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Hasbro's 2013 Transformers Hall of Fame Fans' Choice Voting

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Re: Hasbro's 2013 Transformers Hall of Fame Fans' Choice Voting

Postby hinomars19 » Fri Jun 14, 2013 5:40 pm

Motto: "never forget what you don't know"
Weapon: Blunt Force Battle Clubs
Oh cool, Hot-Rod/imus made it in! Given he seems to be the TF equivalent of Marmite I was never sure he'd make it :lol:

Although, even though he is one of my all-time faves, I can't help but hope Beast Megatron wins instead. Hot-Rod is my favorite character, but I feel whilst he had an impact on TF history (like the events of the movie or not)Beast Megatron's impact on TF history seems to have a lot more positive impact on the fans (bar the end of Beast machines perhaps?)
Basically I'm saying Hot-Rod getting in would feel more like he was there because the history books say he should be.

Oh 2 bots make it in? :HEADHURTS: Long pointless post is pointless.
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Re: Hasbro's 2013 Transformers Hall of Fame Fans' Choice Voting

Postby MINDVVIPE » Fri Jun 14, 2013 5:48 pm

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Arcee should get voted in. More FemBots!

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Re: Hasbro's 2013 Transformers Hall of Fame Fans' Choice Voting

Postby xyl360 » Fri Jun 14, 2013 6:15 pm

Megatron, yeeeeessssss!
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Re: Hasbro's 2013 Transformers Hall of Fame Fans' Choice Voting

Postby Eagleblaster » Fri Jun 14, 2013 6:34 pm

Ulta Magnus should get in cause he has been in practically ever cartoon series and its not his fault he almost never gets his own toy mould. He is the ultimate rules and regulations guy. Where would we be without some Order among the Kaos. Hail Ultra Magnus.
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Re: Hasbro's 2013 Transformers Hall of Fame Fans' Choice Voting

Postby Megatron Wolf » Fri Jun 14, 2013 8:10 pm

Motto: "Cry havoc and let slip the Wolves of War, Vae Victus!"
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wow Hot Rod actually made it to the finals, if he wins ill be even more surprised.
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Re: Hasbro's 2013 Transformers Hall of Fame Fans' Choice Voting

Postby sdn1337 » Fri Jun 14, 2013 8:14 pm

This is a great top 5. I don't mind whoever wins.

I hope Magnus gets it though! He deserves a lot more love.
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Re: Hasbro's 2013 Transformers Hall of Fame Fans' Choice Voting

Postby REMINATOR » Fri Jun 14, 2013 8:32 pm

Weapon: Road Blade
Eagleblaster wrote:Ulta Magnus should get in cause he has been in practically ever cartoon series and its not his fault he almost never gets his own toy mould. He is the ultimate rules and regulations guy. Where would we be without some Order among the Kaos. Hail Ultra Magnus.

Bingo! With that, go UM!
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Re: Hasbro's 2013 Transformers Hall of Fame Fans' Choice Voting

Postby First-Aid » Fri Jun 14, 2013 8:52 pm

Motto: "This won't hurt me a bit."
Weapon: Laser Scalpel
Eagleblaster wrote:He is the ultimate rules and regulations guy. Where would we be without some Order among the Kaos. Hail Ultra Magnus.


...missed it by that much...

So, is it because Ultra Magnus is always in Control of the situation that he should get the vote?

At this very moment, billions of fanboys are voting for Ultra Magnus...would you believe it? Billions!...

...would you believe millions?... about Mark Zuckerberg on his cell phone? :HEADHURTS:
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First-Aid wrote:Okay, did anyone else notice that we all get a wonderful shot of Starscreams crotch anytime he sits in that throne? That's unnerving. Couldn't they have put n extra flap in there? It's....weird.

Its kind of like Basic Instinct, but not in a good way...

Goddammit, now I can't unsee it.
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Re: Hasbro's 2013 Transformers Hall of Fame Fans' Choice Voting

Postby Noideaforaname » Fri Jun 14, 2013 9:28 pm

Old art and toy bios instead of new art and loads of cross-continuity references? That's no fun.

The only one I really care about here is Megatron. Which probably means I need to read certain comics.
... I don't suppose Prowl includes Animated Prowl? *sigh* If only these were the fun kind of bios, then I'd know.
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Re: Hasbro's 2013 Transformers Hall of Fame Fans' Choice Voting

Postby kaijuguy19 » Fri Jun 14, 2013 9:52 pm

I'm SO happy that Arcee has made it to the polls! :D
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Re: Hasbro's 2013 Transformers Hall of Fame Fans' Choice Voting

Postby Sabrblade » Fri Jun 14, 2013 11:12 pm

Motto: "Can't do a job halfway. What's worth doing is worth doing well, I say."
Weapon: Saber Blade
Noideaforaname wrote:Old art and toy bios instead of new art and loads of cross-continuity references? That's no fun.
Yeah, these bios are all recycled from preexisting sources:
  • Arcee - a mishmash of her Cyberverse Legion, PRID Deluxe, and NYCC exclusive bios
  • Beast Wars Megatron - his BW 10th Anniversary bio, with some slight modifications
  • Prowl - the marketing copy bio for his Cyberverse Legion toy
  • Rodimus-Hot Rod - His bio from last year's Hall of Fame, only with the last sentence changed.
  • Ultra Magnus - a mishmash of his Cyberverse Commander and PRID Voyager bios
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Shadowman wrote:This is Sabrblade we're talking about. His ability to store trivial information about TV shows is downright superhuman.
Caelus wrote:My wife pointed out something interesting about the prehistoric Predacons. I said that everyone was complaining because transforming for them mostly consisted of them just standing up-right. She essentially said, 'So? That's what our ancestors did.'
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Re: Hasbro's 2013 Transformers Hall of Fame Fans' Choice Voting

Postby Jack Hallows » Sat Jun 15, 2013 7:15 am

Motto: "A mind should not be so open that the brain falls out, however it should not be so closed that whatever gray matter which does reside may not be reached."
Weapon: Dark Saber Sword
i hope arcee takes it. the inductee circle is a raging solenoid fest as it is.

ultra magnus deserves it just as much though. and springer should really be up there. as should kup.
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Re: Hasbro's 2013 Transformers Hall of Fame Fans' Choice Voting

Postby d_sel1 » Sat Jun 15, 2013 2:31 pm

Motto: "Where is this global warming that scientists talk about this winter?"
Weapon: Neptune Sword
Being a wannable "expert" of Hall of Fames (I am least an upgrade from some of awful sport "journalists" of recent vintage, I hope), all of these characters are in. It is just a matter of when. In 10 years, all of them will be in.

The only one that will any problems with induction will Hot Rod, who had the ultimate Bill Buckner moment in TF history.

My predictions (not my vote, just pure prognostication)

Arcee (shoo-in) and at least two out of following three (BW Megatron, Ultra Magnus, and Prowl) and all three will be in by 2014.

The best question imho is when will Hot Rod/Rodimus get in? If not this year, then his may a bridesmaid on the ballot for a while.
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Re: Hasbro's 2013 Transformers Hall of Fame Fans' Choice Voting

Postby Twitchythe3rd » Sat Jun 15, 2013 3:43 pm

Motto: "Embrace the coming oblivion."
Weapon: Black Magic
Though the Beast Wars fan in me wants Megatron to make it in, I wouldn't mind if Ultra Magnus took that spot.

Beast Megs will have his day, yyeessssss....
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Re: Hasbro's 2013 Transformers Hall of Fame Fans' Choice Voting

Postby skynet1O1 » Sat Jun 15, 2013 8:48 pm

Motto: ""I will never side with a Prime!" -Skyquake"
Weapon: Null-Ray Rifle
Twitchythe3rd wrote:Though the Beast Wars fan in me wants Megatron to make it in, I wouldn't mind if Ultra Magnus took that spot.

Beast Megs will have his day, yyeessssss....

In my opinion BW Megatron should be top of this list. He has probably the most accomplishments out of everyone here. 1. Found the gold discs. 2 discovered the discs powers. 3 Found the dormant autobot arc. 4. Combined his spark with G1 Megatron 5. Found the Nemises 6. Found out a way to control Rampage. 7. WON THE BEAST WARS!!
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Re: Hasbro's 2013 Transformers Hall of Fame Fans' Choice Voting

Postby REMINATOR » Sun Jun 16, 2013 9:30 am

Weapon: Road Blade
Guys, the poll is now opened, go and vote: ... E-Poll.cfm
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Hasbro's 2013 Transformers Hall of Fame Fans' Choice Poll Open

Postby Va'al » Sun Jun 16, 2013 9:54 am

Motto: "Till All Are Pun!"
The official Hasbro Transformers website has opened its fan choice poll for the Hall of Fame 2013 inductees. Just like the Fan Built Bot Poll, you can vote once a day, every day, until Friday June 21, for one of the following (two will eventually pass): Ultra Magnus, Arcee, Beast Wars Megatron, Rodimus/Hot Rod, Prowl.



The time has come for the public at large to select two Fans’ Choice robot inductees to make up the class of 2013 for the TRANSFORMERS Hall of Fame! Drawn from an open nomination process as voted upon by the readers of TRANSFORMERS fan sites, the five beloved TRANSFORMERS characters who garnered the most votes are now online at TRANSFORMERS.COM for an open vote. The two characters who receive the most votes by 11:59 p.m. ET on June 21st will be inducted into the TRANSFORMERS Hall of Fame!

The five nominees, in alphabetical order, are:

MEGATRON (Beast Wars)

Please let your readers know that the voting period is open from now until 11:59 p.m. ET on June 21st. The two characters receiving the most fan votes in the final polling will be announced at Hasbro’s panel on Saturday, June 29th, at TRANSFORMERS BotCon in San Diego!

Roll Out!
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Re: Hasbro's 2013 Transformers Hall of Fame Fans' Choice Voting

Postby JazZeke » Sun Jun 16, 2013 10:59 am

Motto: "Laugh hard. Run fast. Be kind."
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I know who I'm voting for. Yeeeesssss.
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Re: Hasbro's 2013 Transformers Hall of Fame Fans' Choice Voting

Postby MagnusLabel » Sun Jun 16, 2013 11:22 am

Motto: "(miming matches) My hovercraft is full of eels."
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Re: Hasbro's 2013 Transformers Hall of Fame Fans' Choice Voting

Postby Metrosuplex » Sun Jun 16, 2013 12:42 pm

Motto: ""Nothing so liberates the heart as when a fool awakens from his folly.""
Weapon: Null-Ray Rifle
I'm kind of disappointed with the choices... :BANG_HEAD: It's the top 10 characters, anyway. Why not add some minor characters? More BW guys? Some combaticons?

I feel like this poll doesn't really reveal anything we don't already know about TF and who is popular. :roll:
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Re: Hasbro's 2013 Transformers Hall of Fame Fans' Choice Voting

Postby JazZeke » Sun Jun 16, 2013 12:58 pm

Motto: "Laugh hard. Run fast. Be kind."
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It's not supposed to teach us anything new. It's the Hall of Fame. Acknowledging the most famous characters in the fandom. :roll:
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Re: Hasbro's 2013 Transformers Hall of Fame Fans' Choice Voting

Postby Noideaforaname » Sun Jun 16, 2013 1:49 pm


Hooo boy...

I really wouldn't be surprised if this is the last year for the HoF. There's obviously lot less effort being put into it this time around.
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Re: Hasbro's 2013 Transformers Hall of Fame Fans' Choice Voting

Postby Noideaforaname » Sun Jun 16, 2013 1:50 pm

double post... how do I delete?
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Re: Hasbro's 2013 Transformers Hall of Fame Fans' Choice Voting

Postby Va'al » Sun Jun 16, 2013 2:30 pm

Motto: "Till All Are Pun!"
Noideaforaname wrote:

Hooo boy...

I really wouldn't be surprised if this is the last year for the HoF. There's obviously lot less effort being put into it this time around.

Yeah, I spotted that.

"We have a page with a poll on it, let's just change the name!" type of move. :-?
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Re: Hasbro's 2013 Transformers Hall of Fame Fans' Choice Voting

Postby Sabrblade » Sun Jun 16, 2013 3:47 pm

Motto: "Can't do a job halfway. What's worth doing is worth doing well, I say."
Weapon: Saber Blade
"Now I enter these hallowed halls...a conqueror...yesss. Autobots and Decepticons, still frozen in emergency stasis, awaiting the moment, four million years hence, when they will awaken to start the Great War. Hmmm, a Great War, when the Autobots defeated the Decepticons, and thus their descendants, the Maximals, rule we Predacons. Archaic energon guzzlers! How dare they? Unwilling though I was to follow my namesake's instructions, it has all come down to this: the ultimate risk, for the ultimate prize. A day of reckoning with those who made us slaves!

So, we are now face to face, Optimus Prime. In one future, you awaken and become the great leader of the Autobots. But time shall take a different track, now. Computer! All available power to primary weapon! ... And now, Optimus Prime, in memory of the Decepticons...for the glory of the Predacons...for the Cybertron that is rightfully ours—and mine—to rule! ...I unleash the storm of vengeance...farewell!

Say goodbye to the universe, Maximals! The future has changed. Yessssss. The Autobots lose! Evil triumphs! And you...YOU NO LONGER EXIST!"

Metrosuplex wrote:I'm kind of disappointed with the choices... :BANG_HEAD: It's the top 10 characters, anyway. Why not add some minor characters? More BW guys? Some combaticons?

I feel like this poll doesn't really reveal anything we don't already know about TF and who is popular. :roll:
What are you talking about? We, the fans, voted on who we wanted in the Hall, and these are the top 5 (not 10; where did you hear "10"?) choices Hasbro totaled up for the final round. Now we're down to picking which one of these five we want to see inducted.

Systematically, it's just like how it was the last three years. No different.
"When there's gold feathers, punch behind you!!"

Shadowman wrote:This is Sabrblade we're talking about. His ability to store trivial information about TV shows is downright superhuman.
Caelus wrote:My wife pointed out something interesting about the prehistoric Predacons. I said that everyone was complaining because transforming for them mostly consisted of them just standing up-right. She essentially said, 'So? That's what our ancestors did.'
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