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Battle on Lambda 8

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Battle on Lambda 8

Postby --B-- » Tue Feb 13, 2024 8:39 pm

Motto: "Doing things my own way and never giving up!"
Had an idea for a comic that could fit into most Transformers Universes (maybe not Bayverse) but can't draw worth a damn, so I decided to write it. Enjoy, or don't, I just had to do something to get it out of my head.

Star cluster 76437, Outer Rim. Midway through the Cybertronian Civil War. The Autobots have begun to steadily take ground back from the Decepticons, and have tipped the balance of power to a stalemate.
*Alert, incoming message*
“Fine then, put it up on the screen!”
*Unable to comply. Priority alpha decryption required*
“Priority Alpha?! Have you got dead diodes? Check again!” *grumbles* blasted machine’s been acting up since the battle of s…
*Priority Alpha confirmed*
“Fine then, let’s see who’s in the neighborhood that we can use an alpha link up for…hmm, oh look here, ole Sarge is only a few cycles away, set course, maximum speed”

Planet Zeta79, Outer Rim
What was once a lush green landscape is now a barren warzone of mud, muck and craters, pocketed with scorched areas and smoldering wrecks. On one side we see a heavily damaged but formidable old stone fortress constructed by some long-lost civilization. Across the wasteland we see a small mountain topped with a battle station of blackened damaged metal, with a large set of cannons and turrets focused on the stone fortress.
Interior, stone fortress
“Sarge, Sarge. HOUND you’ve got to see this”
“Huh..whah…oh, by Primus Powerglide I’ve seen everything there is to see on this mudball over the last three solar cycles. What could possible warrant waking me from my re-charge?!”
A shadowed figure answers from the doorway “I guess that would be me Sarge, what have you been doing here? I had to land 3 clicks away just to get near the base without getting blasted by those cons!”
“What are you doing here? I know I asked for some backup, but I didn’t think it would warrant a visit from you!”

“I’m not here as backup. I received a Priority Alpha message, and you were the closest battalion with a deciphering system I could use. Where’s it at?”
“Sorry kid, but it’s out there in our landing craft” Hound says, hanging his head as he points into the middle of no-bots-land. “I had 14 bots damaged just trying to get to it. The cons were waiting for us, as soon as we left the landing and entered the fortress, they laid down covering fire and pinned us in.”

“No one’s been offlined, thank the Primes, but most of my bots are damaged in one way or another. Powerglide was my only air support and he was damaged in the initial battle. We’ve been at a stalemate with these cons for almost 2 solar cycles! All we do is take potshots at each other whenever somebot sticks anything over the walls.”
“Alright, let’s get this sorted out then, I don’t have time to fool around. Let’s see who we’ve got here. Ah, Smokescreen! Come over here, I’ve got a plan…”

Two cycles later
“OK, everyone got it?”
“Gotcha, I’ll go out and pour on the smoke!” shouts Smokescreen as he runs off to the far side of the base.

“And I’ll kabloowee take some shots from the other side to split those con’s attention, c’mon Powerglide” bellows an excited Warpath.

“And I’ll take care of the rest” says the visitor as he strides to the middle of the base. He can already see smoke pouring out of battlements on the far side of the base, and hear the echos of Warpath shelling the Decepticon battle station on the mountaintop.

“C’mon Kid” says Hound with a smirk “How do you plan on getting transformed, take off and get there before the cons can take a shot at you, I know you’re fast…”

“Who said anything about transforming and flying there Sarge, they don’t call me “Springer” for nothing!”
The Autobots in the base could only imagine the horrors inflicted upon the hapless Decepticon troops in the battle station once the leader of the Wreckers had landed in their midst. All they could see was Springer jump out of the base and up to the battle station and hear the faint sounds of small arms fire coming from the top of the mountain. It lasted only astroseconds before the great green bot landed at their feet again, energon and oil splattered on his sword.

“There you go Sarge, problem solved. Now if you don’t mind I’ll be using that system of yours! I think your bots can call in for a clean up crew and get some repairs.”
“Sure thing kid, thanks for dropping in on them! C’mon fellas, let’s go see is Springer left anything we can use up there…or did you hack and slash everything you laid your optics on?”

Interior, Hound’s landing craft
“Computer, decipher priority alpha message”
*access code required*
“Code Springer, delta niner four four”
*access code accepted, message decipher complete, playing message*
“Springer” boomed the voice of Optimus Prime. It took quite a bit for Optimus himself to reach to the Wreckers in any capacity, so Springer knew this must be a dire situation. “I need you to bring your top squad to planet Lambda eight in the Minas system. There is a secret Autobot facility there that is under siege from a small band of Decepticon raiders. Our intel informs us that the troops stationed there were able to hold off the first attack, but there is a larger Decepticon force heading there now, and this facility must be protected at any cost. I have another force on the way, but you and the Wreckers are closer and can get there faster. Please, I beg of you to protect the lives there. Prime out.”
The words of Optimus Prime begging him shook Springer to his spark, he knew he had to protect the..wait..Lambda eight? There isn’t anything…anything of strategic value to the war effort close to the Minas system. By the Pit there isn’t anything even far away from there that’s strategic to anything. What’s an important Autobot facility doing that far away from everything? No support bases, no monitoring stations. Sure it’s far away from the front lines and even further from any Decepticon installations, but why there? Springer certainly had some things to figure out as he made the trip to Debris to get the other Wreckers.

Interior, Debris, Wreckers home base. Main communication console
“Come in Debris, this is Springer, who wants to go have some fun?”
“Damn your timing Springer” spits Rack “Ruin just started a long maintenance cycle, so we are out, but Topspin, Roadbuster, Sandstorm and Broadside are all here and ready for action”.
“Sorry Rack” Springer laughs, “but since you aren’t joining us can you get me some details on the Minas system, Lambda planet cluster while I gear up and get the others on board?”

“Sure thing boss!”

Less than a cycle later
Interior, Wreckers star cruiser Bolt. “Alright Wreckers, fall in. This is the Bolt calling Debris, Rack, what do you have for us?” asks Springer, as the rest of the Wreckers on board gather around the main console. The ship is small, built more for rapid transport than space battle. The big bots of the Wreckers crew take up most of the ship, with Roadbuster in alt mode rather than kneeling.
Rack’s face flashes on the screen briefly before being replaced with a star chart of the Minas system.
“There’s not much to this area of space. Lambda eight is in the middle of the planetary cluster. There are six planets closer to the red dwarf Lambda, they are pretty much barren rock. The seventh planet doesn’t have any details listed, must have been an accidental omission, not sure of the make up. Lambda Eight is hospitable, average temperature. Composition is rock with large amounts of metallic deposits. Lambda nine through eleven are all much further out and are just icy rocks.”

“Sounds great, no oceans!” says Broadside with a smile, “No rust on this trip!”

*ahem* “There are several other small red dwarfs in the Minas system, but no other planets or other solar bodies in the Minas system” finishes Rack. “Slag a few ‘cons for me!, Wreck and Rule! Rack out”
“Alright bots” Sandstorm calls out from the pilot’s chair “I’ll have us at Lambda eight in about 15 cycles, get your gear ready!”

14 Cycles later, in orbit of Lambda Eight

“By the Pit Springer” Topspin exclaims as he checks out the planet’s atmosphere “Rack didn’t say anything about these”. On the monitor there are vast electric storms flashing across the globe. “That’s going to make for a really rough landing! C’Mon Sandy, bring us in smooth!”

30 astroseconds later, as the Wreckers pull themselves loose from a heavily damaged but mostly intact Bolt. “C’mon Roadbuster, how was I supposed to plan on three of the four engines getting struck by lightning as soon as we hit the atmosphere” Sandstorm asked as Roadbuster held up a large section of ship that Sandstorm and Topspin were climbing out of. “Nah, you did alright” said Broadside “Not great, but alright.”

“Everyone functional?” asked Springer, as he pulled himself out of under a console. “Yup” answered Roadbuster. “Good, grab your gear, the facility is about 12 clicks south, transform and roll out.
“C’mon Broadside, hop on” offered Roadbuster as he transformed, “I think you’d rather ride with me than try and fly through those storms!”

About a cycle later, outside the Autobot facility.
“Hotspot, we’ve got four units incoming on the scanners”
“Not sure sir, visual range in 11 astroseconds”
“Alright everyone, weapons ready!”
The four units stop a quarter click away from the base. The largest one separates into two robots. The other three transform to robot mode.
“Any response from our communication Sandy?” Springer asks?
“Nothing sir”
“They are definitely responding Springer” Topspin says, lowering a long range viewer from his visor. “Weapons are drawn and pointing right at us!”
“Cons?!” Roadbuster asks, the grip on his rifle tightening.
“Just let me check before we go blasting the guys we’re here to protect!”
Springer strides confidently towards the facility. It’s a small dome sticking out of the ground next to a heavily damaged landing bay. “Not much of a facility to protect there Prime” thinks Springer.
“Hello, Wrecker’s cleaning service, anyone home?” Springer calls out.
“Hold yer fire, we’re all on the same side here!” Hotspot calls out.

Half a cycle later, the rest of the Wreckers join Springer near the base.
“Springer! Wreckers! Are we glad to see you!” Hotspot exclaims, shaking Springer’s hand. “Please, come on in.” as he gestures toward the door with his gun.
“Lose something?” Topspin asks, noticing that Hotspot is short a left arm.
“Yeah, long story.” Hotspot shrugs.
“I think you better fill us in before you get any other visitors” Broadside suggests.
“Right, come on in.”

Interior. The dome is deceptively larger on the inside than it looks from the outside, going deep into the ground. The walls of the dome are incredibly thick and look like they could take a pounding. The dome is also filled with a surprising amount of weapons, especially considering the status of the war and how some supplies are difficult to get.

“OK Hotspot, what’s the deal here, and where are the rest of the Protectobots?”
“Well” Hotspot starts “that’s kind of classified.”
“Which part?” Sandstorm asks “The deal part or the Protectobots part?”
“The deal.” Hotspot says dryly. “As for the Protectobots, it’s only First Aid and I that came here. I was escorting him when we ran into some trouble. We stumbled upon some ‘Cons hassling our friends here, I rescued Seawatch from some bruiser, we cut past our ship and I had to blow it. I was too close and lost that arm, but it was enough to make the ‘Cons think they got us all in the explosion. That’s how I got stuck helping these guys. Looks like the Commander and his team are coming in now.”
“MINICONS?!?! Roadbuster exclaimed from the back of the room.
“Micromasters.” Flak corrected him as he came into the door, sealing the hatch after the rest of the team came in “NOT minicons. I’m Flak, this is Sidetrack, Sunrunner, Red Heat, and Seawatch. We’re what’s left of the facilities’ defense corps.”

Springer noted that all of the bots showed at least some damage, with Seawatch looking a lot worse for wear. It was obvious that a much larger bot had partially crushed him in their hands.
“So what are the Wreckers doing here in our little slice of nothingness?” Flak asked.
“I got a message from Optimus Prime. He said he had a team on the way but we could get here faster, and to protect whatever this place is. He sounded desperate.”

“He should, there’s a lot of lives at stake here.” Red Heat added.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Topspin cut in “What else is there to this place?”
“Here, I think we can show you. With the Decepticons around we are going to have to relocate anyway, so no reason to keep a secret. Besides, we’ll all probably be scrapped before Prime’s team can get here, a lot of help that would be.” Flak said as he opened a hidden control panel. “Step back from that wall”. Flak entered a complex code, and the “wall” split open to reveal a large lift.
“Roadbuster, Broadside, Sandstorm, stay here and keep an eye out for ‘Cons. Topspin, with us.”
Springer, Topspin, Flak and Hotspot stepped into the lift, the doors closed and it started to descend. “Before the war began, Autobot explorers found that Lambda Seven was made up of high grade metallics, very similar to the make up of Cybertron. They believed the planet could be transformed into a new Cybertron, but there was no usable source of energon. Lambda Eight has a more suitable environment, but lacks the metal needed. After the war started, Autobot high command hid the details of Lambda Seven. Once the war started, the facility here was built. Almost every bit of usable material from Lambda Seven were mined and brought here, used to build the base outside the local city, and for what you will see below. The new arrivals' jaws hit the floor as the lift doors opened to row upon row of repair slabs, each filled with bots.

“Welcome to the Warehouse” comes a voice from the right of the lift. Fixit walks out of the shadows, data pad in hand, First Aid visible behind him hard at work on a slab. “As the war progressed, the most severely damaged, spark stable bots have been sent here. 15,873” he says with sigh. “15,873 bots awaiting reactivation. The metals here from Lambda Seven are almost identical to Cybertron, and were the perfect raw materials to scratch build replacement parts to repair everyone here. I’ve reconstructed every part a bot could have 10 times over, and everyone here is fully restored. The problem is the lack of energon. We just don’t have enough juice to get them back on their servos.”
“And those ‘Cons would love to come shoot this place up, huh?” interjected Topspin.
“Right” adds Springer in a serious tone, “No wonder Prime sent us to protect those that can’t protect themselves. Let's get back up top and start preparing for a siege. Thank you Fixit for everything you have done for them, we’ll keep them safe.”

Shortly, back outside the bunker entrance, Springer shares what he has seen with the other Wreckers. No words are necessary, they all understand the situation.
“All right” Springer starts, with all defenders present and armed. “First thing first, we need to make sure Prime’s team is on their way, but I don’t think our ship is getting off of this rock. Any suggestions?”

Springer looks around, seeing nothing but blank stares, but then notices a strange look in Sandstorm’s eyes.
“Well…I got an idea…but it’s kinda crazy” Sandstorm starts.
“Crazy is what Wreckers do best, what do you have in mind?”
“Well, I think we can rig one of the Bolt’s escape pods to launch up and off of the planet, but it would really restrict the interior, it would make for a pretty tight squeeze and a rough ride. You’d get smashed around pretty bad, but that would get you out enough to contact incoming ships.”
“No dice” Roadbuster grunts, “by the time you did that I’d barely get an arm inside that thing”.
“Send Me” comes a strained voice behind them.
Springer turns, and Seawatch is limping over to them. “I’m already smashed up and can barely fight, at least out there I can do some good.”
“Well, he is pretty small…” Sandstorm adds. “He’d fit.”
“Sounds like a plan” Springer nods, “Get to it. The rest of you, get yourselves as set as possible, we’re staying a while.”

Three Cycles later

The assembled Autobots watch as a speck of light rises up and out of sight. Seawatch is on his way, but the Autobots are not the only ones that noticed the launch.

Interior, Decepticon camp.
“Hey. Hey, Smash…” “That’s Supreme Commander to you fool” growls the Decepticon team leader. A large green bot with purple highlights that towers over his fellow Decepticons. To call this a rag tag group would be generous. The team of 50 Decepticons were made up of various seekers, a few ground mode Vehicons, and a few small support bots. Not an overly formidable warrior amongst them, but armed well enough to make themselves dangerous.
“Sorry, Supreme Commander” the underling snickered, “Something launched out near the wastes, should we check it out?”
“Sure, whatever” Smash said, waving his hand, “Go ahead and take a few guys, check it out”

“Ah, boss?” Red Heat calls, looking out over the horizon through his viewer “Looks like the ‘Cons took notice of Seawatch’s exit, got a few coming straight for us.”
“Ok bots” Springer shouts, “Let’s keep ourselves out of sight. Flak? Let’s see if you and Sidetrack can convince these ‘Cons there’s nothing of interest here. Stay in alt mode, maybe this bunch is dumb enough to think you’re just drone security vehicles.”

Four Decepticon flyers are soon overhead, surveying the area near the downed autobot ship. “That’s new” one says as they transform and land. “Anybody who came down in this thing is long gone” another says. “Look” says the third “Tracks. Something left this scrap heap and drove out that way.” Pointing in the direction of the dome. “Let's check it out” . The four transform and fly towards the dome, following the tracks Sandstorm had inadvertently left going back from launching Seawatch off world.
The four flyers are soon circling the autobot base. Sidetrack and Flak are slowly circling the perimeter like autonomous drones. The lead flyer and a second land near the damaged landing area. “Bah, it’s just these mindless piles of scrap, nothing of value is in this little thing, let’s go.” The lead flyer transforms and takes to the sky, but the other decides to take a couple of pot shots at the “drones”, missing widely. “C’mon” shouts the lead flyer, “ your shooting is terrible”. The second flyer starts to take off, but takes one more shot as Sidetrack gets closer, close enough to make him an easier target, and the Decepticon’s shot is heading right for him. Sidetrack instinctively swerves out of the way. The Decepticons all turn back, sensing something is up, and start firing at the two Micromasters. Flak and Sidetrack are both forced to transform and dive for cover, and the Wreckers spring into action. “Take ‘em out” Springer calls, and two Decepticons are almost immediately on the ground in flames. The third dives towards them and is immediately blasted out of the sky, but it’s too late, the fourth is already gone, out of weapons range and on his way back to camp.

At the Decepticon camp

“Supreme Autobot…Commanders” the flyer screams as he lands and transforms, getting only confused looks from the other Decepticons. “Supreme Commander… there are Autobots out there” he spouts, pointing towards the domed base.

“Autobots?!” Smash exclaims, a glint in his eye. “Finally. I knew there were more than just that one little bot. If we destroy those Autobots and take whatever they have, Decepticon high command will finally promote me out of this scrap sector. Decepticons, transform and move out”.

At the Autobot base, three smoldering Decepticon wrecks are being put out by Red Heat in fire truck mode. The Autobots and Wreckers are gathering weapons for the fight to come. Hot Spot holds a viewer up to his optics, watching for the arrival of their foes. His arm has been replaced, First Aid having finished it as quickly as he could, the arm was the same dull gray as the base metal, having been hastily completed and lacking any paint. “Here they come.” The Decepticons flyers transform and land, the land mode bots shortly behind them.

“Autobots” Smash bellowed, “come out and surrender. We will make your deaths painful, but short.”
“Get Slagged” Roadbuster screams back. “Nice” Broadside adds with a smile and fist bump.
“Well, if that’s your answer…Decepticons, open fire!” The Decepticons begin firing on the Autobot base, explosions all around the dome and it’s surface. The sound is so deafening that the Decepticons can’t even hear the “Wreck and Rule” from Springer as the Autobots fire back. The Autobots are safe in their fortified spaces, but can not inflict much damage on the attackers. The battle rages on for three full rotations, the ground around the dome pock marked and cratered. The Autobots have taken damage, but the dome is still standing. The Decepticons have the upper hand, and the Autobot base is now surrounded.
“Decepticons, hold your fire” Smash screams. The Autobots do the same.
“You have fought well Autobots, but your time is running out. Your base is surrounded. You have three hundred astroseconds to surrender.”

Inside the Autobot base, Springer surveys the damage and takes stock. Broadside is down, and has been moved down into the lower levels, First Aid has him stable but unable to fight. Sunrunner, Red Heat and Sandstorm are all damaged but still in the fight. Ammo is getting low. Springer looks out at the Decepticon lines, and sees that Smash is bringing his troops together across from the entrance to the dome. Both he and Springer realize that the only way this ends is with the Decepticons storming the front door.

“OK Springer, what’s the call?” Roadbuster asks. “We hold the line,” Springer responds. “We hold the line until every one of those scra….” Springer is interrupted by a loud sound. He looks up, and a small ship slowly descends from the sky, landing directly between the Autobot base and the Decepticon line.
Curious, Smash allows the small ship to land unscathed, and begins laughing as a still mangled Seawatch exits the vehicle. “Ah, little one, didn’t get enough last time?”

“Decepticon forces” Seawatch calls out “Autobot Commander Optimus Prime kindly requests that you remove your forces from this area and leave the planet immediately.”

The Decepticons all roar with laughter. “Your Prime can shove his request up his tailpipe!” Smash screams. “We are going to destroy every last Autobot in that base over there, and take whatever prize is inside for the glory of the Decepticons! What do you have to say about that, little one?”

“Then may Primus have mercy on your sparks” Seawatch responds, looking overhead as a large dropship falls through the sky behind the Decepticon lines.

Terror overcomes the Decepticons as flames erupt from the still falling ship, as Seawatch has brought along the team Optimus had dispatched…the Dinobots!

The Wreckers and Autobots can do nothing but watch as the Dinobots decimate the Decepticons, leaving none standing (insert glorious comic spread page of the Dinobots doing their best work.)
“Ouch, sucks to be them” Sunrunner exclaims.

One rotation later:
Several more large Autobot ships have arrived, organized by Grapple, Hoist and Inferno, evacuating the patients under Fixit and First Aid’s care. “Now that this group of ‘Cons stumbled upon the place, we will move to another secret location, in case they reported something in.” Inferno says, addressing the Wreckers and Autobot defenders. “You’ve done your jobs well Wreckers. Optimus was right to call you in. And my Micromaster friends, are you up to joining us at the new Warehouse?”

“Once the war is over we will finally have the energon to bring all these guys back on line, but until then, we’ll keep them safe” Flak responds. “Thanks for a good time Wreckers!”

“Anytime!!!” Roadbuster responds.

“Oh” Springer adds in laughing “Any chance we can get a ride?”
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Re: Battle on Lambda 8

Postby snavej » Wed Feb 14, 2024 9:57 am

Motto: "Follow your instincts and your common sense."
Reads like a traditional Transformer transgalactic war. However, consider the possibilities that are unlocked by the use of faster-than-light travel. Entire planets can be smashed with hyper-fast projectiles. Enemies can be thrown into other dimensions, maybe forever. They can also be 'beamed' into deep space where they might never be found. That's just off the top of my head.
Posts: 2898
Joined: Wed Jul 13, 2005 11:24 am
Location: United Kingdom
Alt Mode: Small starship - able to traverse entire universe.
Strength: 8
Intelligence: 9
Speed: 3
Endurance: 3
Rank: 2
Courage: 9
Skill: 8

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