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Transformers: Age of Extinction Concept Art from Michael Hritz

Transformers News: Transformers: Age of Extinction Concept Art from Michael Hritz

Thursday, July 10th, 2014 12:18AM CDT

Categories: Movie Related News, People News
Posted by: El Duque   Views: 50,272

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We have even more Transformers: Age of Extinction concept art to share. This time form artist Michael Hritz via the Concept Robots Blog. Below we have a trio of bots commissioned by Polaris based on their ATV's. They didn't make it into the film, but still great to see the designs. Check 'em out below, for more artist commentary visit the Concept Robots Blog.

This was based on a new version of Polaris RZR makes which reminds me of an angry little gorilla in that it is small but extremely tough with its performance/handling and styling. It was only fitting to make it into one. The transformation is fairly simple: the hood becomes the chest, the wheels become fists and shoulders, the fenders become muscle elements on the thigh and biceps areas, the trailing arms become femurs, the roll cage stays where it is. I figure this would be an Autobot.

Transformers News: Re: Transformers: Age of Extinction Concept Art
This was an alternative to the red angry gorilla design but based on the same vehicle. It is loosely inspired by Demolishor. Trying to keep the same feeling as the gorilla but not so organic (more deception-feeling) so I made it into more of a small tank, armed to the teeth, with an all terrain attitude. For this complex transformation the wheels merge into one "track", the hood and face move into the center with the eyes hanging out on the side to see around the track, the rear fenders become rocket pods and the suspension becomes the inner structure.

Transformers News: Re: Transformers: Age of Extinction Concept Art
This one is a new road-based vehicle that Polaris will release shortly. I tried to make this one contrast the other two by being faster-looking, lighter and using blade weapons. I think it could pass for a Deception or Autobot. The transformation is simple, the front rims become the blades on the hands, the hood becomes the chest, a rear vent feature becomes a hood, the funky drivetrain becomes the spine and "leg".

Transformers News: Re: Transformers: Age of Extinction Concept Art
Credit(s): Concept Robots

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Re: Transformers: Age of Extinction Concept Art from Michael Hritz (1589317)
Posted by RhA on July 10th, 2014 @ 1:26am CDT
More of this stuff, thank you.
Re: Transformers: Age of Extinction Concept Art from Michael Hritz (1589321)
Posted by Emerje on July 10th, 2014 @ 1:43am CDT
RhA wrote:More of this stuff, thank you.

Yeah, more of this Hritz art, but not in Transformers. TF2 gave me more than I wanted of wheel bots and unicycle legs. Best part about TF4 was making all of the bots more humanoid on all sides.

Still, these would make great mech designs in like a Robotech movie or something.

Re: Transformers: Age of Extinction Concept Art from Michael Hritz (1589348)
Posted by dragons on July 10th, 2014 @ 5:55am CDT
Emerje wrote:
RhA wrote:More of this stuff, thank you.

Yeah, more of this Hritz art, but not in Transformers. TF2 gave me more than I wanted of wheel bots and unicycle legs. Best part about TF4 was making all of the bots more humanoid on all sides.

Still, these would make great mech designs in like a Robotech movie or something.


Humanoid faces is likeable as long they dont look to human they aliens after and my point is g1 comics smooth faces in4th movie they human faces but it was all not smooth some parts on where broken apart where metal was visiable under face itself lockdown best example, they keep faces looking rough metal looking for next sequel I will be satisfied how faces turn out
Re: Transformers: Age of Extinction Concept Art from Michael Hritz (1589433)
Posted by Noideaforaname on July 10th, 2014 @ 10:00am CDT
A bit of a retread of RotF...

How would Hasbro even make a toy of the white Demolishor-esque one?
Re: Transformers: Age of Extinction Concept Art from Michael Hritz (1589438)
Posted by Sabrblade on July 10th, 2014 @ 10:08am CDT
Noideaforaname wrote:A bit of a retread of RotF...

How would Hasbro even make a toy of the white Demolishor-esque one?
Re: Transformers: Age of Extinction Concept Art from Michael Hritz (1589598)
Posted by lockdownisfresh on July 10th, 2014 @ 7:12pm CDT
What? This is awful. Glad they did use this crap.
Re: Transformers: Age of Extinction Concept Art from Michael Hritz (1589605)
Posted by Bumblevivisector on July 10th, 2014 @ 7:32pm CDT
Maybe it's the art style, or maybe it's that small, rounded gorillacons make me think of those Decepticlones that could neutralize your weapons and use wrestling moves on you in the PS2 Armada game, but these last three scream "video game" more than "movie". So do the Op, Bee, and Lockdown at the start of the thread.

They naturally had to bounce a lot of ideas off the wall before finding what worked for AofE, but some of these designs should be put to good use elsewhere.
Re: Transformers: Age of Extinction Concept Art from Michael Hritz (1589802)
Posted by lockdownisfresh on July 11th, 2014 @ 2:32pm CDT
I can't tell what it is even with the description and it looks like something from a Terminator rip-off than a Transformers movie. Perhaps I was a bit harsh in my critique, but it looks terrible to me.
Re: Transformers: Age of Extinction Concept Art from Michael Hritz (1589874)
Posted by SKYWARPED_128 on July 11th, 2014 @ 8:27pm CDT
I'm probably one of the few that actually likes the Hritz concept art bots, but even in the more diverse movie continuity, they look like anything but TF's. They belong morein an anime or a scifi FPS game.
Re: Transformers: Age of Extinction Concept Art from Michael Hritz (1589974)
Posted by El Duque on July 12th, 2014 @ 11:09am CDT
The Transformers: Age of Extinction concept art continues to roll out! This morning we have images from artist Josh Nizzi's website that give us his take on several of the characters from the film plus a few that didn't end up on screen. These include three very impressive looking Cybertronian Knights. We also get a closer look at many of the weapons seen in the film. We've mirrored a selection of his images below, many more can be viewed by clicking here.
















Re: Transformers: Age of Extinction Concept Art from Michael Hritz (1589980)
Posted by Evil Eye on July 12th, 2014 @ 11:36am CDT
Those are some pretty cool designs. I don't know why, but I've always been fond of the nameless generic characters, like the various background characters from Energon, and the awesome 2-headed Shockwave shown here. I actually find the way they take the existing models and mix-and-match them into new designs pretty creative.

Damn, I can't wait to see the movie now.
Re: Transformers: Age of Extinction Concept Art from Michael Hritz (1589981)
Posted by dreadwing95 on July 12th, 2014 @ 11:38am CDT
i kind of wish they made the two headed shockwave were two different bots like in that one concept art
Re: Transformers: Age of Extinction Concept Art from Michael Hritz (1589993)
Posted by Noideaforaname on July 12th, 2014 @ 12:23pm CDT
Like last time, my favorites are the background generics. *ponders how to make Kreons of Two Head and the guy with whips*
Wasn't the whip bot originally just random art of his? I feel like I've seen it before...

The "creator hand" is very cool.

Lockdown seems vaguely Megatron-esque, with that top crest part and those sideburn things.

The Knights are pretty boring, they're just... knights.
And roundabout confirmation that Silver Knight Optimus was supposed to be an actual thing.
Re: Transformers: Age of Extinction Concept Art from Michael Hritz (1590006)
Posted by dreadwing95 on July 12th, 2014 @ 12:49pm CDT
Noideaforaname wrote:Like last time, my favorites are the background generics. *ponders how to make Kreons of Two Head and the guy with whips*
Wasn't the whip bot originally just random art of his? I feel like I've seen it before...

The "creator hand" is very cool.

Lockdown seems vaguely Megatron-esque, with that top crest part and those sideburn things.

The Knights are pretty boring, they're just... knights.
And roundabout confirmation that Silver Knight Optimus was supposed to be an actual thing.

i like the knight designs. i actually wouldve liked these designs as the actual primes rather than the odd looking ones we already have. i mean that black knight design just screams "the fallen"
Re: Transformers: Age of Extinction Concept Art from Michael Hritz (1590036)
Posted by The Thuggernaut on July 12th, 2014 @ 1:42pm CDT
That knight below the black knight reminds me of Grimlock, and it ain't just the stylish footwear :-?
Re: Transformers: Age of Extinction Concept Art from Michael Hritz (1590045)
Posted by griftimus prime on July 12th, 2014 @ 2:22pm CDT
cool art and design. but these do not look like transformers.
Re: Transformers: Age of Extinction Concept Art from Michael Hritz (1590052)
Posted by RiddlerJ on July 12th, 2014 @ 2:55pm CDT
If Hasbro was smart, they'd release a retool of DOTM Shockwave with the two heads. Easy new figure.
Re: Transformers: Age of Extinction Concept Art from Michael Hritz (1590072)
Posted by Peridot on July 12th, 2014 @ 4:05pm CDT
El Duque wrote: Image

Rack N' Ruin, is that you?
El Duque wrote: Image

Am I the only one who thinks this looks more like a torso with a bunch of arms and a giant eye in its chest than a hand?
RiddlerJ wrote:If Hasbro was smart, they'd release a retool of DOTM Shockwave with the two heads. Easy new figure.

To accomodate an extra head, either the entire upper body would have to be extensively (and I do mean extensively) retooled, or the heads would be extremely tiny.
Re: Transformers: Age of Extinction Concept Art from Michael Hritz (1590155)
Posted by Shuttershock on July 12th, 2014 @ 6:33pm CDT
Wait, so two-headed Shockwave drone was actually conceptualized? They didn't just lazily re-use the character model with a different head?

I honestly don't know if that makes it better or worse.

Someone must just REALLY hate Shockwave to constantly waste and abuse his character for these movies.
Re: Transformers: Age of Extinction Concept Art from Michael Hritz (1590158)
Posted by Shuttershock on July 12th, 2014 @ 6:36pm CDT
Wait, so two-headed Shockwave drone was actually conceptualized? They didn't just lazily re-use the character model with a different head?

I honestly don't know if that makes it better or worse.

Someone must just REALLY hate Shockwave to constantly waste and abuse his character for these movies.
Re: Transformers: Age of Extinction Concept Art from Michael Hritz (1590178)
Posted by Noideaforaname on July 12th, 2014 @ 7:59pm CDT
Yeah, that's kinda odd. I mean, I know every little thing needs to be conceptualized, but with "Two Head" it seems like somebody could've just modified the Shockwave model, or even just photoshop the preexisting concept art. Do they really need finished work-level pieces for everything?

Incidentally, I would LOVE to see rough draft, million ideas on one page-type concept art. I assume those exist, it'd be very strange if the artists just went straight to finish.
Re: Transformers: Age of Extinction Concept Art from Michael Hritz (1590185)
Posted by Sabrblade on July 12th, 2014 @ 9:05pm CDT
Ten-fingered hand is scary.

Ah, so Optimus was supposed to upgrade into his Silver Knight form when he pulled out the sword. That would have made his getting the jet boots from said upgrade a lot clearer had the upgrade been as elaborate as this design, And based on this design, I think now we can guess as to what exactly Takara's "AD31 Ultimate Power Mode Optimus Prime" is supposed to be.

Two Head is not merely a two-headed Shockwave, but a mirrored Shockwave, as he also has a right arm based on Shockwave's cannon-less left arm, giving him two of Shockwave's left arm's spike.

About those knights, what if... what if those knights are the original forms of the Dinobots before they got reformatted into having dino bodies? :shock:

Dude with the whips is simply named "KSI Boss" according to this backside view of it.
Re: Transformers: Age of Extinction Concept Art from Michael Hritz (1590189)
Posted by Shuttershock on July 12th, 2014 @ 9:20pm CDT
Sabrblade wrote:Ten-fingered hand is scary.

Ah, so Optimus was supposed to upgrade into his Silver Knight form when he pulled out the sword. That would have made his getting the jet boots from said upgrade a lot clearer had the upgrade been as elaborate as this design, And based on this design, I think now we can guess as to what exactly Takara's "AD31 Ultimate Power Mode Optimus Prime" is supposed to be.

Two Head is not merely a two-headed Shockwave, but a mirrored Shockwave, as he also has a right arm based on Shockwave's cannon-less left arm, giving him two of Shockwave's left arm's spike.

About those knights, what if... what if those knights are the original forms of the Dinobots before they got reformatted into having dino bodies? :shock:

Dude with the whips is simply named "KSI Boss" according to this backside view of it.

Ifs and buts, man. I could have dug any one of those concepts... if that's what we saw in the movie. But it seemed like every scene which could have built context and added to the mythos was left on the cutting room floor.
Re: Transformers: Age of Extinction Concept Art from Michael Hritz (1590306)
Posted by Gallifreyan Autobot on July 13th, 2014 @ 8:47am CDT
This question has been bugging me on the subject of who or what is the creator the picture of its hand doesn't really help but heaven forbid it is those quintessons.. hated them. in my opinion they made random Blitzwing look normal :BANG_HEAD:
Re: Transformers: Age of Extinction Concept Art from Michael Hritz (1590383)
Posted by Sabrblade on July 13th, 2014 @ 2:50pm CDT
Autobot tap out wrote:This question has been bugging me on the subject of who or what is the creator the picture of its hand doesn't really help but heaven forbid it is those quintessons.. hated them. in my opinion they made random Blitzwing look normal :BANG_HEAD:
The Creators are... something possibly to be revealed in a later movie. We aren't supposed to know who or what they are at this time. ;)
Re: Transformers: Age of Extinction Concept Art from Michael Hritz (1590395)
Posted by Gallifreyan Autobot on July 13th, 2014 @ 3:26pm CDT
Sabrblade wrote:
Autobot tap out wrote:This question has been bugging me on the subject of who or what is the creator the picture of its hand doesn't really help but heaven forbid it is those quintessons.. hated them. in my opinion they made random Blitzwing look normal :BANG_HEAD:
The Creators are... something possibly to be revealed in a later movie. We aren't supposed to know who or what they are at this time. ;)

I take it Sabrblade, that apparantly there are spoilers in which I have no clue about and yet the rest of the crew do know of plus you know as well . I thought the back story for the movies would have the concept of primus as their creator but apparently AOE throws that out the window and cue me rambling thoughts
Re: Transformers: Age of Extinction Concept Art from Michael Hritz (1590398)
Posted by Sabrblade on July 13th, 2014 @ 3:37pm CDT
Autobot tap out wrote:
Sabrblade wrote:
Autobot tap out wrote:This question has been bugging me on the subject of who or what is the creator the picture of its hand doesn't really help but heaven forbid it is those quintessons.. hated them. in my opinion they made random Blitzwing look normal :BANG_HEAD:
The Creators are... something possibly to be revealed in a later movie. We aren't supposed to know who or what they are at this time. ;)

I take it Sabrblade, that apparantly there are spoilers in which I have no clue about and yet the rest of the crew do know of plus you know as well . I thought the back story for the movies would have the concept of primus as their creator but apparently AOE throws that out the window and cue me rambling thoughts
What you know is what we all know. The movie's the only thing there is that has gone into this backstory, as it was created just for this movie and has ignored all previous supplementary material like the movie comics and movie novels.

Up until now, the AllSpark has been the only thing involved in the creating of the Transformers in the Movieverse origin story (one or two comics even cite Primus as having been the first Transformer made by the Cube, rather than Primus existing before the Cube).
Re: Transformers: Age of Extinction Concept Art from Michael Hritz (1593826)
Posted by RSDADDIMUS2 on July 26th, 2014 @ 12:04am CDT
Nice pictures. i'm glad they weren't used for the movies,though.
Re: Transformers: Age of Extinction Concept Art from Michael Hritz (1593886)
Posted by chivesbot20 on July 26th, 2014 @ 9:10am CDT
The concept arts are cool,but optimus and bee look worse than i would expect from Nizzi

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