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Fan Fic "Angel Child" Rated Comedy

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Fan Fic "Angel Child" Rated Comedy

Postby Friend of Da Panda Symbol » Wed Aug 22, 2007 6:14 pm

The rights to the Transformers cast belong to them. The characters of the family belong to me however.

Part 1

Gina dropped her baby's bottle and ran to his closed bedroom door frightened yet emboldened to discover the truth. "May it just be nothing more than a police helicopter scouring for a criminal." Opening the door she breathed relief save for his looking quite surprised, not crying anymore, all was as it had been she when initially left to fetch his bottle.

"Bet you were either startled by whatever that light was or hearing my panic. Don't worry both's gone now." Now she picked up her boy and hefting him on her hip, kissed his scant strawberry blond hair. In her mind of course he was the cutest baby on Earth in all the typical baby ways and she and her husband Remy did her best to keep his by and large high spirited nature whilst not spoiling him. Thus she had been taking a little more time lately getting his milk when screeched "I want milk" at the top of lungs way he did. It wouldn't take long before he'd be saying his wants--they were determined it not accompanied by manipulative uncalled for tantrums. The way he acted when he did not get his way immediately as of late there was every reason to expect just that. The longer she was doing anything other the granting a whim pronto, especially bottle and favorite teddy bear or rushing a diaper change--He thoroughly detested enduring those--Earsplitting screams that tempted friends and relatives alike to stuff their ears.

Not today though; when she blurted over discarding his bottle and put him back his crib, not so much as a reaching for her with that demanding inaugural whine. While cleaning up the mess made by casting aside the old one and retrieve a new one, not a peep . Though it was pleasant he waited patiently she was disturbed by what she saw on her return--examining his hands as if just discovering them. The majority pediatric development books she had absorbed since becoming pregnant had decreed that at nine months he should be past the discovery of hands point. Or was it, frightening thought, he had gone blind? Kneeling, waving a hand put to rest the terrible fear. One hand leaving his mouth, he smiled at her, fixedly as if he were just gaining the faculties to do it.

A very different story was playing out at the Autobot’s headquarters the ark however. On top of the morning clash with the Decepticons that had oddly broke off when their leader Prime fell via blast seemingly out of nowhere, was that same Autobot's exceedingly off line behavior. Not transforming but bawling till those who usually didn’t complain were joining the usual protesters in their assault being launched on their olfactory junctions, throwing things and at present rolling the floor and shuddering the base with his massive feet. Watching from either side of scout Hound’s shoulder, both Witwickys generally observed, “If it wasn’t Prime, I’d think he was a baby.”
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Fan Fic "Angel Child" Rated Comedy

Postby Friend of Da Panda Symbol » Sat Aug 25, 2007 6:57 am

Part 2

“That’s it!” Wheeljack broke off helping the group of Autobots trying to hold the floor roller down. Running to their computer Teletran 1, his hands and Physician Ratchet’s flew with imputing query/commands into the computer.

“Activating brain scan.” The “Prime” would not have of a strange light in his eyes; it brought to mind that tall one in white coat doing it and not too long and often that after putting in that--that thing that made him cry. Panic over that sent former restrainers into catchers’ arms and the one they had endeavored holding down, crawling out the room and around the corner. “Let’s cut his motor relay junctions!” Cliffjumper was the first one rushing after the quarry.

“No you can’t!”

“Have you blown a gasket, Ratchet?” Brawn left off following Cliffjumper to eye Ratchet suspiciously. Is this yet another Deceptic-clone clown?

“I mean be gentle, put him in a force filed --”

“Gentle?? Like he was with us?” Gears pointed out.

“He put dents in my rear end that‘ll take hours to take out!” Sunstreaker complained.

Prowl put aside the tumult behind him since the first query input., sole concentration on Teletran. “Project details.” he directed.

“Working...Playback Decepticon skirmish at nine hundred hours today; zeroing on unidentified energy emmissions--

“Speaking just for me it's the work that Decepticon dirtbag via his creepy cassette poppin' sneak, no one else!!!" Ironhide gave one palm a fist.smack with the other.

Conclusion: at certainty rank of 99.59 last beam hitting Optimus Prime exchanged mind with human infant.

“Before Teletran I concluded 100% Megatron all over it.” The strategist walked away.

“But there wasn’t a baby anywhere nearby!” Bumblebee of all the team would have seen gifted above all his comrades greater vision powers and other than one time his mind was sabotaged thanks to the Decepticons, he was never wrong.

“Agree with Cliffjumper; let’s just shut him down. ”

“Can't be certain doing that would hurt the baby's mind or not.” Jazz put himself in the middle of the potential two camps.

“We agree wholeheartedy, too, right bro?” With a smile Sideswipe cheerfully lent his support--then shifted to mild irratation at his brother’s whining and skulking in a circle. "What about my dents?"

“We’ve got to keep him safe and here until we find our Optimus.” Ratchet came alongside Jazz and was immediately flanked by Wheeljack on the opposite side.

“Strive keeping Pabulum Prime here and our base in tact?"

“As the human teens are generally known to say.: ‘Well, duh, Gears." Brawn folded his arms.

“But how do we find him? There’s possibly millions, billions of first stage humans about.” Huffer pointed out.

“We'll have to make a way.” Ratchet was resolved.

”Yeah, perhaps a change made to our sky-spy--yes a new sky-spy fitted to seek out his brain patterns. Yeah, that’s it, I’ll get on that !” Wheeljack bounded off to his workroom in the Ark, Ratchet in tow and Sunstreaker on both their heels. “Think you could make sometime to restore...”
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Fan Fic "Angel Child" Rated Comedy

Postby Friend of Da Panda Symbol » Thu Aug 30, 2007 6:37 pm

Part 3

“I’m home dear!” Computer hardware repairman Remy put down his silver suitcase housing his tools to embrace and kiss his wife. “And your day?”


“And our Mr. Wee Wiggly Boy?”

“In his crib. Since his third bottle, he’s been quiet, strangely quiet all day.”


“No crying, none at all, even during those things that he'd usually would. Accepted whatever toys I've handed him.”

“Even that ugly gnome plushie Aunt Lucille gave him?”


“Now that is strange.” Even he would toss that in the waste can but he had no desire to hurt his favorite Aunt‘s feelings. “Well let’s see if his attitude changes after sees me.” Normally he would start putting up happy fuss; he both was happy to see his father and associated his arrival with the coming of mealtime.

Not today. On his gathering his Brandon in his arms, the child just looked at him; not the smallest display of agitation of seeing not taking to his high chair post haste but no nestling against his clavicle either; just a timid touch to his face as if fearing to hurt him.

“Heh, heh, finally he's realizing that it hurts when he pulls my beard.”

“But don’t you think it’s strange, Rem? Suddenly not having evade his yanking when you had to twice just this morning? It’s as if his---like his personality has been switched with an old man.”

Well, I am nine million years old.

“Maybe he’s still sleepy; bet that’ll change once he's in the high chair.”

And I’ll make sure of it. This couple must not become any more suspicious than they already are. As this form renders me incapable of defending these humans, I have no other choice but wait, hope the other Autobots will find me before Megatron and his bunch. If the reverse happens things more than likely will be catastrophic for these people indeed.

There’s just one small problem in this waiting decision : How do babies behave?

"Look, Honey, like an old man; he's rubbing his chin!"
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Fan Fic "Angel Child" Rated Comedy

Postby Friend of Da Panda Symbol » Sat Sep 01, 2007 2:25 pm

Part 4

“Done it!” Had Wheeljack been constructed with the capability, he would have been smiling ear to ear as he pulled himself away from the table. In both hands he held the specially constructed and laid sensor web open across Teletran 1’s upper edge. This called all Autobots on the scene save Ratchet who now was taking time to repair Sunstreaker’s vanity gripes, and Bumblebee who was taking the Witwickys home. “Once fully calibrated for its mission via Teletran, it’ll be ready to launch.”

"And as that leader human says on that program with that android, ‘Make it so“!”

“Didn‘t know you were Next Generation fan, Jazz.”

"And of the original series, too, yeah, Ironhide."

"I like the first show more got more shoot-em up battles then any of the rest." The elder Autobot elaborated. "Didcha know the original show's final episode was similar to the situation that Optimus is facing now.”

Quite true. Wheeljack would‘ve nodded had he not been so busy with the device’s final prepping. “There! Give your a-okay on the launch, Jazz?”

“Thought you launched it already, Wheeljack.”

“Eh, yeah, right." I'm surrounded by titanium Trekkers. Thank two tuckloads of energon super-fan Prowl's preoccupied. "Launching in 4-3-2-Initiating!” The scanner dutifully zoomed away leaving not the slightest hint of discharge.

“Hope it doesn’t have to carry itself too far, Jazz.”

“Yeah, Prowl, especially over Decepticon activity. If they were to learn what we have learned...”
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Fan Fic "Angel Child" Rated Comedy

Postby Friend of Da Panda Symbol » Wed Sep 12, 2007 2:10 pm

Part 5

Unfortunately, the theory least desired in the Autobot’s current predicament was already taking place. Minutes after Lasrbeak broke off undercover surveillance inside the Ark, he was relaying the info via his master Soundwave. This sent Decepticon leader Megatron into a showering of praise upon those manufactures of the centerpiece gadget of his current scheme. (That could have easily been acid filled denunciations had one facet on his current agenda had gone wrong.)

"Very good, my Constructions, thanks to my Persona Shifter those repugnant rudderless Autobots' cause will implode . Now we can carry on our plans to control the universe with interruptions at the level of paltry." His triumphant sauntering to his chair was immediately halted, his mood zipping to annoyance. Out the corner of an optic processor that power hungry naysayer of just about every plan he ever had was yet again shifting out of line of the lined up ranks. Yes, Starsceam’ll soar into the one hole his micro mentality perceives in my line of attack.

All has not ended in terms of your scheme, Megatron! We should immediately destroy the ememies of manufacturing any more of their hunting scanners and or terminate Googoomus--”

“Only the scanners or any putrid Dimobot discovered conducting a search will meet oblivion. Whatever fools remeain will but crushed but only when I see the moment‘s right."

“We've neither have the time or energon to waste terminating every Autobot or their flesh creature collaborators, right now!! Furthermore, I can’t bring myself to sustain damage over that plaything of yours. Your removing that goody-goody loud audio mecha-maggot was futile as the Autobots will be all the more goaded and soon will discover a means to reverse the--”

“The process cannot be reversed neither by the device's destruction nor any counter agents created by our antagonists, Starscream! My blueprints and the Constructicons' particular skills have safeguarded against more possibilities of failure than your thin vapor trail mentality can speculate. But you know,” a wicked smile reappeared on his setting down in his chair at the computer console, “your ignition exhaust prattle has generated an excellent alternative path for me indeed. After doing away with all their useless probes and demolishing their defense systems, yes, I could exchange your simple mind into any emptied Autobot shell I choose then in one blast, reduce it--you to dust.”


“Or more amusing still, depositing you in the nearest jellyfish then grind its carcass ergo you under my heel. Now then I would be grieved--Seeing how by their merely washing ashore are of more usefulness in leveling humans than you have ever been.” No surrounding Decepticon refrained chortling along with their leader seeing Starscream bravado quickly dwindled to undignified groveling on the ground.

"Megatron, Megatron, My-my insubordinance was inexcusable! Your-Your magnificent plan will work!"

"Crawl out of my sight; your propensity for cleverness matches the tiniest rusty tin can! And don’t that I lack intellect to see what you’re endeavoring to do, you badly bolted bootlicker!”
Last edited by Friend of Da Panda Symbol on Thu Oct 04, 2007 4:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Fan Fic "Angel Child" Rated Comedy

Postby Friend of Da Panda Symbol » Wed Sep 19, 2007 5:07 pm

Part 6

Ahhh! Do not understand how or why, but these different edible foliages please me.

“Oh Geen, not that broccoli squash, why do you insist giving him that stuff!” Anticipating Brandon spew that always came next with that variety baby food, Remy reached for the second dinner napkin set aside in that. event.

“Dr. Onng insists more veggies and I also want to test this little bitty itty peace--Inny and hopefully outy, not from the inny seconds later. Good huh, Brandon?” No shying away as the spoon came nearer, a smiling rolling his cheeks finger wiping the residue around his mouth and sticking that in once the clean flatware came out.

“Meaning in two minutes then out the inny side, yes?” And just in case he decides going garden hose sprinkler... The baby’s dad opened that special napkin to shield himself. then gradually lowered the veil taken aback... More than over three minutes still chewing: a resuming of that fixed smile while swallowing then other than a expectant look disturbingly beyond his age nothing. Initially Remy dismissed it he had done that with everything tonight to a new step in development. However sitting here pediactric and genetic facts reared; eating so neatly was just too advanced and more strangely he liked the food--no relation either on Gina’s or his side regardless the age liked squash in any form.

What’s happened to our boy?

They are suspecting something’s not right with their son, I’m sure of that. But I am faced with an important conundrum: how to dodge their fears without generating upon them any physical harm.

“I’ll take him to the doctor tomorrow.”

“Give him til the day after; Geen, might just have been that light he saw rattled him a tad.”

You have no idea; is the base is still in one piece? By some means I must get back.

“Might be just it. Well I think you’ve had enough to eat for now, my wee wiggly man. Will give you a fresh diaper then off to bed.” Out of the high chair Gina again hoisted him to her side.

But while coming downstairs for nourishment intake, the last thing mentioned she would giving me was an “ap-ple-sauce. Yes! I remember Sparkplug telling Bumblebee Spike was “throwing stuff around at an early age.” That gives me an idea... Before she or he rembers the jar was left out--and before her spouse takes up that, I believe Sparkplug told me that’s called a spoon...Fortunately she's holding me at her hip close! There!

“WHAT THE--?” Both Mother and Father were taken aback as the flatware was launched the same instant it connected to their son’s hand. The specified jar was sent skittering he farthest side, where it smashed on the floor.

“Hot d---, Perhaps a Major Leaguer pitcher as a possible future!”

“And at present I'm taking him to Dr Onng asap tomorrow.”

“Geen, it’s just a developmental spurt.”

"That huge??? Honey, he just didn’t throw, he aimed and was dead accurate, like-like it’s weight was no problem for him.”

It’s a problem now--Uuurgggh!! great...pain spreading from this...arm ...“Ohhhhhh!!!!”

“See all’s back to normal, cher, he’s howling..”

Must fiiind a-a way thaaat does not uuuhhgg...involve damaging...body. Ouuuch
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Fan Fic "Angel Child" Rated Comedy

Postby Friend of Da Panda Symbol » Thu Oct 04, 2007 5:24 pm

Part 7

“Wheeljack calling Bumblebee. Wheeljack calling Bumblebee.”

Reading you, Wheeljack. Is Optimus okay again?”

“Did you drop Spike and Sparkplug at home?”

“Yeah. Should I take your Prime report as a no?”

“Need you back here, Bumblebee, want you involved in something we‘ve decided to do.”

“All right, Jazz, on the triple and then some.”

The VW disguised robot would never know how close he came to serious damage via Decepticon cassette Rumble souring a littler over a kilometer above him. “Rumble to Megatron, have that sawed off coward colored Prime worshipping cog below me.”

“Don’t touch him, Rumble, continue your sky spy search and destroy duties. Soundwave, I want you to conduct brain scans on all newborn fleshlings in the community nearest to this morning’s skirmish--”

“Bah, should've done that an Earth hour following our clash.” Out of Megatron’s reach for abuse, Starscream reverted to his commander belittling self.

"Are you begging me to reach over there and personally crash you and into so many fragments, Stardumb, are you? Soundwave, dispatch Buzzsaw to Autobot headquarters; they just may have come up with yet another plan for seeking out their lost leader’s revoltingly noble mind.”

“It's just as easy to assume the enemy has already found him via their special sky-spy. It is more likely still in tact despite Thundercracker’s claims of making it a scrapheap.”

“What did our base's geeky volt Seeker idiot say???” The blue Seeker whirled on the red, fist ready to smash him flat.

“If both you don’t cease your useless sniping so I may conduct my strategies, I’ll personally blast both of you to pieces atop their inept initial scanner’s tomb! Now go out again and see if they’ve put out more probes”

“My apologies, great Megatron--”

"Just get out--and as for my mach speeded geeky idiot, to go in any direction except Thundercracker’s! Let me see you blast the enemy’s next probe away.”

His eavesdropping on Megatron belittling Starscream complete, Rumble chortled to himself. “The only thing Pansyscream'll wipe out is a duck."
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Postby Bartmanhomer » Fri Oct 05, 2007 10:20 am

Nice story.
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Postby An_de » Sun Oct 07, 2007 9:23 am

You should write the scenario for TF 2 :grin:

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Fan Fic "Angel Child" Rated Comedy

Postby Friend of Da Panda Symbol » Thu Oct 18, 2007 7:27 pm

Thank you for your kind words, Bartmanhomer & An_de!!! Thank everyone for taking the time to read this.

Part 8

What else could I do other than passively lay here looking at this “mobile” of the Milky way?

Sit up then hoist himself to a stand supporting himself via the crib railing is what he did in order inspect the authentic moon. Beyond that somewhere out there is Cyberton. As Gina sang that “lullaby”’; he had whimpered latching onto the lyrics' message . Beyond this mother’s arms, her “rocking chair”, this sky blue room that was her boy’s “nursey”, Somewhere Out There were his comrades, headquarters, further than both Cyberton. Elita--Gina’s robe colored as you are brought you to mind, hope all in the Autobot Resistance, Alpha Trion, are safe.

If he was another robot of position other than an Autobot guarding the world from the malignancy that were the Decepticons maybe he could, possibly would permit himself a snatch of contentment engendered by this different atmosphere. Soft blankets, loving hands, peaceful and quiet-- save the bell like sounds coming from the mobile but somehow they did not count--But things being as they are and what I have been manufactured to do, must disregard these comforts; besides this is being a false security, this is all belongs to their boy . Besides none of this belonging to me, the longer I stay such, higher grows the percentage this somnolence will be the quiet before the Decepticon storm. Their ambitions will speedily rise to their attempting elimating this kind couple, more easily this form hence the real Brandon looses his rightful place and the Autobots. . .


The passive option was turning nightmarish the more he contemplated it. He had stood with a smooth tire shaped thing inside his mouth ( The slightly harder upper ridge inside Brandon’s mouth had been buzzing curiously since his arrival and now reached the point of Blaster music annoying.) but now abandoned the thing and simultaneously the flaccid tactic.

My previous resolve was unwise. One way or another I must tell them who I am, why they must return me to headquarters. I’m sure Ratchet and Wheeljack are concentrating on a process that will restore our minds to their rightful places with dispatch. Perhaps they’ve already assembled a counter agent and Brandon and I will be out this predicament in astro-seconds.

But if the Deceptions via their spies learn of their success with this latest plot; and everything in my central processor hums they have already-- Must not dwell upon the worse possibilities; this body's--Believe its the stomach--whatever organs it is--or they are, tightens; I have no wish to release more white liquid intake as I did while Gina sang that lullaby. If I only could find some way to thank Gina for the " face wipes" and this fresh clothing while telling her who I am.

However soon the most positive outcome is brought about, Megatron is mine! The problem still remains how I can facilitate conveying the truth to these parents, in terms of muscular coordination, this body has possesses a very low percentage.

Especially in the realm of ambulatory extensions. Brandon leg's strength chose now to ebate; before he could contemplate how to improve his hold on the railing, his posterior shifted to a flop/sit on the crib's surface slightly reverberating to his for now skull. “Uhhhrrrowwww!” Must never forget the even lower resistance to pain... Unfortunately for now his detection of aromas had no dimished with this body's strengh ; accompanying the abrupt sit down, an explosion of a foul smelling liquid couched with un-ignorable flame was--No, stop! Cease! Terminnate! Must ask Sparkplug can babies put a cessation to this process--What is this called for that matter?--once it commences. Dispersing from the legs smell and clammy wet was swiftly spreading to every direction on surface side of his limbs, seemingly drenching the crib. Halt and that's an order! He did not know how to bring it to a standstill, cut those senses detecting both stink and increasing pinprick pain--Could only grasp the sound tingling his olfactory processes emanating from his throat.
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Fan Fic "Angel Child" Rated Comedy

Postby Friend of Da Panda Symbol » Thu Oct 18, 2007 7:28 pm

A double post leads to an additional part. Was planning to post this Saturday or next Monday. Oh well..

Part 9

“Uh, gotta admit feel kinda naked without our symbol, guys..” Bumblebee was struggling to refrain from chuckling, the spray paint Hound was applying over his Autobot insignia was most ticklish.

“How about applying a more buffer to this patch on my outermost paint layer, Ratchet.”

“How about crashing that camoflagued section into a street lamp so nobody will notice, Mr. Vanity.”

“Why don’t two, namely Sunstreaker and Brawn, commence practicin’ silent runnin’ from hereon?”

“Hey you should talk, Ironhide, your don‘t have to worry over your lackluster paint job getting messed up.”

“How about anybody yakking put it in park, these applications are necessary to the plan.” Jazz was at the end of his rope with all the degrees of harping over removal of their symbol and especially Brawn’s put out come backs to the most consistent nit-pickers.

“Do you think this is gonna work, guys?” Huffer’s whispered quavering was a refreshing change.

“Got no other choice.” Wheeljack stood up from installing the last of the now mass-produced scanners had been attached to the recently destroyed sky probe different under Sideswipe's hood. The Decepticons had been very vigilant; over the last four hours shooting down every faux probe dispatched following Thundercracker’s extinguishing the original. After orchestrating the fake probes diversion, the other huge advantage they had was Hound and Cliffjumper respectively cornering and shooting down the newly arrived Buzzsaw before the snoopy mecha-buzzard could rev up his infiltration devices. At present the merciless magpie was stupidly hurtling himself against Wheeljack’s strongest long term force field.

There was another positive newly added to the mix. “I’ll go about off from the rest of you and cook any Dumbdeceptic Surveying Ducks I see. They'v got to had copied our original probe by now.” Invisible Mirage was out the door before anyone else.

Hey, isn’t that insulting ducks? Bumblebee chuckled inwardly.

"Okay will say it as I come closet to speakin’ it like the chief." Ironhide gunned up his engine. “Autobots, ROLL OUT!” With brainwave probes and duplicated hologram drivers the keynotes in their recognizance operation, two would go in every direction ganging up to protect the baby once he/she was found.

"Hopefully one of you’ll get lucky. Good hunting!" After waving, Buzzsaw bearer Ratchet returned to the also forcefield inert Prime’s body; Wheeljack, Windcharger and Trailbreaker in tow. They would stay to figure out how they could zero in child's home address once they had found where their chief's mind was. The prototype probes in the Autobots out on the hunt could simply detect his particular area. Something more precise was need and far by being the least thing how to reverse this brain swap situation.
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Postby Bartmanhomer » Mon Oct 22, 2007 8:53 am

Wow. This story is getting better and better. What happens next? :D
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Fan Fic "Angel Child" Rated Comedy

Postby Friend of Da Panda Symbol » Mon Oct 29, 2007 4:42 pm

Got a little ways to go, Barthomer.

And without further explanation:

Part 10

“Baby crying, Remy, your turn.”

“Ruuuriiight.” A rather loud squeaking was the drowned beneath the assault to his ears; no way to calling it as well as the gush to a halt. Another series of squeaks, one long associtated as the opening of "Brandon's" door and that click immediately recognized as activation of overhead lighting. After the readjustment to the lighting transition, Brandon’s father was leaning over him again his expression this time that of alarm. “Gina, get out the bassinet. Oh God, my poor boy.” He settled against one shoulder; this father's patting on the upper most portion of the back was increasingly comforting.

Quick footsteps, a repeat of door opening noise. “Huh??.” After taking the situation in: “Oh my Lord!!”

“Mattress useless, Geen; it's soiled clean through. Gotta chuck it out.”

I could "chuck" Megatron down the first uninhabited mountain for putting this kind family in the middle of this.

“Gosh this must be all the milk and water he took in yesterday. He hadn’t put a drop in his diaper since--You tend to the mattress while I change him.” Out of the room... away from that...whatever that unpleasant odor was. In dimmer light once more, what little there was came via moonbeams resting upon the changing table's immediate right. The now familiar sensations of dispensing even worse smelling clothes for a fourth “diaper changing. (There had been a possible fiifth but being asleep through that by and large it did not count.) Odorless water, very pleasing to his surface level sensors, the repeat of the ticklish dry down, the even sweeter smelling compound that felt like, the closest he could connect it in terms sensation was diluted oil. Then the welcoming dispersing of powder to... when returned to his rightful life, he was resolved to inquire of his human friends why this procedure was performed and if all young humans felt as good as he after being administered... Yes, yes, the dry no filthy odored diaper and warm clothes.

"There you go, Wee One all tucked up again. Nighty night."

Wish I could tell you good night. Thank you, Gina and Remy, both of you are so good to Brandon--Me--Well, me for now. Aah, much better. A new diaper and resting in this sweeter albeit less softer flat surface place. The material he briefly clasped lining the high wall of his new resting chamber was as best he could described as somewhat grainy to the touh.

He felt his senses deaden again and did not resist. Between then and dawn he remembered dreaming he was a in semi truck mode again the real Brandon was safe and his parents were happily waving goodbye along some road's sidelines.
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Re: Fan Fic "Angel Child" Rated Comedy

Postby Friend of Da Panda Symbol » Wed Nov 07, 2007 6:50 pm

Part 11

“Megatron here. Report Soundwave.”

“Brain sans of initial phase flesh creatures in settlements within 60 kilometers from previous battle site complete. With few exceptions, all brain activity fall within the expected development range of the species."

“Do any of those exceptions carry brain activity matching that of an Autobot?”


“So now you’re considering eliminating the tiny fleshling holding Prime’s mind?”

“Well, well, Starscream, have you interrupted a more capable Decepticon soldier's status report to notify your leader you’ve found our main adversary’s mind with the dog sniffer device we copied from the Autobots?”

“No, just pointing out a course of action you heretofore not appeared bold enough to--”

“I haveconsidered what you deign the easier course, blowing up the Autobots’ base of operations hence destroying our menance'sbody.”

“Then why do pursue this pointless hunt for the fleshling brat, Leader?”

“That’s for me to know and you to obey me regardless. Just find it!” I see no need to let my warriors know my original desire was to house King Irritant Autobot in any inanimate object which could be swiftly disposed of but this -- More than I ever dreamed, so many ways I could hurl the Autobots and through them these miserable soft tissued air breather trash in an impossible conundrum. Yes I’ll insist one of my warriors capture that itty-bitty very vulnerable Pamper Lots Prime. And once he‘s in my hands, I’ll make use of him as a ransom for any demand I see fit. Most appealing amongst my options right now is demanding relinquishment of Prime’s hull to me or leave earth forever or both and if they protest too much, they’ll watch the their trapped tot leaderbot crushed in my hands. Those timid fools will bow to comply if so much as I threaten to destroy that brat just because it‘s a miniscule flesh brat. And once they clear off and or surrender that nuisance‘s body, I still will rip the gurgling ex-bargaining chip apart from its feet up. Shortly before turning off the onboard link with his competent communications officer and the resident fool, he joined in the laughter that filtered in from the most capable of his troops.

Soundwave'll be laughing at more than Starscream's current discomfiture. One more insubordinate nitpick from that incompetent upstart and I will make sure the fool's a squashed jellyfish!
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Re: Fan Fic "Angel Child" Rated Comedy

Postby Friend of Da Panda Symbol » Sun Nov 18, 2007 2:18 pm

Part 12

"Moring, My wee man, gotcha first milk gushee--" Oh I don't believe--Yet another item of weirdness to report to your doctor, my little dearest. On her bending over the bassinet she found Brandon had made a barricade out of his blanket the upper portion ending just above his nose. The star shaped teething long reserved for the temporary sleeping quarters had one of it's bunt ends protruding pasts the blockade bringing to mind an alert soldier inching to defender his turf. Hopefully he was just asleep and a gentle knuckle nudge proved indeed such was the case. "Peek-a-boo," Equally undesired was his head disappearing behind the obstruction, snoring accompanying his breathing.

What? What happened? Now remember, Laserbeak attacked. I'm okay, Ironhide; just need an astro-second...Uh, can't get up. Think I need your assistan--

"Okay tried the baby easy way so now comes the baby hard." Scooped out the crib onto her shoulder.

Was I dreaming something just now? More likely I was back at the base. Good grief, still in infant world out of scratchy topped baby bed--No, and within his parents room. If the Decepticons chose now to attack--No wait don't hear them--Hopefuly that lies a day away at the least--Either way, here give me the blanched nourishment, please.

A job prepping Remy chortled watching Brandon's unusually noisy guzzling in progress. While straightening his tie: “Sheesh was our future pitcher frantic for his glove today. Don’t give him too much milk or he’ll go in the car, Gina.”

"Indeed he will so ohhkay, sport, leggo your bottle--"

No, let's go in the car, can merge with the traffic people can have space a earth conveyors as a means to es--Wait, he's referring to preventing more foul liquid explosions. Yes, and my--his stomach's full. Please withdraw the nourishment conveyor, Gina, have had enough.

“There! Good boy, in your high chair watch the Wildlife Channel.”

It’s why I accept the chair even though it's surface is like super cool liquid nitrogen; am certain I heard something that hopefully will aid in accomplishing my top priority.

“...The Bumbleebee’s favorite feeding habitats---”


“Awwwhaa cuuute, he’s trying to talk.” Remy refrained from slipping on his second shoe for sitting back grinning pleasantly. Maybe at last we’ll get a mommy, daddy out our future major leaguer, today your think?"

“Maybe today at last. Okay, Mr. Wiggles, say mommy.”

“Bu-bu--” Both arms feebly gesturing at the set now.

“Dada? Daaadaa?”


“Mom must be easier on his tongue, Rem?”

I only wish my--this tongue would once--just once comply effectively with my thoughts.

“Yes, get him to say mom.”

"Ba-bum--Baaa--" What I can do but persist??? No, please, listen, both of you!! Remy don’t resume your departure procedures yet. Aww, Gina, don’t pick me up. Oh wait this is good; I'm--this mouth's slobbering again. Ahh, thank you, Gina. How can young human offsping stand for this?

"Say bye-bye, Wiggly-man; got to dress, earn you more diapers, toys, put aside your college tuition--That reminds me, Geen, the concert next week, have you --.”

“Jaaauuzaaa! Jaaaau--”

“God, he’s in a gabby mood today.”

“Well he is getting older. Possibly’ll be a genuis?”

“Possibly. Well whatever; he’ll be going down the road to the doctors today.”

“Roohhhhhll owwww--” I'm pointing to your gas station truck mock-up on your shelf, see Brandon's parents, see, see--Forget it, enjoy the slobber catching blanket for a little bit. Body’s energy draining again, can't keep awake but...must try...
“Trying to tell you the doc’ll say he’ll develop quicker ins some areas and slower in others. Perhaps he’ll become a giant like your cousin Shawn?”

I'm usually taller than five Uncle Shawns if my a calculations are correct. He had overhead the father's older sister say the doctor’s measured him ( Gina was lowering him in the tub while overheard the relatives conversation exchange.) at six foot six. More importantly there had been a previous call whose tones on the onset sent his memory junction buzzing although the noise from Gina‘s readying him for the bath prevented his concentrating on exactly why.

"Come around here, honey, look see, the old man rubbing the chin thing's back again."
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Fan Fic "Angel Child" Rated Comedy

Postby Friend of Da Panda Symbol » Mon Nov 26, 2007 10:47 am

Hope everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving!

Part 13

I’ve been looking four and three quarter Earth hours and seventy kilometers from base. Hound tallied his boredom. The only polished base of a hood bright about all this has been the Deceptabarfs have ignored me twice. Another positive factor, no hair-trigger whiny Starscream or that putrid punk Rumble...

Nearly five hours on the road both alone and with Spike and still no Optimus. Bumblebee despaired then went on the alert up as the familiar jet mode Skywarp passed high above the thick tree lined highway. But on the upside my luck against possible Decepticon beatdown has been holding so far. Another positive side, but not by much, whatever device the Decepticjerks are using to scan about must be fixated on infants otherwise we'd be pounced upon as like the humans say, “white on rice”. And they won't give an oil change who's surrounding him, family, baby sitter, fellow exercisers or a playground or sleepers in a nursey school. Come on probe, mine, anyone's whistle to me!

Now Jazz found himself growing impatient with the plan he helped originate. Fifth playground in the second community this town I've been around, and still nothing. Sure hope the rest of the Autobots has been equally fortunate not to be discovered especially Gears and Huffer out on the open highway. Not to say the rest of us are on a lower danger level; all it takes is one of us chancing upon Mr. Oily and Mouthy Soundwave and the gig’ll spiral outta control like a direct hit on a Seeker.

Hate this radio silence and working alone. Wheeljack says he put an alarm in the scanner’s innermost base that will provide us the location Prime is within but who’s to say that will work or if the more important brainscan match thing would---Whoa scanner match is activated on an area! Well the brainscan radar says it's located nowhere near me. I’m on highway and with no trees, no houses, more importantly no Deceptic-septics, so they already may've found the child, too. Speed up! Hey, what’s Prowl sending me this secure text message...??

“Okay, my little little lad--Or should I say my little old man--here we are just outside the doctor’s.” After unfolding the stroller Gina set to work on his car seat. He certainly had acted the intellectual during the car drive pointing at nearly every vehicle and excitedly clapping and bouncing on every eighteen wheeler chanced upon--Well he was acting more the baby now twisting and frenetically jabbering “Car-Car” at the towards the voice, the rushing footsteps growing louder from behind.
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Fan Fic "Angel Child" Rated Comedy

Postby Friend of Da Panda Symbol » Sat Dec 01, 2007 8:32 pm

Part 14

“As I live and breathe--Is it really you??”

“Ginaa!” A baseball capped and jacketed Carly was running towards her elementary school classmate at full tilt, her expression strikingly more terrified than the normally inquisitive or happy. Their exchanging hugs was ginger of course taking into account Brandon was between them. The robot persona inside Brandon had put aside the closest human conversings for simultaneously leveling a pleading gaze and analyzing pros and cons the populace would be confronting in the situation his logic sections buzzed was soon to come. For every human moving about in this vincity there’s a Depticon missle, laser, mortar shell and warped mind with a physically abusive streak. On the positive side this Autobot summons signal camouflaged the within the alarm blaring is in the high alert audio regions. The negative aimed to Autobot minds or not, Soundwave’s shifted through subtlety and the Decepticons are baring down on us as we stand here. I feel it. “Caaahhhh--leee?”

“Excuse the howling that’s just a radio two of my fiends pooled together blaring in my rented sports car.” Carly jerked thumb at Lancia Stratos Turbo Racing Car over her shoulder. "Wanna drive around in for a bit? Top of the model--"

Yes and if it's who I think it is, he'll reverse this; if not, Carly will take--uh--yes me, in any direction it takes to return both the child's mother and his body to the Autobots.

“Oh Carly, how’s it been haven’t seen you since--Oh go ahead, Brandon, forget your Mom--” A giggle without jealousy as her boy went all but short of leaping from her embrace to seemingly bear-hug Gina’s elementary school classmate. “So how’s studies going and your, hee, wink-wink friendship with the Spike Wit-- My word Brandon, are you set on choking her to death?”

Glad you've come, Carly! I know you know! Please convince her!

“No he’s not hurting me at all, just gripping me at the back of my collar.”

“Maybe but still--What‘s with you?!” The child was refusing to budge from Carly’s arms when normally he was extremely wary of strangers.

I may be out of my body but I still I can still put up a fuss. Do anything, everything that won't leave permanent damage to anyone! "Prrrriiiii!" "Roohhhhhll owwww--!” "Weeeeeeel-jaaa--jaa!" "Auuuuut-tooohhh-" As best could be managed he made an open armed reach at the Lancia Stratos’ direction over Carly's shoulder.

That’s Optimus all right.

"Oh now what, Wiggly?? Yes, I see it's a pretty car. Carly said she'll give us a drive but we'll have to do it later that is if she wants to come with us or wait here. Yes, please keep holding him, have to...dig out his pacifer...Now where....Come on..." She hunted for the spare she kept in her baby bag having left the primary one back home. "There!" Upon finding it she ventured putting in his mouth and met firm smiling lips on her second attempt he put a hand over her objective..

Sorry Gina but I will NOT permit you to apply that mouthplug. If you manage some-how, I will fling it away.

“Ugh, I give up! This--This type stuff's why I’m taking him to the pediatrician. He’s been acting creepy since yesterday morning.”


“The list is so long--Tell you all about it after Brandon's appointment..."

Think I now understand what the humans mean when they say: ‘I was tearing out my hair.’ Now what? Earlier his mouth, now his eyes are wetting.

".. I do understand and I'm telling you don’t have --”

"But I do, didn’t I just tell!”
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Postby christron101 » Sun Dec 02, 2007 11:18 am

That story is brill!What happens next?
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Postby An_de » Sun Dec 02, 2007 11:53 am

Most amusing :)

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Postby christron101 » Sun Dec 02, 2007 11:56 am

It's you again!
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Postby An_de » Sun Dec 02, 2007 11:57 am

christron101 wrote:It's you again!

It's me, isn't it :lol:

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Postby christron101 » Sun Dec 02, 2007 11:59 am

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ha ha, read this.
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Postby An_de » Sun Dec 02, 2007 12:00 pm

Surprise - Guess who's here!

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Postby christron101 » Sun Dec 02, 2007 12:01 pm

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ha ha, read this.
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Postby An_de » Sun Dec 02, 2007 12:02 pm

christron101 wrote:You.

How did you guessed?

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