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TransFormers: Rebellion - FanFiction

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TransFormers: Rebellion - FanFiction

Postby Concept » Wed Sep 26, 2007 8:34 pm

Motto: ""We all go home or no one goes home.""
Weapon: Concussion Blaster Gun
I'll keep each chapter short to make it easier to breeze through and read.

Chapter 1.1 – The Final Frontier

Space, outside of the planet cluster of Cybertron, a thousand years into a possible future. Three smaller planets orbit one larger one like moons. Two vessels battle it out, a smaller more beat up grayish ship being pursued by a larger golden colour ship. The small vessel quickly maneuvers avoiding the larger ships energy blasts as it heads for an asteroid belt. No distinguishing markings on either ship identify their allegiance or origin. Peace has stood in this star system for centuries, this pursuit being the first in five hundred years.
The larger ship begins to close the gap, much faster than the small ship and with much more firepower, but firepower is not what the smaller ship is afraid of. “We must reach the belt…we must reach the belt…” One panic stricken voice says.
“Calm down or none of us will make it. Just be ready to make the jump.” Another more commanding voice snaps back.
“They are closing in faster, we need to do something.” A third one says.
“Eject our spare fuel drive, we won’t need it whether we make it or not, and blow it.” The commanding one responds.
“Ejecting spare fuel drive.”

The larger ship banks to the right avoiding the fuel drive as laser fire follows it erupting the drive. “Clever.” A large robot says. “They bought themselves some time.” He smiles, as if the small ships effort was worthless. “Divert more power to the shields, we’ll need them going in there.”
“And hold on tight, this is about to get bumpy.” The female copilot says.
The large ship keeps its pursuit deflecting asteroids from it as the small ship weaves in and out of them like a mouse being chased by a cat, a big cat.

“We’re not going to make it…” The panic robot says.
“Shut up or I’ll deactivate you, just be ready to activate the boosters on my command once we are clear. We’ll need them to make the jump.”

Inside the larger ship one of the robots at a side station turns to the larger one. “Sir, I’ve done a scan of their ship, it’s equipped with temporal shifters.”
“What! Where did they get those, they were outlawed years ago. Alert command central let them know. I want whoever supplied them captured and detained for questioning.”
“Yes s…they’re charging the shifters!!”
The Commander leans forward. “Open Fire!! Don’t let them escape!”

The small ship breaks free from the asteroid field and begins to shake as an electric blue pulse emanates from it, their thrusters burning to maximum capacity. “The Arc is charging weapons!!”
“Evasive maneuvers!! The calm one says not so calm anymore. “Evasive maneuvers!!” He screams again.
“We can’t it’s too late…brace for impact!!”

The Arc’s lasers charge blasting at the small craft, then unexpectedly the laser fire veers moments before hitting the craft and is sucked into the blue electric pulse of the temporal shifters. The energy becomes more intense as each robot inside both ships watch in awe waiting for the outcome. All seems quite for a few seconds then the energy erupts engulfing the two ships along with some of the asteroids.
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Postby Concept » Fri Sep 28, 2007 8:24 pm

Motto: ""We all go home or no one goes home.""
Weapon: Concussion Blaster Gun
Chapter 1.2 – Light-years

Moments later they reappear in space as the asteroids they took with them hit the ships engines. Neither pilot can keep control both disoriented from the jump. Alarms blare in both ships, the smaller one dangerously low on fuel and having burnt out the temporal shifters from the Arc’s laser fire. The other ships weapons and navigation now offline as well as auxiliary thrusters.

“Status report.” The larger robot in the Arc orders.
The female copilot explains their situation as the view screen flickers. “I also don’t think we are in the Cybertron Star System anymore.”
“Where are we?”
“According to star charts that is the planet known as Earth.”

“Earth, that’s impossible?” The lead robot of the smaller vessel says. “It should have taken us several attempts to jump this far.”
“It must have been the blast from the Arc’s lasers, they must have super charged the shifters.” The no longer panic robot suggests.
“Then…have we made it to our full destination?”
“The temporal scanners are off line there is only one way to find out.” Another says. “Go down to the planet.”
“Our weapons, do we still have weapons?”
“Yes, they were offline since we fled Cybertron Planet A, and all systems are intact.”
“Then get them online, we may need them.”

“Sir they are moving.” The pilot informs.
“Don’t let them get away.”
“How, all of our weapons are offline, and that includes the tractor beams?” The navigator asks.
The lead robot thumps his fist down on his arm rest. “We are bigger and faster then they are we are the weapon.”
The pilot engages the forward thrusters heading towards the small ship.
“Unless my sensors are wrong they are charging weapons.” The female says.
“What? We did not detect any weapons before.” The leader says with a growl defiantly not pleased. He orders to keep pursuit even with the smaller ship firing upon them. The hits do little damage, mainly random fire that only irritates the leader even more. He knows it’s only a matter of time before they get a lucky shot off as both ships begin to shake from entering the earth’s atmosphere. Within moments the leaders knowledge becomes truth as laser fire hits a weak spot on their ship causing sever damage. Alarms begin to blare all around.
Another robot off to the left of the leader frantically checks over the damage reports. “We must cease our pursuit and pull back, the ship will break apart if we continue.”
All look at the leader waiting for his orders. “We continue.” He says in a low tone.
The pilot does not question but presses on trying to keep control. They can see the smaller ship having just as much trouble as they both finally break through the atmosphere. For a moment on both ships the crews seem to take pleasure in the fact that they have made it, until the smaller ship erupts in the path of the Arc.
Panic strikes the pilot of the Arc, he knows he will be unable to veer from the path of the debris. He is shocked for a moment as one of the robots from the small ship hits his eye line. The sound of shrieking metal reverberate in the robots audio sensors, thinking that it is just the smaller ships parts hitting theirs, until they realize it is their own ship ripping apart.

Above the Atlantic Ocean , to the few spectators there are what appear to be small pods ejecting from the giant ships. Then from above an incredible explosion as the ships plummet down into the ocean causing massive waves and shifts in the eerily calm ocean. The freighters rock, the crewmen scurry as large waves come up engulfing their ships. Whirlpool beings to form from the sinking space craft sucking down the nearby oil freighter. A panic call goes out for help even though no one will be able answer, or no human.
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Postby Concept » Sun Sep 30, 2007 8:58 pm

Motto: ""We all go home or no one goes home.""
Weapon: Concussion Blaster Gun
Chapter 1.3 – To the Rescue

A white and blue hover craft suddenly appears speeding across the ocean. It passes by the freighter launching a high powered magnetic grapple line going at full speed trying to pull the sinking freighter. Slowly the amazing hover craft begins to win the battle, or at least last long enough for the whirlpool to weaken and the vessel to no longer is in any danger.
The crew aboard the freighter cheer, as the hover craft speeds off out of view before it sinks below the water and transforms into the Autobot known as Seaspray. He returns to the location of the sunken space craft, keeping a safe distance from them and begins his scans.

Back in outer space another Arc approaches, this one belonging to the Autobot’s of this time period. They discovered the alien ships similar to their own once the two appeared and tracked them as they plunged into the sea. A call goes out to any Autobot’s that may be in the vicinity of the crash site. One responds, Seaspray, explaining the current situation to the Autobot leader Optimus Prime.
“Good work, we will be arriving soon. Keep your distance until backup arrives.” Optimus orders.
“Copy that.” Seaspray responds in his gargled tone.

Meanwhile, the ejected pods crash, scattered and separated from one another. Some having scanned new forms as they rocketed across the sky. One in particular crashes just outside a car show that garnered much attention from the goers inside the building, not knowing that the entire place including humans had been scanned. The robot inside the pod emerges before anyone arrives transforming into one of the vehicles being shown. A sports car called the X-Bow, sleek, fast, and suitable for this Transformer as he speeds off down the road. His pod begins to dissolve and smoke as a crowd of people hurry to the crash site.

In another location the large robot leader makes his way across an open field, choosing not to take another form but search his databanks. He chooses one and transforms into an amazing futuristic looking transport cab navy blue in colour. He tears across the field and onto the asphalt road not caring about the human traffic, nearly causing an accident.
“Omega Prime to any active Transformers, do you read me?” The revealed leader of the Arc calls out.
“Concept here sir.” The sports car answers.
“Have you been in contact with anyone else?”
“No sir, I’m tracking them now, I have one just a few nano clicks from my location.”
“Friend or escapee?”
“Unable to determine at this time.”
“Use caution, I am going to the crash site.”
Omega Prime squeals his tires making a u-turn on the highway getting few horn honks and cursing from passerby’s. “Humans.” He grunts. He races over the barriers and across the land towards the beach picking up speed. A young boy watches in awe as he witnesses the transport leap into the air and dive into the ocean.
“Mommy, a truck just went underwater.” He says with excitement.
“That’s nice dear, now just play quietly.” She responds to involved with her novel to pay her son any attention.

Back at the crash site Seaspray continues his long range scans making a startling discovery. “Optimus Prime this is Seaspray, do you copy?”
“I’m here Seaspray.” The Autobot leader’s voice responds.
“I have detected passengers on the vessels in stasis mode, and one of the ships designs is in line with the Arc’s.”
Optimus does not readily respond. “Continue to keep you distance, I will be arriving shortly.”
“Understoo…” Seaspray is hit with an energy blast that sends him swirling.
“Seaspray…Seaspray…respond!!” Optimus shouts.
The small Autobot looks around watching as his attacker transforms. The large robot grabs Seaspray pulling him close. “I am Omega Prime and you are…” He looks down at the little bots chest noticing his symbol. “An Autobot? Impossible.”
“Possible.” Seaspray responds using his sonar to momentarily disorient Omega and break free. “Now back off.”
“Where the hell have we crashed?” Omega rhetorically asks.
“On Earth?” Seaspray answers a bit bewildered.
“No…when…what era…” Omega grabs Seaspray. “Tell me!” Omega feels a large hit to his back breaking him free of the small Autobot. He spins around looking straight at Optimus Prime.
“No one attacks one of my Autobot's, especially one who is much larger. If you want answers ask me.”
“O-Optimus…Prime???” Omega says in awe of the (to him) legendary leader. “No…this can’t be…”
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Postby Concept » Tue Oct 02, 2007 6:22 pm

Motto: ""We all go home or no one goes home.""
Weapon: Concussion Blaster Gun
Chapter 1.4 – Disorder

Concept speeds across the auto bond homing in on the faint signal he picked up earlier going off road, not an easy task for such a stylized sports car, except for an adaptable Transformer. His wheels lower raising him up to traverse the rough terrain, and once out of site of the highway he transforms into his equally stylish, at least to him, robot form.
“I do not recognize you.” A voice booms. “What is your allegiance?”
Concept looks over in the direction of the menacing voice, his circuits quake on the inside but on the outside sheer bravery and steel. “No way, Megatron…”

Optimus sits suspended by his thrusters in the water, normally an object of his size would plunge to the depths of the ocean. His arms crossed as he stares down Omega. “Who are you, where did you come from, and explain that?” He points at the Arc resting on the ocean floor.
“Answer my question first, what time am I in?”
“Very well, you are in the 21st century, the year is 2007.”
Omega scans his vast database of this era. “What of Megatron, is he still functioning?”
Optimus finds his question intriguing but does not answer. “Now you answer my questions.” He says in his commanding tone looking past at Seaspray conveying to him to keep his guard up.
“I am Omega Prime leader of the Transformers from the planet star system of Cybertron, I am from the future.”
“What!?!” Seaspray cannot help contain his surprise unlike his leader Optimus.
“You were the temporal anomaly we detected.” The Autobot leader looks down at the ships. “They will be fine there for now, come with us, there is much to discuss.”

“Why does my appearance surprise you?” Megatron asks.
“Uh…it just does, who wouldn’t be in…awe of you.” Concept cleverly strokes the Decepticon leader’s ego taking his attention away from the crashed stasis pod just a few yards away. He also scans his database figuring out where and when he is.
“You still have not told me your allegiance.”
“I, have no allegiance.”
Megatron laughs. “Impossible, you are either Autobot or Decepticon, and for your sake I hope it is the latter of the two.”
“I am a Transformer from the planet Cybertron.” Concept feels uneasy, wishing he had not just said what he has.
“If you will not tell me whether you are friend of foe then you must be…FOE!” Megatron swings up his right arm taking aim with his blaster and firing off a shot at the smaller robot.
Concept throws up his hands generating an energy shield absorbing the blast.
“Impressive move.”
“You haven’t seen anything yet.” Concept returns Megatron’s fire from his energy shield taking the Decepticon by surprise. “Omega, come in, I’m in trouble here.”

Omega stops dead and turns to Seaspray. “One of my own is in trouble.”
“How do you know?”
“He just radioed me little bot. I must go aid him.”
“No, you are coming with us.”
Optimus raises his hand to Seaspray. “We will go with him.”
“What? It could be a trick.”
“I do not think it is the concern in his voice is true. Lead the way Omega.” Optimus and Seaspray follow him back towards the shore in a race to reach Concept in time.

“You realize I can crush you.” Megatron boasts.
“You can try, but I doubt it.” Concept remarks back keeping his distance and moving much quicker then Megatron. He knows it’s only a matter of time before the vile Decepticon anticipates his next move.
“What are you doing here? If you are not aligned with either side then you were after something…” He looks around activating his short range scanners.
Concept blasts Megatron with a few energy blasts from his twin blaster to keep his attention onto him and off of the pod. “Come and get me.”
“You have sealed your fate little one.”
“You’re nothing but a bully Megatron,”
The Decepticon hits the ground shaking it and unloads a blast towards Concept. “I will rip you apart!”
“Oh man this is going to hurt…” Concept braces himself activating his energy shield, his HUD going haywire from the intensity of the blast. He closes his eyes and stands his ground praying to Primus.
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Postby Motley » Mon Oct 08, 2007 10:20 pm

hey that's pretty good. I like it.
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Postby Concept » Tue Oct 09, 2007 3:57 pm

Motto: ""We all go home or no one goes home.""
Weapon: Concussion Blaster Gun
Chapter 1.5 – Future Past

The ground erupts around Concept launching him into the air and crashing down with a thud that immobilizes him for a moment. Megatron walks up to him casting his large shadow like a reaper.
“You are brave but still foolish. If you are not with me you are my enemy.”
“You never gave me a chance to choose.”
“You do not get to choose, I choose for you.” He aims his gun at Concepts head. “Say hello to Primus when you meet him.”
“NO!” The Decepticon turns to see Optimus barreling down upon his crashing into him.
Seaspray helps Concept up as Omega gives him a quick glance and charges in to help Optimus. “You look undamaged?”
“Uh yeah, quick healer I guess.”
Seaspray looks at Concept with an odd look not understanding his remark.
“We should help them.”
“No, they do not need our help we need to watch for reinforcements.”
“Come on then there is something else we need to take care of.” Concept leads Seaspray to the stasis pod arming his weapon.
“Is it an enemy?”
“I don’t know, but I am not taking any chances.” Concept steps back as the pod hisses and begins to open.

Megatron slides back across the ground glaring at his two opponents. “I see you brought in some new blood Prime. Glad to see you are fighting dirtier.”
“I fight along side Optimus because you attacked one of mine!” Omega shouts.
“He’s right, this is an unfair fight.”
“What? This is Megatron here, he does not fight fair…” Omega turns to see what he knows he will, Megatron taking the advantage laying down a hail of laser blaster fire upon them. “OPTIMUS DOWN!!” Omega leaps towards the Autobot leader knocking him to the ground taking most of the assault.
“Omega!” Optimus rolls him off seeing just surface burns and dents. “How?”
Megatron watches in awe, thinking he must have at least severely wounded one of them. “Impossible…what are you?”
Omega rises to his feet. “You couldn’t begin to comprehend, Megatron.”
More laser fire rains down on the two leaders, but this time not from the Decepticon leader but from a three man robot army who seem to be defending Megatron.
“Who are they?” Optimus asks as he returns fire.
“The ones we were pursuing.”
“Rebelcons…Attack!!” The three shout.
“Ah, some reinforcements.” Megatron boasts. “Now the playing field has been leveled.” He leaps over them taking his only chance to get to the stasis pod as Optimus and Omega are kept occupied.

“Look out!” Seaspray warns a bit too late as Megatron comes crashing down upon them. A large bulky robot emerging from the pod watches as the Decepticon smacks Seaspray out of the way and grabs Concept by the head placing his blaster against his chest.
“You have troubled me long enough little one. Time to meet your maker.”
Seaspray picks himself up shaking his head, his optics a bit disoriented. “He hits hard…” The little Autobot watches in horror as Megatron unloads his blaster into Concept sending the Transformer fly with a stream of smoke billowing from him.
“NO!” The word is echoed from not only Seaspray but the large bulky robot as well.
“You killed my friend, now I’m going to smash you!” The large robot swings his arms around smashing them down onto Megatron knocking him to his knees. He then brings his leg up into the Decepticon’s face ripping metal from it and sending him flat on his back. “I will rip you apart!”
“No!” Seaspray try’s to stop the bulky robot from beating on Megatron but is only knocked back. “Don’t! It’s not right it’s not our way.” He pleads only to be drowned out by the screeching of metal smashing metal.
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Postby Concept » Fri Oct 12, 2007 6:50 pm

Motto: ""We all go home or no one goes home.""
Weapon: Concussion Blaster Gun
Chapter 1.6 – Brute Force

Seaspray rushes over to Concept, unable to stop the large robot. He looks in awe as his new friend rises, the hole in his chest repairing itself. “Amazing.”
“Yeah, I know cool ain’t I? Good as new too.” He thumps on his chest. “OH NO!” Concept watches metal fly. “We gotta stop him.”
“I tried he won’t listen.”
The large robot continues to pound on Megatron ripping off his outer shielding, sparks flying, Megatron unable to fend him off. The screeching sound of tearing metal like music to the robots audio sensors.
“ENOUGH!” Optimus shouts pointing his blaster at the large robot. “Cease and desist now.”
“Yeah, I’m okay, see me here one piece.”
“He hurt you.”
“I know, but that is Megatron, you can’t destroy him.”
“Megatron?” Crumblezone looks down at the twitching mass of metal and circuits.
“Heads up, incoming!” Seaspray says pointing up to two more Rebelcons as they soar through the air, joining the other three as Omega fends them off. “He’s going to need our help.”
“Well he ain’t going anywhere.” Concept remarks pointing over his shoulder at Megatron, getting a disapproving look from Optimus. “What?”

The Rebelcons keep in tight together all concentrating their fire power on Omega forcing him to raise his energy shields. One launches a series of grenades into the air that hang suspended scanning the battle field.
“Those don’t look good.” Seaspray comments.
“Oh man…no those are not good.” Concept replies.
“Get down!” Omega charges towards them as the grenades hover for a moment then launch towards them. The grenades hit the ground blowing up around them.
Optimus looks up as the Rebelcons leap through the air, he is amazed at their grace and little effort it takes them. They land down next to Megatron picking him up and a few of his pieces then take off into the air in their robot modes, not transforming into any kind of vehicles.
“We have to go after them.”
“No, Omega you have some questions to answer.”
“You do not understand Optimus…”
“Silence!” Optimus activates his com link to the Ark-19. “Ratchet, Prowl, Nightbeat, I need you here now.” He turns back to a shocked Omega from his outburst moments ago. “First I am taking him into custody.” He points at Crumblezone. “He will be put into stasis until you answer all of my questions, and he will be lucky if I don’t keep him in stasis.”
“Optimus, our mission is important, you do not realize the effect we could have here.”
“Then you better answer all of my questions.” He grunts as his three Autobots arrive. “Ratchet, put the large on into stasis.”
“Cooperate Crumblezone.” Omega orders.
“Seaspray go back and monitor their ship. The rest of you come with me.” Optimus says as he transforms into vehicle mode followed by Omega and Concept
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Postby Concept » Thu Oct 18, 2007 6:48 pm

Motto: ""We all go home or no one goes home.""
Weapon: Concussion Blaster Gun
Chapter 2.1 – Questions and Answers

The Arc-19, Omega and Concept stand before Optimus Prime who drums his fingers on the arm of his chair. “I want answers now, starting with where you came from and your allegiance?”
Omega looks over at Concept who nods back at him. “We have not allegiance, we come from a time in the far future where Decepticons and Autobots no longer exist, a place of peace.”
“Then who are these Rebelcons”
“Rouge Transformers who fight against the unity of our peace.” Omega nods at Concept, the little robot activating a holo video of their time with the Planet Cluster. “This is Cybertron in our future, one that exists from many different pasts of our Transformer heritage. The two smaller planets are our science and prison planets…”
“Prison Planet?” Prowl says getting a quick look from Optimus.
“Yes, it is where the rouge Transformers go who fight our peace, a place where they can live out the rest of their lives.”
“That doesn’t explain why they came here and why you were pursuing them.”
“We do not know why they were trying to come back to this time but we must bring them back. If we do not our future may be destroyed.”

Decepticon Headquarters, medical bay. The Rebelcons frantically work on Megatron trying to repair him.
“He’s coming back online.” Rebelcon 2 says.
“Where am I, what happened?”
“You are back at base Lord Megatron.” Rebelcon 3 answers. “You were badly damaged during battle.”
“Who are you five?”
“We call ourselves Rebelcons, we do not go by traditional names any longer, they were lost centuries ago.” Rebelcon 4 explains.
“What are you doing here?”
“You have many questions Lord Megatron but you need rest.”
“No, you will answer my questions now, I can still destroy the lot of your.”
Rebelcon 4 looks at their leader Rebelcon 1.
“I will answer all of your questions.”
“Then start with why you are here.”
“We have come to stop your destruction.”
Megatron laughs nearly shutting himself down. “No one can destroy me.”
“Someone does, and it changes everything, our future is one of a forced peace, no Decepticons no Autobots, and those who oppose and fight for freedom are never seen from again.”
“Then you believe by stopping my destruction will give you the freedom you desire? You are sadly mistaken.”
“No, by stopping your destruction will continue the war that has raged on for centuries.”
“You would sacrifice peace for war?”

Optimus Prime stands in the science lab looking at a map of the stars.
“You asked to see me?” Omega says.
“Yes, I want to know who you are.”
“What do you mean?”
“I sense a familiarity about you, but I can not put my finger on it.”
“I am leader of the Transformers born from all the greatest leaders of the past.”
“How many pasts?”
“More then you can comprehend. I need you help, if the Rebelcons are successful in what they are trying to do the war may never end.”
“What makes you think they are trying to continue the war?”
“According to my history databanks in this time line is when Megatron was destroyed once and for all.”
“By who?” Optimus asks surprised.
“That was erased from history.”
Optimus stares Omega straight in his optic sensors. “I will warn you this, if you keep anything from me I will see to it that you are put into stasis permanently.”
“Understood.” Omega stares right back at Optimus with the same authority.
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Postby Concept » Mon Oct 22, 2007 3:26 pm

Motto: ""We all go home or no one goes home.""
Weapon: Concussion Blaster Gun
Chapter 2.2 - Deceptions

“Okay Concept, we’re done here, I guess.” Ratchet says having scanned over the previously damaged robot in the Arc 19 repair lab. “Your technology is far beyond anything I have seen.”
“Nothing. Thanks for looking me over Ratchet but it really wasn’t necessary.”
“Chalk it up to scientific curiosity. Mind telling me your secret?”
“Advanced nanotechnology, all higher Transformers posses it.”
“Higher Transformers?”
“In my time we have levels of higharcy, we have the workers who maintain the planets, scientists and the Higharcy that maintain peace.”
“Concept, enough.” Omega says entering the lab. “The future is something they need not know, even now our presence here is altering it. Come, we must return to our ship and repair it. Optimus is allowing Seaspray to assist us.”
Concept nods to his leading not saying another word as he follows him out.
Ratchet looks back at his screen of the scans he made. “Amazing, what is your secret.”
“I am wondering the same thing.”
“Optimus I didn’t hear you come in.”
“You’ve been staring at that screen for several nano-clicks.”
“It’s just, their design, the technology…”
“As fascinating as it is I fear there is more them then meets the eye. I have looked into Omega Prime’s and I do not like what I see looking back.”
Ratchet looks up at the Autobot leader with interest. “What do you see?”

Megatron moves his arms which are now reattached and working better then ever. “Hmm, you do good work I just may keep you around. Now tell me more about this future you come from?”
“What would you like to know?” Rebelcon 1 asks.
“I do not detect transformation configuration in you or the others.”
“That ability is only granted to high level Transformers.”
“Interesting. You have help me so I will return the favor, what do you need in order to reaquire this ability?”
“Any of the Higharcy will do, but one in particular the one called Concept.”

High above the San Fernando Valley a lone helicopter soars piloted by no one. Inside screens flicker and data rolls over them, scans of the terrain and local media.
“Earlier today…witnesses reported seeing…two space ships crash into the ocean…explosions on land…no trace…” Radio reports play.
“Sounds like my team.” A feminine voice says as the helicopter heads off to scan the oceans. “I hope my baby is alright.”

Back on the highways, Concept follows behind Omega in vehicle mode as they too head back towards their ship.
“I don’t get it sir, why couldn’t we have the Autobots help us?”
“Because this is not their fight and the longer we stay with them the more damage we do to our future. The less they know the better.”
“What about Crumblezone?”
“Optimus has assured me he will be returned once we capture the Rebelcons and head for home. He is a liability here.”
“I can control him.”
“Yes, like you did earlier?”
Concept does not respond and stays silent for the rest of the trip.
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Postby Concept » Sun Oct 28, 2007 6:23 pm

Motto: ""We all go home or no one goes home.""
Weapon: Concussion Blaster Gun
Chapter 2.3 – Round-Up

“We need to get back to our ship before it is salvaged.” Rebelcon 3 says with urgency.
Megatron laughs. “This is not Cybertron, you can not just go walking around here without alerting some attention.”
“Our cloaking devices should shield us from local eyes.” Rebelcon 2 says.
“But the High Lords will be able to detect us.” Rebelcon 4 interjects. “What do we do commander?”
The leader of the Rebel Transformers paces. “I’m sure Megatron could help us out with that?”
“What do you have in mind?”
“Some fun with our oppressors and maybe a little payback.”
“You have my interest.”

Seaspray sits out over the crash site monitoring the area with his sonar. Two blips appear on his screen with familiar signatures. “Autobot Seaspray to approaching craft, please I.D. yourself.”
“Omega Prime.”
“Voice recognition acknowledged.” The Autobot watches as his new friends arrive, their wheels turned under acting as thrusters to keep them just above the water. “There has been no activity below.”
“Then if anyone is still down there they must be in stasis.” Omega says.
“No, I just did a scan, there’s no one down there.” Concept informs.
“You scanned that deep beneath the ocean? Not even I can do that.” Seaspray says surprised.
“I’m from the future remember pal?”
“I know, I was just saying…”
“It’s okay Seaspray, just messing with you. Shall we go down and take a look around?”
“Both you go, I’ll remain up here and keep an eye on things.” Omega orders.
“The humans may find it weird that a transport is sitting out in the ocean.” Seaspray comments.
“Not to worry, I have holographic projection technology, all they will see is a vessel sitting out here, now go we don’t have much time to spare.”
Concept flips up into the air transforming into robot mode and activating his deflector shield around him as Seaspray transforms as well sinking beneath the water. Concept hangs onto his Autobot friend as Seaspray propels them deep into the ocean. Both activate their lights eluminating the depths, sea creatures scramble from the invading light and their large visitors.
“How are your shields holding up to the pressure, Concept?”
“So far so good, I think I see the ships.”
The Arc and Rebelcon aircraft come into view sitting nestled next to each other. Concept lets go of Seaspray pointing at the Rebelcon ship and at the Arc to Seaspray. The two split up to inspect both aircraft just to make sure there are no surprises.

Omega paitently waits, wishing he had gone down along with them himself. His scanners begin to blink as several objects come into view, five of them matching the Rebelcon signatures. “Damn it.” Omega quickly transforms disabling his holographic disguise, rather getting the jump on them before they figured out his façade. He fires off a few bursts surprising the Rebelcons and Decepticons.
“We’re too late they are already here.” Rebelcon 2 says.
“Then it will be much more fun, there is only one of him and several more of us.” Megatron eagerly says. “Astrotrain, Blitzwing, attack!”
The two jets follow their leaders orders rocketing forward opening fire on Omega. The Rebelcons watch with nostalgia keeping with Megatron as he leads them in.
“Concept, Seaspray, respond.”
“What’s up big guy?” Concept replies.
“I told you I don’t like you calling me that.” He grunts as his thrusts slide him across the water a little unsure over the unsteady surface, only able to huvour a few feet off regular ground. “I have a situation up here, I am under attack.”
“Hang on, we’re on our way up.”
“No…” Omega ducks returning fire at Blitzwing. “Destroy the Rebelcon ship, that is an order, I can handle them for now.”
“Roger that, following orders to destroy Rebelcon ship.”
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Postby Concept » Mon Nov 19, 2007 9:53 pm

Motto: ""We all go home or no one goes home.""
Weapon: Concussion Blaster Gun
***finally got a chance to get back into writing after year end at work.***

Chapter 2.4 – Bing Bang Boom

“DECEPTICONS DESTROY HIM!!” Megatron shouts as Astrotrain and Blitzwing transform all firing at Omega along with the Rebelcons.
Omega activates his energy shield taking the blasts with ease returning fire blasting off Blitzwings arm.
“AARRGGG!! He blew off my arm, what the hell is he?”
“Advanced technology from the future, technology I must possess.” Megatron says unloading maximum fire power with his canon. “He can’t keep this up for long.”
Omega’s shield begins to glow all of the absorbed energy channeling into his blaster sending it at the Decepticons who all scatter nearly avoiding the blast. Megatron’s optical sensors widen, intrigued by the sheer energy of the blast.
“We can’t take him Lord Megatron, he’s too powerful.”
“It’s not him we are after Astrotrain scan the area.” Megatron looks back at Rebelcon 2. “Aid Blitzwing, the rest of your stop wasting your fire power on Omega Prime fire around him.”
The Rebelcons begin to concentrate their fire power all around Omega.
“I have something, two Transformers below and two ships.”
“Excellent work Astrotrain, now go get them.” Megatron grabs Astrotrain hurling him down towards the water.
Omega fights to keep his balance his shield still protecting him from Megatron’s blasts.
“You can’t keep this up forever Omega!”
“We’ll see about that Megatron!” He spies Astrotrain plunging down into the ocean. “Heads up Concept you have company.”

Deep down on an ocean shelf floor Concept and Seaspray look up to see Astrotrain enter the water.
“He’ll be here soon.”
“I know Seaspray, I have the charges nearly set keep him busy for me.”
“Will do.” Seaspray swims upwards with incredible speed.
“You are no match for me little Autobot.”
“Wanna bet Astrotrain, I have the advantage.” Seaspray fires his lasers hitting the Decepticon. “I wouldn’t try that, yours won’t work underwater.”
Astrotrain looks at his blaster then transforms into shuttle mode propelling him forward launching his missiles. “Dodge those bubble head.”
Seaspray uses his sonar to disrupt the missiles leaving them dead in the water sinking to the bottom. The little Autobot thrusts forward slamming his fists down on Astrotrain’s nose then grabs a hold of the Decepticon using his propellers to send them downwards. “Let’s see how you like the ocean depths.”
“Get off me Autobot.” Astrotrain struggles unable to shake Seaspray

The Arc 32, new base of the Autobots.
“Ratchet, have you found anything more out about our friend here?” Optimus asks looking over Crumblezone still in stasis.
“Not much I’m afraid Prime, his intelligence may be low but his security bypasses are like nothing I’ve ever seen. The only thing I’ve found is this, but I don’t know what to make of it.”
Optimus looks at an image on screen, his optic sensors adjusting.
“It’s implanted deep in his memory nodes with security lockouts I can’t crack. I may need preceptors help on this.”
Optimus steps back. “No, leave it intact.”
“Why? What did you see Optimus?”
“Just leave it Ratchet.” The Autobot leader commands.
“What is it Jazz?”
“Omega and the others are under attack.”

Astrotrain begins to feel the pressure of the ocean as they go deeper and deeper his thrusters about to give out.
“Coming through, lets go pal.” Concept says as he bolts upwards, this whole place is about to blow.”
“Always wanted to say that.” Concept reaches out for Seaspray hand grasping it as he propels them quickly to the surface.
“What did you set the detonator for?”
“Ten seconds so about five seconds ago.”
Seaspray looks at Concept expecting him to be joking. “Then that means?”
Astrotrain transforms into robot mode looking down at the ships as the timers hit zero.
Above there is stillness to the ocean for a few seconds then a rumble as the ocean bursts forth from the pressure being released from below.
“COWABUNGA!!” Concept shouts as he and Seaspray and launched upwards.
“Let me guess, always wanted to say that too?”
“Oh yeah, but you better transform.” Concept climbs up onto Seaspray as he converts to hovercraft mode as they descend.
“Finally, this game is over.” Megatron takes aim at Seaspray firing his canon.
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Postby Concept » Wed Dec 05, 2007 8:08 pm

Motto: ""We all go home or no one goes home.""
Weapon: Concussion Blaster Gun
Chapter 2.5 – Blades of Glory

Seaspray rides the waves of the explosion with Concept on his back enjoying every minute. “UH OH!”
“What?” Concept spots Megatron’s blast heading right for them. “Oh cra…” He grunts as the blast hits him sending him spiraling off Seaspray and plunging back into the ocean.
“NO!” The Autobot looses control from the force of the blast trying to get his bearings to recover his friend.
Megatron dives for Concept leaving the others to fend for themselves.
Omega fights with the Rebelcons as well as the blast from below. “This ends now, you can not defeat me, surrender.”
“We aren’t trying to beat you Omega Prime, just keep you busy.” Rebelcon 1 smirks.
“What?” Omega listens to his internal com as Seaspray frantically requests his assistance. “No…” He releases the energy from his shield expanding it around him knocking the Rebelcons back, then charges for Megatron.
“Do we go after him?” Rebelcon 3 asks.
“No, I don’t think we’ll need to.” The Rebelcon leader says as Astrotrain bursts from below screaming in anger right in Omega’s path.
“Out of my way Decepticon, you are no match for me.”
“That I am not.” Astrotrain fires a black smoke bomb at Omega blinding him.
“Not very smart.” Omega grunts lunging threw the smoke. “Where?” He says surprised not seeing a sign of Astrotrain.
Seaspray regains control as he transforms into robot mode blasting wildly at Megatron as he flies past him. “Back off bully.”
“You are just an inept worm, Seaspray, I will not waste my time on you.” Megatron snorts as he dives below to fetch the drowning Concept.
“Then you’ll deal with me!” A helicopter shouts as it transforms. “No one hurts my bot and gets away with it.” She arms her blaster firing off spinning blades.
“Another annoyance.” Megatron grunts attempting to deflect her blades only to be mildly cut by them. “Interesting.”
“Who are you?” Seaspray asks.
“Call me Phoenix Autobot, and Concept is my boyfriend.”
“Uh?” Seaspray looks at her confused.
She looks up towards the mighty Decepticon. “Now Megatron, you have two to deal with, let’s get him short stuff.”
“Transform.” She orders, standing up on him once he does like she is riding a surf board. Seaspray speeds across the rocky water firing off a few torpedos’s to distract Megatron.
“Miserable miscreants.” Megatron mumbles dodging the missiles. He looks down as Concept continues to sink, noticing he is already repairing from the blast. “They will not stop me, his technology will be mine.”
“Hang on little Autobot.” Phoenix says as she launches herself up off of him and dives down into the ocean, firing off a barrage of dumb fire missiles.
Omega Prime surprises Megatron slamming into him with incredible force and speed, surprising both Seaspray and Phoenix. “Keep going get Concept.”
“He is mine!”
“Sorry Megatron, you’re little plan has fallen apart.”
“Has it?” The Decepticon leader smirks. “Or have you just fallen right into my trap?”
“What?” Omega looks down as Concept begins to flicker and vanish. “No…impossible.”
“NO! Where did he go?” Phoenix panics.
“It was a hologram.” Seaspray say.
“Where is he…WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH HIM!?!” Omega shouts.
Astrotrain bolts past them, Megatron grabbing a hold of his wing being pulled through the ocean water.
“NO!! If you hit them you might hurt Concept.” Seaspray interjects.
“He’s right.” Phoenix agrees. “They have him, all we can do is get him back.” She says swimming up to the surface.
Seaspray transforms into his hovercraft mode. “Grab on, I’ll take you to shore.”
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Re: TransFormers: Rebellion - FanFiction

Postby Concept » Wed Jan 02, 2008 6:00 pm

Motto: ""We all go home or no one goes home.""
Weapon: Concussion Blaster Gun
(I meant to post the last part of chapter 3 before the holidays but time got away from me.)

Chapter 2.6 – A Plan Is Forming

Optimus Prime, Ironhide and Jazz stand on the shore as the others approach, Phoenix transforms landing before Prime and kneels.
“There is no need for that, rise. I am…”
“I know who you are, you are Optimus Prime the great Autobot leader. I am Phoenix.”
“Is this the remainder of your team?” Optimus asks Omega.
“There is one more…but we can not be concerned about her at this moment.”
Seaspray transforms approaching Optimus. “Megatron has captured Concept.”
“This is not good.” He grunts. “If Megatron is able to obtain your technology…”
“I know!” Omega snaps. “The longer we are here the more it disrupts our future. We must go after Megatron and the Rebelcons, we must get Concept back.”
“We will do none of the sort.” Optimus commands. “First we must put a plan of attack together, and find out where they have taken Concept.”
“I can help with that.” Phoenix says. “I have a GPS for all Transformers, I should be able to locate Concept with ease.”
“Good, make it so, let’s return to Autobot Headquarters.” Optimus says leading the team as they all transform into vehicle mode. Seaspray boards Optimus Prime’s trailer as the others follow.

Out on a freighter several miles at sea, stolen by the Rebelcons just moments ago. Rebelcon 2 tends to Blitzwings injuries repairing his arm as the others set up cloaking devices to hide them from view.
“We will need to work quickly.” Rebelcon 3 says. “With Phoenix’s arrival she will surely be searching for Concept.”
“We will have sufficient time, Optimus Prime will not charge into battle without a plan.” Megatron informs. “Now, let’s open up our little friend here and see what wonders he has inside.”
“NO!” Rebelcon 1 grabs Megatron’s arm. “He has fail safes, we will need to bypass them first.”
Megatron breaks free of Rebel 1’s grip. “Lay a hand on me again and I will rip it from your body. Do what you must, I want this Transformers secret.”
“We must obtain the Transformation code.”
“That is of no interest to me.”
“Yes it should be, his secrets as you call them, or enhanced abilities are coded into the Transformation code.”
“Then begin immediately and we will both have what we want.”
Rebelcon 1 looks at 4 and 5 nodding to them as the three set to work.

Back at Autobot Headquarters, the Arc, Jazz and Phoenix work on location Concept, with her GPS adapted and plugged into the Arc’s systems.
“This would go much faster if I could just fly around and look.”
“Sorry, like Optimus said, you may get spotted and we can’t risk that.”
“I still think…”
“Whoa, I think I have something.”
Phoenix looks over at the screen amazed. “That didn’t take as long as I thought.”
“Alert the Prime’s we’ve found Concept.” Jazz shouts to Ratchet.

Meanwhile on the freighter Megatron paces impatiently. “It’s been over an hour now, how much longer.”
“Not long enough.” Phoenix shouts as she descends from an Autobot scout ship emitting a disruption ray that fires the Rebelcon’s cloaking devices.
“NO!” Megatron fires wildly at the ship, its shields absorbing the blasts.
Omega leaps down landing in front of Megatron. “Useless.” He grunts as Optimus follows behind him.
“What in the world?” The Autobot leader says in amazement.
The five Rebelcons begin to glow as their outer shells repair themselves taking their true form all wired into Concepts chest.
“What is this? His technology is to be mine!” Megatron says with fury.
“It…can’t be…” Optimus looks over at Omega with anger in his optical sensors.
Up in the scout ship Jazz, Nighbeat and Ironhide watch as the five reborn Rebelcons assemble.
“Oh no way…they’re…”
Down on the freighter Megatron screams with anger. “This is not possible!!”
Phoenix slips through the excitement reaching Concept and reactivates his systems. “You okay baby?” She asks as his eyes spark to life.
Optimus looks up as the Rebelcons complete their union. “You knew all along didn’t you?” He says to Omega.
“Blitzwing, Astrotrain, retreat.” Megatron says.
“YOU KNEW ALL ALONG!!” Optimus says angered now. “You knew who they were!” He points up to the towering…Superion.

(To Be Continued...)
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Re: TransFormers: Rebellion - FanFiction

Postby Concept » Tue Jan 08, 2008 9:46 pm

Motto: ""We all go home or no one goes home.""
Weapon: Concussion Blaster Gun
Chapter 3.1 – Fury

“I don’t think this is the time Optimus.” Omega grunts as the ship they are on begins to buckle from the weight of the mighty Superion. “They are not the same Aerialbots you think you know.”
“I think he’s right Optimus, this ship is breaking apart and he doesn’t look all too friendly.” Nightbeat comments.
Superion roars lifting into the air taking aim with his blaster. “The rebellion has begun Omega Prime, you will die here in the past and we will be free.”
“Autobots move!” Optimus shouts as they hurry to board the scout ship. “Open fire, distract them from firing.”
As they all flee from the ship each begins to open fire, Ironhide providing some extra coverage for Phoenix and Concept. The Decepticons watch from their retreat finding the events very interesting.
“I think we fled too soon.” Megatron says. “Let us rejoin the fight.”
“Uh oh.” Jazz points up to the approaching Decepticons. “Looks like we have more trouble.”
“Does this scout ship have weapons?” Omega asks Optimus.
“Limited but yes, though I do not know if I want you at the canons.”
“It’s either me or them, and right now Optimus I am on your side.”
“Very well then, let’s go.”
The Autobots board the ship firing at the Aerialbots and the Decepticons. Nightbeat mans the helm pulling the ship up and turning it to escape.
“The shields are barely holding.” Jazz informs Optimus.
“I have and idea, hang on tight.” Ironhide opens up a hatch and unloads on the slowly sinking ship below. His missiles hit their target, the fuel storage of the freighter causing it to explode in a fireball cutting the Decepticons off as well as the Aerialbots.
“Nice one man.” Jazz compliments.
“Just get us as far away as quickly as possible.” Optimus orders as he stares down Omega. “How is Concept?”
“He’s in repair mode and seems to be fine.” Phoenix answers. “The Aerialbots were only after his transformation code, anything else they didn’t have the time for.”
“Good. Let’s head back to base.”

Megatron looks over Superion. “So, this is who you really were the five combiner Autobots.”
“We are not Autobots, not any longer. That affiliation went the day Omega Prime came into power.”
“After my death?”
“Your permanent death, one you could never come back from. Now we have the means to see to it that it does not happen this time around.”
“And why would former Autobots care weather I live or die?”
“We have already explained that to you Megatron.” The Aerialbots disconnect into their separate forms, Silverbolt, Air Raid, Slingshot, Skydive and Firefight. “The war between Decepticons and Autobots must continue.”
“Surely others would take over as leader, there are some that would revel in the chance.” Megatron looks over at Blitzwing and Astrotrain. “Isn’t there.”
“They all failed, without you the Decepticons were more divided then ever, some saw it as a loosing battle and were reformatted as Autobots, and others surrendered and were sacrificed to create the slave planet. Those of us who revolted went underground.” Silverbolt explains.
“And how did you loose your transformation ability?”
“It was a massive weapon designed by Shockwave, it imprisoned us in our robot forms making us easier to capture. Then came the day when there were no longer designations, no more Autobots or Decepticons, just Transformers and those of us who revolted were dubbed the Rebelcons.”
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Re: TransFormers: Rebellion - FanFiction

Postby christron101 » Wed Jan 09, 2008 12:28 pm

COOOOL!!!!! I likey!!!
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Re: TransFormers: Rebellion - FanFiction

Postby Concept » Tue Jan 15, 2008 6:25 pm

Motto: ""We all go home or no one goes home.""
Weapon: Concussion Blaster Gun
Chapter 3.2 – Inquisition

Aboard the Arc, Optimus and Omega meet privately with one another in the cargo bay. Omega says not a word, he waits for Optimus to begin asking questions, which he doesn’t have long to wait.
“I want to know everything that is going on.”
“Where would you like me to start?”
“For one, why is an Autobot fighting against you and with Megatron?”
“I’ve already explained my time is different.”
“You’ve been cryptic with me from the beginning that ends NOW!” Optimus shouts. “I want straight answers from you! Starting with why Ratchet found a Decepticon symbol imbedded within Crumblezone’s memory banks?”
“He is from a time where he joined with Megatron, he was reprogrammed and now fights on our side.”
Optimus looks away placing a hand on one of the storage containers. “Our side?” He laughs. “Just because we share part of our name does not make you one of us.”
“We share more then just a Prime designation, or haven’t you figured that out yet?” Omega presses on his chest as it pops open, a gleaming light emitting from it.
Optimus looks in awe. “The Matrix of Leadership?”
“Yes, I posses it as well.”
“That does not prove anything.”
“You know it does, you’ve known it from the second your optic sensors scanned me.”
“We are one in the same Optimus Prime, I am you, part of you.”
“It can’t be.” Optimus looks down at his hands.
“I can. I may not call myself Optimus anymore but I am you. During a battle with the Decepticons defending Omega Supreme you were badly damaged, you seeked out his aid and he gave it to you. During the battle Omega had also been severly damaged, you knew for either one of you to survive you must merge, and so you did. All of Omega’s knowledge and power was now yours and you used it to defeat the Decepticons and lay waste to their war.”
Optimus slams his fist into the storage container leaving an imprint. “That is not possible, I value all life be it Autobot or Decepticon. I would never enslave my race.”
“Oh but you will Optimus Prime, once you have done what needs to be done and destroy Megatron everything will unfold as it is meant to.”
“Then I will not destroy Megatron.”
“You will you won’t have a choice.” Omega looms over Optimus. “Fate has ordained it.”
“NO!” Optimus swings his arm around slamming Omega into the wall.
“See, the rage is already there Optimus, you can’t deny it.”
“Leave now get off my ship, before I do something I will regret.”
“As you wish Optimus, but this is not over.” Omega gets up glaring at Optimus.

Astrotrain approaches Megatron as the Decepticon leader watches the Aerialbots transform in and out of their different configurations. “Can they be trusted?”
“No more than any of you can.”
“But they are Autobots, once an Autobot always an Autbot.”
“No so true, they are from a different time where right and wrong have been blurred. These Aerialbots came here to stop me from being destroyed, so to me I can trust them more then I can trust my own Decepticons. At least with them I won’t have to watch my back.” Megatron walks past Astrotrain staring him down.
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Re: TransFormers: Rebellion - FanFiction

Postby christron101 » Mon Jan 21, 2008 1:15 pm

MORE MORE I WANT MORE!!! Pretty please?
Do not read this.
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ha ha, read this.
Damn you! :BOOM:
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Re: TransFormers: Rebellion - FanFiction

Postby Concept » Mon Jan 21, 2008 7:30 pm

Motto: ""We all go home or no one goes home.""
Weapon: Concussion Blaster Gun
Chapter 3.3 – Tangled Webs.

Omega and Concept make their way down the highways with no real direction, Phoenix overhead. Optimus having just exiled them from the Arc after Omega revealed his destiny to him.
“So, boss bot what do we do now?”
“We let history unfold Concept.”
“What about the Rebelcons?” Phoenix asks.
“We finish our mission.”
“But as the Aerialbots they will be much stronger.”
“Then we destroy them.” Omega pulls ahead of Concept asserting his command.
‘Seaspray to Concept, do you copy?’ The sports car scans the area detecting the hovercraft following along miles out in the ocean. ‘Do you read me?’
‘I read you Seaspray, are you sure you should be following us?’
‘Optimus doesn’t know, and I’m using a secure channel to talk to you. I have to know the truth’
‘I wish I could tell you friend but…’
‘You owe me Concept, what’s really going on?’
‘I’ll meet up with you later.’
‘Where? When?’
‘I’ll find you.’
“Concept, you are falling behind.” Omega grunts.
“Sorry sir.” Concept accelerates catching up to his leader. “Just admiring the scenery.”

Oregon, Decepticon Headquarters.
Silverbolt stands on the rock ledge looking out over the trees sensing a presence.
“My Decepticons think I should not trust you.”
“And what do you think?”
“I think my odds are pretty even either way.”
“Why do you put up with it?”
“It’s something you could never understand Autobot.”
“I ceased being an Autobot several cycles ago. You have more questions?”
“Yes, I want to know how my death happens.”
“I wish I could tell you, then we wouldn’t need to be here, but honestly Megatron I do not know. All data from that day went missing, anyone who knew anything either disappeared or became assimilated.”
Megatron looks the Aerialbot over. “I believe you, it would not be in your best interest to hide anything from me.”
“Believe me Megatron, we will do all that we can to stop your destruction, even if we have to sacrifice ourselves to do so.” Silverbolt pushes past Megatron heading back into the base.
The Decepticon leader smiles. “You may just do that my friend.”

Seaspray sits out in the ocean as night begins to fall, the stars making their appearance. A noise like a high speed boat approaches, the Autobot scans the watercraft. “I didn’t know you could swim.”
“I’m basically reconfigured my tires as hover jets.”
“I was joking Concept, I’ve learned you are full of surprises.”
“What do you want to know, I don’t have much time. Omega is in a stasis sleep and Phoenix is searching for our final teammate.”
“I want to know the truth, who are you?”
Concept sits silent for a bit. “If I tell you, you must give me you’re word that it stays between us.”
“You have my word.”
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Re: TransFormers: Rebellion - FanFiction

Postby Concept » Mon Jan 28, 2008 8:58 pm

Motto: ""We all go home or no one goes home.""
Weapon: Concussion Blaster Gun
Chapter 3.4 – Sleeping Dogs

“Megatron!” Skywarp alerts. “We have an unidentified Transformer approaching.”
“Weapons not charged but approaching fast.”
“Earth land vehicle, a sports car.
Skydive enters the room having overheard Skywarp. “Can you get a visual?”
“Yes.” Skywarp looks up at Megatron who nods.
Skydive’s optical sensors widen at the sight of the classic Spider sports car. “Oh no, not her.”
“Who is it?” Megatron demands.
“The widow of the Transformers, once she gets her clutches on you, you can kiss your spark goodbye.”
“Who is she?” Megatron demands again, this time anger in his voice.

Seaspray and Concept float out in the ocean silent under the moonlight.
“You haven’t said anything for five Earth minutes.”
“Sorry, I was just taking it all in. What will happen to you if your future is changed?”
“You mean if Megatron is not destroyed? Well, that depends on if we go back or not. If we stay here then we will continue to exist being a sentient being, if we go back, who knows…hang on incoming message from Phoenix…what…I’m on my way. Sorry Seaspray I have to go.”
“What’s wrong? Let me come with you.”
“You won’t be any help to us pal, I’ll talk to you later.” Concept roars off towards the shore at high speed to meet back up with his other teammates.

The Arc, Autobot headquarters.
“What is it Ratchet?”
“Crumblezone just came back online.”
“What?” Optimus and Ratchet race back to the holding cell where Nightbeat and Ironhide struggle to keep Crumblezone contained. “How did this happen, I though he was in stasis?”
“So did I but apparently he was able to bypass it.”
“Or someone else did.”
“Let…me…go!!” Crumblezone shouts throwing both Autobots aside.
“Nightbeat, Ironhide, stand down let him go. We can’t risk a battle aboard the Arc.” Optimus steps aside allowing Crumblezone to pass. He looks over at Ratchet. “Track him.”
“On it.”
“Ironhide, gather me a small crew, we’re following him.”

Megatron stands outside of the Decepticon base with the Aerialbots standing at his side. “HAULT!” He shouts at the approaching sports car.
With one fluid motion the car transforms into robot mode, long fingers ejecting from the headlights at the ends of her arms, pointing at Megatron. “Step aside, I am here for them.” She points at the five Aerialbots. “Their sparks are mine.”
“I think not, they are my allies now you will have to go through me to get them.”
“Very well then.” Blackarachnia leaps into the air hissing at Megatron dodging his energy blasts dropping down in front of him slashing her razor sharp fingers across his chest.
The Decepticon leader staggers back in pain. “Impressive.”
“Lord Megatron.” Air Raid says as the Aerialbots step between them.
“You protect him, one that would just as easily destroy you?”
“That was then, this is now. Our mission has changed.” Silverbolt replies.
“More fun for me then.” Blackarachnia screams as she charges the Aerialbots.
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Re: TransFormers: Rebellion - FanFiction

Postby Concept » Wed Feb 13, 2008 8:18 pm

Motto: ""We all go home or no one goes home.""
Weapon: Concussion Blaster Gun
Chapter 3.5 - Spider’s Bite

“We have to reach the Decepticon base now.” Phoenix says.
“I know that.” Omega grunts. “Concept, do it.”
“Right, one teleportation coming up.” He presses a red circle on his lower torso emitting a beam of light that opens a gateway; through it they can see their final teammate battling the Aerialbots.
“Arachnia…” Omega tightens his fists. “Let’s go.”
“Wait for me!” Crumblezone shouts as he approaches transforming into his robot mode.
“You escaped, how?” Phoenix comments.
“I reactivated him remotely.” Omega informs her, now let’s go.”

The Aerialbots scatter in all directions, Slingshot helping Megatron to safety as electric like webs shoot from Blackarachnia’s finger tips.
“Those are her concussion blasts, you don’t want to get caught in those.”
“Noted Slingshot, but I am not one to back down from a fight. Decepticons attack!!” Megatron orders as the hiding Decepticons emerge firing upon their attacker.
Arachnia throws up her shields absorbing most of the blast then vanishes.
“Where is she?” Astrotrain asks.
“She can turn invisible keep your wits about you.” Air Raid answers.
Thundercracker screams as he is snared in an energy web, Blackarachnia lurking over him.
“Blast her!” Megatron orders.
“No, you might hit Thundercracker.”
“Acceptable losses Silverbolt.”
“What? No…” The Decepticon leader changes the direction of his blast towards Omega Prime as the Cybertronian transport transforms into robot mode. The others follow in behind firing upon the Aerialbots and Decepticons.
“You’re coming back with us honey.” Phoenix says as she attacks Air Raid.
“No way, you won’t put us in the prison planet or extinguish our sparks.”
Blackarachnia scraps her fingers over Thundercracker’s chest plates. “Can you feel it, the coldness?”
“What are you?”
“I am a spark extractor, I feed on them.” She says as she plunges her fingers into his chest.
“AARRRGGGHHHH!!!!!!” The Decepticon screams out in pain feeling his life force being drained from him.
“NO!!” Astrotrain transforms into his shuttle mode.
“Arachnia…don’t…” Concept gasps.
Astrotrain casts his shadow over Blackarachnia transforming back into robot mode. “What have you done?” He says looking down at a lifeless Thundercracker. “No…”
“His spark is now mine, as will be yours.”
“ARACHNIA NO!!” Concept shouts distracting her long enough for Astrotrain to land a hit on her knocking her down from the mountain side and crashing down to the battlefield.

“This ends here and now Megatron.” Omega grunts slamming his fist into the Decepticons chest.
“Yes it will, but not the way you planned.”
“You can’t change history Megatron, you are destined to die here, and so you will either by my hand or by his…” Omega backhands Megatron spinning his head around to face the approaching Autobots lead by Optimus Prime.
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Re: TransFormers: Rebellion - FanFiction

Postby Concept » Wed Feb 20, 2008 8:59 pm

Motto: ""We all go home or no one goes home.""
Weapon: Concussion Blaster Gun
Chapter 3.6 – Picking a Side

“Autobots, transform.” Optimus Prime orders. “Omega and Megatron are mine.” The Autobot leader charges towards his adversaries, blasting at Megatron and grabbing hold of Omega tossing him aside. “This is over.”
“No Optimus, it has only begun and now that you are here history will unfold as it should.”
“I know more then you think I do, I will not destroy Megatron, Omega.”
“You won’t have a choice.”
“Yes I do.”
“You always think that, but you know deep within your spark that you don’t. I should know I am you after all.”
“What?” Megatron snaps.
“Your logic is flawed Omega Prime, there is one important player of your game that is not here.”
“So you think. I sent out an urgent distress call to him before we arrived.”
A large shadow looms over the battle field as the might Omega Supreme lands. “I received your distress call Optimus, I am here to help.”
Omega Prime looks over at Megatron focusing on him.
‘You have him now…he’s at your mercy…distracted…kill Optimus Prime…’ Megatron’s voice seems to echo in his head. “Yes…” The Decepticon leader takes aim. ‘Do it…’ The voice urges. ‘Take him out here and now…once and for all…’

Concept looks over picking up a strange frequency tuning into it, hearing Megatron’s voice, but not coming from him. “Phoenix, keep me covered.”
“Gotcha babe.” The female Transformer says keeping Decepticon and Aerialbots off of him. “I could use a hand here Arachnia.”
“Fend for yourself.” She grunts fighting off an angered Astrotrain.
“I’ve gotcha covered.” Seaspray says as he transforms. “I may not be much of a fighter…”
“Any help is good just open fire and let Concept do whatever it is he needs to do.”
The Autobots notice Seaspray helping their future counter parts and join in leaving the other four to their own drama.
Concept closes his visual receptors and focuses on the other wave links around him. An image begins to for…a spark…Omega’s.
“Things are getting pretty hairy here.” Ironhide comments.
“Just keep shooting.” Prowl adds.
“I’m confused Prowl, who are we fighting?” Nightbeat asks.
“Whoever tries to shoot at us, Concept or Optimus.”
“Sounds good to me.”
“Hot Rod, Wheeljack, Jazz, you three go on the offensive, try to ground those Aerialbots.”
“I feel funny about doing that Prowl.” Jazz replies.
“Just clip their wings.”
The Autobots, Decepticon's, and Aerialbots battle against each other, one by one the Aerialbots are brought down by the teamwork of the Autobots, of whom they were once a part of.
Concept focuses on the extra Megatron voice zeroing in on its origin, he can see all four sparks of the key players in what might be the future unfolding. He pinpoints the extra voice, astonished at its origin. Concept pushes himself harder focusing on that one spark seeing three in one…Optimus…Omega…and…
“By Primus NO!”
“Concept what is it what’s wrong?” Prowl asks.
“Omega Prime, he’s Optimus…”
“Yeah that much we know, big boss and Supreme merged…”
“Yes but not just with each other…there is another…spark”
“What do you mean, who else is in there?”
Concept looks up at Prowl with fear in his sentient eyes. “Megatron.”
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Re: TransFormers: Rebellion - FanFiction

Postby Concept » Wed Mar 05, 2008 8:52 pm

Motto: ""We all go home or no one goes home.""
Weapon: Concussion Blaster Gun
Chapter 4.1 – End Game – The Beast Within

‘DO IT!!’ The voice booms in Megatron’s head.
‘Who are you?’ The might Decepticon press his canon into Optimus as Omega Supreme charges at him.
‘I’m you Megatron, I am what you always wanted, do it and all will be yours.’
“Megatron…don’t do this…” Optimus says struggling underneath him. “You are playing right into their hands.”
“Silence Prime, I have waited a long time for this day. You will be destroyed by my hands.” Megatron flips back transforming into gun mode and landing in Omega Primes hands. “Or should I say our hands. Am I not right Omega?”
“What?” Optimus says shocked.

“Please tell me you are joking, Concept.”
“No Prowl I’m not. Megatron must have somehow fused himself with Optimus Prime and Omega Supreme during their last battle.”
“That explains a lot about your future then.” Seaspray adds. “And why none of use exists.”
“I never thought of that.” Prowl comments, blasting at the Decepticons. “What happened to us all Concept?”
“I can’t tell you that.”
“We’re already involved enough, we already know things we shouldn’t, and you might as well tell us because your future is not going to happen now.” Prowl grunts.
“Fine, none of you exist in my future because you are all dead.”

Hotrod bursts into the air grabbing hold of Silverbolt. “Yee haw.”
“Get off me Autobot.”
“No way pal, I’m grounding you.”
“You don’t understand…”
“I understand enough.”
“Hotrod, come in.” Prowl’s voice cracks over his com link.
“Kinda busy here.”
“Situations changed, we’re going to need the Aerialbots help.”
“Come again?” Hotrod notices the change in Silverbolt, no longer fighting him but listening in.
“We have to stop the boss bots, with everything we’ve got including the Aerialbots.”
“You won’t have a fight from us on that, its what we came here for.” Silverbolt says.
“You hear that Prowl?”
“Yes I did, thank you Silverbolt. Now, here’s what we’re going to do…”

Optimus halts Omega Supreme. “What are you talking about Megatron?”
The Decepticon leader transforms back into robot mode. “You haven’t figured it out yet. Come Prime I figured you smarter then that. When I heard the voice in my head I finally realized it all.”
Omega Prime shakes holding the weapon of destruction and creation.
“I do not die this day or any day Optimus Prime, I ascend to a higher plane and finally achieve all that I have been working for, and I have you to thank for it. Without your guise I would never have been able to do it. The decimation of the Autobots, the enslavement of all that oppose me, and the greatest triumph of all, watching you do it for me.”
“You are insane Megatron, I would have never allowed that.”
“Why don’t you tell him Omega Prime, tell him who you really are, not only do you carry their sparks but mine as well.” Megatron laughs. “So as you see Prime, his future, our future, the one you so hate to see unfold is all because of you.”
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Re: TransFormers: Rebellion - FanFiction

Postby Concept » Tue Mar 18, 2008 5:02 pm

Motto: ""We all go home or no one goes home.""
Weapon: Concussion Blaster Gun
Chapter 4.2 – End Game - Anger Management

“YOU LIE!!” Optimus charges at Megatron grabbing hold of him by the throat.
“That’s it, let your rage fill you, do what you know must be done. Let us all become one and unite our factions as they should be.” The Decepticon leader taunts.
“NEVER! I will crush you here and now and send your spark into the sun.”
A blast hits Optimus in the shoulder knocking him away from Megatron.
“I can’t let you do that, not this way.” Omega Prime says.
“I knew you couldn’t be trusted.”
“I am truly sorry about this Optimus.” Omega taps an activation button on his arm and waits.

“Aerialbots form on me.” Silverbolt orders.
“Just keep to the plan we can’t let the situation get out of control…” Prowl says as Crumblezone and Blackarachnia head for Omega Supreme. “What in the blazes? Concept, report.”
“Scanning them now…oh no…their safeguards have been disabled, they have reverted back to their original programming.”
“Which is?”
“They’re Decepticons.”
“Oh man you come from one messed up future.” Ironhide comments.
“I’m starting to believe that more and more.”
“So now what?” Hotrod asks Prowl.
“We stick to the plan, we keep Optimus from merging with Supreme and him from destroying Megatron. We’re about to change the future.”
Phoenix looks over her shoulder at Concept who just nods.

The Decepticons watch as the Autobots and Aerialbots charge Megatron.
“Stop the Autobots!” Skywarp shouts.
“Incoming!” Hotrod fires at the charging Decepticons.
“We’ll take care of them.” Slingshot says leading the Aerialbots into battle.
“So you’ve turned on us now, typical Autobots.” Astrotrain fires at Air Raid who dodges them and transforms into his robot mode. “You will die with the rest.”
“Sorry but we still have a lot of living to do and we’re still continuing our objective.” Air Raid slams into Astrotrain. “Just on the right side now.”
Silverbolt transforms as he fly’s over Blitzwing grabbing a hold of the Decepticon and flings him opening fire. “I’ve been waiting to do that.”
“Lousy Autobot.” Blitzwing cries. “I will destroy you for that.” He says transforming as he hits the ground. “I will rip you limb from limb.”
“Try it.” Silverbolt smirks.

“Hotrod, Ironhide, you two stop Crumblezone you know what to do. Wheeljack, Nightbeat, you two take Arachnia.” Prowl says.
“Gotchya.” Hotrod says transforming into vehicle mode followed by Ironhide speeding towards the large Transformer. “This is gonna hurt…” Hotrod slams into Crumblezone knocking him to the ground.
Ironhide transforms pointing his blaster at Crumblezone’s head. “Sorry about this but I was told it’s the only way to stop you.”
“But…me am on your side.”
“Yeah right, tell me another one Decepticon.”
“Megatron will live, you all will die.”
“We’re rewriting history, and you’re not going back to it.” Ironhide says slamming his blaster into Crumblezone’s face and pulls the trigger.
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Re: TransFormers: Rebellion - FanFiction

Postby Concept » Wed Mar 26, 2008 3:36 pm

Motto: ""We all go home or no one goes home.""
Weapon: Concussion Blaster Gun
Chapter 4.3 – End Game – In the Making

Wheeljack speeds past Blackarachnia slamming on his breaks, transforming and firing at the vintage spider auto. She skids across the ground unable to avoid the blasts and transforms screaming as she slides towards Wheeljack with her razor tipped fingers. The Autobots blasts barely slow her down as they deflect off her exterior.
“You’re spark will be mine.” She raises he arm into the air ready to plunge it into Wheeljack.
“Sorry lady, not this time.” Nighbeat says as he transforms into robot mode behind her grabbing her arm and plunges into her chest. Arachnia screams out in pain as her spark is ripped from her body.
“Don’t touch it!” Concept shouts, ejecting a containment unit from his chest and tossing it to Nightbeat. “Put it into that.”
“Gotchya.” Nightbeat opens the containment unit as it draws Arachnia’s spark in.
“Look it that.” Wheeljack comments as the female Transformers sparkless shell drops to the ground. Inside of her chest is another spark, one that is not powering hers. “Concept, there is another spark.”
“That must belong to Thundercracker, she hadn’t consumed it yet and merged it with her own. We’ll be able to restore him.” Concept relays.
“Do we have to?”

Prowl floors his accelerator speeding towards Omega, transforming and leaps for the Transformer who quickly catches him and throws him into the ground.
“Lousy Autobot, don’t you see I’m trying to bring this war to an end?”
“An end that I know now, can not happen.” Concept says transforming and pointing his blaster at his former leader.
“You will betray me? After all I have done for our time.”
“You have enslaved our race, and those who oppose you, you have destroyed. This does not embody the ways of the Autobots or Optimus Prime. You have only brought shame to our race.”
“You dare!?! I will feed your spark to the void.”

Optimus Prime hurls Megatron up into the air and towards Omega Supreme who catches the Decepticon leader slamming him into the ground. “If I were you Megatron I’d stay down.”
“Prime don’t walk away from me! You know he is right, we must merge our sparks and become one to bring peace to our race.”
Optimus turns and kneels down to Megatron ripping his blaster from his arm. “No, we would only bring slavery and destruction and I will not let that happen.”
Megatron grimaces looking down at his arm. “You have already shown the brutality it takes to do what needs to be done. We are not so different you and I, brother.”
“Yes I have been pushed, but I have also been reminded of what it means to be an Autobot, and to lead my kind to a peaceful future. That, and that alone is what still makes us different today Megatron. I will not allow this horrid future to happen, ever.
“It will come to fruition Optimus, I have the knowledge to bring it about. I have seen the future and it is as it should be. It ends with us locked forever in an endless struggle.” Megatron laughs.
Optimus looks up at Omega Supreme. “He’s right, he does know too much. I want him in stasis.”
“Yes Optimus.” Omega looks down at Megatron pinned beneath his large hand.
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Re: TransFormers: Rebellion - FanFiction

Postby Concept » Sun Apr 06, 2008 5:23 pm

Motto: ""We all go home or no one goes home.""
Weapon: Concussion Blaster Gun
Chapter 4.4 – End Game – Sins of the Future

The Aerialbots continue their assault on the Decepticons, pressing on with everything they’ve got, having nothing to lose. They fight to win and change their future, they work together as one. Slingshot tosses Air Raid to give him more momentum passing Astrotrain and shooting him in the back as Slingshot punches him in the face.
“You fight dirty Aerialbots…you are more like us then you want to admit.”
“I admit nothing except I fight to save my future.” Slingshot says as he ejects a spiked rod from his arm and slams it into Astrotrain sending enough volts through the Decepticon to knock him out. Astrotrain’s eyes go dark as she plummets to the ground.
“One down.” Air Raid comments.
“We have to knock them all out.”
“Piece of cake.” Air Raid transforms and rockets towards Blitzwing.

“It’s over Omega Prime, you have lost.” Optimus says as he approaches.
“Not yet I haven’t. It doesn’t matter if it happens now or years from now.”
“He’s right.” Concept comments. “My historical database and Megatron’s death do not coincide with the present time.”
“You were only trying to accelerate your existence, why?”
“Because the Rebelcons came back to this time, and by doing so already altered the future.”
“You mean the Aerialbots.”
Omega Prime laughs at Concept’s correction. “They are still outlaws in our time. Rouge Transformers that must be brought to justice.”
“No, not anymore. I won’t let you.”
“You are under my charge, you will do as I command.”
“No, no I am not.” Concepts front plate begins to morph as his nanobots construct an Autobot symbol on his chest. “I have chosen my side.”
“You will pay for this treachery.”
“Incoming!” Prowl shouts as a few of the Decepticons break through.
Omega Prime takes the opportunity of the distraction to attack Concept. “I will rip out your spark.”
“NO!” Seaspray steps into Omega Prime’s path taking the full brunt of the Transformer sending him crashing into the ground.
“Lousy Autobot.” Omega grunts slamming his foot into Seaspray’s chest. The sound of metal scrapping on metal resonates in Concepts audio receptors.
Optimus looks back in horror as he knocks away a charging Soundwave. Prowl covers him blasting at Ravage, who nearly bites down on Optimus’s leg.
“Go, I’ll cover you.”
“Thank you Prowl.” Optimus chases after Omega Prime who now looms over Concept with his blaster pointed at his newly formed Autobot symbol.
“First I will remove this pitiful forgotten emblem, then I will rip you into so many pieces you will not be able to repair yourself.”
“Leave him alone!” A blade slices through Omega’s blaster.
“What?” The Transformer looks over at Phoenix. “So, you betray me as well?”
“I side with my love.”
“Then you will die wh…..” Omega is sent flying as Optimus slams into him.
“Can I trust you?” Optimus asks Phoenix.
“My spark too was once Autobot.”
“Good.” Optimus looks back at Seaspray, whom Ratchet is already to work on. “Can you help him?”
“No, but Concept can.”
Optimus looks over at the new Autobot. “He needs your help. I will take care of Omega Prime.”
“Boss bot, you don’t even have to ask, Seaspray is my friend, and I will do what I can to save him.”
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