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NEW Character Applications

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Re: NEW Character Applications

Postby Insidious » Sun Sep 30, 2012 10:48 am

Motto: "Clarity of thought before rashness of action."
Weapon: Oxidating Laser
UnidentifiedTurian wrote:Sidewinder

Allegiance: Autobots
Function: Engineer
Alternate Modes: Harrier II Jump-Jet -
Weapons: Weapons: Photon Burst Rifle - ... 4_orig.jpg
Gear Shredder - ... redder.jpg
Rocket pods x2 (each with 19 unguided rockets)
Gatling Gun (Five-barrel 25mm)
Special Abilities: - Robot mode flight ability
Height: 36ft/ 12m
Quote: “Victory... at any cost.”

Strength: 5
Intelligence: 8
Dexterity: 6
Speed: 7
Endurance: 6
Courage: 5
Firepower: 6
Accuracy: 7
Melee: 5
Tech Skill: 8
Charisma: 3

Profile: Sidewinder is an Ex-Decepticon Engineer. He was a strong believer of the Decepticon cause while he was under their command, much like Soundwave. He became very well known among his comrades for setting ploys and traps for Autobots, many of them involving setting up “false” bombs to distract them from a more carefully hidden and much more dangerous than the ploys he had set. As Megatron’s hunger for power grew more and more insatiable, Sidewinder grew tired of the madness and deserted the Decepticons. While the Autobots were reluctant to let a “former” Decepticon into their ranks, Sidewinder offered his expertise with Decepticon bombs and traps, and that seemed to be enough to form an uneasy alliance between him and the Autobots. He isn’t very social with his peers. He doesn’t speak unless spoken to, or unless he spots a smarter way to solve a problem.

Abilities: Sidewinder transforms into a Harrier II VTOL aircraft, giving him the freedom and mobility of the skies without the inconvenience of needing a strip of asphalt to land on. His aircraft form is essentially a strike package in its own; it carries a pair of rocket pods, four heat-seeking missiles, and a five barrel Gatling gun mounted to the side of the cockpit. His primary weapon is a modified burst fire rifle, accurately firing three shots in accordance. However, he can alter its firing mode into full auto, pouring more shots out a far more deadly rate at the cost of the weapons accuracy should he choose to change it. His secondary weapon being a tri-shot disk firing weapon, it is a charged firing weapon, the longer it is charged, the more shots are fired though less accurate than when it is semi-fired.

Weaknesses:Sidewinder’s primary weakness is close quarters fighting. While he can hold his own for a time, it won’t last forever and he cannot last long in a melee fight. His other great weakness is his lack of trust in others. His experience within the Decepticon ranks had left with more than one occasion where a teammate or whole squads had made an attempt on his life. Such experiences have left him distrusting of others, preferring to work on things on his own rather than have any backup.

Sample Post No… the weapon’s systems wouldn’t be able to support that kind of firepower. What if its purpose was changed entirely?

The possibilities made Sidewinder’s mind race. Before him lay the worn out exterior of a cybertronian combat drone, one that he had found among the old ruins of Iacon. Amazingly, the drone was not only intact, but its core systems remained fully functional as well. The possibilities excited Sidewinder in measures he did not usually reach. He stared intently at the spherically shaped drone once more, checking the energon distribution throughout its systems.

As Sidewinder waited for his processors to complete their checkup of the drone’s core, he thought back to his days in Iacon, the memories protruding into his mind like a dark energon crystal. He was a Decepticon at the time; he was under the command of some hot-headed tank that proclaimed that his work was a waste of time, that if it were up to him, he would kill all the Autobots himself. He loathed that Con with his entire spark. Sidewinder had made sure that a stray explosive had found its way into collar before the siege of Iacon was over. As the conflict continued within the city, he paid close attention to the Autobot’s predicament, and by the end of the siege, he understood them.

The Autobots weren’t corrupting their world as Megatron had preached to their cause ever so much. No, they were defending it! They fought so valiantly in the face of destruction, knowing full well that they were likely to die to keep their ideals, morals, and freedom so that their colleagues would never see their homeworld fall under the tyranny of Megatron. He finally understood what being an Autobot was during that time. It was something he wanted to be a part of, no matter what the Decepticons had to offer him.

Sidewinder caught himself shaking his head, forcing himself back into the present so that he may finish his task. The bright beams of the headlamp above him shining upon his pale blue and grey hexagons that aligned themselves in a pattern over his exterior shell, they gave him a more distinct look in his opinion. Finally, an idea collided with him like it was Trypticon himself. He gave the data analysis on the display above the table a quick glance as he returned to the drone. Sidewinder began taking apart the hull of the drone whilst he finalized its new purpose in his head.

Defense… a shield… How should it direct itself?..

Hmm, first off--sample post was really solid. Nice reading. The fact that he's a turncoat combined with his low charisma stat and the history you provided is going to make this character pretty hard to get in the mix, just know that going in.

Looks like you applied the Autobot stat penalty for robot flight mode, good job there. All in all, looks like a pretty sound fanmade character. We'll call him approved. Rank 3 (being a traitor and all, combined with his other charming personality attributes, doesn't make him exactly primed to climb the political ladder--at this point).

You can start him on the Ark-22 thread.
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Re: NEW Character Applications

Postby Ramshot » Fri Oct 05, 2012 6:40 am

Motto: "One moment is all I need."
Weapon: Railgun
Devastron didn't approve of the backstory, so I'm re-writing it.


Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Sniper/Assassin
Alternate Modes:
Weapons: Heavy 152mm Railgun/Artillery cannon
Null ray laser pistol (Disguised as an NSVT heavy machine gun)
A pair of Energon daggers (His signature weapons back when he was a Hitman)
Special Abilities: His body is covered with a special radiation-absorbing paint not too dissimilar to the kind used in modern day stealth fighters, making him hard to detect using radar or other non-visual means. Through a nasty head injury from a botched Hit and an equally screwed up surgical procedure to save his life by a back-alley doctor, Ramshot's nervous system has been deadened; giving him significant resistance to pain. But sadly, also suppressing his emotions and sense of touch. Not that it matters to him.
Height: 30ft/ 10m (If you count his railgun as part of him, then he's 40 ft tall)
Quote: “One moment is all I need.”

Strength: 6
Intelligence: 4
Dexterity: 6
Speed: 2
Endurance: 6
Courage: 9
Firepower: 5
Accuracy: 7
Melee: 8
Tech Skill: 3
Charisma: 2

Profile: You would not be mistaken when you think of Ramshot as a creepy loner at first glance, This morose and introverted soldier spends most of his time staring into nothing while emanating an aura of unease and gloom that makes Dead End of all bots to almost look friendly and inviting in comparison; though Dead End is genuinely depressed, Ramshot is not. For what he sees in his thousand-yard stares are not horrors or nightmares, but rather his greatest achievements and fondest memories... All of which involve brutal violence and death. Despite not wanting or caring to share the true nature of his hobby, those that fought with Ramshot always speak fondly of his psychotically calm and frosty attitude under even the most intense of firefights as well as his incredible proficiency at dismembering Autobots from both miles away and at melee combat. But many Decepticons still find him to be disturbing and would only socially interact with him if they lost a bet, not at all helped by the fact that he had his faceplate modified to make it look like the Decepticon insignia as a show of loyalty to both Megatron and the cause he champions.

A dirt-eating miner from the city-state of Vos, Ramshot had little to be happy about his lot in life, from the back-breaking labor to the abusive overseers; but during a particularly violent and large riot, he managed to somehow escape the mine that had been his prison ever since his activation and into the crime-ridden slums of Vos. But being a miner with little to no experience in anything other than breaking things, as well as being a runaway slave with a price for his smouldering chassis; life actually became much harder for Ramshot, forcing him to become a ruthless and violent mugger/murderer just to make ends meet. One fateful day however, Ramshot murdered the wrong cybertronian; specifically a hitman of an organized crime ring; who had intoxicated himself on some tainted energon to the point that the inexperienced but vicious mugger was able to snuff his spark; otherwise, Ramshot would have been killed in a matter of seconds. The syndicate's retribution was swift and after being beaten to near death, they gave him a choice: Work for them or be thrown into a pit full of Scraplets. Ramshot chose the marginally less deadly option of becoming a hitman, but against his bosses' and his own expectations; the ex-slave was actually much better than the bot he replaced, eventually culminating in his Magnum Opus: The successful assassination of Vos' police chief with the use of his now-signature Railgun. Said chief had been cracking down on the syndicate's activities because they weren't willing to give him a cut of their profits... Afterwards, The new police chief took it upon himself to bring the ones responsible for his predecessor's demise to justice. Unfortunately for the syndicate, the new guy kept his word; resulting in it's dissolution and the imprisonment of the members who were lucky enough to survive the sting operation, Ramshot included. His stay in prison wasn't for very long as the Decepticon uprising soon came to Vos and he was subsequently broken out of jail by armed slaves. After being put to speed regarding the current situation, he was then led outside to find the city under Decepticon control. And right on time to bear witness to Vos' ruling class, the ones responsible for the reason why bots like Ramshot ended up being dealt with such a miserable existence; get torn apart by an angry mob of slaves and criminals amidst a booming and passionate speech by the so-called Decepticon leader. Won over by "Megatron's" speech and promises of a Cybertron where there will be no more bots like him, Ramshot has since then been one of the Decepticon's most fanatical, rabid and fiercest supporters.

Abilities: In vehicle form, Ramshot can travel 500 kilometers at a speed of 60km/h. Because of his alt form's autoloader, the rate of fire of his railgun doubles in vehicle mode, though he is unable to use it at full power in this form due to the incredible recoil. Speaking of the railgun, it fires "darts" of superdense metal at massively hypersonic speeds every 15 seconds or the standard-issue high-explosive shells that came with his altmode, though he has to turn down the power to his weapon whenever he has to fire the shells as they can't withstand the friction of being sent out of a barrel at velocities many, many times the speed of sound without prematurely detonating or deforming and being rendered unable to explode. He has very, very powerful sight that brings out the full potential of his railgun, giving him the ability to snipe anything wearing the Autobot insignia from 15 miles away.

Weaknesses: Ramshot has no major physical weaknesses in either form. The incredibly low rate-of-fire of his two ranged weapons gives him trouble when facing multiple foes at once and their danger level drops considerably when any lucky Autobot closes the distance and fights at mid-to-close range. His deadened sense of pain, while very intimidating; is actually detrimental to his survival as it causes him to ignore serious injuries in favor of standing his ground until he is literally physically incapable of fighting, forcing him to stay in the infirmary for much longer periods of time than his fellow Decepticons... Should they be nice enough to drag him to safety that is.

Sample post
Amidst the scorching sun and scrublands of the Mojave desert, a lone Self-propelled artillery of Russian make and design rolls through the smouldering soil at top speed as if it's crew's life depended on it. The part about lives being in risk was true... From a certain point of view, and the crew... Well... It had no crew, something made evident when it came to a stop on the peak of a rocky foothill overlooking a highway and then suddenly began to transform into a humanoid robot; such a radical shift in the vehicle's structure would have crushed and ground up anyone inside the thing and the lack of red, juicy paste dripping from the machine's joints is proof to the fact that it was indeed unmanned. The machine then puts a finger onto where it's ear, just like how a one would operate an earpiece and speaks in a low, rugged tone.

"I am in position."

"Copy Ramshot, the target's ETA is two kliks, over."


"Ramshot" removes his finger from his ear and then gets into prone position in order to properly stabilize himself for both the best possible aim and the massive recoil of the Railgun behind his right shoulder, which then telescoped out; exposing the massive weapon's handgrip, trigger and holographic targeting reticle. After he had prepared it's weapon, Ramshot waited, his body was so stiff and still; one could mistake the robot for a very complex statue. Two minutes passed until a sports car of European make raced into the empty highway, and emblazoned on it's bonnet is a highly stylized insignia of a robot's face; The sight caused the robotic sniper to finally move, but even then; the motions were incredibly difficult to notice, as they were only the narrowing of the machine's deep crimson optical sensors and a twitch of it's trigger finger.


Waiting for a few more moments for the car to reach the stretch of road his reticle was locked on, Ramshot squeezes the trigger causing his body to dig into the dry earth and slide several inches backwards from the Railgun's monstrous recoil, if it wasn't for the fact that Ramshot was very used to the weapon's operation; Ramshot's shoulder would have hurt to the point that he would be unable to follow up with a second shot, fortunately for him; he didn't need to do so as he struck true and managed to blast the car clean in half, which he proceeded to report to the entity through the earpiece.

"Target is down."

"We confirmed the kill. Proceed to retrieve the package, over."


Without a word, the Robot stood up from prone position in order to transform back into a self-propelled gun and rolled towards the highway... Which was at least 5 miles from the foothill.

I certainly hope that was good enough for you guys...
Last edited by Ramshot on Tue Oct 09, 2012 10:58 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Skill: 10

Re: NEW Character Applications

Postby Capsize » Fri Oct 05, 2012 4:40 pm

Motto: "Sink into oblivion!"
Weapon: High-Impact Laser Blasters

Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Battlefield coordinator
Alternate Modes: Cyclone class Patrol Boat
Weapons: Long-rang Shoulder mounted laser cannons, depth charges, torpedoes, Thermo-edged anchor flail
Special Abilities: Radar/Sonar
Height: 32ft/ 9.75m
Quote: “You have fought well. Surrender, and I will see to it you are given a proper Decepticon education. Resist, and I’ll reduce you to slag.”

Strength: 7
Intelligence: 8
Dexterity: 4
Speed: 3
Endurance: 8
Firepower: 8
Accuracy: 7
Melee: 6
Tech Skill: 5
Charisma: 5

Appearance: A very bulky Decepticon, the hull of his alternate mode makes up the majority of his body, acting as armoured plates. His colouration is black with indigo highlights, while his eyes form a single red visor. His mouth is little more than a faceplate.

Profile: During the war on Cybertron, Capsize was known to be a ruthless hunter of Autobots, commanding a battleship and raining down fire in the name of his Lord Megatron. Despite the veneer of brutality, Capsize was also known for his tactical abilities as well as having a sense of honour. For every enemy he defeated in battle and took captive, he would give them a chance to join the Decepticons. His nautical mile long mean streak returned when they often refused, destroying their bodies and leaving the lifeless shells on display for all to see. His ship, the Intruder, was often covered in corpses.

When Cybertron was abandoned, Capsize took his ship offworld and followed Megatron to Earth, only for a system failure after millennia of battle to finally catch up to him. The ship was forced to self-destruct, leaving Capsize to flee in the only escape pod. Landing in the middle of the Pacific Ocean and badly damaged, Capsize remained still, evaluating the local vessels used by humans until he was able to reformat his body into that of an American Navy ship. Using his escape pod as extra parts, Capsize rebuilt himself into a Cyclone class patrol boat. With the battles between the Decepticons and the Autobots continuing to be waged, Capsize saw this as an excellent opportunity to return to Megatron’s service.

Abilities: As expected from a ship captain, Capsize is outfitted with many radar and sonar advancements that allow him to have complete overview of the battlefield. As a naval transformer, he can also traverse the ocean depths with little difficulty.

Weaknesses: Due to the size of his alternate form, most of the hull of the patrol boat acts as a shell. While this acts as added armour, it also decreases his speed significantly, and leaves him a very wide target. His patrol boat form is also completely immobile on land, acting more as a weapons platform than anything else. Capsize is also a slave to his own hubris, where even the slightest distraction is a challenge to his might and intelligence that must be dealt with post haste.

Sample Roleplay:

Capsize was not a warrior, in the strictest sense of the term. He was a hunter, and he longed for the thrill of tracking down his prey just as much as the actual battle. As a hunter, he learned patience and learned to trust his senses. His chosen foe would come within range soon enough.

Each ping of his sonar was music to his ears. Capsize enjoyed the anticipation of the hunt, and with every noise his advanced scanners made, it made him jump in delight. A single dot far to the northeast pinged back, the soundwaves of his sonar reflecting that he was not alone in the pacific.

At least, he was no longer the only Cybertronian on the waves now. Especially pleasing was that this simple dot was emitting the much anticipated signal of the Autobots.

His foe sighted and confirmed, Capsize changed course on a new bearing, his mighty steel bow tearing through the waves while bringing his guns online. The Autobot stayed in the same general location, which was appreciated by Capsize. It made the hunt all the more exciting while the sonar continued to ping, and the little red dot inched closer and closer to the central crosshairs.

Once visuals were confirmed, Capsize seized the opportunity of surprise. His two main guns powered up, the hum of energon flowing through him towards his powerful long-range laser cannons a wondrous sound to hear. They swiveled towards the motorboat hiding an Autobot, locking on target.

The guns came to life, the whine of powering laser cannons the first telltale of the incoming barrage. Blue Wave let out a yelp as the first hit from the laser cannons struck his broadside, sending the small motorboat skidding across the ocean.

The Autobot’s shock was answered as the patrol boat crashed through the ocean, ignoring the force of the ocean as it barreled towards Blue Wave. Face to face with the patrol boats large guns, Blue Wave did the only thing he could think of.

He transformed into his robot mode, sinking into the depths of the ocean, right before the large cannons to fire point blank. Sighing in relief, the Autobot slipped deeper and deeper into the deep. His plan was a simple one; become lost beneath the waves and then make his way back to base.

The sound of grinding servos alerted him that was soon no longer alone. The patrol boat shifted, its hull become a large carapace to a very broad and very well armed Decepticon. Only the red visor of Capsize could be seen in the murky deeps.

“The hunt is on, my Autobot quarry,” the Decepticon said. “I am Capsize. I give you this one opportunity to surrender, and I will see to it that you are given amnesty and admittance into our ranks. Resist, and you become a trophy I offer to my Lord Megatron.”

“Take your words to the Pit, Decepticon!” Blue Wave armed himself with his blaster rifle, speeding off on his water jets with hope that he could circle around his wide adversary. His feet landed on the ocean floor with a soft thud, the dark depths reducing visibility almost completely.

Blue Wave slowed his thrusters, unable to see in front of him and losing sight of Capsize completely. Sound was muffled as well, leaving him relatively blind and deaf. He was meant to surf the surface, not fight in the deepest reaches of the sea.

The sizzling of water on the edge of a thermo blade was something he could recognize. Blue Wave dodged the incoming heated edge of a massive anchor hurling towards just by inches, but it was enough to know the location of Capsize. He turned and fired in the direction of the anchor’s origin, grinning as he heard the familiar stings of blaster rounds impacting on Cybertronian steel.

His grin faltered as he felt the incredible pain of his own armour being ripped apart. The anchor had returned, and one of its sharp points impaled Blue Wave. The unbearable pain caused Blue Wave to scream; all the while he was being yanked away, dropping his rifle during his involuntary transit.

“How predictable. How foolish.” Capsize chuckled as he brought Blue Wave towards him. “It would seem the sea has chosen me to be its master. So long as I control the oceans, they belong to the Decepticons. To Megatron. Surrender now, my friend. Resistance will be met… harshly.”

“Get… bent… ugly son of a…”

“Again, predictable.” Capsize lowered one of his great hands over the head of Blue Wave, encasing it and muffling the Autobot’s shouts of defiance. They were quietly silenced as Capsize crushed the head of Blue Wave, snuffing his life signals utterly.

“In the name of the Decepticons and in the glory of Megatron do I claim this world’s seas as my hunting grounds. Meet your doom on the seas at your own risk, Autobots. All hail Lord Megatron.”

Capsize transformed, the chains of his anchor keeping his prize secure on the bow of his hull. The patrol boat raised itself through the ocean until it surfaced, splitting the sea before setting course for home.
Last edited by Capsize on Sat Oct 06, 2012 10:10 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: NEW Character Applications

Postby Insidious » Fri Oct 05, 2012 7:12 pm

Motto: "Clarity of thought before rashness of action."
Weapon: Oxidating Laser
Ramshot wrote:Ramshot

Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Sniper
Alternate Modes:
Weapons: Heavy 152mm Railgun/Artillery cannon
Null ray laser pistol (Disguised as an NSVT heavy machine gun)
A pair of Energon daggers (His signature weapons back when he was a gladiator, he is far deadlier with these weapons than his railgun and Null-ray)
Special Abilities: His body is covered with a special radiation-absorbing paint not too dissimilar to the kind used in modern day stealth fighters, making him hard to detect using radar or other non-visual means. Through special neural surgery he had undertaken during his gladiator days, Ramshot's nervous system has been deadened; giving him significant resistance to pain. But sadly, also suppressing his emotions and sense of touch. Not that it matters to him.
Height: 30ft/ 10m (If you count his railgun as part of him, then he's 40 ft tall)
Quote: “One moment is all I need.”

Strength: 7
Intelligence: 5
Dexterity: 8
Speed: 4
Endurance: 6
Courage: 9
Firepower: 6
Accuracy: 8
Melee: 9
Tech Skill: 5
Charisma: 3

Profile: You would not be mistaken when you think of Ramshot as a creepy loner at first glance, This morose and introverted soldier spends most of his time staring into nothing while emanating an aura of unease and gloom that makes Dead End of all bots to almost look friendly and inviting in comparison; though Dead End is genuinely depressed, Ramshot is not. For what he sees in his thousand-yard stares are not horrors or nightmares, but rather his greatest achievements and fondest memories... All of which involve brutal violence and death. Despite not wanting or caring to share the true nature of his hobby, those that fought with Ramshot always speak fondly of his psychotically calm and frosty attitude under even the most intense of firefights as well as his incredible proficiency at dismembering Autobots from both miles away and at melee combat. But many Decepticons still find him to be disturbing and would only socially interact with him if they lost a bet, not at all helped by the fact that he had his faceplate modified to make it look like the Decepticon insignia as a show of loyalty to both Megatron and the cause he champions.

A miner-turned gladiator from the city-state of Tarn, Ramshot had little to be happy about his lot in life, from the back-breaking labor to the abusive overseers; he it considered an improvement when he was sent to a gladiatorial arena to fight for his life, because at least he'll be free from such a miserable existence. But when the time came to actually fight, the miner shocked everyone, himself included; when he killed his opponent in under a minute. At that moment, Ramshot knew his true calling; battle and bloodshed. In a few megacycles, the former miner had clawed up the ranks of the arena and became the city's highest ranked gladiator, proudly bearing the scars of his many victories and rare defeats. But when the Decepticon uprising began and discreetly promised the citizens of Tarn the end of their unfair and unjust society, Ramshot and by proxy the gladiators of Tarn; initially rejected their offer, not wanting to end his way of life and also because he thinks that Megatron was just unbelievably lucky to have made it this far. Megatron didn't like the reply at all and promptly challenged Ramshot to a fight to the death outside the city gates. Ramshot fought ferociously, even managing to seriously damage Megatron's arm; but the battle's victor was obvious from the very beginning. As Ramshot lay in pieces on the ground after Megatron blasted him with his Fusion cannon, he screamed for the victor to get it over with... Only for him to have his lackeys give the defeated gladiator medical treatment. The last thing Ramshot heard before he went into stasis lock was Megatron telling him that a warrior of his caliber is simply too wasteful to kill. When he came back online, Tarn was already under Decepticon control; and right on time to see it's ruling class, the ones responsible for the reason why bots like Ramshot ended up with such a horrid existence; get torn apart by an angry mob of slaves, criminals and gladiators live on a Decepticon pirate propaganda channel. Won over by the sight, Ramshot has since then been one of the Decepticon's most fanatical, rabid and fiercest supporters.

Abilities: In vehicle form, Ramshot can travel 500 kilometers at a speed of 60km/h. Because of his alt form's autoloader, the rate of fire of his railgun doubles in vehicle mode, though he is unable to use it at full power in this form due to the incredible recoil. Speaking of the railgun, it fires "darts" of superdense metal at massively hypersonic speeds every 15 seconds or the standard-issue high-explosive shells that came with his altmode, though he has to turn down the power to his weapon whenever he has to fire the shells as they can't withstand the friction of being sent out of a barrel at velocities many, many times the speed of sound without prematurely detonating or deforming and being rendered unable to explode. He has very, very powerful sight that brings out the full potential of his railgun, giving him the ability to snipe anything wearing the Autobot insignia from 15 miles away.

Weaknesses: Ramshot has no major physical weaknesses in either form. The incredibly low rate-of-fire of his two ranged weapons gives him trouble when facing multiple foes at once and their danger level drops considerably when any lucky Autobot closes the distance and fights at mid-to-close range. His deadened sense of pain, while very intimidating; is actually detrimental to his survival as it causes him to ignore serious injuries in favor of standing his ground until he is literally physically incapable of fighting, forcing him to stay in the infirmary for much longer periods of time than his fellow Decepticons... Should they be nice enough to drag him to safety that is.

Sample post
Coming soon! Writing the profile took a lot out of me!

When you do repost, if you want to keep those special abilities as-as, let's have you apply a -7 stat penalty for stealth tech. I put it on the lower side of the penalty scale as you indicated it was "not too dissimilar" from typical stealth capabilities as well as indicating it would still be possible to detect the character in certain circumstances. As for the pain-deadening procedure, I would classify that as an atypical defensive enhancement (arguably advantageous in the offensive sense as well) and the penalty is variable there, so we'll go with -5. So you'll have 58 points to spread amongst your character.

Secondly, you will need to contact Devastron in order utilize Megatron in the bio in the manner that he was, or remove it. A character can look up to, hate, idolize or otherwise have feelings about a particular canon character, but to have actual interactions having taken place between a fanmade and a canon at any point in their history requires player approval.

Looking forward to seeing what you cook up for the sample post.
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Re: NEW Character Applications

Postby Ramshot » Sat Oct 06, 2012 4:33 am

Motto: "One moment is all I need."
Weapon: Railgun
Edited my original post.
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Re: NEW Character Applications

Postby Insidious » Sat Oct 06, 2012 8:28 am

Motto: "Clarity of thought before rashness of action."
Weapon: Oxidating Laser
Ramshot wrote:Edited my original post.

Looking solid. As for the bio bit, I need some confirmation that you've gained permission from Devastron for the usage of Megatron in the history in terms of the actual fight between them and so on or that'll need to go and you can replace it with some other nameless gladiator. There were a number of pit fighters in that time period. :D
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Re: NEW Character Applications

Postby Insidious » Sat Oct 06, 2012 8:35 am

Motto: "Clarity of thought before rashness of action."
Weapon: Oxidating Laser
Capsize wrote:Capsize

Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Battlefield coordinator
Alternate Modes: Cyclone class Patrol Boat
Weapons: Long-rang Shoulder mounted laser cannons, depth charges, torpedoes, Thermo-edged anchor flail
Special Abilities: Radar/Sonar
Height: 32ft/ 9.75m
Quote: “You have fought well. Surrender, and I will see to it you are given a proper Decepticon education. Resist, and I’ll reduce you to slag.”

Strength: 7
Intelligence: 8
Dexterity: 4
Speed: 3
Endurance: 8
Firepower: 8
Accuracy: 7
Melee: 6
Tech Skill: 5
Charisma: 6

Appearance: A very bulky Decepticon, the hull of his alternate mode makes up the majority of his body, acting as armoured plates. His colouration is black with indigo highlights, while his eyes form a single red visor. His mouth is little more than a faceplate.

Profile: During the war on Cybertron, Capsize was known to be a ruthless hunter of Autobots, commanding a battleship and raining down fire in the name of his Lord Megatron. Despite the veneer of brutality, Capsize was also known for his tactical abilities as well as having a sense of honour. For every enemy he defeated in battle and took captive, he would give them a chance to join the Decepticons. His nautical mile long mean streak returned when they often refused, destroying their bodies and leaving the lifeless shells on display for all to see. His ship, the Intruder, was often covered in corpses.

When Cybertron was abandoned, Capsize took his ship offworld and followed Megatron to Earth, only for a system failure after millennia of battle to finally catch up to him. The ship was forced to self-destruct, leaving Capsize to flee in the only escape pod. Landing in the middle of the Pacific Ocean and badly damaged, Capsize remained still, evaluating the local vessels used by humans until he was able to reformat his body into that of an American Navy ship. Using his escape pod as extra parts, Capsize rebuilt himself into a Cyclone class patrol boat. With the battles between the Decepticons and the Autobots continuing to be waged, Capsize saw this as an excellent opportunity to return to Megatron’s service.

Abilities: As expected from a ship captain, Capsize is outfitted with many radar and sonar advancements that allow him to have complete overview of the battlefield. As a naval transformer, he can also traverse the ocean depths with little difficulty.

Weaknesses: Due to the size of his alternate form, most of the hull of the patrol boat acts as a shell. While this acts as added armour, it also decreases his speed significantly, and leaves him a very wide target. His patrol boat form is also completely immobile on land, acting more as a weapons platform than anything else. Capsize is also a slave to his own hubris, where even the slightest distraction is a challenge to his might and intelligence that must be dealt with post haste.

Sample Roleplay:
Blue Wave howled in the rush that was riding the torrential seas, enjoying every minute of his “patrol” of the Pacific Ocean. The waves were just the right height and force for the young Autobot daredevil. Since he had not found any Decepticon presence on the ocean, a break was decided right there and then to pull off as many tricks as he could.
His motorboat form splashed around, twisting corkscrews and flips along the waves, that he did not pay attention to a Cyclone class patrol boat slowly make its approach. It was just another human boat on the ocean, after all.
“Hey, guys!” Blue Wave called, knowing quite well that no human craft was going to pick up his signal. “How’s the surf? Want to see something cool? Just watch!”
If Blue Wave was paying attention, he would have noticed the patrol boat slow to a crawl. If he was not busy performing tricks, he would have noticed that the ship turning its two main guns towards him. If he was not a young imbecile, he would have noticed the ship had raised its colours, and thus its intent.
The insignia of the Decepticon insignia flapping proudly in the wind.
The guns came to life, the whine of powering laser cannons the first telltale of the incoming barrage. Blue Wave let out a yelp as the first hit from the laser cannons struck his broadside, sending the small motorboat skidding across the ocean.
“What’s the big…idea…oh…” Blue Wave’s shock was answered as the patrol boat crashed through the ocean, ignoring the force of the ocean as it barreled towards Blue Wave. Face to face with the patrol boats large guns, Blue Wave did the only thing he could think of.
He transformed into his robot mode, sinking into the depths of the ocean, right before the large cannons to fire point blank. Sighing in relief, Blue Wave slipped deeper and deeper into the deep. His plan was a simple one; become lost beneath the waves and then make his way back to base.
The sound of grinding servos alerted him that was soon no longer alone. The patrol boat shifted, its hull become a large carapace to a very broad and very well armed Decepticon. Only the red visor of the Decepticon could be seen in the murky deeps.
“The hunt is on, my Autobot quarry,” the Decepticon said. “I am Capsize. I give you this one opportunity to surrender, and I will see to it that you are given amnesty and admittance into our ranks. Resist, and you become a trophy I offer to my Lord Megatron.”
“Take your words to the Pit, Decepticon!” Blue Wave armed himself with his blaster rifle, speeding off on his water jets with hope that he could circle around his wide adversary. His feet landed on the ocean floor with a soft thud, the dark depths reducing visibility almost completely.
Blue Wave slowed his thrusters, unable to see in front of him and losing sight of Capsize completely. Sound was muffled as well, leaving him relatively blind and deaf. He was meant to surf the surface, not fight in the deepest reaches of the sea.
The sizzling of water on the edge of a thermo blade was something he could recognize. Blue Wave dodged the incoming heated edge of a massive anchor hurling towards just by inches, but it was enough to know the location of Capsize. He turned and fired in the direction of the anchor’s origin, grinning as he heard the familiar stings of blaster rounds impacting on Cybertronian steel.
His grin faltered as he felt the incredible pain of his own armour being ripped apart. The anchor had returned, and one of its sharp points impaled Blue Wave. The unbearable pain caused Blue Wave to scream, all the while he was being yanked away, dropping his rifle during his involuntary transit.
“How predictable. How foolish.” Capsize chuckled as he brought Blue Wave towards him. “It would seem the sea has chosen me to be its master. So long as I control the oceans, they belong to the Decepticons. To Megatron. Surrender now, my friend. Resistance will be met… harshly.”
“Get… bent… ugly son of a…”
“Again, predictable.” Capsize lowered one of his great hands over the head of Blue Wave, encasing it and muffling the Autobot’s shouts of defiance. They were quietly silenced as Capsize crushed the head of Blue Wave, snuffing his life signals utterly.
“In the name of the Decepticons and in the glory of Megatron do I claim this world’s seas as my hunting grounds. Meet your doom on the seas at your own risk, Autobots. All hail Lord Megatron.”
Capsize transformed, the chains of his anchor keeping his prize secure on the bow of his hull. The patrol boat raised itself through the ocean until it surfaced, splitting the sea before setting course for home.

Alrighty, looks like you've started to apply the enhanced sonar/radar penalty, so good job there. Since he has both enhanced radar and sonar, you'll just need to shave off one more stat point, since the pentalty is -2 for each.

As for the sample post, I'd like to see something that is just specifically your character, Capsize. At first I thought It was a sample post for some character named Blue Wave. Now, you can have Capsize bounce a little dialogue off some other character like Blue Wave if you want, but keep the focus on Capsize as that shows us what you can do with him specifically and how that will likely translate in to in-game posts.

When you do repost, also put another line of spacing between paragraphs. Makes it easier for the reader to visually digest, especially when posts are of that length. Otherwise it's not exactly as bad as one big block of text, but it's fairly close. Tinker with that some and I'll have another looksee.
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Re: NEW Character Applications

Postby Capsize » Sat Oct 06, 2012 10:12 am

Motto: "Sink into oblivion!"
Weapon: High-Impact Laser Blasters
Edited as per recommendation.
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Re: NEW Character Applications

Postby BubbleGum:Unlimited » Sat Oct 06, 2012 10:42 am

Motto: "I'll give up, when I'm off-lined!"
Weapon: Neutron Rifle
Name: Railway
Allegiance: none
Function: Hired Assassin
Alt. Mode: none
Height: 36'/ 10.9728
Weapons: Shackle mace, mace, six hand guns, one arm canon, one sword, one shield, two daggers, shirukens and mini daggers
Special Abilities: Due to her massive collection of weapons, Railway can create new holders from her own armor by simply sticking the weapon into that specific spot of her armor.
Quote: "I only kill for pay"

Strength: 9
Intelligence: 6
Dexterity: 6
Speed: 5
Endurance: 6
Courage: 4
Fire Power: 6
Accuracy: 5
Melee: 6
Tech Skill: 3
Charisma: 4

Profile: Railway was often harassed for her height and size. She had wanted to be a simple Autobot soldier, but due to her size, she wasn't treated the same as the other Autobot trainees. Railway worked twice as hard, and strived to do her very best...sadly her very best wasn't enough. Once the war began, Railway had a friend who always stood by her, but during a battle that femme fell, and Railway left the autobot cause. Despite the Decepticons' intreging offers, Railway instead joined the UAC (Universal Assassins Core). She travels the galaxies searching for new targets. (Of course she only does this for pay)
Abilities: Do to her high level of weapons, Railway can use nearly every weapon you hand her. From a duel blade, to a Neutron Assault Rifle. She also can confuse or distract her victims by using different calls, such as a bird, or a fox. She is also very good at trickery, she is quite large, so bots expect her to make a lot of noise when running or walking; but, Railway actually make NO sound what-so-ever when walking and/or running.
Weaknesses: Railway is easily deceived. She is also easily set off. If she were to become enraged, her temper would take over, this could easily get her into a "sticky situation" so to speak. Despite her silence, Railway is obviously NOT built for stealth missions of any sorts; while she can handle them, she is too large, and could easily be spotted.
Sample Post:
Darkness, that's all there was to space in her optics. Darkness...She sat down at the command station chair that was twice her size, this ship was small. Medbay crammed into a corner of the room, her berth right next to the entrance, even her weapon stock filled most of the ship. (granted, she DID have over fifty weapons.)Railway looked through her list of targets: An alien of unknown species on an unknown planet, wonderous, that would only take sixty slagging cycles to find!
"I thought these idiots would be more...oh, I dunno... SPECIFIC!!" She sighed, who was she kidding? All these life forms were idiots. She didn't like how she thought, it was cruel and mean...but, she couldn't help it. It wasn't like she'd WANTED this job! She only joined because she wasn't accepted by the autobots. She was too big...that wasn't fair, she may not have been the same SIZE, but her spark had always been in the right place...
Her lavender optics teared up, the lights of the ship reflecting the dark Grey paint that embraced her frame. Her thigh guards lowered, the same way they always did when she was upset. Railway wasn't a cruel assassin, she honestly wasn't that good at killing others; in fact, she REFUSED any types of torcher assassinations, she just couldn't do them. She was 36 feet, she was con size, of course, she wasn't a Decepticon...She was a deep, menacing grey with a scar that cut from her helm to her mouth. Her helm was spike-ish on the sides near her face, the helm sides coressed her face in a neat manner; her build was still quite feminine, she had the striking curves, the look of a femme, so why wasn't she treated like a normal fem?? She took a deep breath and looked at her hands.
"You don't fit in..." she repeated these words everyday. "You will NEVER belong..." a tear gently slipped down her cheek, it hurt; whenever she said this, it hurt, but... She knew it was true, they'd never accept her, no one would.
"Lock on 'Earth'...I want to go there... Somewhere no one will find me..." She sat back and let the ship take control, slowly, her optics dimmed and finally closed into stasis, she wished it could have been perminant.
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Re: NEW Character Applications

Postby Insidious » Sat Oct 06, 2012 12:25 pm

Motto: "Clarity of thought before rashness of action."
Weapon: Oxidating Laser
Capsize wrote:Capsize

Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Battlefield coordinator
Alternate Modes: Cyclone class Patrol Boat
Weapons: Long-rang Shoulder mounted laser cannons, depth charges, torpedoes, Thermo-edged anchor flail
Special Abilities: Radar/Sonar
Height: 32ft/ 9.75m
Quote: “You have fought well. Surrender, and I will see to it you are given a proper Decepticon education. Resist, and I’ll reduce you to slag.”

Strength: 7
Intelligence: 8
Dexterity: 4
Speed: 3
Endurance: 8
Firepower: 8
Accuracy: 7
Melee: 6
Tech Skill: 5
Charisma: 5

Appearance: A very bulky Decepticon, the hull of his alternate mode makes up the majority of his body, acting as armoured plates. His colouration is black with indigo highlights, while his eyes form a single red visor. His mouth is little more than a faceplate.

Profile: During the war on Cybertron, Capsize was known to be a ruthless hunter of Autobots, commanding a battleship and raining down fire in the name of his Lord Megatron. Despite the veneer of brutality, Capsize was also known for his tactical abilities as well as having a sense of honour. For every enemy he defeated in battle and took captive, he would give them a chance to join the Decepticons. His nautical mile long mean streak returned when they often refused, destroying their bodies and leaving the lifeless shells on display for all to see. His ship, the Intruder, was often covered in corpses.

When Cybertron was abandoned, Capsize took his ship offworld and followed Megatron to Earth, only for a system failure after millennia of battle to finally catch up to him. The ship was forced to self-destruct, leaving Capsize to flee in the only escape pod. Landing in the middle of the Pacific Ocean and badly damaged, Capsize remained still, evaluating the local vessels used by humans until he was able to reformat his body into that of an American Navy ship. Using his escape pod as extra parts, Capsize rebuilt himself into a Cyclone class patrol boat. With the battles between the Decepticons and the Autobots continuing to be waged, Capsize saw this as an excellent opportunity to return to Megatron’s service.

Abilities: As expected from a ship captain, Capsize is outfitted with many radar and sonar advancements that allow him to have complete overview of the battlefield. As a naval transformer, he can also traverse the ocean depths with little difficulty.

Weaknesses: Due to the size of his alternate form, most of the hull of the patrol boat acts as a shell. While this acts as added armour, it also decreases his speed significantly, and leaves him a very wide target. His patrol boat form is also completely immobile on land, acting more as a weapons platform than anything else. Capsize is also a slave to his own hubris, where even the slightest distraction is a challenge to his might and intelligence that must be dealt with post haste.

Sample Roleplay:

Capsize was not a warrior, in the strictest sense of the term. He was a hunter, and he longed for the thrill of tracking down his prey just as much as the actual battle. As a hunter, he learned patience and learned to trust his senses. His chosen foe would come within range soon enough.

Each ping of his sonar was music to his ears. Capsize enjoyed the anticipation of the hunt, and with every noise his advanced scanners made, it made him jump in delight. A single dot far to the northeast pinged back, the soundwaves of his sonar reflecting that he was not alone in the pacific.

At least, he was no longer the only Cybertronian on the waves now. Especially pleasing was that this simple dot was emitting the much anticipated signal of the Autobots.

His foe sighted and confirmed, Capsize changed course on a new bearing, his mighty steel bow tearing through the waves while bringing his guns online. The Autobot stayed in the same general location, which was appreciated by Capsize. It made the hunt all the more exciting while the sonar continued to ping, and the little red dot inched closer and closer to the central crosshairs.

Once visuals were confirmed, Capsize seized the opportunity of surprise. His two main guns powered up, the hum of energon flowing through him towards his powerful long-range laser cannons a wondrous sound to hear. They swiveled towards the motorboat hiding an Autobot, locking on target.

The guns came to life, the whine of powering laser cannons the first telltale of the incoming barrage. Blue Wave let out a yelp as the first hit from the laser cannons struck his broadside, sending the small motorboat skidding across the ocean.

The Autobot’s shock was answered as the patrol boat crashed through the ocean, ignoring the force of the ocean as it barreled towards Blue Wave. Face to face with the patrol boats large guns, Blue Wave did the only thing he could think of.

He transformed into his robot mode, sinking into the depths of the ocean, right before the large cannons to fire point blank. Sighing in relief, the Autobot slipped deeper and deeper into the deep. His plan was a simple one; become lost beneath the waves and then make his way back to base.

The sound of grinding servos alerted him that was soon no longer alone. The patrol boat shifted, its hull become a large carapace to a very broad and very well armed Decepticon. Only the red visor of Capsize could be seen in the murky deeps.

“The hunt is on, my Autobot quarry,” the Decepticon said. “I am Capsize. I give you this one opportunity to surrender, and I will see to it that you are given amnesty and admittance into our ranks. Resist, and you become a trophy I offer to my Lord Megatron.”

“Take your words to the Pit, Decepticon!” Blue Wave armed himself with his blaster rifle, speeding off on his water jets with hope that he could circle around his wide adversary. His feet landed on the ocean floor with a soft thud, the dark depths reducing visibility almost completely.

Blue Wave slowed his thrusters, unable to see in front of him and losing sight of Capsize completely. Sound was muffled as well, leaving him relatively blind and deaf. He was meant to surf the surface, not fight in the deepest reaches of the sea.

The sizzling of water on the edge of a thermo blade was something he could recognize. Blue Wave dodged the incoming heated edge of a massive anchor hurling towards just by inches, but it was enough to know the location of Capsize. He turned and fired in the direction of the anchor’s origin, grinning as he heard the familiar stings of blaster rounds impacting on Cybertronian steel.

His grin faltered as he felt the incredible pain of his own armour being ripped apart. The anchor had returned, and one of its sharp points impaled Blue Wave. The unbearable pain caused Blue Wave to scream; all the while he was being yanked away, dropping his rifle during his involuntary transit.

“How predictable. How foolish.” Capsize chuckled as he brought Blue Wave towards him. “It would seem the sea has chosen me to be its master. So long as I control the oceans, they belong to the Decepticons. To Megatron. Surrender now, my friend. Resistance will be met… harshly.”

“Get… bent… ugly son of a…”

“Again, predictable.” Capsize lowered one of his great hands over the head of Blue Wave, encasing it and muffling the Autobot’s shouts of defiance. They were quietly silenced as Capsize crushed the head of Blue Wave, snuffing his life signals utterly.

“In the name of the Decepticons and in the glory of Megatron do I claim this world’s seas as my hunting grounds. Meet your doom on the seas at your own risk, Autobots. All hail Lord Megatron.”

Capsize transformed, the chains of his anchor keeping his prize secure on the bow of his hull. The patrol boat raised itself through the ocean until it surfaced, splitting the sea before setting course for home.

Looks much better. Alrighty, we'll call him approved. We'll go with a rank of 5 since his function is a coordinator of sorts, but the charisma is still on the lower end of the average scale. You can post his profile in the fanmade 'Cons section, add an entry to the roll call thread and go post him waking up on the Thanatos via CR chamber or already serving aboard the vessel in some other capacity. Have fun!
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Re: NEW Character Applications

Postby BubbleGum:Unlimited » Sat Oct 06, 2012 4:28 pm

Motto: "I'll give up, when I'm off-lined!"
Weapon: Neutron Rifle
Allegiance: Autobot
Function: Ex Iacon Main-way guard; autobot soldier
Alt. Mode: Ford Pick-up Truck
Height: 22 feet/ 6.0756
Weapon(s): Energon Rose staff (white staff with pink tint-like glow) Neutron Assault Rifle, Dual Blades, Scatter Blaster
Special Abilities: Her name is Ashes for a reason people! If she wants to, Ashes can create an ash cover-up, which can make her appear off-lined, this is a manipulation technique she enjoys too much.
Quote: "You can't loose what you never had"

Strength: 7
Intelligence: 5 she has been 'out' for a while
Dexterity: 6
Speed: 6
Endurance: 8
Courage: 9
Fire Power: 7
Accuracy: 7
Melee: 6
Tech Skill: 1
Charisma: 5

Profile: Once a famous singer, Roses, ended her career after her final concert, as she joined the Guardial Autobot ranks. She is quite quick and always has a plan, she is usually a greatly positive thinker and always strives to be the best, she is trust worthy, smart and cocky, but has her maturity as well as childish ways.

Abilities: Ashes has learned a way to force-stasis herself in a way that stops her from loosing energon if wounded, although this makes her remain in stasis to keep her from leaking out, it is a great survival skill which DID save her once. She also has a great amount of empathy, which makes her easily liked for her immense kindness, even on her darkest day.

Weaknesses: due to a problem when the war first began (detail will be in sample post), Ashes knows very little of the war and its tragic out comes, she is also easy to decept from her sincere lack of knowledge.

Sample Post:

Black enveloped Ashes's beautifully feminine face. Her gorgeous blue optics illuminated the dark showing, in pale light, her face. There was some free light that caught the rest of her slender frame. A beautiful, deep, menacing red was the paint she wore, it held an illuding rustic tint to it which seemed to sparkle in small swirls it was painted in. Her helm ended near her chin, and ended with a point, her shoulder armor was large and curiously shaped. Two, 'Happy Pink' roses were painted on both sides of her sleek pelvic mesh.

"What have I..." she stopped, each word she spoke was with a hurt which stabbed her spark; she had missed so much, too much...and she couldn't fix it, any of it. Tears threatened in her optics, she cruelly fought them back, she had to be strong... She was standing on a public stadium, on Cybertron; the last stadium she had preformed on, the last stadium her sparkling had played under--

Ashes shook her head, her sparkling, her baby she had made... Gone, again, she fought back the tears, it hurt. It hurt so bad. Images flashed into her head, her sparkling when she finally activated her, the last images of screaming fans as she stepped off the stage for the last time; all this, seemed like yesterday. It wasn't though. This wasn't the same Cybertron she'd left. Not anymore. This was just a cold, savage, lifeless shell of her home world, and Ashes knew it.

"Fifty THOUSAND years..." her voice was just a weak whimper. She remembered the last was nothing to remember. She had been left to stand guard over the Iacon building as her companion went in after an explosion erupted from inside; that's when the cons came. She was strong, but was ganged up on, her failure was imminent, as she lie on the energon slick ground, her optics flickering weakly, she forced herself into that stasis.

"That stasis saved my life...but took so many of theirs...the ones I vowed to protect..." She stood, her posture and expression that of a girl who lost her father and wants revenge, that of a man who will avenge his lost bride, that of a Cybertronian who will fight in her fallen plnet's honor...
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Re: NEW Character Applications

Postby BubbleGum:Unlimited » Sat Oct 06, 2012 5:00 pm

Motto: "I'll give up, when I'm off-lined!"
Weapon: Neutron Rifle
Last edited by BubbleGum:Unlimited on Tue Oct 16, 2012 4:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: NEW Character Applications

Postby Insidious » Sun Oct 07, 2012 10:40 am

Motto: "Clarity of thought before rashness of action."
Weapon: Oxidating Laser
BubbleGum:Unlimited wrote:Name: Railway
Allegiance: none
Function: Hired Assassin
Alt. Mode: none
Height: 36'/ 10.9728
Weapons: Shackle mace, mace, six hand guns, one arm canon, one sword, one shield, two daggers, shirukens and mini daggers
Special Abilities: Due to her massive collection of weapons, Railway can create new holders from her own armor by simply sticking the weapon into that specific spot of her armor.
Quote: "I only kill for pay"

Strength: 9
Intelligence: 6
Dexterity: 6
Speed: 5
Endurance: 6
Courage: 4
Fire Power: 6
Accuracy: 5
Melee: 6
Tech Skill: 3
Charisma: 4

Profile: Railway was often harassed for her height and size. She had wanted to be a simple Autobot soldier, but due to her size, she wasn't treated the same as the other Autobot trainees. Railway worked twice as hard, and strived to do her very best...sadly her very best wasn't enough. Once the war began, Railway had a friend who always stood by her, but during a battle that femme fell, and Railway left the autobot cause. Despite the Decepticons' intreging offers, Railway instead joined the UAC (Universal Assassins Core). She travels the galaxies searching for new targets. (Of course she only does this for pay)
Abilities: Do to her high level of weapons, Railway can use nearly every weapon you hand her. From a duel blade, to a Neutron Assault Rifle. She also can confuse or distract her victims by using different calls, such as a bird, or a fox. She is also very good at trickery, she is quite large, so bots expect her to make a lot of noise when running or walking; but, Railway actually make NO sound what-so-ever when walking and/or running.
Weaknesses: Railway is easily deceived. She is also easily set off. If she were to become enraged, her temper would take over, this could easily get her into a "sticky situation" so to speak. Despite her silence, Railway is obviously NOT built for stealth missions of any sorts; while she can handle them, she is too large, and could easily be spotted.
Sample Post:
Darkness, that's all there was to space in her optics. Darkness...She sat down at the command station chair that was twice her size, this ship was small. Medbay crammed into a corner of the room, her berth right next to the entrance, even her weapon stock filled most of the ship. (granted, she DID have over fifty weapons.)Railway looked through her list of targets: An alien of unknown species on an unknown planet, wonderous, that would only take sixty slagging cycles to find!
"I thought these idiots would be more...oh, I dunno... SPECIFIC!!" She sighed, who was she kidding? All these life forms were idiots. She didn't like how she thought, it was cruel and mean...but, she couldn't help it. It wasn't like she'd WANTED this job! She only joined because she wasn't accepted by the autobots. She was too big...that wasn't fair, she may not have been the same SIZE, but her spark had always been in the right place...
Her lavender optics teared up, the lights of the ship reflecting the dark Grey paint that embraced her frame. Her thigh guards lowered, the same way they always did when she was upset. Railway wasn't a cruel assassin, she honestly wasn't that good at killing others; in fact, she REFUSED any types of torcher assassinations, she just couldn't do them. She was 36 feet, she was con size, of course, she wasn't a Decepticon...She was a deep, menacing grey with a scar that cut from her helm to her mouth. Her helm was spike-ish on the sides near her face, the helm sides coressed her face in a neat manner; her build was still quite feminine, she had the striking curves, the look of a femme, so why wasn't she treated like a normal fem?? She took a deep breath and looked at her hands.
"You don't fit in..." she repeated these words everyday. "You will NEVER belong..." a tear gently slipped down her cheek, it hurt; whenever she said this, it hurt, but... She knew it was true, they'd never accept her, no one would.
"Lock on 'Earth'...I want to go there... Somewhere no one will find me..." She sat back and let the ship take control, slowly, her optics dimmed and finally closed into stasis, she wished it could have been perminant.

Alright, the name Railway works. Sounds nice and Cybertronian.

However; she's going to need to pick a side. Unaligned characters don't tend to make it. We only allow them in rare circumstances and this isn't one of them. If she goes with Autobots, her function will need to change as well. There is no Universal Asssassins Core (Corps?) on this game, so that will need to be removed from the bio entirely. There's a lot of spelling, grammar errors in the sample post that make it difficult to read. Also, the spacing between paragraphs that I mentioned to a previous applicant will be useful as well.

At this stage, the character is denied. If you pretty much overhaul her bio and add more substance to it to compensate for what you're going to lose with the assassins stuff and make your sample post more comparable to what an in-game post should look like, I'll give it another look.
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Re: NEW Character Applications

Postby Insidious » Sun Oct 07, 2012 11:07 am

Motto: "Clarity of thought before rashness of action."
Weapon: Oxidating Laser
BubbleGum:Unlimited wrote:Ashes
Allegiance: Autobot
Function: Ex Iacon Main-way guard; autobot soldier
Alt. Mode: Ford Pick-up Truck
Height: 22 feet/ 6.0756
Weapon(s): Energon Rose staff (white staff with pink tint-like glow) Neutron Assault Rifle, Dual Blades, Scatter Blaster
Special Abilities: Her name is Ashes for a reason people! If she wants to, Ashes can create an ash cover-up, which can make her appear off-lined, this is a manipulation technique she enjoys too much.
Quote: "You can't loose what you never had"

Strength: 7
Intelligence: 5 she has been 'out' for a while
Dexterity: 6
Speed: 6
Endurance: 8
Courage: 9
Fire Power: 7
Accuracy: 7
Melee: 6
Tech Skill: 1
Charisma: 5

Profile: Once a famous singer, Roses, ended her career after her final concert, as she joined the Guardial Autobot ranks. She is quite quick and always has a plan, she is usually a greatly positive thinker and always strives to be the best, she is trust worthy, smart and cocky, but has her maturity as well as childish ways.

Abilities: Ashes has learned a way to force-stasis herself in a way that stops her from loosing energon if wounded, although this makes her remain in stasis to keep her from leaking out, it is a great survival skill which DID save her once. She also has a great amount of empathy, which makes her easily liked for her immense kindness, even on her darkest day.

Weaknesses: due to a problem when the war first began (detail will be in sample post), Ashes knows very little of the war and its tragic out comes, she is also easy to decept from her sincere lack of knowledge.

Sample Post:

Black enveloped Ashes's beautifully feminine face. Her gorgeous blue optics illuminated the dark showing, in pale light, her face. There was some free light that caught the rest of her slender frame. A beautiful, deep, menacing red was the paint she wore, it held an illuding rustic tint to it which seemed to sparkle in small swirls it was painted in. Her helm ended near her chin, and ended with a point, her shoulder armor was large and curiously shaped. Two, 'Happy Pink' roses were painted on both sides of her sleek pelvic mesh.

"What have I..." she stopped, each word she spoke was with a hurt which stabbed her spark; she had missed so much, too much...and she couldn't fix it, any of it. Tears threatened in her optics, she cruelly fought them back, she had to be strong... She was standing on a public stadium, on Cybertron; the last stadium she had preformed on, the last stadium her sparkling had played under--

Ashes shook her head, her sparkling, her baby she had made... Gone, again, she fought back the tears, it hurt. It hurt so bad. Images flashed into her head, her sparkling when she finally activated her, the last images of screaming fans as she stepped off the stage for the last time; all this, seemed like yesterday. It wasn't though. This wasn't the same Cybertron she'd left. Not anymore. This was just a cold, savage, lifeless shell of her home world, and Ashes knew it.

"Fifty THOUSAND years..." her voice was just a weak whimper. She remembered the last was nothing to remember. She had been left to stand guard over the Iacon building as her companion went in after an explosion erupted from inside; that's when the cons came. She was strong, but was ganged up on, her failure was imminent, as she lie on the energon slick ground, her optics flickering weakly, she forced herself into that stasis.

"That stasis saved my life...but took so many of theirs...the ones I vowed to protect..." She stood, her posture and expression that of a girl who lost her father and wants revenge, that of a man who will avenge his lost bride, that of a Cybertronian who will fight in her fallen plnet's honor...

For this one, the name is passable. The function should just be soldier. Leave the bio to explain anything the character used to do.

As to the bio, you said she's an ex "Main way guard". So, a guard of some kind I'm assuming. Your profile history does nothing to indicate that, so it will need to be fleshed out significantly more.

You're going to need to go in to significantly more detail on what this "ash cover up" special ability is before we can decide if it's even passable. If it is, we'll also assign a stat penalty for it. As it stands right now, it would just be something to either be removed completely or explained significantly more.

The force-stasis thing will also need to be put into the special abilities section and fleshed out more, as it is also likely to not be allowed without us being given more of idea of what you have in mind for it. Then a stat penalty will be assigned for that as well. In the abilities section, just cover things like her speed and range without external fuel tanks. Explain the effects of your character's weapons.

This sample post was easier to read and better formatted than the other one. Not sure why. But there were still grammar errors that would have been fixed by a simple Word check. This isn't English class, but we aim for a certain level of reading ease amongst all our players.

As it stands, the character would not be approved. Rework the things I've mentioned and we'll have another look. And I would recommend a healthy dose of patience and not simply assuming that your applications are being "blown off" after one day.
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Re: NEW Character Applications

Postby Ramshot » Tue Oct 09, 2012 10:59 am

Motto: "One moment is all I need."
Weapon: Railgun
Devastron didn't approve of the backstory, so I'm re-writing it.


Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Sniper/Assassin
Alternate Modes:
Weapons: Heavy 152mm Railgun/Artillery cannon
Null ray laser pistol (Disguised as an NSVT heavy machine gun)
A pair of Energon daggers (His signature weapons back when he was a Hitman)
Special Abilities: His body is covered with a special radiation-absorbing paint not too dissimilar to the kind used in modern day stealth fighters, making him hard to detect using radar or other non-visual means. Through a nasty head injury from a botched Hit and an equally screwed up surgical procedure to save his life by a back-alley doctor, Ramshot's nervous system has been deadened; giving him significant resistance to pain. But sadly, also suppressing his emotions and sense of touch. Not that it matters to him.
Height: 30ft/ 10m (If you count his railgun as part of him, then he's 40 ft tall)
Quote: “One moment is all I need.”

Strength: 6
Intelligence: 4
Dexterity: 6
Speed: 2
Endurance: 6
Courage: 9
Firepower: 5
Accuracy: 7
Melee: 8
Tech Skill: 3
Charisma: 2

Profile: You would not be mistaken when you think of Ramshot as a creepy loner at first glance, This morose and introverted soldier spends most of his time staring into nothing while emanating an aura of unease and gloom that makes Dead End of all bots to almost look friendly and inviting in comparison; though Dead End is genuinely depressed, Ramshot is not. For what he sees in his thousand-yard stares are not horrors or nightmares, but rather his greatest achievements and fondest memories... All of which involve brutal violence and death. Despite not wanting or caring to share the true nature of his hobby, those that fought with Ramshot always speak fondly of his psychotically calm and frosty attitude under even the most intense of firefights as well as his incredible proficiency at dismembering Autobots from both miles away and at melee combat. But many Decepticons still find him to be disturbing and would only socially interact with him if they lost a bet, not at all helped by the fact that he had his faceplate modified to make it look like the Decepticon insignia as a show of loyalty to both Megatron and the cause he champions.

A dirt-eating miner from the city-state of Vos, Ramshot had little to be happy about his lot in life, from the back-breaking labor to the abusive overseers; but during a particularly violent and large riot, he managed to somehow escape the mine that had been his prison ever since his activation and into the crime-ridden slums of Vos. But being a miner with little to no experience in anything other than breaking things, as well as being a runaway slave with a price for his smouldering chassis; life actually became much harder for Ramshot, forcing him to become a ruthless and violent mugger/murderer just to make ends meet. One fateful day however, Ramshot murdered the wrong cybertronian; specifically a hitman of an organized crime ring; who had intoxicated himself on some tainted energon to the point that the inexperienced but vicious mugger was able to snuff his spark; otherwise, Ramshot would have been killed in a matter of seconds. The syndicate's retribution was swift and after being beaten to near death, they gave him a choice: Work for them or be thrown into a pit full of Scraplets. Ramshot chose the marginally less deadly option of becoming a hitman, but against his bosses' and his own expectations; the ex-slave was actually much better than the bot he replaced, eventually culminating in his Magnum Opus: The successful assassination of Vos' police chief with the very first use of his infamous Railgun. Said chief had been cracking down on the syndicate's activities because they weren't willing to give him a cut of their profits... Afterwards, The new police chief took it upon himself to bring the ones responsible for his predecessor's demise to justice. Unfortunately for the syndicate, the new guy kept his word; resulting in it's dissolution and the imprisonment of the members who were lucky enough to survive the sting operation, Ramshot included. His stay in prison wasn't for very long as the Decepticon uprising soon came to Vos and he was subsequently broken out of jail by armed slaves. After being put to speed regarding the current situation, he was then led outside to find the city under Decepticon control. And right on time to bear witness to Vos' ruling class, the ones responsible for the reason why bots like Ramshot ended up being dealt with such a miserable existence; get torn apart by an angry mob of slaves and criminals amidst a booming and passionate speech by the so-called Decepticon leader. Won over by "Megatron's" speech and promises of a Cybertron where there will be no more bots like him, Ramshot has since then been one of the Decepticon's most fanatical, rabid and fiercest supporters.

Abilities: In vehicle form, Ramshot can travel 500 kilometers at a speed of 60km/h. Because of his alt form's autoloader, the rate of fire of his railgun doubles in vehicle mode, though he is unable to use it at full power in this form due to the incredible recoil. Speaking of the railgun, it fires "darts" of superdense metal at massively hypersonic speeds every 15 seconds or the standard-issue high-explosive shells that came with his altmode, though he has to turn down the power to his weapon whenever he has to fire the shells as they can't withstand the friction of being sent out of a barrel at velocities many, many times the speed of sound without prematurely detonating or deforming and being rendered unable to explode. He has very, very powerful sight that brings out the full potential of his railgun, giving him the ability to snipe anything wearing the Autobot insignia from 15 miles away.

Weaknesses: Ramshot has no major physical weaknesses in either form. The incredibly low rate-of-fire of his two ranged weapons gives him trouble when facing multiple foes at once and their danger level drops considerably when any lucky Autobot closes the distance and fights at mid-to-close range. His deadened sense of pain, while very intimidating; is actually detrimental to his survival as it causes him to ignore serious injuries in favor of standing his ground until he is literally physically incapable of fighting, forcing him to stay in the infirmary for much longer periods of time than his fellow Decepticons... Should they be nice enough to drag him to safety that is.

Sample post
Amidst the scorching sun and scrublands of the Mojave desert, a lone Self-propelled artillery of Russian make and design rolls through the smouldering soil at top speed as if it's crew's life depended on it. The part about lives being in risk was true... From a certain point of view, and the crew... Well... It had no crew, something made evident when it came to a stop on the peak of a rocky foothill overlooking a highway and then suddenly began to transform into a humanoid robot; such a radical shift in the vehicle's structure would have crushed and ground up anyone inside the thing and the lack of red, juicy paste dripping from the machine's joints is proof to the fact that it was indeed unmanned. The machine then puts a finger onto where it's ear, just like how a one would operate an earpiece and speaks in a low, rugged tone.

"I am in position."

"Copy Ramshot, the target's ETA is two kliks, over."


"Ramshot" removes his finger from his ear and then gets into prone position in order to properly stabilize himself for both the best possible aim and the massive recoil of the Railgun behind his right shoulder, which then telescoped out; exposing the massive weapon's handgrip, trigger and holographic targeting reticle. After he had prepared it's weapon, Ramshot waited, his body was so stiff and still; one could mistake the robot for a very complex statue. Two minutes passed until a sports car of European make raced into the empty highway, and emblazoned on it's bonnet is a highly stylized insignia of a robot's face; The sight caused the robotic sniper to finally move, but even then; the motions were incredibly difficult to notice, as they were only the narrowing of the machine's deep crimson optical sensors and a twitch of it's trigger finger.


Waiting for a few more moments for the car to reach the stretch of road his reticle was locked on, Ramshot squeezes the trigger causing his body to dig into the dry earth and slide several inches backwards from the Railgun's monstrous recoil, if it wasn't for the fact that Ramshot was very used to the weapon's operation; Ramshot's shoulder would have hurt to the point that he would be unable to follow up with a second shot, fortunately for him; he didn't need to do so as he struck true and managed to blast the car clean in half, which he proceeded to report to the entity through the earpiece.

"Target is down."

"We confirmed the kill. Proceed to retrieve the package, over."


Without a word, the Robot stood up from prone position in order to transform back into a self-propelled gun and rolled towards the highway... Which was at least 5 miles from the foothill.

I certainly hope that was good enough for you guys...
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Re: NEW Character Applications

Postby Insidious » Tue Oct 09, 2012 5:33 pm

Motto: "Clarity of thought before rashness of action."
Weapon: Oxidating Laser
Ramshot wrote:Devastron didn't approve of the backstory, so I'm re-writing it.


Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Sniper/Assassin
Alternate Modes:
Weapons: Heavy 152mm Railgun/Artillery cannon
Null ray laser pistol (Disguised as an NSVT heavy machine gun)
A pair of Energon daggers (His signature weapons back when he was a Hitman)
Special Abilities: His body is covered with a special radiation-absorbing paint not too dissimilar to the kind used in modern day stealth fighters, making him hard to detect using radar or other non-visual means. Through a nasty head injury from a botched Hit and an equally screwed up surgical procedure to save his life by a back-alley doctor, Ramshot's nervous system has been deadened; giving him significant resistance to pain. But sadly, also suppressing his emotions and sense of touch. Not that it matters to him.
Height: 30ft/ 10m (If you count his railgun as part of him, then he's 40 ft tall)
Quote: “One moment is all I need.”

Strength: 6
Intelligence: 4
Dexterity: 6
Speed: 2
Endurance: 6
Courage: 9
Firepower: 5
Accuracy: 7
Melee: 8
Tech Skill: 3
Charisma: 2

Profile: You would not be mistaken when you think of Ramshot as a creepy loner at first glance, This morose and introverted soldier spends most of his time staring into nothing while emanating an aura of unease and gloom that makes Dead End of all bots to almost look friendly and inviting in comparison; though Dead End is genuinely depressed, Ramshot is not. For what he sees in his thousand-yard stares are not horrors or nightmares, but rather his greatest achievements and fondest memories... All of which involve brutal violence and death. Despite not wanting or caring to share the true nature of his hobby, those that fought with Ramshot always speak fondly of his psychotically calm and frosty attitude under even the most intense of firefights as well as his incredible proficiency at dismembering Autobots from both miles away and at melee combat. But many Decepticons still find him to be disturbing and would only socially interact with him if they lost a bet, not at all helped by the fact that he had his faceplate modified to make it look like the Decepticon insignia as a show of loyalty to both Megatron and the cause he champions.

A dirt-eating miner from the city-state of Vos, Ramshot had little to be happy about his lot in life, from the back-breaking labor to the abusive overseers; but during a particularly violent and large riot, he managed to somehow escape the mine that had been his prison ever since his activation and into the crime-ridden slums of Vos. But being a miner with little to no experience in anything other than breaking things, as well as being a runaway slave with a price for his smouldering chassis; life actually became much harder for Ramshot, forcing him to become a ruthless and violent mugger/murderer just to make ends meet. One fateful day however, Ramshot murdered the wrong cybertronian; specifically a hitman of an organized crime ring; who had intoxicated himself on some tainted energon to the point that the inexperienced but vicious mugger was able to snuff his spark; otherwise, Ramshot would have been killed in a matter of seconds. The syndicate's retribution was swift and after being beaten to near death, they gave him a choice: Work for them or be thrown into a pit full of Scraplets. Ramshot chose the marginally less deadly option of becoming a hitman, but against his bosses' and his own expectations; the ex-slave was actually much better than the bot he replaced, eventually culminating in his Magnum Opus: The successful assassination of Vos' police chief with the very first use of his infamous Railgun. Said chief had been cracking down on the syndicate's activities because they weren't willing to give him a cut of their profits... Afterwards, The new police chief took it upon himself to bring the ones responsible for his predecessor's demise to justice. Unfortunately for the syndicate, the new guy kept his word; resulting in it's dissolution and the imprisonment of the members who were lucky enough to survive the sting operation, Ramshot included. His stay in prison wasn't for very long as the Decepticon uprising soon came to Vos and he was subsequently broken out of jail by armed slaves. After being put to speed regarding the current situation, he was then led outside to find the city under Decepticon control. And right on time to bear witness to Vos' ruling class, the ones responsible for the reason why bots like Ramshot ended up being dealt with such a miserable existence; get torn apart by an angry mob of slaves and criminals amidst a booming and passionate speech by the so-called Decepticon leader. Won over by "Megatron's" speech and promises of a Cybertron where there will be no more bots like him, Ramshot has since then been one of the Decepticon's most fanatical, rabid and fiercest supporters.

Abilities: In vehicle form, Ramshot can travel 500 kilometers at a speed of 60km/h. Because of his alt form's autoloader, the rate of fire of his railgun doubles in vehicle mode, though he is unable to use it at full power in this form due to the incredible recoil. Speaking of the railgun, it fires "darts" of superdense metal at massively hypersonic speeds every 15 seconds or the standard-issue high-explosive shells that came with his altmode, though he has to turn down the power to his weapon whenever he has to fire the shells as they can't withstand the friction of being sent out of a barrel at velocities many, many times the speed of sound without prematurely detonating or deforming and being rendered unable to explode. He has very, very powerful sight that brings out the full potential of his railgun, giving him the ability to snipe anything wearing the Autobot insignia from 15 miles away.

Weaknesses: Ramshot has no major physical weaknesses in either form. The incredibly low rate-of-fire of his two ranged weapons gives him trouble when facing multiple foes at once and their danger level drops considerably when any lucky Autobot closes the distance and fights at mid-to-close range. His deadened sense of pain, while very intimidating; is actually detrimental to his survival as it causes him to ignore serious injuries in favor of standing his ground until he is literally physically incapable of fighting, forcing him to stay in the infirmary for much longer periods of time than his fellow Decepticons... Should they be nice enough to drag him to safety that is.

Sample post
Amidst the scorching sun and scrublands of the Mojave desert, a lone Self-propelled artillery of Russian make and design rolls through the smouldering soil at top speed as if it's crew's life depended on it. The part about lives being in risk was true... From a certain point of view, and the crew... Well... It had no crew, something made evident when it came to a stop on the peak of a rocky foothill overlooking a highway and then suddenly began to transform into a humanoid robot; such a radical shift in the vehicle's structure would have crushed and ground up anyone inside the thing and the lack of red, juicy paste dripping from the machine's joints is proof to the fact that it was indeed unmanned. The machine then puts a finger onto where it's ear, just like how a one would operate an earpiece and speaks in a low, rugged tone.

"I am in position."

"Copy Ramshot, the target's ETA is two kliks, over."


"Ramshot" removes his finger from his ear and then gets into prone position in order to properly stabilize himself for both the best possible aim and the massive recoil of the Railgun behind his right shoulder, which then telescoped out; exposing the massive weapon's handgrip, trigger and holographic targeting reticle. After he had prepared it's weapon, Ramshot waited, his body was so stiff and still; one could mistake the robot for a very complex statue. Two minutes passed until a sports car of European make raced into the empty highway, and emblazoned on it's bonnet is a highly stylized insignia of a robot's face; The sight caused the robotic sniper to finally move, but even then; the motions were incredibly difficult to notice, as they were only the narrowing of the machine's deep crimson optical sensors and a twitch of it's trigger finger.


Waiting for a few more moments for the car to reach the stretch of road his reticle was locked on, Ramshot squeezes the trigger causing his body to dig into the dry earth and slide several inches backwards from the Railgun's monstrous recoil, if it wasn't for the fact that Ramshot was very used to the weapon's operation; Ramshot's shoulder would have hurt to the point that he would be unable to follow up with a second shot, fortunately for him; he didn't need to do so as he struck true and managed to blast the car clean in half, which he proceeded to report to the entity through the earpiece.

"Target is down."

"We confirmed the kill. Proceed to retrieve the package, over."


Without a word, the Robot stood up from prone position in order to transform back into a self-propelled gun and rolled towards the highway... Which was at least 5 miles from the foothill.

I certainly hope that was good enough for you guys...

Sounds good. With those changes made, I think we can call him approved. Rank 4, due to the low charisma combined with what I saw in his bio. You can go ahead and post his profile in the fanmade 'Cons section, make an entry in roll call and go and get him started aboard the Thanatos, either waking up in a CR chamber or already serving in some capacity. Capsize just got started there not long ago. Could be helpful in the getting started process if you guys' characters cross paths. Something to think about anyway. Have fun!
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Re: NEW Character Applications

Postby shortwave » Thu Oct 11, 2012 11:43 am

Motto: "eagls may soar but weasels dont get sucked in to jet engens"
Weapon: Sub-Machine Gun
Name: Maxima
Allegiance: Autobot :BOT:
Sub-group: Wight star squadron.
Function: Warrior
Alt. mode: Shelby GT 500. armored ... CTuner.jpg
Weapons: Energo guan dao. twin energo bucklers
Special Abilities: none
Height: 25ft
Quote: " Kiss my axle."




Speed: 4

Endurance: 6

Courage: 5

Firepower: 3

Accuracy: 4

Melee: 7

Tech Skill:4

Charisma: 5

Rank: Determined by the staff.

A former Gladiator Maxima often fought along side Megatron and even joined the Decepticons during the start of the greatwar as she had an enormous respect for Megatron as a fellow gladiator. this respect was short lived as she soon found his cruelty and lack of compassion an anathema to her own morality.
She still remained a loyal Decepticon as her code of honor would never allow her to turn against her comrades.
This was until Megatron began to question her loyalty and ordered her to execute civilians ( unaligned Cybertronians.)
She refused and was rewarded with a blast to the chest and to watch as the civilians were systematically executed in front of her.
She lay in a state of near death watching as those she attempted to save died.

Eventually she was saved from death buy an Autobot squad.
Her hatred for the Decepticons drove her to join the Autobots even though she dos not believe in they're cause or values.

Energo Guan dao.
She has no real abilities other than combat skills.

Weaknesses: Maxima prefers melee over ranged often leaving herself open to enemy fire her hatred for the decepticons often drives her to enter conflict.
Her altform is a muscle car despite its armor is slower than most other sports vehicles its noise makes it hard to sneak up on others.

Sample Post:

Maxima looked over the battlefield a smile formed slowly over her face.
" Combat its about time." she said to herself transforming.
" Some 'Con is about to die." She roared her airless tires screamed across the tarmac of the human city.
the light from the fires of the burning city casting dancing shadows on her blue paint.
The Decepticon turned upon hearing the huge noise of the engine.
It was to late the car transformed into a warrior silhouetted in the fires glow.
" Tell me your name so that i can carve it into your corps." She asked the Decepticon warrior.
" Your the traitor aren't you? " the Decepticon replied.
" That wasn't an answer." Maxima said redyeing her weapon its glowing blade reflecting over her silver face.
" Just attack i'm no conversationalist I'M TERMINUS MASTER OF DESTRUCTION. " The Decepticon warrior dove forward.
Maxims simply spun and stood still the huge frame of the other warrior falling to the ground.
" Pathetic."
Last edited by shortwave on Thu Oct 18, 2012 9:36 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: NEW Character Applications

Postby BubbleGum:Unlimited » Tue Oct 16, 2012 3:58 pm

Motto: "I'll give up, when I'm off-lined!"
Weapon: Neutron Rifle
:D Thank you for your great advice! Really, I am a story writer, I LOVE comments to help further my work. I had read over some older applications before mine before I did Ashes. :BOT: As for my lack of patience, I sincerely apologize. I did not have a home computer and had no time to wait >w< and now I do!! YAY!! SO I will be as patient as needed. As for my "poor grammar" I read over my work, and I believe you are referring to my Transformer slang... Such as Berth meaning bed, Medbay meaning the medical room, slagg as slang and other words I don't remember, if those are not wanted then I totally understand, just understand that I Role Play with a close companion of mine and may slip; what you said over my to Femmes (robot females) has been taken to notice and I will try to do what I am told. :D

Railway :CON:

Allegiance: Decepticon (able to be converted) :CON: :BOT:
Function: warrior
Alt.Mode: none
Height: 36'/ 10.9728
Weapons: mace, shackle mace, dual blade sword, three daggers, arm canon, two hand guns, mini daggers, shirukins (I can't find how to spell that :-( ) grenades
Special Abilities: Due to her mass of weaponry, Railway can use almost any weapon you hand her, from a simple dagger, to a high-class canon.
Quote: "Who you want to be doesn't matter; its who you ARE at the moment that matters"

Strength: 9
Intelligence: 6
Dexterity: 6
Speed: 5
Endurance: 7
Courage: 7
Fire Power: 5
Accuracy: 6
Melee: 7
Tech Skill: 6
Charisma: 3

PROFILE: Railway has serious trust problems, she doesn't want to trust anyone (she's scared to get tricked), so gaining her trust and loyalty is EXTREMELY complicated... Yet Railway never wanted to be a Decepticon anyway; at least, that hadn't been her original plan. As for her temper, Railway has a pretty fair, maintained attitude (she's usually reserved). She isn't much of a talker, but if you get her to talk, you'll understand why she has her trust and loyalty issues...But you'd also see that Railway isn't an evil femm, she's just lost and feels unwanted, and uncared for and just needs someone to show her the way; just don't get pushy.

ABILITIES: Another advantage to her high weapon count, Railway can pierce her armor with...say a sword, the armor will react to this specific move by creating a holder from that particular part of her armor, and since her armor is heavy and thick, she hasn't to worry over her armor thinning out into nothing.

WEAKNESSES: Although she is a silent walker, Railway is no ninja, she is large and fairly clumsy; thus if put out for a mission like spy or sneak attack, Railway may not be the best of choices.


Con base; dark, cold, an autobots' worst nightmare. The glow of dark energon was everywhere, on the walls, on the floor, in Railway's beautiful lavender optics...Why was she here? Why was she in this? Well, her large yet femininely curved, dark, menacing silvery grey frame made a crummy first look impression; and she was harassed so much in training to be an autobot, that she finally dropped the thought, then she met the Decepticons.

"No more harassment... You'll be free of any judgement..." The words rang through her head with a beautiful ring; 'you'll be free of any judgement'... That's all she'd wanted, to be treated equal despite her size, or shape, or gender...just to be Railway...was that so much to ask?

"Of course it is you idiot" she snapped to herself coldly.
"You don't fit in, you're big, you don't look like them..." Her optics slowly gazed out of a window, out onto Cybertron's beautiful, lifeless shell; those femmes, the femmes she looked nothing like...Why couldn't she be like them? Why couldn't she look like that one fem? The pale yellow one with those chakrams? (I spelled chakrams correctly)

Railway didn't see it, but she was actually a gorgeous femme; she was bigger than the others, yes, but she had every slender curve, every beautiful feature every other fem had. Of course no one told her this, if they did, she might leave the cons. So Railway sat believing she was just some freak that didn't fit in anywhere she went, not even with the outcasts... Yet one day...One day she'd prove to those bot, one day...she would prove herself a worthy advisarry (not misspelled) day... the autobots would pay...This war would end with her finally being feared for the real reason, she started walking further into the shadows that reached for her mercilessly...

It's Only Over When You Give In
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Re: NEW Character Applications

Postby BubbleGum:Unlimited » Tue Oct 16, 2012 5:03 pm

Motto: "I'll give up, when I'm off-lined!"
Weapon: Neutron Rifle
;) I'll do my best with this gal, gotta have my back-up ready! hm... :-? so many lol. (some of this is spelled idk why it says it isn't -.o...also I found the vehicle mode online so... :saint: it should be right) Kaon: Decepticon Capitol


Allegiance: :BOT: Autobot
Function: Guard
Alt.Mode: Toyota FT-HS Hybrid Sports car
Height: 22'/6.7056
Weapon(s): Gold and silver chakrams, kunai knives, dual blades, three hand guns and fire :D
Special Abilities: Her chakrams are like boomerangs, they come back to her hands
Quote: "It's not over until you say it's over"


PROFILE: Starblaizer is a high level guard. Despite her young age and adorable attitude, Starblaizer is not a force to be reckoned with. Her high tolerance for others is amazingly high and it is quite easy to gain her trust and loyalty, yet if you loose that, it's like a fatality move you did to yourself. Starblaizer is easily befriended due to her high-class and great standards, she is funny, kind, and happy; yet, Star also knows her limits and embraces them. She has a long term rivalry with Railway (my other o.c) and most of her scars came from fights with that particular fem. Starblaizer prefers to work alone, but has to admit how lonely she gets as a one-man guard ALL THE TIME.

ABILITIES: Starblaizer is that fem that once you call, she's there; no need for worry, she'll be there no matter what situation she's caught in. Star is as reliable as they get for her Autobot companions and will always be by your side in a dire battle.

Although it is good to forgive and trust, Star's fault is being too quick to forgive and/or trust, so if you bear that autobot insignia, you'll instantly gain this sweetheart's trust and loyalty (a.k.a GREAT DECEPTION HINT!!)


Her mechanical feet clanked against the cold, lifeless, Cybertron shell. Her breath, short and jagged. Her entire frame shaking with what humans refer to as adrenaline. Her mind whirred with fear, anger, irritation, RAGE! ...and... Sadness...She flung her arm ruthlessly at the fem in her sight range; just knock her down! That's all Star wanted, just to knock this fem down and to run away...Starblaizer hated fights; of course, this was war (go figure). Star watched as the fem dodged her flaming chakram with ease; anger and the slightest tinge of embarrassment flushed into Starblaizer's gym shirt-grey, metal face.

"WOULD YOU JUST LEAVE. ME. ALONE!!!?" Star's beautifully pale, yellow frame reflected every bit of light it caught; the tears, burns, and scratches about her frame and face weren't as noticeable as you'd think. She had two, tan-brown mixed sets of chains that dangled from her helm, which coressed the slender, and beautiful sides of her face. Her bright, Tidal Wave Blue optics flickered from her weakening strength; why wouldn't this fem leave her be?? What had Star done??

"Oh, if only it were THAT easy..." The shadowed fem began to approach Starblaizer, the canon on her large arm slowly rising to meet Star's face; Star felt her chest tighten in fright.

"W...Why isn'" She tried to keep strong, but could hear the cold fear creeping into her gorgeously smooth tone voice. Her optics peered into the inside of that large canon.

"Because I HATE you." Star's optics widened and before the canon had its chance to blow, Star was back-flipping over her opponent, her audio receptors screeched with pain as the other fem roared with rage so loud, that Star's frame seemed to vibrate with the intensity. Star nimbly landed on her nimble feet and was off before the other fem could twitch.

" I ain't dying yet!!" With that, Star was far from the enemy's sight, and far from her home...Starblaizer was in... Kaon.
It's Only Over When You Give In
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Re: NEW Character Applications

Postby Ember » Tue Oct 16, 2012 9:46 pm

Motto: "I'm not psycho...I just like psychotic things."
shortwave wrote:Name: Maxima
Allegiance: Autobot :BOT:
Sub-group: Wight star squadron.
Function: Warrior
Alt. mode: Shelby GT 500. armored ... CTuner.jpg
Weapons: Energo guan dao. twin energo bucklers
Special Abilities: none
Height: 25ft
Quote: " Kiss my axle."




Speed: 4

Endurance: 6

Courage: 5

Firepower: 3

Accuracy: 4

Melee: 7

Tech Skill:4

Charisma: 5

Rank: Determined by the staff.

A former Gladiator Maxima often fought along side Megatron and even joined the Decepticons during the start of the greatwar as she had an enormous respect for Megatron as a fellow gladiator. this respect was short lived as she soon found his cruelty and lack of compassion an anathema to her own morality.
She still remained a loyal Decepticon as her code of honor would never allow her to turn against her comrades.
This was until Megatron began to question her loyalty and ordered her to execute civilians ( unaligned Cybertronians.)
She refused and was rewarded with a blast to the chest and to watch as the civilians were systematically executed in front of her.
She lay in a state of near death watching as those she attempted to save died.

Eventually she was saved from death buy an Autobot squad.
Her hatred for the Decepticons drove her to join the Autobots even though she dos not believe in they're cause or values.

Energo Guan dao.
She has no real abilities other than combat skills.

Weaknesses: Maxima prefers melee over ranged often leaving herself open to enemy fire her hatred for the decepticons often drives her to enter conflict.
Her altform is a muscle car despite its armor is slower than most other sports vehicles its noise makes it hard to sneak up on others.

Sample Post:

Maxima looked over the battlefield a smile formed slowly over her face.
" Combat its about time." she said to herself transforming.
" Some 'Con is about to die." She roared her airless tires screamed across the tarmac of the human city.
the light from the fires of the burning city casting dancing shadows on her blue paint.
The Decepticon turned upon hearing the huge noise of the engine.
It was to late the car transformed into a warrior silhouetted in the fires glow.
" Tell me your name so that i can carve it into your corps." She asked the Decepticon warrior.
" Your the traitor aren't you? " the Decepticon replied.
" That wasn't an answer." Maxima said redyeing her weapon its glowing blade reflecting over her silver face.
" Just attack i'm no conversationalist I'M TERMINUS MASTER OF DESTRUCTION. " The Decepticon warrior dove forward.
Maxims simply spun and stood still the huge frame of the other warrior falling to the ground.
" Pathetic."



First off...get rid of the image. It took several minutes just for the application page to load for me. I can't get on the page...I can't look at apps.

The application is denied as it stands. If you're still interested in playing this character then I suggest you re-read the rules, refer to some already approved applications to get an idea of just what we're looking for and re-apply.
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Re: NEW Character Applications

Postby Insidious » Wed Oct 17, 2012 8:44 am

Motto: "Clarity of thought before rashness of action."
Weapon: Oxidating Laser
BubbleGum:Unlimited wrote::D Thank you for your great advice! Really, I am a story writer, I LOVE comments to help further my work. I had read over some older applications before mine before I did Ashes. :BOT: As for my lack of patience, I sincerely apologize. I did not have a home computer and had no time to wait >w< and now I do!! YAY!! SO I will be as patient as needed. As for my "poor grammar" I read over my work, and I believe you are referring to my Transformer slang... Such as Berth meaning bed, Medbay meaning the medical room, slagg as slang and other words I don't remember, if those are not wanted then I totally understand, just understand that I Role Play with a close companion of mine and may slip; what you said over my to Femmes (robot females) has been taken to notice and I will try to do what I am told. :D

Railway :CON:

Allegiance: Decepticon (able to be converted) :CON: :BOT:
Function: warrior
Alt.Mode: none
Height: 36'/ 10.9728
Weapons: mace, shackle mace, dual blade sword, three daggers, arm canon, two hand guns, mini daggers, shirukins (I can't find how to spell that :-( ) grenades
Special Abilities: Due to her mass of weaponry, Railway can use almost any weapon you hand her, from a simple dagger, to a high-class canon.
Quote: "Who you want to be doesn't matter; its who you ARE at the moment that matters"

Strength: 9
Intelligence: 6
Dexterity: 6
Speed: 5
Endurance: 7
Courage: 7
Fire Power: 5
Accuracy: 6
Melee: 7
Tech Skill: 6
Charisma: 3

PROFILE: Railway has serious trust problems, she doesn't want to trust anyone (she's scared to get tricked), so gaining her trust and loyalty is EXTREMELY complicated... Yet Railway never wanted to be a Decepticon anyway; at least, that hadn't been her original plan. As for her temper, Railway has a pretty fair, maintained attitude (she's usually reserved). She isn't much of a talker, but if you get her to talk, you'll understand why she has her trust and loyalty issues...But you'd also see that Railway isn't an evil femm, she's just lost and feels unwanted, and uncared for and just needs someone to show her the way; just don't get pushy.

ABILITIES: Another advantage to her high weapon count, Railway can pierce her armor with...say a sword, the armor will react to this specific move by creating a holder from that particular part of her armor, and since her armor is heavy and thick, she hasn't to worry over her armor thinning out into nothing.

WEAKNESSES: Although she is a silent walker, Railway is no ninja, she is large and fairly clumsy; thus if put out for a mission like spy or sneak attack, Railway may not be the best of choices.


Con base; dark, cold, an autobots' worst nightmare. The glow of dark energon was everywhere, on the walls, on the floor, in Railway's beautiful lavender optics...Why was she here? Why was she in this? Well, her large yet femininely curved, dark, menacing silvery grey frame made a crummy first look impression; and she was harassed so much in training to be an autobot, that she finally dropped the thought, then she met the Decepticons.

"No more harassment... You'll be free of any judgement..." The words rang through her head with a beautiful ring; 'you'll be free of any judgement'... That's all she'd wanted, to be treated equal despite her size, or shape, or gender...just to be Railway...was that so much to ask?

"Of course it is you idiot" she snapped to herself coldly.
"You don't fit in, you're big, you don't look like them..." Her optics slowly gazed out of a window, out onto Cybertron's beautiful, lifeless shell; those femmes, the femmes she looked nothing like...Why couldn't she be like them? Why couldn't she look like that one fem? The pale yellow one with those chakrams? (I spelled chakrams correctly)

Railway didn't see it, but she was actually a gorgeous femme; she was bigger than the others, yes, but she had every slender curve, every beautiful feature every other fem had. Of course no one told her this, if they did, she might leave the cons. So Railway sat believing she was just some freak that didn't fit in anywhere she went, not even with the outcasts... Yet one day...One day she'd prove to those bot, one day...she would prove herself a worthy advisarry (not misspelled) day... the autobots would pay...This war would end with her finally being feared for the real reason, she started walking further into the shadows that reached for her mercilessly...


I'm afraid I'm going to have to deny Ashes and Railway. I was curious to see if revisions would make them more like what we're looking for in terms of fanmade characters and while it's closer, it's still not what we look for. Fanmade characters should be pretty basic and just blend in to the setting of the game. The more they stick out, via physical attributes, stats, special abilities and so on, the less likely they are to make it in the game. I would recommend if you want to get started in the game that you apply for a canon character first and get a feel for how the game flows and what sorts of characters are both in it and what they're doing on a post-to-post basis.

As to your posts themselves, I wasn't referring to use of slang, be it Earth or Cybertron. I was referring to the frequency of actual misspellings or grammar glitches that make a post hard to read. As an example from your above sample--

Yet one day...One day she'd prove to those bot, one day...she would prove herself a worthy advisarry (not misspelled) day...

The OOC comments tossed in to the midst of IC posts are unnecessary and the word that you indicated was not misspelled actually is. It's adversary, given the context of the sentence. Nothing major. Just one example of what I was referring to in my last review that would be caught by a spellcheck.

So, in a nutshell, I would put fanmades on the shelf for a while (you're not the first player to have had to do this) and go for a canon character. Get a feel for everything and you'll probably gain a better understanding of what the RPG is after in terms of characters.
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Re: NEW Character Applications

Postby AutopIex » Wed Oct 24, 2012 5:45 pm

Weapon: Dual Lasers
Autoplex :CON:

Allegiance: Decepticons
Function: Warrior
Alt. Mode: Car
Weapons: Dual Energon Battle Pistols, Armblade
Special Abilities: None
Height: 25 ft.
Quote: "Spectacular technique. This fight might last long enough to entertain me."


Profile: Once an Autobot during the war for Cybertron, now a warrior of the Decepticons, Autoplex still maintains some shred of what might be called honor. He takes pride in his martial skills, and rarely backs down from a challenge unless forced to by his superiors. He detests using underhanded tactics in a fight, believing that the Decepticons should prove their worth against the Autobots in honorable combat. Still, he is always eager to test himself in combat, in the hopes of becoming the greatest warrior to ever grace the forces of the Decepticons.

Despite being a Decepticon, Autoplex is surprisingly charismatic. He treats his opponents fairly and with respect, often trading witty barbs and even complimenting them. The fight is really one of the few things that he lives for, and so he always makes an effort to relish every battle that he is in. Therefore, it was no surprise that he left with Megatron for Earth.

Abilities: If there's one thing that Autoplex is, its fast. He isn't particularly strong, but he's always felt its better to hit than get hit. He prefers to move quickly and make fast strikes before darting back away from his enemy's response. He prefers to fight at a distance, making use of a pair of energon battle pistols to widdle his enemy down before finishing them off with his razor sharp armblade.

Weaknesses: When it comes to Autoplex, his greatest weakness is his pride. He can't turn down a challenge, and this often has a habit of causing trouble for both him and his allies. Also, trading off speed for strength, as well as having a less than durable frame, Autoplex has difficulty holding his own against enemies in close combat where he can't manuever and avoid their retribution.

Sample Post:

"You can't win, Decepticon. You're outnumbered and outgunned."

Autoplex rushed from behind a hulk of slagged metal that now served as cover, drawing his battle pistols and returning fire against the Autobots on the other side of the abandoned power station that they had been holding out in. So many things had changed, Cybertron had become a blasted heap in the wake of their battle, much of its once great beauty lost to the war. And here he was, fighting against his one time friends and allies, formidable warriors in their own right, and he longed to test himself against them now.

Accurate as he was, his shots kept his one time compatriots down behind cover, giving him time to transform, dropping into his more mobile form. Revving up to full speed, he dashed from side to side, his equally fast reaction time allowing him to swerve past debris and the burnt out husks of Autobots and Decepticons alike, closing the distance between him and his foes. As he beared down on them, he was almost giddy with excitement. After all, even he wasn't sure he could actually take them all out.

Launching off of a suitably inclined piece of wreckage, Autoplex transformed again, taking his shots at the first of his misguided brethren, energy blasts pounding into the Autobot's frame, knocking him off balance and leaving him open. Rolling to mitigate the damage from his inevitable fall, he landed infront of his wounded opponent, armblade releasing from Autoplex's forearm with an intimidating *SHINK* before being plunged into the hapless Autobot's chest.

"Apologies for this, friend. But I'm fairly certain you won't feel it."

As the rest of the Autobot soldiers began to react, Autoplex whirled around, servos straining against the weight of putting his recently scrapped foe between him and them, the impaled frame taking the brunt of their fire. The added weight of their weapons blasts was almost too much to bare, but he held on until he heard the telltale signs of overheating, tossing the now slagged heap to the side and rushing the two remaining Autobots.

Autoplex divided his attention, and his fire, opening up on them both, targeting their legs to knock them over. His battle tested accuracy didn't fale him, several pinpoint blasts taking their knees out from under them as he rushed in, armblade ready to take a few more Autobot sparks. Of course, had he not been so focused upon his supposed victory he might have noticed that one of them possessed a similarly integrated weapon.

Hit by a desperate swipe, Autoplex found himself on his back, immediately beset upon by his enemies. Raising his guns, he fired frantically until he reduced one of the Autobots to slag, turning to do the same to the other only to have his guns knocked from his hands by another vicious slash. Unarmed, the Decepticon warrior flung himself after them, reaching out for them as he felt the Autobot blade bury itself into his leg.

He let out an agonized howl, looking down as he saw the wound begin to leak, sparks firing wildly. Having some experience in giving enemies similar wounds, he was thankful that it wasn't as bad as it could've been. With his own fair amount of desperation, he reached out one last time, his fingers catching hold of the handle of his pistol, grabbing at it and turning just in time to press the barrel of it to the lunging Autobot's forehead.

"It was a pleasure doing battle with you."
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Re: NEW Character Applications

Postby Drop Bear » Sun Oct 28, 2012 7:05 am

Motto: "Well, I'll be a Cybertronic bolt-bat!"
Weapon: Poison-Tipped Missiles
He did the mash
He did the monster mash
The monster mash
It was a graveyard smash
He did the mash
It caught on in a flash
He did the mash
He did the monster mash

Name: Wildfly
Allegiance: Decepticon
Sub-group: Monstructor Six
Function: Aerial Assault
Alternate Mode: Avian Monster
Weapon: Photon Rifle
Height: 26ft / 7.92m
Quote: “Strike fear into your enemy, and you've won half the battle.”

Strength: 6
Intelligence: 5
Dexterity: 8
Speed: 6
Endurance: 7
Courage: 8
Firepower: 6
Accuracy: 7
Melee: 7
Tech Skill: 5
Charisma: 4
Rank: 6

Profile: Predictability is for other, more boring robots, as far as Wildfly is concerned. He prefers to live life from one moment to the next, acting out on whatever crazed impulses he may have at that instant and basically whirl around destroying everything in sight. Wildfly likes to think this makes him the “life of the party” who always does the unexpected; in fact, his behaviour is tiresome and obvious to all of his comrades. They know that Wildfly will pick the most base, violent thing to do in any circumstance, like suddenly flying off to clip the wings off a passing jet airliner he notices or demolishing a nearby office building in the middle of the unsuspecting humans' workday. Wildfly tops off his furious attacks with a cackling laughter, convinced that he just did something exceptionally clever. Only the most sparkless Decepticons can agree.

Abilities: Wildfly possesses slightly above-average strength. In avian monster mode, he can fly at a speed of 200 mph. In robot mode, he is armed with a specially designed photon rifle with laser-targeting for locking onto ground targets while soaring through the air. Wildfly joins with his team-mates to form Monstructor.

Weaknesses: Because of his impish nature, Wildfly often finds himself making poor decisions on the battlefield, as he'd much rather be “spontaneous” than follow orders already issued to him. Naturally, this attitude doesn't always fare too well during combat, leaving him susceptible to injuries he could otherwise avoid by using a little common sense.

Sample Post:

Seated at the edge of his cot with his digits interwoven and his thumb joints fluidly overlapping one another in a seemingly endless motion as if in pursuit of each other, Wildfly turned his cranial unit from left to right for what might had been the millionth time that solar cycle. And for that one millionth time, nothing exciting happened. It was the same old story, he mused, in the same old prison cell that constituted his same old life.

He had heard the expression to be “bored stiff”, but this was one of those occasions where Wildfly had convinced himself that he was balancing on the fine edge of being bored to death.

That particular thought summoned a bright smile on his face-plate and Wildfly filed that gem away into the vault of his memory banks, already prepared to whip it out at a moment's notice the next time he found himself in his team-mates' company.

Should he actually see any of them during the following activity cycle; that was neither a given nor a certainty. Maximus and his little bunch of drones appeared to be quite fond of separating the Monstercons, severing what limited contact the team enjoyed. Consequently, if Wildfly were to meet with any of his fellow Monstercons, he'd be greeted by one of them, two if fortune fell upon him.

Fortune. What was that? Wildfly was a prisoner stuck in one of the worst penitentiaries in the galaxy, with escape unanimously considered to be impossible, as laughable as defeating the entire Terrorcon unit in unarmed combat. Fortune, at Garrus-9, did not exist.

Still, Wildfly liked to hope that it would arrive eventually. Whether it assumed its form in either his sensational getaway, in the sudden decision to allow the inmates more freedom from their compact cells, or even by lending its assistance so Wildfly could slip a little something extra into Maximus's energon, he was all for it.

Wildfly ceased twiddling his thumb joints.

Until then, however...

To compensate for the lack of fidgeting, he began tapping his pedes on the steel floor, maintaining a gentle and constant rhythm.

All he could do was be patient.

“I'm so bored.”

And wait.

“So, so bored.”

And wait.

“Why is this joint so fragging boring? Frag!”

And wait.
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Re: NEW Character Applications

Postby Ember » Thu Nov 01, 2012 9:18 pm

Motto: "I'm not psycho...I just like psychotic things."
AutopIex wrote:Autoplex :CON:

Allegiance: Decepticons
Function: Warrior
Alt. Mode: Car
Weapons: Dual Energon Battle Pistols, Armblade
Special Abilities: None
Height: 25 ft.
Quote: "Spectacular technique. This fight might last long enough to entertain me."


Profile: Once an Autobot during the war for Cybertron, now a warrior of the Decepticons, Autoplex still maintains some shred of what might be called honor. He takes pride in his martial skills, and rarely backs down from a challenge unless forced to by his superiors. He detests using underhanded tactics in a fight, believing that the Decepticons should prove their worth against the Autobots in honorable combat. Still, he is always eager to test himself in combat, in the hopes of becoming the greatest warrior to ever grace the forces of the Decepticons.

Despite being a Decepticon, Autoplex is surprisingly charismatic. He treats his opponents fairly and with respect, often trading witty barbs and even complimenting them. The fight is really one of the few things that he lives for, and so he always makes an effort to relish every battle that he is in. Therefore, it was no surprise that he left with Megatron for Earth.

Abilities: If there's one thing that Autoplex is, its fast. He isn't particularly strong, but he's always felt its better to hit than get hit. He prefers to move quickly and make fast strikes before darting back away from his enemy's response. He prefers to fight at a distance, making use of a pair of energon battle pistols to widdle his enemy down before finishing them off with his razor sharp armblade.

Weaknesses: When it comes to Autoplex, his greatest weakness is his pride. He can't turn down a challenge, and this often has a habit of causing trouble for both him and his allies. Also, trading off speed for strength, as well as having a less than durable frame, Autoplex has difficulty holding his own against enemies in close combat where he can't manuever and avoid their retribution.

Sample Post:

"You can't win, Decepticon. You're outnumbered and outgunned."

Autoplex rushed from behind a hulk of slagged metal that now served as cover, drawing his battle pistols and returning fire against the Autobots on the other side of the abandoned power station that they had been holding out in. So many things had changed, Cybertron had become a blasted heap in the wake of their battle, much of its once great beauty lost to the war. And here he was, fighting against his one time friends and allies, formidable warriors in their own right, and he longed to test himself against them now.

Accurate as he was, his shots kept his one time compatriots down behind cover, giving him time to transform, dropping into his more mobile form. Revving up to full speed, he dashed from side to side, his equally fast reaction time allowing him to swerve past debris and the burnt out husks of Autobots and Decepticons alike, closing the distance between him and his foes. As he beared down on them, he was almost giddy with excitement. After all, even he wasn't sure he could actually take them all out.

Launching off of a suitably inclined piece of wreckage, Autoplex transformed again, taking his shots at the first of his misguided brethren, energy blasts pounding into the Autobot's frame, knocking him off balance and leaving him open. Rolling to mitigate the damage from his inevitable fall, he landed infront of his wounded opponent, armblade releasing from Autoplex's forearm with an intimidating *SHINK* before being plunged into the hapless Autobot's chest.

"Apologies for this, friend. But I'm fairly certain you won't feel it."

As the rest of the Autobot soldiers began to react, Autoplex whirled around, servos straining against the weight of putting his recently scrapped foe between him and them, the impaled frame taking the brunt of their fire. The added weight of their weapons blasts was almost too much to bare, but he held on until he heard the telltale signs of overheating, tossing the now slagged heap to the side and rushing the two remaining Autobots.

Autoplex divided his attention, and his fire, opening up on them both, targeting their legs to knock them over. His battle tested accuracy didn't fale him, several pinpoint blasts taking their knees out from under them as he rushed in, armblade ready to take a few more Autobot sparks. Of course, had he not been so focused upon his supposed victory he might have noticed that one of them possessed a similarly integrated weapon.

Hit by a desperate swipe, Autoplex found himself on his back, immediately beset upon by his enemies. Raising his guns, he fired frantically until he reduced one of the Autobots to slag, turning to do the same to the other only to have his guns knocked from his hands by another vicious slash. Unarmed, the Decepticon warrior flung himself after them, reaching out for them as he felt the Autobot blade bury itself into his leg.

He let out an agonized howl, looking down as he saw the wound begin to leak, sparks firing wildly. Having some experience in giving enemies similar wounds, he was thankful that it wasn't as bad as it could've been. With his own fair amount of desperation, he reached out one last time, his fingers catching hold of the handle of his pistol, grabbing at it and turning just in time to press the barrel of it to the lunging Autobot's forehead.

"It was a pleasure doing battle with you."

Let's start from the top...Just what kind of "car" does he transform into? Include his height in meters. You've only used 67 stat points so you have 3 points to distribute...I suggest upping his strength as 3 is considerably below average.

There a lot of characters that "were former Autobots who are now Decepticons" and if you still wish to go that route than I would like to know more about why he left...what were the circumstances?

I'm also a bit worried that with him throwing compliments and giving his opponents the benefit of the doubt with an honorable and fair fight might not sit very well with some other Decepticons. They might find it too Autobot like...which might turn them against him.

In his abilities section you'll need to add his top speed and his maximum range...which should coincide with his speed stat. A lot of what you've written in this section could be added to his profile. I also want to know more about his weapons...what can they do.? His armblade, how strong is it, how much damage can it inflict?

I'm also a bit mentioned in his weaknesses that he has a hard time holding his own in close combat which is why he prefers to move quickly, strike, and move again...but wouldn't that be a bit underhanded by not giving his opponent an opportunity to strike back before he'd move away? I understand his need to keep moving as he's not very strong, but him being an honorable warrior and not giving his enemy a fair fight is pretty contradictory.

Go through what I've mentioned, re-work it, re-post the whole application (please don't edit your original post) and I'll have another look.
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Re: NEW Character Applications

Postby Ember » Thu Nov 01, 2012 9:36 pm

Motto: "I'm not psycho...I just like psychotic things."
Blades wrote:He did the mash
He did the monster mash
The monster mash
It was a graveyard smash
He did the mash
It caught on in a flash
He did the mash
He did the monster mash

Name: Wildfly
Allegiance: Decepticon
Sub-group: Monstructor Six
Function: Aerial Assault
Alternate Mode: Avian Monster
Weapon: Photon Rifle
Height: 26ft / 7.92m
Quote: “Strike fear into your enemy, and you've won half the battle.”

Strength: 6
Intelligence: 5
Dexterity: 8
Speed: 6
Endurance: 7
Courage: 8
Firepower: 6
Accuracy: 7
Melee: 7
Tech Skill: 5
Charisma: 4
Rank: 6

Profile: Predictability is for other, more boring robots, as far as Wildfly is concerned. He prefers to live life from one moment to the next, acting out on whatever crazed impulses he may have at that instant and basically whirl around destroying everything in sight. Wildfly likes to think this makes him the “life of the party” who always does the unexpected; in fact, his behaviour is tiresome and obvious to all of his comrades. They know that Wildfly will pick the most base, violent thing to do in any circumstance, like suddenly flying off to clip the wings off a passing jet airliner he notices or demolishing a nearby office building in the middle of the unsuspecting humans' workday. Wildfly tops off his furious attacks with a cackling laughter, convinced that he just did something exceptionally clever. Only the most sparkless Decepticons can agree.

Abilities: Wildfly possesses slightly above-average strength. In avian monster mode, he can fly at a speed of 200 mph. In robot mode, he is armed with a specially designed photon rifle with laser-targeting for locking onto ground targets while soaring through the air. Wildfly joins with his team-mates to form Monstructor.

Weaknesses: Because of his impish nature, Wildfly often finds himself making poor decisions on the battlefield, as he'd much rather be “spontaneous” than follow orders already issued to him. Naturally, this attitude doesn't always fare too well during combat, leaving him susceptible to injuries he could otherwise avoid by using a little common sense.

Sample Post:

Seated at the edge of his cot with his digits interwoven and his thumb joints fluidly overlapping one another in a seemingly endless motion as if in pursuit of each other, Wildfly turned his cranial unit from left to right for what might had been the millionth time that solar cycle. And for that one millionth time, nothing exciting happened. It was the same old story, he mused, in the same old prison cell that constituted his same old life.

He had heard the expression to be “bored stiff”, but this was one of those occasions where Wildfly had convinced himself that he was balancing on the fine edge of being bored to death.

That particular thought summoned a bright smile on his face-plate and Wildfly filed that gem away into the vault of his memory banks, already prepared to whip it out at a moment's notice the next time he found himself in his team-mates' company.

Should he actually see any of them during the following activity cycle; that was neither a given nor a certainty. Maximus and his little bunch of drones appeared to be quite fond of separating the Monstercons, severing what limited contact the team enjoyed. Consequently, if Wildfly were to meet with any of his fellow Monstercons, he'd be greeted by one of them, two if fortune fell upon him.

Fortune. What was that? Wildfly was a prisoner stuck in one of the worst penitentiaries in the galaxy, with escape unanimously considered to be impossible, as laughable as defeating the entire Terrorcon unit in unarmed combat. Fortune, at Garrus-9, did not exist.

Still, Wildfly liked to hope that it would arrive eventually. Whether it assumed its form in either his sensational getaway, in the sudden decision to allow the inmates more freedom from their compact cells, or even by lending its assistance so Wildfly could slip a little something extra into Maximus's energon, he was all for it.

Wildfly ceased twiddling his thumb joints.

Until then, however...

To compensate for the lack of fidgeting, he began tapping his pedes on the steel floor, maintaining a gentle and constant rhythm.

All he could do was be patient.

“I'm so bored.”

And wait.

“So, so bored.”

And wait.

“Why is this joint so fragging boring? Frag!”

And wait.

What happened to The Time Warp?!

Very nice. Approved. Start him on if you didn't know. Hehe
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