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Valvoline Thanking Evil Optimus in Newest Commercial Updated

Transformers News: Valvoline Thanking Evil Optimus in Newest Commercial Updated

Saturday, April 29th, 2017 12:37PM CDT

Category: Movie Related News
Posted by: william-james88   Views: 24,390

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There seems to be some disconnect between the message Valvoline is saying in their latest commercial featuring clips of Transformers: The Last Knight. While the video has many representatives giving their thanks to the Transformers for saving us, the clips used mostly feature an evil Optimus Prime, including one where he is smashing Bumblebee (it's even the youtube thumbnail). These are of course the most eye catching clips with Optimus being the best known character so the corporate mandate was clear but it still makes for an awkward commercial. Enjoy!

Update: Vavoline has since taken down this video
Credit(s): valvoline on youtube

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Re: Valvoline Thanking Evil Optimus in Newest Commercial Updated (1878207)
Posted by Carnivius_Prime on April 29th, 2017 @ 12:48pm CDT
'aimed squarely at the male audience' Girls don't like Transformers? Weird cos most of the ones I know actually like or love the films. What demographic is the trailer focused on a little girl aimed at?

Last Knight really is one of only two films I actually want to see in the cinema this year. The other one was Logan which I already did see (and loved). Nothing else this year appeals to me, certainly not more MCU and Star Wars stuff (I'd like to pretend The Force Awakens was just a bad fan-film)
Re: Valvoline Thanking Evil Optimus in Newest Commercial Updated (1878209)
Posted by Kurona on April 29th, 2017 @ 12:57pm CDT
Thank you, Autobots, for saving the world by beating the ever-loving sh*t out of Bumblebee.
Re: Valvoline Thanking Evil Optimus in Newest Commercial Updated (1878212)
Posted by william-james88 on April 29th, 2017 @ 1:02pm CDT
Kurona wrote:Thank you, Autobots, for saving the world by beating the ever-loving sh*t out of Bumblebee.

Yeah, thats what it looks like right? Glad to know I am not the only one. These people are clueless.
Re: Valvoline Thanking Evil Optimus in Newest Commercial Updated (1878213)
Posted by Kurona on April 29th, 2017 @ 1:07pm CDT
william-james88 wrote:
Kurona wrote:Thank you, Autobots, for saving the world by beating the ever-loving sh*t out of Bumblebee.

Yeah, thats what it looks like right? Glad to know I am not the only one. These people are clueless.

Could swear I've seen it happen with other movie franchise adverts where they take things without realising the context. Can't say I mind, it's always funny :P
Re: Valvoline Thanking Evil Optimus in Newest Commercial Updated (1878227)
Posted by Burn on April 29th, 2017 @ 3:54pm CDT
There's nothing awkward about that commercial.

We have no idea that Optimus is "evil".

It's a corporate ad featuring clips from an up-coming movie.
Re: Valvoline Thanking Evil Optimus in Newest Commercial Updated (1878234)
Posted by DedicatedGhostArt on April 29th, 2017 @ 4:40pm CDT
This is weird an awkward.
Re: Valvoline Thanking Evil Optimus in Newest Commercial Updated (1878242)
Posted by RAcast on April 29th, 2017 @ 5:44pm CDT
That was good for a real laugh. It's like the folks at Valvoline know the collecting fanbase and how we feel about a certain yellow plague. :KREMZEEK:
Re: Valvoline Thanking Evil Optimus in Newest Commercial Updated (1878359)
Posted by karyuudo on April 30th, 2017 @ 12:51pm CDT
Sabrblade wrote:You know, as I was typing that post, I Googled 騎士王 (Kishi-ō, "Knight King") to see what would come up and the first result that came up was the Chinese Wikipedia article for King Arthur, 亚瑟王 (Yàsèwáng). Could be a coincidence (as those are not the same three Kanji as those I Googled, save for the third one), but I did find it funny what with all the Arthurian stuff going on in this movie.

I actually talked with my wife about the Japanese title for the movie. She said the title of 最後の騎士王 should translate out to "The Last King (or Ruler/Champion/Master) of the Knights"

So who the last King of the Knights could be referring to, is anyone's guess at this point. I'm guessing though it's in reference to Prime and Cade.
Re: Valvoline Thanking Evil Optimus in Newest Commercial Updated (1878443)
Posted by william-james88 on April 30th, 2017 @ 8:57pm CDT
karyuudo wrote:So who the last King of the Knights could be referring to, is anyone's guess at this point. I'm guessing though it's in reference to Prime and Cade.

I am guessing its King Arthur.
Re: Valvoline Thanking Evil Optimus in Newest Commercial Updated (1878475)
Posted by WreckerJack on April 30th, 2017 @ 10:20pm CDT
Paramount Pictures Japan has uploaded a short TV spot as an announcement for an exclusive trailer for Transformers: The Last Knight in Japan.

We posted the TV Spot below which contains updated footage from previous trailers. One of the messages says that "the embargo will life on April 28th". We think this has to do with press releases or interviews with the media. As more information becomes available we will keep you posted.

Exited for TLK? Why not check out some reviews of some of the latest toys in this article!

Re: Valvoline Thanking Evil Optimus in Newest Commercial Updated (1878592)
Posted by EvasionModeBumblebee on May 1st, 2017 @ 3:43pm CDT
Hey guys, check this out.

New screenshot from TLK!
Re: Valvoline Thanking Evil Optimus in Newest Commercial Updated (1878607)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on May 1st, 2017 @ 4:50pm CDT
Seibertronian EvasionModeBumblebee has let us know that a new still from the Japanese exclusive trailer has made its way to the internet. The image shows Prime, faceplate retracted, with his arm sword deployed with Bumblebee's head in the lower right. It appears as though Prime is trying to resist killing Bumblebee, playing off the scene from the original trailer where Prime went to stab Bee in the head. Check out the image below, and you can find the original video where it came from here

Re: Valvoline Thanking Evil Optimus in Newest Commercial Updated (1878616)
Posted by Fc203 on May 1st, 2017 @ 5:46pm CDT
I saw this new ad while rewatching a rid episode[youtube][/youtube]
Re: Valvoline Thanking Evil Optimus in Newest Commercial Updated (1878621)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on May 1st, 2017 @ 6:10pm CDT
Fc203 wrote:I saw this new ad while rewatching a rid episode[youtube][/youtube]

thank you! I am transferring this to the toy thread to news!
Re: Valvoline Thanking Evil Optimus in Newest Commercial Updated (1878776)
Posted by william-james88 on May 2nd, 2017 @ 3:34pm CDT
HAHAHAHAHA, Valvoline took down the video after realizing their giant mistep. Oh boy, that must suck in terms of loss for their marketting department.
Re: Valvoline Thanking Evil Optimus in Newest Commercial Updated (1878853)
Posted by Bronzewolf on May 3rd, 2017 @ 12:25am CDT
Today Asian oil company Clatex announces their own promotion For Transformers The Last Knight! Similar to Valvoline in the US, Caltex is offering some Last Knight Merchandise as well as gift cards For those who buy certain types of their oil. Check out the prizes as well s the ways to win below, and click on either image to be taken to the full page to read all the details.


Re: Valvoline Thanking Evil Optimus in Newest Commercial Updated (1878854)
Posted by Deadput on May 3rd, 2017 @ 12:32am CDT
Their a step down from Valvoline with the lack of an exclusive toy.

Could of gotten a Calteximus Prime to go with our Va'alvotrons!
Re: Valvoline Thanking Evil Optimus in Newest Commercial Updated (1879234)
Posted by Burn on May 4th, 2017 @ 3:25pm CDT
The hype train for The Last Knight continues to chug along, this time making a stop in Australia with Australian telecommunications provider Optus launching a competition to win an overseas trip for two and a VIP experience at a special screening. The competition doesn't say WHERE overseas.

Entry is open to Optus Australia customers.

Re: Valvoline Thanking Evil Optimus in Newest Commercial Updated (1879475)
Posted by WreckerJack on May 5th, 2017 @ 12:16pm CDT
Today on twitter Micheal Bay has posted the following Tweet about the upcoming film, Tranformers: The Last Knight. From the image in the tweet we don't think things look too good for Bumblebee.


Re: Valvoline Thanking Evil Optimus in Newest Commercial Updated (1879476)
Posted by Kurona on May 5th, 2017 @ 12:26pm CDT
It's symbolic. The 'world to live' mentioned refers to the huge amount of Optimus Prime toys littering the shelves, while the 'world must die' mentioned refers to the huge amount of Bumblebee toys littering the shelves. With Hasbro's cost-cutting meaning they can't afford to produce as many as usual, they're kill Bumblebee's world of toys for Optimus'. Hence Prime ominously walking over to Bee to sacrifice him to the plastic toy gods.
Re: Valvoline Thanking Evil Optimus in Newest Commercial Updated (1879478)
Posted by Autobot N on May 5th, 2017 @ 12:28pm CDT
Re: Valvoline Thanking Evil Optimus in Newest Commercial Updated (1879481)
Posted by MrBlack on May 5th, 2017 @ 12:48pm CDT
Bumblebee has a movie coming out, and, even if it is a flashback, it makes little sense to have a showcase movie for a dead character.

My guess is that neither Prime nor Bumblebee die, but I think Prime is far more likely to bite it. He has a history of coming back from the dead, after all.
Re: Valvoline Thanking Evil Optimus in Newest Commercial Updated (1879482)
Posted by Deadput on May 5th, 2017 @ 12:52pm CDT
Ah Ominous that's both my Mum's and one of my favorite words.

But lol at people thinking Bee's actually going to die after what happened back in 1986 Bee is literally the character kids adore most in Transformers which is why he has been used so much and has had so many toys.
Re: Valvoline Thanking Evil Optimus in Newest Commercial Updated (1879485)
Posted by Agent 53 on May 5th, 2017 @ 1:09pm CDT
For Primus' sake!
Bumblebee is as popular if not more than Optimus.
They have recently revealed Bumblebee to be alive in the IDW comics.
Due to the nuber across the board, particularly in the cheeper deluxe class (though not for TLK in the UK it's like 20 quid, a decade back it was 10 quid) Bee probably sells most toys.
Optimus is one of the villains of the film.
Bumblebee is the lead of the current Cartoon series.
Hot Rod is also in the film.
Optimus has enough deaths to warrant a wiki article about them.
Bee does not.
It all points in one of several directions.
Path 1
-Bumblebee manages to overpower Optimus and he dies.
-Hot Rod becomes Rodimus and suceeds Optimus
-Bumblebee suceeds Optimus.
Path 2
-Bumblebee is severely injured
-Bumblebee is repaired.
-Bumblebee is rebuilt as Goldbug
They aren't killing Bumblebee
Re: Valvoline Thanking Evil Optimus in Newest Commercial Updated (1879486)
Posted by william-james88 on May 5th, 2017 @ 1:23pm CDT
Agent 53 wrote:Bumblebee is as popular if not more than Optimus.

You wrote a lot of good stuff and I totally agree that BB isnt dieing. these characters dont die and if they do, its not long, so no one should worry or lose sleep over arguing about it.

But I did want to comment on that line of yours. I really believe that Optimus is way more popular than Bumblebee. Of course, I dont have any numbers on the top of my head to back that up, but the films so far have gone out of their way to give him the great action set pieces instead of BB and I feel he is more popular than any other giant robot be it transformers related or not.

I even believe that Optimus Prime is as popular now as *gasp* Batman.

PS: I initially wrote "superman" but I realize that while that legacy is incredible, Superman is not as popular as he once was and batman has beaten him in sales loooooong ago.
Re: Valvoline Thanking Evil Optimus in Newest Commercial Updated (1879488)
Posted by Deadput on May 5th, 2017 @ 1:30pm CDT
I think while Prime is the most popular overall I think Bee is more popular with the kids then Optimus is for most kids.

My personal opinion is that I like them but they have never been favorites of mine for some reason the main character(s) never become favorites it's always the side characters.

One of my fave cons is Hardtop and he has like what zero media representation besides toy bios?

Anyways Bee's not going anywhere but the closest I can see that happening is a Transformers Prime situation where he is dead for 1 minute before coming back "stronger then ever".
Re: Valvoline Thanking Evil Optimus in Newest Commercial Updated (1879489)
Posted by megatronus on May 5th, 2017 @ 1:31pm CDT
All I have to say is ugh.
Re: Valvoline Thanking Evil Optimus in Newest Commercial Updated (1879490)
Posted by EvasionModeBumblebee on May 5th, 2017 @ 1:32pm CDT
Agent 53 wrote:They have recently revealed Bumblebee to be alive in the IDW comics.

Wait, they have? I may need to start reading the IDW comics then! :-?

Anyways, I really like the poster, despite Bumblebee looking like he's seen better days. Something seems off about Prime's left hand, it's at a weird angle. Maybe Bee broke it?
Re: Valvoline Thanking Evil Optimus in Newest Commercial Updated (1879494)
Posted by Megatron Wolf on May 5th, 2017 @ 1:45pm CDT
Bumblebees not going to die, hes a cash cow first of all and second it would please to many fans and we all know bay hates that. It probably just means in order for earth and the transformers to live the new villain/world thats introduced must be destroyed or in order for the future to survive the past must be changed or some crap like that. Only ones who are going to die are the decepticons and maybe one of the autobots, cause why try something different
Re: Valvoline Thanking Evil Optimus in Newest Commercial Updated (1879498)
Posted by Carnivius_Prime on May 5th, 2017 @ 1:54pm CDT
I just want that image as a poster. Like I've said for all the other TLK images of this type. :)
Re: Valvoline Thanking Evil Optimus in Newest Commercial Updated (1879499)
Posted by EvasionModeBumblebee on May 5th, 2017 @ 1:57pm CDT
Megatron Wolf wrote:Bumblebees not going to die, hes a cash cow first of all and second it would please to many fans and we all know bay hates that. It probably just means in order for earth and the transformers to live the new villain/world thats introduced must be destroyed or in order for the future to survive the past must be changed or some crap like that. Only ones who are going to die are the decepticons and maybe one of the autobots, cause why try something different

I think another major reason that Bumblebee's been around the whole time is just for continuity's sake. With the very high death rate of Transformers in these movies, it's nice to have a a few characters who are there throughout, kinda like R2 & 3PO over in Star Wars.

And the more Bumblebee we have, the better! :-D
Re: Valvoline Thanking Evil Optimus in Newest Commercial Updated (1879500)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on May 5th, 2017 @ 2:03pm CDT
Thanks to an article published on Variety, we have word that the release date for Transformers: The Last Knight has been moved up to Wednesday, June 21. The article makes mention of the fact that The Last Knight is Paramounts top prospect for 2017 and also reminds how the last 4 films have grossed $3.77 billion. It also goes on to talk about the footage shown off at Cinemacon back in March and also mentions Stanley Tucci, Josh Duhamel, Tyrese Gibson, and John Turturro returning along with Isabela Moner and Anthony Hopkins joining the cast. You can check out the short article by following the above link.
Re: Valvoline Thanking Evil Optimus in Newest Commercial Updated (1879501)
Posted by Deadput on May 5th, 2017 @ 2:03pm CDT
Megatron Wolf wrote:second it would please to many fans and we all know bay hates that.

You mean a vocal minority of adult fans on the internet that are too old to care as much as they do?
Many kids and fans would be upset if he died just like with Prime back when he died in 86.

That statement is ridiculousness and absurd where has Bay shown this so called "hatred" of fans?

Even if he did he has good reasons too with them constantly whining and threatening his life over minuscule stuff like god damn flames I'm glad he and Hasbro don't listen to the fans because fans are never satisfied and never will be.

He clearly like the franchise enough and did you know that he actually made the first 2007 Transformers film more like Transformers compared to the original Spielberg plan of making them all grey and mute?
Re: Valvoline Thanking Evil Optimus in Newest Commercial Updated (1879505)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on May 5th, 2017 @ 2:13pm CDT
Anyone else notice Bee already had his wings ripped off in that poster?
Re: Valvoline Thanking Evil Optimus in Newest Commercial Updated (1879507)
Posted by EvasionModeBumblebee on May 5th, 2017 @ 2:20pm CDT
D-Maximus_Prime wrote:Anyone else notice Bee already had his wings ripped off in that poster?

Yep! Now I can't say the AOE repaint Bumblebee for this movie is totally inaccurate.
Re: Valvoline Thanking Evil Optimus in Newest Commercial Updated (1879512)
Posted by EagleBot13 on May 5th, 2017 @ 2:28pm CDT
That's not the Forge of Solus Prime Bee is holding, is it?
Re: Valvoline Thanking Evil Optimus in Newest Commercial Updated (1879514)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on May 5th, 2017 @ 2:33pm CDT
EagleBot13 wrote:That's not the Forge of Solus Prime Bee is holding, is it?

It's been pointed out a lot how similar it looks, but we probably won't know until the actual movie is out
Re: Valvoline Thanking Evil Optimus in Newest Commercial Updated (1879515)
Posted by Sabrblade on May 5th, 2017 @ 2:33pm CDT
EagleBot13 wrote:That's not the Forge of Solus Prime Bee is holding, is it?
Looks pretty tiny if it were to be that.
Re: Valvoline Thanking Evil Optimus in Newest Commercial Updated (1879521)
Posted by william-james88 on May 5th, 2017 @ 2:43pm CDT
Sabrblade wrote:
EagleBot13 wrote:That's not the Forge of Solus Prime Bee is holding, is it?
Looks pretty tiny if it were to be that.

Not only that, but the films stay away from anything we know in terms of relics found in different media. Tomb of the primes, all spark, the seed, none of that comes from any lore, along with almost anything else (like Sideswipe using swords). They have shown time and time again to do their own thing. I am always surprised when people try to give them a deeper level of story as if anyone creating it cared to look into other versions of these characters and lore. Not saying these movies are bad, but we shouldnt try to see something that isnt there. they are their own thing and I have no clue why 5 movies in people are still trying to link it with homages. This aint Star trek.

here is the sad truth:

Its just a hammer because hammers are cool

Anything more than that would greatly surprise me.
Re: Valvoline Thanking Evil Optimus in Newest Commercial Updated (1879541)
Posted by Deadput on May 5th, 2017 @ 4:33pm CDT
Can't be the forge if you look closely it has "lines" or whatever on the hammer which would mean unless it's magic anything made would have line markings on the item which would make that hammer a terrible forging tool.


It also seems he had this hammer in the past but the "past" video might be not canon or exaggerated.


It also doesn't look artifacty enough like the Matrix, Allspark and the other relics of the films and it instead looks like a normal hammer also it's quite the coincidence on how it's the same yellow as Bee.

I think the hammer has always been Bee's and he just either lost it or has not been using it for some reason but let's just find out when the movie comes out.

Edit: One more thing the films have already established that there were 7 original Primes and 6 of them died hiding the matrix so unless Solus was retconned in as one of the rather male looking primes it debunks Solus being a thing.

Plus at the very least Bay and Co at least can make up original ideas for relics and usually don't copy paste them and when they do they change it up.
Re: Valvoline Thanking Evil Optimus in Newest Commercial Updated (1879585)
Posted by griftimus prime on May 5th, 2017 @ 7:45pm CDT
trying to squeeze as much as they can out of that opening week.
Re: Valvoline Thanking Evil Optimus in Newest Commercial Updated (1879587)
Posted by Deadput on May 5th, 2017 @ 7:55pm CDT
griftimus prime wrote:trying to squeeze as much as they can out of that opening week.

Their trying to make money? Call the presses! :lol:
Re: Valvoline Thanking Evil Optimus in Newest Commercial Updated (1879600)
Posted by Sabrblade on May 5th, 2017 @ 11:23pm CDT
william-james88 wrote:
Sabrblade wrote:
EagleBot13 wrote:That's not the Forge of Solus Prime Bee is holding, is it?
Looks pretty tiny if it were to be that.

Not only that, but the films stay away from anything we know in terms of relics found in different media.
Save for the Matrix of Leadership. ;)

william-james88 wrote:all spark,
To be fair, this one did have its roots in the preexisting concepts of Vector Sigma, the Matrix, and Energon Cubes, as the filmmakers took the life-giving aspects from the first two when creating the AllSpark, while the cube's name was originally going to be called "the Energon Cube", with the finalized name being taken from Beast Machines, and the change coming late enough in the production for the original name to make its way into some of the first film's supplementary materials, like its novelization.
Re: Valvoline Thanking Evil Optimus in Newest Commercial Updated (1879605)
Posted by william-james88 on May 5th, 2017 @ 11:46pm CDT
Sabrblade wrote:
william-james88 wrote:
Sabrblade wrote:
EagleBot13 wrote:That's not the Forge of Solus Prime Bee is holding, is it?
Looks pretty tiny if it were to be that.

Not only that, but the films stay away from anything we know in terms of relics found in different media.
Save for the Matrix of Leadership. ;)

But even then, the look is completely different. My point was only that people thinking that hammer reffers to anything they know will probably be dissapointed. These films are very much their own thing.
Re: Valvoline Thanking Evil Optimus in Newest Commercial Updated (1879608)
Posted by Deadput on May 6th, 2017 @ 12:08am CDT
william-james88 wrote:But even then, the look is completely different. My point was only that people thinking that hammer reffers to anything they know will probably be dissapointed. These films are very much their own thing.

It's also more like a key to machinery and a power source then a container of knowledge and souls I also like the look of the movie matrix myself.

I'm glad that the film makers attempt to make up new concepts or do new things with old ones instead of copying and pasting which is what all aspiring script makers should do with stories instead of rehashes.
Re: Valvoline Thanking Evil Optimus in Newest Commercial Updated (1879610)
Posted by Sabrblade on May 6th, 2017 @ 12:20am CDT
Deadput wrote:
william-james88 wrote:But even then, the look is completely different. My point was only that people thinking that hammer reffers to anything they know will probably be dissapointed. These films are very much their own thing.

It's also more like a key to machinery and a power source then a container of knowledge and souls I also like the look of the movie matrix myself.
It did bring both Optimus and Sentinel (and Sam?) back to life, though, which is a classic attribute of the Matrix's accessibility to the Transformer afterlife.
Re: Valvoline Thanking Evil Optimus in Newest Commercial Updated (1879656)
Posted by Deadput on May 6th, 2017 @ 12:57pm CDT
Sabrblade wrote:It did bring both Optimus and Sentinel (and Sam?) back to life, though, which is a classic attribute of the Matrix's accessibility to the Transformer afterlife.

For Optimus yeah I know he gets full on brought back to life so nothing to say here.

But Sentinel was not dead it's stated in the movie a couple times Ratchet: "His levels are faint he locked himself away to guard the pillers" Lennox: "Sentinel Prime, these things run on energon and he's out of it he's in sort of a sleep mode." and then Lennox: "That's the great Matrix of leadership, He holds the only thing in the universe that can repower a Transformer's spark."

Was Sam actually dead? I always just thought he was just dying and knocked out or in a temporary coma.

It's always possible (Theory not stating fact) that Optimus wasn't dead but just knocked into stasis making him "Not-Dead" but I doubt it.
Re: Valvoline Thanking Evil Optimus in Newest Commercial Updated (1879657)
Posted by william-james88 on May 6th, 2017 @ 12:58pm CDT
Sabrblade wrote:
Deadput wrote:
william-james88 wrote:But even then, the look is completely different. My point was only that people thinking that hammer reffers to anything they know will probably be dissapointed. These films are very much their own thing.

It's also more like a key to machinery and a power source then a container of knowledge and souls I also like the look of the movie matrix myself.
It did bring both Optimus and Sentinel (and Sam?) back to life, though, which is a classic attribute of the Matrix's accessibility to the Transformer afterlife.

I cant believe the Transformers afterlife and Devastator's balls were in the same film just moments away from one another.
Re: Valvoline Thanking Evil Optimus in Newest Commercial Updated (1879798)
Posted by Va'al on May 7th, 2017 @ 5:34am CDT
From the cast of Transformers: The Last Knight, now out on June 21st 2017 (two days earlier than initially planned), Isabela Moner spoke to the New York Times about her approach to the casting and acting with director Michael Bay - getting used to the 'nothing is really there' trademark of the live action movies! Check it out below.



“Transformers: The Last Knight” (June 23)

To win a role in the latest “Transformers,” Ms. Moner sent a self-tape from her home in Cleveland. “I was nervous. I had just turned 14 and was intimidated by the fact that it’s such a big franchise and I’d be stepping into one of the leads.”

The director Michael Bay wanted to see more and asked her to fly to Los Angeles for a screen test. “The hairstylist said, ‘We’re going to come up with the look for the movie.’ Then Michael walks in and he’s like, ‘We might have to cut your hair.’ I’m like, ‘What? Right now?’” Luckily the new look let her keep her long tresses. “So we dodged a bullet on that one.”

She and Mr. Bay went to a studio parking lot, where he asked her to pretend a Transformer was looming above as he filmed. He told her, “‘I want you to shout things at him, be really mean and challenge him.’ So I did what he wanted me to do, and he did as much as he could without actually having to pay me to be there. What was supposed to be a 30-minute meeting turned into a three-hour fun day of just a low-budget ‘Transformers.’”
Re: Valvoline Thanking Evil Optimus in Newest Commercial Updated (1879816)
Posted by Rodimus Prime on May 7th, 2017 @ 6:42am CDT
Wow. What a huge spoiler that tweet is. Putting together 2 and 2, Bay just pretty much told us that Cybertron will be destroyed for good. If 1 world lives and 1 dies, it won't be Earth that dies. So, The Last Knight will be the end of Cybertron. But will Prime and/or Megatron die with it?

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