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Is anyone else familiar with the story of the west memphis three?

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Is anyone else familiar with the story of the west memphis three?

Postby decepta-scott » Sun Oct 02, 2011 10:24 am

I saw the documentary titled "paradise lost" and the story goes something like this.
Three seven yr old boys, while on their way home were taken fromk their bikes and drug into the woods to a creek. They were then stripped naked, hog tied with their own shoe strings,rapped,beaten, cut up, bled out a bit and finally drowned. Oh, did I mention that one of the boys had his penis removed?
The documentary shows close up pics of these poor babys lying naked and hog tied, covered in their own blood and in full rigermortis. The immage refuses to leave me.
Well, too shorten a long story the cops brought in a 17 yr old bumpkin named jesee misskelly and after less that an hr and against the wishes of his attourney, he goes into detail about how he and two other boys brought the children into the woods, hog tied,rapped,beat,maimedand drowned the children. Oh, did I mention that he confessed to cutting of one of the boys penis?
He goes on to tell how the oldest boy, damien echols, and the third boy, jason (17 yrs old) sucked blood from the penis and scrotum and but the testies in their mouthes. You see, they were under the impression that childrens blood gave them power. The echols boy was foyund to have practiced the wicin relegion and it was believed that due to the evidence the murders were a result of a devil worshiping sacrifice.
Damien is crazy. He was put into a nut house by his own parents who say that they had to as they were scarred that he would hurt them, and/or someone else. Damien threatened to kill and eat his parents, cut them up and eat them, bleed them. He was seen sucking blood from his own wounds at the hospital where he also told docs that he thought blood gave him power. He was found to harbor deep anger and an interest in phisically harming other human beings.

Damien also had killed and mutilated at least two dogs (isnt that where it always starts with his type?) and was in posession of a few animal skulls at the time of his arrest.
One of the other boys, jesee was seen to break out into violent crying fits just after the murders. Something he had never done before. All three could not give valid allibies and were not seen when the murders took place or for awhile after.
Supporters like to act as though they were accused because they wore bvlack and listened to metal music. That form of rebelion is so lame. Has anyone ever looked at those types and thought "what a bad ass evil person! better stay away from him!" let alone thought them capable of murder simply because of their clothes and music preferance.
Asla, that was the way they went with it. To shorten this up a bit all three were convicted of murder. Damien sentenced to die, jesee to life plus fourty yrs and jason to life.
All appeals exhausted. Why then were they released a few weeks ago with TIME SERVED?! The state asked them tho plead guilty and they would release them. WTF!?!?!?!?
Several stars had taken interest in the case including jonny depp, dixie chicks and metalica. Funny to me that after the star aupport came everyone started to doubt their guilt.
The "stars" say that the confession was bogus because jesee only has an i.q. of 79. So hes a dip ****!!! how does that make his confession bogus?
Also, jason and jessee told inmates they did it, jesee confessed to the police who took him to prison after the guilty verdict and went into great detail, damien was heard talking about it to jason by at least two people.
I cant believe these monsters are free. If you havnt seen the movie "paradise lost" I urge you to watch it. This is a f ed up story. Id realy like to get some other opinions on this.
I have left out a great deal of detail that I will give if anyone shows an interest in my post.

Take care all.

Re: Is anyone else familiar with the story of the west memphis three?

Postby Moonlight » Sun Oct 02, 2011 11:24 pm

Yep I saw it when it first came out. You know people confess to crimes they did not commit all the time. That one kid you talked about, he was held for many, many hours and urged to confess. He was told it would all be over with if he just confessed so he did. Many parts of the confession were wrong. Some things he said they did, the autopsy did not match up with. That is why they are free. The others, they were just teenagers stupid kids who suddenly had the worlds attention and they were messed up enough to play a part.

The stepfather of one of the boys is now strongly suspected as the person who killed the children. The guy they had shooting the guns pretending things he was shooting was those kids.
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Re: Is anyone else familiar with the story of the west memphis three?

Postby Arrancon » Thu Oct 06, 2011 2:40 pm

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Re: Is anyone else familiar with the story of the west memphis three?

Postby decepta-scott » Wed Oct 12, 2011 11:30 am

Moonlight wrote:Yep I saw it when it first came out. You know people confess to crimes they did not commit all the time. That one kid you talked about, he was held for many, many hours and urged to confess. He was told it would all be over with if he just confessed so he did. Many parts of the confession were wrong. Some things he said they did, the autopsy did not match up with. That is why they are free. The others, they were just teenagers stupid kids who suddenly had the worlds attention and they were messed up enough to play a part.

The stepfather of one of the boys is now strongly suspected as the person who killed the children. The guy they had shooting the guns pretending things he was shooting was those kids.

You must remember that the documentary was ment to exhonerate the three boys. I found no real reason to think them innocent after watching that film. If that was the best they could do to make them look innocent.........IDK....
The boy that was interrogated, jesse misskelly, actually confessed a total of fourty five mins into the interview. After his confession in which he revealed that he was privy to knowledge that he would only be aware of if he were there, ofcourse the cops held him for further questioning. Evebn then, I believe he was only interrogated a total of five hrs.
He also confessed for the tape, inspite of his attourneys pleas. (his attourney can be heard begging jessee not to confess in the back ground) His confession is largly accurate to what happened.
There were however statments made that werent 100% accurate. He states the victems were tied with rope when they were tied with shoe laces to which I say so what? IMO he said ropes instead of laces because they were infact used as ropes. He also says it happened in the morning. IMO Were dealing with a stupid person who was unemployed and had nothing to do that would force him to make any distinction passed day time = light out, night time= dark out. Not really thinking he said it happened in the morning simply because there was light out.
Finally jessee was skunk drunk all day the day the murders took place. By all accounts he drank an entire fifth of booze. I challenge you to go get plastered on a fifth of booze, wait a month and then give me an accurate time line of the events that transpired a month ago. Thats not to say that he could have been so drunk that he THOUGHT he could have murdered three boys. Theres a huge differance in forgetting the time due to extreem inebrieation and accidentaly thinking you killed three boyscouts.
The bottom line is that jessee miskelly, as well as jason baldwin and damien echols are all three dip shits. Dip shits can be murderers just like anyone else. Infact, historically, Id say only a few people who commit murders such as this were anything but dipshits. Dip **** dose not and should not= innocent.
Echols was recieving full benefits due to mental sickness. Practiced the wickin relegion and satanic folowings (weather he wants to admit it or not. It was proven true in court.)Frequently threatened several people with the same type of violance that was used on the boys. Jessee was seen to go into fits of tears and rage for no reason, a new developement for him, just after the murders happened.

Baldwin was just doing this to fit in Id say. Truley a stupid boy he commited murder to have fun and be part of the gang. I believe that but that dosent mean he should be set free.
By their own admission all three boys stood out in town. Everyone knew where they were at all times. Except the morning and night of the murders not one person could vouch for the whereabouts of any three of them. Not one person. You have three flashy kids who are noticed all over on a daily basis in a small town who can produce not a single aliby for any part of the day the boys were killed.
Those boys were right where they belonged. This case just goes to show you what star power and cash can do for you. It can get three convicted child murderers one of which was on death row released from prison.
The reason the state didnt have another trial is because in a case dependant on circumstancial evidence that has seen a new generation of people take notice due to their heroes (the stars that fund and support the wm3)advocation, they knew they had an up hill battle that would most likely result in an acquital. Sad, sad, sad.
When that echols boy murders another person, and I believe he will, I hope those so called stars are drug in and sentenced to multi million dollar fines fro gross miss use of money and fame. What kind of peiople use their cash and influance to take a stand against "the man" for ripping on their fans simply for what they wear and the music they listen to? well heres the way of it.... WEARING BLACK AND LISTENING TO METTAL IS NOT A REBELIOUS ACT!!! ITS A LAME PLOY TO STAND OUT MOST OF THE TIME!!! Those "stars" are seeing themselves in those boys. they were probably black wearing metal fans who in their teens felt they were rebeling by wearing such clothing against the wishes of their moms and are now supporting murderers because they havnt grown up enough to realize how silly the whole "rebelious" game is. So so sad.
Anyway, Everyone is entitled to an opinion. I respect everyones right to think as they wish and in most cases form no ill opinion of anyone based on a single, or even multiple opinions that differ from mine.
Everyone can form their own opinion on this. Mine is that those three are baby murderers who used their dress style as a cop out and were convicted due to evidence and a cosfession not because of the music they listen to.

Re: Is anyone else familiar with the story of the west memphis three?

Postby Compassionate Reader » Fri Jan 06, 2012 4:16 pm

I'm sorry, but there were a tremendous amount of inaccuracies in the OP in this topic. I'll take it a paragraph at a time. Warning, this will be a lengthy post. However, I have read all of the court documents on this case and have studied it for years. I don't claim to be an "expert," but I think I know more than the original poster. I am convinced that these three men are innocent.

"I saw the documentary titled "paradise lost' and the story goes something like this.
Three seven yr old boys, while on their way home were taken fromk their bikes and drug into the woods to a creek. They were then stripped naked, hog tied with their own shoe strings,rapped,beaten, cut up, bled out a bit and finally drowned. Oh, did I mention that one of the boys had his penis removed?
The documentary shows close up pics of these poor babys lying naked and hog tied, covered in their own blood and in full rigermortis. The immage refuses to leave me.
Well, too shorten a long story the cops brought in a 17 yr old bumpkin named jesee misskelly and after less that an hr and against the wishes of his attourney, he goes into detail about how he and two other boys brought the children into the woods, hog tied,rapped,beat,maimedand drowned the children. Oh, did I mention that he confessed to cutting of one of the boys penis?
He goes on to tell how the oldest boy, damien echols, and the third boy, jason (17 yrs old) sucked blood from the penis and scrotum and but the testies in their mouthes. You see, they were under the impression that childrens blood gave them power. The echols boy was foyund to have practiced the wicin relegion and it was believed that due to the evidence the murders were a result of a devil worshiping sacrifice.
Damien is crazy. He was put into a nut house by his own parents who say that they had to as they were scarred that he would hurt them, and/or someone else. Damien threatened to kill and eat his parents, cut them up and eat them, bleed them. He was seen sucking blood from his own wounds at the hospital where he also told docs that he thought blood gave him power. He was found to harbor deep anger and an interest in phisically harming other human beings."

The first inaccuracy is that the boys were seven years old. They were eight. Next, the boys were not taken from their bikes. Even the supposed confession says that the boys came into the woods on their own. Their bikes were found some distance from the bodies, submerged in a drainage ditch. Next, one of the laces used to bind the victims was NOT a lace from one of the boys' shoes. It was cut into two pieces and used to bind Michael Moore. We know this because each of the two ligatures only has one aiglet. The entire lace would have been about 60" long before it was cut. Next, the penis was NOT removed. At least seven certified forensic pathologists agreed that the wounds were attributable to postmortem animal predation. The injury to the penis of Chris Byers is called "degloving" and, not to be too gross about it, it was caused by an animal stripping the meat from the penis while leaving the internal shaft intact. Next, Jessie Misskelley is a borderline mentally retarded man (only 17 years old back in 1993 when these murders happened) who was initially interrogated without having an attorney present. He has an IQ of 72 and was interrogated for about four hours before he gave his "confession" whose inaccuracies extend far beyond what the OP mentioned. I don't care how drunk he might have been, he would have known the difference between daylight and dark. In his original statement, he said that the murders were committed at noon. The little boys were in school all day, as was Jason Baldwin, one of the convicted. Read it for yourself. This represents only the forty-five minutes that was recorded. This statement was so inaccurate that, when presented to Judge Pal Rainey, the judge wouldn't issue arrest warrants for the three teenagers. So, the West Memphis Police Department (WMPD) went back and got a "clarification" statement in which the leading questions of the interrogator are obvious. Jessie was originally brought to police headquarters about 9 or 10 in the morning. The first statement was recorded at about 2:45 that afternoon. The arrest warrants were issued after 9 that evening. Although he wasn't actually interrogated for 12 hours, he was in custody for over eleven. Given his age and mental disability, getting him to say whatever the interrogators wanted him to say wasn't hard at all. In fact, his attorney, Dan Stidham, later said that he thought he could get Jessie to confess to the Kennedy assassination when he wasn't even born in 1963. In short, Jessie's statement is a coerced, false confession which doesn't match the forensics of the case, except the things that were public knowledge. The bodies were discovered on May 6, 1993. Jessie and the others were arrested on June 3, 1993, almost a month later. West Memphis is a small town. People talked. Some of the information Jessie got he obtained from friends who were members of the search-rescue team that was called into the case. Jessie DID give a post conviction statement to the police against his attorneys' wishes. The WMPD and other state authorities were trying to get him to testify against Damien and Jason in their upcoming trial. (Jessie was tried separately because of his original statements to the police.) Although Jessie initially gave a post conviction statement (whose additional accuracies are easily explained by the fact that the statement was POST CONVICTION), that statement is barely more accurate than the statements on June 3, 1993 - and this was AFTER HE HAD HEARD THE PROSECUTION PRESENT THE CASE AT HIS TRIAL! Damien Echols, the supposed ring leader of the three, was a troubled teen, to be sure. However, his mental health at the time is not proof that he committed these murders. I am a retired high school teacher, and believe me, I've heard kids say the things Damien said about his parents quite frequently. It's simply a part of being a teenager for many people. Damien's stays in mental health facilities were short-lived. He was released, supposedly cured of his suicidal tendencies. To prove he murdered those little boys should require more than a history of depression typical to many teenagers (which, BTW, was NOT part of the prosecution's case but was used by the defense during the punishment phase of the trial in an unsuccessful effort to mitigate punishment.) NO SHRED OF PHYSICAL EVIDENCE IRREFUTABLY LINKING DAMIEN OR EITHER OF THE OTHER TWO MEN TO THE CRIME HAS EVER BEEN FOUND. These three were convicted by Satanic panic and small town mentality, along with IMO a little corruption in the justice system at the time. The only witness as to the Satanic nature of the crimes that the prosecution presented was a "Dr." Dale Griffis, whose PhD turned out to be from a diploma mill. He had never attended even one class about the occult! Again, the State relied on manufactured evidence and the mentality of the Bible belt community to get their unjust convictions.

"Damien also had killed and mutilated at least two dogs (isnt that where it always starts with his type?) and was in posession of a few animal skulls at the time of his arrest.
One of the other boys, jesee was seen to break out into violent crying fits just after the murders. Something he had never done before. All three could not give valid allibies and were not seen when the murders took place or for awhile after.
Supporters like to act as though they were accused because they wore bvlack and listened to metal music. That form of rebelion is so lame. Has anyone ever looked at those types and thought "what a bad ass evil person! better stay away from him!" let alone thought them capable of murder simply because of their clothes and music preferance.
Asla, that was the way they went with it. To shorten this up a bit all three were convicted of murder. Damien sentenced to die, jesee to life plus fourty yrs and jason to life.
All appeals exhausted. Why then were they released a few weeks ago with TIME SERVED?! The state asked them tho plead guilty and they would release them. WTF!?!?!?!?
Several stars had taken interest in the case including jonny depp, dixie chicks and metalica. Funny to me that after the star aupport came everyone started to doubt their guilt.
The "stars" say that the confession was bogus because jesee only has an i.q. of 79. So hes a dip ****!!! how does that make his confession bogus?
Also, jason and jessee told inmates they did it, jesee confessed to the police who took him to prison after the guilty verdict and went into great detail, damien was heard talking about it to jason by at least two people.
I cant believe these monsters are free. If you havnt seen the movie "paradise lost" I urge you to watch it. This is a f ed up story. Id realy like to get some other opinions on this."

There is one report by one teen that Damien killed a Great Dane. However, no police records were presented to back up the loss of a Great Dane, and IIRC, the kid who told the story wasn't even a witness at the trial because his story was hearsay. No one has come forward to this day who will testify that they saw Damien killing any animals. Jessie's "crying fits" could easily be explained by the fact that he thought his girlfriend, now his fiancee, was moving away. They all had alibis, but the alibis were from family and friends. Most of Jessie's alibi witnesses were teenagers who were with him in a nearby town, Dyess, at a wrestling practice, at the time that the murders supposedly occurred. The prosecution lawyers were able to confuse them on the stand. However, all that proves is that the prosecution was better at cross examination than the defense attorneys (who were all inexperienced at the time, none of them ever having tried a murder case) were at redirect. As to wearing black, etc. being part of the problem, if you read the testimony of Joseph Samuel Dwyer in the Rule 37 abstract, he confirms that the police at the time were targeting kids in black. Jerry Driver (who later did time in FL for grand theft) and his crony, Steve Jones, were literally on a witch hunt - seeking the Satanic cult that they were sure was thriving in West Memphis. One report I read said that Damien had been on Driver's radar for over a year before the murders. Driver was just waiting for something that he could "pin on" Damien, and it didn't have to be the truth, either. All appeals had not been exhausted when they were released in August. In fact, the Arkansas State Supreme Court (ASSC) had ruled in November, 2010, that there would be an evidentiary hearing to examine all the new developments in the case to see if a new trial was warranted. The attorneys from both sides got together and agreed to an Alford Plea, a rarely used legal maneuver in which the defendant pleads guilty but is allowed to maintain his innocence. On August 19, 2011, in Judge David Laser's court (a new judge, thank God, as I believe the original judge, David Burnett, was part of the corruption), the original verdicts were vacated, the Alford guilty plea was entered and accepted, and they were sentenced to time served and released. There's a lot more to the story, and more is forthcoming. On January 12, 2012, at 9 pm, the next installment of the Paradise Lost series premieres on HBO. If you would like to join in a civil discussion of this case, please join us at . These men are innocent, and time will show this to be the case.
Compassionate Reader
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Re: Is anyone else familiar with the story of the west memphis three?

Postby Moonlight » Sun Jan 15, 2012 7:43 pm

Yes that pretty much was what I saw on the Crime show. In a nut shell 3 children are dead and there was a lot of pressure to ease the minds of worried parents so instead of finding the real murderer they went after a mentally challanged teenager and his troubled friends.

I wish our justice system had a lot more checks and balances. I know there is not foolproof way to make sure innocent people are not convicted but it needs to do a better job then it has. For every wrongly convicted person sitting in prison there is the real offender who is out and got away with it and able to do it again.
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Re: Is anyone else familiar with the story of the west memphis three?

Postby decepta-scott » Sat Jan 21, 2012 11:15 am

To say that there were a "tremendous ammount of inaccuracys" is a bit of an overstatement. I cant see including the fact that one boys shoe strings were cut in half to tie the third boys as one of those inaccuracys. In the end they were tied up with their shoe strings. Aslo, the boys were a year older than I stated. Fine. Though I was incorrect in those statements I cant see how they were labled as "tremendous"
Im not an expert on this case, but I have followed it quite a bit. I really dont want to adress everything I disagree with in that post as it will take a long time but I will adress a few.
First there were k-9 skulls found in echols room. Also there are just as many "experts" that believe the boys penis was cut away as there are that support the theory of an animal stripping it away.
I cannot believe that ANYONE would think that boys father, brain tumor and all would have killed those boys. Those families were ALL shaken and that father was one of the worst. For the defence to even TRY to incinuate he was involved was a joke.
I love how people will on one hand say that jessee miskelly was so stupid he couldnt see how confessing to a tripple homicide would be dangerous to his future and then turn right arround and say that he would have known what time he was there weather he was fall down drunk or not. You cant pick and choose. You cant have it both ways. Either he is mentally retarted and stupid enough to confess to murder which pretty much makes him stupid enough to do anything, or he isnt. PERIOD.
For the record he isnt legally mentally handicaped. Almost but not quite. I know a few people from church that are on that level and they can certainly tell you weather or not they murdered three todlers. My aunt of sixty two has the mentality of a six year old and I can promise you she isnt going to confess to murder if she didnt do it. Hell even shes smart enough not to confess if she DID do it. Jesses I.Q. is well above a six yr old.
I hardly see this as a witch hunt. Those boys showed LITTLE compassion for those boys and even went on to joke and keckle both the families of the victims and their babys memories. You sir claim that you were a teacher and heard boys say things like that and taking credit for things they didnt do/talking crap all the time, but I say that I was a student in three of the worst schools in ky (not to mention the fact that I grew up in iroquois projects which is featured on the show the first 48 on a regular basis) and I have NEVER heard anyone confess to murder.
To act as though kids will be kids and kids will confess to murder and talk crap about devil worship and how they were going to and eventually DID KILL THREE CHILDREN and are planning to do it again is one of the more radical statements Ive heard in awhile.
Maybe the people of miss liked them less because they were worshiping the devil. Let it be known that it is a FACT that damien had scores of satanic books and made several refrences to devil worship in letters both before and after his arrest.
Is that grounds for an conviction? Not alone. But its certainly part of the puzzle. Further more it was convienantly left out of your post. If you are going to accuse someone of going on a witch hunt and elude to their ignorance because of that act you may want to include that those guys were actual witchs.
(at least thats how those "poor guys" thought of themselves)
I hate that those guys put the spin that they were ONLY convicted because they wore black and listened to metal. Gaining the support of the folks who share their interests and who may have been subjected to ridicule because of the way they dress was allways the defences intention. They didnt have much else to hold onto. Give it some time to fade from memory, Add a half dozen passed their prime wanna bee politician music artists looking for publicity and the unlimited funds that come with them and you prove that money can even overturn a MURDER CONVICTION WITH A DEATH SENTENCE!!
This was a small town. There were NEVER any murders before. Everyone knew each other. This shocked this town. Who else would have done this? A passing vagabond? This was not a witch hunt.
There IS evidence against those men and it lead to a conviction. If you cant look into those guys eyes and see that they are hiding something if you cant look at their actions and contempt for everything and everyone and their complete lack of interist in their own trial not to mention the lack of compassion for the boys and their families then Ive got a bridge to sell you.
Look Im not trying to be rude to the guy that posted the defence for those guys, Its just a touchy case and a touchy subject for me as with most people. Passions will blaze into furry alot of times when two people of conflicting opinions get to talking about topics such as this one. Headway will never be made if people cant keep cool and maintain an open mind in the midst of chaos. Opinions are allways going to be different. He is entitled to his as I am entitled to mine. If you truely believe them to be innocent then fight for it. Just dont keep a closed one track mind. Dont look passed evidence that points to their guilt because you simply dont want to believe it.
I have practiced what I preach as I myself am a felon due to a bogus conviction I gave them the benefiet of the doubt. I went back and forth a few times but seeing those guys and the things they say and do, the way they act and the evidence I finally made up my mind and still I would take any evidence to exhonerate them into concideration. I wont hold my breath though.
I believe that of the three at least one will kill again. Maybe then folks will take a harder look at this. I just hope the ones that used their fame and funds to free those guys can live with themselves. Unfortunately I doubt they will loose a wink of sleep.

Ill end the same way the first documentary ended. Damien had some final words for his own "help im innocent" film. They went something like.....I like that everyone thinks Im a murderer. Maybe parrents will tell their kids to be good and check under your bed! Damien could be under there waiting to get you! That would be cool.
Does that sound like the words of an innocent man? I dont think so.

Re: Is anyone else familiar with the story of the west memphis three?

Postby Compassionate Reader » Mon Jan 23, 2012 10:33 am

The "third boy" who has a name, Michael Moore, was NOT tied with shoelaces from one of the boys' sneakers. He was tied with a foreign lace, about 60" long originally, that was cut in half. Although it isn't generally known yet, a fiber from the hinge of a knife found among Terry Hobbs' possessions has recently been tested against the lace used to tie Michael Moore, under which the Hobbs' hair was found. It was an EXACT MATCH, not "microscopically similar" like the fibers from the clothing found in the defendants' homes but an exact match. I'm sure that this information will be coming out soon, along with the information that has recently been made public about the "Hobbs' family secret," which is that Terry Hobbs confessed to his brother (a confession that was overheard by his nephew) that he killed Chris, Michael and Stevie.

Damien Echols was a weird teenager. There is no doubt about that. However, collecting dogs' skulls, although extremely weird, I will agree, does not a murderer make.

Mark Byers, not Terry Hobbs, is the father with a brain tumor. Mark Byers himself admits that his behavior at the time was one of the reasons that he was under suspicion, just like Damien's behavior at the time placed him under suspicion and in fact contributed to his conviction. However, Mary Byers is NOT the parent whose mtDNA was found under the ligature. That was Terry Hobbs, who left his wife and quit his job shortly after the murders and who wasn't interviewed by the police until 2007.

There are lots of people who make false confessions. A false confession can be made by perfectly capable people. Look at the Norfolk Four case as an example. Then there's another case from Illinois where a father confessed to the murder of his child only to later be awarded a multimillion dollar settlement by the State of Illinois for false imprisonment when the REAL killer was found. False confessions happen much more often than we ever believed before, and two of the contributing factors to them are youth and mental incapacity. A third factor, and the one that is most responsible in most cases of false confessions, is leading questions and other coercive tactics by the interrogators. In Misskelley's case, all three of these factors were present.

I have never said that Jessie was retarded. The proper term for someone of Jessie's mental capacity is "borderline mentally retarded." Dan Stidham, in the latest installment of the "Paradise Lost" films, said "mildly retarded" which is acceptable. As to your aunt, has she ever been intensely questioned by police detectives about a murder? Unless she has, you really don't know what she'd do, and she's an adult, not a scared teenager like Jessie was.

IIRC, the only one who heckled the parents was Damien, blowing kisses at them. Of course, it's never mentioned that he did that after the parents had been yelling insults and obscenities at him as he entered the courtroom. He was singled out by the parents for their insults. He admits, and has for years, that he was wrong. As to your upbringing, I, too, grew up in Kentucky. I am very familiar with the Iroquois Projects in Louisville. Yes, it is a bad area. However, just because you've never heard someone confess to a murder that he/she didn't commit doesn't mean that false confessions never happen. I WAS a teacher; I'm not just claiming to have been one. I taught in inner city schools in a city much larger than Louisville, and in schools much rougher than those schools in Kentucky to which you refer. Also, I am a female, so please don't address me as "sir."

If you think that, back in the early nineties, talk about devil worship was uncommon, then you're either too young to remember or you weren't paying attention. Heavy metal groups like Judas Priest (who was sued by the parents of a teen who committed suicide after listening to one of their albums - the suit was thrown out of court) were under constant criticism by people like Tipper Gore and the PMRC for, among other things, lyrics that evoked devil worship. Teenagers, as is their custom, often gravitate to music that would irritate their parents. Since heavy metal, which started in the late seventies, DID progress into such groups as Slayer (who had many songs glorifying Satan and promoting devil worship), it is little wonder that some of the teens who listened to these groups would talk of what they heard in the lyrics. Talk is talk. It doesn't mean that they were members of a devil-worshiping cult. Also, Damien often said things for shock value, again something common among teenagers.

First, West Memphis is in Arkansas, not Mississippi. Second, my husband, when we were in college, bought "The Satanic Bible." That doesn't mean that he worshiped the devil. As I said before, Damien often said things for shock value. I think that might also apply to his reading material. Or are we now subject to the "Thought Police" of Orwell's "1984" where what we read and what we THINK can become a crime?

Damien, Jason and Jessie weren't witches. Damien had expressed an interest in Wicca, which some people refer to as white witchcraft but which in actuality is a religion in which the Goddess is supreme and they more or less worship Mother Earth. Damien had never joined a coven; he had just studied Wiccan beliefs. So, your statement is in FACT not true.

I'm glad that justice, at least partial justice, had finally been done in this case. Although I support the death penalty in iron clad cases, I would NEVER want to see an INNOCENT MAN executed. So, if celebrity involvement is what it took to see the three freed, so be it.

Yes, this was a small town. I don't know if they had never had a murder before, but I'm sure that they'd never had a triple homicide of three eight year old boys. Many much larger cities have never had that happen. Yes, the town was shocked. That was part of the problem. The police were pressured to solve the case. So, when Jerry Driver and his partner, Steve Jones (who had had Damien on their "radar" for over a year prior to the murders), gave the police Damien's name, the police, instead of doing what a competent police force would have done (see where the evidence leads), latched onto Damien as their prime suspect, with no real evidence, and created a case to make him look guilty. Just like a small town police force will do. I know, because I grew up in a small town, and I saw it happen repeatedly.

I don't see that any of the three recently freed men are hiding anything. I think that people need to examine Terry Hobbs' 2007 WMPD interview and 2009 Pasdar deposition and tell me that HE'S not hiding something (like the Hobbs' family secret). At the time of their original trials, those teenagers were naive enough to believe that you couldn't be convicted of murder if you were innocent. They learned, unfortunately, that, when you are being tried in a kangaroo court with a corrupt judge who only wanted to advance his political career, you CAN be convicted of a crime of which you are innocent - even murder. And if you can't understand that, then I have some swampland in Arizona that I'd like to sell you! There is no hard evidence against the three recently freed men. If there had been, the State of Arkansas would not have agreed to an Alford Plea. They would have demanded instead to proceed with the evidentiary hearing, and they would have gone to trial. The fact that the State of Arkansas so readily agreed to an Alford Plea WHEN THEY ALREADY HAD THE MEN IN PRISON speaks volumes. Plea deals are usually negotiated BEFORE a trial, not after the State has won its case and has the perpetrators behind bars.

I want justice in this case. Believe me, I HAVE researched this case. I have read all of the trial transcripts, the pretrial hearing transcripts, the Rule 37 hearing transcripts and abstracts and a lot of other legal documents, like the Pasdar materials, about this case. Yes, I'm convinced that the three recently freed men are innocent. Also, especially given the latest revelations to which I referred in my opening paragraph, I'm convinced that the REAL murderer is Terry Wayne Hobbs. So, as you can see, this is not a knee-jerk emotional reaction. I've studied ALL the facts. I encourage you to do the same. Make yourself an expert on the case and I'm sure that you, too, will see the truth. The three freed men are INNOCENT.

You, a convicted felon on a bogus charge, don't believe it can happen to others? And you base this "feeling" on the way the guys look? I'm sorry but that's not a very scientific way to judge. You say you've examined the evidence. Have you read the trial transcripts, the pretrial hearing transcripts, the Rule 37 transcripts and abstracts (all available at )? When you have familiarized yourself with the legal documents, then make a decision. Having had experience yourself with a false conviction, I believe that, if you look at the legal documents, you will recognize that these three teenagers were railroaded into convictions by a prosecution desperate to find SOMEONE, ANYONE guilty of these horrific murders. It was a rush to judgement, a railroad job, and, yes, a witch hunt in a small town. Also, keep your ears and eyes open and you will soon see all the new evidence. It was turned over to the State Prosecutor, Scott Ellington, last Friday, January 19, 2012.

I believe that none of the three will ever be involved in a violent crime again. I believe that, once the convictions are overturned and the SIS rescinded, all they will want to do is live quiet lives out of the spotlight into which they were unwillingly thrust by their false convictions. And, given the new evidence, I believe it will happen sooner rather than later.

Damien's infamous boogey man speech was said in sarcasm. He was a teenager, and one that tended to use sarcasm as a defense mechanism. Only time will tell, but I will sleep much better at night when the REAL killer of those three precious eight year old boys, Terry Wayne Hobbs, is behind bars where he belongs.

Please, read all of the documents. It appears to me that you are basing your beliefs on your reaction to some teenagers who were scared and who were on trial for their lives. I'm forever haunted by those little nude bodies, but I don't want to see innocent men pay the price for one cold hearted sociopath's actions in anger. Like I said, investigate this case and you'll see that I am right.
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Re: Is anyone else familiar with the story of the west memphis three?

Postby decepta-scott » Wed Jan 25, 2012 9:35 am

Compassionate reader, I cant help notice that the only posts you have here are the ones reguarding this case. For someone to go so far as to become a member of a transformers fan sight to try and defend those men shows me that you are so far gone off the wrong end there is no return. That also shows why you blindly follow these guys.
You have stated that you bought the satanic bible and that you listen to metal so those guys attourney did his job it would seem. I was correct to believe that lots of the supporters for those guys are infact people who would believe they were pin pointed for the way they dress and the music they listen to. People just like them (with the possible exception of homicidal tendancies) who are remembering the guff they may have taken and jumping to their defence for that reason.
I knew of the hair in the binds. That hair could easily be explained since the boys live with their parrents, go to each others houses to play etc. Maybe the father bent down to tie the childs shoe and the hair fell on the boy. MANY possible reasons.
The fibers, microscopic or not, that were found to match the fibers from echols and misskelly and baldwin however cannot be explained away so easily. To even bring their size into this is silly. You know what is very small? The germ that causes the black plague. The small size dosent make it any less damning.
Someone said they heard the father say he killed those boys? Several people say they heard those guys speak of kill those boys and that they were going to do it again as well. Yet you try to explain that away.
You find devorce in the wake of having your baby murdered and his death drug through the media suspicious? You think moving away from the small town where your child was killed weird behavior? Think of the damage that could do to a marrage. Think of the pain that seeing places where you and your son used to play, Looking at the highschool where your son should be graduating from this year could cause. Seriously do you think about these things before you type?
Theres nothing suspicious with wanting to leave the small town where your boy was murdered. I can totally see a marrage ending because of the depression and meloncholy that that would cause as well.
You explain away all the key points to this case so easily it is scarry. So what people say echols tortured animals and killed them. So what there are animal skulls in echols room. So what that shows he liked to torture, kill and save parts from his victem and thats where killers always start.
So what they went arround before and after he was charged with the murders saying he did it and that he would do it again. So what they engaged in devil worship. So what they made no attempt to show remorse for the lives lost or the grief the families were going through neither before or after they were arrested.
So what (and this is my favorite) he thinks it is neat to be thought of as a boogy man. To be feared by children. To have children cower before him in fear of their lives. After all it was said for "shock value"
Who cares if he says he only said it for shock value? What makes you believe this p.o.s? Do you hear yourself? Your saying he said those things for shock value and then wonders why he is hauled into court for murder? Who does that? Even at his murder hearing he continues against the pleas of his lawyer even saying at one point when asked if he heard what the judge said to him "oh dude... I was only half way listening hu..." w.t.f?! In reality though none of that was said for shock value. You can tell when he is talking (especially that bit about being the boogy man) that he was serious.
All of those guys, with echols the worst by far, displayed all the traits of someone who has something to hide."But theres no HARD evidence against them" Got news for ya, plenty of people are convicted on something called circumstantial evidence and there is plenty of it to be found here. You put the pieces of this puzzle together and you have the picture.
I never said that they were killers or that they should be convicted simply because of the way they look. I love how you jumped on what I truely said and twisted it to fit your needs. What I said in fact was that all one need do is look at the way they acted and theyre clomplet lack of compassion for anyone involved including each other neither before or after they were arrested to see they were hiding something. Nice try but no cigar. you couple that with all the other evidence here though and yes I believe you have three killers.
You assume that in order to practice devil worship and to study witchcraft you have to join a coven? "damien, in spite of all the evidence found to show otherwise, coundnt possibly be a devil worshiper because he wasnt in a coven"? That dosent make sense. I have known plenty of people who bought the satanic bible (yes it is a religeon but that dosent change the fact that plenty of people practice it to worship the devil) and proceded to do cruel things to please satan. Plenty of folks buy those books with no desire to include any members of a "church" or coven other than maybe a few close pals. Mean people getting together to do mean things. Thats it.
The guy changed his name to damien for christs sake!!!! That says it all!! I know your going to come out and say he changed it for some other reason but get real. Add to this the skulls, the dark clothing and a passion for the music that you admit has strong ties to devil worship and dont you think the evidence that points to his satanic worship is starting to pile up at this piont? Geesh!! For these reasons and contrary to what you said, my earlier comments were infact NOT incorrect.
Im sad to inform you that all judges are corrupt and eager to advance their carriers. EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM. Also corrupt and eager to flesh out their resumes are prosicuters, public defenders and lawyers. Its a corrupt system run by corrupt men and women so in that respect they were at no more of a disadvantage than anyone else.
You realize that you dismiss all that evidence as if it didnt even exist and then jump onto the father and suggest he is the guilty one because of a single hair that can be easily explained. Surely you see the folly and hypocrisy in that. Scary.
As for my aunt she has never been intarogated for murder but she has many many times been interogated for lesser house crimes such as eating all the cookies. There was solid proof to "convict" her and still she would not budge. So I can be pretty certain that she would not admit to murder.
She is no adult either. She is a six year old who has been alive for sixty plus years but since she lacks the ability to learn and retain most things those sixty plus years count for nothing. I assure you she would be quite scared if questioned by police. The ploice had scores of folks who heard those guys talking about those murders. Saying they were going to do it again. If the cops didnt bring them in they wouldnt have been doing their jobs thats for sure.
I never suggested you werent a teacher meerly that you had not heard children say the things you claim they say on a daily basis. Certainly not to the extent that those men were. If you did I would hope you as a teacher would have contacted the law. Especially concidering that all this took place in the midst of the rash of school murders. There is NOTHING normal about anything those guys said and to suggest that I just didnt grow up in a rough enough school to hear this stuff is silly. It dosent get too much worse than western iroquois and beuchel. PERIOD.
I know where west memphis is located. I dont know why I typed MISS. It was a type error. I also made the mistake of believing you a male. Not because I am a sexist pig who believes only men could possibly be a teacher, but because you are on a fan sight dedicated to transformers. Mostly men arround here.
I know the names of all the players in this event. I simply dont want to type their names every time Im refering to them as a trio.
I guess thats all mam. In the end noone will know for sure who has done this. I still hold fast to the belief that one or more of those boys will kill again. Im sure there will be an uprising of folks to come to his or their aid just as they are now. I can hear the excueses now. "well he was driven crazy by prison" etc. Hopefully next time he or they will fry in spite of the dixie chicks and metallicas concerts.
Lastly while I may not be an expert on this case I am much more than a casual reader of the bits I agree with. I have indeed read scores of literature reguarding this case including courd preceedings. I have educated myself in enough areas to give an opinion that should be taken seriously. Id thank you to refrain from asking me to educate myself before I type. Thank you.
Last edited by decepta-scott on Wed Jan 25, 2012 10:50 am, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Is anyone else familiar with the story of the west memphis three?

Postby Dead Metal » Wed Jan 25, 2012 10:33 am

Motto: "Don't do drugs, beer's cheaper anyway!"
Dude, current evidence points to them being innocent.

So they weren't exactly "normal", so what, that doesn't make them guilty for that crime, so far it seems the only evidence against them is that they where "weird".

Also, interrogations for murder crimes are way more extreme and hardcore than "eating all the cookies".

Loads of innocent people have admitted to murder and other high profile crimes just to finally have it over with, just to then be proven innocent in court.

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Leave it to Dead Metal to have the word 'Pronz' in his signature.
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Re: Is anyone else familiar with the story of the west memphis three?

Postby SlyTF1 » Wed Jan 25, 2012 11:09 am

Motto: "If my first sacrifice wasn't enough, maybe you would prefer to pay with your funky blood."
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Well that's disturbing...
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Re: Is anyone else familiar with the story of the west memphis three?

Postby Dead Metal » Wed Jan 25, 2012 11:22 am

Motto: "Don't do drugs, beer's cheaper anyway!"
SlyTF1 wrote:Well that's disturbing...



Jeep! wrote:Why do I imagine Dead Metal sounding exactly like Arnie?

Blurrz wrote:10/10

Leave it to Dead Metal to have the word 'Pronz' in his signature.
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Re: Is anyone else familiar with the story of the west memphis three?

Postby decepta-scott » Wed Jan 25, 2012 11:27 am

Dead Metal wrote:Dude, current evidence points to them being innocent.

So they weren't exactly "normal", so what, that doesn't make them guilty for that crime, so far it seems the only evidence against them is that they where "weird".

Also, interrogations for murder crimes are way more extreme and hardcore than "eating all the cookies".

Loads of innocent people have admitted to murder and other high profile crimes just to finally have it over with, just to then be proven innocent in court.

Current evidence does not point to them being innocent. With the exception of a hair there have been virtually no advancements in this case.
Again and for the last time being weird doesnt prove anything but those guys were beyond weird they were and still are murderers.
As for my cookie comment you are wide of the point. Youll actually need to read those posts to see that. I cant blame you for sifting through all that rather than reading them in their entirety.
Loads of People confess to tripple homicide inside of an hour with an attourney present begging them not to do it? HMM....nd they werent proven innocent later in court. They were proven guilty and one was sentenced to death.
If theyre so innocent why not have taken a second trial and have it all truely over with? My verdict is the same as most peoples. Guilty.

Re: Is anyone else familiar with the story of the west memphis three?

Postby SlyTF1 » Wed Jan 25, 2012 11:34 am

Motto: "If my first sacrifice wasn't enough, maybe you would prefer to pay with your funky blood."
Weapon: Sword
Dead Metal wrote:
SlyTF1 wrote:Well that's disturbing...



Ah, the song about the murder was made by Disturbed. How ironic.
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Re: Is anyone else familiar with the story of the west memphis three?

Postby decepta-scott » Wed Jan 25, 2012 11:41 am

SlyTF1 wrote:
Dead Metal wrote:
SlyTF1 wrote:Well that's disturbing...



Ah, the song about the murder was made by Disturbed. How ironic.

It is isnt it? I didnt know what he posted as the cpu Im using is a p.o.s but Im guessing it was a pic of the band that sant the song three.

Re: Is anyone else familiar with the story of the west memphis three?

Postby Dead Metal » Wed Jan 25, 2012 12:03 pm

Motto: "Don't do drugs, beer's cheaper anyway!"
decepta-scott wrote:
SlyTF1 wrote:
Dead Metal wrote:
SlyTF1 wrote:Well that's disturbing...



Ah, the song about the murder was made by Disturbed. How ironic.

It is isnt it? I didnt know what he posted as the cpu Im using is a p.o.s but Im guessing it was a pic of the band that sant the song three.

No I posted a youtube vid containing the song, and an animated gif of Beavis and Butt-Head head-banging.

Jeep! wrote:Why do I imagine Dead Metal sounding exactly like Arnie?

Blurrz wrote:10/10

Leave it to Dead Metal to have the word 'Pronz' in his signature.
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Re: Is anyone else familiar with the story of the west memphis three?

Postby decepta-scott » Wed Jan 25, 2012 3:52 pm

good stuff.

Re: Is anyone else familiar with the story of the west memphis three?

Postby Compassionate Reader » Thu Jan 26, 2012 2:33 pm

decepta scott,

Yes, I joined this site, at the request of another WM3 supporter, just to discuss this case. In fact, I joined primarily to refute the supposed "facts" that you originally posted. I'm sorry if that upsets you, but it is the truth.

However, I don't appreciate being misquoted. I think you need to get your facts straight. I said that my HUSBAND bought "The Satanic Bible" but I never said that I read it, and this was YEARS AGO, in the late 1960's when we were in college. Also, I said that my SON listened to metal music. I may hear it, but I'm certainly not a fan. Again, my son began listening to heavy metal when he was eight years old, in 1983. So, neither of these things (which, in fact, were not things that I did directly) have anything to do with me being a "blind follower" of the WM3.

The Hobbs' hair, again, was NOT found in the binding of his step son, but in the binding of another victim, Michael Moore. It was found under the ligature, and the ligature used to bind Michael Moore was NOT one of the boys' shoelaces but a "foreign" lace, originally about 60" in length, which was cut in half. Innocent transfer simply will not work. This hair, if on the lace previously, would have remained there throughout the day of an active eight year old boy, whose shoes would have become untied and been retied numerous times and then the lace was pulled through the eyelets, yet the hair remains. It is simply not logical that the hair was on the lace previously.

The fiber evidence is simply not conclusive. In fact, it was recently revealed that a fiber, found in the hinge of a knife belonging to Terry Hobbs, was an EXACT MATCH (not microscopically similar) to the shoelace under which the Hobbs' hair was discovered. THAT is conclusive evidence, and it was recently turned over to Scott Ellington. Hopefully, he will do the right thing and reopen the case. Time will tell.

You're right about the hearsay evidence. It needs to be verified. Remember, however, they arrested and convicted Damien and Jason on other people's (false) statements. I hope that they thoroughly investigate these statements and don't just sweep them under the rug. However, it must also be remembered that, at the time that Terry Hobbs supposedly made his confession, he was an adult and not an arrogant, sarcastic teenager. Plus there is other physical evidence that places him at the scene, and there is the FACT that he was not questioned by the WMPD until 2007, even though Gitchell, in his Pasdar deposition, stated that, in a case like this, the first thing that should be done is to clear all family members. That was not done in this case. Period.

I understand all about wanting to get away from the memories. However, that was NOT the reason that Terry TEMPORARILY left Pam. He said that she "just won't get over" Stevie's death. This was TWO WEEKS after the murders. That is not normal behavior, even for a supposedly grieving parent. Then, on top of that, he quits his job because he was getting too much sympathy from his customers. Sorry, that is not normal, either. I don't question but that the death of a child can cause divorce. In fact, that was probably the contributing factor in the Moores' divorce. I just don't think it was the case in the Hobbs' divorce. Terry was abusive to Pam (and probably Stevie and Amanda). His abuse was why Pam's brother came the day Terry's gun shot Pam's brother. I have a feeling that Terry's abuse was the primary factor in the divorce, not Stevie's death.

I agree that it is weird to collect skulls. Damien was a weird teenager. However, although many murderers begin by torturing animals, not all people who torture animals end up being murderers. It is not a cause-and-effect relationship. Also, there is no real evidence (only the testimony of one preteen who did not appear at the trial) that Damien tortured animals. Having skulls does NOT mean that he killed the animals whose skulls they were. Weird, yes, but not proof that he is a murderer.

No proof of Satanic worship was presented at the Echols/Baldwin trial. There is just the testimony of "Dr." Dale Griffis, he of the mail-order doctorate, who said that the murders, in his opinion (which is worthless with no real education or expertise in the field), showed trappings of the occult. Some witnesses, not presented at trial, insisted that the devil worshipers (who they supposedly heard in the woods before the murders) were Hispanic. Jerry Driver and his pal, Steve Jones, had been looking for devil worshipers in West Memphis for over a year before the murders and had come up empty, until the murders gave them the change to throw Damien under the bus because he was weird and sarcastic and, in short, a teenager.

I taught teenagers for 25 years. They DO say things for "shock value." Damien is no exception.

During his trial, Damien was taking a drug, Imiprimane, which has since been counterindicated for teenagers. It made him sleepy and inattentive. Also, he was naive enough at the time to believe that a person cannot be convicted of a murder which he didn't commit. Yes, the boogey man comment was sarcasm. I'm sorry that you don't recognize it.

I look at these three INNOCENT MEN and, back in 1993, I see three teenagers who were scared. Of course, being male, they won't display their fright in public, hiding behind sarcastic statements and stoic or arrogant looks. Were they wise? Of course not! Everyone knows that teenagers often say stupid things BECAUSE THEY ARE TEENAGERS and don't know any better.

Yes, I know all about circumstantial evidence. I know that was what was used in this case. As I said, there was no hard evidence. However, the Satanic panic of the time colored the opinions of the juries and possibly even LE. Why don't you look at the increasingly large amount of circumstantial evidence (plus some physical evidence) now piling up against Terry Hobbs? That evidence is much greater than any against Damien, Jason and Jessie.

No, I'm not saying that you must join a coven in order to practice witchcraft. However, most people who are serious about it do. I agree that often mean people get together and do mean things. However, in order to convict someone of a crime, an honest court and judge needs more than someone's acquaintances and weird behavior as evidence.

You can argue all you want about what constitutes "Satanic worship," but there is no evidence of such in these murders. If the children had been killed in a satanic ritual, their hearts or other organs (not body parts) would have been removed. They weren't. Investigate the REAL Satanic cults (there was one in Matamoros, Mexico, that actually killed people in the late 80's, but it was related to drug traffic) and you will see how ridiculous it is to call these murders Satanic sacrifices.

My son had a friend who went by Lucifer. He liked it better than the name he was given by his parents. In fact, "Lucifer" originally meant "light bearer" or "Morning Star" and only later became associated with Satan. Look up Father Damien, a Catholic saint who ministered to the lepers on Hawaii. I have no trouble believing that Damien got his name from the priest. If you choose to place a lurid, evil meaning to his name change, that doesn't make it the reason he changed his name or the reason he chose "Damien" either.

I hope that not ALL judges are corrupt. That would really be a sad commentary on the American justice system, if it were true. However, I AM convinced that the justice in small towns around this country is seriously compromised. This case is just one example.

I'm glad that your aunt wouldn't budge in her statements. However, many people do when being interrogated by the police. The young and the mentally challenged are simply two groups that are very susceptible to the interrogation techniques. Poor people are also easily manipulated by the police oftentimes. Jessie hit the Trifecta! However, the most important thing about Jessie's statements is that they simply aren't supported by the evidence.

I think I've said this before, but if not, I'll say it now. I totally understand Damien being a suspect as a result of his mental history and "weird" behavior. Questioning him but not questioning one of the step parents is what I find totally unbelievable.

I didn't say that I necessarily heard threats against parents and other similar statements on a daily basis. However, I DID hear them quite often, and NONE OF THE STATEMENTS EVER LED TO A VIOLENT ACT. It was just teenagers "acting out" or "venting" so that they wouldn't become violent. If I had EVER FOR ONE MINUTE believed anyone was in danger, I would have acted. I never felt anyone, including myself, was at risk from the kids who said the bizarre statements. The gang bangers were the ones to fear, and they were usually angels in class, acting out only between classes, at lunch or after school. They were usually very careful in class to follow the rules. If they got suspended, they would lose their customers. I'm not denying that West Louisville and Beuchel are high crime areas. I'm just saying that there ARE cities with much higher crime than Louisville, and I taught in one of those cities.

I was not trying to nit pick about Mississippi vs. Arkansas or the names. IIRC, in your first post, you admitted that you didn't know everything about the case. I just like to make sure all the facts are accurately stated. It's a result, I guess, of 25 years of teaching mathematics to high school students, just like Damien, Jason and Jessie. And I simply wanted to let you know that I was a female. I didn't mean to imply that you are a misogynist. Sorry if you misunderstood.

I am very passionate about this case. When I see someone, who admits that he has not read all of the documents, stating the things that you have said, it angers me. I'm not saying that you don't have a right to an uninformed opinion. However, I also have a right to my informed opinion. I suggest that, with more information, you might change your opinion.
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Re: Is anyone else familiar with the story of the west memphis three?

Postby decepta-scott » Sun Feb 05, 2012 12:39 pm

.........Compassionate reader you simply recycle the same crap over and over. You say things like those murderers were convicted on others "false" confessions when in fact none of those people have said they were lying.
There are plenty of senarios where that hair could have been transfered to the other child via terrys own child. For you to go on about all the elaborate set ups and off the wall ways those murderers are innocent and then say that theres no possible way a child could have a hair from his friends father passed to any part of his body is just silly.
You say your hubby got that satanic book in the sixties yeah? That would put you right at the murderers age at the time they killed those babies yes? Thought so. You Didnt read a satanic bible that your ol man brought in the house? I cant prove other wise but I submit that you didnt have a problem with it either and thusly have an open mind to it at very least. I believe that you did indulge that lifestyle while at the murderers age possibly took guff for it and that is why you blindly defend those murderers.
Please stop acting like it is perfectly normal for teens to go about admitting to murderers. To quote the mighty megatron Shock value my boran compressor.
Howard stern in known for his shock value. He is perhaps one of the most shocking people in the u.s.He is hated for the shocking things he has said for decades now and NEVER ONCE has he had to say he murdered three babies.
You cant tell me you dont see how silly this all sounds. Good god woman.
That murderer echols was clearly NOT playing when he said that he loved to be thought of as a bogy man and to have children fear for their lives when thinking of him. He wasnt saying that for shock. Im sorry that YOU cannot see that, although Id bet that you actually can see it despite what you say.
Listen up. Dont presume to act as if you know how it feels to loose someone in a brutal manor. Terry has shown no weird behavior. He also never said that people were showing too much sympathy. What he said was that people wouldnt leave him alone and that his wife was having an awful time getting over their sons death. How do you expect anyone to take you seriously when you intentionally misquote people to further your own agenda?
When my youngest sister was raped and murdered I too dealt with it by trying to forget it completely. It is infact a common safety mechanism. I was lucky enough to not have lived in a small town where everyone weather they knew you or not would come up and talk your ear off about it. Same thing being said over and over and over and over again by everyone around you. Then to go home and have your wife on the floor drowning in tears and meloncholy. Id say he acted about as normal as expected given the circumstances.....How dare you even comment on that. You know shite lady.
You are aware that those murderers took an alford plea correct? That means that they agree that the state DOSE INFACT HAVE THE EVIDENCE TO CONVICT THEM.....but they still maintain they are innocent. Why do that and be forever labeled a baby killer? Why not take it to trial and be completely exhonerated if theres soooo much evidence to show their innocence? Why be on probation for decades if it would be an easy win?
OOOOH I know. Because those bumpkins in memphis want all "weird teens" put behiend bars and ultimately exicuted so they didnt want to gamble right? GET REAL!!
You have angered me now lady. I get mad when a clearly bias person defends baby killers because they see themself in them. Human nature dictates that anyone with a shred of a soul would show their emotions when talking to someone defending killers.
Once again Id thank you to cease saying that I am not educated on this case as I am. Thus far Im pretty sure the only thing youve corrected me on were the ages of the children killed and the shoelace. Hardly worth mentioning. My opinion should be taken every bit as serious as yours.
Thank you.
Last edited by decepta-scott on Sun Feb 05, 2012 2:05 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Re: Is anyone else familiar with the story of the west memphis three?

Postby Dead Metal » Sun Feb 05, 2012 12:58 pm

Motto: "Don't do drugs, beer's cheaper anyway!"
Dude, take a chill pill and look at this ... -innocent/

Also, I find it ironic that you are angry at her for being biassed when you yourself are biassed.

Jeep! wrote:Why do I imagine Dead Metal sounding exactly like Arnie?

Blurrz wrote:10/10

Leave it to Dead Metal to have the word 'Pronz' in his signature.
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Re: Is anyone else familiar with the story of the west memphis three?

Postby decepta-scott » Sun Feb 05, 2012 2:14 pm

Dead metal I dont see myself as bias. I infact went back and forth on weather or not they were innocent finally seccumbing to the idea that they are indeed guilty. All curcumstantial evidence points to it and I flat dont believe all the excuses afforded those men to look past the confession. Had the dixie chicks metallica etc not publicly backed these killers this would just be another open and shut case. America just looooves money though and anyone associated with it so the dixie chicks must be right yes?
The bottom line is that my points and opinions are at least backed by circumstantial evidence as was those killers conviction. The oppositions opinions are based on wild conspiracies and the idea that echols was just being "shocking" baldwin was too stupid to know that he didnt really kill those baby. Please.
Its not as if the majority of people dont agree with me. My beliefs are actually the majority.
You sir, unlike compassionate reader have not insulted me or dishonored the memories of the families or victims with wild accusations so I respect your opinion and your right to disagree.
I checked out your links bro. That sucks. I never said people were never convicted wrongly. I infact am a felon having been wrongly convicted. Those guys are not in that category is all I am saying.
Take care bro.

Re: Is anyone else familiar with the story of the west memphis three?

Postby Dead Metal » Sun Feb 05, 2012 3:11 pm

Motto: "Don't do drugs, beer's cheaper anyway!"
I'm German and therefore have no idea who the dixy chicks are. I also never knew that Disturbed's 3 was based on this, I heard they had a song that was supposed to back teenagers who where wrongly impressioned, but didn't know the title.
So I'm not basing this on the backing of famous people.

I'm basing this on what I've learned, and on passed experience.

The older sister of a friend of my little brother was murdered, her body was then stolen from the cemetery just before the burial.
Just like here, a weird goth/metler guy who constantly talked about what a badass killer and satanist he was, was accused. Especially due to being her ex boyfriend and having been stalking her after she ended their relationship. He also stated that he would kill her if she wouldn't come back to him.

Guess who was the true killer, two weeks later the mother of the girl went to the doctor, her "privates" where itching. The doctor told her she had an infection you get from having sex with corpses.
Turns out that her husband, the girls step father killer her daughter and later stole her body to have some fun while his wife was out. He was keeping her in a cooler in a shed.

He also showed no signs of ever being that way, in fact there was more proof against the weird kid than against him, but it was still the good, friendly and helpful guy who would help out with Church duties whenever possible. The guy who "stood" at his wife's side and "supported" her and cried while being interviewed and who got angry talking about what he would do to the scum responsible.

So yes, that hair from the step father, is pretty hard evidence.

Jeep! wrote:Why do I imagine Dead Metal sounding exactly like Arnie?

Blurrz wrote:10/10

Leave it to Dead Metal to have the word 'Pronz' in his signature.
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Re: Is anyone else familiar with the story of the west memphis three?

Postby Compassionate Reader » Mon Feb 06, 2012 6:07 pm

decepta-scott wrote:".........Compassionate reader you simply recycle the same crap over and over. You say things like those murderers were convicted on others "false" confessions when in fact none of those people have said they were lying."

All three of the falsely convicted men said that they were innocent when they accepted the Alford plea. I'm not sure who you meant when you said "those people" but the mother of one of the softball girls has since said that Damien was not being serious when he made the statement at the ball park. Michael Carson, the jailhouse snitch who claimed that Jason "confessed" to him in the juvenile hall, has said in the most recent documentary "West of Mempbis" that he was high on LSD at the time and didn't know what he was saying while employees at the juvenile hall have said that Jason and Michael weren't ever alone together long enough for the conversation to have taken place. Joyce Cureton, the supervisor at the juvenile hall at the time, testified at the Rule 37 hearing that she was told to be unavailable to testify for the defense. Jessie has said that what he said was what the police told him to say. If you are referring to any other "people" than those, please tell me.

"There are plenty of senarios where that hair could have been transfered to the other child via terrys own child. For you to go on about all the elaborate set ups and off the wall ways those murderers are innocent and then say that theres no possible way a child could have a hair from his friends father passed to any part of his body is just silly."

I disagree. There aren't "plenty of senarios" (sic) to explain the presence of Hobbs' hair in the ligature of Michael Moore. There are only two scenarios that would explain that - either Hobbs left the hair himself or it was secondary transfer. Since Hobbs claims that he didn't see any of the boys on May 5th, secondary transfer is less likely, IMO, than Hobbs leaving the hair himself because we know that Hobbs is a proven liar. The Jacoby hair presents an even more unusual situation. The boys were not with Jacoby at any point during May 5th. Jacoby claims that he was never near the discovery ditch, and he also claims that Hobbs was at his house "playing guitars" early that evening. So, again there are two possibilities. If Jacoby is lying, he could have left the hair when he went to the discovery ditch. Or, Hobbs could have picked up the hair when he was with Jacoby and left it at the discovery ditch himself. That's it. The important thing here that you seem to be missing is how these two hairs got to the discovery ditch if the teenagers were the murderers, and, even more important, why were none of the teenagers' hairs at the scene? Was the water magic in that it only washed away the teens' hairs while leaving the hairs of two innocent men? I find that highly unlikely.

"You say your hubby got that satanic book in the sixties yeah? That would put you right at the murderers age at the time they killed those babies yes? Thought so. You Didnt read a satanic bible that your ol man brought in the house? I cant prove other wise but I submit that you didnt have a problem with it either and thusly have an open mind to it at very least. I believe that you did indulge that lifestyle while at the murderers age possibly took guff for it and that is why you blindly defend those murderers."

First, I didn't read the Satanic Bible because my husband and I weren't married (or even living together) at the time he had the book. Second, yes, at the time he got the book, we would have been about the age of the teens. Guess what? WE NEVER KILLED ANYONE! The fact that a person owns a certain book does not make him/her a murderer. THAT WAS MY POINT! Teenagers (and young adults) often have unusual tastes and buy and read unusual things. It's part of the maturing process.

"Please stop acting like it is perfectly normal for teens to go about admitting to murderers. To quote the mighty megatron Shock value my boran compressor."

I didn't say it was "perfectly normal" for teens to "go about admitting to murderers (sic)." My experience with teenagers has shown me that they often make outrageous threats against family and/or peers, and they VERY RARELY carry out such threats. And, Damien never threatened the victims. However, false confessions, especially by teenagers or mentally challenged persons (and Jessie was both) are far from rare. I don't care whether you personally would admit to a murder that you didn't commit. I don't think I would, either. However, that doesn't mean that false confessions never occur.

"Howard stern in known for his shock value. He is perhaps one of the most shocking people in the u.s.He is hated for the shocking things he has said for decades now and NEVER ONCE has he had to say he murdered three babies."

So what? Again, that doesn't mean that false confessions never occur. Please research the Norfolk Four as one example.

"You cant tell me you dont see how silly this all sounds. Good god woman."

Obviously, I don't think that my scenario sounds "silly" or I wouldn't put it forth. I'm not in the habit of saying "silly" things on Internet boards. Are you?

"That murderer echols was clearly NOT playing when he said that he loved to be thought of as a bogy man and to have children fear for their lives when thinking of him. He wasnt saying that for shock. Im sorry that YOU cannot see that, although Id bet that you actually can see it despite what you say."

Damien was being sarcastic when he made the "boogeyman" statement. It's just another example of a teen saying something for shock value. Again, that sort of thing happens all the time. I'm sorry that you can't see it.

"Listen up. Dont presume to act as if you know how it feels to loose someone in a brutal manor. Terry has shown no weird behavior. He also never said that people were showing too much sympathy. What he said was that people wouldnt leave him alone and that his wife was having an awful time getting over their sons death. How do you expect anyone to take you seriously when you intentionally misquote people to further your own agenda?"

I didn't quote Terry. Nor did you. He said that Pam couldn't "just get over" Stevie's death and he couldn't take it anymore. I advise you to watch the Pasdar deposition. As to me having never lost someone in a brutal manner, you're wrong. I have.

"When my youngest sister was raped and murdered I too dealt with it by trying to forget it completely. It is infact a common safety mechanism. I was lucky enough to not have lived in a small town where everyone weather they knew you or not would come up and talk your ear off about it. Same thing being said over and over and over and over again by everyone around you. Then to go home and have your wife on the floor drowning in tears and meloncholy. Id say he acted about as normal as expected given the circumstances.....How dare you even comment on that. You know shite lady."

When my 13-year-old cousin was killed, I did live in a small town. Everyone talked about it and asked me questions, and I was a child myself at the time - I was ten. My cousin's parents had trouble dealing with everything, but my uncle didn't leave my aunt two weeks later because she was still dealing with the grief. He stood by her and tried to help her cope. The whole family did. As an adult, when I was attacked and almost raped in the laundry room, my husband helped me deal with that situation; he didn't leave me two weeks later because I still needed to talk it out. And, when I was AGAIN sexually assaulted a few years later outside our apartment, my husband was there for me and didn't expect me to "just get over it" in two weeks. Don't presume to know my experiences, either. Yes, trying to forget is, for many, a common defense mechanism. However, it doesn't work for everyone, and for those who can't (or don't) use it, the others around them must allow them to grieve in their own way. Trying to force them to "get over" the situation will only make the grieving process longer and more painful for all concerned.

"You are aware that those murderers took an alford plea correct? That means that they agree that the state DOSE INFACT HAVE THE EVIDENCE TO CONVICT THEM.....but they still maintain they are innocent. Why do that and be forever labeled a baby killer? Why not take it to trial and be completely exhonerated if theres soooo much evidence to show their innocence? Why be on probation for decades if it would be an easy win?"

The Alford Plea said that the State had enough evidence that they COULD (not would) be convicted if they went to trial. Obviously, since they were already convicted, they knew that another kangaroo court could well convict them on the same bogus evidence. I don't think that another jury would have convicted them primarily because the whole Satanic panic thing is passe now. Scott Ellington didn't believe that another jury would find them guilty either, at least according to his interview published in a December, 2011, Gentlemens' Quarterly article. However, since these men had served over eighteen years in prison for murders that they didn't commit, I totally understand why they wouldn't want to trust the same justice (or should I say injustice) system that had already unjustly convicted them to get it right this time? And, they are not on probation. They have a ten year suspended sentence. They have no travel restrictions and they do not have to periodically report to a parole or probation officer. Please get your facts straight.

"OOOOH I know. Because those bumpkins in memphis want all "weird teens" put behiend bars and ultimately exicuted so they didnt want to gamble right? GET REAL!!"

The "bumpkins in Memphis," which is in Tennessee, don't have anything to do with a crime in West Memphis, Arkansas. Small town justice can often go astray. This case is one example of such. The McMartin preschool trials is another. The Salem witch trials are yet another. There are a plethora of examples of such a situation, if you just investigate. Would you gamble with your life?

"You have angered me now lady. I get mad when a clearly bias person defends baby killers because they see themself in them. Human nature dictates that anyone with a shred of a soul would show their emotions when talking to someone defending killers."

I'm sorry that you are angered. However, you, too, have a bias in this situation, as the previous poster mentioned. I don't think that I am "defending killers." I think that I am seeking justice for falsely convicted men.

"Once again Id thank you to cease saying that I am not educated on this case as I am. Thus far Im pretty sure the only thing youve corrected me on were the ages of the children killed and the shoelace. Hardly worth mentioning. My opinion should be taken every bit as serious as yours."

I never said that you didn't have the right to your opinion. You have said that you haven't read all of the case documents available at Callahan's. IMO, someone who has read those documents (as I have) is more educated on the case than someone who has not. That's all I said. I'm not saying that you haven't read anything. I'm saying that you haven't read everything, or at least, by your own admission, you haven't read the case documents readily available to anyone who wants to educate him/herself on the case.

"Thank you."

You're welcome.
Compassionate Reader
Posts: 4
Joined: Fri Jan 06, 2012 2:56 pm

Re: Is anyone else familiar with the story of the west memphis three?

Postby decepta-scott » Sat Feb 11, 2012 12:00 pm

[QUOTE/]All three of the falsely convicted men said that they were innocent when they accepted the Alford plea. I'm not sure who you meant when you said "those people" but the mother of one of the softball girls has since said that Damien was not being serious when he made the statement at the ball park. Michael Carson, the jailhouse snitch who claimed that Jason "confessed" to him in the juvenile hall, has said in the most recent documentary "West of Mempbis" that he was high on LSD at the time and didn't know what he was saying while employees at the juvenile hall have said that Jason and Michael weren't ever alone together long enough for the conversation to have taken place. Joyce Cureton, the supervisor at the juvenile hall at the time, testified at the Rule 37 hearing that she was told to be unavailable to testify for the defense. Jessie has said that what he said was what the police told him to say. If you are referring to any other "people" than those, please tell me.[QUOTE/]

I am ofcourse refering to the half dozen or so people who heard the three murderers saying that they killed those boys and that they were going to get at least one more. None of those witnesses have recanted. Jason never said he was high on lsd at the time, only that he had taken it before. As for the juvy c.o's exactly how long dose it take to tell someone you killed three babies? A few seconds? I cant recall that even being said but Im not sure.
Its o.k. though because they were only saying that stuff for shock value right? Reguardless of the fact that they didnt know they were being listened to. I guess they were trying to "shock" themselves?
As for the mother saying that they werent being serious how the hell would she know? More importantly, What kind of person goes about "joking" about that kind of thing so soon after it happened and what kind of person would say that it was alright because they "werent being serious" I guess the same kind of person that thinks all the confessions, the boogy man statement and the many many other incriminating things that those murderers said was said for "shock value"

[/QUOTE]I disagree. There aren't "plenty of senarios" (sic) to explain the presence of Hobbs' hair in the ligature of Michael Moore. There are only two scenarios that would explain that - either Hobbs left the hair himself or it was secondary transfer. Since Hobbs claims that he didn't see any of the boys on May 5th, secondary transfer is less likely, IMO, than Hobbs leaving the hair himself because we know that Hobbs is a proven liar. The Jacoby hair presents an even more unusual situation. The boys were not with Jacoby at any point during May 5th. Jacoby claims that he was never near the discovery ditch, and he also claims that Hobbs was at his house "playing guitars" early that evening. So, again there are two possibilities. If Jacoby is lying, he could have left the hair when he went to the discovery ditch. Or, Hobbs could have picked up the hair when he was with Jacoby and left it at the discovery ditch himself. That's it. The important thing here that you seem to be missing is how these two hairs got to the discovery ditch if the teenagers were the murderers, and, even more important, why were none of the teenagers' hairs at the scene? Was the water magic in that it only washed away the teens' hairs while leaving the hairs of two innocent men? I find that highly unlikely.[/QUOTE]

.....AHEM...."Secondary transfer"= MANY POSIBILITIES! PERIOD. Those hairs could have hung onto their clothes, shoes, body etc for a long while. Fact.So disagree all you want. As for why there werent any hair from the threemurderers at the scene I cant say. Who the hell says there has to be hair left from the murderers in order for them to have been the ones who did it anyway?
Damien and co went around confessing, saying they killed those babies and they were gonna do it again, said there werent any bones in their rooms not to mention Damien denying threatning to kill his parents while they slept and even getting physical with his mother. All that stuff did infact happen though so they too are proven liars. Your hypocrisy astounds me.

[/QUOTE]First, I didn't read the Satanic Bible because my husband and I weren't married (or even living together) at the time he had the book. Second, yes, at the time he got the book, we would have been about the age of the teens. Guess what? WE NEVER KILLED ANYONE! The fact that a person owns a certain book does not make him/her a murderer. THAT WAS MY POINT! Teenagers (and young adults) often have unusual tastes and buy and read unusual things. It's part of the maturing process.[/QUOTE]

In trying to convey your point You have missed mine. My point again being that you were into the same things that those boys were into at their age and probably took crap for it and that is why you feel the need to protect them. Weather or not you lived with your hubby or not makes no never mind. Youy knew of the book (and I still believe you read and probably liked it) and had no problem with him reading a satanic book.
And your correct. The fact that those men wore black, induldged in satanic activity/read satanic bibles literature etc and listened to metal does not make them a killer. Killing those babies makes them murderers.

[/QUOTE]I didn't say it was "perfectly normal" for teens to "go about admitting to murderers (sic)." My experience with teenagers has shown me that they often make outrageous threats against family and/or peers, and they VERY RARELY carry out such threats. And, Damien never threatened the victims. However, false confessions, especially by teenagers or mentally challenged persons (and Jessie was both) are far from rare. I don't care whether you personally would admit to a murder that you didn't commit. I don't think I would, either. However, that doesn't mean that false confessions never occur.

Admitting to the murder of three babies, bragging about it afterwards,knowing intimate details of the crime scene(reguardless of weather he confused laces with rope and got times wrong) are a FAR CRY from making typical teenage threats and boasts.
Threatning to get a tatto, running away, saying you are a black belt at karate and that you beat up five guys are the kinds of outraegous things teens make. NOT what those murderers said.
They say things to make themselves look cool or tough. To get people to think well of them. Bragging about killing three babies and saying they were going to do it again, Saying you love to be thought of as a boggy man by children AFTER you have been sentenced to death and the game is over do not qualify as a teens attempt at gaining popularity or shocking someone. GET REAL.

So what? Again, that doesn't mean that false confessions never occur. Please research the Norfolk Four as one example.[/QUOTE]

Please show me where I said that false confessions never occur. Yoyu cant because I never said that. What I said is that Baldwin didnt give a false confession. His attourney was present begging him not to confess and he did anyway. He also told even more of the story UNCOERSED to the officers that took him to prison POST TRIAL.
Fact is baldwin was the only one who showed remorse and thats why he confessed. I think echols was the ring leader and did sucker those other two into killing those babies. Stupid thing to follow an a$$ like echols? Absolutely! Dose being stupid or even realy stupid absolve you of murder? NO.
For the record none of those men were mentaly retarted. Realy stupid dose not equal mentaly handicapped. Sorry.

[/QUOTE]Obviously, I don't think that my scenario sounds "silly" or I wouldn't put it forth. I'm not in the habit of saying "silly" things on Internet boards. Are you?[/QUOTE]

Is it realy that obvious?... I wouldnt think so. I would say thats a matter of opinion. My opinion is that your theory is silly to a point that it could possibly be a joke.

[/Quote]Damien was being sarcastic when he made the "boogeyman" statement. It's just another example of a teen saying something for shock value. Again, that sort of thing happens all the time. I'm sorry that you can't see it.[/QUOTE]

:lol: You just keep on with your lil shock value opinion dont you? Your basis for this conclusion is I suppose that damien says that he only said it for shock value yes? After all if he says he only said it for shock value then he couldnt be lying could he? PLEASE HANG THIS UP!! IT is by far and away your WEAKEST POINT and would be laughed out of any court room.
To think that this man would be going for shock value on the documentary ment to absolve him is insane!! I guess when asked what he thought of the prosicutions closing statements by his attourney, he response of " I dont know I was only half way listening" was said for shock value as well yes? I have another word for that. LIES! So either he was telling the truth and did love being thought of as a boggy man, or he was lying and cannot be taken for face value for anything he says. Take your pick mam.

[/QUOTE]I didn't quote Terry. Nor did you. He said that Pam couldn't "just get over" Stevie's death and he couldn't take it anymore. I advise you to watch the Pasdar deposition. As to me having never lost someone in a brutal manner, you're wrong. I have.[/QUOTE]

Wait wait wait....You didnt quote terry? You started with "terry said" yes? So now you admit to misleading anyone reading this by putting words into ones mouth? I now submit that you are a liar and that nothing you type/say can be taken at face value. It seems more and more that you are not the expert you claim to be and I advise YOU to rewatch any and all, read any and all things you advised me to read. :P
With reguards to your cousin I can only say that if you were truely as close to your cousine as I was to my sis and as terry was to his son then You have my condolences. Infact if you werent that close to him/her you have my sympathy.

[/QUOTE]When my 13-year-old cousin was killed, I did live in a small town. Everyone talked about it and asked me questions, and I was a child myself at the time - I was ten. My cousin's parents had trouble dealing with everything, but my uncle didn't leave my aunt two weeks later because she was still dealing with the grief. He stood by her and tried to help her cope. The whole family did. As an adult, when I was attacked and almost raped in the laundry room, my husband helped me deal with that situation; he didn't leave me two weeks later because I still needed to talk it out. And, when I was AGAIN sexually assaulted a few years later outside our apartment, my husband was there for me and didn't expect me to "just get over it" in two weeks. Don't presume to know my experiences, either. Yes, trying to forget is, for many, a common defense mechanism. However, it doesn't work for everyone, and for those who can't (or don't) use it, the others around them must allow them to grieve in their own way. Trying to force them to "get over" the situation will only make the grieving process longer and more painful for all concerned.[/QUOTE]

Well I suppose thats just proof that people react many different ways to extreem depression at having lost someone close. now isnt it? Noone should be persacuted for not thinking rationally 14 days after the brutal murder of their son.
Also, by your own rational, acting what you precieve to be weird dose not a killer make. Yes?

[/QUOTE]The Alford Plea said that the State had enough evidence that they COULD (not would) be convicted if they went to trial. Obviously, since they were already convicted, they knew that another kangaroo court could well convict them on the same bogus evidence. I don't think that another jury would have convicted them primarily because the whole Satanic panic thing is passe now. Scott Ellington didn't believe that another jury would find them guilty either, at least according to his interview published in a December, 2011, Gentlemens' Quarterly article. However, since these men had served over eighteen years in prison for murders that they didn't commit, I totally understand why they wouldn't want to trust the same justice (or should I say injustice) system that had already unjustly convicted them to get it right this time? And, they are not on probation. They have a ten year suspended sentence. They have no travel restrictions and they do not have to periodically report to a parole or probation officer. Please get your facts straight.[/QUOTE]

Yes. West memphis is packed full of supersticious bumpkins who want to see all teen fry. I totally see why they wouldnt take this case which they were so obviously wrongly convicted of so many years ago to a "kangeroo courtroom" (who decided it was a kangeroo court again?) where they would finally be exhonerated and free of all accusations. BULL!!!
Fact is there was a good chance they would be sentenced again on the count of very good surciumstancial evidence and confessions both infront of a police officer and infront of their community.
Also F.Y.I. They ARE on probation. It is called unsupervised arole. If they screw up even once they go back for the years they have over their head.
So once again mam It is YOU who are wrong and it is YOU who need to get your facts straight. :roll:

"OOOOH I know. Because those bumpkins in memphis want all "weird teens" put behiend bars and ultimately exicuted so they didnt want to gamble right? GET REAL!!"

[/QUOTE]The "bumpkins in Memphis," which is in Tennessee, don't have anything to do with a crime in West Memphis, Arkansas. Small town justice can often go astray. This case is one example of such. The McMartin preschool trials is another. The Salem witch trials are yet another. There are a plethora of examples of such a situation, if you just investigate. Would you gamble with your life?[/QUOTE]

I know where this all took place thank you. You are the one who decided to bring up geography. Im still not sure why.
Taking the boys out of the area that the crime took place in was done so that they werent convicted or exhonerated by their hometown due to any bias that may or maynot be present. It is a common practice afforded to many high profile cases.
Why exactly did you bring this up again?
LOL at bringing up the salem witch trials too. Your realy grasping at straws arent you.
I would gamble my life if I was innocent, had a bunch of "bogus evidence" against me and had the dixie chicks, metalica and a whole slew of other multi millionairs in my corner. Make no mistake. Were these boys not supported by celebrities they would have been just another bunch of worthless murderers. Money changes EVERYTHING.

[/QUOTE]I'm sorry that you are angered. However, you, too, have a bias in this situation, as the previous poster mentioned. I don't think that I am "defending killers." I think that I am seeking justice for falsely convicted men.[/QUOTE]

Well I suppose its like this. In order to make a decision one must be a bit bias one way or the other. It is that very bias that sways you one way or the other.
It is when one makes a decission contrary to what the evidence and common sence suggests, no matter how overwhelming that evidence may be that they have shown, for lack of a better term, unresponsible bias.
It is fact that there exists an overwhelming ammount of circumstancial evidence against those men to show their guilt. It is also a fact that despite all the posts here your whole opinion rsts on a hair that can be explained away and a man acting what you precieve to be weird.
That mam is why your opinion on this case is in the minority.
No matter how much money backs those murderers they will always be guilty so says the record, so says the court, so says the very men in question as per their plea and so says everyone who knows they are guilty. They will screw up again and prision will be waiting for them.

[/QUOTE]I never said that you didn't have the right to your opinion. You have said that you haven't read all of the case documents available at Callahan's. IMO, someone who has read those documents (as I have) is more educated on the case than someone who has not. That's all I said. I'm not saying that you haven't read anything. I'm saying that you haven't read everything, or at least, by your own admission, you haven't read the case documents readily available to anyone who wants to educate him/herself on the case.[/QUOTE]

I have read most of the available literature available as well as the court transcripts and find nothing new. Nothing to sway my opinion.

[/quote]You're welcome.[/quote]

As are you. I have said my peice and barring any completely off the wall statements you make I will not likely be compelled to respond to any new posts you make.
I have a feeling that you are one of those who feels that as long as you get the last word you win so go ahead and take it.
I would hate to wasted enough of my time on a troll.
Take care now.

Re: Is anyone else familiar with the story of the west memphis three?

Postby Shadowman » Sat Feb 11, 2012 2:45 pm

Motto: "May God have mercy on my enemies, because I sure as hell won't."
So, I've kind of been following this thread for a while now, nearly since the beginning. And while I can't say I know much about the subject, I do think Compassionate Reader's argument is much more convincing than decepta-scott's "They were proven guilty ergo they must be guilty and any evidence to the contrary is false" argument.

A few points you should probably think about, scott:

1. Kids say really, really stupid ****, for absolutely no reason. I know I've been there. And if you haven't been there, you have obviously not been a child or teenager.

2. Interrogations can and often are used to get not the truth, but simply what the interrogator wants to hear.

3. Reading the Satanic bible and dressing in black and whatnot doesn't automatically make you a child murderer and shouldn't be reason to make someone a person of interest in such a case. I knew a ton of kids like that in high school. And last I checked none of them have committed any crimes.
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