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Postby Wheelimus Prime » Thu Jul 09, 2009 10:25 pm

Motto: "Seems Legit"
Weapon: Sonic Umbrella
this fanfiction came to me a few days before fiinishing zombie apacolypse. its more human orientated than any of my other works.

if you would like to be in this one post your character description and weapon of choice here.

A New World

The year is 2o12, humanity is slowly spinning toward an end. The humans, in search of a new home world, sent a crew of seven to distant planet. Little did anyone know, that planet was home to a giant species of cybernetic organisms: The Transformers.

A random home

“ In other news, NASA says they have found a new planet and are preparing to send a crew of seven, plus four NASA scientists,” said a newswoman on TV.

“ So, they finally plan to send someone outside of the solar system,” said a man.

Helicopter en route to Area 51, Nevada

“ So, how did you guys get pulled into this operation?” asked Brandon Alleson.

“ Apparently you need a medical doctor on this trip,” smiled Hannah Thompson.

“ Never knew we needed one of those,” replied Brandon.

“ I used to be the CO for Special Weapons And Tactics Washington, DC,” replied Daniel Langley, “ that means I used to use big guns.”

“ What about you Commander?” asked George Simeon.

“ Well, I am a highly trained Marine who was recruited here,” said Brandon.

“ Hey, I came out of the Army to come here,” said Jonathon Baker.

“ Well, I worked with NASA to come here,” said C.R. Voss.

“ So, we were recruited here to defend you and Emily over there?” said Anna Ross.

“ I will have you know, I can handle a weapon,” replied Emily Allen.

“ Well, now that all the greetings are over, I would like you to meet the other two NASA scientists who will be accompanying us on this trip: William Simmons,” said Brandon.

“ ‘Ello there,” said William.

“ A British guy,” smirked Jonathon.

“ And Amanda Macarone,” said Brandon.

“ Hello, everyone,” said Amanda.

Area 51

“ Welcome to Area 51, this pla---,” started Officer Newbski.

“ Area 51 doesn’t exist, this all a hoax,” said George.

“ As I was saying: Area 51 is home to some of the most advanced avionics technology the world can create,” said Newbski.

“ So, we are going to fly one of the pieces of crap you managed to scrape together over the course of 100 years?” asked Anna.

“ No, you are going to fly one of the most highly sophisticated spacecraft ever created,” answered Officer Newbski,” Which means you all need to prepare for your training. Be ready by 0500 tomorrow morning.”

The next day, 1100 hours

“ So, you thought training would be a cinch, huh?” said Commander Jensen.

“ No Sir,” replied the crew of 11.

“ You will be worked until there is nothing left of you, you will go home tonight wishing I had never been made your CO,” said Commander Jensen.

“ I’m already wishing that,” said George.

“ What was that?” said Commander Jensen,” you just earned a five mile hike with your buddies. Move out everyone.”

“ Seriously,” said Emily.

“ Come on, this is horseplay,” said Brandon, gasping for air,” I used to do 10 miles.”

“ Well that must have been a long time ago, old timer,” said Jonathon.

“ Forty-three isn’t old,” joked Brandon.

End of the their training, several weeks later

“ So, did you have fun with your fitness training?” asked Officer Newbski.

“ No, we didn’t,” said George.

“ That was rhetorical,” replied Officer Newbski.

“ How was I supposed to know,” said George.

“ Moving on: Now its time to begin your training for flying the aircraft,” said Officer Newbski.

“ So who is flying it?” asked Brandon.

“ You are,” replied The officer.

“ I don’t think a forty year old is cut out for flying this,” said Brandon.

“ Forty-three,” said George.

“ Doesn’t matter, you outrank pretty much everyone here, its your job,” said Newbski

“ Over here,” said General Sebastian.

“ What is that,” said Brandon.

“ That would be the simulator, it has controls similar to the ship you will be flying,” said Sebastian.

“ So, how does it work?” asked Anna.

“ Step in side,” said Sebastian,” If you notice here, it has enough space for all of you to work in.” Sebastian shows them how to work the simulator and their own spots on the ship. Afterwards, They all go to see the real ship, the Luna 1, and practice using the controls in the real thing.

T-minus 3 hours until launch

“ So, everyone ready for this?” asked Brandon Alleson.

“ As ready as I will ever be,” replied George Simeon.

“ Let’s light this candle,” said Jonathon Baker.

“ Can you guys hear me?” said Mark Epps.

“ Crystal clear,” replied Emily Allen.

“ Okay, you will be asleep for most of the journey, once you hit the Near-light-speed there is no turning back,” said Mark.

“ Got ya,” said Brandon.

“5 minutes until launch,” said the computer. The gang begin making their way to the sleep chambers for the long trip.

Outer Space, approximately 1 million 1 million miles from earth

“ Alert! Course changing! Alert! Course changing!” blared the computer. A hole can be seen opening in space, the ship falls through it. The computer begins the wake-up process for the crew.

“ What is going on,” said Anna.

“ I don’t know, we seem to be falling through a wormhole,” said Jonathon.

“ Hang on everyone,” said Brandon.

Near Cybertronian Space

“ Look at that,” said Hannah. Two enormous ships can be seen shooting at each other. The Luna 1 gets shot at in the crossfire and begins falling for Cybertron..

“ Brace for impact,” said Brandon.

“ We aren’t gonna make it,” screamed George. The ship crashes into Cybertron‘s surface, the group gathers themselves.

“ Everyone alright?” asked Brandon.

“ Alright? We just got shot at by aliens!” screamed Hannah.

“ Keep it together everyone, we have to find a way to contact HQ,” said William.

“ First, what we are gonna need are some weapons, big stuff,” said Brandon,” then we are going to find a way off this planet.”

“ There are some weapons and a transport vehicle in the back,” said Emily.

“ Great, move out everyone,” said Brandon.

Outside the Luna 1

“ Hold on, I think we should start investigating this planet,” said Emily.

“ Agreed, spread out everyone,” said Brandon

“ Look out!” screamed William as two giant robots started attacking each other.

“ Wait, hold fire,” said Brandon,” look how the one keeps stopping the other from trying to kill us? Fire at the other one.” The group begin shooting the robot.

“ What are those th----ahhhh,” screamed William as a giant robot cut his legs off.

“ William!” screamed Emily.

“ There’s nothing we can do for him, he’s dead,” said Jonathon.

“ Head back for the ship,” said Brandon. A robot jumps in the path between the group and the ship, another robot lunges after the first robot.

“ Its creating a distraction, head for the ship now,” as Brandon said that, a 100 ft robot comes out of the ground and begins destroying everything it sight.

UDADATE: 7/12/09 12:00 am

“ Get down, get down!” screamed Brandon. As the second robot starts fighting the first robot, both end up destroying the spaceship even more. After the Decepticons had been held off, one robot walks up to the humans.

“ Do you speak English,” asked Brandon. The robot starts calling for others in Cybertronian.

“ What is he doing,” asked George. Several vehicles pull up to the humans, all of which begin transforming into robots.

“ What is going on?” asked C.R. Voss.

“ Wait, I made this before we left,” Brandon hands the robot a CD. The robot take the disk and a blue beam shoots from its eyes. The robot then hands the disk to the other Transformers.

“ My name is Optimus Prime,” said the first robot, all the humans look in aw and terror,” this is our medical officer, Ratchet.”

“ That one human looks to be getting on in years,” said Ratchet.

“ My second in command: Name_Violation,” resumed Optimus.

“ Give me two reasons why I shouldn’t shoot you,” smirked Name_Violation.

“ Enough,” said Optimus,” This is my Heavy Weapons officer: Ironhide.” Ironhide proceeds to showing everyone his guns.

“ Those are nice,” said George.

“ Thank you,” said Name_Violation, holding up two swords.

“ This is my soldier, Bumblebee,” said Optimus Prime,” he damaged his vocal processors in

“ I am still trying to fix them,” said Ratchet.

“ So you speak English?” asked Jonathon.

“ We have learned your language through this disk,” said Optimus Prime.

“ So, you guys can learn anything from a disk by looking at it?” asked Jonathon.

UPDATE: 7/13/09[/b]

“ We happen to be Autonomous Robotic Organisms,” said Name_Violation.

“Autobots for short,” said Ratchet. Gunfire can be heard in the distance; two smaller transformers come racing up.

“Look out!” screamed Mudflap.

“ I told you we should of called for backup,” said Skids

“ What did you guys do?” said Name_Violation as a gigantic Decepticon wheeled by.

“ We have to get out of here,” said Optimus Prime,” Autobots, Transform and Roll out!” The Autobots head for Iacon, Cybertron’s capital city.


“ So, where did you guys come from?” asked Optimus Prime as they walked through the corridors of Iacon.

“ Earth, our planet is nearing it’s end,” said Emily Allen,” we have consumed most of the resources on the planet.”

“ So how did you end up here?” asked Ratchet.

“ We were scouting for a new planet,” started C.R. Voss,” we got pulled through a worm-hole and ended up here. Then we got shot out of the sky by your spacecraft.”

“ I was wondering what that thing I hit was,” exclaimed Topkick.

‘ We don’t have a way off this planet,” said Amanda Macarone.

“ Wait, you said Earth?” asked Optimus.

“ Yes, why?” asked Emily.

“ We visited a planet called earth millions of years ago,” said Optimus Prime.

“ So you guys know how to get there?” asked Brandon.

“ No, he said millions of years, we haven’t been there for a long time,” said Name_Violation.

“ But, some of our ancestors stayed behind on the planet,” said Optimus Prime.

“ Can’t they help us get back to Earth?” asked George.

“ No, we lost contact with them almost two-hundred years ago,” said Optimus.

“ Two-Hundred?” said Jonathon,” why that’s about when those rumors of giant ‘metal men’ started.”

“ How would you know that?” asked Brandon.

“ I used to read conspiracy stories as a kid,” replied Jonathon.

“ Metal men, that must mean our lost Cybertronian brothers,” said Ratchet.

“ If we can get a hold of them, maybe they can guide us back to Earth,” said Optimus Prime.

Cybertron‘s telecommunications facility

“ Back when our ancestors left Cybertron, they created a star map of all the places the visited and sent it here,” said Blaster.

“ Is there any way to access it?” asked Optimus Prime.

“ Well the problem is,” started Blaster,” it’s written in a language none of us can decipher.”

“ Here, let me take a look at it,” said Emily,” I think this might be Japanese.”

“ So you guys can translate it?” asked Blaster.

“ None of us speak Japanese,” said Brandon.

“ Wait, didn’t that disc have multiple languages on it?” asked George.

“ Yes it did!” exclaimed Brandon as he reached for the disc,’ where did I put it?”

“ You lost it?” asked Hannah.

“ No, I just misplaced it,” replied Brandon, still looking for the disc,” wait, I gave it to one of the Autobots.”

“ oh, here it is,’ said Ratchet, he then plugs it into the computer.

‘ Okay, it’s translating,’ said Blaster,” here we go: ’ head to Cybertron’s core. There you will find The One’s tomb’.”

“ And where exactly do we go to get to the center of Cybertron?” asked Jonathon.

“ Uh oh,” said Name_Violation.

“ What?” asked Brandon.

“ The only way to get to the core is through Kaos, the Decepticon inhabited city,” said Optimus Prime.

“ And that is the only way?” asked Brandon.

“ There is another way,” started Optimus Prime,” but it leads through Predicon territory.”

‘ The way you say that makes me think the Predicons are worse than Decepticons,” said George.

“ They are, picture a Decepticon crossed with a wild animal,’ said Name_Violation.

“ If we take the Predicon route, we have to travel by night,” said Optimus.

“ If that is our safest bet, I’m game,” said Brandon

Deep in Predicon territory

The convoy of humans/transformers travel toward the largest volcano on Cybertron. Little do they know that also happens to be the Predicon nesting grounds.

“ Oh crap, you weren’t lying when you were talking about the Predicons,” said Brandon, trying hard to keep the car on the road.

“ Whoa!” screamed Name_Violation, riding on a Predicon.

“ Get off of that thing,” said Optimus Prime.

“ Neat, that looks like fun,” said Mudflap.

“ I wanna try,” said Skids, hopping onto a Predicon, and promptly getting stampeded on by a heard of them.

“ This is as far as I can take you,” said Landmine. The group advance into the volcano, and travel deeper into Cybertron.

“ Wow, who knew all of that was there,” exclaimed Mudflap.

“ Autobots, spread out,” said Optimus Prime.

“ Hey, I found an entrance,” said Name_Violation. They all head into the temple.

‘ Wow, and they said it didn’t exist,” said Ratchet.

“ What’s happening,” said Amanda as her necklace began to glow. Rock begins to fall of the robot statue in front of them.

“ I’m free,” said Jetfire,” So much to do, we have to get to Earth.” A giant blue beam of light engulfs the Temple as all the transformers and humans are transported back to Earth.

Nemisis, over Cybertronian space

“ Megatron,” said Soundwave,” We have detected a large amount of energy released at Cybertron’s core.”

“ It’s begun,” said Megatron.

“ What has begun?” asked Soundwave.

“ The return of my master, The Fallen,” said Megatron,” Set a course for Cybertron’s core.”

Brazil, Earth, 125 years before the 11 man crew ventured into space

“ What the hell was that for?” said Name_Violation.

“ I told you we had to get to Earth,” said Jetfire.

‘ But you didn’t say how,” said Name_Violation.

“ A warp gate is the fastest method of transportation, everyone knows that,” said Jetfire.

“ Warp-what?” asked Name_Violation.

“ Are you seriously this stupid,” said Jetfire, smacking Name_Violation upside the head.

“ What crawled up his butt?” asked Mudflap.

“ Must be the age,” said Skids.

“ Jetfire, What are we looking for?” asked Optimus Prime.

“ The Matrix of Leadership,” replied Jetfire. Sirens can be heard in the distance.

‘ We need to blend in with our surroundings,” said Optimus Prime, eying a semi-truck. Jetfire transforms into his alamode from years past: an SR71 blackbird. Skids and Mudflap transform into a moving van. Name_Violation transforms into an F15. Bumblebee transforms into a 2014 Chevy Camaro. Ironhide transformed into a Dodge Dakota. Ratchet transformed into an ambulance.

Myan Ruin temple

‘ Why are we hear,” asked Optimus.

“ For the matrix of leadership, weren’t you listening to a thing I said?” said Jetfire.

“ yes, but what for?” asked Optimus Prime.

“ The Fallen has returned,” replied Jetfire.

Distant Planet, coordinates unknown

“ Ready yourselves, my Decepticn minions!” snarled The Fallen.

U.S. Navy fleet en route to Iraq

“ Captain, there appears to a meteor shower on the NASA radar,” said Navigator Briggs.

“ What are we dealing with?” asked Captain Shirey.

“ Wait, the screen just jammed,” replied Briggs. A meteor slams into the water nearby the aircraft carrier.

“ Sound the alarms!” exclaimed the captain. Several more meteors fall into the water, a giant robot starts to rise out of the water.

“ Holy crap!” screamed a Navy SEAL as the entire aircraft carrier started to sink.

“ Tidalwave,” moaned the giant robot.

“ I want our destroyers on that thing,” said Admiral Thomas. What is left of the fleet start shooting at Tidalwave, he quickly makes short work of them. He then transforms into the entire fleet he just destroyed.

[b ]Seattle, Washington [/b]

“Did you see that?” asked Darius as a meteor streaked by.

“ Yeah, wait, I think it just crashed near the Space needle,” said Dan.

Space Needle

A robot crawls out of the building’s wreckage. The fire department and the police arrive shortly.

“ What is that thing?” asked Officer Marley.

“ I have no idea---ahhh!” screamed Lieutenant Seabrook as the robot threw him and transformed into the police cruiser.

Andrews Air force Base, Maryland

“ Whoa, get down, get down!” screamed a soldier. An F22 transforms into a Decepticon and begins wreaking havoc on the base.

“Somebody alert the government,” said Commander David.

Spooner street, Quahog

“ The government has announced today that Homeland Security will be going into Severe threat level, the highest since the creation of the Organization,” said a newswoman on TV.

“ It’s okay, everything is going to be all right,” said a mother to her baby,” I hope Tom is alright.” As she said that, a meteor slams into the opposite end of the house.

“ Jonny!” she screamed, several people start making their way over to the house. Her car drives off, hitting several people.

Diamond drilling plant, Canada

“ The US has been having all sorts of problems,” said a construction worker.

“ I know, something about meteors falling and turning into giant robots and destroying stuff,” laughed another construction worker. Just then, seven meteors start fall around them.

“ Oh crap, run!” screamed the second construction worker. Seconds later, all the construction equipment; a digger, bulldozer, crane, dump truck, two flatbed trucks, and a cement truck; begin driving off.

Toys R‘ Us,Wilkes-Barre Pennsylvania

“ Hey there, my name’s Geoffrey, what’s yours?” asked a guy in a suit.

“ Mommy!” cried the five-year-old.

“ It’s okay, it’s just Geoffrey, you know, Toys R’ Us,” said the mom. A small booming sound can be heard coming from the car section.

“ What was that?” asked the store owner. A small robot comes running past them and turns into a toy car.

San Antonio, Texas

“ What is going on? There are reports of meteor strikes destroying U.S. Cities,” said Brandon Alleson.

“ I am afraid the Decepticons have found us,” said Optimus Prime.

“ What do they want?” asked Emily Allen.

“ They’re here for the Matrix of Leadership,” said Jetfire.

“ And just what is that?” asked Jonathon Baker.

“ The Matrix of leadership was created by the Thirteen original Transformers,” said Jetfire,” The Fallen was also one of the original 13, but he betrayed us for the Chaos bringer: Unicron. He needs the Matrix of Leadership, along with the Dead Matrix, to reactivate Unicron.”

“ What is the Dead matrix, and Unicron?” asked George.

“ The Dead Matrix is the equal and opposite of the Matrix of Leadership,” said Jetfire,” Unicron is a planet consumer, he goes around and destroys planets.” A meteor crash lands not too far from them.

“ Was that one of ours?” asked Ironhide.

“ No---” started Optimus Prime as a blue beam of energy hit him in the face.

“ Optimus!” yelled Ironhide. A wheel-footed transformer starts to roll past them, firing repeatedly at Optimus.

“ Take him down,” yelled Name_Violation. The Autobots start shooting at the Decepticon, Name_Violation hops on top of it and tears its head off.

“ You okay?” asked Ratchet, fixing Optimus’s jaw.

“ Little banged up.

“ Did you see the way he tore off that dudes head?” said Mudflap.

“ Yeah he must have mother---,” started Skids.

“ Enough you two, it wasn’t that impressive,” said Name_Violation, sarcastically. The Police arrive after getting calls of giant robots shooting each other.

“ Step away from the humans,” said officer McKragel.

“ Do what he says,” said Brandon, the transformers back away.

“ Now, you people, come over here,” said the officer, The group walk over to the police. Several helicopters fly overhead, landing not far from the group.

“ These helicopters are for your transportation, do whatever it is you have to shrink down and hop onto the into the helicopters,” said McKragel, the Autobots transform into their altmodes and the crowd exclaims and gasps.

Nellis Air force

“ What I want to know is why you are on my planet,” said Commander Simmons.

UPDATE: 7/22/09[/b]

" Technically, it isn't your planet," said Name_Violation," it's everyone's planet."

' Simantics, now why are you here," said Simmons.

" We are here looking for the Matrix of Leadership," said Jetfire, a blue beem emmiting from his eyes, showing the story,". Thirteen robots walk up on top of a mountain peak.

"Billions of years ago, a single being of unimaginable power created 13 robot organisms in his image, they were the Transformers, the very first of us. They set up colonies on different planets, hoping to expand thier race. But, a few billion years ago, one of thier own revolted against them for mre power. Power only The Chaos Bringer could give him. Knowing he needed both the spark of thier creator and Unicron's Spark, the remaining 12 transformers hid Primus's spark as the Matrix of Leadership. They left Cybertron, taking the matrix with them," said Jetfire.

" And what does this have to do with us?" asked Simmons.

" Two years ago, you sent us into outer space to find a new planet," said Brandon.

" Yeah, right," said Colonal Sanders.

" The Matrix of Leadership is somewhere on this planet," said Jetfire.

" And the decepticons know we are here," said Optimus Prime.

" If they get the Matrix, they will use it to bring back unicron and destroy the universe," said Jetfire.

Tidalwave fleet, somewhere in the atlantic ocean

The decepticons start to board the Aircraft carrier, all 23 of the drones transform, standing at attention and whirring to eachother.

" My master should be here shortly," said Megatron.

" Why don't we destroy the humans and find the allspark through the wreckage?" asked Starscream. A jet lands on the dec k of the aircraft carrier.

" Master," said Megatron, bowing down.

" Prepare yourselves, we attack at dawn," hissed The Fallen," I want this planet to know we are coming.

UPDATE: 7/23/09

San Diego, California

" Oh crap, what are those things!" screamed Petty officer Gordan as three robots were wreacking on the city.

" Matrix!" screamed Mixmaster, as he transformed back into a cement truck.

Detroit, Michigan

" Where is the Matrix of leadership!" yelled Barricade, holding a man upsidedown.

" What matrix?" screamed the man.

" Gah," yelled Barricade as he tore the man in half," Not here megatron."

London, England

" Get us some warships," said Commander Able. Tidalwave starts shooting down all the aircraft that come near him.

" Where...Is...The...Matrix of Leadership," moaned Tidalwave as he crushes the Queen Elizabeth.

Area 51

" Reports of giant robot attacks are coming in from all over the world," said a newswoman," In all the attacks, the robots are asking for a matrix of some sorts."

" What is the meaning of this?" asked Commander Simmons.

" The Decepticons know we are here," said Optimus Prime.

" How do we find what they are looking for before them?" asked brandon Alleson.

" We use the ancient Cybertronian text ofcourse," said Jetfire," hold still I am opening another warp---"

Myan Ruins, Brazil

"--gate," said Jetfire.

" Damnit! can't you warn us like two minutes before actually doing it!" yelled Daniel Langly.

" Sheesh, I think I dislocated an aft panel," said Name_Violation.

" Yo, I cannot be doing this sh--," started Mudflap.

" Wow dude, I should bust you up," started Skids, turning into mumbling.

" The Carving on the wall, i know what it means," said Jetfire," here lies The Matrix Bearer."

" Matrix Bearer?" asked Optimus Prime. Gunfire starts up, megatron and The Fallen run into the tomb.

" I'll go after them," said Optimus Prime," hold them off.

" I got what I came for," said The Fallen, pulling the Matrix of Leadership out of a statue's hand. The Eyes start to light up. Megatron and The Fallen warp out of the tomb.

" Who dares take the Matrix," said Wheelimus Prime, climbing of the stand.

" The Fallen," said Optimus Prime.

" My brother turned evil," said Wheelimus, to himelf," we must stop him."

" Who is that," asked Ironhide.

" I am Wheelimus Prime, one of the Original Thirteen Transformers," said Wheelimus Prime.

Distant Planet

" Unicron," said The Fallen," Rise, my master." Electrical whirring can be heard, Unicron begins to transform.

" I am back," said Unicron.

UPDATE: 7/25/09

Dark side of the Moon

" Decepticons, attack," said Megatron.

" Signal recieved," said Soundwave," all decepticons mobilize.

Somewhere in the Atlantic

" Tidalwave, moving out," said Tidalwave. All of the drones make their way to the deck for takeoff.

Atlanta, Georgia

" The decepticons are mobilizing," said Ironhide.

" We don't have much time," said Optimus," Autobots, transform and roll out."

Miami, Florida

Crowds of people are running, missles are raining down on the city.

" Over there!" said Brandon.

" We will provide cover fire," said Anna.

" Military called in for air support nd the big guns," said Brandon," think you can hold them off until then?"

" Hold that gigantosaurus off?" asked Mudflap," we screwed."

" Tidalwave," moaned Tidalwave as he was shooting at the city.

" Name_Violation," said Optimus," you think you can give me a lift?"

" Ratchet has been working on combination technology," replied Name_Violation," Lets give it a try." The two of them combine, giving Optimus flight capabilities.

" Tidalwave," said Optimus," your mine." Optimus lands on his head and breaks his eye cover. Tidalwave begins digging into his head, trying to pull Optimus out.

" The big guns have arrived," said Brandon, pointing to the Navy fleet approching.

" All units fire!" said Commander Jack Ripley," i want us air support as soon as tose carriers can get planes out."

" Jetfire," said Wheelimus," can you give me a lift?"

" Can do," said jetfire, picking him up and dropping him on Tidalwave.

asteroid belt, our Solar System

Unicron starts devouring the meteors.

" Yes," said The Fallen," save Earth until last."

NASA headquarters, Texas

" Sir, we have just picked up a giant meteor,"said Dr. Xavior," slightly bigger than the moon."

" And?" replied Dr. Mary Thomas.

" Well, as it passed through the asteroid belt," said Xavior," the belt disappeared!"

" Get my the president," said Thomas.

Miami, Florida

" Concentrate fire on the head and chest," said Commander Ripley. Two of the destroyers explode and sink.

" We need Air support," said Epps.

" Echo 3 and 7," said a flight controller," you are clear for takeoff."

" Drones," moaned Tidalwave," Launch." Twenty f15s launch from Tidalwave's chest.

Unicron, just past mars

" Megatron," said The Fallen," go get the other decepticons."

" Starscream," said Megatron," Go get the other decepticons."

" As you wish master" said Starscream.

Miami, Florida

" Keep up the barrage, that robot is on fire now," said Ripley.

" We just lost two more ships and 9 raptors," said Sergant Epps.

" Optimus, look in the sky," said Wheelimus. Unicron can be seen through the blue of the sky.

" Oh no, we cannot let him destroy this planet," said Optimus Prime. Tidalwave shoots down Jetfire.

" Jetfire!" said Wheelimus.

" My time is up," said Jetfire," this is no longer my fight. take my parts and use them to destroy Unicron, go Wheelimus, fulfill your destiny. Go, Go no--"

" Optimus, help me attach these parts to Wheelimus," said Ratchet.

" Go You two, we have things down here," said Ironhide, Tidalwave blows up at the chest and falls backward into the ocean. Devastator starts to come around the corner.

" Decepticons, Retreat," said Starscream.

" Arghhh," yelled Devastator as he was airlifted off the ground by the other Decepticons.

" Autobots, track them down," Said Optimus.

" We are going to need stronger weapons," said Wheelimus Prime," hold tight i am opening a warp gate." The both of them get teleported to Mars.

" Over there," said Wheelimus, pointing to a face shaped temple.

" What are we looking for," asked Optimus.

" The Matrix Blaster," said Wheelimus," it is weapon of unlimited power."

" Is that it?" asked Name_Violation, pointing to a large metal tower.

" Yes," said Wheelimus, he places his hand on the device and it begins to disintegrate.

" No!" said Optimus.

" What, this is it," said Wheelimus, pulling a large gun out of the ash.

" I don't get it," said name_Violation.

" No time," said Wheelimus," we gotta get out of here, now."

139 miles above earth's surface

" Unicron, destroy this planet," said The Fallen. Unicron begins charging his laser.

" We have to get to the core," said Wheelimus," that is where the Matrixes are kept."

" No you don't," said Megatron, transforming into a tank.

unicron's core

" You cannot destroy unicron," said Megatron, fighting Optimus," he is the key to a vast source of energon."

" This Planet deserves to live," said Optimus.

" Fallen," said Wheelimus," You don't deserve the look of the Primes."

" Your brothers were too weak to stop me," said The Fallen," and so are you."

" They were your brother's too," said Wheelimus, knocking The Fallen to the ground.

" Optimus, I have the Pa---" started Wheelimus as The Fallen thrust his staff through Wheelimus' chest.

" You were weak," said The Fallen.

" Optimus, get out of he--" said Wheelimus as he went into stasis lock.

" You dare kill your brother," said Optimus," I will be sure you don't leave here functioning." Optimus throws Megatron to the ground and slams into The Fallen. Optimus tears The Fallen's mask off and The Fallen tears Optimus' one rocket off.

" Ahh," said Name_Violation, as he and Optimus seperated," You tore off my arm!"

" Your time is served," said Optimus," go get medical support from Ratchet." he and The Fallen begin fighting again.

" One shall stand," said Optimus, thrusting The Fallen's staff through his chest," and one shall fall." The Fallen slams onto the ground, his eyes flicker off.

" Unicron," said Optimus," your done." Optimus sets off the Matrix Blaster in unicron's core.

USS Ronald Reagan

" The Fallen has been destroyed. All though we may never be able to return to our home world, the humans have allowed us to live here. Hiding in plain sight, silently watching. I am Optimus Prime, and I invite all Autobots hiding among the heavens to this new planet, a new place we can call home.

Unicron's wreckage

A small shard of the Matrix of Leadership starts to fall to earth. landing on the head of thirteen-year-old Greg James.

Hope you all enjoyed my work. look forward to the sequel to this in November. I will also be starting the threequel to the ZA series tonight
Last edited by Wheelimus Prime on Sat Jul 25, 2009 2:16 pm, edited 9 times in total.
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neliz wrote:Wheelimus, you old bastard, let me help you with a new signature.
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Re: A New World UPDATE: 7/12/09

Postby Wheelimus Prime » Sat Jul 11, 2009 10:18 pm

Motto: "Seems Legit"
Weapon: Sonic Umbrella
updates are now labled so you dont have to read through the whole thing
Seibertron's resident Pumpkin.
Art for Signature and Avatar by Trishields.
neliz wrote:Wheelimus, you old bastard, let me help you with a new signature.
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Re: A New World UPDATE: 7/22/09

Postby Wheelimus Prime » Wed Jul 22, 2009 7:46 pm

Motto: "Seems Legit"
Weapon: Sonic Umbrella
update, sorry it was late
Seibertron's resident Pumpkin.
Art for Signature and Avatar by Trishields.
neliz wrote:Wheelimus, you old bastard, let me help you with a new signature.
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