially in vehicle mode, is a bit bland but that's nothing the inevitable third party sticker set can't fix.
There will be a Toyhax Reprolabels set for it. Guaranteed. The irony is that usually, there's stickers that also cover the windows, making me wish furthermore that no clear plastics wre used.
Posted by ZeroWolf on August 7th, 2022 @ 5:24pm CDT
primalxconvoy wrote:ZeroWolf wrote:It's a difficult issue because of some folks complaints about the YouTubers ethics. This approach offered the best compromise so that we could still news these leaks and offer credit where credit was due.
If you want to watch his reviews check out the review forum where he posts them, along with all the other reviews from users like Lore Keeper, and ChuckDawg.
Now back to Ironhide please.
I don't want to dwell on this topic, but is that as close to an official stance on the matter when Seibertron reports such material at the front page? I'm going to add a link from these comments (and screenshots) at the thread about "stolen" TFs for future reference. Also, my original comment was simply giving credit where it was due. There's no point always criticising a website, especially when it's performed due diligence or met different people half-way.
Only Seibertron himself could give an official stance, this is just the approach we discussed internally to try and keep the peace.
Posted by Solrac333 on August 7th, 2022 @ 5:39pm CDT
Posted by william-james88 on August 7th, 2022 @ 5:41pm CDT
Posted by ZeroWolf on August 7th, 2022 @ 5:47pm CDT
Solrac333 wrote:So that IS supposed to be Ironhide? I thought that was a prototype of the figure. The reds don't match and there is no yellow stripe. How is that a "Studio Series" when it looks wrong? Looks like a deluxe too.
Still not fully confirmed, we'll only know the true, final, deco at the official unveiling, either by Takara or Hasbro.
As previously noted, the reds might match better in hand like ER Sunstreaker.
Posted by chuckdawg1999 on August 7th, 2022 @ 7:46pm CDT
primalxconvoy wrote:blackeyedprime wrote:primalxconvoy wrote:Also, in places like Japan, such figures are NOT always aimed at (young) children
That might be true but studio series was definitely aimed at children over there when I went as it was one of the few ranges of Tfs non speciality stores stocked. Or maybe half of that is just toysRus Japan trying to be more American. Coca Cola. Wonderbra.
The studio series, from my own limited observations, seems to have been sold in a handful of shops in Japan, just like most TFs, as they aren't that popular in Japan with kids (unless there's a dedicated Japanese release of a film or a TV show and associates marketing), they're pretty rare to see in most shops.
The main Takara Tomy "Transformers" styled toys for kids in Japan currently is this:
- ... Shinkalion
However, was due diligence, TT's website lists SS86 Arcee as being aimed at/suitable for (depending upon the translation?) children who are 8 years old or above.
That said, this could still be sure to my original point of a toy company following the existing logistics, restrictions and laws to deliver collectibles to adults.
Shinkalion just ended, but you're right, that line is huge in Japan, they make bath salts for it, BATH SALTS! What's coming next and is already out in Japan is a line called Jobraver and I've been excited for the toys since the Spring, I'm more excited for them than most of Legacy.
Lore Keeper wrote:ZeroWolf wrote:It's a difficult issue because of some folks complaints about the YouTubers ethics. This approach offered the best compromise so that we could still news these leaks and offer credit where credit was due.
If you want to watch his reviews check out the review forum where he posts them, along with all the other reviews from users like Lore Keeper, and ChuckDawg.
Now back to Ironhide please.
I see you both!
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on August 7th, 2022 @ 8:01pm CDT
He still isn't my cup of tea, but it looks better and I am glad he looks better for you who want it
Posted by Emerje on August 7th, 2022 @ 9:00pm CDT
primalxconvoy wrote:Emerje wrote:15+ is just the Japanese way of designating something as being for collectors since typically a 15 year old isn't buying "toys" but is likely "mature" enough for some collectibles like Nendoroids which do say 15 and up on the box. Funny thing is I'm holding a Japanese copy of Studio Series Bumblebee Movie Cliffjumper in my hands right now and it says 5 and above right on the front of the box, as do just about every other Deluxe SS figure I'm looking at online, but oddly both Bee Movie Soundwave and Ravage say 8+ (for those that want to see for themselves it's the white box at the top with a number surrounded by Japanese characters).
Checking the Seibertron gallery the only Legends figures I can find with 15+ on them is Blitzwing, G2 Megatron (same mold) and Octane which I have to assume is an error because there's nothing particularly special about those three figures and Black Convoy (using the Octane mold) is 5+ like the rest of the line.
That's what I've already stated.
What you keep stating is that it's 15+ isn't adult, and you're right, that's the 18+ designation. I'm saying 15+ is the the universal cut off for collectibles, it has nothing to do with safety or contents.
As for the Legends figures, most of the ones we checked (both at home), and at the toy shop(s) we visited at the time had a "15+" rating. Chicken or the egg here, but it was probably related to the sexual content of the comics that came with those figures. However, the age rating wasn't bonding and toy shops were not always even aware that the rating was there. If any of the figures from Legends were below 15+, I can only assume it was down to the lack of sexualized themes in the pack-in comic at the time.
I checked the age on 32 figure boxes in the Seibertron gallery, only 3 were listed as 15+, one of which had an exclusive repaint (Black Convoy) that was listed as 5+. 15+ was an anomaly and possibly even an error, it was far from being the rule. It had nothing to do with the comics, there's more objectionable content in Weekly Shonen Jump. I think you're misremembering this.
The "15+" rating is, arguably, the closest that such toys can be to bring an "adult collectible" (which, I assume, may necessitate different legal restrictions, etc). However, the point here is that there's no clear distinction between "MP" and "other TFs" as being "adult" and "kids". There's obvious evidence to suggest the average "CHUG" figure (even if they have an age rating below "8+") is aimed at collectors (in terms of aesthetics, character choices, etc), while adhering to legal requirements and/or additional features that will help it sell in its capacity,/function as a toy (for children). MPs, are also aimed at "15+", just like many "CHUG" toys in Japan, and arguably aimed at both collectors and (by the same legalities above) at minors under the age of legal adulthood (20/21 in Japan, in most cases).
Legal adulthood is now 18 in Japan like in the US, though things like gambling and alcohol are still off limits until 20.
I didn't want to go rummaging around for my Legends boxes (most of which do have a "15+" rating on them, from what I remember), but here are some random ones that were lying around, taken from MP, POTP, SS86 and Earthrise. All of them, barring SS86 Perceptor (which seems to be suitable for ages 3+) are aimed/suitable for ages 15+.
SS86 Perceptor is 5+, SS figures put it right on the front of the box instead of the back or bottom like other Transformers.
I would add that, in Japan, Takara has seemingly "cut their losses" with TFs aimed at kids as their major demographic (possibly due to the shrinking population, the lower popularity of TFs in Japan and/or the dominance of Bandai with their Power Ranger/Super Sentai styled toys). Takara may have joined forces with Tomy due to their shrinking market share. It might also be why, ironically, they stopped making "collector focused" toy paint jobs of most CHUG figures (sharing the costs with Hasbro) and why they doubled-down on an even smaller demographic of TF collector for their "anime-centric" MP line.
I think they realized that selling Transformers to kids was potentially taking away from other robot lines they were trying to promote to the same audience. They're still trying to push Zoids the last I saw and there's that new one I can't remember the name of with the little police robots and vehicles. I think the whole brand unification came about because Hasbro wanted to lean heavy into cartoon accuracy with WFC which was already TT and they just jumped in early with PotP.
Posted by primalxconvoy on August 7th, 2022 @ 10:23pm CDT
Emerje wrote:
What you keep stating is that it's 15+ isn't adult, and you're right, that's the 18+ designation. I'm saying 15+ is the the universal cut off for collectibles, it has nothing to do with safety or contents.
You're partially right. However, "collectibles" (aimed at adults) and "toys" (aimed at children) follow different legal requirements (drop tests, toxicity of materials etc). Thus, your final point is incorrect.
I checked the age on 32 figure boxes in the Seibertron gallery, only 3 were listed as 15+, one of which had an exclusive repaint (Black Convoy) that was listed as 5+. 15+ was an anomaly and possibly even an error, it was far from being the rule. It had nothing to do with the comics, there's more objectionable content in Weekly Shonen Jump. I think you're misremembering this.
Although I can't/won't check through all of my own boxes, I don't believe I've misremembered things. Most of the boxes for the Japanese version of Titans Returns ("Legends") were indeed 15+. As for the comics, I disagree. The sexualised themes were enough to either warrant the 15+ designation or be "acceptable" to accompany such as product aimed at that age group. I disagree that Shonen Jump featured equivalent content. My Japanese friends, who are themselves mothers, found the content of the pack-in comics questionable (ironically as they assumed the toys were aimed at younger children).
Legal adulthood is now 18 in Japan like in the US, though things like gambling and alcohol are still off limits until 20.
Indeed it is, which was a recent change. However, as you stated, some things are not still permissable:
"...Not everything changed when the age of adulthood dropped to 18. Even though you are an adult, in Japan you are not allowed to:
Buy alcoholic beverages.
Buy tobacco.Gamble and bet on things like horse races.
Enter the national pension system.
The legal age for all of the above is still 20..."
(Source: - ... that-stay/ )
However, compared to the UK, where "adulthood" is, for most things, 18, socially it could be argued that in Japan/US, the age of adulthood is still possibly 21. Regardless, it's not "15".
SS86 Perceptor is 5+, SS figures put it right on the front of the box instead of the back or bottom like other Transformers.
Thank you, yes, that's true. The safety instructions still state that it's not suitable for anyone under 3 years though, if my translation is correct.
I think they realized that selling Transformers to kids was potentially taking away from other robot lines they were trying to promote to the same audience. They're still trying to push Zoids the last I saw and there's that new one I can't remember the name of with the little police robots and vehicles. I think the whole brand unification came about because Hasbro wanted to lean heavy into cartoon accuracy with WFC which was already TT and they just jumped in early with PotP.
I think that might be partially true, but I believe Takara were also spending too much money on "cartoon accurate" CHUG figures and realised they could simply release MPs in that style and either release Hasbro's usual lackluster paint schemes, or possibly pay half with them to make fairly decent figures, somewhere between the (paint) quality of the two companies.
As for more evidence of the "15+" state of Takara TFs, see below.
Posted by Sowndwave76 on August 7th, 2022 @ 10:58pm CDT
I'm sure they put someone to the task of figuring out that math/percentage.
But HOW????
How would they know that I'm a collector... When I'm also the father of two kids, ages 14 and 12... How would they distinguish that all of my TF purchases since 2007 have been for me and not as a parent for both and/or either of my kids???
I just think collectors weigh-in more than they'll admit (or know).
Otherwise they could do away with characters and character model likenesses and just go straight after what kids like and find visually interesting and cool with solid play gimmicks outside of transformation.
And consider this-- so many people (including a lot of collectors) who are truly sick of G1 characters would potentially LOVE figures that are based on completely random/new, non-show-related characters.
And back to SS86 Ironhide; maybe the variations of red seen in those images could've and should've been more closely matched (difficult to tell from photos)...
But either way, this is something that happens with a whole lot of figures, and in the end, it doesn't matter that much. Sunstreaker is a good example.
Another one that shares this color "issue", is one that will most likely go down as one of my most favorite of my most favorite figures of all time,
Kingdom Cyclonus.
There are tones of Purple (I'm pretty sure there are 3 variations) and metallic gray/silver (a couple) on various parts that don't completely match one another on that figure.
And weird... He's STILL amazing.
I'm not even a huge fan of Ironhide as a character (I like him, but he's not one of my favorites).
I'm sharing these insights and opinions because I truly believe this looks to be an outstanding figure...
So I'm hoping that people aren't giving-in and being swayed by negativity that, at least to me, seems relatively off-base.
Posted by william-james88 on August 7th, 2022 @ 11:18pm CDT
Sowndwave76 wrote:I just think collectors weigh-in more than they'll admit (or know).
They don't. And we all have the evidence staring at us in the face whenever anyone complains about shelfwarming. If collectors were buying up all the figures from generations and studio series, then we wouldn't see them much in stores, they would sell out. But they don't.
You can prove me wrong and buy every SS figure you see if you want.
Posted by Wolfman Jake on August 7th, 2022 @ 11:37pm CDT
Posted by chuckdawg1999 on August 7th, 2022 @ 11:55pm CDT
Posted by primalxconvoy on August 8th, 2022 @ 12:02am CDT
william-james88 wrote:Sowndwave76 wrote:I just think collectors weigh-in more than they'll admit (or know).
They don't. And we all have the evidence staring at us in the face whenever anyone complains about shelfwarming. If collectors were buying up all the figures from generations and studio series, then we wouldn't see them much in stores, they would sell out. But they don't.
You can prove me wrong and buy every SS figure you see if you want.
That might be down to logistics, rather than "collectors don't buy toys". Shops ordering too much stock, or collectors buying the same products elsewhere. For example, I buy 100% of my TFs online.
Wolfman Jake wrote:There really is no question in my mind that Studio Series '86 Ironhide is a huge improvement over the Earthrise release a few years ago. This is perhaps a "mini-Masterpiece" at last for old Ironhide. Also, I won't be clamoring for a DK-2 Guard repaint anytime soon. Given that it's very much a Diaclone reference, I think Guard is best represented by the very G1/Diaclone partsforming method of transformation homaged in the Earthrise Ironhide/Ratchet mold. In fact, I might say that Guard wears that mold best with his black color scheme hiding a lot of the limitations of the design.
I agree. It's nice to have repaints using one mold and "original" versions in other (better?) molds. I've got Legends Arcee and Siege Paradron Medic for example. Because of that, I've also got Ratchet, so I might not get SS86 Ratchet but instead just replace my awful Siege Ironhide. With Guard, I'll be able to also enjoy that mold (When it finally gets to us in Japan).
Posted by -Kanrabat- on August 8th, 2022 @ 4:48am CDT
No, really.
All that talk about whenever these are "adult collectibles" or not are simply your immature inner child who want to grow up and look "adult". Collecting toys is a childish and shameful thing for an adult. That's how children who want to look "grow up" think. So to justify the toy collecting, THE KID want the things to be labelled as "adult" so that the kid feels "grown up".
Even if you're 30yo, you can still have that childish attitude. Yeah, even I was guilty of it 10 years ago.
A REAL ADULT will collect whatever the F they want without giving any F about their labels.
Posted by Gauntlet101010 on August 8th, 2022 @ 7:12am CDT
I mean the older Generations lines definitely reflects a "fans second" approach. There were a couple of G1nners (usually deluxes) with a heavy load of movie inspired characters on it's best day. But now we have a commander class Rodimus Prime and an entire line focused on a movie from 30 years ago. I have to admit I haven't watched Cyberverse - I tried, but it just skewed too young. Is there really enough overlap to justify all the G1 focused stuff?
Posted by -Kanrabat- on August 8th, 2022 @ 8:23am CDT
Posted by Emerje on August 8th, 2022 @ 9:46am CDT
primalxconvoy wrote:Emerje wrote:
What you keep stating is that it's 15+ isn't adult, and you're right, that's the 18+ designation. I'm saying 15+ is the the universal cut off for collectibles, it has nothing to do with safety or contents.
You're partially right. However, "collectibles" (aimed at adults) and "toys" (aimed at children) follow different legal requirements (drop tests, toxicity of materials etc). Thus, your final point is incorrect.
What I'm saying is that just because something says 15+ it doesn't necessarily mean it's unsafe for someone under 15. Like I said before, that's the "collectibles" limit. Aside from 18+ the age limit is really just an arbitrary guideline made up for marketing purposes. Hasbro themselves raised the Generations age to 8+ when they started doing more lines for younger kids.
I checked the age on 32 figure boxes in the Seibertron gallery, only 3 were listed as 15+, one of which had an exclusive repaint (Black Convoy) that was listed as 5+. 15+ was an anomaly and possibly even an error, it was far from being the rule. It had nothing to do with the comics, there's more objectionable content in Weekly Shonen Jump. I think you're misremembering this.
Although I can't/won't check through all of my own boxes, I don't believe I've misremembered things. Most of the boxes for the Japanese version of Titans Returns ("Legends") were indeed 15+.
You really expect me to believe that the 29 random Legends figures in the Seibertron Gallery covering the full span of the Legacy line, including a large number the molds from Titans Return, with 5+ age ratings just happen to be the minority? Sorry, but I find that impossible to believe.
As for the comics, I disagree. The sexualised themes were enough to either warrant the 15+ designation or be "acceptable" to accompany such as product aimed at that age group. I disagree that Shonen Jump featured equivalent content. My Japanese friends, who are themselves mothers, found the content of the pack-in comics questionable (ironically as they assumed the toys were aimed at younger children).
You can disagree all you want, you're wrong. Just because mothers find it "questionable" doesn't change the fact that they're far less objectionable than the content of manga that's directed at all ages like, as I mentioned before, the contents of Weekly Shonen Jump which is intended for young teens 12+ though it's popular with elementary kids. One Piece has content FAR more "questionable" than anything in the Legends comics and it's the most popular manga in Japan.
Legal adulthood is now 18 in Japan like in the US, though things like gambling and alcohol are still off limits until 20.
Indeed it is, which was a recent change. However, as you stated, some things are not still permissable:
"...Not everything changed when the age of adulthood dropped to 18. Even though you are an adult, in Japan you are not allowed to:
Buy alcoholic beverages.
Buy tobacco.Gamble and bet on things like horse races.
Enter the national pension system.
The legal age for all of the above is still 20..."
(Source: - ... that-stay/ )
However, compared to the UK, where "adulthood" is, for most things, 18, socially it could be argued that in Japan/US, the age of adulthood is still possibly 21. Regardless, it's not "15".
Legal adult is legal adult, it doesn't matter if there are restrictions. And I'll remind you that you're the one that brought this up.
SS86 Perceptor is 5+, SS figures put it right on the front of the box instead of the back or bottom like other Transformers.
Thank you, yes, that's true. The safety instructions still state that it's not suitable for anyone under 3 years though, if my translation is correct.
Yes, that's what it says. But that goes back what I said before about the age limits being an arbitrary number. Safe for isn't the same as intended for, they all have to hit the same safety standards. Heck, even high end collectibles that don't have to follow the safety standards will still have the warning just to cover their butts.
I think they realized that selling Transformers to kids was potentially taking away from other robot lines they were trying to promote to the same audience. They're still trying to push Zoids the last I saw and there's that new one I can't remember the name of with the little police robots and vehicles. I think the whole brand unification came about because Hasbro wanted to lean heavy into cartoon accuracy with WFC which was already TT and they just jumped in early with PotP.
I think that might be partially true, but I believe Takara were also spending too much money on "cartoon accurate" CHUG figures and realised they could simply release MPs in that style and either release Hasbro's usual lackluster paint schemes, or possibly pay half with them to make fairly decent figures, somewhere between the (paint) quality of the two companies.
When I look at WFC figures, especially ER and Kingdom I have to wonder just what Takara Tomy would have done different. And aside from removing the dry brush "damage" I've got nothing.
As for more evidence of the "15+" state of Takara TFs, see below.
Nobody's saying they don't exist, just that they aren't the norm. There's plenty of examples of brand new Studio Series figures that just came out and are rated 5+. There's no obvious reason for why TT gives certain figures certain age ratings.
Posted by DeathReviews on August 8th, 2022 @ 10:20am CDT
A number of folks seem to be almost defending the hike in price, and the reduction in size, by going on about the 'part count'. But it wasn't that long ago that voyager figures had the bigger size, AND a lower price, AND a higher part count. Like the Thrilling 30 voyagers, for example. I still hold 30s Springer and Sandstorm up as a gold standard of Voyager figures. Sure, that line also gave us one of the crappiest Voyager Blitzwings, but still...
Ditto for the Leader figures. They used to be larger, less expensive, and you could normally expect them to include electronic lights and sounds. Now they're smaller, more expensive, they have no electronics, and the only real justification is "well, they have a few more accessories".
The simple truth when you boil it all down, is that Hasbro is reacting to the global economic downturn by charging us more, and giving us less. Like many other companies, they are jacking up their prices to cover the increased costs of production and distribution. They are also trying to disguise it (or make it slightly less overt) by keeping the price CLOSE to what it was before, but reducing the amount of product you get. Also with rhetorical shell games about 'engineering levels' and 'part counts'. But as the saying goes, no matter how thin you slice it, it's still baloney.
As for Ironhide? Well, setting aside PvP's dubious early access - I think he was rougher on ER Ironhide than was necessary. He groused that the ER figure's legs were more hollow. But with SS Ironhide, the hollowness seems only to have migrated from the legs to the arms and hands. And since when has partsforming been an offense? There are plenty of current figures that use partsforming, even in the Studio Series line. Double more so if you count the battlemasters/target masters.
SS Ironhide does look pretty good. I may be tempted to sell my Autobot Alliance set and use the proceeds to get him instead. Frankly, I think the Prowl mold is the real dud of the group. If people want to complain about brittle, transparent plastic, and grossly hollow limbs? They need look no further than ER Prowl/Bluestreak/Smokescreen.
Posted by Gauntlet101010 on August 8th, 2022 @ 10:32am CDT
-Kanrabat- wrote:G1 is nostalgia bait so that parents introduce Transformers to their children. It's parents who are holding the purses string after all.
I guess, but it seems like a real large glut of that.
Posted by Nemesis Destron on August 8th, 2022 @ 11:00am CDT
Posted by william-james88 on August 8th, 2022 @ 11:48am CDT
-Kanrabat- wrote:G1 is nostalgia bait so that parents introduce Transformers to their children. It's parents who are holding the purses string after all.
Not only that, but the thing everyone here is forgetting is that we have now reached a point where the brand managers and designers, those who choose how things look and what characters get made, are of the G1 generation. It started with John Warden, and that was never the case before, hence the slew of new characters we used to have for all the shows for the first 20 years of the brand.
As a brand manager, you can choose who you want to see on shelves. Warden wanted to see combiners again. So, he made a plan and figured out how he could reuse tooling to sell the idea for Hasbro corporate to greenlight selling it TO KIDS (and their parents). G1 is used because the people making the toys are fans of G1 and they want to use these legacy characters to sell toylines. Just as much in Cyberverse, and in upcoming Earthspark, as they are in Generations. But that doesnt change who their main consumers are, which is kids.
I have no clue why people buying toys in a kids toy aisle strive so much to think that they are the main consumers, how does that matter in your life? Why not accept the facts? It's pretty cool that due to you being the same age as the toy designers, you have similar interests in how the toys look. We live in a golden age of Transformers toys where there is enough to go around for everyone and everyone is welcome. And we have to keep it that way for the brand to thrive. We've seen brands collapse and not see the light of day for ages, let's not make the Transformers brand fall into that as well, let's keep everyone engaged in it, most especially kids. Without them, the brand can't be supported to make affordable toys at retail.
Posted by Sabrblade on August 8th, 2022 @ 11:51am CDT
Posted by -Kanrabat- on August 8th, 2022 @ 11:55am CDT
DeathReviews wrote:The simple truth when you boil it all down, is that Hasbro is reacting to the global economic downturn by charging us more, and giving us less. Like many other companies, they are jacking up their prices to cover the increased costs of production and distribution. They are also trying to disguise it (or make it slightly less overt) by keeping the price CLOSE to what it was before, but reducing the amount of product you get. Also with rhetorical shell games about 'engineering levels' and 'part counts'. But as the saying goes, no matter how thin you slice it, it's still baloney.
That processus clearly began in the R.I.D. Prime / Generations F.O.C years.
The toys were getting smaller and cheaper but the prices remained the same. Then as the prices increased, the quality went up in Generations T-30. But before the quality took a nosedive again, the massive price hikes began with the movie toys in TLK.
Now, not only do the toys became smaller again, but the next mega price hike is also already starting. Canadian Toys R Us is the prelude.
Posted by william-james88 on August 8th, 2022 @ 12:01pm CDT
For those needing some EAN/barcode numbers, here they are:
Posted by william-james88 on August 8th, 2022 @ 12:19pm CDT
Sabrblade wrote:I've been a kid who buys and plays with Transformers for DECADES!
Me too! A wise man once said we don't stop playing because we get old, we get old because we stop playing!
Posted by Gauntlet101010 on August 8th, 2022 @ 12:39pm CDT
william-james88 wrote:I have no clue why people buying toys in a kids toy aisle strive so much to think that they are the main consumers, how does that matter in your life?
I just don't quite get their marketing. And it's not just TFs; Power Rangers Lightning collection also makes me scratch my head a bit. If I were a kid would I want characters from the franchise 20 years ago? I was a snob as a kid, so it wouldn't be for me. I find it hard to imagine a kid would really want Rodimus Prime all that much. So I'm trying to get how this works for Hasbro.
But if it's marketing to the parents, that's still targeting adults more than kids even if it's not "collectors".
It doesn't matter to my sense of self if the toys are aimed at me.
Posted by Nemesis Destron on August 8th, 2022 @ 12:42pm CDT
william-james88 wrote:Sabrblade wrote:I've been a kid who buys and plays with Transformers for DECADES!
Me too! A wise man once said we don't stop playing because we get old, we get old because we stop playing!
Great words indeed!
Posted by Sabrblade on August 8th, 2022 @ 12:52pm CDT
A wise T-shirt once said, "Growing old is mandatory, growing up in optional."Nemesis Destron wrote:william-james88 wrote:Sabrblade wrote:I've been a kid who buys and plays with Transformers for DECADES!
Me too! A wise man once said we don't stop playing because we get old, we get old because we stop playing!
Great words indeed!
And in the words of Dr. Heathcliff Huxtable, "We're all someone's child."
Posted by Glarryg on August 8th, 2022 @ 1:17pm CDT
william-james88 wrote:Thanks to this Twitter post, we have news that the third wave of Transformers Studio Series core class figures have been found in the US. That includes Wheelie and Ratchet. If anyone is wondering, the only new core class figure in wave 2 was Exosuit Spike and in wave 4 we will have the DOTM Laserbeak (Bumblebee predeco toy) and SS86 Rumble (blue). The toys were found in a Target in Idaho but other subsequent sightings have popped up over the US, like in California. AHM Joy is the person who posted this sighting on Twitter.
Always bugs me when another part of the country is two waves ahead of my neck of the woods. Makes me think my area is going to end up skipping an entire wave, which has happened more than I would have thought possible in the last decade.
Of course, once I break down and buy something online, that's when it shows up in my city.
Posted by DaveTheRave137 on August 8th, 2022 @ 1:55pm CDT
-Kanrabat- wrote:Sabrblade wrote:Yeah, I feel like a lot of people who speak in favor of translucent windows wouldn't do so as much if the original Diaclone molds had had opaque windows from the get-go instead.-Kanrabat- wrote:I may have an unpopular opinion, but all that clear plastics everywhere worries me. Especially so many JOINTS are clear. Plus that clear plastic painted red over just won't color match anything.
There should have been NO clear parts at all with the windows painted a kind of blue instead. It would have been even more "cartoon accurate" and it would have been more solid.
For Ironhide and Ratchet, no "Diaclone" arguments hold any grounds for some... Obvious reasons.
Regardless, I non-ironically want an updated version of that exact toy. Roof-sled, goblin proportions, head behind the windsheild, and all that jazz. Add improved articulations and BAM! Truly "Diaclone" Ratchet/Ironhide!
Ratchet was my first and I chose becuase I saw it as getting 2 for 1, I like the fact that people want to have this design, and I’m sure there is an updated design with the windsheild in this position that looks good
Posted by Sowndwave76 on August 8th, 2022 @ 1:55pm CDT
william-james88 wrote:Sowndwave76 wrote:I just think collectors weigh-in more than they'll admit (or know).
They don't. And we all have the evidence staring at us in the face whenever anyone complains about shelfwarming. If collectors were buying up all the figures from generations and studio series, then we wouldn't see them much in stores, they would sell out. But they don't.
You can prove me wrong and buy every SS figure you see if you want.
Will, I hope you know I respect you and your opinions.
But this point in your example doesn't even make sense.
Here's what you're not considering--
Even though there are obviously exponentially fewer collectors than other consumers combined, that still doesn't mean that of the TF figures that actually sell, that only 30% of those purchases were made by collectors.
In fact in a lot of cases, I'd say it's the complete opposite.
While I truly believe this applies to any character of any class, here are a couple examples:
If there are 10 SS86 Starscreams at my Target (which there still are ), and 3 of them sell, I'm willing to bet that 2 if not all 3 of those purchases were made by collectors.
7 being left on the shelf doesn't mean collectors didn't buy, or that not enough collectors bought the figure; it most likely means that no one from any other consumer group was willing to bite. It also points to the idea that Coronation Starscream really is more aimed at collectors period.
Sometimes I think collectors tend to forget that the average adult doesn't know much if anything about TF. Even those who enjoyed the live action movies, that doesn't mean much, let alone that they'll go out and want to spend money on related products/merchandise.
Kids today would know even less (if anything) about the realm of Transformers.
Believe it or not, not all kids watch the movies or whatever Cyberverse cartoon has been on tv.
My other example is based on figures such as Blaster, Wreck-gar, Scourge, and well, any of them.
Soundwave, Cosmos, Galvatron...
Collector: "Finally, a good update of Blaster!!"
Average adult: "Why would a robot turn into a boombox?"
Kid: "What's a 'boombox', and why would I play with this?"
Everyone: "Why is this $33??"
The average kid, even kids my sons ages (teens an pre-teens) would look at those alt modes and be puzzled. Not at what they are, but the why of them. And sure, people who really know these characters could explain the "why" behind them.
But it's really fair to ask questions like, "Why would a robot turn into a radio?... Is there one that's a robo-room vacuum like the one we have at home?"
"That's supposed to be a spaceship?"
"Why would a motorcycle have bumps on the tires, and why is it those ugly earth tone colors?"
"Who is Spike Witwicky, and what the hell is an exo-suit?"
Last year when I finally got Red Alert, my younger son thought it was hilariously dumb to think a fire department would have a Lambo.
So even with characters that transform into vehicles...
"What's the point of a robot turning into a tiny semi-truck that doesn't have a trailer?"
I mean, here there are adults over-analyzing the height of this new Ironhide, and the appearance of the van mode.
But consider what the average kid would think about this figure...
"So this robot turns into a weird red van... Cool, dad... Does he have 3 robot kids and go to the grocery store every week?".
The point of this being, collectors enjoy, and maybe love and obsess over this stuff without even thinking.
Anyone and everyone else most likely doesn't... At all.
So to think it's that common these days (or ever) for a kid or parent to walk into a store and feel a pull to spend $24, $32, $54, or even $12 on a toy they have little to no knowledge, association, or like of/for... Being a parent, in the middle-class Midwest, I just don't believe this is the norm anywhere.
Then it has to be considered that it's usually collectors that buy multiples and army build...
Does anyone really think that an average kid or adult buys two of the same TF figure so they can have 1 in bot mode and 1 in alt mode? Or that anyone outside of collecting would buy a toy and keep it sealed?
How many kids or adults thought it was at all necessary or relevant to buy a Scourge and 2-3 Sweeps?
I bought 5 Sharkticons... You think the average kid or adult would even think to do that? To spend > $130 to have 5 of the same figure?
So while obviously I can't put a concrete ratio or percentage on it, a single collector is spending exponentially more than multiple kids and parents combined.
Here I'm planning on buying 2 of each of the Legacy Stunticons, and two each of the SS86 Dinobots... At $50+ each, how many average kids will end up getting more than 1 of these 5 Dinobots? Or one of them at all??
The other point is that collectors have had a heavy influence on the direction of the Generation and SS TF toys.
The huge push to continue making figures of characters from G1 AND the priority of cartoon-model accuracy isn't for kids.
Without adult insight/influence, kids (even younger kids 7-9) who have seen the live action movies wouldn't be able to recognize most (not all, but most) of those characters in their G1 forms, let alone any characters who aren't in those movies... If a kid wanted a TF who's alt mode is a Porsche-esque car, do you think he or she gives a crap if the robot is a specific character like Jazz??
You think it's average kids and adults who are pleading for the Generations line to branch-out into series/universes beyond G1?
The average kid and adult would probably guess the term "G1" is something related to age-group labels like GenX and GenZ!
"Armada", "Cybertron"... Most people have no clue these are related to TF, let alone any of their important details. So it's literally impossible for these canon elements to influence a purchase for an average consumer. So why is Hastak doing this??
I'm not trying to claim that collectors make up 90, or even 80% of total TF sales for the Generations and SS lines. Who knows, it may be under 70%.
But it has to be way more than 30%.
Posted by AllNewSuperRobot on August 8th, 2022 @ 2:03pm CDT
-Kanrabat- wrote:DeathReviews wrote:The simple truth when you boil it all down, is that Hasbro is reacting to the global economic downturn by charging us more, and giving us less. Like many other companies, they are jacking up their prices to cover the increased costs of production and distribution. They are also trying to disguise it (or make it slightly less overt) by keeping the price CLOSE to what it was before, but reducing the amount of product you get. Also with rhetorical shell games about 'engineering levels' and 'part counts'. But as the saying goes, no matter how thin you slice it, it's still baloney.
That process clearly began in the R.I.D. Prime / Generations F.O.C years.
The toys were getting smaller and cheaper but the prices remained the same. Then as the prices increased, the quality went up in Generations T-30. But before the quality took a nosedive again, the massive price hikes began with the movie toys in TLK.
Now, not only do the toys became smaller again, but the next mega price hike is also already starting. Canadian Toys R Us is the prelude.
Exactly. I really don't get the mentality of people that accept the 'More for less' ethos of Hasbro (and Takara). One that has been in place for several years. You see it worst in their more expensive figures. For example, flawed MP's that they only bothered to finish in one altmode and/or released with known defects.
Buying into the parts count and other such marketing spiel, you are only fooling yourself.
Also, as I've said for years. The G1 cord needs to be cut at some stage, or Transformers will continue to stagnate long after the last Gewunner is gone.