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[CLOSED] Cas Coller - Alpha Shipyards - Grimlock's Four

The noose around Fortress Maximus' neck tightens. Will the Decepticon 2nd fleet led by mighty Scorponok finally subjugate their old nemesis? And if they do, what will be the fate of the Autobot resistance?

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Re: Cas Coller - Alpha Shipyards - Grimlock's Four

Postby Ember » Mon Jul 09, 2012 12:58 pm

Motto: "I'm not psycho...I just like psychotic things."
Main Shipyard – Control Room

“Sure. Talking somewhere more private would be good.”

Stockade flashed the minibot a friendly smile after all he wasn’t in the presence of his team whom he would offer a completely different demeanor. The tall, stocky mech followed behind Erector as he moved to the control room where he could monitor his team.

Once secure in the room, Erector offered the weapons specialist a seat which he gladly accepted. He gave the mnibot an awkward look as he scanned the screens paying close attention to the one Grindcore was on. Erector’s mention of the mech Stockade had initially intended to speak to him about surprised him. Apparently this mech was and still is a problem.

Stockade leaned back slightly as he placed a hand around the base of the right side of his neck cables. How do I go about this when this mech has already gotten himself into trouble?

“Unfortunately, it is my friend.”

The list of questions Erector was spewing caught Stockade by surprise causing his hand to drop from his neck and his mouth to drop open slightly.

“No. No. He didn’t do anything like that. At least I don’t think he did.”

Stockade’s optics lowered as he let out a heavy sigh. Good workers were so hard to find nowadays and losing one to their own devices or worse, some horrific accident…it just wasn’t something Stockade wanted to happen.

“Look, Erector, the mech is a danger to others. But more importantly he’s a danger to himself. He ran right into me in the corridor while he was headed here for his shift. I managed to stop him, if nothing but for an apology…he offered to buy me a drink.”

The mech raised his eyes to meet the other ‘Bot’s. His head shaking slightly.

“I’m not gonna tell you how to do your job or what to do, but you gotta know by now that some kind of action has got to be taken.”

Beta – 6 Corridors

From the Ark – 19 Slag had bullied his way out past the others and into the corridor beyond the docking platform. After sending an unfriendly growled warning the flamethrower pushed beyond Cosmos who was trying his hardest to be as polite and apologetic as possible….it didn’t work.

Once Slag was in a larger location he turned to look at the other gathered Dinobots. They all seemed to be just standing there listening to the green cretin. Oh what he wouldn’t give to punt the little runt out the airlock. Even Cosmos’ comical tumble didn’t draw a smile from the angry Dinobot. If anything the mech’s inability to keep himself upright was worthy of nothing but death in Slag’s optics.

At Sludge’s outburst of laughter due to the stumbling flying saucer, Slag simply offered the desert warrior a deep rumbling growl.

“Are we gonna stand here all fragging day and watch this piece of dredge fall all over the place?”

Without receiving any kind of answer, Cosmos transformed and hovered in front of the group of five…a deep sneer on Slag’s face as he was so tempted to swat the nuisance out of his way. But Grimlock wanted them to be subdued. What Grimlock don’t know won’t hurt him.

A wide toothy grin formed on Slag’s face as he began to follow the little flying saucer. One way or another Slag would have some fun. Slag perked up at Cosmos’ last words.

“Now that sounds like fun. I wonder how many kicks I can get in before you lose!”

Energon Bar

From Skyfall’s vantage point he had the perfect view of just what was going on between Warhaul and that religious zealot Highcall. Both were trash in the weapon engineer’s optics, but to watch the two go at it was still highly entertaining.

The whole ’shooting the drink’ was just priceless. It not only brought a smile to his face, even though no one could see it, it also brought out a hearty laugh. Something he hadn’t done is years. Yes this was certainly entertaining.

Skyfall let out a low sigh when he noticed that things were slowing down. That was until Warhaul reared back and let loose a punch to the preacher’s faceplate. At that Skyfall leaned forward in his chair, his aft nearly off the seat in anticipation. When the expected retaliation did not come the engineer groaned and rolled his head. He slowly leaned back in his chair and slid his face plate out of the way so he could finish his drink.

Finishing the last gulp the red mech placed the mug down on his table and made ready to order another when he heard Highcall step up on a chair and then climb onto the table. Now this is interesting. But the rhetoric spewing forth was nothing any of them hadn’t heard before.

Unwilling to take the boredom of the situation to light, Skyfall slammed his hand on his table and called out.

“Go preach somewhere else yah frenzied freak! No one here wants your 'enlightenment' nor do they need it! Everyone is due their peace with a little relaxation and a little company! There ain’t anything saying your rhetoric is wanted here! Take it somewhere else Highcall or someone will do it for ya!”
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Re: Cas Coller - Alpha Shipyards - Grimlock's Four

Postby Smokescreen85 » Tue Jul 10, 2012 5:19 pm

Motto: ""A look can be deceiving; a touch can be lethal.""
Weapon: Twin Shoulder-Mounted Rocket Launchers
Main Shipyard - Control Room

Erector relaxed in his chair a bit at the revelation that Grindcore hadn’t done anything too bad in his hungover state. Bumping into Stockade was a far cry from some of the things he’d done in the past. Perhaps the heavy lifter was getting better, if only a little. Maybe the many lectures he has received from the foremech was finally beginning to sink in if for no other reason but to avoid further admonishments in the future. This time was a slip, but at least it was a non-violent slip.

The grey and yellow mech let out a sigh when Stockade told him that Grindcore was a danger to himself and others. Erector couldn’t argue with that line of thinking, especially when the heavy lifter was deep into his tenth cube of high grade. However, being hungover, while not exactly safe, was nothing compared to showing up completely intoxicated. Under the right supervision, Grindcore would be able to perform the task given to him without the threat of harm to his fellow workers.

“Well, I can’t disagree with many of your points, Stockade,” Erector began to say as he straightened his posture. “Showing up in his condition can be dangerous if he was assigned to a job that involved lifting or building, anything that could bring harm to an unobservant mech. However, I’ve seen fit to give Grindcore the simple task of polishing the Trion. I can’t really see him causing much harm there. Besides, the hangover he’s got will go away soon and then he’ll be fine, I can assure you. I’ve dealt with worse before.”

Erector then considered Stockade’s assertion that some kind of more permanent action was long over due. “I don’t want to lose him. Grindcore’s a damn good worker when he’s sober and thus on time. And I’ve tried to get him help, going so far as to try and get him to speak with Highcall. I don’t really subscribe to all that Primus stuff, myself, but I’ve heard it can change some mechs’ sparks for the better. Naturally, ‘Core wouldn’t go for it. All I can do is keep a close optic on him and hope he eventually learns. I believe he can change if he wants to. That much I have faith in.”

The foremech glanced over at the monitor as he simultaneously reached over to adjuster one of the cameras, initiating a close-up of Grindcore’s current location. “You know, I think a lot of what’s eating away at Grindcore is his desire to be something more. Did you know that he dreams of being a Wrecker?” The minibot asked as his attention was returned to Stockade. “It’s true. Grindcore wants to be out there fighting ‘Cons with the best of the best. I think he even tried to join the Wreckers once, but they rejected him. Not sure if he was a heavy drinker at the time, but it’s possible. So, he’s just been wasting away here at the shipyards instead of living his dream. Must be difficult for him to say the least.”

Erector glanced down at the floor for a moment before returning his gaze to the weapons engineer. “That rejection I feel either started his drinking problem or exasperated it. Either way, he’s been hard to deal with ever since.” Shaking his cranium, the foremech glanced back over at the monitor where he could see that Grindcore was now stopped and staring directly up at the camera, giving the appearance that he was looking right at Erector, himself. The heavy lifter then raised his right arm and stuck up his middle actuator at the camera, clearly showing that he knew his boss was watching him. Erector couldn’t help but let out an uneasy chuckle. “Although, he’s always been a real charmer. Heh.”

Berth-6 Corridor

Snarl let out a hearty laugh as he watched Cosmos fumble about and eventually fall to the floor in a tiny heap. Glancing over at Sludge, the Desert Warrior couldn’t help but crack a brief smile at the comic relief that was before them. “Yeah, maybe he fall down again and get stepped on by Slag. That would be extra funny. Ha ha!” Snarl then returned his attention to the green minibot as he managed to pick himself up off the floor. The plated Dinobot’s smile had faded as quickly as it had appeared. Only in battle was the solar-powered mech truly happy.

Finally, Cosmos agreed to show them to the bar even as Slag had already pushed by him before turning to address the rest of the Dinobots. Snarl shrugged in response to his impatient comrade. “Me not stand around all cycle. Me get going now. Come on, Sludge.” The Desert Warrior motioned for his slow-witted friend to follow before moving further into the corridor and away from the docking platform. “Me can’t wait to get taste of high grade. Haven’t had that since before, well,” Snarl cast a quick glare back at Grimlock. “Since before we go sleep for long time. Heh.”

Once his slight jab had been given, Snarl turned to face the now transformed Cosmos, who was hovering at about optic level. The flying saucer was buzzing about like an irritating, green Insecticon. Unfortunately, the Desert Warrior wasn’t fond of Insecticons, not in any way shape or form. “Just be careful and don’t knock into me, saucer-bot. Even in air, me can still swat you like bug.”
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Re: Cas Coller - Alpha Shipyards - Grimlock's Four

Postby Devastron » Thu Jul 12, 2012 11:32 pm

Weapon: Energo-Sword
Energon Bar

Kick-Off burst into the room with two of his security mechs with him. The sight that greeted him elicited a lout sigh. Highcall was standing on a table preaching at the other Bots, of all things. He was going to have ANOTHER long talk with him about this. He was a good little Bot, he just needed to learn when to cut it out. Not everybody was interested in hearing ‘the good word.’ Then there was the mech who, from all appearances, was staggering drunk. He was going to have to talk to the bartender about cutting Bots off when they’ve had too much. Security had better things to do then deal with this.

The Security Chief adopted his official voice and spoke loud enough to be heard over Highcall. “Alright everyone, Autobot Security is here! Everyone remain seated while we take care of the situation!” Kick-Off pointed at Warhaul and his security mechs moved over to him. “Sir, we are going to take you somewhere where you can take care of that energon overload alright? We don’t want you disturbing these good Bots ok? When you’ve recovered we’ll talk more.”

Kick-Off looked at one of his security mechs. “Test his energon levels, although I can tell they are through the roof let’s be official. Charge him with public intoxication and disturbing the peace, assuming he doesn’t resist arrest. If he does resist use the inhibitor claw. Either way throw him in the drunk tank to sleep this off.” The ‘drunk tank’ was the nickname they gave to an isolation cell in the brig. It was a room with drains on the floor and sprayers on the ceiling, nominally built to take care of possibly infectious beings. Its primary usage on the station was taking care of the drunks since it made for an easy cleanup.

The Autobot then turned his attention to Highcall. “Highcall, please get off the table and come down here. I’ve warned you about this behavior before. I understand what you are doing, but you can force your religion on other bots. Now I have a call that you opened fire in here. Is that true Highcall? You know better then that.”


Side Burn smiled as security came in to bust up the craziness. He had been getting ready to jump into the fray himself to separate the crazy Bot from the overloaded one. He wasn’t ready to defend either of them since they were both at the very least annoying, but he didn’t want to seem them injure each other. They were all on the same side after all, best not to waste energy beating each other up. The warrior was more then happy to let the professionals deal with it now.

“So baby, what were we talking…” He turned to where his female companion had been sitting to see and empty seat. Apparently things had gotten a bit too dangerous for her liking and she had taken off. “Slaggit,” Side Burn muttered as he ordered a new drink. Hopefully some other pretty face would come through that he could chat up.


Berth-6 Corridor

Grimlock nodded at the now hovering Cosmos. “That fine, but me think you should hurry. Bored Dinobots usually become violent Dinobots.” He didn’t mean it as a thread but a statement of fact. It was certainly true for Slag, and Snarl seemed to be in a foul mood, as usual. Sludge would just get sucked into whatever everyone else was doing. Swoop was the only one who could stay calm, but he wasn’t exactly going to be stopping the rest of them. The sooner they were somewhere else and keeping busy the better.

The Dinobot leader silently followed behind Cosmos as the made their way through the station. Grimlock wasn’t terribly familiar with the base, it having not existed when he was last active. He had to grudgingly admit it was an impressive place. Of course any place that constructed warships would have to be massive, but it seemed quite high tech, a veritable city in space. Staying here for long enough you could probably forget the war even existed. Ironically without the war the entire base probably wouldn’t exist at all.

Grimlock shook his head. He wasn’t here to ponder the existence of the station and the war. He was here to take a big step to ending the war. With leadership on both sides in question and with the Trion backing him he could alter the course of the war in its entirety, pushing it well down the road to Autobot victory. That was all that mattered.
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Re: Cas Coller - Alpha Shipyards - Grimlock's Four

Postby Insidious » Sat Jul 14, 2012 3:10 pm

Motto: "Clarity of thought before rashness of action."
Weapon: Oxidating Laser
Energon Bar

After his blow connected, Warhaul was spoiling for a fight. The mechanoid on the other end of the table could have been Megatron himself at this point and he would have been willing to go a few rounds.

No...that was a little much. His sensors weren't that overloaded. He would have duked it out with a Predacon warlord maybe, but not Megatron. Or Ultra Magnus. None of those big guys.

This religious glitch, though? Any orn. Any time. But the response hadn't come. Instead the preacher had put himself up on one of the tables and Warhaul had stumbled backward a little just to keep everything in view. More religious junk. Warhaul couldn't help but think this guy needed his own little temple somewhere on the grounds. But this bar slaggin' sure wasn't gonna be it.

Not long after that, more voices burst in and drowned out Highcall's sermon, and soon Warhaul found arms around his, escorting him towards the exit.

"Oh no y-you d-don...!" Warhaul started to bark out, but before he could even get any real momentum, he felt his arms forced behind him and sealed by restraints so that he couldn't move. "Slagfraggit."

Off to the tank.

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Re: Cas Coller - Alpha Shipyards - Grimlock's Four

Postby Ember » Mon Jul 16, 2012 7:55 pm

Motto: "I'm not psycho...I just like psychotic things."
Main Shipyard – Control Room

After voicing his own opinion of the state he had encountered Grindcore in Stockade leaned back in his chair and waited for Erector’s reply to his concerns. Stockade anticipated what the supervisor would say….he’d probably do the same for a mech on his team he felt was irreplaceable. But there was still that lingering feeling that a mech like that would be more trouble than they’re worth.

And here it was. Stockade didn’t have to wait long at all. Erector’s reply was a carbon copy of the one he himself had written and filed away in his processor. Predictability aside Stockade kept his expression understanding. There was no need to work on any bad blood between him and the other supervisor. Erector was a good mech and a damn good foremech.

Upon Erector explaining his past dealings with Grindcore and his problem, Stockade gave a satisfied nod. If Erector knew this mech and his habit so intimately then perhaps he didn’t have reason to be concerned. But there was still something tugging at his back of his processor…something pinging him to press the issue further. The urge was suppressed. He knows what he’s doing. He’s a good mech. He’ll keep an eye on him. No worries.

Stockade leaned forward, placing his forearms on his legs as he listened to some of the history that Erector laid out about his subordinate. The desire to join the Wreckers was certainly an ambitious one…and also a death sentence. Why a mech would willingly want to join that team was a mystery to him. The mysticism that surrounded them…the eerie way in which mechs were contacted, the notion that once you were contacted through those means it was an omen that it would be your final mission. To Stockade, Grindcore either wished for adventure or wished for death.

“The Wreckers. Heh. Ambitious mech. He should count himself lucky he’d been rejected. Being a Wrecker just makes you a statistic in the end.”

The weapons specialist grew quite as he listened to the mech stationed at the console. He seemed to know Grindcore quite well.

“How long have you known him? It sounds like it was since before the war. Am I wrong?”

Energon Bar

After giving Highcall his all Skyfall flopped back down into his chair and placed his feet back on the table top. He watched for a moment as Kick-Off stormed into the bar in all his glory. Primus he hated the security chief. Then again Skyfall hated just about anyone he couldn’t get anything from. Especially anything that would push him ahead of everyone else.

The weapon engineer took a long chug of his drink as focused on the goings on between the security staff and the hostile Warhaul. Skyfall chuckled around the rim of his glass as the clearly drunk mech was led away in restraints…a single curse spilling from his vocalizer.

As Kick-Off approached the annoying religious zealot Skyfall wiggled slightly in his seat to settle in more comfortably for the upcoming show. He was greatly disappointed when all Kick-Off did was give him was a good talking to. The frag? Come on!

“You’re kidding me, right? You drag Warhaul away for being drunk and you give that lunatic an admonishing finger shake?! He aint’ no fragging protoform! That slagheaded nutjob opened fire in here! Am I right?”

There was a round of agreement from a large majority of the patrons. Pleased with himself and the amount of agreements he received to his accusations, Skyfall rose from his chair and made his way to the two mechs; his mask securely back in place hiding any kind of expression he wore.

“If this is the kind of security we’re graced with then this place is sure to fall to the ‘Cons.”

With a shake of his head the engineer let out a sigh.

“I suppose I’ll need to up my efforts to assure that the rest of the Autobots across the galaxy are suitably armed with the most advanced weapons. That would be the only way to convince everyone stationed here that the ‘Cons would never make it here.”

After a moment Skyfall finally let out a hearty laugh and placed a hand on Kick-Off’s shoulder.

“Oh slag! That was priceless! You should have seen your face.”

His laughter quieted quickly as he grew serious.

“In all seriousness, Highcall did discharge a weapon. And if you ask me, he was also disturbing the peace by making a spectacle of himself. I’m just sayin.”

Need to make nice after something like that.
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Re: Cas Coller - Alpha Shipyards - Grimlock's Four

Postby USDA Prime » Tue Jul 17, 2012 3:03 am

Motto: "Delicious steaks are the right of all sentient beings."
Weapon: Double Barrelled Shell Launcher
Corridors Approaching the Energon Bar

Though he was hovering in his saucer mode, Cosmos couldn't help but shake as the Dinobot's threats only seemed to continue. He tried to block them all out as he led them to their destination.

"Probably just one kick and I'd lose.", he replied to Slag's earlier question, trying in vain to defuse their hostility with some kind of humor, "But then security would probably put you in a holding cell for assault, so you'd lose too. Really, I don't think anyone would win in that game."

Since the Dinobot flamethrower was making his way ahead of the rest it was easy for Cosmos to stay away from him. And after the desert warrior's own threat he made every effort to keep from Snarl as well. Once their commander, Grimlock, had made it clear just how impatient his troops were, Cosmos picked up the pace.

Goodness, this is almost as bad as being chased by Astrotrain or Blast Off.

Thankfully they were almost at the bar, something that even the dim-witted Sludge could notice. A number of mechs were crowding around the bar.

"Me Sludge think we missed something.", Sludge commented as they saw one of the shipyard's technicians being escorted by security in restraints.

Now that he had the Dinobots where they wanted to be, Cosmos landed and transformed to his robot mode. He took a few steps back to get out of the way of the security officers.

"Uh, hi there, Warhaul.", Cosmos awkwardly waved as the mech was taken away, "He's actually one of our top technicians here.", he informed the Dinobots.

"Hmmm,", Sludge mumbled as he thought, "Me Sludge don't think he look beat up. Maybe he not get in a fight."

"So anyway,", Cosmos said out loud to the Dinobots as he motioned toward the door, "Here's the shipyard's galaxy-famous Energon Bar, enjoy!"

Thankful that the more dangerous part of his assignment with the Dinobots was over, Cosmos turned toward their commander, Grimlock, who had seemed the least threatening of the group.

"All right then, Grimlock", he said, a little less nervous and more upbeat then with the other Dinobots, "Shall I take you to Countdown?"

Sludge wondered what had happened in the bar. Had there been a fight? Or was someone just too drunk? The jungle warrior shrugged, it didn't matter. He and the other Dinobots would get some drinks, and maybe a fight would break out while they were there. Or maybe not. It didn't matter to Sludge as much as the others, since he would probably just follow their lead as usual.

"We get drinks now, Snarl?", Sludge asked, then turned to the smallest Dinobot, "You drink too, Swoop?"


Energon Bar

Before he recited more from the Covenant of Primus, Highcall stopped. Standing on top of the table he could see and hear how the bar's patron's were reacting, and he could tell that his words were falling on deactivated audio sensors.

Primus, he prayed, looking up to the sky, Why won't they listen? Why don't they understand? What can I do to make your words reach them?

The religous engineer was about to recite something specifically for Skyfall, when Kick-Off and a security team entered.

And here it comes again...., Highcall shuddered, though he knew at some point station security would get involved.

As soon as Kick-Off ordered, Highcall got down from the table. This wasn't the first time he would get lectured about "forcing" his beliefs on others. Of course this time even Highcall had to admit he may have crossed a line by firing on Warhaul's drink.

"Yes, I-" Highcall began to answer the security mech, when Skyfall interrupted him. It seemed the weapons engineer disagreed with the way security was handling things, and he was more than happy to point it out to everyone, going so far as to get right up close and touch Kick-Off. Then, for seemingly no reason other than to get more attention to himself, Skyfall made an announcement about arming everyone with the most advanced weapons.

Highcall kept quite though. At first he looked at Skyfall, then he turned his attention back to Kick-Off. Slowly, without any sudden moves, he reached into his holster, grabbed his pistol, and set in on the table.

"He's right, I did fire.", Highcall admitted, "I tried to talk Warhaul away from his path of self-destruction, but he wouldn't listen. So I to make my point clear I took his drink and I destroyed it with my laser pistol."

Highcall looked to Skyfall. He was well aware of the mech's reputation, and unlike many of the mechs who worked at the station he saw the arrogance and the hubris above the genius of his works. The religious engineer shook his head at the weapons designer.

"Primus is the one and only true judge of our character, he alone will see the truth in our sparks.", he spoke to Skyfall, "When the time comes, those who burn for His glory will light the universe for all eternity. And those who are fuelled by their own glory will burn out and be consumed by the Chaosbringer."

His point made, Highcall looked to Kick-Off and held out his hands in front of him, waiting for the security mech to place some kind of restraining device on his wrists.

"I don't regret anything I've done here, but I'm sure I've done enough to deserve this. I promise that I won't resist."
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Re: Cas Coller - Alpha Shipyards - Grimlock's Four

Postby Smokescreen85 » Tue Jul 17, 2012 5:12 pm

Motto: ""A look can be deceiving; a touch can be lethal.""
Weapon: Twin Shoulder-Mounted Rocket Launchers
Main Shipyard - Control Room

“Yeah, ambitious to a fault sometimes,” Erector replied to Stockade as the weapons engineer seemed to accept the foremech’s judgment regarding how to handle the hungover Grindcore. The minibot could tell that Stockade was not entirely comfortable with allowing the heavy lifter to work at all, even if it was just to polish the Trion's hull. However, respect between supervisors often superseded disagreements such as these. The grey and yellow ‘Bot knew his worker best and thus knew how to best deal with him.

Erector then considered Stockade’s last question. “How long?” The foremech paused for a moment, scratching his chin guard with his actuators. “Well, you are right. I’ve known Grindcore since before Megatron rose to power and the great war erupted all around us. Believe it or not but back then both him and I were a part of a labor force that also included those who would later become known as the Constructicons. Of course, before the war, we were all on the same side and Grindcore and I were equals. I wasn’t yet his boss as I reported to Scrapper while he reported to Grapple. After everything went to slag, I was kicked out of the Constructicons in favor of Hook. A short time later, I joined the Autobots and eventually found my way here to the shipyards where ‘Core and I were reunited as foremech and subordinate.”

Erector paused briefly as he remembered those events which occurred so long ago but seemed like only last cycle. “You know, in a way, I understand how Grindcore feels being rejected and all. I felt the same way when Scrapper replaced me. However, it was all for the greater good as I quickly came to realize that I had initially chosen the wrong side. Thankfully, I found my true calling here with the Autobots and have been working to build the best warships possible ever since.”

The minibot let out a sigh as he kept his tiny optics fixated on Stockade. “I gotta tell ya, Grindcore adjusted well to being under my command. I supposed it helped that we were already friends beforehand. Unfortunately, he just never adjusted to the Wreckers not wanting him, and it was around that time that he went from just being a heavy lifter to a heavy drinker, as well. I only wish I could do more for him besides proto-sitting his sorry aft. Maybe someday he’ll learn that I’m only trying to help him, you know?”

Approaching Energon Bar

Snarl followed the annoying green saucer as he flew through the corridors, leading the Dinobots to the energon bar. The Desert Warrior found it amusing when Cosmos tried to reason with Slag as though the flamethrower would care or even be contained by the holding cells of the shipyards. It would certainly take more than these simple security mechs to bring down a Dinobot.

“Ha! No prison here can hold us, little space-bot,” Snarl corrected Cosmos as they reached the bar’s entrance where the tiny mech returned to robot mode. They were just in time to see some mech named Warhaul get drug away in restraints. “Yeah, we missed something, Sludge,” the Desert Warrior said, glancing over at his dim-witted comrade. “But not too much, me think. We change that, though.”

Once the drunken ‘Bot was carried away, Cosmos told them all to enjoy the galaxy-famous energon bar before turning his attention to Grimlock and offering to take him to see Countdown. The Jungle Warrior wasted no time in asking if they could go have a drink now. “Heh. Yes, Sludge, we get drinks now,” Snarl replied with a slight grin that quickly disappeared as though it had never exited in the first place. “Follow me. You too, Swoop.

Energon Bar

After he had crossed the threshold and entered the establishment, Snarl peered around the room to see a variety of mechs going about their business. He didn’t know any of them and he didn’t really care to as the bar, itself, was the only real thing he wanted to become acquainted with at the present cycle. Stomping his way towards the bar, the Desert Warrior made no attempt to go around any of the patrons that stood in his direct path. Thankfully, everyone nearby managed to avoid coming into contact with the solar-powered Dinobot and thus a physical encounter was prevented for the time being.

“Bartender!” Snarl bellowed as he approached the bar and slammed his fist down on the top. “Me want round of high grades for me and other Dinobots! Now!” The smaller barkeep shook in his circuits as he gazed up at the much larger Desert Warrior and his three equally large companions.

“Of...course. Right away!” The bartender replied as he quickly filled four tall glasses full of high grade energon and placed them cautiously in front of the Dinobots. He then backed away to where he felt more safe and secure.

“Good 'Bot,” Snarl said as he slid three of the glasses down to his comrades before grabbing his own and holding it up into the air. “To us Dinobots! May all others tremble before our might!” The plated warrior proclaimed before he chugged down his entire glass of high grade in one gulp. Slamming the empty container down on top of the bar, he glared back at the scared mech on the other side. “Mmmmm, that great stuff! Me want another!”
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Re: Cas Coller - Alpha Shipyards - Grimlock's Four

Postby Insidious » Thu Jul 19, 2012 6:20 pm

Motto: "Clarity of thought before rashness of action."
Weapon: Oxidating Laser
Corridors Approaching Berth-6

Cloudburst had stopped and engaged in a little bit of friendly staff banter on the way to the docking area that had been assigned to hold the Dinobot vessel. More than one Autobot had expressed a certain degree of fear and uncertainty at the Dinobots being here. Cloudburst reassured them as best he could, even as some of the same doubts--or at the very least, concerns--filtered their way through his own thought processes. Even so, he took the occasion not to add to them or contribute anything further to the gossip. No need to make Countdown's job any harder than it was.

As he walked in to the berth, he didn't see any Dinobots. Had Cosmos lead them off already? That was quick. He had fully expected Cosmos and the others to still be standing here, the little space-bot unwittingly overloading their audio receptors with idle chit-chat. No such luck. Oh well. He would catch up with Grimlock and the others and see if he could get a real handle on what was going on later.

"Where'd the Dinos go?" Cloudburst asked to one of the passing technicians.

"Uhh...went with Cosmos. Energon bar I think," the tech said, barely stopping to give an answer and quickly on his way as soon as he had finished answering the question.

Huh...that's gonna go over well, Cloudburst said as he walked toward the ship itself, hoping that he would be able to get aboard and have a look around.
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Re: Cas Coller - Alpha Shipyards - Grimlock's Four

Postby Devastron » Tue Jul 24, 2012 9:09 pm

Weapon: Energo-Sword
Energon Bar

Kick-Off didn’t even get the chance to hear Highcall’s explanation before another Autobot interrupted him. He recognized him as one of the top weapons designers on the station, Skyfall. The security chief had files on everyone on board with top level security clearance as a precaution should they go missing or worse. He scowled at the other Autobot before he turned back to Highcall and listened to his explanation. Once he was done he motioned for his men to take him into custody. He then turned to address Skyfall.

When he spoke Kick-Off took on his official, no nonsense tone, his face completely neutral. “Three things, Skyfall I believe it is? First, I appreciate your assistance in this security matter. Rest assured that Highcall will be punished in due accordance with station security measures and protocols. Second, don’t tell me how to do my job, ever. Third, remove your hand from my person or I will charge you with assault, or, at the very least, obstruction of justice.”

Hopefully that would get the scientist to back off. He barely knew the other Autobot and he already found him irritating. Kick-Off didn’t have the time to waste with him though. He had to deal with Highcall. Imprisonment wasn’t likely to be necessary but he would have to be punished. He had gone too far this time. If that wasn’t enough of an annoyance he watched as the Dinobot finally arrived. He was going to have to double those patrols ASAP.


Side Burn was slowly sipping his drink and observing the aftermath of Highcall’s display when the Dinobots came stomping in. They were hard to miss really, being bigger and bulkier then most every other Autobot in the room, even some of the big labor brutes. Just on appearance alone they lived up to their fierce reputation. Several other Autobots in the bar moved aside for them, a few even leaving to give the Dinobots ample space. Side Burn however didn’t move an inch.

The blue Autobot lifted his glass and downed the last of its contents. He had heard stories about the Dinobots, everyone had. Everyone also knew that they had disappeared ages ago. There had to be a pretty fantastic story behind their absence, and he couldn’t help but be curious about it. At the very least it would make for some interesting listening, assuming the Dinobots would talk at all. Their reputation did mention that most of them were pretty anti-social. Then again Side Burn was pretty charming, so maybe he could get them to speak up. If he was really lucky then maybe he would get something he could use in a story of his own, just to make it more exciting for the lovely femmes.

The warrior put his empty glass down and stood up from his booth. He casually made his way to the bar where the Dinobots were lingering. He sized them up and figured Snarl was his best bet. Grimlock looked like he was leaving and he heard Sludge was dumb as a rock and Slag was best left alone. That left Swoop and Snarl, and Snarl was closer. Side Burn motioned for the barkeeper. “Barkeep, get around of drinks for the Dinobots, legends who walk among us once again! Just put it on my tab please, and get me a drink too.” The bartender frowned but went to get the drinks.

Side Burn smiled at Snarl and pulled up a seat next to him. “I have to say it’s a real pleasure seeing warriors like you around again. Everyone figured you were goners ages ago. Having you guys back will definitely help the war, heck, it’ll help everybody but the Cons right?” He chuckled at his own joke as he scooped up his fresh drink and took a large gulp from it. “You guys must have a heck of a story about where you’ve been all this time, and I’d love to hear. I just have one quick question first though.” He took another drink from his glass. “Are there any girl Dinobots?”


Grimlock stepped into the bar and took a glance around. There were a few security mechs around, a pair of them taking someone away now. More were dealing with a couple of other mechs nearby. It did look like they had missed something, like Sludge had said. That was just as well. Barroom brawls could be crazy enough, throw in his Dinobots and walls often came down. While they would probably enjoy it and could use it to blow off steam (heck, he could say the same for himself) it would draw a bit too much attention to them.

The Dinobot commander turned back to Cosmos. He considered telling the Dinobots to behave, but he knew that would likely have the opposite affect on them, not to mention would seem a bit out of the ordinary for him. They would have to cause some ruckus at least; it would probably be expected of them. They just had to cause the right amount to keep people satisfied without getting heavily scrutinized. It was a tricky line to walk.

“Yes, we go now,” he replied to the awkward little mini-bot. Even by the sometimes odd standards of the Autobot military Cosmos was unusual. He must be an excellent flier since he didn’t seem particularly skilled at anything else. He was small and probably not very strong, and he was certainly far from agile or fast in his robot mode. Flying outside the station was probably the best use they could find for him. Still, he had to give him credit for not running away in terror as the Dinobots hurtled various threats at him.
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Re: Cas Coller - Alpha Shipyards - Grimlock's Four

Postby USDA Prime » Thu Jul 26, 2012 8:19 am

Motto: "Delicious steaks are the right of all sentient beings."
Weapon: Double Barrelled Shell Launcher
Energon Bar

As he promised Highcall allowed Kick-Off's security mechs to take him away without any resistance, though he gave Skyfall one last piercing look before they left.

"To drink in excess is to allow the Chaosbringer's corruption into your sparks!", he shouted for all the mechs in the bar to hear just before he was led out of the bar, "DON'T OVERLOAD YOURSELVES!"


With a nod Sludge followed behind Snarl into the bar. The big jungle warrior walked in, his shear size intimidating several bots who were about to leave through the same door. He looked down at the mechs, including a couple members of security who were escorting another bot out, and gave a smirk.

"Good Autobots know we Dinobots are strongest.", he gloated, "Me Sludge like when little Autobots know their place."

Already frightened out of the way by Snarl, all of the patrons stayed out of Sludge and the other Dinobot's path as they went to the bar, the larger jungle warrior's stomps the loudest of the group's. As the desert warrior ordered the drinks, Sludge went to the stool right next to Snarl and tried to sit. Not surprisingly the seat's metal support creaked and buckled under Sludge's large weight, and the jungle warrior stood back up after a few astroseconds.

"Me Sludge think these chairs too weak.", he said, looking at the stool that had crumpled down several feet, "You need stronger chairs for me, Sludge!", he complained to the quivering little bartender as his drink was placed in front of him.

Sludge grabbed the mug in front of him and lifted it in the air with his Dinobot brothers, "To us Dinobots!", he hollered in response to Snarl.

Immediately Sludge brought the mug to his lips and started to chug. He slowed down his drinking, however, as he noticed the taste was much better than what he'd had to drink on the Guardian and the Ark-22.

This good, me Sludge think me enjoy this fuel.

Once the mug was empty Sludge followed Snarl's lead. He slammed the mug as hard as he could onto the bar, shattering the glass into thousands of little pieces that spread across the counter.

"Oops.", the jungle warrior said awkwardly, still holding the mug handle in his hand, "Me Sludge think you need stronger glasses too."

Not moving, and not bothering to clean it up, Sludge just stared at the broken glass in front of him, when he noticed Side Burn coming up to Snarl and ordering the Dinobots another round. The jungle warrior listened in as the blue warrior tried to make conversation with the desert warrior. While Sludge was watching, one of the bar's employees quickly and nervously cleaned up the broken mug, as Sludge chuckled a little at Side Burn's question about girl Dinobots.

Then Sludge looked back in front of him. The mess was gone, and a second mug full of energon substitute was there.

He looked at the handle of his last mug which he was still holding in his hand.

Sludge shrugged, and casually tossed the broken mug handle over his shoulder, unaware that he was throwing it at Skyfall.


Cosmos ducked out of reflex as he was startled by the shouting and smashing made by the four DInobots at the bar.

Oh bot, maybe bringing them to the bar wasn't such a good idea. I certainly hope Countdown or Kick Off don't hold this against me.

Though relieved that Kick Off and security were already there if things got out of hand, he hoped that the security chief didn't find out that Cosmos was the one who brought them there. Once Grimlock had said he was ready to see the Shipyard's commander, Cosmos gave him a quick nod.

"All right then, follow me!", Cosmos replied and hurried out.


Corridors outside the Energon Bar

Cosmos waddled as fast as he could, hoping not annoy the Dinobot commander with his relatively slow pace. He could have transformed and shown the way in his flying saucer mode like earlier, but Cosmos had already used up a good amount of fuel just from his earlier travels in space. Besides that, his alternate just felt too impersonal and anti-social. Now that he didn't have to worry about the angrier Dinobots literally kicking him around, he prefered to be able to speak with Grimlock faceplate-to-faceplate.

"You know,", Cosmos said, hoping to engage the Dinobot commander in a conversation as they went, "There's a lot of things to do here at the Shipyards besides the bar. We have a number of training and recreational facilities you and your Dinobots can use if.... you or your troops need to burn some excess energy, or you just get bored and need something to do."

After some more walking Cosmos stopped at a turbolift. With the push of a button the doors split open.

"This will take us to the command hub where you can speak with Countdown.", Cosmos informed Grimlock.

Cosmos stepped in, thankful that no other bots were in there to possibly anger the Dinobot commander. He stood to the side to give Grimlock space, since it looked like it might be a tight squeeze for the much larger Dinobot.

"And I should tell, you came here to Alpha Shipyards at the perfect time. We have quite the event coming up soon.", Cosmos cheerfully informed.
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Re: Cas Coller - Alpha Shipyards - Grimlock's Four

Postby Insidious » Thu Jul 26, 2012 7:07 pm

Motto: "Clarity of thought before rashness of action."
Weapon: Oxidating Laser
Alpha Shipyards--Brig

Warhaul went through varying degrees of blinding anger and bemused contentment as he had been walked through the various corridors of the shipyards. Most of them seemed familiar, even if the overload on his systems was affecting his processors so much that he didn't really care one way or the other. When he relaxed, the walk was pleasant. When he got angry, the various grips got tighter. There was little he could really do in these restraints anyway.

"Sleep it off," one of the guards said, looking at a datapad as Warhaul was pushed in to his cell and the restraints were removed. "Looks like you've got an early shift tomorrow. Systems should be processing at normal rates by then."

Warhaul looked up at the guards. His superiors were definitely not going to be happy with this. He was going to have to use some careful language in his report. Especially for the more detail-oriented ones.

"Nite-nite," the other guard said, stepping out of the cell as it sealed shut behind him.

"Yeah, yeah," Warhaul grunted, before slumping over.
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Re: Cas Coller - Alpha Shipyards - Grimlock's Four

Postby Ember » Thu Jul 26, 2012 9:37 pm

Motto: "I'm not psycho...I just like psychotic things."
Main Shipyard - Control Room

The story Erector spoke was a very telling tale, especially in regards to Grindcore. However, Erector mentioning that he had known Grindcore for vorns before the war ever broke out struck a chord with the weapons specialist. Although he wanted to cut in to discuss the two mech’s past, Stockade remained respectfully silent taking in all the information Erector was feeding him.

“Yeah, I can understand the rejection being a source of his current…um…problem, but still the mech’s gotta find some help. Primus forbid he comes on shift and starts working on one of the ships and, I don’t know, he winds up falling head long into an exhaust array.”

Stockade leaned forward in his chair and rubbed his forehead. This whole discussion was difficult but it certainly could not be put on the back burner, so to speak, until something actually did happen…and it definitely would it was only a matter of time.

“I’m wonderin’, Erector, if you might be too close to the problem. Just here me out. You two have known one another for Primus knows how long. You’ve worked beside one another before the war and you’re working together now. You know each other really well...”

The large mech let out a sigh and looked up at the minibot…concern flooding his expression.

“Look, he’s changed, that’s somethin’ you gotta admit. Sure he was…and still is…disappointed about being rejected and that changed him. You’ve tried to help but he’s still holding on to that old hurt. There ain’t nothin’ you can say or do now that’ll help him. You’re his friend, you know him…he needs to realize that he’s the only one that can help himself.”

Stockade shook his head and stood from his chair.

“He’s gonna get someone hurt. He’s gonna get himself hurt…need to stop that before it happens.”

He shrugged his shoulders and took a good long look at the video feed of Grindcore working to polish the Trion’s hull to a brilliant glossy glow.

“Maybe time in the brig will help him realize that he needs help.”

Energon Bar

Silently the Dinobot flamethrower pushed his way forcefully through the doors and into the bar. The mechs and femmes located next to the entranceway had little to time to move out of the angry mech’s way. Some were tossed out of the way while others were knocked to the side.

Slag let a slight smirk work its way onto his face for an astrosecond before it faded into its normal deep scowl. It felt good to be standing in the middle of a room and witness the terror that over took its occupants just by your presence.

Slag took a good long look around and bullied his way to the bar where he grabbed a hold of the barkeep by the collar and growl out his order.

“High grade, now.”

He was met with a frightened nod before he was dropped down landing hard of his feet. He let out a whimper and rushed to fill the Dinobot’s order, which arrived only seconds later. Slag glare at the bartender before lifting the glass and downing its entire contents.

He was prepared to grab a hold of the same mech to ‘place his next order’ when he heard someone mention he was buying he and his teammates their next round of drinks. Slag leaned back to see Side Burn sitting next to Snarl and Sludge and asking some ridiculous question.

The Dinobot moved away from his location at the opposite end of the bar and stalked to where his comrades where sitting. He came to a stop right behind the blue warrior and let out a deep snarl. Putting a large hand on Side Burn’s should Slag gave it a tight squeeze, enough to bend the armor but not enough to rip through it.

“You’re in my seat, runt.”

Skyfall kept his hand positioned on the security director’s shoulder as he shifted his weight to his right leg taking on a relaxed position. He then glanced over his shoulder to see the security officers slap Highcall in stasis cuff. ‘ Bout slaggin’ time someone did something about him.

The weapons engineer turned his attention to Kick-Off who was standing not far from the red mech. Although he despised authority, security mechs or members of the Ethics Committee, Skyfall would always outwardly show them as much respect as he thinks they deserve. Which wasn’t much.

Kick-Off’s three responses to the engineer’s actions started off quite promising, in fact Skyfall was even sporting a broad smirk beneath his faceplate, but that waned when the security director moved to his second point. From behind his visor Skyfall narrowed his optics in disgust. Had he retraced the optics covering Kick-Off would bear witness to his true distain for the mech.

When the third point was made Skyfall quickly removed his hand and held them both up in surrender. He took a step backwards not wanting to stir the other mech’s ire.

“Hey, you got it. I certainly don’t want to impinge on your work my friend. After all we all know how difficult it is to keep all of us under control.”

The engineer put his hands down and placed them on his hips.

“And we all know you’re doing a bang up job. Keep it up Kick-Off.”

Skyfall was ready to say something more when he was hit by something hard. Whatever it was hit his on the side of his head cracking his visor and whipping the mech’s head to the side. As soon as he recovered he quickly brought his hand to his face feeling a warm slickness trailing down his cheek.

“What the frag?!”

He quickly took a look around and then turned back to Kick-Off.

“Well, don’t just stand there! Go find the sludge licker who hit me with whatever that was!”

Medical Bay

For joors Pharma worked on the mech that was brought in by his associates. Thanks to their quick thinking and even quicker action the mech was going to make it. Pharma was even able to repair the laborer’s legs. He’d be able to return to duty within few cycles. One of his faster turn outs. Score another point for the CMO.

Pharma had just finished with his patient and began to clean the energon, fuel and oil from his hands with a rag when he looked over his shoulder and spotted Ambulon. The medic was busy cleaning and carefully putting all of the emergency equipment away until it was needed again. Maybe I was a bit harsh earlier.

The CMO let out a heavy sigh before tossing the rag onto a tray. Pharma then turned around and made his way to Ambulon. The spotty orange ‘Bot jumped and quickly turned around with a laser scalpel in hand when he felt a hand on his shoulder. The scowl on the officer’s face caused Ambulon to take several steps backward unintentionally knocking over the cart all of the equipment was stored on. The loud clatter phased neither mech as they stood staring at one another.

It was Pharma who made the first move. Faster than the former Decepticon could counter the CMO slapped the scalpel out of his hand and shoved him into the back wall. He let out a surprised gasp as he felt Pharma press him further against the obstruction. The ‘Bot flier then moved in close until he was face to face with the frightened medic.

“I didn’t think you’d stoop so low as to pull a weapon on me. I should call in Kick-Off…have him take you to the brig where you belong!”

He pulled his face away and let out a snort of disgust.

“Or better yet, report you straight to Countdown. I’m sure he’d be able to find you a more suitable location where you couldn’t do any harm.”

Ambulon tried to wriggle his way out of Pharma’s hold but his superior was much larger and slightly stronger. His only option to get away was to talk…something he always wanted to avoid.

“I’m sorry, Pharma. I never expected you to do that. You never have before.”

The scowl on the CMO’s face melted as he pulled back and turned away letting his subordinate free to move away from the wall.

“You’re right. I never have done it before. I wasn’t thinking. I should have thought before doing.”

He looked over his shoulder sporting an apologetic smile and then turned to fully face the medic. Ambulon was apprehensive but he flashed Pharma a smile in return. However that thin smirk turned into a fearful expression. Before he knew it Pharma was poised directly in front of him…that smile on the CMO's face all but a distant memory.

“I wasn’t thinking at all. I should never get too close to a ‘Con…former or otherwise.”

He stepped back from the orange mech and began to make his way to his patient for a quick scan, but before he reached his destination Pharma glanced over his shoulder at his still stunned subordinate.

“I believe I may have mentioned this before…watch your back. You never know who might be standing right behind you. Could be anyone here. It could even be your own kind. Keep that in mind.”

Ambulon stood there staring, mouth agape for nearly a breem just watching when he finally backed out of the medical bay. It was getting harder and harder for him to tolerate the CMO’s attitude toward him. But without him there to deter Pharma’s ever spiraling abuse the patients would be the ones at risk. No, he had to remain. Countdown could remove Pharma but the fallout would be worse if the Autobot flier were to stay in his position.

Unsure of just what to do or even where to go, Ambulon made the simple choice to walk. Walk until he either figured out how he could continue to handle things, or how to end them.
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Re: Cas Coller - Alpha Shipyards - Grimlock's Four

Postby Snowy » Fri Jul 27, 2012 8:32 pm

Motto: "Never underestimate the power of insanity-- especially when it's mine."
Weapon: High-Powered, Laser-Sighted, Photon Rifle
Swoop hadn’t said a word since they left berth 6. Unlike his Dinobot brothers, he didn’t find any amusement in verbally abusing and intimidating smaller mechs. On the other hand, he also knew better than to interrupt his brothers’ fun, so the bombardier just quietly followed along. It looked like he’d be spending his time in the bar after all. The Dinobot repressed a sigh. As a pilot, he’d rather be learning about their future ship than drinking high grade, especially when it was only a matter of time before their ruse was discovered. Not to mention the chance of a drunken Dinobot saying something that might blow their cover, or drawing too much attention by wrecking the bar, or--…. Okay, maybe he did need some high grade.

With Grimlock going to meet Countdown, there was now nothing left to do but try to relax. As he entered the bar he was not surprised in the least to see a bunch of Autobot crowded at the far side of the room. Less than an astrosecond and already they’d created a scene; it was amazing how conspicuous the Dinobots were. Swoop opted to stand and lean against the bar instead of taking a seat. Snarl ordered the first round of drinks and toasted to the Dinobots, which was followed by the banging and smashing of glasses. Swoop was much less boisterous as he simply raised his glass to Snarl’s toast then sipped at his drink. Being a flier, he metabolized energon faster than the average groundpounder, which meant it took less to get him overenergized; not to mention he was the smallest of the Dinobots. His plan was to nurse the high grade until it was time to go to the shipyard, staying as sober as possible at the bar. At least the brew was good, he thought to himself. Much better than the swill they’d been drinking since they awoke anyway. He drank slowly to savor the flavor, because Primus knew when they’d get to taste real energon again.

Suddenly another round of high grade was put in front of him by trembling hands. Obviously someone had ordered another round. Swoop leaned back to look around the other Dinobots and spotted some poor fool who thought himself brave enough to approach them. As the bombardier took another sip he listened to the Autobot say something about their return and helping the war effort, something about stories, then the Autobot asked a… peculiar question

“Are there any girl Dinobots?”

Swoop lurched as some energon went down the wrong intake. The Dinobot coughed and set his drink down as his vents tried to clear out the foreign liquid. The coughing went on for a few more seconds before settling down. Once finished, Swoop turned around and gave the Autobot the most perplexed and confused look he could manage. It was a look that said, “Are you stupid?” and, ”Why would you do that?” all in one. The Dinobot flier turned back around to grab his drink and took a sizable gulp. Primus, he hoped that not all of the Autobots on this station were this stupid.
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Re: Cas Coller - Alpha Shipyards - Grimlock's Four

Postby Smokescreen85 » Fri Jul 27, 2012 9:57 pm

Motto: ""A look can be deceiving; a touch can be lethal.""
Weapon: Twin Shoulder-Mounted Rocket Launchers
Energon Bar

As the bartender provided Snarl with another full glass of high grade, the Desert Warrior noticed the arrival of Side Burn, who seemed more than just a little chatty with him. The blue mech rambled on a bit before offering to pay for a round of drinks for Snarl and his Dinobot companions. “Thanks, but we don’t need charity. We Dinobots make our own! Ha ha!” The solar powered ‘Bot then caught the vanguard’s last question regarding Dinobot femmes. “What?! You got screw loose, little one? No! No Dino-femmes here. Go look some place else for piece of aft.”

It was then that Slag approached and placed a firm hand on Side Burn’s shoulder plating, demanding that he vacate the chair he was occupying at once. Snarl chuckled under his breath as he accepted his third drink, the one that had been previously paid for by the blue mech who was about to get pulverized by the Dinobot flamethrower. Taking a sip of his high grade, the Desert Warrior leaned over to his opposite side where the Jungle Warrior was still trying to get the hang of sitting down on small bar stools.

“Hey, Sludge, me bet you round of drinks Slag here incinerates ol’ blue ‘Bot next to me before cycle over. What you think? Heh.”

Main Shipyard - Control Room

Erector leaned back in his chair and listened as Stockade continued to plea with him to do something more about the problem that was Grindcore. The weapons engineer made a lot of sense in the words that he spoke. The foremech had known the heavy lifter for so long that perhaps he was too close to his old friend. Maybe the minibot had given ‘Core one too many chances or even been too lenient with him. Yes, the Wrecker reject was an excellent worker but he was also a friend and sometimes friends allowed each other more slack than what would normally be given in a similar situation with another mech. When the brig idea was offered, Erector shrugged a bit, not really convinced that isolation would do the trick.

“I don’t know, Stockade,” the yellow and grey mech replied, crossing his arms over his tiny chestplate. “Grindcore’s been in the brig once or twice before and not much has changed I'm afraid. As for now, well, Kick-Off would have to determine whether or not Grindcore’s current actions warranted any length of stay in the brig. Drinking too much and being late for a shift are not really grounds for being taken away in stasis cuffs. I’m hoping that by putting him on maintenance duty he’ll have plenty of time to think about why he’s not doing real construction work like he should be. In many ways, the punishment I’ve given him is far worse than just sitting idly in the brig twiddling his actuators.”

Erector paused for a moment, looking to the view screen again where Grindcore was busy polishing the Trion. “I can assure you that his safety and all those under my command are a top priority for me. I’m doing what I can to help Grindcore, but it’s going to take time. Often I wish Rung was stationed here. If anyone could help ‘Core with his issues it would be him. Unfortunately, all we have here is Highcall, but he’s just a little too radical for anyone to take him seriously.” The minibot returned his gaze to Stockade again, his mood somber. “For now I’ll continue to deal with Grindcore, myself. If he gets violent or I see him endangering anyone in any way then he’ll be in the brig so fast his cranial unit will spin around on it’s servos. Until then I’ll keep a close optic on him as I’ve always done.”

Main Shipyard - The Trion's Hull

With an auto-buffer in hand, Grindcore stood on a hover sled and slowly polished the outer hull of the Trion about half way up the side of the new Autobot vessel. It was a demeaning task that wasted his true talents more than just a little bit. What was Erector thinking assigning a mech of the heavy lifter’s caliber to a chore that was meant for mere drones? Sure, ‘Core was late for work and a little hungover but no more than usual and he had always done fine in the past. What was so different this time?

Grindcore let out an audible grumble as he shifted the hand buffer to a new, higher area of the warship’s hull. I bet it was that fragger, Stockade, who I ran into back in the corridor on my way here, the construction worker thought as even more anger crept into his visage. That little slagger probably commed Erector just before I arrived and that’s how he was ready for me. Stockade better watch himself from now on. I don’t take kindly to snitches.

Grindcore then noticed a tiny buffer drone hovering nearby, performing the exact same task that the heavy lifter was doing. So, this is what I’m reduced to, a mere drone! Casting the tiny mechanism a forbidding glare, the hungover ‘Bot suddenly lashed out with one of his fists, knocking the drone away from him. “This is my spot! Find some place else to polish!” With a few beeps and clicks, the drone hurried away from the enraged mech. ‘Core then continued on with his menial and degrading work, all the while counting the astroseconds until his shift from hell was over.
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Re: Cas Coller - Alpha Shipyards - Grimlock's Four

Postby Devastron » Sat Aug 04, 2012 7:04 pm

Weapon: Energo-Sword
Energon Bar

Side Burn almost laughed at the Dinobots reaction to his question. It ranged from amusement, to confusion to anger. He had asked the question only half seriously, as he was pretty sure there weren’t any Dino-femmes. Still, he wanted to make sure as he was far better at talking to the ladies. Of course a female Dinobot wasn’t likely to be a pretty little petite thing. On second thought he was pretty glad there wasn’t a female Dino.

The blue Autobot brought his hands up, a smile on his face as he spoke to Snarl. “Hey, I was just asking. Like I said, you guys are just about legends to some Bots. Please excuse my stupidity, I didn’t mean it as an insult or anything, just trying to separate the fact from the fiction. I’m just curious about you guys and what happened to you.”

Side Burn let out a grunt as a massive hand clamped down on his shoulder, bending his armor. It hurt, but he had felt worse. Still, between that and Slag’s words the message was pretty clear. The warrior hopped off the stool. “Hey, sure, didn’t mean to take your seat or anything. No reason to get bent out of shape, its all yours.”

Side Burn took a couple of steps back from the bar, allowing Slag plenty of room to take his spot there as he pondered his next move. He still wanted to hear whatever story was behind the Dinobots’ disappearance, but so far it looked like he had taken the wrong track with that. It was time to change things up a bit then. While he wasn’t scared of the Dinobots, he was used to charging straight at the enemy forces on his own so it took a lot to scare him, he didn’t exactly want to just stand there and take whatever punishment they might give him. Maybe it was time to put something in between them.

The Autobot looked over at the bartender. “Looks like you could use a hand with these bots.” With that he vaulted over the bar, landing on his feet next to the bartender. “I hope you don’t mind me giving you a little help, I figured you’d probably worry about something else then to deal with these guys.” The bartender looked at him for a moment before nodding vigorously and moving away.

Side Burn picked up a rag and began wiping down the bar and the mess Sludge had made on it. “So Dinobots, where have you been all this time? I’m sure lots of Autobots would love to know, and its gotta be a heck of a story, another one among many about you.”


Kick-Off was happy to have shut Skyfall up, at least for the moment. He was ready to get things moving when the Autobot grabbed his attention again, this time yelling about a wound on his head. The security chief frowned and took a hold of his head, examining the damage. “The wound looks mostly superficial and not life threatening.” He barely withheld a snicker at the last part. “I’d suggest going to the medical bay to get checked out and patched up. I’ll deal with things here.

The Autobot stifled a sigh as he turned back around and walked to the bar where the Dinobots sat. It looked like he was just going to have to deal with this head on, as much as he didn’t want to. Doing this just felt like daring a wild animal to bite you, but it was probably for the best in the long run. He would lay everything out for them and hope they listened. If they didn’t listen then it was all on them.

“Alright Dinobots listen up! My name is Kick-Off, head of security here on Cas Coller. Welcome to the station, feel free to enjoy the facilities, but make sure you obey the rules. No fighting, no unauthorized weapons discharge, no littering or destruction of property. Any property damage or destruction done will be fined directly to the perpetrator. The rest of the rules are common sense, feel free to look them up on any computer console in the station. If you break them you will be punished appropriately. I have already tabulated the property damage and destruction done so far and you will be fined appropriately. I suggest you take it easy, enjoy some drinks and if you have a need for violence you can use one of the many training rooms we have on board the station. Please, enjoy your stay here.”


Corridors outside the Energon Bar

Grimlock followed after Cosmos as he slowly made his way through the station with his almost comical waddling gait. The Dinobot barely contained a groan as the minibot launched into another conversation. He had been worried about how some of the others like Slag might act on the station, but now it was his patience that was beginning to wear thin. He remembered one of the reasons he had formed the Dinobots was to get away from the overly friendly and good natured Autobots. They never fit in with what he thought of as soldiers. At least here they had some use and could stay out of his way, at least most of the time they were out of his way.

The Dinobot commander grunted at Cosmos’s comments. “Maybe me should tell Dinobots about training rooms. It probably better that they tear those up then rest of station. Been too long since they fight, the definitely need to blow off some steam.”

Grimlock slid sideways into the turbolift, the doors being a tight squeeze for the bulky Autobot. Fortunately Cosmos was much smaller and the two of them fit comfortably inside. He glanced down at the other Autobot as he mentioned some event coming up. Grimlock suspected it would be the launch of the Trion, but he didn’t want to let on how much he knew. Best to play stupid and let everyone else underestimate him. It was a strategy he had used on more then one occasion and often found quite effective. “What event is that?”
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Re: Cas Coller - Alpha Shipyards - Grimlock's Four

Postby Ember » Tue Aug 07, 2012 4:51 pm

Motto: "I'm not psycho...I just like psychotic things."
Main Shipyard – Control Room

Stockade put both hands up in a defensive posture. He didn’t want to upset Erector any more than he already was. He was just as concerned for Grindcore as the mech’s own boss was. The last thing Stockade was to find out something unfortunate happened to Grindcore.

“Hang on Erector. I don’t want you to think I’m stepping on your toes or anything like that. Besides I understand the way you feel. I’ve worked with plenty of mechs long before transitioning to this location and I’ve also had the liberty of working with them afterward. But if I also tried to keep them out of trouble before that trouble arose.”

Stockade took a deep intake of air as he tried to come up with the right words so as not to offend his miniscule friend, but he was at a loss. It was only when Erector mentioned his wished to have Rung present on the station. He had to admit the makeshift psychiatrists on Cas Coller where either supervisors that had a sympathetic ear or they were zealots who traipsed through the shipyards reminding everyone just how wrong they were for enabling the war with new heavily armed warships. Not the ideal mechs to depend on for an unbiased opinion.

“Rung’s presence would have been nice. Unfortunately all we got were the leftovers.”

The weapons expert offered Erector a small smile. But that soon faded when the orange and grey mech swore that he would keep an optic on Grindcore and that if he got out of line, or his actions caused the injury to either him or someone else that he’d be in Kick-Off’s custody.

The larger ‘Bot gave a tight nod as he stared over at the other supervisor. He knew Erector was good for his word, after all he knew Grindcore better than him. Stockade let out a heavy sigh before turning his head to take another look at the video feed of the Trion.

“I’m sure he’s a good mech at spark and Primus knows we need all we can get. And if you vouch for him then he’s worth any trouble he can through at you. Just let me know if you need an extra hand with him…you know, if things get out of hand.”

Energon Bar

The annoying little blue mech seemed to move just a little too slow for the Dinobot flamethrower causing his ire to rise exponentially…never a good thing when it came to Slag. Finally Side Burn hopped off the stool that Slag claimed as his own giving him free access to the stool.

“Yeah right. Just remember short-round, no one takes a seat next to a Dinobot except another Dinobot.”

Unfortunately Slag did not get the opportunity to tear into the smaller ‘Bot as Side Burn vaulted over the bar and landed behind the bar. The hotheaded Dinobot the move was impressive, but not so far as to be exceptional. Slag flopped down onto the stool and let out a deep growl as he pointed directly at the blue mech.

“What I wanna know, grease stain, is why you’re so interested in knowing what we’ve been up to for the past several thousand vorns. You seem to be the only one interested in our past. Tell me somethin’, you gathering intel on us to take to someone in particular?”

Had Skyfall’s faceplate been retracted he would have stared at Kick-Off slack jawed. However, he was given no chance to continue his complaining when the security chief took a hold of his head and examined the supposed damage done by the object thrown from the area near the bar.

“Examined?! In the med bay?! And how am I gonna know you actually took care of anything?!”

Skyfall gave Kick-Off an icy glare before shoving past the head of security and heading toward the door.
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Re: Cas Coller - Alpha Shipyards - Grimlock's Four

Postby Smokescreen85 » Thu Aug 09, 2012 12:23 pm

Motto: ""A look can be deceiving; a touch can be lethal.""
Weapon: Twin Shoulder-Mounted Rocket Launchers
Main Shipyard - Control Room

Erector cast his opposite a smile when the weapons engineer became a bit defensive in his initial response to the minibot’s words. “No worries, Stockade. I know you’re just trying to help. The whole situation is frustrating, and I just wish I could snap my fingers and make Grindcore see the error of his ways. Unfortunately, it’s not that simple,” the small mech said, keeping his optics on the Autobot sitting across from him. The foremech knew that Stockade was only concerned with the safety of not only Grindcore but of all those workers around him, as well, meaning no disrespect towards the minibot.

Erector chuckled slightly at the mention of only having the leftover mental health experts and not Rung, himself. Still, perhaps one of them would be able to get through to the heavy lifter. Rung couldn’t possibly be the only shrink in the galaxy that was capable of giving guidance to those who have gone astray. Erector would have to check the roster list later and see if there was anyone available that was qualified enough to help. He didn’t want to send Grindcore to just anybody, but perhaps there was someone he would listen to, if only for a short while.

Stockade ended his comments with an open offer of help if Erector needed it. The foremech nodded and stood up from his small chair. “I appreciate that, Stockade. Grindcore usually does what I tell him as he still respects me, even if it’s grudgingly. However, you never know what he’ll do when intoxicated. If that situation ever arises, I’ll be sure to call you for assistance,” the minibot assured him as he extended his tiny hand up towards the much taller weapons specialist. “And thank you for bringing your concerns to me. They have not gone unheard.”

Energon Bar

Snarl watched as Side Burn hopped off of Slag’s intended seat and subsequently leapt up and over the bar in order to help serve them all drinks. The Desert Warrior had hoped that his flame throwing comrade would just sit on the tiny nuisance and be done with it, but the little fellow was too fast. The plated warrior’s disappointment rivaled only his continued thirst for more high grade. “Just shut up and give me more energon, Shorty!” Snarl demanded as he glared across the bar top at Side Burn. “Million questions not wanted. We Dinobots here now. That all you need to know! Now, fill 'er up!”

While waiting for the annoying bartender wannabe to refill his empty glass, Snarl’s attention was drawn to a voice coming from behind him that was trying to get his and the other Dinobots’ undivided attention. The Desert Warrior spun around in his chair to see the head of shipyard security standing there, welcoming them to the station. After that, Kick-Off rambled on and on regarding the rules and regulations of Cas Coller and how they needed to be obeyed or suffer the consequences. Snarl tried not to laugh at the thought of any of these security mechs trying to punish a Dinobot, but a slight smirk crept onto his visage anyway.

The solar-powered warrior leaned back against the bar and crossed his arms over his chestplate as he listened to the remainder of Kick-Off’s lecture. Snarl could care less about being charged for the destruction of property as he had no intention of paying any kind of fine while here at the shipyards. Where the Dinobots went, ruination was sure to follow. It was a simple fact that could not be avoided. Besides, once they had hijacked the Trion, the last thing the security chief would be worried about was collecting credits from them. So, it really didn’t matter in the long run.

Once Kick-Off had finally finished speaking, Snarl uncrossed his arms and stood up from his bar stool. The Desert Warrior then slowly approached the head of security and placed a firm hand onto the smaller Autobot’s shoulder plate. “No problem, Kick-Out,” Snarl replied in a deep voice, intentionally getting the name wrong. “Training rooms sound like good idea. We do our best to be violent there. Me promise.” The stoic expression on the solar-powered Dinobot’s faceplate turned into a wide grin as he glanced back at Slag and Side Burn before returning his attention to Kick-Off. “Although, you may want to save lover ‘Bot over there before Slag sets him on fire. Heh. Just an idea.”
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Re: Cas Coller - Alpha Shipyards - Grimlock's Four

Postby USDA Prime » Thu Aug 09, 2012 9:29 pm

Motto: "Delicious steaks are the right of all sentient beings."
Weapon: Double Barrelled Shell Launcher
Energon Bar

Sludge seemed be to enjoying himself as he drank his second mug of energy, all the while things were happening around him. Setting his drink on the counter, he laughed some more as he watched Slag make his presence known to the smaller blue mech who was so intent on asking the Dinobots questions. As he watched Side Burn squirm, the desert warrior sitting next to him made a little bet. Sludge thought about it for several astroseconds as the Dinobot flamethrower's latest victim finally got the point, only to jump to the other side of the bar and become even more of an annoyance.

"Me think Slag will pound him into scrap metal first.", Sludge replied to Snarl's bet with a grin, "Unless the little blue weakling runs away scared first."

As Sludge lifted his mug up for another drink, another little Autobot came up to the four Dinobots. This Autobot, apparently some member of security named Kick Off, went on about the various rules. Sludge didn't even bother to turn around and face him, he simply stood where he was and drank, only once or twice turning his head. As far as Sludge was concerned, he was just another little Autobot know-it-all who thought they could boss around the Dinobots with the same slagging rules. Sludge knew better, though.

Grimlock is strongest, much stronger than this little Autobot. Me Sludge only follow Grimlock's orders.

Sludge was about to turn around and get in Kick Off's face with Snarl, when he started to remember his leader's earlier orders. They were supposed to keep a low profile, and not draw any attention. The gears in Sludge's head, both literally and figuratively, started grinding as he tried to figure what Grimlock would want them to do.

Hmmmm..... Grimlock not want any Autobots to pay attention to Dinobots...... Maybe Slag scrapping this bot not a good thing.....

Once Sludge had come back from his deep thinking, he saw Snarl suggest to the security mech that Side Burn might need saving, as Slag's patience (if he even had any) was running out. Sludge turned around, and after several more astroseconds of thinking and scratching his head, he tapped both Snarl and Swoop on the shoulder.

"Um....", he said with hesitation, "Maybe we should stop Slag from hurting that little Autobot....."

Sludge then stood and waited for a response from the other Dinobots. It was one of the few times he suggested a course of action, but he wasn't going to act on it unless the other Dinobots were on board.

Security Office

The two security mechs escorted the restrained Highcall into a small waiting room just outside of Kick Off's office. As he had promised he had cooperated with them, and even managed to keep his vocalizer shut off during the entire trip.

"Take a seat.", one of the mechs motioned for the religous engineer to one of several chairs in the mostly bare room, "It could be several breems before Kick Off returns here."

Highcall nodded and quickly sat down, his hands in front of him with energon restraints around his wrist. The two security mechs kepted standing, one next to Highcall and the other facing him from the other side of the room. Both were armed but relaxed, probably because they knew enough about Highcall not to expect any violent behavour. And they were right to.

Highcall's cooling fans took a deep intake of air; with nothing to do but wait, this was as good a time as any for meditation and prayer.

"Is it all right if I shut my optics off until Kick Off gets here?", he politely asked.

The two guards looked at each other, a little confused by the request.

"I, uh,", the guard across from him studdered, "I suppose that's okay. Just don't try anything funny."

Highcall thankfully smile at the guards just before he shut off his optic sensors. He slowed down the air intake of his cooling fans, bringing them to a constant rhythm, and focused on the humming sounds of the energy flowing through the room's lights.

Oh Primus, God of Eternal Light, holiest of all beings. Please hear my prayers, and guide me to the path that you have chosen.....


If Cosmos had an actual mouth, he would have had the largest grin as Grimlock asked about the event he was referring to. Despite starting out as a top-secret project, by now everyone in the shipyards knew all about the Trion. Now that he was talking to someone from outside, Cosmos was all giddy to talk about it, so much that he shook with excitement as pressed the button to activate the turbolift.

"Oh, it's just the biggest event to happen here in over a hundred vorns!", Cosmos answered, unable to contain himself, "In one mega-cycle we'll be launching and celebrating the maiden voyage of the most advanced ship in the Autobot fleet, the Trion!"

Cosmos jumped with enthusiasm, though most would argue if such a miniscule distance in the air by the stout Autobot could be considered a jump.

"Our top mech's have been working on her for nearly a vorn! She has the most state-of-the-art weapon systems, unbeatable defensive capabilties, and the most advanced propulsion drive in the entire galaxy! I tell you, she makes the Nemesis look like a garbage scow! Once the Decepticons see her, they'll be running in terror!"

In all his excitement about talking about the Trion, Cosmos stopped and realized who he was talking to. Grimlock was a warrior, after all, and it was likely the Dinobot commander had little interest in high-tech space craft. A little embarassed of himself, he cut down on his enthusiasm before he continued.

"I'm sorry about that, sometimes I can't control myself.", he apologized, "But anyway, in one mega-cycle the entire shipyard will be celebrating it's launch. There'll be several high rankiing officials from across the quadrant attending, several speeches will be given as well as a formal reception."

A low chime came as the turbolift reached their destination. The doors slid open, but before they entered the command hub, Cosmos had one more interesting tidbit he felt the need to share. Cosmos inched a little closer to the Dinobot commander so he would be the only one to hear it.

"And there's also a rumor,", the short green mech whispered, "That Optimus Prime himself will be attending the event! It might just be a rumor, but I'd bet my navigation circuits that he'll be here!"

Done talking, Cosmos looked to the turbolift exit which now led to the command hub. Though he wanted to lead the way, the much larger Grimlock blocked his way out. Trying to look curteous rather than stuck, the short green mech motioned his hand toward the opening.

"Commander Countdown's office is through there. After you!"
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Re: Cas Coller - Alpha Shipyards - Grimlock's Four

Postby Insidious » Sun Aug 12, 2012 1:13 pm

Motto: "Clarity of thought before rashness of action."
Weapon: Oxidating Laser
Berth Six--Ark-19

Cloudburst could tell just by looking at her that this ship had seen some quality service in the field. It was almost weird, standing this close to a ship that had surely seen battle on the front lines when he himself was so far away from it. To actually exchange battery fire with Megatron or one of his lieutenants must have been a thrill unlike many that Cloudburst could imagine. Not that Cloudburst was a thrill-seeker by any means. Intellectual curiosity. That was all.

Not really. But he could lie to himself just as well as anyone else.

Autobot technicians from the Alpha Shipyards had already boarded and were performing routine maintenance on the vessel. If the Autobots were going to come all this way, there was certainly no reason to send them on their way in a ship that was functioning less than optimally.

Cloudburst scanned his present location on to the shipyard's duty records so that Countdown would know where he was and boarded the ship, following after a tech who was going to examine the ship's primary fuel lines. It wasn't long before he came to set of multiple paths.

"Bridge is, um, that way, I'm guessing?" Cloudburst said, pointing down one of the corridors.

"Actually, that way, sir," the tech working on some of the ship's wiring said, pointing down the opposite corridor pathway.

"Oh. Oh, right. Thanks," Cloudburst said, before walking down the indicated corridor. It was a nice ship. Very well-maintained. Would be a shame to see her leave. But Cloudburst knew that she had more purpose in the field than serving as a war relic here.
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Re: Cas Coller - Alpha Shipyards - Grimlock's Four

Postby Ember » Sun Aug 19, 2012 9:08 pm

Motto: "I'm not psycho...I just like psychotic things."
Main Shipyard – Control Room

Stockade flashed his friend a warm smile before standing up and offering Erector a nod of appreciation. The smaller mech had been willing to listen and had remained open to suggestions…it was something not many other supervisors would do if another mech pushed their beliefs onto them.

“Alright, Erector. Thanks for hearin’ me out. I really hope Grindcore pulls himself together. On your word I believe he’s a good mech and that he’s got some great potential.”

With another nod Stockade turned to the door but stopped before exiting. He paused a moment in thought before turning halfway around and looking back at the orange and grey mech.

“I hope ya don’t mind, Erector, but I think I’m gonna let Grindcore know I got no ill feelings toward him. Maybe that’ll smooth things over just a bit.”

Stockade didn’t wait for a response as he turned back around and left through the sliding doors. The weapons specialist strode through the corridor toward the berth their newest ship was stationed. On the way he contacted his supervising coordinator and let the mech know that he was detained until further notice and that he needn’t wait around if his crews’ shift ended. The line was cut with an affirmative and a few pleasantries.

Main Shipyard – The Trion’s Hull

Stockade had made his way to and on the Trion with few hindrances. He quickly checked the duty log taking note where Grindcore had signed in. That would have been the mech’s starting point during his long task of buffing the ship’s hull. With a soft sigh Stockade moved through the corridors until he came to the outer access hatch that would put him in the closest area to his intended target.

Moments later the door slid up and to one side giving the weapons specialist a magnificent view of the main shipyard and all of its berths, both occupied and vacant. As the lift stopped Stockade moved out and onto the walkway that snaked over the hull giving maintenance workers and drones a place to move with ease as they went about their duties.
The mech took a quick glance around the immediate area with his optics, but when didn’t see his target he switched to his scanners and magnified his optic sensors. The beacon that began to pulse in the right hand corner of his Heads up Display drew out a broad smile.

“There ya are.”

His trek only a few minutes and once Grindcore’s form came into view Stockade quickened his pace. The sooner he smoothed things over with this mech the better he’d feel about jumping down his throat earlier.

“Yo! Grindcore! I’d like ta have a word with ya! Can ya spare an astrosec?!”

Energon Bar

Slag grabbed hold of the offered energon and slogged the entire contents of the mug down his gullet. The flamethrower let out a deep grunt as he slammed the glass down onto the bar top and wiped the remainder of liquid off his face. He regarded Side Burn with a scrutinizing glare before he slid the mug up the counter and looked to it and then to the impromptu barkeep. When the blue mech didn’t react fast enough Slag stood up quickly and took hold of the protruding armor around Side Burn’s neck and dragged the vanguard closer to him.

“You wanna keep that pretty little head connected to that teeny tiny neck of yours…then I suggest you keep the good stuff flowin.”

The angry Dinobot shoved Side Burn back and flashed him a razor sharp toothy grin while raising his mug and shaking it from side to side.

“Now how’s about we try this again pretty-boy? Fill it up, and don’t be stingy!”

The flamethrower’s actions continued even through Kick-Off’s droning for droning’s purposes. Had Slag not been preoccupied with the newest member of the establishment’s workforce the Dinobots would have thrown his mug at the security officer’s head. And once he was stunned pick up and proceed to pummel the poor disillusioned fragger.

Unfortunately Slag heard Snarl’s response to the security officer’s announcement. Why the desert warrior would stoop so low as to agree to anything not a Dinobot said was something that did not sit right.

Slag flashed his teammate an incredulous glare before looking over his shoulder at the smaller mech.

“You call yerself a Dinobot, Snarl?! My orders only come from Grimlock, and you look nothin' like him.”

With a feral growl Slag slung his mug at the group of security officers.
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Re: Cas Coller - Alpha Shipyards - Grimlock's Four

Postby Devastron » Tue Aug 21, 2012 10:31 pm

Weapon: Energo-Sword
Energon Bar

Side Burn shrugged his shoulders at Slag’s question as he prepared more drinks for the massive Autobots. “I’m just curious is all. I guess I’m just used to knowing stuff before everyone else does. First one into battle and all that. And who doesn’t like a good story really? As fun as this place can be it can get a little dull at times. A good story that has to be behind your absence would liven things up considerably.” He passed out the fresh round of drinks to each of the Dinobots before he went back to wiping off the bar.

Everything the Autobot had said was true. With his admirer having run off he didn’t exactly have anything pressing going on. A good yarn would help pass the time while he waited for another pretty femme to come along. Of course it might also include some material he could use in his own, slightly exaggerated, tales. He would have to change some details of course to add some of his personal flair to it, but he knew there would be something interesting from their story he could use. How could there not be?

The Autobot’s thoughts were interrupted as Slag grabbed a hold of him and dragged him over to him. The blue Autobot simply sighed as Slag issued another threat to him. He stumbled after being pushed and looked up at the Dinobot. “You know pushing and dragging me all over the place isn’t going to get you your drinks any faster.” He poured another one and slid it over to the angry Dinobot.

With Slag hopefully satisfied with his new drink Side Burn went back to his earlier train of though. “I suppose I could just search through the records and try to find the official story of what happened to you all that took you out of the fight for so long. I think Prowl was in charge of the sector you guys were in? You know, I think I did some training with him way back in the day. Is he the guy, about my height, black and white, by the book and as boring as the lowest octane fuel?”


Kick-Off barely acknowledged Skyfall’s stomping off as he focused on the reactions of the Dinobots to his speech. Sludge seemed to ignore most of it, or maybe he just didn’t understand it. The rather blank look he seemed to almost always sport didn’t exactly tell him much. Snarl seemed to have paid attention and actually acknowledged what he said, if in a slightly condescending manner. Being in security meant he had gotten that treatment more then once before. He let it roll off of him like water off of a sealant coated windshield.

He did glance over to see the bot Snarl had mentioned and recognized Side Burn. The warrior hadn’t done anything to really draw his attention since arriving on the shipyard. After perusing his file he had determined that at the worst he might get some nuisance complaints about his tendency to take up all the attention of the femme. Fortunately not complaints had come, yet. Kick-Off turned back to Snarl. “I think he can take care of himself. Worst comes to worst I’m pretty sure he can out run any of you.”

The security mech turned to leave when he saw the mug hurtling towards him out of the corner of his optic. He moved on pure instinct spinning and swinging his arm at the object, his fist striking the container and shattering it spectacularly. He glanced back at Slag. “You aren’t the only warrior who learned to fight in an arena. You’ll be fined for littering, consider that your last free pass.”

Kick-Off turned and made for the door, motioning for the remaining security to follow him. He spoke to them in a quiet tone as the left the bar. “I want you posted outside the bar. You being inside will probably just provoke them into more action like that. Don’t interfere unless things get out of hand, and then I want you to contact me immediately. We are going to have to be flexible with these guys, give them a bit of leeway, but don’t let it get out of hand. Understood?”

Satisfied with the collection of nods he got in return Kick-Off began the walk back to the security officer where a lecture with Highcall awaited him.



Grimlock got the answer he expected when Cosmos began talking about the Trion. While the Dinobot was aware of its existence the mini-bot eager filled in a few details he had been lacking. Now he had a firm date for its launch which was a bit sooner then he had been hoping for. From the sounds of it they were going to make it all a rather large event as well, which was also problematic. They were going to have to get things moving on it a bit sooner then he had wanted.

The Dinobot leader couldn’t help but make a comment on his mention of Optimus. “Prime overrated,” he muttered quietly, still careful not to mention his death. When he spoke again it was in a louder voice. “Me would like to see Trion. Me not tech head, but know how to appreciate good weapons. Trion sound like best weapon Autobots have. Maybe you take me on tour of it later.” Hopefully that would give him a bit of an opening to get on board the vessel. If worst came to worst he could easily disable Cosmos and seize the ship, maybe picking up the Dinobots or rendezvousing with them somewhere.

Of course that was assuming he could even fly the thing and get it out of the shipyards. He had missed a decent amount of time buried on Earth and technology had to move forward in his absence. While he didn’t think there was that much you could change about flying a ship he wouldn’t put it past the Autobot scientists to make it far too complicated. Still, if it was half as powerful as Cosmos described it would be worth putting up with some minor complications.

Once the doors opened Grimlock stepped out into the command hub. It was a busy room, bustling with activity. With so many ships docking at the shipyard and undergoing refueling and repairs most of the activity was devoted to communications and directing traffic. A weapons console was manned but not particularly busy, as he expected. That would help with the plan at least. Perhaps they could sow a little confusion to help their escape, maybe increase or jam up all the traffic. It was something he was going to have to consider. He waited for Cosmos to lead him to the office and start up his incessant talking again, hopefully gaining a few more nuggets of valuable information along the way.
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Re: Cas Coller - Alpha Shipyards - Grimlock's Four

Postby Snowy » Fri Aug 24, 2012 8:44 pm

Motto: "Never underestimate the power of insanity-- especially when it's mine."
Weapon: High-Powered, Laser-Sighted, Photon Rifle
Energon Bar

Swoop rolled his optics at the chatty Autobot’s antics. If there was one thing he hated more than stupidity it was stupidity coupled with persistence. He could already tell his flamethrower companion was struggling not to tear the blue bot a new intake and Swoop had half a mind to let him. Unfortunately they couldn’t afford such screw ups during this mission, so even when the security bot, Kick-Off, came over to drone at them, he did nothing more than give the stuffy mech an irritated look before returning to his drink.

A tap on his shoulder drew his attention as Sludge asked if they should stop Slag from ripping the blue bot asunder. It was too late to stop the flamethrower from exploding on Snarl and security mechs alike, however, nor were they able to prevent Slag’s mug from being thrown through the air. Swoop watched with mild interest as the bot named Kick-Off punched the projectile out of the air, but couldn’t help but snort when they were fined with littering of all things. The flier decided that Sludge was probably right and he should at least attempt to rein the other Dinobot in before half the bar was burned down. “No need to waste your time on such a bore, Slag; guy’s got a stick up his aft so far it’s probably poking his brain module. Besides, Grimlock already gave us orders.” He didn’t elaborate on it more since the other should know what he meant. Don‘t rock the boat. Or at least don’t pick a fight with every mech and their creator in said boat. It was a bit much to not expect Slag to punch someone.
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Re: Cas Coller - Alpha Shipyards - Grimlock's Four

Postby Insidious » Sat Aug 25, 2012 12:07 pm

Motto: "Clarity of thought before rashness of action."
Weapon: Oxidating Laser

The images danced in his head. Not in any organized pattern. It was almost like his logic circuits and his laser core couldn't keep up with the flood of energy. The datapad that gave him his assignment. Megatron's laughter. A handshake from Optimus Prime. A battle raging. A battle from long ago. He remembered watching it as a proto.

"There you are, Warhaul. You should be decharged to satisfactory levels, okay?"

The voice was incongruent with anything going on in Warhaul's mind. His optics onlined and he looked around. There were two Autobots, a medic and a guard, standing over him. His first instinct was to shoot, but he quickly subdued the urge. That was not his mission. If he compromised now, he would be a dead mech anyway.

"Uh yeah, thanks," Warhaul said, pushing himself away from the repository that they had hooked him to. "Hopefully someone or other enjoys the extra, heh."

"I'm sure they will. I'm sending a clearance request to Kick-Off now, and he'll send authorization for you to leave the brig. Unless, of course, you're held over to face charges. But, that doesn't happen too often in these circumstances. You didn't hurt anyone did you?"

"Nah," Warhaul chuckled. "Just got a little overtanked, is all. Nothing major."

"Shouldn't be long at all, then. Just make yourself comfortable in the interim. I'm sure you're not the only overcharged mech our security commander has had to deal with," the medic said as he reactivated the energy field in front of Warhaul's cell.
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Re: Cas Coller - Alpha Shipyards - Grimlock's Four

Postby Smokescreen85 » Sat Aug 25, 2012 10:47 pm

Motto: ""A look can be deceiving; a touch can be lethal.""
Weapon: Twin Shoulder-Mounted Rocket Launchers
Energon Bar

Snarl chuckled at Kick-Off’s assertion that Side Burn could outrun any of the Dinobots present. “Sure him could, if his legs not burned off. Heh,” the Desert Warrior responded just as the security director turned to leave the bar. It was then that Slag interjected himself into the proceedings, accusing the solar-powered mech of not being a real Dinobot because he was agreeing with Kick-Off’s rules. Before Snarl could respond, the flame-thrower had hurled a mug at the retreating security chief who then shattered it with one swift swipe of his hand. Luckily, Slag only got a warning and no attempt was made to take the enraged Dinobot into custody.

The Desert Warrior turned around to face Slag and found that Swoop had already stepped in to help calm the situation with the flame thrower. “Swoop right. Grimlock already give us orders to keep low profile, and me simply following them. Roughing up puny Autobots and throwing things at security mechs not doing what Grimlock told us to do,” Snarl responded to his angry comrade with a scowl etched across his faceplate. “And me am real Dinobot, Slag! Always have been, alway will be! Now, let’s have more drinks.” The solar plated mech motioned back towards the bar where he once again took a seat on one of the stools.

“Okay, lady’s bot, serve us up another round!” Snarl demanded as he considered answering Side Burn’s inquiry regarding what had happened to them for so long. The blue mech’s continued interest was not to be abated as he threatened to contact Prowl to get the inside scoop on things. That was something that had to be avoided at all costs even if it meant divulging a bit of information regarding the Dinobots’ whereabouts for the past several vorns.

“That sound like him, but we take orders from Grimlock, not Prowl. Strategist know nothing of Dinobots,” Snarl responded as he leaned in closer to Side Burn. “Buy us all next round of drinks and maybe we tell you where we were for so long.” The Desert Warrior grinned, knowing that none of them would be paying for any of the drinks before they left with the Trion, but still wanting to see if the blue mech would oblige them or not.

Main Shipyards - Control Room

“You’re welcome, Stockade. My door is always open. Come by anytime you need to talk,” Erector replied to the weapons specialist as he got up to leave. However, before Stockade exited, he turned back around and informed the minibot that he was going to first have a quick chat with Grindcore in order to help smooth things over. “Um, I don’t think that’s a good....” Before the foremech was able to finish his warning, the weapons engineer was already gone in a flash and making his way towards the Trion.

Erector sat back down in his tiny chair and watched Stockade on the view screens as he checked the logs before heading out onto the catwalks that surrounded the newly completed warship. Oh, I certainly hope Grindcore is in a better mood than before. Otherwise, this is going to get messy, the grey and orange minibot thought as he watched the weapons specialist search for and eventually locate the heavy lifter. Erector kept a close optic on the situation, all the while ready to contact Kick-Off if it was absolutely necessary.

Main Shipyards - The Trion’s Hull

Grindcore stood on his hover sled high up on the Trion’s hull, still shining the surface to a nice smooth finish that allowed him to see the reflection of the scowl which still remained etched deeply on his faceplate. It was a constant reminder of the bad mood he was currently in, even though his cranial ache was now gone along with most of his hangover. ‘Core still couldn’t believe he was wasting his time and talents on a mediocre task such as this that was better suited to drones. Still, he had brought it all on, himself, just like every other time he drank too much and showed up for work late. One would think Grindcore would get the message, but some mechs were just too thick headed and stubborn to ever change.

“Stupid minibot! I don’t know why I let him boss me around. He’s fraggin’ half my size for Primus’ sake!" Grindcore grumbled under his breath as he adjusted his auto-buffer to a higher setting in order to help get out an especially bad scuff mark near one of the booster rockets. Just then he heard someone call out his name from somewhere just below his position. Looking down, the construction worker could see the form of Stockade standing on one of the walkways that snaked around the hull of the ship. Ah, what the frag does he want now? Grindcore thought, hoping that the weapons specialist would simply go away. When that didn’t happen after about a breem, the heavy lifter decided it was best to see what the slagger wanted.

“Be right down!” Grindcore shouted as he attached the auto-buffer to his waist before he reluctantly descended on his hover sled to the catwalk below. Once settled, ‘Core stepped off of the sled and slowly approached the weapons engineer, an annoyed expression clearly on his visage. He wasn’t looking forward to talking with Stockade again, but at least it gave Grindcore time away from the simple drone work he had been stuck with for awhile now. It was the lesser of two evils as far as the resident drunk was concerned. “Okay, Stockade, what is it? I’m not really in the mood for another lecture, so that better not be what this is or so help me Primus...”

Grindcore checked himself as he caught sight of one of Erector’s numerous cameras situated around the shipyards. The heavy lifter knew all too well that the foremech was always watching and was likely keeping an optic on things right now. After flashing the nearest camera a fake smile, the construction worker returned his attention to the weapons engineer and waited for the inevitable follow-up talk whether he wanted one or not.
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Re: Cas Coller - Alpha Shipyards - Grimlock's Four

Postby USDA Prime » Wed Aug 29, 2012 2:46 am

Motto: "Delicious steaks are the right of all sentient beings."
Weapon: Double Barrelled Shell Launcher
Energon Bar

"Hmmmm......", was all Sludge said as he nodded in agreement with Swoop and Snarl as they went with the jungle warrior's suggestion to try to keep Slag from causing too much trouble.

Another glass of energon substitute was placed in front of Sludge by Side Burn, which the large Dinobot was more than happy to use to fill up his fuel reserves. After chugging down a good amount, Sludge slammed the glass on the counter as he heard the blue mech mention Prowl.

"Me Sludge no like know-it-all Prowl.", angrily added to Snarl's earleir comment to Side Burn, "Grimlock is stronger than little know-it-all Prowl. That why we Dinobots follow Grimlock. Grimlock is strongest leader."

Sludge washed down the last drops of his drink, then watched intently as Snarl made the offer to possibly explain what happened to the Dinobots so many vorns ago. As always Sludge would let the others do most of the talking, though the jungle warrior started searching through his databanks as he remembered what had happened to them so long ago.


Command Hub

Though he coulld not in any way agree with it, Cosmos didn't reply to the Dinobot commander's comment about Optimus being overrated. Given the low tone and how quickly Grimlock moved onto a different subject, the short green bot thought it best not to push his opinion as it sounded like he would be opening some old wounds in the large warrior

Grimlock's next comment about wanting to tour the Trion brought some hesitant joy to the flying saucer. He was glad to hear that the Dinobot commander actually wanted to take a tour- though he wasn't sure if he would be able to take Grimlock onboard the new Autobot warship. It may not have been a secret anymore, but they still hadn't allowed anyone besides work crews and high ranking station officers inside. As he thought of his reply Grimlock walked out of the turbolift, and Cosmos waddled up ahead of him to show him to Countdown's office.

As usual the command hub was busy with activity as technicians, administrators and communications officers kept at their consoles to coordinate the running of the shipyards.

"This is where all the action takes place!", Cosmos said proudly as he led the way, even if it was a line he said to every visiting officer he brought there, "Every bot here is dedicated to keeping Alpha Shipyards running smoothly, whether they're coordinating repair crews, monitoring security, or maintaining lines of communication. You could say this is the spark of the station."

Being a communications officer himself the green mech had occasionally worked in this area, something he greatly enjoyed given how many bots he had the chance to talk to and socialize with, even if it was in a professional work environment. Cosmos always felt it a shame that he couldn't spend more time in here, as his space-worthy alternate mode neccessitated him to spend the majority of his work cycles outside the station, away from most.

As he walked through the hub he made a point to greet each bot that he passed by, though many of them were too busy to acknowledge him. He didn't let it get him too down thought, as every smile, nod, and 'hello' he got back was worth it.

"Um, as far as getting a tour of the Trion." Cosmos finally replied to Grimlock's earlier comment, "I'd be more than happy to show you around, but we'd have to get clearance from Countdown first since you're not part of the Shipyard's staff. But you're a high ranking officer, and practically a legend, so I'm sure he'll have no problem with it."

It was then that they had reached a bot working on a console right next to the door to Countdown's office. Though busy at first, the bot was suddenly startled as he noticed Grimlock's towering presence, though he seemed to calm a little as he looked down at Cosmos.

"Ah, Cosmos.", the receptionist bot greeted, "Countdown has been expecting you and, uh....." the bot paused with a hint of fear as he looked up again at the Dinobot commander, "Grimlock."

The receptionist pressed a button on his console, and the door slid open.

"Thank you so much." Cosmos nodded graciously as he walked into Countdown's office ahead of Grimlock.

Countdown's Office

Cosmos plodded into his commander's office. Given that he had a visiting ranking officer with him, he skipped his usual social pleasantries. Though Countdown wasn't one of the more strict military commanders, he didn't want to appear too casual. The short green mech stopped and stood at attention, giving Countdown a salute.

"Cosmos, reporting commander.", he addressed professionally, hoping that Grimlock would see his tone and treat Countdown with the same level of respect, "And I've brought Dinobot Commander Grimlock here to see you."
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