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(Complete) TF Movie fiction - The Secret Within Chapter 25 + epilogue

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Re: TF Movie fiction - The Secret Within Chapter 14 - An early treat for you all!

Postby Carriemus Prime » Wed Sep 16, 2009 12:18 pm

Motto: "I want to be remembered when I'm dead. I want books written about me. I want songs sung about me. And then hundreds of years from now I want episodes of my life to be played out weekly at half past nine by some great heroic actor of the age."
Weapon: Twin Sonic Cannons
:shock: um....

it can be let me see where I am up to ...

Ok I am up to chapter 16... craptastic... I shall post 15 now
Fanfics:Cave In with HK + Shattered Glass
hellkitty wrote:Ah yes. The Ladies Thread: warning: males entering the dreaded and estrogen-drenched domains of the Ladies Thread shall be subjected to slash references, randomness, hugz and apparently, now, sexual harassment.

Burn wrote:
Name_Violation wrote:if you keep writing slash you'll get hairy palms and go blind :P

The man is wise.
Of course wisdom often comes from experience. :WHISTLE:
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Chapter 15....

Postby Carriemus Prime » Wed Sep 16, 2009 12:24 pm

Motto: "I want to be remembered when I'm dead. I want books written about me. I want songs sung about me. And then hundreds of years from now I want episodes of my life to be played out weekly at half past nine by some great heroic actor of the age."
Weapon: Twin Sonic Cannons
Here is chapter 15... I have currently stalled at the end of 16... if my state of mind doesn't improve then I am delaying updating it next week... :? Well here it is...

Chapter 15
Prowl sat patiently listening as the humans bickered over what course of action to take. He wasn’t used to attending these meetings, which were solely Prime’s responsibility. Prowl found himself wondering how Prime found the patience to decipher what they were saying and still manage to contribute effectively, apart from the usual formal greetings, not one of the humans had spoken to him although Epps and Lennox had cast some questionable looks in his direction when things seemed to be getting a little too heated.

“Gentlemen let’s get some perspective here, they have detected the asteroids near Jupiter, that doesn’t mean that they are on a direct course for Earth. They have probably been pulled into the planet’s gravity by now. There is no need to be alerting the President to this situation and causing a potential mass panic.”

“But Admiral Sir, don’t you think…”

“Major those are my orders.” Admiral Morshower dropped his head slightly with fatigue. “Will there’s nothing we can do if the asteroids are heading towards Earth except shoot nukes at it, which as you know will probably make the situation worse.”
“What about evacuations Sir?”

“We don’t even know where they’d hit, our scientists can’t pin point or predict a trajectory, that’s why they don’t think these are just any asteroids.”

“You’re saying artificial, controlled?”

The Admiral sighed in acknowledgement.

“A singularity device.” Prowl’s even tone resounded around the room, startling the humans into silence. Epps turned to the quiet mech, who looked surprised at the sound of his own voice.

“Say what?”

Prowl looked distinctively uncomfortable. “Um I was hypothesising as to how someone could manipulate asteroids or large inanimate bodies to be used as projectiles while in the vacuum of space.”

“A Singularity device?” Lennox repeated, puzzled. While being the first to admit he did not have a scientific brain the concept was vaguely familiar to him. “You mean singularity as in like a worm hole or a black hole?”

“Yes Major precisely!” Prowl was rather pleasantly surprised by the soldier’s answer. Epps leaned back towards his friend.
“You got that off Star trek didn’t you?”
Lennox frowned and whispered quietly as Prowl began explaining, “Star gate actually.”
“Ah good show.” Epps grinned before turning his attentions back to Prowl.

“How can this device be used Prowl?” Admiral Morshower could be heard asking, as his senior scientific advisors clustered behind him muttering quietly to themselves.

“I am not entirely certain Admiral.”
“You don’t know?!”

“It has never been attempted before to my recollection.” Prowl’s tone took a sombre note, “there are a number of possible outcomes to the deployment of such a device however.”

“I take it these aren’t good outcomes?” Lennox questioned candidly.
“I’m afraid not Major.”

“Care to elaborate.” It was not a request, Admiral Morshower’s patience was wearing thin, they had multiple problems and no solutions. He did not like these odds.

“The first most serious outcome is that the device will implode under the strain of the gravimetric forces that the created singularity would induce. This would leave an unstable singularity existing within your very solar system. Worse case scenario; a black hole that would devour your solar system over time, but its effects would undoubtedly be felt immediately on this planet if it is created close to any of the larger planets thus altering its orbit and/or mass. If it is near the gas giant, this would only serve to feed the black hole and create a gravity well so strong, it would destroy your solar system in less than fifty of your years.”

Epps’s jaw had dropped open at the explanation. “I don’t even know what, half of what you just said, actually means, but that sounds bad to me.”

“Indeed Sergeant. It would be catastrophic.” Prowl replied softly.
“So if that’s the worse case scenario… I almost don’t want to ask about the rest.” Lennox prodded lightly.

“The other scenario is that it would create a wormhole, rather than a black hole. It would also be unstable, but a much smaller threat to your solar system. It does have a risk of jumping around in its instability and a planet cannot survive a wormhole opening within it. The final possibility which, I suspect is what Megatron will have developed the device for, is to be used as a, what you humans would describe as a ‘slingshot’. It would create a tiny singularity allowing for enough of a gravimetric field to be used to hurl bodies such as asteroids in this case, at a target. The aim is not considered accurate but the asteroid would be hurled at an incredible speed and would be almost impossible to prevent an impact if it wasn’t detected early enough.”

“They all sound as bad as the first possibility Prowl!” Lennox exclaimed worry etched across his features. Prowl glanced at the men in the room, his expression unreadable. “There is one other thing.”

“How can it possibly get any worse?” Epps muttered under his breath.

“Megatron could transport the device on the very singularity it creates, if it is situated on one of the asteroids and he calculates the aim accurately enough to prevent it impacting the Earth.”

“What good would that do him? We could just nuke it from the ground if he puts it in orbit.”

“It would not be that simple Major. The device can be converted into a weapon. A high powered laser that would obliterate any of your weapons from orbit before they were even launched.”

“You have got to be kidding me!”

“I am sorry major I would make no joke about this. We can only hope that Megatron doesn’t have the energy to power such a weapon. It would require vast amounts of energon.”

“There’s no way he could have found a source within our solar system is there?” Morshower questioned.

“I do not think so Admiral, although he may have discovered a way of utilising raw energy sources to create a basic form of energon, he would need pure energon such as that within the Matrix to power it.”

“The Matrix.” Lennox mused absently. He looked at Prowl sharply. “What if he’s planning on trying to get the Matrix?”

“That is not possible Major. It is kept with Optimus Prime at all times.”

“He’s missing Prowl. Could Megatron get the Matrix from Prime?”
Prowl’s optics widened at the line of questioning, his logic circuits rapidly calculating the odds. He mentally kicked himself for not considering the possibility before.
“At this point, having not heard from Prime or the others I can only assume that....” Prowl’s normally calm voice was now laced with concern. He visibly straightened and held Lennox worried stare. “Megatron could already be in possession of the Matrix.

Trailblazer was rapidly losing his temper at the irritating humans in his front seats.
“I am sick of you bossing me around, just who died and made you boss?!”
“Well as a matter of fact kid I…”
“I don’t care about your sector seven crap. Did you not get the memo; you were shut down because you did a suck ass job!”
“Don’t you talk about my work like that kid!”
“Why what you going to do? You going to have me shot?” Leo laughed shortly. “Bring it on old man!”
“You two just SHUT UP!” The sound of Mikaela’s angry command silenced both men in mid-sentence.

“Don’t you guys think we have enough to deal with? We don’t need to listen to you two bicker like an old married couple on hormone therapy! So just sit and be quiet for five minutes!”
Trailblazer couldn’t help but smirk at the outburst; his respect for the human female had just increased slightly. He heard her try to continue a more civilised conversation with the now sullen men, when he was interrupted by a proximity alarm.

“I hate to interrupt but brace for impact!” His normally calm voice commanded urgently. The humans tightened their seat belts while glancing out of the window to try and see what was heading for them.
“Are we being attacked?” Mikaela was scared, Sam wouldn’t survive another attack and it was highly likely that they wouldn’t either.
“I don’t know, something is following us and it’s close. I need to get off the road.” He veered sharply to the left, his tyres screeching as he dived down an embankment. Leo could be heard squealing in the car and they bounced over rocky uneven ground finally sliding to a halt at the bank of a small river. Trailblazer flicked his doors open.

“Get out!”

“Wait you can’t just leave us here!” Mikaela cried out as they were unceremoniously dumped onto the moist grass. Trailblazer bent down to meet her panicked glare.

“Mikaela Banes I will return for you. Stay out of sight, keep Sam safe. All of you remain here. I can’t defend you and worry about you at the same time. I will return.”

She nodded at the intensity burning within his deep blue optics. Simmons grumbled quietly as he watched Trailblazer climb up the embankment with more agility than one would expect from a twenty foot mechanoid.

“When did he start sounding like Prime?”

Trailblazer could sense its presence now, this was no mere drone. He had felt this presence before a long time ago, on that ship above Cybertron. He charged his weapon and stealthily crept to the top of the embankment. The lighting was virtually non-existent this far out in the desert, he could just make out a large shape looming in front of him. He noticed the feet first and gradually drew his head up to the shadow’s full form. Looking down on him with contempt and irritation were a pair of red glowing, angry optics. Trailblazer was terrified, this Decepticon was massive compared to his small frame; he could not hope to win in a fight. It had seen him. Freezing to his spot, he shuttered his optics as the large mech raised its weapon, pointing it at his face. A large scraping of metal against concrete could be heard; he opened one optic to find the Decepticon had taken a few steps back to allow him to finish his ascent. Trembling, he crawled up and righted himself, pointing his weapon shakily at the much larger bot. A weird noise, that could almost be called chuckling came from the Decepticon, Trailblazer was now afraid for his life and confused.

“Is this just a game for you!?” He yelled frustrated, unwilling to be the first to open fire and start a fight he would not win.
“Youngling, if this was a game, I most certainly would not be playing it with you.”

“What do you want?” Every nerve and sense was screaming at Trailblazer to fire and run, to forget his charges and just run. He held his ground as the Decepticon stepped forward; it jerked and winced painfully its left foot dragging on the concrete. Trailblazer switched on his headlights, the light caused the larger mech to wince and cover its face with a snarl. He dimmed the light to a more bearable level.

“I want… a truce…”

“What?!” Trailblazer almost dropped his weapon in surprise. The Decepticon came into view, his tattooed helm menacing in the light. Trailblazer’s optics widened in horror as he recognised the Decepticon standing before him. Flashbacks of his escape from Cybertron filled his visions. He could not speak or move, the Decepticon glowered at him impatiently, oil and coolant dripping from his broken, battered body. He spoke with difficulty as his jaw was all but shattered.

“Are you stupid Autobot, or just stalling for time until your precious humans can escape?”

Trailblazer in his shock could only mutter two words as he continued to stare at the tall seeker glaring down at him.

“It’s you…”

The Decepticon frowned at the recognition in the young Autobot’s voice. He scanned through his memory files and came across an early file of the war. A time when he had merely been a soldier in the Decepticon army, before he’d risen through the ranks to be Megatron’s second in command. A smirk crossed his features as he recognised the bot that was no longer a sparkling, in front of him. He leaned in closely, trying to be imposing as possible.

“Yes you know who I am, so you will obey my request.”
“Star…scream, I…”

Starscream’s damaged systems finally gave out, he had to recharge and he collapsed forward, almost crushing the young bot, who managed to stay upright surprising the seeker with his strength. He looked up at the Autobot who now held his weight and was still too stunned to speak.

“You… owe me… your life…. Remember that…” With those words he slipped into darkness, leaving his fate in the hands of the troubled and panicked young Autobot.
Fanfics:Cave In with HK + Shattered Glass
hellkitty wrote:Ah yes. The Ladies Thread: warning: males entering the dreaded and estrogen-drenched domains of the Ladies Thread shall be subjected to slash references, randomness, hugz and apparently, now, sexual harassment.

Burn wrote:
Name_Violation wrote:if you keep writing slash you'll get hairy palms and go blind :P

The man is wise.
Of course wisdom often comes from experience. :WHISTLE:
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Re: TF Movie fiction - The Secret Within Chapter 15... meh...

Postby moneycon » Sat Sep 19, 2009 11:27 am

Okay, so here it are a fantastic writer. I am an avid reader and a songwriter...never felt like I could bring so much detail on such a grand scale...but are doing it. I mean this is book material. I have to admit I am only on chapter 7, and with kids it is a little hard to read for too long at one time, but you are great. I mean really good. I can't say enough. Whatever you do other than writing...quit! you should absolutely, 100%, be writing something for someone to publish. Your lack of self confidence is nice but completely unwarranted. You need to take full claim of your abilities and make them happen!! Keep writing here or course..for free...but I would buy a transformers book written by you today. fantastic...honestly...I can't say enough. It keeps your easy to would be nice to see some irony..some good english(you write like your English/british) irony. maybe that is coming...i'm only chapter 7...but throw some irony in their and you got yourself the transformers version of dickens. Keep it up.
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Re: TF Movie fiction - The Secret Within Chapter 15... meh...

Postby Carriemus Prime » Sat Sep 19, 2009 11:44 am

Motto: "I want to be remembered when I'm dead. I want books written about me. I want songs sung about me. And then hundreds of years from now I want episodes of my life to be played out weekly at half past nine by some great heroic actor of the age."
Weapon: Twin Sonic Cannons
wow! Thank you very much! :oops: I am British is it that obvious? :roll:

This is my first actual ever thought out novel I've written since high school, I am trying to get published too so comments like yours only boost me along, especially if they're from fans of TF (they're the ones I'm trying to please with this) it means a lot :)

I will try and work some irony in... I am now hoping there is already some in there... but I will definitely work some into the last few chapters I am currently writing.

If I ever get published you can have it for free :) comments and criticism like yours really help me improve my writing thank you again...

I am elated someone actually posted yay!! :grin:
Fanfics:Cave In with HK + Shattered Glass
hellkitty wrote:Ah yes. The Ladies Thread: warning: males entering the dreaded and estrogen-drenched domains of the Ladies Thread shall be subjected to slash references, randomness, hugz and apparently, now, sexual harassment.

Burn wrote:
Name_Violation wrote:if you keep writing slash you'll get hairy palms and go blind :P

The man is wise.
Of course wisdom often comes from experience. :WHISTLE:
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Re: TF Movie fiction - The Secret Within Chapter 15... meh...

Postby ToysInTheAttic » Sat Sep 19, 2009 3:59 pm

Before reading this, I wasn't interested in IDW's movieverse comics, but after reading your first few chapters I checked out the movie prequel comic from the library. You give a depth to the characters that the movies never even scratch on and I could easily see your writing in the form of IDW's comics or a novel. I intend to read the other movie comics now because I enjoy reading your Prowl and I want to see where his personality is drawn from.

btw, great Cliffhanger! I love all things Starscream and look forward to the next update. ^_^
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Re: TF Movie fiction - The Secret Within Chapter 15... meh...

Postby Carriemus Prime » Sat Sep 19, 2009 4:59 pm

Motto: "I want to be remembered when I'm dead. I want books written about me. I want songs sung about me. And then hundreds of years from now I want episodes of my life to be played out weekly at half past nine by some great heroic actor of the age."
Weapon: Twin Sonic Cannons
Thanks for the comment Toys... I actually 'borrowed' Prowl's personality from the TF Animated series... I wasn't too familiar with him in the G1 series and he's not in the films... but I liked his character when I watched the Animated cartoon. So I kinda embellished a little. Glad you like it.
Fanfics:Cave In with HK + Shattered Glass
hellkitty wrote:Ah yes. The Ladies Thread: warning: males entering the dreaded and estrogen-drenched domains of the Ladies Thread shall be subjected to slash references, randomness, hugz and apparently, now, sexual harassment.

Burn wrote:
Name_Violation wrote:if you keep writing slash you'll get hairy palms and go blind :P

The man is wise.
Of course wisdom often comes from experience. :WHISTLE:
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Re: TF Movie fiction - The Secret Within Chapter 15... meh...

Postby moneycon » Sat Sep 19, 2009 9:38 pm

I'm up to date and I can't praise your work enough...I'll give you a pass on the ISS/blastoff chapter...half kidding of course....but, I think you feel something is missing there as well. In all seriousness I can't wait to read the next chapter. You are amazing. You are talented. you should be promoting yourself to no end. You should send your work to anyone and everyone affiliated with transformers....promote it to the other forums..set up a website..get their praise...the word will spread..and go from there. It is that good. Your attention to detail...b.a. barrackas reference...impressive.....Minute details...all around awesome. don't force it...write it when comes keep it when it's good...publish it as soon as possible!!!!
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Re: TF Movie fiction - The Secret Within Chapter 15... meh...

Postby Carriemus Prime » Sun Sep 20, 2009 4:31 am

Motto: "I want to be remembered when I'm dead. I want books written about me. I want songs sung about me. And then hundreds of years from now I want episodes of my life to be played out weekly at half past nine by some great heroic actor of the age."
Weapon: Twin Sonic Cannons
Thanks again Moneycon it's nice to hear :)
Fanfics:Cave In with HK + Shattered Glass
hellkitty wrote:Ah yes. The Ladies Thread: warning: males entering the dreaded and estrogen-drenched domains of the Ladies Thread shall be subjected to slash references, randomness, hugz and apparently, now, sexual harassment.

Burn wrote:
Name_Violation wrote:if you keep writing slash you'll get hairy palms and go blind :P

The man is wise.
Of course wisdom often comes from experience. :WHISTLE:
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Carriemus Prime
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Re: TF Movie fiction - The Secret Within Chapter 15... meh...

Postby ToysInTheAttic » Sun Sep 20, 2009 11:19 am

Carriemus Prime wrote:Thanks for the comment Toys... I actually 'borrowed' Prowl's personality from the TF Animated series... I wasn't too familiar with him in the G1 series and he's not in the films... but I liked his character when I watched the Animated cartoon. So I kinda embellished a little. Glad you like it.

I LOVE animated Prowl. Now I need to go back read your chapters with him again.
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Chapter 16

Postby Carriemus Prime » Sun Sep 27, 2009 3:24 pm

Motto: "I want to be remembered when I'm dead. I want books written about me. I want songs sung about me. And then hundreds of years from now I want episodes of my life to be played out weekly at half past nine by some great heroic actor of the age."
Weapon: Twin Sonic Cannons
Chapter 16

Optimus’s frown deepened as they approached the human space station. Part of one of the smaller modules had been torn away from the main body of the station and was hanging on by a mere collection of cables and twisted sheet metal. He spied his Autobots making repairs with the humans, they hadn’t spotted them yet, he glanced at Ratchet unable to hide the look of relief on his face, the damage could have been much worse. They had both dreaded returning to a scene of carnage and destruction. Ratchet returned the look with a slight smirk. He proceeded to open a channel to the others.

“Sideswipe, Bumblebee, I thought my orders were to guard the station not use it for target practise.” Optimus smiled as he saw the two bots look up; he heard Bumblebee’s radio blaring out ‘eye of the tiger’ as he did a little jig in glee at the sound of Prime’s voice. Optimus was amused by the yellow Autobot as he was then clearly chastised by the small human perched on his shoulder and with a small wave returned to welding the sheet metal onto the station’s exterior. Sideswipe had been accosted by Sunstreaker in a bear hug and was trying to push his brother off him before he could respond to Prime. Ratchet spotted Chromia and Flareup working on the other side of the station. They smiled and nodded in their direction, Chromia was the first one to respond.

“It’s good to have you back Sir, is Arcee there is she ok?”
Ratchet shot Optimus a regretful glance, before answering. “Chromia, we’re sorry but...”

“She’s not off line! What’s happened?” Her voice had risen in panic; the other Autobots had stopped what they were doing at the news.
“She’s been taken prisoner by Starscream; I’m sorry Chromia, Flareup. I was unable to prevent it.” Optimus answered her pleas. They both winced at the sound of her wail, Flareup was immediately beside her, placing a caring hand upon her back plates as Chromia buried her helm in her hands, she shrugged her sister off.

“How could you let this happen?!” Flareup cried out in anguish, Optimus opened his mouth to respond but could not find the words. Ratchet knew he was blaming himself, “We were outnumbered and were almost off-lined ourselves. Prime is not to blame, we were ambushed. We will find her and bring her back.”

“How can you even know where she is?”

“We will find her, I promise you.” Optimus spoke softly, unable to keep the regret from his tone. Chromia turned towards her sister who held her gently.

“At least there’s hope Optimus.” Ratchet spoke out of earshot of the comm. system.
“I am finding it hard to see any at the moment.”

Ratchet glanced at him, “Chromia and Flareup are linked to their sister, and Chromia said she wasn’t off line that means she’s still alive. We have hope Optimus, it’s something at least.” Optimus placed a grateful hand on the medic’s shoulder. “Indeed it is. Thank you for reminding me Ratchet.” Turning back to the viewer Optimus regained his commanding composure and ordered a status update from Sideswipe. Sideswipe filled him in completely and finished on an ominous note.
“Prime, we haven’t heard from Trailblazer yet, he was sent to retrieve Sam. They were attacked in your absence, Sam was injured we don’t know how severely and there’s one other thing...”

“Out with it!” Ratchet snapped, Optimus frowned at him.
“Mikaela informed Prowl before she was cut off that Sam has been having visions again, she says they’re killing him.”

Ratchet shot Optimus a concerned look.
“Understood. I need to contact Prowl; maybe they’ve learned more about what Megatron is planning than we have.”

“Understood Prime.” Sideswipe gave out the instructions to the others who responded accordingly. Optimus couldn’t help but feel the pride swell within him as he watched his people set to work. Ratchet turned to him. “Do you think it’s the Matrix?” Optimus shook his head. “I don’t know Ratchet, but considering the effect the visions have on me I am loathed to think of the damage they’re doing to Sam.” Optimus felt helpless, Arcee was missing, Sam’s life was once again in danger and Megatron was planning something, something big and he needed to find out what and soon. Ratchet placed a hand on his shoulder. “I’ve opened a comm. to Earth, Prowl is very anxious to speak with you.”


Prowl felt relief wash over him as he heard Prime’s voice cut in over the internal comms. It was on all frequencies so the ones on the surface could be addressed at once.

“I am pleased to hear you have returned unscathed Optimus. Ironhide has been worried.” Prowl smirked faintly but noticeable to Ironhide who scowled at him but did not argue the point.

“It’s relieving to hear that the immediate threat has been dealt with Prowl, good work. Status update.”

“The human government do not wish to inform the general public or the media of the threat they now potentially face. Trailblazer is off base to retrieve Sam. He is reported to be severely injured and he has been having visions.”

“Do you have any details regarding the visions?”
“We don’t know for sure yet, they have been out of communication for a few hours.”

“What have you learned regarding Megatron’s plans?”

“We believe he is artificially controlling the Asteroids. Scientists here have detected an increasing energy signature using their long range telescopes used for galactic mapping. I believe he is attempting to create a Singularity Device which he can use to effectively sling shot the Asteroids towards Earth also bringing the weapon here.”
There was silence at the other end of the comm. “Optimus?”

“I hear you Prowl. Do we know where he’s getting the energy to power such a device?”

“Unknown, for it to be converted into a weapon he would need pure energon, that is now only present in our sparks or...”

“The Matrix.” Prime finished Prowl’s sentence, his tone was sombre.
“I’m afraid so. If you are still in possession of it, then I fear he will send the asteroids to earth and attempt to take it by force.” Prowl hesitated unconsciously glancing towards the sky. “Optimus we won’t be able to stop an asteroid bombardment. The Ark’s weapons will only be able to stop one or two at the very most.”

“Yes I am aware of this. Suggestions?”

Ironhide interrupted his deep voice filled with determination with his usual undertone of aggression.
“Take the fight to him. Before he has chance to power up his machine and attacks us.”

“Ironhide we don’t know where he is located.” Prowl interjected.
“You find that energy signature; you’ll find Megatron he won’t stray far from his creation.”

“Ironhide has a valid point Prowl. Find out the coordinates of that energy signature, I will take the Ark and stop him at the source.”

“Optimus it’s too risky you...”
“Those are my orders Prowl; please report to the Ark when you have the coordinates.”

“Prowl! I have an incoming urgent signal from Trailblazer.” Jolt came running out of the hanger. Prowl stared at him. “Put it through all comm.”

“Prowl, this is Trailblazer can you read me! Please come in.” The young Autobot’s panicked voice came through the comm.
“We’re here, Prime can hear you, go ahead.”
“Prime! He’s returned? Thank Primus, I have a problem here that I think only he can deal with.”

“Trailblazer, is it Sam are they ok?” Optimus was worried, from what he knew of the red Autobot it was rare to see him rattled.

“Sam is unconscious. The others are fine, irritating but fine. I have someone with me; he has been following me for some miles. He’s badly damaged.”
“Who is it Trailblazer?”
“It’s… It’s Starscream…”

The Autobots stared at each other dumbfounded. Ironhide was the first to speak.
“Wait there Trailblazer, don’t bring him back to base. We’ll come to you.”

“Indeed, has he injured you Trailblazer? What does he want?” Optimus asked quietly.

“No he didn’t attack me… he … he wants a truce…”
“What?!” All the Autobots exclaimed at once. The NEST base suddenly became a flurry of activity as Lennox who was listening in on the conversation rounded up his men and prepared a team to locate Trailblazer.

Optimus sighed, this certainly complicated things. Ratchet leaned, “He could genuinely want a truce, if Megatron is the reason he’s badly damaged. He wasn’t that damaged last we saw of him.”
Optimus nodded slowly. “This could also be a trap, a way to get close to us and an attempt to get the Matrix. We must deal with him with extreme caution. Ironhide’s right we can’t risk revealing the base. We will have to go to him.”


“We’re going to have to land the Ark. Just temporarily. We are the only ones who can reach Trailblazer in a short time frame. I don’t want to leave them with Starscream for too long if at all possible.”
“You might not get temporarily as an option. The Ark is damaged, if we don’t do this right we won’t be taking off again. Not to mention how the human government is going to feel about this.”

Optimus re-opened the comm. “Prowl I need to speak with Major Lennox is he there?”

“I’m here Optimus what d’you need?”
“We are the only ones who can reach Trailblazer the fastest. We need to land the Ark. Can we do this without breaking knowledge of existence to the general public?”

“We’re going to have to pull some strings. This is a pretty big deal Optimus. Road blocks will help. We’ll get Trailblazer’s exact locations and we’ll get on it. Hang fire until I give you the all clear.”

“Understood. Thank you Major.”

“Ha! Don’t thank me yet. Thank me when I pull this miracle off.”
Fanfics:Cave In with HK + Shattered Glass
hellkitty wrote:Ah yes. The Ladies Thread: warning: males entering the dreaded and estrogen-drenched domains of the Ladies Thread shall be subjected to slash references, randomness, hugz and apparently, now, sexual harassment.

Burn wrote:
Name_Violation wrote:if you keep writing slash you'll get hairy palms and go blind :P

The man is wise.
Of course wisdom often comes from experience. :WHISTLE:
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Re: TF Movie fiction - The Secret Within Chapter 16

Postby moneycon » Thu Oct 01, 2009 7:02 pm

That chapter was too short for me.... :sad: I'll be waiting...
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Re: TF Movie fiction - The Secret Within Chapter 16

Postby cybercat » Thu Oct 01, 2009 8:39 pm

moneycon wrote: I'll be waiting...

Hope the next chapter's long enough CP....for your sake! (cue ominous music) :P

HK, Giddy/dippy. Please excuse.
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Chapter 17

Postby Carriemus Prime » Sat Oct 03, 2009 6:36 pm

Motto: "I want to be remembered when I'm dead. I want books written about me. I want songs sung about me. And then hundreds of years from now I want episodes of my life to be played out weekly at half past nine by some great heroic actor of the age."
Weapon: Twin Sonic Cannons
Ok sorry to say... the chapters will be shorter by comparison to the earlier ones. I have struggled getting the next 4 chapters done as the plot is starting to tie together and so I wanted what I wrote to be worthy of posting rather than just plot glued together with drivel. Here goes nothing...Not long left now!

On a side note I hope that I have done justice to Starscream's character I didn't want to follow typical lines of plot that he's a coward etc... So let me know over the coming chapters if you like him or not...

Trailblazer still stood rooted to the spot as Prowl relayed Prime’s message.

“We need your exact coordinates. Prime is coming to you. Stay where you are. Try and keep out of sight from the general populace.”
“Transmitting coordinates now. How is Prime getting here? I thought he was in orbit.”

“He’s bringing the Ark. Prowl out.”

Trailblazer felt a cold dread run through him. Prime was coming to him. He had barely spoken two words to his leader in person the whole time he’d been on Earth. He’d always been too busy with the humans and their ridiculous politics. He didn’t know which was worse facing Starscream or Prime. They both made him uncomfortable for different reasons, but Starscream was right, he had saved his life in a sense when he was a mere sparkling. He didn’t kill him when he had a clear shot, now Trailblazer was unsure whether it was an actual act of compassion from the seeker or one of disdain. This was going to be awkward. Pulling himself together, he lifted Starscream’s shoulders and dragged him from the highway. He was much larger than himself and he almost stumbled down the ravine with his efforts. Noticing the small human behind him just in time, he halted his progress satisfied they were now out of sight from prying eyes. Simmons simply stared open mouthed at the sight before him.

“I could have stood on you, you should announce yourself.”
“Is that who I think it is?”
Trailblazer turned back to the limp Decepticon. He sat heavily on the ground. “Yes.”
“Kill him! Before he recovers. He’ll kill us, if he knows we’re here!”
“I will not kill him and he already knows of your presence.”
“You won’t?! Fine then I will.”

Simmons stomped forward toward Starscream’s head. Trailblazer angled himself between the determined human and the incapacitated mech. “You will do no such thing. He is under my protection until Prime arrives. Do I make myself clear Seymour Simmons?”

“You can’t do this!”

“I can and I will.” He raised his weapon, in emphasis of his words. Simmons scowled at him angrily.

“Since when did we protect the enemy? Or are you a turn coat Autobot!”
“How dare you accuse me!” Trailblazer pointed his weapon at Simmons who immediately recoiled and ducked from him his arms raised.
“Whoa alright, he’s all yours. You want our blood on your hands fine by me. Who am I to argue?”
“Nobody now return to the others.”
“Prime’s going to hear about this.” Simmons threatened as he shifted away from the riled Autobot.

Trailblazer slumped where he sat. The humans wore him down. Sighing he glanced at the jet whose now pale red optics, watched him curiously. He did a double take and shuffled away from the Decepticon who struggled to sit himself up. His chassis was covered in coolant, oil and now energon; he was in a bad way. Trailblazer relaxed a little in the realisation that even if he wanted to Starscream could barely stand never mind fight.

“Prime is on his way. You can discuss your terms with him.”
“I will speak to you now. Let Prime decide what he wants.”
Trailblazer shot him a confused look. “Why me?”

“You owe me your life, so in a way, your life belongs to me. I need your help and I have a plan to stop Megatron once and for all. If Prime hears it from you, there is more chance he will listen and not think it is a trap. From me, well let us just say right now, he will not consider me his best friend. In fact I will be surprised if he does not off-line me on sight after I blew up his ship with him on board.”

“You did what?!”
“He survived did he not?!” Starscream snarled impatiently. “We all do what we must in war. I had a job to do and if this is how Megatron reacts when I actually do it well, just imagine what he would do to me if I hadn’t.”
Trailblazer’s optics widened at the thought as he glanced at Starscream’s injuries. “Megatron did all that to you?”
Starscream grunted half heartedly and shrugged.

“But… why? You’re on the same side.”
Starscream chuckled darkly. “Nobody is on the same side as Megatron; he is on a completely separate level to the rest of us.” Trailblazer could only stare in shocked silence. Starscream rolled his optics.
“This is why I must speak with you. I have a plan that will take Megatron out of the equation for good.”
Trailblazer didn’t respond as he processed Starscream’s words.
“Will you help me youngling?”

Trailblazer’s expression changed in such a way that Starscream couldn’t tell what he was thinking, clearly there was an inner battle taking place within this young Autobot, his allegiances had never been predefined as one of the youngest mechs he had not been tainted by the war that had haunted the rest of them. He was a clean spark, waiting to be moulded. Starscream relished this thought. Trailblazer’s piercing blue optics met his.

“What do you need me to do?”
Starscream curled his mouth in a satisfied sneer. He would show Megatron once and for all.


Trailblazer and Starscream watched as more humans began to arrive at the scene. The highway was cordoned off from prying eyes of civilians. They both looked up as the deep rumbling of the Ark’s engines vibrated through the ground. They had no choice but to land the ship on the highway. It dwarfed the road filling all lanes. It clanged unsteadily onto the concrete, still struggling against the damage it had received. It hissed to a stand still, the human soldiers flanked its sides weapons raised at the currently defenceless Starscream.
Optimus and Ratchet exited the ship. Lennox greeted them sombrely. “We found Sam, down there. He doesn’t look so good Optimus.” Optimus nodded to Ratchet who followed the Major down the slight slope. Optimus made his way steadily to the waiting ‘bots.

“Starscream.” His tone was low, apprehensive.
“Trailblazer report.” Optimus took the young Autobot to one side. “What does he want?”
Trailblazer shrugged at a loss. “He wants a truce. Says he has a plan to stop Megatron.”

“I’m sure he does.” Optimus mused sceptically. Trailblazer frowned. “I believe him.” His voice was quiet, meek, not wishing to upset the one who took him in. It was Optimus’s turn to frown. “What hold does he have over you Trailblazer?”
“He has no hold. He… he spared my life once… back when I was sent away from Cybertron.”

Optimus tilted his head questioningly. Trailblazer was distinctly uncomfortable. “I was on a sparkling ship. Escaping from the war.”
Optimus didn’t respond immediately, Trailblazer studied his leader’s face carefully.

“Has he told you his plan?” Trailblazer nodded. “He didn’t think you’d listen to it if it came from him, considering what he did to you on Mars.”
“Indeed.” Optimus shot a quick glance at the patiently waiting, leaking seeker.

Trailblazer hesitated; surprised that Optimus was even willing to hear out Starscream’s plan.
“He said there is a way to destroy the device that Megatron has built. Using the Matrix. For it to work the matrix needs to be plugged into the machine to provide enough power and two people are needed to be able to cause feedback into the machine. It would cause an implosion obliterating both the machine and the matrix.” Trailblazer finished expectantly. Optimus was quiet.

“Sir…” Trailblazer sucked up his courage. “I think it’s a good plan. I will volunteer myself to carry it out.”
Optimus allowed himself a rueful smile, he looked at the small, eager ‘bot and placed a hand on his shoulder.
“You shouldn’t be so eager to get yourself killed Trailblazer.” He stated.
“I can do it!”

“I have no doubt of that; however, you are too valuable to risk on such a mission. I am almost certain that the plan is a trap of Starscream’s and Megatron’s. Do not underestimate him.”

Trailblazer drew himself up defiantly. “I am not a sparkling Sir. I can do this. I am not much value being a chaperone to human children. I have earned the fraggin’ right to fight in this war.”

Optimus raised his sub orbital plating above his optic in surprise at the tone the young ‘bot was taking.
“Mind your tongue Trailblazer.” Trailblazer clamped his mouth shut and glared at Optimus defensively.

Optimus sighed and rubbed the plating of his nose. “I need to speak with Starscream. Please go to the Ark and wait there.”

“No, you can’t just dismiss me!”

Ratchet who came over the ridge carrying a limp Sam in his palm, spoke up. “You will watch your tone when speaking to your Prime youngling.” His tone was commanding, steady. Trailblazer didn’t dare argue. Optimus was watching him sadly. “I am not dismissing you Trailblazer; I merely wish to consider other possibilities. Please understand we have been at this war for a long time. We know what we’re doing.”
“If you knew what you were doing the war would be over and I wouldn’t be babysitting!” He retorted petulantly.

“Soldier cease and desist!” Ratchet growled threateningly. Trailblazer looked panicked. Optimus was slightly irritated at the youngling’s accusation. “Go and wait in the Ark with Ratchet.”


“Now!” Optimus snapped. “We will continue this discussion. You can be assured of that.” Trailblazer allowed himself to be pulled away by Ratchet’s firm grip on his arm. Optimus turned towards Starscream whose face beheld the slightest of smirks.
Fanfics:Cave In with HK + Shattered Glass
hellkitty wrote:Ah yes. The Ladies Thread: warning: males entering the dreaded and estrogen-drenched domains of the Ladies Thread shall be subjected to slash references, randomness, hugz and apparently, now, sexual harassment.

Burn wrote:
Name_Violation wrote:if you keep writing slash you'll get hairy palms and go blind :P

The man is wise.
Of course wisdom often comes from experience. :WHISTLE:
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Re: TF Movie fiction - The Secret Within Chapter 17

Postby moneycon » Sat Oct 03, 2009 8:19 pm

oh're killing me CP....I'm loving per usual. I think you're playing starscream well....the usually backstabbing, selfserving, opportunistic bastard he always is!! :) Can't wait for the next chapter and even though the chapters are smaller, I think it works...has a sort of Dan Brownesqueness to it. small chapters, easy to read, great flow, and end on a cliff hanger....great job.
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Chapter 18

Postby Carriemus Prime » Fri Oct 09, 2009 4:14 am

Motto: "I want to be remembered when I'm dead. I want books written about me. I want songs sung about me. And then hundreds of years from now I want episodes of my life to be played out weekly at half past nine by some great heroic actor of the age."
Weapon: Twin Sonic Cannons
This is a short chapter this week!... :)

“What are you planning Starscream?”
“I would have thought that the youngling has already told you that.”
Starscream sniggered. “Why? Just look at me Prime, do you think I would do this to myself?”
“Wouldn’t put it past you.”
“Oh that is just cold.”
“You were expecting something else?”
“I thought all you Autobots were cuddly with everyone.”

Optimus growled softly at this. “I will ask you again, what is it you really want?”

Starscream rolled his optics and fidgeted gingerly. “In all honesty Prime, I would happily see you offlined, you and Megatron both. As it stands I will settle for Megatron. To do that I need your Matrix, it is the only thing that can destroy the machine.”

“Why should I believe you? From what Trailblazer tells me, the Matrix will also power the machine. Tell me why I should trust you, why do you care if this machine works, it only threatens this planet.”

“Are you so foolish Prime?” Starscream grimaced as Optimus took a threatening step toward him. “The Decepticons cannot afford to have the planet destroyed. We need its resources just like you and your merry Autobots. Megatron does not want to destroy it; he merely wishes to conquer it. I personally was not fond of his rule on Cybertron; I will enjoy it even less on this mud ball of a planet. With the weapon activated Megatron will be unstoppable and...” He paused, his red optics glaring at Optimus.

“I know where your femme is.” Starscream finished threateningly. Optimus paused at this revelation. “She better be unharmed Starscream.”
Starscream laughed coldly. “If she is harmed Prime it was not down to me.”

“She still functions then?” Optimus asked quietly. Starscream eyed him carefully. “Yes. She is useful.”
“Useful for what?”

Starscream now looked uncomfortable. Optimus glowered and approached him. “Useful for what Starscream?”

“She is a living battery.” Optimus’s optics widened in shock. Starscream glared at him. “Her spark is being used to power the device in order to send the Asteroids here and also the device itself, her spark is small it will only be enough to send the Asteroids, she will not have enough energy left to power the weapon itself, he needs more power for that. If Megatron succeeds in getting that monstrosity here then nothing else will matter.” Optimus was taken aback by the revelation. To use someone as a battery was one of the most despicable things he’d ever known Megatron to do.

“While you mull over your morality Prime. Time is short.” Optimus shot him a threatening look that actually made the jet flinch. Ratchet joined them. He watched as they sub voc’d each other. Optimus looked weary, Starscream noted. He spotted the young red Autobot hovering near to the ship’s entrance watching them carefully.
Ratchet came over to Starscream. He tried to pull away instantly on edge, nervous.

“If you keep struggling I can’t repair you.” Ratchet stated mildly. Starscream froze, remaining very tense. Keeping his optics on Optimus the whole time as Ratchet went to work on his battered body.
“Do we have a truce?” He inquired once Ratchet backed away a little. Optimus looked at him hard for a few seconds.


“You are a fool Prime; you would rather condemn this planet than have a truce with a Decepticon.”

Optimus marched over to him and they stood face to face glaring. “I have no intention of endangering this planet. I am also not foolish enough to think you aren’t trying to trap us and take the Matrix in order to get your machine to work.”

“Fine. I will leave you to your destruction.”

“You will remain here, until we have carried out your plan ourselves.” Starscream’s capacitor crept up a few cycles. He was impressed by the Autobot’s boldness. “What makes you think you can find him without me?” He was smug. Optimus turned back to him with a faint smile. “We already have his location. You will stay here, I can’t let you warn him now can I?”

“You won’t be able to destroy the device without me! Must I do everything myself? I will lead Prime, you will follow!” He growled and began to transform, Ratchet lunged at him but to his astonishment Trailblazer got in his way. “Slag it youngling!” Ratchet swore as Starscream had jumped a few paces back mid transformation. Trailblazer was pointing his weapon at both Prime and Ratchet.

“I could shoot both of you; off line you both before you even raise your weapons.”

“That’s true I’ve seen him in action.” Lennox interjected concern creeping through his voice.

“I can’t let him leave Trailblazer; he is not to be trusted. Put your weapon down.” Optimus was firm, anxious.

“No. If you come closer I will start shooting humans.” Optimus froze. “Do not harm the humans Trailblazer.” His voice was hard, stern. Trailblazer huffed and outstretched his hand. “Give me the Matrix.”

“You know I can’t do that Trailblazer.” Optimus answered his demeanour calm. “Give it to me!”

“Trailblazer you go down this path there is no going back.”
Trailblazer laughed haughtily. “I am doing what you can’t. You’re too blinded by your prejudice that you can’t even see a solution when it’s presented to you! I will save this cursed planet and I will do it for all of the Autobots. I will do what you cannot.” He growled fiercely, never once did his weapon waver. Starscream approached him from behind and placed his talons on the smaller ‘bots shoulders. “It is alright youngling.”

“Don’t call me that.”

“Prime isn’t going to have any choice but to follow us and give us the Matrix. Megatron has his femme and he wants the device destroyed.” Starscream grinned at Prime smugly from over Trailblazer’s shoulder.

“You can either come willingly or I force you to follow me.” Starscream finished mildly. Optimus was glaring at him angrily now, he merely smirked and leaned in to Trailblazer.

“Shoot him.”

Trailblazer stared at him. “Why? We can leave.”
Starscream leaned in to the Autobot “Prove yourself.” He whispered. Trailblazer nodded. He lifted his weapon and fired. Optimus cried out as Ratchet slumped to the ground with a grunt. He caught him as his dead weight took them both to the ground.

“I am guessing you would rather be forced Prime.” Starscream’s mouth plates curled maliciously. “You only need to follow the bread crumbs. I will leave the door open for you!” Starscream shouted back as he transformed and lifted the much smaller ‘bot with his talons. Trailblazer yelped with surprise as he sped off into the night sky.
Ratchet groaned, Optimus looked down, shock apparent on his face. “Ratchet... I’m sorry.”

Ratchet coughed, energon seeped from his chest. Too close to his spark. “Optimus… next time you ask me to fix a ‘con… I’m going to put you in stasis lock…” He spluttered painfully as he tried to laugh.
Fanfics:Cave In with HK + Shattered Glass
hellkitty wrote:Ah yes. The Ladies Thread: warning: males entering the dreaded and estrogen-drenched domains of the Ladies Thread shall be subjected to slash references, randomness, hugz and apparently, now, sexual harassment.

Burn wrote:
Name_Violation wrote:if you keep writing slash you'll get hairy palms and go blind :P

The man is wise.
Of course wisdom often comes from experience. :WHISTLE:
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Re: TF Movie fiction - The Secret Within Chapter 18 Hot off the Press!

Postby Carriemus Prime » Thu Oct 15, 2009 5:02 pm

Motto: "I want to be remembered when I'm dead. I want books written about me. I want songs sung about me. And then hundreds of years from now I want episodes of my life to be played out weekly at half past nine by some great heroic actor of the age."
Weapon: Twin Sonic Cannons
Ok now this is a short one and I was bored... bah!

“The machine is almost at full capacity Lord Megatron.” Soundwave’s voice reverberated around the cavern of the asteroid. Arcee groaned softly, weakly as her spark pulsed faintly, almost completely drained of energon. Soundwave had placed a sensor block on her systems to silence her screams but keep her conscious, he found himself having to force his will to remain as dispassionate as possible.

“Excellent Soundwave, we can wait no longer, your plant better succeed once we are within range of the planet.”

“He will succeed Lord Megatron, the implant cannot fail.”
“I hope for your sake you are right Soundwave.” Megatron drawled. “Prepare the machine for activation.”

“Yes Lord Megatron.” Soundwave was curt to the point, he did not like having his abilities questioned. The plant would succeed; he had embedded the commands too deeply for them to be disobeyed.


Prowl greeted the ark with concern as it arrived at the NEST base. The human medical team waited patiently at his feet to take the injured Sam Witwicky. Ironhide joined his side, “This is a fraggin’ mess.” He growled impatiently as the Ark touched down awkwardly. Prowl didn’t respond, he couldn’t help but agree with Ironhide’s statement.

Optimus exited the ship, supporting a severely injured Ratchet. Simmons exited behind him carrying a limp Sam in his arms. The medical team moved swiftly, the humans were bustled into the base. Ironhide took Ratchet’s other side. “Getting yourself shot as our only medic Ratchet is a really bad idea.” He joked, the concern still present in his gruff voice. Ratchet huffed painfully. “Get Jolt, I am going to need him.” Ironhide buzzed Jolt’s comm. as he guided Ratchet towards the med bay. Optimus greeted Prowl, who was more than a little relieved to see him.

“What are your plans Sir?”

Optimus was frowning. “I need the coordinates of those energy signatures.” Prowl was wary, having had experience with Optimus’s tendency towards self sacrifice. “What are your intentions Optimus?” He insisted softly.

“Prowl I know what you’re going to say, but we really don’t have time for it. I have to follow Starscream and find Megatron’s machine. I have to stop it before he reaches Earth, only the Matrix can do that, so I need those coordinates.” His tone was firm, Prowl could see he was not going to be talked out of his plans. He nodded and transmitted the coordinates via the comm. Optimus acknowledged and placed a hand on Prowl’s shoulder. “I trust the Autobots to your capable hands Prowl.”

“No Sir.”
“Excuse me?”
“I’m coming with you Sir.”
“I don’t think s...”

“Optimus!... You’re going to need someone on the Ark while you go saving the planet. I am not asking your permission, I am your only Tactician. I am the most logical choice, as you are undoubtedly heading into a trap. I am coming with you Sir.” Optimus stood open mouthed at the near insubordination. Prowl merely nodded and began heading towards the waiting ship. “You can break the news to Ironhide... Sir” Prowl smirked slightly as he continued on his way. Optimus frowned at the stubborn nature of his SIC. He headed to the med bay.

“How is he doing Jolt?”
“I am doing just fine.” Ratchet grumbled from the berth as Jolt shot Optimus a weary look. “Good to hear it Ratchet, I want you back at work.”

“And here I was thinking I could go on vacation... oww! Watch where you poke that thing!” He growled to a frustrated and nervous Jolt. Optimus beckoned to Ironhide. “Ironhide I am leaving you in command of the base until I return.”

“What?” Ironhide shouted loudly, silencing the two bickering mechs. “Just where the frag are you running off to this time?”
Optimus was bemused. “I have to find Megatron’s machine only the Matrix can stop it.”

“You’re going to get yourself killed... again!... I can’t allow it, send me or Prowl.”

“Prowl has already committed mutiny and is waiting on the Ark.”
“It’s too dangerous Optimus, I mean of all the slaggin’ stupid glitching ideas you’ve had in...”


“Sorry Sir... It’s just a suicide mission, Starscream is setting you up. You need us...”

“Ironhide I need you here.” Optimus interrupted softly. “He has Arcee and Trailblazer, I can’t let Megatron succeed.”
“Trailblazer is a traitor.”
“He’s still an Autobot Ironhide.” Optimus rebuked him gently. “He’s young, he’ll learn.”

“He’d better.” Growled the weapons master. “I fully intend on returning Ironhide, keep the humans calm. We’re doing everything we can to stop Megatron.”

“I am the wrong mech for this job.” Ironhide muttered. “You got that right!” Ratchet growled from across the room. He forced himself up and walked painfully over to the others much to Jolt’s protests.

“And you! You better come back.” He pointed a commanding finger at Optimus. “After all the fraggin’ effort I went to fix you, if you don’t return in an hour I am going to come up there and drag your sorry aft back myself.”

Optimus smiled sadly at his friends’ concern. “Ratchet if I don’t succeed within the hour, there will be nothing to come back to.” He patted Ironhide’s shoulder and left the room without further discussion.

The silence was broken by Jolt’s attempt at control. “Ratchet if you don’t come back and lay down, I am going to put a sensor block on you so you can’t move and I will work on you where you land.”
Both Ratchet and Ironhide turned to glare at the younger ‘bot who visibly flinched as he fell under the scrutiny of the two worst tempered Autobots on the base.
Fanfics:Cave In with HK + Shattered Glass
hellkitty wrote:Ah yes. The Ladies Thread: warning: males entering the dreaded and estrogen-drenched domains of the Ladies Thread shall be subjected to slash references, randomness, hugz and apparently, now, sexual harassment.

Burn wrote:
Name_Violation wrote:if you keep writing slash you'll get hairy palms and go blind :P

The man is wise.
Of course wisdom often comes from experience. :WHISTLE:
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Re: TF Movie fiction - The Secret Within Chapter 19

Postby Dorca » Thu Oct 22, 2009 3:06 pm

You win at life.
I generally avoid fanfic, as a rule-- too many things that can go wrong. But nothing is going wrong here. Everyone is acting exactly like they're supposed to. Everything makes sense. It was good, and around chapter 12, it got really good.
Oh, and I love Starscream, by the way. I mean, I love him anyway, but I love your take on him.

Please continue. :D
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Re: TF Movie fiction - The Secret Within Chapter 19

Postby Carriemus Prime » Thu Oct 22, 2009 5:13 pm

Motto: "I want to be remembered when I'm dead. I want books written about me. I want songs sung about me. And then hundreds of years from now I want episodes of my life to be played out weekly at half past nine by some great heroic actor of the age."
Weapon: Twin Sonic Cannons
Glad you like it Dorca...

Not too many chapters left now!

I recommend reading HK's fanfics if you love Starscream and Barricade :) she writes them brilliantly.

If you like them and this, then you'll love Cave In (hopefully)... have I enticed you enough yet? :P
Fanfics:Cave In with HK + Shattered Glass
hellkitty wrote:Ah yes. The Ladies Thread: warning: males entering the dreaded and estrogen-drenched domains of the Ladies Thread shall be subjected to slash references, randomness, hugz and apparently, now, sexual harassment.

Burn wrote:
Name_Violation wrote:if you keep writing slash you'll get hairy palms and go blind :P

The man is wise.
Of course wisdom often comes from experience. :WHISTLE:
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Re: TF Movie fiction - The Secret Within Chapter 19

Postby Carriemus Prime » Thu Oct 22, 2009 5:24 pm

Motto: "I want to be remembered when I'm dead. I want books written about me. I want songs sung about me. And then hundreds of years from now I want episodes of my life to be played out weekly at half past nine by some great heroic actor of the age."
Weapon: Twin Sonic Cannons
Next Chapter for you guys who are reading. I hope you like it.

Chapter 20
Sergeant Epps stood next to Ironhide as the Ark lifted off from the base. Lennox walked up to them.
“He’s doing it again isn’t he?” Ironhide merely responded with a low growl. Epps glanced at Lennox. “Sore subject.” Lennox nodded. “Got it.”

“How’s Sam?”

Lennox looked grim. “He’s out of the woods, but the Doc says the visions are playing hell with his brain, they’ve had to keep him under sedation to stop him from hurting himself.”

“Yeah I heard he was going bat **** crazy earlier.” Epps muttered. Ironhide was now paying attention to the two soldiers as the Ark disappeared into the clouds.

“Has Sam said anything about his visions?” He asked. Lennox shook his head. “He just keeps screaming they’re coming, they’re coming. We can’t get much else out of him after that as he ends up going into convulsions.”

“They’re coming?” Epps stared at Lennox. “That does not sound good for the success of Optimus’s mission.” The ground rumbled beneath their feet as Ironhide emitted a low growl. He glared at them before glancing back up to the sky.

“He will succeed.” He stated simply, firmly leaving no room for argument.
Trailblazer held on for dear life as he was hauled through the Atmosphere at break neck speed. Starscream banked sharply as they entered the coldness of space. He accelerated swiftly towards the moon, falling behind its shadow to avoid detection from the Autobots at the station.

“Where are we going?” He shouted up. Starscream sounded tinny, strange in space as the jet replied absently.
“To the Nemesis. Time is short.”

They travelled the rest of the way in silence; Trailblazer’s internal capacitor was cycling rapidly as his apprehension grew. They touched down lightly onto a rocky surface. Standing Trailblazer frowned.
“This isn’t the Nemesis.” He glanced at Starscream who seemed uncomfortable. “What is it Starscream?”

“We are being watched.” He spoke, his tone hushed. Trailblazer’s optics darted around him focusing on the entrance to the cave embedded within the asteroid.
“There’s no one here.” He hissed nervously.
“He knows we are here.”
“Who does?!” Trailblazer was becoming increasingly more frustrated.

“I do.”

He spun round turning to face the impassive Soundwave that had approached them silently. Trailblazer trembled slightly, there was something not quite right about this mech. Soundwave barely glanced at the fearful Autobot and rested his gaze on the now confused and angry Starscream.

“Welcome back Starscream.” His monotonous tone sent shivers running through Trailblazer’s frame. Starscream was seething.
“How did you...?” The jet’s optics widened in horror. His voice dropped to a whisper. “What have you done to me?”

Soundwave smiled darkly behind his mask, the seeker was more perceptive than Megatron gave him credit for. Still there was little time for questions. He had to act quickly. Before Starscream could register what was happening, two tendrils locked onto either side of his helm. He winced sharply, struggling against him. Soundwave twitched slightly, his optics darkened; Starscream’s whole body locked painfully then fell to the ground in a heap as the tendrils were withdrawn.

“Give me the Matrix Starscream.”
Starscream stared at him, his optics began wandering. Clutching his helm, he stood shakily, wobbling a little. Blinking he stared at Soundwave again. “What... what happened?”
“The Matrix Starscream. Your mission was to retrieve it. Give it to me.”

Starscream opened and closed his mouth before frowning. “My mission?” He slurred lazily. Blinking rapidly to focus his optics, he took a tentative step forward. “I do not have a Matrix Soundwave.” He paused, confused. “What am I doing here? Where am I?”
Soundwave tensed, this was not good. “The Matrix Starscream, you must have it.”

Starscream got angry and lashed out wildly. “How dare you accuse me of taking something...” He drifted, stepping backwards he stumbled losing his balance and fell heavily on his aft. He stared up at Soundwave. “What is a Matrix?” He asked innocently, still clutching his helm.

Soundwave growled softly. Ignoring the dazed seeker he spun towards Trailblazer. The brave youngling had his weapon drawn and was pointing it at Soundwave. Soundwave’s optics narrowed. Trailblazer grimaced as if he was in pain and gripped his weapon with both hands. Try as he might he could not pull the trigger. He whimpered as Soundwave grabbed him roughly.

“You should have run when you had the chance.”

Trailblazer still baffled and now worried as to why he couldn’t fire on the disturbing mech, struggled in his firm grip as he was half dragged, half carried into the dark cave. “I am no coward.” He snarled angrily.

“Then you will be a dead hero.” Soundwave replied, emotionless, cold. Fear gripped Trailblazer’s spark and his capacitor stalled as his optics fell on the sight of the vast silver machine that came into view before them. He heard Starscream stumbling behind them.
“Starscream! Help me! Remember what you said, we need to stop Megatron!”

The jet stared incredulously at the two mechs in front of him. His vision was still blurry; his cortex felt like it was burning through his helm. What had Soundwave done to him? Trailblazer’s words echoed through his mind. There was something he needed to do. He would never help an Autobot, how did he get here. A truce... he remembered a truce. His optics glazed over slightly as the effects of Soundwave’s mind plant left holes in his memory cache. His name screamed into his audio receptors.

“Starscream please!!” Trailblazer bellowed frantically as Soundwave forced him to lie on a flat metal slab.
“I don’t know... what has happened... why are you yelling?!” He glared at the Autobot before sinking to his knees with exertion; both hands now gripped his head he gasped in pain. “So much... noise...”
Trailblazer watched crest fallen, as Starscream collapsed face first onto the metal grill with a grating crash. Soundwave turned to the noise and audibly sighed.

‘Lord Megatron, Starscream has returned.’
‘Excellent Soundwave and the Matrix?’
‘He did not... retrieve it; he has however brought us a substitute energy source’

Megatron’s voice took on a threatening tone. ‘You know the price for failure Soundwave. This had better be sufficient or I will tear out both your sparks and use them instead. I will be there shortly.’
Soundwave glanced down at the unconscious seeker he frowned, in his underestimation of the power of the mind plant; Soundwave knew he would pay for this failure painfully.
Optimus was grim faced as the Ark shot through the atmosphere, rattling loudly. Prowl winced as part of the ship’s plating flew across their vision.
“Ratchet is not going to be happy.” He mused out loud. Optimus grunted softly in response. The Earth’s moon shot past their vision.
“How long will it take us to reach the coordinates?”
Prowl tapped the console he was seated at. “Approximately 40 minutes at present speed.”

Optimus frowned. “Too long. Prowl can you calculate how long we would need to engage the hyper drive in order to drop out of hyper speed just before those coordinates.”

Prowl stared at his leader. “Sir attempting a hyper jump within a solar system is extremely dangerous. We could re-materialise inside a planet or worse if the calculations are off by a minute fraction.”
Optimus glanced at him. “Then I suggest you get the calculations correct Prowl.” Faint amusement played at the corner of his mouth. He rested a hand on his Tactician’s shoulder seated in front of him. Prowl turned slowly, and began the calculations.

“Sir I have programmed the calculations into Teletraan 1 we need to activate the hyper drive and burn for no more than 1.37 seconds.” Prowl spoke carefully, his processors still computing the information as his fingers moved swiftly over the console.

“Where will that bring us out?”
“Well if my calculations are correct, then it should bring us out into the shadow of Jupiter. The Nemesis will be easily attainable from that position.”
“Activate hyper drive.”

“Sir, I want to add that the chances of us succeeding have dropped to 24% simply by utilising the hyper drive.” He glanced up at his commander grimly, Optimus met his optics. “Understood.”

Prowl nodded and initiated the command. The Ark thrummed into life, its outer shell vibrating at the force of the engines. The tactician glanced up, waiting for the command.

“Now Prowl.”

His finger pushed down and the screen in front of them went solidly white the engines screeched painfully as they shunted to a stop, Optimus braced himself on the console. The image was replaced with that of the gas giant. Optimus exhaled with relief. Patting Prowl on the shoulder. “Good job Prowl. Move us out of the planet’s gravity field.”

Prowl simply nodded in acknowledgement.
“Teletraan 1 display visuals of the Nemesis.”
The screen flickered; a darker image came on screen. A ship barely visible against the outcrop of rock. “Teletraan 1 can you detect Decepticon activity?”

The screen flickered again. A strange sight came into view. Optimus frowned at the three unmoving rocky bodies close to where the Nemesis was situated. “That’s odd.” He mused. Prowl scowled. “They must be holding the asteroids in place with some sort of gravity field from their ship.” He glanced at the console again. “There’s a powerful build up of energy in the centre of that middle asteroid, the largest.”

“Right Prowl I want you to remain here, keep monitoring for any changes. They must be inside the asteroid; I will go try to find Trailblazer and Arcee.”

“Optimus you know this is a trap!”Prowl exclaimed exasperated, turning and standing to face his calm leader.
Optimus gave him a thin smile. “From Starscream I would expect nothing less. How long before it reaches full power?”

“I can’t be certain without fully understanding the machine itself. From the exponential increase I would say no more than 30 earth minutes before critical mass is achieved. There is already a gravimetric distortion forming close to the third asteroid.”
“Not much time.” Optimus mumbled quietly as he turned to head from the ship, Prowl grasped his arm in an uncharacteristic display of concern. “It’s too dangerous to go alone.”

“Prowl I need you here, monitor the situation, warn Earth if those asteroids pose any kind of threat. If I don’t return in 25 minutes you are ordered to destroy the asteroids, all of them.”
“What about you?”

“Right now our concern is our friends and the planet. I need your word that you’ll follow my order Prowl.” Optimus’s tone was stern, commanding. Prowl was torn, he couldn’t argue with his leader’s logic, but to be the one who pushed the button that sent his Prime to Primus, that was not who he was, he was a tactician. He dropped his head, doubt and anxiety - alien feelings to him - washed through his circuitry.

“I can’t do that Sir...” He gulped. “Optimus...” He felt Optimus’s hands on his shoulders prompting him to look up.
“Prowl you are one of my finest officers, you know I am right. Give me your word.”
Prowl swallowed hard. “But Optimus...”

“Prowl...” Optimus spoke the faintest hint of a growl touching his words. “We don’t have much time. Your word.”

Prowl resigned himself to the decision, relaxing under his commander’s grip. “The word is given.”

He felt Optimus squeeze his shoulders slightly and then he was gone. Sighing Prowl turned his attentions back to the screen.
He stood, it was cold. He couldn’t move, opening his eyes his gaze was greeted by the sight of the terrifying metallic monstrosity looming before him. Then he saw him and shook with fear. The vile tyrant looked straight at him with blood red optics and laughed. He was frozen with abject terror. He turned away and the machine boomed covering his ears he screamed as the vibrations shattered his inner ear. He fell; his gaze fell on the familiar face, his friend, his leader. Their eyes met he reached out desperately trying to reach him. A loud humming filled the cavern he was in. He could only watch as a powerful light burst from Optimus’s chest. The powerful, noble leader trembled at the sheer force of power and his roar of agony assaulted his senses. Sam screamed as he tried to crawl his way across the rock, a weight bore down on him, painfully pinning him to the spot. His fingers stretched out, the pain, so much pain. His chest felt like it was on fire. Tears streaked down his burning cheeks. He cried out Optimus’s name, his blue optics fell onto his prone form, sadness seeped into Sam’s very soul. Then in one last burst of energy, Optimus shrieked as his chest was torn open and the machine thundered into life. Sam could only hear his own screams as once again he watched Optimus Prime fall lifeless to the floor. An agonising, blinding hot white light filled his vision and Sam knew no more.
Fanfics:Cave In with HK + Shattered Glass
hellkitty wrote:Ah yes. The Ladies Thread: warning: males entering the dreaded and estrogen-drenched domains of the Ladies Thread shall be subjected to slash references, randomness, hugz and apparently, now, sexual harassment.

Burn wrote:
Name_Violation wrote:if you keep writing slash you'll get hairy palms and go blind :P

The man is wise.
Of course wisdom often comes from experience. :WHISTLE:
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Re: TF Movie fiction - The Secret Within Chapter 20

Postby moneycon » Fri Oct 23, 2009 6:44 am

You are a wicked genius.... :APPLAUSE:
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Re: TF Movie fiction - The Secret Within Chapter 20

Postby Rae Rae Ratchett » Fri Oct 23, 2009 11:34 am

Wooooooooow!!!! I am impressed and so jealous at the same time. You have captured the characters brilliantly.

xx :grin:
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Re: TF Movie fiction - The Secret Within Chapter 20

Postby Carriemus Prime » Fri Oct 23, 2009 11:37 am

Motto: "I want to be remembered when I'm dead. I want books written about me. I want songs sung about me. And then hundreds of years from now I want episodes of my life to be played out weekly at half past nine by some great heroic actor of the age."
Weapon: Twin Sonic Cannons
Thanks... :oops: Glad you like it... sorry I didn't tell you I'd posted...
Fanfics:Cave In with HK + Shattered Glass
hellkitty wrote:Ah yes. The Ladies Thread: warning: males entering the dreaded and estrogen-drenched domains of the Ladies Thread shall be subjected to slash references, randomness, hugz and apparently, now, sexual harassment.

Burn wrote:
Name_Violation wrote:if you keep writing slash you'll get hairy palms and go blind :P

The man is wise.
Of course wisdom often comes from experience. :WHISTLE:
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Re: TF Movie fiction - The Secret Within Chapter 20

Postby DaddyBot33 » Fri Oct 23, 2009 8:25 pm

Weapon: Battle Blades
This is a really good story. Each chapter makes you impatient for the next and the tension rises higher for what I'm sure is going to be an awesome climax. I think that your characters are great and do the source material justice while at the same time adding your own personal twist on them. I've never have really been into fanfic before but your story got me hooked at chapter one. I can't wait to finish it. I'm also writing a story and am going to post it when I'm finished. Maybe you could look it over and tell me what you think? It's called Jungle Swarm. It should be on sometime next week. Keep up the excellent work. You're very talented!!!! :D
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Re: TF Movie fiction - The Secret Within Chapter 20

Postby Carriemus Prime » Sat Oct 24, 2009 3:14 am

Motto: "I want to be remembered when I'm dead. I want books written about me. I want songs sung about me. And then hundreds of years from now I want episodes of my life to be played out weekly at half past nine by some great heroic actor of the age."
Weapon: Twin Sonic Cannons
Glad you're enjoying it.

I am always lurking round the fan fic page so will have a read of your story when you post it :)
Fanfics:Cave In with HK + Shattered Glass
hellkitty wrote:Ah yes. The Ladies Thread: warning: males entering the dreaded and estrogen-drenched domains of the Ladies Thread shall be subjected to slash references, randomness, hugz and apparently, now, sexual harassment.

Burn wrote:
Name_Violation wrote:if you keep writing slash you'll get hairy palms and go blind :P

The man is wise.
Of course wisdom often comes from experience. :WHISTLE:
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Re: TF Movie fiction - The Secret Within Chapter 20

Postby DaddyBot33 » Sat Oct 24, 2009 7:10 am

Weapon: Battle Blades
Thanks a lot and keep up the good work!
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