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Postby sentinal supreme » Thu Jan 29, 2009 4:15 am

Prime! I just unlock more information, from with in the transport ships data banks. Seems the vessel haD some very special cargo.But a navigation's malfunction forced it to land prematurely. Seems a order was giving to abandon the ship and a self destruct mechanism was activated,that as well malfunctioned to.

"The cargo?"

"O' yes,yes,prime,,,,It appears the cargo was a unit of terian vehicles"


"No,,Transformers,, with some very impressive fire power,judging by the looks of the schematics,the most correct assumption is that some were built for speed while others for construction. eleven in all"

"So...the decepticon are becoming more industrious,and apparently have plans of ruling the roads".

"And the sky's, counter measures must be taken with heist"

"Any more progress with the ship?"

"O' yes,yes... quite a lot in fact....,we have figured out to control panels,and have programmed the ship to retrace it course back to it original starting point.Whch is in the same area as the manufacturing plant."

"Excellent,good job...Prime Out.."

Injury like surge was born Directly into the struggle and was never giving a name save for the number six, "proto form six" for six of his kind were born. But from the very begaining he has had other plans, not of grandeur,or even of treachry.Injury loves to hunt, to stalk,and subdue his pray.The urge is so great that he would stalk his fellow troops of the flying variety,which proved to be a challenge at first.
Injury is a land base transformer with out flying capability at all. He has learn the seekers have a very typical behavior paterns.
And like a spider,one just needs to set the right trap or have the right position and then pounce.
Injury has made seeker alike fly around tall structure with all the alertness of a frighten mouse.The game never stops with him, force your pray to do want you want them to do and the adjustment they may think they have made to stay a step ahead of you is exactly what you want them to do. Injury would scale tall structures and lay in wait for his victim. With a well calculated spring from the tower, grasping his pray in mid fight. sending them both toppling to the ground,right before impact leap away.. his landing will be hard but not as hard as the pray.sink into the shadows and prepare for another attack....he would never kill them....but there pain,and fear stimulated him. Meny attempts on his life has been made to no aveal. He has even stalk Megatron but dear not attack, slinking around in the shadow about him never loosen sight of him,causing him to react to sound project and giving him a sense of uneasiness is just as good.
He has stalked and killed thousands of neutrals and autobots,just for fun with out firing one shot.He could careless about the All spark, galactic conquest or any other grand scheme. Injury works for nothing he take every thing he needs for his victims,and almost never fights in battle... he may be present but doesn't participate, instead transformer and record the carnage for play back later. Being one of the few decepticons with a land base vehicle mode,he get mistaken for an autobot by non-autobots and even autobots will came close enough for him to pounce,he would just stand back turn to his victim and the curious bot would just walk right up to him even after being scanned and meet their doom, typical autobot behavior. no decepticon would do that.

"The P-six is not very evolved mentally,but his skills are a asset if under control"

"And how do you propose to do this?"

"I've been working on a psyc-ops solider,one that can,... in theory control the simple minded P-six unit"

"why is this something I should be interested in?"

"why you yourself Megatron knows the value of fear.... this unit can project it toward an subject causing him to panic"

"Bring in the p-six and run field text, im not sold on this "Shockwave",DO NOT allow this to slow up work on triple change process"

" It is 98 percent complete"

His first thought when he first saw the T.I.C, was to set it loose and hunt it down and mangle it slowly.when the T.I.C scrabbled into his chest he then began to form cognitive thoughts other then mangling things.The urge to hunt was still there, but not the most important thing to him anymore just something he'd do when the time and opportunity was right. war made sense to him now, but still of little concern to him,and he consider his actions with a cause and effect rational.The little bot change him, making new neural connections and fixing malformed one.If Injury was a human He'd been two years two,Transformers come online with the ignorance of a new born child, but
with fully developed processor units and particular instinctual behaviors allowing them to mature very rapidly, a giving individual could become wise in relatively a short time or not at all just base intellect.
In Injury's case complications with his processor left him more instinctual with limited capacity for reasoning.The T.I.C boosted his intelligence form two to the equivalent of a thirty five year old man,slimly above average by transformer standard. He still has a pack mentality and finds Megatron's pack undesirable but suitable .Shockwave envisions him as the perfect assassin in which he need to corral into his fold of schemes. All though Loyal to Megatron, but by logic, "If the failures of Megatron supplant the achievements a leader must be instated,to insure that the decepticon cause is completed".

As Injury lays mortally wounded severely depleted of energy he feels the presence of another figure, like a wounded animal he became very defensive and pre-peared to strike at it.The figure spoke to him but not with audio.

"Your salvation is at hand noble hunter,all I ask is that you join me"

"join what?...YOUR WAR!...

"I merely offer you a simple choice,to take your own fate in your own hands,govern yourself and if you consider and find that's my wisdom be satisfactory to you,then so be it.You shale not be tied to me by string or restraint,force or other wise.But by one's own willingness to belong .Pursuit of one's own endeavors will not be prosecuted, instead incouraged. If it happens that you and I shear the same or similar vision then let him follow" If not, then so be it, I shale spear your life regardless and let you resume you path with Megatron"

"Are you a filthy autobot? Or a weak neutral"

"Please do not insult me,I am a decepticon true and true, am I not a seeker? I'm am Surge formerly of the decepticon armada air and surface warrior"

A sense of irony filled him as he remembers the seeker.."I have stalked and hunt you ,and your kind in the past,way now do you wish to spear me"

"You are a decepticon as i am"

With that Injury was sold, A pack leader has been found. The T.I.C sprung forth form Surge's chest and began sustaining the injured bot while Surge went for materials to complete the task.

As Iron hide, Search, and the rest of the team boarded the decepticon transport ship with explosives and very heavy weaponry and beefed up armor, They set of for there mission.The mood in the ship was grim at best.The ship navigated it course without any problems.

" the ship is in route Royal one"

"See to it that one interferes"

"Of course your excellency"


"A ferocious war is being wage on Cybertron Threaten to consume it", Said's ICELL MAXIMUS who dwells in apart of Cybertron untouched by the war as of yet.

"The common wealth of all Cybertron is at stakes!"

"Well ICell, if you want go poking your noise in affairs that are not of your own then go and joint there war,but we have no claims or stakes in the brutalities of war!'

"what you fail to realize is that the situation is impending, growing and nations are picking or being forced to choose sides, the war will be upon us shortly and then we'll have to choose or be forced into a side."

"The one they call Megatron is nothing more then a super sized thug,a ruffian, he'll run his course of destruction into it's own oblivion sooner or latter .Tyrants rise and fall and so does these would be heroes, Prime is no different."

"I Beg the Differ on both accounts....'

"Yes I will admit that this recent up rising is slightly more expansive then the rest,but yet and still not a threat to the entire planet".

'DONT BE NIEVE Senator, the evidence is all about us, and I do not wish to plunge up into war but merely lend and helping hand to the cause of the noble. War is a very costly exploit..... if we were to lend resources and gain new allies with resources to hand forth the war could be over in a matter of no time, and new nation as allies we will have."

"suppose this Megatron is stronger than what I think,and find us in fact in alliance with the autobots,who is to stop him from crushing us as well?"

"The autobot will set up defense post all round our constituency and provide and omega sentinel to finned off all attacks would they come"

"This sounds risky and dangerous as well."

"With great risk comes great reward,senator.... the time and opportunity is at hand we can take action or merely fall victim to the coming tide of progress".

"I agree with the young senator"

"As do I"

"As do all of us"

"IT is clear that I am now out voted,for the records let it be known I appose this action,and nothing can come of this but calamity.. war is not our way."

Icell Maximus, though an advocate for Pease and democracy,longed for power... in the sense of being a powerful nation. That powerful autobot army under his control meant more and more nations would flock to his empire and fall in line making his nation a planet wide front runner and simultaneously setting him way above his peers and the counsel.The army would not be use for intimidation more of a status quo. Icell plays the game well and is well respected in and out side of his fraction. For his never tiring champagne for togetherness and prosperity,charitable works and speeches.Icell has never seen war up close and has never encountered a true dictator, all his plans seem to just work for him. thus he is dubbed the golden one by all that know of him,even Megatron himself knows of the golden one, but considers him and his country men, soft hearted maggots that will fall inline at the first sign of trouble.that being some what true,Icell himself beneath all the diplomacy is in fact a very tough cookies,that will not back from a physical challenge, he is strong in every way. meany find him intimidating until he speaks, Icell can not transform and by choice of career. transformation is assign by function, politician have no need for it,fore all their needs are met by the working class,which transformers into all sort of things from small communication devices to colossal transport ship and space exploration vessels, which are the leading on the planet,Because his society is dedicated to space exploration.
Icell Maximus has been known to fall into fit of depression and anger when he is unable to accomplish a goal,he hate failure and view it as inadequate aspect of as character that cause him to not suceed.This self loathing is something he has hidden for his peers for a long time, by hiding out when in these fazes.And this new endeavor is his most ambitious to date.

"Breaker...really... you be out there"

"No just think about it.... it's a lot of funny stuff that go's on in this world alone, you don't think that there are aliens?"

"If there were aliens way would they sneak about on our planet if they are that advanced,I mean came across the galaxy, just to be sneaky and play tricks!? for all that brawn they had to sacrifice some brains".

"HA..HA...HA..your a real riot,ok when the aliens do come and suck out your processor don't be calling for me. I'll be to busy telling everybody..... I told you so"

"Suck out my procce,,what??..just shut up..

"Have you heard of the Stalker?"

" let me guess...he stalks you...

"yep...and pulls you apart"

"were do you get this stuff?"

"no... really there is a stalker, there hundred mangled chases in preceptor lab"


"Yeah we can swing by the lab and check it out later,..I'm going to catch this mangler"

"Thought he was the stalker?"

"what ever, stalker,mangler...and who said it is a he, could be aliens"

"could be breaker... yeah I...Got you bulb.

"you better..... trust no one is my model"

"paranoia is your model"

"let Finnish up this patrol and swing by the lab and you can see for yourself"

Breaker earned his rank and respect quick,a nature born leader and a flair for combat like no other,Breaker absolutely has not mercy on any individual praying on the weak.He gives no chance of surrender,a groveling decepticon only seems to infuriate him even more.His theory
is that evil doers shale suffer the same feat of mercilessness as they themselves have dealt, that is justice, trials, imprisonment, fooie. All his interrogations end in death,most of his squads find him over aggressive, violent and thick headed. Decepticons dare not touch the ground when he is in battle and stay air born if they hover to low he'll snatch them right out of the air, and proceed to do by his name sake. His alt mode is that of a monstrous tank, standing he towers over most of his comrades.
Off the battle field he is the most friendly and easy going bot around he is this way by calculation he wants all the gossip,all the news,all the leads he can get.he has more rank them any of his class mates and none seem to care,save for Search whom he dislikes and feeling is mutual ."Search is a punk kid that will never grow up,in his opinion, and Breaker is a think headed oaf that is gullible,in his opinion."

Spotter.... on the other hand is as practice as they come, you must show him irrefutable evidence of anything,before he even pretends to care. Fore that is his nature details,details,details,facts, a detective if you will. HE loves to prove breaker wrong with bombardment of fact and hard evidence. And generally finds him very amusing and fun to be with. His fighting style don't bother him a bit, figures he has a point, they would not show us any relent, but to each his own. Spotter slays by degree, starscreem,Megatron has no chance what so ever,But some one else might.He take in consideration that some of these guys are force to fight fore fear of the pervious mentioned. his alt mode is similar to a combination of a speed boat and stealth bomber, he's not as fast as a seeker his function in the air is different from theirs.. he's a low altitude strike air craft,he is best suited for assaults on stationary objects and drones vehicles were as theirs is pretty much sweeps of bombardment .He loves to fly but prefers to fight in robot mode on the ground with his fellow troops. Decepticons are shocked when he transformers and chase them firing missiles and heavy gun fire that rip thought their wings causing them lose control and crash.most decepticon think he's some kind of traider turn coat the one's who have seem him knows he is no seeker. He also can hover and topple small structure with his guns, and tear a seek apart with them.He is not as dedicated to the war as everyone thinks he is or even a die hard autobot. He just know that its the right thing to do, and if he doesn't fight for his freedom then who will?, when its all said and done he doesn't wants to have to thank someone else for his free, he did it for himself as well as for other.


Two hundred and fifty thousand years in the future there would be a society on earth in the Mediterranean area similar to the decepticon order of now,This society would be called Sparta.In meany ways it will unknowingly mimic the ancient alien order.
The Decepticon way of life is relatively simple at best,a society of warriors,true and true from the moment a decepticon comes online he is in a battle, 60% of young decepticon do not make it thought the rigors of youth only the strongest,and brightest survive. shun by their brethren until there mantle of courage and stoutness are proven. It is common for young decepticons to rove about in small or large gangs totally unassisted by there older peers fending for themselves.The fastest way to gain your fellowship is to directly challenge a establish warrior and defeat him in combat, and you and your tribe shale be accepted, if you should fall you fall to oblivion and your follower as well..
Another way is to set out in conquest in the name of Megatron where as which the value of the land conquered is the value of mantel you shale recive.thus upon acceptance you will be allowed to in to the upper society of advanced military operation and given a name suitable to one miret.And it is quickly established that your loyalty should always lie with Megatron and on one else, not your former tribe, not even yourself, for Megatron's will is now your only goal in life.
Newly converted citizens of conquered territories are regard as lesser member of the society second class citizen and must prove themselves in battle as well, but shale never truly become real decepticons unless under going the trail, thus creating the large gangs, mini armies..In cases like Shockwave and Starscream who were never subjected to this system of operation, never the less see the value of it.In the case of a decepticon named Blockade who came online and in recorded time made his advancement by completely pulverizing an dominate seeker with his bare hands and issued challenge after challenge and succeeding.(The hostile brute seem to have a distinct dislike for the seeker kind, deeming then coward for mainly staging air attacks),until he challenged an seeker named Surge and was thoroughly routed. The seeker in the end did not terminate him on the line of he has proven himself already with the previous battles and was now merely being cocky. Out of pure contempt and not strategy he told the young cohort" you now belong to me, I hold your life in my hands" he meant it in just that context, in that very moment at least. As a last act of dominance he then flung him across the court yard as is discarding trash .
Blockade being very impressionable at the time took it to spark and proceeded to shadow the young seeker, much to Surge's annoyance He didn't understand admiration. Blockade being a bully himself viewed the seekers behavior towards his as befitting and admired his strength and prestige and would tell him all that he has seem and heard. how they feared him, how they felt assured in battle with him and eager to touch the ground with him and demolish all ememeies.He found merit in him "the land base decepticon" as a go between with his fellow chinch men.but still his loyalty lied with Megatron but to be social was good to as well.
Blockade would pick fights to impress his new found friend, "who could careless" and sought to find the p-six and thrash him to gain more prestige amongst is colleges. In battle situations the seeker loved to watch him charge into small groups of opposition and beat the snot out of them and allow them to land and riddle them with gun fire and speed of to another group to start anew. But off the field they found him insufferable, obsessively speaking of himself,demeaning others, and making claims of road superiority. Blockade has no friends save for Surge to whom he his humble with..

Icell Maximus ordered the massive flag ship transformer to convert to ship and set a course and heading to the autobot camp.The transformer himself was named "Explorion Alpha" the first of his kind being able the break the atmosphere and achieve space travel. And So massive that he can cast a shadow over a small community and lift in the hundred of millions of pounds out fitted with only scientific gear, Explorion Alpha is a scientist, totally benevolent and eager to please.

"Way such grandeur?"

"This is exactly way you do not advance,or ever accomplish any thing significant as a senate member other than being out voted and shot down." he said with contempt. "You have no sense of show manship,or vision,you must always appear exponentially bigger than the situation upon which you indulge, if you yourself can divert attention from the matter at hand onto yourself, then swing it back at your disposal you have already achieved the goal the rest is just mere formality".

"That just shows the dim wittiery upon the counsel seats and the one's you meet,your smoke and mirrors are impressive but that is it, just smoke and mirrors. what do we as a people stand to gain from this alliance"

"We shale emerge out of the shadows and become a great nation for all the behold,by being vary instrumental in the demise of Cibertron's biggest tyrant to date, The autobots shale personify our pursuit of democracy and hope."

"So it is wish to ride the autobot coat tale to planet wide recognition..." Icell cut him off quickly,with all dismiss of content.

"This history in the making I plan to write us in, give us a stake in the great feats of this plant to long we have sat back and done nothing,and gain nothing".

"YOU MAD?" He shouted."we have every thing we want here, peace!!!! we lead the planet in space exploration,meany come here to learn from our scholars technological break through are ritual here...."

"AND IT IS BORING!!!!!!!!!!THE SAME THING ,DAY IN, DAY OUT!" He snapped at his colleague who had to reassure himself he wasn't going to struck then spoke.

"Icell the cost of war is staggeringly high, war is not a champagne,or something to be use for recognition,it is brutal,viscous,and not our fore you do this see the victims of this war and then re-evaluate your champagne."

Old fool he thought to himself,but never the less he still had respect for the elder. In fact Icell love his people a great deal and would face any foe in there defense and would never put them in harms way.With Optimus Prime on his side no one would dare.he boarded the vessel and proceeded to his destination.

"You really think Optimus will gone us?"

"what choice does he have, win the war or die trying. With us the win is immolate, without,... who may know"


"Why doesn't Primes Just use the allspark to make an army and just over whelm megatron by pure numbers?"

"So their just going to pop online Autobots revving to go?" Iron hide said to Search,.."It doesn't work like that Kido, the spark doesn't assign affiliation it just grants life.We learn that from Megatron meany of the bot he brought online ran off,only a small amount became soilder.He threaten to over populate the planet.When we recovered the allspark he then proceeded to try and retrieve the lost ones, conquering nation after nation. And when we brought bot's online many were unwilling to help us as well and went there way".Great nations have sprung forth from these exploits.but The point is.. it a bad idea.
Look there is no easy way out of this for either side, a lot of bot's are going to die and a lot of live will be changed the innocent will be harmed, killed. we're just trying to stop it from becoming away of life. under Megatron's rule that will be your life or you'd be dead.
Right Now it is war, I think, I breath war, I live, I eat war, get that through your head, breath it in, consume it... in the future there will be Pease, and I will live and think Pease. But for now it is war, and only war ......

Search seem to loose some of his innocence and began to take in account his own mortality... which he valued more than anything.
sentinal supreme
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