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Decepticon Headquarters- The Enemy Within

Earth is a beautiful planet, lush with life, overflowing with energy and ripe for the taking. The Decepticons want to conquer it and harness that energy for their own purposes. The Autobots want to keep it out of Decepticon hands. This forum contains their battles and struggles all across the planet.

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Re: Decepticon Headquarters- The Enemy Within

Postby MaP_Prime » Sat Mar 05, 2011 10:46 am


As Jetfire adjusted his course and speed he began to arc higher into the air, goading Starscream to follow him, and the Seeker Commander of course did so kicking in his own after burners and began closing the gap between them. Granted his former Autobot friend was nearly as fast as he, but Starscream was more maneuverable and agile. However, every time the Seeker engaged the so called Autobot Air Guardian he was always aware of the faint hint of nostalgia that came with each encounter. Of the days before the war when the greatest concern the two had was what ever project they were focused on on the the research station that had been their home over Cybertron, or one of the many high orbital races they would have to try and see who was faster. Starscream normally won, and when he lost it was because he did it to help his friends confidence, not that Jetfire needed it he rarely grew concerned over such matters. In some ways Starscream wanted to go back to those simpler times before the war when life wasn't nearly as complicated and far less dangerous or stressful, but those faint nostalgic thoughts evaporated as Jetfire once more fell into Starscream's crosshairs.

>>Oh please Jetfire, do not try and goad me into a careless frustration. I learned long ago how childish my antics were and that the Decepticons, indeed our entire race, need this war to end if we have any chance for survival. And I intend to ensure that it is the Decepticons who end it on our terms so we can bring order to this galaxy.<<

Starscream opened fire with a burst of laser and null ray fire aimed directly at the aft section of Jetfire. After his initial burst he fired his afterburners as hard as they could go, pushing himself at his top speed and he angled his position so he would pass under Jetfire and then he arced himself to climb higher into the air and once more adjusted his angle so he came out in front of his opponent. He Transformed and angled himself downward and let gravity pull his robot form down and as he and Jetfire passed each other, this time he was looking at the Autobots top side, he raised his arm cannons and fired a deadly barrage of laser and null fire again. Once he had past Jetfire he transformed back into his jet form and banked to the left as he began to come around in a wide arc, coming up to flank the other Autobot.

However, he could feel stress from the speed and movements he had just carried out, although he was used to travel and complex aerial movements he did not carry them out often. Though he was certain it was not a serious problem at the moment ,given he had not taken any damage so far, he knew that to continue as such would likely lead to him over taxing his guidance and flight systems. Such an occurrence could prove to be fatal at this altitude, even for Starscream.


As Baneblade felt his fist connect with nothing but air he came to the instant conclusion that he had been fooled by a clever feint by Ironhide, one he should have seen coming given his superior mental capabilities. The series of punches that landed into his armoured flank were also predictable, and if he were like most other Decepticons they would likely prove to be critical hits that would have toppled them. That is not to say Baneblade didn't feel them, the large Decepticon grunted in pain and his knees bulked as his strength left him momentarily. The only thing that ensure he was still capable of fighting back against this Autobot was the fact his flank armour was thicker then the average Cybertronians, now that isn't to say he didn't feel it, his armour was starting to give, noticeable cracks that were certainly a major concern were forming and his surface was full of holes from weapons fire and dents from hand to hand combat.

As the giant slumped to his knees and slight grin formed on his face. He still had one more ace to play, the small EMP charge that he carried was still of use and once activated it served as a convenient distraction as it disrupted his opponents systems, primarily their optics and gyros that kept them standing. It wasn't anything powerful, just enough to disrupt his opponent and knock him off kilter for a few astorseconds, but long enough for Baneblade to move out of position. Normally he used the charge in more open areas so he could move to a better firing position, but right now it would serve a different purpose. However, he was at risk as well, normally the visor/faceplate mask he wore over his true face was meant to both intimidate and provide protection from the charges effects, but his mask had been broken in half by Hot Spot and now only covered half of his face. Regardless, he needed to use it.

Once he felt his strength returning from Ironhide's blows to his side, he began to move, placing on foot on the floor for stability and getting ready to move, he turned his head so the exposed section of his face was shielded. He fired the EMP charge, useing it up until he could recharge it after the battle, and even though he did his best he still felt his head swim a bit as a noticeable dizziness over took him, but not enough to render him inoperable. He just hoped Ironhide was disrupted enough by the sudden charge to given him the opportunity to get the upper hand in the battle. Pushing off the ground, grunting as the pain in his side burned, he swung his bulk around and aimed a heavy fist right from the Autobots mid section.

Corridor Approaching Bounce Chamber

Annex followed the larger Hardhead down the corridor and watched as he smacked Long Haul aside, a small grin appearing on his face at the scene. He nodded at the others instructions for covering fire and he was readying his carbine when Skywarp launched his attack. Two of his blasts struck the ranger square in his chest, burning two holes in his armour and knocked him off his feet and landed him hard on the ground behind him. Recovering quickly he flipped his carbine to semi-auto and rolled into a firing position as he knelt on one knee.

"You 'cons really need to get some new witty banter." He said as he squeezed off a burst from his carbine at the Seeker before rolling into some cover. "Do you know how many times I hear some 'con or another going on 'I am so powerful, look at me and how I am going to dismember you and use your after as a new hat' or some old slag like that."

He ducked out from behind his cover once more and squeezed off another burst of fire, this time more aimed at forcing his opponent to keep his head down rather then trying to do some damage. He leaned back against the wall and ejected the spent magazine before popping in a fresh one. He wanted to use his stealth skills to try and sneak away to flank his enemy, but he didn't know the lay out of the base to effectively do that, he could end up wandering deeper into this 'Con nest and get himself trapped. He also wished he had a grenade or two to toss out there, but then he remembered the demo charges he normally carried with him. Since he hadn't expected to rig up any major demolition displays on this operation he only carried the one at the moment, but it might be enough.

Pulling the charge out of the storage compartment on his right hip he quickly adjusted the timer on it, and he also had to do some quick field work to reduce just how much punch the explosive had. For a mech that oh so loved to blow up 'Cons and their real estate reducing the explosive punch of one of his charges was not something he enjoyed doing, but he just wanted to blow up a small section of this corridor, and Skywarp to if he was lucky, not collapse this entire corridor on top of them all. After all he was a 'Bot he didn't have a death wish and wanted to live to fight another day.

With the explosive ready he nodded in satisfaction and set the time for ten astroseconds and it began ticking down. He ducked out into the corridor once more.

"Hey Skywarp, I got something here just for you. Enjoy it buddy!"

He tossed the charge not knowing how many seconds were left on the timer or if he threw it hard enough to actually reach his opponents position. Regardless he quickly dived back into cover and curled up and braced himself for the coming explosion.
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Re: Decepticon Headquarters- The Enemy Within

Postby Cryhavok » Sat Mar 05, 2011 4:02 pm

Motto: ""It is all about pain.""
Weapon: Fusion-Powered Anti-Gravity Gun
Side Entrance

"Come out and face the might of Thrust Autobot coward! You are nothing! An insect to be crushed beneath my feet!" Thrust kept up his act, trying to utilize his customary tactic of psyching out his enemies. "Stop hiding your ugly mug so I can shove my laser cannon through your face! What?! Are you so terrified that you cannot even-"

Thrust's bellowing came to an abrupt end as he saw Hex lobbing an explosive down the corridor towards the two seekers. "Oh slag."

Before Thrust had time to act, Ramjet had already knocked him down to the floor, protecting the weaker armored seeker with his own body. Such an act of self-sacrifice was hardly common amongst the ranks of the Decepticon. Unless the so called hero was baiting for a favor. In this particular case, Thrust was so shaken and thankful for Ramjet saving his life to even consider if his psychotic wingmate had some ulterior reason behind his actions.

"Uh. Thanks Ramjet." He managed to blurt out before getting his act back on. "Though I could have handled it myself."

Wiping some dust off his shoulders Thrust turned to look at the collapsed hallway Ramjet had just mentioned. "Aside the new entrance boss radioed us about? None I know of. Too bad we don't have any of those mining lasers available. Otherwise we could cut through that obstacle pretty quick. Heck, we have the firepower to blast that out of our way as far as I know. But it would prolly end up collapsing right on us anyhow. Guess we either follow others out of dig our way in?"
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Re: Decepticon Headquarters- The Enemy Within

Postby Devastron » Tue Mar 08, 2011 12:46 am

Weapon: Energo-Sword

Hellion smirked in triumph as she saw Jazz reeling from the hits she had landed on him. She could feel the pleasure and rush of combat flowing through her systems. It had been too long since she had been in a fight. Any time between battles felt like an eternity for the berserker warrior. It was in the thick of a fight that she truly felt alive, with the rest of the time she spent impatiently waiting for the next battle.

The seeker stood ready to finish off the smaller Autobot when he launched into an impressive series of flips and somersaults. The maneuvers helped to distract her as Jazz launched his attack. The shot from his photon rifle caught her right in the chest, the injury causing her to stumble a bit. The punch to her face knocked her down on her aft.

The femme climbed back to her feet as Jazz roared down the hallway behind her. His attack had mostly done superficial damage, but it had enraged her even more. Roaring, she ran down the corridor after him. She turned the corner only to be greeted by the holographic army generated by Hound. The seeker quickly waded into the holograms, shooting, punching and kicking at them, her enraged processors slower to pick up on the holographic nature of her opponents.


Conference Room

Sunstreaker glared at Darkride. “You’re tougher then I thought pal, I’ll give you that, but you aren’t the hot slag you think you are.” He began circling his foe again. “I would have remembered someone talking about a little gladiator as ugly as you are.” He was pleased to see he had done at least a little damage as he saw the Decepticon wipe some fluids from his face.

The Autobot warrior frowned as he watched Darkride produce a weapon. He should have known that a Con wasn’t about to fight a fair and decent battle. They were all too cowardly to do that.

Sunstreaker spun out of the way of Darkride’s first attack with his whip, at the same time drawing his own weapon. “Fight with weapons? Sure, I’ll fight with weapons,” he sneered at Darkride as he opened fire with his rifle, planning to fill the Con full of holes.


Outside the Bounce Chamber

Hook was not thrilled at the situation he was finding himself in. It seemed that despite his best efforts he had been thrust into the middle of a battle. While he was a capable combatant, although even he would admit not a particularly noteworthy one, certainly his talents could be better utilized elsewhere. The Constructicon was not in a position to argue the point however, not with orders coming from both Scrapper and Megatron himself. He would just have to fight as best he could without risking himself too much. He was far too valuable to the cause in other areas.

The surgical engineer ran to the other side of the opening created by the two faction leaders. The Decepticon took cover behind a piece of wall bent outwards by the power of Megatron’s blast. Here he would wait until some Autobots arrived to present tempting targets.


Hangar Bay

“I’ll shut that stupid mouth of yours for good, Reject!” Rumble shouted back at Eject as the two cassettes continued to exchange fire. As they continued to fire on each other Frenzy slowly recovered from his earlier hit and began moving around to flank Eject.


Soundwave was pleased to have scored some additional damage on Blaster, but his good mood quickly soured as the Autobot came back up to his feet. His annoyance was only increased as the Autobot spouted off some bit of human slang gibberish. Why someone, even an Autobot, would want to add anything of these pathetic flesh creatures to how they spoke is something Soundwave would never understand. It just made them all the weaker to him.

When Blaster attacked, it happened faster then Soundwave thought the injured Autobot was capable of moving. The Autobot’s kick struck him directly in the chest, knocking him backwards and to the ground with a grunt.

The Decepticon communication specialist was caught off guard only for a second though. He quickly grabbed on to Blaster’s leg and attempted to fling him off or trip him up. With Blaster suitably distracted Soundwave quickly jumped back to his feet. “Soundwave: Superior. Blaster: Inferior.” It was as close to trash talk as the Decepticon would ever get, and with a right punch thrown at Blaster’s face he aimed to back it up.


Mountain Side

Megatron smiled as he ducked beneath Prime’s axe slash. He used the opportunity to launch a quick punch at the Autobot leader’s midsection before stepping back, still twirling his mace weapon.

“Ah Prime, how often have we done this dance? Far too many times, with each of us surviving, to be repaired, rebuilt, to fight another time. When will it finally, truly be time for one of us to extinguish the spark of the other and claim victory once and for all? It had been ages since we last fought before arriving on this planet. Perhaps this will be the planet then, this will be the orbital cycle, the planetary rotation where you will finally fall, never to get up again.”

The Decepticon leader brought his arm back and swung the mace out at Prime’s head, but it was only a feint. He turned his whole body around, pivoting on his right leg, bring his left leg up in a savage kick aimed at Prime’s midsection, or, ideally if he ducked from his mace attack, his head.
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Re: Decepticon Headquarters- The Enemy Within

Postby #Sideways# » Tue Mar 08, 2011 2:33 pm

Motto: "Wake up. Wake up and smell the ashes."
Weapon: Dual Compression Cannons
OoC: Why on Cybertron is everyone attacking Devastron? Oh, about He-Loin, you can probably guess it is a mocking nickname for Hellion, a mis press lead to a hilarious nickname... And again, the Whispers were deciphered via PM. And if I messed up any way, please tell me, and you reserve the right to call me an idiot.


Smokescreen's cloud was still lingering, but it was more of a mist now. Jazz watched as his plan unfolded wonderfully, and then Hardhead walked in, that was a miracle.

Jazz listened intently to what Hardhead had to say, "Hehe! He-loin fell on her aft a while ago! She wouldn't possibly want to come back here!" He said happily.

Jazz soon found his gaze drifting, and what he saw astonished him, none of the smoke was drifting around a shape of a Transformer!

Jazz leaned over keeping his eye on the spot where the smoke was wisping around and whispered to The whole group, "Guys... There's somebody over there, don't act like you have heard something, he/she/it might take notice, I'm firing on it!"

He leaned back, and pretended to be cleaning his gun, but was really aiming it, he then fired his weapon on The invisible Transformer (Skyjack).

Then Hellion ran in yelling, screaming, and hooting, Jazz actually thought that she would attack him, but she did what the Holograms were there for, fooling dumb seekers.

"This girl just won't quit!" Jazz mumbled to himself as he began to aim his weapon at Hellion, he took his time at aiming at the obviously disgruntled Seeker Femme.

He aimed clearly and concisely, he fired five at Hellion's chest, and six at her head.

Jazz then tuned to Lore-Lock, Hardhead and Smokescreen.

"Guys, hate to issue orders, but desperate times call for desperate measures. Smokescreen, I need you to *Whisper* *Whisper*, Hardhead, I need you to *Whisper* *Whisper*, Lore-Lock, I need you to *Whisper* *Whisper*." Jazz said to the team, as he turned back to Hellion and fired on her several more times, and then turned to the shape in the smoke, and fired on the shape (Skyjack).

>>Any Autobots in the area! This is Jazz, come in! I found the missing team! We need immediate backup, and medical attention, and evac! Please respond! This is where we are located, turn left at the corridor you see when you come in, go in that direction for a while, and you'll see us. Please respond!<< Jazz said through the opened link to The Autobots. With any luck, the signal would go through and they would get out with their afts intact.

Jazz then brought out his Flamethrower, and his Ion Rifle, and held the trigger down on both of them both on Hellion.
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Re: Decepticon Headquarters- The Enemy Within

Postby Rebirth Megatron » Wed Mar 09, 2011 9:27 am

Weapon: Dual Laser Beam Rifle

Skyjack falls backwards at the initial shots. "What is with you Autobots and your desire to shoot a foe that's not fighting you? First...I surrender only to be shot like a dog by Blaster and now....worried that I'd get..further....damaged...and thanks for shooting me through my left shoulder and wing you glitched out sadist...I hide until I can get my way to the repair...only for this to happen." Skyjack lifts up his gun arm and tries to shoot at the roof only for his gun to make a weird clicking noise. "My firing mechanism is out thanks to your friend outside, so go ahead and do your worst. Hail the Autobot mercy and freedom, we shoot...cripples and foes who surrender cuz we're all about equality and kindness. Way to prove to the younger generation that you're...NOT as bad as Megatron says."

Skyjack was hoping he could at least dupe these ones, or at least get them talking long enough to pull a fast one. Howver Hellion had to come and ruin it. "Aww screw it. You're likely going to shoot me anyway like the hypocrites you are. This is self defense now." He says as he points his gun. >>"Skyjack to all cons, lock in on my signal. Hellion and I got Autobot reinforcements in our sights. We'll stall as best we can, just warm up two beds in the repair bay for us and haul it here ASAP. Oh and Hound's trying to pose as Prime, don't be fooled."<< He says before taking aim, his gun makes a louder click, disengaging a kill switch he installed to fake an injury, he fires at the roof. "Let's see who I can crush under falling debris." He says as the missile explodes, cloaking as he got up to run off.
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Re: Decepticon Headquarters- The Enemy Within

Postby Roadbuster » Wed Mar 09, 2011 2:31 pm

Command Center

Prowl continued entering code after code, trying to access the main system to shut down the scrambler. It looked as if he was going to have to try and bypass the system manually, which would take up more time. If Blaster were with him, he might be able to figure out the code through some back door, but even that was a gamble.

It was in that moment that a blast came from nowhere, hitting Prowl in the back of his shoulder. He fell to his knees, clutching his shoulder with his arm. Fortunately, he was more durable enough that he would need to take several hits in one spot in order to go down. He did an internal systems check to see the functionality of his arm.

Damage report:

Right shoulder exterior armor plating: Structural integrity down to 84%.

Arm functionality at 93 %.

Prowl got up and looked around. There was nobody there... as it looked to be. There was a Decepticon nearby, in the room with him and having most likely changed position to avoid being traced to the laser blasts origin point. The blast itself would have done some real damage to one of Prowl's less-durable comrades. It was logical to assume he was dealing with an infiltrator type. The question was, which one?

His optics scanned around, looking for any possible movement, hypothesizing that the enemy didn't have a complete cloak like Mirage. If he could breach the cloak, eh could better track this one, but he would need to act fast. Looking around, Prowl did the best thing he could think of, eliminate the “attack from behind” advantage. He stood as close as he could, with back faced to the console. When the Decepticon attacked again, Prowl would definitely see where it was coming from.


Brawn smirked as his blast connected against Skywarp, who had chickened out. Still, they were pinned down. It was time to do what Autobots did best: Bust of Decepticons in sheer numbers. Blitzwing had been taken down by Hardhead in a grudge match and Annex had lept after dropping a charge at Skywarp.

“Well... I count seven of them and three of us.” he told Annex and Hardhead. “I think one more and we'll even the odds. Hold this line no matter what! I'll be right back.”

Brawn retreated behind the doorway to the Bounce Pad and hid around the corner. He saw Ironhide engaged with Baneblade. There was no time to deal with this Decepti-creep. If the trio was gonna take down these Decepticons coming, they needed Ironhide.

Brawn was certain that he, Ironhide, and Hardhead could manage two each, leaving Annex the rest. However, he saw Baneblade use an EMP Ironhide was in trouble. They needed all the Autobtst they could get. He wasn't going to let one of the toughest fall, not this soon.

He charged in and lept, flying at Baneblade to tackle him. “Looks like you haven't got enough on your plate yet! I'll give ya some more!” Brawn told Baneblade.

Clearly, Baneblade towered over Brawn, but what Brawn lacked in size, he made up for with sheer brute force and endurance. With him and Ironhide, Baneblade should go down quickly.

Breakdown gathered with the Constructicons, oblivious that his team had already escaped. Still, there was a battle to be fought. It was then he felt a slight rumble from the mountain. He decided to inquire to Hook as to the activity.

“Say uhh... what's the rumbling? Is it normal?” he asked the Constucticon as he felt his anxiety level begin to slowly escalate.


Starscream simply responded to Jetfire's words, claiming that the days of his treachery were over. But Jetfire knew Starscream too well. His ambition was matched only by that of Megatron's and treachery was not something Starscream could simply forget about unless Megatron reprogrammed him. Jetfire simply took Starsceams claims as his way of biding his time for opportunity. He was certain that Starscream would try to overthrow Megatron, once more and fail, as always.

Jetfire used his rudders to perform evasive maneuvers to avoid being hit from behind by the seeker commander. However, it was within mere moments that Jetfire found himself beneath Starscream, who then transformed and fired a nullray blast. Jetfier tried to ever off, however, the nullray hit one of his rear boosters, incapacitating it. Jetfire still had others, and he could reroute power to the others to compensate.

He took a few moments to reroute power to his remaining boosters. However, he knew even they could take so much. He would not be able to do it again without risking the functionality of the others. But he noticed Starscream seemed slightly winded. Even for the seeker commander, that trick had to be costing. If Starscream tried that again, Jetfire was going to need to be ready, one point-blank shot was all he needed. It was time Jetifre showed Sarscream what he was capable of.

“What's the matter? Is the 'all-mighty Starscream' starting to show his age?” Jetfire said in a taunting manner.

Jetfire veered on an intercept course towards Starscream, hitting his afterburners. He fired several missiles and his particle cannons to put pressure on the seeker. He then hit his afterburners to full throttle and flew right at Srarscream, until he was close enough. He then launched two missiles at point-blank range.
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Re: Decepticon Headquarters- The Enemy Within

Postby AshesOfPain » Thu Mar 10, 2011 12:40 am

Motto: "Good food and good drink can do only half of what their excellent variations can."
Weapon: Crossbow

Lore-lock grunted as Jazz informed the group that he had come to save them, but brought on more trouble in the process. However, Hardhead's added muscle might be of benefit.

"Scrap it all to Unicron! Just give her a light show Jazz, and lets get moving. Ya gotta keep in mind that most of us," as he sweeps his free arm across his original squad, "are walking wounded."
System scan

Energon level: stable 80%
Damage mostly superficial
Critical systems :
Hydraulics: 60% and pressure dropping
Servo Control Pathways: Dynamic Re-routing Active
Sensory Receptors: Functioning at Optimal Level
Gyroscopic Stabilizer: Scan Failed Error Noted

"In my current condition I doubt that I could hit an iron oxide molecule on a rusted pile of parts. I'll respectfully focus on the goal; which, is getting us outta this slag pit, before it gets any hotter."

Having said his peace to Jazz, the bot forced his optics to cycle through the standard spectrum, until they returned to normal. He then hefted his axe, and did possibly the second dumbest thing he did that day. He charged Hellion, his axe swinging to cleave the 'con in two.
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Re: Decepticon Headquarters- The Enemy Within

Postby Devastron » Fri Mar 11, 2011 8:28 pm

Weapon: Energo-Sword
Command Center

While his fellow cassettes Rumble and Frenzy easily fell for the distraction provided by Eject, Ravage was far smarter and focused. When Prowl had abandoned the battle he had followed after him, silently stalking him to the command center. There he had carefully maneuvered in the shadows, preparing for an attack on the Autobot as he tried desperately to hack into the base’s sytems.

He was a bit startled to have been beaten to the punch by Nightraven. The Saboteur had detected the seeker immediately upon his entrance into the room. Her invisibility was enough to fool ordinary Transformers, but it didn’t hide her from his acute senses. He had hoped she would be content with hiding and observing for now. Her attack had made things more difficult for him.

Ravage was not a particularly good team player, especially when the team in question did not include Soundwave. Still, he would make due as best he could. He opened a private channel to Nightraven.

>>”Nightraven, this is Ravage. I am in the room as well. I will attack the Autobot from his left. When he turns to face me you can attack from his back.”<<

Not waiting for a reply, the cassette launched his attack. He leapt from the shadows on to the control panel, and then lunged at Prowl. Hopefully his attack would prove distracting enough. He would have to rely on his own agility, smaller size and surprise to avoid getting hit by a blast from him.


(OOC: #Sideways#, you are doing too much in your posts. You have to give an opportunity for other characters to react to your actions. You fired shots at both Skyjack and Hellion, talked to the Autobots, fired more shots at both of them, issued orders to the Autobots and then fired more shots. My character certainly isn’t going to be standing there taking those shots the entire time. Also, if you character has something to say it needs to be posted. Just make sure to give other characters time to react before taking to many other actions. No more IC PMs. Just say you are whispering or whatever in your post. Other players will see it but they should continue to write as if their characters have no knowledge of the whispers.)


In her berserker rage fueled state Hellion was slow on the uptake. She was still working her way through the holographic army, not having figured out they were all fake yet. Then she was abruptly struck by a laser blast. The attack quickly focused her attention on her attacker, Jazz. The Autobot continued firing on her, letting her pinpoint exactly where he was. She managed to dodge some of the shots while simple absorbing a few others. In her enraged state she could absorb a lot of damage without slowing down.

The seeker charged at the Autobot, now ignoring the holograms. By the time Jazz brought both of his guns to bear on her she was close enough to launch a savage uppercut at the Autobot’s chin.

Unfortunately focusing so much on Jazz cost her as Lore-Lock struck her in the midsection with his axe. He wasn’t able to cleave her in half, but the axe did cut into her a decent amount. She roared in pain and rage as she reached down to take hold of the axe partially embedded in her. The seeker bent forward and attempted to smash her head down onto Lore-Lock’s in a brutal headbutt while he was still close to her.
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Re: Decepticon Headquarters- The Enemy Within

Postby Cryhavok » Sat Mar 12, 2011 4:30 pm

Motto: ""It is all about pain.""
Weapon: Fusion-Powered Anti-Gravity Gun
Hangar Bay

Soundwave didn't seem to be keen on getting any help from Astrotrain given he had not contacted the triplechanger and thus the large Decepticon decided to stay out of the communications officer's way. That didn't mean he was just going to stand there doing nothing. Perhaps Rumble and Frenzy would appreciate help more.

With few long steps the largest Transformer currently in the hangar had reached Soundwave's minions and the small Autobot they were engaged with. Given how no one had seemed to give any attention towards Astrotrain, the triplechanger figured he had as good chance as ever to surprise Eject. Approaching the small Autobot from behind, Astrotrain reached down with the intent of closing his hand around the wannabe sportscaster and thus disarming the Autobot only to release him for Rumble and Frenzy to abuse.
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Re: Decepticon Headquarters- The Enemy Within

Postby Ember » Sat Mar 12, 2011 11:09 pm

Motto: "I'm not psycho...I just like psychotic things."
Conference Room

The interrogator hissed as the golden warrior spun out of the way of his whip. However, before Darkride could take another shot, Sunstreaker pulled his weapon and began firing. The smaller mech took a few grazing hits as he began to take cover, but nothing as serious as the Autobot would have hoped for.

“Leave it to an Autobot as superficial as you, Sunstreaker, to make this about looks.”

Darkride let out a guttural laugh as he changed position to get a clear shot at his opponent. Once in place, the amethyst Con took another shot with his whip, and this time he was able to catch Sunstreaker unawares. The Energo whip struck the Bot’s gun arm causing him to lose his weapon, and before he could recover it Darkride took a second shot, this time the whip wrapped around Sunstreaker’s neck letting the interrogator pull his prey toward him.

“Poor Autobot. This doesn’t bode well for you.”

Darkride took hold of Sunstreaker’s arm as he began to tighten the whip around his neck. Unfortunately, the Autobot was able to get the whip lose, and as he began to pull away Darkride grabbed his wrist tightly.

“You’re not going to get away from me in one piece, Sunstreaker, no one ever does!”

With his final words the Decepticon twisted Sunstreaker’s hand effectively breaking it. Darkride then shoved the warrior away from him.

“Your hand is just the first part of you that I intend on maiming. What part do you want me to pull apart next? Be precise please.”

Command Center

As Prowl went down to his knees Nightraven flashed a broad smile, but it suddenly faded when the Autobot Strategist got back up on his feet. Unfortunately, if she took another shot at him now he would surly know where the weapon’s fire was coming from. She made her way to the other side of the console and raised her arm mounted lasers, but before she could let lose a volley she received message from Ravage. She slowly lowered her arm as she listened to what the cassettecon had to say. The femme was quite surprised that Soundwave’s pet was willing to even work with her, but in order to eliminate Prowl she would be willing to do what was needed.

Before she could even reply Ravage had launched his attack. Nightraven raised her arm and waited for Prowl to turn his back on her.

Bounce Chamber

The action of Megatron caught Axle off guard. The field medic was standing near Prime when the Decepticon Leader tackled Optimus through the wall of the chamber, and ultimately, through the outer wall of the base. Axle fell to the floor as the two entangled mechs flew past him and outside. He quickly scrambled back to his feet and took another look around the room. It seemed that he was the only Bot not engaged in any type of scuffle. This suited Axle just fine, he’d rather be repairing then destroying anyway.

Axle’s attention was brought back to the hole in the side of the chamber where Hardhead was trying to make his way back in with a stasis locked Hot Spot slung over his shoulder. Axle quickly ran to the breach and called out to the group.

“Is Hot Spot the only one seriously injured?”

Deserted Corridor

With his opponent’s rifle focused on his chest, Hex decided to play it smooth. Without responding to the Con Hex raised his arms drawing his attention to his upper body. The Decepticon smiled as he made his way over to the young mech.

“You’ve made the right choice, Autobot.”

The crimson Con made his way closer to Hex in order to slap a pair of restraints on him, but instead Hex kicked out and struck his captor in the knee causing it to buckle under his own weight. The silver mech lowered his arms and snatched the weapon from his enemy’s hands. He tossed it off to the side and out of reach; at the same time the Con got back to his feet and took up a defensive pose.

Hex began circling the crimson mech, his optics narrowed to tight slits as he sized up his opponent.

“What’s your name, Con?”

The Decepticon’s optics widened, but he decided that answering would not give the Autobot any kind of advantage.

“It’s Spoiler, Autobot. And what’s the point in knowing?”

Hex offered a dark sneer as he responded to Spoiler’s own query. “I’d like to know the name of the Con I intend to kill.”

Spoiler let out an angry growl as he lunged forward. He caught Hex in jaw with a quick right jab, but as he prepared to take an additional shot, Hex grabbed a hold of his balled fist and pulled him in close enough for a devastating headbutt to Spoiler’s nose. Hex let his hand go as he fell to his knees cupping his face. A steady stream of Energon began leaking from between Spoiler’s fingers. Infuriated by the move, the red Decepticon stood back up and quickly took a tackle run at Hex knocking the young mech against the far wall.

The hit caused the wall to buckle and crumble, but Hex was still quick to get up. However, while Spoiler was focused on getting prepared for another attack, Hex picked up a strip of metal that had broken loose from the wall. It was not very large, but it was certainly sharp enough to do some serious damage, and at this point, Hex was not interested in fighting honorably.

Hex flashed Spoiler a cocky smirk and raised his hand offering a ‘bring it’ motion; which Spoiler was more than willing to do. The Decepticon let out a feral cry as he ran at Hex full speed. Hex quickly side stepped leaving his lower leg in place causing Spoiler to stumble. Hex caught him wrapping his arm over his shoulder. In one swift move, Hex placed the metal to Spoiler’s throat and sliced across leaving a sizable gash.


Without releasing his grip Hex positioned his right hand at the gash. Spoiler struggled harder as he realized what the young mech was about to do. When he failed to gain his freedom he decided to plead for his life.

“Pl…please! Don’t! You’re an Autobot! Autobot’s don’t do this!”

Hex snorted at Spoiler’s pleas; instead of playing on his decency it only made him angry.

“You’re right, Autobots don’t do this. But then again, Spoiler, I haven’t been an Autobot for a long time.”

As soon as his last words passed his lips, Hex dug the fingers of his right hand into the gash on Spoiler’s neck and pulled hard separating the Decepticon’s head from the rest of his body. Hex released the Con’s body letting it fall sloppily to the floor. He raised the head and took a long look into the darkened optics.


He tossed the cranial until and took off once more to find a way out of this death trap.
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Re: Decepticon Headquarters- The Enemy Within

Postby Smokescreen85 » Sun Mar 13, 2011 2:13 pm

Motto: ""A look can be deceiving; a touch can be lethal.""
Weapon: Twin Shoulder-Mounted Rocket Launchers
Corridor Approaching Bounce Chamber

Skywarp smirked as two of his shots struck Annex in his chest plate, propelling the ranger back and onto his aft. However, the Autobot quickly righted himself and returned fire, striking ‘Warp in his own chest plate. The force of the hit knocked the unprepared teleporter back against the wall as he then had to endure his opponent’s verbal retorts.

“Just shut up and fight, Autobot slagger!” Skywarp shouted back as he inspected the new dent in his armor. It wasn’t too bad, nothing that would keep him from ripping the Autobot limb from limb. With that thought in mind, ‘Warp began to advance towards where Annex was hiding. As if on cue, the ranger stuck his head out and fired more shots before ducking back behind cover again. This time, ‘Warp was ready and easily dodged out of the way. “You’ll have to do better than that if you want to defeat an elite seeker!”

Unfortunately for Skywarp, Annex did have something better, not to mention more destructive. The ranger leapt out momentarily and quickly tossed an explosive charge directly at the prankster before retreating again. "A present for me? You shouldn't have," the prankster replied, not realizing at first what Annex had thrown at him. At least, not until the small device had landed right in front of him, the timer almost at 0:00.

Skywarp’s optics widened in terror at the sudden realization of what was about to happen. “Aaaahhh, Fraaggggit!” Skywarp cursed as he leapt back from the device and immediately spun around. Before he was able to teleport away, let alone consider his destination, the demo charge exploded and knocked ‘Warp down the hallway where he landed faceplate first on the ground. Fire filled the hall as the ceiling above him crumbled and then caved in on top of the seeker, effectively burying him under a good amount of debris.

As the dust began to settle in the rest of the corridor, Skywarp groaned from underneath the collapsed ceiling. He wasn’t out of the fight for good, but it would take him a few breems to regain his composure and get himself out of his current situation.

Corridor 3B – The Outer Breach

Long Haul followed Hook down to the outer breach made by the power of Megatron’s fusion cannon. The Constructicon transport took up a stance on the near side of the hole, which was across from where the surgical engineer was positioned. The base began to shake as the seismic activity within the volcano increased with each passing astrosecond.

Long Haul then turned to Breakdown when he heard the Stunticon’s question to Hook. “That’s not normal, I’m afraid. I’m no expert, but the volcano seems to be waking up.” He then focused his attention back to the breach, readying his laser pistol for any Autobot that tried to escape through it.

Side Corridor

With Hot Spot still slung over one shoulder, Hardhead plodded down towards the bounce chamber as Smokescreen followed directly behind him. The big green mech mostly ignored Jazz’s orders as he remained focused on getting his damaged comrades out of the base. “Come on, Jazz. We don’t got time for fancy tricks. There’s too many wounded. Let’s just stay focused on getting the frag outta here, okay?”

But, it was too late as Jazz began engaging multiple targets in the forms of Hellion and Skyjack, the latter of which had been previously cloaked nearby. Lore-lock went to help Jazz as Skyjack unleashed a missile at the ceiling, which quickly began to crumble.

“Head's up! We got a cave in!” Hardhead bellowed as he stopped by the breach that led into the bounce chamber. It was there that he encountered Axle who was inquiring about the injured. “Hot Spot’s the worse, but everyone’s pretty beat up from what I can tell.” Hardhead then quickly grabbed Smokescreen by one arm and pulled him closer before then pushing the diversion expert into the bounce chamber. The war veteran then grabbed a hold of Hound and pulled him to safety, as well.

Lastly, Hardhead turned towards Lore-lock and Jazz. “Let’s go, guys! Get into the bounce chamber before the hallway collapses around us!” With that said, the green warrior stepped through the wall breach and into the chamber.

Bounce Chamber

Inside the room, Smokescreen landed with a thud on the floor from the force of Hardhead’s push. The diversion expert wasn’t bothered by it at all. It was certainly better than getting caught in a cave in. Smokey picked himself up and looked to Axle. “I’m low on energon which I’m leaking from my abdominal region. I could use a quick patch job there. Otherwise, I’m just banged up, but nothing I can’t handle.”

Hardhead then made his way through the wall breach and laid Hot Spot down on the ground before addressing Axle again. “Megatron knocked him into stasis lock. Not sure what can be done at this point. Smokey, Lore-lock and Hound are all operational but with varying degrees of damage. Jazz seems to be in good shape, and the worse damage I've sustained is to my 120mm cannon, which Blitzwing destroyed earlier. Nothing I'm too concerned about.”

The green warrior then turned his attention to the battle between Brawn, Ironhide and the Decepticon known as Baneblade. It seemed as if the two Autobots had things well in hand as there was little room for a third ‘Bot to try and enter the fight. Instead, Hardhead looked beyond them to the opposite side of the room. There he could see the outer breach located in Corridor 3B which led directly onto the mountainside.

“That’s our way out,” the veteran soldier said as he turned to address the medic. “Do what you can for them, Axle, while I go clear us a path to the outside.” Hardhead then turned and causally walked to the other end of the chamber where he exited into...

Corridor 3B – Near the Outer Breach

Hardhead cautiously approached the large hole in the side of the base, his shatterblasters at the ready. Through the breach he could see Prime and Megatron engaged in close quarters combat outside. Before he could react to anything, the green soldier found himself under fire as several laser blasts struck his chest armor, scorching him at best. Hardhead took a few steps back as he determined that the source of the attack came from a group of Constructicons. They were gathered on either side of the breach, hiding behind pieces of metal. Specifically, it was Long Haul who had fired on him, but he could also make out Hook on the other side of the gaping hole.

Hardhead leveled his shatterblasters at the Constructicons and opened fire, unleashing hundreds of diamond-hard shards all around the edges of the outer breach. Several of the shards tore through the metal that Long Haul was hiding behind and struck him in the chest plate, knocking him backwards and completely out of the base. Hardhead smiled but he didn't let up as he continued firing, hoping to eliminate all that stood in his way.
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Re: Decepticon Headquarters- The Enemy Within

Postby AshesOfPain » Mon Mar 14, 2011 9:53 am

Motto: "Good food and good drink can do only half of what their excellent variations can."
Weapon: Crossbow
Lore-lock felt a surge of renewed hope as the fight joined, and his axe bit deep into the seeker's form. However, his momentum worked against him and Hellion landed a powerful off center headbutt squarely on the top of his cranial unit. The blow wasn't aimed well enough to put him down, but in conjunction with his speed and direction it did throw his equilibrium off enough for him to begin to pitch to the floor. Which may not have been the best for Hellion, as the scout held the haft of his blade firmly. He gave into his instinct and training, and pushed the blade in even deeper.

He then tucked into a roll, deactivating his blade and bringing the haft with him. Without waiting to see what was left of the 'con, he made his way back to the group. So many internal alarms were going off, that he knew a full system lock was eminent, if he didn't get patched up soon. Primus help me. I should have just gone off on my own, and maintained some outer galactic relay post. But no, I had to take up with the side of law, and become a soldier. What's my malfunction. He thought as he made his way back through the breach Hound had earlier made.
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Re: Decepticon Headquarters- The Enemy Within

Postby #Sideways# » Mon Mar 14, 2011 12:35 pm

Motto: "Wake up. Wake up and smell the ashes."
Weapon: Dual Compression Cannons
OoC: Poor Devastron! Everyone wants his characters deactivated! Thats Snot nice!


Jazz's grimace grew more intense the more hits Hellion took. He hated to fight, like said before, especially femmes.

"Aww!He-loin is gonna gimme a hug- *URK*!" Jazz said wittily as Hellion ran to him and punched him in his face.

Jazz got air-born from the savage uppercut, and he landed lightly on his feet.

Jazz said nothing however, he just re-arranged his displaced jaw and shook his finger "No".

He then pointed up at the cave in, smiled sarcastically, and ran to the opening.

"Send my regards to your sister!" Jazz called to Hellion as he jogged to Hardhead and the others.

Bounce Chamber

Jazz looked around the bounce chamber and his comrades and his enemies. He then turned to Axle to answer his inquiry about wounded, "I'm wounded, but don't worry about me, we need to get Hound and Hot-Spot to Medical Bay stat!"

He then tuned to Hardhead, "That looks way to convenient," Jazz said as he motioned at the opening, "Perhaps we could test that theory, Hound, sorry bud, but we're going to need your holograms again." Jazz said,

"Here's what I'm thinking, Hound goes and creates holograms outside of just, I don't know, Smokescreen? Anyways, make HoloScreen go and run outside, and if there are any Decepticons outside waiting for us, they will be sure to attack it!" Jazz whispered to the group.
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Re: Decepticon Headquarters- The Enemy Within

Postby Ember » Mon Mar 14, 2011 11:03 pm

Motto: "I'm not psycho...I just like psychotic things."
Deserted Corridor

Before he got too far down the darkened corridor, Hex stopped and slowly looked over his shoulder at the mangled mech he had just decapitated. He turned back and made it down the hall and stopped. The young mech squatted down and picked up Spoiler’s discarded cranial unit. An evil grin materialized on his faceplate as he looked into those darkened orbs. I wanna remember this.

Hex shoved his fingers through the glass covering each optic and gripped the small devices and pulled them free from their sockets. Once again, Spoiler’s cranium rolled across the floor as Hex stood back up. Staring at his trophy Hex slowly made his way back to the body. The evil smirk still plastered on his face he removed his smaller sidearm from its holster and pointed it at Spoiler’s chest. His smirk finally faded, and his features darkened as he squeezed the trigger firing shot after shot destroying the spark chamber and the spark within.

Hex turned on his heal, and just as calmly as he walked up he left the same way; as if nothing even remotely heinous had occurred. The silver mech holstered his weapon and stowed his mementos while he made his way back down the corridor.

It seemed that the winding corridors intertwined in certain locations making it possible for Hex to come across the corridor just outside the Bounce Chamber.

Corridor near Bounce Chamber Entrance

Gripping his rifle, Hex slowly and carefully made his way around the corner only to see part of the hallway destroyed, with most of the damage centered on one end; Hex waded his way past the debris and to the doors. Thankfully no one was in the hall, at least anyone he could see.

Finally at the doors the silver mech noticed the clean weld that sealed the chamber shut. Hex gritted his teeth and slammed his gripped hand against the entranceway in frustration. After a moment Hex stowed his rifle and took out his collection of arrows and bolts. From his arsenal he gathered four of the projectiles that he had outfitted with explosive charges. Alone one of them could only stop one, maybe two mechs, but four could possibly make a hole large enough for him to squeeze through.

Bounce Chamber

Axle quickly moved out of the way at the breach as Hardhead pushed Smokescreen through into the bounce chamber. The large green bot soon followed the diversion expert. Axle took to Smokescreen’s side as he ran down his ailments. The field medic ran a diagnostic on his systems taking a mental note of what needed the most attention. He grabbed his portable welder and carefully sealed off the leak in Smokey’s abdomen. With one section sealed off Axle stuck his hand into the wound and began bypassing a few fuel lines.

Just as Axle was finishing up on Smokescreen’s abdomen a detonation startled the medic causing him to yank on two of the supply lines he was working to seal off. Axle focused on the chamber door where a plume of smoke rose and a figure passed through. Axle quickly stood up and took aim with him rifle, but he just as quickly lowered it when Hex came into view. A smile formed on his face as the young mech strolled into the room and over to the wounded. Axle’s optics widened at the sight of his ward.

“What in the Pit happened to you? Are you alright? Where are you hurt?”

Hex avoided Axle as he moved in to try and inspect him for damage; at the same time he shoved the medic away.

“Relax Axle, it’s not mine!”

Axle stared for a moment before he nodded and knelt back down at Smokescreen’s side. “In that case I want you to finish up on Smokescreen. There are a few fuel lines that need bypassing. When you’re done you can take a look at Hound.”

Hex sneered back at his friend. “I’m not a medic, and there’s no way I’m not gonna get these Bots back online!”

Axle shot back up and took a grip around Hex’s neck, applying firm pressure to get his point across.

“This is not the time for your emotional dysfunction! I need your help, not them! Now get to work!”

The medic pushed Hex away as he released his neck, and without another word, Hex knelt down at Smokescreen’s side. An irritated look on his face, Hex leaned down and whispered into the diversionary technician’s audios.

“Trust me, this is gonna hurt like hell,” with his final words he shoved his hand into the wound and roughly rooted around for the last two fuel lines.
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Re: Decepticon Headquarters- The Enemy Within

Postby FuzzymusPrime » Tue Mar 15, 2011 11:42 pm

Corridors near Hounds Breach

As the fighting starts up again, Hound concentrates on controlling his holographic army, to try to cover the others and keep the Decepticons guessing. He reloads his rocket launcher, but doesn't fire, realising that with so little ammo left he can't fire unless the shot counts. Then, as the fighting escalates, someone tries replicating his trick of shooting the roof. Hound sees the trick, and goes to help Smokescreen, but is himself helped by Hardhead.

"Ah!! Slaggit, why is everyone trying to save me from things!! I'm an Autobot too, give me a turn!!"

The large warrior, seeming none the worse for wear after losing his head on the last mission, gets them to the Bounce Chamber entrance once more, and the waiting Axle. "Oh, Doc, good to see you. I'm....not in the best of shape, but you can see to Smokes first, he's leaking worst. We had a competition to see who could be the dumbest and most heroic, not sure who won."

Then Hex appeared, and began to argue with the doctor. "H....Hey, mechs need attention here, we....Hey!! What are you doing to Smokescreen? Are you trying to kill him?"

Corridors near Megatrons Breach

Scrapper takes cover with Bonecrusher and Mixmaster across the corridor from Hook and Long Haul, Scavenger cowering in an alcove as shots from the fight between Annex and Skywarp whizz past the team. "Don't just idle there! Get to work on making us some cover!! We won't be able to ambush them safely hiding behind scraps like these!!"

As Scrapper assists Bonecrusher and Mixmaster in beginning to create a barricade, he pauses at Long Hauls doomladen prediction. "The volcano wake up? Dont be ridiculous!! Theres no way properly made geothermal systems could have surged that badly from a localised battle like this!" That assumed that these systems were properly made, but Scrapper tended to trust Decepticon engineers to do their jobs, even on backwaters like this.

"Now quit damaging morale and get to w-" Scrapper is cut off as a piece of shrapnel from Hardheads guns smacks into his face, chunks of his faceplate flying off. He ducks behind cover as Long Haul is hit and goes tumbling out of sight. "Ah! They're flanking us!! Damned Seekers, can't do one thing right. We don't have a choice: Return Fire!!" Scrapper draws his laser pistol and fires on the advancing Autobots, cursing that his team, more skilled at hand to hand with their brute strength, couldn't get to grips with the Autobots in these confined quarters.

"Scavenger, Hook, can you see where Long Haul has gone?"
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Re: Decepticon Headquarters- The Enemy Within

Postby Cryhavok » Thu Mar 17, 2011 3:04 pm

Motto: ""It is all about pain.""
Weapon: Fusion-Powered Anti-Gravity Gun
Mountain Side

With Megatron and Prime exchanging blows on the mountain side, Dirge and Thundercracker landed to both sides of the opening created by Megatron's fusion cannon blast. From the looks of it, Hardhead was causing some real trouble to the Constructicons that were trying to keep the Autobots from leaving the base through the opening.

"Let's give them hell." Thundercracker said, taking a glance at Dirge who grimly nodded as approval.

The two seekers reached out from their cover and filled the opening with laser fire, hoping to assist the Constructicons in finishing the Autobots' attempt to break out of the Decepticon base.
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Re: Decepticon Headquarters- The Enemy Within

Postby Smokescreen85 » Sun Mar 20, 2011 3:46 pm

Motto: ""A look can be deceiving; a touch can be lethal.""
Weapon: Twin Shoulder-Mounted Rocket Launchers
Collapsed Corridor

Skywarp struggled to free himself from underneath the rubble of the collapsed ceiling. He dug his way through the debris, carefully pushing aside tangled wiring as he went. Sparks from some of the wires helped to illuminate his way until ‘Warp finally reached the edge of the wreckage and pulled himself out.

Lying motionlessly in the hallway, the prankster gathered his strength and then slowly sat up. The corridor in front of him was completely blocked by a pile of scrap metal with live wires dangling all around. There was no way past it, no way to easily reach the other side where Annex and the rest of the Autobots were still attempting to save their comrades and get out of the base.

“Frag this!” Skywarp moaned and he got to his feet. His back was scorched by the explosion and his whole body was covered with dents. However, the prankster was still functional and capable of fighting. He was an elite seeker, after all. I’ve got to find a way around this, Skywarp thought, considering his options. The easiest thing to do would be teleporting, but that would be unwise considering the seeker did not know the extent of the debris pile in front of him. He could end up teleporting directly into the middle of the wreckage and become trapped again. Unless, of course, he tried to teleport into a completely different corridor, perhaps the one near the outer breach. Although, a similar result could occur there, too, as small battles were happening all over this level. ‘Warp could end up appearing directly in the middle of a firefight and get blasted into stasis.

Looks like I’ll be doing this on foot, Skywarp conceded silently, as he turned away from the collapsed area and jogged further down the corridor. He made a few turns, following the maze-like hallways around until he finally reached....

Corridor 3B - Near the Outer Breach

An intense battle was raging at the outer breach as Hardhead attempted to blast his way through an amalgamation of Constructicons and Seekers, Thundercracker and Dirge to be exact. Such a volley of laser fire was being exchanged that it was hard to tell which blast came from whom. It mattered little just as long as the Autobots were kept from escaping.

It’s time I joined the party, Skywarp thought as he moved down the corridor, hugging the wall with his burnt back. Once he was close enough, ‘Warp jumped out into the middle and opened fire with his arm-mounted weapons, hoping to catch the large Autobot by surprise.


Things had just gotten more interesting for Hardhead as he continued blasting the Constructicons’ position at the outer breach. Scrapper had been hit as two seekers, Thundercracker and Dirge, joined the fray in an attempt to back up their comrades, who had begun to erect a barricade. The war veteran’s armor was being pelted with countless rounds of laser fire, leaving scorch marks in their wake. So far his shielding had held out, but that would not last long under this amount of intense fire.

Skywarp then appeared and attacked him from the side. Instinctively, Hardhead turned one of his shatterblasters in the prankster’s direction and returned fire. ‘Warp’s optics widened at the sight of numerous crystal shards coming directly at him. His only maneuver was to teleport away, allowing the shards to fly through the space he had just occupied and harmlessly hit the far wall.

With few optioned left to him, Hardhead ducked back inside the bounce chamber where he sought cover behind the damaged wall. He hated to retreat even just a little, but he needed a few precious astroseconds to reload his weapons. The veteran soldier then opened a comm line to all Autobots in the vicinity:

>>”This is Hardhead. Any able bodied Autobots that can hear this, I need immediate assistance at the outer breach of the base. The ‘Cons have me pinned down and are blocking our only escape route out of this slaghole.”<<

Hardhead then shut off his comm line as he quickly emerged from his cover and opened fire once more, sending more shards across the corridor aimed directly at the Constructicons and Seekers at the outer breach.

Bounce Chamber

At first, Smokescreen felt a sense of relief as Axle went to work on him, sealing off the main leak in his abdomen. Now, all that needed to be done was reroute a few fuel lines and Smokey would be good to go. As the medic continued his work, he was interrupted by the sound of another explosion, this time coming from the chamber door. The diversion expert winced in pain as Axle inadvertently pulled on two of his supply lines before focusing his attention on Hex, who had blown his way back into the bounce chamber.

Oh, great. Look who’s back, Smokescreen thought with a shudder, remembering quite clearly what the young mech had done to Drag Strip earlier. The red and blue racer had been horrified by Hex’s actions, but now he was even more horrified at the thought of the crazy 'Bot finishing what Axle had started.

“Um, Axle, I don’t think you should let…Aaahhhh!” The diversion specialist yelled in agony as Hex roughly dug his hands into Smokey’s internal workings. “Be careful, please,” Smokescreen said, trying to maintain his composure as the silver nutjob routed around for the remaining fuel lines. Smokey’s instincts were telling him to pull away and take his chances with a set of leaky tubes, but he decided against that course of action. With Axle present, it was unlikely his ward would do anything too rash. Besides, Smokey didn’t want to agitate Hex any further until, at least, the young mech was done fixing him.

Smokescreen then looked over at Hound, who had expressed concern over what Hex was doing to him. "I'm fine, Hound," Smokey assured the green scout with a painful smile. As Hex continued his work, the diversion expert received Hardhead’s transmission over the Autobot frequency. Smokey didn’t respond as he was in too much pain at the moment. Soon, however, he hoped to be back on his feet again, helping his comrades escape from this deathtrap they were currently in.

Mountain Side

Long Haul tumbled down the hillside a short distance before his fall was abruptly stopped by a large rock protruding from the mountain. His body struck the outcropping with a hard thud, causing intense pain to surge through his sensors. “Aahh, slaggit!” The Constructicon transport moaned as he tried to sit up, but to no avail. Several crystal shards from Hardhead’s weapons were embedded deep within his chest cavity. Thankfully, they had all missed his spark chamber, but the internal damage was extensive, nonetheless.

Unable to move, Long Haul opened a comm line to Scrapper: >>”Boss, I’m badly hurt. I’m located just down the mountain a short ways. Internal systems… ack!... shutting….. down….”<<

Long Haul’s comm line fell silent as he coughed up some energon and then fell into stasis lock.


Skywarp reappeared outside, directly behind the Constructicons and his two seeker brethren. The teleporter quickly fell in line behind Thundercracker on one side of the breach. “Hey, buddy! Whatcha been doing out here without me? Sight seeing?” Skywarp teased as more of Hardhead’s crystals shards flew past his cranial unit. “Slaggin’ Autobot!” The prankster exclaimed as he ducked down and quickly returned fire with his arm-mounted weapons.

“Right now, it’s just Hardhead in there shooting at us, ‘Cracker. From what I saw before I teleported out here, there are other Autobots still in the bounce chamber. Not sure which ones, but most of them are pretty banged up, I think.” Skywarp said, relaying what info he could to his blue friend as he continued pouring more laser fire into the outer breach.
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Re: Decepticon Headquarters- The Enemy Within

Postby Devastron » Sun Mar 20, 2011 9:01 pm

Weapon: Energo-Sword
Corridors near Hounds Breach

Hook was mildly annoyed that the other Constructicons had deigned to answer the question directed at him. Before the Decepticon could voice his displeasure their makeshift bit of cover was torn to pieces by fire from Hardhead. The surprise attack startled him enough that he fell over backwards, an action that likely saved him from being torn to pieces.

While not a particularly powerful fighter, Hook was fairly precise. He drew his pistol and carefully looked around their remaining cover. He knew his weapon wasn’t powerful enough to damage Hardhead, but if he could just get him to drop his gun or even damage it, he would call that a success. He opened fire at the Autobot, aiming for his gun hand. “A little busy at the moment Scrapper, Long Haul will have to take care of himself.”



While it was true that Hellion wasn’t as alert when in her berserker mode, it didn’t mean she was unaware. With her hand on part of the ax handle she pushed back against Lore-Lock, preventing him from cutting deeper into her chassis. She put her hand on the wound when he removed the weapon. The damage was bad, but she was still too into her berserker mode to feel any pain.

The Decepticon was also aware enough to avoid a collapse of the corridor. She leapt after Jazz, her thrusters giving her a boost to get closer to the Autobot. She followed him into the bounce chamber only to be blinded by blasts from a photon pistol coming from outside of the breach.

“Come on Protectobots! Give these Autobots some cover fire!” First-Aid, Groove and Streetwise opened fire from outside the breach, focusing their fire on Dirge, Thundercracker and Skywarp, with the occasional shot inside at Hellion. It was a mix of both damaging and blinding shots at the Decepticons. The Protectobots specialized in this sort of rescue mission and knew what they were doing. They had bounced down from their vessel outside of jamming range once First Aid had decided Hot Spot had been gone too long. He knew his commander and that if he couldn’t raise him it likely meant he was in bad shape. They had moved up near the base and taken cover behind some nearby boulders for cover. “Blades, get through the breach and make sure everyone makes it out. Feel free to use your personal touch on any cons that get in the way.”


Conference Room

Sunstreaker grunted in pain as Darkride wrecked his right hand. This battle was definitely not going his way by any stretch of the imagination. It looked like underestimating this particular Con might be his final undoing. If it was though, then he wasn’t going to let him get any pleasure from it, or, hopefully, make it out alive.

“I’ve got one for you Con, how about I just break my other hand for you by smashing it into that ugly face of yours?” He launched a punch at his head, intent to keep striking him there until the con could stop him.
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Re: Decepticon Headquarters- The Enemy Within

Postby Rebirth Megatron » Mon Mar 21, 2011 2:55 am

Weapon: Dual Laser Beam Rifle

Suddenly several freon shots flew past Hellion and towards the Protectobots. Snowcap, who had noticed Hellion getting too far over her head, had doubled back to support her.

>>"Retreat."<< He spoke to her in code. >>"We can regroup and then destroy them. We can't take them alone like this. We're outgunned."<< He hoped she would listen, otherwise they'd both wind up in traction...or worse.

Meanwhile Skyjack was doing an uncharacteristically brave thing and coming back towards that group. But then again that is what was so smart about it, it is unlike him to be so risky, which would make this next attack fatally beneficial to him. He made sure to keep a maximum distance from Smokescreen's fog so as not to give himself away this time.

His only hope was that Snowcap and Hellion would prove distracting enough.
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Re: Decepticon Headquarters- The Enemy Within

Postby Necessary Evil » Mon Mar 21, 2011 8:38 am

Motto: "Always looking for a new motto."
Weapon: Chomping Rotor Blades

“You got it, First Aid.”

While it was unconventional that First Aid endorsed violent methods – much like his teammate, Groove – Blades would hardly place himself in a position to argue with the Protectobots' medic. Given his primary function isolated him from engaging his enemies in brutal acts of combat, Blades was thrilled by this instruction – unexpected, as it was. Perhaps he should ease up on the seemingly perpetual needling he offered to the compassionate Autobot? If only a little, anyway. After all, First Aid did just permit Blades to operate in any manner he so chose.

All light humour aside, Blades understood his mission perfectly. And the time had arrived to accomplish that mission, by any means necessary. Just the way he liked it.

Blades hadn't progressed very far when he had received a critical transmission from Hardhead. The stubborn soldier stated his present status was submitting to the unrelenting assault an assortment of Decepticons were providing to the battle-hardened Autobot. An undesirable position to be in, to say the least.

Wasting little time, Blades opened a comm-channel to Hardhead, alerting him to the Protectobots' attendance. >>”Hardhead, this is Blades. The Protectobots and myself have just bounced here from our vessel. We're going to get you guys outta here quickly and safely. I'm currently on my way to your position to assist you. Just hang tight, you hear? I'll be there in a few astroseconds!”<<
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Re: Decepticon Headquarters- The Enemy Within

Postby Roadbuster » Mon Mar 21, 2011 2:36 pm

Corridors Near Breach

Breakdown watched as Hardhead made his way out and his fellow Decepticons open fire. They had the Autobots pinned down inside the mountain. Still, the new that the mountain was going to explode was troubling to the paranoid Stunticon. He didn't want to die, though it was risk death or suffer Megatron's wrath.

He aimed his gun and fired away owards Hardhead, adding his own firepower to the blockade. At least this was working. And with Prime being preoccupied by Megatron, there was nothing that could stop them now.

Skies above

As Jetfire made his pass, he took no time to verify if his missile hit Starscream. He slowed as he began to feel his frame stress from the g-forces he had just endured. If it were in space, he and Starscream would both be able to do this with no problem, though they would have to adjust their respective flying styles, given the law of physics when it came to spaceflight.

However, before Jetfire could fully recover, he received a signal from down below. Hardhead was sending out a signal that they were pinned down near a breach inside. Despite being caught in an engagement with the Decepticon aerial commander, Jetfire knew he was the only one in prime enough position to do anything about it that would be effective.

Getting the Autobots to hang back was necessary but the Decepticons needed to be in the right position, given what Jetfire estimated he was going to need to use upon acquiring the signals. He also detected an unusual amount of seismic activity originating form the mountain. Prime was also engaged in a fight with Megatron, as his visual scanner picked up.

>>”Hardhead. Gather what Autobtos you can and try to force them closer to the breach. Signal me when you feel they're close enough. I'll give them a little present!”<<

Command Center

Out of nowhere, Ravage lept at Prowl, knocking the strategist off his feet and to the ground. Prowl grabbed Ravage by the neck with one hand. Ravage was no real concern to Prowl, given he knew the best method of dealing with the Decepticon cassette. In fact, he was not surprised that the Decepti-kitty followed him.

“I don't have time for dealing with you Ravage. If this mountain is going to blow, the I need to try and minimize the damage! This world has suffered enough because of us! Now, back to Soundwave!”, he told the Decepticon.

Prowl had no time. He hit his 'brights”, focusing them on Ravage's face, hoping it would force his enemy to retreat, it at least back off. Still, there was another Decepticon in the room that Prowl had to deal with. And he needed to drop the cloak on that one first. But his train of thought was disrupted by another quake, this one slightly larger, indicating that the mountain would erupt soon.
Last edited by Roadbuster on Mon Mar 21, 2011 4:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Decepticon Headquarters- The Enemy Within

Postby Insidious » Mon Mar 21, 2011 3:24 pm

Motto: "Clarity of thought before rashness of action."
Weapon: Oxidating Laser
Corridors near Megatron's Breach

“There we go. It just needs to harden up up up! Heheheh,” Mixmaster chuckled, pulling away from the makeshift barricade that he and some of the other Constructicons had been working on while in the midst of this firefight. He transformed back in to his robot mode and resumed his position of cover. He adapted to battlefield design as well as he could. He much preferred dealing with Autobots that had already been deactivated. They found their way in to his chemical concoctions much more easily that way.

It had been too long since he’d been thrown in to the middle of a battle like this. Felt that way, anyway.

At his earliest opportunity, Mixmaster was going to scoop up the next fallen Autobot he encountered and make sure they were properly “recycled” in to additional combat materials. Truth be told, he wouldn’t much mind if it was a Decepticon either. There was just something about Cybertronian composites that broke down so beautifully in to suitable construction components. Didn't these fleshies have some sort of saying about "waste not, want not"?

Same principle.
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Re: Decepticon Headquarters- The Enemy Within

Postby MaP_Prime » Mon Mar 21, 2011 4:06 pm


Starscream managed to dodge most of the incoming fire from Jetfire as he unloaded a large salvo of fire in the Seekers direction, though several particle shots did manage to graze his armour. This intense burst of fire was follow up by the Autobot firing his afterburners and charging straight at Starscream, confusing the Seeker commander at first but it only took a few seconds for him to realize that he was likely going to unleash a point blank attach. With this realization Starscream was already taking evasive maneuvers to avoid the coming attack when the pair of missiles were launched in his direction. Although he managed to avoid the brunt of the attack he was still hit directly with one of the missiles, knocking him around and sending him spiraling through the air.

The Seeker fought to regain control, transforming into his robot form once more and orienting himself with his flight capabilities. He cast a frown up at Jetfire before he transformed and roared up high into the sky once again at full speed before arcing back and angling down towards his foe once more, opening fire with his lasers and null rays, firing each weapon in short bursts as he tried to box Jetfire into a kill zone.

"You should feel honour Jetfire that I am going to such extremes to eliminate you. Normally I would not bother with such effort to eliminate an Autobot, take it as a concession due to our long association."


After the blast went off from his demolition charges Annex poked his head from around the corner to see what had become of Skywarp. Though he had to wait several moments for the dust to settle a grin spread of his face when he saw part of the Seeker buried under the debris that had fallen from the ceiling. Though he saw movement that was clearly the sign of a mech trying to free himself, not twitching in death. A little disappointed that he hadn't fragged the Decepticon with his makeshift grenade the ranger moved out into the now sage corridor and made his way down it, passing over the rubble. It took him several astroseconds to find any traces of other Autobots, but when did find some it looked like the rest of the Protectorbots had arrived.

"Hey guys!" He said running up to the new arrivals. "What's the situation? I was pinned down by Skywarp for a bit and got cut off."
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Re: Decepticon Headquarters- The Enemy Within

Postby AshesOfPain » Mon Mar 21, 2011 5:01 pm

Motto: "Good food and good drink can do only half of what their excellent variations can."
Weapon: Crossbow
Bounce Chamber

Lore-lock just barely made it into the room when the ceiling in the corridor gave out. He saw Axel and decided to keep it simple,

"Could ya spare a patch kit? I'm leaking hydraulic fluid from a few places, but I can. . . "

However his hydraulic pump burned out before he finished and he fell flat on his face plate, his servos no longer having enough pressure to maintain his equilibrium.

"Or mebbe not, I don't think I can fix this with a patch kit anymore. My systems scans show that total lock up is not going to be an issue for a while; but I'm done fighting. Just do what ya can to keep me from the scrap heap."
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Re: Decepticon Headquarters- The Enemy Within

Postby #Sideways# » Mon Mar 21, 2011 6:20 pm

Motto: "Wake up. Wake up and smell the ashes."
Weapon: Dual Compression Cannons
OoC: Devastron, I didn't know weather Hellion was tackling Jazz or just running after him, I'm going by the latter right now, correct me if I'm wrong. Please.

Bounce Chamber

Jazz looked down in frustration, there was no apparent way out of the bounce chamber, unless they walked out into a possible trap.

His train of thought was disrupted by sudden movement, Hex had just walked in. Jazz's face contorted as Hex began to dig his fingers in Smokescreen's wound.

"Jeez! Thats just wrong, man." Jazz said with a shudder.

Things were quiet for a while, despite the battles of the rest of the Autobots and Decepticons, until Dirge and Thundercracker showed up and decided to blast the living daylights out of everyone.

"Sheesh! What-is-wrong-with-you-people-?" Jazz said to them both as he ducked and fired his rifle at Thundercracker every syllable.

He then found out that Hellion was not crushed under the collapsing corridor. She had followed him out to the others, he caught view of her out of the corner of his eye.

"Hey!" He said as he turned to her. "Stop following me! Or I'll drop-kick your aft through the nearest bulkhead!"

He lunged to her side, and managed to fire his weapon three times at the spot where Lore-lock's Axe punctured her side until a blast from Thundercracker hit his back.

There wasn't that much damage, but it did make him call out in pain.

"Ugh," He moaned, "Why does everyone hate me!?" He said, shaking his head.

He glanced up to see Protectobots firing on 'Cons, and decided that he should give them a status update.

So he ran to the Protectobots, jumping over a blast from Dirge, and skid to a halt just feet from Streetwise.

"Man! Is it good to see you! Er, I've got some bad news," Jazz said sorrowfully, "Hot Spot, he's in stasis lock..."

A frown formed on Jazz's face, but there was work to be done. They needed to be gone quickly.

"Your ship doesn't happen to have someone there to bounce all of us back, does it?" Jazz asked urgently.
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