Video Review for Siege of Cybertron Figures from Transformers Titans Return Boxset
Tuesday, July 18th, 2017 10:33PM CDT
Categories: Toy News, ReviewsPosted by: william-james88 Views: 20,357
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Posted by Optimum Supreme on July 18th, 2017 @ 11:01pm CDT
Randomhero wrote:BBTS has now delayed the set to august sadly
*word Spike said in TFTM that got cut out of the VHS release*

is it at least early august?
Posted by bodrock on July 18th, 2017 @ 11:34pm CDT
RodimusConvoy13 wrote:Albatross250 wrote:RodimusConvoy13 wrote:Also this one. I like to do stupid little scenes with my figures.
One of the best scenes in the G1 Movie
I know. Just can't do a good recreation in toy form.
It'll never stop us from tryin'!!

And wow, Metalhawk looks cool. I prefer his Pretender incarnation, but he looks great in Siege. I want Pounce the most, though.
Posted by Deadput on July 18th, 2017 @ 11:35pm CDT
Randomhero wrote:BBTS has now delayed the set to august sadly
For me this is actually good news since I had to use my money and I wouldn't be able to pay for it if it was at the end of July.
I get money at the beginning of August so I'll be able to get him then.
Posted by Albatross250 on July 19th, 2017 @ 1:02am CDT
Sabrblade wrote:Wrong thread.Albatross250 wrote:
Hmm, Peter Cullen returns...
Well then, this will be a good show than Combiner wars itself
Ooops, didn't meant to do that, sorry

Posted by bodrock on July 19th, 2017 @ 1:15am CDT
I still can't get enough TMs.
Posted by Chriphord on July 19th, 2017 @ 2:02am CDT
Posted by Insurgent on July 19th, 2017 @ 3:25am CDT
ZeldaTheSwordsman wrote:How well do you think Clobber would work on him?
His face may be a bit too round for the blockyness of the body. I don't have clobber so can't check. But I'm thinking a faceplate like that, give him an armoured soldier type look.
Posted by Kurona on July 19th, 2017 @ 3:57am CDT

Posted by Evil Eye on July 19th, 2017 @ 5:00am CDT
Funny, ever since I found out Tidal Wave was called Shockwave in Japan I've had a headcanon that Tidal Wave was originally a giant transtector for Shockwave to increase his power and, uh, size in battle (so Shockwave himself gains a third mode in the form of a massive head)...but for some reason whilst he's connected to the body he reverts to a rather stupid berserk state only capable of growling "Shoooooockwaaaaaave". As such, he builds/reformats a new head/control unit for the Tidal Wave body, who whilst not hugely bright even when not connected to the body, is actually stable and controllable, and generally pretty chummy.
This probably originated from playing with my Energon Tidal Wave and Shockwave/blast, who in my childhood games with my TFs were best buddies, and all around nice guys. Tidal Wave for some reason was the exact opposite of his actual self (eloquent, polite and wise) whilst Shockwave was a friendly doddering old professor type character.
I was a weird kid.
Posted by Carnivius_Prime on July 19th, 2017 @ 6:16am CDT
Kurona wrote:I really like that Metalhawk. To be perfectly honest I like everything in this set aside from Thunderwing and Magnus -- anyone getting this set just for not-Ginrai and wants to give away Tidal Wave, Pounce or Metalhawk?
I just want Magnus Prime (to finally have my PM Prime update) and the Thunderwing head (to go on a Nitro Zeus body probably). Everything else in that box is plastic junk to me.
Posted by Kurona on July 19th, 2017 @ 6:34am CDT
Carnivius_Prime wrote:Kurona wrote:I really like that Metalhawk. To be perfectly honest I like everything in this set aside from Thunderwing and Magnus -- anyone getting this set just for not-Ginrai and wants to give away Tidal Wave, Pounce or Metalhawk?
I just want Magnus Prime (to finally have my PM Prime update) and the Thunderwing head (to go on a Nitro Zeus body probably). Everything else in that box is plastic junk to me.
Team-up time
Posted by Carnivius_Prime on July 19th, 2017 @ 6:45am CDT
william-james88 wrote:o.supreme wrote: when there's a lack of news however, you have to talk about something right?
This is a great point and I am using it as a jumping off point for something directed to all my friends here.
Why dont we talk about the toys we have and love instead of what we wish would happen or what we are pissed hasnt happened? Its like this thread has all the anticipation, the reviews but not what follows. Aside from BodRock's shots of Skyshadow, I dont see as much of people having fun with their toys. Or saying which they love, or trying different things with their heads and compatibility across the line. has anyone done some fun stuff with all this added playability?
Which toys do you like best in the line? Is there a triple changer voyager that is truly better than the rest?
TR Megatron is still by far my fave Titans figure and has spent the majority of the time since I got him in December proudly standing on my desk in robot, jet or tank modes. He's been probably the Transformer I've transformed most in years though Sqweeks and TLK Megatron have had a lot of play too despite having them them for shorter length of time.
I still don't know why my TR Megatron's stickers are better than everyone elses. The TFWiki even stating "The G1 toy-accurate 'scrollwork' details on his chest and all Decepticon insignias are chrome-backed, factory-applied, low-quality stickers which are notoriously prone to peeling off at the slightest disturbance" when none have even begun to peel off despite much play and handling. I was even trying to peel one of the scrolly bits the other day cos I've never actually been fond of that pattern on him and couldn't do it.
But again on that wiki it says about Sqweeks and Berserker: "Similar to Berserker's arm kibble, Sqweek's vehicle mode headlight piece does not have any glue holding it in place and tends to pop out during transformation. ". My Berserker's kibble is not glued no, but it certainly doesn't pop off easily and Sqweeks' headlight piece didn't come off even when I tried to exert a bit of force in doing so. Is there a variable quality control depending on where you are in the world or what batch of figures you get?
Anyways yeah I still love TR Megatron. Um let's go through the ones I've owned.
TR Legends Bumblebee - kinda crappy. Didn't like how the driver's bit opened up at all
TR Deluxe Hardhead - bought cos i had the original G1 toy but this one's boring with a much uglier tank mode
TR Deluxe Highbrow - boring
TR Deluxe Chromedome - bought same time as Highbrow, also boring so sold both within the fortnight
TR Deluxe Hot Rod - Nice figure but shoulder joints were too high so I modded them, didn't like the bit that folds in from the front of the car so I leave that out fo the transformation even tempted to just glue it. Painted to be my Marvel Hot Rod.
TR Deluxe Triggerhappy - Bought with Hot Rod as a buy one get one half price deal. I had no real interest in it though and sold it on without even opening the package. Looking at pics online and such I really couldn't care less.
TR Deluxe Wirewolf - Robot is kinda dull, wolf mode just looks goofy. I only bought it to paint up into a modern Carnivac toy but I got a bit fed up with the mold's issues and left it in the customs WIP pile.
TR Voyager Gavatron - Average robot mode with stupid flip up mask gimmick that just doesn't look good at all. Boring alt-modes. I modded my figure and painted it up in the G1 toy/comic greys but got a bit fed up with the head stuff and left it in the customs WIP pile like Wirewolf.
TR Voyager Megatron - Love it. Already said so. My G1 Megatron representation of my collection.
TR Voyager Optimus Prime - It's... okay. Plane mode is junk. Truck is passable. Robot mode is alright but not best. I still prefer my 2006 Classics Optimus Prime.
Takara Legends Scourge - Nice but I got bored with it and sold it a few months later. The antenna kept sliding down into the head from even just a slight breeze.
Takara Legends Blurr - Lovely figure with striking blues. Same QC issue as Scourge with the antenna that I tried to fix only to get interrupted and make a botch job of it. Also I really don't like the back of the robot mode at all whether with the shield on or not. Also pissed off he didn't have his Targetmaster ready yet like Legends Hot Rod and Kup do and I'd have to import a figure I dislike just to get it.
Figures I would still like though:
Possible Legends Kup and Hot Rod. Had to cancel my pre-order but they still tempt me.
Alpha Trion (at the £10.99 Kapow price if just to paint in silvers and use as a TLK Knight/King character)
Magnus Prime cos I still own the original G1 Powermaster Prime and felt Hasbro's attempt to update it was sorely lacking but Takara's Ginrai was nice but I want this one.
Hm looking at that it looks like I don't feel I've really got much value for money from this line at all. Still better than Combiner Wars though.
Jeez I typed a lot. I gotta go to the blood donation venue now so catch ya later!

Posted by Kurona on July 19th, 2017 @ 7:02am CDT
Posted by RodimusConvoy13 on July 19th, 2017 @ 7:20am CDT
Kurona wrote:I've had fine experiences with Megatron's stickers too -- the only one that's ended up coming off was the Decepticon logo on his nosecone. The rest are... alright, though could certainly be better.
My Megatron has ok stickers too. Wings are starting to peel a bit. Blitzwing's stickers are awful though. HIs wing stickers are peeling badly. Gonna have to drop some dough on reprolabels for the two of them eventually.
Posted by Kurona on July 19th, 2017 @ 7:34am CDT
Clobber: Wonderful little figure. Very cute, very clever and gives a lovely generic head to plonk on anyone.
Buzzsaw: Unpopular opinion but he's great. The bird and cassette modes are pulled off very well and I just adore that headsculpt -- and I really love compacting the parts of the bird into a little box shape. Honestly don't think there's much wrong with him, I like him very much so.
Rewind: Marvellous piece of engineering. Despite a few flaws like the arms being too chunky in proportion to the rest of the body; Rewind manages to be a stand-out Legends-class figure, a decent representation of the MTMTE character and a surprisingly successful triple changer.
Bumblebee: Fiddly transformation and it's a bit annoying how the yellows sometimes don't match up depending on your light source, but he's still a neat little dude and I'm happy to have him as my Bumblebee representation.
Chromedome: A bit simple and repetitive especially after CW's Dead End hordes, but he still pulls off a few neat tricks and it turns out this engineering works better as a Headmaster anyway. Nothing terribly wrong, just unfortunately a bit basic.
Wolfwire: Very impressive transformation with both modes being great to look at and very well articulated. Both could be better in those areas but I'm still very happy with the figure.
Hot Rod: Once again, a tad basic; but I'm much more impressed with the transformation than Chromedome and the streamlining and re-invention of Hot Rod's classic transformation make for some great modes -- in particular, a cybertronian car I can't help but fall in love with. And I think he has my favourite cockpit of the lot!
Megatron: Incredible. Just... incredible. A few minor flaws mainly relating to QC, but the design of this guy is phenomenal and I think the best tank/jet/robot triple changer yet; managing to look impressive and function extremely well in all three modes. A great Megatron, a great triple-changer, a great Headmaster, and just a damn good toy.
All in all, I've been very impressed with this line. If I had to choose a loser I guess I'd choose Bumblebee, but I still love him to pieces. Thanks to Kapow's sales it's looking like I'll pick up Sentinel Prime today along with Ptero -- I'll be sure to give my thoughts on them in due time

Posted by william-james88 on July 19th, 2017 @ 9:02am CDT
Titan Master: Toraiser, Optimus Primal, Arcee
Legends: Beachcomber
Deluxes: Slugslinger, Crosshairs, Carnivac, Blood
Voyagers: Snapdragon and Apeface
Leader: Deathsaurus
Kurona wrote:Hot Rod: Once again, a tad basic; but I'm much more impressed with the transformation than Chromedome and the streamlining and re-invention of Hot Rod's classic transformation make for some great modes -- in particular, a cybertronian car I can't help but fall in love with. And I think he has my favourite cockpit of the lot!
I 100% agree. Amazing cockpit and I love how they can give us a Hot Rod with a good looking vehicle that looks the part while also giving us a sleek robot and is totally uncumbersome to transform.
Its so cool to see all these write ups. I love this line and I am glad to see so many are enjoying their toys. Carnivius_Prime, my Megatron`s chest stickers are also good though I think the edges of the red stickers on the jet were slightly peeling last time I checked mine. And ditto for Sqweeks, nothing pops off. My only isue with him is how he can't hold that massive gun well. It always droops from the poorly done hole in his hand.
I think my favourite so far is Skyshadow along with Kup. Though I do enjoy all these toys a lot.
Posted by Kurona on July 19th, 2017 @ 9:07am CDT
william-james88 wrote:With wave 6 probably being revealed fully tonight, this could be our last chance at predictions. So here is what I think we will see:
Titan Master: Toraiser, Optimus Primal, Arcee
Legends: Beachcomber
Deluxes: Slugslinger, Crosshairs, Carnivac, Blood
Voyagers: Snapdragon and Apeface
Leader: DeathsaurusKurona wrote:Hot Rod: Once again, a tad basic; but I'm much more impressed with the transformation than Chromedome and the streamlining and re-invention of Hot Rod's classic transformation make for some great modes -- in particular, a cybertronian car I can't help but fall in love with. And I think he has my favourite cockpit of the lot!
I 100% agree. Amazing cockpit and I love how they can give us a Hot Rod with a good looking vehicle that looks the part while also giving us a sleek robot and is totally uncumbersome to transform.
Its so cool to see all these write ups. I love this line and I am glad to see so many are enjoying their toys. Carnivius_Prime, my Megatron`s chest stickers are also good though I think the edges of the red stickers on the jet were slightly peeling last time I checked mine. And ditto for Sqweeks, nothing pops off. My only isue with him is how he can't hold that massive gun well. It always droops from the poorly done hole in his hand.
I think my favourite so far is Skyshadow along with Kup. Though I do enjoy all these toys a lot.
Totally forgot to mention that Hot Rod's simplicity in transformation helps it a lot. My favourite thing in transformations is probably when they just use a couple simple tricks to accomplish a lot more than you'd expect and a very different silhouette -- the wheels going behind the legs for instance is great in this regard

I generally agree with your predictions considering the Titan Master leak a month or so back as well as the rumours flying around, aside from the Deluxes. I get the feeling we'll be getting all 3 1987 Autobot Targetmasters to complement the 3 1987 Decepticon Targetmasters we got this line. Also in particular, I doubt we'd get a Wolfwire repaint as Carnivac if they felt confident enough in re-releasing Wolfwire in the previous wave.
Posted by Albatross250 on July 19th, 2017 @ 9:18am CDT
william-james88 wrote:With wave 6 probably being revealed fully tonight, this could be our last chance at predictions. So here is what I think we will see:
Titan Master: Toraiser, Optimus Primal, Arcee
Legends: Beachcomber
Deluxes: Slugslinger, Crosshairs, Carnivac, Blood
Voyagers: Snapdragon and Apeface
Leader: Deathsaurus
If i remember Galvatron was gonna be the last one to be Reissued on the last wave, not sure if its true.
Posted by o.supreme on July 19th, 2017 @ 9:25am CDT
william-james88 wrote:With wave 6 probably being revealed fully tonight, this could be our last chance at predictions. So here is what I think we will see:
Titan Master: Toraiser, Optimus Primal, Arcee
Legends: Beachcomber
Deluxes: Slugslinger, Crosshairs, Carnivac, Blood
Voyagers: Snapdragon and Apeface
Leader: Deathsaurus
william-james88 wrote:Why dont we talk about the toys we have and love instead of what we wish would happen or what we are pissed hasnt happened? Its like this thread has all the anticipation, the reviews but not what follows. Aside from BodRock's shots of Skyshadow, I dont see as much of people having fun with their toys. Or saying which they love, or trying different things with their heads and compatibility across the line. has anyone done some fun stuff with all this added playability?
Which toys do you like best in the line? Is there a triple changer voyager that is truly better than the rest?
just sayin'

Posted by Autobot N on July 19th, 2017 @ 9:30am CDT
If that list is true, I'd probably get Crosshairs and Deathsaurus.william-james88 wrote:With wave 6 probably being revealed fully tonight, this could be our last chance at predictions. So here is what I think we will see:
Titan Master: Toraiser, Optimus Primal, Arcee
Legends: Beachcomber
Deluxes: Slugslinger, Crosshairs, Carnivac, Blood
Voyagers: Snapdragon and Apeface
Leader: Deathsaurus
Posted by mordhelm on July 19th, 2017 @ 9:34am CDT
william-james88 wrote:With wave 6 probably being revealed fully tonight, this could be our last chance at predictions. So here is what I think we will see:
Titan Master: Toraiser, Optimus Primal, Arcee
Legends: Beachcomber
Deluxes: Slugslinger, Crosshairs, Carnivac, Blood
Voyagers: Snapdragon and Apeface
Leader: Deathsaurus
Titan Masters: Makes sense.
Legends: I see your Beachcomber, and raise you an Outback as a repaint of Brawn. And, Eject and Blue Frumble. I know they said they have no plans to make those 2, but come on, they can't leave us hanging.
Deluxe: Carnivac, Bomb-burst, and Crosshairs all make sense as simple repaints of the body with Titan Master retools. I'm with you on the Deluxe class.
Voyager: That would be awesome. I am going out on a limb and predicting no Voyagers. Although, we still haven't seen a reuse of the Galvatron mold. Maybe a retool into Shockwave somehow? I would be really shocked if we got 2 new molds here, because we already have 10 voyagers, more than CW had. Though I could see it if they are somehow shared parts/engineering toys.
Leader: I am saying God Bomber or no Leader, and that they will save Deathsaurus for PotP.
Posted by Carnivius_Prime on July 19th, 2017 @ 9:36am CDT
william-james88 wrote:And ditto for Sqweeks, nothing pops off. My only isue with him is how he can't hold that massive gun well. It always droops from the poorly done hole in his hand.
Mine holds the gun fine in the arm but I rarely use it like that often preferring to have the gun as the whole right arm (with handle as left arm) or that big arm as the right arm with the gun as the left arm for balanced badassery.
Kurona wrote:Carnivius_Prime wrote:Kurona wrote:I really like that Metalhawk. To be perfectly honest I like everything in this set aside from Thunderwing and Magnus -- anyone getting this set just for not-Ginrai and wants to give away Tidal Wave, Pounce or Metalhawk?
I just want Magnus Prime (to finally have my PM Prime update) and the Thunderwing head (to go on a Nitro Zeus body probably). Everything else in that box is plastic junk to me.
Team-up time
Depending on the cost (especially since I'm unemployed and have spent rather too much lately on other things) I would be interested. I do have a birthday coming up in August. I got G1 Powermaster Optimus Prime for my birthday when it was first released. Must be what, 29 years ago now? Was a 1988 toy.
Posted by Albatross250 on July 19th, 2017 @ 9:46am CDT
Skytread/Terri-Bull: Tank to Jets to heads!, Tankettes are very small, but it's worth it
Astrotrain: looks awesome in both Shuttle and Train Modes
Blitzwing: one of my Best Voyagers, since he resembles a Japanese Tank

Triggerhappy: Would be more happier if i got Misfire, but i'll wait for Slugslinger xD

Scourge: Rounded Soap

Sixshot : i could tell that he's fun to play, as well doing the Gun Mode.
Topspin: Vic Viper looking esque-ship!, very happy to have him in this generations, hope i got Twintwist soon
Broadside: Overscaled

Galvatron: Lacks some Paint on the treads and the cannon parts, He ain't a bad figure except the foldable mask is.
Posted by Kurona on July 19th, 2017 @ 10:14am CDT

Posted by Munkky on July 19th, 2017 @ 10:36am CDT
Kickback - turned out really well in my opinion, he's my favourite Legends figure from this line, but I don't like the arms forming the bug's abdomen, the two halves never clip together properly on mine.
Ravage - A bit awkward looking in all panther mode, it's one of those figures that only looks good when looked at from certain angles. Nevertheless I don't regret buying it.
Rumble the Red and Black One - A good little figure, easily the best of the Legends tablets. It's just a shame we never got Frenzy the blue one, hopefully Takara will deliver on that.
Laserbeak - What's the vehicle mode supposed to be again? Either way, the bird mode is awkward as well, but he at least looks good perched on Soundwave's shoulder.
Blurr - I probably should've picked up the Takara version, I still might. The robot mode is nice, not quite as good as Generations 2010 Blurr, but I'm still happy to have it.
Hot Rod - I like him more than the Classics Deluxe, while I agree with others on here that he is a bit basic, that doesn't affect my enjoyment of the figure. Though the Titanmaster plug doesn't really fit into the hole very well, every time I attach the head I'm worried I'll break something.
Sentinel Prime and Astrotrain - One of my favourite moulds of the entire line, and one of the few Triple Changers where I like all three modes. Sentinel was the first Titans figure I bought, and at the time it was so refreshing to have a Voyager that wasn't a Combiner torso. I'd say Astrotrain has the better colour scheme, but they're both great.
Alpha Trion - I like the robot and spaceship modes, but it's a shame the lion isn't more poseable. I also don't like how the sword forms the lion's tail, it just looks awkward.
Blitzwing - I only got Blitzwing earlier this week, though I am impressed with it. The robot and jet modes are a huge improvement over Thrilling 30 Blitzwing, but the tank sadly isn't that good. On my Blitzwing, nothing clips together properly in tank mode, the most annoying part is one of the panels in front of the tank turret (which form the back of the robot's legs) is always popping out of place, and I can never get it to clip in.
Soundwave - The panels inside the robot's legs (which form ramps for Legends figures in base mode) get in the way too much while I'm transforming him, and despite my best efforts not to touch it, the gold paint on the chest has almost completely rubbed away. Despite that, he still looks great next to Combiner Wars Megatron and Starscream, and after nearly ten years of waiting for an earth-mode CHUG Soundwave, I'm at least happy that it exists now.
I still plan to buy Overlord at some point (hopefully before the aftermarket prices sky-rocket into orbit), and I'm still unsure about whether or not to buy the box sets. Overall I'd say I like Titans Return more than Combiner Wars, largely because it has a Hell of a lot more variety.
Posted by galvatron00 on July 19th, 2017 @ 10:39am CDT
Noooooooooooooooooooooo!!Kurona wrote:I hate to be the harbringer of bad news, but it looks like a very good thing that Dreadnaught doesn't need to be taken out of Overlord when transforming him -- because apparently the friction of the Headmaster slot is so strong, it causes quite a bit of paint chipping.
Also, DANG!! I didn't realize G1 Overlord was that big!! He's the awesome. So much the awesome.
Posted by Evil Eye on July 19th, 2017 @ 10:40am CDT
Skytread: Pretty fun little toy, jet mode sucks but the quad-tank mode rocks. Needed more paint.
Crashbash: Lots of fun, great sculpt and clever engineering.
Hardhead: Really cool figure, best "seat gun" in the line, nice vehicle mode, nice robot mode, just nice all around. Quake looks cool but I'd need to swap his guns out for variety's sake.
Skullcruncher: Hip tolerances were inexcuseable and the paint was a bit lacking, but with the former fixed he's a great toy. That said I wish his lower legs weren't hollow. I might very well get Krok at some point.
Triggerhappy: One of the best Deluxes I've ever owned, even with two of the same gun. Robot mode rocks, jet mode is infinitely swooshable and the transformation is just sublime.
Sentinel Prime: Lacking in paint, but pretty damn fun. Nice sculptwork, interesting transformation, lovely headsculpt and the colour scheme, whilst an acquired taste, ain't half bad. Weapons are a bit lackluster but oh well. Mine had a very floppy set of Headmaster hips and the 5mm pegs were a bit loose here and there, but nothing terrible. Definitely works better for Sentinel Prime than Astrotrain IMO.
Posted by RodimusConvoy13 on July 19th, 2017 @ 10:47am CDT
Munkky wrote:Blitzwing - I only got Blitzwing earlier this week, though I am impressed with it. The robot and jet modes are a huge improvement over Thrilling 30 Blitzwing, but the tank sadly isn't that good. On my Blitzwing, nothing clips together properly in tank mode, the most annoying part is one of the panels in front of the tank turret (which form the back of the robot's legs) is always popping out of place, and I can never get it to clip in.
Is the front of his leg getting tabbed into his upper leg/hip properly? Those tabs are really hard to get in there at first. Once you do though, it's easier each time and then the panels will sit flush like they do in robot mode.
Posted by Albatross250 on July 19th, 2017 @ 10:49am CDT
Kurona wrote:I hate to be the harbringer of bad news, but it looks like a very good thing that Dreadnaught doesn't need to be taken out of Overlord when transforming him -- because apparently the friction of the Headmaster slot is so strong, it causes quite a bit of paint chipping.
Just try flipping the head of that titan master so it would be worry free

Posted by Carnivius_Prime on July 19th, 2017 @ 10:50am CDT
Munkky wrote:Blurr - I probably should've picked up the Takara version, I still might. The robot mode is nice, not quite as good as Generations 2010 Blurr, but I'm still happy to have it.
That comment surprised me mainly cos TR/Legends Blurr is so nice and sleek and G1 accurate and Gen Blurr is retool of the (in my opinion) rather ugly, odd looking and kibbly Drift figure (of which I have one found in charity shop minus one of the legs I've so far only used to pose AoE Drift killing him). But that's interesting.

Posted by Noideaforaname on July 19th, 2017 @ 11:15am CDT
Crash Bash (count-as Vos!) is my favorite of the TMs, love the T. rex mode and it's clever use of the Titan Master
Horri-Bull was surprisingly fun, mostly because the turrets have that bit of articulation, and he goes nicely with Triggerhappy
Apeface is alright, I guess. Kinda disappointed since neither mode can really do much.
Repugnus has a really adorable hobgoblin mode. Unfortunately that's basically it...
Kickback I like, even if that first transformation left me worried I'd accidentally break him; he's so thin and hollow.
Triggerhappy is awesome in every way! ...except for the whole Titan Master thing. Don't mind that his head's a little guy, but the gun's seat is totally useless
Quake is sort of the opposite; not quite an amazing toy but I really do like the TM compatibility in the turret
(also sort of repurposed the two as Obsidian and Strika)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on July 19th, 2017 @ 11:18am CDT
Kurona wrote:william-james88 wrote:With wave 6 probably being revealed fully tonight, this could be our last chance at predictions. So here is what I think we will see:
Titan Master: Toraiser, Optimus Primal, Arcee
Legends: Beachcomber
Deluxes: Slugslinger, Crosshairs, Carnivac, Blood
Voyagers: Snapdragon and Apeface
Leader: Deathsaurus
Totally forgot to mention that Hot Rod's simplicity in transformation helps it a lot. My favourite thing in transformations is probably when they just use a couple simple tricks to accomplish a lot more than you'd expect and a very different silhouette -- the wheels going behind the legs for instance is great in this regard
I generally agree with your predictions considering the Titan Master leak a month or so back as well as the rumours flying around, aside from the Deluxes. I get the feeling we'll be getting all 3 1987 Autobot Targetmasters to complement the 3 1987 Decepticon Targetmasters we got this line. Also in particular, I doubt we'd get a Wolfwire repaint as Carnivac if they felt confident enough in re-releasing Wolfwire in the previous wave.
I agree with Kurona. I am feeling the Autobot targetmasters with Slugslinger for the final wave. I feel pretty good with your predictions save Deathsaurus. I'm not confident they'll do a wave 6 leader.
And I'll be off grid during the entire con, so i can't even see if you're right until Sunday night

Posted by Sigma Magnus on July 19th, 2017 @ 11:22am CDT
Autobot Headmaster Team: Love these guys together, and they're very cool to display. Fort Max isn't that great a Titan, so I'm largely keeping him in my custom base mode, which makes me wish Cerebros had a separate vehicle mode like Full-Tilt. Any fan modes out there? Anyway, out of all of them, I'd say Highbrow is the weakest, for two nitpicky reasons: The guns and the rotor blades. I wish he could have landing gear without his guns, partly because the ones he has don't fit on Fort Max's runways. As for the blades, they make the transformation and posing of the figure more fiddly and cumbersome. Still, the helicopter mode is fantastic and the bot mode is still pretty good. Chromedome I would normally call boring...not bad, just a little bland. However, thanks to character influence, he doesn't count as a single toy in my collection. He and Rewind are always standing together on my shelf, to the point that the latter the sixth member of my Autobot Headmaster display. And as you guys have seen, I've had a ton of fun with them. Oh, and Brainstorm is cool too, my preferred use of the Blurr mold, and Hardhead is awesome. Love messing with his tank mode.
Decepticon Headmaster Team: These guys are pretty cool too, but due to the nature of beastformers they're more fiddly. Mindwipe is not really the weakest in my mind, he and Skullcruncher are about tied. I wish I could mount Mindwipe's claw-thing directly to his forearm, using the peg makes it stick out too far. I find Skullcruncher difficult to pose, not because of the loose joints, but just because it's hard to make him look right for some reason. Weirdwolf is really good, I just wish the ankle tilts were easier to work with so I can plant his feet in more poses.
Galvatron and Scourge: ...I feel bad for these guys. Cool design, cool alt-modes, okay transformations for the most part...they could both be the perfect figures of each character, but there are just all these small little things that ruin it. They're still not bad, but they're put down a peg in my mind because they're SO SLAGGIN' CLOSE to being perfect.
Blurr: He's nice, but not as good as Brainstorm. I wish I had the Takara paintjob, but the Hasbro one does still look okay in-hand. You could probably have the Takara in a running pose and have three Hasbro ones in the same pose behind him as speed after-images or whatever...oh, right, the figure! The Headmaster doesn't quite sit right because of the antenna, but it isn't too bad. The face is kinda off to me for some reason. And it annoys me that the gun won't peg in straight in vehicle mode like Brainstorm's does. Overall, a pretty nice figure, just needs a nicer paint job and doesn't quite live up to his moldmate.
Doublecross: I'm surprised that people dislike him so much, I think he's pretty nice. The hips are a bit trickly to get right in dragon mode, but once you get the hang of it it's pretty easy. My main nitpick is the guns, the detail that the bottom tabs are on prevent them from tabbing into the back or shoulders properly, instead always at a slant that leaves them less secure. I always forget to take the Headmaster out of the belly when I'm going to robot mode.

Hot Rod: One of my favorites. Great bot mode, great car mode, fun transformation. But the Headmaster one my copy can't fold his legs all the way. And for whatever reason, I usually set his guns aside when I mess with him or display him.
Triggerhappy: I honestly can't say anything that hasn't been said already. Great bot mode, one of the coolest starfighters I've ever seen in Transformers or otherwise, and an addicting transformation. Cannot wait to have Misfire and Slugslinger to go with him. Like Hot Rod however, I usually leave his handguns aside.
Bumblebee: Not too bad. I do dislike the cockpit, but it was kind necessary due to the transformation. My main nitpick is that the car mode just never seems to tab together right.
Brawn: Pretty decent on his own, but add his Headmaster and he becomes an awesome Pretender with a big Jeep-gun-thing.
Megatron: ...I don't like him as much as other people here. Which is fine, I still think he's great, he's just not perfect in my eyes. Certain things don't stay tabbed, the Headmaster is hard to get into the jet's cockpit, the tank seat doesn't really work, and the fusion cannon doesn't look right for some reason. Still, all the modes are cool, and my stickers have been holding up okay.
Optimus Prime: Sorta the inverse of Megatron, I don't hate him as much as others do. He's not as good as Megs, but the jet mode is pretty nice, and the truck mode is great once you get everything to line up. Stickers are peeling off, unfortunately.
Posted by o.supreme on July 19th, 2017 @ 11:23am CDT
All Current Titan Masters (Only Missing Ramhorn and any possible wave 6 reveals)
Legends: Red Guy, Rewind, Laserbeak, Ravage & Stripes
All Current Leaders (Only Missing Overlord and any possible wave 6 reveals)
CoV set, have SoC set pre-ordered at BBTS
Fortress Maximus (Only missing Trypticon)
Posted by TF-fan kev777 on July 19th, 2017 @ 12:23pm CDT
TM: Toriazer, Arcee
Legend: Beachcomber, Outback/Fallback
Deluxe: Slugslinger and the 3 Autobot Targetmasters
Voyager: Apeface and Snapdragon
Leader: Deathsaurus
Surprise: 2 additional boxed sets (Intelligence and Firepower) where Eject and Frenzy will be released instead of the Walgreens clones.
Well, I have the whole line so far thorough wave 4, although I skipped Voyager Prime for Lazer Prime from the CoV set. I also have Octane and Blitzwing already as well. I have the BBTS set on pre-order and Seaspray will be arriving today along with Trypticon.
I'll give my thoughts on the best so far from each class.
TM's: This is tough because they all have some pretty clever points to them, but I think I like Shuffler the best. One of the better weapon modes because of how compact it is, the center of gravity is closer to the bot holding the gun, so legends class figures don't look as ridiculous as say holding Brawn in weapon mode.
Legends: This one was harder than I thought as none of them blew me away, but none of them were total stinkers either. I have a hard time picking any of the tablet formers, because I think their value gets increased by the cross function with Blaster/Soundwave, and for the same reason I has hesitant to consider them as the best leaders. Kind like an unfair advantage, or something. I really like Brawn the best so far, but that may be some combination of recency bias and having him as a kid (where of course, both arms eventually broke). Kickback is my other favorite.
Deluxe: This is where Haz-Tak really hit things out of the park. Triggerhappy has held up as my favorite of the line, but Topspin and Kup have given him a good run for his money. These 3 are definitely my top tier. The best thing about the deluxes to me are that even the straight redecos like Quake and Krok, or slight retools like Blurr/Brainstorm/Nautica are really good figures. And then they give us more variety with the heavier retools/shared engineering/whatever we are calling it now. Man, the deluxes have really been the best class overall for me.
Voyager: I love that we got the 3 Decepticon triple changes plus Broadside in the same line. In fact, Octane is my favorite of all the voyagers. While the plane mode on Voyager Prime isn't great, the angled wings on Octane really make the difference, and even hide the truck kibble a little better from above.
Leader: This one was harder that I thought. Blaster and Soundwave are really great, with good modes for all 3. I'm not hung up on scale, so I'm neutral on them being leader versus voyager. And then there came Black Shadow. Game over, he wins. Just a great toy in all modes, even if simple. Bad-ass doesn't require complication.
Titan: Well, the doorbell just rang and I Think Seaspray and Trypticon are here, so I'll answer this one later.
Posted by Stuartmaximus on July 19th, 2017 @ 12:29pm CDT

Posted by william-james88 on July 19th, 2017 @ 12:30pm CDT
Kurona wrote:I doubt we'd get a Wolfwire repaint as Carnivac if they felt confident enough in re-releasing Wolfwire in the previous wave.
Could be and I did think of that. But at the same time they rereleased Chromedome while getaway was supposed to be on shelves.
Albatross250 wrote:If i remember Galvatron was gonna be the last one to be Reissued on the last wave, not sure if its true.
Dont know about that. Galvatron was already rereleased after the Wave 2 voyagers in solid cases.
mordhelm wrote:Legends: I see your Beachcomber, and raise you an Outback as a repaint of Brawn. And, Eject and Blue Frumble. I know they said they have no plans to make those 2, but come on, they can't leave us hanging.
Oh but they can, just like takara did with Liokaiser

Also, those legends toys are meant to cross sale with Blaster and Soundwave and since those woldnt be around by the time wave 6 legends class comes out, that might be an extra factor.
But hey, I do hope all fans get what they want.
Posted by galvatron00 on July 19th, 2017 @ 12:31pm CDT

Posted by william-james88 on July 19th, 2017 @ 12:33pm CDT
itscramtastic wrote:Wait wait wait. SDCC is this weekend?! More TR stuff to be revealed tonight?!
Yes and I (along with your friendly news staff team) will be on the frontlines reporting away everything as it comes.
Stuartmaximus wrote:I wanna know who this Braodside isis it a repaint
its this:

Posted by Carnivius_Prime on July 19th, 2017 @ 12:38pm CDT

Posted by o.supreme on July 19th, 2017 @ 12:39pm CDT

Anybody think its strange...The wave 3 Voyagers (Prime & Megs) seem to be the least produced, and most difficult to find. I've seen a couple here and there, and I know they are pre-tools, but historically Hasbro would make boatloads of Optimus & Megatron toys, as they are Icons, and they think everybody wants one, and more obscure characters like Alpha Trion, or Broadsides would get minimal release quantities.
Posted by TF-fan kev777 on July 19th, 2017 @ 12:41pm CDT
william-james88 wrote:Stuartmaximus wrote:I wanna know who this Braodside isis it a repaint
its this:
I'm pretty sure Stu was just trying to make a funny with my mis-spelling.
Posted by Stuartmaximus on July 19th, 2017 @ 12:43pm CDT
william-james88 wrote:itscramtastic wrote:Wait wait wait. SDCC is this weekend?! More TR stuff to be revealed tonight?!
Yes and I (along with your friendly news staff team) will be on the frontlines reporting away everything as it comes.Stuartmaximus wrote:I wanna know who this Braodside isis it a repaint
its this:
yes! i know

i was just being sarcastic
i guess it were just someone's predictive text playing up(or something of that ilk)
speaking of repaints.....i know that there is a Broadside repaint coming

Posted by Relic0037 on July 19th, 2017 @ 12:57pm CDT
Sigma Magnus wrote:Since we're doing lists, sure, I'll add my stuff to the pile.
Autobot Headmaster Team: Love these guys together, and they're very cool to display. Fort Max isn't that great a Titan, so I'm largely keeping him in my custom base mode, which makes me wish Cerebros had a separate vehicle mode like Full-Tilt. Any fan modes out there?
Well he does transform into a robot, a tower, & Fort Max'e head, so doesn't that make him a triple changer already?

Posted by Kurona on July 19th, 2017 @ 1:02pm CDT

Posted by Stuartmaximus on July 19th, 2017 @ 1:28pm CDT
Kurona wrote:There's already a Broadside repaint released; Tidal Wave from Siege on Cybertron
Yes, but no.....i meant this one

but....there's also this one too(i think this one's a digibash....but would've been cool if it were real

Posted by Kurona on July 19th, 2017 @ 1:41pm CDT
Posted by Stuartmaximus on July 19th, 2017 @ 1:57pm CDT

Posted by william-james88 on July 19th, 2017 @ 2:03pm CDT
Stuartmaximus wrote:Kurona wrote:There's already a Broadside repaint released; Tidal Wave from Siege on Cybertron
Yes, but no.....i meant this one
thats not a repaint, thats just the Takara release.
Posted by bodrock on July 19th, 2017 @ 2:29pm CDT
Carnivius_Prime wrote:In case you wanted to know what a Carnivac repaint of Wolfwire miiiight look like (in robot mode. I don't want to risk transforming just yet). Please excuse the sloppiness of it. And G1 Carnivac toy in the middle, and the Cybertron Snarl Carnivac I painted about 10 years ago I used in my movie-verse collection (cos I frickin' love all those extra little details in that Snarl mold. It's really just the wolf's head as right arm that bugs me)
I'd love to have an update to Carnivac!
I'm definitely hoping to see some Leader-version of Deathsaurus soon....
No sign of the latest wave or Walgreen exclusives yet.
I'll write up thoughts on the TR figures as well! Or at least all of my faves -- but you may have seen dem pics of my faves already.