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Fan Fic "Angel Child" Rated Comedy

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Re: Fan Fic "Angel Child" Rated Comedy

Postby Friend of Da Panda Symbol » Wed Feb 13, 2008 9:06 am

Part 17

“Will my taps to yourz lead feet drum up ya tune?” Laser blasting Rumble was a little over nine meters ahead of his comrades who where focussed upon wreaking havoc to the degree of being atypically silent. The quiet was chillingly palatable and especially malevolent to Gina who covered her mouth, tears springing out. My poor mind gone from body boy! Leave off learning the Autobots’ intent, can it be any worse than what have I done to h-- these poor people around us? No other intent could be deduced of the enemy’s intent except laying their on-ground targets waste. Humans not possessing Gina’s body frozen terrified abandoned what was once deigned as the ultimate safe refuge, resumed the frenetic hunt for more sufficient cover while those streaming from buildings joined in those already screaming and shielding heads. Taller edifices were converted to fireballs and varied sized, damage resutling projectiles.

Give a week recharge chamber sessions just for fists back!

Well that’s my cue. Following a few choice rocket blast, Wheeljack transformed inside the small division between earth and ground.

Understand now, a little more than moments before, but…”Gooo, Wheeee!” All we need is the Decepticons’ll remain in today’s more stupid than usual thought processes and a lot of luck.

NO SURRENDER! THOSE EXEMPTED DUE TO EQUAL IMPORTANT TASK, ROLL FOR IT, REST OF US HUMAN SAFETY HAS UNCONDITIONAL PRECEDENCE! The battle cry was inside assorted defensive weapons, acting as shields for what would have been direct hits of panicked earthlings. Here and there Autobots broke off their defensive barrage, depositing stumbling horrified refugees in flanking alleys. The most badly injured where passed onto Ratchet who frequently returned for others. Trailbreaker and Windcharger had broke off their accompanying the Autobot’s repair robot readily adding their war implements to the latest Autobot/Decepticon square-off.

“Goo Goooooo!!!!” Good work, Autobots, see to the humans! But upon swerving focus in his immediate vicinity: “Geee--aaa!!!!” Take her out here, do it— “NOWWW!” Can anyone aid her computing if Decepticons can’t get infant me they’ll try abduct her next?

Gina was stubbornly clinging to the illogical mindset of one act would halt the current chaos, “Let me take my boy away from this, then these greedy walking steell fences’ll leave---“

“Take him from the area so Remy’ll be sobbing over two graves?” Carly’s infuriated stare brought the mother’s racing irrationality to a screeching stop. “They tried drowning me and was but a small hitch in their plan of the time! Like it or not, believe me, his mind and body Brandon’s the integr–“ Integral enough for the first round of cluster bombs coming from the north; at present speed distance apart. “Spike, babysitter needed here!”

“We’re on it, Carly!” Spike and the yellow VW Autobot the young rode spoke and performed their respective tasks in tandem. Bumble screeched a halt, Spike swathed frenetically pointing baby in a comforter in a flurry of hand/arm twists. In the rapid noises associated with securing baby seats. “Don’t worry, Gina, Wheeljack’s re-enforced this seat against jarring to micro atomic level.” Seeing the source of the shadow growing place behind the young women. “Uh, guys, these gals’ll need cover and I mean now! He’s strapped in, Bumblebee, go, go go!”

“Whyja telling me what I already know, huh?” The Autobot’s roaring away on one side of tires was for Gina a small consolation. He’ll be safe, be given—

“Yes, Gina, he’s space shuttle far away as opposed to us.” Not with this blocking our safest path.

“Surrender your fleshling gelatin.” Newly landed Soundwave was levelling what was to Carly infamous gun barrel.


“Correct. By his authority, you are ordered to surrender.”

“Go ‘way or get bent—by one of these…” Wait a sec, Gina… ”Whatja say—“

“Nuts to you taking him on with your mouth—MOVE!” The gun toter had commenced spraying laser volleys which neither young woman could have prevented Brandon’s head breaking open while they hit the deck. “Somebody c’mon, we really, really need a hand!”

“Charming Prince Forcefield on way !” In the meantime, Trailbreaker was attempting to bang the metal feathers off dive bombing Laser beak, but its feline cassette associate charged at his one leg on ground, mini rockets blasting, depriving the system downed smoking Autobot of his objective. It also sent Carly and Gina to the asphalt, then run gone awry by Trailbreakers mishap. “Someone…do it for me.” A claw for unfortunately eighteen meters away before all activity dropped away

“Well, Carly, all them’s doing their bit,” Except…Where is? “As Rem’d tell me, ‘Time wade in, eh, sher?’ ”

“More than enough, Geen, let’s crawl, keep flat. This--these downed phone poles are making a path their way, will cover us!” Carly’s objective was seeking refuge under Trailbreaker’s chest. In less than a dozen wormings that goal moved as far from reach as the downed Autobot’s hand. Any and all alternative sources of cover nearby were rapidly deteriorating. Ramparts short sprints away met inceration, evaporated, were swiftly concealed in rained debris, abrupt swept up for various forms of upon opposing sides. Worthwhile places that were a little more risky due to higher risk of traversing soon were obliterated, their means already itemized. That was a minor fly in soup compared to the worm the Decepticon hurled in next in the form of chopped phone poles, rock, as of yet none hampering their crawling by inflicting maiming or fatal injury.


Yep, Geen, for now will accept your description—as terrified Carly can think of nothing beyond getting out of here. Tactics all too clear; busy Autobots bringing current onslaught at least to a standstill, meanwhile they nab her. Why else would those cluster bombs halt, Soundwave still stand there, Megatron keep gun mode and rest of these fling jerks…Poor Gina, how can I end your struggle to understand, much less calm you down?

“…Why us, God—Why my baby??—Glad Spike’s got Brandon but still--”

“How about discussing this later, laugh in hindsight relieved that we lived?” In the interim focus on living. “Roll ‘way left!” As the shadow and debris from the Ravage dropped tree moved closer both friends scrambled between two a-framed trees. Luckily, the chance of meeting instant annihilation by Decepticon torching one, both engines was guttered thanks to Laserbeak employing them as grenades to Cliffjumper. The second engine to Autobot connection sent its recipient hurling backwards further flight halted abruptly by oblivious to contact Brawn.

“One day gonna rip that lubricant feasting feathered--”

“Reminder, goo-goo in bb near turning corner time last I see.”

And just now the corner 'ccording to my sensors. “Sure thing, Brawn; let’s time them out!” Following one knocking touched down Thrust into a residential flower bed, the other pushing Rumble behind an evergreen tree, both microbots locked their targets on the charging feline—throwing him atop Thrust who instantaneously tossed the cog operating kitty aside like garbage. “Outta my way, mecha-mewling oaf!”
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Re: Fan Fic "Angel Child" Rated Comedy

Postby Friend of Da Panda Symbol » Tue Feb 26, 2008 5:16 pm

Part 18

“…Why my baby??— Just tell me why my baby??—Tell me, tell me, tell me…”

“Would one of you nearest have a heart, get these ladies out of here!” Just keep up the fight, Brawn; stop substituting Mommy Devereaux with those ripped cables the time the Decepticlowns destabilized my personality. Keep firing.

“…happy frame of m…I can’t!!! STOP! STOP! God, keep them from my husband, son—everyone here!!!”

“Think there presence is an answer to prayer yes. Please you’re making me cry too looks hard now and soon it won’t be. Look be…” Yes! “optimistic—“ She laxed her shielding Gina permitting her a glimpse of Autobot efforts hold the area. By lasers and physical force executing valiant counterstrikes to their soaring dive bombing nemesis the most extreme attempts to make nearby scenery to projectiles…Almost all of them and one…


“Oh boy, Mom catches on, Mom goes wild.” Bluestreak smiled between blasts behind one of the few remain telephone poles in tact.


The baby/boss leaves, new cry baby mom arises for us to protect. “Anybody wish Trialbreaker was around, would beseech him up a force field—for us, blocking her over emotional oratory?” She’s opened her mind while her sensibility processors remains locked and rattling like the inner pulleys along my right pelvis.

“He can’t so he’s not, Gears, get over it; keep laying out hot lines!”


“…Got every right, granted loud annoying.” Narrowing Hound’s attention to his firing regimen was imagining Megatron strangling innocent baby with a finger until the head fell off, blood seeping from the severed ends. Not gonna happen, wherever we go, til I’m beyond repair will do everything to keep that kid out Decepticassassins’ clutches.

“…so that means we have every right to have our audio input relays assaulted?”

“Debate later, you two. For now we can achieve a draw at best. See no other alternative than moving this fight to a point where the likelihood human prescience is less than fifty percent. Despite our populace evacuation efforts, shouldn’t automatically assume others will maintain at safe distance.”

A chorus by Sideswipe and Windcharger while picking up their firing pace: “Media.”
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Re: Fan Fic "Angel Child" Rated Comedy

Postby Friend of Da Panda Symbol » Thu Mar 06, 2008 7:07 pm

Part 19

“Jazz agrees, Prowl,” Bluestreak departed his postion in his excitement over the message just relayed by the second in command. “Just notified make our stand just past the on-ramp two point twenty kilometers southeast. Human highway patrol has sealed off human commutes in that area for a forty kilometer radius--”

“ What of the woman parent?” To Ironhide as he rushed by blasting a seamless lazer barrage. “Have you seen Carly, her friend?”

“Spite efforts, still under heaviest fire concentration. Trailbreaker was the first, last try.”


“He’s down, Cliffjumper, Decepticbrutes. Jus ‘bout finished evacuatin’ humans so I volunteer to remain beh.…Well, leaking lubricants, lookit fight’s now fallin’ to the level of bad comedy.”

“Stand aside my Decepticons, watch how the Mighty Star—“ An Autobot blast to his chest slammed Starscream prone upon a line of cars, including Gina’s albeit hers had long since been pulverized.

“Gets mowed down and nose cone mouth dented by magnificient me! Like my null ray, Wiener Screamer, wanna try laying yours on me when you’re back online??” Sunstreaker swiftly transformed behind his wheel squealing brother. The balance of the fighters kicked dust and more rounding the first corner available save Brawn, Hound, volunteer Ironhide, Windcharger and Ratchet, the last still caught up in injured humans to hospital detail.

Thinkin’ I oughta thank null an’ void Lord Null Ray for this wonderful entrenchment. “Try takin’ our rattles, Deceptadumb-crumbs” The third and fourth employed a still inert Starscream as the picket trench, in a 360 whirl flattened all perils surrounding the cowering ladies still huddled beneath the car tent. As the shooting twosome held enemy easily, Hound laid a few choice blasts to a charging Rumble then took up the two bruised disheveled friends taking Carly for himself and passing fainted from truth revealed Gina to Brawn.

Urrrgh. “Think she’ll stay quiet?”

“Just hurry up, Brawn.”

“Why can’t Windchar—?”

“Well Ratchet’s tied up so I’m takin’ Trailbreaker ‘way for repairs.” Transformed Ironhide was reigning in his patience for one arm shooting Windcharger’s multi-tasking; on the closing doors the Nissan Onebox Cherry Vanette was zooming around the southbound corner opposite those of the retreating associates.

“While I am still covering your exhausts and Decepticjokes will recover soon, yes?”

So hurry up. Grrrr, and here I thought Hound liked me all this time. “Ohh-kay!” He thought the urge to snatch before transforming, taking her in his car seat. “Hope she stays fainted.” He grumbled as he left his friends in the dust.

“While my only hope to witness reunion with her persona restored kid.”

“You know I’d like to see that, too, gentlemen.” Carly huffed into the seat offered her. Just before he kicked into high velocity, what she noticed out Hound’s rearview mirror turned her red for suppressing laughter..

“Oh-my—Look guys, exit reward for your gallantry.” A groggy but still simpering Starscream was getting throttled by Megatron.
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Re: Fan Fic "Angel Child" Rated Comedy

Postby Friend of Da Panda Symbol » Sun Mar 16, 2008 1:39 pm

Part 20


Responding to his immaturity would risk my sinking down to level which “mighty” seeker king continuously dwells. Upon Megatron’s concluding his tutorial with this rubble, I’ll make my report.


“If I’d be so bold to add, Megatron—“


“If I may submit you’re belittling Sunstreaker. That egotistical Autobot trash’s smart enough not to defy his leader as opposed to this forever desires to replace you metallic moron.”



“Address him such this instant!” Megatron pointed to the communications officer while pushing the Seeker Chief to broken asphalt, every witness but aloof Soundwave cackling.

“Getting pixels of squirmy oh so mighty, Reflector? Oh, this is rich!” Mirth shaking Rumble leapt on a car made to smoking bench in the curtailed battle.

“And also wasting time. Soundwave, where’s the minute fleshblot now?”

“Last detected near outskirts of area jamming audiowaves, likelihood within area--” Without doubt that second-rate Balaster is the maestro of the hindrance.

“An Autobot diversion trying to throw us off track!”

“Like you haven’t, Screamer? Can I practice your falling?”

“Enough, Rumble, all of you! When was the last time you detected our main quarry’s thought waves?”

“Two point three quarter minutes by earth chronometer following opening offensive on this site.”

“So it seems you were at fault for letting—aaaow!” Megatron kicked his whipping board for amusement on his side.

“Jellyfish squish on returning to base if you as much as squeak Autobot shock absorbers, you hear me? ONE-MORE-WORD! Continue.”

“Recent transmission from Autobot Jazz instructed defensive force to regroup two point twenty kilometers in that direction.” As he pointed the sounds of transformings and taking up positions confirmed Soundwave’s broadcast.

“Er, that is the way we shall go to collect our birthday presents—this day is the birth of the Decepticons conquering all!” Megatron took to the air, Dirge and a still cackling Astrotrain flanking his left and right respectively, Skywarp and Thunkercracker taking up their leader’s rear.

“But the area jammed--”

“They’re employing the fertilizer streaming gel ball in hopes of creating a diversion, Dirge. They’re thinking we’ll be fooled into hunting it down while they carry their restored leader home.”

“Meaning those scrap heaps composing Devastator did indeed use alloys over brains for build--.”

“Sure you’ll survive to face Devastator once Aubot destruction is done, Screechscream?”

“Enough! What better time to strike? Prime’s energy levels will be dangerously low thanks to the brat’s antics while residing inside him. With Prime exorcised, the layette lying loose end is of no use to me.”

“Maybe a few of us should take a look see, Mega--”

“And more likely will find another stupid Hound holo, Thundercracker, hence needlessly wasting energon. We all will proceed on this course and I’ll take no further tangents to the contrary—add to that whining from a bumbling bolt “warrior” loitering at the end. Up here beside Skywarp or I’ll fish squash you for that.”
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Re: Fan Fic "Angel Child" Rated Comedy

Postby Friend of Da Panda Symbol » Thu Mar 20, 2008 3:44 pm

Part 21

It was the changing air quality as the Land Rover Defender 4x4 mounted a hill, not Cybertron warfare noise which shook Gina awake. Indeed on taking away the fist propping her face she took no stock of it. “Wha-What?” For now the harrowing memories of huddling with Carly was out her mind—Except the thin veil of crows passing overhead and varied smoke shades, the day was scenery was beautiful. Through the front passenger side window aromas of many greenery from various classes of the forestry flanked either side of the rather smooth graveled road. But what happened putting me here, ain’t an ambulance, no car make of anybody I know. She sat grouping back for explanations until a yellow truck cab buzzed alongside the right—a familiar hand and voice waving and calling to her. The later was somewhat muffled hence her front windshield rolled down inside indiscernible grunts.

“Perrrrrk up, Gina, wake up, sher!”

Then recent events tidalwave surged. Autobot Leader in my child, Carly and I fighting to survive then I blacked out. Please God, let Carly be safe. But for the moment— “Oh thank God!” Prayed you safe throughout that torture, and here you are not a scratch on you!

“Guy I am in’s an Autobot, too. He told Bruce what was going on and he let me off for the day, fact is he and the rest all but carried me out. Never saw so much as a line in the clouds, though so their panic--”

“Honey, whattabout, our Brandon, he with—“

“No, sher. Huffy—“

“Huf-fer.” A somewhat whiny voice corrected; Brawn knew this particular Autobot was in one of his infrequent upbeat moods. The correction was done inside a chortle.

“Terms of me Huffy’s attached to your front windshield!”

Racing recollections brought an important person in her and husband’s lives driving Gina to halt the impromptu amateur stand up act. “Can any of you guys tell me how, where our son—“

“Other then he’ll be returned over when we arrive, Geen nothing else.”

“Both you’ll be where lotsa of us have gathered.” And can’t get there soon enough. Then I can ditch this demented maternal instinct detail, join what’s left of the fight.

“…And will Brandon—??”

Errrrr my central processor—Hound next time I see you! Brawn did the Autobot equivalent of gnashing teeth as the dreaded hysterics making him loathe to chauffeur her were taking place. One more ‘and Brandon’… “Just be patient, Brandon’s Mom, we Autobots want what you want, your child in your arms and all three you out the way.”

“Due to Decepticscum’s nature you humans will always viewed as pawns and while we don’t like that all, when it includes one of Brandson’s ilk—Urrr…Oh, feeling better, Trailbreaker?” Gina saw the Toyota 4WD Hilux out the Brawn’s driverside mirror.

“Ratchet patched me up in a flash, Huffy, just a mobility linkage busted. Beginning where I wanted to come in, ahem, if the Deceptictoads had life insurance, they should best see if their premium’s paid up ASAP in the very near future.”

“While, Remy, my car’s is—but let’s put that aside gentle—gentlebots; my nine month old human named Brandon?”

That does it! “BUMBLEBEE, FRONT AND CENTER!” Brawn drew himself to a screeching halt. Gina had no perception of the innocuous steel storage facility nor the 270 degree panorama Remy had begun taking stock of. Gina goes first, been the most endangered.
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Re: Fan Fic "Angel Child" Rated Comedy

Postby Friend of Da Panda Symbol » Sun Mar 30, 2008 6:19 pm

Part 22

“MYYYYYYY BOYYYYYYY!” She snatched the gurgling, squirmy child out Sparkplug’s arms inside her run, pirouetted again and gain sobbing over his head, kissing same, obliviously to the sharp bumps into Autobots she would never sustain damage in result. “Remmmmyyyy he’s in there, I know he’s there!” There were the very sporadic instances of concentration, all infant level, more regularly; happy unintelligible noises, feet and hands never still.

“Uh and we know you know, right Carly?” Spike nudged the transfixed smiling blonde.

“Uhum, Spike, and may we both have happy times such as this someday.”

“Well someone is car wash immersed with her happy ending.” Trailbreaker leaned against the nearest building. It was a garage twice his height, the horizontally ribbed steel door of the type opening from ground up.

Mushy and goo. “C’mon, Trailbreaker. You too, Huffer, escort chores done—“

“Ay all you happy reunion folks take a side but not too far either way as we’ve got us a onvoy.” A somewhat rotund Afro-American site employee had shepherded the loitering humans to the immediate left side. Sobbing, apologizing to Wheeljack and Bumblebee, Gina was the only human capable of cognizance of surroundings but still oblivious to where she was and the army of white eighteen wheelers with matching colored cab exiting, here and there lining themselves in formations as wide as five in a row. At present she was enveloped in happy blanket, as was her husband to a lesser degree. He was multitasking; offering a shoulder for his happily bawling wife to lean upon and avoiding his boy’s usual reach for his beard. “Will—ow, Brandon! Uhum, yep, he’s right as rain. Thank you---Yowww! all of you.” Groan of discomfort upon taking the baby in arms as his wife weeped joy to the closest portion of wall. “Diapers in stock here by any chance?”

“Ask and it shall be given, ‘long with some other things!” Announcer Jazz, Blaster, Hound and Windcharger took the lull in departing semis, some three at a time, to appear to the left of same garage door each bearing a large box. “Us Autobots’ way of thanking you.” Against the door’s opposite side the quartet posted remained, placing their respective burdens by their right foot.

“As I exist and process! Heh, heh—Bumblebee, get that box!” It was dropping from one of the semis, manned by a co-worker with a mustache the color or paprika who waved backhandedly. “See ya later, Sparky, some recollections over beer, tonight? Can go over new dreams of stomping ol’ Archeville. Best come, too, LeVar.”

“Yeah as designated driver for you, Brent, got it.” He chuckled. “Hey family, friend of Sparky, little Sparky, Blondie Carly, Brent and I said that little box Bumblebee’s got goes to Brandon. Just don’t open it yet. We are still operating presently.”

We are still operat… “Oh God, here take Brandon, Geen, this is one I’m sure gonna tell our Slugger lots as he grows up!” All the humans save Gina forsook their storage door spot, with Bumblebee Huffer and Brawn already there.

Human and Autobots’ attentions focussed on the truck fleet now well over a thousand meters down presently filing at the rising stop bar. Twelve smoothly proceeded west in a single line. A pause; Brent moved his thirteenth rig horizontal just beyond the security kiosk, sticking his head out yakking it up with the gate operator. In the interim, four behemoths circumvented the gabfest also going west. Eight followed suit, however upon entering unobstructed highway, turned east instead then swerved south disappearing under a tree lined entrance two turnoffs before the ramp leading to the Autobot/Decepticon engagement. Another rig did the circumventing act fist proceeding east then made a u-turn, the driver apparently charging his mind, disappearing behind the granite wall all previous westbounds rode down. The gate attendant moved aside superfast freeing yet another eighteen-wheeler to the road. Halfway toward east it abruptly turned down a northbound road a five minute walk away from exit gate. Brent maneuvered his rig further west as eight pairs were granted roadway access. Following a handful of engine stalls, rev ups and finding groves from the leading rig, the sixteen configured itself single file. Each proceeded leisurely on that western path but on reaching a little beneath an eight quarter mile, turned onto a heretofore second south route previously unnoticed. Close behind, two rows of three proceeded east then turned accelerating on entering that tree camouflaged south road. Five more single file rigs’ course mimicked the previous six, albeit more slowly. Five more pairs emerged, going west save one on the outermost side of pair three. Smoothly separating itself from it team, the fashion this rig positioned itself promptly pulled the hillside onlookers’ attention off the others that took to road in its wake. The cab of this particular one struck an oddly intellectual pose for its seemingly ticking off the departing as a teacher tacitly conducting roll call on students filling the classroom, odder still no sign of a driver manifested itself. Here and there, there had been waves of hands, heads leaning out of cabs. All prior cabs in this sub group had stuck out hands waving away while this one…from bumper to bumper it radiated great presence. With that sub group it had been a part of and another seventeen rigs concluding their pass west, the motor of that one left behind revved sharply. Its sound, a mix of cluster bombs hitting its target and frenzied bull drove nearby humans in its vicinity to wince, flash hands to ears for the volume. On kicking up an inordinate amount of dust, it bee-lined east belting gray, darker gray, black smoke. Jaws of the unknowing and the curious waggled witnessing its speed, no more than 3 minutes flat from facility to rim of southeast on ramp which no other rig had broached. Mounting merge point’s apogee, a seemingly inexplicable shifting of cab colors commenced, wear-worn off white to red. Entering the final one hundred twenty-five meters before actual merge position, the innocuous white trailer switched over to an unmistakable gray design emblazoned with the Autobot symbol nearest cab side.


“Cheeeef’s baaaaaaack.” The teasing sing-song from several Autobots eyewitnesses namely the Lambrogini Brothers, Ratchet and Mirage. This foursome a leaned aginst the whipping southbound wind created by the “truck’s” passage; held their ears at it’s atypically loud screech of hitting brakes, the infuriated plant of feet, metallic fists shaking once converted to robot mode.

“An’ from looks of him, past Earth stratosphere mad. Hey, Megamaximouth, listen up!” A heretofore-unnoticed Jazz had made his way into the heckler’s front row via the northbound route, Wheeljack on his bumper as well. “If you and your Decepticstoogies don’t want on bent metal time out lasting weeks, leave now!”

“Right, Jazz. All Autobots in immediate area, urge you to KEEP BACK! All humans, viewer discretion strongly advised—specifically commute to more secure vantage points. Parents may want to shade the eyes of successors of sensitive programming. This is my party and wanna lampost bash filth-filed Decepticon pinatas!” A violent gale gust noise heralded a fist modeling into Prime’s current weapon of choice.

“Now all right, rolling up sleeves!” Bumblebee led his fellow Autobots’ laughing and fist pumps. Hearing the tumult storage employees and customers lined the fence, their eavesdropping on those already making their way to that destiny, apprising them of skirmish missed thanks to soundproofed buildings. Catcalling the Decepticons began and scattered within the throng, a few started placing bets. Waged most frequently: “Which of the gauged Deceptic- goons would sustain the most damage?” and “How long the jerkwad jets would stand their just desserts?” Via the long present Autobots, the new bystanders got wind the background of what had brought this confrontation about. Except Gina all humans united in mirth. Brandon’s mom held herself apart for another reasons not involving baby in arms. Her baby reunion giddiness began subsiding since Megatron’s bellowing disbelief. Atop his head she clenched her teeth to bleed out her rage reflexive trembling. “On behalf of us three but especially my son, Optimus Prime, do your worst.”
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Friend of Da Panda Symbol
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Re: Fan Fic "Angel Child" Rated Comedy

Postby Friend of Da Panda Symbol » Mon Sep 22, 2008 6:20 pm

Just didn't want to leave this open ended. And it's been 13 months since my initial post.

Part 23


“How???” Casual sidekick to a Reflector member attempting a boulder blindsiding sent the would be attacker cart-wheeling. “Arrogance and stupidly— NAMELY YOURS, MEGATRON! SHOULD RATHER ASKYOURSELF HOW LONG, HOW HARD GONNA UTILIZE DECEPTICONS VANDILIZING HIGHWAY!”

“Couldn’t put it better. I think someone should have taken my advice and sent a few of us scouting—“


“SCRAMBLED EGG SCRAP!”; “AHHHWWWOOOWW!” Horizontal Starscream and vertical Thundercracker was briefly lifted over the trees, dropped back down. Granted not as high as Starscream’s, there were similar yelps, body liftings and lowerings; hissing Ravage, Rumble, the other Reflector components trying to trip up the irate Autobot.

“…Don’t just stand there, eliminate him, fools! No mercey!”

“You “No mercy”; could make laser gun to nose-cone jests about u-turns and you, Megatron but instead let’s play-- PEEKA-BOOM!” Noises of metal crashing shaking the area slightly. The growing throng of spectators at the storage site had a fleeting glimpses of glowing yellow lamppost on the rapid down and up swing. Decepticons taking to air to dive-bomb were thrown in all directions off course up by backhand and arm, pole, uppercut and kick. Most abused appeared to be Starscream, regularly he hovered heavenward, fell beneath treetops again.

“…Right behind you, fleshing baby bottle top for brains!”

“You and me now Megatron? Here, ‘stead of universe, eat my allspark!”

“Uuuuugggggghhhhhh, hehhhhrrrrruuughh!” A cloud of dust, snapping trees signalled Megatron’s falling, more likely on the other side of highway. Amidst more noise of metal connections, targettings sent awry, squawkings from Laserbeak and recently arrived Buzzsaw and hissing Ravage: “I’VE GOT MORONS ON MY TEAM!!!”

“Welded together by biggest Megamoron of all Cybertron time. Would I yawn if I could do so.”

“Hey, Megamoron, good one, Wheeljack.” Bluestreak and Wheeljack shared thumbs up.

“….disassemble me, turn me evil for wrecking humans space center—best thank the universe again no one was seriously hurt there. Regularly unleashing your bolt dolts on we who can fight you, fine. But involve humans who can’t lift so much an empty cube or hurl objects to mildly dent your nacells for WHATEVER twisted machination -- THEN I HAVE A PROBLEM—and of course my problems with you becomes YOUR PRIME PROBLEM!!!”

“Should we feel sorry for Megatron?” Remy asked Spike. Witwicky the younger was to his right and unabashedly cheering on the fighter.

“Only thing I’m sorry ‘bout not closer to see the Decepticwhiners sent to base bed without cubes!” Spike and Remy did high fives.

“…Don’t just stand there letting him clobber you, fools, there’s just one of them…”; “Didn’t I tell biggest Decepticbully be quiet?’ ; “Hhhhehhhhrrrrruuughh!” The first dust cloud had barely subsided, was refueled by another

“Too late making retreating best choice, shoulda listen ta Jazz’s voice.” Prime’s right hand lieutenant accepted his comrades’ clapping at his poem with bows.

“ … be good rest…day, Prime’s gone lug nuts!” In his zooming away battered Astrotrain shook off leaves, severed fragile tree branches. Thrust and Dirge both followed him spilling smoke, flying with effort.

“….And if you think letting you off with time out after trying that, wrong as usual, Skywarp!”; “….Back again, whiddle little bully Bad guy Rumble or should I say rubble? C’mere you…”

“Ahaaaooow!” Upside down Starscream appeared above then disappeared below the trees. Thinking better of attacking again, a quaking Frenzy chose hugging a tree. “S-Soundwave, mommmieeee, hhhhheeellllppppmeee...”

“….On earth, ev’ryone laughs to hear Starscream!”; “… two concussion cookies of rage to Cracker’s already slightly caved cranium!”; “You again? See must discipline you more firmly!”

Chapter 24

The closest Autobot eyewitnesses choose relaxing on the sidelines, taking stock of their particular weapons, wiping them between guffawing over Prime’s “lamppost spanking” to Skywarp. “When done with fool-hearty fiberglassed flunkeys, gonna have worst case of rusty diaper rash in history Cybertron!”

Mirage: Anyone ‘sides me thinks the boss is having a temper tantrum meltdown?

“….Lemmee out of here; for once Astro-train’s right!”

“….Skywarp you cowardly weakl— OWWW!” Seventh time Starscream pass treetops, fall down again, horizontal this time.

“Hey, Starwhine, at least I’m not daring to be stupid to keep trying!”

“…..Riiight, Skywarp—for once, bu-bye. ‘Sides have found another plaything…Ohh c’mere Devastator, won’t hurt you, just wanna rattle grab YOU this time….”

Prowl: Affirmative, talk about overkill. Not that I’m objecting, mind you.

Bluestreak, Wheeljack, Mirage, Hound: Naaah.


Hound: Bash on Starscream ninth. Gonna help our boss, Ironhide?

“Tried to, just finished tryin’ shootin’ nitrogen on Constructicons, Hound. Did any ya guys see me miss? Dey was takin’ air faster than I’ve seen a while.” Close behind had been Ramjet and Thundercracker.

“Out of energon more likely; we’ve softened Decepticons up for Prime,” Prowl put a chin in his hand. “When will the rest of them get the hint?”


“…Well, well well, look who we got there. Having tired of Wailscream, Prime’s about squaring off with King Cunning of the Cassette Cronies!” Hound’s call rose above the Autobot’ laughter and heckling. “Hey treacherous tape deck, ‘member Jazz’s docking bay comment?”

“You’re next, Soundwave, cut song, cut out an’ be smart!” Huffer called with cupped hands as he took his place between the Lambroghini brothers.

“Every thing, Hound and Huffer said, lest you want me sharing my other toy with you.” The handy “lamppost” morphed to the black laser pistol all sensible Decepticons associated with their worst nightmares, “Oh wait, have decided you’ll be inaugural playing level of game I’ve created just now. Gunna call it: “Pin the gunfire on Decepticon”. Wanna see how many points I make before you fall apart?”

“Rumble, Ravage, Buzzsaw, Laser Beak, retreat!” Besides Megatron, Starscream had also remained until receiving his thirteenth wallop; instantaneously he morphed, took to air. If clouds possessed an indiscriminate charity, this patched seemed to take pity on his battered state creating a circle large enough to soar through. “Regrettably Megatron’s being deactivated, so I’m the new leader…”

And of course Megatron won’t let that pass ergo guaranteeing safety for the humans, ourselves and this beautiful planet is for the moment maintained.

Part 25

“You oily opportunistic hunk of odium—And this time I don’t mean you, Prime! Next time you best be running on something other than hot wired wrath.” The last clear view of Decepticon leader as he followed his treacherous subordinate’s escape route was his point and shaking fist at the cheering troops surrounding their boss. Shortly after he left, a slightly hazy sunshine broke through in several places and a rain scented wind picked up speed.

As… say …, Mega… “Wiiiibbeeee….waaaiting…b-b-buuuttt…oooonnnnce you-yooouu… correc…” His hurriedly folding to semi-truck had contained a painful murmur filling its onlookers with foreboding. “Ratchet, Ratchet!”

“On the job, Ironhide, on the job.” The repair chief found a path swiftly cut for him, just as swiftly he brought out a power guage. “Gotta give him full recharge, power levels… according to my readings…his power levels are gone.”

“Partly due to Brandon being inside him frightened.” Gina passed her son to Carly. Putting herself ahead of Ratchet’s forward footing, meeting the repair technician pleadingly: “Will he be okay?”

“…on Decep…ccooonzz…nnnotttt…”

“Yeah, Prime, don’t stress yourself.”

“And don’t any of you worry over us.” Bearing slobbering on newly gifted toy panda Brandon, Remy came to his wife’s side. “I’m being relocated to a lateral position elsewhere and immediately. Boss wants us safely out the way. We’ll be gone by week’s end max.”

“Thanks to our company.” Brent put a hand on each of the couple’s shoulders. “I’m telling you our boss insists your move’s free of charge, Cajun. Company’s been an Autobot supply outlet for quite awhile now. If you like, you two—hopefully three later, will be newbies of our Hate Deceptic-scuzzes Club.”

“Speaking for both us, Logan, gladly will accept your invite. But do we have to go through another fraternity hazing the likes of this?”

“No, no.” A laugh, a gentle tap on the shoulder.

“Ahhhggggrrree...uhhh…” Weaker.

“Which means….Carly…” The old classmates hugged one another hard, both eyes brimming with tears. “So sorry…”

And here comes their promise pinky mush again. Stamping a small distance from the assembly Brawn groaned off an impulse to grimace.

“That’s ‘kay, Gina, you didn’t know…Pinky promise, you in my wedding.” A look behind. On the edge of the mixed crowd, Spike stood between Bumblebee and his father.

“So there we have a happy ending in the human area as opposed to this.”

“The boy and Prime’s persona reshift was a success, Bluestreak.”

“Yes that’s beyond wonderful, Wheeljack, now however am referring to something else, of a minor nature, of course. All the same thoug--”

Ironhide caught on in nanoseconds. “He can’t do it! Gotsta be later. Urrr…Prowl, you get it?”

“Affirmative. Conclusion: Settle with Ironhide for the time being.”

Nonetheless the one denied doggedly stuck to explaining himself. “But it’s not the same, guys. He’s…he’s….”

“He’s what, Bluestreak?” Prime’s bodyguard began stomping forward threateningly, isolating his comrade from the others. “Speak carefully….

Onnnlee… way... Aaaaaheeemm—“AUTOBOTS, TTTRRRRAAAANNNNNNSSSSSS …aaaannnrrroooohhhh…“ The soldiers looked on mortified, humans and robots closest quickly clearing, on Autobot truck’s abruptly dropping on one side. —Kaaayyyy blaaaanched---Dowwww!!“ Criiiib—chaaaam….ber…”Done… day…

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