TFsource: the Shadow Scyther Raffle is officially complete!
Monday, February 7th, 2011 1:12PM CST
Categories: Toy News, Sponsor News, Unlicensed Products NewsPosted by: Seibertron Views: 70,825
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We received the following message from regarding their Shadow Scyther figures. wrote:The Shadow Scyther Raffle is officially complete!
There has been a lot of discussion regarding the remaining Shadow Scyther pieces that were made available through customer cancelations or being set aside initially for any defective returns. We have read the ongoing discussion and carefully taken into account all of the posts on the forums. Ultimately, we are here because of Transformers fans and we agree the best course of action is a solution that supports the best interest of the fans themselves.
We considered many options in order to come up with a solution that will please the majority of customers. Based on the popularity of one option, we have decided that the solution is a raffle with winners being randomly selected to purchase the remaining stock of Shadow Scyther for the original retail price. We feel this was the most unbiased and fair way to handle the remaining stock. Additionally we solicited input from the owners of select boards, as well as several established transformers fans and overall there was considerable support for this option.
Determining the Winners: Everyone who emailed us, or signed up for the personal assistant was included in the raffle. We used a random # generator, checked every customer history to ensure no one purchased one the first time around, and eliminated any duplicate emails to keep it fair. The winners will all be contacted by EOD today and receive the right to purchase 1 Shadow Scyther for the original retail price. If anyone declines or does not pay within the given time frame, we will go down the list to the next eligible customer.
Thanks and Best Regards,
Curt - Your source for Masterpiece, Fansproject Customs, Hasbro Transformers, Transformers United, WST Transformers, G1 Toys and more.
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Posted by UltraPrimal on February 7th, 2011 @ 2:01pm CST
Posted by reluttr on February 7th, 2011 @ 3:19pm CST
UltraPrimal wrote:Honestly, TFSource can **** themselves. I won't be buying anything from them anymore. Whether it be online or at a convention. Not after this bullshit.
lol, welcome to the club. I haven't really bought anything from them since they inflated their shipping prices, if I am going to end up paying the same price after shipping then I might as well just go with bbts. At least they have POL, which is actually surprisingly usefull and if bbts doesnt have it then its probably the same price on ebay as it is on tfsource, and at least ebay has ebay bux...
Seriously though, after hearing all of the complaints about the set and its various QC problems I dunno if I would even pay original retail for shadow syther. Cause how do I know I wont get stuck with one with two right hands, or one thats missing the sythe... :S
Mabey whoever is making those "pretty much as good as FP's originals, but not as good" knockoffs of the city commander set will wise up and pump out a shadow scyther and cliffy set

Posted by Stumpybot on February 7th, 2011 @ 5:17pm CST
I had no idea that was the entry criteria for the raffle, so basically im screwed there. Ive just bought Shadow Scythe on ebay for far less than the average secondary market value, still way more than i paid for City Commander tho. Must have been my lucky day, only bidder. Dont even own Wildrider or SG Rodimus, gonna keep it for Sideburn. Got Shadow Commander too lol, cost less than CC. Got stung, but at least i got 2 superb sets and a spare nemesis prime for the deal
Posted by JETFIRE XL on February 7th, 2011 @ 11:08pm CST
Posted by Autobot032 on February 7th, 2011 @ 11:26pm CST
JETFIRE XL wrote:Wow am I one of the only one who thinks TFSOURCE still rocks. When I got my Shadow Commander back in 2009 it came from the factory with a defect.The first thing I did was contact Fansproject Then I hit up TFSOURCE. TFSOURCE customer service contacted me within hours.Two days later I had the new part and have been a customer from then on. TFSOURCE probaly had a few extra Shadow Scyther to replace any defective product and rember that not everyone who preordered these paid for them so I can see them having extras left over.Long story short If people really want this stuff and it's on preorder get it don't waite. I saw the preorder for SHADOW SCYTHER when it was still in stock and passed. But when the SNOWMAN kit came up I got it exclusives allways go up and price so when you see them get them before there gone.Oh and one more thing if TFSOURCE sucks so much then why do they get the FANSPROJECT exclusives every year they must be doin something right.
You're entitled to your opinion, but if you still feel this way after all the facts are out, then I have to wonder if you're not a shill for them.
They scalped their own exclusive, with joy. And tried to use guilt on the fans.
Posted by reluttr on February 8th, 2011 @ 12:12am CST
JETFIRE XL wrote:Wow am I one of the only one who thinks TFSOURCE still rocks. When I got my Shadow Commander back in 2009 it came from the factory with a defect.The first thing I did was contact Fansproject Then I hit up TFSOURCE. TFSOURCE customer service contacted me within hours.Two days later I had the new part and have been a customer from then on. TFSOURCE probaly had a few extra Shadow Scyther to replace any defective product and rember that not everyone who preordered these paid for them so I can see them having extras left over.Long story short If people really want this stuff and it's on preorder get it don't waite. I saw the preorder for SHADOW SCYTHER when it was still in stock and passed. But when the SNOWMAN kit came up I got it exclusives allways go up and price so when you see them get them before there gone.Oh and one more thing if TFSOURCE sucks so much then why do they get the FANSPROJECT exclusives every year they must be doin something right.
I'm not saying they suck, matter of fact I think they have pretty darn good customer service and Kurt's great. But there just isn't any motivation for me to shop there... Especially since BBTS has Pile-of-loot and ebay has eBay Bux, and of course the last few fiasco's are not helping Tfsource...
Ill be honest, tfsource just needs their own shopping gimmick to get back on top. I kinda wish they had something like POL, but a point reward system would be nice to

Posted by Counterpunch on February 8th, 2011 @ 9:17am CST
Autobot032 wrote:JETFIRE XL wrote:Wow am I one of the only one who thinks TFSOURCE still rocks. When I got my Shadow Commander back in 2009 it came from the factory with a defect.The first thing I did was contact Fansproject Then I hit up TFSOURCE. TFSOURCE customer service contacted me within hours.Two days later I had the new part and have been a customer from then on. TFSOURCE probaly had a few extra Shadow Scyther to replace any defective product and rember that not everyone who preordered these paid for them so I can see them having extras left over.Long story short If people really want this stuff and it's on preorder get it don't waite. I saw the preorder for SHADOW SCYTHER when it was still in stock and passed. But when the SNOWMAN kit came up I got it exclusives allways go up and price so when you see them get them before there gone.Oh and one more thing if TFSOURCE sucks so much then why do they get the FANSPROJECT exclusives every year they must be doin something right.
You're entitled to your opinion, but if you still feel this way after all the facts are out, then I have to wonder if you're not a shill for them.
They scalped their own exclusive, with joy. And tried to use guilt on the fans.
It's not like writing "TFSOURCE" and "SHADOW SCYTHER" multiple times in all caps, in one post would help with Google results...

TF Source has average prices that are occasionally more competitive than other shops. They have higher shipping costs but usually secure packaging (my Shadow Scyther was not well packed though. I'll be honest on that one.)
But there's no reason to choose them over another online retailer. There's just not. Everything that was said about the customer service angle can be said about BBTS and probably has been said more often about them.
Posted by zodconvoy on February 8th, 2011 @ 11:11am CST
Posted by Ruthless Cynic on February 8th, 2011 @ 3:14pm CST
Posted by zodconvoy on February 8th, 2011 @ 3:28pm CST
Ruthless Cynic wrote:I don't begrudge them from making a profit, the market is what it is, I just don't understand why Fans Project doesn't continue to produce these items. It seems to me as if it would be very lucrative for them.
Over saturation. Look at CrazyDevy. Plus if they keep numbers low, they're less likely to get on Hasbro's radar.
Posted by bvzxa on February 8th, 2011 @ 3:29pm CST
I never opened my shadow scyther set because I could not justify paying $500+ for henkei Wildrider or SG rodimus to complete the toy. I sold mine for $350 on ebay and left it at that.
If you don't get up on things when they are out, then you lose. TFsource has the right to raise the price once the initial stock is gone, and the fact that the consumer causes the price to go up, then I say go for it TFsource.
I have seen this so many times collecting treasure hunts within the Hot Wheels line.
Posted by Counterpunch on February 8th, 2011 @ 3:38pm CST
bvzxa wrote:I think what it is s the fact they know if they sell it at retail, someone will buy it and then sell it for more money. This happened with the "Snowman" set back in 2009. Everyone balked at it then saw my ics posted and then they wanted it. TFsource had a few left over and raised the price to $119 from the original $49 that it was listed before they sold out. Being that the set was limited, and they sold out of their intial stock, the set had become vintage after the fact.
I never opened my shadow scyther set because I could not justify paying $500+ for henkei Wildrider or SG rodimus to complete the toy. I sold mine for $350 on ebay and left it at that.
If you don't get up on things when they are out, then you lose. TFsource has the right to raise the price once the initial stock is gone, and the fact that the consumer causes the price to go up, then I say go for it TFsource.
I have seen this so many times collecting treasure hunts within the Hot Wheels line.
It's not really their job to police the after market and it's certainly not their job to deter scalping by making a handsome profit.
What you're leaving out is that they had a waiting list of people who wanted to purchase those toys and that waiting list was told that they would have a chance at the unpaid items and left overs. Instead, TF Source listed those items to sell at a 365% mark up.
They were playing games with this item. They got called on it. It's just that simple. I don't think they should ever get another exclusive product from Fansproject.
Posted by Nemesis251 on February 8th, 2011 @ 7:33pm CST
Counterpunch wrote:It's not really their job to police the after market and it's certainly not their job to deter scalping by making a handsome profit.
What you're leaving out is that they had a waiting list of people who wanted to purchase those toys and that waiting list was told that they would have a chance at the unpaid items and left overs. Instead, TF Source listed those items to sell at a 365% mark up.
They were playing games with this item. They got called on it. It's just that simple. I don't think they should ever get another exclusive product from Fansproject.
I agree.
Posted by Kibble on February 9th, 2011 @ 10:50am CST
I say that in jest, but to some extent, what's the diff? The preorders were all $50, but once the shipment came in all subsequent pieces were marked up to $70...presumably because they were going for over $100 on the secondary market.
Posted by Counterpunch on February 9th, 2011 @ 11:56am CST
Kibble wrote:Can we boycott BBTS, too? They raised the price on the Superion upgrade from $50 to $70...
I say that in jest, but to some extent, what's the diff? The preorders were all $50, but once the shipment came in all subsequent pieces were marked up to $70...presumably because they were going for over $100 on the secondary market.
That's the kind of cost increase that is indicative of a second production run of smaller numbers.
It's different from outright holding product back that was essentially promised to customers and then selling it for a 365% mark up.
Posted by robofreak on February 9th, 2011 @ 12:40pm CST
So let me get this straight. FanProject created a black repaint/remold of the Protector set and then made it a TFSource exclusive correct? Okay, from there the preorders came and went and were then sold out with those who didn't get their order in scrambling to get their hands on it.
Now TFSource is saying that they actually had some leftover from a secret stash and then announced it on facebook that they were holding the product for a rainy day. Not only did they withold product, but they also marked it price up to about $200 above it normal price. This then caused a backlash from a large portion of the internet fandom in the form of this thread. TFSource has since deleted said posts about a secret stash from their facebook along with anything else that threw mud at their name.
Realizing they got caught with their pants down, they decided it was best to raffle the remaining Shadow Scythe sets for original retail at which point we don't even know if they did that.
Now I think I'm back up to pace with the current issue, but if I'm not, I'd love to be filled in. What bugs me here is the obvious price gouge from TFSource. I remember when City Commander first came out and then promptly sold out on BBTS. About 3 weeks after the fact, BBTS put more up for sale as they had finished a massive warehouse sort in which they found them. (If I remember right they ended up getting a ton of product that week which cause a backlog on the order) However, when they put them back up for sale, they were at normal retail even though City Commander was going for significantly more at that point.
Why did I bring up that situation? Because to me, that's honest business. To me it's dishonest to withold your own exclusive product and then sell it for more. I know it can be a honest mistake during a warehouse sort to misplace product. It happened all the time in my Dad's store, but at that point it should either be taken to ebay or put it up for sale at the store for either clearance pricing or retail.
I don't think this would have caused much of an issue had they been smarter about selling them. The could have very easily put them on ebay under ID names that no fan would have recognized and no one would have been any wiser. Instead, they publicly announce that they were intentionally holding back only to make a good profit off the fandom.
I think TFSource has learned a valuable lesson from this and will hopefully apply it to their business practices. I having never purchased from them cannot vouch for anything that they do. I will most likely one day give them a shot, but for right now, BBTS is able to supply all my TF needs.
I actually wish I had been here when Shadow Scythe was released. I don't own Henkei Wildrider or SG Rodimus, but I would have bought it for that day when I would buy it. If FP does end up making an Asian market exclusive then I'll probably pick it up.
Posted by Kibble on February 9th, 2011 @ 1:16pm CST
Counterpunch wrote:That's the kind of cost increase that is indicative of a second production run of smaller numbers.
It's different from outright holding product back that was essentially promised to customers and then selling it for a 365% mark up.
Doesn't really explain why the pre-orders for the second run were $50, though. I gotta assume they knew their costs when they posted the pre-order price. What changed between the pre-order listing and when they received the stock other than the secondary market and what RobotKingdom started selling them for?
Either way, clearly there's a difference, I see that (that's why I said 'to some extent')...nor do I condone it. Just playing devil's advocate.
Posted by Gauntlet101010 on February 9th, 2011 @ 7:41pm CST
Except TFSource promised to sell new stock to the people who ordered it and lost out.
TFSource handled it very badly. I won't think twice about shopping there, but it does color my perception of the place.
Posted by robofreak on February 9th, 2011 @ 8:06pm CST
Why are Botcon figures so much? It's because of low production runs compared to their retail counterparts. It's a lot harder for a factory that does stuff on a large scale to have to make a small production run. An extra $20 helps make up for the extra work needed to produce the figures. A $200 markup is an obvious sign of trying to cash in on a already crazy market. TFSource basically decided to trade their gold bars in for cash.
The Superion add-on looks like it's getting another run in smaller numbers. That drives up costs when they do it on a smaller scale. Now if they were to triple the production run then they would be able to keep the cost down. Small scale is always going to be expensive.
This is a matter of old stock that was intentionally withheld and then price-gouged by it's own store. It would be very different if someone like BBTS had somehow ended up with Shadow Scyther stock whether through a warehouse find or other means.
Basically TFSource took their "baby" so to speak and then abused it.
Regardless of what anyone says in this thread, we're going to end up with the following opinions.
1. Business being lost over the matter due to people not appreciating sketchy business matters.
2. People still buying from them, but now watching with a eye of caution
3. People that will still give them a chance even after the whole fiasco
4. People that want FP to make a Asian Market exclusive to screw them over because we humans have a sick-twisted idea of revenge
5. People that just don't care as long as it doesn't effect them.
There's other opinions as well, but that's the general trend I'm seeing right now.
Posted by Kibble on February 9th, 2011 @ 9:46pm CST
Kibble wrote:Either way, clearly there's a difference, I see that (that's why I said 'to some extent')...nor do I condone it. Just playing devil's advocate.
Apparently this part was missed... If it makes anyone feel better, I bought one of the $70 Superion kits.
Posted by zodconvoy on February 9th, 2011 @ 10:43pm CST
Kibble wrote:Apparently this part was missed... If it makes anyone feel better, I bought one of the $70 Superion kits.
Yeah, me too. I wasn't aware of the details about the Shadow Scyther but this is an unbelievable level of superdickery.
I just saw a pic of the SS set on the crystal Hot Rod and now I want one but after all this KOToys looks like it'll be the only option.
Seriously, look at this thing and tell me this doesn't make a kick ass the Fallen:

Posted by ZenPrime on February 9th, 2011 @ 11:26pm CST
zodconvoy wrote:Seriously, look at this thing and tell me this doesn't make a kick ass the Fallen:
WOW, after seeing that pic, I'm really glad I brought the Sons of Cybertron set just for the crystal Rodimus. Now if FanProject would just do a re-release of the Shadow Scyther

Posted by ZenPrime on February 9th, 2011 @ 11:52pm CST
Posted by Kibble on February 10th, 2011 @ 9:46am CST
Posted by zodconvoy on February 11th, 2011 @ 8:30am CST
Kibble wrote:That clear Rodimus looks friggin' sweet with that armor, but I'm curious how it looks without back lighting as it would spend 99.9% of its life without a light shining on its back if it were a part of my collection. But unless these things were sold at retail price again, it's pretty moot as there's 0% chance I'll pony out 3 or 4 bills for it for that reason...
Same but if KOToys were to do it I'd get it. At this point it'd be cheaper to get a Protector and paint/dye it. At least that way I could change things without losing resale potential. Altering something of that (albeit artificially inflated) value would be an insurance nightmare!
Posted by Stumpybot on February 16th, 2011 @ 7:30pm CST
I was going to wait for sideburn to use my ss on, now im thinking crystal rodimus. cant decide between waiting for ehobby blue one or shell out for soc set. Anybody got opinion on colour schemes?
Posted by Kibble on February 16th, 2011 @ 7:51pm CST
Posted by craggy on June 2nd, 2011 @ 1:20pm CDT
Posted by ZenPrime on June 2nd, 2011 @ 1:47pm CDT
craggy wrote:threadomancy, but it's difficult to find pics. Anyone have any of the Crystal Rodimus in the Protector armour?
I have my Sons of Cybertron crystal Rodimus wearing the Protector armor. Had to use the crystal Rodimus since my classic Roddy is in storage...
Posted by craggy on June 2nd, 2011 @ 4:25pm CDT