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Rodimus Prime wrote:As for the beast/car duocons, that just looks too weird even for me. So it would be a pass. But it's certainly creative.
Emerje wrote:5 Changer
Triple Changer pontoon boat/excavator
Speaking of Triple Changers, Dropshot got pretty far along and was made for Transformers, but never got released. At least he got to show up in a Dreamwave comic just to die.
AcademyofDrX wrote:I look forward to a time when TransTech is collectively forgotten by the entire fandom. If you really need it represented in your collection, go drop $200 on TFCC Cheetor.
MaximalNui wrote:And I look forward to a time when people on this fandom aren't condescending to those who appreciate a continuity they don't like. Seriously, we should settle for a single exclusive figure which was more of a homage than anything?
MaximalNui wrote:Should I tell people who want Generations to feature something other than G1 to be glad with the handfuls that were released? Or for the G1 fans who don't want intrusive non-canon gimmicks on their characters to go look for the original, probably overpriced toys?
Emerje wrote:Many tapes for Soundwave
AcademyofDrX wrote:That was, like, barely condescending. I didn't even complain that it only lives on as a fan fiction continuity, and no more deserving of toys and attention than Eugenesis--arguably less. So much of the outskirts of the fandom is just going down TFWiki rabbit holes and becoming convinced that the future of the franchise is some dead parallel universe from the distant past.
Sure, it's a free internet, you're entitled to your opinion, just like I am. Everyone knows what they say about opinions.
I'm being really snarky, you're totally entitled to like what you like. And I should be more reasonable so that it's clear I'm not intending a personal attack. I think the whole concept is dumb, but that doesn't make someone dumb for liking it. But it's still dumb.
Gauntlet101010 wrote:Emerje wrote:Many tapes for Soundwave
Actually, looking closely at the unused cassettes, is #2 Stinger? (Cut tape from the TF movie.) And if that's Stinger, could the #4 be Stripes? I mean it has a real tiger vibe.
Must also have not got very far, or it probably would have seen use as an RiD/Car Robots baddy.Evil Eye wrote:The Telemocha BW original molds spring to mind- the manticore, triffid and jellyfish that never got beyond design sketches. Also the rumoured Transmetal Scuba/Clawjaw.
Till-all-R1 wrote:While almost none of those appeal to me enough to wan theem made, there is something about Hearts of Steel/Steampunk Shockwave that i really like. Maybe it's juts because of the character and the look of that particular alt mode. Actually think a Submarine would be a neat alt for a Transformer and don't recall ever seeing one. Aside from GoBots line.
ZeldaTheSwordsman wrote:There was also a toyless civilian Autobot in Cybertron with a submarine altmode.
And Energon Sharkticon is if not an out-and-out submarine... awfully submarine-like.
Evil Eye wrote:The Telemocha BW original molds spring to mind- the manticore, triffid and jellyfish that never got beyond design sketches. Also the rumoured Transmetal Scuba/Clawjaw.
It's kinda a mix of spaceship (apparently influenced by the Nemesis as portrayed by BW) and sub.Emerje wrote:ZeldaTheSwordsman wrote:There was also a toyless civilian Autobot in Cybertron with a submarine altmode.
And Energon Sharkticon is if not an out-and-out submarine... awfully submarine-like.
Always thought of that Sharkticon as more of a space battleship, it even got repainted into the Axalon, but I bet he can dive, too!
ZeldaTheSwordsman wrote:It's kinda a mix of spaceship (apparently influenced by the Nemesis as portrayed by BW) and sub.Emerje wrote:ZeldaTheSwordsman wrote:There was also a toyless civilian Autobot in Cybertron with a submarine altmode.
And Energon Sharkticon is if not an out-and-out submarine... awfully submarine-like.
Always thought of that Sharkticon as more of a space battleship, it even got repainted into the Axalon, but I bet he can dive, too!
Ironic he it got redecoed as the Axalon, considering.
Emerje wrote:That does look a lot like Animax, all the way down to the giant engines. I had volume 3 of the comics when I was a kid, though all I remember was the enemy trying to force the bull to inflate their giant tire monster.
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