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Emerje wrote:Nemesis Primal wrote:Plus, I still don't see why it's apparently too much to ask for non-G1 ideas in a line called Generations, especially when we have a Magnus with an RiD alt mode in the same line and other new/non-G1 ideas like the cassettes being classified as Micromasters, another tank Megatron, Super Shockwave, and the new alt modes for Soundwave/Refraktor and the robot mode for Brunt (which absolutely looks like Tankor). Guess what, it's okay for things to change. That's kinda part of the whole point of Transformers in the first place.
I guess you haven't heard the news. Omega Supreme comes with Micromaster Countdown who in G1 came with this thing:
So don't just assume Omega is going to be a pure G1 rehash, he'll most likely be a dual homage like so many other figures in this line.
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