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Birds Of War

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Birds Of War

Postby Shadow Fox » Fri Nov 23, 2007 10:19 am

Okie dokie people, I know I was going to leave this until I was at least a few chapters in but my compulsiveness has gotten the better of me once again. This is my first bash at a TF fic and only a second or third out of the scope of wrestling ones. It's set around season 3 of G1, but I'll be taking certain amount of liberties with it in later chappies. That being said, I will try and keep the liberty taking under control.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy my offering. Much aussie luv!


"Absolutely not."

"But we won't find anyone better to participate in the programe."

The military advisor glowered at the head scientist and stalked over to the large window that looked out onto the vast factory sized labratory. Considering the nature of the project underway, it looked more like a giant machine shop than anything else. Running a hand through his thick steel grey hair he considered the potential candidate the scientist had been pressing on him and hated it. Ever since the incident, the candidate was now walking the fine line between a dishonourable discharge and court marshal "The pilot you're suggesting is a complete maverick."

"With the estimated survival rate on this project, how many others do you seriously think are going to sign up?" The scientist stood up and smoothed out the few creases in his white lab coat and joined the General by the window "Besides, with what this potentially offers, the Liuetenant would do pretty much anything you asked to get this chance." Both men stood looking as dozens of mechanical engineers buzzed around the project like dutiful worker ants "Besides out of all the possibilities, Esser is the most expendable if anything unfortunate were to happen."

"That's cold, even for you."

"Harsh maybe, Gerald, but true." the scientist shrugged "Esser has no children and has the perfect motivation thanks to the circumstances that caused the death of the Lieutenant's fiancé and mother in Greece."

The soldier's shoulders slumped as he heaved a resigned sigh, personally the last part is what was bothering him the most. The way he saw it, that would more than likely work against them in his opinion. But they had been having this argument for nearly an hour now and he wasn't getting anywhere "All right Scott, you win. I'll bring Esser in to begin the fundamental training. By the time the training is complete this part of the project should be ready." He said with a wave of his hand waving at the activity on the other side of the glass "Provided we don't have any mishaps."

The sky was clear and beautiful, with only a few wisps of white clouds scattered in the unending blue. A solitary hawk soared lazily on the thermals as it's sharp eyes scanning the rolling fields of green below it for a potential meal. Nature in all it's quiet, simple glory "Lieutenant Esser, the General will see you now." The young secretary announced, snapping the pilot out of the day dream in the landscape photograph. Standing up the Lieutenant stopped a small distance from her as she opened the door and ushered Esser inside. Esser eyed the surroundings, wondering what the problem was now. It wasn't the first time in the past few months that the Lieutenant had been summoned to see a superior officer and he wondered why they hadn't had enough yet and simply kicked him out of the service.

Maybe today was the day?

If only he could be that lucky. He stood at attention and waited to be acknowledged by the CO, who so far hadn't even looked up from the papers he was reading "At ease Lieutenant." the General finally said with a dismissive hand gesture. When he looked up from his reading a brief look of disapproval crossed the older man's face, forcing Esser to keep his neutral composure from slipping and rewarding the General with a smug smirk. The rather noticeable purple bruising around one of his sable eyes along with several small cuts and scrapes that marred his otherwise handsome face didn't exactly put him in the picture of the ideal member of the United States Air Force that they would like to display to the public. Ever since they decided to bust him from Major to Lieutenant and not to let him fly any more in the hopes the punishment would make the pilot get his act together, Esser's aggressive behaviour and complete apathy for the consequences had only progressively gotten worse.

General Gerald Lange evaluated the young man before him who fell very short of the mark he saw that all personell of the USAF should hold themselves. Their eyes locked for a fleeting second and he was sure that Esser's had narrowed in a flash of contempt. To say that Esser wasn't fond of him would be more than a slight understatement. When it came down to it, the General felt the same way. He now saw the younger soldier as a failure and a disgrace. Before the Lieutenant's personal tragedy he had been one of the best on offer. Now he was angry and bitter, his regard for rules and authority had been on a downward landslide at breakneck speed since he had been grounded "How would you like to be promoted back to Major and in the sky, Esser?" He asked with some difficulty after a tense moment of silence.

Esser nearly did a double take. Here he was thinking they had finally come to the decision to throw him out on his ass, only to be asked if he wanted to fly again. He didn't care about the rank, it was money he'd probably just squander away any way. But to back in a pilot seat again? He wasn't going to lie, it was the only thing that made him feel remotely alive any more. Since he had been reprimanded nearly three months ago he was sure he was losing his mind. Something about this offer seemed to good to be true though, he wondered what it was as he answered with a measure of suspicious caution "Sir, what would it involve exactly?"

General Lange gestured for Esser to take a seat only to be refused "Well Esser, first and foremost you would have to clean up your act." he paused momentarily at a fleeting twitch in Esser's jaw before continuing "Because you have been selected for a new experimental programme. For this you will need to be in the best shape of your life. If you do choose to participate, all current strikes against you will be forgotten."

Esser had to fight the urge to laugh in the General's face. Nothing was forgotten in the military, he had learned that from experience "Experimental as in what way, Sir?"

"As in a classified one." the CO stated simply "That's all I can tell you until I know if you except or not."

Esser turned away and stared at a random spot on the opposing wall, he hated this cloak and dagger bullshit. He was determined to get something out of the General before he made a decision on anything, so he changed tactics and tried going down the path of indifference "What makes you think I would even be interested?"

"You'll get a chance to strike back more... directly, at the Decepticons." At that he watched as Esser gave him his full and undivided attention for the first time since he walked through the door. The only thing the pilot was focused on besides his own self destruction any more was that of the alien malefactors. Holding the General under an intense stare, the superior officer waited almost a full minute before breaking the silence "Well Lieutenant, what's it going to be?"

"I'm in." Esser's quiet answer belied the determination and hatred that lied beneath his words. He had been waiting a long time for an opportunity like this and now he was finally going to get his chance.

Esser had been staring at it for five minutes now and still couldn't believe it "You want me to pilot that?"

Scott Black looked at the newly re-instated Major with evident amusement "What's the matter soldier, afraid you're not up to it?"

Esser quickly recovered his composure under the scientist's humoured expression, he'd be damned if he'd let Dr Frankenstein here have a laugh at his expense "Please, if it's got wings and an engine you won't find a better pilot than yours truly."

"I hope you can live up to that statement, Major Esser."

Pilot and scientist turned around to face the big service elevator behind them as Rodimus Prime and Ultra Magnus stepped through it's open doors. The young leader of the Autobots studied the project's newest recruit carefully and Esser responded in kind. While he didn't hate the Autobots, the Major held absolutely no love for them either. After he was done Esser turned back to examine what they would have him fly, running a hand along a large jet black forearm when a thought struck him and looked back at the pair of mechs "Why not simply turn this thing into one of you? Why have a human pilot it?"

"The point of this project is to enable humans to take a more active role in defending themselves and the system from Decepticon attack." Magnus answered "If everything here goes well, mass production has a good chance of being approved."

Esser couldn't help but think that had so much potential to go wrong on so many levels. As if mankind wasn't a violent enough race already, now they wanted to put them in these... things? Imagine if a terrorist organisation got their hands on something like this. It wouldn't be just the Decepticons making peoples lives hell any more. Who was going to say which country could have them and which couldn't? Stop it, Esser told himself you're worrying about things beyond your control. Just focus on the opportunity this gives you to really put a dent in Decepticon ego for what they did.

Esser pulled himself up and walked along the wing of the creation, completely ignoring the disapproving stares of those who had worked so hard to build it. When he reached it's chest he looked down at the head of the inactive machine. It didn't have a full face, but instead looked more like that of the Dinobot leader, Grimlock. The only major difference there was the colour of the optics, Grimlock's where red, this one had green. But it made sense if he was going to be seeing through it's 'eyes', humans could see more shades of green than any other colour.

Rodimus and Magnus watched the pilot as he continued his examination "What do you suppose is going through his mind right now?" Rodimus said quietly to the soldier standing beside him.

"He's probably thinking up the best way he can use it to lash back at the Decepticons." Magnus replied "I still don't think that this was a wise idea Rodimus. The least the humans could have done was choose a pilot that follows orders more readily than this one."

"So he bends the rules a bit, who doesn't? Besides you have to admit, not many other pilots have his level of skill."

"'Bends the rules'? We were looking at the same personnel file, weren't we?" Magnus turned to his young leader with a questioning look "You're starting to sound like Black."

"Are you quite done in your appraisal of me?" Esser asked in a flat tone. Neither Autobot had noticed he had come down and stood a few feet away from them "Let's set this straight right now. What I do in my own personal time is my business, but don't you worry about it interfering with this precious little experiment of yours. I'll do what I'm told like a good little lab rat so long no-one screws me over." He took one more glance over at the machine before facing the scientist "So when am I going to be strapped into that thing and make it dance?"

Rodimus couldn't help but grin, obviously no-one had told him where his initial training was to begin. He doubted the Major would be quite so eager if he knew exactly where he would be staying for the next few months "Hold your horses there fly boy, you haven't even started the basic training for it yet, and there's only one place where you'll be able to do it."

"What do you mean wh-" Esser cut himself short as it sank in "Oh no, not there. Anywhere else but there."

"Afraid so Major." Rodimus replied, a small part of his programming already looking forward to try and restore the man's faith in the good intentions of Autobots towards humanity "Pack what you think you'll need, because for the foreseeable future your home is going to be none other than Autobot City."
Shadow Fox
Posts: 30
Joined: Tue Nov 13, 2007 9:05 pm

Postby Shadow Fox » Mon Nov 26, 2007 3:34 pm


Daniel Witwicky ran along one of the wide open halls of Autobot City towards one of the security points. He had overheard a conversation between his father Spike, Rodimus, Kup and Ultra Magnus about the new arrival from the Air Force and where he was going to stay. Naturally he was curious and wanted to see the new arrival for himself. When he reached the entrance an old but well looked after pick up truck was just pulling in and the boy wondered why anyone even wanted to drive those old cars any more. Ever since the arrival of the Transformers, mankind's technical evolution had shot forward in leaps and bounds thanks to the Autobots.

The truck stopped and the Major got out, giving a quick look at what he could see of the city and gave a light scowl. This was the last place he wanted to be but he didn't have a choice in the matter, Autobot City was the only place that had sufficient facilities to train him. Grabbing the credentials from the dash board, Esser closed the door and headed for the security office and handed them over. The Earth Defence Command officer went over them carefully, asking Esser various questions before he was finally satisfied. He handed over a pass and told him to keep it with him at all times because if he lost it Esser wouldn't be able to get back into the city without having to jump through some serious hoops first. The security officer was just about to give directions to where Esser would be staying when Daniel spoke up "I could show him where it is."

Esser looked at the guard then back down at the boy in front of him and shrugged nonchalantly "Lead the way."

Daniel smiled and raced out the door to wait beside the passenger side door of the truck. Esser shook his head, hoping that the child wasn't one to ask an endless stream of questions. He leaned over opened the door for Daniel then tossed the small metallic token that the guard gave him into the unused ashtray. The large V8 engine roared to life with a turn of the ignition key and Esser drove off, following the boy's directions at each intersection they came across until they reached their destination. Getting out he looked at the large doors with a cocked brow wondering how exactly he was supposed to open it. Daniel slid down from his seat and handed the Major his pass and pointed him toward a small panel on the left. Esser got the idea and pressed it against the panel and gazed inside, the room was bigger than his own house!

He turned back to the truck and simply drove it into his makeshift quarters, at least it ought to make unpacking easier. Not that he had that much to unpack. The room had been set out to have at least all the basic necessities a human living in something akin to an automated machine factory might require. Pulling the tarpaulin cover back from the tray of the truck he hauled a suitcase out and put it down next to him "Is there anything I can help with?" Daniel asked.

Esser picked up a smallish box and handed it to him before picking up his suitcase and headed toward his quarters, stashing it under the comfy looking bad that had been put there. Returning to the truck he hefted his well travelled foot locker out and placed it at the foot of the bed. Sitting down on the foot locker he took in his new surroundings until his eyes came to rest on the boy who had put the box on a counter top "So what's your name kid?"

"Daniel Witwicky."

"The Ambassador's son?"

"Yes sir."

"I see." He stood up again, Esser was feeling restless. He always did when he was somewhere new, whether he liked the place or not. But as fidgety as he was getting, exhaustion was creeping in. He had driven nearly the entire day to get here and it was beginning to take it's toll. To top it all off he was hungry. Esser didn't know what he wanted most; a feed, a walk around the place or simply sleep. Then it occurred to him that he may as well introduce himself to the kid "Nice to meet you Daniel, my name is Tobin Esser."

"I know." Daniel replied, suddenly looking a little sheepish at the questioning look he got from the man "I kinda overheard dad talking with Rodimus and the others."

'So much for classified information,' he thought sardonically,'if a mere boy can find it out I wonder how long it's going to take the Decepticons?' He was about to ask Daniel just how he had overheard when a set of metallic footsteps approached.

Daniels face was practically beaming as the pink and white femme stopped at the open door and ran up to greet her "Arcee!"

"Hello Daniel." she replied, kneeling down and affectionately ruffling the boy's hair "How are you?"

"Great." He followed the gaze of Arcees optics as they landed on Esser, who seemed more than happy to keep his distance "Arcee, this is Tobin."

The rigid set of the man's shoulders and the stony look at which he appraised her with wasn't lost on the femme. Looking back down at the child she gave him a warm smile "You should go and find Spike, he's been looking for you." As Daniel said his goodbyes to Arcee and Esser before racing down the corridor, she looked at the Major again and stood back up. His posture hadn't changed, if anything his cold demeanour had only made itself more presentable. The heavy silence that followed only served to make Arcee feel uncomfortable which seemed to amuse the human before her. Why was this man so inhospitable towards them? But that, at least for the time being, was not her concern. She was only here to give him Rodimus's orders "Major Esser, you are to report to Perceptor tomorrow morning at six o clock."

He acknowledged the message with a small nod of his head "Is there anything else?" he asked after a brief moment of heavy silence. The femme merely shook her head "Then I'll see this Perceptor at oh six hundred." Done with the bot he turned and made for his new living quarters "Don't forget to shut the door on your way out."

That, was seemingly it. Arcee had never been so rudely dismissed by a human like that before and she found it quite annoying. If this was how the Major planned to be for the duration of his stay here, it was going to cause some teething problems for both parties. The large door hissed closed behind her she walked down the halls and wondered exactly why Esser had such a chip on his shoulder. She was so lost in her own thoughts that she almost ran right into Rodimus "Hey Arcee, have you met our new guest yet?"

"Yes, and I gave him your instructions."

Rodimus gave her a smile of approval as the pair of them continued on their way back to the command centre. He gave her a sideways glance after a while and noticed something seemed to be bothering her "What's the matter?"

"That pilot." Arcee replied after a while "The way he looked at me, it was like he didn't see a friend or an Autobot. It was like he saw..."

"A Decepticon?" he finished as she trailed off and Arcee nodded. The young Autobot leader's sigh held a tinge of sadness "Have you ever heard of the Eye of Apollo?" He asked as they walked through the command centre doors and Arcee shook her head. Taking a seat at the end of the room by a large screen viewer Rodimus motioned for her to take the other "It's a long story and I'll tell you now, it's not a very nice one."
Shadow Fox
Posts: 30
Joined: Tue Nov 13, 2007 9:05 pm

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