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Game History and Notes

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Game History and Notes

Postby Devastron » Mon Oct 06, 2008 8:24 pm

Weapon: Energo-Sword
A Very Brief History of Cybertron and the Transformers

The Transformer race was born an untold amount of time ago. No current Transformer alive remembers or knows the origins of the species. Whether this is because it happened so long ago or due to some sort of race wide memory wipe is unknown. To them, they and Cybertron have simply always existed. There are a variety of beliefs about their origins, but with the war consuming everything few have little time to dwell on religion and philosophy.

What is known is that the Transformers lived on Cybertron for ages in peace at a high tech and highly industrialized level. Cybertron was ruled as a republic, with the city-states having their own senates and courts and representatives on a larger, planetwide federal system. As time went on, problems arose in the structure of society. As time passed the natural occurring energon deposits found on the planet began to dwindle. More and more Transformers were brought in to continue mining for the life fuel of the race. These miners were gradually worked harder and harder and were modified for the difficult and unpleasant work in the mines. The only thing keeping them in check was their unsuitability for most other work and the dire nature of their jobs. Still, the situation was a powder keg waiting to ignite.

Few would realize that the spark was lit when automation began to be introduced in the mines. The miners, seeing their livelihood being taken from them, began a small revolt. Initially this revolt was put down, but a young Transformer by the name of Megatron was able to escape into the slums of Kaon. There he joined in the organized underground fighting matches, gaining skill, experience and power in battle. He began to develop a cult like following, drawn to his raw power and charisma. It wasn’t long before he successfully seized control of the fights and began leading the entire Kaon underground.

The Autobots, originally the military and security forces on the planet, began to counter Megatron’s growing power in the Kaon region. Scouting operations and spy rings were formed, with only moderate success. Megatron brutally crushed any who betrayed or opposed him. Megatron and his ‘Decepticons’ were receiving heavy weaponry from an outside source and were proving to be quite a match for the Autobots. It wasn’t until Sentinel Prime, the military commander of the planet, got personally involved, that Megatron and his followers were brought down.

Unfortunately, that is what Megatron wanted. With the assistance of his follower, Megatron orchestrated the mass execution of the Kaon ruling senate and instigated a mass breakout of the city’s main prison. These prisoners were quickly armed with high tech weaponry and unleashed on the city-state. The Autobots rapidly deployed to fight back, with Sentinel Prime himself leading the charge in his apex armor. He met Megatron on the field and a titanic battle occurred. In the end a nearly deactivated Sentinel was dropped on Autobot forces. The Autobots withdrew and Kaon fell to the fully forged Decepticon forces. And thus began the great war….

The war would rage across Cybertron for several millennia, with both sides gaining and losing territory. Various technologies were invented to increase lethality and to stretch the rapidly dwindling energon supplies with varying degrees of success. In the end the war proved too much for their homeworld. Stripped of resources and battered by constant warfare, Cybertron suffered a full environmental collapse. Its atmosphere was stripped away, leaving the surface unprotected from cosmic radiation and wracked by plasma storms, rendering it uninhabitable by Transformers without extra protective shielding. All energon deposits have been depleted and no new ones appear to be forming. Cybertron is currently a dead world.

The war did not end with the death of Cybertron. Megatron and his Decepticons were still bent on conquest, and turned to other planets to help provide materials and fuel to continue against the Autobots. The Autobots, now led by Optimus Prime, were bent on stopping the Decepticons once and for all. The war now continues across the stars….


With the war spreading to other worlds, worlds often inhabited by intelligent species, both sides were forced to adapt. The Decepticons in particular developed a specific system of waging war on these other worlds, but still following The Code of Interplanetary Conflict. This is the Infiltration Protocol and is made up of six discrete phases.

Phase One: This comprises the initial infiltration of a planet's society and gathering of intelligence. Decepticons will adopt alternate modes indigenous to the planet and remained disguised while in public. This phase can last from months to years.

Phase Two: This involves the agitation of pre-existing conflicts and igniting "international hotspots". Frequently this is accomplished with facsimile avatars -- artificial duplicates of key members of the planet's native population, equipped to duplicate the original's actions, memories and personalities, but programmed to serve the Decepticons' interests. The goal is to get the natives to obliterate themselves, without the Decepticons' direct involvement.

Phase Three: This involves the Decepticons themselves getting involved in the native population’s affairs. Instigating wars disguised as foreign nation’s vehicles is common at this level. Decepticons may reveal themselves to small groups of natives to intimidate or enlist their support.

Phase Four: This involved the Decepticons possibly fully revealing themselves to the natives to continue their goals. Possibly extermination and/or enslavement of pockets of native population can begin.

Phase Five: This involves open warfare against the natives. Planetary scale enslavement or extermination begins.

Phase Six: The planetary population is nearly exterminated. Full scale strip mining and harvest of the world’s resources begins. Often, open warfare with Autobots is waged across the planet. At the completion of this phase the planet is abandoned as a used up husk.

Special Infiltration Conditions:

Mirror response mode: Occasionally the Decepticons will encounter a native species with unique defenses that could potentially stop and harm them. In these cases the Mirror Response Mode is activated. It consists, quite simply, of analyzing the defense, copying it, and firing it right back at the natives.

Siege Mode: Typically activated during Phase Five, Military protection of assets is the primary goal of Siege Mode, implying that the Autobots and/or the natives are now making efforts to stop the Decepticons through straightforward military force; a massive above-ground fortress (variously known as the siege armature or siege mode armature) is typically installed on the planet and used as a base of operations. Secrecy is no longer a concern.

The Tyrest Accord: A subsection in The Code of Interplanetary Conflict, both sides have agreed to abide by this accord. No Cybertronian technology is to be shared with or allowed to follow into alien hands. This particularly is enforced on weaponry. Generally both sides follow this rule, neither side particularly interested in bringing alien races directly into the war, but there are exceptions, particularly on the Decepticon side.

Human Facsimile: This is a bio-technological organism grown in fusion tube. They are synthetic human mimics, created from cell samples culled from real humans that the Decepticons kidnapped to act as templates. Once activated, facsimiles can look, think and act entirely like the original humans they were created from. In fact, the Decepticons often plant long-term facsimiles back into civilization, and they live normal lives until their dormant programming is activated or they are recalled. While totally obedient to their Decepticon masters, the facsimiles still possess some form of innate creativity and even curiosity.

Additionally, all facsimiles grown in the same fusion tube "batch" apparently share the same cellular template. As a result, the Autobots could capture a Decepticon facsimile "alive", and use it as a key to access all other Earthbound facsimiles, and then either locate them all or shut them all down.

Holomatter: Transformers operating covertly on Earth have holomatter avatars to act as their vehicle-mode drivers. The avatar isn't just a friendly image to fool human beings; it's also the Cybertronian equivalent of a remotely operated vehicle, allowing Transformers to go places and perform actions that would otherwise be prevented by their size and the need to camouflage their true identities. Having an avatar in a location is like the Transformer being there himself. An avatar can function a considerable distance away from the controlling Transformer, even when separated by solid walls. The avatar can operate both outside the Transformer and within, acting as a vehicle mode "driver" for disguise purposes.

Holomatter avatars can be intangible, or as solid as a real object. Although the upper limit of the strength of a holomatter avatar has not been established, it can be assumed to be higher than standard human strength, but well below that of a standard Transformer.

These avatars are created with holomatter generators, which all Transformers are presumably outfitted with. These devices are small enough to fit unobtrusively within a standard Transformer and, aside from the fake driver they project, give off no visual or auditory emissions. They can cause the avatar to blink into sudden existence with no warning.

Holomatter disguises are limited by their operator's understanding of the lifeform they mimic. They only act as human as the Transformer controlling them knows how a human normally acts. Holomatter avatars carry a strong connection to the consciousness of its generating Transformer. Damage to the avatar can cause severe impairment to the controlling Transformer if their consciousness is not withdrawn in time. Holomatter can be detected by devices called holomatter readers. Both sides regularly equip their bases with these devices. The avatars do have a limited range, and the further it gets from its controller the more energy it takes to keep it functioning.

Holomatter generators can also be utilized to camouflage purposes by making subtle changes to Transformer's alternative mode in order to pass as a vehicle of different color or military markings for example. For example a Cybertronian who turns into an American F-15 can use his holomatter generator to pass as an F-15 with Israel colors and marking or even as Russian Su-30. Same with tanks, Brawl for example can pass as a M1A2 Abrams or T-90 if it suits the mission. The technology is limited to alter appearance of vehicles of similar size and shape and cannot turn a truck into a race car or a fighter jet into an airliner.

Orbital Jump/Bounce: This is a method of teleportation used by both sides to travel on and above planetary bodies. This requires a vessel to be in orbit around the planet in question. When used, a shaft of red light descends from the ship in orbit, in which the teleporting object materializes, starting at the top and working down towards the ground. After materialization, the shaft of light seems to "retract" back into the ship in orbit instead of shutting off. A “jump” is done from orbit to surface or vice versa while a “bounce” is done from a surface location to another surface location. The process can be detected by both sides if they have sensors in the vicinity by the buildup of charged anti-protons that accompanies it.

The process does have some drawbacks. Aside from needing a ship in orbit it is an additional not insignificant drain on power. It also requires the Transformers in transit to be in robot mode, increasing the risk of accidental breakage of cover. The process is fairly traumatic to organic lifeforms, including facsimile constructs and humans

General Notes:

• No new Transformers have been made since anyone can remember. The ability to create new sparks has been lost to them. There is no existing proof of whether the Matrix can create life, or if Primus or Vector Sigma are more than myths, only possible legends and myths that such may or may not be true have been etched into part of Cybertronian culture. This does not prevent custom characters from existing, it merely states that they'd have to be about as old as your average canon Transformer.
• Cybertron is uninhabitable and landing on it is forbidden by both factions.
• Transformers are powered by energon but with no natural source of it they have been forced to subsist on artificial derivatives. Creating this fuel is energy inefficient and is not terribly appealing in taste, but it is enough to function even if not at optimal levels.
• Gestalts, Pretenders, Micromasters and the various Master technologies do not exist. If you want to play a character who had these abilities (excluding Micromasters) then they will be played as if they never had them, assuming they can be worked into the Earth setting.
• The history is kept vague for a reason. We may or may not introduce further elements to it at a later date. For now focus on current events and let the staff worry about this.
• Fanmade characters are now permitted in the game with restrictions. The rules for them can be found here.
• We are setting a character cap of 3 characters maximum. If a player proves himself capable of handling 3 characters additional ones may be allowed.
• The old rules apply except where they are superseded here.
• While we are using several ideas and background from the IDW comics, this is NOT the IDW comic’s universe. Don’t necessarily expect to see the Dead Universe or Bludgeon making himself into a Pretender or a mega-powerful Thunderwing to show up. We may use these ideas at some point, or we may not. If it isn’t listed specifically in the game summary or history, it isn’t set one way or the other. We are making our own universe here, and we are writing it together.
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Re: Game History and Notes

Postby Tasbirk » Fri Oct 24, 2008 3:00 pm

Tech Skill and you

Most characters, canon or fanmade, have a Tech Skill falling between four and six, average for a Cybertronian citizen. While the meaning of very high or low numbers may be obvious, the average range is more ambiguous. Let’s examine what the average Autobot or Decepticon is (and is not) capable of.

Firstly, consider the obvious- Cybertron is a machine world, inhabited by machines. The need to perform complex technical tasks is very common. For Cybertronians, everyday activities, such as personal maintenance and grooming or reloading a weapon, require greater technical expertise than most people have in real life. This means that Cybertron, unlike Earth, does not have a general populous that cannot change their own oil, or set the timer on the VCR.

I would also remind everyone that Tech Skill is relative. A chef can prepare dozens of recipes and might be able to fix a stove, but would be lost if his car broke down. Similarly, a warrior is likely to display greater knowledge in operating and repairing weapons than they would in searching a database or picking a lock.

Additionally, attempting to use equipment in a nonstandard way is generally (but not always) beyond the abilities of characters with average Tech attributes. By ‘nonstandard’, I mean actions such as trying to load a weapon with ammunition not designed for it. Designing new devices, or writing new programming, are also generally out of the reach of average characters.

Tech Skill is tied to Intelligence. A character’s Tech may only be two points higher than their Intelligence. Tech represents what your character knows, but intelligence represents how creatively they can use it. A character that is very bright, but only average in Tech Skill can come up with clever ways to solve problems through simple means. This can give them an edge over less witty characters.

It can be tempting to ignore the Tech Skill when creating characters that are heavily combat-oriented. Nevertheless, remember that ANY attribute below four means the character is essentially a cripple in that regard. A character with a Firepower of ten and a Tech of two is not any better off than a character with a Firepower of ten and an Accuracy of two. The warrior with the Tech of two can’t even reload his own weapons, let alone fix them. An opponent with balanced, average attributes is likely to defeat either of the above examples. Clearly, it pays to be well rounded.

In closing, just keep your Tech Skill level in mind when your character acts. Try to play by the numbers. After all, it’s only fair to those who did spend the points for those high Tech levels!
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Re: Game History and Notes

Postby Cryhavok » Fri Dec 12, 2008 3:28 pm

Motto: ""It is all about pain.""
Weapon: Fusion-Powered Anti-Gravity Gun
Short descriptions of most well known Cybertronian martial arts.


Circuit-Su focuses on the training of the mind as much, if not more, than physical body. A highly mental art, its students believe that by harnessing their personal energy they can bend others to their will. Practitioners are characterized by their solitary and laconic natures, and the Circuit-Su combat techniques focus on turning an aggressor's attack against them. It is rumored that advanced practitioners can actually call up their spark energy to act as physical bolts of energy when attacking foes. Known practitioners of Circuit-Su include Bugly, Arcee and Elita One.


Perhaps the most physical of the Cybertronian martial arts, Crystalocution is primarily concerned with dominance in basic hand-to-hand combat. Its practitioners eschew the spiritual conditioning of other martial arts in favor of physically conditioning themselves to perfection. Crystalocution attacks focus on series of movements to determine and target an opponent's weak points, such assaults trigger pressure points in the crystalline structure of an opponent, shattering them. Among its skilled practitioners are Banzai-Tron, Sixshot and Mirage.


No longer a strictly defined disciple, diffusion is now the catch-all term for series of non-lethal movements traditionally favored by the Autobots. These defensive maneuvers are primarily designed to serve the goal of self-defense, dissipating an enemy's aggressive energies. As the war has developed, some Autobots have also effectively adapted the technique to redirect an opponent's hostile overtures into a powerful retaliatory attack. In its purest form, a true master of diffusion can repel almost all physical attacks without putting himself in danger of permanently damaging his attackers. Most notable practitioners of diffusion are Optimus Prime and Ultra Magnus.


Metallikato, owing to its heavy influence on spirituality, is believed to be the most obscurely practiced and potentially inaccessible of Cybertronian martial arts. Its teachings cull from a wide variety of other martial arts, such as Circuit-Su and Crystalocution, cumulatively emphasizing a variety of attack strategies, though bladed combat is its hallmark. Metallikato has a strict code of ethics to attune its students to the One True Path of the Ultimate Warrior, a figure of religious legend - to achieve true mastery. The only known true practitioner of metallikato is the Decepticon Bludgeon although it is rumored there are others.

Pit Fighting

Pit fighting is the one of the most brutal and barbaric attack forms on Cybertron, used by the more powerful gladiators to dominate their foes in battle. The technique is largely improvisational, but it hinges on a series of ruthless maneuvers that maximizes the attacker's willingness to employ lethal finishing moves to win a battle. Megatron, Hun-Grrr and Grimlock are the most famous masters of this attack method although there are many high profile practitioners of pit fighting especially in the Decepticon ranks.
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Re: Game History and Notes

Postby Cryhavok » Fri Dec 12, 2008 3:50 pm

Motto: ""It is all about pain.""
Weapon: Fusion-Powered Anti-Gravity Gun
Some background information on some Cybertronian terms.


The Allspark is the mythological force that is the original source and ultimate destination of all Cybertronian life. It is defined by some of the ancient Cybertronian religious cults as the dimension from which all Transformer sparks that exist, have existed, or ever will exist originate - existing there as a collective whole. Frequently it is glossed as the essence of the fabled creator of the Transformers and described to be made up of countless sparks moving in unison. The existence of the Allspark is a religious myth at best for modern Cybertronian science has never been able to prove it exists. Therefore, most Transformers do not really believe that the Allspark exists. The ancient saying "Until all are one." specifically indicates to the Allspark.


The standard Cybertronian begins life as little more than a skeletal mass of partially formed circuits; a protoform. These protoforms are stored in stasis pods filled with nutrient gel that nurtures and protects the fledgling circuits. It is believed that Cybertronians have untapped potential for creating new life, but it is unclear what missing components are necessary to complete this system for all the pre-war knowledge for creating new protoforms was lost after the fall of the council of ancients and Sentinel Prime. The word is most often used when a Transformer reflects upon one's "childhood".


The most mysterious component of a Cybertronian, the spark is also the most fundamental. A spark is what gives Cybertronians their individuality and life. An ancient Cybertronian belief holds that each spark contains a portion of the mythological creator deity of Cybertronians. While current Cybertronian science has not yet firmly established where sparks come from or go to when extinguished, it has been established that sparks are indispensable to life for Cybertronian mechanoids. If more was known about the sparks in the ancient past of Cybertron, such knowledge is lost to the current generations of functioning Transformers.

Essentially, a spark is a small bit of as-yet-unclassified energy that exists within a Transformer's lasercore. It is not known how or why they are able to grant life to a Cybertronian. Only the way of transferring an existing spark within a lasercore into a new body is still understood. Upon termination, it has been quantified that a certain frequency of energy is released by a Cybertronian; most believe that this is the spark leaving its body. A Transformer is able to survive an enormous amount of physical damage as long as their spark is intact, it is possible to repair or rebuild their body and restore the spark to it.

The Matrix of Leadership

The Autobot Matrix of Leadership is an artifact of undefined power, traditionally carried by the leader of the Autobots, it is said to contain the wisdom of all past Autobot leaders. Much about it, including its exact composition, remains a mystery. Several scientists have entertained theories about the Matrix being some kind of an ancient supercomputer or a weapon of untapped potential or even both. It generally appears as a hollow, spherical metal shell with two handles on either side and with a core sphere of blueish crystal at its center. Some ancients religious orders have claimed that the Matrix is not the only one of its kind and it is a mere tool to siphon energies from the fabled Allspark. Of course, most Cybertronians tend to outright dismiss everything told by these cultists as here-say a religious nonsense.

Transwarp Drive

The Transwarp system is a combination of speed of light acceleration and the use of wormholes to bridge the space between two points. The first element of Transwarp enhances a ship's engines to peak output, boosting sub-light speeds to light speed. This is useful for shorter trips, but ineffective for cross-galactic trips. The second, and more dangerous, element of Transwarp involves opening up rifts in the dimensional fabric of space itself. Rifts of this nature, which connect two corresponding but vastly separated points in space, are known as wormholes. This ship's on board computer calculates the nearest location of a rift analogous to their intended destination (using the Cybertron galactic grid map for reference) and the craft approaches the spot at light speed. The Transwarp drive then essentially tears a hole in space, allowing the ship to pass through and emerge at the objective. A damaged, poorly functioning drive or rush trip could have disastrous consequences, including the possibility of opening a rift into a star or traveling outside the known universe. Due to the immense size of Transwarp drive cores, the only Cybertronian vessels utilizing this technology are extremely large, most notable being the Ark and the capital ship of the Decepticon fleet, Nemesis.
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Re: Game History and Notes

Postby Cryhavok » Fri Dec 12, 2008 4:05 pm

Motto: ""It is all about pain.""
Weapon: Fusion-Powered Anti-Gravity Gun
Little something on Cybertronian armor and weaponry.

Cybertronian weapons

Decepticon and Autobot weapons come in many different varieties and utilize many different distinct technologies. By far the most common is the laser, which almost every Transformer carries in one form or another. A short burst of coherent light, the laser beam instantly vaporizes whatever material it comes in contact with. Being far more powerful than the simple cutting lasers that exist on Earth, Cybertronian lasers turn solid matter to gas and plasma so rapidly that a small explosion results from the expanding material. In case of less efficient lasers, given the nature of Cybertronian armor, it may sometimes be more effective to shoot the ground directly in front of an opponent and letting the resulting explosion knock the enemy to the ground. This tactic has proven most effective on rocky terrain. Other Cybertronian weapons include ballistic devices such as guns and artillery, missiles, electric bolts, incendiary devices, and plasma projectors. There are also more exotic weapons such as null rays, energy nets, sonic projectors, etc. Virtually all energy weapons used by Cybertronians have one element in common - the power for the weapon is supplied by the user. The energy is channeled through the hands to the handle of the weapon, thus utilizing the energon storage of the user. This prevents an enemy from gaining free ammunition from captured weapons of this type.

Integrity field

The armor plating that protects Cybertronians is extremely sturdy, but the metal itself is only part of the reason. Special internal circuitry creates an energy field (called an integrity field) that infuses the metal, granting it increased stability and resistance to deformation and disintegration. Thus, the armor of a Cybertronian with a full power integrity field is able to withstand a direct hit without apparent damage. The field drains energon each time it absorbs an attack, so it can rapidly exhaust a combatant's energy reserves. The quality of metal is vital to the performance of the integrity field. The best armor is specially tempered to gain maximum benefit of the integrity field for the least energon. However, even human processed metals can be used in an emergency. While integrity fields are standard equipment for both Autobot and Decepticon troops, the integrity field circuits were far less common before the war, only being used widely by Cybertronian Security Services.
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Re: Game History and Notes

Postby Cryhavok » Mon Aug 03, 2009 12:40 pm

Motto: ""It is all about pain.""
Weapon: Fusion-Powered Anti-Gravity Gun
List of time units used in this Transformers RPG

• Astrosecond = .498 seconds
• Nanoklik = 1.2 seconds
• Klik = 1.2 minutes
• Breem = 8.3 minutes
• Cycle = 1.25 hours
• Mega-cycle = 93 hours
• Deca-cycle = approximately 3 weeks
• Orn = 1.2 months
• Quartex = 1/4 of a stellar cycle
• Stellar cycle = approximately 7.5 months
• Meta-cycle = 13 months
• Vorn = 83 years
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