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NEW Character Applications

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Re: NEW Character Applications

Postby Devastron » Sun Apr 15, 2012 10:02 pm

Weapon: Energo-Sword
Phaze wrote:Name: Skygrabber
Allegiance: Decepticon
Sub-group: None
Function: Covert Operative
Alt. mode: F-35 Lightning 2
Weapons: Thermal Sword, acid pellet rifle, Low powered Laser Pistol
Height: 29ft
Quote: “Jokers Wild”
Special abilities: Armour has stealth coating on it to defeat most standard radar with a muffler for silencing his engine note. -6 for stealth

Strength: 4
Intelligence: 5
Dexterity: 9
Speed: 8
Endurance: 5
Courage: 5
Firepower: 4
Accuracy: 6
Melee: 8
Tech Skill: 4
Charisma: 6


The words watch your back have never been more appropriate when in the company of Skygrabber you’ll end up with spiked energon or your prized rifle missing several vital components. A prolific practical joker who will go to extreme lengths to create the perfect joke for his chosen fall mech. Even when he’s on missions he’ll unleash his special brand of humour on his targets leaving bombs hidden within packages or light fittings.

Skygrabber’s not afraid to get involved in the close up wet work but prefers to do his fighting from behind his more heavily armoured comrades. He’s harbouring a rivalry with the dominant aerial faction in the Decepticons the Seekers which stems from his creation when his design was considered the dominant aerial design before being superseded by the slower Seekers. He will roll in and steal the kill from one of his more illustrious colleagues much to their frustration as he disappears into the distance laughing all the way. Skygrabber’s known Crueljaw since he was released from his formatting bay he keeps himself busy creating mayhem then hunkers down while his more heavily armoured comrade demolishes his pursuing opponents.

Skygrabber is designed for stealth even his alternate mode is stealth orientated armed with a low powered laser pistol, an Acid Pellet Rifle and a thermal sword. In his jet mode he’s got a maximum speed of mach 3 in this mode he’s got access to all kinds of precision weaponry from laser guided bombs and missiles his acid pellet rifle is mounted beside the nose. Skygrabber’s armour has a stealth coating on it to defeat most radar with a muffler for silencing his engine note.

Moisture can affect his stealth coating making him visible to radar and other monitoring equipment. Skygrabber’s not the most well armoured making him unsuitable for heavy front line fighting, his eye for a practical joke has left him re-cooperating within the CR chamber on numerous occasions.

Sample Post:

The air was clear at 40,000ft “nothing but clouds and turbulence to worry about” thought Skygrabber as the jet banked gently into his final approach on target. His jet mode was fairly stealth orientated compared to them irritating seekers that seemed to be cluttering up the skies over most battlefields. But much to his surprise he found himself with company three of them once exceptionally rare beasts airborne autobots. However since the seekers started to flood the airways the autobots had been upping the creation of high flying Autobots.

The first burst of fire from the autobots perforated his left wing and damaged his tail with his manoeuvrability was now limited. Now suitably irritated that he’d been caught unawares Skygrabber dropped like a rock his wing and tail section was giving him lots of encouragement to stop his current course of action. That wasn’t an option he was known as a joker and light hearted mech but he was in serious jeopardy of being wasted.

Skygrabber performed what humans called the cobra manoeuvre and strained his damaged wing even more “damn I’m gonna be feeling that in the morning” as he muttered the startled Autobots continued past desperately trying to slow themselves. One raced just above the trees and found himself being filled with shotgun blasts from the ground unable to keep his momentum the autobot slammed into the ground exploding violently. Skygrabber righted himself as he fired a pair of missiles into the rear of the second autobot destroying his rear and a few seconds later a second smoking crater. “Aargh!” the yell of pain was due to his wing threatening to remove itself from his frame transforming into his robot mode Skygrabber skidded to a halt and drew his thermal sword and acid pellet gun.

“Come on down twinkle-toes I want words with you” the autobot obliged transforming into his robot mode the autobot strode towards him bigger built than Skygrabber he wouldn’t have much trouble taking out the decepticon. Except Skygrabber wasn’t alone from the autobots right a flaming sword sliced through the upper chest of the autobot. Skygrabber looked at the hulking black and gold decepticon that was busying ending the existence of the Autobot flyer. “Good timing Crueljaw I would of been toast” the larger mech looked at Skygrabber with his long optic “yeah very good timing enjoy the walk back” with that Crueljaw transformed into his humvee alternate mode and drove past the grounded flier who slammed his hand onto the back of Crueljaw as he drove on by.

“Hey, Hey you’re not even gonna give me a lift at least call me a cab or the number of a good body work technician? ” to his dismay he watched Crueljaw drive on but was cheered up by the sight of the large red autobot symbol on his rear fender. “By Primus I’ll pay for that later oh well might as well start stretching my legs” with that the flyer started to walk back to the rendezvous point until his internal repair system fixed his wing enough for him to fly to it.

Well there are a couple of problems with this application. The whole thing could use a run through a spelling and grammar checker to help iron out a few problems. In the abilities section you mention how he can carry a variety of bombs and missiles, but this isn't listed under his weapons. His low firepower rating and stealthy profile lead me to believe that he wouldn't be equipped with heavy weapons like that. Also I would like you to remove the shared history with your other character. The idea of the RPG is to interact with other players and characters. You don't have to have a history with another character but I would rather you interact more with other players rather then just grouping the characters you play together.
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Re: NEW Character Applications

Postby Devastron » Sun Apr 15, 2012 10:06 pm

Weapon: Energo-Sword
Foxfire13795 wrote:It took me some time to decide to do this. Here you are, my moderators.


Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Seeker Commander
Alt. mode: F-22 Raptor
Weapons: Arm-mounted Laser Guns, Cluster Bombs
Special Abilities: Radar, Null rays
Height: 31 ft / 9.46 m
Quote: "Conquest is made of the ashes of one's enemies."

Strength: 07
Intelligence: 09
Dexterity: 10
Speed: 10
Endurance: 07
Courage: 09
Firepower: 08
Accuracy: 09
Melee: 08
Tech Skill: 09
Charisma: 09
Rank: 08

Profile: Starscream makes no secret of his ambition to overthrow Megatron as Decepticon Leader. He is ruthless, cold-blooded and cruel. In that sense the two rivals are very much alike. But he has a vain side that clearly distinguishes him. He considers himself the most sophisticated and handsome of the Decepticons. He exudes a high-class, urbane air that provides a certain irony to his murderous tendencies. He looks down on Megatron for being antiquated in his military strategy. Starscream believes the Decepticons should rely more on guile and speed rather than brute, destructive force to defeat the Autobots.

Starscream displays a kaleidoscope of personality facets and emotional undercurrents of which he himself is not fully aware, but which are not entirely lost on his comrades. He can be arrogant, selfish, and single-mindedly ambitious, forever seeking to unseat Megatron and assume command himself - but his schemes always seem to backfire as though he were subconsciously sabotaging himself. He forges ahead with supreme confidence, and can display astonishing perseverance in the face of repeated setbacks, but then may trip over his own insecurities.

Acknowledged for his combat skills but otherwise often disdained by his comrades despite his constant scrabbling to gain respect, he isolates himself further in a bristling shield of psychological armor. He can waver in an instant from deathless courage in battle to desperate pleas for appeasement in response to an enraged Megatron, when he's stepped too far over the line. Megatron overlooks the potential threat Starscream represents for one very good reason: Starscream is very good at his job.

Abilities: Starscream is one of the fastest flyers of the Decepticons, Mach 5 being nothing more but a cruising speed for him. He can climb to sub-orbital altitudes of 52 miles and nose-dive down to near ground level in mere minutes. This makes him particularly effective in surprise attacks and hit-and-run actions. He can shoot cluster bombs a distance of 40 miles, each of which can level an area 10,000 feet square. His null-ray rifle can interrupt the flow of electricity in any circuitry it hits for periods of up to two minutes, effectively preventing the operation of many machines dependent on those circuits during that period.

Weaknesses: Starscream tends to overrates himself often, and finds himself in situations that are more than he can handle. His nose-dives often overload his gyro-circuitry leaving him disoriented briefly. But, overall, he is a very tough nut to crack.

Sample Post:

The moment was right. Starscream had been waiting for what seemed like vorns for an opportunity such as this. The Seeker Commander sat in the bridge of the Ultrax digesting the information that appeared on the viewscreen. Since Megatron’s…unfortunate passing, Starscream had been carefully cultivating a scheme that would decisively place himself at the head of the Decepticons, respected and feared throughout the universe.

Starscream felt a slight smirk touch his faceplate as he thought to himself, Supreme Commander Starscream—No. Lord Starscream. How befitting of one of my caliber.

The would-be lord considered the other candidates in the running. The ancient Shockwave was purely logic driven and lacking much of the charisma required in a leader, but he did pose a serious threat to Starscream’s claim. He had the Thanatos, and now he had something else. Shockwave’s trump card. The Seeker Commander dismissed it. Whatever Shockwave was scheming, the would-be lord would find a way to top it. He had faced some setbacks already with Ultrax being grounded on this disgusting mud ball, but they were nothing that could not be overcome.

The Seeker Commander’s thoughts were disrupted when his scout entered the bridge. Starscream kept his optics on the viewscreen reading over the information displayed there again while listening to the scout’s approach. The scout stopped a respectful distance away from Starscream. “Commander Starscream, Stall reporting.”

Starscream did not turn immediately. He finished reading over the information again, running through the stages of his plan in his mind. The pause had clearly grown uncomfortable for the Seeker scout who shifted uneasily in place. Starscream waited a moment more, then swiveled around in his chair to face the scout, not bothering to rise. “Go on then,” he said with a dismissive wave of his hand.

The scout felt reassured now that his commanding officer had turned to face him. Stall knew his commander was fairly unpredictable in temperament, but it seemed like he was not in a bad mood at the moment. That might change after he delivered his report, however. “I scouted the human base that you requested, sir, and…well, Commander Starscream…It is heavily fortified. It is a human war zone, so they are on constant alert for any signs of hostile activity. I don’t think we should attempt an attack at this time. It could possibly break Infiltration Protocol.”

Starscream’s air of superiority suddenly vanished as a fearsome snarl tore from his vocal processors. “You dare to question me?!” Starscream rose out of the chair and grabbed ahold of the scout by the collar. Stall’s optics went wide as he fumbled for a response.

“N-no! Of course not, commander! I was merely offering my opinion on-“

“If I wish to listen to mundane prattle,” Starscream said softly with a sneer, “I will visit the mess hall.” The would-be lord released the scout and returned to the chair. He waved contemptuously at the scout. “Get out of my sight.”

Stall hurriedly moved toward the door. He exited the bridge grumbling something about seeker commanders. Starscream, on the other hand, was grumbling about idiotic inferiors without respect for their betters.

His plan would work. He would not break Infiltration Protocol despite what that infuriating scout might think. He would need to disable communications within the base. The Seeker Commander cursed Soundwave for the umpteenth time for fleeing the Ultrax to join up with Shockwave. They would all respect him one day—or fear him. It did not matter which so as long as they all obeyed his command.

The staff greatly appreciates you applying for Starscream. At this time however we would like to turn him over to a player with more experience in the game as he is, particularly at this point, a very major character. Your posting has been very good and if you continue posting as you are and even improving, perhaps playing more canon characters, we can revisit taking on a more major character of similar status to Starscream.
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Re: NEW Character Applications

Postby ChaosWave360 » Tue Apr 17, 2012 12:21 am

Weapon: Particle Beam Cannon
Name: Snaptrap
Allegiance: Decepticon
Sub-group: Seacons
Function: Seacon Commander
Alt. mode: Shell-Armored Amphibious Beast
Weapons: Rapid-Fire Sonic Shell Cannons, Atom Smasher Cannon, Incendiary Sword
Height: 33ft / 10.07m
Motto: "Broken Autobots never mend."

Strength: 09
Intelligence: 07
Dexterity: 06
Speed: 02
Endurance: 09
Courage: 08
Firepower: 08
Accuracy: 08
Melee: 09
Tech Skill: 07
Charisma: 08
Rank: 07

Profile: Snaptrap was nicknamed "The Butcher of the Bogs" after he singlehandedly scrapped an entire regiment of Autobots in the Toxic Sludge Swamps of Cybertron. He's a one robot wrecking crew who creates havoc and chaos wherever he goes. Both admirers and enemies agree that Snaptrap is as cold-hearted and cruel as any machine ever manufactured, Megatron included. Snaptrap's battle tactics are a brutal confirmation of this observation. With lethal efficiency, he methodically advances against the enemy, swaying his head right and left, picking off anyone he sees. He's unconcerned about counterattacks since he's virtually invulnerable to weapons-fire. Those merely wounded by his first assault earn his extra attention as he moves to close range so that his next attack will leave no survivors. He continues this strategy until either he's sent his foes running or he's left their twisted, charred bodies to rust on the battlefield. Snaptrap most notably appreciates the honor in a sword fight. Don’t let his use of ranged weapons fool you as Snaptrap is one of the most lethal swordsmen in the universe. As Seacon Commander, he leads a specialized team that doesn’t do their job just for the glory. Rarely do the Seacons receive accolades for the missions they quietly complete behinds the scenes. Instead, Snaptrap leads the Seacons into missions other Decepticons are either too ill-equipped or scared to do.

Abilities: In beast mode, Snaptrap is nearly impervious to weapons-fire. Durabyllium-steel alloy armor shields his body. He carries two audio module-shattering, rapid-fire, retractable Sonic Shell Cannons, eight turret-mounted photon beam ports and a turret-mounted, semi-automatic Atom Smasher Cannon, which he can also use in robot mode. In both modes he is slow. His maximum speed is 20 mph on land, 30 mph in beast mode at sea. In robot mode he also uses an Incendiary Sword.

Weaknesses: The armor plates on Snaptrap's underside in beast mode are relatively thin. Designed to facilitate his ability to float and maneuver in the water, they also leave him vulnerable to attacks from below. Luckily for Snaptrap, few of his enemies, and even fewer of his so-called friends, are aware of this weakness.

Sample Post

There appears to be a base underwater which is the perfect jobs for the seacons. Snaptrap had no problem taking the mission where other decepticons couldn’t. Unlike them, he wasn’t afraid of death as long as its for the decepticon cause. If there is a bonus then it would be the hunt for any autobots or organics that try to escape. Making sure that there’ll be no witnesses.

Snaptrap and his team goes underwater as they transform into their creature mode. Leading the way, he can already tell that they will get something good out of this mission. Whether it’ll be the destruction of a base or the thrill of the hunt, Snaptrap made sure that the mission will be completed first. Making his way through the depths of the ocean, they finally come to the base.

The base seems to be well protected by automatic guns that will fire at anything without authorization. Whoever built this base, whether it be autobot or organics, it didn’t matter as those defenses would get passed. Thinking of a plan, Snaptrap turned towards his fellow seacons and puts them in on his idea.

“Seacons, set up mines around the perimeter. We are going to open up the crust near the us to let in the methane hydrate. If I recall, it is dangerous enough for these organics so it will most likely work and cause damage. Go.”

The seacons respond by doing what he says without question, to make sure that it is done right. Each mine was placed near the turrets, but not within their range of fire. Mines were even placed above the base, but not near enough for the sonar to pick them up. Snaptrap had hoped his theory worked as he observed it on this organic world when traveling underwater.

With a few touches, the Seacons were all down placing the mines around the base. They each get in a safe position as Snapturtle aimed his atomic smasher cannon and fired near one of the mines. Within a few seconds, the blast hit the mine creating a chain reaction. The earth’s crust opened up allowing the methane hydrate to rise up. With it rising, more of the mines began exploding creating more reactions thus surrounding the base.

Snaptrap can hear the alarm go off at the base as it gets damaged from the hydrate. So far so good, but the best thing is that there were injured autobots coming out to escape. It looks like he was able to get his bonus, injured and fleeing prey for him and his seacons. There couldn’t be more than a beautiful sight for the glorious commander. Snaptrap signals his seacons to go on the hunt as he finds the closest autobot to prey on. He goes over to the nearest one as he struggles to move around due to not being built fully underwater. The bot turned around as he saw Snaptrap opened his mouth and bit him as the bot receives a pain in his torso and gets stunned for a bit. Snaptrap uses this opportunity lets go and transforms sending incendiary sword down the bots visor.

Snaptrap pulls it out as he turns around to look that his seacons have finished with their prey. He sends an open communication saying that the mission is done and they will be returning to base. Today has been a successful day, they was able to destroy or damage the base and go hunting after. With the mission taking care of, Snaptrap goes back to the base to go do another mission for him and his seacons.
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Skill: 5

Re: NEW Character Applications

Postby Foximus » Thu Apr 19, 2012 5:17 am

Motto: "Freedom is the right of all sentient beings."
Weapon: Laser Rifle
Name: Blurr
Allegiance: Autobot
Function: Data Courier
Alt. mode: Sports Car (Cybertronian race vehicle)
Weapons: Electro-Laser Cannon
Height: 28ft / 8.5m
Quote: “The faster it is, the better I like it.”

Strength: 07
Intelligence: 08
Dexterity: 10
Speed: 10
Endurance: 06
Courage: 08
Firepower: 07
Accuracy: 07
Melee: 06
Tech Skill: 06
Charisma: 08
Rank: 06

Profile: Blurr is the fastest land-based Transformer in existence. This single characteristic defines much of who he is. Blurr talks fast, acts fast and moves so fast that he leaves a blurred speed trail behind him. Unlike Bluestreak, Blurr’s constant chatter doesn’t come from nervousness. It’s simply how he thinks and speaks. Aside from his obvious physical speed, Blurr chose the job of courier because he’s not really the violent sort. He’s one of the friendliest Autobots around, and he rarely has a negative thing to say about anyone. Despite his high-strung tendencies, his genuine and honest nature has earned him numerous devoted friends.

Before the war, Blurr was the number one racer on Cybertron. The stardom this provided meant he got into the best clubs, was worshiped by fans and was a highly arrogant and egotistical being, to the point where he couldn't be bothered remembering his co-workers' names. However all this changed when the war broke out. The race track was bombed and the races themselves canceled. Blurr found himself despairing, both due to his life falling apart, and to both sides attempting to recruit him. Not long after "bumping" into a Decepticon, Blurr got caught up in a gunfight that resulted in the death of both of his former co-workers. Blurr had had enough, but after some harsh but fair words from a unit commander, Blurr realized that the reason he'd been so into the races was because it was something that mattered. Using that feeling, he accepted the mission to reach Zeta Prime, and became an Autobot.

The war changed Blurr a great deal. Now working in a role that really mattered, his arrogance and cold manner dropped away, replaced by a highly amiable and talkative mech. He’s capable of speaking at a normal pace with his fellow Autobots, but it takes some concentration from him. During combat and high stress situations his speech will return to a high speed, run together pattern.

Abilities: Subject possesses superspeed due to an unusual design quirk. Vehicle mode is unmatched in ground speed; even his robot mode is capable of outrunning most land-based transports. High-speed joints and enhanced rate at which subject processes and responds to visual stimuli provide super-dexterity and agility. Capable of dodging multiple high-speed projectiles or hitting a target before they can think to defend themselves.

Weaknesses: The more subject pushes his speed abilities, the faster he drains his energy. As a result of his hyperactive nature, subject is prone to lose focus in combat situations.

Sample Post:

A patrol consisting of a small troop of two decepticons was traversing the long stretch of asphalt the humans called a road. Both had adopted a sleek, aerodynamic sports car for their alternate modes. They raced one another, weaving in and out of the traffic haphazardly. Human law enforcement had tried to catch them, but the two Decepticons had evaded them each time. The patrol now cruised at a speed of 100mph parallel with one another. “You have to wonder why those fleshlings never go faster than that snail speed,” said one.

His comrade ignored him and glanced briefly to their rear. Another sports car was coming up on them – fast. “Well, hello there. Who’s come to play with the big boys?” he wondered aloud. The two Decepticons accelerated rapidly and tore down the road.

Blurr tore across the pavement at top speed. He had an urgent dispatch for the Autobot ground forces from Prowl. The courier only slowed when absolutely necessary when in the presence of human law enforcement or when he had to weave through traffic. Blurr approached the Decepticon patrol, totally unaware of their existence. He swerved to the side and rocketed past them like they were standing still, leaving the pair in his dust.

The Decepticon patrol looked ahead of them incredulous. They had been pushing themselves as hard as they could go. They were left to wonder what in the name of Primus had the speed to outdistance them.

Blurr was soon miles away from the Decepticon patrol in a matter of breems. His exit was coming up. The courier shot off the interstate and down an exit ramp, checking his speed so that he didn’t fly off of the ramp altogether. Once he got onto the road, he decelerated and proceeded to a fairly empty back road. He didn’t want to lead any human law enforcement to their base. He revved his engines and tore off down the back road, picking up speed now that he was alone on the road.

It wasn’t long until the courier had to leave the road entirely. For the sake of secrecy, the Autobot ground forces had established a base far from any human civilization. The going was rough and bumpy, but Blurr didn’t slow down.

A large hill came into sight. Blurr would not have been able to tell that it was an Autobot base if he hadn’t been given its coordinates. The courier raced toward it as he sent a brief transmission to the Autobots within.


A long astrosecond passed before he got an answer.

>>Blurr? Is that you? Say that again. Slower this time.<<

The hill was getting closer and closer as Blurr careened toward it. He knew he’d have to stop himself soon. The courier concentrated on his reply.

>>It’s Blurr with an urgent message from command.<<

In response, Blurr saw a section of the hill fold away as the entrance to the base was revealed. Blurr slowed down a bit before shooting through the entrance at high speeds. He turned to the side and slid sideways across the floor of the base before coming to a halt. Blurr was transforming back into robot mode when the commander of the base entered the room. The courier practically bounded over to him and gave him a sharp salute.

“Blurr, with urgent intel from command, sir!”

Blurr held out the data that he had been carrying to the commander. The commander took it and nodded in acknowledgment to Blurr. The courier took that as a dismissal and wandered off into the base looking for the mess hall and some good company as he reported in to his superior.

>>Prowl, Blurr here. Mission successful. Permission to kick back and relax?<<
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Re: NEW Character Applications

Postby Ember » Thu Apr 19, 2012 9:59 pm

Motto: "I'm not psycho...I just like psychotic things."
Foxfire13795 wrote:Name: Blurr
Allegiance: Autobot
Function: Data Courier
Alt. mode: Sports Car (Cybertronian race vehicle)
Weapons: Electro-Laser Cannon
Height: 28ft / 8.5m
Quote: “The faster it is, the better I like it.”

Strength: 07
Intelligence: 08
Dexterity: 10
Speed: 10
Endurance: 06
Courage: 08
Firepower: 07
Accuracy: 07
Melee: 06
Tech Skill: 06
Charisma: 08
Rank: 06

Profile: Blurr is the fastest land-based Transformer in existence. This single characteristic defines much of who he is. Blurr talks fast, acts fast and moves so fast that he leaves a blurred speed trail behind him. Unlike Bluestreak, Blurr’s constant chatter doesn’t come from nervousness. It’s simply how he thinks and speaks. Aside from his obvious physical speed, Blurr chose the job of courier because he’s not really the violent sort. He’s one of the friendliest Autobots around, and he rarely has a negative thing to say about anyone. Despite his high-strung tendencies, his genuine and honest nature has earned him numerous devoted friends.

Before the war, Blurr was the number one racer on Cybertron. The stardom this provided meant he got into the best clubs, was worshiped by fans and was a highly arrogant and egotistical being, to the point where he couldn't be bothered remembering his co-workers' names. However all this changed when the war broke out. The race track was bombed and the races themselves canceled. Blurr found himself despairing, both due to his life falling apart, and to both sides attempting to recruit him. Not long after "bumping" into a Decepticon, Blurr got caught up in a gunfight that resulted in the death of both of his former co-workers. Blurr had had enough, but after some harsh but fair words from a unit commander, Blurr realized that the reason he'd been so into the races was because it was something that mattered. Using that feeling, he accepted the mission to reach Zeta Prime, and became an Autobot.

The war changed Blurr a great deal. Now working in a role that really mattered, his arrogance and cold manner dropped away, replaced by a highly amiable and talkative mech. He’s capable of speaking at a normal pace with his fellow Autobots, but it takes some concentration from him. During combat and high stress situations his speech will return to a high speed, run together pattern.

Abilities: Subject possesses superspeed due to an unusual design quirk. Vehicle mode is unmatched in ground speed; even his robot mode is capable of outrunning most land-based transports. High-speed joints and enhanced rate at which subject processes and responds to visual stimuli provide super-dexterity and agility. Capable of dodging multiple high-speed projectiles or hitting a target before they can think to defend themselves.

Weaknesses: The more subject pushes his speed abilities, the faster he drains his energy. As a result of his hyperactive nature, subject is prone to lose focus in combat situations.

Sample Post:

A patrol consisting of a small troop of two decepticons was traversing the long stretch of asphalt the humans called a road. Both had adopted a sleek, aerodynamic sports car for their alternate modes. They raced one another, weaving in and out of the traffic haphazardly. Human law enforcement had tried to catch them, but the two Decepticons had evaded them each time. The patrol now cruised at a speed of 100mph parallel with one another. “You have to wonder why those fleshlings never go faster than that snail speed,” said one.

His comrade ignored him and glanced briefly to their rear. Another sports car was coming up on them – fast. “Well, hello there. Who’s come to play with the big boys?” he wondered aloud. The two Decepticons accelerated rapidly and tore down the road.

Blurr tore across the pavement at top speed. He had an urgent dispatch for the Autobot ground forces from Prowl. The courier only slowed when absolutely necessary when in the presence of human law enforcement or when he had to weave through traffic. Blurr approached the Decepticon patrol, totally unaware of their existence. He swerved to the side and rocketed past them like they were standing still, leaving the pair in his dust.

The Decepticon patrol looked ahead of them incredulous. They had been pushing themselves as hard as they could go. They were left to wonder what in the name of Primus had the speed to outdistance them.

Blurr was soon miles away from the Decepticon patrol in a matter of breems. His exit was coming up. The courier shot off the interstate and down an exit ramp, checking his speed so that he didn’t fly off of the ramp altogether. Once he got onto the road, he decelerated and proceeded to a fairly empty back road. He didn’t want to lead any human law enforcement to their base. He revved his engines and tore off down the back road, picking up speed now that he was alone on the road.

It wasn’t long until the courier had to leave the road entirely. For the sake of secrecy, the Autobot ground forces had established a base far from any human civilization. The going was rough and bumpy, but Blurr didn’t slow down.

A large hill came into sight. Blurr would not have been able to tell that it was an Autobot base if he hadn’t been given its coordinates. The courier raced toward it as he sent a brief transmission to the Autobots within.


A long astrosecond passed before he got an answer.

>>Blurr? Is that you? Say that again. Slower this time.<<

The hill was getting closer and closer as Blurr careened toward it. He knew he’d have to stop himself soon. The courier concentrated on his reply.

>>It’s Blurr with an urgent message from command.<<

In response, Blurr saw a section of the hill fold away as the entrance to the base was revealed. Blurr slowed down a bit before shooting through the entrance at high speeds. He turned to the side and slid sideways across the floor of the base before coming to a halt. Blurr was transforming back into robot mode when the commander of the base entered the room. The courier practically bounded over to him and gave him a sharp salute.

“Blurr, with urgent intel from command, sir!”

Blurr held out the data that he had been carrying to the commander. The commander took it and nodded in acknowledgment to Blurr. The courier took that as a dismissal and wandered off into the base looking for the mess hall and some good company as he reported in to his superior.

>>Prowl, Blurr here. Mission successful. Permission to kick back and relax?<<

With the change I made to his rank he's approved. He was last seen on the Guardian.
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Re: NEW Character Applications

Postby Devastron » Sat Apr 21, 2012 6:33 pm

Weapon: Energo-Sword
ChaosWave360 wrote:Name: Snaptrap
Allegiance: Decepticon
Sub-group: Seacons
Function: Seacon Commander
Alt. mode: Shell-Armored Amphibious Beast
Weapons: Rapid-Fire Sonic Shell Cannons, Atom Smasher Cannon, Incendiary Sword
Height: 33ft / 10.07m
Motto: "Broken Autobots never mend."

Strength: 09
Intelligence: 07
Dexterity: 06
Speed: 02
Endurance: 09
Courage: 08
Firepower: 08
Accuracy: 08
Melee: 09
Tech Skill: 07
Charisma: 08
Rank: 07

Profile: Snaptrap was nicknamed "The Butcher of the Bogs" after he singlehandedly scrapped an entire regiment of Autobots in the Toxic Sludge Swamps of Cybertron. He's a one robot wrecking crew who creates havoc and chaos wherever he goes. Both admirers and enemies agree that Snaptrap is as cold-hearted and cruel as any machine ever manufactured, Megatron included. Snaptrap's battle tactics are a brutal confirmation of this observation. With lethal efficiency, he methodically advances against the enemy, swaying his head right and left, picking off anyone he sees. He's unconcerned about counterattacks since he's virtually invulnerable to weapons-fire. Those merely wounded by his first assault earn his extra attention as he moves to close range so that his next attack will leave no survivors. He continues this strategy until either he's sent his foes running or he's left their twisted, charred bodies to rust on the battlefield. Snaptrap most notably appreciates the honor in a sword fight. Don’t let his use of ranged weapons fool you as Snaptrap is one of the most lethal swordsmen in the universe. As Seacon Commander, he leads a specialized team that doesn’t do their job just for the glory. Rarely do the Seacons receive accolades for the missions they quietly complete behinds the scenes. Instead, Snaptrap leads the Seacons into missions other Decepticons are either too ill-equipped or scared to do.

Abilities: In beast mode, Snaptrap is nearly impervious to weapons-fire. Durabyllium-steel alloy armor shields his body. He carries two audio module-shattering, rapid-fire, retractable Sonic Shell Cannons, eight turret-mounted photon beam ports and a turret-mounted, semi-automatic Atom Smasher Cannon, which he can also use in robot mode. In both modes he is slow. His maximum speed is 20 mph on land, 30 mph in beast mode at sea. In robot mode he also uses an Incendiary Sword.

Weaknesses: The armor plates on Snaptrap's underside in beast mode are relatively thin. Designed to facilitate his ability to float and maneuver in the water, they also leave him vulnerable to attacks from below. Luckily for Snaptrap, few of his enemies, and even fewer of his so-called friends, are aware of this weakness.

Sample Post

There appears to be a base underwater which is the perfect jobs for the seacons. Snaptrap had no problem taking the mission where other decepticons couldn’t. Unlike them, he wasn’t afraid of death as long as its for the decepticon cause. If there is a bonus then it would be the hunt for any autobots or organics that try to escape. Making sure that there’ll be no witnesses.

Snaptrap and his team goes underwater as they transform into their creature mode. Leading the way, he can already tell that they will get something good out of this mission. Whether it’ll be the destruction of a base or the thrill of the hunt, Snaptrap made sure that the mission will be completed first. Making his way through the depths of the ocean, they finally come to the base.

The base seems to be well protected by automatic guns that will fire at anything without authorization. Whoever built this base, whether it be autobot or organics, it didn’t matter as those defenses would get passed. Thinking of a plan, Snaptrap turned towards his fellow seacons and puts them in on his idea.

“Seacons, set up mines around the perimeter. We are going to open up the crust near the us to let in the methane hydrate. If I recall, it is dangerous enough for these organics so it will most likely work and cause damage. Go.”

The seacons respond by doing what he says without question, to make sure that it is done right. Each mine was placed near the turrets, but not within their range of fire. Mines were even placed above the base, but not near enough for the sonar to pick them up. Snaptrap had hoped his theory worked as he observed it on this organic world when traveling underwater.

With a few touches, the Seacons were all down placing the mines around the base. They each get in a safe position as Snapturtle aimed his atomic smasher cannon and fired near one of the mines. Within a few seconds, the blast hit the mine creating a chain reaction. The earth’s crust opened up allowing the methane hydrate to rise up. With it rising, more of the mines began exploding creating more reactions thus surrounding the base.

Snaptrap can hear the alarm go off at the base as it gets damaged from the hydrate. So far so good, but the best thing is that there were injured autobots coming out to escape. It looks like he was able to get his bonus, injured and fleeing prey for him and his seacons. There couldn’t be more than a beautiful sight for the glorious commander. Snaptrap signals his seacons to go on the hunt as he finds the closest autobot to prey on. He goes over to the nearest one as he struggles to move around due to not being built fully underwater. The bot turned around as he saw Snaptrap opened his mouth and bit him as the bot receives a pain in his torso and gets stunned for a bit. Snaptrap uses this opportunity lets go and transforms sending incendiary sword down the bots visor.

Snaptrap pulls it out as he turns around to look that his seacons have finished with their prey. He sends an open communication saying that the mission is done and they will be returning to base. Today has been a successful day, they was able to destroy or damage the base and go hunting after. With the mission taking care of, Snaptrap goes back to the base to go do another mission for him and his seacons.

I don't believe you are ready for a ranking officer in the game yet. I want to see your posting improve before you take on a character like this, and that comes with time and experience.
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Re: NEW Character Applications

Postby ChaosWave360 » Sun Apr 22, 2012 4:03 pm

Weapon: Particle Beam Cannon
Then I'll continue with my fan made


Allegiance: Decepticon :CON:
Function: Gladiator
Alternate Modes: Sikorsky MH-53 Pave Low
Weapons: Ion Disruptor Cannon, Gravity Hammer, Dual Incendiary Gatling Guns
Height: 33ft/ 13.365m
Quote: “I forsee your imminent termination.”

Strength: 8
Intelligence: 5
Dexterity: 7
Speed: 4
Endurance: 8
Courage: 7
Firepower: 9
Accuracy: 7
Melee: 7
Tech Skill: 5
Charisma: 3


Blackout name has always been one that many have heard. During his days before the war, he was a gladiator in the pits of Kaon. Making that he’s name would be famous for the audience to watch. However, there was one bot that he looked up to and was inspired to surpass. The bot was Megatron as his name was the face in the pits of Kaon.

When the war happened, Blackout instantly went to the decepticons when learning that Megatron is leading the decepticons. His ideals in a better system for cybertron were another set of inspiration to Blackout. As such, he would make sure that his leader wishes would be fulfilled.

If there is one word to describe Blackout, it will be loyalty. For the decepticon cause, Blackout will do whatever it takes to make sure complete his mission. Listening to any orders given to him by any superiors or Lord Megatron himself. If anyone was to harm Lord Megatron, he would make sure that they will suffer his wrath. When it comes to enemies such as the autobots, Blackout is ruthless and will not show mercy.


Blackout armor is strong enough to make him last longer in battle. With his armor, he is able to resist damage done to him for a long period of time until it can’t handle anymore.

Blackout is known for his strength by wrestling against the beasts in Kaon. While his pit fighting skills aren’t as par like Megatron’s; however, he is still lethal when doing close combat.

His alt mode is nothing special as the max speed he can get is 249 mph. His Alt mode is able to get damage as his robot form due to the armor. Thus allowing Blackout to come in and fire away at the enemy with his gatling guns at the side.

His strongest weapon is the Ion Disruptor Cannon. His chest opens up, bringing out a huge cannon. When fired the shock cannon sends out a shock blast that can devastate the transformer and his surroundings, leaving them badly injured if hit.

His melee weapon is the Gravity Hammer and thanks to his great strength, when Blackout slams the hammer down, it creates a shockwave to knock a transformer off his feet if not ready or push him/her back. It also has a blade made out of cybertronian materials. It is located in the back of the hammer portion thus allowing Blackout to hit, slam or slice any transformer.

Dual Incendiary Gatling Guns, Blackout arms transform into this. They fire several incendiary rounds in rapid succession. The incendiary causes fires when fired into anything flammable.


His weakness is his speed as faster characters are able to outrun him giving them a advantage.

The Ion Disruptor Cannon drawbacks are being able to put a strain on Blackout energon supply. Making him only able to fire three times before having to recharge. Anymore than that would risk him being in stasis.

Blackout is willing to work with other decepticons as long as it completes his mission. If Blackout sees incompetence and will not hesitate to point it out bluntly. He will likely cause a fight between fellow decepticons if he sees them not holding their part of the mission.

Sample Post:

Today was the day he would move up in the pits. Having to witness Megatron’s victory over the beast in the pits of kaon. Blackout has made sure to do the same so that he can receive the same praise as the famous gladiator. The pits were full of bots as they cheer for the next match to start. Blackout grabs his gravity hammer as he heads out to the ring to deliver the crowd that brutal battle that they want.

Blackout enters the ring as the crowd cheer for him. Raising his arms and showing the crowd that he is ready to fight. At the stance, he can see Megatron and other gladiators watching him. Well, this was interesting for him, now he can prove to the crowd and the famous gladiator of what he’s made of. Blackout takes his hammer and aims towards the door to bring out the beast.

“Lets get this party started! Bring him out!”

The crowd cheers as they hear Blackout’s words as he couldn’t have said it better. The guards nodded and opened the doors bringing out the beast. A massive cybertronian beast comes out like a bull and charges towards Blackout. To prove to the audience of his worthiness, he gets his hammer ready and swings for the beast’s head. He lays a hit as the beast slams against the wall in pain. The crowd cheers again at the awesome sight.

“Thank you....Thank are all lovable fans!”

Unknown to Blackout, the beast gets back on his feet and charges again, but this time hits Blackout. Blackout slams against the wall as the crowd cheers at the excitement. Its horn jams through Blackout as he struggles to get the creature off of him. Using his strength he yams his elbow into its eye as the beast backs up in pain. Blackout uses this chance and swings his hammer at the head of the creature. This time the impact knocks the beast against the wall.

He had made a fool of himself against the crowd and the eyes of Megatron by letting himself get caught up like that. This mistake was not to happen again ever. To end this fight, Blackout charges after the beast and slams his hammer at the creature’s head thus killing it.

The fight was over, but it seemed like he lost the battle. Blackout was ashamed of letting a foul creature get the better of him. It seemed as though he will never compete against the skills of Megatron. Blackout drops on one knee as the damage the beast had done is making him lose energon. He looks up to see Megatron helping him up as the crowd cheers.

Megatron, the famous gladiator is helping him? The person that inspired to do better is helping him on his feet? No gladiator has ever helped him! Blackout was surprised of this turn of events as he didn’t think Megatron would care. Megatron was already been an inspiration to him, but to be doing this has even made him even more inspired.

Megatron, I would support you no matter what you do. Its the least I can do for you doing this.

These were the words in the back of Blackout’s mind as they walk out of the ring. Not only is Megatron an inspiration, but he’s also a hero in the eyes of Blackout.
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Re: NEW Character Applications

Postby Ember » Sun Apr 22, 2012 6:23 pm

Motto: "I'm not psycho...I just like psychotic things."
ChaosWave360 wrote:Then I'll continue with my fan made


Allegiance: Decepticon :CON:
Function: Gladiator
Alternate Modes: Sikorsky MH-53 Pave Low
Weapons: Ion Disruptor Cannon, Gravity Hammer, Dual Incendiary Gatling Guns
Height: 33ft/ 13.365m
Quote: “I forsee your imminent termination.”

Strength: 8
Intelligence: 5
Dexterity: 7
Speed: 4
Endurance: 8
Courage: 7
Firepower: 9
Accuracy: 7
Melee: 7
Tech Skill: 5
Charisma: 3


Blackout name has always been one that many have heard. During his days before the war, he was a gladiator in the pits of Kaon. Making that he’s name would be famous for the audience to watch. However, there was one bot that he looked up to and was inspired to surpass. The bot was Megatron as his name was the face in the pits of Kaon.

When the war happened, Blackout instantly went to the decepticons when learning that Megatron is leading the decepticons. His ideals in a better system for cybertron were another set of inspiration to Blackout. As such, he would make sure that his leader wishes would be fulfilled.

If there is one word to describe Blackout, it will be loyalty. For the decepticon cause, Blackout will do whatever it takes to make sure complete his mission. Listening to any orders given to him by any superiors or Lord Megatron himself. If anyone was to harm Lord Megatron, he would make sure that they will suffer his wrath. When it comes to enemies such as the autobots, Blackout is ruthless and will not show mercy.


Blackout armor is strong enough to make him last longer in battle. With his armor, he is able to resist damage done to him for a long period of time until it can’t handle anymore.

Blackout is known for his strength by wrestling against the beasts in Kaon. While his pit fighting skills aren’t as par like Megatron’s; however, he is still lethal when doing close combat.

His alt mode is nothing special as the max speed he can get is 249 mph. His Alt mode is able to get damage as his robot form due to the armor. Thus allowing Blackout to come in and fire away at the enemy with his gatling guns at the side.

His strongest weapon is the Ion Disruptor Cannon. His chest opens up, bringing out a huge cannon. When fired the shock cannon sends out a shock blast that can devastate the transformer and his surroundings, leaving them badly injured if hit.

His melee weapon is the Gravity Hammer and thanks to his great strength, when Blackout slams the hammer down, it creates a shockwave to knock a transformer off his feet if not ready or push him/her back. It also has a blade made out of cybertronian materials. It is located in the back of the hammer portion thus allowing Blackout to hit, slam or slice any transformer.

Dual Incendiary Gatling Guns, Blackout arms transform into this. They fire several incendiary rounds in rapid succession. The incendiary causes fires when fired into anything flammable.


His weakness is his speed as faster characters are able to outrun him giving them a advantage.

The Ion Disruptor Cannon drawbacks are being able to put a strain on Blackout energon supply. Making him only able to fire three times before having to recharge. Anymore than that would risk him being in stasis.

Blackout is willing to work with other decepticons as long as it completes his mission. If Blackout sees incompetence and will not hesitate to point it out bluntly. He will likely cause a fight between fellow decepticons if he sees them not holding their part of the mission.

Sample Post:

Today was the day he would move up in the pits. Having to witness Megatron’s victory over the beast in the pits of kaon. Blackout has made sure to do the same so that he can receive the same praise as the famous gladiator. The pits were full of bots as they cheer for the next match to start. Blackout grabs his gravity hammer as he heads out to the ring to deliver the crowd that brutal battle that they want.

Blackout enters the ring as the crowd cheer for him. Raising his arms and showing the crowd that he is ready to fight. At the stance, he can see Megatron and other gladiators watching him. Well, this was interesting for him, now he can prove to the crowd and the famous gladiator of what he’s made of. Blackout takes his hammer and aims towards the door to bring out the beast.

“Lets get this party started! Bring him out!”

The crowd cheers as they hear Blackout’s words as he couldn’t have said it better. The guards nodded and opened the doors bringing out the beast. A massive cybertronian beast comes out like a bull and charges towards Blackout. To prove to the audience of his worthiness, he gets his hammer ready and swings for the beast’s head. He lays a hit as the beast slams against the wall in pain. The crowd cheers again at the awesome sight.

“Thank you....Thank are all lovable fans!”

Unknown to Blackout, the beast gets back on his feet and charges again, but this time hits Blackout. Blackout slams against the wall as the crowd cheers at the excitement. Its horn jams through Blackout as he struggles to get the creature off of him. Using his strength he yams his elbow into its eye as the beast backs up in pain. Blackout uses this chance and swings his hammer at the head of the creature. This time the impact knocks the beast against the wall.

He had made a fool of himself against the crowd and the eyes of Megatron by letting himself get caught up like that. This mistake was not to happen again ever. To end this fight, Blackout charges after the beast and slams his hammer at the creature’s head thus killing it.

The fight was over, but it seemed like he lost the battle. Blackout was ashamed of letting a foul creature get the better of him. It seemed as though he will never compete against the skills of Megatron. Blackout drops on one knee as the damage the beast had done is making him lose energon. He looks up to see Megatron helping him up as the crowd cheers.

Megatron, the famous gladiator is helping him? The person that inspired to do better is helping him on his feet? No gladiator has ever helped him! Blackout was surprised of this turn of events as he didn’t think Megatron would care. Megatron was already been an inspiration to him, but to be doing this has even made him even more inspired.

Megatron, I would support you no matter what you do. Its the least I can do for you doing this.

These were the words in the back of Blackout’s mind as they walk out of the ring. Not only is Megatron an inspiration, but he’s also a hero in the eyes of Blackout.

Denied. The staff believes that you should continue with the character you already have before you try for another one.
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Re: NEW Character Applications

Postby ChaosWave360 » Wed Apr 25, 2012 5:56 pm

Weapon: Particle Beam Cannon

Allegiance: Decepticon
Subgroup: Predacons
Function: Aerial Assault
Alt. mode: Eagle
Weapons: Particle-beam rifle with infra-red sight, laser-guided sword
Special Abilities: Enhanced visual sensors
Height: 31ft / 9.5m
Quote: "Conquer the skies and what's below you will fall."

Strength: 07
Intelligence: 08
Dexterity: 09
Speed: 06
Endurance: 07
Courage: 08
Firepower: 07
Accuracy: 09
Melee: 08
Tech Skill: 06
Charisma: 06
Rank: 06

Profile: Divebomb is one happy Predacon, especially when he is raining down death and destruction on the ground-based Autobot forces. He takes great delight in his work and loves watching his targets scurry about below looking for cover. The more targets he has to choose from the better he likes it. He’s almost always in a good mood, unless he has to deal with his fellow Predacons, whom he only tolerates at best. He prefers to be alone and cherishes his independence. In his downtime, Divebomb likes to build metal “nests” out of whatever scrap happens to be on hand. These fortified structures, usually located at the highest nearby point, are a source of pride for him and a place for him to go when he just wants to get away from his annoying teammates.

Furthermore, Divebomb is highly competitive by nature. So much so that it was the primary reason he took part as a gladiatorial combatant in the underground games back before the war began. It is also why he continued fighting after the Decepticon uprising. Divebomb will usually search out and engage the best Autobot fliers he can find just to prove that he is better. One such flyer is the Dinobot Swoop with whom his has developed an intense rivalry and has previously engaged in aerial conflict.

While Divebomb may not like the other Predacons, he fights alongside them anyway because they are the best of the best in the Decepticon army. When Megatron needs something done right, the Predacons are the ones called upon. Patiently, Divebomb is always waiting for their next assignment, counting down the astroseconds before he can unleash his “happy” side on the unsuspecting enemy once more.

Abilities: Rocket thrusters mounted on his back allow Divebomb to achieve speeds of 300 mph when in eagle mode. He has a 2000 mile range and can reach an altitude of 18 miles. High resolution telescopic lenses within his optical modules enable him to spot a dime from 10,000 feet. He can lift a tank and tear through its armored skin with his beak. In robot mode he uses a particle beam rife with infrared sight and a laser guided sword, which is guided to its target after Divebomb first pinpoints the target with a laser beam that shoots from the sword's tip.

Weaknesses: Divebomb's internal guidance system is easily thrown off by magnetism. Such interference causes him to lose control while he's flying and makes him prone to crashing.

Sample Post

Divebomb having received orders from Razorclaw to go get the defeated air commander went to the repair bay. Upon reaching the repair bay, he spotted Skywarp and Thrust waiting for his precious seeker commander to be operational again. Razorclaw had told him not to engage any seekers when heading to the repair bay, but it seems that was out the window. Seeing to avoid the seeker was going to impossible, Divebomb went over to the CR chamber to see if the seeker commander was in there. With one quick peak with his optics, Starscream was in there getting repaired. A little smirk crossed his face upon seeing the air commander, but that disappeared quickly so Skywarp and Thrust wouldn’t see it.

He looks at them while leaning against the wall to wait for the repair process to be done. The two seekers were not thrilled to see him and were wondering what he was doing here first. Before they even have the chance to ask, he tells them.

“Don’t be alarmed, I’m not here to cause trouble. I’m only here to bring Starscream to Lord Razorclaw once he’s repaired, but only him alone.”

Telling the seekers the news probably didn’t calm their anger of what just transpired, but it didn’t matter. Divebomb can feel that they don’t trust him which didn’t matter also. This was no negotiations, it was an order and he intend to fulfill it to the letter. The seekers would try to come with him and Starscream, but Divebomb doesn’t intend for that to happen.

“Look at the bright side, now that we have a leader, we can organize ourselves to fight Shockwave.”

Divebomb knew that didn’t light up the mood, but he had to point that out there. Even if it wasn’t the seeker commander that won the battle, the outcome of it was them having a leader which was important. If there wasn’t a leader then this entire rebellion would fail. It is to be hoped that the seekers would understand that important aspect. As of right now, Divebomb waits for Starscream to get repaired.
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Re: NEW Character Applications

Postby Cryhavok » Thu Apr 26, 2012 7:46 am

Motto: ""It is all about pain.""
Weapon: Fusion-Powered Anti-Gravity Gun
ChaosWave360 wrote:Divebomb

Allegiance: Decepticon
Subgroup: Predacons
Function: Aerial Assault
Alt. mode: Eagle
Weapons: Particle-beam rifle with infra-red sight, laser-guided sword
Special Abilities: Enhanced visual sensors
Height: 31ft / 9.5m
Quote: "Conquer the skies and what's below you will fall."

Strength: 07
Intelligence: 08
Dexterity: 09
Speed: 06
Endurance: 07
Courage: 08
Firepower: 07
Accuracy: 09
Melee: 08
Tech Skill: 06
Charisma: 06
Rank: 06

Profile: Divebomb is one happy Predacon, especially when he is raining down death and destruction on the ground-based Autobot forces. He takes great delight in his work and loves watching his targets scurry about below looking for cover. The more targets he has to choose from the better he likes it. He’s almost always in a good mood, unless he has to deal with his fellow Predacons, whom he only tolerates at best. He prefers to be alone and cherishes his independence. In his downtime, Divebomb likes to build metal “nests” out of whatever scrap happens to be on hand. These fortified structures, usually located at the highest nearby point, are a source of pride for him and a place for him to go when he just wants to get away from his annoying teammates.

Furthermore, Divebomb is highly competitive by nature. So much so that it was the primary reason he took part as a gladiatorial combatant in the underground games back before the war began. It is also why he continued fighting after the Decepticon uprising. Divebomb will usually search out and engage the best Autobot fliers he can find just to prove that he is better. One such flyer is the Dinobot Swoop with whom his has developed an intense rivalry and has previously engaged in aerial conflict.

While Divebomb may not like the other Predacons, he fights alongside them anyway because they are the best of the best in the Decepticon army. When Megatron needs something done right, the Predacons are the ones called upon. Patiently, Divebomb is always waiting for their next assignment, counting down the astroseconds before he can unleash his “happy” side on the unsuspecting enemy once more.

Abilities: Rocket thrusters mounted on his back allow Divebomb to achieve speeds of 300 mph when in eagle mode. He has a 2000 mile range and can reach an altitude of 18 miles. High resolution telescopic lenses within his optical modules enable him to spot a dime from 10,000 feet. He can lift a tank and tear through its armored skin with his beak. In robot mode he uses a particle beam rife with infrared sight and a laser guided sword, which is guided to its target after Divebomb first pinpoints the target with a laser beam that shoots from the sword's tip.

Weaknesses: Divebomb's internal guidance system is easily thrown off by magnetism. Such interference causes him to lose control while he's flying and makes him prone to crashing.

Sample Post

Divebomb having received orders from Razorclaw to go get the defeated air commander went to the repair bay. Upon reaching the repair bay, he spotted Skywarp and Thrust waiting for his precious seeker commander to be operational again. Razorclaw had told him not to engage any seekers when heading to the repair bay, but it seems that was out the window. Seeing to avoid the seeker was going to impossible, Divebomb went over to the CR chamber to see if the seeker commander was in there. With one quick peak with his optics, Starscream was in there getting repaired. A little smirk crossed his face upon seeing the air commander, but that disappeared quickly so Skywarp and Thrust wouldn’t see it.

He looks at them while leaning against the wall to wait for the repair process to be done. The two seekers were not thrilled to see him and were wondering what he was doing here first. Before they even have the chance to ask, he tells them.

“Don’t be alarmed, I’m not here to cause trouble. I’m only here to bring Starscream to Lord Razorclaw once he’s repaired, but only him alone.”

Telling the seekers the news probably didn’t calm their anger of what just transpired, but it didn’t matter. Divebomb can feel that they don’t trust him which didn’t matter also. This was no negotiations, it was an order and he intend to fulfill it to the letter. The seekers would try to come with him and Starscream, but Divebomb doesn’t intend for that to happen.

“Look at the bright side, now that we have a leader, we can organize ourselves to fight Shockwave.”

Divebomb knew that didn’t light up the mood, but he had to point that out there. Even if it wasn’t the seeker commander that won the battle, the outcome of it was them having a leader which was important. If there wasn’t a leader then this entire rebellion would fail. It is to be hoped that the seekers would understand that important aspect. As of right now, Divebomb waits for Starscream to get repaired.

Approved. I am going to go forth and let you have this chance. I want to see if you can crank up posts like this sample for both Divebomb and Thrust.
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Re: NEW Character Applications

Postby Foximus » Mon May 07, 2012 5:07 pm

Motto: "Freedom is the right of all sentient beings."
Weapon: Laser Rifle
Name: Snaptrap
Allegiance: Decepticon
Function:Seacon Commander
Alt. mode: Shell-Armored Amphibious Beast
Weapons: Rapid-Fire Sonic Shell Cannons, Atom Smasher Cannon, Incendiary Sword
Height: 33ft / 10.07m
Motto: "Broken Autobots never mend."

Strength: 09
Intelligence: 07
Dexterity: 06
Speed: 02
Endurance: 09
Courage: 08
Firepower: 08
Accuracy: 08
Melee: 09
Tech Skill: 07
Charisma: 08
Rank: 07

Profile: Snaptrap was nicknamed "The Butcher of the Bogs" after he singlehandedly scrapped an entire regiment of Autobots in the Toxic Sludge Swamps of Cybertron. He's a one robot wrecking crew who creates havoc and chaos wherever he goes. Both admirers and enemies agree that Snaptrap is as cold-hearted and cruel as any machine ever manufactured, Megatron included. Snaptrap's battle tactics are a brutal confirmation of this observation. With lethal efficiency, he methodically advances against the enemy, swaying his head right and left, picking off anyone he sees. He's unconcerned about counterattacks since he's virtually invulnerable to weapons-fire. Those merely wounded by his first assault earn his extra attention as he moves to close range so that his next attack will leave no survivors. He continues this strategy until either he's sent his foes running or he's left their twisted, charred bodies to rust on the battlefield. Snaptrap most notably appreciates the honor in a sword fight. Don’t let his use of ranged weapons fool you as Snaptrap is one of the most lethal swordsmen in the universe. As Seacon Commander, he leads a specialized team that doesn’t do their job just for the glory. Rarely do the Seacons receive accolades for the missions they quietly complete behinds the scenes. Instead, Snaptrap leads the Seacons into missions other Decepticons are either too ill-equipped or scared to do.

Abilities: In beast mode, Snaptrap is nearly impervious to weapons-fire. Durabyllium-steel alloy armor shields his body. He carries two audio module-shattering, rapid-fire, retractable Sonic Shell Cannons, eight turret-mounted photon beam ports and a turret-mounted, semi-automatic Atom Smasher Cannon, which he can also use in robot mode. In both modes he is slow. His maximum speed is 20 mph on land, 30 mph in beast mode at sea. In robot mode he also uses an Incendiary Sword.

Weaknesses: The armor plates on Snaptrap's underside in beast mode are relatively thin. Designed to facilitate his ability to float and maneuver in the water, they also leave him vulnerable to attacks from below. Luckily for Snaptrap, few of his enemies, and even fewer of his so-called friends, are aware of this weakness.

Sample Post:

Shafts of light brought color to an otherwise grey and dull aquatic world. Rising from the deepest deeps of the trench, a singular form gazed out onto the garishly vivid collage of colors that constituted the coral reef. It landed softly on a patch of sand and turned away from the mosaic of color and life to gaze back into the dark depths from which it had just come. Its movements were slow and gave the appearance of being meticulously thought out in advance. The local fish darted from their hiding places timidly to inspect this new intruder to their reef. When the form didn’t respond to their antics, the fish relaxed and resumed what they had been doing before the behemoth had arrived. Nearby sea turtles noticed the figure and recognized its form as familiar. They swam by the colossal version of themselves to inspect it and then drifted away on the current.

All of these intricacies were lost on Snaptrap. His optics bore down into the trench. He had only brought two of his subordinates with him on this particular mission. Nautilator had stayed behind. On an earlier mission, the incompetent Seacon had stayed under too long and was now suffering from severe rusting. He would be fine after the doctor was finished with him. Tentakil and Skalor had also been left behind. This mission primarily required speed, and Seawing and Overbite were more suited for that. Snaptrap supervised the mission from above and kept in radio contact with his two Seacons.

So far, the mission was going off without a hitch. They had been sent to inspect a Decepticon signal originating from the bottom of this trench. Seawing would be able to locate any foreign object with his radar fairly quickly. Snaptrap had not been certain what they would find, so Overbite was brought along for additional speed and support. Once Seawing had located the source, Snaptrap would rendezvous with the two. He was too slow to keep up with either.

>>Seawing here, I found it. It’s a ship of some sort. Half of it is buried underneath the rocks. Transmitting coordinates, sir.<<

The Seacon commander ignored the contemptuous emphasis Seawing had placed on the word ‘sir’. There would be time to deal with that upstart later. He sent back a short acknowledgment and touched off of the sand, floating through the space over the trench before sinking back down into its depths. Snaptrap moved through the water at top speed, which was regrettably slow. Fortunately, the sunken ship was not too far from his location.

When the Seacon commander arrived, Overbite and Seawing were standing by the exposed hull of the ship. Snaptrap transformed into robot mode and dropped to the ocean floor with a dull thud. He swept his optics over the hull of the ship. He didn’t see any holes where water could have seeped inside. Snaptrap sent a short transmission to his subordinates. Since sound traveled four times faster underwater than it did in the air, the Seacons had to communicate through short range transmissions.

>>Stand back.<<

The Seacon Commander did not wait for them to comply before unsheathing his Incendiary Sword. Its incandescent blade faintly illuminated the otherwise grey ocean floor landscape, everything within the range of its light tinged red.Snaptrap drove the blade into the hull of the ship, choosing a location that would - when the hole was carved – not flood the ship with water. It was quick work, and soon a black maw leading into the ship was carved into the hull. The Seacon Commander gave a short signal for the other Seacons to follow him and then surfaced inside of the ship.

As luck would have it, the Seacons had carved a hole directly into the cargo bay. “Spread out and see if there’s anything here worth salvaging.” Snaptrap moved among the ancient containers, checking each one before moving onto the next. A call from Overbite made Snaptrap stop and move over to him to see what he had found.

It was a fairly unremarkable container that housed one of the powerful and ancient Decepticon relics. Excellent. Snaptrap turned to Overbite and Seawing. “I want a full sweep of the ship done. Anything worth salvaging will be brought to the center of the cargo for the bounce back.” Orders given, Snaptrap proceeded out of the cargo bay in search of the bridge. Perhaps some valuable information was logged into its databanks.
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Re: NEW Character Applications

Postby Cryhavok » Wed May 09, 2012 12:59 pm

Motto: ""It is all about pain.""
Weapon: Fusion-Powered Anti-Gravity Gun
Foxfire13795 wrote:Name: Snaptrap
Allegiance: Decepticon
Function:Seacon Commander
Alt. mode: Shell-Armored Amphibious Beast
Weapons: Rapid-Fire Sonic Shell Cannons, Atom Smasher Cannon, Incendiary Sword
Height: 33ft / 10.07m
Motto: "Broken Autobots never mend."

Strength: 09
Intelligence: 07
Dexterity: 06
Speed: 02
Endurance: 09
Courage: 08
Firepower: 08
Accuracy: 08
Melee: 09
Tech Skill: 07
Charisma: 08
Rank: 07

Profile: Snaptrap was nicknamed "The Butcher of the Bogs" after he singlehandedly scrapped an entire regiment of Autobots in the Toxic Sludge Swamps of Cybertron. He's a one robot wrecking crew who creates havoc and chaos wherever he goes. Both admirers and enemies agree that Snaptrap is as cold-hearted and cruel as any machine ever manufactured, Megatron included. Snaptrap's battle tactics are a brutal confirmation of this observation. With lethal efficiency, he methodically advances against the enemy, swaying his head right and left, picking off anyone he sees. He's unconcerned about counterattacks since he's virtually invulnerable to weapons-fire. Those merely wounded by his first assault earn his extra attention as he moves to close range so that his next attack will leave no survivors. He continues this strategy until either he's sent his foes running or he's left their twisted, charred bodies to rust on the battlefield. Snaptrap most notably appreciates the honor in a sword fight. Don’t let his use of ranged weapons fool you as Snaptrap is one of the most lethal swordsmen in the universe. As Seacon Commander, he leads a specialized team that doesn’t do their job just for the glory. Rarely do the Seacons receive accolades for the missions they quietly complete behinds the scenes. Instead, Snaptrap leads the Seacons into missions other Decepticons are either too ill-equipped or scared to do.

Abilities: In beast mode, Snaptrap is nearly impervious to weapons-fire. Durabyllium-steel alloy armor shields his body. He carries two audio module-shattering, rapid-fire, retractable Sonic Shell Cannons, eight turret-mounted photon beam ports and a turret-mounted, semi-automatic Atom Smasher Cannon, which he can also use in robot mode. In both modes he is slow. His maximum speed is 20 mph on land, 30 mph in beast mode at sea. In robot mode he also uses an Incendiary Sword.

Weaknesses: The armor plates on Snaptrap's underside in beast mode are relatively thin. Designed to facilitate his ability to float and maneuver in the water, they also leave him vulnerable to attacks from below. Luckily for Snaptrap, few of his enemies, and even fewer of his so-called friends, are aware of this weakness.

Sample Post:

Shafts of light brought color to an otherwise grey and dull aquatic world. Rising from the deepest deeps of the trench, a singular form gazed out onto the garishly vivid collage of colors that constituted the coral reef. It landed softly on a patch of sand and turned away from the mosaic of color and life to gaze back into the dark depths from which it had just come. Its movements were slow and gave the appearance of being meticulously thought out in advance. The local fish darted from their hiding places timidly to inspect this new intruder to their reef. When the form didn’t respond to their antics, the fish relaxed and resumed what they had been doing before the behemoth had arrived. Nearby sea turtles noticed the figure and recognized its form as familiar. They swam by the colossal version of themselves to inspect it and then drifted away on the current.

All of these intricacies were lost on Snaptrap. His optics bore down into the trench. He had only brought two of his subordinates with him on this particular mission. Nautilator had stayed behind. On an earlier mission, the incompetent Seacon had stayed under too long and was now suffering from severe rusting. He would be fine after the doctor was finished with him. Tentakil and Skalor had also been left behind. This mission primarily required speed, and Seawing and Overbite were more suited for that. Snaptrap supervised the mission from above and kept in radio contact with his two Seacons.

So far, the mission was going off without a hitch. They had been sent to inspect a Decepticon signal originating from the bottom of this trench. Seawing would be able to locate any foreign object with his radar fairly quickly. Snaptrap had not been certain what they would find, so Overbite was brought along for additional speed and support. Once Seawing had located the source, Snaptrap would rendezvous with the two. He was too slow to keep up with either.

>>Seawing here, I found it. It’s a ship of some sort. Half of it is buried underneath the rocks. Transmitting coordinates, sir.<<

The Seacon commander ignored the contemptuous emphasis Seawing had placed on the word ‘sir’. There would be time to deal with that upstart later. He sent back a short acknowledgment and touched off of the sand, floating through the space over the trench before sinking back down into its depths. Snaptrap moved through the water at top speed, which was regrettably slow. Fortunately, the sunken ship was not too far from his location.

When the Seacon commander arrived, Overbite and Seawing were standing by the exposed hull of the ship. Snaptrap transformed into robot mode and dropped to the ocean floor with a dull thud. He swept his optics over the hull of the ship. He didn’t see any holes where water could have seeped inside. Snaptrap sent a short transmission to his subordinates. Since sound traveled four times faster underwater than it did in the air, the Seacons had to communicate through short range transmissions.

>>Stand back.<<

The Seacon Commander did not wait for them to comply before unsheathing his Incendiary Sword. Its incandescent blade faintly illuminated the otherwise grey ocean floor landscape, everything within the range of its light tinged red.Snaptrap drove the blade into the hull of the ship, choosing a location that would - when the hole was carved – not flood the ship with water. It was quick work, and soon a black maw leading into the ship was carved into the hull. The Seacon Commander gave a short signal for the other Seacons to follow him and then surfaced inside of the ship.

As luck would have it, the Seacons had carved a hole directly into the cargo bay. “Spread out and see if there’s anything here worth salvaging.” Snaptrap moved among the ancient containers, checking each one before moving onto the next. A call from Overbite made Snaptrap stop and move over to him to see what he had found.

It was a fairly unremarkable container that housed one of the powerful and ancient Decepticon relics. Excellent. Snaptrap turned to Overbite and Seawing. “I want a full sweep of the ship done. Anything worth salvaging will be brought to the center of the cargo for the bounce back.” Orders given, Snaptrap proceeded out of the cargo bay in search of the bridge. Perhaps some valuable information was logged into its databanks.

Now, I am willing to let your try out Snaptrap. That is not an issue. However, the Seacons are on Nebulos and have been 'inactive' for quite a while now (background roles and no players). Thus rping the Butcher and his team will mean there's less chances of interacting with others which can make rping him challenging. Of course, if you still wish to have a try at him - then the application can be considered approved.
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Re: NEW Character Applications

Postby #Sideways# » Thu May 17, 2012 12:55 pm

Motto: "Wake up. Wake up and smell the ashes."
Weapon: Dual Compression Cannons
Cry gave me permission, so I'll snag two Seacons as non-personal NPCs.

Numero Uno wrote:Overbite (Jawbreaker)

Allegiance: Decepticons
Sub-group: Seacons
Function: Undersea Terminator
Alternate Modes: Shark with limbs, Tidal Wavemaker
Weapons: Tidal Wavemaker, Jawbreaker Cannon, Freeze Beam
Special Abilities: Can stay underwater for a large amount of time.
Height: 27 ft., 8.2296 meters
Quote: “There are only two creatures: Predator and Prey.”

Strength: 7
Intelligence: 7
Dexterity: 8
Speed: 5
Endurance: 7
Courage: 7
Firepower: 6
Accuracy: 7
Melee: 8
Tech Skill: 6
Charisma: 6
Rank: 6

Profile: A menacing, mechanical monster whose presence makes any body of water unsafe for swimming --or anything else-- Overbite, nicknamed "Jawbreaker, is just about the most dangerous creature ever to prowl the ocean depths. And perhaps he's the most obsessed, as well, for he sees his life as an endless quest for prey. As soon as he finishes off one victim, he goes hunting for another. But as much as he enjoys his work, he looks to occasionally take time off to amuse himself. For fun he chomps holes into the sides of oil tankers and sinks cruise ships. As Overbite likes to point out, "The only thing better than swimming through an oil slick is swimming through an oil slick full of drowning fleshlings."

Abilities: In shark mode, Overbite is virtually unbeatable in underwater combat. His attack is urelenting. His teeth and talons can tear through the hull of a battleship. His liquid cooled, turbo-powered 3,500 horsepower engine propels him through the water at up to 70 knots. He never needs to surface, except for regular maintenance checkups. He carries a freeze beam blaster that can trap any underwater prey in a block of ice. He can transform to an amphibious weapons-base mode, in which he can create tidal waves by wagging his tail at super speed. His front end converts to a jawbreaker cannon, which shoots powerful metal-eating, salt-based corrosives. Overbite also uses the jawbreaker cannon in robot mode.

Weaknesses: Although virtually unbeatable underwater in shark mode, Overbite is quite literally like a fish out of water in robot mode on land. There he is slow, awkward and relatively weak. Needless to say, he prefers to remain swimming.

*Walks into thread* By Primus! Did something die in here!? Oh wait, it's just my next NPC app...
Numero Dos wrote:Skalor

Allegiance: Decepticons
Sub-group: Seacons
Function: Amphibious Assault
Alternate Modes: Coelacanth with limbs, Corrosive Slime Shooter
Weapons: Corrosive Slime Shooter, two crustation rifles
Height: 27 ft., 8.2296 meters
Quote: “I stink, therefore I am.”

Strength: 7
Intelligence: 5
Dexterity: 6
Speed: 4
Endurance: 8
Courage: 7
Firepower: 6
Accuracy: 6
Melee: 9
Tech Skill: 7
Charisma: 6
Rank: 4

Profile: This merciless, polluting parasite is so foul that even his fellow Seacons do their best to avoid him. A peculiarity of his circulatory system permits small amounts of lubricant and other chemicals to bubble to his surface through joints and welds, making Skalor the malodorous menace that he is. As a result, he leaves a disgusting trail of grease and toxic chemicals wherever he goes. Although often advised that this condition can be easily corrected with a few minor adjustments, (particularly by those who have to work with him), Skalor chooses to continue just the way he is. The smell doesn't bother him. He feels that if the smell bothers others, that's their problem, not his. But this argument obscures the real reason for Skalor's foul scent: He just doesn't care about personal hygiene. And the fact that his odor occasionally keeps his enemies at bay is a bonus that he uses to defend his slovenly lifestyle.

Abilities: In creature mode, Skalor operates equally well on land or at sea. He can clamp his vacuum-suction mouth onto most ships and, by piercing their hulls with his diamond-tipped teeth, suck the fuel from them. A snap of his turbo-powered jaws can cut through any substance. His maximum swimming speed is 35 knots. His underwater range is 4,000 miles. His heavy armor allows him to function at any depth. In creature and robot modes he wields two crustation rifles, which encase and immobilize anything they hit with a stream of hard, sticky scales. One rifle shoots the scales, the other shoots a viscous adhesive that glues the scales to their target. In weapons mode, Skalor transforms into a twin-barrelled corrosive slime-shooter.

Weaknesses: As a result of his leakage problems and generally poor self-maintenance, Skalor is prone to minor but frequent breakdowns. All are the result of low internal fluid levels. He sometimes overheats, suffers from locked joints and strips his own gears, for example. Occasionally he becomes immobilized at the bottom of a deep ocean and must be fished out by his fellow Seacons.
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Re: NEW Character Applications

Postby Foximus » Sun May 20, 2012 8:10 pm

Motto: "Freedom is the right of all sentient beings."
Weapon: Laser Rifle
I might like this girl to end up on the Thanatos.


Allegiance: Decepticon :CON:
Function: Tactician
Alternate Modes: Enstrom 480 Helicopter
Weapons: 13 Hidden Knives, Photon Burst Rifle, Scythe
Height: 18ft/ 7.29m
Quote: “Mass murder is an art, and my muse is madness.”

Strength: 5
Intelligence: 7
Dexterity: 9
Speed: 4
Endurance: 5
Courage: 7
Firepower: 4
Accuracy: 5
Melee: 8
Tech Skill: 7
Charisma: 9


Deathdancer appeared in the later days of the war from seemingly out of nowhere. No one had ever seen her before. Deathdancer saw the war as an opportunity and eagerly dove into the fray, siding with the Decepticons. She delights in the chaos and havoc of war, performing every atrocity ordered with jubilant glee. She prefers to think of her expeditions out into the field as performances and tends to add a theatrical flair to otherwise dull and orderly firefights. One of the ways she does this is dancing around her opponent whilst slowly killing them. This is how she earned her name.

Deathdancer is criminally insane, complimented by an erratic personality that could have her patting a bot on the back one second or ripping open his spark chamber the other. Despite this, Deathdancer is quite charismatic and charming. She is almost never without a big smile on her face. She has a deep fondness for jokes, puns, and gags, which is accented by her tendency to prank her comrades. Most of the time, these pranks are harmless gags, but if someone has recently crossed her, they might find their energon laced with an acid of low concentration.

Deathdancer has run into some complications with her superiors before, but she can usually make a deal or charm her way out of the predicament. She has been put into an asylum on the few occasions that she couldn’t work anything out, but Deathdancer always made a point of behaving until her release. Generally, she hasn’t run into too many problems with the Decepticons.

Deathdancer’s alternate form is red, white, and black. When she transforms, the tail of the helicopter splits to form her legs while her arms and torso fold out from the main section of the helicopter. Her scythe forms from one of her rotors. Her knives are hidden all over her body from two at her feet to the one in her collar. Her arm simply retracts to form the photon burst rifle. Deathdancer is very petite. Some might go as far as to call her cute.

Her avatar is a red-headed human female. Her typical attire is a black and red flight suit. The avatar’s designation is Abigail Cross. A stark contrast to Deathdancer’s personality, Abigail is a logical thinker and prefers to be nondescript when given the chance. However, Deathdancer is the puppeteer behind the strings, and Abigail can take on the personality of her controller at any given time.


Deathdancer is an acrobat both in her alternate mode and robot form. The Enstrom 480 can travel to speeds up to 150mph to 249mph. While this is rather slow as compared to any seekers or jet-formers, her maneuverability makes up for the speed loss. In her robot form, Deathdancer can perform an innumerable amount of fantastic acrobatic feats. She is highly flexible as well, able to contort her form into a number of seemingly impossible configurations.

Deathdancer is intelligent, albeit in a very twisted way. She likes to employ this intelligence to devise new strategies of mass murder, generally, as well as other faculties of war. Deathdancer is an inventor of sorts, enjoying the art of making some rather unconventional weaponry. She prefers to keep the majority of this arsenal for her own use, and not many are crazy enough to test out her latest creations seeing as how a prototype is as likely to blow up in their face as to actually work.

The scythe is Deathdancer’s trademark weapon. The staff of the scythe is as tall as Deathdancer, and the blade is a third as long. As with Deathdancer’s pranks, there is more to this scythe than meets the optic. The blade of the scythe can detach from the staff and swing on a chain for a wider range of attack. The butt of the staff also has a small barbed blade that pops out on a command from Deathdancer.

Deathdancer’s arsenal of hidden knives is primarily there for slow kills. However, being able to pull a knife from nowhere has proved invaluable before. Deathdancer likes to keep at least one gun on her at all times. When dealing with an ambush, a gun could manually trigger a set of unresponsive explosives. Deathdancer also values guns for their conventional means of efficient killing as well.

Pit fighting is the only form of martial art Deathdancer knows. She is terribly proficient at it and never hesitates to use every dirty trick and foul scheme that she can concoct. Her agility makes her difficult to hit while making it relatively easy for her to strike back.


While extremely agile, Deathdancer’s armor is weak and unable to take many hits. Deathdancer’s mental instability also makes her highly unpredictable, which can be a hindrance to her teammates and herself. She is as liable to attack one of her own comrades out of spite as she is to maim an Autobot warrior.

Sample Post:


A continuous metronome sounded within the black cell. The swirling shades of darkness colored the walls in a flowing pattern, sliding over one another as optics were cast in their direction. A faint continuous noise lurked at the edge of hearing. Nothing was ever really truly silent. “Do ya hear that, Gearhead?” The light airy tones of the voice boomed in comparison to the other noises filling the cell.


A silver cresent glinted in the twilight darkness. The patterns of the shadows danced and swirled in frenzied patterns as optics flicked off toward something. “Oh? You don’t hear it? Must be another voice in my head again,” said the light, feminine voice. A bell-like laugh shattered the muted sounds of the cell, airy and free. “The more the merrier I always say.”


Movement in the darkness as something shifted in place. The faint sounds of the room returned as the movement stopped. There was a long pause. “Do you want to hear a story, Gearhead? I promise that it’s a good one.” A pause. Only the muted sounds of the room came in reply. “Alright then! Once upon a time there was a beautiful femme. One day, a turbofox decided to ruin this femme’s day. Now, this turbofox evaded all of the femme’s attempts to capture it. So, the femme decided that she would try a trap.”

“The femme dug a deep hole and covered it with all sorts of thin metal. The next day, she chased the turbofox to the trap. When the turbofox fell into the trap, one of its legs got mangled. The femme, seeing the turbofox’s suffering, decided to mercifully end its life. She went to it and carved its spark out of its chest. The femme decided to keep its spark as a memento of the turbofox. The end. That was a nice story, wasn’t it, Gearhead?”


“Yes, I think so too.” The faint noise at the edge of hearing began to grow in volume almost imperceptibly. The shades of darkness swirled lazily as optics slowly cast their gaze to another portion of the cell. “I’m afraid our time has come to an end, dearest Gearhead. It’s a shame. I was rather enjoying it.” A soft sigh was almost muted by the growing noise. The noise grew in volume until it was deafening and still continued to grow.

A door was shoved open with a cacophonous shriek. Startled gasps mixed with curses muttered in astonishment. “Primus! It-It’s…warden Epsilon! Get that inmate away from him!” Others obeyed and converged on Deathdancer. She did not resist them. They dragged her out of the room and into the harsh light of the hall into the blaring screams of the alarm.

A few went inside of the little room the tactician had been in. Their leader peered in then turned to face Deathdancer and the others. “Take her back to her cell, now!” They began to drag her away when the leader suddenly called, “Wait! What’s that in her hand?”

Their actuators pried open her fist causing its contents to clatter to the floor. “By the primes, it’s his spark!” The others nearly dropped Deathdancer in revulsion, but one had the sense to keep a firm grip on her. “Goodbye, Gearhead!” called the femme. The leader looked at her with disgust. “Get that thing out of here.”

The others obeyed. As they led her away, Deathdancer felt laughter begin to bubble up inside of her. It began as a low chuckle. Then, it erupted into a fit of cruel twisted laughter. The leader cast Deathdancer a look of disdain and fear. Deathdancer kept laughing all the way back to her cell, haunting the halls with its echoes.
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Re: NEW Character Applications

Postby ChaosWave360 » Tue May 22, 2012 11:04 pm

Weapon: Particle Beam Cannon
Would like this character to be on Thantos


Allegiance: Decepticon 
Function: Hunter
Alternate Modes: Scorpion
Weapons: Particle beam Cannon, Dual Shock Cannons, Plasma blasters, Hidden energon blades
Special Abilities: Radar
Height: 32ft/16 m
Quote: “Taking you with me to the depths.”

Strength: 8
Intelligence: 6
Dexterity: 4
Speed: 5
Endurance: 8
Courage: 7
Firepower: 8
Accuracy: 7
Melee: 7
Tech Skill: 5
Charisma: 3


Hunting is a sport that drives my inner being. That is the sentence that describes Deathstinger as he enjoys hunting bots. When giving the order to hunt down autobots or traitorous decepticons, he’ll do it. Earth based vehicles are useless in the hunt for him so he chooses a scorpion. The reason for this is because of it allows him to dig through the ground. A perfect form for him to go underground and hunt land based units.

Deathstinger joined the decepticons for one reason and that is to hunt. Being an autobot, they wouldn’t allow him to hunt down bots and kill them because of their moral code. Therefore choosing the decepticons and helping Megatron achieve his goals for allowing him to hunt is a preferable choice of action.

When working with comrades, if they don’t get in his way during the hunt then there will be no problems. Decepticons that get in his way will have a taste of his wrath. Deathstinger has a sadistic personality as he plays around with his prey if he knows the outcome would come out in his favor.

Deathstinger is a hunter, an assassin assigned to hunt down autobots or traitorous decepticons. He can go underground to avoid missiles or any other explosion.

One of his weapons is the Particle beam cannon which is his favorite weapon. If he knows that his prey is far and out of his reach then he’ll resort to this weapon. Its a high pressure beam that can cause quickly injure a transformer with multiple shots. They have enough power to push back cybertronians back a few yards.

In robot mode, his charged particle cannon is in the middle of his chest. His left and right hand are claws that have a hidden energon blade for surprise attacks if the situation calls for it.

On his wrists are the Plasma Blasters that fire rapid plasma bullets for long range. The Shock Cannons fire sonic booms to push away and damage cybertronians who are in close distance

While Deathstinger has long range weapons, he personally likes to be in close combat fighting. His strength allows him to pick up bots and overpowered them. Weak, small and nondurable bots will be crushed by his grip if he gets his hands on them.

Deathstinger armor allows him to last longer in battle due to his armor being thick. His armor is incredibly thick which enables him to take a beating before having to retreat.

His special ability is his radar to locate transformers far away. This allows him to know where his enemy is hiding so that he can fire his particle beam cannon. With the radar, no prey would hide from him.


If he’s facing an aerial bot then Deathstinger won’t be able to reach them unless they are on the ground. The only way to hit them is with the Rapid plasma guns and particle beam cannon, but against an aerial bot, it would likely miss.

His sadistic nature in playing with his prey may cost him the battle as the opponent would be given enough time to find a counter attack.

When things doesn’t get his way, he tends to ignore all orders by superiors to make sure that it does or simply retreat. Simply put, he doesn’t make smart decisions when that happens.

Sample Post

“Wake up, oh wake up my little autobot...”

The autobot optics flashed to life as he quickly looked around to see that he was in some sort of cell. When he looked forward, he saw a scorpion like bot transformed in front of him. A quick smile under his visor came as Deathstinger examined the poor autobot. His claws gripping the bots head for a little examination. Deathstinger gently started to scratch the bots paint to hear a delicious sound of the bots pain. He suddenly stopped as he got back to business, he looked up and saw a glare in the bots eyes. This autobot got a little spunk in him, thats good, it’ll make the torture all the more sweeter.

“Tell me autobot, where is the location of the autobot base?”

The autobot said nothing, but that was to be expected. They always didn’t give up that easily when it comes to stuff like this. Deathstinger took out his swords from his claws and began to slowly dissect the bot causing him pain to the point where his screams can be heard around the complex. Slowly from the leg to the waist, Deathstinger kept asking the same question repeatedly, but the bot wouldn’t break. Realizing that this wasn’t getting no where, Deathstinger stopped and turned around to bring out a cage.

The autobot quickly asked what was in the cage as Deathstinger chuckled. “You should know her.” The bots partner & lover was in the cage as she is critically injured and in need of repair.

“Vile beast, what do you plan on doing with her?”

Deathstinger looked at him for a minute before bursting out into laughter. He quickly hung her up like a piece of clothing and began to pull out his swords with some acid.

“The same thing that I did to you, but more painful.”

The autobot begged him to stop, but Deathstinger didn’t listen as he begun the process of dissect her. As some parts are opened, he slowly poured a little bit of acid into her as she screams in pain of watching her circuits get melted away. Deathstinger looked to see the bot trying to break free in order to save her, but was unable to do that. Deathstinger continued the process as he reached her waist then stopped. Deathstinger got up and walked over to the bot to see if he’ll answer now.

“I’ll tell you, its north west of Japan. Now just leave her alone please.”

Deathstinger nodded as he sent the coordinates to his decepticon superiors. However, his job was not done yet. Deathstinger went towards the bot’s partner and sliced her head off to ease her pain. The bot screamed out in rage over his lost and swore revenge without realizing that he couldn’t even get it. Deathstinger walked up towards him and looked him in the optics. The bot can see himself off of his visor as Deathstinger laughed in his face.

“Well, my prey, you done a little bit better than most, but I will reward you for giving me the information.”

He takes out a container filled with acid and poured it on him as the bot screamed in pain. Hearing the scream was music to his processors as he walked away to leave him to rot. With his mission done, Deathstinger returns to base to get another mission to hunt down more autobots.
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Re: NEW Character Applications

Postby Snowy » Fri May 25, 2012 4:53 pm

Motto: "Never underestimate the power of insanity-- especially when it's mine."
Weapon: High-Powered, Laser-Sighted, Photon Rifle
Well here it is. I'm going to try and stick pretty closely to how Swoop has been portrayed before while Devastron and Ember NPCed him so there won't be a lot of discrepancies. The sample post also takes place before the team's little dirt-nap on Earth, so he's gonna be a bit more subdued in current times. He's still got Dinobot arrogance, though-- lovable little lizards they are.

Name: Swoop
Allegiance: Autobot
Function: Dinobot Bombardier
Alt. Mode: Pteranodon
Weapons: Air-to-air/air-to-surface missile launchers, thermal sword
Special Abilities: Flight (Alt. Mode), fuel efficiency
Height: 32ft/ 9.7m
Quote: “Fear can hit targets unreachable to bullets.”


Profile: Swoop was among Cybertron’s greatest aerial fighters. Originally he had joined with the Autobot forces on the outbreak of the war, but quickly excelled in the field of battle and rose through the ranks as an elite bombardier. Arrogant from his many victories, he soon made one terrible mistake.

In one fateful encounter, Swoop engaged with another aerial fighter, a Decepticon called Divebomb. Having been challenged by him, the Autobot aerialist accepted and engaged his counterpart in a one-on-one dogfight. However, Swoop overestimated his abilities and was out-done by Divebomb, suffering a painful and humiliating defeat.

After having found out, Autobot high command discharged Swoop from the service for his reckless actions. It was shortly after this that he came to the attention of one Autobot military commander, Grimlock. Having taken notice of his great aerial skills and learning of his defeat at the hands of Divebomb, he offered Swoop a place among his new unit, the Dinobots, to which he accepted.

In his new group, Swoop again received honor and recognition for his achievements, somewhat making up for the loss he felt he previously suffered. However, following a defeat at the hands of Shockwave, the Dinobots followed the Decepticon to Earth to revenge upon him, something the one aerialist was well familiar with. It was there that Swoop took on his current form of a prehistoric pteranodon and fell in battle alongside his comrades, buried alive for millions of years, until they were brought to Area 51 in the present day.

Swoop is still among the best of aerial fighters, and he knows this all too well. However, his first great loss has taught him humility and somewhat humbled him. While he can be as arrogant and disobedient as his Dinobot comrades, he is arguably more friendly and out-going, and can be very good company when given the chance. However, his reputation and appearance as frightening warrior makes him seem unapproachable, to his dismay.

To this day, Swoop still holds a personal rivalry with the Decepticon Divebomb and holds a desire to fight him in an aerial battle once again.

Abilities: Swoop is among one of the best aerial fighters among Cybertronians, even in his current reptilian state. He can soar up to 250 mph, and makes use of his ability to elevate and strike down upon his adversaries. His bestial form is capable to unsettling even the thickest of armor plating. He also has a great level of endurance, due to low fuel consumption. Underneath each of his wings are air-to-air missile launchers, each carrying the equivalent of 5000 lbs of TNT. They can also be reconfigured as air-to-surface missile launchers as well. His preferred method of attack is to soar into the air and dive down upon a target, releasing his missiles when in close proximity and then speeding away for a retreat. These weapons can be accessed while in robot form, when he is also equipped with a thermal sword, capable of heating to temperatures of 4000 degrees Centigrade. At that heat, it is capable of slicing through most metals like a knife through butter.

Weaknesses: While extremely maneuverable flying through the air and having a great endurance, Swoop is vulnerable to enemy firepower due to the relatively fragile nature of his wings.

Sample Post:
“What a pest,” Swoop growled to himself as he rocketed through the air. Blooms of fire and heat blossomed in his wake as the Dinobot bombardier unleashed his payload on the buildings below. Elsewhere, he could clearly see jets of flame consuming a team of Decepticon soldiers while another group was knocked off their pedes and trampled to death by the colossus that was Sludge. The mission to raze the Decepticon outpost was going off without a hitch. Or it would have if not for the very tenacious bogey on his tail.

>>Swoop, get rid of him and move on to the next objective<< Grimlock’s voice crackled over the commlink.

“What does it look like I’m doing?” The flier grumbled. No matter. The other jet was a third-rate flier at best. Dodging him so far had barely required any attention as he continued to seed death and destruction on the bunkers below. A shot from his pursuer, however, managed to skim past him. The heat of the laser singed his wing slightly, but beyond a slightly warped spot in his paint it did no damage. It was still a graze, though, and now his pursuer was actually starting to piss him off. Enough was enough, so it was time to put this ‘Con in his place: the Well of Allsparks.

Swoop banked hard to the left and rolled into the turn, putting him in pure pursuit above the other jet. To his credit the ‘Con acted fast to try and shake the Dinobot, but it simply wasn’t feasible. Swoop was aerial elite. For every turn, roll, and climb the Decepticon made, Swoop was always one step ahead. The bombardier could almost feel the panic and desperation coming off of the enemy below as the jet’s evasive maneuvers started to become more and more erratic. Suddenly the Decepticon went into a steep dive. A fatal mistake. Swoop dove after him, target already locked. He took a quick glance at the approaching ground and wished he could smirk in his alt. mode. For now he just settled on unleashing a barrage of missiles at near pointblank range. He felt heat brush his underside as he pulled up from his dive. Behind him bloomed a fantastic show of light and sound that consumed both his target and his last objective.

>>Swoop to Grimlock. Pursuer and objective conveniently taken care of in one<<

The Dinobot angled towards the ground and transformed, joining his fellows as they admired their handiwork. Nothing taller than a minibot remained standing the bombardier noted with pride. His air strikes had spared no structure in the Decepticon compound. “Don’t think this was what they had in mind when they said ‘secure’ the base.”

Beside him Slag growled. “Frag them. This more fun.”

The bombardier smirked, as he couldn’t argue the statement. There was a certain elation that came from being an unstoppable, five-bot army. Decepticons feared them and the Autobot weren’t much better, which suited him just fine. Let the masses cling to their idiot Prime. They were Dinobots. This was what they did. This was what they were meant to do. Pure, unfettered destruction. While the Autobots hung themselves with their own red tape, only the Dinobots were willing to do the real fighting. Swoop smirked as he watched the flames die down, having eaten most of what was left to burn. “The things we suffer for the cause,” He said facetiously. Sometimes he was almost glad that the Autobots were so cowardly. It just meant that there would always be a mission out there, somewhere, where an untouched Decepticon stronghold was waiting to be smashed.
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Re: NEW Character Applications

Postby Insidious » Sun May 27, 2012 3:02 pm

Motto: "Clarity of thought before rashness of action."
Weapon: Oxidating Laser
Foxfire13795 wrote:I might like this girl to end up on the Thanatos.


Allegiance: Decepticon :CON:
Function: Tactician
Alternate Modes: Enstrom 480 Helicopter
Weapons: 13 Hidden Knives, Photon Burst Rifle, Scythe
Height: 18ft/ 7.29m
Quote: “Mass murder is an art, and my muse is madness.”

Strength: 5
Intelligence: 7
Dexterity: 9
Speed: 4
Endurance: 5
Courage: 7
Firepower: 4
Accuracy: 5
Melee: 8
Tech Skill: 7
Charisma: 9


Deathdancer appeared in the later days of the war from seemingly out of nowhere. No one had ever seen her before. Deathdancer saw the war as an opportunity and eagerly dove into the fray, siding with the Decepticons. She delights in the chaos and havoc of war, performing every atrocity ordered with jubilant glee. She prefers to think of her expeditions out into the field as performances and tends to add a theatrical flair to otherwise dull and orderly firefights. One of the ways she does this is dancing around her opponent whilst slowly killing them. This is how she earned her name.

Deathdancer is criminally insane, complimented by an erratic personality that could have her patting a bot on the back one second or ripping open his spark chamber the other. Despite this, Deathdancer is quite charismatic and charming. She is almost never without a big smile on her face. She has a deep fondness for jokes, puns, and gags, which is accented by her tendency to prank her comrades. Most of the time, these pranks are harmless gags, but if someone has recently crossed her, they might find their energon laced with an acid of low concentration.

Deathdancer has run into some complications with her superiors before, but she can usually make a deal or charm her way out of the predicament. She has been put into an asylum on the few occasions that she couldn’t work anything out, but Deathdancer always made a point of behaving until her release. Generally, she hasn’t run into too many problems with the Decepticons.

Deathdancer’s alternate form is red, white, and black. When she transforms, the tail of the helicopter splits to form her legs while her arms and torso fold out from the main section of the helicopter. Her scythe forms from one of her rotors. Her knives are hidden all over her body from two at her feet to the one in her collar. Her arm simply retracts to form the photon burst rifle. Deathdancer is very petite. Some might go as far as to call her cute.

Her avatar is a red-headed human female. Her typical attire is a black and red flight suit. The avatar’s designation is Abigail Cross. A stark contrast to Deathdancer’s personality, Abigail is a logical thinker and prefers to be nondescript when given the chance. However, Deathdancer is the puppeteer behind the strings, and Abigail can take on the personality of her controller at any given time.


Deathdancer is an acrobat both in her alternate mode and robot form. The Enstrom 480 can travel to speeds up to 150mph to 249mph. While this is rather slow as compared to any seekers or jet-formers, her maneuverability makes up for the speed loss. In her robot form, Deathdancer can perform an innumerable amount of fantastic acrobatic feats. She is highly flexible as well, able to contort her form into a number of seemingly impossible configurations.

Deathdancer is intelligent, albeit in a very twisted way. She likes to employ this intelligence to devise new strategies of mass murder, generally, as well as other faculties of war. Deathdancer is an inventor of sorts, enjoying the art of making some rather unconventional weaponry. She prefers to keep the majority of this arsenal for her own use, and not many are crazy enough to test out her latest creations seeing as how a prototype is as likely to blow up in their face as to actually work.

The scythe is Deathdancer’s trademark weapon. The staff of the scythe is as tall as Deathdancer, and the blade is a third as long. As with Deathdancer’s pranks, there is more to this scythe than meets the optic. The blade of the scythe can detach from the staff and swing on a chain for a wider range of attack. The butt of the staff also has a small barbed blade that pops out on a command from Deathdancer.

Deathdancer’s arsenal of hidden knives is primarily there for slow kills. However, being able to pull a knife from nowhere has proved invaluable before. Deathdancer likes to keep at least one gun on her at all times. When dealing with an ambush, a gun could manually trigger a set of unresponsive explosives. Deathdancer also values guns for their conventional means of efficient killing as well.

Pit fighting is the only form of martial art Deathdancer knows. She is terribly proficient at it and never hesitates to use every dirty trick and foul scheme that she can concoct. Her agility makes her difficult to hit while making it relatively easy for her to strike back.


While extremely agile, Deathdancer’s armor is weak and unable to take many hits. Deathdancer’s mental instability also makes her highly unpredictable, which can be a hindrance to her teammates and herself. She is as liable to attack one of her own comrades out of spite as she is to maim an Autobot warrior.

Sample Post:


A continuous metronome sounded within the black cell. The swirling shades of darkness colored the walls in a flowing pattern, sliding over one another as optics were cast in their direction. A faint continuous noise lurked at the edge of hearing. Nothing was ever really truly silent. “Do ya hear that, Gearhead?” The light airy tones of the voice boomed in comparison to the other noises filling the cell.


A silver cresent glinted in the twilight darkness. The patterns of the shadows danced and swirled in frenzied patterns as optics flicked off toward something. “Oh? You don’t hear it? Must be another voice in my head again,” said the light, feminine voice. A bell-like laugh shattered the muted sounds of the cell, airy and free. “The more the merrier I always say.”


Movement in the darkness as something shifted in place. The faint sounds of the room returned as the movement stopped. There was a long pause. “Do you want to hear a story, Gearhead? I promise that it’s a good one.” A pause. Only the muted sounds of the room came in reply. “Alright then! Once upon a time there was a beautiful femme. One day, a turbofox decided to ruin this femme’s day. Now, this turbofox evaded all of the femme’s attempts to capture it. So, the femme decided that she would try a trap.”

“The femme dug a deep hole and covered it with all sorts of thin metal. The next day, she chased the turbofox to the trap. When the turbofox fell into the trap, one of its legs got mangled. The femme, seeing the turbofox’s suffering, decided to mercifully end its life. She went to it and carved its spark out of its chest. The femme decided to keep its spark as a memento of the turbofox. The end. That was a nice story, wasn’t it, Gearhead?”


“Yes, I think so too.” The faint noise at the edge of hearing began to grow in volume almost imperceptibly. The shades of darkness swirled lazily as optics slowly cast their gaze to another portion of the cell. “I’m afraid our time has come to an end, dearest Gearhead. It’s a shame. I was rather enjoying it.” A soft sigh was almost muted by the growing noise. The noise grew in volume until it was deafening and still continued to grow.

A door was shoved open with a cacophonous shriek. Startled gasps mixed with curses muttered in astonishment. “Primus! It-It’s…warden Epsilon! Get that inmate away from him!” Others obeyed and converged on Deathdancer. She did not resist them. They dragged her out of the room and into the harsh light of the hall into the blaring screams of the alarm.

A few went inside of the little room the tactician had been in. Their leader peered in then turned to face Deathdancer and the others. “Take her back to her cell, now!” They began to drag her away when the leader suddenly called, “Wait! What’s that in her hand?”

Their actuators pried open her fist causing its contents to clatter to the floor. “By the primes, it’s his spark!” The others nearly dropped Deathdancer in revulsion, but one had the sense to keep a firm grip on her. “Goodbye, Gearhead!” called the femme. The leader looked at her with disgust. “Get that thing out of here.”

The others obeyed. As they led her away, Deathdancer felt laughter begin to bubble up inside of her. It began as a low chuckle. Then, it erupted into a fit of cruel twisted laughter. The leader cast Deathdancer a look of disdain and fear. Deathdancer kept laughing all the way back to her cell, haunting the halls with its echoes.

I believe Ember has PM you some concerns, so I'll assume those were addressed in the body of the app. If not, you can do it in the repost. Main thing to add would be the physical description portion that we ask for with fanmades. Then we can take a closer look.
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Re: NEW Character Applications

Postby Insidious » Sun May 27, 2012 3:12 pm

Motto: "Clarity of thought before rashness of action."
Weapon: Oxidating Laser
ChaosWave360 wrote:Would like this character to be on Thantos


Allegiance: Decepticon 
Function: Hunter
Alternate Modes: Scorpion
Weapons: Particle beam Cannon, Dual Shock Cannons, Plasma blasters, Hidden energon blades
Special Abilities: Radar
Height: 32ft/16 m
Quote: “Taking you with me to the depths.”

Strength: 8
Intelligence: 6
Dexterity: 4
Speed: 5
Endurance: 8
Courage: 7
Firepower: 8
Accuracy: 7
Melee: 7
Tech Skill: 5
Charisma: 3


Hunting is a sport that drives my inner being. That is the sentence that describes Deathstinger as he enjoys hunting bots. When giving the order to hunt down autobots or traitorous decepticons, he’ll do it. Earth based vehicles are useless in the hunt for him so he chooses a scorpion. The reason for this is because of it allows him to dig through the ground. A perfect form for him to go underground and hunt land based units.

Deathstinger joined the decepticons for one reason and that is to hunt. Being an autobot, they wouldn’t allow him to hunt down bots and kill them because of their moral code. Therefore choosing the decepticons and helping Megatron achieve his goals for allowing him to hunt is a preferable choice of action.

When working with comrades, if they don’t get in his way during the hunt then there will be no problems. Decepticons that get in his way will have a taste of his wrath. Deathstinger has a sadistic personality as he plays around with his prey if he knows the outcome would come out in his favor.

Deathstinger is a hunter, an assassin assigned to hunt down autobots or traitorous decepticons. He can go underground to avoid missiles or any other explosion.

One of his weapons is the Particle beam cannon which is his favorite weapon. If he knows that his prey is far and out of his reach then he’ll resort to this weapon. Its a high pressure beam that can cause quickly injure a transformer with multiple shots. They have enough power to push back cybertronians back a few yards.

In robot mode, his charged particle cannon is in the middle of his chest. His left and right hand are claws that have a hidden energon blade for surprise attacks if the situation calls for it.

On his wrists are the Plasma Blasters that fire rapid plasma bullets for long range. The Shock Cannons fire sonic booms to push away and damage cybertronians who are in close distance

While Deathstinger has long range weapons, he personally likes to be in close combat fighting. His strength allows him to pick up bots and overpowered them. Weak, small and nondurable bots will be crushed by his grip if he gets his hands on them.

Deathstinger armor allows him to last longer in battle due to his armor being thick. His armor is incredibly thick which enables him to take a beating before having to retreat.

His special ability is his radar to locate transformers far away. This allows him to know where his enemy is hiding so that he can fire his particle beam cannon. With the radar, no prey would hide from him.


If he’s facing an aerial bot then Deathstinger won’t be able to reach them unless they are on the ground. The only way to hit them is with the Rapid plasma guns and particle beam cannon, but against an aerial bot, it would likely miss.

His sadistic nature in playing with his prey may cost him the battle as the opponent would be given enough time to find a counter attack.

When things doesn’t get his way, he tends to ignore all orders by superiors to make sure that it does or simply retreat. Simply put, he doesn’t make smart decisions when that happens.

Sample Post

“Wake up, oh wake up my little autobot...”

The autobot optics flashed to life as he quickly looked around to see that he was in some sort of cell. When he looked forward, he saw a scorpion like bot transformed in front of him. A quick smile under his visor came as Deathstinger examined the poor autobot. His claws gripping the bots head for a little examination. Deathstinger gently started to scratch the bots paint to hear a delicious sound of the bots pain. He suddenly stopped as he got back to business, he looked up and saw a glare in the bots eyes. This autobot got a little spunk in him, thats good, it’ll make the torture all the more sweeter.

“Tell me autobot, where is the location of the autobot base?”

The autobot said nothing, but that was to be expected. They always didn’t give up that easily when it comes to stuff like this. Deathstinger took out his swords from his claws and began to slowly dissect the bot causing him pain to the point where his screams can be heard around the complex. Slowly from the leg to the waist, Deathstinger kept asking the same question repeatedly, but the bot wouldn’t break. Realizing that this wasn’t getting no where, Deathstinger stopped and turned around to bring out a cage.

The autobot quickly asked what was in the cage as Deathstinger chuckled. “You should know her.” The bots partner & lover was in the cage as she is critically injured and in need of repair.

“Vile beast, what do you plan on doing with her?”

Deathstinger looked at him for a minute before bursting out into laughter. He quickly hung her up like a piece of clothing and began to pull out his swords with some acid.

“The same thing that I did to you, but more painful.”

The autobot begged him to stop, but Deathstinger didn’t listen as he begun the process of dissect her. As some parts are opened, he slowly poured a little bit of acid into her as she screams in pain of watching her circuits get melted away. Deathstinger looked to see the bot trying to break free in order to save her, but was unable to do that. Deathstinger continued the process as he reached her waist then stopped. Deathstinger got up and walked over to the bot to see if he’ll answer now.

“I’ll tell you, its north west of Japan. Now just leave her alone please.”

Deathstinger nodded as he sent the coordinates to his decepticon superiors. However, his job was not done yet. Deathstinger went towards the bot’s partner and sliced her head off to ease her pain. The bot screamed out in rage over his lost and swore revenge without realizing that he couldn’t even get it. Deathstinger walked up towards him and looked him in the optics. The bot can see himself off of his visor as Deathstinger laughed in his face.

“Well, my prey, you done a little bit better than most, but I will reward you for giving me the information.”

He takes out a container filled with acid and poured it on him as the bot screamed in pain. Hearing the scream was music to his processors as he walked away to leave him to rot. With his mission done, Deathstinger returns to base to get another mission to hunt down more autobots.

-2 stat penalty for radar, and if my calculator was correct, you applied it, so good job there. Like I mentioned above on Foxfire's, since this is a fanmade, we'll need a physical description section added. I don't see him him needing that many different weapons. You could halve what you have now and still be fine. Fine tune the spelling and grammar, repost and we'll dig deeper in to the app and see if he'll work.
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Re: NEW Character Applications

Postby Insidious » Sun May 27, 2012 3:15 pm

Motto: "Clarity of thought before rashness of action."
Weapon: Oxidating Laser
Snowy wrote:Well here it is. I'm going to try and stick pretty closely to how Swoop has been portrayed before while Devastron and Ember NPCed him so there won't be a lot of discrepancies. The sample post also takes place before the team's little dirt-nap on Earth, so he's gonna be a bit more subdued in current times. He's still got Dinobot arrogance, though-- lovable little lizards they are.

Name: Swoop
Allegiance: Autobot
Function: Dinobot Bombardier
Alt. Mode: Pteranodon
Weapons: Air-to-air/air-to-surface missile launchers, thermal sword
Special Abilities: Flight (Alt. Mode), fuel efficiency
Height: 32ft/ 9.7m
Quote: “Fear can hit targets unreachable to bullets.”


Profile: Swoop was among Cybertron’s greatest aerial fighters. Originally he had joined with the Autobot forces on the outbreak of the war, but quickly excelled in the field of battle and rose through the ranks as an elite bombardier. Arrogant from his many victories, he soon made one terrible mistake.

In one fateful encounter, Swoop engaged with another aerial fighter, a Decepticon called Divebomb. Having been challenged by him, the Autobot aerialist accepted and engaged his counterpart in a one-on-one dogfight. However, Swoop overestimated his abilities and was out-done by Divebomb, suffering a painful and humiliating defeat.

After having found out, Autobot high command discharged Swoop from the service for his reckless actions. It was shortly after this that he came to the attention of one Autobot military commander, Grimlock. Having taken notice of his great aerial skills and learning of his defeat at the hands of Divebomb, he offered Swoop a place among his new unit, the Dinobots, to which he accepted.

In his new group, Swoop again received honor and recognition for his achievements, somewhat making up for the loss he felt he previously suffered. However, following a defeat at the hands of Shockwave, the Dinobots followed the Decepticon to Earth to revenge upon him, something the one aerialist was well familiar with. It was there that Swoop took on his current form of a prehistoric pteranodon and fell in battle alongside his comrades, buried alive for millions of years, until they were brought to Area 51 in the present day.

Swoop is still among the best of aerial fighters, and he knows this all too well. However, his first great loss has taught him humility and somewhat humbled him. While he can be as arrogant and disobedient as his Dinobot comrades, he is arguably more friendly and out-going, and can be very good company when given the chance. However, his reputation and appearance as frightening warrior makes him seem unapproachable, to his dismay.

To this day, Swoop still holds a personal rivalry with the Decepticon Divebomb and holds a desire to fight him in an aerial battle once again.

Abilities: Swoop is among one of the best aerial fighters among Cybertronians, even in his current reptilian state. He can soar up to 250 mph, and makes use of his ability to elevate and strike down upon his adversaries. His bestial form is capable to unsettling even the thickest of armor plating. He also has a great level of endurance, due to low fuel consumption. Underneath each of his wings are air-to-air missile launchers, each carrying the equivalent of 5000 lbs of TNT. They can also be reconfigured as air-to-surface missile launchers as well. His preferred method of attack is to soar into the air and dive down upon a target, releasing his missiles when in close proximity and then speeding away for a retreat. These weapons can be accessed while in robot form, when he is also equipped with a thermal sword, capable of heating to temperatures of 4000 degrees Centigrade. At that heat, it is capable of slicing through most metals like a knife through butter.

Weaknesses: While extremely maneuverable flying through the air and having a great endurance, Swoop is vulnerable to enemy firepower due to the relatively fragile nature of his wings.

Sample Post:
“What a pest,” Swoop growled to himself as he rocketed through the air. Blooms of fire and heat blossomed in his wake as the Dinobot bombardier unleashed his payload on the buildings below. Elsewhere, he could clearly see jets of flame consuming a team of Decepticon soldiers while another group was knocked off their pedes and trampled to death by the colossus that was Sludge. The mission to raze the Decepticon outpost was going off without a hitch. Or it would have if not for the very tenacious bogey on his tail.

>>Swoop, get rid of him and move on to the next objective<< Grimlock’s voice crackled over the commlink.

“What does it look like I’m doing?” The flier grumbled. No matter. The other jet was a third-rate flier at best. Dodging him so far had barely required any attention as he continued to seed death and destruction on the bunkers below. A shot from his pursuer, however, managed to skim past him. The heat of the laser singed his wing slightly, but beyond a slightly warped spot in his paint it did no damage. It was still a graze, though, and now his pursuer was actually starting to piss him off. Enough was enough, so it was time to put this ‘Con in his place: the Well of Allsparks.

Swoop banked hard to the left and rolled into the turn, putting him in pure pursuit above the other jet. To his credit the ‘Con acted fast to try and shake the Dinobot, but it simply wasn’t feasible. Swoop was aerial elite. For every turn, roll, and climb the Decepticon made, Swoop was always one step ahead. The bombardier could almost feel the panic and desperation coming off of the enemy below as the jet’s evasive maneuvers started to become more and more erratic. Suddenly the Decepticon went into a steep dive. A fatal mistake. Swoop dove after him, target already locked. He took a quick glance at the approaching ground and wished he could smirk in his alt. mode. For now he just settled on unleashing a barrage of missiles at near pointblank range. He felt heat brush his underside as he pulled up from his dive. Behind him bloomed a fantastic show of light and sound that consumed both his target and his last objective.

>>Swoop to Grimlock. Pursuer and objective conveniently taken care of in one<<

The Dinobot angled towards the ground and transformed, joining his fellows as they admired their handiwork. Nothing taller than a minibot remained standing the bombardier noted with pride. His air strikes had spared no structure in the Decepticon compound. “Don’t think this was what they had in mind when they said ‘secure’ the base.”

Beside him Slag growled. “Frag them. This more fun.”

The bombardier smirked, as he couldn’t argue the statement. There was a certain elation that came from being an unstoppable, five-bot army. Decepticons feared them and the Autobot weren’t much better, which suited him just fine. Let the masses cling to their idiot Prime. They were Dinobots. This was what they did. This was what they were meant to do. Pure, unfettered destruction. While the Autobots hung themselves with their own red tape, only the Dinobots were willing to do the real fighting. Swoop smirked as he watched the flames die down, having eaten most of what was left to burn. “The things we suffer for the cause,” He said facetiously. Sometimes he was almost glad that the Autobots were so cowardly. It just meant that there would always be a mission out there, somewhere, where an untouched Decepticon stronghold was waiting to be smashed.

Kind of a given, but just make sure you wouldn't speak for Slag in-game unless you actually had the character or had worked something out with the player.

Apart from that, looks solid. Welcome aboard. Go join your Dinobot brethren :D
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Re: NEW Character Applications

Postby Foximus » Tue May 29, 2012 3:31 pm

Motto: "Freedom is the right of all sentient beings."
Weapon: Laser Rifle
Ok, I added in another paragraph about appearance. Hope it's ok.


Allegiance: Decepticon :CON:
Function: Tactician
Alternate Modes: Enstrom 480 Helicopter
Weapons: 13 Hidden Knives, Photon Burst Rifle, Scythe
Height: 18ft/ 7.29m
Quote: “Mass murder is an art, and my muse is madness.”

Strength: 5
Intelligence: 7
Dexterity: 9
Speed: 4
Endurance: 5
Courage: 7
Firepower: 4
Accuracy: 5
Melee: 8
Tech Skill: 7
Charisma: 9


Deathdancer appeared in the later days of the war from seemingly out of nowhere. No one had ever seen her before. Deathdancer saw the war as an opportunity and eagerly dove into the fray, siding with the Decepticons. She delights in the chaos and havoc of war, performing every atrocity ordered with jubilant glee. She prefers to think of her expeditions out into the field as performances and tends to add a theatrical flair to otherwise dull and orderly firefights. One of the ways she does this is dancing around her opponent whilst slowly killing them. This is how she earned her name.

Deathdancer is criminally insane, complimented by an erratic personality that could have her patting a bot on the back one second or ripping open his spark chamber the other. Despite this, Deathdancer is quite charismatic and charming. She is almost never without a big smile on her face. She has a deep fondness for jokes, puns, and gags, which is accented by her tendency to prank her comrades. Most of the time, these pranks are harmless gags, but if someone has recently crossed her, they might find their energon laced with an acid of low concentration.

Deathdancer has run into some complications with her superiors before, but she can usually make a deal or charm her way out of the predicament. She has been put into an asylum on the few occasions that she couldn’t work anything out, but Deathdancer always made a point of behaving until her release. Generally, she hasn’t run into too many problems with the Decepticons.

Deathdancer’s alternate form is red, white, and black. The tail of the helicopter splits to form her legs while her arms and torso fold out from the main section of the helicopter. Her scythe forms from one of her rotors. Her knives are hidden all over her body from two at her feet to the one in her collar. Her arm simply retracts to form the photon burst rifle. Deathdancer is very petite. Some might go as far as to call her cute.

Deathdancer’s optics are the classic Decepticon red. Her design features diamonds across her waist and on her legs. She has a collar that protects her neck. She also has a sort of crown formed by two triangular outcroppings that protrude from either side of her cranium. Two small pieces of metal dangle from either end.

Her avatar is a red-headed human female. Her typical attire is a black and red flight suit. The avatar’s designation is Abigail Cross. A stark contrast to Deathdancer’s personality, Abigail is a logical thinker and prefers to be nondescript when given the chance. However, Deathdancer is the puppeteer behind the strings, and Abigail can take on the personality of her controller at any given time.


Deathdancer is an acrobat both in her alternate mode and robot form. The Enstrom 480 can travel to speeds up to 150mph to 249mph. While this is rather slow as compared to any seekers or jet-formers, her maneuverability makes up for the speed loss. In her robot form, Deathdancer can perform an innumerable amount of fantastic acrobatic feats. She is highly flexible as well, able to contort her form into a number of seemingly impossible configurations.

Deathdancer is intelligent, albeit in a very twisted way. She likes to employ this intelligence to devise new strategies of mass murder, generally, as well as other faculties of war. Deathdancer is an inventor of sorts, enjoying the art of making some rather unconventional weaponry. She prefers to keep the majority of this arsenal for her own use, and not many are crazy enough to test out her latest creations seeing as how a prototype is as likely to blow up in their face as to actually work.

The scythe is Deathdancer’s trademark weapon. The staff of the scythe is as tall as Deathdancer, and the blade is a third as long. As with Deathdancer’s pranks, there is more to this scythe than meets the optic. The blade of the scythe can detach from the staff and swing on a chain for a wider range of attack. The butt of the staff also has a small barbed blade that pops out on a command from Deathdancer.

Deathdancer’s arsenal of hidden knives is primarily there for slow kills. However, being able to pull a knife from nowhere has proved invaluable before. Deathdancer likes to keep at least one gun on her at all times. When dealing with an ambush, a gun could manually trigger a set of unresponsive explosives. Deathdancer also values guns for their conventional means of efficient killing as well.

Pit fighting is the only form of martial art Deathdancer knows. She is terribly proficient at it and never hesitates to use every dirty trick and foul scheme that she can concoct. Her agility makes her difficult to hit while making it relatively easy for her to strike back.


While extremely agile, Deathdancer’s armor is weak and unable to take many hits. Deathdancer’s mental instability also makes her highly unpredictable, which can be a hindrance to her teammates and herself. She is as liable to attack one of her own comrades out of spite as she is to maim an Autobot warrior.

Sample Post:


A continuous metronome sounded within the black cell. The swirling shades of darkness colored the walls in a flowing pattern, sliding over one another as optics were cast in their direction. A faint continuous noise lurked at the edge of hearing. Nothing was ever really truly silent. “Do ya hear that, Gearhead?” The light airy tones of the voice boomed in comparison to the other noises filling the cell.


A silver cresent glinted in the twilight darkness. The patterns of the shadows danced and swirled in frenzied patterns as optics flicked off toward something. “Oh? You don’t hear it? Must be another voice in my head again,” said the light, feminine voice. A bell-like laugh shattered the muted sounds of the cell, airy and free. “The more the merrier I always say.”


Movement in the darkness as something shifted in place. The faint sounds of the room returned as the movement stopped. There was a long pause. “Do you want to hear a story, Gearhead? I promise that it’s a good one.” A pause. Only the muted sounds of the room came in reply. “Alright then! Once upon a time there was a beautiful femme. One day, a turbofox decided to ruin this femme’s day. Now, this turbofox evaded all of the femme’s attempts to capture it. So, the femme decided that she would try a trap.”

“The femme dug a deep hole and covered it with all sorts of thin metal. The next day, she chased the turbofox to the trap. When the turbofox fell into the trap, one of its legs got mangled. The femme, seeing the turbofox’s suffering, decided to mercifully end its life. She went to it and carved its spark out of its chest. The femme decided to keep its spark as a memento of the turbofox. The end. That was a nice story, wasn’t it, Gearhead?”


“Yes, I think so too.” The faint noise at the edge of hearing began to grow in volume almost imperceptibly. The shades of darkness swirled lazily as optics slowly cast their gaze to another portion of the cell. “I’m afraid our time has come to an end, dearest Gearhead. It’s a shame. I was rather enjoying it.” A soft sigh was almost muted by the growing noise. The noise grew in volume until it was deafening and still continued to grow.

A door was shoved open with a cacophonous shriek. Startled gasps mixed with curses muttered in astonishment. “Primus! It-It’s…warden Epsilon! Get that inmate away from him!” Others obeyed and converged on Deathdancer. She did not resist them. They dragged her out of the room and into the harsh light of the hall into the blaring screams of the alarm.

A few went inside of the little room the tactician had been in. Their leader peered in then turned to face Deathdancer and the others. “Take her back to her cell, now!” They began to drag her away when the leader suddenly called, “Wait! What’s that in her hand?”

Their actuators pried open her fist causing its contents to clatter to the floor. “By the primes, it’s his spark!” The others nearly dropped Deathdancer in revulsion, but one had the sense to keep a firm grip on her. “Goodbye, Gearhead!” called the femme. The leader looked at her with disgust. “Get that thing out of here.”

The others obeyed. As they led her away, Deathdancer felt laughter begin to bubble up inside of her. It began as a low chuckle. Then, it erupted into a fit of cruel twisted laughter. The leader cast Deathdancer a look of disdain and fear. Deathdancer kept laughing all the way back to her cell, haunting the halls with its echoes.
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Re: NEW Character Applications

Postby ChaosWave360 » Tue May 29, 2012 5:34 pm

Weapon: Particle Beam Cannon
Fixed it up, this should be better


Allegiance: Decepticon 
Function: Hunter
Alternate Modes: Scorpion
Weapons: Primary: Particle beam Cannon, Secondary: Plasma blasters, Melee: Energon scythe
Special Abilities: Radar
Height: 32ft/16 m
Quote: “Taking you with me to the depths.”

Strength: 8
Intelligence: 6
Dexterity: 4
Speed: 5
Endurance: 8
Courage: 7
Firepower: 8
Accuracy: 7
Melee: 7
Tech Skill: 5
Charisma: 3


Hunting is a sport that drives my inner being. That is the sentence that describes Deathstinger as he enjoys hunting bots. When giving the order to hunt down autobots or traitorous decepticons, he’ll do it. Earth based vehicles are useless in the hunt for him so he chooses a scorpion. The reason for this is because of it allows him to dig through the ground. A perfect form for him to go underground and hunt land based units.

Deathstinger joined the decepticons for one reason and that is to hunt. Being an autobot, they wouldn’t allow him to hunt down bots and kill them because of their moral code. Therefore choosing the decepticons and helping Megatron achieve his goals for allowing him to hunt is a preferable choice of action.

When working with comrades, if they don’t get in his way during the hunt then there will be no problems. Decepticons that get in his way will have a taste of his wrath. Deathstinger has a sadistic personality as he plays around with his prey if he knows the outcome would come out in his favor.

Deathstinger alt form is a black scorpion that is used to camouflage during the night and to go underground. Fitting his hunting style, he transforms into his robot form with his pincers serving as his arms and his tail hiding behind him until it becomes an energon scythe. Each of his legs in scorpion form, combine to form two legs for his robot form. The head serves as the chest plate while the pincers move up to his shoulders. He has a visor and a face plate for battle, his opponents often see their own demise off of the reflection from his visor.


Deathstinger is a hunter, an assassin assigned to hunt down autobots or traitorous decepticons. He can go underground to avoid missiles or any other explosion.

One of his weapons is the Particle beam cannon which is his favorite weapon. If he knows that his prey is far and out of his reach then he’ll resort to this weapon. Its a high pressure beam that can cause quickly injure a transformer with multiple shots. They have enough power to push back cybertronians back a few yards. In robot mode, his particle beam cannon is in the middle of his chest.

Inside his claws, are his plasma blasters that he uses for long range combat. The plasma is highly heat based and a couple of clean shots would begin to melt through armor.

His tail loses its ability to fire the particle beam cannon when Deathstinger goes to robot form; however, it transforms into a energon scythe. A highly pressured blade made to cut through almost any material.

While Deathstinger has long range weapons, he personally likes to be in close combat fighting. His strength allows him to pick up bots and overpowered them. Weak, small and nondurable bots will be crushed by his grip if he gets his hands on them.

Deathstinger armor allows him to last longer in battle due to his armor being thick. His armor is incredibly thick which enables him to take a beating before having to retreat.

His special ability is his radar to locate transformers far away. This allows him to know where his enemy is hiding so that he can fire his particle beam cannon. With the radar, no prey would hide from him.


If he’s facing an aerial bot then Deathstinger won’t be able to reach them unless they are on the ground. The only way to hit them is with the Rapid plasma guns and particle beam cannon, but against an aerial bot, it would likely miss.

His sadistic nature in playing with his prey may cost him the battle as the opponent would be given enough time to find a counter attack.

When things doesn’t get his way, he tends to ignore all orders by superiors to make sure that it does or simply retreat. Simply put, he doesn’t make smart decisions when that happens.

Sample Post

“Wake up, oh wake up my little autobot...”

The autobot optics flashed to life as he quickly looked around to see that he was in some sort of cell. When he looked forward, he saw a scorpion like bot transformed in front of him. A quick smile under his visor came as Deathstinger examined the poor autobot. His claws gripping the bots head for a little examination. Deathstinger gently started to scratch the bots paint to hear a delicious sound of the bots pain. He suddenly stopped as he got back to business, he looked up and saw a glare in the bots eyes. This autobot got a little spunk in him, thats good, it’ll make the torture all the more sweeter.

“Tell me autobot, where is the location of the autobot base?”

The autobot said nothing, but that was to be expected. They always didn’t give up that easily when it comes to stuff like this. Deathstinger took out his swords from his claws and began to slowly dissect the bot causing him pain. Slowly from the leg to the waist, Deathstinger kept asking the same question repeatedly, but the bot wouldn’t break. Realizing that this wasn’t getting no where, Deathstinger stopped and turned around to bring out a cage.

The autobot quickly asked what was in the cage as Deathstinger chuckled. “You should know her.” The bots partner & lover was in the cage as she is critically injured and in need of repair.

“Decepticon punk, what do you plan on doing with her?”

Deathstinger looked at him for a minute before bursting out into laughter. He quickly hung her up like a piece of clothing and began to pull out his swords with some acid.

“You’ll see my little prey.”

The autobot realized what he was going to do and begged him to stop, but Deathstinger wouldn’t listen as he begun the process of dissecting her. Some parts were opened as he slowly poured a little bits of acid into her as she screams. Deathstinger looked up to see the autobot trying to break free to save her, but was unable to do so. He chuckled and continued the process until it reached her waist then stopped. Deathstinger got up and walked over to the autobot to see if he’ll answer now.

“All right, I’ll tell you, the base is north west in Japan. Now just leave her alone please.”

Deathstinger nodded as he sent the coordinates to his decepticon superiors. However, his job was not done yet. Deathstinger went towards the bot’s partner and sliced her head off to release her from the pain. The bot screamed out in rage over his lost and swore revenge without realizing that he couldn’t get it. Deathstinger walked up towards him and looked him in the optics. The bot can see himself off of his visor as Deathstinger laughed in his face.

“Well, my prey, you done a little bit better than most, but I will reward you for giving me the information.”

He takes out a container filled with acid and poured it on him as the bot screamed in pain. Hearing the scream was music to his processors as he walked away to leave him to rot. With his mission done, Deathstinger returns to base to get another mission to hunt down more autobots.
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Re: NEW Character Applications

Postby Insidious » Sun Jun 03, 2012 12:59 pm

Motto: "Clarity of thought before rashness of action."
Weapon: Oxidating Laser
Foxfire13795 wrote:Ok, I added in another paragraph about appearance. Hope it's ok.


Allegiance: Decepticon :CON:
Function: Tactician
Alternate Modes: Enstrom 480 Helicopter
Weapons: 13 Hidden Knives, Photon Burst Rifle, Scythe
Height: 18ft/ 7.29m
Quote: “Mass murder is an art, and my muse is madness.”

Strength: 5
Intelligence: 7
Dexterity: 9
Speed: 4
Endurance: 5
Courage: 7
Firepower: 4
Accuracy: 5
Melee: 8
Tech Skill: 7
Charisma: 9


Deathdancer appeared in the later days of the war from seemingly out of nowhere. No one had ever seen her before. Deathdancer saw the war as an opportunity and eagerly dove into the fray, siding with the Decepticons. She delights in the chaos and havoc of war, performing every atrocity ordered with jubilant glee. She prefers to think of her expeditions out into the field as performances and tends to add a theatrical flair to otherwise dull and orderly firefights. One of the ways she does this is dancing around her opponent whilst slowly killing them. This is how she earned her name.

Deathdancer is criminally insane, complimented by an erratic personality that could have her patting a bot on the back one second or ripping open his spark chamber the other. Despite this, Deathdancer is quite charismatic and charming. She is almost never without a big smile on her face. She has a deep fondness for jokes, puns, and gags, which is accented by her tendency to prank her comrades. Most of the time, these pranks are harmless gags, but if someone has recently crossed her, they might find their energon laced with an acid of low concentration.

Deathdancer has run into some complications with her superiors before, but she can usually make a deal or charm her way out of the predicament. She has been put into an asylum on the few occasions that she couldn’t work anything out, but Deathdancer always made a point of behaving until her release. Generally, she hasn’t run into too many problems with the Decepticons.

Deathdancer’s alternate form is red, white, and black. The tail of the helicopter splits to form her legs while her arms and torso fold out from the main section of the helicopter. Her scythe forms from one of her rotors. Her knives are hidden all over her body from two at her feet to the one in her collar. Her arm simply retracts to form the photon burst rifle. Deathdancer is very petite. Some might go as far as to call her cute.

Deathdancer’s optics are the classic Decepticon red. Her design features diamonds across her waist and on her legs. She has a collar that protects her neck. She also has a sort of crown formed by two triangular outcroppings that protrude from either side of her cranium. Two small pieces of metal dangle from either end.

Her avatar is a red-headed human female. Her typical attire is a black and red flight suit. The avatar’s designation is Abigail Cross. A stark contrast to Deathdancer’s personality, Abigail is a logical thinker and prefers to be nondescript when given the chance. However, Deathdancer is the puppeteer behind the strings, and Abigail can take on the personality of her controller at any given time.


Deathdancer is an acrobat both in her alternate mode and robot form. The Enstrom 480 can travel to speeds up to 150mph to 249mph. While this is rather slow as compared to any seekers or jet-formers, her maneuverability makes up for the speed loss. In her robot form, Deathdancer can perform an innumerable amount of fantastic acrobatic feats. She is highly flexible as well, able to contort her form into a number of seemingly impossible configurations.

Deathdancer is intelligent, albeit in a very twisted way. She likes to employ this intelligence to devise new strategies of mass murder, generally, as well as other faculties of war. Deathdancer is an inventor of sorts, enjoying the art of making some rather unconventional weaponry. She prefers to keep the majority of this arsenal for her own use, and not many are crazy enough to test out her latest creations seeing as how a prototype is as likely to blow up in their face as to actually work.

The scythe is Deathdancer’s trademark weapon. The staff of the scythe is as tall as Deathdancer, and the blade is a third as long. As with Deathdancer’s pranks, there is more to this scythe than meets the optic. The blade of the scythe can detach from the staff and swing on a chain for a wider range of attack. The butt of the staff also has a small barbed blade that pops out on a command from Deathdancer.

Deathdancer’s arsenal of hidden knives is primarily there for slow kills. However, being able to pull a knife from nowhere has proved invaluable before. Deathdancer likes to keep at least one gun on her at all times. When dealing with an ambush, a gun could manually trigger a set of unresponsive explosives. Deathdancer also values guns for their conventional means of efficient killing as well.

Pit fighting is the only form of martial art Deathdancer knows. She is terribly proficient at it and never hesitates to use every dirty trick and foul scheme that she can concoct. Her agility makes her difficult to hit while making it relatively easy for her to strike back.


While extremely agile, Deathdancer’s armor is weak and unable to take many hits. Deathdancer’s mental instability also makes her highly unpredictable, which can be a hindrance to her teammates and herself. She is as liable to attack one of her own comrades out of spite as she is to maim an Autobot warrior.

Sample Post:


A continuous metronome sounded within the black cell. The swirling shades of darkness colored the walls in a flowing pattern, sliding over one another as optics were cast in their direction. A faint continuous noise lurked at the edge of hearing. Nothing was ever really truly silent. “Do ya hear that, Gearhead?” The light airy tones of the voice boomed in comparison to the other noises filling the cell.


A silver cresent glinted in the twilight darkness. The patterns of the shadows danced and swirled in frenzied patterns as optics flicked off toward something. “Oh? You don’t hear it? Must be another voice in my head again,” said the light, feminine voice. A bell-like laugh shattered the muted sounds of the cell, airy and free. “The more the merrier I always say.”


Movement in the darkness as something shifted in place. The faint sounds of the room returned as the movement stopped. There was a long pause. “Do you want to hear a story, Gearhead? I promise that it’s a good one.” A pause. Only the muted sounds of the room came in reply. “Alright then! Once upon a time there was a beautiful femme. One day, a turbofox decided to ruin this femme’s day. Now, this turbofox evaded all of the femme’s attempts to capture it. So, the femme decided that she would try a trap.”

“The femme dug a deep hole and covered it with all sorts of thin metal. The next day, she chased the turbofox to the trap. When the turbofox fell into the trap, one of its legs got mangled. The femme, seeing the turbofox’s suffering, decided to mercifully end its life. She went to it and carved its spark out of its chest. The femme decided to keep its spark as a memento of the turbofox. The end. That was a nice story, wasn’t it, Gearhead?”


“Yes, I think so too.” The faint noise at the edge of hearing began to grow in volume almost imperceptibly. The shades of darkness swirled lazily as optics slowly cast their gaze to another portion of the cell. “I’m afraid our time has come to an end, dearest Gearhead. It’s a shame. I was rather enjoying it.” A soft sigh was almost muted by the growing noise. The noise grew in volume until it was deafening and still continued to grow.

A door was shoved open with a cacophonous shriek. Startled gasps mixed with curses muttered in astonishment. “Primus! It-It’s…warden Epsilon! Get that inmate away from him!” Others obeyed and converged on Deathdancer. She did not resist them. They dragged her out of the room and into the harsh light of the hall into the blaring screams of the alarm.

A few went inside of the little room the tactician had been in. Their leader peered in then turned to face Deathdancer and the others. “Take her back to her cell, now!” They began to drag her away when the leader suddenly called, “Wait! What’s that in her hand?”

Their actuators pried open her fist causing its contents to clatter to the floor. “By the primes, it’s his spark!” The others nearly dropped Deathdancer in revulsion, but one had the sense to keep a firm grip on her. “Goodbye, Gearhead!” called the femme. The leader looked at her with disgust. “Get that thing out of here.”

The others obeyed. As they led her away, Deathdancer felt laughter begin to bubble up inside of her. It began as a low chuckle. Then, it erupted into a fit of cruel twisted laughter. The leader cast Deathdancer a look of disdain and fear. Deathdancer kept laughing all the way back to her cell, haunting the halls with its echoes.

Alrighty. Cry mentioned that given her fighting style, pit fighting doesn't really mesh up. Given that she focuses on agility and speed, we think she'd be a better fit for having studied some form of Crystalocution or Diffusion. Maybe something that she's made more her own over time.

Beyond that, the character looks workable. Just make that little change and you can feel free to post her in the profiles section and get her revived aboard the Thanatos, as requested.
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Re: NEW Character Applications

Postby Insidious » Sun Jun 03, 2012 1:07 pm

Motto: "Clarity of thought before rashness of action."
Weapon: Oxidating Laser
ChaosWave360 wrote:Fixed it up, this should be better


Allegiance: Decepticon 
Function: Hunter
Alternate Modes: Scorpion
Weapons: Primary: Particle beam Cannon, Secondary: Plasma blasters, Melee: Energon scythe
Special Abilities: Radar
Height: 32ft/16 m
Quote: “Taking you with me to the depths.”

Strength: 8
Intelligence: 6
Dexterity: 4
Speed: 5
Endurance: 8
Courage: 7
Firepower: 8
Accuracy: 7
Melee: 7
Tech Skill: 5
Charisma: 3


Hunting is a sport that drives my inner being. That is the sentence that describes Deathstinger as he enjoys hunting bots. When giving the order to hunt down autobots or traitorous decepticons, he’ll do it. Earth based vehicles are useless in the hunt for him so he chooses a scorpion. The reason for this is because of it allows him to dig through the ground. A perfect form for him to go underground and hunt land based units.

Deathstinger joined the decepticons for one reason and that is to hunt. Being an autobot, they wouldn’t allow him to hunt down bots and kill them because of their moral code. Therefore choosing the decepticons and helping Megatron achieve his goals for allowing him to hunt is a preferable choice of action.

When working with comrades, if they don’t get in his way during the hunt then there will be no problems. Decepticons that get in his way will have a taste of his wrath. Deathstinger has a sadistic personality as he plays around with his prey if he knows the outcome would come out in his favor.

Deathstinger alt form is a black scorpion that is used to camouflage during the night and to go underground. Fitting his hunting style, he transforms into his robot form with his pincers serving as his arms and his tail hiding behind him until it becomes an energon scythe. Each of his legs in scorpion form, combine to form two legs for his robot form. The head serves as the chest plate while the pincers move up to his shoulders. He has a visor and a face plate for battle, his opponents often see their own demise off of the reflection from his visor.


Deathstinger is a hunter, an assassin assigned to hunt down autobots or traitorous decepticons. He can go underground to avoid missiles or any other explosion.

One of his weapons is the Particle beam cannon which is his favorite weapon. If he knows that his prey is far and out of his reach then he’ll resort to this weapon. Its a high pressure beam that can cause quickly injure a transformer with multiple shots. They have enough power to push back cybertronians back a few yards. In robot mode, his particle beam cannon is in the middle of his chest.

Inside his claws, are his plasma blasters that he uses for long range combat. The plasma is highly heat based and a couple of clean shots would begin to melt through armor.

His tail loses its ability to fire the particle beam cannon when Deathstinger goes to robot form; however, it transforms into a energon scythe. A highly pressured blade made to cut through almost any material.

While Deathstinger has long range weapons, he personally likes to be in close combat fighting. His strength allows him to pick up bots and overpowered them. Weak, small and nondurable bots will be crushed by his grip if he gets his hands on them.

Deathstinger armor allows him to last longer in battle due to his armor being thick. His armor is incredibly thick which enables him to take a beating before having to retreat.

His special ability is his radar to locate transformers far away. This allows him to know where his enemy is hiding so that he can fire his particle beam cannon. With the radar, no prey would hide from him.


If he’s facing an aerial bot then Deathstinger won’t be able to reach them unless they are on the ground. The only way to hit them is with the Rapid plasma guns and particle beam cannon, but against an aerial bot, it would likely miss.

His sadistic nature in playing with his prey may cost him the battle as the opponent would be given enough time to find a counter attack.

When things doesn’t get his way, he tends to ignore all orders by superiors to make sure that it does or simply retreat. Simply put, he doesn’t make smart decisions when that happens.

Sample Post

“Wake up, oh wake up my little autobot...”

The autobot optics flashed to life as he quickly looked around to see that he was in some sort of cell. When he looked forward, he saw a scorpion like bot transformed in front of him. A quick smile under his visor came as Deathstinger examined the poor autobot. His claws gripping the bots head for a little examination. Deathstinger gently started to scratch the bots paint to hear a delicious sound of the bots pain. He suddenly stopped as he got back to business, he looked up and saw a glare in the bots eyes. This autobot got a little spunk in him, thats good, it’ll make the torture all the more sweeter.

“Tell me autobot, where is the location of the autobot base?”

The autobot said nothing, but that was to be expected. They always didn’t give up that easily when it comes to stuff like this. Deathstinger took out his swords from his claws and began to slowly dissect the bot causing him pain. Slowly from the leg to the waist, Deathstinger kept asking the same question repeatedly, but the bot wouldn’t break. Realizing that this wasn’t getting no where, Deathstinger stopped and turned around to bring out a cage.

The autobot quickly asked what was in the cage as Deathstinger chuckled. “You should know her.” The bots partner & lover was in the cage as she is critically injured and in need of repair.

“Decepticon punk, what do you plan on doing with her?”

Deathstinger looked at him for a minute before bursting out into laughter. He quickly hung her up like a piece of clothing and began to pull out his swords with some acid.

“You’ll see my little prey.”

The autobot realized what he was going to do and begged him to stop, but Deathstinger wouldn’t listen as he begun the process of dissecting her. Some parts were opened as he slowly poured a little bits of acid into her as she screams. Deathstinger looked up to see the autobot trying to break free to save her, but was unable to do so. He chuckled and continued the process until it reached her waist then stopped. Deathstinger got up and walked over to the autobot to see if he’ll answer now.

“All right, I’ll tell you, the base is north west in Japan. Now just leave her alone please.”

Deathstinger nodded as he sent the coordinates to his decepticon superiors. However, his job was not done yet. Deathstinger went towards the bot’s partner and sliced her head off to release her from the pain. The bot screamed out in rage over his lost and swore revenge without realizing that he couldn’t get it. Deathstinger walked up towards him and looked him in the optics. The bot can see himself off of his visor as Deathstinger laughed in his face.

“Well, my prey, you done a little bit better than most, but I will reward you for giving me the information.”

He takes out a container filled with acid and poured it on him as the bot screamed in pain. Hearing the scream was music to his processors as he walked away to leave him to rot. With his mission done, Deathstinger returns to base to get another mission to hunt down more autobots.

Alright, in to the meat.

This character's a hunter, so let's bring his size down by a few feet, adjust meters accordingly. A hunter should have higher dexterity and speed. Increases of 2-3, I would think, so do some shaving in other areas, like endurance, firepower, melee. His charisma stat is so low that he's going to basically be treated like trash amongst the other 'Cons and the character won't have much of a personality to do anything about it. Just something to keep in mind.

So there's some notes to work with. Have another go and we'll see where we are.
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Re: NEW Character Applications

Postby ChaosWave360 » Sun Jun 03, 2012 1:45 pm

Weapon: Particle Beam Cannon
Fixed it up, this should be better and also added his fighting style too.


Allegiance: Decepticon 
Function: Hunter
Alternate Modes: Scorpion
Weapons: Primary: Particle beam Cannon, Secondary: Plasma blasters, Melee: Energon scythe
Special Abilities: Radar
Height: 28ft/14 m
Quote: “Taking you with me to the depths.”

Strength: 7
Intelligence: 5
Dexterity: 6
Speed: 6
Endurance: 7
Courage: 7
Firepower: 7
Accuracy: 7
Melee: 7
Tech Skill: 4
Charisma: 5


Hunting is a sport that drives my inner being. That is the sentence that describes Deathstinger as he enjoys hunting bots. When giving the order to hunt down autobots or traitorous decepticons, he’ll do it. Earth based vehicles are useless in the hunt for him so he chooses a scorpion. The reason for this is because of it allows him to dig through the ground. A perfect form for him to go underground and hunt land based units.

Deathstinger joined the decepticons for one reason and that is to hunt. Being an autobot, they wouldn’t allow him to hunt down bots and kill them because of their moral code. Therefore choosing the decepticons and helping Megatron achieve his goals for allowing him to hunt is a preferable choice of action.

When working with comrades, if they don’t get in his way during the hunt then there will be no problems. Decepticons that get in his way will have a taste of his wrath. Deathstinger has a sadistic personality as he plays around with his prey if he knows the outcome would come out in his favor.

Deathstinger alt form is a black scorpion that is used to camouflage during the night and to go underground. Fitting his hunting style, he transforms into his robot form with his pincers serving as his arms and his tail hiding behind him until it becomes an energon scythe. Each of his legs in scorpion form, combine to form two legs for his robot form. The head serves as the chest plate while the pincers move up to his shoulders. He has a visor and a face plate for battle, his opponents often see their own demise off of the reflection from his visor.


Deathstinger is a hunter, an assassin assigned to hunt down autobots or traitorous decepticons. He can go underground to avoid missiles or any other explosion.

One of his weapons is the Particle beam cannon which is his favorite weapon. If he knows that his prey is far and out of his reach then he’ll resort to this weapon. Its a high pressure beam that can cause quickly injure a transformer with multiple shots. They have enough power to push back cybertronians back a few yards. In robot mode, his particle beam cannon is in the middle of his chest.

Inside his claws, are his plasma blasters that he uses for long range combat. The plasma is highly heat based and a couple of clean shots would begin to melt through armor.

His tail loses its ability to fire the particle beam cannon when Deathstinger goes to robot form; however, it transforms into a energon scythe. A highly pressured blade made to cut through almost any material.

While Deathstinger has long range weapons, he personally likes to be in close combat fighting. His strength allows him to pick up bots and overpowered them. Weak, small and nondurable bots will be crushed by his grip if he gets his hands on them.

Deathstinger armor allows him to last longer in battle due to his armor being thick. His armor is incredibly thick which enables him to take a beating before having to retreat.

His special ability is his radar to locate transformers far away. This allows him to know where his enemy is hiding so that he can fire his particle beam cannon. With the radar, no prey would hide from him.

Due to his years of Pit Fighting in the gladiators days of Kaon, he has enough experience to overpower opponents with his fighting style. Although, Deathstinger hasn't fully mastered the art, he finds way to improve his fighting style so that he can make new ways to surprise his enemies. This style of fighting greatly expresses his way of saying brute strength conquers all.


If he’s facing an aerial bot then Deathstinger won’t be able to reach them unless they are on the ground. The only way to hit them is with the Rapid plasma guns and particle beam cannon, but against an aerial bot, it would likely miss.

His sadistic nature in playing with his prey may cost him the battle as the opponent would be given enough time to find a counter attack.

When things doesn’t get his way, he tends to ignore all orders by superiors to make sure that it does or simply retreat. Simply put, he doesn’t make smart decisions when that happens.

Sample Post

“Wake up, oh wake up my little autobot...”

The autobot optics flashed to life as he quickly looked around to see that he was in some sort of cell. When he looked forward, he saw a scorpion like bot transformed in front of him. A quick smile under his visor came as Deathstinger examined the poor autobot. His claws gripping the bots head for a little examination. Deathstinger gently started to scratch the bots paint to hear a delicious sound of the bots pain. He suddenly stopped as he got back to business, he looked up and saw a glare in the bots eyes. This autobot got a little spunk in him, thats good, it’ll make the torture all the more sweeter.

“Tell me autobot, where is the location of the autobot base?”

The autobot said nothing, but that was to be expected. They always didn’t give up that easily when it comes to stuff like this. Deathstinger took out his swords from his claws and began to slowly dissect the bot causing him pain. Slowly from the leg to the waist, Deathstinger kept asking the same question repeatedly, but the bot wouldn’t break. Realizing that this wasn’t getting no where, Deathstinger stopped and turned around to bring out a cage.

The autobot quickly asked what was in the cage as Deathstinger chuckled. “You should know her.” The bots partner & lover was in the cage as she is critically injured and in need of repair.

“Decepticon punk, what do you plan on doing with her?”

Deathstinger looked at him for a minute before bursting out into laughter. He quickly hung her up like a piece of clothing and began to pull out his swords with some acid.

“You’ll see my little prey.”

The autobot realized what he was going to do and begged him to stop, but Deathstinger wouldn’t listen as he begun the process of dissecting her. Some parts were opened as he slowly poured a little bits of acid into her as she screams. Deathstinger looked up to see the autobot trying to break free to save her, but was unable to do so. He chuckled and continued the process until it reached her waist then stopped. Deathstinger got up and walked over to the autobot to see if he’ll answer now.

“All right, I’ll tell you, the base is north west in Japan. Now just leave her alone please.”

Deathstinger nodded as he sent the coordinates to his decepticon superiors. However, his job was not done yet. Deathstinger went towards the bot’s partner and sliced her head off to release her from the pain. The bot screamed out in rage over his lost and swore revenge without realizing that he couldn’t get it. Deathstinger walked up towards him and looked him in the optics. The bot can see himself off of his visor as Deathstinger laughed in his face.

“Well, my prey, you done a little bit better than most, but I will reward you for giving me the information.”

He takes out a container filled with acid and poured it on him as the bot screamed in pain. Hearing the scream was music to his processors as he walked away to leave him to rot. With his mission done, Deathstinger returns to base to get another mission to hunt down more autobots.
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Re: NEW Character Applications

Postby Turbine » Wed Jun 06, 2012 5:18 pm

Motto: "You're only as good as you prove yourself to be."
Weapon: High-Velocity Sonic Blaster
Fixed it up. should be good now, :D


Allegiance: Decepticons
Function: Underwater Demolitions
Alt. Mode: Amphibious Cyber-Squid
Weapons: Dual laser-guided slime blasters
Height: 26 ft / 7.93 m
Quote: “Embrace your enemies…until they’re terminated!”

Strength: 8
Intelligence: 6
Dexterity: 8 in water, 6 as robot, 1 in squid mode on land
Speed: 6
Endurance: 6
Courage: 7
Firepower: 7
Accuracy: 6
Melee: 8
Tech. Skill: 4
Charisma: 8
Rank: 6

Profile: Don't be deceived by Tentakil's gentle touch and soothing words- he is undeniably the cruelest, deadliest Seacon. His style is as distinctive as it is lethal: he showers a potential victim with kindness, offering him help, even complimenting his appearance. And then, once he has gained the confidence of his victim, Tentakil moves in for the kill. In a flash, kindness turns to cruelty. The soft caress of his limbs turns into a deadly, unyielding stranglehold. He seems to take a perverse pleasure in these amiable charades, enjoying them even more than their inevitable, lethal conclusions. As his fellow Seacon, Nautilator, likes to say about him, "Tentakil can charm the fuel right out of your chassis." And given half a chance, he will.

Abilities: In cyber-squid mode, Tentakil can crush a submarine as if it were a soda can. Powerful electromagnets embedded within his tentacles enhance his strength to awesome proportions, giving Tentakil the vise-like grip that he is infamous for. Electrically charged feelers on his tentacles' surfaces can short-circuit and stun anything of an electrical nature on contact. While retreating, he can discharge a cloud of viscous black grease to hinder any pursuers. In weapons mode, he turns into twin 50,000 volt lightning rifles, which can operate on land and sea. He is insulated from any electrical attacks himself, so the rifles can't electrocute him underwater. In robot and cyber-squid modes, he wields dual laser-guided slime blasters, which shoot globs of highly adhesive gelatinous goo.

Weaknesses: A mysterious short circuit in his wiring often inhibits Tentakil's ability to transform from one mode to another. This causes him severe problems when he's stuck in robot mode underwater, or octopus mode on land. In these situations, the modes are poorly suited for the environments. In fact, on land, his octopus mode is more likely to keel over than take a step.

Sample Post:

"If the whole world was sea, I'd be as happy as can be!" Tentakil said to a 'Bot who was close to shutting down. "R-Really?" The 'Bot was starting to smile just when Tentakil grabbed his throat and thrust the 'Bot into the ocean. "works every time. Every time...".

When Tentakil did the same thing over and over to other 'Bots, He started to get bored. "...And that was, what? the 30th one now? Man, am I getting B-O-R-E-D." So, Tentakil set off to a different place and the same boredom befell him. "Well, I might as well go back to base to report my status."

When Tentakil was going back to base, he was attacked by 'Bots who were one the previous planet. "I knew I should have killed all of 'em! Now it's gonna come back and I'm gonna pay the price...or maybe not!" Tentikal fired his slime blasters at the :BOT:'s (Which by the way works wonders to incapacitate an enemy.) "Well, that was sorda fun." Tentakil said, and after a short argument with himself, ("Go back. No! Yes. No!") He went back to base.
Last edited by Turbine on Sun Jun 10, 2012 5:57 am, edited 1 time in total.
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