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Fanfic: Dawn of war

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Fanfic: Dawn of war

Postby Raven Guard » Thu Dec 06, 2007 9:24 pm

Its not mine,its my relative's fanfic that takes place after/before megatron origins if you want to leave a review or feedback please post it here-

Transformers are the property of their respective owners.

Dawn of War

Chapter One

Krieg als Fortsetzung der Politik mit anderen Mitteln/War is merely the continuation of politics by other means

Carl von Clausewitz

The three stood to the side, together but alone. As each surveyed the field of battle, lost in their thoughts, Thundercracker wondered what would become of them. Unlike Starscream, who immediately grasped the potential for almost limitless power and unlike Skywarp, who was motivated by vengeance, Thundercracker was moved by outrage. The realization how he came to be one of the victors standing watch over the appalling scene before them began to sink in. Megatron’s followers were now more an army and less a motley collection of criminals and illegal gladiators running on empty. Solely focused on following Megatron’s command to pillage and burn Kaon, there was now a steep price on all their heads. The smoke and fire gave the sky an otherworldly glow that served to incite the mechs to new levels of ruthlessness. Glancing at his wingmates, he was shocked to see their almost ecstatic faces as he understood his actions had served to wreck destruction upon the wretched denizens of this city. Where he saw only death, destruction and debauchery, his wingmates saw only victory. A feeling of envy flashed as he wished he could feel the same conviction and confidence as Starscream and Skywarp. But he did not; a sense of doubt seemed to shadow his steps and he was unable to shake the foreboding they would soon face retribution for unleashing this terrible dreadnought of desolation, regardless of how well deserved or inevitable it may have been.
Raven Guard
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Postby Raven Guard » Thu Dec 06, 2007 9:26 pm

His thoughts drifted to his earliest memories, when he first met his wingmates. He remembered clearly the school they were taken shortly after having been brought online. All the students were Seekers although their alt modes varied. Housed in the same dormitory, all three lived, studied and worked together in the same sparsely furnished room. Thundercracker recalled the teachers treated them differently. With so much going on, he hardly had time to dwell on it. It was only later, much later that he understood why. Although all the other students were Seekers, they were unique; the only Seekers crafted by the same creators. Their specifications, components and materials were nearly identical; the only difference was their personality components. Considered brothers, related to each other by their shared templates and origins, they seemed to communicate silently, anticipating the other’s actions and words. These creators, who had built several Seekers like them over the millennia, were the only ones who had the knowledge to do so, which they fiercely guarded. Over the time, they had formed a clan, passing their
Raven Guard
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Postby Raven Guard » Thu Dec 06, 2007 9:27 pm

knowledge to one another and propagating their line. Their extreme speed, agility, stamina and unusual abilities were highly sought after by the military; nevertheless, they were sent to the same institution as all the other Seekers so as to instill in them the core values of the warrior. Expected to function together as a team of aerial combatants within a larger military, they were carefully tracked by their guardians. Individualism was discouraged, to the point that even their background was kept from them. It was only after they had proven themselves worthy of being warriors that they were told who they were and who had created them. By then, they had accepted the military was where they belonged and while the knowledge was useful, it made no difference. They had already formed the bond that was necessary for them function as one unit in the military. That was their function and all acknowledged it without question.

Everyone accepted this, with one exception: Starscream.
Raven Guard
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Joined: Fri Sep 28, 2007 2:58 pm

Postby Raven Guard » Thu Dec 06, 2007 9:28 pm

Thundercracker recalled how he questioned everything, testing their teachers. The problem was that he was often right. No matter how many times it was explained, shouted or even beaten into him, he still wanted answers. Questions were not discouraged; in fact, they were expected to be curious but it was the way he asked; he demanded he be given answers; if he wasn’t satisfied, he would cast doubt on the teacher’s competence.

In additional, there was something else about Starscream that set him apart from the other students, something Thundercracker and Skywarp didn’t understand but accepted; the other students did not. He was constantly fighting with the others, brawls that ended only after a teacher intervened. One of them always ended up in repairs and it wasn’t Starscream. Even over minor things provoked him, as if his authority couldn’t be questioned. Finally, a teacher, exasperated with always having to discipline him, asked him why he simply couldn’t find a way to avoid conflict. He simply looked at her as if she was malfunctioning and said “Conflict is the beginning of consciousness”. She stopped and looked at him thoughtfully. As student and teacher spoke quietly, they saw him nod before she took him to the headmaster.
Raven Guard
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Joined: Fri Sep 28, 2007 2:58 pm

Postby Raven Guard » Thu Dec 06, 2007 9:28 pm

After the encounter, they returned to class and then to their dormitory. As the cycle ended, Thundercracker and Skywarp noticed Starscream was missing. No one told them where he had gone.

“You’re brother’s been thrown out” one of the other students sneered. Skywarp pushed him. “You’re next” he told him, getting ready for a fight. Thundercracker spied a teacher walking in their direction and pulled him away.

“What happened? Did he really get thrown out?” Thundercracker whispered as the others scattered.

“I don’t know. We need to find out.”

He was worried; by this time, he was so accustomed to being part of a trine he felt incomplete, as if one of his limbs was missing. They had never been separated before. Looking at Skywarp, he could tell he felt the same way.

As the teacher came closer, Thundercracker signaled him to be quiet. She greeted them and noticed their distress. Their teacher took pity on them and told Thundercracker what he wanted to hear.

“Starscream’s fine, nothing happened to him; indeed, you should proud” Looking at their confused expressions, she continued.

“Your brother’s been sent to the Science Academy to finish his studies. You’ll see him again”

“When?” Thundercracker couldn’t help but push for more information.

“When you go to the War Academy”

“Does this mean I’ve been accepted?”

The teacher smiled.

“I guess there’s no harm in telling you now. Yes, you’ve been selected”

“And Skywarp?”

“He’s been selected as well”

Their misery had been replaced with exuberance. They overwhelmed their teacher with gratitude before they ran off to tell the others. But they wouldn’t see Starscream again until they left the dormitory and settled in at the War Academy.
Raven Guard
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Postby Raven Guard » Thu Dec 06, 2007 9:29 pm

Sitting on a recharge bunk and reading, Thundercracker’s concentration was broken by Skywarp’s excited voice as he made his way down the hall and into their room. Despite several warnings, he was unable to resist and teleported inside, colliding into Thundercracker. His data pad flew out of his hand and he was irritated to find Skywarp on top of him, grinning.

“Get off me, you idiot!” he yelled as he pushed him off. “Haven’t you been told to stop doing that?” He managed a scowl as he got up and tried to retrieve his data pad. Worried about an upcoming exam, he was desperately trying to study history, a subject he had no interest in. With Skywarp around, he knew any chance of studying had evaporated.

Skywarp grabbed his arm and held him back.

“He’s here! I just saw him!”

“What are you talking about?” Sometimes he didn’t make any sense. Always getting into trouble, not having fully mastered his new ability to teleport, he managed to miscalculate his trajectory every time. Already he’d been warned to confine his teleportation to the exercise yard or face a disciplinary hearing. They had only arrived three solar cycles ago.

.”Screamer!” the purple Seeker exclaimed. “Come on!” He pulled Thundercracker towards the door.

“Where are we going?”

“We’re meeting him at the tavern. Let’s go!”

They left as the other cadets looked at them, wondering what they were about to get themselves into. Newly arrived, they had already acquired a reputation as troublemakers.
Raven Guard
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Postby Raven Guard » Thu Dec 06, 2007 9:30 pm

Thundercracker saw him immediately, despite the crowds and the dim lights. He was standing near the bar with his arms crossed, smirking as a femme tried to engage him unsuccessfully in small talk. They made their way over to him.

“What took you so long?” he asked, the smirk turning into a smile, unable to hide his delight at seeing them again.

They sat in the back, drinking the fortified energon that was the tavern’s specialty. Starscream ordered another round for all of them.

“Tell us what happened” Thundercracker asked.

“Yeah, why’d you disappear without saying anything?” Skywarp added, sounding hurt.

“I didn’t have a choice. It was either the Science Academy or the street, and as soon as I said yes, I was escorted out.”

Skywarp’s optics widened. “You mean they actually threatened to throw you out?”

Thundercracker was equally stunned. “What would you have done?”

Starscream had to think; the idea he would have to fend for himself never occurred to him.

“I don’t know. What could I have done? Become a shuttlebot?”

They all laughed; the very idea was ludicrous. Shuttlebots were as low as a flier could go and it was unheard of for a Seeker to become one. Starscream waved at the server for another round. Thundercracker and Skywarp glanced at each other. The stipends they received were small and they could barely afford what they had ordered. Starscream noticed the look they exchanged.


“Screamer, we can’t afford…” Skywarp explained.

The red Seeker waved his hand dismissively.

“Oh, that. Don’t worry, I have plenty of credits”

“Yeah? How?”

“I’m working as a research assistant at the Science Academy.”

“Nice” was all Thundercracker could say. Unless he passed his exams, he wouldn’t finish out the term, much less find employment.

“It’s great. I hardly do any work. The shuttlebot I’m working for does everything”

Skywarp was suddenly interested.

“How did you manage that?”

Starscream gave him a sly look.

“It’s simple. He’s completely infatuated with me”.

Thundercracker nearly choked when he heard that. Skywarp looked impressed.


“Mmm, yes. Of course, he wouldn’t dare, it would be unethical”

“Do you think you can find me a job as a research assistant?”

Starscream laughed again.

“I hear you can’t even plot your own course when you teleport, much less plot a simple grid”

“I need practice, that’s all. At least I managed to pass my exams” Skywarp said, looking directly at Thundercracker.

“What? You’re having trouble already?”

Thundercracker looked glum. Starscream felt sorry for him. He put his hand on his arm.

“Come over to the Science Academy and I’ll help you study for your exams’

“What about the professor you work for? Won’t he mind?”

“Skyfire? He won’t say anything”

The server arrived with their rounds.

“Enough of schools, exams and shuttlebots. We’re here to have a good time and to celebrate!” Starscream declared.

Skywarp raised his glass. “To us!”

Starscream and Thundercracker followed suit and they drank their energon down before turning their attention to the crowd.

End of Chapter One
Raven Guard
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Joined: Fri Sep 28, 2007 2:58 pm

Postby Raven Guard » Sat Dec 08, 2007 11:16 pm

Dawn of War

Chapter Two

Starscream was already waiting for Thundercracker when his class was dismissed. As they walked towards the Science Academy, he asked why they simply couldn’t fly there.

The red jet frowned slightly.

“There have been a lot of anti-military protests lately. I should warn you, Skyfire’s a pacifist. He usually doesn’t start that nonsense with me but if he does, just ignore him”.

Thundercracker was astounded. Pacifists? Anti-military? It occurred to him he lived a sheltered existence, despite the disciplined life he led at the War Academy.

“What does that have to do with us flying?”

Starscream stopped. Clearly, Thundercracker had no idea what had been happening outside the Academy. Making sure they weren’t overheard, he told him.

“A small but vocal faction in the Senate has been pushing to cut military spending and to reduce the number of cadets. We’re the most visible so it’s been suggested we keep a low profile.” Looking at him, he added, “you and ‘Warp need to get out more. Now that you’re here, I’ll make sure you do”

“Easy for you to say. I have exams coming up.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll make sure you pass.”

Thundercracker sighed; everything came so easy to Starscream. They entered a side building and went down a corridor until he accessed a suite of offices. Entering the largest one, Thundercracker found it was comfortably decorated. Accustomed to the utilitarian furnishings favored by the military, Thundercracker was amazed at ease Starscream moved within the Science Academy.

“This is…”

“Very nice.” Starscream finished.

“Yes. Very nice. This is your professor’s office?”

“No, this is my office. Skyfire’s office is in another suite, with the other professors.”

Starscream’s office was large, with tall windows that allowed the light to stream in. The furniture was expensive and four large display screens gave easy access to the data stored in several computers that were housed in racks against a wall. Only professors, instructors and upper class cadets at the War Academy were permitted to use the latest tech equipment; plebes were expected to use whatever was available at the library, most of which was slow and outdated. Starscream’s position gave him a definite advantage.
Raven Guard
Posts: 258
Joined: Fri Sep 28, 2007 2:58 pm

Postby Raven Guard » Sat Dec 08, 2007 11:17 pm

“What I want to know is how you managed to keep this job when you were accepted at the War Academy. We were told cadets weren’t allowed to accept outside employment”.

Scrolling through data on a screen, Starscream answered him.

“Yes, those are the rules. Now that you’re here, you’ll find that if you have the right connections, some rules can be broken.”

“That’s not fair.”

“I agree, it’s not fair. One thing I’ve learned is that life is unfair. Skyfire has influence. He asked for and received an exemption. I didn’t know anything about it but I didn’t turn it down, either.”

“Look, I’m not criticizing you but what if this Skyfire wants…compensation for his efforts? What then?”

Starscream turned and looked at Thundercracker.

Concern was written all over his face. At that moment, he realized what the separation had meant to them. At the Science Academy; as the youngest and only Seeker, he was the center of attention. Demonstrating a natural aptitude for physics, he was given a position as a research assistant. The constant activity left him little time to reflect on being separated from the trine; however, he would never forget that on some nights he could think of nothing but Skywarp and Thundercracker, despairing he would ever see them again. He had a room all to himself, which only made it worse. There was no noise, no whispering or playful pranks; only the occasional hiss of a door opening or closing that reinforced the cruel reality he was alone. Like a thick fog, melancholy had settled around him, dampening his ability to take pride in his accomplishments, lifting only when he was able to share them with his trine mates. While he knew he was valued for what he did, no one except Thundercracker and Skywarp cared what happened to him. Just like he was the only one who cared if Thundercracker passed his exams. Now that they were reunited, he was determined to make sure they weren’t separated again. Making an effort to blunt the sharpness of his words, he reassured him.

“One word to the ethics committee and he’s gone. Now stop worrying and let’s get started. If you fail, you’ll have to leave. ”

They settled into the chairs and went over the material on the screens.

Skywarp talked his way into the building, charming the pretty femme at the reception desk. It was late and the facilities at the Science Academy were all nearly deserted. Deciding to surprise them, he plotted his course twice, just to prove Starscream wrong.

No one had forbidden him to teleport here.

“So, can you do it?” Starscream asked the blue Seeker as he put away the data discs.

“I think so. If I had access to something like this” Thundercracker waved his hand at the screens “I wouldn’t have any problems”.

“You know, I hear the Research Department at the War Academy is looking for assistants. If you work there you’ll have access to even better resources”.

“I don’t know anyone; we arrived just a few cycles ago.”

“That’s not true. You know me. I’ll look into it for you”

“What about Skywarp? He can’t be left alone. He’ll probably slam into some visiting general and when he opens his mouth, that’s the end of his career”

“No doubt” Starscream replied as the thought sent them both into hysterics.

Suddenly, Skywarp appeared on target, catching Starscream totally by surprise. As he fell back, Skywarp pounced on him. Thundercracker broke out in another fit of laughter.

“Who says I can’t plot a trajectory?” he asked.

“He’s got a point” Thundercracker managed to get out.

Starscream wasn’t angry but did his best to look the part.

“That was luck. You’re worse than the moron that hits everything with his head…what’s his name?”

“Ramjet?” Thundercracker offered.

“That’s the one”

“Him? The one with the pointy head?” A look of disbelief flooded Skywarp’s face. “The conehead?” He wasn’t expecting to be insulted. The look on Skywarp’s face was too much, causing Starscream to laugh uncontrollably. As Thundercracker doubled over again, there wasn’t anything Skywarp could do except join them.
Raven Guard
Posts: 258
Joined: Fri Sep 28, 2007 2:58 pm

Postby Raven Guard » Sat Dec 08, 2007 11:18 pm

“Look, conditions are clear and there are no restrictions in this area. Why can’t we just fly back?” Skywarp asked. “It’s not like it’s against the law.”

Starscream and Thundercracker looked at him. Starscream had already explained why they were discouraged from flight as they walked back to their dormitory.

“Look, I didn’t say you couldn’t fly, I only said it’s not a good idea right now.”

“Why? Because some shuttlebot told you so?” he scoffed. “That’s stupid.”

“Maybe so, but I agree. We should keep a low profile.”

Skywarp looked at Thundercracker, who remained silent.

“Slag it. I’m going.” Skywarp looked at Starscream.

“I’m flying back.”

Starscream’s arm shot out and gripped Skywarp, stopping him from transforming.

“No. You’re not flying. That’s final”

Skywarp stared at him, astonished. He had never spoken to him like this before.

“Listen to him ’Warp. He’s right.” Thundercracker pleaded, sensing that he was about to lose his temper.

Starscream stared back at Skywarp. Unconsciously, he asserted his authority for the first time. Deep inside all three, their actions triggered the dormant programming that had been deliberately inserted by their creators. There was a reason they had been formed together, from the same templates and materials. It was intentional. The three were intended to act together; however, only one could lead. Starscream had been configured to command the air group that he, Skywarp and Thundercracker comprised. That this would occur was preordained; how it occurred was not.

“Are you telling me I can’t fly?” Skywarp demanded.

For a nanosecond, Starscream hesitated. Something flashed through his processor, almost like a voice, reinforcing his decision. Somehow, he had to find a way to make him comply with his …order.

“It’s late and you’ll only get in trouble. And you didn’t even have permission to leave.” Starscream lessened his hold but didn't release him. “You’ve already been warned and told you’d be disciplined. We just arrived. Don’t do it.”

Skywarp was still was still staring at him, although his resolve was diminishing. Everything he was hearing was true but he wasn’t ready to accept this sudden change.

“Please.” Starscream added. He wouldn’t have used that word with anyone except Skywarp-or Thundercracker.

Skywarp stood down. Reluctantly, the element of authority in his voice compelled him to listen. While not inclined to take orders, the prospect of being separated jerked him out of his defiant mood.

“Alright, I won’t. But I still think it’s ridiculous."

Thundercracker sighed with relief. The tension dissipated as they resumed walking. The change in Starscream was unexpected but as he mulled it over, it seemed only natural. One of them had to lead the air group and he knew it wasn’t going to be him. And if anyone had suggested Skywarp be put in command, he wouldn’t know whether to slug them or laugh. What had surprised him was how he had asked. Starscream wasn’t known for his tact. It could have easily become just another brawl for them.

They entered their room right before curfew. As they lay on the recharge beds and the lights went out, Skywarp whispered to Starscream

“Do you really think I’m worse than Ramjet?”

“Not really” he replied

“What, then?”

“You’re uglier” Thundercracker whispered as he and Starscream snickered.

A data pad flew past him, barely missing him, striking the wall and clattering as hit the floor.

“Lights OUT!” an upper class cadet shouted in their direction as he walked by.

Naturally, the cadet was ignored as they continued to whisper, as they always had. Only Starscream was aware of the turmoil outside their environment, but even he was unable to predict the impact it would have on them.
Raven Guard
Posts: 258
Joined: Fri Sep 28, 2007 2:58 pm

Postby Raven Guard » Sat Dec 08, 2007 11:18 pm

Dawn of War

Chapter Three

Thundercracker managed to pass his exams and thanks to Starscream, was employed as an assistant in the Research and Development Department at the War Academy. They both managed to get an internship for Skywarp so Thundercracker could ensure he didn’t get into trouble. As they went out more often, Thundercracker discovered what Starscream meant. Unemployment was endemic; prices were to rising and the dispossessed became highly visible. The security forces, observed in large numbers, enforced the ordinances against loitering with efficient brutality. Occasionally, they came across protesters, demanding that the Senate take action and relieve their suffering and always, there were demands military funding be spent on the populace instead. Still, these images barely affected them. Politics was not their concern.

Midway through the term, an assembly of the all cadets was called.

“What’s happening?” Thundercracker asked as they all gathered in the large auditorium.

“Maybe it has something to do with all those strikes that are going on” Skywarp offered.

“Some mining operation went south” said another cadet who overhead them. They turned to look at him.

“What do you mean, Thrust?” Starscream asked him

“They shut down the mine and they rioted. After it was put down, on the way back, the miners took over the ship and disappeared.”

“Wasn’t that the one where the miners were killed? And that windbag Decimus taken hostage?”

“That’s the one.”

“He deserves worse” Starscream said coldly. “That’s the one insisting the Academy be shut down and the funds allocated to some project he has going.”

“Yeah, going straight into his pockets” Thrust added.

“Maybe Thrust is right” Thundercracker said. “Look”

Several instructors and generals were gathered on the stage. They had rarely seen so much brass before. Behind them, slipping in unnoticed was a blue mech wearing a faceplate. He was not there to address the audience or participate but simply to observe.

Suddenly, the cadets were called to attention.

The general looked at the cadets and felt his anger and frustration crystallizing as it hardened, his resentment at being chosen to do the Senate’s dirty work the catalyst.

Remembering how too had stood in the same auditorium as a cadet, he very nearly gave in to the impulse to walk off, forcing the politicians to face the victims of their greed. But the years had changed him and slowly, almost imperceptibly, he became more like the politicians he hated than the soldier he had once been. Swallowing his pride and resentment, he gripped the sides of the podium and began his speech.

As the general droned on, Skywarp began to lose interest and looked around. A sharp nudge from Thundercracker brought his attention back to the speech.

"..and so it is with great disappointment that as of today, all first-term cadets must take an indefinite leave of absence. As the Senate diligently works to restore funding, you will be offered the opportunity to return and resume your studies. Until then, you have the gratitude of the Senate and the Empire. You will be given the remainder of your stipends and the Academy’s doors shall remain open, providing any assistance available to you.”

The general continued sprouting platitudes and promises but the cadets were in shock, unable to follow any further. Nothing like this had ever happened before. What were they supposed to do now? Skywarp open his mouth to protest and immediately, a blue hand was clamped over it.

“Not now” Starscream hissed. “This isn’t the time or place.”
Raven Guard
Posts: 258
Joined: Fri Sep 28, 2007 2:58 pm

Postby Raven Guard » Sat Dec 08, 2007 11:19 pm

Thundercracker saw his optics looked brighter, a hard glitter making them stand out. He was close enough to feel his fury, unaware his anger was just as evident. On the stage, the solitary figure of Soundwave also noticed and took note of the trine.

The assembly was dismissed, with the exception of the first term cadets. They were taken back to their rooms to retrieve the few possessions they owned and then escorted out. The three Seekers stood outside with Ramjet, Thrust and Dirge, another trine they referred to derisively as the Coneheads.

“Well?” Ramjet asked, breaking the stunned silence. “What do we do now?”

“This is it-we’re screwed. All of us. If we…” Dirge was in a panic.

“Shut up!” Thrust shouted at him. Dirge always irritated him. Pessimistic even during the best of times, he didn’t want to listen to him whine when he was still trying to absorb the shock of their dismissal.

“When do we get our stipends?” Starscream asked.

“I was told the credits should be available within two solar cycles.” Thrust said.

“Not good enough. Go back and insist you be given yours now”.

“What? You think they’ll do it if we ask nicely?” Thrust asked sarcastically.

The hard glint came back and there was an edge in Starscream’s voice that hadn’t been there before.

“No. Don’t ask; demand you be given your stipends. We have nothing to lose. We’re not cadets anymore, remember?”

He began to walk away. “Wait!” Thundercracker yelled after him. “Where are you going?”

“To the Science Academy. My position isn’t tied to the War Academy’s budget.” He looked at him and whispered into his audio.

“After you get the stipends, ask to go to your office. Tell them you forgot something, anything, just get in. Take ‘Warp with you.” He looked into his optics for emphasis.

“Take everything and anything you can sell”

“You want me to steal?” Thundercracker had never stolen anything before. Of the three, he was the most ethical. With a determination and intensity that was almost feral, he bore down on Thundercracker.

“We’re on our own now. Our survival comes first”.

He drew back.

“Wait for me at the tavern. And lose the Coneheads.”

Thundercracker nodded as he walked away.

The five Seekers weren’t the only cadets demanding their stipends. The forced leave had taken everyone by surprise, even the Academy staff. The besieged clerks were at a loss on how to deal with the confused and increasingly frustrated former cadets, who by now formed a formidable crowd. Finally, after a contentious round of negotiations between the Senate and the Academy's administrators, the funds were released. After verifying the credits, they gathered in the lobby.

“Well, we’ll see you around” Thundercracker said as he and Skywarp left.

“Where are you going?” Ramjet asked.

“I left some things in my office. Stay in touch” he said, not really caring if they did or not.

Skywarp hurried after him. “What did you leave in your office?” he asked, knowing it was a ruse.

Thundercracker grabbed him.

“Keep your voice down!” he whispered. “Listen up, this is the plan…”

Explaining what Starscream told him, he noticed Skywarp’s optics brightening.

“That should be easy. The femme that works at the desk is my friend.”

Now it was Thundercracker’s turn to be surprised.

“Your friend?”

“Well, more than a friend.”

“What do you mean, more than a friend?”

Skywarp looked at him. Hadn’t he noticed?

“Look, she’s a very good friend and sometimes we…”

Thundercracker waited. Sighing, he stopped him and whispered into his audio.

“Really? But you just met her!”

“Starscream’s right, you need to get out more. Look, there she is” Skywarp told him.

They approached the pale green femme who looked happy to see Skywarp.

“I just heard the news! What will you do?” she cried as she put her arms around Skywarp and embraced him.

“I’ll think of something” Skywarp said. Thundercracker looked away, wishing he’d hurry up.

“You remember TC, right?”

The femme looked at him. She didn’t.

“He left some data pads behind and really needs to get them. They belong to some geek at the Science Academy.”

“Sure, go ahead. But don’t tell anyone I let you in. I could get in trouble”.

“We won’t say a word. We’ll talk when I come back”

They walked in and noticed the place was deserted; everyone was in emergency meetings, discussing the funding cuts. Together, the two Seekers ransacked the place. Before leaving, Thundercracker remembered Starscream mentioned a project he was working on with someone from his department involving power chip rectifiers. While the technology was new, it was rumored to be very valuable. He slipped into the laboratory and took the box with the chips.

“Let’s go” he told Skywarp. “And don’t waste time with that femme”.

“Hey, I have to stay on her good side.”

“Whatever. Just remember, we don’t want to get caught.”


They made their way out without being detected. As soon as they were out of sight, they began running when Skywarp stopped.

“What is it?” Thundercracker asked him.

“Why are we running?”

“The faster we leave, the better.”

“Yeah, so why run? Why not fly? I mean, who cares what we do, right? We’re on our own.”

Skywarp was right, Thundercracker thought. They had been cast out without a thought, to satisfy a greedy senator’s whim. Smiling in agreement, they transformed and flew to their destination.

They arrived at the tavern to find Starscream staring at the empty energon cube in his hands, contemplating their next move.

“Well?” he said, not looking up.

“We did it” Thundercracker said as Skywarp went off to get the cheapest high-grade the tavern sold.

“What did you get?”
Raven Guard
Posts: 258
Joined: Fri Sep 28, 2007 2:58 pm

Postby Raven Guard » Sat Dec 08, 2007 11:20 pm

He rattled off the list, mainly conduits, circuit boards, converters; and the chips.

The last item made Starscream snap out of his reverie.

“Give me the box.”

He gave him the box. Carefully opening it, he counted them. There were several.

“This is excellent.” he said as he closed it and put it away.

“Have you heard anything else?” Thundercracker asked as he sat down.

Starscream sighed, resting his head on his hand.

“It’s rumored the Science Academy may be next. Skyfire gave me an advance so we’ll have enough to find a place to live. After that, who knows?”

Skywarp returned with the high grade and asked the question that was on their minds.

“Where are we going live? Vos and Iacon are out of the question.”

“There’s only one place we can afford now.” Starscream told them.

Raven Guard
Posts: 258
Joined: Fri Sep 28, 2007 2:58 pm

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