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Nebulos - Fire In The Sky

The noose around Fortress Maximus' neck tightens. Will the Decepticon 2nd fleet led by mighty Scorponok finally subjugate their old nemesis? And if they do, what will be the fate of the Autobot resistance?

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Re: Fire In The Sky

Postby Insidious » Mon Jan 17, 2011 8:42 am

Motto: "Clarity of thought before rashness of action."
Weapon: Oxidating Laser
Outside Koraja

“Look, my Peer. Look at our city,” an aide said, bringing up a newly-activated monitoring screen. Soriza bent forward, allowing herself a better look. Mechanical creatures crisscrossed the skies and roared through the street level thoroughfares that lead in and out of the capital city. It was like something out of a bad fiction, but even Nebulos’ most storied creators had never concocted something as outlandish as the new reality that faced them.

“How is the rest of the world reacting?” she asked, maintaining her aloof demeanor. The World Watchers need not be the only source of strength and guidance that the populace need turn to in a time of crisis.

“Interrogatives and formal pleas for assistance have poured in continuously since the creatures began fighting. They look to Peer Galen and the World Watchers to take the lead, but that has not yet occurred.”

“No. No it hasn’t,” Soriza said softly. “I….”

But before Soriza could speak further, they soon found themselves under attack once more. Several members of the peers’ security detail took up flanking positions around Soriza and the others as a metal creature, similar to the ones that were now swarming over Koraja, burrowed in to the subterranean portion of Theris’ domicile.

“Greetings, indigenous organisms. Please, do not be alarmed. I would have approached more openly, but I was concerned that recent events would lead you to a premature judgment of my intentions. Please be assured that I mean none of you any harm, nor do I harbor ill-will toward you or your people. I only wish to open a dialogue, and perhaps assist you in devising a means of making this period of transition somewhat less … uncomfortable,” the creature said.

Terror was etched on the faces of most of those that surrounded her. Where terror was absent, anger was present. Soriza’s expression, however, was one of curiosity. This one was significantly smaller than the one that had demanded their surrender within the Capital Dome. She had little doubt that they shared the same allegiance, but perhaps there was an opportunity here for real leadership. After all, what were their other alternatives? To fight? Soriza was content to allow Galen to follow that foolish course of action. Once the World Watchers had made whatever foolish attempt that they thought would be most effective at eliminating these creatures and faced their subsequent demise, there truly would be a vacuum in planetary leadership, and a chance for a new form of government to be established.

“I hear you, creature. On behalf of the Council of Peers and the populace of Nebulos, I welcome this chance for dialogue. By what are you named? I am Soriza. Others here with me also sit on the Council of Peers or, in fact, come from all other walks of Nebulan life. Our society has thrived, despite numerous transitions over the ages. I suspect this to be very much similar. I welcome your council on these matters.”

The Folassian Forest—Autobot Command Bunker

Rad looked over at Highbrow and smiled. Despite everything his fellow Autobot had gone through out there along with the others in bringing them back, here he was offering even more assistance. It was too much beyond the call of duty, in Rad’s view. He’d earned a rest and he seemed willing to accept the care of Vulcan. Rad felt that would be best as well.

“I think you better listen to the medic, man,” Rad said, still grinning. “Take it easy, y’know? I’ve got this. I owe you a few shots of undiluted energon as it is and I like to keep the amount of debt I owe someone at reasonable levels.”

Rad then stepped away from Highbrow so that he could carry on his more philosophical conversation with Vulcan uninterrupted. As the discs reached 100% storage capacity, he ejected them and returned them to his own internal compartments as other Autobots began milling through the area, carrying out Spartan’s orders to get the base moved.

“Let’s remember to keep the organic and inorganic samples separate, please?” Rad asked as one of the Autobots shuffled past him to collect another series of storage units. He asked as good-naturedly as he could, despite the obvious frustration in seeing everything they had built in to this little outpost being steadily and efficiently dismantled. Of course, the entire nature of this mission had changed dramatically within the last few deca-breems. He would be taking up his soldier credo and casting aside the quiet existence of a researcher, at least for the foreseeable future.
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Re: Fire In The Sky

Postby Longshot » Mon Jan 17, 2011 1:44 pm

Motto: "Feed them to the Sharkticons!"
Outside Koraja

Though inwardly Kickback bristled at being addressed as “creature” by so unappetizing a mass off tissues and fluids, to all appearances the Insecticon was nothing but affable. “Of course. How very gauche of me not to introduce myself at once. My name is Kickback, and it is my very great pleasure to make the acquaintance of so estimable a personage, Peer Soriza. I offer further greetings to your colleagues and subordinates, as well.”

Moving away from the hole in the wall through which he had entered, Kickback quickly transformed into what he imagined would be the more reassuring of his two modes. Most beings took comfort in perceived similarities, and the most basic of resemblances was that of shape: a head, two arms, two legs, bilateral symmetry—that sort of thing. In fact, he had noticed a tendency, particularly amongst organics, to despise minor variations in the color of their outer casings or the organization of facial characteristics far more so than what could at best be considered a vague likeness. Biology was such an inherently irrational thing.

Even so, though his stature was not nearly so impressive as that of Scorponok, he was sure his relative size would impress the Nebulans. That, too, would be to his advantage.

“You exhibit great wisdom in your openness to discussion, noble Peer,” Kickback went on smoothly. “Many in your current, admittedly regrettable position would quickly succumb to their baser instincts. Your tranquility in the face of such upheaval is a credit to all Nebulans.” He smiled beneath his visor, as though genuinely impressed and eager to make a positive first impression. In truth, though it would be a point of pride for him to succeed in this initial foray, there were plenty of undersized green organ-sacks where these came from. If they rejected him, he would simply liquidate the lot and try again.

Sooner or later, Kickback could always find someone foolish or vain enough to listen.

“Unfortunately, the urgency of the present crisis leaves me with little time to be delicate. Military necessity and basic survival have dictated that the Decepticon Empire should occupy your world. Having seen the might of our forces firsthand, I assume you realize that an armed resistance would quickly prove a futile tragedy. But there is no need to throw away your lives, when there is clearly little hope of a martial victory. Our leader may have been a trifle … let us say heavy-handed in notifying you of the change in planetary administration, but allow me to reassure you that there is a place in the Nebulos we Decepticons plan to build for Nebulans of perception and talent. And should you be willing to work with us, you will find yourselves in a position to ease the hardships of your kin and countrymen as they adjust to the new order.”

Koraja Outskirts

After taking his leave of Wingspan, Banzai-tron made for the edge of the city; he scarcely seemed to be paying any attention at all to the other Decepticons as they worked to secure the Empire’s grip on Koraja. The fortress and siege armature would be completed without difficulty, he was certain—who was left to oppose them? The Autobots were in no position to engage in open battle, and it would be some time before they pulled themselves together sufficiently to carry out a meaningful guerilla action. And the Nebulans? The Nebulans, quite simply, were a very poor joke on the part of evolution. If they tried to fight, they would simply be exterminated en masse.

Everything was going as smoothly as one could expect of a more or less strictly military operation. Banzai-tron’s job, at least in part, was to make certain it continued to do so. To that end, whether they posed an imminent threat or not, he was determined to hunt down the Autobots and drive them from the planet. Whether intact or in pieces made very little difference to him.

>>”Wingspan,”<< he transmitted on a secure channel reserved for use by the Intelligence Service, >>”has the fleet pinpointed the location of the Autobots’ bounce hub?”<<

>>”Not yet. With all the bouncing they did getting in and out of the city, though, it’s only a matter of time. They have established a general search area.”<<

>>”How general?”<<

>>”Within a two hundred kilometer or so radius of planetary grid coordinates 17.98.02-24.08.55. Locally designated the Folassian Forest, if you’re interested.”<<

Banzai-tron emitted a dissatisfied grunt through his vocalizer. >>“I’m not. At all. Forward me whatever topographical data we have on the region. I’ll begin a standard, inward looping survey of the most likely hiding places for an Autobase once I arrive there.”<< The martial artist considered for a moment, then added, >>”Once you’ve completed your current assignment, I want you to rendezvous with me.”<<

>>”I’m not really known for my skills as a field operative, Banzai-tron …”<<

>>”And I’m not really known for my patient indulgence of cringing subordinates,”<< he returned coldly. >>”Just get out here as quickly as you can, Wingspan. Your advanced scanning suite will make this entire tedious process a lot easier.”<< He wasn’t a Sweep or a Predacon, after all. >>”Then you can go back to peeking through keyholes and playing with your computer.”<<

>>”Fine, fine. I’ll help you find them. Just don’t expect me to be much help bringing them in.”<<

>>”The thought never crossed my core processor.”<<
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Re: Fire In The Sky

Postby MaP_Prime » Mon Jan 17, 2011 5:05 pm

Autobot Command Bunker—The Folassian Forest

Even after he had vented his frustrations at Spartan Raodbuster was still reeling to get his emotions under control, and to that end he had thrown himself fully into the process of breaking down the base and moving it out. It didn't help matters that he knew the 'Cons were looking for them, he knew they were likely closing in fast, and all of that pressure started to feel almost physical like he was trapped in a giant press that was slowly squeezing him into scrap. As the large Autobot lugged the heaviest of the equipment that the team was trying to haul away his mind was constantly ticking through scenarios if the 'Cons attacked. All of them ended badly.

Not only did the 'Cons have greater numbers and the firepower that brought, but the 'Bots in the bunker were not in any state to repel any kind of attack, they were to focused on getting out rather then digging in.

"Alright, that is the last of the heavy gear." Roadbuster announced as he placed a packed container full of vital equipment into of the remaining automated trucks. "I think it is time we start considering scuttling what we are leaving behind." He said as he strode back to where the others were working, locking optics with Spartan.

The animosity between the two Autobot officers was still quite evident, but for the moment at least there were far greater priorities then two mechs that didn't like each other hashing it out.

"I'm sure you probably got some sort of system rigged to fry this places circuits and reduce it to a smoking hole in the ground. I can't shake the feelin' that the 'Cons are closing in on us, maybe I'm being paranoid, but I will feel a hell of a lot better if we were ready to blow this place to the deepest part of the Pit on a moments notice. I don't want us to be caught flat footed if we do have to bug out faster then we want, and I sure as hell don't want to leave anything to chance for the 'Cons to get their hands on."
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Re: Fire In The Sky

Postby Roadbuster » Mon Jan 17, 2011 5:55 pm

(OOC: I'm gonna take a little liberty with Bombshell's alt-mode, making him transform into a bug that would be more indigeonous to Cybertron, since he hasn't been to Earth yet.)


When Cyclonus' hail came to him, excitement filled Bombshell's crainal circuits. This would be much quicker to begin than he thought. He managed to backtrace the signal's origin. It was right in the Capital Dome. Of all places, the Insecticon should have considered the most obvious, half execting they would have been hiden to avoid any possible Autobot rescue parties until they were done.

He switched on his communicator, in resposne to Cyclonus, >>"I'll be there within moments Cyclonus. I hope our guest is... 'ready'."<<

Wasting no time, Bombshell transformed into a Cybertronian Insectoid and taking off for the dome.


He arrived in no time at all, transforming back into robot mode, before Cyclonus and two of the Horrorcons and thier prisoner, Skyhammer.

"Greetings Commander Cyclonus. I'm services are at your disposal." he said. he was certain Cyclonus would question the Autobot, and typically get no cooperation. They could save time by just using a Cerebroshell, getting the intel and then leaving the prisoner in a pile of parts for the Autobots to reassemble.
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Re: Fire In The Sky

Postby Ember » Mon Jan 17, 2011 9:45 pm

Motto: "I'm not psycho...I just like psychotic things."
Arvassian Range

Black Shadow transformed and landed just outside of the infiltration base he and his men had established some time ago. His glance moved just past the facility and focused on Blue Bacchus and the nearly completed concentration camps. A wide grin spread across his face as he made his way over to his second. There was very little that Blue Bacchus couldn’t accomplish, and with his own presence the two were nearly unstoppable.

“I’m thoroughly impressed, Blue. Now, how long until the project is actually complete?”

The Con flier offered his Commander a toothy grin as he jumped down off the ledge he was perched on.

“You know me, Shadow, I like to be sure everything is done right the first time.”

He strode past Black Shadow coming to a stop next to one of the many corals that were already erected. He then gestured with his chin towards the actual buildings.

“The structures are nearly finished, and as you can see, the corrals are completed. I’ve gathered a unit to assist you with the capture of the Nebulans. The control collars have been adjusted, and are waiting for pick up in the base.”

Black Shadow nodded in response.


The Unit Commander slapped Blue Bacchus on the back and then proceeded into the base where he would retrieve the collars and his already assembled unit. With any luck their hunt would be exceedingly fruitful.

Koraja Outskirts

Contrary to his belief Banzai-tron was not hard to track, and with Lockdown’s skills, no one was capable of not being found. The bounty hunter had kept his distance to ensure he could gather what intel he needed before he made his presence known.

Since Banzai was now alone, Lockdown decided now would be the best time to discuss his role within the Intelligence Service, and most importantly how and when will he be paid.

“I never did like planets like this.”

Lockdown stepped out of the shadows and slowly made his way behind Banzai-tron, inadvertently stepping on, and squashing a deer. The corner of the bounty hunters mouth turned up as he looked down at his now blood covered foot. He carefully placed it on a rock and began scraping it off as he continued to address the operative.

“Organics are just so……messy.”

Once he was satisfied that his foot was clean he turned his optics back to his client.

“Now, how about we discuss what you hired me to do, and of course, my fee.”
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Re: Fire In The Sky

Postby Longshot » Tue Jan 18, 2011 9:52 am

Motto: "Feed them to the Sharkticons!"
Koraja Outskirts

Banzai-tron gave no outward indication of surprise or shock at Lockdown’s sudden appearance—his amber optic sensors didn’t so much as flicker. He’d known that the mercenary would show up sooner or later, and far better it should be here than in the middle of the city. His counterparts in the military hardly needed to be privy to every aspect of the service’s dealings, after all. In fact, it was likely for the best that they be kept ignorant of as many of the specific details as possible. It was so much easier for Banzai-tron to work that way.

Always one to come straight to business, the Grand Master of Crystalocution got straight to the point. “You’ll get ten cubes of energon for assisting Intelligence in finding the Autobot base, five for every Autobot chassis you bring in, and a point-zero-three percent cut of the first deca-cycle’s planetary production as a bonus once Nebulos is brought under full Decepticon control. Also, you can keep any interesting technologies you may find during the course of your work for us—but only after Intelligence has a chance to copy the schematics.”

Banzai-tron began walking along the route that would eventually take him to the Folassian Forest. “I don’t have all orn to stand around and haggle, Lockdown, so decide quickly. In or out?”
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Re: Fire In The Sky

Postby Cryhavok » Wed Jan 19, 2011 11:59 am

Motto: ""It is all about pain.""
Weapon: Fusion-Powered Anti-Gravity Gun
Koraja - Capital Dome

The pure agony from all that Snapdragon had put him through was worse than any beating he could recall having. He only very limited control over his limbs. With cydraulics and wiring damages all over his body it was no surprise. Even if he had been able to bend his arms enough to grab hold of the steel beam he had been impaled with, he could not have mustered the strength to pull himself free of it. He could barely even make out the shapes of the various Decepticons who had passed through the capital dome and stopped to insult him. Fools most of them. So far he had voice recognized only three Decepticons he felt being superior to himself in the battlefield were he still in condition to fight.

Challenging Scorponok would be better suited to the likes of Grimlock and he wasn't even sure if the Dinobot had what it took to beat this particular Decepticon. And then there were the Horrorcons. Snapdragon had been a famous figure in the underground gladiator fights before the war. One of the top brawlers, having recorded losses only to a select few like Megatron, Grimlock and Hun-Grrr. And while he had no such records of Apeface, he seemed to be as able as his partner in crime. No, there was no shame in losing to a superior fighter in a melee brawl, however he couldn't fight off the feeling of having betrayed both the Autobots under his commands and the Nebulans he had been stationed here to protect.

Snapdragon seemed to be content with just letting him hang there on the wall. Apeface however kept staring at him, like the beating Snapdragon had given to him wasn't enough for this Horrorcon. This standstill ended when more Decepticons arrived. While he had difficult time to recognize the blurry shapes, one he could name without a single doubt crossing his processors. A tall, purple and silver shape could be only Scorponok's infamous air commandant - Cyclonus.

Steeling himself for the worst, Skyhammer listened as Cyclonus explained him to his position and alternative. Sure, it was all logical. Give in and suffer less. To Skyhammer, that was hardly an option. He had no doubt Cyclonus and his cohorts were able to gain information from him somehow, but he was not going to give them anything willingly. At least he could pay more time for other Autobots to relocate.

"Suck my tailpipe Cyclonus." He managed to snarl, spitting some of the lubricant bleeding into his mouth towards the Decepticon's face. Whether or not he was even able to reach his target, he could not see but defiance still gave him some kicks.
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Re: Fire In The Sky

Postby Cryhavok » Wed Jan 19, 2011 12:27 pm

Motto: ""It is all about pain.""
Weapon: Fusion-Powered Anti-Gravity Gun
Orbit - Bridge of the Semper Tyrannis

After Reflector provided him the report from Wingspan, Scorponok turned to look at the starmap projected next to him. He had had to do plenty of planning together with Deszaras to initiate this operation. And there was still much to do to keep up the ruse. It was all too clear that Fortress Maximus and Star Saber would sooner or later find out how they were being mislead. But if all went as planned - the Decepticons would have already drained enough resources from Nebulos for Autobot interference to matter too much.

"Reflector. Relocate into the Perdition. Your continuous surveillance of this world will be integral for Turmoil's and Cyclonus' success. The Semper Tyrannis and frigates Hellrazor and Painflow will leave the system for the operation Diversion as soon as we get the ships fueled. Fortunately Nebulos is rich with natural resources suitable for energon conversion. We should be on our way in less than a full cycle."
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Re: Fire In The Sky

Postby Insidious » Fri Jan 21, 2011 2:38 pm

Motto: "Clarity of thought before rashness of action."
Weapon: Oxidating Laser
Orbit--Bridge of the Semper Tyrannis

Reflector watched as Scorponok commandingly took control of the bridge through the sheer force of his presence, as that alone was often all that was ever required. The nature of Scorponok's orders made Reflector somewhat reticent. Serving at the pleasure of such a powerful Decepticon commander often afforded one certain comforts that that they would not have access to otherwise. He could not help but feel somewhat more vulnerable as a result of this latest decision. It was a decision that was Scorponok's to make, however, and Reflector was not the type to question it.

"It will be done as you command, mighty Scorponok," Reflector said.

The three composite units moved away from their respective terminals on the bridge and came together as they arrived at the corridors that would eventually lead them to the bounce chamber that would deposit them efficiently on the Perdition, as Scorponok had commanded.

Koraja--Capital Dome

Cyclonus did not suspect that it would take all that long for Skyhammer to provide him an answer. He was not mistaken.

"Suck my tailpipe Cyclonus," the Autobot had stammered out. The Air Commandant's optics widened marginally, but before he could react any further, the lower part of his jaw was soon spattered with a small amount of purplish-black fluid. Nothing more than a pregnant silence passed between the two mechanoids for several moments. As he wiped the Autobot's internal fluids away from his face, his expression darkened considerably. Even in the face such overwhelming defeat, this was the response he received for his generous offer?

"I had hoped for so much more," Cyclonus said, his tone quiet but menacing. "For all my extensive insight in to Autobot behavior, I could not have anticipated a response so foolish," Cyclonus said. He remained calm in a situation that would have sent many of his Decepticon peers in to a murderous rage. It was a moment that defined why Cyclonus was who he was.

Noticing Bombshell's impending arrival, the sleek purple warrior turned away from the beleaguered Autobot.

"The exact location of the Autobots' current base of operations are somewhere within his mind. I want it," Cyclonus said. "Once those coordinates have been transmitted to me, his mind is yours."

Cyclonus presumed that the command he had given was unambiguous and easy to execute, especially for the likes of the Insecticons, particularly one so devious as Bombshell. Given that, Cyclonus stalked out of the capital dome once more, taking to the air as soon as he was able. He could not allow himself to lose sight of the ocean for the rivers that branched off of it. There was still an ultimate objective to accomplish here, and eradication of the Autobots was not it.
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Re: Fire In The Sky

Postby Roadbuster » Fri Jan 21, 2011 3:17 pm

Koraja-Capital Dome

Bomshell nodded as Cyclonus gave his instructions. This Autobot was indeed being defiant. Typical of Autobot behavior. However, once he had extracted the location of the Autobots Base, what became of Skyhammer was up to Bombshell's own twisted imagination.

"Yes Cyclonus.", Bombshell said in compliance. "Once my Cerebro shell takes effect, their location will be yours in mere moments."

Bombshell walke dup to the Autobot, who he was certiain to show further defiance. He would fix that in no time. There was no one who could resist the effects his one of his most reknown weapons.

"Now autobot, share with me, what you would not share with Cyclonus!" Bombshell said as he aimed his cerebro shell gun right at Skyhammer's cranium. He fired a single cerebroshell, which attached itself to the Autobto's cranial plate and activated wihtin moments. In almsot no time, this Autobot would be as obediant as a drone. It was best not to waste time, as Bombshell figured. The quicker they acted, the greater their chances for success would be on this world.

"The Autobot's base of oeprations. Tell me! Where is it?!", Bombshell asked in a commanding tone to the captain Skyhammer.
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Re: Fire In The Sky

Postby Ember » Fri Jan 21, 2011 9:17 pm

Motto: "I'm not psycho...I just like psychotic things."
Koraja Outskirts

As Banzai-tronlaid out his intended payment, Lockdown listened patiently. The martial arts master certainly did drive a hard bargain, but Lockdown was certainly not going to take the very first offer, after all they called him, not the other way around. Lockdown placed his hand, and hook, behind his back and thought for a moment as he made his way around Banzai-tron.

“Since you’re going to bring this planet under full Decepticon control, due in part to me helping you get rid of the Bots a hell of a lot faster than you could by yourself, I think a more fitting percentage for that bonus would be point-zero-five.”

He stopped behind Banzai-tron and leaned down slightly so he could speak in his audio receptor.

“In or out, Banzai. I don’t have all orn for you answer.”
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Re: Fire In The Sky

Postby Insidious » Sat Jan 22, 2011 4:38 am

Motto: "Clarity of thought before rashness of action."
Weapon: Oxidating Laser
The Folassian Forest--Autobot Command Bunker

Rad began stacking the remaining steel crates in to the last of the Autobot transports while a number of other Autobots were engaged in the same laborious process. Some of them were being just a little too rough with the good stuff for his liking so, rather than complain, he decided to just get in and help out himself. He had carefully manuevered himself in to a position where he was handling the most sensitive of their equipment and samples.

"There," Rad said, stepping back. "That's looking good."

Pointblank cast him a sideways glare. It was obvious that he wasn't happy about what was going on here. Most of the Autobots here likely weren't. Rad wasn't either, obviously, but they were making the best out of a bad situation.

Eventually having walked back to where the majority of the other Autobots were gathered, Rad pulled out an electronic inventory card and began looking over its contents.

"Alright...I think we got everything critical and even a lot of stuff that we could live without, but I'd prefer not to."

He really didn't know who the command figure was right now and he didn't care, honestly. He knew it wasn't him, so it was best to just make that information available to everyone.
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Re: Fire In The Sky

Postby Smokescreen85 » Sat Jan 22, 2011 11:54 pm

Motto: ""A look can be deceiving; a touch can be lethal.""
Weapon: Twin Shoulder-Mounted Rocket Launchers
Koraja - The Capital Dome

Snaptrap had followed Cyclonus into the capital dome and watched as the Air Commandant confronted the impaled Skyhammer, demanding to know the location of the Autobot base. The Seacon leader stood silently as the Autobot Commander responded by spitting in the purple flier's faceplate. Instinctively, Snaptrap reacted by taking a step forward but stopped himself as he knew that Cyclonus was fully capable of handling the situation without his assistance.

Cyclonus remained calm and did not strike back at Skyhammer like Snaptrap would have immediately done at such a disrespectful act of defiance. Instead, he called on Bombshell to implant a cerebro shell in order to extract the desired information. The Aerospace Commander then left the capital dome as the Insecticon did the deed he was ordered to do.

"It seems my services are not required here," Snaptrap commented as Bombshell began his interrogation of the Autobot. While he had enjoyed watching the impaled Skyhammer hang there like a broken piece of scrap, he had no interest in observing Bombshell's techniques which did not require any amount of violence in order to force information out of a prisoner. Perhaps later, once the Autobot served no further purpose, the Seacon leader would have some fun with him. Until then, however, there were more important things to attend to.

Snaptrap turned and stalked out of the capital dome and onto the thoroughfare. He immediately headed towards the Korajan River, which was the main waterway through the city. It started high up in the mountains to the west and cut down through the capital, emptying into the ocean. With the Seacons already assigned to the bay area and the coastline, Snaptrap decided to secure the river, himself, and prevent any Nebulans or Autobots from using it as a means to either enter or exit the city.
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Re: Fire In The Sky

Postby Cryhavok » Sun Jan 23, 2011 10:20 am

Motto: ""It is all about pain.""
Weapon: Fusion-Powered Anti-Gravity Gun
Koraja - Capital Dome

Skyhammer was not someone lacking in courage department. In fact he had no trouble accepting missions many others turned down. He had steeled himself for the worst. Interrogation, pain beyond measure and eventually sacrifice of his own life in order give the other Autobots on the planet a fighting chance. All changed the moment he realized what he was going to face. Bombshell. Horror began to creep in his mind. He knew of this Decepticon. As far as he knew, no one had been able to resist his method of interrogation - the cerebro-shells. He was going to betray the others and there was nothing he could do about it. He had been defeated.

As Bombshell fired a single cerebro-shell into his cranium, Skyhammer focused all his willpower to resist. It was no use. The shell took control of his higher functions, digging information out of his databanks while caging Skyhammer's mind into his lasercore. And finally, feed the data to Bombshell, directly through Skyhammer's voicebox.

"Folassian... forest... planetary grid... coordinates... 19.88.05..."

I have betrayed them all... forgive me...
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Re: Fire In The Sky

Postby Aetrius » Sun Jan 23, 2011 11:05 am

Autobot Command Bunker—The Folassian Forest

“Do I condone what Spartan does?” Vulcan said as he finished working on Highbrow and began packing away his gear. “Wow, that’s a loaded question. Let me put it to you this way. I never like it when bystanders get hurt, but sometimes they do – it’s another terrible side-effect of a horrible situation. But, you have to remember if we go down, then there’s nothing to stop the ‘cons from steamrolling this planet, stripping it of everything that makes life possible, and leaving what survivors they don’t just kill off to begin with to try to survive on an essentially uninhabitable planet.”

Vulcan stopped and looked around; most of the others were already gone. He’d have been on his way himself, but he knew Highbrow needed this. The other mech was plagued with doubts and guilt, and sometimes, simple mechanical repairs couldn’t fix someone’s problems. Vulcan wasn’t a software analyst or anything, but he’d found that talking things out was sometimes all it took.

“Our team operates under the old ‘the end justifies the means’ credo. It’s nasty, but it gets the job done. I’m not sure who Spartan takes his orders from, but it’s up line somewhere. So that means someone higher than you or me knows exactly how he does things and even if they don’t love the method, they appreciate the results – we keep getting sent out into these crazy places with impossible missions. I can’t make you like it… Slag! I don’t like it, and I can’t stand Spartan most of the time myself, but I figure he’ll get me out of this mess alive, and probably save more lives in the end than he’ll burn getting the job done. It sucks, but you’ve got to develop some calluses very quickly or it will drive you mad.”


Spartan met Roadbuster’s icy stare with a bland one of his own. He’d allowed the old warrior to get under his armor once, but it certainly wasn’t going to happen again. Had anyone missed the turbulent exchange earlier, they’d have never known that Spartan and Roadbuster were only moments away from coming to blows just a short time before. Roadbuster still looked angry, Spartan just looked bored.

“Yes. The base itself is wired with a Neutron disintegration pulse of Vulcan’s design. From what I understand, it will break all molecular bonds within its’ area of effect. Nothing will be left of the base but whatever elemental material it was constructed from, and that in an unusable jumble. It can be activated remotely or on a time delay. I would personally recommend setting it off at the first sign of Decepticon activity in the area.”

Spartan passed over the remote to detonate the base, stepped away from Roadbuster and gave Athena the signal to move out. She in turn passed it on to Artemis, and Vulcan. Aphros was already long gone having moved out with the last of the automated trucks.

As he watched his team depart, Spartan turned back to Roadbuster and said, “My team is leaving now. I suggest you give the order to the rest. They are, after all, your responsibility as ranking Autobot present.”

He didn’t wait to see Roadbuster’s reaction. Spartan was fairly certain that the Ground Assault Commander thought that he was trying to take command, and would be surprised when he made it clear he wasn’t. Spartan wasn’t sure though. Judging others’ reactions had never been his strong suit. He transformed and took to the skies, his rotors swirling up a cloud of dust in his wake.

He looked back over the forest as he flew away. He knew this would likely be his last flight outside of direct combat for a good long time. The Nebulans still had a few aircraft in the sky in areas the Decepticons hadn’t fully occupied yet, but soon it wouldn’t be safe to travel this way. The only things in the sky would belong to the Decepticons and anything up here that wasn’t theirs would be shot down on sight.
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Re: Fire In The Sky

Postby MaP_Prime » Sun Jan 23, 2011 11:46 am

Autobot Command Bunker—The Folassian Forest

Roadbuster accepted the detonator from Spartan and nodded in response, the old soldier could still feel his fuel burning from their earlier exchange, though his common sense was starting to return. He reminded himself that it was best that he at the very least kept thing professional and civil for the duration of this whole mess if any of the Autobots were going to survive. He didn't have to like Spartan, but he did have to work for him for the greater good of everyone here.

>>"Rad, Highbrow. Spartan and his crew are moving out to the new location, I want the two of you to move out with them. I am going to remain behind and once everyone is a safe distance away I am going to detonate the bases scuttling charge. Highbrow, are you alright to get underway under your own power? If not Rad are you capable of transporting him to the new base? If so you two get a move on ASAP, I want everyone clear as fast as possible before any 'Cons show up."<<

With his orders given Roadbuster began to do a final sweep of the base to ensure that nothing critically important had been left behind and to arm the self destruct so it was ready to go once everyone was clear.
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Re: Fire In The Sky

Postby Rebirth Megatron » Sun Jan 23, 2011 12:48 pm

Weapon: Dual Laser Beam Rifle
Koraja - The Capital Dome

"Yo Snaptrap, wait for Skullgrin and me." Horri-Bull says as he arrives on the scene. "Scorponok assigned us to assist you and stuff." He then decides he'd be better off in Beast mode and transforms. "I'll start by making a deal: I won't whine like I usually do if you keep comments about my stench to yourself." He knew that might st his assigned superior off but he was edgey and when it came time to lash out he wanted it to be an Autobot.

The Folassian Forest--Autobot Command Bunker

Highbrow listens to Vulcan's explanation. He knows what he was trying to say but he could not let himself think that way. "You've helped me with your words my friend, but perhaps not in the way you meant." Highbrow stands up. "I must strive even harder to prove we need not commit such horrors in the name of peace." He then looked back at his rotor, it was still damaged as such repair work would take time.

He then hears Roadbuster's communication. "I am well enough to walk though I am afraid my flight ability is limited to robot mode. Transforming would be ill advised." He then pauses a moment. "Sir...I will remain on stand by once I reach minimum safe distance. If something goes wrong I insist I be called upon." He then checks one of his Acid Rainmaker guns. "To quote an old commander of mine: We all go home or nobody goes home. While the wording is off the sentiment is clearly there. I won't leave anyone behind again." He says with stern resolve.
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Re: Fire In The Sky

Postby Roadbuster » Sun Jan 23, 2011 12:50 pm

Koraja-Capial Dome

Bombshell's optics narrowed as Skyhammer muttered the coordinates of the Autobots base to him. Once more, his Cerebroshells proved the Insecticons worth. He often toyed with the idea of trying it on Optimus Prime one day. Megatron might make him his chief inquisitor if he managed that feat, of course, that was merely in his mind.

Having what he needed, Bombshell turned to Cyclonus, now bearing the data the Decepticon sought.

"The Folassian Forest. Planetary grid coordinates: 19.88.05. It's all yours!" Bombshell said to Cyclonus.

Now there was the matter of what to do with the prisoner. Putting him in the big or terminaiton was usually what they would do. However, one thing he knew about Autobots was that they were not to be underestimated. Attacking their base would be a small victory, as he was cetain there were various cells of Autobots elsewhere on the planet. No. He needed to find them and he knew how.

"Apeface, put this Autobot into stasis lock! But leave him intact!", Bombshell commanded. Yes... he was going to let this Autobot be found.
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Re: Fire In The Sky

Postby Longshot » Sun Jan 23, 2011 12:59 pm

Motto: "Feed them to the Sharkticons!"
Departing Koraja, En Route to the Folassian Forest

With Lockdown’s voice buzzing directly in his audio module, it was all Banzai-tron could do not to irritably wave off the other mechanoid—or perhaps evaluate how being deprived of the use of a few of his extremities would influence the mercenary’s bargaining posture. Still, being of a distinctly acquisitive mindset himself, he supposed he could appreciate Lockdown’s desire to make the best deal possible. Incidental violations of personal boundaries aside.

“Really,” he said flatly. “I had no idea demands for your services were so high in this backwater sector of space. Or maybe you think Scorponok or one of his subordinates will make you a better offer.” The idea was absurd on its face. Scorponok didn’t bargain for another mech’s services, no matter how skilled they were. He issued commands, and expected them to be obeyed without hesitation, a policy that was more effective than one might have imagined given the High Commander’s supreme faith in the effectiveness of overwhelming force swiftly applied to a problem. That philosophy had, regrettably, trickled down the ranks to most of his closest underlings. Though not all.

In the end, however, Banzai-tron wasn’t prepared to let Lockdown just leave Nebulos on account of a point-zero-two percent difference of opinion. His abilities as a tracker were above repute, and his cunning put even the brightest Sweep to shame. No, Intelligence wanted him involved in the pacification of this planet, and Banzai-tron would admit, if grudgingly, that he’d rather have Lockdown on his team than squandering his talents hunting bounties for some halfwit Scuzzoid in the Xetaxxian Cluster.

There was no reason he had to know that, though. The ambulatory scrap-pile was only barely tolerable company, as it was.

“Fine,” said Banzai-tron with transparent ill-grace, slashing a hand through the still Nebulan air impatiently. “Point-zero-five percent it is. But you’d better amaze me out there, if I’m going to justify this highway robbery to Command.” Kicking off the ground, the martial artist took to the air, opting for the fastest of the various means of locomotion at his disposal. “Keep up. The Autobots are probably halfway to their newest hiding place by now, and I don’t intend to give them enough time to get settled.”
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Re: Fire In The Sky

Postby FuzzymusPrime » Sun Jan 23, 2011 3:29 pm

Koraja - The Capital Dome

Silently, Skullgrin follows Horri-Bull and Snaptrap. There wasn't much else to do, with the city taken, except perhaps take part in reinforcing the defenses, or hunting for more Autobots. But that wouldn't happen until orders were given, so the chain of command had to be followed. And that meant waiting on the Butcher of the Bogs, even if that were like handling high explosives. Skullgrin lets HorriBull do the talking, to minimise the chances of the Seacons ire being brought upon him.

[I can easily surpass that fool Snaptrap!! Butcher of the Bogs? I will be Butcher of the Galaxy!!! All shall fear my name!!]

Oh please. The only reason this rabble of an army stays together is that the leaders are the most murderous of us all. Snaptrap is in command not because he's a commander, but because he's a beast. If I want my Perfect War to continue, I'll have to tread carefully. After all, the Decepticons are far more of a danger right now than these pathetic Autobots.
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Re: Fire In The Sky

Postby Devastron » Sun Jan 23, 2011 6:45 pm

Weapon: Energo-Sword
Outskirts of Koraja

Heatwave let out a loud sigh. He had been bored back on Centauron 5, but it was still better then this. At least there he was in the infiltration base. He could call up some sort of entertainment on the computer or read over some old files, assuming they had energy left allotted for that. If they didn’t then he could just shutdown until there was something to do, something the base commander was beginning to encourage anyway. The whole mission was bogged down on that backwater planet, with neither side really doing anything due to scarce resources.

The Decepticon would have been happy to be on Nebulos if he were given anything else to do other than guard duty. If there was one constant in the universe it was that guard duty was the most boring and dull assignment around. It was even more so here, with the seemingly few Autobots on the planet already crushed and scattered. He let out another sigh.

He whirled around when he heard a foot crunching on some of the native vegetation. He lowered it when he saw another Decepticon emerge from the wounds nearby. “Hey, you must be the lucky mech who gets to take my place while I get refueled.”

The new Decepticon snickered. “Yeah, that’s me alright, lucky. Name’s Demolisher. They are finally setting up the base back over there,” he waved in the general area of the city. “Supposed to be plenty of supplies and fuel for everyone.”

Heatwave snickered, “Yeah, I’ve heard that before. We’ll be lucky to get anything after Scorponok’s little ‘elites’ go through it all.” He stuck his hand out to shake Demolisher’s. “Name’s Heatwave.”

Demolisher nodded and shook his hand. “Good to meet ya, and maybe it won’t be all bad. Old Scorpy put the bots on the run I think. He’s got one mounted up on a wall in the city, supposed to be the commander of the group on this planet.”

“Hah! If that’s the commander then I would hate to see the rest of ‘em, right? Must be a bunch of second string minibots.” The two of them shared a laugh before Heatwave began to leave. “Well I better go and grab some supplies then. My alternate mode is a missile carrier, but I’ve barely got 2 missiles left! I had to cobble them together too, not sure if they will even fire.”

Demolisher nodded. “I hear you. My gun got damaged in the last fight, bent the barrel bashing some bot’s face in. I haven’t been able to get a replacement yet so I’ve been trying to get used to shooting it when its so off target. It ain’t going too well.”

Heatwave nodded. “Well I’ll see if I can find something for ya pal. I’ll be back in a few voorrrrrrrr.” There was a flash of light as some sort of laserbolt struck Heatwave’s head, sending him down to his knees.

Demolisher had his gun raised and pointed into the woods. “What the slag! Come out you coward!” He fired a few inaccurate shots into the trees to no avail. It was then that Repugnus struck.

The Monsterbot leapt from the forest in his buglike alternate mode. He was covered in mud, leaves and dirt to help camouflage his normal vibrant colors. The Autobot smashed into Demolisher, throwing him off balance. He quickly locked his claws on the Decepticon’s arms, slicing through his armor and holding him steady. His mandibles seized his head while he mouth opened, revealing the flamethrower within. A gout of intense fire erupted from his mouth, rapidly melting away the Decepticon’s face and ability to see or speak.

The Decepticon flailed around a bit in pain, his useless arms now just hanging at his sides by cables and wires. Repugnus knocked him down to the ground and quickly began slashing at his chest, digging through his armor until he successfully slashed through his spark chamber and ended his miserable life.

Repugnus transformed to robot mode and moved to inspect the other Decepticon. The headshot from his venom laser had slowed his mental processes to a crawl, but he was staggering back to his feet. A few more blasts dropped him back down to the ground. He stood over him, looking down at him with a sinister grin. “Don’t worry Heatwave, you won’t die, not today at least. I think I can find other uses for you. Unfortunately, those uses don’t include needing any of your limbs.” He transformed back into his monster mode and with a snip of his claws he severed both of his arms, followed quickly by his legs. With his processes slowed the pain hadn’t registered in Heatwave’s systems. He could only watch in horror as the Autobot went to work sealing off the leaks on his stumps. “Wouldn’t want you going into stasis lock now would we,” Repugnus chuckled.

The Monsterbot examined the captive Decepticon with his various optic sensors while running his claws over him carefully. “Oh, whats this you have for me?” He carefully removed one of the missiles from his back launcher. “Oh yes, I can put this to very good use.” He examined it carefully before cutting the explosive warhead off and discarding the rest of it. He repeated this with the other missile. The Autobot produced some cable and wrapped it around his helpless captive, making sure to give him some more venom blasts to keep him quiet. He moved back to the corpse of the other Decepticon, scanning it before he carefully removed his internal communicator, another item he would put to good use.

Repugnus dragged his captive to one of the many little tunnels and caves he had connected all around the capital. He hand never been much of a team player, or one for infiltration missions. When he had gotten to Nebulos he ditched his team immediately to do things his way. Now the slag had hit the fan and the whole planet had been conquered. Now it was time for the Monsterbot to shine. He and the crippled Heatwave disappeared down into a tunnel, the entrance carefully collapsing behind them to prevent anyone from following.


Koraja – On top of the Capital Dome

Treadshot stood quietly, carefully scanning the city through the sights of his rifle. He was studying his surroundings and the comings and goings of the other Decepticons around the city. He kept an optic out for any Autobot activity, but he doubted that they would come into the city now, not after their mad scrambled out of it.

With the city seemingly secured he lowered his rifle and sat down. Catgut sat next to him and he absently patted his partner on the head. “Well so far it’s looking like a bust. If that little skirmish was the best the bots have to offer on this planet we would be better off doing target practice in a real Decepticon base. There better be something better then that here, especially if old Banzai himself is out here. Speaking of which…”

>>”Banzai-tron, this is Treadshot. You found any activity yet? My vast talents and skills are going to waste here watching the grunts unpack and intimidate the natives.”<<
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Re: Fire In The Sky

Postby Insidious » Mon Jan 24, 2011 2:18 pm

Motto: "Clarity of thought before rashness of action."
Weapon: Oxidating Laser
The Folassian Forest--Autobot Command Bunker

>>"On it, Roadbuster. I'll get him clear. No worries,"<< Rad transmitted, so that the heavily-armed Autobot could worry about other issues.

Giving the area a good, last once-over, he approached Highbrow just as he was finishing his own response to what Roadbuster had told them.

"Alright hero, let's go. You've done enough saving today. You're no good to anybody if Scorponok stomps through here and finishes the job."

Koraja--Capital Dome

There was something about being talked to by an Insecticon, much less ordered around, that made every circuit in Apeface's body suddenly want to smash the creepy little insect right then and there. Whether or not they were actually of the same rank mattered little to the Horrorcon. The advantage he had was that he was smart enough to recognize how counterproductive that course of action would ultimately be. It was a close decision though. If a few factors were different, it could have quickly gone the other way.

"Order me around like some drone again, ya little stain," Apeface snarled at the Insecticon. "It'll be your last mistake. There's plenty of you maggots flyin' around here. They won't miss just one."

Apeface snarled again but turned his attention away from the Insecticon. It was the Autobot that had it in the first place, anyway. Stasis lock, eh? Cyclonus had said that Bombshell could do with the Autobot as he saw fit.

"This is gonna hurt you so much more than it is me," Apeface said, closing the distance between himself and Skyhammer. "You want a piece, Snaps? Arm? Optic?"
Last edited by Insidious on Tue Jan 25, 2011 8:33 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Fire In The Sky

Postby Cryhavok » Mon Jan 24, 2011 3:43 pm

Motto: ""It is all about pain.""
Weapon: Fusion-Powered Anti-Gravity Gun
Koraja - Capital Dome

Were it luck or perhaps Bombshell had been smart enough by picking Apeface to order around rather than Snapdragon. Had the Insecticon given a command to the Horrorcon interceptor, he might have been torn to shreds - or brutally maimed at the least.

There was a picking order within the Decepticon ranks. The stronger, meaner and more ambitious you were, the higher you ranked. The Horrorcons were one of the few exceptions to the rule. They had all the abilities to rank higher but seemed to lack the ambition. However, lack of ambition for personal glory and power did not make them any less powerful or ruthless. There were only handful of higher ranking Decepticons that could issue orders to this lethal duo of triplechangers. Most of their superiors knew better not to get themselves thrashed for having the audacity of trying to order them around. Especially Snapdragon - the reptile was known to lose his temper for the slightest of provocation. Apeface was little better in this regard but still not someone to anger as Bombshell had just learned.

"Hnn. I had my fun. Couldn't care less. Do what you will with the 'bot." Was Snapdragon's reply to Apeface's question. If he wasn't allowed to rip Skyhammer open to bathe in his vital fluids, it wasn't worth of doing to him.
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Re: Fire In The Sky

Postby Rebirth Megatron » Mon Jan 24, 2011 6:11 pm

Weapon: Dual Laser Beam Rifle
The Folassian Forest--Autobot Command Bunker

"I've been no good at optimal performance levels Roadbuster and this affair has left an odious taste in my mouth." Highbrow looks down. "I've never wanted to fight this war, and ever since I had my hand forced it amounted to less than nothing short of barbarism. This was my do more than shoot at my own kind. It became more than our war." Highbrow looks up at the towering Autobot. "Seeing what the Decepticons are capable of, what WE are capable of...this is the first time I've wished to fight in my entire life. I finally have something worth fighting for." He puts his hand on Roadbuster's upper arm, as he could not get it up enough to put it on his shoulder. "I'm not going to falter or act in idiocy. Worry not. If I am to fall it is when we have redeemed ourselves to the Nebulans...and to each other. I will accept nothing short of such an exemplary endeavor my friend."
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Re: Fire In The Sky

Postby MaP_Prime » Mon Jan 24, 2011 9:28 pm

The Folassian Forest--Autobot Command Bunker

Roadbuster looked down at the injured Highbrow and the old soldier rested a hand on his comrades shoulder before helping down into a more relaxed, and comfortable position.

"You're a good 'Bot Highbrow, and a brave one at that. You shouldn't let what has gone on here cloud your judgment. You went up against some of the biggest, meanest mechs the 'Cons could throw at you, and you not only walked away, but you will live to fight another day. And as for that business that went down in the city... well, as much as I hate to admit it, but that is just part of war. It is the worst part of a terrible thing, so that means it is down right ugly. Yeah I know I went off the handle at Spartan, and I still think he deserved it, but we have been playing such a cloak and dagger game for so long I'd forgotten what a straight up war really is like. And I'm afraid it is going to happen more often, the best we Autobots can do is to try and avoid causing any more undo harm... but with the way things are right now I'm not sure if that is going to be enough."

Roadbuster looked down, a solemn look passing over his somewhat featureless faceplate.

"To be honest with you Highbrow, I'm probably no better then Spartan, slag it, I'm probably worst. There was a time when this war began that I was willing to do anything it took to stop the 'Cons and not even think about the consequences. But that attitude didn't last to long when we brought out war to other planets. Yeah I have geared myself towards becoming the biggest, meanest thing this side of Megatron, and Primus knows that I will not even think about staying my hand against a Decepticon, but after I did some... unforgivable things, leading my own tactical team a long time ago I had to rethink what I was doing. I guess that is when I really figured out what it meant to be an Autobot. There is a right way to do a thing, and a wrong way, when the right way means being just as bad as the wrong thing, that's when we Autobots find another way." He sighed. "Though I don't know what is going to happen on this planet, you're smart enough to know that it is beyond bad. It may be hopeless, but that hasn't stopped us before, and yeah, it looks like I may have to accept doing some bad things just so I can have the rest of you survive. I hope that doesn't make you think less of me. But in case it does I want to say one thing to you before I start doing some unforgivable thing."

Roadbuster leveled his gave to meet optics with Highbrow.

"I know you don't like this war, and you're a better 'Bot then me for thinking that way, and if any other Autobot questions your dedication for that, just tell 'em that fighting a war when you hate makes you a proper Autobot. But what I really want you to know, is that witness what the Decepticons are capable of, no matter what Spartan may do, he still chose to be an Autobot, he wouldn't murder an entire world just to get to them. But the 'Cons would do that to get to us. When this war is over we are going to need 'Bots like you to help put everything back together, and 'Bots like me are just going to be bad memories. But that is a long way away, we still need to win it. Until then, hold onto the memories of what the 'Cons are doing here, never forget it, and use it as the motivation you need to understand just why all of us, the good 'Bots and the bad, need to do our damnedest to win. Because if we don't all the universe faces is a hellstorm of death and destruction."

He gave a curt nod.

"And for all of that stuff to happen I need you and Rad to survive, that's why I am sending the two of you out of here. Promise me one thing Highbrow, if I don't survive to meet up with the rest of you I want you to be Spartan's conscious, and if I survive be mine." He tapped the Autobot symbol on his chest. "We wear this badges for a reason, sometimes the better of us need to remind us grunts why we chose to wear it. Alright, time for the fuzzy speeches to end, we need to bug the frag out of here."

Roadbuster stood up and hit his com link.

>>"Rad, drop what you're doing and get your aft down here to extract Highbrow and get you and him to the new location. Don't drag your heels either, I want both of you out of here in less then two breems. Now move it solider!"<<

Without saying another word Roadbuster disapeared deeper into the base, continuing his sweep to make sure nothing vital was to be left behind. The detonator in his storage container felt like it weighed far more then it did. He wasn't going to arm the base destruct mechanism until he was sure the others were clear. He did want to risk taking anyone else out other then himself if he had to set it off in a hurry.
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