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Takara Tomy Masterpiece Shockwave Collector Coin Images

Transformers News: Takara Tomy Masterpiece Shockwave Collector Coin Images

Tuesday, March 22nd, 2016 2:17PM CDT

Categories: Toy News, Collectables
Posted by: Va'al   Views: 35,898

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Fellow Seibertronian fenrir72 has mentioned that the Planet Iacon Facebook page has uploaded images of the upcoming Takara Tomy Masterpiece MP-29 Shockwave's Collector Coin - which is usually the Hasbro Asia exclusive addition to the figure. Check it out in the mirrored images of Destron Laserwave below!

Transformers News: Takara Tomy Masterpiece Shockwave Collector Coin Images

Transformers News: Takara Tomy Masterpiece Shockwave Collector Coin Images
Credit(s): Planet Iacon

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Re: Takara Tomy Masterpiece Shockwave Collector Coin Images (1774797)
Posted by william-james88 on March 22nd, 2016 @ 2:23pm CDT
Insurgent wrote:Do we have any general idea of when this purple badass is due out?

next week :)
Re: Takara Tomy Masterpiece Shockwave Collector Coin Images (1774803)
Posted by Insurgent on March 22nd, 2016 @ 2:54pm CDT
william-james88 wrote:
Insurgent wrote:Do we have any general idea of when this purple badass is due out?

next week :)

SQUEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :CON:
Re: Takara Tomy Masterpiece Shockwave Collector Coin Images (1774898)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on March 22nd, 2016 @ 9:49pm CDT
Shocky sure is taking his good ole time :MAXIMAL:
Re: Takara Tomy Masterpiece Shockwave Collector Coin Images (1775014)
Posted by Agamemnon on March 23rd, 2016 @ 12:24pm CDT
Just got email from BBTS that Shocky will be processing within 10 days! :DANCE:
Re: Takara Tomy Masterpiece Shockwave Collector Coin Images (1775033)
Posted by Cyberpath on March 23rd, 2016 @ 12:50pm CDT
Okay, here we go, in-hand pix of MP-29 from: ... stron.html




He's not tampographed.. :( :( :(

Re: Takara Tomy Masterpiece Shockwave Collector Coin Images (1775037)
Posted by Cobotron on March 23rd, 2016 @ 12:56pm CDT
Batteries? Oh yeah! Duh, he lights up. 8-}

Maaaannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn, he looks so awesome! =P~
Re: Takara Tomy Masterpiece Shockwave Collector Coin Images (1775038)
Posted by Agamemnon on March 23rd, 2016 @ 1:00pm CDT
The purple might be a little light for my tastes.... But I definitely am eager to get him!
Re: Takara Tomy Masterpiece Shockwave Collector Coin Images (1775042)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on March 23rd, 2016 @ 1:08pm CDT
Thanks to Seibertronian Cyberpath and, we finally have in-hand images of the highly sought Masterpiece Shockwave! These images show off many of the functions and the transformation of Shockwave, and it is seen that he actually has Two light up functions: one for the gun barrel in alternate mode and one for the arm cannon in Robot mode! Check out some of the images mirrored below and you can take the link above to see all the images. Does this make you excited for your Shockwave to come? Are you ready to order one? Let us know what you think in the comments section, and stay tuned to for all your latest Transformers news and galleries!





Re: Takara Tomy Masterpiece Shockwave Collector Coin Images (1775044)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on March 23rd, 2016 @ 1:11pm CDT
This guy. This guy is so frikkin awesome!!!! :MAXIMAL:
Re: Takara Tomy Masterpiece Shockwave Collector Coin Images (1775049)
Posted by Cyberpath on March 23rd, 2016 @ 1:23pm CDT
It seems that Takara oped for stickers over tampos so fans would have a choice between cartoon-accurate insignias and regular Decepticon insignias. But why would anyone want the Sunbow symbols now when all the other MP toys already have the regular ones?

I hate stickers, never liked them. They wear out, and there's no guarantee you'll apply them straight in the first place. I hope this doesn't become a new trend in the MP line. I love how modern toys have sculpted details, paint apps, and tampos.
Re: Takara Tomy Masterpiece Shockwave Collector Coin Images (1775051)
Posted by Kibble on March 23rd, 2016 @ 1:28pm CDT they fvck up the seeker wing symbols, but NOW they offer stickers?
Re: Takara Tomy Masterpiece Shockwave Collector Coin Images (1775057)
Posted by Insurgent on March 23rd, 2016 @ 1:43pm CDT
Cyberpath wrote:It seems that Takara oped for stickers over tampos so fans would have a choice between cartoon-accurate insignias and regular Decepticon insignias. But why would anyone want the Sunbow symbols now when all the other MP toys already have the regular ones?

I hate stickers, never liked them. They wear out, and there's no guarantee you'll apply them straight in the first place. I hope this doesn't become a new trend in the MP line. I love how modern toys have sculpted details, paint apps, and tampos.

We know Ratchet's shoulders are stickers. I worry this is going to become a thing. I too like the raised tampos on the likes of Prime. On the plus side, this means we can put the symbols on where we want.
Re: Takara Tomy Masterpiece Shockwave Collector Coin Images (1775061)
Posted by Diem on March 23rd, 2016 @ 1:55pm CDT
So I'm pretty ambivalent to the character of Shockwave; I like his David Warner-ish voice but other than that don't really like or hate him. I'm super excited for this release though. Not sure if it's because the original toy looked super neat (and I never had it) or if it's because the last few "big" MPs (Soundwave, Ultra Magnus, Starsaber) have been good times all around, but I can't wait to get this guy.

I wonder if we'll see a grey Shockwave/Astro Magnum version as "Longarm" or something...
Re: Takara Tomy Masterpiece Shockwave Collector Coin Images (1775117)
Posted by Hellscream9999 on March 23rd, 2016 @ 3:56pm CDT
Looks awesome; can't wait to see more :DANCE:
Re: Takara Tomy Masterpiece Shockwave Collector Coin Images (1775142)
Posted by SureShot18 on March 23rd, 2016 @ 4:50pm CDT
Shockwave looks great, if I collected Masterpieces he'd definitely be an instant buy. :BOWDOWN: Unlike with Galvatron I really prefer this lighter purple, as apposed to the darker purples the third party companies used for their Shockwaves.
Re: Takara Tomy Masterpiece Shockwave Collector Coin Images (1775148)
Posted by Alpha Dominus on March 23rd, 2016 @ 5:22pm CDT
Was hoping for a super annoying,loud laser sound but this guy is such pure awesome he's just fine without it. Can't wait to get him (next week!)in all his Sunbow accurate goodness!
Re: Takara Tomy Masterpiece Shockwave Collector Coin Images (1775151)
Posted by Emerje on March 23rd, 2016 @ 5:53pm CDT
Cyberpath wrote:It seems that Takara oped for stickers over tampos so fans would have a choice between cartoon-accurate insignias and regular Decepticon insignias. But why would anyone want the Sunbow symbols now when all the other MP toys already have the regular ones?

Probably because he's in Sunbow colors and they figured some people would want the stickers to go with them. I wonder if they'd still include the Sunbow stickers on a dark purple version or go with just tampos?

Re: Takara Tomy Masterpiece Shockwave Collector Coin Images (1775153)
Posted by Deathsaurus1 on March 23rd, 2016 @ 6:11pm CDT
Yeah those sunbow stickers are dumb lol.
He is my most wanted figure right now. Seconded by ramjet
Re: Takara Tomy Masterpiece Shockwave Collector Coin Images (1775157)
Posted by william-james88 on March 23rd, 2016 @ 6:29pm CDT
Emerje wrote:
Cyberpath wrote:It seems that Takara oped for stickers over tampos so fans would have a choice between cartoon-accurate insignias and regular Decepticon insignias. But why would anyone want the Sunbow symbols now when all the other MP toys already have the regular ones?

Probably because he's in Sunbow colors and they figured some people would want the stickers to go with them. I wonder if they'd still include the Sunbow stickers on a dark purple version or go with just tampos?


Interesting :-? Dark purple would mean toy accurate and the toy had stickers so... they probably would give stickers too, maybe. What surprizes me is that without a tamp (or a rubstamp), this toy ends up being like Quakewave where fans must place a sticker on it :lol:
Re: Takara Tomy Masterpiece Shockwave Collector Coin Images (1775158)
Posted by Wolfman Jake on March 23rd, 2016 @ 6:51pm CDT
Shockwave is looking great, but again, Takara seems to go a little too light on their shade of purple. They do this often with Cyclonus and especially Galvatron too. Do they know or see something we don't? I swear the purples used for the character models on the shows are darker/deeper than the ones Takara chooses for their toys. What's the deal?
Re: Takara Tomy Masterpiece Shockwave Collector Coin Images (1775161)
Posted by Diem on March 23rd, 2016 @ 7:16pm CDT
Wolfman Jake wrote:Shockwave is looking great, but again, Takara seems to go a little too light on their shade of purple. They do this often with Cyclonus and especially Galvatron too. Do they know or see something we don't? I swear the purples used for the character models on the shows are darker/deeper than the ones Takara chooses for their toys. What's the deal?


Looks pretty damn on point to me. If anything, the toy might not be light enough.

I don't know if you've held Henkei Cyclonus in hand, but comparing him to the Sunbow cartoon just demonstrates how hilariously over-darkened Hasbro figures are. There's this weird macho thing going on for the US boys' toys market where lilac or violet are avoided at all costs.
Re: Takara Tomy Masterpiece Shockwave Collector Coin Images (1775163)
Posted by Evil Eye on March 23rd, 2016 @ 7:33pm CDT
Diem wrote:
Wolfman Jake wrote:Shockwave is looking great, but again, Takara seems to go a little too light on their shade of purple. They do this often with Cyclonus and especially Galvatron too. Do they know or see something we don't? I swear the purples used for the character models on the shows are darker/deeper than the ones Takara chooses for their toys. What's the deal?


Looks pretty damn on point to me. If anything, the toy might not be light enough.

I don't know if you've held Henkei Cyclonus in hand, but comparing him to the Sunbow cartoon just demonstrates how hilariously over-darkened Hasbro figures are. There's this weird macho thing going on for the US boys' toys market where lilac or violet are avoided at all costs.

To be fair, the purple on Hasbro Cyclonus is toy-accurate, and also gorgeous.

I'm a sucker for dark purple.
Re: Takara Tomy Masterpiece Shockwave Collector Coin Images (1775164)
Posted by Wolfman Jake on March 23rd, 2016 @ 7:34pm CDT
Diem wrote:
Wolfman Jake wrote:Shockwave is looking great, but again, Takara seems to go a little too light on their shade of purple. They do this often with Cyclonus and especially Galvatron too. Do they know or see something we don't? I swear the purples used for the character models on the shows are darker/deeper than the ones Takara chooses for their toys. What's the deal?


Looks pretty damn on point to me. If anything, the toy might not be light enough.

I don't know if you've held Henkei Cyclonus in hand, but comparing him to the Sunbow cartoon just demonstrates how hilariously over-darkened Hasbro figures are. There's this weird macho thing going on for the US boys' toys market where lilac or violet are avoided at all costs.

The colors often vary quite a bit from episode to episode, scene to scene, or even shot to shot. All of these examples show Sunbow Shockwave in darker shades, at least to my eye:


Here are some Galvatron examples:

Again, my point is, Takara seems to find the LIGHTEST example of a shade of purple used for a character in the G1 cartoon, and then chooses something a shade or two even LIGHTER for their toys. I just want to know why they seem to so consistently err (and they do sometimes err) on that side.
Re: Takara Tomy Masterpiece Shockwave Collector Coin Images (1775186)
Posted by Desslok2201 on March 23rd, 2016 @ 10:28pm CDT
The feet look like they dont fold into the grip in gun mode, as they do on the g1 toy. Looks a little odd.
Re: Takara Tomy Masterpiece Shockwave Collector Coin Images (1775191)
Posted by fenrir72 on March 23rd, 2016 @ 11:00pm CDT
Re: Takara Tomy Masterpiece Shockwave Collector Coin Images (1775195)
Posted by Rodimus Prime on March 24th, 2016 @ 12:05am CDT
I thought about passing in this figure, but these pictures make him look really good, and MP-28 was nearly flawless which gives me hope for future MPs, so I will probably pick up Shock...err, Laserwave later this year once all the hoopla dies down.
Re: Takara Tomy Masterpiece Shockwave Collector Coin Images (1775200)
Posted by Rainmaker on March 24th, 2016 @ 1:29am CDT
Don't like stickers very much...

Now Shockwaves gone and bought himself on EBay just because of an animation error.

Looks like one of the simplest MP transformations yet.

Re: Takara Tomy Masterpiece Shockwave Collector Coin Images (1775205)
Posted by fenrir72 on March 24th, 2016 @ 4:06am CDT
Rainmaker wrote:Don't like stickers very much...

Now Shockwaves gone and bought himself on EBay just because of an animation error.

Looks like one of the simplest MP transformations yet.


Being in gun mode, no way to change the base transformation sequence.

Re: Takara Tomy Masterpiece Shockwave Collector Coin Images (1775303)
Posted by padfoo on March 24th, 2016 @ 2:35pm CDT
I like everything about this Masterpiece. I agree about the stickers, because I don't find a lot of joy in applying them. I am also a bit turned off by the height, I always thought Shockwave was able to look prime in the eyes.
Re: Takara Tomy Masterpiece Shockwave Collector Coin Images (1775324)
Posted by Super Megatron on March 24th, 2016 @ 4:05pm CDT

This is so wrong. Shockwave is supposed to be the same size as Optimus.
Re: Takara Tomy Masterpiece Shockwave Collector Coin Images (1775353)
Posted by Unicron Magnus on March 24th, 2016 @ 7:51pm CDT
When it comes to Masterpiece figures, I won't be happy until we get MP Rescue Roy. [-(
Re: Takara Tomy Masterpiece Shockwave Collector Coin Images (1775366)
Posted by william-james88 on March 24th, 2016 @ 9:22pm CDT
Super Megatron wrote:
This is so wrong. Shockwave is supposed to be the same size as Optimus.

:lol: Where do you get these "facts" ?
Re: Takara Tomy Masterpiece Shockwave Collector Coin Images (1775383)
Posted by Rodimus Prime on March 25th, 2016 @ 2:22am CDT
william-james88 wrote:
Super Megatron wrote:
This is so wrong. Shockwave is supposed to be the same size as Optimus.

:lol: Where do you get these "facts" ?
He never said it was a "fact."
Re: Takara Tomy Masterpiece Shockwave Collector Coin Images (1775418)
Posted by william-james88 on March 25th, 2016 @ 9:50am CDT
Rodimus Prime wrote:
william-james88 wrote:
Super Megatron wrote:
This is so wrong. Shockwave is supposed to be the same size as Optimus.

:lol: Where do you get these "facts" ?
He never said it was a "fact."

Should have asked for evidence instead, sorry.
Re: Takara Tomy Masterpiece Shockwave Collector Coin Images (1775456)
Posted by Amelie on March 25th, 2016 @ 1:37pm CDT
Super Megatron wrote:This is so wrong. Shockwave is supposed to be the same size as Optimus.

Official size guide says otherwise.
Re: Takara Tomy Masterpiece Shockwave Collector Coin Images (1775458)
Posted by Evil Eye on March 25th, 2016 @ 1:41pm CDT
Amelie wrote:
Super Megatron wrote:This is so wrong. Shockwave is supposed to be the same size as Optimus.

Official size guide says otherwise.

Re: Takara Tomy Masterpiece Shockwave Collector Coin Images (1775476)
Posted by chuckdawg1999 on March 25th, 2016 @ 6:00pm CDT
Agamemnon wrote:Just got email from BBTS that Shocky will be processing within 10 days! :DANCE:

I didn't get that email, interesting. Kinda odd that there's two different light up points, wouldn't the hand/gun shine through the barrel? Then again, this explains the barrel being connected to the main figure.
Re: Takara Tomy Masterpiece Shockwave Collector Coin Images (1775560)
Posted by Rodimus Prime on March 26th, 2016 @ 8:08am CDT
Amelie wrote:
Super Megatron wrote:This is so wrong. Shockwave is supposed to be the same size as Optimus.
Official size guide says otherwise.
Out of curiosity, does that chart refer to the animation models of the G1 cartoon?
Re: Takara Tomy Masterpiece Shockwave Collector Coin Images (1775570)
Posted by Sabrblade on March 26th, 2016 @ 9:06am CDT
Rodimus Prime wrote:
Amelie wrote:
Super Megatron wrote:This is so wrong. Shockwave is supposed to be the same size as Optimus.
Official size guide says otherwise.
Out of curiosity, does that chart refer to the animation models of the G1 cartoon?
That's what those are, yes.
Re: Takara Tomy Masterpiece Shockwave Collector Coin Images (1776033)
Posted by Cyberpath on March 28th, 2016 @ 3:34pm CDT
Re: Takara Tomy Masterpiece Shockwave Collector Coin Images (1776038)
Posted by william-james88 on March 28th, 2016 @ 3:44pm CDT
Thats a beautiful purple!
Re: Takara Tomy Masterpiece Shockwave Collector Coin Images (1776042)
Posted by Wolfman Jake on March 28th, 2016 @ 4:00pm CDT
william-james88 wrote:Thats a beautiful purple!

Indeed, that's right on target for a screen accurate purple for Shockwave. It makes me wonder why the official promotional images make it look so much paler?
Re: Takara Tomy Masterpiece Shockwave Collector Coin Images (1776047)
Posted by william-james88 on March 28th, 2016 @ 4:09pm CDT
Wolfman Jake wrote:
william-james88 wrote:Thats a beautiful purple!

Indeed, that's right on target for a screen accurate purple for Shockwave. It makes me wonder why the official promotional images make it look so much paler?

Its the lighting. Purple is really hard to capture correctly. It looks really perfect there though. Its not dark like the G1 toy, but far from being Lavender. I cant describe the shade other than saying that its perfect. Oh wait, I know, that's the colour of typical grape flavour on the boxes for kids medecine. Not the best example but its what I always imagine a perfect purple to look like. We all know that medecine isnt grape flavour, its purple flavour.

Re: Takara Tomy Masterpiece Shockwave Collector Coin Images (1776050)
Posted by Wolfman Jake on March 28th, 2016 @ 4:41pm CDT
This gives me hope that Takara's Legends Galvatron may yet come with a much better (e.g., not lavender) purple color. If that's the case, he's a shoe-in for my collection over the Hasbro version. He's got slightly more detailed paint apps on the "Transtector" and paint, period, on the "Headmaster."
Re: Takara Tomy Masterpiece Shockwave Collector Coin Images (1776087)
Posted by fenrir72 on March 28th, 2016 @ 8:33pm CDT
Wolfman Jake wrote:
william-james88 wrote:Thats a beautiful purple!

Indeed, that's right on target for a screen accurate purple for Shockwave. It makes me wonder why the official promotional images make it look so much paler?

PC monitor images aren't as accurate as those, let's say in the Hobbymags images though still, it beats the item seen first hand.
Re: Takara Tomy Masterpiece Shockwave Collector Coin Images (1776170)
Posted by blacklai on March 29th, 2016 @ 1:38am CDT
Update some pics for MP-29.

Gun mode demo:

Size comparison.


Hose pic.

Metal spring.
Re: Takara Tomy Masterpiece Shockwave Collector Coin Images (1776171)
Posted by chuckdawg1999 on March 29th, 2016 @ 1:42am CDT
Thank GOD the trigger works!
Re: Takara Tomy Masterpiece Shockwave Collector Coin Images (1776237)
Posted by galvatron00 on March 29th, 2016 @ 9:37am CDT
william-james88 wrote:We all know that medecine isnt grape flavour, its purple flavour.
Re: Takara Tomy Masterpiece Shockwave Collector Coin Images (1776260)
Posted by Cyberpath on March 29th, 2016 @ 11:35am CDT
Alfes2010 has him too now --






Re: Takara Tomy Masterpiece Shockwave Collector Coin Images (1776262)
Posted by fenrir72 on March 29th, 2016 @ 11:53am CDT
Amiami is asking for payment now.

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