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HMW team fanfic, the Death Knights

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HMW team fanfic, the Death Knights

Postby Bloodlust » Tue Apr 28, 2009 9:07 pm

Motto: "Motrin and water cures everything"
Weapon: Energo-Sword
This is a kinda back story about my HMW team the Death Knight's. I tried to tie it into the Bios as much as I could. Please feel free to comment. I can take constructive criticism just fine, hope you guys enjoy and sorry it's a little long, once my imagination gets going it's hard to stop.

I would like to thank Burn and Psychout for letting me use their character’s personas

Meet the Death Knight’s

Somewhere in a hidden Decepticon laboratory on Cybertron:

An arc of blue white electricity danced and played over the lifeless mass of armor and wires instilling the systems with life. The void within the chest cavity was filled with a spark, a personality, the core component of any transformer. Electricity played throughout the internal systems, activating neuro processors, pumps, servos and creating interfaces between major and minor systems alike. The life giving force finally reached the central computer and with in the last few seconds the protoform was no longer lifeless lump of metal and wires but was a transformer!
“We have a positive signal!” exclaimed Burn.
“Excellent, give our creation a few moments to warm up,” quipped Psychout.
“Get up you drongo!” yelled Burn as he kicked their new creation’s foot. “What's his bloody problem?”
“Slag if I know!” retorted Psychout.
“You’re the one who said he knew what he was doing!”
“Shut up, his eyes are opening.”
The visors covering the newly created Decepticon opened slowly, showing a pale blue light glowing mesmerizingly from the optic sensors.
“Blue? What the hell!! We created an Autobot! A bloody do-gooding fleshbag protecting Autobot! This is a right cock up then!” complained Burn as he powered up his formidable armament.
“No! Wait!” shouted Psychout. “It says something on his eyes!”
“Huh?” stated the now confused Burn.
“A fatal exception 0E has occurred at 0028:C0011E36 in VXD VMM(01)+ 00010E36. The current application will be terminated," glowed from the optical sensors of the new Decepticon warrior.
“Are you freaking serious?!” exclaimed an angry Burn. “Psychout you moron! You grabbed an All Spark key that has been corrupted by Microsoft!”
“Dammit, I knew I shouldn't of stolen any keys that Me, Grimlock! has. Must of been the one used to create Blue Screen of Death."
“Go and steal a new key!”
“I’m going I’m going!”
Couple hours later…..
“Alright let’s try this again…..”
Once again the blue white lightening leapt out from the key and coursed over the protoform.
Both Burn and Psychout leaned in peering over the head.
With a speed that took them both by surprise, the protoform reached up and wrapped his hands around Psychout’s neck and began to squeeze.
“Ooo got you by the short and curlies don't he Psychout?" Burn chuckled.
Psychout gives Burn If he ever lets go of me I’m going to beat you into a tin can look.
“Who are you?” the brand new machine hissed.
“That’s Psychout, I’m Burn we’re section commanders of the Decipticon faction and created you to help fight out nemesis the Autobots.”
“Autobots? What are those?” questioned the unnamed warrior.
“If you’ll let the midget there down, we’ll explain.”
“As you wish.”
The new creation let go of Psychout’s neck and Pyschout landed on his feet and glared at the new robot.
Rubbing his neck all the while glaring at Burn, Psychout began, “Well it all started some 8 million years ago……”
After about an hour explaining why the Autobots need to be destroyed and why the Decepticons deserve to rule the galaxy the duo decided to name their new creation.
“What's your name then mate?” inquired Burn.
“My name is Bloodlust;” replied Bloodlust.
“Well that was easy,” remarked Psychout.
“Uh huh ... but why Bloodlust?” Burn asked.
“I wish to destroy everything that the Autobots stand for; I wish to drain every drop of fuel from their disassembled bodies.”
“Okay then, Bloodlust it is!” exclaimed Psychout.
“When do I go and join my unit?”
“After you attend the War College,” Burn responded.
“Stone the crows mate, because we said so, you’re definitely officer material and we need a reliable field commander out there, one who listens to us, or at least pretends to listen to us! You will report directly to us and no one else!” ordered Burn.
"I'll hunt you down and kill you" Psychout responded
“Fair enough, and you?" Bloodlust asked as he turned to face Burn.
"Place bets on which one of you will kill the other first of course!" Burn cheerfully responded.

A few thousand years later:

Soaring over the rubble torn battlefield of Cybertron in his jet mode on his way to his new command, Bloodlust looked down and wondered what the planet looked like before he was created, wondered what the cities had looked like as a whole and not crumbling down. He figured he’d find out once the Decepticons won this war and brought about peace and prosperity to Cybertron, they could rebuild everything and make it better than before he was brought to life back all those years ago by Burn and Psychout.
He had been a loyal soldier, following orders to the decimal point. He had graduated at the top of his class at that annoying academy his creators had sent him to. He excelled at tactics, beating scenarios no Decepticon commander had beaten for a thousand years, Primus forgive whoever ran into the sights of his null-ray rifle for he had scored in the top 2% of marksmanship at the academy. In the hand to hand combat phase of the academy, no instructor wanted to face him after the first rounds resulted in the inactivation of two and the only thing left of a third was a pile of parts. The one thing he didn’t do very well was fly. True, he was alright he could fly without running into buildings or hitting the ground and that is why, against his advisors teachings, he chose to be an aerial alt mode. He was going to make his weakness into his strength.
After spying a rather inconspicuous door imbedded into a pile of rubble and checking his GPS coordinates he sighed and transformed and landed in front of the rather large steel doors. He walked up and saw a Decepticon in snooze mode at the gate. Bloodlust walked up to the dozing sentry and with a swift kick of his armored leg into the chassis of the guard. With a jolt the sentry awoke to see Bloodlust’s red optics burning into his very spark.
“Who, who in the Hell are you?” the guard raised his rifle.
Bloodlust grabbed the rifle and bent the barrel into a 90 degree angle.
“I’m your new commander,” Bloodlust growled.
“Wha, wha, wha?” the sentry stumbled as he looked at Bloodlust’s insignia and saw the 6 gold diamonds above the faction symbol denoting the rank of Colonel.
“Who are you?” sneered the new commander.
“I’m, I’m…..uhhhh….Pointblank, sir!”
“Pointblank? You’re on my list now corporal!”
“Yes, yess sir!” quivered the unlucky Decepticon.
“Can I go in now?”
“Yes, sir! Right away sir!” Pointblank exclaimed and he reached under a piece of sheet metal and pressed a button. The doors parted and in walked Bloodlust to the Death Knight’s quarterdeck. The quarterdeck was a large square room, with the Death Knight’s crossed flaming swords behind the Decepticon’s crest painted on the wall. As he walked in he was greeted by another Decepticon seeker in a dull grey paint job with an enormous amount of scars, welds and fractures in his armor.
“Colonel Bloodlust I presume?”
“Yes, and you are?”
“Lieutenant Colonel Dark Curse, the Death Knight’s Executive officer,” replied the XO while popping a crisp hand salute. “Allow me to show you around the base.”
“No need, I already got all the schematics.”
“Oh, uh, roger that, would you like an escort to your office?”
“I don’t need an escort, but you shall accompany me for I have some questions for you.”
“Yes sir!”
“First, on the roster, I was looking over, who is our air supply/transport?”
“Well uh, sir he got killed a few weeks ago, we’re currently awaiting a replacement for him.”
“What about a replacement medic and some combat replacement troops?”
“Waiting of them also.”
“Primus, we’re a damn frontline unit and we’re waiting on all these important supplies?! What the hell is the problem here?”
“Communication problems with higher I suppose.”
“I’ll take care of that.”
They continued walking down the main corridor. They passed a sign that said medical and hear a cackling, evil laugh and the sound of a welder coming from in there. This picked at Bloodlust’s curiosity and he walked in. Upon walking in he saw more of what looked like a morgue and a workshop than an infirmary, all that was medical was a large operating table and a few rows of stasis pods. In the back corner Bloodlust saw a large Decepticon cobbling something together.
“Doc!” shouted Dark Curse.
The “Doc” turned around and saw the two officers staring at him. He immediately withdrew his surgical tools back into his hand and walked over to them. “Good afternoon sir, I’m Anaphylactic Shock, battalion medical officer.”
“What In the slag are you doing?”
“Umm, nice intro but here you go.”
Anaphylactic Shock moved aside the steel curtain and exposed his little project, a drone constructed with Autobot parts.
“Nice, I like that, keep up the good work Doc.” Bloodlust said and tapped Anaphylactic Shock on the shoulder sprinkling some metal shavings onto him.
“AAAAHHH contamination!!!” Anaphylactic Shock screamed and ran around like he was short circuiting all the while babbling incoherently about disease and rust. He ran into a spotless chamber and shut the door with a relieved “aaahhhh.”
Bloodlust looked at Dark Curse with a what in the hell just happened look.
Dark Cursed explained, “Don’t worry sir; he’s just a little….off….when it comes to dirt and fluid and stuff.”
Bloodlust sighed and walked out.
In the hallways, Bloodlust met Panzerfaust and Ground Pounder. Both welcomed him with open arms, thrilled at seeing a new commander that enjoys destruction as much as they do. Dark Cursed warned his boss not to ask Panzerfaust any simple math questions, when asked to explain, he left at, just don’t do it sir.
“INCOMING! INCOMING! INCOMING!” a voiced sounded over the intercom and soon a good number of explosions were heard through the walls, shaking the place like a stampede to Wal-Mart on Black Friday.
“I thought this was a secret base!” exclaimed Bloodlust as he looked around; no other members of the Death Knight’s were the least bit worried.
“They haven’t made a direct hit yet, so they just know it’s in this region and this is a quite regular occurrence,” reassured Dark Curse.
Bloodlust put 2 and 2 together. Dark Curse + mortar attacks + lots of deaths = Dark Curse is freaking cursed.
Great, I’m in charge of a cursed unit who falls asleep on post, has a Doc that is afraid to get dirty, an artillery specialist who can’t do simple math and a supposed secret base that gets mortared regularly ughhhh…..
A few weeks later:
The enormous Decepticon barely fit in the halls of the headquarters. He towered over everybody else in the place by a good 10 feet. Other members struggled to get out of the way. He walked with an heir of confidence and realized that he could squash anybody he wanted to.
As he reached the door of the Colonel, he knocked waited to hear the come in.
“Come in.”
The gigantic Decepticon had to duck to fit under the door way. “Sergeant Vehemence reporting in sir!” as he waited for a response, he looked around the room and saw only the sparingly decorated office had only a cubicle, a lone stasis pod and a wall filled with eerily glowing balls of light. As he leaned closer he saw it was really the heads of numerous Autobots he had collected from his other commands. Vehemence gasped and fell backwards.
“You like that collection?”
“Ye, ye, yes sir!” Vehemence stated while popping his salute.
“Have a seat,” ordered Bloodlust.
Vehemence sat down, but couldn’t take his eyes off of the “trophies” Bloodlust had collected.
“Welcome to the Death Knight’s Sergeant. Glad to have you.”
“Glad to be on the front lines sir.”
“Well with our personnel shortage in supply and transport, and seeing as how your alt mode is a space shuttle, you’re going to be the supply sergeant and our chief mode of rapid transport.”
“WHAT? That’s a load of energon ****! I came to the front lines in hopes of being able to beat down some Autobots!” ranted Vehemence. “I’ll clobber you!” Vehemence threatened as he started to rise up to his full height. Little did he realize that Bloodlust’s red eyes were glowing a bright molten red and little streaks of red electricity were crackling from them.
“You can try,” challenged Bloodlust.
Vehemence leapt at Bloodlust.
Bloodlust caught the much larger Con with both hands and preceded to huck him through his office wall, Dark Curse’s office wall, a barracks room, and finally a repair bay wall before he came to rest on the floor in a state of near stasis.
When his optics reactivated Vehemence saw the grill of Anaphylactic Shock. “Hello there, welcome to the Death Knight’s. Remember, don’t piss off the Colonel.”
“I didn’t think he was that strong.”
“He’s not really that strong, till you piss him off.”
Later that day:
The Death Knight’s received two more replacements. The first was Cannon Fodder, who made a less than stellar impression due to his intoxicated state and Tetracycline who also made a lousy impression upon passing out when he saw Ground Pounder with a large gash in his armor and leaking fluids. Bloodlust immediately called Burn and Psychout.
*Transmission opened*
“What the hell are you doing giving me the rejects of the Decepticons? You gave me a drunkard and a damn medic who can’t stand the sight of leaking fluids!”
“Sorry, we’re a little short on personnel still, we’ve begun conscripting,” explained Burn.
“You have got to be kidding me!” responded an extremely pissed off Bloodlust.
“Sorry, you’ll have to make due,” said an unsympathetic Pscyhout.
*Transmission Terminated*
I’ll get them I swear pondered Bloodlust.
Next day.
“Yes Backstabber, what do you want?”
“Sir I have just received word that an Autobot convoy will be moving with 50 kilometers of our base and they will be caring an energon shipment for Iacon!” exclaimed Backstabber.
“Roger that, what time is the convoy heading out there?”
“In approximately 4 hours.”
“Roger, thank you, you head to the zone they are taking and await my orders.”
“Yes sir!”
I can’t trust this con, he has led troops into ambushes before and I swear if he’s collaborating with the Autobots I will make his execution slow and painful.
“Phantasm,” radioed Bloodlust.
A green seeker appeared on the screen before him.
“Is this information from Backstabber clean and untainted?”
“My liege, I believe so, I have been following him for sometime, and even with his enhanced sensors, he’s not detected me and I haven’t seen him meandering with any Autobots.”
“Roger, keep an eye on him!”
“Yes my liege!”
“And stop calling me my liege!”
“Yes my lord!”
“That I can deal with…..”
Death Knight Briefing Room
“This is our plan. Vehemence will fly us to within 5 kilometers of the ambush site where I, Ground Pounder, Cannon Fodder, and Anaphylactic Shock will meet up with Phantasm and Backstabber. Vehemence will then drop off Panzerfaust and Evisceration 10 kilometers away who will provide communication and artillery support. Vehemence will remain with Panzerfaust incase we need a quick evac or take casualties. Dark Curse will also be with Panzerfaust and a couple of the Air Wing will accompany them for close air support. Leave no Autobots functional, any questions? I look forward to leading you guys from the front for the first time” briefed Bloodlust.
“Sir, can’t we just leave one functional so I have somebody to interrogate?” asked Evisceration.
“We’ll see.”
Inside Vehemence
“Time to drop zone, 5 minutes!” reported Vehemence.
“Roger that, squad, prepare for drop!”
Vehemence landed in a rubble free zone blowing up dust. Vehemence dropped his ramp and out came the squad and a hustle and bustle of a highly trained unit.
“We must move quickly!” ordered Bloodlust.
Vehemence dusted off and retreated to the other site to the support site; engines fading into the distance going quietly from a dull roar to a quiet whine.
When they reached the site where the convoy was supposed to come through, Bloodlust got a bad feeling in his spark. The area was a flat area with random debris strewn everywhere, without too much cover and directly ahead of them was a knocked over building with debris on top and plenty of hiding places. Checking out his tactical situation he gave the order to find whatever cover was possible for he knew they were set up but he was hoping that his contingency group would give him an edge. He still hadn’t seen any sign of Backstabber or Phantasm. He didn’t want to call Phantasm and break his cover.
Well what a great first mission this is going to be…..
“Backstabber, this is Bloodlust, come in…”
“Evisceration, can you read me? Get a hold of Backstabber!”
From atop of a broken building, Backstabber is eyeing the Death Knight squad.
Ahhh this is to easy, can knock out a couple of the most powerful members of the Death Knights and rise to the top! As long as everything goes to plan.
“Initiate,” Backstabber spoke into his radio and sat back to watch the fireworks.
From the ground view.
“Sir, something ain’t right,” stated Ground Pounder.
“Yeah, I know Staff Sergeant.”
“I hate this hiding, I want to destroy some bucket-o-bolt Autobots!”
“Patience, they’ll come.”
Suddenly, the air came alive with all sorts of colors of energy blazing around the squad.
“Ambush!” yelled Anaphylactic Shock.
“Return fire!” shouted Ground Pounder. “This is what I’m talking about! Take this auto-scum!!” and Ground Pounder went ahead and poured a couple of sabot rounds into the building being rewarded with a scream of pain.
Amid all of the chaos and explosions, Bloodlust was seemingly calm. Damn them he thought as he fired his null ray rifle into one of the attackers on the building smacking the Autobot in the chest knocking him down permanently. Where the hell is Backstabber and Phantasm? Why is my communications shut off? “Ground Pounder! Transform and level that building to the left!”
“Yes sir!” In a rapid sequence, Ground Pounder went from robot mode to his legs and arms molding into a tank and his 150mm main gun aiming at the building and pumping 6 high explosive shells into it in rapid succession. The building evaporated clearing up the line of sight to the support site.
Suddenly the static cleared and Evisceration was on the line.
“Sir, what is going on?”
“We got ambushed, give the coordinates to Panzerfaust and have Dark Curse come in!”
“Roger that!”
10 kilometers away
“Panzerfaust, boss wants to lay waste to these coordinates!”
“Roger, uploading coordinates now. Complete, firing!”
A dozen shells of mixed shapes and sizes launched from his muzzle in a spectacular flash of fire and flame that made the atomic bomb look like a sparkler.
“Solid ammo exhausted,” reported Panzerfaust.
“WHAT?” exclaimed Dark Curse.
“Shells on backorder,” exclaimed Vehemence.
“No funds, don’t know where they went, we had plenty of energon last week, now it’s gone. Stupid computers…” explained Vehemence.
Ambush site
A slight whistling can be heard over the energy discharge and the explosions going on at the ambush site.
Without any other warning, there came a massive amount of explosions and the screams of Autobots, entire building ceased to exist, rubble was vaporized and whoever was hiding behind it was also in the ensuing explosions. Optical sensors were blinded by the intense flash. Armor melted, weapons overheated and exploded, often taking along the hands or arms of the owners.
The fighting stopped for a brief few moments while the attackers regrouped.
Backstabber’s vantage point
Overlooking the smoldering craters where half of the ambush force had been wiped out.
Slag, dammit, I wish I had attended that brief, I would of known to be aware of that. Oh well, I shall fix this.
“Panzerfaust, this is Backstabber.”
“Send it.”
“How many shells do you have left?”
“Energy or solid?”
“Now how many shells did you just fire?”
“What’s the total number of shells you have?”
“What’s 12+6?”
“Oh its zzzzzzzzzzch…”
Support site
Panzerfaust falls over and starts convulsing and freezes up.
“What the?!” shouts Dark Curse.
“Crap, somebody asked him simple math,” Evisceration states while staring over the locked body of Panzerfaust.
“Great, just great,” mumbled Dark Curse.
Ambush Site
Soon there were exchanges of energy weapons and mortar shells again. Ground Pounder was enjoying it.
“Whoo hoo! Can’t hit this!” shouted Ground Pounder as he leaped from cover to cover, somersaulting, vaulting, twirling and basically performing gymnastics. It was quite impressive for a 60 ton robot to move like that. Finally on a forward leap he landed too hard and one of his legs and his knee servos gave out and he hit the ground with a Cybertron shaking THUD!!!!
Laser and plasma fire and shells began to rain down upon Ground Pounder’s position; he crawled to cover and managed to return fire.
“Doc, help!”
“Screw you man, I told you not to do that anymore!” Anaphylactic Shock retorted.
“Shut up, Major; go help him!” screamed Bloodlust.
“Yes sir!”
“Cannon Fodder!”
“What*hic* you want?”
“Cover fire for Doc so he can go fix Ground Pounder!”
“Roger! *hic*”
Cannon Fodder begins to fire in the wrong direction and doesn’t even hit the ground.
“What the slag are you doing?” ponders Bloodlust.
“Shootin da enemies!”
“There’s none over there!”
“Yes there is, there’s nine!”
“Slag, you’re drunk again aren’t you?”
“*Hic*Nope!” Cannon Fodder then proceeds to vomit energon all over the field.
“Sigh” Bloodlust shoots Cannon Fodder in the back sending him into stasis.
“Dark Curse, we need your air support! Send in Vehemence also to evac the wounded!”
“Yes sir!” is the reply.
A few minutes later, Dark Curse and DS-61-2 and DS-61-3 come screaming over the area with Vehemence behind them.
“We’re here sir!”
Suddenly 6 plumes of smoke came from the destroyed building.
“Slag anti-air missiles!” announces DS-61-2.
“To close..AHHHHH!” screams DS-61-3.
Two missiles hit each seeker in a fantastic fireball and down crashes DS-61-2 and DS-61-3 missing a wing each and Dark Curse just falls out of the sky and lands next to Bloodlust.
“How’s it going sir?”
Bloodlust smacks his head “Shut up XO.”
Vehemence strafes the Autobot site and still manages to land unscathed and keeping their heads down so the wounded can be evacuated.
“Load the wounded!” Bloodlust shouts out in a thunderous voice.
“I’m not going anywhere!” countermands Ground Pounder.
DS-61-2 and 3 limp aboard and Anaphylactic Shock drags Cannon Fodder on board.
As the wounded are loaded, Tetracycline starts trying to triage his patients, only to see DS-61-2 and 3 without wings and Cannon Fodder with a hole in his back, his optics go dark and he hits the ground hard. “Damn him,” mumbles Anaphylactic Shock, “Vehemence, can you patch them up some?”
“I’ll try,” is his response.
“XO, aren’t you going?”
“Hell no, if I get in Vehemence he’s guaranteed to get shot down!”
“Good point.” A laser bolt flies past Bloodlust’s head, close enough to melt some of his armor. “Alright, I’m freaking done sitting here!” Bloodlust transforms into his jet mode and screams off into the distance.
“Well, what a great leader we have, things get tough and *poof* he chickens out!” notes Ground Pounder.
“I’m sure he has a plan,” says Dark Curse.
“Yeah it’s called Combat replacement!” argues Ground Pounder.
Support Site
Evisceration is sitting there listening to the chatter of his squad on the ground, wishing he could help. He doesn’t notice the Autobot sneaking up behind him.
“Freeze Decepticon!”
Evisceration turns around. “Or what?”
“I’ll blow you to bits!”
“Uh huh, sure.”
As the Autobot raised his rifle and Evisceration raised his sword, a sword erupted from the Autobots waist and opened him up like a can opener slicing many of his internal components to shreds. As the bot slid off of the sword, Phantasm was sitting there, covered in his enemies energon.
“No prob, I think he’s still alive, you need another subject to interrogate?”
“Of course Phantasm, now I hear the Colonel needs help, I suggest you head on over there.”
“Where all the explosions are.”
“Good call.”
Ambush Site
I’ll show them thought Bloodlust from 12 miles up. There they are! As he looks down and finds the building his troops are being fired upon from. Prepare to face my wrath!!!
“What’s that noise?” asked Ground Pounder.
“I don’t know,” replied Dark Curse.
“Look in the sky, it’s the Colonel!” exclaimed Anaphylactic Shock.
Breaking the sound barrier in a thundering boom Bloodlust screams down like a rocket shot into space, just going the wrong direction.
Autobot attacking point
“What is that sounARGHHHH!” screams one Autobot as Bloodlust lands on top of him at mach 3 thoroughly smashing him into the buildings hardened steel.
“Your buddy must like the architecture; he will forever become one with this building.”
“Why you foolish Decepticon, you’re outnumber 5 to one up here!”
“Please, you’re all the same, pathetic and weak, not fit to rule anything, I say bring it on!” Bloodlust taunts as he reaches his hand out in standard *Bring it on!*.
The Autobot shoots him in the arm.
“Arghhh…that hurt!” Bloodlust looks down and sees a large portion of his arm burned away showing his internal servos and hydraulic fluid. “Now, I’m PISSED!” yells an infuriated Bloodlust.
He sucks his own hydraulic fluid into his mouth much to the chagrin of the Autobots he’s facing. The Autobots also noticed his optical sensors growing intensely red and sparks of red lightening are coming from them.
With a speed that almost matches Blurr, Bloodlust raised his null-ray rifle and blasted the first Autobot into discombobulated atoms. Two other’s charged with electron scimitar and thermal swords howling to destroy the Con that destroyed two of their friends. Once again, with speed that was unmatched, Bloodlust parried each and every blow they tried to land on him. Bloodlust grabbed the nearest Autobots arm and ripped his arm off. The Autobot fell in agony and Bloodlust jabbed his entire dislocated arm through his torso. The other Autobot seeing what just happened to his friend dropped his thermal sword and tried to beat a hasty retreat. Bloodlust casually went up and grabbed the thermal sword and threw it with laser like precision into the Autobot’s leg. The Autobot hit the ground and tried to crawl, but Bloodlust was faster.
“Now Autobot, you will meet your fate a lot slower and more painfully than your brethren.”
“No please! Spare me!”
“Spare you? Would you spare me? I think not! MUAHAHAHA”
Bloodlust kneeled down and with his eyes still growing molten red, ripped the Autobots’ chest plate off. Soon he was ripping parts out of the Autobot. Ripping off limbs like a child ripping off Christmas present wrappings. All the while the Autobot was screaming trying to push Bloodlust off, but there was no use. Bloodlust found the spark chamber and plunged his fist through it and the Autobot went limp. Victorious Bloodlust ripped off the Autobot’s head and sucked every last drop of energon from it and placed it in his cockpit. He then went to the other Autobots he had killed and ripped the heads off those that had heads still.
The team looked on stunned and mortified at the ferocity of what had just happened.
“Hell yeah, that’s what I call a commander!” announced Ground Pounder.
Backstabber’s vantage point
Slag!! I have to make sure I’m not uncovered as the one that set this up. True, it’s a win win, situation some Autobots got destroyed. Next time, I will get them!
Backstabber takes his own weapons and shoots his leg and blows a couple of holes in his wings and starts limping towards his “teammates”.
Ambush site
“Doc, there’s still one alive over here!” shouted Dark Curse.
Anaphylactic Shock runs over to the still living Autobot.
“Excellent!!” he exclaims as his surgical tools start coming out.
“No, no, no!!”
Anaphylactic Shock rips open the Autobot and begins removing pieces for spare parts. With only the fuel pump and spark chambers left, he rips the spark chamber out and puts it in his own chest to keep it alive for use in his drones and crushes the fuel pump with his hands. All that remains of his victim is some armor plating that Ground Pounder picks up for him to weld on later.
Backstabber comes limping up.
“Where the hell have you been!” orders Bloodlust.
“Sir!” exclaims Backstabber while popping a salute, “I was shot down on the way over here sir, I had to hide to survive, I tried to communicate with you but the radio wasn’t working!”
Bloodlust’s optic sensors narrow to a sliver of red light, “Phantasm,”
“Yes sir,” reports Phantasm after appearing behind Backstabber.
“What do you have to report?”
“Sir, I haven’t noticed anything, unusual.”
“Roger that, dismissed. As for you Backstabber, I’m keeping an eye on you, this thing has happened way too often to always be of coincidence!”
“Yes sir!” Damn, got to be more careful!
Soon there’s a roar of engines and Vehemence lands and opens up his hatches. The Death Knight’s board and take off for their fortress.
Death Knight Fortress sickbay
“How’s the repairs coming Doc?” asks Bloodlust.
“Almost all complete, just have to fix up Ground Pounder.”
“Screw you Doc, I’m fine!” Ground Pounder exclaims as he wipes some hydraulic fluid on Anaphylactic Shock.
“Ahhh Contamination!” Anaphylactic Shock screams as he runs into his sterilization chamber.
“You know Staff Sergeant you keep that up and he’s not going to fix you next time.”
“Medical is for pussyatrons.”
Death Knight Fortress Interrogation room:
“Alright, where shall we begin?”
“I don’t’ know anything!” pleads the Autobot strapped into a chair.
“We’ll see about that!” rebukes Evisceration as he opens the Autobots cranial cavity and hooks up a bunch of wires and sets a timer up in front of the Autobots face.
“This timer shows how long you have to live. Every minute, this computer shuts down a system of yours and only I can repair it, just answer the questions and you’ll live. You have 30 minutes. Do you know who set us up?”
“Okay then, say good bye to your left arm!”
The computer beeps and the Autobot’s left arm goes completely limp.
“You have 29 minutes left.”
27 minutes later;
“Still no idea left huh? All you have left is your fuel pump and your neuro computers. Well I’ll be nice and stop the computer.”
“Because I like the boss to watch this part himself; Colonel, you can come in!”
The door open and in walks Bloodlust eyes glowing red.
“Alright you sniveling little coward, tell me WHO SET US UP!” orders an enraged Bloodlust.
“I told you, I don’t know!”
“Fine, Evisceration, give me the laser scalpel!”
“As you wish sir!”
“Wait, what are you doing?!” pleads the Autobot.
“Ending your existence, unless of course you tell us who tried to kill us!”
“I don’t know! I know it was as Decepticon!”
“You first you waste of energon,” Bloodlust states as he slashes the Autobot’s main fuel line and energon begins to siphon out at an increased paces. Bloodlust starts gargling the spewing energon.
“Bleh, its sour, tainted with the taste of weak Autobot, at least your friends I killed died like warriors!”
“Screw you Decepticon!”
“I think you’re the one who’s screwed; you know Evisceration here can fix you if you only say the name!”
“I think it was Back something….” Says the Autobot as his optics grow dimmer.
“You think or you know?”
“I think.”
“Useless information, enjoy eternity.”
Those are the last words the Autobot hears as he fades into oblivion.
“Did you get that sir?”
“Yes, but it’s unsubstantiated right now, we have to catch him in the act and when I do, I’ll make sure you and Anaphylactic Shock can do whatever you want to him.”
“Excellent sir!”
“It’s only a matter of time.”
Bloodlust leaves, his red eyes haunting Anaphylactic Shock all the way until the doors close and he knows Bloodlust has had enough time in to reenter his quarters.
Bloodlust’s Quarters
Bloodlust sits in his stasis pod ready for a good recharge and as he does, he stares at the wall with all of his trophies on there and says to himself, “Someday Backstabber, you will be on my wall, I swear by Primus. You will slip up and I will have you destroyed.” With that said, Bloodlust lays down and enters stasis to reenergize.

PS. I own Window’s Vista and have never encountered the BSOD, but I thought it would be humorous.
EPIC WIN sig by slip!!
Psychout wrote:Less of the drama please, this is the internet, it's serious business.
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Re: HMW team fanfic, the Death Knights

Postby Carriemus Prime » Mon Oct 26, 2009 6:58 pm

Motto: "I want to be remembered when I'm dead. I want books written about me. I want songs sung about me. And then hundreds of years from now I want episodes of my life to be played out weekly at half past nine by some great heroic actor of the age."
Weapon: Twin Sonic Cannons
I thoroughly enjoyed this... so I am commenting and telling you :P

It's fun to read and quite funny and gruesome (excellent :twisted: )in places and you're the only person I know to use the word discombobulated in a fan fic (this makes you brilliant).

I am going to keep my eyes open for more from you if you decide to write more ;)^

This is a good story!
Fanfics:Cave In with HK + Shattered Glass
hellkitty wrote:Ah yes. The Ladies Thread: warning: males entering the dreaded and estrogen-drenched domains of the Ladies Thread shall be subjected to slash references, randomness, hugz and apparently, now, sexual harassment.

Burn wrote:
Name_Violation wrote:if you keep writing slash you'll get hairy palms and go blind :P

The man is wise.
Of course wisdom often comes from experience. :WHISTLE:
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