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Iacon - Autobot Command Complex: HQ Facility

Homeworld of the Transformers. Drained and ravaged by thousands of vorns of civil war, Cybertron is a mere barren husk of once beautiful and thriving cybernetic world. While recovered enough to allow Transformers to move on its surface once again, it is still plagued by ion storms and any Transformer unfortunate enough to venture there without energon supply of their own is certain to face a stasis lock.

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Re: Autobot Command Complex: HQ Facility

Postby Smokescreen85 » Sat Nov 13, 2010 1:14 pm

Motto: ""A look can be deceiving; a touch can be lethal.""
Weapon: Twin Shoulder-Mounted Rocket Launchers
Medical Bay

Snarl was taken aback by the sudden fight that had erupted between Grimlock and Hot Rod. If Roddy was really a Prime like he claimed to be then he should have anticipated this violent reaction. Snarl was even more shocked by the fact that Rodimus seemed to be holding his own against the Dinobot Commander. For a brief moment, the Desert Warrior considered helping his leader once Hot Rod had gotten on top of him and began delivering blows to the faceplate. However, Snarl quickly back off once Grimlock threw the cavalier over his head and readied himself for another round.

Snarl joined the other Dinobots nearby, overhearing Swoop's comment. "Yes, this is more entertaining isn't it?"


Once Kup had stepped forward to break up the brawl between Grimlock and Rodimus, Howlstrike was quick to follow and serve as backup to his friend. The hunter didn't fully understand what had happened to Hot Rod, but something had clearly changed him enough to be able to stand toe to toe with the likes of the Dinobot Commander. However, Howl understood enough to know that fighting one another would solve nothing and only create a rift within the Autobot ranks.

"Kup's right. We should be fighting 'cons, not each other. We're all on the same side here. Save your aggressions for the enemy." Howlstrike spoke to both Rodimus and Grimlock, keeping his tone firm but respectful of the two accomplished warriors. However, that tone would change drastically if either one of the battling mechs decided to lash out at Kup. If that were to happen then the former Predacon would have to get involved physically and from there things would get very messy.


Bluestreak watched the fight with great interest, not knowing what exactly to think. His previous observations regarding Hot Rod's transformation had been largely ignored by everyone, especially once the impromptu battle had broken out. Rodimus was clearly a match now for Grimlock, which was a surprising turn of events. Who knew ol' Roddy had it in him. Surely a simple glitch in the CR chamber couldn't have done all that. It had to be something more. If the Matrix had really spoken to Hot Rod and then transformed him into Rodimus, then that was something that had never happened before. In the past, one Prime would die before the Matrix chose another leader. Here, Optimus was still alive and yet now the Autobots had a Rodimus Prime, or so Hot Rod now called himself. It was all very interesting if not a bit strange at the same time.

The Autobot gunner chuckled under his breath when Howlstrike attempted to help Kup break up the fight. We're all on the same side, huh? That's a laugh, Predacon, Bluestreak thought, shaking his head slightly but not enough to really be noticed. You're not one of us and you never will be. 'Streak wished he could say his thoughts aloud, but that would only serve to agitate the situation further. Tempers were already high enough as it was.

Instead, Bluestreak leaned over towards Springer and whispered to him. "So, what do you think about all this? Has Roddy lost whatever remaining sense he had left, or is he really a Prime now? I mean look at him. He's bigger, stronger and able to handle a 'bot with the size and skill of Grimlock. I don't know too many mechs that could do that, do you?"
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Re: Autobot Command Complex: HQ Facility

Postby Aetrius » Sun Nov 21, 2010 7:32 pm

Med Bay

Rodimus tucked and rolled when Grimlock flung him off, coming back to his feet, and spinning to face the Dinobot commander. He assumed a fighting stance, obviously unhurt and ready to continue if Grimlock wanted it that way, but he didn’t charge forward, and when Kup and Howlstrike stepped in to break things up, he let his hands drop to his sides.

“It’s okay Kup, Howl,” he said waving them off, but never taking his eyes off his recent opponent. “Grimlock, that shouldn’t have happened. Despite the wisdom of the Matrix, I guess I’m still a bit of a hot head,” he gave a self-depreciating grin, and stretched his hand out to shake. “I get hit and I’m going to hit back. I think you know where I'm coming from, so what do you say big guy? Truce?”


Slag was never exactly happy unless he was actually in the midst of a maelstrom of destruction. Still, getting to watch a battle, even one as abbreviated as this, was better than nothing. He had joined his fellow Dinobots as they had prepared to leave, and now he stood with them as they discussed what they were seeing.

“Not much of a fight if you ask me, Slag," he grunted, interjecting his thoughts into Snarl and Swoop’s conversation. "Funny to watch Hot Rod put Grimlock on his back though. Me just wish me had the chance to smash something before it was over.”
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Re: Autobot Command Complex: HQ Facility

Postby Devastron » Sun Dec 05, 2010 5:52 pm

Weapon: Energo-Sword
Medical Bay

It took a minute for Grimlock to come down from the rush of combat. He never liked ending a fight before a winner had been decided. Almost better to have lost then to have someone else jump in and forever leave doubt about the outcome. The Dinobot leader hadn’t been intent on fighting Hot Rod though. That combined with his grudging respect for Kup was enough to calm him down for now.

He examined Hot Rod as he offered his hand out to him. Something had definitely changed the young Autobot, and not just cosmetically. He was stronger and faster then the Hot Rod the Dinobot had known before. This new version, whatever he was, was not someone to be taken lightly. He had no doubt that in a real fight he would be able to claim victory, but it would not be an easy one, nor would he come out of it fully intact.

Grimlock grasped Hot Rod’s hand in his own and grunted. “Not bad fight. Me not know if you crazy or not, but you definitely better fighter then the punk who got his aft handed to him by Megatron on Earth.”

He released his grip on the other Autobot’s hand and turned to face his Dinobots. “Come. We have some pondering and planning to do.” Grimlock made his way out of the medbay, heading towards a conference room they could use as a sort of Dinobot HQ. Already some ideas about the current situation were running through his head. He still wasn’t sure what to think about Hot Rod, but something had really happened there. The Dinobot leader might be interested in hearing what he had to say, and if his thoughts were close to his own then maybe he could support this new bit of leadership.


Kup tried not to show his immense relief that the battle had ended peacefully. If it had come down to having to physically restrain the two Autobots then things would have been mighty rough. Springer and he might have been able to do it, but who knows how the Dinobots would have reacted, not to mention not knowing the full extent of Hot Rod’s apparently heightened strength.

The old Autobot was more then happy to let Grimlock and his team stomp off for now. It didn’t sound like they would be causing any immediate trouble at least, and it would give him some time to figure out what to do with Hot Rod.

“Alright, that’s good then. No more fighting. Now Hot Rod, how about we run some tests on you? Find out what exactly is going on there? I don’t think you’re lying lad, but you have to admit it all sounds a bit peculiar. We run some tests and I think everyone will be feeling better about things.”


Springer looked back at Bluestreak and whispered back to him. “I don’t know whats happened to him. The Matrix powering him up seems pretty far fetched, but I’m not coming up with any other explanations. Hopefully whatever tests we can run on him will tell us something. Too bad the facilities here are kind of limited, might just come up as inconclusive.”

The triplechanger stroked his chin. “And no, I don’t know many mechs at all who could go toe to toe with Grimlock like that. Not even sure I could pull that one off, which definitely makes me think something very big is going on here, whether it be Matrix magic or something else entirely. I think we are going to have to stay extra alert from her on out Blue.”
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Re: Autobot Command Complex: HQ Facility

Postby Aetrius » Tue Dec 14, 2010 11:30 pm

Medical Bay

The handshake proved he’d earned a bit of respect from Grimlock, and though it wasn’t the ringing endorsement he’d hoped for, Rodimus knew he’d have to be satisfied with what he’d won. And that he’d won something wasn’t in doubt. The fight wasn’t about seeing who could pound his opponent into a pile of broken bits and transmission fluid, it was about proving a point – proving that he wasn’t the same mech he was before. Grimlock’s acknowledgement of that point was worth a lot.

Even as the Dinobots were making their exit, Kup was pushing the point about further testing. Rodimus shrugged his shoulders and sighed, “If it will make you feel better Kup, then I guess I can handle being poked and prodded for a bit, but only if you’ll agree to listen to me while you do whatever it is you’re going to do.”

Rodimus crossed the med bay, stepping past the wreckage of the CR chamber that he’d so explosively exited only a few moments before, and lowered himself onto a diagnostic couch. The unit was simply a self contained sensor suite specially calibrated to assist a medic in divining the overall condition and state of repair of whoever was resting in its’ sensor field. While it lacked the more exotic tools and scanning equipment present in the more specialized and advanced hospitals, it was capable of all the basic scanning functions a medic might need.

Rodimus didn’t wait for someone to begin using the device on him; he began addressing the Autobots still present as soon as he was seated. “Whether or not you acknowledge that I am a Prime, I think you can all see we’re in a tactical mess here on Cybertron. We have no idea what those hopped up gladiators with delusions of grandeur are up to, and we can’t risk a recon in force because of the overwhelming naval presence they’ve got in orbit. We need to get into Polyhex and we need to do it with enough Autobots that we can throw a wrench into whatever they’re doing over there. So, we have to neutralize their capital ships, and I only know of one way to do that – we need to reactivate the orbital defense batteries at Altihex.”

Rodimus was referring to massive weapons that had existed on Cybertron since long before the war began. They were part of Cybertron’s defense grid, designed to protect the planet from invasion from space. An extraterrestrial threat had, of course, never materialized, Cybertron’s fall had come from within, and the weapons hadn’t been fired in living memory, but they had been maintained on the off chance that they might be needed right up until the peak of the war. By then, no one on Cybertron was worried about any threat beyond their own kind. The big guns had been mothballed, but the odds were good that they were still functional, and they packed more than enough power to drive off a couple of capital ships.
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Re: Autobot Command Complex: HQ Facility

Postby Smokescreen85 » Sun Dec 19, 2010 9:09 am

Motto: ""A look can be deceiving; a touch can be lethal.""
Weapon: Twin Shoulder-Mounted Rocket Launchers
Medical Bay

Snarl watched as the fight between Grimlock and Rodimus was diffused when the new Prime, or whatever he actually was now, had decided to call a truce and extend his hand in friendship. The Dinobot leader accepted and shook hands with Rodimus. "Well, that was a very disappointing end to an otherwise interesting fight," Snarl grunted to both Swoop and Slag who stood next to him. "I was hoping for a more definitive conclusion." The Desert Warrior had hoped that Grimlock would put Hot Rod in his place and not back down, but that did not happen. It was probably for the best. Had the battle continued, the Dinobot Commander could have found himself deactivated as Snarl began to suspect that Hot Rod was now more powerful than even Grimlock.

Perhaps he would make a better leader, Snarl considered as Grimlock ushered the rest of the Dinobots to follow him. Snarl looked at the others before moving towards the door. "Come on, guys, you heard him. Let's go." The Desert Warrior then followed Grimlock out of the med bay and down the corridor. As they walked, Snarl tried to get a read on what his leader was thinking. It was always hard to tell what thoughts were bouncing around Grimlock's cranial unit as he always appeared to be mad and unhappy even when he wasn't. "So, what you think, Grimlock? Is Hot Rod crazy or really a Prime like he says?"


Howlstrike was pleased when Grimlock and Rodimus ended their fight and shook hands. It was something unexpected as Howl thought he and Kup would have to pull the two warriors apart. Thankfully, it had not come to that and the Autobot hunter backed away as the Dinobots took leave of the med bay. The old timer once again insisted on conducting tests on Rodimus to see exactly what they were really dealing with. A begrudged Rodimus complied with Kup's request and made his way over to a diagnostic couch which he then laid down on.

Once he was in place on the sensor suite, Rodimus wasted no time in outlining a plan that would allow the Autobots to attack Polyhex and stop the Decepticons before they had a chance to achieve whatever goals they were seeking. According to the new "Prime", that involved reactivating the orbital defense batteries in Altihex in order to repel the capital ships in orbit. Howlstrike was a bit taken aback by this comment as he was unaware that the 'cons even had any ships currently in orbit let alone a sizable fleet.

Howlstrike glanced over at Kup with a perplexed look on his face plate. "What naval presence in orbit? What's he talking about, Kup?"


Bluestreak watched and listened to everything with a sense of wonder and excitement. Whether Hot Rod was now a Prime or not, he had some valid points. 'Streak very much liked the idea of taking the fight to the Decepticons in Polyhex instead of simply waiting for them to make their move. By then, it might be too late to do anything to stop them. A more direct approach might catch the 'cons by surprise and could even give the Autobots the upper hand on the Cybertronian front of the war. Anything was better than just standing around doing maintenance while the enemy formulated a plan of attack.

The Autobot gunner whispered a response to Springer's recent comments. "I agree, we should stay alert. Roddy makes some good points, though. Maybe we should go after the 'cons before they have a chance to strike at us first. Catching them off guard could just be what we need to end their presence here on Cybertron for good."

Bluestreak then overheard Howlstrike's question regarding the capital ships, and couldn't help but respond openly. "He's talking about being prepared. Regardless of what the Decepticons currently have in orbit, I don't think it's a bad idea to reactivate the orbital defense batteries. The planetary weapons would help prevent any reinforcements from aiding the 'cons in the event we end up attacking them." Streak didn't direct his comments solely at Howl, but to the other Autobots, as well. He wanted to both make his feelings known about Rodimus' plan and also to make the former Predacon feel stupid for asking such an unintelligent question.

Or, perhaps, you're not as dumb as you want us to believe. Maybe you don't want the weapons reactivated as it would put your 'con buddies at a disadvantage, Bluestreak thought, knowing he'd have to keep an optic on Howlstrike considering no one else around here saw him as a threat. You don't have me fooled, Predacon. Not one fraggin' bit.
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Re: Autobot Command Complex: HQ Facility

Postby Devastron » Fri Jan 07, 2011 8:29 pm

Weapon: Energo-Sword
Medical Bay

Kup walked over to the diagnostic couch with Hot Rod. The old timer had seen enough action and gotten enough wounds to know how to run the device. Unfortunately he didn’t have the full technical know-how to really do some in depth stuff. Hopefully the machine would be able to tell him something of value. He would just have to muddle by as best he could, maybe send a copy of the results to Earth for one of the professional tech-heads to take a look at.

Springer whispered back to Bluestreak as Kup and Hot Rod moved away from them. “I’m always up for a battle Blue, but I don’t think we’ll be catching them much off guard. Dinobots kind of blew the element of surprise there. Maybe if we could get some intel from them on what they encountered, maybe some massed attack would do the trick. Not sure if this is the time though with whatever is happening with Hot Rod though.”

The old Autobot started up the device as Hot Rod kept on talking about his grand plans for leadership. Grand was definitely the correct word for those plans as he began discussing battle Decepticon capital ships and reactivating the orbital batteries in Altihex. Kup also listened to both Howlstrike and Bluestreak’s replies.

“I don’t know of any major naval build up in orbit. I would hope if that were true the scanners we have here would alert us. Hate to think something that major could sneak up on us.” He punched in a few commands on the diagnostic control panel. “As for powering up the orbital defense batteries, well slag, why don’t we just go ahead and power up all of Iacon while we’re at it?” Kup snorted. “Unless you’ve got a whole tech team with plenty of tools, spare parts and energon hidden somewhere then I don’t think we’ll be activating those batteries anytime soon.”


Swoop shrugged at Snarl as he followed the other Dinobots out of the room. While he did find the battle amusing, he also knew it was exactly very productive. Better to leave whatever was happening to Hot Rod for Kup to figure out. The old timer was probably one of the few Autobots that all of the Dinobots seemed to respect.

Grimlock made his way to an abandoned conference room, which would serve fine as a temporary base for the Dinobots. He brushed the little bits of debris and abandoned equipment off of the table before he sat down on it, the chairs not really made for his considerable bulk.

“Me not sure if there a difference between being a Prime and being crazy Snarl. Never been too impressed with any Primes so far, Optimus just been best one by not getting killed.” The Dinobot leader brought his right hand up to his chin in a post of thought. “He definitely stronger then before though. Still not have skill, but strength nothing to laugh at. Something happen to him, me just don’t know what.”

Grimlock hopped off the table and began pacing. “Maybe there opportunity here though. If Rodimus more in favor with strategy we like, then maybe we back him. Who care if he crazy or a Prime if him have right ideas to lead? Other Autobots not going to trust us, been out of the loop too long, but you see how they act to him. They wondering if him a Prime too. Maybe we throw in with him, maybe get other Autobots to listen. Just make sure Rodimus is doing what we want. Maybe we fight war our way. No infiltrating or hiding, but straight up fighting with Decepticons. That the way to win war, and if that Rodimus’s way, then maybe we back him.”
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Re: Autobot Command Complex: HQ Facility

Postby Aetrius » Sun Jan 16, 2011 1:52 am

Medical Bay

Rodimus sighed as Kup took his pessimistic swings at his plan. From what he could hear of the whispers going on around the room, it seemed that about half of the Autobots were already on board with him, but the old-timer just wouldn’t see the light. Still, it was a start, and Rodimus could tell he wasn’t going to get very far if he pushed too hard, but he couldn’t quite make himself let it go just yet.

Rodimus glanced up at Bluestreak and said, “I’m glad someone here isn’t quite so terrified to take a risk or two Blue,” before turning his gaze back to Kup. “I know you’re set in your ways old-timer," he flashed Kup a quick grin to let him know that the 'old timer' comment was meant affectionately, "but look at it this way - we’re sitting around here doing repairs and wasting time, and the Decepticons are over in Polyhex doing something, and I’m pretty sure whatever it is, it isn’t meant for our long-lives and well-being.”

“Air Raid can be in Altihex in half a cycle. He’s not exactly Wheeljack, but he can do an assessment. If the orbital batteries can be brought online simply then great, we’ve accomplished something, and if there’s too much work to be done, then all we’ve lost is a couple of cycles and whatever fuel it takes for Air Raid to get over there. Do you really want to sit here and do nothing?”

Conference Room

“Me, Slag, all for straight up fighting. Very tired of sneaking around. Only ones that get anything out of that are ‘cons. If we, Dinobots, got to jump on them every time they showed up on a planet then war be over next orn. Instead we follow some stupid treaty that gives them all the advantage. Me tired of it! You two think Hot Rodimus throw out treaty? Let us fight?”

Slag finished speaking and stood looking back and forth between Grimlock and Snarl. It was probably the longest speech Slag had made in the last hundred vorns, but if there was one thing that piqued his interest, it was fighting. The possibility of an end to the Code of Interplanetary Conflict had him actually excited and, for once, willing to talk.
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Re: Autobot Command Complex: HQ Facility

Postby AshesOfPain » Fri Jan 21, 2011 8:13 am

Motto: "Good food and good drink can do only half of what their excellent variations can."
Weapon: Crossbow
[OOC: I'm taking over Wheeljack, and basically going to pick him up where he was dropped.]

Command Center

Wheeljack had kept half an optic on the internal sensor grid, while he was busy getting the rest of the command center's computers back on line. So he really wasn't that shocked when Rodimus and Grimlock came to blows. Once he had gotten everything into working order, he realized that their little strong hold did not have enough power to support every thing. With that in mind he went over to the data-net console that he had first revived. A few quick searches showed him what he needed. and he opened up a channel to Kup.

>>Kup, it's Wheeljack. Has anyone thought about checking on the reactor at Kalis, that once met the power needs here in Iacon? If not, it should be a priority, because the current power source won't be able to handle everything this city needs for proper self reliance.<<
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Re: Autobot Command Complex: HQ Facility

Postby Smokescreen85 » Sat Jan 29, 2011 7:17 pm

Motto: ""A look can be deceiving; a touch can be lethal.""
Weapon: Twin Shoulder-Mounted Rocket Launchers
Conference Room

Snarl followed Grimlock into a conference room and took a seat at the table. He listened to what his commander had to say and then to Slag’s comments on the matter. The flame throwing Dinobot wasn’t usually much of a talker, but the prospect of finally taking the fight to the Decepticons instead of just sneaking around seemed to have reactivated his vocal processors.

“Wow, Slag, me didn’t know you could talk so much,” a surprised Snarl said with a chuckle. “But, me thinks Hot Rodimus let us fight. Whether crazy or not, him is different now and seems to want to change the way we do things. We can use this to our advantage. If we throw in with him, other Autobots would follow. Maybe not all, but most would and even those who don’t agree with Roddy might reluctantly join anyway. Regardless, we Dinobots get to trash some Decepticon hide and maybe take back Cybertron, too.”

Snarl turned his gaze to Grimlock. “However, if we side with Roddy, we need keep good optic on him. Like you say, as long as his new way is like ours we should be good. But, he may also be crazy and if that case, we need to be careful, because if he starts to glitch out at some point and turn on us then that not be good. Then we may have to take matters into our own hands.” The Desert Warrior finished speaking his mind. His concerns about Rodimus’ state of mind were valid ones. Snarl just hoped that Grimlock would understand the risks and not just follow this new Prime blindly. In many ways, Snarl might have to keep a close optic on both of them.

Medical Bay

"True, if the 'cons didn't know we were here before then they certainly do now that the Dinobots went head to head with the Predacons," Bluestreak whispered back to Springer. "Of course, getting intel out of Grimlock and his bunch is another thing all together. Cooperation is not exactly in their vocabulary."

As the two mechs whispered, Howlstrike stood nearby and shot Bluestreak a dirty look. The tone in the Autobot gunner’s response to his prior question seemed to be one of contempt. While the tracker had not considered reactivating the orbital batteries to defend against Decepticon reinforcements, it also wasn’t necessary to make him look foolish in front of everyone. Howl knew of ‘Streak’s hatred for the ‘cons, and he assumed that those feelings also stretched to those who had once been on the opposing side like himself. Regardless, Howl felt a need to respond.

“I know what it means to be prepared, Bluestreak,” Howlstrike interrupted. “I’m not stupid.”

“I never said you were, Howl,” the Autobot gunner responded plainly, turning his attention away from Springer. “You asked the question, not me. I simply wanted to clarify what Rodimus meant when he said we should reactivate the orbital batteries. That’s all. Don’t take things so personally.” Of course, you’re not stupid. You’ve managed to fool everyone around here, even the legendary Kup. But, I’m not fooled, Predacon. You’ve got ulterior motives for being here, and I’ll find out what they are. Count on it!

Howlstrike then approached the Autobot gunner, stopping a few feet in front of him. “I’ll take things how I want to,” Howl said with a slight growl in his voice.

“Careful, Howl,” Bluestreak whispered. “The Predacon in you is starting to show.”

Howlstrike’s temper was beginning to rise within his circuits, but he quickly reined it in. A comment like that in the past would’ve resulted in Howl losing control and Bluestreak ending up in a CR chamber. Of course, this would simply reinforce the way 'Streak and so many others still felt about him. Howl had come so far in learning to control his anger that giving in to the rage now would only serve to set him back countless cycles of progress. Not only that, but Kup would be very disappointed in him.

Instead of tearing into Bluestreak, Howlstrike took a deep breath to help calm his nerve receptors. “Look, Bluestreak, I know you don’t really trust me. I have done horrible things in the past, things that I wish I could take back. I can’t even begin to imagine how you feel, but I am on your side. In time I hope to win your full trust.”

Bluestreak glared back at the former Predacon, a frown deeply etched onto his face plate. “You’re right, you don’t know how I feel. You don’t know what it was like to watch your whole city burn to the ground and lose everyone you ever cared for. How could you know? You’re probably one of the 'cons who did it!”

The Autobot gunner shoved past Howlstrike and headed for the doors when he stopped and looked over at Rodimus and Kup. “Thanks for the compliment, Roddy. But, when you guys figure out who’s in charge here and what we’re going to do next, let me know. Until then, I’ve got autocannons to repair.”


Bluestreak exited the med bay and walked half way down the hallway before coming to a stop and leaning his back against the wall. The recollections of that day when his city was destroyed began to surge back into his memory circuits like a nightmarish flood of despair and anger. The looks on the face plates of the dead and dying were images that ‘Streak had successfully buried within himself. His constant talking was one way to help keep those thoughts at bay and keep himself focused on the present. But, now he had to deal with a pretend Autobot like Howlstrike, who had managed to bring the darkest part of Bluestreak's psyche back to the surface again, whether the former Predacon had intended to do so or not.

Bluestreak slid his back down the wall until he was in a sitting position on the floor. A single drop of lubricant seeped from his left optic as he placed his head in both hands and tried to force those terrible memories back down into the deepest part of his core processor where they belonged.
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Re: Autobot Command Complex: HQ Facility

Postby Devastron » Sat Feb 05, 2011 9:33 pm

Weapon: Energo-Sword
Conference Room

Swoop rubbed his chin in thought. “Well I pretty much agree with Snarl. Roddy seems to be going along with our style right now, but he could definitely be crazy. We have to be ready for him to declare himself Primus and demanded we all bring him tribute or something. We can follow him for now but we’ve got to be ready to cut ties with him if he goes off the deep end.”

Sludge nodded slowly in agreement. “I agree.”

Grimlock spread his arms and hands out. “Oh believe me, me be the first one to put blaster bolt between his eyes if he go too crazy. Right now though he just the right kind of crazy to agree with us.” The Dinobot leader gave a rare chuckle before he went on. “Me thinking Hot Rodimus be up for another strike on Polyhex. This time we be ready, take more troops and hit them hard.” He slammed his right fist into his open left palm. “This time we send Predacons running back to base.”

The Dinobot leader felt a renewed sense of confidence as he strolled back out of the conference room. Hot Rodimus could definitely be of some use, especially if some other Autobots followed his lead. Then, if he turned out to be a wacko he would gladly take him down himself. That would only improve his image with other Autobots even more. He would be willing to try something new but he wouldn’t go too far. Maybe that would get a few more Autobots on his side so they could actually start winning this war.


Medical Bay

Kup didn’t like how things were going, not one bit. Between Grimlock and now Hot Rod the whole command structure was being questioned. On top of that you had this seemingly endless tension between Howlstrike. Something had to be done to reign things in or at least get these bots focused again. As it so often did, it felt to him to kick everyone in the aft.

“Alright, that’s slagging enough of this bickering. Hot Rod, you want to be proactive. Fine. We’ll send a team to attack Polyhex. You can at least take Grimlock and his team. After that I’m going to need a bot or two to watch the base with me in case the Cons do an end around and attack us. Wheeljack and I will stay and maybe someone else, depending on how hot headed everyone is feeling. Air Raid, you’ll go out and check out Altihex and take a peak at Kalis too. Does that make everyone slagging happy!” He glared at the various gathered Autobots before he left the Medical Bay, brushing past Grimlock as he left. As he walked out the door he sent a quick message back to Wheeljack. >>"I'm sending someone out to Kalis now to check things out. I'll be back in the command center shortly."<<

The Dinobot leader glanced around the room as he entered it. “Ok, what we miss?”


Springer quietly watched as events occurred around him. Things were starting to get a big ugly until Kup intervened. The old timer had a way of commanding everyone’s respect and that was definitely needed here. The fact that he was ordering an attack definitely helped as well. It seemed that most of the Bots here were getting itchy trigger fingers, and that didn’t even include the Dinobots. Maybe a massive and successful assault would help relieve some tensions and improve morale. The triplechanger knew that he was up for a tussle.



Kup walked up to where Bluestreak sat on the floor. He looked down at him with an expression of sympathy. “Listen lad, I still remember when we lost your home city. That was a bad day for all of us, but I can’t imagine what you went through.” He leaned against the wall opposite the other Autobot. “You can’t let that stuff say with you though lad. I’m not saying forget them, but you can’t let your hatred of what the Cons did that day haunt you forever.”

The old warrior let out a sigh. “You know, I’ve lost more friends then I can count, both in this war and before it. I’ve seen pals of mine torn apart by unspeakable monsters on worlds you’ve never heard of. I’ve sent good Autobots off on missions where they came back as nothing but parts. I’ve gone out and slagged plenty of cons too, even killed that monster myself. The thing is though Blue, it didn’t help the hurt. Holding grudges and being angry like that all the time, it doesn’t help anything.”

“Like I said, don’t forget about all of those friends who died that day. I still remember the face of all of those good Bots who’ve died on missions I’ve sent them out on. What I’m telling you is don’t let them haunt you, don’t let them dictate what you do. You do that and it’ll eat you up from the inside. Hating Howlstrike isn’t going to change anything that happened in the past and it sure as slag isn’t going to help anything in the present.”

Kup pulled away from the wall. “Now, if you can put that behind you and stop your accusing of Howlstrike and not pull a gun on him, you can go out there and actually give the Cons a good punch in the face for me. I’m sending a team out there to smash up Polyhex, and if you feel up to it I’m sure Hot Rod and Grimlock would welcome you on the team.
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Re: Autobot Command Complex: HQ Facility

Postby Smokescreen85 » Mon Feb 07, 2011 7:12 pm

Motto: ""A look can be deceiving; a touch can be lethal.""
Weapon: Twin Shoulder-Mounted Rocket Launchers
Conference Room

Snarl nodded silently in agreement as Grimlock finished speaking. The Desert Warrior was happy to hear that Grimlock was willing to take Hot Rodimus out if the new "Prime" went off the deep end. For once in a long while, the entirety of the Dinobots seemed to be in agreement. Even Snarl was pleased with the way things were going. This didn't mean he'd stop keeping an optic on his commander. It just meant that things were heading in the right direction finally and Snarl couldn't be happier.

"Me ready for battle. Hopefully, Hot Rodimus ready, too," Snarl stated plainly as he followed Grimlock out of the conference room and into the corridor beyond. The Dinobot Commander led his team down the hallway and back towards the med bay. Along the way, Snarl noticed Bluestreak sitting on the floor and up against the wall. The Desert Warrior didn't bother stopping to see if there was anything wrong, however, as the gunner's problems didn't really concern the Dinobot. As far as Snarl was concerned, showing fear or sadness was a sign of weakness, and there was no room for weakness in war.

Medical Bay

Howlstrike very rarely saw Kup get angry or upset. The old timer usually was able to keep his cool in even the most stressful situations, which was something Howl both envied and inspired to be more like someday. But with recent events unfolding as they did, even Kup couldn't help but become a little frustrated with those around him. The bickering didn't help, either, especially with the tensions rising between the Autobot hunter and Bluestreak. It had all finally been enough to agitate the old mech more than normal and cause him to lash out a bit at everyone in the room.

Howlstrike listened as Kup reluctantly agreed to an attack on Polyhex. He even agreed to let Air Raid check out Altihex and Kalis, as well. Once the old timer was done speaking, he stormed out of the med bay just as Grimlock, Snarl and the other Dinobots entered, wondering what they had missed. Howl was more than happy to fill them in.

"Well, in a cyber-nutshell, Kup agreed to allow Hot Rod...err...Rodimus to lead an attack on Polyhex and he said you and your Dinobots could go along. So, it looks like you guys are going to see some action pretty soon. Other than that, Bluestreak hates me and had a minor meltdown, as well."

"Yeah, I noticed him out in the corridor before we got here," Snarl spoke up. "He didn't seem his normal talkative self. Not that that's a bad thing."

"Well, regardless, I'm going to go see what Kup wants me to do," Howlstrike continued. "Meanwhile, I'm sure you Dinobots and Rodimus have a lot of planning to do. I may or may not be joining you. It depends on if Kup needs me to stay here or not." The Autobot hunter then regarded the other Autobots still in the room with a respectful nod before heading for the door and leaving the med bay.


Bluestreak had felt and heard the Dinobots walk by him without so much as asking if he was okay. It didn't surprise him really as they tended to not understand or even care about another mech's feelings. The Dinobots were pure warriors, after all, and rarely showed emotion of any kind with the exception of either anger or out and out rage.

Soon afterwards, however, Bluestreak heard a familiar voice speak to him. It was Kup, who had predictably followed after him. The Autobot gunner looked up and wiped the grease from his face plate. He listened as the old timer spoke words of pure wisdom not to mention compassion. Kup told him to remember those he had lost, but to not let what had happened haunt him forever. Blue struggled every day to keep the ghosts of the past at bay. Only his talkative nature seemed to help make him forget the inner pain. Silence was his true enemy, even more so than the 'cons or even Howlstrike.

Perhaps it wasn't really Howl whom Bluestreak hated. Perhaps it was actually himself for not being able to save even one life when his city fell. Of course, 'Streak had only been a mere merchant at that time, and knew nothing of fighting in a war. And no one had ever blamed him for not doing more, but they didn't have to. Blue had enough blame within him. He didn't need any more from his comrades.

Once Kup finished his pep talk, the Autobot gunner got to his feet and looked the old timer square in the optics. "You're right, Kup. I shouldn't let my anger control me. I'm better than that. It's just hard sometimes, you know? Real hard. And I'm very sorry for my behavior back in the med bay. I didn't mean any disrespect towards you. I, along with so many others, have learned a lot from you over the vorns. You're like a father to all of us, and I have the utmost respect for you."

Bluestreak stepped forward and straightened his stance. "And I'm ready to attack Polyhex and give those fraggin' cons a good old fashioned beating! You can count me in!" Just as he finished talking, 'Streak noticed that Howlstrike was standing just down the corridor, listening in on their conversation. The gunner turned and walked towards the tracker, stopping a few feet in front of bigger mech.

"You," Blue began, narrowing his optics as he looked up at Howl. "I...owe you an apology. You didn't deserve that back there, and I'm sorry. I just have some trust issues that I'm trying to reconcile. You understand."

Howlstrike looked back down at Bluestreak as he gave his seemingly reluctant apology. "Yes," Howl replied simply.

"Yes, what?" Blue queried back, unsure of what the Autobot hunter meant.

"Yes...I understand. And yes, I accept your apology," Howl said as he extended his clawed right hand towards Bluestreak. The black and silver mech looked at it for a moment before raising his own arm and shaking hands with the former Predacon.

I can't believe I'm actually touching him. Ugh. Bluestreak's thoughts were concealed behind a forced smile. "This doesn't make us bestest buds or anything. I just won't shoot you in the back when you're not looking," Blue clarified, still managing a smile.

"Of course not," Howlstrike replied, releasing his handshake with the gunner. "And I promise not to eat you while you're in rest mode." The expert tracker gave his new friend a devilish grin.

Bluestreak swallowed hard before responding. "Yeah, okay." Primus, what have I done? Did I just shake hands with the spawn of Unicron?

Howlstrike then turned his attention to Kup and approached his old friend. "Kup, I've already filled the Dinobots in on the decision to attack Polyhex. Will you be needing me to stay here, or should I go with them?"
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Re: Autobot Command Complex: HQ Facility

Postby Insidious » Wed Mar 02, 2011 10:27 am

Motto: "Clarity of thought before rashness of action."
Weapon: Oxidating Laser
Unsecured Transmission

>>"Attention--Autobot soldiers. This is Decepticon Military Operations Commander Shockwave requesting direct communication with any command level Autobot possessing the authority to speak on behalf of any subordinates stationed on Cybertron. Respond at this frequency."<<
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Re: Autobot Command Complex: HQ Facility

Postby Devastron » Fri Mar 04, 2011 10:07 pm

Weapon: Energo-Sword

Kup was about to issue some orders to Howlstrike and the other Autobots. It would be good for everyone to get out there and see some action. These younger bots were always so gung-ho to go out there and shoot up some Cons. It was best to keep them focused on that rather then sitting around the base bored, especially with the Dinobots around. Even the old warhorse had to admit some interest in going out and doing a bit of fighting on his own, but not totally out of some itch to fight. It looked like if he wanted some good hard intel on this planet he would have to go out there and get it himself.

The old Autobot was cut off from whatever orders he would issue by the signal from Shockwave across open frequencies. A frown formed on his face. He certainly didn’t trust any Decepticon, and Shockwave doubly so. The Decepticon certainly had some perfectly logical reason to signal them, but his logic was just another word for ‘benefiting himself.’ Kup wasn’t expecting any sort of truce or surrender at least.

“This is going to have to wait until I find out what’s going on with that signal. I’m going to the command center to reply, anyone wants to come along feel free.” The Autobot turned and began jogging to the command center.

Grimlock, having received the signal as well, had left the medbay and caught Kup’s comments. He quickly jogged after him; if the other Dinobots wanted to join him that was up to them. Springer followed right behind the Dinobot leader.


Command Center

Kup entered the room and offered a brief nod to Wheeljack. He would have to get a report from him later on the base status, although things were looking better and better with every breem there were here.

The Autobot sat in the command chair and punched in a few commands, opening an audio frequency on the same channel that Shockwave had used. He didn’t relish the idea of talking to the Decepticon. If you were to pick a Con more different then he was you’d likely come up with Shockwave. He trusted math, logic and computations over experience and gut feelings.

As Kup contacted Shockwave Grimlock and Springer entered the room. The two bulky Autobots moved around to opposite sides of the room to keep some space between them and whoever else might enter the command center.

>>”This is Kup, commander of Autobot forces on Cybertron. State your reason for contacting us.”<<

At the very least he didn’t have to waste time with pleasantries, not with a Con like Shockwave.
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Re: Autobot Command Complex: HQ Facility

Postby Insidious » Sun Mar 06, 2011 8:43 am

Motto: "Clarity of thought before rashness of action."
Weapon: Oxidating Laser
>>“Declarative: both Autobot and Decepticon forces have made progress in establishing functioning colonies on Cybertron once more. Problem--given the rate of conflict between our two sides since our mutual arrival, I calculate a 73.5674% probability that advancements made to restore the planet to its proper functioning will be delayed and, in some cases, severely impeded during subsequent engagements. The same will inevitably occur in Iacon, where your subordinates have no doubt made progress of their own. Solution—a temporary ceasefire between our respective forces.

“Neither party present has authority to establish any lasting peace between our sides. Moreover, even with no further hostilities, given the minimal rate of energy discovery coupled with the increasing energy use that re-colonization requires, current outposts on Cybertron could cease functioning within a single vorn. While on this planet, those under my command have taken steps to make Cybertron operational once more—and to defend what progress we have made when necessary against incursions from Autobot forces. Our actions demonstrate that your conquest and destruction have not been our primary goals; however, that will not remain true indefinitely if your subordinates maintain their current pattern. To that end, I also request unobstructed passage through Iacon to finish the research that I have conducted here. I would be willing to share a small portion of that research, so that those on your side who are sufficiently able may continue the revitalization work on your own terms. If completed successfully, Cybertron will one day become inhabitable again. Though Autobots and Decepticons differ on many philosophies this is—perhaps—our one mutual goal.”<<
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Re: Autobot Command Complex: HQ Facility

Postby Smokescreen85 » Sun Mar 06, 2011 11:54 am

Motto: ""A look can be deceiving; a touch can be lethal.""
Weapon: Twin Shoulder-Mounted Rocket Launchers

Before Kup had a chance to respond to Howlstrike, an unexpected communication came in over the open Autobot frequency from Shockwave, requesting to speak with the commanding officer in Iacon. Understandably, the old timer needed to deal with the signal first before deciding what to do next. "Of course, Kup. I'm right behind you," Howl replied to his old friend before turning to look back at Bluestreak. "Come on, big mouth. Let's go see what ol' one eye wants."

The Autobot gunner was just as surprised as any when the signal from Shockwave came through. Surely whatever the Military Operations Commander wanted would only serve to benefit him and his Decepticon subordinates in the long run. He certainly couldn't be trusted, and hopefully Kup understood that, regardless of his close relationship with a former Predacon.

"Hey! Who are you calling big mouth, drool face?" Bluestreak yelled back at Howlstrike. He hurried after the tracker and Kup as they made their way down the corridor towards the command center. "I'll have you know that when I talk I always have something important to convey. I don't just talk for the sake of talking. We can't all be quiet and brooding like yourself, you know."

While Bluestreak continued to fill Howl's audio receptors with unwanted noise, Snarl had also received Shockwave's transmission and followed Grimlock out of the med bay. It didn't take long for the Dinobots to catch up with the rest as they all followed Kup. The Desert Warrior jogged up alongside the Autobot gunner and looked over at him.

"So, I see you stopped crying," Snarl interrupted the black and silver mech's ramblings. "Good. There's no room for weeping in war."

Bluestreak was slightly startled at the sudden appearance of Snarl and turned to respond. "I wasn't crying! I...I had a leak in my optical sensors. That's all."

"It looked like crying to me," Snarl replied back as he turned his gaze directly ahead.

"I'm surprised he'd have time to cry at all considering how much he babbles," Howlstrike interjected with a chuckle, which made Snarl laugh, as well.

"You know, you guys can all go to the slag pits!" Bluestreak retorted, angrily, as he pushed his way past the others and fell in line directly behind Kup. The sounds of laughter subsided by the time they had all reached the command center.

Command Center

Bluestreak entered the room and immediately spotted a friendly face plate in the form of Wheeljack. The gunner made his way over to where the engineer was seated and smiled. "Hey, Wheeljack, how's it going, buddy? Can you believe this slag with Shockwave having the nerve to contact us? Pretty unbelievable, huh?"

As the gunner found someone else to chat with, Howlstrike and Snarl entered the room, as well. The Desert Warrior followed Grimlock to one side of the room while Howl positioned himself a short distance behind Kup who was already seated in the command chair. The hunter didn't want to get too close and overcrowd his friend as the old timer conversed with the cycloptic mech on the main display screen. The former Predacon simply stood back far enough to remain out of the way, but close enough to see and hear what Shockwave had to say. And what he said surprised Howl to no end.

A ceasefire? Really? Howlstrike thought, not taking his gaze off Shockwave's image. The purple mech's words made sense. Their conflict would ultimately prevent the complete restoration of Cybertron. The two sides would simply end up destroying whatever gains they were able to achieve. But, at the same time, it was hard to tell if Shockwave was being genuine or not. His face plate consisted of only a single, emotionless optic and was very hard to read. Not to mention that the Military Operations Commander had a history of doing what was best for himself and not others, even when it came to other Decepticons. Still, Howl remained silent as he trusted that Kup would make the right decision for everyone.

Bluestreak listened to Shockwave's words in disbelief. Obviously, the cycloptic mech was up to something even if his message regarding Cybertron's condition rang true. The gunner found it hard to believe that any Decepticon would want a truce, whether temporary or not, when most of the time they just took what they wanted by force. "I hope Kup doesn't buy into what Shockwave's saying," Blue whispered to Wheeljack so no one else could hear him. "I think it would be a monumental mistake to allow him safe passage through our territory. He could really want to gather intel on us or to sabotage our defenses thus opening us up to an attack. We can't take that chance."

Snarl also took in everything Shockwave said, and he didn't want to hear any of it. A truce was no place for him or any other Dinobot for that matter. The Desert Warrior clenched his fists and turned to address Grimlock. "Frag a ceasefire! We should just go over there and destroy them all. Then there be no further conflict. Cybertron only heal once Decepticons are eliminated!" He didn't care if Kup or even Shockwave heard him. Snarl was a warrior first and foremost and battle was where he felt most happy and at home.
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Re: Autobot Command Complex: HQ Facility

Postby AshesOfPain » Mon Mar 07, 2011 8:54 pm

Motto: "Good food and good drink can do only half of what their excellent variations can."
Weapon: Crossbow
Wheeljack nodded to Kup, and made a note to see if there were any able bots that could be pressed into repair duty. However, before he could put much more thought into it, Kup replied to Shockwave. The purple one's request both shocked and intrigued the white mech. From what he knew of Shockwave only time was more patient.

To pretty much most of the room, but mainly to Kup and Bluestreak he felt it only made sense to state the obvious. "Knowing how calculating the 'con can be, it may be wise to consider this a trap. He may just want to get all of us into one place. On the other hand, I really would like to know what types of energy research he has been up to."
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Re: Autobot Command Complex: HQ Facility

Postby Ember » Sat Mar 26, 2011 10:20 pm

Motto: "I'm not psycho...I just like psychotic things."

Rodimus had slipped out of the Med Bay after Kup, but kept his distance. He wanted to make the best of the situation at hand, but the old timer was fighting him tooth and nail the entire way. Maybe if he could get his friend alone he could talk some sense into him.

As the small group progressed he received, along with all the other Autobots, a signal from Shockwave. Not wanting to miss out on what the Cycloptic mech had to say, Rodimus made his way to the Command Center.

Command Center

He arrived in time to see Shockwave’s image fill the main screen. A slight sneer formed on Rodimus’ face as he listened to what the Decepticon had to offer. It was hard for him to admit, but the Con made a solid point, and given how Shockwave depended on logic Rodimus believed that he could be trusted, but only to an extent.

With hi proposition made the red and orange mech decided to take the initiative and respond. He weaved his way past the other mechs present and stopped just in front of the command chair Kup was seated in.

>>”You’re point, Shockwave, is well taken. Both factions, I would assume, want nothing more than to see Cybertron as it was before the war. But granting you safe passage through Iacon is something I cannot allow. However, if you were to welcome a small group to join you then granting your passage would be more than feasible.”<<

Rodimus crossed his arms in front of his chest and waited for a response form the purple Con.
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Re: Autobot Command Complex: HQ Facility

Postby Insidious » Sun Mar 27, 2011 7:48 am

Motto: "Clarity of thought before rashness of action."
Weapon: Oxidating Laser
Shockwave's sole optic shifted its gaze from Kup to Hot Rod.

>>“Declarative: I am to assume that you must now be the acting command figure. Your terms are acceptable. I will be en route.”<<

The screen then went blank as Shockwave disconnected the link.
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Re: Autobot Command Complex: HQ Facility

Postby Devastron » Tue Apr 05, 2011 9:46 pm

Weapon: Energo-Sword
Command Center

Kup sat contemplating the offer from Shockwave. It was true that the Decepticon had seemed abundantly concerned with the state of Cybertron in the past. He was probably telling the truth about wanting to get some information for the sake of the planet. He was still one of the most brilliant minds Cybertron had produced. If anyone was going to be able to bring Cybertron back to some semblance of life it would be Shockwave.

On the other hand Shockwave was still a Decepticon. That meant he couldn’t just be blindly trusted. The old Autobot had no doubt that Shockwave would use this opportunity to get as much information on the Autobots and their progress in Iacon as he could. This was going to be part scientific mission and part scouting mission.

It did present them with an opportunity though. They would probably get some information from Shockwave himself, even if it was scant. And that was assuming they even let him go back to base. Shockwave was a powerhouse, no doubt, but he wasn’t exactly working with a bunch of weaklings in Iacon. The Dinobots, Springer, Howlstrike, slag even himself, they would each give Shockwave a fight; together they could take him down no problem. Of course Shockwave was likely aware of that fact too and would have some sort of counter to that. Nothing was ever that easy with an opponent as clever as he was.

Before Kup could get a reply in Hot Rod jumped in and took control of the conversation, blurting out something about sending a team along with Shockwave. The Decepticon approved and quickly ended the transmission.

With Shockwave off the line Kup jumped out of the command chair, his optics blazing brightly. “You listen here Hot Rod, I don’t give one flying slag about who you think you are or what voices you heard in your head, but you are still under my command here until I hear otherwise from Optimus Prime! You pull a little stunt like that again and I’ll have Grimlock and his boys drag you into the brig kicking and screaming!”

Kup folded his arms over his chest. “Well, now we’re stuck with this idea so we’re going to make the best of it. Grimlock, you’ll be on this team. Old One Eye will think twice about doing anything with you around. Just don’t go jumping the gun and attacking him with the slightest provocation. I don’t like him snooping around here, but if we can get valuable info from him it will hopefully be worth it.

Grimlock grunted in response. He understood the value of information, but he also understood the value of taking down a Decepticon like Shockwave. He wasn’t exactly known for his patience, but if he could get both the information and terminate Shockwave then he would be sitting in a very good position. The Dinobot leader would just have to make sure that Shockwave provided the proper provocation to keep him in the clear.

Hot Rod, since this was your little idea you get to go along too. Feel free to play the leader too while you keep a line open to me so I can hear what’s going on. You can also keep Grimlock in check while he does the same to you. I don’t want either of you running off and doing anything reckless down there.”

Grimlock glared at Kup. The fact that he respected the old warrior as much as he did was just about the only thing keeping his temper under control. He had no desire to be watched over like some protoform, or having to watch over the possibly crazy Hot Rod.

Howlstrike, I think you going along will throw a bit of an unexpected element in Shockwave’s plans. I don’t think he’ll know what to expect from you and I’d prefer him to be a bit out of the loop. You also add some good muscle to the group. Wheeljack, you’re the biggest brains we have here so I’ll need you to tag along and figure out what Shockwave is looking for. Collect all of the data you can. I don’t want to be dependent on whatever scraps he is going to throw our way when this is over.”

Kup began pacing, “And make no mistake this mission is going to go off without a hitch. I don’t want to have some massive battle in the heart of our own territory just because Shockwave looked at one of you the wrong way. I imagine he has a plan in case of such an event and its one that isn’t going to be good for us. He’s using us here, the trick is for us to get more out of him then he gets out of us. Now, if there aren’t any questions you need to get outside to meet up with him. I’ll be monitoring from the command center.”
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Re: Autobot Command Complex: HQ Facility

Postby AshesOfPain » Wed Apr 13, 2011 5:10 pm

Motto: "Good food and good drink can do only half of what their excellent variations can."
Weapon: Crossbow
Command Center

Wheeljack nodded as Kup issued the orders, but he didn't move from his computer straight away. While he had been paying attention to the coming and goings around him, he was also looking to see if any of the other security measures were in place. If only there was enough time to modify one or all of the weapons, just in case the purple one had connived some thing less than welcoming. He thought.

"Ok. I've programmed the local security grid to keep us on the main monitor, While our guest will occupy the secondary screen. Now, I've just gotta run down to my lab and pick up a few scanners and such what, as well as a repair kit or two. In fact I think every one should have at least one kit with them, just in case. If this does get ugly, I think we all agree it'd be better for us to all limp back, than need to drag one of our locked up companions."
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Re: Autobot Command Complex: HQ Facility

Postby Insidious » Fri Apr 15, 2011 9:30 am

Motto: "Clarity of thought before rashness of action."
Weapon: Oxidating Laser
Cybertron--Skies, Iacon Perimeter Regions

It had been a significant span of time since Shockwave had ever seen fit to enter in to the Hub Capital territory with anything other than some form of its destruction serving as his primary objective. The dialogue with the Autobots currently stationed on Cybertron had proceeded with satisfactory results. It was apparent already that there was some dissension in the ranks. Given what his information storehouses told him of the ones already serving on Cybertron, Shockwave did not find it logical that individuals such as Kup, Grimlock—or any of the Dinobots for that matter—would willingly and continuously take orders from one such as Hot Rod, an otherwise junior soldier in their ranks. That said, Hot Rod appeared different from the last recorded image that Shockwave had of him. That, too, had struck the Military Operations Commander as a point of interest and would require further investigation; however, all such matters were secondary.

Iacon, serving not only as the Hub Capital but also as the northernmost polar state, offered unique insights in to how Cybertron itself functioned, just as Kaon did on the opposite side. Insights that he required in order to get a broader understanding of the energon regrowth potential on Cybertron as a whole and what—if anything—could be done to accelerate the process. Iacon, like only a select few known and explored areas of Cybertron, offered the potential for one with the requisite knowledge of the planetary substrata to travel all the way to the core of the planet itself. While the core was not Shockwave’s ultimate destination, he needed to travel deep enough to obtain firsthand visual data of the ongoing planetary healing process and route said information back to his Tower, the repository of all the research he had conducted on Cybertron up to this point.

Despite the apparent altruism--or at least inherent neutrality--of his primary objective, Shockwave never approached any situation single-mindedly. The Autobots would be prepared inasmuch as their resources allowed, to counteract anything he did that might put them in jeopardy. Nevertheless, direct intelligence regarding the state of Autobot affairs in Iacon would be valuable as well, but only as a secondary objective. At the end of this cycle, and every cycle to follow until such time that circumstances on the planet had changed--the underlying reality was that there would be no Cybertron to control if the planet's natural healing cycle was again disrupted so severely that another shutdown occurred.

The third objective was simple--if an opportunity arose for him to evaluate the Predacon traitor during the course of his operations here, he would take it. His conversation with Razorclaw had provided him with a starting point. It was a statistical probability that he would be with whatever Autobots had returned to Cybertron. Shockwave wanted to determine if the cause was logically better served by allowing the Predacon to continue to exist within the Autobot ranks. If not, he would have to be eliminated.

Closing in on the Iacon territory proper, Shockwave began transmitting a signal that would function similar to the communications link he had used to contact the Autobots earlier. Provided they were monitoring the area at all, they would easily be able to recognize his impending arrival, as would the Decepticons back within his tower at Polyhex.
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Re: Autobot Command Complex: HQ Facility

Postby Ember » Sat Apr 16, 2011 9:52 pm

Motto: "I'm not psycho...I just like psychotic things."
Command Center

Rodimus gave Kup a stern glare and crossed his arms over his chest as the old timer advised them of their next move once Shockwave arrived. Kup then pronounced who he wanted on the team to meet Shockwave once the cycloptic mech arrived at the outskirts of the city. Satisfied that he would be on the team, Rodimus flashed his mentor a sly smirk and lowered his arms to his sides.

“Sounds like a plan, old friend.”

Rodimus looked back to the rest of the gathered mechs, his features no longer plastered with the smirk he flashed to the veteran soldier, in its stead a look of pure determination. If there was one thing the young mech was sure of was that this meeting would go off without a hitch and the Autobots would gain insight on whatever Shockwave had planned.

“Alright, Grimlock, Howlstrike, Wheeljack, let’s get moving. We don’t want to keep our guest waiting.”

After addressing the team Rodimus glanced over his shoulder to his mentor. “Oh, and Kup, it’s Rodimus now.” The fire blazoned mech nodded to Kup and took his leave of the command center and proceeded on to the exit of the Autobot command structure where Shockwave would make his appearance.
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Re: Autobot Command Complex: HQ Facility

Postby Smokescreen85 » Mon Apr 18, 2011 7:42 pm

Motto: ""A look can be deceiving; a touch can be lethal.""
Weapon: Twin Shoulder-Mounted Rocket Launchers
Command Center

Howlstrike was more than a bit annoyed when Rodimus jumped in front of Kup and took over the conversation with Shockwave. If it were up to him, Howl would’ve knocked the flame-covered mech right on his aft. However, the Autobot tracker kept his cool as he knew all too well that a confrontation with the self-proclaimed new ‘Prime’ would not end well for anyone involved. In fact, it would only serve to further divide the group as there were already those who liked Rodimus’ approach in dealing with the ‘Cons over the old timer’s way.

Regardless, Howlstrike felt a sense of satisfaction when Kup put Rodimus in his place and reminded him of who was really in charge around here. Howl, or course, would always side with Kup as he was his one true friend. But, even more than that, the old warhorse had far more experience in leadership than Hot Rodimus and therefore Howl trusted Kup’s judgment far more.

The Autobot hunter nodded as Kup assigned him to the team that was to escort Shockwave through Iacon. Howl understood the old timer’s reasoning as the former Predacon’s presence would likely throw the purple mech’s logic circuits for a loop as the Decepticon scientist tried to figure out what made Howl tick. Not to mention that between Howlstrike and Grimlock they would have all the muscle needed in case ol’ one eye tried anything funny.

“Understood, Kup,” Howlstrike said compliantly once the old timer was finished speaking. The hunter then turned his gaze towards Rodimus, who would apparently be playing leader on this particular mission. Let’s see if you’ve got what it takes, Roddy, Howl thought to himself as he then followed the fiery mech out of the command center and down to the exit of Autobot Headquarters. At least they still had Grimlock on the team just in case a real leader needed to take charge.


Bluestreak scoffed at the idea of allowing Shockwave access to Iacon. His untrusting nature of anyone wearing a Decepticon emblem being the main reason he didn’t like the idea one bit. The gunner was all for Rodimus’ new approach of taking the fight to the enemy, but allowing said enemy right into their own territory was something all together different. Still, this new ‘Prime’ showed promise, and if they could get some useful information out of Shockwave while he was here then perhaps it would all be worth it in the end, just as long as no ‘Bot ceased functioning in the process.

Still, the whole situation concerned Bluestreak as he was certain that the cycloptic mech had an ulterior motive for coming to Iacon other than the restoration of Cybertron. On top of that was how the mission would be affected by Howlstrike’s involvement. Kup seemed to think it would be beneficial to have Howl along for the ride, but ‘Streak wasn’t so sure. What if Shockwave tried to sway the former Predacon back to the Decepticon side? What if the purple scientist, instead, saw an opportunity to simply try and eliminate a loose end, a turncoat? Both were real possibilities and could adversely affect the outcome. Of course, the way Howl responded would ultimately show where his true loyalties really lie.

As Rodimus and Howlstrike exited the command center, Bluestreak turned to Wheeljack and smiled. “Good luck, buddy. Be sure to come back in one piece.”


Snarl groaned when the final decision was made by Rodimus to allow Shockwave to enter Iacon. “Me thought we supposed to take fight to ‘Cons, not let them take stroll through our territory? So much for that, me guess.” The Desert Warrior didn’t care if the new Prime heard him or not as he was simply venting his frustration at the current change of events. He wanted to fight and lay waste to the Decepticons, not pal around with one. Especially when it was the same one-eyed mech that caused Grimlock to blast them all into stasis for thousands of years back on that mudball called Earth. Although, it would certainly be interesting to see if the Dinobot Commander could keep his cool during the upcoming mission.
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Re: Autobot Command Complex: HQ Facility

Postby Insidious » Fri Apr 22, 2011 8:29 am

Motto: "Clarity of thought before rashness of action."
Weapon: Oxidating Laser
Iacon--Autobot Command Structure

Having traced back the original signal he had used to communicate with the Autobots to its point of origin, Shockwave began a measured desecent towards the familiar terrain of Iacon proper. He had calculated that there was still a 37.234% chance that he still would be fired upon by crossing the now almost entirely irrelevant Iacon border. It had not happened, which was a solid indicator that the Autobots stationed here recognized the inherent logic behind at least some of what he had tried to tell them. He intended to increase that recognition when he had the chance to speak with them more directly as he continued on towards his own specific path.

Though he had presented this as a mission that was non-combative in nature and--more significantly--acquiesced to the Autobots request of sending a team to accompany him to make the agreement more equitable, he was under no obligation to wait for them if they decided to stray. His presence had beeen as clearly announced by his clear signal as he ever cared to make such things. His feet touched the smooth, metallic surface and his internal thrusters deactivated fully with minimal audio disruption. He would save pomp and grandeur for the likes of Starscream and others who craved it. The Autobots inevitably occupied one of these nearby structures, if not all of them. They would come to him. It would only be a matter of time.

Shockwave, for his part, set himself to the tasks at hand. The first of which would be locating a suitable entry point in to the natural substrata. Shockwave's processors could recall where such pathways were during the times before the Great War had begun; however, much had changed since those days, and the cycloptic mech had no intention of relying solely on such archaic records.
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Re: Iacon - Autobot Command Complex: HQ Facility

Postby Devastron » Thu May 05, 2011 8:50 pm

Weapon: Energo-Sword
Command Center

Grimlock still wasn’t thrilled with this mission. Yes, there might be some benefits of an information exchange with Shockwave, but it seemed like they were at best delaying, if not outright forgoing, the immediate benefits of having Shockwave dead. While he had obviously been out of the war for quite some time, he was still a power player among the Decepticon ranks. Even considering not eliminating him felt almost treasonous. It just meant that Grimlock would have to push things towards a confrontation to make sure he didn’t escape back to the other Decepticons.

At the very least Kup had given them a very capable team. While Grimlock was confident he could take down Shockwave on his own, the team felt like overkill. Howlstrike looked like a solid warrior, just being a Decepticon turncoat and surviving this long meant he was tough. Rodimus had certainly shown he had some strength and ability, wherever it might have come from. Wheeljack had the smarts and tech angle covered well. It was a well rounded group ready for anything.

The Dinobot leader turned to his team. “Me signal you if me need you. Be ready for anything. Don’t think any of us going to trust Shockwave.” He nodded at the Dinobots before walking out of the command center, heading towards the main entrance where the Decepticon awaited.
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