Seibertron's 2024 Year in Review: Best Transformers Toys of 2024
Saturday, January 18th, 2025 10:38PM CST
Categories: Site Articles, EditorialsPosted by: william-james88 Views: 56,542
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2025 is shaping up to be the most transformative year in recent memory for Hasbro, but before we get to it, we have to look back on 2024, which had some incredible toys. Below we'll look at what was best from the various lines that were out in stores from myself and staff members ScottyP, kuhlio and Bounti76. Be sure to tell us what you liked best of 2024 as well.
Easily Magmatron. This is a toy I've wanted ever since I learned of its existence and expensive after market prices made me hold off until this modern version was released. And I'm glad I waited because while it has the same awesome look, it isn't a brick. The designers really outdid themselves with this one. As a fan of Beast Wars, Dinosaurs and Combiners, and well executed Transformers toys, this is a winner through and through -William-james88
Missing Link Sentinel Prime. All the awesome fun of G1 reborn with articulation to achieve things that have lived in your imagination (and various artwork/media) for 40 years. I picked the Sentinel Prime version because there were way, way, way too many Optimus Prime toys released this year.
Lunar Cruiser Optimus Prime- It was nice to see something out of the box!-kuhlio
Legacy Gears/Selects Small Foot. It manages to be a good, solid figure with a fun transformation, at a perfect scale. And in Gears' case, a character that gets so little love in toy form. -Bounti76

Tigerhawk. I had written a list of toys that needed updates the most and Tigerhawk was up there. It's a great design and the original toy, while fun, was not show accurate. This one fixes that, it's an excellent update. Beast Wars Forever! -William-james88
Origin Wheeljack, but it'd be Sandstorm if not for the chest peg that doesn't peg on 99% of copies. Picking this not based on what it represents, but because it's a really fun Transformer even when removed from its basis point in "MTMTE Part 1". Fun to transform, has interactivity with other toys, even the slightly weird road accessory has multiple things that you can do with it. Apologies here to Magmatron who is great, but just a nicer Magmatron. There's never been a G1 Wheeljack like this one before. -ScottyP
Magmatron -kuhlio
3-way tie: Animated Motormaster, Filch, and G1 Optimus Prime. Motormaster because he fits the mold better, Filch for being the best version of that bird mold with a fantastic headsculpt, and G1 OP because it's a fantastic representation of a Missing Link toy on a budget. -Bounti76

I feel so basic writing SS86 Optimus Prime, but I want to be honest with myself and with you. It's an excellent version of the character and well worth the price it commands. -William-james88
Swoop. Completed the Dinobots, is a fantastic toy and, notably, is not Optimus Prime.-ScottyP
Swoop- I love the Commander Optimus Prime, but my copy has some tolerances that make it feel like I am about to break it while transforming.-kuhlio
Swoop. Great figure, solid in both modes -Bounti76

(can include SS releases)
Deluxe Sentinel Prime (from the movie line) is one of those perfect transformers toys. I just love how sleek it is in both modes and has a fun and pleasant transformation. It tells me that there is indeed lots of originality left in this franchise from a design perspective. -William-james88
Takara's Brave Commander Optimus Prime. I almost chose the Quintesson out of spite and total OP burnout, but the Brave Commander version of TF One Optimus is too fun for me to go and be that way. A fully featured and nice toy in a way that no other TF One entry is.-ScottyP
Studio Series D16/Megatron -kuhlio
Mainline Sentinel Prime. Fun, easy transformation, great looking in both modes -Bounti76

(MP, Exclusive, crossover, ect)
Star Raiders Filch was a pleasant surprise. I thought I had gotten everything possible from that Airazor mold, but Filch proved there could still be originality found in one more retool/redeco -William-james88
Agent Knight. This was a hard category to choose being as broad as it is, but I'm giving him the nod over Lunar Cruiser Prime for not being Optimus Prime. Take the 1980s crossover IP window dressing away and Agent Knight is precisely what Transformers needs more of, which is fun new designs and characters that stay true to the soul of Transformers while managing to be well built products that are fun to transform back and forth from mode to mode.-ScottyP
EarthSpark Aftermath or Agent Night- Both because they were something different and stand out as great new toys! -kuhlio
Tie between Selects Pathfinder and Amazon exclusive Barrage. Fantastic deco and figure for a very obscure fembot toy (2003 eHobby release), or the best use of the Insecticon mold (butterfly joints in the arms!) for a character that hasn't had a Deluxe or bigger toy since his first one 39 years ago. -Bounti76

Transformers One was an excellent Transformers film. Easily my favorite Transformers film and seeing the passion for this franchise from the creators was a treat to behold. -William-james88
Studio Trigger's 40th Anniversary PV -ScottyP
Transformers One movie -kuhlio
Transformers One. Such a good movie, I'm hoping for a sequel of some sort. -Bounti76

The thirteen Primes! I remember this being practically an unobtainable dream once, to the point where Hasbro's compromise was a series of titan masters. But now it's happening and it will be glorious.
It's going to be awhile before it happens, but assuming there's no break in the monthly publication schedule, there's allegedly a new writer for the Skybound comics starting in October. I am extremely ready for that. Dare I unironically suggest Shane McCarthy?-ScottyP
A new batch of Blokees. -kuhlio
Seeing what Age of the Primes brings. While not totally sold on the toys we've seen so far (I'm looking at you, Prima), I love that the line seems to be doing something fun and innovative by creating altmodes for the Primes, and tying existing characters to a Prime's lineage. -Bounti76

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Posted by kurthy on January 18th, 2025 @ 10:45pm CST
Posted by ScottyP on January 19th, 2025 @ 8:00am CST
It's a great Magmatron and was second place on my mental list of 2024 Generations stuff. If the individual dinosaurs had robot modes I would probably like Magmatron a lot more in general.kurthy wrote:Finally some Magmatron appreciation! After listening to the podcast I was a little disappointed not to see that toy tapped by anyone.
Posted by Dino-Snarl on January 19th, 2025 @ 10:23am CST
Posted by cloudballoon on January 19th, 2025 @ 12:52pm CST
Another pleasant surprise for me is Earthspark Aftermath, an excellent toy in a small package that far exceeded expectations.
2024 gave me 2 significant Holy Grails in my collection, and they're - to the surprise of no one - SS86 OP & Swoop. While both aren't perfect, however I can't see Hasbro ever *willing* to do better in the main line. Wished Hasbro could design & deco the trailer better for OP. And Swoop... like I said, I only had 2 G1 toys and they're both Dinobots. So finally having a modernized, complete G1 looking Dinobots team really put a big smile on my face (got POTP Volcanicus, but didn't scratch that itch), I only wish Hasbro would complete the missing weapons for the other members considering Swoop is smaller and simpler in engineering than the other Dinobots at the same Leader Class (but came out at the peak of toy price inflation!).
Posted by Whifflefire on January 20th, 2025 @ 10:38am CST
My top five are:
Legacy Cybertron Starscream - A great figure, nicely articulated, represents one of the best Starscreams in the franchise design and character-wise, and the first time a show and scale accurate toy of this Starscream has been available at mass retail in the west. The Cybertron updates have been almost nothing but wins. Too bad Vector Prime ended up on the short end of the retool stick, but honourable mention to Hotshot!
Lunar Cruiser Prime - A great figure with an original and fun alt mode, nice transformation, and surprisingly cool design. Sure it's another Optimus, but no other Optimus is like this.
Legacy Tigerhawk - This figure represents the original design excellently, and the original was a fantastic looking design to begin with. It's very imposing and draws your attention when standing with the other Maximals.
Missing Link Prime - Nothing I can say that hasn't already been said, so I will just confirm that the figure is amazing to play with and is surely the first of many fantastic Missing Link releases.
Legacy Magmatron - Perhaps the toy most deserving of the title of perfection. Retains everything the original had and reinforces it with greater size, durability, articulation, and overall awe factor. I think this figure will be held as the precedent for future updates for the next few years.
Overall 2024 was rich with fantastic designs, original and updates alike. Plus we got a new movie which will become a stalwart piece of media for this franchise. I have seen it increase the goodwill outsiders have toward The Transformers (at least those who saw it). This was a very impactful year for the franchise, a real celebration suitable for this anniversary year. I'm very excited to see what's around the corner and down the road.
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on January 21st, 2025 @ 12:08pm CST
Best toy: Legacy United Sandstorm: such a great toy, so much fun, I cannot stop messing with him even still.
Best Legacy toy: Motormaster. Animated prime was such a good mold, and the black repaint improves upon perfection. Love this toy.
Best SS toy: Gamer Sideswipe. Such a fun toy, looks really good, only downside is the feet. I almost put Sunstreaker here too, but I'll give it to his bro.
Best TF One toy: mainline Optimus. best Optimus toy to come out of Tfone, and that includes the takara one. So much fun, and my daughter and I are still bonding over how good he is together.
Best other category: Earthspark takara Hashtag deserves this spot, love that little toy.
Best TF media: Skybound continues to be the best the comics have been in years, well done. I only do not choose TFone because the fandom kinda ruined it for me.
Looking forward to: Blokees, I am starting to dig in, and I am loving it. Also can't wait for Amazing Yamaguchi Attack on titan titans, so excited we are getting those at last
Posted by kuhlio on January 22nd, 2025 @ 2:24pm CST
kurthy wrote:Finally some Magmatron appreciation! After listening to the podcast I was a little disappointed not to see that toy tapped by anyone.
I really enjoy this figure- again the commander class continues to be a highlight each year. The way we broke down the podcast this year it just lost out to my other picks.
Posted by durroth on January 24th, 2025 @ 10:21pm CST
Otherwise, my top 5:
Magmatron, hands down winner and a great argument for more neglected characters. Also for commanders that combine from multiple units. (Give us magnaboss and tripredacus I am begging you)
Studio Series Shockwave (Bumblebee), this guy is great. A smooth fusion of the g1 character with the modern movie aesthetic by way of Prime. In fact, this guy reminds me so much of Prime Shockwave in a lot of ways that I wouldn't be surprised if we got a heavy remold of this guy down the way.
Ruckus, what do you mean this is a retool of Beachcomber
Missing Link Prime, So good I want to buy another just to display in the box. It's a beautiful adaptation of a figure I never had as an 89' child who was born too late to have the OGs, but always wanted them.
Shard, I love this year's armorizers and Shard is one of the coolest among them. Its a shame we didn't get more variations on this theme because this guy looks sharp in either mode.
Posted by TF-fan kev777 on January 25th, 2025 @ 9:22am CST
3-way tie for 1st:
Lunar Cruiser OP, the articulation on this is amazing.
Commander Magnaboss, I think I might like the 3 dino combination/abomination the best!
GI Joe Crossover Kup, this is a really great figure and gives me hope for any future GI Joe Crossovers.
2 way tie for 4th:
Commander SS86 Prime, extremely solid figure, don't think I'll be buying another G1 prime any time soon, but repaints will be extremely tempting.
Legacy G1 Sandstorm, this is a really good triple changer, easily the best one they have done recently. No real complaints on any of the 3 modes.
Honorable Mentions/just missing out:
Its hard for me to consider a repaint/retool as a top 5 for the year if I already have some version of the mold, but these stand out because they were really good re-uses of a mold or a character that I really wanted.
Mayhem Ruckus, Barrage and Chop Shop
Comic Edition Straxxus
Legacy Prime Motormaster
Posted by miajackson1117 on February 13th, 2025 @ 1:10am CST