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Heavy Metal Wiki

PostPosted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 11:47 am
by Psychout
Its back!!

The HMW archive that everyone can join in on has been restarted. After the last big crash the wiki being built, and everything in it, went kaput. Now, after it has been 100% confirmed that it is being backed-up this time, The decision has been made to restart it.

This time, with both Editor and Evolution Prime leading the project, we have a pair of proper dedicated wiki-types to help drive it along but it will take time and its currently very much a work in progress.
So, what we need from the rest of you guys is support for Ed and Eeep...

See a placeholder page and want to add to it?
Think a page is missing and want to create it?
Know how to add pictures and fancy formatting to the stuff thats there?
Or do you just want to add your team and thier related stories?
Just give Ed or Eeep a shout, or dive right in. The more the merrier.

The more people get involed and help out, the better the HMWiki, the better you guys can understand how the game works.

Check it out here: The Heavy Metal War Wiki
The server username is: megaprime
The password is: bumblescream

One you are in, make yourself an account and away you go. Enjoy guys!

Re: Heavy Metal Wiki

PostPosted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 1:21 pm
by The {Rage Bot}

Re: Heavy Metal Wiki

PostPosted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 2:20 pm
by Absolute Zero
At least when we spam... it's more than one word. Make a sentence foo!

Re: Heavy Metal Wiki

PostPosted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 3:28 pm
by The {Rage Bot}
If you have nothing nice to say, refrain from speaking. Besides I thought everyone was clamoring for more activity in the game, in the forums, and more postings. However if you feel that my post of content is inadequate I will answer you with an ode to joy.

The Definition of Happiness

According to Webster dictionary the word Happiness in defined as Enjoying, showing, or marked by pleasure, satisfaction, or joy. People, when they think of happiness, they think about them having to good feeling inside. There are many types of happiness out there, which are expressed in many ways. Happiness is something that you can't just get it comes form your soul. Happiness can be changed through many things that happen in our every day life.

Happiness according to scientific studies comes from dopamine that are chemicals around the brain, which is a transmitter in the brain that controls the nervous system. These chemicals in the brain make us happy and sad. Happiness means different things to different people, so say Happiness comes from peace and other happiness comes from your expectations from being fulfilled. Happiness is like being sad or angry, it's an emotion. Some people can get happiness from the simplest things such as reading your favorite book; other people are more complicated. They see happiness as some thing that doesn't really happen to them, but that's not true because every person is different, some people are happy all the time or at least most of the time, while some people say that there not happy, are really just happy for a short period of time, weather it means just laughing at a joke, your happy for that couple of seconds.

People show there happiness in many ways, some people smile and some people are not content with one word such as our friend here who likes to have more in depth discussion as to why there is and should be joy for a HMW wiki to be up and running. I hope that I have sufficed your request for a more informational approach for a happy post Mr. Zero.

Re: Heavy Metal Wiki

PostPosted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 3:42 pm
by Redimus

Re: Heavy Metal Wiki

PostPosted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 3:46 pm
by Absolute Zero
For tat.

wonder if he realizes that my taunt got him to post again, thus increasing the activity...

Re: Heavy Metal Wiki

PostPosted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 3:48 pm
by Psychout
AZ increase the activity here all you want (you doing a damn good job too), but keep it to the correct threads.

The spam goes here, unless its specifically about the wiki.

Re: Heavy Metal Wiki

PostPosted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 3:49 pm
by Redimus
Absolute Zero wrote:wonder if he realizes that my taunt got him to post again, thus increasing the activity...

Stop encouraging him!...