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Cybertron - Moon Alpha

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Cybertron - Moon Alpha

Postby Devastron » Sat Aug 11, 2007 6:11 pm

Weapon: Energo-Sword
Alternatively known as Moon Alpha and Moonbase One, Cybertron's orbiting satellite has seen better days. Throughout the great war both sides have captured, held and lost the moon numerous times. Due to this the surface is little more than torn, twisted and ruined scrap metal, making it virtually useless to either side in the war.

(All posts on Cybertron's moon go here)
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Postby Tasbirk » Sat Aug 11, 2007 10:01 pm

The cold depths of space

Scourge the tracker and his Sweeps glided effortlessly through the void. Out here they could travel at speeds far beyond what they could attain when bound by gravity's shackles.

the Chaos Hound sent to Torment. He alone had been allowed to accompany Scourge and the drones on this mission. His tracking skills were nearly a match for the Chaos Hound's, and he was not so boisterous as his brethren. Unfortunately his current form had no face upon which to display his excitement.

Or perhaps that was a good thing. A smile from the Sweep Commander was an unpleasant thing in the best of circumstances. Out here, in the lonely and unforgiving reaches, it surely would have been like unto a glimpse of the Pit itself.

The hunting party soon reached the coordinates that the Emperor's walking communications console had provided. Here they would wait, far from the reach of enemy sensors.

As he and his minions slowed to a stop, Scourge could feel the tiny bit of heat from his main engines bleeding out of his hull. The cold was a welcome thing. The microscopic contraction of his outer plating seemed to fill the hunter with a heightened sense of his surroundings. It stilled his racing thoughts. It sharpened his instincts. It felt as cold as the Spark in his chest.

It felt like...home.

Silent and ready, the hunter waited.
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Postby *Silverblade » Sun Aug 12, 2007 3:56 pm

The black and orange form of Torment glided beside his superior. He was honored to be allowed this privedge. Though he had always felt a a closeness in talent with his commander, he was mindful of his actions beside the elite seeker. He had to admit he relished the idea of hunting along side the most feared sweep. He would not have taken to obeying Macabre very well, as his gifts lent him to feel secretly superior to the loud second in command.

He hovered silently, slightly behind Scourge. The commander only need say the word and he would take to action, but for now his only reply was.
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Postby Stone » Mon Aug 13, 2007 12:43 pm

Sector 7: Neutral Ground

As Prime stepped down off the shuttle, his foot landing heavily on the shattered ground with a resounding clang, he swept his attentive optics across the length and breadth of the Horizon. Nothing, all he could see, was nothing. Nothing except the twisted metal and gutted buildings that had once been a thriving settlement of the Cybertronian People. Once it had been the promise of something new.

Now it was just a ghost of what once was.

Like much of Cybertron itself, the Planet now far below them, it was a physical testament to the terrible cost this war had demanded. He quietly mused how many bodies, both Autobots and Decepticons, still lay unclaimed in the rubble, forgotten by both time and memory. Prime made a decision, there and then, that when the war was over, an effort would be made, a grand effort to find all those lost sparks, hidden from the optics in shallow graves.

No-one deserved to die like this.

"Stay alert Jazz..."

Optimus Prime cautioned his Lieutenant. Despite the intentions of Peace Making today, one could never be to careful when dealing with the Decepticons. Or to be exact, when dealing with Megatron.

"...there may be more dangers here than our obvious foe".

That was indeed the second dilemma. This planetoid had been chosen for one reason, it was an indisputably neutral location for both sides, but, as fate would have it, neither Autobot nor Deception had set foot here in hundreds of years.

Who could say what manner of creature had chosen to make this place their new home in its old caretakers absence.
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Postby Devastron » Mon Aug 13, 2007 7:25 pm

Weapon: Energo-Sword
Sector 7 - Neutral Ground

Megatron guided the shuttled down to one of the few relatively smooth patches of terrain left on Cybertron’s wrecked moon. He smirked as he powered down the engines and lowered the landing ramp. “Come Soundwave, let’s see what terms Prime has for our surrender.” Megatron chuckled slightly as he made his way to the shuttle door.

Megatron’s smirk quickly disappeared, replaced by a scowl as he exited the shuttle. It wouldn’t do to appear to be happy while showing up for his surrender. It wasn’t that hard for him to look angry though. This entire situation shouldn’t have happened. The Polyhex battle had been an utter disaster and now, to even feign he was surrendering, was a humiliation. The failure of the air forces at Polyhex had been addressed, but they still had to do something about that Guardian the Autobots had reactivated. Even if Shockwave and his group managed to take him down, there were going to look long and hard out how to counter such threats in the future.

The Decepticon Supreme commander strolled across the barren wasteland of Cybertron’s moon, his feet crushing the twist landscape beneath him. Yes, this would be a perfect place to serve as Prime’s tomb. Once he had conquered Cybertron he would leave this moon just as it was; a twisted and torn graveyard, as a reminder to anyone else who would dare stand in his way. Yes, he was going to enjoy this meeting, and take great pleasure in ripping out Prime’s spark and the Matrix with his bare hands.

Megatron came to a halt. About a dozen paces in front of him stood Optimus Prime and his chosen witness, Jazz. Megatron stood silently and glared at the Autobot leader for a moment, his hatred for him stewing inside of him. Prime was the spot of rust on the body of Cybertron, rust he had try to treat in the past but had only grown worse. It had spread across the planet, nearly threatening to consume it all. Now, here on this moon, Megatron was going to carve out the source of that rust and slowly being to rebuild the parts of Cybertron it had spread across until the planet was his perfect weapon.

Megatron spoke only one word, but the word was filled with disgust, hate and contempt. “Prime.”
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Postby Stone » Tue Aug 14, 2007 1:23 pm

Sector 7: Neutral Ground


Prime stood his ground as the Slagmaker himself arrived on the surface of this shattered moon, the most formidable Decepticon to have ever been engineered, a walking weapon of War. How many Autobot lives had he claimed now? Too many to count, more than would ever be known. Many had opposed him, one after the next, each looking to end his tyranny now and forever, all of them had failed.

All of them fell.

Even Sentinel Prime, empowered by the Matrix itself, could not stand against the might of this monster. On that day, as Megatron ripped the spark from the Autobot Commanders chest, a message was sent out to every corner of Cybertron. No-one could oppose Megatron.


Only that wasn't true.

There was one.

One that continued to defy his might even today.

Optimus Prime wondered for a moment, as he heard his name uttered with such bile and hatred, just what it was Megatron despised most. The thought that he could defeated, or the thought that is a was an Archivist that had done it. Pride could be a terrible thing, especially when it stood before that fabled fall.

"Its over Megatron, let this day mark the end of it, our world will not survive further war".
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Postby Longshot » Tue Aug 14, 2007 5:42 pm

Motto: "Feed them to the Sharkticons!"
Sector 7 - Neutral Ground

Making no verbal reply, Soundwave automatically fell into step behind Megatron as the larger mech led the way off the shuttle. He remained silent as the pair stalked across the ruined surface of Moon Alpha, the forlorn expanse of rubble and deactivated machinery standing in grim testament to the dreadful cost of the ongoing war. None of this touched the communications officer, however; in his view, the devastation of one of Cybertron's satellites was an insignificant price to pay in the pursuit of the ultimate Decepticon agenda: universal conquest. All this was simply collateral damage, an acceptable loss.

He could detect the subtle tension--and perhaps more than a little anticipation--in his leader as the two drew close to the prearranged meeting point. But, all in all, Megatron was keeping his feelings admirably under control, considering just whom they had come to meet. Few beings could provoke his fury the way that Prime did.

Soundwave noted the presence of Jazz at the side of the Autobot commander and immediately dismissed him. He did not possess nearly sufficient power to avert what was to come. He was far more interested in the confrontation between the two mighty mechanoids who most embodied the warring ideals which had torn Cybertron apart.

Over? Yes, it certainly would be soon enough. Soundwave simply awaiting Megatron's permission to send the transmission which would end this farce and mark the beginning of a new age of Decepticon surpremacy. Perhaps Prime might even have a few moments to regret his sanctimonious pomposity, before the Sweeps reduced him to scrap.
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Postby Devastron » Fri Aug 17, 2007 2:58 pm

Weapon: Energo-Sword
Sector 7 - Neutral Ground

Megatron glared back at Prime with cold fury but internally he was considering Prime’s words. It was quite possible that the planet would collapse under the strain of further war, and it might not spring back this time. He had always envisioned Cybertron being the capital and heart of his Decepticon Empire. He might have to alter his plans now. The Decepticon Empire will still rise, but Cybertron might not serve as its capital, at least, not at the start. They would have to rebuild it, using resources plundered from other planets. They would make it better than it had been before.

Megatron let those thoughts fade from his mind. He still had a war to win and right now, he had a Prime to send to his death. Still, he would let this drag out a bit longer. He wanted to make sure all of his other pieces had time to move into place before he made his next move. It might also be interesting to hear what plans Prime had for peace. He could guess at them, having gotten to know the Autobot commander well over the vorns, but it would be nice to have his suspicions confirmed.

“Your terms Prime?” he spat out with disgust.
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Postby Stone » Sat Aug 18, 2007 8:42 am

Sector 7: Neutral Ground

If Megatron could incinerate him with his optics alone then Prime had no doubt that he would be a smoldering pile of rubble by now such was his hatred. Optimus on the other hand took a more diplomatic response. Whilst his spark held no love for the Decepticon Tyrant he would not let ill will poison the proceedings here, not at this potentially crucial time. He wanted to build peace, not start another war.

"Polyhex is on the verge of falling..."

Optimus Prime began, his voice strong and confident. His words held conviction, just as they always did, he believed what he was saying, again, just as he always did. Optimus Prime did not know how too lie. Not even to his arch enemy.

"...I have the manpower and the resources to bring down the Citystate today, I can take Cybertron from you Megatron. You can prolong this War, yes, and it will cost many lives, so many that a victory on either side will be a hollow one, but I see no point. Abandon your lust for power Megatron, in the end, it will destroy us all".

For a moment Prime paused, silence falling between the two Titans of Cybertronian History, these two Generals that had been battling for Vorns that could no longer be counted. Some say it was a balance in the Universe, that such a confrontation could never end, that one could not exist without the other, that Prime could no exist without Megatron, that war was inevitable.

He didn't believe that.

Peace was not without hope.

But perhaps it was not without a price.

Retrieving a small, flat, metallic object from a storage compartment, an object roughly the size of his hand, he threw it towards Megatron. It was not an aggressive action, they simply weren't close enough for the object to be passed, the intention was for it to be caught. It was a message in a seance.

An idea.

On its surface was a single symbol, the future of Cybertron, the only future worth having. It was an insignia, but it was neither Autobot nor Decepticon, but an amalgam of both. One Planet, one Race, one People, one Future. A united Faction. Peace in our time.

"Your Munition Factories are to cease production, both sides will temporally halt the construction of new Protoforms, both sides are to retain their current city states. You are to state you official surrender to the entirety of the Decepticon Forces, they are expected to follow suit, if they do not, they will be treated as criminals and are to be tracked down by Both sides".

Prime paused for a second time, what he was to propose next would possibly be the most momentous event to take place since the war began. Providing both parties agreed to it. Prime was already prepared to follow through, the only question left, is whether or not Megatron was capable of such a thing.

"A new Ruling Council is too be formed effective immediately, the candidates voted into power by both sides, six Autobots, six Decepticons and three Neutrals. All will be eligible to stand for election...with the exception of two. Those two being us Megatron..."

Prime looked his counterpart in the optics.

"...we shall not be on this Council, we shall play no further part in the future of our world. We have both done enough damage for one lifetime".
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Postby Devastron » Wed Aug 22, 2007 8:03 pm

Weapon: Energo-Sword
Sector 7 - Neutral Ground

Megatron easily plucked the object thrown at him from the air. He looked down at the item, a metal plate with the amalgamated Autobot/Decepticon symbol on it. A sneer formed on his face. The Decepticon symbol had been polluted, weakened by the presence of the Autobot symbol. Megatron wanted all of Cybertron under one banner, but it would be the Decepticon banner. He had no interest in appeasing the Autobots. All Transformers would serve under him as Decepticons or be terminated. It was as simple as that.

He looked up at Optimus as he finished speaking. “How noble of you Prime, passing on leadership of this planet to your underlings. Will you give up the Matrix as well and go back to your archives? Maybe have a nice retirement party? Then what about me Optimus? No war crimes trial? No exile from Cybertron or perhaps an execution? Or do I get to retire as well in some lovely mansion overlooking the rust sea?” Megatron snickered. “You would just let me go that easily Prime, after all I have done. After all of the Autobots I have slain in battle, the prisoners I’ve tortured, the cities I’ve reduced to ashes, you expect me to simply step down and live a quiet life? Do you think the other Autobots would let that happen Prime? How many of them would still come after me, images of their homes destroyed and friends slaughtered by my actions still burnt into their memories.”

“Not that it matters really. You would have to kill me to get me to step down Prime. Here I thought you knew me, but it appears you don’t.” He took a couple of steps forward as he spoke, looking Prime right in the optics. “I was built for hard labor Prime, not to work in the archives like you. Over time I rebuilt and reforged myself, body and spirit. I modified my body, upgraded myself, added armor and weapons. I fought and killed in the gladiatorial arenas. I became the living embodiment of the Decepticon cause. Did you really think I could simply give all of that up Prime?”

“Here are my counter terms Prime. I will rip the Matrix from your chest chamber. I will hold your spark chamber in my hands, but I won’t kill you, not yet. I will keep you alive as my armies smash through the Tagan Heights and wrought your pathetic forces there. I will let you watch as my forces fell your mighty Omega Supreme and I will keep you alive as my air forces bomb Iacon flat. Then, once your capital is destroyed and Nova Cronum has fallen,” he brought up his hand, still clutching the symbol Prime had given him. With the sound of shrieking metal, he crushed it. “Then I will crush your spark chamber and end your existence.”

Megatron turned his head slightly, glancing over at Soundwave. “Now.”
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Postby Longshot » Thu Aug 23, 2007 5:34 pm

Motto: "Feed them to the Sharkticons!"
Sector 7 - Neutral Ground

Words could scarcely express Soundwave's contempt for the terms Prime had presented. He had known that the Autobot commander was an idealistic fool, but it was now apparent that he had severely underestimated just how much so. Cybertron would be united, but beneath the Decepticon sigil--not the graceless and unrealistic abomination with which they had been presented. To think that they would accept this obvious and transparent effort at hypocritical placation was absurd in the extreme.

Not that he believed for even a nanosecond that Prime's faithful lieutenants would agree to this travesty. As Megatron had said, there were far too many scars on both sides to simply forgive and forget. Without a decisive and crushing victory, the war would never end.

Fortunately, the Decepticons, under Megatron's leadership, were about to achieve just such a triumph.

Soundwave said nothing in response to the order that he was given, not even his usual monotone acknowledgement. Instead, he relayed a simple transmission to Scourge and his waiting squadron of Sweeps.

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Postby Tasbirk » Thu Aug 23, 2007 7:46 pm

The cold depths of space

At last! Scourge thought as the signal to attack resounded through his processor. He brought his pets online, the drone's engines flaring to life. Opening a channel to Torment, the Sweep Commander issued his orders.

The Hunter awaited no reply, sure that his instructions would be followed without question. Scourge and his minions took of at a full burn for Moon Alpha.

Speedily racing towards their target, the squadron descended on the Autobot Leader like shrikebats from the Pit. From opposite sides, massed laser fire arced towards Optimus Prime and Jazz...
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Postby *Silverblade » Thu Aug 23, 2007 11:24 pm

The cold depths of space

Torment grinned internally as Scourge gave his command. Turning with a sharp curve he headed into the opposite direction to come in at a 45* angle and then drop down upon Prime and his follower, in an opposite approach from his leader. The dead surface of the moon came to life with the brilliance of their fire. The carcasses of the long abandoned units glowed like stones around a primitive fire. Their aim impeccable, proving their worth in assault and power. Torment swerved to angle his lasers better at Prime, sending a bright hail of light at him. To hit the Powerful leader of the Autobots would be the highlight of Torment’s day. He laughed sadistically as he re opened fire almost instantly after the first round, not even waiting to see if the first shots had hit their mark. Then skillfully he barrel rolled to come back again the drones close behind ……..
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Postby The J Writer » Sat Aug 25, 2007 9:23 am

Nearing Sector 7

"We're almost there," Sunstreaker said as he piloted the shuttle toward the location of the meeting. "Cutting off engines and main power so we can coast in quietly." His fingers danced over the control console and the shuttle's interior lights dimmed as he shut down the propulsion and other systems of the small, unarmed craft in order to avoid being noticed. 'Cause if Prime is really managing to negotiate a peace treaty with Megatron, it'll be our tailplates if we foul it up!

As the shuttle coasted toward the moon's surface, shadowed by the massiveness of Cybertron behind it, Sunstreaker noticed something strange on the sensors.

"Sideswipe, look at all the blips on the radar!" he said, adjusting the shuttle's sensors to get a clearer picture. "There're dozens of 'em!"

Jagged gray and blue forms slashed past the viewports of the shuttle, and down in Sector 7, laser fire flashed and seethed across the moon's ruined surface.

"It's an ambush. No way Megatron was ever gonna do this deal cleanly!" Sunstreaker grabbed the control stick of the shuttle and swooped it down toward the moon's surface, then set the autopilot. It would land some distance from the site of the confrontation, but the twins wouldn't be inside when it landed. Sunstreaker stood up from the control chair and went to a side door. Pushing a button, the door slid open.

"C'mon, bro. Let's drop in on the 'Cons and give Prime and Jazz a hand!"
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Postby Stone » Sun Aug 26, 2007 4:17 am

Sector 7: Neutral Ground


He knew where this was going the moment Megatron activated his vocalizer. Optimus Prime could see it in the optics of his opposite, he could see his intentions as plain as day. Despite the comments made by the Decepticon Tyrant, Prime did know Megatron, on a certain level, he even understood him, possibly better than anyone else on Cybertron today. He knew what the dictator was capable of, he knew there was every chance that this was all a pretense for a trap, but he had also hoped, for one moment, that Megatron was capable of something none of the Autobots believed possible.

He wasn't.

Damn you Megatron!!

Prime thought bitterly as a series of events were set into motion, but even as the Autobot Commander pondered his regret his servos were already moving into action. Orion Pax had been built an Archivist, Optimus Prime had been reborn a Solider, he was not about to be caught laying down.


Prime called out to his Lt. as a series of gears opened and retracted down the Autobot Commanders back, revealing his Heavy Laser Rifle. Reaching over his shoulder in a swift, practiced motion, Prime swung the weapon out of its holster and brought it to bare, almost instantly firing a shot towards Megatron.


No sooner had he opened fire himself did the ground around them erupt into into fire, chunks of debris being scattered into the air as the duo of Autobots come under heavy fire. Prime barely had time to acknowledge of the presence of the Sweeps, a Decepticon presence he did not recognize, before they rained death down from the skies.

Feeling his own frame shuddering under the repeated impacts he noted from his internal diagnostics that his armor was holding, he wasn't about to count on that lasting for long. Nor did he count on the far weaker armor of Jazz lasting at all.

Moving at the speed of his own cortex, and with no concern for his own safety, Prime swung himself between the incoming fire and Jazz himself, creating a living shield for his loyal follower. Prime repressed a grimace as he felt a metallic sheet of metal was sheered from his shoulder and sent spinning through the air.

It was a minor wound, he would live, but neither he, nor Jazz, would last much longer out in the open.
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Postby Devastron » Sun Aug 26, 2007 1:35 pm

Weapon: Energo-Sword
Sector 7 - Neutral Ground

Megatron smiled as he saw his words sink in with Prime. He could see the realization in his optics. He hoped that Soundwave was recording this as he would enjoy seeing that look again in the future.

He didn’t have time to gloat on his victory though as Prime was quick to recover from his split second of shock. Megatron watched in mild surprise as the Autobot commander drew his rifle. Apparently he hadn’t come unarmed as they had agreed. He apparently wasn’t as naïve as he was playing. He moved to dodge, but he still caught part of Prime’s shot on the shoulder. He grimaced in pain, but the blast hadn’t done much real damage. Still, it was another thing Optimus Prime would pay for.

The Decepticon leader watched as the Sweeps launched their massed attack. Their weapons tore up the ground around the two Autobots and into Prime. The always selfless Autobot leader shielded his subordinate from the brunt of the attack. The act both amused and disgusted him. He only made himself weaker by shielding Jazz and if Jazz couldn’t take the fire, then he didn’t deserve the protection. He would simply never understand Prime.

With the initial Sweep attack subsiding, Megatron decided it was time he joined in. The Sweeps were here to give a first blow and soften Prime up so he could finish him. Megatron didn’t need the assistance, but he also didn’t want to engage in some prolonged battle here with Prime, not when he would be needed to coordinate their offenses on Cybertron. No, he would make this short but ever so sweet.

Megatron’s right hand retracted into his arm, exchanged for his purple energy mace. Twirling the weapon over his head, he charged at Prime, swinging the weapon down to crush the Autobot leader’s cranium in.
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Postby Stone » Mon Aug 27, 2007 7:48 am

Sector 7: Neutral Ground

True to form Megatron was not prepared to grant Optimus Prime even the briefest moment to pause and collect his thoughts. The final shots of the new breed of Decepticons had only just finished their impacts against his resilient armor as he caught the sight of the plummeting purple energy mace hurtled down towards his cranium.

Acting on instinct born of many thousands of years of experience, Prime moved with a speed far beyond his size limitations. While others with similar frames were slow and ponderous, Prime was quick and light footed, much like Megatron himself, the Autobot Commander was a true marvel of engineering.

Even so, as Prime sidestepped and turned away from the devastating path of the tyrants merciless weapon, he could not evade damage entirely. Prime momentarily shut down his vocalizers to deny the bark of pain being emitted as the spiked ball and and chain missed his cranium and yet still tore a small gouge down his back. He retained his footing, not missing a step, but he knew, just as his internal diagnostics were informing him, that there was more than just his outer armor plating that was now missing from his back.

First Energon to you Megatron

Prime thought somberly but refused to dwell on the moment, he did not have the time for such considerations as pain. Even as the mace was carving a jagged hole down his back, Primes own hand was retracting and, barely a moment later, was replaced by a Golden Energy Axe.

Ignoring the pain from his leaking wound the Commander of the Autobot braced his footing and brought his own arm down in a wide arc, the keen edge of his axe gleaming in the light, aiming to separate Megatron's arm right off his body at the shoulder.
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Postby Ember » Mon Aug 27, 2007 5:44 pm

Motto: "I'm not psycho...I just like psychotic things."
Sector 7 – Neutral Ground

“I’m right behind ya, Sunny!”

A shout followed the golden mech as Sidswipe made his way to the opened bay door. Switching on his jetpack, Sidswipe jetted toward one of the closest Sweeps.

>>I’ve never seen these guys before. What do ya suppose they are Sunny?<<

With his comm out to his twin, Sidswipe tried to land on one of the Sweeps in an attempt to throw him off balance and cause a crash landing.

(OOC: One of you Sweep players can step in as the one Siders tried to land on.)
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Postby The J Writer » Tue Aug 28, 2007 10:05 pm

Sector 7 - Neutral Ground

Falling through space, Sunstreaker returned his twin's comm verbally, wanting these strange and hideous Decepticons to know his precise feelings about them.

"I don't know, bro...but Primus' primary waste processor, they are UGLY!"

As one particularly unpleasant-looking Decepticon craft rolled near Sunstreaker, he reached out and locked his arms around its upper fuselage. and gray. What an absolutely atrocious color scheme. Someone should kill this guy just for having such poor taste.

Reaching back with one hand as his other hand dug into Torment's hull for a steady grip on the flying Sweep, Sunstreaker swung his fist at the upper fuselage portion that became Torment's head in robot mode. Whatever this tailplate-ugly thing was, Sunstreaker aimed to bring it down.
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Postby *Silverblade » Wed Aug 29, 2007 6:22 pm

Sector 7 - Neutral Ground

Torment's came out of his barrel roll in time to see Prime use his body to shield Jazz. Torment grunted in disgust. How weak. As the sweep came around his visual sensors locked upon Prime's transport ship, it was vulnerable docked upon the moon's surface. Torment open fire upon the shuttle his lasers cutting up the moon's surface as he zeroed in. If he could destroy the ship the Autobots would have no escape .... no where to run.

Unfortunately in his bold move to render Prime at a disadvantage Torment had placed himself into a position perfect for Sunstreaker. As the sweep was preoccupied he had not noticed the approach of a second Autobot vessel. Landing upon the orange and slate sweep with a clang. The yellow hero's fist made contact with his head compartment causing him to yell.

“ARG! Get off of me Autobot!”

Torment flipped his fast moving chassis heading straight at the clones and their open laser fire. The sadistic sweep was not afraid of being hit by his own soldier's lasers. A game of robot chicken had begun. The distance between them and the clones was rapidly shrinking.

“Make a choice Quickly Autobot, I am not afraid to be bathed in the cleansing fire of my brethren, but you will not fair so well.”

Clones or not the sweep as a transformer was still an excellent war machine, and Sunstreaker was in for a ride.
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Postby Longshot » Wed Aug 29, 2007 6:56 pm

Motto: "Feed them to the Sharkticons!"
Sector 7 - Neutral Ground

Soundwave couldn't help but be pleased at Prime's heroic display of self-sacrifice. If the Autobot leader were willing to put his functioning on the line for the sake of his far less durable comrade, then that would only expedite his eventual termination. Already, the weapons of the Sweeps were taking their toll, slowly but surely overcoming the former archivist's formidable defenses. Eventually, there would be nothing left but smoking slag.

Which was why Megatron's decision to join the fray concerned him. He could certainly understand his leader's desire to extinguish the spark of his mortal enemy with his own bare hands--at least, in an intellectual way. Soundwave's own hatred of Prime and the Autobots in general was less a matter of passion than a matter of cold-blooded calculation, but he was not completely unacquainted with the concept of personal antipathy. Nonetheless, he also saw no need for the Decepticon Supreme Commander to risk himself in such a manner when Prime's destruction was assured either way.

It was an unnecessary risk. But this was hardly the time or the place to make such an observation.

The arrival of Sunstreaker and Sideswipe was unexpected--though it probably shouldn't have been. Apparently, they had underestimated the Autobots' capacity for deception, assuming that Prime would act honorably even though they had no intention of doing the same. It hardly mattered. Their only contribution would be the addition of two more wrecks to the desloate landscape of Moon Alpha.

Still, the diversion of the Sweeps' concentrated firepower away from Jazz could throw off their timetable. And why take the chance of being drawn into this fight himself? Soundwave tapped the activation switch at his shoulder, causing his chest cavity to open wide.

"Rumble, Frenzy, Buzzsaw, Ravage: eject. Operation: reinforcement." The four Cassetticons emerged obediently, transforming in mid-air from their compact storage forms to their respective alternate modes.

"Awright!" Rumble whooped, brandishing his laser rifles belligerently. "Just point me at whoever needs scrappin'!" Frenzy grinned manically in agreement, while Buzzsaw and Ravage simply looked to their creator expectantly.

Soundwave pointed to the beleaguered Jazz, which was all the direction the smaller Decepticons required.
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Postby Tasbirk » Wed Aug 29, 2007 8:49 pm

Sector 7 - Neutral Ground

Scourge had detected Sideswipe not an astrosecond before the Autobot slammed into him. He had been so focused on his ultimate prize that he had barely adjusted his heading in time. Even then, his evasive action was too little, too late. The scarlet Autobot crashed against the Sweep Commander's side, denting his paneling and sending him spiraling.

The Hunter was able to regain control quickly. His systems readout showed little lasting damage, though his left "wing" was badly bent. Transforming to robot form, Scourge got his first real look at his opponent. A flying Autobot, he thought. How quaint. Let us see how well it flies when we remove its noisome accessory. Along with a few extremities.

Scourge charged Sideswipe head-on, only to feint to the left at the last moment, rolling behind his foe. His vicious claws reached out for the moorings of Sideswipe's jet pack... Meanwhile, the Sweep Drones continued to press their assault upon Optimus Prime. Now that Lord Megatron had entered the fray, their shots came far more infrequently; their directives would not allow them to fire on the Emperor. They primarily focused on terminating the Prime's companion, designation: Jazz.

The arrival of the Twins (as well as the deployment of the Cassetticons) necessitated a shift in their termination protocols. Half of the sparkless hunter-killers remained fighting the Prime. The remainder redeployed, flying to surround the newly arrived Autobots.
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Postby Devastron » Thu Aug 30, 2007 11:51 pm

Weapon: Energo-Sword
Sector 7 - Neutral Ground

Megatron smiled as he felt and heard the mace collided with Prime’s back. It wasn’t the head crushing blow he had hoped for, but he could tell it did some real damage. This isn’t what he was built for, but it was what he had rebuilt himself for. Untold years fighting in the gladiatorial pits had honed his warrior skills. Numerous and often painful modifications to his body had taken him from a simple grunt to warrior he was today, and leader of the Decepticons.

Prime, on the other hand, had his power and skill given to him by the Matrix. He had been a mere archivist when Megatron had slaughtered his predecessor, Sentinel Prime. The very thought of the archivist being given the Matrix still disgusted Megatron to this day, and somehow this archivist was able to do what the other Prime had not been able to. He had successfully stopped the Decepticon advance across the planet. After everything Megatron had done, the sacrifices he had made, and then this random mechanoid was simply given the strength and talents that he had not earned and sent off to stop him.

None of that mattered now though. The entire conflict had now been reduced to this, a single one on one combat. Strength against strength, skill against skill. The weapons would be nothing more than their own bodies. It was the type of combat he had experienced hundreds of times in the gladiatorial pits. This was the type of combat he had been forged in. It came naturally to him, and he had never lost.

Megatron’s instincts were sharp, and yet he barely managed to avoid losing a limb to Prime’s counterattack. He twisted and leapt back. The ax gouged a slash in his chest armor and Megatron could feel the pain from the blow. He did not cry out though, but his smile merely widened. Yes, it shouldn’t be an easy fight, he thought. Slaying a weakling would carry no satisfaction. He expected nothing but the greatest fight of his life, to be topped by his greatest victory. He came back with a roundhouse kick to Prime’s midsection.
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Postby Rebel Raven » Sun Sep 02, 2007 1:05 pm

(OOC: I have just recently been given the mantle of Discord.)
Sector 7 - Neutral Ground
Virtually everyone had been deployed somewhere from her previous location, so she headed to follow Scourge to the ambush.

She arrived just in time to see an insolent dog of an Autobot land on Torment, and another land on Scourge.
Her familial bond to them had her near seething as it kicked in. They were related in a way, after all.
They did not seem to need help from her so she maintained distance, firing at other Autobots on the ground, but also hung back waiting to leap at the opportunity to help either of her comrades should the unthinkable happen, and the Autobots prove too much for them.
She would not continue to watch over them too long, though.
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Postby The J Writer » Sun Sep 02, 2007 7:31 pm

Sector 7 - Neutral Ground

Holding onto Torment as the Sweep began taking him on a wild ride through a gauntlet of laser fire, Sunstreaker launched his free fist at the Sweep's head/upper fuselage again and again, attempting to deal some more damage to the unusual Decepticon. Laser fire impacted against his gleaming skin, leaving scorch marks here and there but not penetrating his hide - for the moment.

"Titanium-alloy, double-plated for durability and shine," he snarled through a clenched vocalizer. "Looks fabulous and is resistant to most forms of artillery. Does your armor look this good or protect you so well? I doubt it, you hideously misshapen piece of..."

His curses trailed off as he continued to swing away at the Sweep's upper fuselage, trying to drive him to the ground before the laser fire of the others cut them both to shreds.
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