Railbomb wrote:I feel like you're right about the 3 members of Tripredacus but I'm not sure about Tarantulas seeing they just made one for TFCCSS though I don't know who else the could do.
For me, a Transmetal Tarantulas is just an "excuse" to get UW Groove mold into the fray. This, or either UW Groove asFlamewar (Hell, they could even use Legends Groove as either, IF one of the Tripredacus turns out to be REALLY Hot Spot!)... Or another Aerialbot repaint for Onyx Primal...
Railbomb wrote:Or just looking at the TFWiki page for the council it say their founder was Preditron so maybe him?
TFWiki wrote:Preditron is blue and yellow
Good, Now I can't unsee a Hotspot with all BLACK parts replaced by YELLOW ones...
Gearslide wrote:If we really are getting some kind of Tripredacus homage at Botcon, we can technically already have a Magnaboss set of components to match, in the form of Combiner Wars Ironide, Prowl, and Silverbolt
Now that would be either nice... or ludicruously underwelming for "not-more-CW-toys-repaints-for-exclusives"...