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Cancelled/Unused Concepts You Wish Hasbro Would Reuse: Toy Edition

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Cancelled/Unused Concepts You Wish Hasbro Would Reuse: Toy Edition

Postby MaximalNui » Sat Jan 08, 2022 5:59 pm

So, among the myriad of cancelled toy designs and concepts Hasbro cancelled over the year, which ones would you like them to take another shot at?

Here's my initial list (mostly from TFWiki, TFRaw or scans of the Generations books):
- the Galvatron/Megatron Triple-Changer (I mean, it's so obvious I'm amazed they didn't retry that sooner)
- Add-on elemental armor like on those proto-Fossilizers (especially if it is reworked into actual Fossilizers, or a WW-accurate Fallen)
- Animal and vehicle combiners like the vertical-split Duocons (it's honestly one of the most original and out there ideas I've seen, and it would break the monotony of just animals or just vehicles)
- TransTech (the idea of techno-organic Transformers that turn into vehicles instead of the expected animals is just so unusual)
- Elseworlds-style Transformers, as shown in Hearts of Steel and its intended parent series Evolutions (how cool would it be to have actual steampunk and Ice Age versions of the characters we know? Or see them adapt to other, non-technological environments and adopt mythical forms, like the proto-Pretenders?)
- Several of the cancelled combiners, like:
- The Dino Scramble City combiner which was meant to be the Seacons' nemesis (mostly for completion's sake)
- The three-team, 15-bots Micromaster combiner (it's something I'd really see as a Nexus Prime toy, especially if the teams combined between themselves)
- The combiner which was made of 14 cars and a base (I've mentioned before in the Legacy topic how the rumored Menasor reminds me of it, and we need more variety in combinations)
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Re: Cancelled/Unused Concepts You Wish Hasbro Would Reuse: Toy Edition

Postby Jelze Bunnycat » Sat Jan 08, 2022 6:26 pm

Motto: "The only good is knowledge, and the only evil is ignorance."
Volcanicus kinda put a wrench into the Scramble City Dino one, but I wouldn't mind a Styracosaurus retool of Slag, plus a Dimetrodon... Funnily enough, Sludge was one once:

Transformers Armada Sludge Gallery
The resident Rewind... well, half of one :lol:

- Jelze Bunnycat =:3

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- Greenlight, Lancer and PotP Elita-1 (plus repro Victorion hands and feet?)
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Re: Cancelled/Unused Concepts You Wish Hasbro Would Reuse: Toy Edition

Postby Rodimus Prime » Sat Jan 08, 2022 7:29 pm

Motto: "Individual freedom above all else."
I would definitely be down for the Megatron/Galvatron triplechanger. As for the beast/car duocons, that just looks too weird even for me. So it would be a pass. But it's certainly creative. I would love to see that Micromaster combiner, just to witness the engineering come to life. Volcanicus was a failure IMO, so another, better version of a Dino combiner is certainly welcome.
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Re: Cancelled/Unused Concepts You Wish Hasbro Would Reuse: Toy Edition

Postby Emerje » Sat Jan 08, 2022 8:22 pm

Motto: "Spellcheck's antithesis."
Weapon: Saw-Edged Pincer
I'm down for most of these. Also still want fire truck Rodimus Prime.


There's a few prototypes that came close to being made for Diaclone but never were but should have!

Many tapes for Soundwave
Decepticon Tape prototypes.JPG

5 Changer
5 changer.JPG

Triple Changer pontoon boat/excavator
triplechanger.JPG (51.16 KiB) Viewed 147330 times

Speaking of Triple Changers, Dropshot got pretty far along and was made for Transformers, but never got released. At least he got to show up in a Dreamwave comic just to die.

One Diaclone prototype that did happen, at least in concept is transforming bases for small cars. Basically transforming Micromaster bases which we would get in Siege with Weaponizers.
police base.JPG
police base.JPG (38.17 KiB) Viewed 147330 times

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Re: Cancelled/Unused Concepts You Wish Hasbro Would Reuse: Toy Edition

Postby AcademyofDrX » Sat Jan 08, 2022 9:16 pm

I look forward to a time when TransTech is collectively forgotten by the entire fandom. If you really need it represented in your collection, go drop $200 on TFCC Cheetor.

My vote would be for unreleased G1 prototypes like Arcee or Unicron, but there's no way they would sell enough to be cost-effective. In general, these ideas were cancelled for a good reason.
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Re: Cancelled/Unused Concepts You Wish Hasbro Would Reuse: Toy Edition

Postby Gauntlet101010 » Sat Jan 08, 2022 10:29 pm

TBH, I'd love it if they decided to produce G1 Unicron. That prototype is such a key piece of TF history. Ditto G1 Arcee, but I think Unicron was closer to being made. I don't think the Arcee proto actually transformed.

There was a time when I would have loved BW Neo Unicron too, but I don't think that's relevant anymore. And I think he isn't very well designed by today's standards.

I'd also love any unreleased G1 cassettes. On general principal.
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Re: Cancelled/Unused Concepts You Wish Hasbro Would Reuse: Toy Edition

Postby MaximalNui » Sun Jan 09, 2022 2:57 pm

Rodimus Prime wrote:As for the beast/car duocons, that just looks too weird even for me. So it would be a pass. But it's certainly creative.

Frankly, the weirdness is what attracts me to the concept in the first place. To each their own, I guess.

Emerje wrote:5 Changer
5 changer.JPG

Triple Changer pontoon boat/excavator

Speaking of Triple Changers, Dropshot got pretty far along and was made for Transformers, but never got released. At least he got to show up in a Dreamwave comic just to die.

Speaking of Triple Changers, there's these concept art files of Triple Changers for BW, which is amusing since it's one of the iconic Transformer gimmicks that never showed up in that era (unless you count some characters' attack mode, or the Transmetals' transport mode).






Weirdly though most of them are based on pre-established characters who are clearly based and named after a single animal instead of new characters themed after two animals. Rattrap and Waspinator are particularly baffling since they're no longer a rat and a wasp.

AcademyofDrX wrote:I look forward to a time when TransTech is collectively forgotten by the entire fandom. If you really need it represented in your collection, go drop $200 on TFCC Cheetor.

And I look forward to a time when people on this fandom aren't condescending to those who appreciate a continuity they don't like. Seriously, we should settle for a single exclusive figure which was more of a homage than anything? Should I tell people who want Generations to feature something other than G1 to be glad with the handfuls that were released? Or for the G1 fans who don't want intrusive non-canon gimmicks on their characters to go look for the original, probably overpriced toys?
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Re: Cancelled/Unused Concepts You Wish Hasbro Would Reuse: Toy Edition

Postby AcademyofDrX » Sun Jan 09, 2022 3:16 pm

MaximalNui wrote:And I look forward to a time when people on this fandom aren't condescending to those who appreciate a continuity they don't like. Seriously, we should settle for a single exclusive figure which was more of a homage than anything?

That was, like, barely condescending. I didn't even complain that it only lives on as a fan fiction continuity, and no more deserving of toys and attention than Eugenesis--arguably less. So much of the outskirts of the fandom is just going down TFWiki rabbit holes and becoming convinced that the future of the franchise is some dead parallel universe from the distant past.

MaximalNui wrote:Should I tell people who want Generations to feature something other than G1 to be glad with the handfuls that were released? Or for the G1 fans who don't want intrusive non-canon gimmicks on their characters to go look for the original, probably overpriced toys?

Sure, it's a free internet, you're entitled to your opinion, just like I am. Everyone knows what they say about opinions.

I'm being really snarky, you're totally entitled to like what you like. And I should be more reasonable so that it's clear I'm not intending a personal attack. I think the whole concept is dumb, but that doesn't make someone dumb for liking it. But it's still dumb.
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Re: Cancelled/Unused Concepts You Wish Hasbro Would Reuse: Toy Edition

Postby Gauntlet101010 » Sun Jan 09, 2022 3:45 pm

Emerje wrote:Many tapes for Soundwave

Actually, looking closely at the unused cassettes, is #2 Stinger? (Cut tape from the TF movie.) And if that's Stinger, could the #4 be Stripes? I mean it has a real tiger vibe.
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Re: Cancelled/Unused Concepts You Wish Hasbro Would Reuse: Toy Edition

Postby MaximalNui » Sun Jan 09, 2022 5:28 pm

AcademyofDrX wrote:That was, like, barely condescending. I didn't even complain that it only lives on as a fan fiction continuity, and no more deserving of toys and attention than Eugenesis--arguably less. So much of the outskirts of the fandom is just going down TFWiki rabbit holes and becoming convinced that the future of the franchise is some dead parallel universe from the distant past.

Sure, it's a free internet, you're entitled to your opinion, just like I am. Everyone knows what they say about opinions.

I'm being really snarky, you're totally entitled to like what you like. And I should be more reasonable so that it's clear I'm not intending a personal attack. I think the whole concept is dumb, but that doesn't make someone dumb for liking it. But it's still dumb.

...I think you might be missing the point of this topic. This is all about cancelled toy designs and prototypes, so of course an entire line that was scrapped was going to be mentioned.

And no, TransTech is not a "fan fiction" continuity like Eugenesis. For starters, it was designed by Hasbro themselves, unlike Eugenesis which is actual fanfic (honestly, Alignment would have illustrated your point better). Also, the designs and name were used by TFCC, so those at least are just as canonical as Shattered Glass, Classics, Ask Vector Prime or Nexus Prime himself.

Anyway, I see now I overreacted and I apologise.

Gauntlet101010 wrote:
Emerje wrote:Many tapes for Soundwave

Actually, looking closely at the unused cassettes, is #2 Stinger? (Cut tape from the TF movie.) And if that's Stinger, could the #4 be Stripes? I mean it has a real tiger vibe.

Most likely. :-?
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Re: Cancelled/Unused Concepts You Wish Hasbro Would Reuse: Toy Edition

Postby Emerje » Sun Jan 09, 2022 8:21 pm

Motto: "Spellcheck's antithesis."
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What I also like about the tapes and forgot to mention is the early attempt at combining. 11 is made up of 7 and 9 while 10 is made up of 6 and 8.

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Re: Cancelled/Unused Concepts You Wish Hasbro Would Reuse: Toy Edition

Postby Evil Eye » Tue Jan 11, 2022 7:23 pm

Motto: "Don't be a goddamn coward."
Weapon: Acid Spray Gun
The Telemocha BW original molds spring to mind- the manticore, triffid and jellyfish that never got beyond design sketches. Also the rumoured Transmetal Scuba/Clawjaw.
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Re: Cancelled/Unused Concepts You Wish Hasbro Would Reuse: Toy Edition

Postby ZeldaTheSwordsman » Sat Jan 15, 2022 6:18 pm

Motto: "Earthrise restock or riot"
Evil Eye wrote:The Telemocha BW original molds spring to mind- the manticore, triffid and jellyfish that never got beyond design sketches. Also the rumoured Transmetal Scuba/Clawjaw.
Must also have not got very far, or it probably would have seen use as an RiD/Car Robots baddy.

I want that horse cassette.
* Cybertron Galvatron key, missiles
* Omega Lock
* Primus Cyber Key, coattail panel
* Powerlinx Comettor
* Cyb Jetfire R gun and missile
* RiD Galvy dragon head, beast arms
* DotM Ironhide windshield, R hood assy.
* ROTF Jetfire R JTFR panel

Di Bonaventura is not a credible or trustworthy source. And most fans do like the diversity push, thanks.

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Re: Cancelled/Unused Concepts You Wish Hasbro Would Reuse: Toy Edition

Postby Overcracker » Sat Jan 15, 2022 7:23 pm

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I’m still harboring hope that Takara circles back and actually decides to release their Armada Prime concept from a few years ago.

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Re: Cancelled/Unused Concepts You Wish Hasbro Would Reuse: Toy Edition

Postby Till-all-R1 » Sat Jan 15, 2022 9:30 pm

While almost none of those appeal to me enough to wan theem made, there is something about Hearts of Steel/Steampunk Shockwave that i really like. Maybe it's juts because of the character and the look of that particular alt mode. Actually think a Submarine would be a neat alt for a Transformer and don't recall ever seeing one. Aside from GoBots line.
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Re: Cancelled/Unused Concepts You Wish Hasbro Would Reuse: Toy Edition

Postby Emerje » Sat Jan 15, 2022 11:00 pm

Motto: "Spellcheck's antithesis."
Weapon: Saw-Edged Pincer
Till-all-R1 wrote:While almost none of those appeal to me enough to wan theem made, there is something about Hearts of Steel/Steampunk Shockwave that i really like. Maybe it's juts because of the character and the look of that particular alt mode. Actually think a Submarine would be a neat alt for a Transformer and don't recall ever seeing one. Aside from GoBots line.

A sub would be nice. Only ones that come to mind are Mini-Con Deepdive, his repaints and the sub armor that comes with Energon Optimus Prime.


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Re: Cancelled/Unused Concepts You Wish Hasbro Would Reuse: Toy Edition

Postby ZeldaTheSwordsman » Sat Jan 15, 2022 11:12 pm

Motto: "Earthrise restock or riot"
There was also a toyless civilian Autobot in Cybertron with a submarine altmode.

And Energon Sharkticon is if not an out-and-out submarine... awfully submarine-like.
* Cybertron Galvatron key, missiles
* Omega Lock
* Primus Cyber Key, coattail panel
* Powerlinx Comettor
* Cyb Jetfire R gun and missile
* RiD Galvy dragon head, beast arms
* DotM Ironhide windshield, R hood assy.
* ROTF Jetfire R JTFR panel

Di Bonaventura is not a credible or trustworthy source. And most fans do like the diversity push, thanks.

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Re: Cancelled/Unused Concepts You Wish Hasbro Would Reuse: Toy Edition

Postby Emerje » Sat Jan 15, 2022 11:45 pm

Motto: "Spellcheck's antithesis."
Weapon: Saw-Edged Pincer
ZeldaTheSwordsman wrote:There was also a toyless civilian Autobot in Cybertron with a submarine altmode.

And Energon Sharkticon is if not an out-and-out submarine... awfully submarine-like.

Always thought of that Sharkticon as more of a space battleship, it even got repainted into the Axalon, but I bet he can dive, too!

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Re: Cancelled/Unused Concepts You Wish Hasbro Would Reuse: Toy Edition

Postby MaximalNui » Wed Jan 19, 2022 7:57 am

Evil Eye wrote:The Telemocha BW original molds spring to mind- the manticore, triffid and jellyfish that never got beyond design sketches. Also the rumoured Transmetal Scuba/Clawjaw.

Huh, I didn't know that was a thing; for a moment, I thought you were talking about the Claw Jaw repaint. Wonder what the transport mode would be, if it had one. Something aquatic? A drilltank, given it would spin and dig in the anime?

And yeah, we need more mythical beast modes aside from dragons.
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Re: Cancelled/Unused Concepts You Wish Hasbro Would Reuse: Toy Edition

Postby ZeldaTheSwordsman » Wed Jan 19, 2022 6:05 pm

Motto: "Earthrise restock or riot"
Emerje wrote:
ZeldaTheSwordsman wrote:There was also a toyless civilian Autobot in Cybertron with a submarine altmode.

And Energon Sharkticon is if not an out-and-out submarine... awfully submarine-like.

Always thought of that Sharkticon as more of a space battleship, it even got repainted into the Axalon, but I bet he can dive, too!

It's kinda a mix of spaceship (apparently influenced by the Nemesis as portrayed by BW) and sub.
Ironic he it got redecoed as the Axalon, considering.
* Cybertron Galvatron key, missiles
* Omega Lock
* Primus Cyber Key, coattail panel
* Powerlinx Comettor
* Cyb Jetfire R gun and missile
* RiD Galvy dragon head, beast arms
* DotM Ironhide windshield, R hood assy.
* ROTF Jetfire R JTFR panel

Di Bonaventura is not a credible or trustworthy source. And most fans do like the diversity push, thanks.

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Re: Cancelled/Unused Concepts You Wish Hasbro Would Reuse: Toy Edition

Postby Jelze Bunnycat » Fri Jan 21, 2022 1:16 pm

Motto: "The only good is knowledge, and the only evil is ignorance."
ZeldaTheSwordsman wrote:
Emerje wrote:
ZeldaTheSwordsman wrote:There was also a toyless civilian Autobot in Cybertron with a submarine altmode.

And Energon Sharkticon is if not an out-and-out submarine... awfully submarine-like.

Always thought of that Sharkticon as more of a space battleship, it even got repainted into the Axalon, but I bet he can dive, too!

It's kinda a mix of spaceship (apparently influenced by the Nemesis as portrayed by BW) and sub.
Ironic he it got redecoed as the Axalon, considering.

Even more ironic is Cybertron Unicron repurposed as the Ark :lol:
The resident Rewind... well, half of one :lol:

- Jelze Bunnycat =:3

Looking for:
- TR Furos (Hardhead's head) and Crashbash (lost him :()
- PotP Punch head
- TR Galvatron right arm (the gun one)
- CW Brake-Neck/UW Wildrider, CW Offroad
- TR Twinferno & Grotusque
- Greenlight, Lancer and PotP Elita-1 (plus repro Victorion hands and feet?)
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Re: Cancelled/Unused Concepts You Wish Hasbro Would Reuse: Toy Edition

Postby MaximalNui » Sun Feb 20, 2022 5:52 pm

One thing I found was a cancelled line called Motor World, of which we only have concept from one character: Buffalo-Dump. Apparently, it seemed to be about animal-themed vehicles, like Beast Machines' Beast Riders but with robot modes.


Kinda reminds me of Animax from Schaper.

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Re: Cancelled/Unused Concepts You Wish Hasbro Would Reuse: Toy Edition

Postby Emerje » Mon Feb 21, 2022 2:56 am

Motto: "Spellcheck's antithesis."
Weapon: Saw-Edged Pincer
That does look a lot like Animax, all the way down to the giant engines. I had volume 3 of the comics when I was a kid, though all I remember was the enemy trying to force the bull to inflate their giant tire monster.

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Re: Cancelled/Unused Concepts You Wish Hasbro Would Reuse: Toy Edition

Postby MaximalNui » Sun Feb 27, 2022 5:49 pm

Emerje wrote:That does look a lot like Animax, all the way down to the giant engines. I had volume 3 of the comics when I was a kid, though all I remember was the enemy trying to force the bull to inflate their giant tire monster.


I honestly only know of them because Linkara reviewed the first issue (both the actual first issue and the preliminary one). Sounded like those kinds of concepts that throw all logic out the window to focus entirely on cool, like Kenner's Bone Age.

Regarding the GI Joe crossover announced last Thursday/Friday, I found this cancelled crossover character designed in 1993, all the way back during G2.
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Re: Cancelled/Unused Concepts You Wish Hasbro Would Reuse: Toy Edition

Postby Emerje » Sat Apr 02, 2022 12:40 am

Motto: "Spellcheck's antithesis."
Weapon: Saw-Edged Pincer
I was trying to find something recently on Seibertron, can't even remember what it was, but I "rediscovered" an article we did here on Diaclone concept art that I've managed to lose the link to again and can't find no mater how hard I look. But it did lead me to concept artist Akira Mii's Twitter page which is speckled with some interesting Transformers art from the 80s that would make amazing figures now that the technology has caught up with his art.

Autobot and Decepticon Clones from 1986, these would look great as reimaginings rather than remakes like we got:




















He calls these "micro robots" from 1985, I think they would have been future Autobot Cars, but the movie would make them obsolete. Some really interesting ideas in here, but they sort of look like Machine Robo / GoBots designs including a small Optimus that isn't Optimus. I wonder if he got confused?:






(Just realized this one was probably used by Takara to make Big Lander)



Choro Q (Autobot mini vehicles) concepts from '85. The second one has a really interesting transformation, almost a small Jazz:



This one is really crazy, he actually tried to design a Transformers family, I would totally buy these! Seriously, why can't I buy these right now!? They almost look like live action movie designs way ahead of their time. Somebody mentioned the baby design reminded them of Squeaks and Mii called Sqweeks "amazing!":





Another Double Spy that he designed alongside Punch/Counterpunch. This thing is incredible!:





Radically different take on Hun-Grr complete with actual base mode and the rest of the Terrorcons and completed Abominus mode. If HasTak ever wants to reimagine these guys this would be a great place to start!:








Mount St. Hilary play set! Why didn't this ever happen?? We could have put it between Boulder Hill and Snake Mountain!


There's a ton of cool stuff on his Twitter page (linked at the top) like concepts for Double Targetmaster erasers from well before the figures were released, Rodimus Prime and Metroplex transforming stationary sets, and a very simple Double Spy that probably wouldn't have fooled anyone.

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Transformers Podcast: Twincast / Podcast #369 - Gattai-Funding
Twincast / Podcast #369:
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Posted: Saturday, February 8th, 2025

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