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Machine Wars: Transformers - The Fanfic Series -- Episode 2

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Machine Wars: Transformers - The Fanfic Series -- Episode 2

Postby Sabrblade » Wed Apr 09, 2008 9:25 pm

Motto: "Can't do a job halfway. What's worth doing is worth doing well, I say."
Weapon: Saber Blade
Note: If you haven’t seen this page first: read it before continuing.

Machine Wars: Transformers – The Fanfic Series
Episode 2
U.S. title: “Revival, Part 2 – Lost Souls
Japanese title: “The Young Cybertron’s Brave Mission

Previously on Machine Wars: Transformers
Fifty years have passed since the Wars of G1/G2 have ended and Cybertron is finally at peace. It is now ruled by the Cybertron Alliance Council and its law is protected by the Cybertron Peacekeepers Secret Police. However, the crime boss Immorticon has resurrected four Decepticons by the names of Megatron, Soundwave, Skywarp, and Thundercracker. But to their surprise, Immorticon is quickly arrested and the four Decepticons escape. When they learn what has happened to Cybertron, they are disgusted and decide to leave Cybertron for Earth, only to return with enough power to conquer Cybertron. They sneak into a spaceport and hijack a ship as several Cybertronians watch in horror and confusion…

The ship blasted off. Megatron ended his transmission with a laugh as he and his crew flew off of Cybertron. The planet’s defense systems (the same ones seen in Beast Machines that shot down Botanica’s ship) adjusted their targeting systems to shoot down Megatron’s ship. They fired on the ship. The ship rocked as the shots impacted with its surface. Megatron was not going to give up so easily.
“Those fools think they can stop me so easily? Return fire!” commanded Megatron.
“Yes, Megatron,” replied Soundwave, “Target acquired.”
“FIRE!!!” ordered Megatron. Soundwave hit the switch. The ship’s cannon shot plasma charges at the planetary defense units, destroying two of them, clearing a space for the ship to get through. The ship flew passed the defense units. It was soon out of sight.
Meanwhile, back on Cybertron, there was great commotion both inside and outside the Council Citadel. The head Councilbot burst through doors. He was being harassed by several news reporting bots.
“Councilbot, several people are wondering what is to be done about the current situation–”
“Councilbot, what is your opinion on the recent shuttle theft? Has there been any word as to who’s responsible–”
“Councilbot, you seemed shocked to see this Megatron person. Do you have an idea as to who he is–”
“Councilbot, the public has a right to know–”
“Enough!!!” thundered the Councilmember. “Ahem, I mean, no more questions, please."
He closed the doors to the main conference room, where the other councilmembers awaited him.
“About time you got here,” said one of the Council, “but now I can see what took you so long, what with those Press Bots trampling you.”
The head bot chuckled. “Yes, they can be aggressive sometimes. I–”
There was a great banging on the door. The head bot turned toward it. “And sometimes a little too aggressive.” He opened the door. Sure enough, the Press bots were still there, trying to get a story.
“Please!” shouted the head bot to make himself heard, “No more questions! We’ll let you know what will happen as soon as possible! But for now, leave us be!”
The reporters sighed. They realized they weren’t going to get a story now. So they left.

The councilmembers sat down to begin their meeting.
“Now on to business,” began the Head, “What we do know is that recently, the last and most dangerous Decepticon criminal Immorticon was finally apprehended, bringing all the crime on Cybertron to a halt. However, the most recent report claims that, at the unveiling of the newest spaceport, a–”
He was interrupted by a knock at the door. They Council assumed it was more reporters.
“Whoever that is,” stated the Council Head, “I’m sending them out of here!”
He opened the door. It wasn’t a reporter.
“I’m sorry, but you’ll have to leave,” said the Head.
“No. But, I’m, uhh. Ahem, I’m… Hubcap. I’m the mechanic/repair bot that you sent for. I, um, got a call a few solar cycles ago about a broken computer system that needed repairing?” He handed the Head his order. “I would’ve come sooner, but I, uhh, had other customers to take care of. Business is business, ya know.”
The councilbot looked at the order. “Yes, well, we weren’t expecting you to come today. We’re in the middle of a meeting at the moment and–“
“Oh, it’s no trouble at all. I could do it without disturbance. I promise I won’t be a bother.”
“You mean… you wish to fix it right now, while we’re having our meeting?”
“Well… yes. I could do right now and get it over with, without disturbing you at all.”
“Well, it’s not that you would be a disturbance. It’s that you might overhear some things that shouldn’t be heard… yet."
“Oh, don’t worry about that. I’m one of those who doesn’t pay any attention whatsoever to all those boring political issues. Oh, no offense."
“None taken. Well, alright. You can stay, but only to fix the computer."
"Yes sir."
The councilbot led Hubcap into the room. The others were told why Hubcap was there and they uneasily agreed he could stay.
“There it is, kid,” the Head pointed out the computer to Hubcap, “Teletraan-97.”
It wasn’t just a computer, it was a supercomputer. Hubcap was amazed by its high-tech figure. He had never worked on something like this before and got right to work. The Head sat back down to continue the meeting.
“Ahem, as I was saying, at the unveiling of the newest spaceport, a shuttle was stolen by a Decepticon calling himself ‘Megatron’: the very same name of the most powerful Decepticon leader of Cybertron history.”
“I too am familiar with this ‘Megatron’,” said one of the Council. “He was ruthless! And only one Autobot in history was able to destroy him. Yet he has been dead for fifty stellar cycles.”
“What I want to know is,” said another member, “how did he come back to life?”
“From what I’ve heard from the interrogations of some Immorticon’s goons,” said another, “Immorticon had four sparks stolen from the Allspark, and these four were Megatron and three of his cronies.”
“How could he steal sparks from the Allspark?”
“They said a droid was used to get inside. Droids don’t have sparks, so they could get in and out easily.”
“How would you know that?”
I’ve… heard of things.”
“Anyways, what is to be done about them? Where did their ship go to?”
“The report from the port says that the ship’s coordinates were headed for…" he rechecked his documents, "headed for Earth.”
“But that solar system’s off limits. Our jurisdiction prohibits travel to that territory.”
“So… what is to be done?”
“Well, I have a suggestion,” said a voice.

In space, Megatron’s ship entered Earth’s atmosphere. The ship was unnoticed because of a meteor shower that was taking place. Soon, the ship touched down on the planet's surface in the middle of a desert mountain range.
“Our first order of business,” stated Megatron, “is to construct a new base. This shuttle is too small for our headquarters. Decepticons move out!”
It wasn’t any of the councilmembers who spoke up that time. It was Hubcap. He had finished his work, but overheard the debate. This topic wasn’t boring to him, it caught his attention.
“I’m sorry to interrupt, but I finished my work and couldn’t help but overhear, sorry. Anyway, since you say nothing can be done about them since they’re out of your limits, then why not send someone who isn’t.”
“And just whom would you recommend?” asked one of the Councilmembers.
“Well… how about… the Autobot who defeated Megatron fifty stellar cycles ago? I know he’s dead, but couldn’t he be brought back to life like Megatron?”
“Are you mocking this council?!!” snapped one of the members. “The Cybertron Alliance Council is the highest respected organization of all of Cybertron. We would NEVER stoop to such a low motive, especially one carried out by Cybertron’s most villainous criminal. How dare you bring disrespect to this association!”
“Now, calm down there. The kid meant no harm by his proposal. Did you, kid?” asked the Head.
“No, I didn’t,” said Hubcap grudgingly. “I think I better go now. Sorry to have disturbed you.”
And with that, hubcap gathered his tools and left.
After exiting the Citadel, Hubcap drove through the streets of Cybertron. He was offended by what that councilmember said.
“I’ll show him,” thought Hubcap. “I’ll show him my idea is good. I don’t care what the Council thinks. I’ll get that spark and save everyone from this ‘Megatron’ guy.”
He reached his workshop and gathered some supplies. He knew the journey to Vector Sigma would be a tough one, and made sure he was prepared. When he was ready, he drove out of his workshop, and headed for the catacombs, which he had discovered previously by accident on a job repairing some underground pipes and cables. He lowered himself into the darkness of a cave. He had heard legends tell of a beast called the Dweller that had lived in those caverns in the past, but mere myths wouldn’t stop him. He traveled deeper and deeper through Cybertron’s lower levels. He had later realized that he had no idea what he was getting himself into, but knew he couldn’t stop now. So, he continued on. He then came to a room filled with pieces of dead robots. Unbeknownst to him, these were the remains of the Centurion Robots that guarded Vector Sigma’s chamber in the past. Then, all his hopes were lost, for he had come to a great abyss of darkness. He had no idea how deep it was, but had to keep going. So he pulled out a flare gun he had brought in case of an emergency and shot it down towards the bottom of the pit. The light of the explosion revealed to him how deep the pit was and he then knew he could make it down and survive. So reached behind his shoulders and pulled out a hook attached to a cable on his back. He took the hook and secured it to the ledge he was standing on, grabbed hold of the cable it was attached to, and lowered himself downward. When he reached the bottom, he noticed the ground felt awkward, as if it were hollow or an elevated walkway. He couldn’t see a thing because it was so dark. So he pulled out his flare gun and fired it again, but this time upward, so he could see which direction he had to go. The explosion this time revealed that he was, in fact, standing on an elevated walkway, a narrow one at that. Then, when the explosion ended, it grew dark again.

Suddenly, a great light seemingly appeared out of nowhere. He saw that the light came from a large circular wall of what resembled a portal of some sort. It was the Oracle, but he did not know it. He was amazed by its wondrous appearance, but at the same time confused.
“What is this? Where’s Vector Sigma? I thought he was the one down here that granted sparks from the Allspark, not this… thing.”
He approached it cautiously. As he stood before it, he reached out his hand to feel that the “thing” was safe. When he touched it, it reacted by flashing greatly and presented an image of outer space on its surface. Then, surprising Hubcap further, it spoke.
“At long last,” it said in a deep feminine voice, “a receptive spark.”
Hubcap had no idea what the “Receptive Spark” thing was, but he spoke back to it.
“Please… tell me, are you Vector Sigma?”
No response.
“Please, tell me how I can find the spark of the Autobot who defeated the one called Megatron.”
The Oracle flashed again. It glowed a great white light, then in front of Hubcap, a section of the Oracle glowed yellow in the shaped of a doorway. Hubcap touched it. Nothing happened. He touched it again, but stretched his arm out farther. Then he stepped his whole body in and walked right through it. He was now inside the Oracle. He was surrounded by a rainbow aura of a vast selection of colors. And then, a large yellow sphere appeared before him. It was Vector Sigma, and Hubcap knew this.
“Vector Sigma,” he began, “Cybertron is in grave danger. A Decepticon called Megatron has come back from the dead, and I’ve heard there’s only one Autobot that can defeat him. If you please, could you call up the spark of the one who destroyed him?”
Vector Sigma pulsated a yellow pulse. Suddenly, Hubcap was surrounded by a wave of sparks of those who lived and will live. Then one of the sparks separated from the wave and stood before Hubcap. Hubcap knew it had to be him. But he remembered how Megatron had followers, but couldn’t remember how many.
“Also,” he continued, “because Megatron is not alone, this Autobot will also need help. I am one, but I’m not enough alone. Call up the sparks of… four of his allies. It doesn’t matter who, you could pick at random. Just let them be those who are willing to follow him.”
Then the wave of sparks increased speed and, from different directions, four sparks joined the first in front of Hubcap.
“Yes, great. Thank you Vector Sigma.”
Then, a strange object appeared in front of Hubcap. It was a small hollow golden sphere with a silver, oval-shaped ring surrounding it. Vector Sigma then shot a blue energy zap at it, filling it with a blue glow. Then, hubcap was blinded by another flash of light.

And with that, the whole phenomenon vanished. Hubcap blinked, he was no longer underground. He was back on the surface, but the five sparks and the silver & gold object were still floating in front of him. He then pulled out several spark containers he had brought with him and placed a spark in each of them. As for the object, he simply grabbed it and put it away with the spark containers. He then transformed to vehicle mode and drove back to his workshop.
He arrived back at his workshop and got to work. He began to work on creating new bodies for his “creations”. He went out to a Cybertron junkyard and found two bodies that were in decent shape, so he took them. But that was all he found in that junkyard that would suit his project. Then he remembered that he had some ancient Earth vehicles stored in the back rooms of his workshop. He had them because he collected ancient Earth artifacts, for he was fond of Earth objects. To him, only one thing was more enjoyable; target practice. He hoped to someday become a great marksman and sharpshooter, but had little practice, and was only good at hitting still targets.
Anyway, he had also kept the vehicles because he used one of them to scan his alternate mode: a tow truck, which is why he had a hook cabled to his back.
He returned to his workshop, pulled out the vehicles, and got to work. Mega cycles passed before he had finished. He had installed the sparks, but nothing happened. Then he heard a great noise… from the outside. A firm voice called out.
“Open up, in the name of the Pax Cybertronia and the Cybertron Alliance!” thundered the voice.
Hubcap opened the front door. It was the Cybertron Peacekeepers Secret Police. The captain approached Hubcap and spoke to him in a strong voice.
“Mechanic, we have direct orders to place you under arrest for high treason!”

To be Continued…
Last edited by Sabrblade on Mon Jun 30, 2008 12:20 pm, edited 3 times in total.
"When there's gold feathers, punch behind you!!"

Shadowman wrote:This is Sabrblade we're talking about. His ability to store trivial information about TV shows is downright superhuman.
Caelus wrote:My wife pointed out something interesting about the prehistoric Predacons. I said that everyone was complaining because transforming for them mostly consisted of them just standing up-right. She essentially said, 'So? That's what our ancestors did.'
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