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NEW Character Applications

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Re: New NEW Character Applications

Postby Devastron » Sat Oct 18, 2008 8:45 pm

Weapon: Energo-Sword
Marlboro Man wrote:Man, I am Zero for the year here. Let me give it another try here. I did not read the rules carfeully enough, I apologize. I hold no annimosity towards anyone for my own failures.

Name: Thrust
Allegce: Decepticon
Alt. Mode: VTOL Jet Plane
Weapons: Various machine guns, Concussion bombs
Function: Psychological warfare/Warrior

Quote: The sound of my engines' roar is the sound of my enemy's doom.

Strength: 8
Intelligence: 6
Speed: 9
Endurance: 6
Rank: 5 or TBD
Courage: 4
Firepower: 8
Skill: 7

Profile: Rattling the air with the very roar of his engines, Thrust is one Decepticon who cares very little about deceit. He believes half a battle is won if he can "psyche out" his opponents by his mere arrival. He makes no attempt to be sneaky. His ability to suddenly and swiftly take off has enough power to level near-by buildings, and he delights in the havoc this ability wreacs. A loud-mouthed, pompous, braggart. Will claim victory as a battle is just beginning.In truth, his courage is bluster and noise as a stron counter attack by opponents will often lead to seeing Thrust's tail wings as he escpaes into the sky.

Abilities: In jet mode, Thrust can fly at Mach 2.5, but can accelerate to twice that and hold for two minutes. Carries two concussion missile launchers and two compressed air rifles, each of which can punch a hole 1/4 thick armor from 1200 yards.

Weakness: Thrust is not very brave. If he accelerates two quickly he can cause his engines to stall.


On another world other than Earth, the Decepticon infiltration had been completely succesful thus far. They were finally at the stage where they could openly join hostilities between two warring factions. Thrust was happy when he was ordered to fight on the side of the M'pochs, who were warring against the Charlonks. Thrust was going to take out a Charlonk air force base and he smiled as he flew through the sky at a modest Mach 1.

"Insignificant specks..." Thrust thought to himself, "I'll have this wrapped up before Starscream even realizes I've left!"

As Thrust neared the Charlonk base he signaled to his two wingmen, two crafts piloted by M'poch.

"Form up a delta formation on me and buckle in! Try and keep up..."

Thrust spurred up his massive enginesand he reached a speed of Mach 4 with ease as he descended upon the Charlonk base. The Charlonk had radar lock on him, but were completely taken back by how quickly he reached them. They were ill-prepared, most pilots were still trying to get into their cockpits when he rocketed past. As he flew over, the glass of the cockpits shattered, buildings began to crumble, and pilots were thrown on the ground from the force of a mini-sonic boom. Thrust only fired two shots from his concussion missile launchers. The missiles glided through the air towards what Thrust's computers told him was the control tower. He landed and quickly transformed. There were ten bombers in front of him. He fired his Air compressed rifles at them and the blew to pieces one by one. As quickly as he landed he had taken off again, straight up into the air and then in a western direction. Thrust made sure to hover for a second before moving west, as his engines made a small crater in the ground. He surveyed the area. All fighter planes were damaged, the bombers destroyed, all sentient beings were in a frenzy and confused how they were attacked so quickly, and the control tower leveled. he signaled to his two wingmen, whom were just preparing to make their attack runs.

"My work here is done. The rest should be easy target practice for you two flyboys. I have more important things to do."

With that, Thrust was off. He was eager to report to Starscream the easy success of the mission.

(Okie doke, I think I got everything right this time. Motor Master was denied becasue he is a nut. Is there any chance of getting Jet Fire approved? Also, has the quality of my sample posts been ok?)

You are missing the added stats that we use for the game. Also a sample post a little more applicable to the current game would be preferred, ie on earth.
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Re: New NEW Character Applications

Postby Devastron » Sat Oct 18, 2008 8:48 pm

Weapon: Energo-Sword
Mbrosforever123 wrote:Name: Cliffjumper

Allegiance: Autobots

Function: Warrior

Alt. mode: Porsche 924 Turbo

Weapons: Glass Gas Gun

Height: 16 Feet 5 Meters

Quote: "Strike first, strike fast, strike hard."


Profile: "Let me at 'em" is Cliffjumper's usual response when the Autobots embark on a mission. His eagerness and daring have no equal among the Autobots. Optimus Prime knows this gung-ho trait is an expression of Cliffjumper's burning desire for vengeance on the Decepticons. Although he takes his work very seriously, Cliffjumper is full of good-natured bravado while he's doing it. He doesn't actively dislike Earth, but he considers its rough, uneven terrain a hindrance to his effectiveness, and too often is carelessly destructive. Often he is on the receiving end of a lecture from Optimus on caution and the protection of Earthen property. His eagerness and daring have no equal. He's driven by a desire to win the battle against the Decepticons. One of the fastest Autobots. He often uses his speed to draw fire away from others. His recklessness often leads to actual blow-outs and situations too dangerous for him to handle.

Abilities: Cliffjumper is one of the fastest of the Autobots in his automobile mode and he makes a particularly effective target for drawing fire away from other Autobots, a job he relishes and seldom gets hurt doing. He can fire projectiles filled with what he calls "glass gas." On impact, this gas disrupts the microscopic crystalline structure of most metals, temporarily making the metal as brittle as common glass.

Weaknesses: Cliffjumper is prone to literal blow-outs in his automobile mode. He accelerates so quickly and recklessly that he is sometimes disabled before he goes 50 yards. his overeagerness can often lead him into dangerous situations that he's not prepared to handle. And sometimes if the wind is blowing toward him, he can fall victim to his own glass gas.

Sample Post: Brotherly Hate

Cliffjumper watched in horror as his brother, Bumblebee, was swarmed by the Insecticons. Shrapnel sped towards Cliffjumper. He was hit by the glass gas. He never saw it coming. He ran right through it... Right into Cliffjumper's foot! He broke like he was a window with a stone going through it. He was dead before Bombshell could be eye level with Cliffjumper. "SHRAPNEL!" "You're next," said Cliffjumper with a grin. Then he realised, Bombshell was... Smiling! "Wha-", *CLANG*! "Ow," said a surprised Cliffjumper. "Your brother has large feet." Said a grinning Bombshell. "Bumble-", *BOOM*! "Gr-", *PING*! "STOP!" *BAM*! Bumblebee fell to the ground. "YOU!" "STO-", *Whoosh*. *CRASH* Bombshell didn't even realise he was breaking to pieces until he lost his legs. "I hate Glass ga-!" He was defeated, then Bumblebee woke up. "Huh?" Suddenly a small device fell off his head. Bombshell's cerebro shell. "That explains a lot," said Cliffjumper with a grin. "Sure does," said Bumblebee.

I'd like to see more from your sample post before approving your application.
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Re: New NEW Character Applications

Postby Devastron » Sat Oct 18, 2008 8:52 pm

Weapon: Energo-Sword
gordongraywolf wrote:Octane

Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Fueler
Alt. mode: Tanker truck, Boeing 767 jetWeapons: Rifle, tailfin-shield
Special Abilities: Store massive amounts of energon
Height: 32 ft
Quote: "He who has fuel, has power."

Strength: 8
Intelligence: 6
Dexterity: 9
Speed: 8
Endurance: 9
Courage: 4
Firepower: 4
Accuracy: 7
Melee: 7
Tech Skill: 7
Charisma: 8
Rank: 3

Profile: One of the three Decepticon Triple Changers, Octane can transform between a robot mode and two vehicle modes: a tanker truck and a Boeing 767 jet. Octane is the Decepticons' fueler, in charge of storing and distributing fuel among Decepticons with vehicle modes. He is characterized as a mean-spirited bully, who takes delight in seeing others suffer. In jet mode, he is said to make other planes (even other Decepticons) crash-land for fun. Though he is often causing issues for the other Decepticons and occasionally for Megatron, he doubts his efforts of trying to get along with the others, which in turn instead of placing him self just socially awkward he just blames the other Decepticons fr his own mild dislike for them, he doesn't feel that he should lead, but some one honest and who always will win battles should.

Abilities: Triple Change, store mass amounts of energon

Weaknesses: Not liked by the other Deceptions. Gets in over his head with greed, and self doubt/ self loathing factor gets into his head causing him to fight recklessly, also usually will try to flee from a fight.

Sample Post:


Thought Octane as he sucked the fuel out of the Earth's surface. He tried to look brave but feared for his life, not that he was scared of people seeing him, just scared at the fact of Megatron finding out that he wasn't transformed in his vehicle mode and that he possible could delay the start of Phase Two.

Octane was tired of Phase one, he was growing more paranoid daily. He just wished that they would commence with an all out open war already, and put an end to the Autobots once and for all. He also found himself to questioned Megatron's leadership. "Is he really fit to lead", Octane thought to him self.

"What ever", he said out loud, "Not like I Could lead any better." As he finished fueling up a car drove by. "****, I've been spotted", but to his momentarily luck the car Transformed. Octane felt re leaved until he realized what this meant as the Autobot began to fire upon him. Octane clumsily pulled out his rifle, and started shooting recklessly, blowing the Autobot Rookie to shreds.

Their was a slight panic when he realized that there could be more on their way. He took a moment to gather himself.

"I need to dispose of the body, If these aliens get their hands on his body they can study him, and learn of are technology. I would then be at fault and seen as a traitor to both Autbot and Decepticon alike due to the Tyrest Accord", he thought, and began to hack up the body of what was once an Autobot ( he was using his tail fin-shield, which made it difficult to cut, but Octane was n expert with cutting, but was still a lot of work one the less)

After he finished he loaded up the dead body along with the fuel, and drove back to his rendezvous point. He knew he was going to get guff for what happened but didn't care, not like the other Decepticons really like him anyways, then again why would they? Not like he likes them anyways.

The ability section needs expanding. Also you need to change the stats you modified from his tech specs to their original numbers.
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Re: New NEW Character Applications

Postby grimlock prime123 » Sun Oct 19, 2008 12:28 am

Weapon: Battle Blades

Allegiance: Decepticons
Function: Communications
Alt. mode: Nokia N810 Tablet; Formerly Tape Deck
Weapons: Concussion blaster
Special Abilities: Highly advanced sensors (especially audio and wireless); ability to read electrical impulses (telepathy); photographic memory; mass shifting; Cassettes
Height: 33 ft / 10.07 m
Quote: “Cries and screams are music to my ears.”

Strength: 08
Intelligence: 09
Dexterity: 06
Speed: 02
Endurance: 06
Courage: 06
Firepower: 07
Accuracy: 09
Melee: 09
Tech Skill: 10
Charisma: 07
Rank: 08

Profile: What is more valuable to a commander: loyalty or reliability? Loyalty is a luxury, but reliability is a necessity for effective military operations. Soundwave exemplifies the latter while projecting as much of the former as realistically possible. Soundwave is an indispensable lieutenant and a fierce warrior, with seemingly unshakable loyalty to Megatron and the Decepticon cause. Whenever the Decepticon leader enters combat with Soundwave beside him, he is assured that he will perform his duty unerringly.

Those who had the displeasure of crossing paths with him during his long and illustrious career in Internal Affairs might paint a significantly different picture of him. They might describe him as a sadistic manipulator who respected no personal boundary and took voyeuristic pleasure in wresting the secrets of others. They might accuse him of blackmail, graft, and numerous other self-serving corruptions of his position. However, given the sheer volume of dirty secrets housed within the vast memory banks of the Decepticon known as Soundwave, it is little surprise that Megatron pays little heed to what ‘they’ say.

Soundwave is a Decepticon of many talents. His highly tuned sensors can intercept enemy transmissions and detect the faintest whisper of a sound; his scientific background was the basis for his largely self-taught repair skills (his area of particular expertise is cerebral neurocircuitry); his unique telepathic powers let him extract information from any sentient being, mechanical or biological.

He is a skilled and ruthless fighter when necessary, though not a warrior by nature. He is calm, patient, and composed, often to the point of seeming emotionless - but in truth he is simply callous. Though unfailingly loyal to those few who have earned his friendship, Soundwave regards everyone else as a mere tool or plaything.

As an expert in cerebral neurocircuitry and memory processing, Soundwave is able to utilize Autobot prisoners in some truly unique ways. He has no moral constraints against doing so. In fact, one would be hard pressed to find any moral constraints in Soundwave.

Soundwave was the first Decepticon to infiltrate Earth, and he has been here for nearly 25 Earth years. Some of his fellow Decepticons believe that so long a time with only his Cassettes for company has driven the meticulous mastermind mad. Those foolish enough to air such theories are swiftly and subtly reminded just how sharp Soundwave’s hearing is.

Abilities: Soundwave has great physical strength and intelligence. He is a skilled and highly professional soldier and lieutenant. His internal scanners can detect even the lowest level energy transmissions for communications purposes, as well as sounds that are nearly inaudible to most audio sensors. He can even "read minds" by monitoring the electrical impulses inside someone's brain circuitry, if he's standing within 100 yards of the subject.

He can act as a communications center for the Decepticons, keeping all units within 2000 miles in contact. His internal ECM suite allows him to jam enemy transmissions within the range of 100 miles without help of external amplifiers. This equipment also plays havoc with guided missiles and similar devices. His photographic memory is due to the immense information storage capacity of the dedicated drives in his chest.

Formerly, Soundwave’s alternate mode was that of a cassette player. This form, chosen during the preliminary stages of the Earth Infiltration mission, served him well for many years. The Mass Shifting capabilities of his systems allow him to shrink to the size of a native entertainment device, or one fit for a Cybertronian.

However, he has recently upgraded his alt mode to a Nokia N810 Tablet, with his Cassetticons assuming the form of "Flash Cards" data modules. Disguised as this state of the art all-purpose communications device, Soundwave is once again easily hidning in plain sight.

Soundwave wields a concussion gun and a shoulder mounted, multi-chambered mini-rocket launcher. Soundwave also has great physical strength and is a skilled fighter, able to stand his ground in battle. In both modes, his chest cavity can store the compressed forms of the assorted Decepticon cassettes (aka, Cassetticons), which he can select and launch.

Weaknesses: He has no specific physical weaknesses. The only thing that can really rattle his composure is a threat to his Cassetticons.
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Location: inside prime's spark
Strength: Infinity
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Speed: ???
Endurance: Infinity
Rank: ???
Courage: Infinity
Firepower: Infinity
Skill: Infinity

Re: New NEW Character Applications

Postby yoyodog007 » Sun Oct 19, 2008 12:48 am


Allegiance: Autobots
Function: Cavalier
Alt. mode: Race Car
Weapons: Electrostatic Discharger Rifle
Height: 28ft / 8.54m
Quote: “My actions speak louder than words.”


Profile: Hot Rod has always been a radical, of sorts; he is considered hot-headed, can be a little impulsive, and tends to act before he thinks, yet his heart seems to be in the right place. As a relatively young Autobot, in the sense of his more recent construction and newer version of emote-programming, he has always felt second-rate around his peers. Yet, instead of succumbing to the depression of his feelings, Hot Rod has vowed to rise to the occasion, to prove that he can do great things that others can respect; it is even his hope that, in many years to come, he will have the same renown associated to his name as Optimus Prime.

Very much the rebel, Hot Rod has the tendency to be a rule-bender; and while he does break rules, and often takes actions of his own ingenuity (often to painful result), Hot Rod has slowly started learning that sometimes the best way is the commanded way… however, despite his rational datapulses, he still tries to prove his own worth by taking the initiative. This often leads to Hot Rod taking action, without prior thought or planning, and can tend toward getting both him, and his friends, in trouble…

Yet, when danger presents itself, Hot Rod has no partiality of fear or retreat, proving that, despite his age, he is one of the bravest and most honorable among the Autobots.

So, whether it is in robot, or automotive mode, Hot Rod is sometimes hotheaded, but is always a well-meaning, admirable lad, who is popular with those that know him.

Abilities: Hot Rod is an efficient marksman, with a preference toward the use of firearms. He has primarily focused his offensive capabilities toward utilizing his Electrostatic Discharger Rifle; and while Hot Rod is quite able in its use, he understands that constant practice will only increase his aptitude for his weapon of choice, and in time he hopes to become as accomplished a marksman as Optimus Prime.

Consequently Hot Rod’s hand-to-hand skill has suffered, and while he can defend himself suitably against a single opponent of slightly increased skill, he has a severely limited understanding of the more physical aspects of combat.

Despite his adolescent status within the Autobots, Hot Rod has shown a seemingly natural, well placed leadership quality about him, despite his impulsive actions that most others put down to both inexperience and excitable courage. At the same time, Hot Rod has a very high sense of honor, and tends to take the moral high ground on mostly any situation, despite the circumstances that surround it.

Due to his primary transformation mode, that of a Race Car, Hot Rod is quite often chosen to serve as an Autobot scout. With the mixture of both his speed, and ability to rapidly navigate at increased ground-based velocities, he is a natural choice for the role. He has been programmed with high-sensory impulse datastreams, which effectively allows him to perceive his surroundings at any speed, whether it be fast or slow.

Aavatar: Hot Rod’s avatar is that of a yuppie with long brown hair pulled back in a ponytail and sunglasses.

Weaknesses: Being a racing vehicle by nature means that Hot Rod has a expected proclivity toward acting hastily, without much forethought. He is very impulsive, as well as stubbornly head-strong, which means Hot Rod quite often finds himself in all manner of circumstances, all with varying degrees of risk. It seems to be purely luck, or perhaps his allies’ skills in rescuing him that he manages to survive the situations he does.
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Re: New NEW Character Applications

Postby Tasbirk » Sun Oct 19, 2008 1:22 am

grimlock prime123 wrote:Soundwave

Allegiance: Decepticons
Function: Communications
Alt. mode: Nokia N810 Tablet; Formerly Tape Deck
Weapons: Concussion blaster
Special Abilities: Highly advanced sensors (especially audio and wireless); ability to read electrical impulses (telepathy); photographic memory; mass shifting; Cassettes
Height: 33 ft / 10.07 m
Quote: “Cries and screams are music to my ears.”

Strength: 08
Intelligence: 09
Dexterity: 06
Speed: 02
Endurance: 06
Courage: 06
Firepower: 07
Accuracy: 09
Melee: 09
Tech Skill: 10
Charisma: 07
Rank: 08

Profile: What is more valuable to a commander: loyalty or reliability? Loyalty is a luxury, but reliability is a necessity for effective military operations. Soundwave exemplifies the latter while projecting as much of the former as realistically possible. Soundwave is an indispensable lieutenant and a fierce warrior, with seemingly unshakable loyalty to Megatron and the Decepticon cause. Whenever the Decepticon leader enters combat with Soundwave beside him, he is assured that he will perform his duty unerringly.

Those who had the displeasure of crossing paths with him during his long and illustrious career in Internal Affairs might paint a significantly different picture of him. They might describe him as a sadistic manipulator who respected no personal boundary and took voyeuristic pleasure in wresting the secrets of others. They might accuse him of blackmail, graft, and numerous other self-serving corruptions of his position. However, given the sheer volume of dirty secrets housed within the vast memory banks of the Decepticon known as Soundwave, it is little surprise that Megatron pays little heed to what ‘they’ say.

Soundwave is a Decepticon of many talents. His highly tuned sensors can intercept enemy transmissions and detect the faintest whisper of a sound; his scientific background was the basis for his largely self-taught repair skills (his area of particular expertise is cerebral neurocircuitry); his unique telepathic powers let him extract information from any sentient being, mechanical or biological.

He is a skilled and ruthless fighter when necessary, though not a warrior by nature. He is calm, patient, and composed, often to the point of seeming emotionless - but in truth he is simply callous. Though unfailingly loyal to those few who have earned his friendship, Soundwave regards everyone else as a mere tool or plaything.

As an expert in cerebral neurocircuitry and memory processing, Soundwave is able to utilize Autobot prisoners in some truly unique ways. He has no moral constraints against doing so. In fact, one would be hard pressed to find any moral constraints in Soundwave.

Soundwave was the first Decepticon to infiltrate Earth, and he has been here for nearly 25 Earth years. Some of his fellow Decepticons believe that so long a time with only his Cassettes for company has driven the meticulous mastermind mad. Those foolish enough to air such theories are swiftly and subtly reminded just how sharp Soundwave’s hearing is.

Abilities: Soundwave has great physical strength and intelligence. He is a skilled and highly professional soldier and lieutenant. His internal scanners can detect even the lowest level energy transmissions for communications purposes, as well as sounds that are nearly inaudible to most audio sensors. He can even "read minds" by monitoring the electrical impulses inside someone's brain circuitry, if he's standing within 100 yards of the subject.

He can act as a communications center for the Decepticons, keeping all units within 2000 miles in contact. His internal ECM suite allows him to jam enemy transmissions within the range of 100 miles without help of external amplifiers. This equipment also plays havoc with guided missiles and similar devices. His photographic memory is due to the immense information storage capacity of the dedicated drives in his chest.

Formerly, Soundwave’s alternate mode was that of a cassette player. This form, chosen during the preliminary stages of the Earth Infiltration mission, served him well for many years. The Mass Shifting capabilities of his systems allow him to shrink to the size of a native entertainment device, or one fit for a Cybertronian.

However, he has recently upgraded his alt mode to a Nokia N810 Tablet, with his Cassetticons assuming the form of "Flash Cards" data modules. Disguised as this state of the art all-purpose communications device, Soundwave is once again easily hidning in plain sight.

Soundwave wields a concussion gun and a shoulder mounted, multi-chambered mini-rocket launcher. Soundwave also has great physical strength and is a skilled fighter, able to stand his ground in battle. In both modes, his chest cavity can store the compressed forms of the assorted Decepticon cassettes (aka, Cassetticons), which he can select and launch.

Weaknesses: He has no specific physical weaknesses. The only thing that can really rattle his composure is a threat to his Cassetticons.

Denied. This character is taken.
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Re: New NEW Character Applications

Postby yoyodog007 » Sun Oct 19, 2008 1:36 am


Allegiance: Autobots
Function: Espionage
Alt. mode: Volkswagen Beetle
Weapons: Laser Pistol
Height: 15ft / 4.6m
Special Abilities: Enhanced optic sensors, low fuel consumption
Quote: "The least likely can be the most dangerous."

Strength: 2
Intelligence: 8
Dexterity: 7
Speed: 4
Endurance: 7
Courage: 10
Firepower: 5
Accuracy: 8
Melee: 3
Tech Skill: 7
Charisma: 9
Rank: 7

Profile: Bumblebee is an intelligent, brave and eager Autobot despite his small size and relative lack of strength. However, this 'Bot has learned long ago to over come his weaknesses and use his strengths to his advantage and this effort has enabled him to become a prominent spy in the Autobot ranks. Because of his small size he is and relative unthreatening appearance he is able to infiltrate Decepticon operations and to sneak out with out begin caught. However, sometimes Bumblebee's eagerness to achieve his objectives can land him in tough spots to get out of requiring his comrades to rescue him.

Bumblebee's holomatter avatar appears to be a young woman in her early twenties, with long red hair and in excellent physical shape.

Abilities: As he can get up to 1.8 times more use out of a unit of fuel than the next most efficient Autobot, Bumblebee is often called upon at times of low energy resources. His visual acuity rates tops of all Autobots: he can spot a 10" x 10", object at a distance of 48 miles on a clear day. His adaptability to water environments makes him particularly important in undersea reconnaissance and salvage operations.

Weaknesses: Bumblebee is physically the weakest of the Autobots and the most easily damaged. His stealth more than compensates for this liability.
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Re: New NEW Character Applications

Postby Marlboro Man » Sun Oct 19, 2008 10:38 am

Motto: "If knowledge is power, then to be unknown is to be unstoppable"
Weapon: Plasma Cannon
Name: Thrust
Allegiance: Decepticon
Alt. mode: VTOL Jet Fighter
Weapons: Various machine guns, concussion missile launchers
Function: Psychological Warfare/Warrior

Quote: The sound of my engines roar is the sound of my enemy's doom!

(OOC: There are no stats available for Thrust for the extras used in game, so I'm taking a guess at them)

Height: 35 feet (?)

Profile: Rattling the air with the very sound of his engines, Thrust is one Decepticon who cares very little about deceit. He believes a battle half-won if he can 'pschye out' his opponents by his mere arrival. Makes no attempt to be sneaky. His ability to take off so quickly can level near-by buildings. He delights in this ability and the destruction it creates. Thrust is a loud-mouthed, pompous braggart. Will claim certain victory at the earliest stages of a battle. In truth, these are just words and noise. A stroung counter attack by an opponent will oft lead to seeing his tail wings as Thrust escapes into the skies.

Abilities: In jet mode, Thrust can easily reach speeds of Mach 2.5, but can accelerate to Mach 5 and hold for two minutes. Carries two concussion missile launchers and two compressed air rifles. Each of which can punch a hole through 1/4 thick armor from 1200 yards away.

Weakness: Thrust is NOT brave at all. Accelerating too quickly can cause Thrust's engines to stall.

Sample: On Earth, in the Canadian Yukon area, Thrust rocketed through the sky as a normal jet would. His unique VTOL design makes it a little hard for him to blend in with other Earth style jets. Because of this Thrust constantly gets missions in which patrols open areas, far from airports and military bases.

Thrust absolutely hates this. Not only was his patrolling pedestrian, but he was forbidden to accelerate to quickly, as a sudden Mach 5 would register on Earth's radar. He would give just about anything to shake the rust off his engines and shatter the sound barrier. He finally got his wish, as SOundwave contacted him.

"Thrust, comunnique inbound. Starscream commands."
Thrust was quick to reply: "Patch it through. Please don't let it be another route change. I can stare at snow and trees only so much."

Starscream cackled in: "You'll do as your told Thrust, or you'll be pulling guard duty at the trash compactors!"
"Yes Starscream...what do you need of me?"

"Three kliks north from your current location two Autobots, Randombot and Jabroni-bot have set up a communications tower. I want this tower decimated, and the two Autobot trespassers dealt with! This is in a dark area, no radar is currently scanning the area. You make take them out with extreme prejudice...enjoy."

Thrust quickly replied, as he was accelerating past Mach 2: "You sure know how to keep the troops happy boss! Hahahahahahahaa!" He swirled in the air as the sound barrier around him broke like it was a child's toy. He quickly came across the AUtobots and their tower. He began a volley from his machine guns.

Jabroni-bot: "It's a Decepticon! Where did he come from? Our radar showed the skies were clear. "
Randombot: "It must be that loud-mouth half wit Thrust! The jerk who has no respect for air speed laws!"
Thrust: "You idiots! Your doom is as certain as the tides will change!"

As the AUtobots readied their weapons, Thrust was already coming around for another pass. He fired his concussion missiles and watch them fly through the air and blowing the tower to pieces. The Autobots tried to fire at him, but he was just to fast for them.

Jabroni-bot: "Take cover on the hillside! We'll have to duke it out there! The hills will give us some cover!"

As the two AUtobots scattered towards the hill, Thrust delighted in the situation it created. He watched them like ants as they ran below him. he easily could've taken them out before they reached the hills, but Thrust had something better instore. As the Autobots took position behind some large rocks, Thrust ascended above them to the top of the hill. He used his VTOL technology to hover above the top of the hill. He accelerated his engines, but stayed steady right above the hill top.

Randombot: "What is that creep doing? Has he lost navigational ability? Uh-oh..." The Autobot realized Thrust's intent too late. The force of his engines was causing the hill to topple down upon them..

Jabroni: "La...Lanslide?" It was the last words the two Autobots got out, and the last they were ever seen again, completely covered and crushed beneath the hill toppliong down upon them. Thrust radioed in:

"Intruders were DEALT with. Next on the agenda?"
Starscream: "Excellent work. Return to patroling the Alaskan pipeline. And Thrust...DO NOT EXCEED MACH .5. iS THAT CLEAR? POINT 5?!

Thrust: "Yes sir...dang..."
Starscream: "I heard that! Lousy conehead..."

Thrust gulped and returned to his patrol.
The world will scream SAVE US! I'll whisper back NO!
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Re: New NEW Character Applications

Postby Tasbirk » Sun Oct 19, 2008 1:42 pm

yoyodog007 wrote:Bumblebee

Allegiance: Autobots
Function: Espionage
Alt. mode: Volkswagen Beetle
Weapons: Laser Pistol
Height: 15ft / 4.6m
Special Abilities: Enhanced optic sensors, low fuel consumption
Quote: "The least likely can be the most dangerous."

Strength: 2
Intelligence: 8
Dexterity: 7
Speed: 4
Endurance: 7
Courage: 10
Firepower: 5
Accuracy: 8
Melee: 3
Tech Skill: 7
Charisma: 9
Rank: 7

Profile: Bumblebee is an intelligent, brave and eager Autobot despite his small size and relative lack of strength. However, this 'Bot has learned long ago to over come his weaknesses and use his strengths to his advantage and this effort has enabled him to become a prominent spy in the Autobot ranks. Because of his small size he is and relative unthreatening appearance he is able to infiltrate Decepticon operations and to sneak out with out begin caught. However, sometimes Bumblebee's eagerness to achieve his objectives can land him in tough spots to get out of requiring his comrades to rescue him.

Bumblebee's holomatter avatar appears to be a young woman in her early twenties, with long red hair and in excellent physical shape.

Abilities: As he can get up to 1.8 times more use out of a unit of fuel than the next most efficient Autobot, Bumblebee is often called upon at times of low energy resources. His visual acuity rates tops of all Autobots: he can spot a 10" x 10", object at a distance of 48 miles on a clear day. His adaptability to water environments makes him particularly important in undersea reconnaissance and salvage operations.

Weaknesses: Bumblebee is physically the weakest of the Autobots and the most easily damaged. His stealth more than compensates for this liability.

Denied. This character is taken. Please check the Canon Roster list before applying.
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Re: New NEW Character Applications

Postby Ember » Sun Oct 19, 2008 2:25 pm

Motto: "I'm not psycho...I just like psychotic things."
yoyodog007 wrote:HOT ROD

Allegiance: Autobots
Function: Cavalier
Alt. mode: Race Car
Weapons: Electrostatic Discharger Rifle
Height: 28ft / 8.54m
Quote: “My actions speak louder than words.”


Profile: Hot Rod has always been a radical, of sorts; he is considered hot-headed, can be a little impulsive, and tends to act before he thinks, yet his heart seems to be in the right place. As a relatively young Autobot, in the sense of his more recent construction and newer version of emote-programming, he has always felt second-rate around his peers. Yet, instead of succumbing to the depression of his feelings, Hot Rod has vowed to rise to the occasion, to prove that he can do great things that others can respect; it is even his hope that, in many years to come, he will have the same renown associated to his name as Optimus Prime.

Very much the rebel, Hot Rod has the tendency to be a rule-bender; and while he does break rules, and often takes actions of his own ingenuity (often to painful result), Hot Rod has slowly started learning that sometimes the best way is the commanded way… however, despite his rational datapulses, he still tries to prove his own worth by taking the initiative. This often leads to Hot Rod taking action, without prior thought or planning, and can tend toward getting both him, and his friends, in trouble…

Yet, when danger presents itself, Hot Rod has no partiality of fear or retreat, proving that, despite his age, he is one of the bravest and most honorable among the Autobots.

So, whether it is in robot, or automotive mode, Hot Rod is sometimes hotheaded, but is always a well-meaning, admirable lad, who is popular with those that know him.

Abilities: Hot Rod is an efficient marksman, with a preference toward the use of firearms. He has primarily focused his offensive capabilities toward utilizing his Electrostatic Discharger Rifle; and while Hot Rod is quite able in its use, he understands that constant practice will only increase his aptitude for his weapon of choice, and in time he hopes to become as accomplished a marksman as Optimus Prime.

Consequently Hot Rod’s hand-to-hand skill has suffered, and while he can defend himself suitably against a single opponent of slightly increased skill, he has a severely limited understanding of the more physical aspects of combat.

Despite his adolescent status within the Autobots, Hot Rod has shown a seemingly natural, well placed leadership quality about him, despite his impulsive actions that most others put down to both inexperience and excitable courage. At the same time, Hot Rod has a very high sense of honor, and tends to take the moral high ground on mostly any situation, despite the circumstances that surround it.

Due to his primary transformation mode, that of a Race Car, Hot Rod is quite often chosen to serve as an Autobot scout. With the mixture of both his speed, and ability to rapidly navigate at increased ground-based velocities, he is a natural choice for the role. He has been programmed with high-sensory impulse datastreams, which effectively allows him to perceive his surroundings at any speed, whether it be fast or slow.

Aavatar: Hot Rod’s avatar is that of a yuppie with long brown hair pulled back in a ponytail and sunglasses.

Weaknesses: Being a racing vehicle by nature means that Hot Rod has a expected proclivity toward acting hastily, without much forethought. He is very impulsive, as well as stubbornly head-strong, which means Hot Rod quite often finds himself in all manner of circumstances, all with varying degrees of risk. It seems to be purely luck, or perhaps his allies’ skills in rescuing him that he manages to survive the situations he does.

Denied This character is taken. Please refer to the roster list for available characters.
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Re: New NEW Character Applications

Postby gordongraywolf » Sun Oct 19, 2008 4:05 pm

yeah, I was using Tankor's instead but ok

Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Fueler
Alt. mode: Tanker truck, Boeing 767 jet
Weapons: Rifle, tailfin-shield, Fuel powered Flame-Thrower
Special Abilities: Store massive amounts of energon, can hold 10,000 gallons of fuel, Triple Change into land and air vehicle.
Height: 32 ft
Quote: "He who has fuel, has power."

Strength: 6
Intelligence: 6
Dexterity: 6
Speed: 7
Endurance: 4
Courage: 3
Firepower: 4
Accuracy: 7
Melee: 7
Tech Skill: 7
Charisma: 8
Rank: 7

Profile: One of the three Decepticon Triple Changers, Octane can transform between a robot mode and two vehicle modes: a tanker truck and a Boeing 767 jet. Octane is the Decepticons' fueler, in charge of storing and distributing fuel among Decepticons with vehicle modes. He is characterized as a mean-spirited bully, who takes delight in seeing others suffer. In jet mode, he is said to make other planes (even other Decepticons) crash-land for fun. Though he is often causing issues for the other Decepticons and occasionally for Megatron, he doubts his efforts of trying to get along with the others, which in turn instead of placing him self just socially awkward he just blames the other Decepticons fr his own mild dislike for them, he doesn't feel that he should lead, but some one honest and who always will win battles should.

Abilities: Triple Change, store mass amounts of energon/ fuel(nd convert fuel into energon.

Weaknesses: Not liked by the other Deceptions. Gets in over his head with greed, and self doubt/ self loathing factor gets into his head causing him to fight recklessly, also usually will try to flee from a fight.

Sample Post:


Thought Octane as he sucked the fuel out of the Earth's surface. He tried to look brave but feared for his life, not that he was scared of people seeing him, just scared at the fact of Megatron finding out that he wasn't transformed in his vehicle mode and that he possible could delay the start of Phase Two.

Octane was tired of Phase one, he was growing more paranoid daily. He just wished that they would commence with an all out open war already, and put an end to the Autobots once and for all. He also found himself to questioned Megatron's leadership. "Is he really fit to lead", Octane thought to him self.

"What ever", he said out loud, "Not like I Could lead any better." As he finished fueling up a car drove by. "****, I've been spotted", but to his momentarily luck the car Transformed. Octane felt re leaved until he realized what this meant as the Autobot began to fire upon him. Octane clumsily pulled out his rifle, and started shooting recklessly, blowing the Autobot Rookie to shreds.

Their was a slight panic when he realized that there could be more on their way. He took a moment to gather himself.

"I need to dispose of the body, If these aliens get their hands on his body they can study him, and learn of are technology. I would then be at fault and seen as a traitor to both Autbot and Decepticon alike due to the Tyrest Accord", he thought, and began to hack up the body of what was once an Autobot ( he was using his tail fin-shield, which made it difficult to cut, but Octane was n expert with cutting, but was still a lot of work one the less)

After he finished he loaded up the dead body along with the fuel, and drove back to his rendezvous point. He knew he was going to get guff for what happened but didn't care, not like the other Decepticons really like him anyways, then again why would they? Not like he likes them anyways.
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Re: New NEW Character Applications

Postby transformerdude » Sun Oct 19, 2008 6:40 pm


Allegiance: Autobot
Funtion: Field scout
Alt. Mode: Mitsubishi J59 Military Jeep
Weapons: Shoulder-Mounted Hologram Gun

Height: 20 ft. 6.1 m.
Favourite quote: "Observe everything, remember even more."

Strength: 5
Intellegence: 7
Dexterity: 7
Speed: 5
Endurance: 7
Courage: 8
Firepower: 3
Accuracy: 7
Melee: 4
Tech Skill: 6
Charisma: 7

Appearance: Hound's mostly just a green jeep with cybertronian scanning equipment in the back seat.

Profile: You know, Hound would just as soon be sniffing around the Grand Canyon or Big Sur as he would a secret Decepticon base. Perhaps more than any other Autobot, he takes pleasure in being on Earth. Unlike Cybertron, which is entirely composed of metal and machinery, Hound finds the natural wonders of Earth endlessly fascinating, and uses his topographical skills to store every sight he sees within his memory circuits. Hound's been told his bravery, fearlessness, and loyalty are unwavering, like any good advance scout. Hound's secret desire is to be human.

Special Abilities: While in his jeep mode, he uses his turret gun to sweep over the landscape from horizon to horizon, like a radar scope, and with the help of internal 3-dimensional simulation circuitry, stores this information as a topographical map. Error distortion is no more than one inch per 150 feet distance from point of data collection. In robot mode, his turret gun becomes an infrared radiation collector. He can can detect heat differentials as small as .02 degrees Centigrade, and he uses this ability in tracking machines as well as humans. His shoulder-mounted hologram gun can project 3-dimensional grid laser light images of terrain maps stored in my memory. He can use it to cast illusions.

Weaknesses: Hound's infrared tracking ability can be countered by thermal interference. High frequency electromagnetic waves can sometimes distort or completely destroy his map-making ability. Sophisticated manipulation of such waves can even result in the recording of false images within his memory circuits.

Avatar: Hound's avatar closely resembles what the humans call a 'park ranger' He often brings his fuel stores dangerously close to empty during prolonged activity with his avatar, simply going about as a human and enjoying all the things they do.

Sample: As Hound headed out of the base he kept thinking about the area Prime wanted him to record; the Peruvian Alps; He hadn't been there since Megatron built that super laser thing and He had forgotten to scan the place! He remembers how beautiful it was though... The Sun was just peeking its way over the mountains as Hound entered the village they were using as the base of operations. The people were so frightened of them when the autobots first entered the village, but using their Universial Language Conversion Devices (ULCDs; Wheeljack whipped them up, they're really handy) they soon told them of mission there and they happily agreed to let them use their village as the mission's BoO.
Fond memories.
But more to the task at hand, Hound could see the mountains off in the distance now. He guesses that he'll turn on his scanners now then. Wow. The mountains are far more cavernous than Hound would have thought, far more in fact. Based on his data of similar mountains even with mining the Peruvian mountains should still only be about half as dug out. Hound has no choice but to investigate.

After some light recon he's found thats it's acually the Decepticons mining out the mountains, and he'll have to find out why. Luckily Wheeljack integrated his avatar and hologram systems in order to make them more convincing. Hound figured he'd would just trick Skywarp or one of the other dumber deciticons here, knock them out, and impersonate them.
His plan was a sucess now with his Skywarp avatar He'll sneak in there and figure out what they're planning...
Aha! The depecticons were trying to find another one of those power crystal things to power another cannon they've been developing. Hound guesses a little sabotage is in order then.

Well that little brawl he started in there did the trick the machines are destroyed and the mines caved in, man will Skywarp be in trouble when he wakes up. Time to report back to base with his findings.
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Re: New NEW Character Applications

Postby Mbrosforever123 » Sun Oct 19, 2008 9:30 pm

Name: Cliffjumper

Allegiance: Autobots

Function: Warrior

Alt. mode: Porsche 924 Turbo

Weapons: Glass Gas Gun

Height: 16 Feet 5 Meters

Quote: "Strike first, strike fast, strike hard."

Strength: 4
Intelligence: 4
Dexterity: 9
Speed: 7
Endurance: 4
Courage: 10
Firepower: 7
Accuracy: 6
Melee: 6
Tech Skill: 4
Charisma: 5

Profile: "Let me at 'em" is Cliffjumper's usual response when the Autobots embark on a mission. His eagerness and daring have no equal among the Autobots. Optimus Prime knows this gung-ho trait is an expression of Cliffjumper's burning desire for vengeance on the Decepticons. Although he takes his work very seriously, Cliffjumper is full of good-natured bravado while he's doing it. He doesn't actively dislike Earth, but he considers its rough, uneven terrain a hindrance to his effectiveness, and too often is carelessly destructive. Often he is on the receiving end of a lecture from Optimus on caution and the protection of Earthen property. His eagerness and daring have no equal. He's driven by a desire to win the battle against the Decepticons. One of the fastest Autobots. He often uses his speed to draw fire away from others. His recklessness often leads to actual blow-outs and situations too dangerous for him to handle.

Abilities: Cliffjumper is one of the fastest of the Autobots in his automobile mode and he makes a particularly effective target for drawing fire away from other Autobots, a job he relishes and seldom gets hurt doing. He can fire projectiles filled with what he calls "glass gas." On impact, this gas disrupts the microscopic crystalline structure of most metals, temporarily making the metal as brittle as common glass.

Weaknesses: Cliffjumper is prone to literal blow-outs in his automobile mode. He accelerates so quickly and recklessly that he is sometimes disabled before he goes 50 yards. his overeagerness can often lead him into dangerous situations that he's not prepared to handle. And sometimes if the wind is blowing toward him, he can fall victim to his own glass gas.

Sample Post: Brotherly Hate

Cliffjumper watched in horror as his brother, Bumblebee, was swarmed by the Insecticons. Shrapnel sped towards Cliffjumper. He was hit by the glass gas. He never saw it coming. He ran right through it... Right into Cliffjumper's foot! He broke like he was a window with a stone going through it. He was dead before Bombshell could be eye level with Cliffjumper. "SHRAPNEL!" "You're next," said Cliffjumper with a grin. Then he realized, Bombshell was... Smiling! "Wha-", *CLANG*! "Ow," said a surprised Cliffjumper. "Your brother has large feet." Said a grinning Bombshell. "Bumble-", *BOOM*! Cliffjumper fell as Bumblebee's blast hit his chest. "Gr-", *PING*! After a painful kick Cliffjumper stood up. "STOP!" *BAM*! Bumblebee fell to the ground. "YOU!" "STO-", glass gas. *Whoosh*. A powerful kick. *CRASH*! Bombshell didn't even realize he was breaking to pieces until he lost his legs. "I hate Glass ga-!" He was defeated, then Bumblebee woke up. "Huh?" Suddenly a small device fell off his head. Bombshell's cerebro shell. "That explains a lot," said Cliffjumper with a grin. "Sure does," said Bumblebee. "What's mind control like anyway?" "You tell me."

"Huh?" Suddenly Kickback jumped powerfully out of the costume. "What the-" *click*. "NO!" Bumblebee jumped out and blasted Kickback in the back. But, Cliffjumper got one hit in. Enough to send Bumblebee sprawling. Than, Bombshell's cerebro shell that had been used by Kickback. "Ow." "What is it, Cliffjumper?" "Cerebro shells hurt." "Ha ha ha!" "What's so funny?" "Ha!" "Stop laughing, I'n serious!" "HA, ha... Sorry." "Let's just go." Than, they transformed, rolled out, and headed home.
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Re: New NEW Character Applications

Postby ashattack » Tue Oct 21, 2008 2:22 pm

Name: Seaspray

Allegiance: Autobots

Function: Naval Defense, Spy.

Alt. mode: Hovercraft

Weapons: Laser Cannons

Height: 15 ft / 4.5m

Quote: "Be unyielding as the ocean waves and your enemies shall fall."

RANK: Assigned by RPG moderators.

Profile: Shooting across the wave crests like a gleaming bullet, Seaspray performs his job with a zest unmatched by any of his fellow Autobots. This is because for him the Earth is an even more unique experience than for his comrades - his domain, the vast ocean, has no counterpart on his native Cybertron. And he loves the ocean. He loves the galaxy of creatures that inhabit its depths and he loves the freedom of movement its near-limitless expanse allows. He is saddened whenever it is necessary to revert back to his robot form on land. He also loves the thrill of naval battle, despite knowing that a single hit by enemy fire could send him to the bottom of the sea forever. It is a risk Seaspray finds as invigorating as the ocean air.

Abilities: As a hovercraft, Seaspray is capable of speeds up to 120 knots and has a 4000-mile range. He's equipped with various sonar and radar devices as well as underwater and surface-to-air laser cannons. He also has wheels that enable him to travel for short distances on land. In robot mode, he also has use of his laser cannons, which he can shoot through his hands.

Weaknesses: Seaspray is not very strong or mobile in robot mode - he is a liability as a warrior on land.

Sample Post: Seaspray was in paradise, here on earth zooming across the waves, not a care in the world or even galaxy. What a shame he thought that it could not always be this way, he scanned the area in front of him, and was relieved to find that he did not pick up any sign of a Deceptacon presents. He wished things could always been this way peaceful, he was completing his mission with ease, he turned with ease and headed towards the east, once he was in position he once again scanned the area, and his mood suddenly changed... Deceptacons. Oh well it was nice while it lasted, he thought as he headed towards them ready for battle.
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Re: New NEW Character Applications

Postby Tasbirk » Tue Oct 21, 2008 8:11 pm

Marlboro Man wrote:Name: Thrust
Allegiance: Decepticon
Alt. mode: VTOL Jet Fighter
Weapons: Various machine guns, concussion missile launchers
Function: Psychological Warfare/Warrior

Quote: The sound of my engines roar is the sound of my enemy's doom!

(OOC: There are no stats available for Thrust for the extras used in game, so I'm taking a guess at them)

Height: 35 feet (?)

Profile: Rattling the air with the very sound of his engines, Thrust is one Decepticon who cares very little about deceit. He believes a battle half-won if he can 'pschye out' his opponents by his mere arrival. Makes no attempt to be sneaky. His ability to take off so quickly can level near-by buildings. He delights in this ability and the destruction it creates. Thrust is a loud-mouthed, pompous braggart. Will claim certain victory at the earliest stages of a battle. In truth, these are just words and noise. A stroung counter attack by an opponent will oft lead to seeing his tail wings as Thrust escapes into the skies.

Abilities: In jet mode, Thrust can easily reach speeds of Mach 2.5, but can accelerate to Mach 5 and hold for two minutes. Carries two concussion missile launchers and two compressed air rifles. Each of which can punch a hole through 1/4 thick armor from 1200 yards away.

Weakness: Thrust is NOT brave at all. Accelerating too quickly can cause Thrust's engines to stall.

Sample: On Earth, in the Canadian Yukon area, Thrust rocketed through the sky as a normal jet would. His unique VTOL design makes it a little hard for him to blend in with other Earth style jets. Because of this Thrust constantly gets missions in which patrols open areas, far from airports and military bases.

Thrust absolutely hates this. Not only was his patrolling pedestrian, but he was forbidden to accelerate to quickly, as a sudden Mach 5 would register on Earth's radar. He would give just about anything to shake the rust off his engines and shatter the sound barrier. He finally got his wish, as SOundwave contacted him.

"Thrust, comunnique inbound. Starscream commands."
Thrust was quick to reply: "Patch it through. Please don't let it be another route change. I can stare at snow and trees only so much."

Starscream cackled in: "You'll do as your told Thrust, or you'll be pulling guard duty at the trash compactors!"
"Yes Starscream...what do you need of me?"

"Three kliks north from your current location two Autobots, Randombot and Jabroni-bot have set up a communications tower. I want this tower decimated, and the two Autobot trespassers dealt with! This is in a dark area, no radar is currently scanning the area. You make take them out with extreme prejudice...enjoy."

Thrust quickly replied, as he was accelerating past Mach 2: "You sure know how to keep the troops happy boss! Hahahahahahahaa!" He swirled in the air as the sound barrier around him broke like it was a child's toy. He quickly came across the AUtobots and their tower. He began a volley from his machine guns.

Jabroni-bot: "It's a Decepticon! Where did he come from? Our radar showed the skies were clear. "
Randombot: "It must be that loud-mouth half wit Thrust! The jerk who has no respect for air speed laws!"
Thrust: "You idiots! Your doom is as certain as the tides will change!"

As the AUtobots readied their weapons, Thrust was already coming around for another pass. He fired his concussion missiles and watch them fly through the air and blowing the tower to pieces. The Autobots tried to fire at him, but he was just to fast for them.

Jabroni-bot: "Take cover on the hillside! We'll have to duke it out there! The hills will give us some cover!"

As the two AUtobots scattered towards the hill, Thrust delighted in the situation it created. He watched them like ants as they ran below him. he easily could've taken them out before they reached the hills, but Thrust had something better instore. As the Autobots took position behind some large rocks, Thrust ascended above them to the top of the hill. He used his VTOL technology to hover above the top of the hill. He accelerated his engines, but stayed steady right above the hill top.

Randombot: "What is that creep doing? Has he lost navigational ability? Uh-oh..." The Autobot realized Thrust's intent too late. The force of his engines was causing the hill to topple down upon them..

Jabroni: "La...Lanslide?" It was the last words the two Autobots got out, and the last they were ever seen again, completely covered and crushed beneath the hill toppliong down upon them. Thrust radioed in:

"Intruders were DEALT with. Next on the agenda?"
Starscream: "Excellent work. Return to patroling the Alaskan pipeline. And Thrust...DO NOT EXCEED MACH .5. iS THAT CLEAR? POINT 5?!

Thrust: "Yes sir...dang..."
Starscream: "I heard that! Lousy conehead..."

Thrust gulped and returned to his patrol.

Denied. This application needs serious work. The rpg stats are a bit off in our opinion. The sample post is written in a script format, which we don't use in this game. All posts should be in a third person, past tense prose format. Make these changes and try again.
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Re: New NEW Character Applications

Postby Tasbirk » Tue Oct 21, 2008 8:14 pm

gordongraywolf wrote:yeah, I was using Tankor's instead but ok

Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Fueler
Alt. mode: Tanker truck, Boeing 767 jet
Weapons: Rifle, tailfin-shield, Fuel powered Flame-Thrower
Special Abilities: Store massive amounts of energon, can hold 10,000 gallons of fuel, Triple Change into land and air vehicle.
Height: 32 ft
Quote: "He who has fuel, has power."

Strength: 6
Intelligence: 6
Dexterity: 6
Speed: 7
Endurance: 4
Courage: 3
Firepower: 4
Accuracy: 7
Melee: 7
Tech Skill: 7
Charisma: 8
Rank: 7

Profile: One of the three Decepticon Triple Changers, Octane can transform between a robot mode and two vehicle modes: a tanker truck and a Boeing 767 jet. Octane is the Decepticons' fueler, in charge of storing and distributing fuel among Decepticons with vehicle modes. He is characterized as a mean-spirited bully, who takes delight in seeing others suffer. In jet mode, he is said to make other planes (even other Decepticons) crash-land for fun. Though he is often causing issues for the other Decepticons and occasionally for Megatron, he doubts his efforts of trying to get along with the others, which in turn instead of placing him self just socially awkward he just blames the other Decepticons fr his own mild dislike for them, he doesn't feel that he should lead, but some one honest and who always will win battles should.

Abilities: Triple Change, store mass amounts of energon/ fuel(nd convert fuel into energon.

Weaknesses: Not liked by the other Deceptions. Gets in over his head with greed, and self doubt/ self loathing factor gets into his head causing him to fight recklessly, also usually will try to flee from a fight.

Sample Post:


Thought Octane as he sucked the fuel out of the Earth's surface. He tried to look brave but feared for his life, not that he was scared of people seeing him, just scared at the fact of Megatron finding out that he wasn't transformed in his vehicle mode and that he possible could delay the start of Phase Two.

Octane was tired of Phase one, he was growing more paranoid daily. He just wished that they would commence with an all out open war already, and put an end to the Autobots once and for all. He also found himself to questioned Megatron's leadership. "Is he really fit to lead", Octane thought to him self.

"What ever", he said out loud, "Not like I Could lead any better." As he finished fueling up a car drove by. "****, I've been spotted", but to his momentarily luck the car Transformed. Octane felt re leaved until he realized what this meant as the Autobot began to fire upon him. Octane clumsily pulled out his rifle, and started shooting recklessly, blowing the Autobot Rookie to shreds.

Their was a slight panic when he realized that there could be more on their way. He took a moment to gather himself.

"I need to dispose of the body, If these aliens get their hands on his body they can study him, and learn of are technology. I would then be at fault and seen as a traitor to both Autbot and Decepticon alike due to the Tyrest Accord", he thought, and began to hack up the body of what was once an Autobot ( he was using his tail fin-shield, which made it difficult to cut, but Octane was n expert with cutting, but was still a lot of work one the less)

After he finished he loaded up the dead body along with the fuel, and drove back to his rendezvous point. He knew he was going to get guff for what happened but didn't care, not like the other Decepticons really like him anyways, then again why would they? Not like he likes them anyways.

Denied. The abilities section needs to be expanded. The rules require that this section clearly state top speed, type and effect of weapons, and other capabilities. Take a look at the approved characters for an idea of what's expected.
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Re: New NEW Character Applications

Postby Tasbirk » Tue Oct 21, 2008 8:30 pm

transformerdude wrote:Hound

Allegiance: Autobot
Funtion: Field scout
Alt. Mode: Mitsubishi J59 Military Jeep
Weapons: Shoulder-Mounted Hologram Gun

Height: 20 ft. 6.1 m.
Favourite quote: "Observe everything, remember even more."

Strength: 5
Intellegence: 7
Dexterity: 7
Speed: 5
Endurance: 7
Courage: 8
Firepower: 3
Accuracy: 7
Melee: 4
Tech Skill: 6
Charisma: 7

Appearance: Hound's mostly just a green jeep with cybertronian scanning equipment in the back seat.

Profile: You know, Hound would just as soon be sniffing around the Grand Canyon or Big Sur as he would a secret Decepticon base. Perhaps more than any other Autobot, he takes pleasure in being on Earth. Unlike Cybertron, which is entirely composed of metal and machinery, Hound finds the natural wonders of Earth endlessly fascinating, and uses his topographical skills to store every sight he sees within his memory circuits. Hound's been told his bravery, fearlessness, and loyalty are unwavering, like any good advance scout. Hound's secret desire is to be human.

Special Abilities: While in his jeep mode, he uses his turret gun to sweep over the landscape from horizon to horizon, like a radar scope, and with the help of internal 3-dimensional simulation circuitry, stores this information as a topographical map. Error distortion is no more than one inch per 150 feet distance from point of data collection. In robot mode, his turret gun becomes an infrared radiation collector. He can can detect heat differentials as small as .02 degrees Centigrade, and he uses this ability in tracking machines as well as humans. His shoulder-mounted hologram gun can project 3-dimensional grid laser light images of terrain maps stored in my memory. He can use it to cast illusions.

Weaknesses: Hound's infrared tracking ability can be countered by thermal interference. High frequency electromagnetic waves can sometimes distort or completely destroy his map-making ability. Sophisticated manipulation of such waves can even result in the recording of false images within his memory circuits.

Avatar: Hound's avatar closely resembles what the humans call a 'park ranger' He often brings his fuel stores dangerously close to empty during prolonged activity with his avatar, simply going about as a human and enjoying all the things they do.

Sample: As Hound headed out of the base he kept thinking about the area Prime wanted him to record; the Peruvian Alps; He hadn't been there since Megatron built that super laser thing and He had forgotten to scan the place! He remembers how beautiful it was though... The Sun was just peeking its way over the mountains as Hound entered the village they were using as the base of operations. The people were so frightened of them when the autobots first entered the village, but using their Universial Language Conversion Devices (ULCDs; Wheeljack whipped them up, they're really handy) they soon told them of mission there and they happily agreed to let them use their village as the mission's BoO.
Fond memories.
But more to the task at hand, Hound could see the mountains off in the distance now. He guesses that he'll turn on his scanners now then. Wow. The mountains are far more cavernous than Hound would have thought, far more in fact. Based on his data of similar mountains even with mining the Peruvian mountains should still only be about half as dug out. Hound has no choice but to investigate.

After some light recon he's found thats it's acually the Decepticons mining out the mountains, and he'll have to find out why. Luckily Wheeljack integrated his avatar and hologram systems in order to make them more convincing. Hound figured he'd would just trick Skywarp or one of the other dumber deciticons here, knock them out, and impersonate them.
His plan was a sucess now with his Skywarp avatar He'll sneak in there and figure out what they're planning...
Aha! The depecticons were trying to find another one of those power crystal things to power another cannon they've been developing. Hound guesses a little sabotage is in order then.

Well that little brawl he started in there did the trick the machines are destroyed and the mines caved in, man will Skywarp be in trouble when he wakes up. Time to report back to base with his findings.

Denied. The sample post needs to be reworked. It doesn't show us that you're familiar with this game's version of history. Additionally, please spellcheck your work before posting.
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Re: New NEW Character Applications

Postby Tasbirk » Tue Oct 21, 2008 8:32 pm

Mbrosforever123 wrote:Name: Cliffjumper

Allegiance: Autobots

Function: Warrior

Alt. mode: Porsche 924 Turbo

Weapons: Glass Gas Gun

Height: 16 Feet 5 Meters

Quote: "Strike first, strike fast, strike hard."

Strength: 4
Intelligence: 4
Dexterity: 9
Speed: 7
Endurance: 4
Courage: 10
Firepower: 7
Accuracy: 6
Melee: 6
Tech Skill: 4
Charisma: 5

Profile: "Let me at 'em" is Cliffjumper's usual response when the Autobots embark on a mission. His eagerness and daring have no equal among the Autobots. Optimus Prime knows this gung-ho trait is an expression of Cliffjumper's burning desire for vengeance on the Decepticons. Although he takes his work very seriously, Cliffjumper is full of good-natured bravado while he's doing it. He doesn't actively dislike Earth, but he considers its rough, uneven terrain a hindrance to his effectiveness, and too often is carelessly destructive. Often he is on the receiving end of a lecture from Optimus on caution and the protection of Earthen property. His eagerness and daring have no equal. He's driven by a desire to win the battle against the Decepticons. One of the fastest Autobots. He often uses his speed to draw fire away from others. His recklessness often leads to actual blow-outs and situations too dangerous for him to handle.

Abilities: Cliffjumper is one of the fastest of the Autobots in his automobile mode and he makes a particularly effective target for drawing fire away from other Autobots, a job he relishes and seldom gets hurt doing. He can fire projectiles filled with what he calls "glass gas." On impact, this gas disrupts the microscopic crystalline structure of most metals, temporarily making the metal as brittle as common glass.

Weaknesses: Cliffjumper is prone to literal blow-outs in his automobile mode. He accelerates so quickly and recklessly that he is sometimes disabled before he goes 50 yards. his overeagerness can often lead him into dangerous situations that he's not prepared to handle. And sometimes if the wind is blowing toward him, he can fall victim to his own glass gas.

Sample Post: Brotherly Hate

Cliffjumper watched in horror as his brother, Bumblebee, was swarmed by the Insecticons. Shrapnel sped towards Cliffjumper. He was hit by the glass gas. He never saw it coming. He ran right through it... Right into Cliffjumper's foot! He broke like he was a window with a stone going through it. He was dead before Bombshell could be eye level with Cliffjumper. "SHRAPNEL!" "You're next," said Cliffjumper with a grin. Then he realized, Bombshell was... Smiling! "Wha-", *CLANG*! "Ow," said a surprised Cliffjumper. "Your brother has large feet." Said a grinning Bombshell. "Bumble-", *BOOM*! Cliffjumper fell as Bumblebee's blast hit his chest. "Gr-", *PING*! After a painful kick Cliffjumper stood up. "STOP!" *BAM*! Bumblebee fell to the ground. "YOU!" "STO-", glass gas. *Whoosh*. A powerful kick. *CRASH*! Bombshell didn't even realize he was breaking to pieces until he lost his legs. "I hate Glass ga-!" He was defeated, then Bumblebee woke up. "Huh?" Suddenly a small device fell off his head. Bombshell's cerebro shell. "That explains a lot," said Cliffjumper with a grin. "Sure does," said Bumblebee. "What's mind control like anyway?" "You tell me."

"Huh?" Suddenly Kickback jumped powerfully out of the costume. "What the-" *click*. "NO!" Bumblebee jumped out and blasted Kickback in the back. But, Cliffjumper got one hit in. Enough to send Bumblebee sprawling. Than, Bombshell's cerebro shell that had been used by Kickback. "Ow." "What is it, Cliffjumper?" "Cerebro shells hurt." "Ha ha ha!" "What's so funny?" "Ha!" "Stop laughing, I'n serious!" "HA, ha... Sorry." "Let's just go." Than, they transformed, rolled out, and headed home.

Denied. The sample post needs reworking. You can only write dialogue for your own character, and descriptions are preferred over sound effects. Give it another try.
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Re: New NEW Character Applications

Postby Tasbirk » Tue Oct 21, 2008 8:36 pm

ashattack wrote:Name: Seaspray

Allegiance: Autobots

Function: Naval Defense, Spy.

Alt. mode: Hovercraft

Weapons: Laser Cannons

Height: 15 ft / 4.5m

Quote: "Be unyielding as the ocean waves and your enemies shall fall."

RANK: Assigned by RPG moderators.

Profile: Shooting across the wave crests like a gleaming bullet, Seaspray performs his job with a zest unmatched by any of his fellow Autobots. This is because for him the Earth is an even more unique experience than for his comrades - his domain, the vast ocean, has no counterpart on his native Cybertron. And he loves the ocean. He loves the galaxy of creatures that inhabit its depths and he loves the freedom of movement its near-limitless expanse allows. He is saddened whenever it is necessary to revert back to his robot form on land. He also loves the thrill of naval battle, despite knowing that a single hit by enemy fire could send him to the bottom of the sea forever. It is a risk Seaspray finds as invigorating as the ocean air.

Abilities: As a hovercraft, Seaspray is capable of speeds up to 120 knots and has a 4000-mile range. He's equipped with various sonar and radar devices as well as underwater and surface-to-air laser cannons. He also has wheels that enable him to travel for short distances on land. In robot mode, he also has use of his laser cannons, which he can shoot through his hands.

Weaknesses: Seaspray is not very strong or mobile in robot mode - he is a liability as a warrior on land.

Sample Post: Seaspray was in paradise, here on earth zooming across the waves, not a care in the world or even galaxy. What a shame he thought that it could not always be this way, he scanned the area in front of him, and was relieved to find that he did not pick up any sign of a Deceptacon presents. He wished things could always been this way peaceful, he was completing his mission with ease, he turned with ease and headed towards the east, once he was in position he once again scanned the area, and his mood suddenly changed... Deceptacons. Oh well it was nice while it lasted, he thought as he headed towards them ready for battle.

Denied. The sample post needs to be expanded. Watch your spelling and grammar. Give it another go.
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Re: New NEW Character Applications

Postby Mbrosforever123 » Tue Oct 21, 2008 9:25 pm


Allegiance: Autobot
Sub-group: Minibot
Function: Warrior
Alt. mode: Porsche 924 Turbo
Weapon: Glass Gas Gun
Height: ~ 4.57 m / 15 ft
Quote: “Strike first, strike fast, strike hard.”

Strength: 4
Intelligence: 4
Dexterity: 9
Speed: 7
Endurance: 4
Courage: 10
Firepower: 7
Accuracy: 6
Melee: 6
Tech Skill: 4
Charisma: 5

Profile: "Let me at 'em" is Cliffjumper's usual response when the Autobots embark on a mission. His eagerness and daring have no equal among the Autobots. Optimus Prime knows this gung-ho trait is an expression of Cliffjumper's burning desire for vengeance on the Decepticons. Although he takes his work very seriously, Cliffjumper is full of good-natured bravado while he's doing it. He doesn't actively dislike Earth, but he considers its rough, uneven terrain a hindrance to his effectiveness, and too often is carelessly destructive. Often he is on the receiving end of a lecture from Optimus on caution and the protection of Earthen property.

Abilities: Cliffjumper is one of the fastest of the Autobots in his automobile mode and he makes a particularly effective target for drawing fire away from other Autobots, a job he relishes and seldom gets hurt doing. He can fire projectiles filled with what he calls "glass gas." On impact, this gas disrupts the microscopic crystalline structure of most metals, temporarily making the metal as brittle as common glass.

Weaknesses: Cliffjumper is prone to literal blow-outs in his automobile mode. He accelerates so quickly and recklessly that he is sometimes disabled before he goes 50 yards. his overeagerness can often lead him into dangerous situations that he's not prepared to handle. And sometimes if the wind is blowing toward him, he can fall victim to his own glass gas.

Sample Post: Brotherly Hate

Cliffjumper watched in horror as his brother, Bumblebee, was swarmed by the Insecticons. Shrapnel sped towards Cliffjumper. He was hit by the glass gas. He never saw it coming. He ran right through it... Right into Cliffjumper's foot! He broke like he was a window with a stone going through it. He was dead before Bombshell could be eye level with Cliffjumper. "You're next," said Cliffjumper to Bombshell. Then he realized, Bombshell was... Smiling! "Wha-", Bumblebee dealt a powerful blow. "Ow," said a surprised Cliffjumper. Bombshell was controlling Bumblebee. "Bumble-", Cliffjumper fell as Bumblebee's blast hit his chest. "Gr-", After a painful kick Cliffjumper stood up. "STOP!" A powerful punch made Bumblebee fall to the ground. "YOU!" "STO-." The glass gas hit Bombshell. A powerful kick from Cliffjumper slammed into him. Bombshell didn't even realize he was breaking to pieces until he lost his legs. He fell apart, then Bumblebee woke up.

Suddenly a small device fell off his head. Bombshell's cerebro shell. "That explains a lot," said Cliffjumper with a grin. Suddenly Kickback jumped powerfully out of the costume. "What the-" Kickback snapped the shell to Cliffjumper's head. Bumblebee jumped out and blasted Kickback in the back. But, Cliffjumper got one hit in. Enough to send Bumblebee sprawling. Than, Bombshell's cerebro shell that had been used by Kickback fell off. "Ow." "Cerebro shells hurt." Bumblebee started laughing. "What's so funny?" He kept laughing. "Stop laughing, I'm serious!" He apoligized. "Let's just go." Than, they transformed, rolled out, and headed home.
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Re: New NEW Character Applications

Postby ashattack » Wed Oct 22, 2008 1:59 am

Name: Seaspray

Allegiance: Autobots

Function: Naval Defense, Spy.

Alt. mode: Hovercraft

Weapons: Laser Cannons

Height: 15 ft / 4.5m

Quote: "Be unyielding as the ocean waves and your enemies shall fall."

RANK: Assigned by RPG moderators.

Profile: Shooting across the wave crests like a gleaming bullet, Seaspray performs his job with a zest unmatched by any of his fellow Autobots. This is because for him the Earth is an even more unique experience than for his comrades - his domain, the vast ocean, has no counterpart on his native Cybertron. And he loves the ocean. He loves the galaxy of creatures that inhabit its depths and he loves the freedom of movement its near-limitless expanse allows. He is saddened whenever it is necessary to revert back to his robot form on land. He also loves the thrill of naval battle, despite knowing that a single hit by enemy fire could send him to the bottom of the sea forever. It is a risk Seaspray finds as invigorating as the ocean air.

Abilities: As a hovercraft, Seaspray is capable of speeds up to 120 knots and has a 4000-mile range. He's equipped with various sonar and radar devices as well as underwater and surface-to-air laser cannons. He also has wheels that enable him to travel for short distances on land. In robot mode, he also has use of his laser cannons, which he can shoot through his hands.

Weaknesses: Seaspray is not very strong or mobile in robot mode - he is a liability as a warrior on land.

Sample Post: Seaspray was in paradise, here on earth zooming across the waves, not a care in the world or even the galaxy. What a shame he thought that it couldn’t always be this way, peaceful without the fighting, the death, he felt his memory wonder back to cybertron, back before the war, when he could spend days upon days like this, simply speeding across the waves for no reason at all. Oh well back to reality he thought as he came to first of two points that he had been ordered to scan to make sure there was no sign of Deceptacons. He slowed down until he came to a complete stop then commenced his scanning of the area in front of him, once he had finished the scan, he found himself relieved by the fact that there was no sign of Deceptacons in the area.

Once again he wished things could always be this way peaceful, he checked his internal processor and found he was making good time, Good maybe if I finish early I could spend the rest of the day cursing… he turned with ease and headed towards the east, he pushed his engine to the maximum and was in position in less then twenty minutes. Once again he stopped and began he scanning, as he scanned he found himself hoping almost praying to Primus that he would find no sign of the enemy, since he was so close to his day of relaxing cursing. But once the scan was complete his mood changed... Deceptacons. Oh well it was nice while it lasted, he thought as he headed towards them ready for battle.

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Re: New NEW Character Applications

Postby the 50 foot nerd » Wed Oct 22, 2008 2:43 pm


Allegiance: Decepticon
Sub-group: Battlecharger
Function: Shocktrooper
Alt. mode: Lotus Esprit Sport 350
Weapon: Particle beam rifle
Height: 7m/63.9ft
Quote: "A pretty car makes an even prettier wreck"

Strength: 5
Intelligence: 6
Dexterity: 7
Speed: 7
Endurance: 7
Courage: 7
Firepower: 7
Accuracy: 6
Melee: 5
Tech Skill: 4
Charisma: 5
Rank: TBD or 6

Profile: Runabout likes to watch things blow up; the bigger the explosion, the more he enjoys it. Seemingly driven by an unending supply of evil energy, he avoids even the briefest lulls in activity as if he's terrified that boredom might fatally infect him. He is extremely frustrated that he's prohibited from causing much destruction, and earnestly waits for the time to start blowing stuff up and blaming it on some other country.

Abilities: In car mode, Runabout has a maximum speed of 185 mph and a range of 550 miles. He has one of the fastest transformations of all the decepticons, able to transform to robot mode in .4 seconds. He uses a particle beam rifle that shoots a high-energy beam of neutrons with devastating results.

Weaknesses: Pretty cars are a magnet to runabout, being his favorite targets.


Allegiance: Decepticon
Sub-group: Battlecharger
Function: Shocktrooper
Alt. mode: Ban III Burt Reynolds Edition Pontiac Trans Am
Weapon: Friction inducer ray
Height: 7m/63.9ft
Quote: "The road is my playpen, and cars are my toys"

Strength: 6
Intelligence: 6
Dexterity: 7
Speed: 7
Endurance: 7
Courage: 5
Firepower: 7
Accuracy: 6
Melee: 5
Tech Skill: 4
Charisma: 5
Rank: TBD or 6

Profile: Cackling like a mechanical madman as he streaks down the road, Runamuck is a tumbling, twirling two-lane terror. He shows no regard for drivers sharing the highways with him. His freewheeling, frenzied approach invariably sends them scattering like leaves before a hurricane's winds. Spreading fear is his favorite pastime. But there's another, more sensitive side to Runamuck, although he expresses it in a most peculiar fashion: he's fascinated with Earth's junkyards. He can spend hours staring at one rusting wreck after another. In his own twisted way, Runamuck places the same value on these auto-graveyards as humans do art museums. His fellow Battlecharger, Runabout, attributes Runamuck's characteristic soft spot to "one quick-change too many snapping some cerebro-circuits." Considering Runamuck's personality, that's a diagnosis hard argue with.

Abilities: In car mode, Runamuck's maximum speed is 180 mph and his range is 600 miles. He transforms into his robot mode in .5 seconds. He wields a friction rifle, which shoots a beam that has the effect of dramatically increasing the kinetic energy of the molecules of any target it hits. Under these conditions, even the slightest movement of the target produces a tremendous increase in friction between its molecules and air molecules or anything else it touches. Flammable objects burst into flame; metals with lower melting points may even melt, or at least weaken. This effect, however, is only temporary.

Weaknesses: Runamuck's reckless ways often result in his transforming on ill-advised occasions. This leads to disabling injuries sometimes. He's also afraid of heights.

Sample Post(for both): The Battlechargers rocketed down the highway, toward one of the human settlements. Their mission? Just sow a little panic and destruction for 'target practice'. FINALLY Starscream was letting them. The main catch was that they had to make it look like some madman with access to explosives, or something similar. their holographic drivers were reckless teenage guys, the perfect excuse for crashing into stuff. That was when Jazz came in. He shot his flamethrower in a stream across the road, making the battlechargers stop short. Runabout transformed, firing his particle beam. Jazz dodged, the beam hitting a tree, which fell down in a burning heap. Runamuck was next, firing his friction inducer, which also missed, only to be disoriented by a bright flash from Jazz's grill beacon. He took another shot, which hit Runabout. Jazz crouched down, tripping Runamuck with a leg sweep, and jumping on top of him. Unexpectedly, Runabout fired a shot, his hands smoking from the excess friction.
"OWOWOWOWOWOW!!!" He yelled, dropping the gun, causing more friction. "Doesn't that thing of yours have an off switch?!"
"Why would I put one on it?!" said Runamuck, who had stood up when Jazz was shot at. He kicked at the autobot, and the two started in a melee. When the Autobot started to get the upper hand, Runamuck transformed, ramming into jazz at full speed. "Come on, let's GO!" he yelled, and Runabout followed, glowing red with heat.
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Re: New NEW Character Applications

Postby Marlboro Man » Wed Oct 22, 2008 6:51 pm

Motto: "If knowledge is power, then to be unknown is to be unstoppable"
Weapon: Plasma Cannon
(Can y'all be a little more specific than the stats are off? Half of them are right off of Thrust's specs, the other half are extras that were imposed. Which ones are off. Should they be higher/lower? A clearer explanantion will lead to an easier application process. Also, how relevant is this? It says so in the rules that are not paid attention to in depth. For this app all of Thrust's imposed stats will be lesser than the original)

Name: Thrust
Allegce: Decepticon
Alt. Mode: VTOL Jet Plane
Weapons: Various machine guns, Concussion bombs
Function: Psychological warfare/Warrior

Quote: The sound of my engines' roar is the sound of my enemy's doom.

Strength: 8
Intelligence: 6
Dexterity: 5
Speed: 9
Endurance: 6
Rank: 5 or TBD
Courage: 4
Firepower: 8
Skill: 7
Charisma: 3
Height: 32'

Profile: Rattling the air with the very roar of his engines, Thrust is one Decepticon who cares very little about deceit. He believes half a battle is won if he can "psyche out" his opponents by his mere arrival. He makes no attempt to be sneaky. His ability to suddenly and swiftly take off has enough power to level near-by buildings, and he delights in the havoc this ability wreacs. A loud-mouthed, pompous, braggart. Will claim victory as a battle is just beginning.In truth, his courage is bluster and noise as a stron counter attack by opponents will often lead to seeing Thrust's tail wings as he escpaes into the sky.

Abilities: In jet mode, Thrust can fly at Mach 2.5, but can accelerate to twice that and hold for two minutes. Carries two concussion missile launchers and two compressed air rifles, each of which can punch a hole 1/4 thick armor from 1200 yards.

Weakness: Thrust is not very brave. If he accelerates two quickly he can cause his engines to stall.

Thrust was on a routine patrol of the Alaskan pipeline. Thrust's VTOL design made it harder for him to blend in with other Earth jets. This was part of the reason Thrust hated Earth so much, that and he was constantly sent on patrol alone. If he were too be ambushed he would be dead in the sky!

As Thrust flew along, he was contacted by Soundwave:

"Transmission: Inbound. Thrust. Starscream has a mission for you."

Thrust delighted at the chance to do something other then watch a pipe all day long. He eagerly replied to SOundwave: "I await my commands Soundwave."

Soundwave replied, "Head to sector 7-g, mark 11. You will find a terrain jamming tower there. Starscream commands its destruction."

Thrust smiled at the chance for destruction and mayhem: "Tell the boss he can count on me."

With that Thrust accelerated at his top speed, mach 5. If one were watching from above they would see a vapor trail a full minute after Thrust was at that point. Thrust came across his target quick.

He thought to himself, "What a stupid place for a jamming tower. Right in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. These flesh creatures must not be as evolved as Starscream thought. I'll have this place torn apart in no time!"

Thrust neared his target and slowed down to a speed below Mach 1. He wanted to maked sure his targets were lined up in his sights. This speed was like a crawl to Thrust, completely unacceptable.

Something unexpected happened though. The natives saw Thrust coming on their radar. It's rather hard to miss a blip traveling at Mach 5. The base was prepared and they launched a volley of Anti-Aircraft guns at the Decepticon.

Thrust thought to himself, as he dodged the primitive weapons, "Has Starscream blew a fuse? I'm alone out here! I have no back-up and these flesh critters already knew I was coming! To the pitts with this!" Thrust revved his engines and accelerated past the tower protruding from the ocean. He accelerated up to Mach 5 under the tower and right next to a support beam.

In his cowardly retreat Thrust unknowingly obtained his mission objective. When he accelerated that quickly he created a sonic boom. The support beam he was next to crumbled to pieces. The entire tower plummeted into the ocean. He was quite happy with himself, took down the entire tower and didn't even fire a shot. Soundwave was the first to call into him.

"Transmission: Inbound. Thrust, your mission was a success. Starscream is pleased."

Thrust swiftly replied to the comm officer: "This means I have to go back to surveying the pipeline doesn't it?"

Soundwave replied to him: "Affirmative. Proceed: Immediately."

Thrust cursed to himself: "Slag! Should've taken some target practice at the flesh critters."

With that, Thrust was off again. He made careful notice not to return to quickly. Anything was better than watching a pipeline all day.
The world will scream SAVE US! I'll whisper back NO!
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Re: New NEW Character Applications

Postby Tasbirk » Sat Oct 25, 2008 8:09 pm

Mbrosforever123 wrote:Cliffjumper

Allegiance: Autobot
Sub-group: Minibot
Function: Warrior
Alt. mode: Porsche 924 Turbo
Weapon: Glass Gas Gun
Height: ~ 4.57 m / 15 ft
Quote: “Strike first, strike fast, strike hard.”

Strength: 4
Intelligence: 4
Dexterity: 9
Speed: 7
Endurance: 4
Courage: 10
Firepower: 7
Accuracy: 6
Melee: 6
Tech Skill: 4
Charisma: 5

Profile: "Let me at 'em" is Cliffjumper's usual response when the Autobots embark on a mission. His eagerness and daring have no equal among the Autobots. Optimus Prime knows this gung-ho trait is an expression of Cliffjumper's burning desire for vengeance on the Decepticons. Although he takes his work very seriously, Cliffjumper is full of good-natured bravado while he's doing it. He doesn't actively dislike Earth, but he considers its rough, uneven terrain a hindrance to his effectiveness, and too often is carelessly destructive. Often he is on the receiving end of a lecture from Optimus on caution and the protection of Earthen property.

Abilities: Cliffjumper is one of the fastest of the Autobots in his automobile mode and he makes a particularly effective target for drawing fire away from other Autobots, a job he relishes and seldom gets hurt doing. He can fire projectiles filled with what he calls "glass gas." On impact, this gas disrupts the microscopic crystalline structure of most metals, temporarily making the metal as brittle as common glass.

Weaknesses: Cliffjumper is prone to literal blow-outs in his automobile mode. He accelerates so quickly and recklessly that he is sometimes disabled before he goes 50 yards. his overeagerness can often lead him into dangerous situations that he's not prepared to handle. And sometimes if the wind is blowing toward him, he can fall victim to his own glass gas.

Sample Post: Brotherly Hate

Cliffjumper watched in horror as his brother, Bumblebee, was swarmed by the Insecticons. Shrapnel sped towards Cliffjumper. He was hit by the glass gas. He never saw it coming. He ran right through it... Right into Cliffjumper's foot! He broke like he was a window with a stone going through it. He was dead before Bombshell could be eye level with Cliffjumper. "You're next," said Cliffjumper to Bombshell. Then he realized, Bombshell was... Smiling! "Wha-", Bumblebee dealt a powerful blow. "Ow," said a surprised Cliffjumper. Bombshell was controlling Bumblebee. "Bumble-", Cliffjumper fell as Bumblebee's blast hit his chest. "Gr-", After a painful kick Cliffjumper stood up. "STOP!" A powerful punch made Bumblebee fall to the ground. "YOU!" "STO-." The glass gas hit Bombshell. A powerful kick from Cliffjumper slammed into him. Bombshell didn't even realize he was breaking to pieces until he lost his legs. He fell apart, then Bumblebee woke up.

Suddenly a small device fell off his head. Bombshell's cerebro shell. "That explains a lot," said Cliffjumper with a grin. Suddenly Kickback jumped powerfully out of the costume. "What the-" Kickback snapped the shell to Cliffjumper's head. Bumblebee jumped out and blasted Kickback in the back. But, Cliffjumper got one hit in. Enough to send Bumblebee sprawling. Than, Bombshell's cerebro shell that had been used by Kickback fell off. "Ow." "Cerebro shells hurt." Bumblebee started laughing. "What's so funny?" He kept laughing. "Stop laughing, I'm serious!" He apoligized. "Let's just go." Than, they transformed, rolled out, and headed home.

Your sample post is unacceptable. You are still dictating the actions of other characters. Also, we'd like to see a little more characterization. Please provide a new sample which addresses these issues.
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Re: New NEW Character Applications

Postby Tasbirk » Sat Oct 25, 2008 8:14 pm

ashattack wrote:Name: Seaspray

Allegiance: Autobots

Function: Naval Defense, Spy.

Alt. mode: Hovercraft

Weapons: Laser Cannons

Height: 15 ft / 4.5m

Quote: "Be unyielding as the ocean waves and your enemies shall fall."

RANK: Assigned by RPG moderators.

Profile: Shooting across the wave crests like a gleaming bullet, Seaspray performs his job with a zest unmatched by any of his fellow Autobots. This is because for him the Earth is an even more unique experience than for his comrades - his domain, the vast ocean, has no counterpart on his native Cybertron. And he loves the ocean. He loves the galaxy of creatures that inhabit its depths and he loves the freedom of movement its near-limitless expanse allows. He is saddened whenever it is necessary to revert back to his robot form on land. He also loves the thrill of naval battle, despite knowing that a single hit by enemy fire could send him to the bottom of the sea forever. It is a risk Seaspray finds as invigorating as the ocean air.

Abilities: As a hovercraft, Seaspray is capable of speeds up to 120 knots and has a 4000-mile range. He's equipped with various sonar and radar devices as well as underwater and surface-to-air laser cannons. He also has wheels that enable him to travel for short distances on land. In robot mode, he also has use of his laser cannons, which he can shoot through his hands.

Weaknesses: Seaspray is not very strong or mobile in robot mode - he is a liability as a warrior on land.

Sample Post: Seaspray was in paradise, here on earth zooming across the waves, not a care in the world or even the galaxy. What a shame he thought that it couldn’t always be this way, peaceful without the fighting, the death, he felt his memory wonder back to cybertron, back before the war, when he could spend days upon days like this, simply speeding across the waves for no reason at all. Oh well back to reality he thought as he came to first of two points that he had been ordered to scan to make sure there was no sign of Deceptacons. He slowed down until he came to a complete stop then commenced his scanning of the area in front of him, once he had finished the scan, he found himself relieved by the fact that there was no sign of Deceptacons in the area.

Once again he wished things could always be this way peaceful, he checked his internal processor and found he was making good time, Good maybe if I finish early I could spend the rest of the day cursing… he turned with ease and headed towards the east, he pushed his engine to the maximum and was in position in less then twenty minutes. Once again he stopped and began he scanning, as he scanned he found himself hoping almost praying to Primus that he would find no sign of the enemy, since he was so close to his day of relaxing cursing. But once the scan was complete his mood changed... Deceptacons. Oh well it was nice while it lasted, he thought as he headed towards them ready for battle.


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