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Best Beast Wars Action Figure Poll

Feel free to discuss anything about any of the thousands of Transformer toys here. Anything from Generation 1 all the way to the soon to be released, the never to be released or the hope to be released is fair game! Want to show off your stuff? Please post your's and see others in the Transformers Collections Forum.

Re: Best Beast Wars Action Figure Poll

Postby TM2 Dinobot » Thu Jan 28, 2021 1:26 pm

Alright, Fuzor Fans. Now is your chance. 3 out of the 4 brackets have Fuzors in them. Y'all were clamoring for a wave, this is probably as close as y'all are gonna get. Depthcharge managed to barely beat TM2 Megatron, And Silverbolt pulled ahead of Rhinox. Striker and Torca had a very close match, and I would have been surprised at either win. It was too close to call. Buzzclaw, for once in his life, was soundly beaten by TM2 Dinobot. You expected him to win, but it was me, Dio! I guess all the Buzzclaw love only went so far. Matchup five, six, and seven surprised the tar out of me. JP Tigatron won over MirageGT by an astounding margin, But then Bonecrusher absolutely came out and killed Noctorro. Which is crazy. Have y'all played with both of those toys? One is clearly superior, and I don't think if was the one 33 of you thought it was. And if JP Tigatron could win so handily, I expected his superior repaint (and my current grail) to trounce the competition. But TM Rattrap came out ahead. And lastly, the man of the hour, your friend and mind, Daffy Duck. I mean, Skyshadow. He beat Magna Stampeed, which wasn't in question. But can the King of Fuzors beat one of the most popular show characters and most reprinted toys? I don't know. My bias is showing, but I clearly hope so.

If you are having trouble accessing Round 2 on mobile, you need to swipe left to access the new poll. We had 50 participants last round. Good job. Let's keep that energy up, and keep telling your friends.

Round 2. FIGHT!
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Re: Best Beast Wars Action Figure Poll

Postby TM2 Dinobot » Mon Feb 01, 2021 2:15 pm

Well, I am shocked, and appalled. We almost had two ties in one poll. DepthCharge and Silverbolt were separated one only a single vote! Torca and Dinobot couldn't even manage that! The only decisive winner here was Japanese Tigatron, who thoroughly trounced Bonecrusher. And Skyshadow, my beloved Skyshadow. Look at how they massacred my boy. Rattrap chewed him up and spit him out. A moment of silence for our fallen childhoods.

We're on to Semi-Finals Wave 3. Can Tigatron do it again? This time American Tigatron is going against Scorponok. TM2 Jawbreaker is fighting TM Terrorsaur. And the Halloween wave winner Botcon Fractyl is going head to head against Botcon Dinobot. Transmetal II Blackarachnia would normally say would win hands down I'd say, but she's fighting Legends Waspinator, a non-organic wasp that just won't die. Beast Wars Neo Sharpedge is up against Robot Master's Bound Rogue, which we just found out is the Lucky Draw colors for Tazmanian Kid. We learned something new since this poll started. 20+ years and we're still learning new things about Beast Wars. Who would have guessed? Hellscream against Botcon Cindersaur is an easy fight for me on the names alone, even if one toy wouldn't superior to the other. Snapper, one of the best BW Basics is going up against Generations Rhinox, a fan favorite.

And then there's the main event. The reason you're all here. Transmetal Rampage, the destroyer of Omicron Station, se Transmetal II Tigerhawk, the non-Fuzor Vok Emmisary. One shall stand, one shall fall.

These match ups are getting tougher and tougher. Polls are open through Wednesday.
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Re: Best Beast Wars Action Figure Poll

Postby TM2 Dinobot » Thu Feb 04, 2021 12:11 am

What happened? What happened? Where's Snapper? Where's Bound Rogue? Where's Blackarachnia? I am continually surprised at these brackets. I don't know if I am under emphasizing some really good figures, or over estimating the tastes of the voters. Seriously, first Skyshadow and now Snapper?

Alright, we're down to eight, and we need to make it four. Hellscream is fighting Gen Rhinox, a figure I truly dislike and am singularly alone in that. Fun fact, Hellscream was my first Japanese import. I still have him. :) Rampage trounced Tigerhawk, and now fights Sharpedge. This may be our first 0 vote in a while. JP Waspinator is fighting BC Dinobot, and who wins is anyone's guess. And TM Terrorsaur is up against Scorponok, another pairing I'm not taking bets on.

Remember, this is the Best Beast Wars Action Figure poll. You should disregard all media appearances and judge these toys of their merits alone.

Cheers luv. See y'all Saturday
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Re: Best Beast Wars Action Figure Poll

Postby TM2 Dinobot » Sat Feb 06, 2021 10:52 am

Last day, and once again we're running about 15 votes shy of Round 1.
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Re: Best Beast Wars Action Figure Poll

Postby TM2 Dinobot » Mon Feb 08, 2021 10:34 am

*sigh* I am beyond trying to speculate on the winners of these. Every time I guess, I'm wrong. I'm not Reddit. I'm not rich. I don't have a clue what's happening.

Scorponok dominated everything. I thought TM Terrorsaur would have put up more of a fight, but no. Scorponok wiped the floor with him. LG Waspinator had much the same story with Botcon Dinobot. An absolutely pathetic showing from a Dinobot mold. Even the McDonalds one did better. Sharpedge somehow had even LESS votes. but I can't blame him. He was up against Rampage, an unstoppable killing machine. Hellscream, my precious Hellscream. He beat Cindersaur, in lower numbers than I was expecting, only to be crushed by Gen Rhinox. Oh the tragedy of it all. Poor Snapper. He deserved better.

Well, alright. Let's see if I can't get some of these better this round. It is the Best Beast Wars Action Figure Semi-Finals Wave 4. There are some major heavy hitters in this one, like Magnaboss, 10th Primal, S1 Dinobot and Waspinator, Devil Gigatron, X9 Ravage, and CHUG Rattrap and Waspinator. There are also some surprises like Crazybolt, Dirgegun, Frostbite, TM Claw Jaw, and Beetle. Also, the last Microverse figure playset is in this wave. So be sure to show some love, if you had one as a kid and spent hours playing with it when you should have been sleeping for school the next morning. :)

Any questions? Everyone good? Wave 4 Round 1. Here we go!
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Re: Best Beast Wars Action Figure Poll

Postby TM2 Dinobot » Thu Feb 11, 2021 10:01 am

Welcome back to Round 2! Microverse Orcanoch and McDonalds Beetle both held up well against their competitors, but no one truly believed they would win. B'Boom lost to Dinobot by a SINGLE vote! Waspinator finally lost when he went against Magmatron. (Don't worry, there's two more in this poll) X-9 Ravage was a closer vote than I would have expected. Universe Frostbite and Universe Waspinator have both beaten their competitors. Now they must face one another in ritual combat. Who's going to win? Statistically, it will be Waspinator. He hasn't lost a fight yet. But Frostbite is SO dang pretty. I love those colors on him. But they look good on Waspinator too. So who knows. Devil Gigatron and X-9 are facing off, and that's a fight I want no part of. They're both solid choices. Dinobot will have a tough time against the vastly superior Magmatron, but Magmatron will have a touch time against the vastly more popular Dinobot. These fights are getting nuts. And 10th Anniversary Optimus Primal will face off against Beast Wars II Cyberbeast Dirgegun. Monke vs gunbug. Who will win?

These fights are getting tough. No one here is a shirker. They all deserve their place on this list. But only four will move on to the finals. Who will it be? You decide. You have till Sunday.
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Re: Best Beast Wars Action Figure Poll

Postby TM2 Dinobot » Sat Feb 13, 2021 11:42 am

12 hrs left for Wave 4. See y'all Monday.
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Re: Best Beast Wars Action Figure Poll

Postby TM2 Dinobot » Mon Feb 15, 2021 3:15 pm

Cold. Coldcoldcold. So cold. Burrrrrrr.

Another tie. I don't know why I'm surprised, none of these guys are slackers in any department. X-9 Ravage and Devil Gigatron couldn't decide who was superior. But Magmatron didn't have that issue. He wiped the floor with OG Dinobot. Japan wins, for once. Unfortunatrly Dirgegun didn't fare as well against the heavy hitter of 10th Primal. And Frostbite lost to Waspinator. Again.

10th Anniversary Optimus Primal 25 / Dirgegun 17
Magmatron 26 / Dinobot 16
X-9 Ravage 21 / Devil Gigatron 21
Legends Waspinator 23 / Frostbite 19

I'm feeling the Frostbite now, I tell you what. This weather is too cold for my Texas blood.

Round 5 is a bit more interesting. We have some pretty evenly paired matchups. Lots of Transmetals and Transmetal 2's. Lots of wave mates and exclusives. Walmart Rattrap and Green Ramulus and ol' Skater Boi himself, TM Megatron. Saberback and K-9 are really solid matchups, as are Tripredacus Agent and Thrustol. Reptillion is back, and possibly the most one sided, come from behind underdog story of all time, Quickstrike vs Japanese Rampage. They're both unstoppable arthropods, but only one will move on to Round 2.

You all know the rule. I'm going to crawl back under my kotatsu. If the power worked... See you all Thursday!
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Re: Best Beast Wars Action Figure Poll

Postby TM2 Dinobot » Wed Feb 17, 2021 3:25 pm

A few hours left for Round 1. This one is gonna be tough.
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Re: Best Beast Wars Action Figure Poll

Postby TM2 Dinobot » Thu Feb 18, 2021 9:27 am

This is a tight race. So very tight. A single vote separates so many of the contestants. Primal and Rattrap were no exception. But Primal came out on top. Now he has to face off against the Cancelation King himself, Green Ramulus. TM Megatron moved on, little surprise there, but I was kinda surprised how poorly Saberback did against K-9. Have y'all played with both those toys? And you went with K-9? Really? Same story with Agent Ravage and Thrustol, except this time I agree. Thrustol is a ton of fun, but man, those colors on Tripredacus Agent just POP. Fireflight beat Coelagon, and now Fireflight gets to lose. Japanese Rampage beat Quickstrike, but it was a much closer match than a lot of people figured. And Reptillion came out on top against Black Prowl. Now he has to face the Mechanical Mayhem himself. Can he do it? Anything is possible.

Round 2 runs through Sunday.
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Re: Best Beast Wars Action Figure Poll

Postby TM2 Dinobot » Mon Feb 22, 2021 10:11 am

Well. Reptillion got slaughtered by Rampage. It's to be expected, because honestly, that Rampage is so dang cool! But still. It is becoming evident to me that not only is there a show bias, but also an Ultra bias. Ultra class characters are consistently outshining Deluxe. I don't know how that bodes for the end, but I've said since Wave 1 that Ultra Class Primal is bound for the finals. Still, Reptillion got closer than anyone else this wave.

Telemocha Deluxe Optimus Primal 31 / Green Ramulus 12
Transmetal Megatron 33 / K-9 11
Tripredacus Agent 33 / Fireflight 11
Japanese ampage 30 / Reptillion 14

It's Monday, and here we go. We've got a bunch of off the wall characters, and a bunch of Transmetals. Let's look at the highlights, shall we? Longhorn and Sludge. Both are repaints of figures that aren't spectacular, but evidently people like them enough for them to make it this far. But is this the end of the road? Gimlet and Inferno. Battle of the invertebrates! I honestly think Gimlet has a chance here, as that Sea Clamp mold is one of the better ones. Transmetal Cheetor I would normally say is a shoe in, but Fox Kids Transmetal Waspinator has slaughtered everyone he's come up against, and Waspinators almost always win. It will be the end of the road for one of these two heavyweights. Japanese Terrorsaur retuens. You may recall, regular Terrorsaur suffered against Airrazor, garnering only 5 votes. So he is back for blood. But can he beat Cybershark? Shockrat and Cryotek are duking it out for the repaint of the century. Let me tell you, this is going to be close. Mcdonalds Tankor is back. The little gift that keeps on giving. But can he beat Beast Wars Strika? Fox Kids returns for the second time with Transmetal Tarantulas, up against the second Shelfwarmer in this lineup. Scavenger! I mean Transmetal Inferno! I mean Scavenger! And lastly, VHS Airrazor and Botcon Windrazor, in the battle of aerial supremacy!

These are your 16 contenders. Now! Go do, that voodoo, that you do, so well!
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Re: Best Beast Wars Action Figure Poll

Postby TM2 Dinobot » Thu Feb 25, 2021 10:32 am

Thursday! Semi-Finals Wave 6 Round 2! There actually weren't any close fights this time around. Cryotek beat Shockrat fairly soundly, and now goes on to fight Strika, the only girl to make it to Round 2. Uh oh. Undead Tarantulas is fighting Botcon Windrazor, and I think that one is going to be close. Longhorn and Inferno I suspect will be a toss up, though I think Inferno may have the edge here. And TM Cheetor and Cybershark, two fan favorites and the best figures of the line. This is the end of the road for one of them, but which one is anyone's guess.

Round Two runs through Sunday. If you are on mobile and can't access the brackets, try swiping left. Best of luck!
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Re: Best Beast Wars Action Figure Poll

Postby TM2 Dinobot » Sat Feb 27, 2021 12:50 pm

A few hours left on Round 2.
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Re: Best Beast Wars Action Figure Poll

Postby ZeldaTheSwordsman » Sat Feb 27, 2021 3:29 pm

Motto: "Earthrise restock or riot"
TM2 Dinobot wrote:Thursday! Semi-Finals Wave 6 Round 2! There actually weren't any close fights this time around. Cryotek beat Shockrat fairly soundly, and now goes on to fight Strika, the only girl to make it to Round 2. Uh oh. Undead Tarantulas is fighting Botcon Windrazor, and I think that one is going to be close. Longhorn and Inferno I suspect will be a toss up, though I think Inferno may have the edge here. And TM Cheetor and Cybershark, two fan favorites and the best figures of the line. This is the end of the road for one of them, but which one is anyone's guess.

Round Two runs through Sunday. If you are on mobile and can't access the brackets, try swiping left. Best of luck!

1. It's "Shokaract", not "Shockrat".
2. Where does the Guiledart-redeco AoE Slug being Strika even come from?
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* Cyb Jetfire R gun and missile
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* DotM Ironhide windshield, R hood assy.
* ROTF Jetfire R JTFR panel

Di Bonaventura is not a credible or trustworthy source. And most fans do like the diversity push, thanks.

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Re: Best Beast Wars Action Figure Poll

Postby TM2 Dinobot » Mon Mar 01, 2021 11:15 am

I did notice the misspelling after the fact. Out of 450 figures, I was bound to screw something up. Makes sense that it was a Furman name. And the Slug thing, someone told me that Slug was repurposed as Strika in the Botcon BWU continuity. I believed them without checking. That was my bad.

Man that was a good bracket. We had more voters in round 2 than we did in round 1. And I can't remember if that's ever happened before. Wave 6 was a clear, decisive victory for everyone involved. No more ties, or one-off vote counts. Slug was absolutely desquamated by Cryotek, and Windrazor and Longhorn didn't fare much better. Only TM Cheetor held out strong, but in the end, he fell to the might of Cybershark. Can no one stop this bloody rampage?

Inferno 39 / Longhorn 13
Cybershark 26 / Transmetal Cheetor 23
Cryotek 47 / Slug 6
Fox Kids Transmetal Tarantulas 32 / Botcon Windrazor 18

This week is going to be very, very difficult. We have 3 Cheetors, 3 Waspinators (poor Thust), 5 Basics, Two canceled figures, and 6 Beast Wars Neo toys! Japan is making a strong showing this week. Nemesis Prime and Optimal Optimus kick us off, before we head into the Battle of the Cats. Deadend and Nightprowler will duke it out, though who will come out on top is anyone's guess. Manta Ray returns against Tankor, who I always saw like the Web Surfer from Reboot. IDK. The two heavies and fan favorite molds from BWN face off, while just below Transmetal Waspinator fights his undead ghost. Thrust and Cohadra in the battle of the quick and the dead, while Airrazor and Lazorbeak fight for the supremacy of the skies.

Those are our top 16. I've been working on the finals rounds, and I have a special treat coming up. Y'all are going to love this There are some hair-pullingly tough decisions in the Finals. I can't wait!

Round 1 closes Wednesday night. Good luck!
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Re: Best Beast Wars Action Figure Poll

Postby just_aCloud » Mon Mar 01, 2021 2:08 pm

Motto: "This guy's got bearings of chrome steel."
Weapon: Shoulder-Mounted Mega-Blast Missile Cannons
That was the hardest set of votes so far! Thanks for making this so fun...I'm on the edge of my seat wondering how this thing's gonna end.
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Re: Best Beast Wars Action Figure Poll

Postby TM2 Dinobot » Wed Mar 03, 2021 6:26 pm

I think Cybershark actually has a shot to be the contender. But we'll see.

6 hrs left for Wave 7 Round 1.
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Re: Best Beast Wars Action Figure Poll

Postby TM2 Dinobot » Thu Mar 04, 2021 10:07 am

What a close fight. What a close fight! Nemesis Prime won by five votes. Cheetor beat Shadow Panther by just ONE! Cohadra also beat Thrust by a single vote! What is going on?! I thought for sure Deadend had met a dead end, but he's alive and swimming. Manta Ray put up one heck of a fight all things considered, but Tankor/tank drone moves on. Elephantorca and TM Waspinator now face off, and Airrazor trounced Lazorbeak and now has to beat Cohadra.

Round 1 was crazy close. What's going to happen in Round 2? I have no idea!

Go decide for yourselves!
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Re: Best Beast Wars Action Figure Poll

Postby TM2 Dinobot » Sat Mar 06, 2021 10:52 am

Last day for voting. I will be taking a short break after this, but we have some fun stuff coming up, including a Masterpiece poll, a fan poll, and the last round of the semi-finals. Enjoy!
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Re: Best Beast Wars Action Figure Poll

Postby TM2 Dinobot » Mon Mar 15, 2021 8:52 am

Welcome back! Is everyone ready to muscle through to the end? Here's what the future is looking like: This week we've got a Kingdom wave, then coming up we have a Masterpiece wave, which will not count towards the final tally, as the MPs would just decimate everything. A Fans's Choice Poll, where you get to pick one character from all the first rounds that did not move on to come back one last time. Wave 8 of the Semi-Finals. Then we will be down to 32 Finalists. I've got some special things planned, brand new photos for the last round, a live countdown to the end of the bracket, and a professional video reviewer has agreed to review the final winner, who will be crowned the Best Beast Wars Action Figure of All Time. Exciting stuff!

We're in the end game now, folks. Tell your friends. Tell your loved ones. Just a few weeks left. I'm sure I don't need to tell y'all how this works. 16 action figures. Vote for your top 8. Round 1 ends Wednesday night. Round 2, 8 figures, vote for your top 4. The final 4 will move on the the Semi-Finals. Click the little square on their photo to expand the image. Round 2, swipe to the left on mobile to access the new bracket. Choices are personal, and can be based on the toy, color, articulation, nostalgia. It's up to you, but bare in mind this isn't about the best character but the best toy. We all love Code of Hero, but does that fact alone make S1 Dinobot the best figure? Well, that's up to you, but hopefully not.

This week we've got Kingdom. I put off this wave quite frankly so I could get more figures revealed. Hasbro just barely came through in time. So now we have Kingdom Wave 1 and 2, and the Beast Wars Vintage line. I also had the Netflix figures, but they are so minor repaints I couldn't justify putting them in any more than I could justify the 10th Anniversary deluxes. A few of the figures are out. A few have only just been revealed. Spotty 2020-1 distribution being what it is, just do your best. I have four brackets, the Dinosaurs, the Ladies, and two brackets of Old Vs New. It seemed fun.

Now, go forth and decide who rules this Kingdom!
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Re: Best Beast Wars Action Figure Poll

Postby just_aCloud » Mon Mar 15, 2021 10:27 am

Motto: "This guy's got bearings of chrome steel."
Weapon: Shoulder-Mounted Mega-Blast Missile Cannons
I didn't expect old figures vs Kingdom figs. That was rough having to pick between the two, especially for the Optimus figures!
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Re: Best Beast Wars Action Figure Poll

Postby TM2 Dinobot » Thu Mar 18, 2021 10:34 am

I had a lot of the same issues. I was shocked at the results though! Blackarachnia, Optimus and Megatron and both Paleotrex lost big time. I was flabbergasted.

Absolutely insane. What a crazy round.

Both Paleotrex lost, but the Foscilizers did pretty well. Transmutate crushed it against Vertabreak, and Airrazor trounced Blackarachnia. Dinobot was an unstoppable beast. And every single Kingdom figure came out on top of their 1996 counterparts, except for Cheetor. Cheetor Vs Cheetor and Purple Paleotrex/Ractonite were out only close matches.

We're down to eight, let's make it four! We had 75 participants this week, which was insane to me. Just, thank you for your support as we enter the final stretch. Polls close Sunday.
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Re: Best Beast Wars Action Figure Poll

Postby TM2 Dinobot » Mon Mar 29, 2021 9:18 am

Woof. Okay, sorry about that. I missed a week there. Things just kind of got away from me in my personal life.

This week we have a special treat. A Masterpiece poll! And this will cover all the BW MP figures down to one winner. Instead of two rounds this week, we get three! One shall stand, and one shall fall. Best of luck to all the contestants. Round one ends in two days.
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Re: Best Beast Wars Action Figure Poll

Postby just_aCloud » Mon Mar 29, 2021 9:54 am

Motto: "This guy's got bearings of chrome steel."
Weapon: Shoulder-Mounted Mega-Blast Missile Cannons
Ah man! I think I understand your rationality, but Optimus vs Megatron in the first round was just cruel! They're both such great figures!
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Re: Best Beast Wars Action Figure Poll

Postby TM2 Dinobot » Wed Mar 31, 2021 9:25 am

Surprisingly, Optimus didn't stand a chance! Tigatron and Optimus Primal both got 17 votes against Dinobot and Megatron's 35.

Cheetor came out against Shadow Panther, which wasn't even close, and Blackarachnia made mince meat out of Lio Convoy.

Now we're down to 4! Any guesses? I think it'll be Blackarachnia vs Megatron. Dinobot is pure magic, but Megatron is beautiful.

You've got till Friday. May the best bot win.
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X-MEN 97 #1 2nd pt ...
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Transformers Podcast: Twincast / Podcast #359 - One
Twincast / Podcast #359:
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Posted: Monday, September 23rd, 2024

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