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NEW Character Applications

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Re: NEW Character Applications

Postby Ember » Wed Feb 13, 2013 10:02 am

Motto: "I'm not psycho...I just like psychotic things."
Alpharius wrote:Please forgive me for not adding a sample post. Having just seen this fella in need of a home (you know, because he'd been abandoned for sooo long...), I just had to do something about it. But I'll add a sample post if you guys want.

Name: Hot Spot
Allegiance: Autobot
Subgroup: Protectobot
Function: Protectobot Leader
Alt. mode: Blue Mitsubishi Fuso Great fire engine
Weapons: Two Fireball Cannons
Height: 35ft / 10.67m
Quote: “Rust never sleeps, and neither do I.”

Strength: 09
Intelligence: 07
Dexterity: 07
Speed: 04
Endurance: 09
Courage: 09
Firepower: 07
Accuracy: 07
Melee: 08
Tech Skill: 07
Charisma: 09
Rank: 07

Profile: With all the hyperbole of a motivational speaker and the energetic fury of a whirlwind, Hot Spot is all about action in both word and deed. He’s not satisfied unless he is at the center of activity; anything less and he doesn’t feel like he’s alive. Hot Spot is dedicated to operating at maximum efficiency for every moment that he’s functional. He is an instinctive and canny fighter and an inspirational leader who charismatically exhorts his troops to give 110% of their effort at all times. Unfortunately, few can keep up with his manic pace.

Abilities: Subject has above average intelligence and incredible strength. In vehicle mode he can travel at speeds up to 90 mph for a distance of 600 miles. In this mode he has a host of fire-fighting and rescue capabilities. His hose-line is designed to shoot any non-corrosive liquid, including water, for a distance of 1,200 feet. He can alter the position of his ladder to operate as a vehicle carrier if needed. In both modes he wields two fireball cannons that shoot 2,000 degree Fahrenheit blue fireballs a distance of 1.5 miles. His specially treated armor is invulnerable to temperatures up to 5,000 degrees Fahrenheit. His holomatter avatar is a young male firefighter decked out in full uniform and helmet.

Weaknesses: Aside from the doggedly determined Streetwise, few of Subject’s troops can live up to his tireless example and operating efficiency. His overly frequent use of his fireball cannons can cause them to backfire, spilling the flammable liquid that fuels them.

No need for the sample. Approved. Have at him!
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Re: NEW Character Applications

Postby Marty Rocket » Sun Feb 24, 2013 1:42 pm

Name: Hound
Allegiance: Autobot
Function: Scout
Alternate mode: Jeep Wrangler
Weapons: Shoulder-mounted missile launcher, hologram gun, machine gun
Special Ability: Topographical scanning ability, Limited holographic projection system
Height: 28 Feet (8.53 Meters)
Holomatter Avatar: 5'10", averagely built male- Mountain Ranger attire; brown hair & hazel eyes.
Quote: "Observe everything, remember even more."

Strength: 5
Intelligence: 8
Dexterity: 6
Speed: 5
Endurance: 7
Courage: 10
Firepower: 3
Accuracy: 6
Melee: 5
Tech Skill: 7
Charisma: 7

Profile: Hound had once known a time without fighting, but he had never known peace. As the seeds of war were being planted, he was a member of the Koan Security Force. He was called upon as Megatron led his prison break, his security team not strong enough to prevent their defeat, and more importantly, the death of Sentinel Prime. He has since become a staple of the Autobot army. Gentle and kind, it's a wonder how Hound would ever come to pick up a weapon, though few would regret he did. His experiences during the war have left him envious of Earth and it's simple, organic ways. He secretly wishes to be human.

Abilities: While in his jeep mode, Hound uses his turret gun to sweep over the landscape from horizon to horizon, like a radar scope, and, with the help of internal 3-dimensional simulation circuitry, stores this information as a topographical map. Error distortion is no more than one inch per 150 feet distance from point of data collection. In robot mode, Hound's turret gun becomes an infrared radiation collector. It can detect heat differentials as small as .02 degrees Centigrade, and he uses this ability in tracking machines as well as humans. Hound's shoulder-mounted hologram gun can project 3-dimensional grid laser light images of terrain maps stored in his memory. He sometimes also can use it to cast simple illusions.

Weaknesses: Hound's infrared tracking ability can be countered by thermal interference. High frequency electromagnetic waves can distort or completely destroy his map-making ability. Sophisticated manipulation of such waves can even result in the recording of false images within his memory circuits.

Sample Post:

Back Allegheny Mountain, West Virginia, USA.

It wasn't an unusual sight for trekkers to see Jeeps trundling about the network of mountains that comprised the Appalachian chain of mountains that ran from one part of the United States to the other. In fact, it was a welcome sight- after all, a green Jeep running about the mountains usually meant that a Mountain Ranger was close by, ensuring the people who were enjoying the American mountains and valleys were safe. However, one would have to wonder if the Jeep that was currently running along a mountain would be welcomed if the public knew what the Jeep really was...

Trundling along the mountain road, the Jeep wasn't any ordinary Jeep- it was a robot in disguise; an Autobot, in fact. The Autobot, Hound, was currently deep in his scouting mission. Scouting was Hound's favourite part of being assigned to the Autobot detail on Earth. During the course of his tour of the Earth, Hound had found himself covering countless miles of the United States of America and beyond. At first, he had appreciated how different Earth's terrain and sights were, compared to his own home planet of Cybertron. As his stay on Earth became longer and longer, he felt differently about the planet... Hound loved staying on Earth. From the different textures that the different terrains offered, to the kiss of the Earth's sun on a hot day, to the kiss of a wind that blew off the ocean, Hound could find no wrong with the planet Earth. It was a bitter sweet feeling for Hound, for he knew this experience wouldn't last forever. Once the Decepticon threat had been dealt with, and their work was done, the Autobots would leave Earth and move on. The very thought tugged at his fuel pump, perhaps even worse than when he realized he would never set foot on Cybertron again, due to its uninhabitable condition.

"If only I could stay here..." Hound said wistfully to himself. "I would give anything to have my own cabin up here in the mountains... humans are so lucky."

Hound continued to think about his dream of owning his own home in the mountains as he continued to travel along the mountain, but then suddenly, Hound stopped. With a screech of tyres, the green Jeep became stationary in front of a large plot of trees to the left of the road. There was a large gap between two of the gigantic trees that lined the road... Activating a holographic map inside the driver's cabin, Hound checked the heavily detailed image, and confirmed his own suspicions... This part of the mountains didn't look like that the other week. In fact, as Hound's scanners began to take more topographical images of the land's new layout, it appeared that many trees had been uprooted, or burned down for some reason or another.

Those reasons Hound didn't know, but they certainly made the scout suspicious. With the movement of the gear stick inside the Jeep, which was done by Hound's holographic driver, which looked like a mountain ranger, Hound switched on his 4 wheel drive. The Jeep turned, then it began to run across the uneven mountain valley. Then, when he was satisfied he would be out of sight from any human eyes, Hound transformed to his robot mode.

Keeping crouched low, the Autobot scout traversed the mountain valley, which was lined with trees. He walked for a few miles, then he made a surprising discovery. Hidden among the trees and mountain ridges that comprised the area, Hound had discovered a large solar satellite dish. It was designed to collect the solar power provided by the Earth's sun. While the humans of the planet that Hound loved had dabbled in solar power for many years, there was a disturbing fact that came with this solar collector- it was emblazoned with a familiar, haunting purple symbol...

"The Autobots need to know about this..." Hound said softly to himself. He prepared to activate his radio, to send word back to his Autobot base that the Decepticons were back in operation on Earth. First though, Hound decided to take a couple of holographic photographs of the Decepticons' set up. He could broadcast them back to base, so the other Autobots could get an idea of the situation.

Hound activated his shoulder mounted holographic gun. The gun immediately shot an invisible infrared beam across the sight that was before Hound's eyes. As he did so, Hound's blue optical sensors began to flash with yellow highlights, as the images that were being collected by Hound's holographic system were then being transferred to his computer brain.

However, before Hound could complete the process, he found something was wrong. The images he was broadcasting suddenly became filled with static... then they were frozen before he could complete the images. Something was interfering with his ability to take the pictures.


Before Hound realized, the echoing sound of a laser blast thundered throughout the valley. This followed by the painful sensation of a laser blast that collided with Hound's back with such fury that it threw Hound off his feet. The scout flew some considerable distance in the air before landing on his side in the dirt, not too far away from the Decepticons' solar energy collector... His weakness had been exploited, and now Hound, the lone scout, was seemingly helpless...
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Marty Rocket
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Re: NEW Character Applications

Postby Ember » Sun Feb 24, 2013 6:47 pm

Motto: "I'm not psycho...I just like psychotic things."
Marty Rocket wrote:Name: Hound
Allegiance: Autobot
Function: Scout
Alternate mode: Jeep Wrangler
Weapons: Shoulder-mounted missile launcher, hologram gun, machine gun
Special Ability: Topographical scanning ability, Limited holographic projection system
Height: 28 Feet (8.53 Meters)
Holomatter Avatar: 5'10", averagely built male- Mountain Ranger attire; brown hair & hazel eyes.
Quote: "Observe everything, remember even more."

Strength: 5
Intelligence: 8
Dexterity: 6
Speed: 5
Endurance: 7
Courage: 10
Firepower: 3
Accuracy: 6
Melee: 5
Tech Skill: 7
Charisma: 7

Profile: Hound had once known a time without fighting, but he had never known peace. As the seeds of war were being planted, he was a member of the Koan Security Force. He was called upon as Megatron led his prison break, his security team not strong enough to prevent their defeat, and more importantly, the death of Sentinel Prime. He has since become a staple of the Autobot army. Gentle and kind, it's a wonder how Hound would ever come to pick up a weapon, though few would regret he did. His experiences during the war have left him envious of Earth and it's simple, organic ways. He secretly wishes to be human.

Abilities: While in his jeep mode, Hound uses his turret gun to sweep over the landscape from horizon to horizon, like a radar scope, and, with the help of internal 3-dimensional simulation circuitry, stores this information as a topographical map. Error distortion is no more than one inch per 150 feet distance from point of data collection. In robot mode, Hound's turret gun becomes an infrared radiation collector. It can detect heat differentials as small as .02 degrees Centigrade, and he uses this ability in tracking machines as well as humans. Hound's shoulder-mounted hologram gun can project 3-dimensional grid laser light images of terrain maps stored in his memory. He sometimes also can use it to cast simple illusions.

Weaknesses: Hound's infrared tracking ability can be countered by thermal interference. High frequency electromagnetic waves can distort or completely destroy his map-making ability. Sophisticated manipulation of such waves can even result in the recording of false images within his memory circuits.

Sample Post:

Back Allegheny Mountain, West Virginia, USA.

It wasn't an unusual sight for trekkers to see Jeeps trundling about the network of mountains that comprised the Appalachian chain of mountains that ran from one part of the United States to the other. In fact, it was a welcome sight- after all, a green Jeep running about the mountains usually meant that a Mountain Ranger was close by, ensuring the people who were enjoying the American mountains and valleys were safe. However, one would have to wonder if the Jeep that was currently running along a mountain would be welcomed if the public knew what the Jeep really was...

Trundling along the mountain road, the Jeep wasn't any ordinary Jeep- it was a robot in disguise; an Autobot, in fact. The Autobot, Hound, was currently deep in his scouting mission. Scouting was Hound's favourite part of being assigned to the Autobot detail on Earth. During the course of his tour of the Earth, Hound had found himself covering countless miles of the United States of America and beyond. At first, he had appreciated how different Earth's terrain and sights were, compared to his own home planet of Cybertron. As his stay on Earth became longer and longer, he felt differently about the planet... Hound loved staying on Earth. From the different textures that the different terrains offered, to the kiss of the Earth's sun on a hot day, to the kiss of a wind that blew off the ocean, Hound could find no wrong with the planet Earth. It was a bitter sweet feeling for Hound, for he knew this experience wouldn't last forever. Once the Decepticon threat had been dealt with, and their work was done, the Autobots would leave Earth and move on. The very thought tugged at his fuel pump, perhaps even worse than when he realized he would never set foot on Cybertron again, due to its uninhabitable condition.

"If only I could stay here..." Hound said wistfully to himself. "I would give anything to have my own cabin up here in the mountains... humans are so lucky."

Hound continued to think about his dream of owning his own home in the mountains as he continued to travel along the mountain, but then suddenly, Hound stopped. With a screech of tyres, the green Jeep became stationary in front of a large plot of trees to the left of the road. There was a large gap between two of the gigantic trees that lined the road... Activating a holographic map inside the driver's cabin, Hound checked the heavily detailed image, and confirmed his own suspicions... This part of the mountains didn't look like that the other week. In fact, as Hound's scanners began to take more topographical images of the land's new layout, it appeared that many trees had been uprooted, or burned down for some reason or another.

Those reasons Hound didn't know, but they certainly made the scout suspicious. With the movement of the gear stick inside the Jeep, which was done by Hound's holographic driver, which looked like a mountain ranger, Hound switched on his 4 wheel drive. The Jeep turned, then it began to run across the uneven mountain valley. Then, when he was satisfied he would be out of sight from any human eyes, Hound transformed to his robot mode.

Keeping crouched low, the Autobot scout traversed the mountain valley, which was lined with trees. He walked for a few miles, then he made a surprising discovery. Hidden among the trees and mountain ridges that comprised the area, Hound had discovered a large solar satellite dish. It was designed to collect the solar power provided by the Earth's sun. While the humans of the planet that Hound loved had dabbled in solar power for many years, there was a disturbing fact that came with this solar collector- it was emblazoned with a familiar, haunting purple symbol...

"The Autobots need to know about this..." Hound said softly to himself. He prepared to activate his radio, to send word back to his Autobot base that the Decepticons were back in operation on Earth. First though, Hound decided to take a couple of holographic photographs of the Decepticons' set up. He could broadcast them back to base, so the other Autobots could get an idea of the situation.

Hound activated his shoulder mounted holographic gun. The gun immediately shot an invisible infrared beam across the sight that was before Hound's eyes. As he did so, Hound's blue optical sensors began to flash with yellow highlights, as the images that were being collected by Hound's holographic system were then being transferred to his computer brain.

However, before Hound could complete the process, he found something was wrong. The images he was broadcasting suddenly became filled with static... then they were frozen before he could complete the images. Something was interfering with his ability to take the pictures.


Before Hound realized, the echoing sound of a laser blast thundered throughout the valley. This followed by the painful sensation of a laser blast that collided with Hound's back with such fury that it threw Hound off his feet. The scout flew some considerable distance in the air before landing on his side in the dirt, not too far away from the Decepticons' solar energy collector... His weakness had been exploited, and now Hound, the lone scout, was seemingly helpless...

Good stuff. Okay, up his Dex to 7; he's not very strong and he's not a hand to hand combatant...he makes up for that in dexterity.

Also, one of his main weaknesses is the power requirements for his sensors and his holograms without those he's got no real weapons...besides his shoulder-mounted missile launcher. So mention the high power requirements as a weakness and you're good to go. Approved

I'm glad someone finally decided to pick him up. Enjoy!

Post this in the approved characters thread (without the sample, please). I'll delete the old one and replace it with this one instead (I like it better).

Oh! His rank is 6.
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Re: NEW Character Applications

Postby Gatkowski » Tue Feb 26, 2013 6:01 pm

Motto: "Victory needs no explanation, defeat allows none."
Weapon: Nuclear Charged Fusion Cannon
I think I used up my share of Ember's generosity for this decade, so much she aided me in hammering all this into a workable concept. So my gratitude to her.

And to SmokescreenGT, for kindly lending me Prowl to use in the profiles.

Name: Beretta
Allegiance: Autobots
Function: Squadron leader
Alt. mode: Olive green Ford Mustang with black stripes
Weapons: 2x high powered handguns
Height: 28 ft (8,4 meters)
Quote: "We all go, or we don’t go."

Strength: 6
Intelligence: 7
Dexterity: 7
Speed: 5
Endurance: 6
Courage: 8
Firepower: 7
Accuracy: 5
Melee: 8
Tech Skill: 4
Charisma: 7

Avatar: A young woman, her hair chin-length and black with purple streaks. She wears a brown leather jacket over a black top, olive-green military-style fatigues and high-heeled brown leather boots.

Profile: [From Remington’s Personal Logs; Entry Nr. TDN-90037512/111] They say there comes a make or break moment in every soldier’s life, when all the stress, all the impossible choices rush up to them all at once. I don’t think I have met mine yet but Beretta sure had hers. And I believe it is one worth recording. It happened during one of her early missions, somewhere in Uraya. She was still a file soldier, sent behind enemy lines with her squad. They completed the task but not without casualties. They carried their wounded to the extraction point, but as it turned out, extraction wouldn’t come. The officer in charge decided they would have to attempt to reach a friendly post on pedal. The wounded could not be carried, because of increasing the risk of discovery and slowing them down. As cruel and distasteful a choice it was, the officer went with it and ordered Beretta to execute those three wounded mechs. Mercy killings. She shot two with trembling actuators, two who were unable to even move or speak anymore. But she couldn’t shoot the third one who was still clinging on to life. She refused the order in the end. Instead, she hoisted that last casualty onto her shoulder and set off. The officer told her it was her choice. Able to progress faster unburdened, the rest of her squad left her behind. She was alone in enemy territory, carrying a wounded who was conscious but was utterly incapable of fighting. Slipping away between ambushes, she made quite a distance before she got into a firefight. Suffered a few burns but managed to take down the attackers and went on. She never stopped. Eventually, she passed by the twisted, charred remains of her squad mates. They had been found and dealt with. Still, she kept going. And after two mega-cycles of tormenting forced march, with several scorch-streaks on her frame and one solid round furrowed into her upper right arm, she reached an Autobot post. There, with proper medical attention, both her and the casualty she carried could be saved.

If that doesn’t show who Beretta really is, nothing ever will. Oh, one small thing. That casualty she brought back. It was me.

Abilities: Beretta is one of those who wasn’t made to command but has grown into it. She used to be rash, reckless and boisterous but after she dragged my aft out of that scrap-hole in Uraya where I nearly died, she started to change. She started to believe she could make a difference. That it mattered what she did and how well she did it. That determination, that confidence, that presence she now has stems from that time. She’s developed into an able field commander. I never thought anyone could change this much, especially her, after all those drinking nights she had endeavored on… And that nickname you’ll hear her called by, “Gunslinger”, that’s no accident either. She’s an expert with handguns, back and forth. Only challenge her to a drawing bout if you can handle disappointment well. The neat looking sports-car she transforms into can reach the top speed of 148 mph, which translates to the kmph range as 236. I gauged it myself.

Weaknesses: Sometimes her old, rash self resurfaces, particularly when there is lot of steam to let off. But it hasn’t caused any trouble so far. [End of file.]

Name: Dragunov
Allegiance: Autobot
Function: Sniper
Alt. mode: Black Aston Martin DB9
Weapons: Long-range precision rifle
Special Abilities: -
Height: 28 ft (8,4 meters)
Quote: "Have you ever seen me miss?"

Strength: 4
Intelligence: 8
Dexterity: 8
Speed: 6
Endurance: 4
Courage: 7
Firepower: 8
Accuracy: 9
Melee: 4
Tech Skill: 6
Charisma: 6

Avatar: A straight and serious-faced woman who looks like she's in her early thirties, with slicked back blonde hair. She wears a white suit and sunglasses.

Profile: [Evaluation report; Record Number: CL-00513672/7429; Recipient: Prowl, Strategic Advisor; Submitted by: Beretta, Squadron Leader] At the same time, easy-going and utterly confident to the point of superiority. A curious mixture. Not to mention, a relentless perfectionist. Strive for the best, demand the best. I love that when Dragunov has her trusty sniper rifle in actuator and is watching my six with it, but she can get on my nerves when her quirks overtake her sense and she starts talking to the rest of us like we were three leagues below her. The legacy of having been the director of an entire manufacturing firm once, I guess. Now nothing but mud and fluid in the trenches with us grunts. It must have been quite a blow to her, losing all her fortune and pedigree. I am aware, though, that she did it all on her own, decommissioning the entire business when she discovered it had gotten tied up in Decepticon-related politics. That definitely plays to her credit. She’s steadfast, loyal, sociable, smart and fluid in conversation on basically any subject. Just that damn superiority that sometimes gets the better of her…

Abilities: Even if her rifle is unloaded, when she points it at you, you involuntarily get those static-charge shivers crawling up your backplate. She’s the only sniper I know whose hit ratio reaches 98% on the shooting range. You need an optic picked off from 10 miles? She’ll get it done. Though, if you need a diplomatic advisor, I can also recommend her. Her intelligence, familiarity with both economics and politics make her an ideal one. The alternate mode she opted for upon assignment to Earth is a luxury-sports car that has a top speed of 186 mph which, according to Remington, calculates to 300 kmph, as speed is measured in certain regions on Earth.

Weaknesses: Dragunov is, due to a different background, not as physically able as the rest of my squad. She’s best deployed as rearguard / support, away from the direct front. Also, though so far we’ve been able to prevent it, her overconfidence may cause trouble for her. Or the whole squad, for that matter. [End of report.]

Name: Glock
Allegiance: Autobot
Function: Close-quarters specialist
Alt. mode: Beige Dodge Challenger with dark brown stripes
Weapons: 2x automatic, extended magazine handguns
Height: 27ft / 8m
Quote: "Winners are a different caste."

Strength: 7
Intelligence: 5
Dexterity: 8
Speed: 6
Endurance: 7
Courage: 7
Firepower: 6
Accuracy: 6
Melee: 9
Tech Skill: 4
Charisma: 5

Avatar: A sporty, determined-looking young woman with short, slightly spikey brown hair. She wears a white-blue-red tracksuit and white training shoes.

Profile: [Evaluation report; Record Number: CL-00513418/2642; Recipient: Prowl, Strategic Advisor; Submitted by: Beretta, Squadron Leader] A walking, solid block of pride. You know how it is with these ex-full contact martial sports practitioners. And Glock was one of the best. Not, by far, as vicious as Kaon’s gladiators but she did dish out and soak up enough in her time. From the way she moves, I wager she is pretty proficient in at least three different disciplines. I also have some suspicions on Crystallocution training. She doesn’t talk about it. Unfortunately, because of that high level of achievement, she believes there’s only one set of rules to follow: her own. She’s dedicated, tireless but when she decides on something, she gets so stubborn even Primus would have a hard time dissuading her. The only way I found to make her listen upon her recruitment was to knock her out straight (you ought to remember that, file DCM-917, you were our appointed disciplinary officer then…). It hasn’t completely stopped her from flaunting my authority on occasion, though, for I believe she sees me as a rival. But it’s under control. Alternatively, Ingram can talk sense into her, they seem to get along just fine.

Abilities: Despite all her personal shortcomings, I can’t help but feel relieved knowing she’s on our side when I see her in action. She can so expertly dispatch basically any foe in hand to hand combat that I don’t know how I ever managed to floor her. She can even use her paired handguns up close, grabbing them by the barrel and using them as clubs or adding their firepower to her already lethal moves in short, precisely controlled bursts. Her car mode has the top speed of 150 mph, which is by other measurements 240 kmph.

Weaknesses: That damn pride of hers. I understand that it’s some kind of code that drives her but it can make dealing with her extremely difficult. [End of report.]

Name: Ingram
Allegiance: Autobot
Function: Heavy weapons specialist
Alt. mode: Beige and red Hummer H1
Weapons: Rotator cannon
Height: 33ft / 10m
Quote: "Step aside, I'm comin' through!"

Strength: 8
Intelligence: 4
Dexterity: 6
Speed: 4
Endurance: 9
Courage: 8
Firepower: 8
Accuracy: 5
Melee: 8
Tech Skill: 5
Charisma: 5

Avatar: A conspicuously tall and well-built young woman with short-cropped red hair. She wears a black sleeveless shirt, a brown vest, bermuda shorts and hiking boots.

Profile: [Evaluation report; Record Number: CL-005139341/1149; Recipient: Prowl, Strategic Advisor; Submitted by: Beretta, Squadron Leader] The loudest in the team. As loud and as huge she is, as kind her spark. And unfortunately, as dim in the brain compartment. Never aspired for much, having been a power-loader operator before enlistment, but what she has to do, she does dutifully. No science prizes out there for her to win but I’m certain she’d carry all the rest of us on her back to the nearest medbase if she had to, or shield us with her frame from enemy fire, merely out of loyalty. She’s one tough bot who approaches everything with cheerful simplicity and never gives up until either she goes down or the objective is achieved. Couldn’t think of anyone better to hold ground. Strong, reliable and as steadfast as any of the others. Oh, has a habit of emphasizing her point with guns. Huge guns. She has a thing for them. Whether that’s the reason Glock likes her the most, I don’t know. But those two make a highly effective duo.

Abilities: While nowhere near as refined as Glock, Ingram is a resourceful brawler. It’s usually her slamming opponents larger than herself to either the ground or into walls, but I’m the one to feel my skeletal structure jar from those forceful impacts. She can withstand enormous punishment and walk away on her own pedal actuators with injuries that would send a normal mech outright to stasis lock. No, I wouldn’t believe it either but I saw it with my own optics. Add to that her borderline obsession with firepower and you have the perfect material for a heavy-duty trooper. The rotator cannon she carries can be fitted with a variety of ammunition and used for different purposes. Its maximum firing rate is 12.000 rounds per one Earth minute. Her alternate-mode is a fitting one, too. A high-mobility vehicle that can reach the top speed of 70 mph which, again Remington tells me, is about 113 kmph.

Weaknesses: Ingram’s tough alright, but she also needs instructions to operate efficiently. Thinking battle plan comes to her with some difficulty. Also, what makes her so formidable, her love for firepower, also makes her susceptible to running out of ammunition real fast. [End of report.]

Name: Remington
Allegiance: Autobot
Function: Technician
Alt. mode: Green Chevrolet Avalanche with yellow trim
Weapons: Stinger Shotgun
Height: 27ft / 8m
Quote: "The fact that things can break doesn’t mean you have to break them."

Strength: 6
Intelligence: 8
Dexterity: 8
Speed: 4
Endurance: 6
Courage: 7
Firepower: 7
Accuracy: 5
Melee: 4
Tech Skill: 9
Charisma: 6

Avatar: A girlish young woman with a serene face, her long brown hair tied back to a high ponytail. She wears a brown bib-type overall over a green shirt and working boots. In the pouches of her overall, various tools are tucked.

Profile: [Evaluation report; Record Number: CL-005133618/9020; Recipient: Prowl, Strategic Advisor; Submitted by: Beretta, Squadron Leader] Remington is a solid support for me, she has always been and I know she always will be. We go a long way back. She’s been changed by the war, we all have, but she kept that cheerful, unselfish streak that makes you feel like having a friend the moment you talk to her. Composed, rational and objective, she’s more often than not the cool head we need in a heated situation. Everyone values her input. She keeps records, charts, specifications on everything and is a real wizard when it comes to either repairing or customizing equipment. How many times has it been that she fixed up supposedly totaled guns written off for scrap? I lost track…

Abilities: Remington can sit for cycles without end until she comes up with a solution to a problem. Which, after each engagement, most likely includes one of Ingram’s armaments that jammed due to not-too-proper use. But whatever it is, it always gets remedied in the end. It’s Remington’s gift, she’s a repairs-femme with golden manual actuators. Recently, she has also undergone in-depth first aid training, expanding her considerable knowledge on all things mechanic even more. She carries a custom made shotgun, primarily for self-defense but has no trouble taking down your regular Con from up close. Her alternate mode has the top speed of 75 mph which equals, by her own assessment, 120 kmph.

Weaknesses: Remington is more of a technician than a soldier, so putting her up to the front is unadvised. And I can also sense that she’s growing ever weary of this conflict. Though the thought of having her removed from the squad discomforts me, I may have to recommend her for reassignment to a research facility or temporary dismissal from service to avoid permanent psychological scarring. [End of report.]

Sample post: The gun shop Beretta's holomatter avatar entered was a small, but neatly decorated and tidy place. Wooden racks lined the walls, carrying a display of several dozen firearms from simple sidearms to semi-automatics and shotguns. All labeled and with a tag attached that described the gun's basic characteristics, caliber, rate of fire, magazine size, and so on. Diffused light from carefully arranged lamp-brackets glinted on their scrupulously clean-kept metal surfaces.

Beretta wandered in, clearly feeling as close to the concept of home as it was possible. She couldn't recall even Remy keeping this many weapons in her own workshop, or in such neat rows.

Some of the designations she read on the labels did strike her as odd, though. She tried to pronounced them inwardly. They sounded very similar to...

She picked one of the pistols off the rack. A Beretta M92.

A young, stern-faced but kind-eyed man came over to greet her, wearing an intentionally not too well-ironed shirt. Elegant but not snobbish. It wasn't just the rich and bored who purchased guns, after all.

"Perhaps you'd like an introduction to..." he began gently but was suddenly interrupted by Beretta quickly and expertly ejecting the magazine, slamming it home again, then thumbing the safety off and racking the slide. "...or maybe not."

She looked up at him, grinning.

"I think I can figure out the basic workings, but thanks."

"It's rare to see someone knowing their ware this well," the man said. "I'm Marvin. Welcome to Winley’s Arms."

"Glad to meetcha, Marv. I'm Retta," she returned gingerly.


"Yeah, Retta. And let's just leave it at that, okay?" She raised a holomatter-eyebrow suggestively.

"As you say," Marvin said with a warm smile, though obviously wrong-footed. He turned his attention to the gun she held in her hand instead. "You like it?"

"Oh yes, I do. Very much," Beretta said with a reverence toward the weapon in her voice Marvin could not quite place. "Simple mechanism, yet highly effective and by my estimation, very accurate." She held the pistol out as if tracking a target.

"Your estimation? Haven't you used a Beretta M92 before? Just now you readied it as if you were born with it."

"None that I recall. I'm used to more... advanced tech."

"Advanced tech...?" Marvin smiled again, this time even more baffled.

"Yeah, you know... concussion blasters, standard voltage lasers, plasma emitters and..." she began with unthinking enthusiasm but immediately realized her slip. Dealing with humans was an entirely new, unexpored area. She'd need to watch what she said.

Marvin stood and looked at her, mouth slightly agape, dumbfounded.

"Sorry, sorry. Too much... science-fiction," Beretta giggled, waving a hand dismissively.

"I take it, you're a... professional?" Marvin attempted to steer the conversation back to a more solid ground.

"You bet," Beretta said instead of asking him with mild sarcasm if several millions of years worth of trudging trenches, blowing Cons' cranial units off, ducking for cover and burying comrades qualified as being professional.

"Are you in special forces?"

"Yeah. Kinda."


"So special you wouldn't believe." She looked up, directly into his eyes. Marvin couldn't tell whether she was joking or not.

"If I might take a guess I'd say... from another planet?" Marvin asked, a clumsy attempt at humor. He was at a loss for anything appropriate. He couldn't quite figure the young woman in front of him. An expert with guns, light hearted but so... off. Likable but weird.

Both of them paused. Then both of them laughed. All of a sudden. The exchange was so surreal none of them could contain it any longer.

"Now that, Marv, is a very long and complicated story, I'm afraid..." Beretta said and her expression turned sourer as their laughter abated. Her gaze shifted away, as if she saw something in the distance that had been dear to her once but she had been forced to leave behind.

There were a few seconds of silence.

"Maybe you could tell me... over dinner?" Marvin then said gently.

Beretta looked at him again. His eyes sparkled with a genuine interest. He was a kind person at heart, apparently. The kind that got slagged first when the chaos of war, real war, reached them.

Beretta thought for a moment. While it would have been an interesting jaunt to engage more deeply in human interactions, it would also have severely jeopardized Autobot security on the planet. Not to mention, hurting the guy. He thought he was talking to a normal human. There was no point in dragging him into a conflict that was way out of his reach to comprehend. If the Decepticons' battle plan progressed as it usually did, it was very likely that he would be killed, wiped out along the majority of the planet's populace in the latter stages of infiltration anyway. Best leave him in peace for the remaining time he had.

Though, Beretta wouldn't let any grim chance keep her from doing everything in her power to make the Cons stop and hammer them back to the waste disposal canals of Kaon. Marvin had just reminded her why at all she was an Autobot. For that, she was grateful.

She spun the gun over in her hand and offered it to Marvin, grip first. She looked him in the eye, trying to put as much sincerity in her voice and her glance as the holomatter avatar could convey.

"That ain't gonna work, Marv, I'm sorry. You're a sweet chap, though." She slapped him on the shoulder as he took the pistol. "Nice store, by the way, and great ware. Keep it up."

Waving him farewell, the holomatter that was Beretta among humans, walked out of the gun shop, leaving Marvin's confused face behind.

She walked back to her alternate form that was patiently waiting in a small parking lot nearby, and opened a link to her squad as she sat in.

>> "Two things you won't believe, guys. One: I almost got hooked up with a human. Two: our names are made up of the same phonetics as some gun designations here on this planet." <<


Dragunov turned the page of the newspaper she had flipped open on the table in front of her. She sipped her coffee and waved at the waitress to bring the bill.

>> "How intriguing it would have been." << She smirked as Beretta's transmission came through. >> "You should have gone for it, chief. If we're really named after guns here like you say, we should blow, right?" <<

While she was talking, she held a cellphone to her ear. The open terrace of the cafe was bustling with chattering guests and hurrying staff. Lots of eyes and ears. As much as she was teasing Beretta, Dragunov was well aware of the necessity of appearances for maintaining cover in front of the local populace.

>> "Oh, I wouldn't want to spoil your chances at first shot, Dragu. If we ever get the chance." << Beretta replied.

>> "Much obliged, chief." << Dragunov said and pushed a note to the waitress who returned with the check, and flicked her hand to show no change was needed. The waitress blinked in momentary bafflement but quickly composed herself and offered a curt nod of gratitude. True, the banknote would mysteriously disappear a short time later when Dragunov recalled all the holomatter to her projector but that would be a problem for someone else to solve. >> "I think I know just where I'd start. " <<

>> "What's on your mind?" << Beretta said quickly, before some other members of her squad who liked to pick on Dragu as much as Dragu liked to pick on her would cram the channel full with slag.

And because she was genuinely interested. Of all her squad, Dragunov had the keenest sense for interacting with individuals of vastly different social status and political standing. If Beretta had had to name five Bots who could establish successful cooperation with humans, Dragunov would have been one of them.

>> "There are a few people who keep coming up in the international newsreels and these celullose-based information sheets they call newspapers. The most interesting appears to be a sort of magnate named G.B. Blackrock. Fuel industry, telecommunications, the guy has a hand in almost all major aspects of the planet-wide economy. There are a few others but he is the most prominent. And quite... handsome, by human standards. " <<

Dragunov's holomatter-self smirked as she downed the coffee from her mug and folded the newspaper under the crest of her arm. Leaving the table, she wound her way through the crowded terrace back to her luxury car alternate-mode with an aristocratic, high grace to her steps.

Carefully, so that no one would see, she emptied the drink she had consumed into a wastebin by the side of the walkway, through a slit opening on her palm. She had no biological digestive system to process beverages, but having a drink did a lot to help blending in. And she liked to blend in.

>> "If you ever get in touch with him, make sure to get me a clearance to his factories. Primitive these Earthlings may be by our standards, but some of the technologies they implement are pretty innovative. I’d love to see it up close." << Remington's voice crackled over the comm-net.

>> "You also know this guy, Remy?" << Beretta asked.

>> "Some of the parts I'm pretending to cobble into my vehicle mode were manufactured by his local firms. His renown is quite something this side of the city. They don't slag around much, produce quality stuff. " <<


To anyone not being aware what they were looking at, Remington was just a young woman wearing a worker's overall, bending under a propped-up hood and busily tinkering in the engine compartment of a bulky SUV parked by the roadside. Along the four-lane avenue, warehouses and all sorts of mechanic's workshops rose. Dull clangs reverberated periodically and machine clatter came from the background. A blowhorn signaling the end of a shift blared in the distance, and the air smelled of burned metal, sweat and oil. A towering chimney belched grey, unfriendly smoke towards the sky. Trucks loaded with raw materials, buses carrying workcrews, and the occasional motor-cars sped by. A few pedestrians paced along the walkways.

Remington liked it. The chemicals her nasal receptors picked up and indentified were different than the ones in the industrial districts back on Cybertron but conveyed the same feeling. She loved everything mechanic, animate or inanimate. To her, all pulsed with life. The intricate little parts that turned, spun and slid together to make vast machineries perform various tasks, the sounds that accompanied them, the electrical discharges that coursed back and forth... That's why she felt elated in surroundings like this. The area was like a living city.

Her avatar sighed delightedly and made the all too human gesture of wiping the sweat from her brow.

>> "So this Blackrock guy is worth writing into a report, right? Anything else on your end?" << Beretta said.

Remy straightened up beside her own alternate form and looked left and right.

>> "Nothing of import, chief. Low traffic, the usual at this breem. I'll be moving onto checkpoint five in three klicks. And yeah, this Blackrock chap looks like a viable prospect for our PR agent Dragu..." <<

Dragunov just sniggered and revved her engine to emphasize she liked the thought.

>> "Remy, throw me up some details on him, would you? Find out what you can, his involvements, technical specifications on his hardware, whatever you find interesting and warrants taking up storage space in the mainframe back at base. Dragu, you can help, if you're so inclined. But only surveillance, understood? If you miss a mark and expose us, Prowl will have our afts singed by a solar flare." << Beretta crackled.

>> "I never miss a mark." << Dragunov said with utter confidence.

Beretta grunted. It passed for an affirmation. Even if Dragunov was an intolerable snob at times, oozing superiority and choking holiness, there was no denying her claim. Beretta couldn't name a more accurate sharpshooter in the Earth-based Autobot contingent.

>> "I don't know why you're makin' such a jangle over this all. It's so simple to hang aroun' humans." << A deeper, robust and gleeful voice cut in. Something very loud came through with it, distorting the words.


>> "Ingram, that you? Repeat." << Beretta said, trying to overshout the noise assaulting her audio receptors.

>> "It's me alright, chief. I was just asking..." <<

>> "What's with the commotion? I can't hear a damn thing." <<

>> "Engines, chief. A slagload of engines." <<

A pause. Everyone stayed silent for a micron. Indeed, the cacophony seemed to resolve itself into a choir of angrily roaring engines.

>> "Where the hell are you?" << Beretta demanded, fluid pressure rising.

>> "Gatherin' intelligence, like you said, chief. Glocksie and I found ourselves a street race. She's just driven up to the start line." << Ingram said gingerly, completely unaware that she was about a mono-filament wire's width from unleashing her squad leader's ire.

A row of cars rolled up to a white line drawn on the concrete just a minute before, and wobbled and shook from sudden gas injections. Exhausts spat swirling smoke and blue tongues of flame. A gathered batch of people in overly colourful, extravagant clothing cheered and whistled, waving hands into the air and pulling banknotes from pockets and wallets to hand them over to hastily promoted buckmakers, betting on this car and that.

All types of exotic and conspicous custom made cars were parked around the abandoned roadway that led outwards from the city at the eastern fringe. A long, straight path of concrete flanked by little other than gritty sand, save for scattered patches of dried underwood.

Ingram's holomatter-self sat on the hood of her alternate mode, easily the largest vehicle in the vicinity, and looked on the race about to start with a wide grin. She pressed a cellphone to her ear casually with a single finger.

>> "And what part of that qualifies as gathering intelligence?" << If Beretta's voice had been her fist, Ingram would have heard it clench.

At least, now Beretta knew why Ingram an Glock hadn't started picking on Dragu at the first opening. They had been busy elsewhere.

>> "Uh, local customs, practices... you know, the stuff they always tell us to observe when we disembark on a new world...? So Glocksie thought this might be a... good chance an' all..." << Ingram said, every sign of complacency gradually vanishing from her expression, as she arrived to the realization that something was not quite right.

>> "And the part about no intervention, no engagement until absolutely necessary? Working covert, keeping distance? I'm sure you recall." <<

>> "Yeah, chief but come on, it's just a..." <<

>> "Shut the slag up, Ing. You two disengage right now and get out of there or I swear to Primus I'll shove a batch of scraplets up your exhausts and feed you to a trash compactor. Clear?" << Beretta exploded.

Ingram got the message. She hopped off her hood and began jogging over to the crowded section of the road and elbowing her way through.

Just when with a shriek of tires, the cars took off.

Ingram stopped.

"Slag..." she muttered.

>> "Relax, I've got this." << Glock said a moment later, sounding as sure of herself as she always did.


>> "You break off this instant, Glock." << Beretta said, seething.

>> "Like slag. Once you're in, you don't get out 'till it's over." << Glock retorted, unyileding.

Tires kept screaming and engines revved as if they were trying to outroar one another. Gleaming metal needles rocketed forward to the quarter mile sign - two trash cans at either side of the road - laid out in the distance. Glock took the lead and cut off another car that was trying to overtake her from the right.

Beretta fumed but couldn't think of what to do. Glock's pride was a major cause for cranial unit aches. The worst part, there was nothing in the known universe, except perhaps a round between the optics, that would dissuade Glock from a choice she had already made.

>> "Alright, Glock. Since there's nothing I can do to make you back the slag off, you can have your fun. But get ready to face the consequences. Disciplinary, three mega-cycles, at least." <<

>> "What, you ain't gonna slagtalk to try and put me off?" << Glock said, challengingly.

Beretta sighed. Or rather, her holo-avatar did.

>> "I thought you already understood this before. This isn't about me being right over you. It's not about me doubting your abilities. It's not about seniority or squad command. It's not even about me or you or any of us. This is way bigger. We are here for a reason and that reason is building up a bulwark against the Con threat." <<

A pause in words. Engines grating like hoarse throats. Gears shifting. Another cut-off, this time on the left. Glock accelerated, putting some distance between herself and the other racers.

>> "What you're doing right now, puts everything in danger. Say, you cause an accident speeding around and we get exposed. What's gonna happen? A whole world will panic and mobilize against incursion. How will the Cons react? Most likely, speed up their infiltration process and burn the planet down before we can build up our defenses. And what then? We wage war, trampling another billion dead bodies in a wasteland scoured of life. Haven't we seen that enough times? Haven't enough died already?" <<

The thundering muscle car that was Glock's alternate mode passed the quarter mile sign two chassis lenghts ahead of the second racer. One of the cans was swept over by the torrent of wind the speeding vehicles brought on.

>> "We have duties that we must carry out, we've had ever since we took oath of the Autobot symbol back at Iacon Autobase. If you still haven't figured that, I have no other way left to break it to you than disciplinary. And I can only hope you get the point before you end up in court martial." <<

Glock hit the brakes, sliding into a U-turn. Her tires screeched even more painfully until she came to a halt. The dust she kicked up billowed away.

But she didn't say a word. Her avatar just stared out into the distance in front of her.

>> "I get it. You win, chief." << She then said, dryly. >> "I'm sorry." <<

Beretta sighed again. So damn stubborn you could break a rockcrete block on her cranial. Still this win or lose scrap.

>> "Haul your aft back to base, an officer and I are going to have a chat with you." <<

The muscle car started slowly, defeatedly, in spite of having won the drag round. Not waiting for the onlookers rushing up to cheer her on and celebrate the victory, Glock rumbled away.
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Re: NEW Character Applications

Postby Ember » Tue Feb 26, 2013 6:12 pm

Motto: "I'm not psycho...I just like psychotic things."
Gatkowski wrote:I think I used up my share of Ember's generosity for this decade, so much she aided me in hammering all this into a workable concept. So my gratitude to her.

And to SmokescreenGT, for kindly lending me Prowl to use in the profiles.

Name: Beretta
Allegiance: Autobots
Function: Squadron leader
Alt. mode: Olive green Ford Mustang with black stripes
Weapons: 2x high powered handguns
Height: 28 ft (8,4 meters)
Quote: "We all go, or we don’t go."

Strength: 6
Intelligence: 7
Dexterity: 7
Speed: 5
Endurance: 6
Courage: 8
Firepower: 7
Accuracy: 5
Melee: 8
Tech Skill: 4
Charisma: 7

Avatar: A young woman, her hair chin-length and black with purple streaks. She wears a brown leather jacket over a black top, olive-green military-style fatigues and high-heeled brown leather boots.

Profile: [From Remington’s Personal Logs; Entry Nr. TDN-90037512/111] They say there comes a make or break moment in every soldier’s life, when all the stress, all the impossible choices rush up to them all at once. I don’t think I have met mine yet but Beretta sure had hers. And I believe it is one worth recording. It happened during one of her early missions, somewhere in Uraya. She was still a file soldier, sent behind enemy lines with her squad. They completed the task but not without casualties. They carried their wounded to the extraction point, but as it turned out, extraction wouldn’t come. The officer in charge decided they would have to attempt to reach a friendly post on pedal. The wounded could not be carried, because of increasing the risk of discovery and slowing them down. As cruel and distasteful a choice it was, the officer went with it and ordered Beretta to execute those three wounded mechs. Mercy killings. She shot two with trembling actuators, two who were unable to even move or speak anymore. But she couldn’t shoot the third one who was still clinging on to life. She refused the order in the end. Instead, she hoisted that last casualty onto her shoulder and set off. The officer told her it was her choice. Able to progress faster unburdened, the rest of her squad left her behind. She was alone in enemy territory, carrying a wounded who was conscious but was utterly incapable of fighting. Slipping away between ambushes, she made quite a distance before she got into a firefight. Suffered a few burns but managed to take down the attackers and went on. She never stopped. Eventually, she passed by the twisted, charred remains of her squad mates. They had been found and dealt with. Still, she kept going. And after two mega-cycles of tormenting forced march, with several scorch-streaks on her frame and one solid round furrowed into her upper right arm, she reached an Autobot post. There, with proper medical attention, both her and the casualty she carried could be saved.

If that doesn’t show who Beretta really is, nothing ever will. Oh, one small thing. That casualty she brought back. It was me.

Abilities: Beretta is one of those who wasn’t made to command but has grown into it. She used to be rash, reckless and boisterous but after she dragged my aft out of that scrap-hole in Uraya where I nearly died, she started to change. She started to believe she could make a difference. That it mattered what she did and how well she did it. That determination, that confidence, that presence she now has stems from that time. She’s developed into an able field commander. I never thought anyone could change this much, especially her, after all those drinking nights she had endeavored on… And that nickname you’ll hear her called by, “Gunslinger”, that’s no accident either. She’s an expert with handguns, back and forth. Only challenge her to a drawing bout if you can handle disappointment well. The neat looking sports-car she transforms into can reach the top speed of 148 mph, which translates to the kmph range as 236. I gauged it myself.

Weaknesses: Sometimes her old, rash self resurfaces, particularly when there is lot of steam to let off. But it hasn’t caused any trouble so far. [End of file.]

Name: Dragunov
Allegiance: Autobot
Function: Sniper
Alt. mode: Black Aston Martin DB9
Weapons: Long-range precision rifle
Special Abilities: -
Height: 28 ft (8,4 meters)
Quote: "Have you ever seen me miss?"

Strength: 4
Intelligence: 8
Dexterity: 8
Speed: 6
Endurance: 4
Courage: 7
Firepower: 8
Accuracy: 9
Melee: 4
Tech Skill: 6
Charisma: 6

Avatar: A straight and serious-faced woman who looks like she's in her early thirties, with slicked back blonde hair. She wears a white suit and sunglasses.

Profile: [Evaluation report; Record Number: CL-00513672/7429; Recipient: Prowl, Strategic Advisor; Submitted by: Beretta, Squadron Leader] At the same time, easy-going and utterly confident to the point of superiority. A curious mixture. Not to mention, a relentless perfectionist. Strive for the best, demand the best. I love that when Dragunov has her trusty sniper rifle in actuator and is watching my six with it, but she can get on my nerves when her quirks overtake her sense and she starts talking to the rest of us like we were three leagues below her. The legacy of having been the director of an entire manufacturing firm once, I guess. Now nothing but mud and fluid in the trenches with us grunts. It must have been quite a blow to her, losing all her fortune and pedigree. I am aware, though, that she did it all on her own, decommissioning the entire business when she discovered it had gotten tied up in Decepticon-related politics. That definitely plays to her credit. She’s steadfast, loyal, sociable, smart and fluid in conversation on basically any subject. Just that damn superiority that sometimes gets the better of her…

Abilities: Even if her rifle is unloaded, when she points it at you, you involuntarily get those static-charge shivers crawling up your backplate. She’s the only sniper I know whose hit ratio reaches 98% on the shooting range. You need an optic picked off from 10 miles? She’ll get it done. Though, if you need a diplomatic advisor, I can also recommend her. Her intelligence, familiarity with both economics and politics make her an ideal one. The alternate mode she opted for upon assignment to Earth is a luxury-sports car that has a top speed of 186 mph which, according to Remington, calculates to 300 kmph, as speed is measured in certain regions on Earth.

Weaknesses: Dragunov is, due to a different background, not as physically able as the rest of my squad. She’s best deployed as rearguard / support, away from the direct front. Also, though so far we’ve been able to prevent it, her overconfidence may cause trouble for her. Or the whole squad, for that matter. [End of report.]

Name: Glock
Allegiance: Autobot
Function: Close-quarters specialist
Alt. mode: Beige Dodge Challenger with dark brown stripes
Weapons: 2x automatic, extended magazine handguns
Height: 27ft / 8m
Quote: "Winners are a different caste."

Strength: 7
Intelligence: 5
Dexterity: 8
Speed: 6
Endurance: 7
Courage: 7
Firepower: 6
Accuracy: 6
Melee: 9
Tech Skill: 4
Charisma: 5

Avatar: A sporty, determined-looking young woman with short, slightly spikey brown hair. She wears a white-blue-red tracksuit and white training shoes.

Profile: [Evaluation report; Record Number: CL-00513418/2642; Recipient: Prowl, Strategic Advisor; Submitted by: Beretta, Squadron Leader] A walking, solid block of pride. You know how it is with these ex-full contact martial sports practitioners. And Glock was one of the best. Not, by far, as vicious as Kaon’s gladiators but she did dish out and soak up enough in her time. From the way she moves, I wager she is pretty proficient in at least three different disciplines. I also have some suspicions on Crystallocution training. She doesn’t talk about it. Unfortunately, because of that high level of achievement, she believes there’s only one set of rules to follow: her own. She’s dedicated, tireless but when she decides on something, she gets so stubborn even Primus would have a hard time dissuading her. The only way I found to make her listen upon her recruitment was to knock her out straight (you ought to remember that, file DCM-917, you were our appointed disciplinary officer then…). It hasn’t completely stopped her from flaunting my authority on occasion, though, for I believe she sees me as a rival. But it’s under control. Alternatively, Ingram can talk sense into her, they seem to get along just fine.

Abilities: Despite all her personal shortcomings, I can’t help but feel relieved knowing she’s on our side when I see her in action. She can so expertly dispatch basically any foe in hand to hand combat that I don’t know how I ever managed to floor her. She can even use her paired handguns up close, grabbing them by the barrel and using them as clubs or adding their firepower to her already lethal moves in short, precisely controlled bursts. Her car mode has the top speed of 150 mph, which is by other measurements 240 kmph.

Weaknesses: That damn pride of hers. I understand that it’s some kind of code that drives her but it can make dealing with her extremely difficult. [End of report.]

Name: Ingram
Allegiance: Autobot
Function: Heavy weapons specialist
Alt. mode: Beige and red Hummer H1
Weapons: Rotator cannon
Height: 33ft / 10m
Quote: "Step aside, I'm comin' through!"

Strength: 8
Intelligence: 4
Dexterity: 6
Speed: 4
Endurance: 9
Courage: 8
Firepower: 8
Accuracy: 5
Melee: 8
Tech Skill: 5
Charisma: 5

Avatar: A conspicuously tall and well-built young woman with short-cropped red hair. She wears a black sleeveless shirt, a brown vest, bermuda shorts and hiking boots.

Profile: [Evaluation report; Record Number: CL-005139341/1149; Recipient: Prowl, Strategic Advisor; Submitted by: Beretta, Squadron Leader] The loudest in the team. As loud and as huge she is, as kind her spark. And unfortunately, as dim in the brain compartment. Never aspired for much, having been a power-loader operator before enlistment, but what she has to do, she does dutifully. No science prizes out there for her to win but I’m certain she’d carry all the rest of us on her back to the nearest medbase if she had to, or shield us with her frame from enemy fire, merely out of loyalty. She’s one tough bot who approaches everything with cheerful simplicity and never gives up until either she goes down or the objective is achieved. Couldn’t think of anyone better to hold ground. Strong, reliable and as steadfast as any of the others. Oh, has a habit of emphasizing her point with guns. Huge guns. She has a thing for them. Whether that’s the reason Glock likes her the most, I don’t know. But those two make a highly effective duo.

Abilities: While nowhere near as refined as Glock, Ingram is a resourceful brawler. It’s usually her slamming opponents larger than herself to either the ground or into walls, but I’m the one to feel my skeletal structure jar from those forceful impacts. She can withstand enormous punishment and walk away on her own pedal actuators with injuries that would send a normal mech outright to stasis lock. No, I wouldn’t believe it either but I saw it with my own optics. Add to that her borderline obsession with firepower and you have the perfect material for a heavy-duty trooper. The rotator cannon she carries can be fitted with a variety of ammunition and used for different purposes. Its maximum firing rate is 12.000 rounds per one Earth minute. Her alternate-mode is a fitting one, too. A high-mobility vehicle that can reach the top speed of 70 mph which, again Remington tells me, is about 113 kmph.

Weaknesses: Ingram’s tough alright, but she also needs instructions to operate efficiently. Thinking battle plan comes to her with some difficulty. Also, what makes her so formidable, her love for firepower, also makes her susceptible to running out of ammunition real fast. [End of report.]

Name: Remington
Allegiance: Autobot
Function: Technician
Alt. mode: Green Chevrolet Avalanche with yellow trim
Weapons: Stinger Shotgun
Height: 27ft / 8m
Quote: "The fact that things can break doesn’t mean you have to break them."

Strength: 6
Intelligence: 8
Dexterity: 8
Speed: 4
Endurance: 6
Courage: 7
Firepower: 7
Accuracy: 5
Melee: 4
Tech Skill: 9
Charisma: 6

Avatar: A girlish young woman with a serene face, her long brown hair tied back to a high ponytail. She wears a brown bib-type overall over a green shirt and working boots. In the pouches of her overall, various tools are tucked.

Profile: [Evaluation report; Record Number: CL-005133618/9020; Recipient: Prowl, Strategic Advisor; Submitted by: Beretta, Squadron Leader] Remington is a solid support for me, she has always been and I know she always will be. We go a long way back. She’s been changed by the war, we all have, but she kept that cheerful, unselfish streak that makes you feel like having a friend the moment you talk to her. Composed, rational and objective, she’s more often than not the cool head we need in a heated situation. Everyone values her input. She keeps records, charts, specifications on everything and is a real wizard when it comes to either repairing or customizing equipment. How many times has it been that she fixed up supposedly totaled guns written off for scrap? I lost track…

Abilities: Remington can sit for cycles without end until she comes up with a solution to a problem. Which, after each engagement, most likely includes one of Ingram’s armaments that jammed due to not-too-proper use. But whatever it is, it always gets remedied in the end. It’s Remington’s gift, she’s a repairs-femme with golden manual actuators. Recently, she has also undergone in-depth first aid training, expanding her considerable knowledge on all things mechanic even more. She carries a custom made shotgun, primarily for self-defense but has no trouble taking down your regular Con from up close. Her alternate mode has the top speed of 75 mph which equals, by her own assessment, 120 kmph.

Weaknesses: Remington is more of a technician than a soldier, so putting her up to the front is unadvised. And I can also sense that she’s growing ever weary of this conflict. Though the thought of having her removed from the squad discomforts me, I may have to recommend her for reassignment to a research facility or temporary dismissal from service to avoid permanent psychological scarring. [End of report.]

Sample post: The gun shop Beretta's holomatter avatar entered was a small, but neatly decorated and tidy place. Wooden racks lined the walls, carrying a display of several dozen firearms from simple sidearms to semi-automatics and shotguns. All labeled and with a tag attached that described the gun's basic characteristics, caliber, rate of fire, magazine size, and so on. Diffused light from carefully arranged lamp-brackets glinted on their scrupulously clean-kept metal surfaces.

Beretta wandered in, clearly feeling as close to the concept of home as it was possible. She couldn't recall even Remy keeping this many weapons in her own workshop, or in such neat rows.

Some of the designations she read on the labels did strike her as odd, though. She tried to pronounced them inwardly. They sounded very similar to...

She picked one of the pistols off the rack. A Beretta M92.

A young, stern-faced but kind-eyed man came over to greet her, wearing an intentionally not too well-ironed shirt. Elegant but not snobbish. It wasn't just the rich and bored who purchased guns, after all.

"Perhaps you'd like an introduction to..." he began gently but was suddenly interrupted by Beretta quickly and expertly ejecting the magazine, slamming it home again, then thumbing the safety off and racking the slide. "...or maybe not."

She looked up at him, grinning.

"I think I can figure out the basic workings, but thanks."

"It's rare to see someone knowing their ware this well," the man said. "I'm Marvin. Welcome to Winley’s Arms."

"Glad to meetcha, Marv. I'm Retta," she returned gingerly.


"Yeah, Retta. And let's just leave it at that, okay?" She raised a holomatter-eyebrow suggestively.

"As you say," Marvin said with a warm smile, though obviously wrong-footed. He turned his attention to the gun she held in her hand instead. "You like it?"

"Oh yes, I do. Very much," Beretta said with a reverence toward the weapon in her voice Marvin could not quite place. "Simple mechanism, yet highly effective and by my estimation, very accurate." She held the pistol out as if tracking a target.

"Your estimation? Haven't you used a Beretta M92 before? Just now you readied it as if you were born with it."

"None that I recall. I'm used to more... advanced tech."

"Advanced tech...?" Marvin smiled again, this time even more baffled.

"Yeah, you know... concussion blasters, standard voltage lasers, plasma emitters and..." she began with unthinking enthusiasm but immediately realized her slip. Dealing with humans was an entirely new, unexpored area. She'd need to watch what she said.

Marvin stood and looked at her, mouth slightly agape, dumbfounded.

"Sorry, sorry. Too much... science-fiction," Beretta giggled, waving a hand dismissively.

"I take it, you're a... professional?" Marvin attempted to steer the conversation back to a more solid ground.

"You bet," Beretta said instead of asking him with mild sarcasm if several millions of years worth of trudging trenches, blowing Cons' cranial units off, ducking for cover and burying comrades qualified as being professional.

"Are you in special forces?"

"Yeah. Kinda."


"So special you wouldn't believe." She looked up, directly into his eyes. Marvin couldn't tell whether she was joking or not.

"If I might take a guess I'd say... from another planet?" Marvin asked, a clumsy attempt at humor. He was at a loss for anything appropriate. He couldn't quite figure the young woman in front of him. An expert with guns, light hearted but so... off. Likable but weird.

Both of them paused. Then both of them laughed. All of a sudden. The exchange was so surreal none of them could contain it any longer.

"Now that, Marv, is a very long and complicated story, I'm afraid..." Beretta said and her expression turned sourer as their laughter abated. Her gaze shifted away, as if she saw something in the distance that had been dear to her once but she had been forced to leave behind.

There were a few seconds of silence.

"Maybe you could tell me... over dinner?" Marvin then said gently.

Beretta looked at him again. His eyes sparkled with a genuine interest. He was a kind person at heart, apparently. The kind that got slagged first when the chaos of war, real war, reached them.

Beretta thought for a moment. While it would have been an interesting jaunt to engage more deeply in human interactions, it would also have severely jeopardized Autobot security on the planet. Not to mention, hurting the guy. He thought he was talking to a normal human. There was no point in dragging him into a conflict that was way out of his reach to comprehend. If the Decepticons' battle plan progressed as it usually did, it was very likely that he would be killed, wiped out along the majority of the planet's populace in the latter stages of infiltration anyway. Best leave him in peace for the remaining time he had.

Though, Beretta wouldn't let any grim chance keep her from doing everything in her power to make the Cons stop and hammer them back to the waste disposal canals of Kaon. Marvin had just reminded her why at all she was an Autobot. For that, she was grateful.

She spun the gun over in her hand and offered it to Marvin, grip first. She looked him in the eye, trying to put as much sincerity in her voice and her glance as the holomatter avatar could convey.

"That ain't gonna work, Marv, I'm sorry. You're a sweet chap, though." She slapped him on the shoulder as he took the pistol. "Nice store, by the way, and great ware. Keep it up."

Waving him farewell, the holomatter that was Beretta among humans, walked out of the gun shop, leaving Marvin's confused face behind.

She walked back to her alternate form that was patiently waiting in a small parking lot nearby, and opened a link to her squad as she sat in.

>> "Two things you won't believe, guys. One: I almost got hooked up with a human. Two: our names are made up of the same phonetics as some gun designations here on this planet." <<


Dragunov turned the page of the newspaper she had flipped open on the table in front of her. She sipped her coffee and waved at the waitress to bring the bill.

>> "How intriguing it would have been." << She smirked as Beretta's transmission came through. >> "You should have gone for it, chief. If we're really named after guns here like you say, we should blow, right?" <<

While she was talking, she held a cellphone to her ear. The open terrace of the cafe was bustling with chattering guests and hurrying staff. Lots of eyes and ears. As much as she was teasing Beretta, Dragunov was well aware of the necessity of appearances for maintaining cover in front of the local populace.

>> "Oh, I wouldn't want to spoil your chances at first shot, Dragu. If we ever get the chance." << Beretta replied.

>> "Much obliged, chief." << Dragunov said and pushed a note to the waitress who returned with the check, and flicked her hand to show no change was needed. The waitress blinked in momentary bafflement but quickly composed herself and offered a curt nod of gratitude. True, the banknote would mysteriously disappear a short time later when Dragunov recalled all the holomatter to her projector but that would be a problem for someone else to solve. >> "I think I know just where I'd start. " <<

>> "What's on your mind?" << Beretta said quickly, before some other members of her squad who liked to pick on Dragu as much as Dragu liked to pick on her would cram the channel full with slag.

And because she was genuinely interested. Of all her squad, Dragunov had the keenest sense for interacting with individuals of vastly different social status and political standing. If Beretta had had to name five Bots who could establish successful cooperation with humans, Dragunov would have been one of them.

>> "There are a few people who keep coming up in the international newsreels and these celullose-based information sheets they call newspapers. The most interesting appears to be a sort of magnate named G.B. Blackrock. Fuel industry, telecommunications, the guy has a hand in almost all major aspects of the planet-wide economy. There are a few others but he is the most prominent. And quite... handsome, by human standards. " <<

Dragunov's holomatter-self smirked as she downed the coffee from her mug and folded the newspaper under the crest of her arm. Leaving the table, she wound her way through the crowded terrace back to her luxury car alternate-mode with an aristocratic, high grace to her steps.

Carefully, so that no one would see, she emptied the drink she had consumed into a wastebin by the side of the walkway, through a slit opening on her palm. She had no biological digestive system to process beverages, but having a drink did a lot to help blending in. And she liked to blend in.

>> "If you ever get in touch with him, make sure to get me a clearance to his factories. Primitive these Earthlings may be by our standards, but some of the technologies they implement are pretty innovative. I’d love to see it up close." << Remington's voice crackled over the comm-net.

>> "You also know this guy, Remy?" << Beretta asked.

>> "Some of the parts I'm pretending to cobble into my vehicle mode were manufactured by his local firms. His renown is quite something this side of the city. They don't slag around much, produce quality stuff. " <<


To anyone not being aware what they were looking at, Remington was just a young woman wearing a worker's overall, bending under a propped-up hood and busily tinkering in the engine compartment of a bulky SUV parked by the roadside. Along the four-lane avenue, warehouses and all sorts of mechanic's workshops rose. Dull clangs reverberated periodically and machine clatter came from the background. A blowhorn signaling the end of a shift blared in the distance, and the air smelled of burned metal, sweat and oil. A towering chimney belched grey, unfriendly smoke towards the sky. Trucks loaded with raw materials, buses carrying workcrews, and the occasional motor-cars sped by. A few pedestrians paced along the walkways.

Remington liked it. The chemicals her nasal receptors picked up and indentified were different than the ones in the industrial districts back on Cybertron but conveyed the same feeling. She loved everything mechanic, animate or inanimate. To her, all pulsed with life. The intricate little parts that turned, spun and slid together to make vast machineries perform various tasks, the sounds that accompanied them, the electrical discharges that coursed back and forth... That's why she felt elated in surroundings like this. The area was like a living city.

Her avatar sighed delightedly and made the all too human gesture of wiping the sweat from her brow.

>> "So this Blackrock guy is worth writing into a report, right? Anything else on your end?" << Beretta said.

Remy straightened up beside her own alternate form and looked left and right.

>> "Nothing of import, chief. Low traffic, the usual at this breem. I'll be moving onto checkpoint five in three klicks. And yeah, this Blackrock chap looks like a viable prospect for our PR agent Dragu..." <<

Dragunov just sniggered and revved her engine to emphasize she liked the thought.

>> "Remy, throw me up some details on him, would you? Find out what you can, his involvements, technical specifications on his hardware, whatever you find interesting and warrants taking up storage space in the mainframe back at base. Dragu, you can help, if you're so inclined. But only surveillance, understood? If you miss a mark and expose us, Prowl will have our afts singed by a solar flare." << Beretta crackled.

>> "I never miss a mark." << Dragunov said with utter confidence.

Beretta grunted. It passed for an affirmation. Even if Dragunov was an intolerable snob at times, oozing superiority and choking holiness, there was no denying her claim. Beretta couldn't name a more accurate sharpshooter in the Earth-based Autobot contingent.

>> "I don't know why you're makin' such a jangle over this all. It's so simple to hang aroun' humans." << A deeper, robust and gleeful voice cut in. Something very loud came through with it, distorting the words.


>> "Ingram, that you? Repeat." << Beretta said, trying to overshout the noise assaulting her audio receptors.

>> "It's me alright, chief. I was just asking..." <<

>> "What's with the commotion? I can't hear a damn thing." <<

>> "Engines, chief. A slagload of engines." <<

A pause. Everyone stayed silent for a micron. Indeed, the cacophony seemed to resolve itself into a choir of angrily roaring engines.

>> "Where the hell are you?" << Beretta demanded, fluid pressure rising.

>> "Gatherin' intelligence, like you said, chief. Glocksie and I found ourselves a street race. She's just driven up to the start line." << Ingram said gingerly, completely unaware that she was about a mono-filament wire's width from unleashing her squad leader's ire.

A row of cars rolled up to a white line drawn on the concrete just a minute before, and wobbled and shook from sudden gas injections. Exhausts spat swirling smoke and blue tongues of flame. A gathered batch of people in overly colourful, extravagant clothing cheered and whistled, waving hands into the air and pulling banknotes from pockets and wallets to hand them over to hastily promoted buckmakers, betting on this car and that.

All types of exotic and conspicous custom made cars were parked around the abandoned roadway that led outwards from the city at the eastern fringe. A long, straight path of concrete flanked by little other than gritty sand, save for scattered patches of dried underwood.

Ingram's holomatter-self sat on the hood of her alternate mode, easily the largest vehicle in the vicinity, and looked on the race about to start with a wide grin. She pressed a cellphone to her ear casually with a single finger.

>> "And what part of that qualifies as gathering intelligence?" << If Beretta's voice had been her fist, Ingram would have heard it clench.

At least, now Beretta knew why Ingram an Glock hadn't started picking on Dragu at the first opening. They had been busy elsewhere.

>> "Uh, local customs, practices... you know, the stuff they always tell us to observe when we disembark on a new world...? So Glocksie thought this might be a... good chance an' all..." << Ingram said, every sign of complacency gradually vanishing from her expression, as she arrived to the realization that something was not quite right.

>> "And the part about no intervention, no engagement until absolutely necessary? Working covert, keeping distance? I'm sure you recall." <<

>> "Yeah, chief but come on, it's just a..." <<

>> "Shut the slag up, Ing. You two disengage right now and get out of there or I swear to Primus I'll shove a batch of scraplets up your exhausts and feed you to a trash compactor. Clear?" << Beretta exploded.

Ingram got the message. She hopped off her hood and began jogging over to the crowded section of the road and elbowing her way through.

Just when with a shriek of tires, the cars took off.

Ingram stopped.

"Slag..." she muttered.

>> "Relax, I've got this." << Glock said a moment later, sounding as sure of herself as she always did.


>> "You break off this instant, Glock." << Beretta said, seething.

>> "Like slag. Once you're in, you don't get out 'till it's over." << Glock retorted, unyileding.

Tires kept screaming and engines revved as if they were trying to outroar one another. Gleaming metal needles rocketed forward to the quarter mile sign - two trash cans at either side of the road - laid out in the distance. Glock took the lead and cut off another car that was trying to overtake her from the right.

Beretta fumed but couldn't think of what to do. Glock's pride was a major cause for cranial unit aches. The worst part, there was nothing in the known universe, except perhaps a round between the optics, that would dissuade Glock from a choice she had already made.

>> "Alright, Glock. Since there's nothing I can do to make you back the slag off, you can have your fun. But get ready to face the consequences. Disciplinary, three mega-cycles, at least." <<

>> "What, you ain't gonna slagtalk to try and put me off?" << Glock said, challengingly.

Beretta sighed. Or rather, her holo-avatar did.

>> "I thought you already understood this before. This isn't about me being right over you. It's not about me doubting your abilities. It's not about seniority or squad command. It's not even about me or you or any of us. This is way bigger. We are here for a reason and that reason is building up a bulwark against the Con threat." <<

A pause in words. Engines grating like hoarse throats. Gears shifting. Another cut-off, this time on the left. Glock accelerated, putting some distance between herself and the other racers.

>> "What you're doing right now, puts everything in danger. Say, you cause an accident speeding around and we get exposed. What's gonna happen? A whole world will panic and mobilize against incursion. How will the Cons react? Most likely, speed up their infiltration process and burn the planet down before we can build up our defenses. And what then? We wage war, trampling another billion dead bodies in a wasteland scoured of life. Haven't we seen that enough times? Haven't enough died already?" <<

The thundering muscle car that was Glock's alternate mode passed the quarter mile sign two chassis lenghts ahead of the second racer. One of the cans was swept over by the torrent of wind the speeding vehicles brought on.

>> "We have duties that we must carry out, we've had ever since we took oath of the Autobot symbol back at Iacon Autobase. If you still haven't figured that, I have no other way left to break it to you than disciplinary. And I can only hope you get the point before you end up in court martial." <<

Glock hit the brakes, sliding into a U-turn. Her tires screeched even more painfully until she came to a halt. The dust she kicked up billowed away.

But she didn't say a word. Her avatar just stared out into the distance in front of her.

>> "I get it. You win, chief." << She then said, dryly. >> "I'm sorry." <<

Beretta sighed again. So damn stubborn you could break a rockcrete block on her cranial. Still this win or lose scrap.

>> "Haul your aft back to base, an officer and I are going to have a chat with you." <<

The muscle car started slowly, defeatedly, in spite of having won the drag round. Not waiting for the onlookers rushing up to cheer her on and celebrate the victory, Glock rumbled away.

Hey, no problem.

Approved. Beretta rank 6 the other ladies rank 5.
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Re: NEW Character Applications

Postby MoralChaos » Wed Mar 06, 2013 1:26 pm

Motto: ""Keep a smile on your face and then you'll know everything will be alright.""
Weapon: Double-Barreled, Armor-Piercing Particle Beam Cann...

Allegiance: Autobots
Sub-group: Triple-Changer
Function: Warrior/Sniper
Alternate Modes:

2013 Peugeot Onyx- ... een-14.jpg ... geneva.jpg ... ador-j.jpg ... 25x416.jpg ... yx-Top.jpg
Aventador Jota, Combined with Peugeot Onyx- The vehicle holds a 6.5 litter V12 engine and is able to go to 0-100 in 3 seconds. Reaching speeds up to 218 km/p. The Onyx, only comes into play with combining the roof and headlight onto the Jota. Giving it a more look Chaos likes the best~

Sr-71 Blackbird- ... sr71_1.jpg ... /1918x1146
Known for being the fastest man-ed jet in the world today. Reaches speeds up to Mach 3.3 (2,200+ mph ). The highest altitude recorded was 85,069 ft and the only man-ed aircraft able to reach that altitude. The jet, is retired with a few left, yet Chaos was able to get his servos onto one~

Weapons: He has two blaster mounted on his back. He has multiple exploding throwing stars contained on the inside of his wrist. His jet engines from the Sr-71 are also used as a weapon; they flip upside down and mount on his shoulders. When fired, it’s almost a sonic blast of sound to blow his opponents away; often causing their frames to be crushed when shot at a high frequency (yet never uses a high frequency just of anytime if at all). His newest weapon is a long, powerful energon sword.

Special Abilities: His Visor contains Night vision, Thermal vision, targeting and everything else his jet control panel contains. Giving him an advantage in dark places and when spying.

Height: 25ft/ 7.62m
Quote: [i]"Keep a smile on your face and then you'll everything will be alright."/i]

Strength: 7
Intelligence: 8
Dexterity: 7
Speed: 8.5
Endurance: 7
Courage: 7
Firepower: 9
Accuracy: 8
Melee: 7
Tech Skill: 8
Charisma: 7

Chaos stands about 24 ft high and weighs about 2.4 tons. His armor is completely black with hints of red underneath. He has a horned helm with two large curved horns on the top. His frame is spiked down his chest, arms and legs. Some may take a first glance and think he's a Decepticon, but he's far from ever being a Decepticon. He is a triple changer; with wings that look simpler to this, ... -208613507 His wheels are covered by his spiked frame. His frame is slim like a seeker, but a little bulkier then normal seekers. He has a scare across his chest, he got when he was young from fighting a Con; though is now barely visible after he painted over it, trying to hid it from view. Another scare is through his right eye, but he isn’t blind. When in battle he has a visor and battle mask.

His life was hard in the beginning, sparked two years before the war began. But even those two years where very tough. Abounded when sparked, left for dead in an unknown area by his creators; Having very little to use to keep himself alive and no one around to help him through it. He was able to keep himself alive over the years but had a lot of near death experience. Still to this day he is not sure himself how he was able to survive, knowing that Primus had a reason for keeping him online. When the war started he training himself how to fight and defend himself on his own; watching others from a distance. One of them mainly being Optimus Prime. After he had figured out how to create weapons from left over parts from broken weapons and dead 'Cons, he was soon fighting the Decepticons too. He helped the Autobots in secret, hiding among the shadows and becoming a sniper; shooting at the Decepticons from a distance; becoming fast and sneaky enough to sneak up on the 'Con and killing them quickly. Because of these actions Megatron sent a Wanted term against him. Wanting his helm brought to him. The Autobots often wondered who it was that was saving their lives. After while, Chaos got the courage to go to the Autobots and ask permission to be on Optimus Prime's team. Optimus saw something in the young mech and agreed for him to be on his team of highly ranked bots. Chaos now looks towards the future with pride and courage, knowing that all those years of being a lone and forgotten where over as he know had a group of friends he called his family.

ecause of his pure black frame, he is able to blind in the shadows and sneak up on his opponents. He has the ability to clone himself with a hologram to confuse his enemies and sneak up behind them. He also has a way with words, often convincing others that what they are doing is wrong or cheering them up.

His wings are very sensitivity which can give his appointees a chance to take him down with his wings. The scare on his chest is hidden, but when hit or punched on his scare causes him an excruciating amount of pain, often causing him not being able to breath. Also when one of his friends are injured, threatened, or captured it is great weakness to him as they are his family and will do anything to help them out.

// Own Created Character Form. I am able to change anything that is necessary, just please tell me what needs to change.
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Re: NEW Character Applications

Postby Remleiz » Wed Mar 06, 2013 1:50 pm

Motto: "Despair itself is the only true joy"
Weapon: Twin Cryo-Blasters
My first post here so yeah, but i'd like to join possibly with this fanmade character?


Alternate Modes:A Black, Teal and Purple Allosaurus
Weapons:Beast mode claws, Cryo-blaster
Special Abilities:
Height: 30ft/ 0m
Quote: “I'll send chills down your spine.”

Strength: 7
Intelligence: 7
Dexterity: 6
Speed: 3
Endurance: 7
Courage: 5
Accuracy: 5
Melee: 8
Tech Skill:6
Charisma: 9

As cold and sadistic as his name implies, Frostfang interegates prisoners of war for infomation. Some among the ranks however believe he doesnt try to extract infomation from his victims, but that he prefers the simple act of torturing them until they go offline. The mention of his name sends shivers through Autobot and Decepticon alike.

In Beast mode his claws can tear through thick steel and armour alike. In Robot mode he wields a Cryo-Blaster which can leave cybertronian alloys brittle and cracked weakening them for an onlslaught in beast mode.

Frostfang isnt the quickest mech, allowing faster opponants to run circles around him. He also not as highly trained as a warrior as his shots tend to miss more often then hit. His Cryoblaster also needs to be focused on an enemy for a few seconds for it to do any actual damage.

Sample post:

Frostfang sharpened his beast mode claws on the grind-disc in his 'interegation cell' as he eyed the Autobot prisoner strapped to the table. Caught trying to sabotage an energon depot. The Autobot could have useful infomation and it was Frostfangs job to obtain it, by any means necessary.

"Where are the rest of your forces? Nearby i should think hm?" Frostfang growled.

The Autobot refused to talk. That was fine with Frostfang, he had ways of making bots talk.
He reached over and picked up a long cable with multiple connective ports.
"See this Autobot? This is a cortical transcriber. All i need to do is plug this into your core processor and download the infomation personally." He let out a sick smile.

"But where's the fun in that?"

Frostfang picked up his cryo blaster and aimed it at the Autobots legs. He pulled the trigger, encasing the Autobots legs in a thick layer of ice. Transforming into beast mode, he slashed out, shattering the exostructure on the legs. The Autobot tried his best to ignore the pain.

"Tough little one arent you?" Frostfang growled as he reached over to his table picking up his favourite torture device, the endoscopic claw. He also pulled out a small cable from the side of his head and plugged it into the Autobots optic ports.

"I want you to witness every little detail" He said as he activated the claw and prepared to insert it.

"WAIT!" The Autobot screamed "I'll talk, I'll TALK!"

"I knew you would" Frostfang replied. "But im bored now, i'll just download the data from you now while i'll have some fun"

The whirling, drilling sound of the claw was drowned out by the Autobots scream.

A few minutes later Frostfang exited the interegation cell.
"The Autobot had nothing of value, except for a few minutes of entertainment"
Despair itself is the only true joy
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Strength: 7
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Rank: ???
Courage: 7
Firepower: 9
Skill: 8

Re: NEW Character Applications

Postby Ember » Wed Mar 06, 2013 1:51 pm

Motto: "I'm not psycho...I just like psychotic things."
MoralChaos wrote:Chaos

Allegiance: Autobots
Sub-group: Triple-Changer
Function: Warrior/Sniper
Alternate Modes:

2013 Peugeot Onyx- ... een-14.jpg ... geneva.jpg ... ador-j.jpg ... 25x416.jpg ... yx-Top.jpg
Aventador Jota, Combined with Peugeot Onyx- The vehicle holds a 6.5 litter V12 engine and is able to go to 0-100 in 3 seconds. Reaching speeds up to 218 km/p. The Onyx, only comes into play with combining the roof and headlight onto the Jota. Giving it a more look Chaos likes the best~

Sr-71 Blackbird- ... sr71_1.jpg ... /1918x1146
Known for being the fastest man-ed jet in the world today. Reaches speeds up to Mach 3.3 (2,200+ mph ). The highest altitude recorded was 85,069 ft and the only man-ed aircraft able to reach that altitude. The jet, is retired with a few left, yet Chaos was able to get his servos onto one~

Weapons: He has two blaster mounted on his back. He has multiple exploding throwing stars contained on the inside of his wrist. His jet engines from the Sr-71 are also used as a weapon; they flip upside down and mount on his shoulders. When fired, it’s almost a sonic blast of sound to blow his opponents away; often causing their frames to be crushed when shot at a high frequency (yet never uses a high frequency just of anytime if at all). His newest weapon is a long, powerful energon sword.

Special Abilities: His Visor contains Night vision, Thermal vision, targeting and everything else his jet control panel contains. Giving him an advantage in dark places and when spying.

Height: 25ft/ 7.62m
Quote: [i]"Keep a smile on your face and then you'll everything will be alright."/i]

Strength: 7
Intelligence: 8
Dexterity: 7
Speed: 8.5
Endurance: 7
Courage: 7
Firepower: 9
Accuracy: 8
Melee: 7
Tech Skill: 8
Charisma: 7

Chaos stands about 24 ft high and weighs about 2.4 tons. His armor is completely black with hints of red underneath. He has a horned helm with two large curved horns on the top. His frame is spiked down his chest, arms and legs. Some may take a first glance and think he's a Decepticon, but he's far from ever being a Decepticon. He is a triple changer; with wings that look simpler to this, ... -208613507 His wheels are covered by his spiked frame. His frame is slim like a seeker, but a little bulkier then normal seekers. He has a scare across his chest, he got when he was young from fighting a Con; though is now barely visible after he painted over it, trying to hid it from view. Another scare is through his right eye, but he isn’t blind. When in battle he has a visor and battle mask.

His life was hard in the beginning, sparked two years before the war began. But even those two years where very tough. Abounded when sparked, left for dead in an unknown area by his creators; Having very little to use to keep himself alive and no one around to help him through it. He was able to keep himself alive over the years but had a lot of near death experience. Still to this day he is not sure himself how he was able to survive, knowing that Primus had a reason for keeping him online. When the war started he training himself how to fight and defend himself on his own; watching others from a distance. One of them mainly being Optimus Prime. After he had figured out how to create weapons from left over parts from broken weapons and dead 'Cons, he was soon fighting the Decepticons too. He helped the Autobots in secret, hiding among the shadows and becoming a sniper; shooting at the Decepticons from a distance; becoming fast and sneaky enough to sneak up on the 'Con and killing them quickly. Because of these actions Megatron sent a Wanted term against him. Wanting his helm brought to him. The Autobots often wondered who it was that was saving their lives. After while, Chaos got the courage to go to the Autobots and ask permission to be on Optimus Prime's team. Optimus saw something in the young mech and agreed for him to be on his team of highly ranked bots. Chaos now looks towards the future with pride and courage, knowing that all those years of being a lone and forgotten where over as he know had a group of friends he called his family.

ecause of his pure black frame, he is able to blind in the shadows and sneak up on his opponents. He has the ability to clone himself with a hologram to confuse his enemies and sneak up behind them. He also has a way with words, often convincing others that what they are doing is wrong or cheering them up.

His wings are very sensitivity which can give his appointees a chance to take him down with his wings. The scare on his chest is hidden, but when hit or punched on his scare causes him an excruciating amount of pain, often causing him not being able to breath. Also when one of his friends are injured, threatened, or captured it is great weakness to him as they are his family and will do anything to help them out.

// Own Created Character Form. I am able to change anything that is necessary, just please tell me what needs to change.

Denied. There are no fanmade triple changers allowed in the game. You've got 83 stat points, you're only allowed 70. More than one function is frowned upon. Special abilities require a stat penalty which was clearly not taken. There's no need for a separate weapons section. Weapons and their descriptions are included in the abilities section.

The profile section should be used to describe the character's personality and or a bit of their background. No history section required.

There is no sample post. It's required.

I suggest you read through the rules, look through some of the approved applications to see what we're looking for and when your ready to try again using the application template.
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Re: NEW Character Applications

Postby MoralChaos » Thu Mar 07, 2013 10:02 am

Motto: ""Keep a smile on your face and then you'll know everything will be alright.""
Weapon: Double-Barreled, Armor-Piercing Particle Beam Cann...

Allegiance: Autobots
Function: Spy
Alternate Modes:

Sr-71 Blackbird- ... sr71_1.jpg ... /1918x1146
Known for being the fastest man-ed jet in the world today. Reaches speeds up to Mach 3.3 (2,200+ mph ). The highest altitude recorded was 85,069 ft and the only man-ed aircraft able to reach that altitude. The jet, is retired with a few left, yet Chaos was able to get his servos onto one~

Weapons: He has a blaster mounted on his back, multiple exploding throwing stars contained on the inside of his wrist. His jet engines from the Sr-71 are also used as a weapon; they flip upside down and mount on his shoulders. When fired, it’s almost a sonic blast of sound to blow his opponents only backwards and away from him (not much of injure). His newest weapon is a long, energon sword.

Height: 25ft/ 7.62m

Quote: "Keep a smile on your face and then you'll everything will be alright."

Strength: 5
Intelligence: 7
Dexterity: 6
Speed: 8
Endurance: 6
Courage: 6
Firepower: 6
Accuracy: 7
Melee: 6
Tech Skill: 6
Charisma: 7

For being abandoned when sparked and growing up alone, Chaos has a similar personality like that of Jazz, though not much into pranking unless it makes the other laugh and smile along with them. He likes cheering others up and helping everyone when their down or are in need of help. He doesn’t hesitate in helping out a friend when they seem to need it the most. He's always there when someone is upset or needs a little cheering up; always a smile on his face. He enjoys being around his friends he calls is family and have fun. He is serious about follows orders and does them without question out in the battle field; one along with so many others that wants this war to end. Tired of fighting this war and losing close friends along with it.

Because of his pure black frame, he is able to blind in the shadows and sneak up on his opponents. He has the ability to clone himself with a hologram to confuse his enemies for just enough time to get out of their view and come up behind them. He also has a way with words, often convincing others that what they are doing is wrong or cheering them up.

His wings are very sensitivity, a scare on his chest when hit or punched, causes him an excruciating amount of pain, often causing him not being able to breath.

Sample Post:
Chaos flew through high above the ground, his slick black frame grew hidden from view from the ones down below as it blended in with the night sky above. Though every so often a shimmer of light came from his frames reflection from the lights down below.

He was heading off to the Decepticon city Kaon, one of the most dangerous places for an Autobot like himself. He was slightly worried about what would happen when they offered him to fly over the city and see what kind of plans the Dececpticons where making. Chaos vented a harsh sigh as he entered above the city, trying to keep out of view from any Decepticon seekers or grounders who happened to look up at the sky and see his form flying overhead.

Chaos quickly dived out of the sky and landed down on the ground as silently as he could before he ducked down behind a dumpster in an alley. “Primus, what am I getting myself into.” He muttered quietly to himself. He peeked out to see if anyone was around before sprinting off to hid behind another object as he grew closer to his targeting area they said most of Megatrons top warriors where staying.

Chaos had soon gotten close enough to hear what they where talking about and started to record as instructed. Looking around to make sure no one saw him. Yet, didn’t notice the few Decepticons coming up from behind.

“Hey You! What are you doing here?!” One growled in anger.

“Ah scrap….” He muttered quietly before he quickly dashed to get away, only to be caught and thrown backwards as another grabbed his wings.

He cried in agony as pain shot through his sensitive wings. He landed on the ground with a thud before he groaned and started to get yup quickly before they could shook. He brough out his blaster and started shooting back at the Con’s, though that was a big mistake. Soon Con’s knew what was going on and came to aid their comrades into killing or capturing the Autobot intruder.

Chaos quickly knew that he was outnumber and was about to fly off before a blast came from behind. He cried out before collapsing to the ground. Blacking out for a moment before looking around again, only to find a pile of Con’s on top of him. Holding him down to keep him from escaping. Fear flew into his optics as he began to panic, wondering what they had planned for the spy.

“Well, well. I wonder what Megatron will have planned for you~”

“Hopefully something painful.” One laughed darkly
Chaos remained silent as he remained on the ground. They soon pulled him to his pedes and pulled him off to the brig. Wondering, and hoping his fellow Autobots will come and rescue him from his dreadful nightmare

//Alright, i added, deleted and Edited everything that needed to be fixed. I read over all the rules and looked over the sample post of what this is supposed to look like. If i missed anything please let me know.
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Re: NEW Character Applications

Postby Insidious » Thu Mar 07, 2013 10:23 am

Motto: "Clarity of thought before rashness of action."
Weapon: Oxidating Laser
Remleiz wrote:My first post here so yeah, but i'd like to join possibly with this fanmade character?


Alternate Modes:A Black, Teal and Purple Allosaurus
Weapons:Beast mode claws, Cryo-blaster
Special Abilities:
Height: 30ft/ 0m
Quote: “I'll send chills down your spine.”

Strength: 7
Intelligence: 7
Dexterity: 6
Speed: 3
Endurance: 7
Courage: 5
Accuracy: 5
Melee: 8
Tech Skill:6
Charisma: 9

As cold and sadistic as his name implies, Frostfang interegates prisoners of war for infomation. Some among the ranks however believe he doesnt try to extract infomation from his victims, but that he prefers the simple act of torturing them until they go offline. The mention of his name sends shivers through Autobot and Decepticon alike.

In Beast mode his claws can tear through thick steel and armour alike. In Robot mode he wields a Cryo-Blaster which can leave cybertronian alloys brittle and cracked weakening them for an onlslaught in beast mode.

Frostfang isnt the quickest mech, allowing faster opponants to run circles around him. He also not as highly trained as a warrior as his shots tend to miss more often then hit. His Cryoblaster also needs to be focused on an enemy for a few seconds for it to do any actual damage.

Sample post:

Frostfang sharpened his beast mode claws on the grind-disc in his 'interegation cell' as he eyed the Autobot prisoner strapped to the table. Caught trying to sabotage an energon depot. The Autobot could have useful infomation and it was Frostfangs job to obtain it, by any means necessary.

"Where are the rest of your forces? Nearby i should think hm?" Frostfang growled.

The Autobot refused to talk. That was fine with Frostfang, he had ways of making bots talk.
He reached over and picked up a long cable with multiple connective ports.
"See this Autobot? This is a cortical transcriber. All i need to do is plug this into your core processor and download the infomation personally." He let out a sick smile.

"But where's the fun in that?"

Frostfang picked up his cryo blaster and aimed it at the Autobots legs. He pulled the trigger, encasing the Autobots legs in a thick layer of ice. Transforming into beast mode, he slashed out, shattering the exostructure on the legs. The Autobot tried his best to ignore the pain.

"Tough little one arent you?" Frostfang growled as he reached over to his table picking up his favourite torture device, the endoscopic claw. He also pulled out a small cable from the side of his head and plugged it into the Autobots optic ports.

"I want you to witness every little detail" He said as he activated the claw and prepared to insert it.

"WAIT!" The Autobot screamed "I'll talk, I'll TALK!"

"I knew you would" Frostfang replied. "But im bored now, i'll just download the data from you now while i'll have some fun"

The whirling, drilling sound of the claw was drowned out by the Autobots scream.

A few minutes later Frostfang exited the interegation cell.
"The Autobot had nothing of value, except for a few minutes of entertainment"

Since this is your first post, my honest advice would be to start with a canon character after you've read the rules and other info on the game. Not required to start with a canon, but it is often easier to understand the flow of the game and what fits (and what doesn't) that way.

That aside, I'll have a look at the app itself.

The name would work. The alt-mode would not. I would recommend a vehicle or device mode of some kind, but if the character having a beast type mode is vital, stay away from prehistoric types. The stat distribution doesn't exceed limits, so good work there.

The profile needs more fleshing out of this character's background. Explore some of what this character did back on Cybertron. Avoid referencing direct characters, but feel free to tie into locations and types of work. Exploring his function (interrogator) and how he applied it over the many years of a Cybertronian's life is usually helpful for fanmade characters.

Lastly, I'd run the whole app, and any future ones, through a spell and grammar checker, just to catch all those little errors that have popped up on my reading of the app.
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Re: NEW Character Applications

Postby Ember » Tue Mar 12, 2013 9:08 am

Motto: "I'm not psycho...I just like psychotic things."
MoralChaos wrote:Chaos

Allegiance: Autobots
Function: Spy
Alternate Modes:

Sr-71 Blackbird- ... sr71_1.jpg ... /1918x1146
Known for being the fastest man-ed jet in the world today. Reaches speeds up to Mach 3.3 (2,200+ mph ). The highest altitude recorded was 85,069 ft and the only man-ed aircraft able to reach that altitude. The jet, is retired with a few left, yet Chaos was able to get his servos onto one~

Weapons: He has a blaster mounted on his back, multiple exploding throwing stars contained on the inside of his wrist. His jet engines from the Sr-71 are also used as a weapon; they flip upside down and mount on his shoulders. When fired, it’s almost a sonic blast of sound to blow his opponents only backwards and away from him (not much of injure). His newest weapon is a long, energon sword.

Height: 25ft/ 7.62m

Quote: "Keep a smile on your face and then you'll everything will be alright."

Strength: 5
Intelligence: 7
Dexterity: 6
Speed: 8
Endurance: 6
Courage: 6
Firepower: 6
Accuracy: 7
Melee: 6
Tech Skill: 6
Charisma: 7

For being abandoned when sparked and growing up alone, Chaos has a similar personality like that of Jazz, though not much into pranking unless it makes the other laugh and smile along with them. He likes cheering others up and helping everyone when their down or are in need of help. He doesn’t hesitate in helping out a friend when they seem to need it the most. He's always there when someone is upset or needs a little cheering up; always a smile on his face. He enjoys being around his friends he calls is family and have fun. He is serious about follows orders and does them without question out in the battle field; one along with so many others that wants this war to end. Tired of fighting this war and losing close friends along with it.

Because of his pure black frame, he is able to blind in the shadows and sneak up on his opponents. He has the ability to clone himself with a hologram to confuse his enemies for just enough time to get out of their view and come up behind them. He also has a way with words, often convincing others that what they are doing is wrong or cheering them up.

His wings are very sensitivity, a scare on his chest when hit or punched, causes him an excruciating amount of pain, often causing him not being able to breath.

Sample Post:
Chaos flew through high above the ground, his slick black frame grew hidden from view from the ones down below as it blended in with the night sky above. Though every so often a shimmer of light came from his frames reflection from the lights down below.

He was heading off to the Decepticon city Kaon, one of the most dangerous places for an Autobot like himself. He was slightly worried about what would happen when they offered him to fly over the city and see what kind of plans the Dececpticons where making. Chaos vented a harsh sigh as he entered above the city, trying to keep out of view from any Decepticon seekers or grounders who happened to look up at the sky and see his form flying overhead.

Chaos quickly dived out of the sky and landed down on the ground as silently as he could before he ducked down behind a dumpster in an alley. “Primus, what am I getting myself into.” He muttered quietly to himself. He peeked out to see if anyone was around before sprinting off to hid behind another object as he grew closer to his targeting area they said most of Megatrons top warriors where staying.

Chaos had soon gotten close enough to hear what they where talking about and started to record as instructed. Looking around to make sure no one saw him. Yet, didn’t notice the few Decepticons coming up from behind.

“Hey You! What are you doing here?!” One growled in anger.

“Ah scrap….” He muttered quietly before he quickly dashed to get away, only to be caught and thrown backwards as another grabbed his wings.

He cried in agony as pain shot through his sensitive wings. He landed on the ground with a thud before he groaned and started to get yup quickly before they could shook. He brough out his blaster and started shooting back at the Con’s, though that was a big mistake. Soon Con’s knew what was going on and came to aid their comrades into killing or capturing the Autobot intruder.

Chaos quickly knew that he was outnumber and was about to fly off before a blast came from behind. He cried out before collapsing to the ground. Blacking out for a moment before looking around again, only to find a pile of Con’s on top of him. Holding him down to keep him from escaping. Fear flew into his optics as he began to panic, wondering what they had planned for the spy.

“Well, well. I wonder what Megatron will have planned for you~”

“Hopefully something painful.” One laughed darkly
Chaos remained silent as he remained on the ground. They soon pulled him to his pedes and pulled him off to the brig. Wondering, and hoping his fellow Autobots will come and rescue him from his dreadful nightmare

//Alright, i added, deleted and Edited everything that needed to be fixed. I read over all the rules and looked over the sample post of what this is supposed to look like. If i missed anything please let me know.

You did change some things, but the application, as it stands, is still not acceptable.

We don't need a huge description of, or a link to, what his alt mode looks like. Most people know. That means the paragraph is extra reading that's unnecessary. The weapons...that section does not require a paragraph describing them either. The weapons section should be a simple listing what he carries in, both, alt mode and robot form.

You failed to list the special ability...cloning...which would cost a considerable penalty in stats points.

His height, too short for such a large aircraft.

The profile gives me nothing but the fact that he likes to make people feel good and perks them up when they're down. Abilities is where the description of his weapons go. His weaknesses...nothing is mentioned in his profile as to how he received such a detrimental injury to his chest that would make him so vulnerable and why it was never repaired.

There at multiple spelling and grammar errors throughout the entire application.

I would suggest you seriously consider taking on a canon character to start off with and once you get the hang of them then you could try again. As it stands this application is denied.
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Re: NEW Character Applications

Postby MoralChaos » Tue Mar 12, 2013 9:49 am

Motto: ""Keep a smile on your face and then you'll know everything will be alright.""
Weapon: Double-Barreled, Armor-Piercing Particle Beam Cann...
Primus, i have been rping Transformers all over the internet and i have never had this much trouble posting this character. I looked at the sample post you guys post around here and i went step by step on each little thing. Im quite confused why too much information is a bad thing. Wouldn't that be a good thing? It tells more about the character. The only reason why I did a OC Character first is that all of the good canon characters all always taken, thats a given. But after seeing my character being stripped down to practically nothing is crazy and will serenely look at the canon characters because apparently after every step by step i do will get my beloved oc anything.
Thank you for your time.
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Re: NEW Character Applications

Postby Skyswipe » Wed Mar 13, 2013 2:26 pm

Motto: ""I have no need for friends, even less for enemies.""
Weapon: Energo-Sword
Name: Cliffjumper
Allegiance: Autobot
Function: Warrior
Alternate Mode: Pontiac G8
Weapons: Ion gun, grenades, Glass gas gun
Special Ability:
Height: 18 ft. 5.59 m
Quote: "Strike first, strike fast, strike hard."

Strength: 4
Intelligence: 4
Dexterity: 6
Speed: 7
Endurance: 4
Courage: 10
Firepower: 7
Melee: 5
Tech Skill: 5
Charisma: 5

Holomatter Avatar: A young, bruised up man. He is sporting sunglasses.

Profile: Cliffjumper never was one to be called patient. Courageous and eager for action, Cliffjumper always wants to be the first on the battle field. The day Megatron and the Decepticon threat became known, many Autobots were fearful and worried. Not Cliffjumper. He was ready to put those vile bots back in there place if they crossed him. This isn't to say that Cliffjumper wants the war to continue. Like his fellow Autobots, he wants nothing more than for it to cease. But, while it's still raging, giving the Decepticon's a beating is Cliffjumper's favorite pastime.

Abilities: While in his vehicle, mode Cliffjumper is a speedy, bright red, Pontiac G8. His colors often are able to draw fire from the other Autobots, towards him. This in unison with his speed makes him a valuable asset to the Autobot cause. In robot mode, he is able to fire a projectile that releases Glass Gas. This can temporarily weaken the Decepticon's metal structures, weakening them,and allowing the Autobots to get some shots in.

Weaknesses: Cliffjumper's recklessness could be the death of him. Though a loyal soldier, Cliffjumper's actions could end up in him and his fellow Autobots getting hurt. There's also the chance of the wind blowing his Glass Gas towards, him or an ally, weakening them instead of the Decepticons.


There was a loud boom as Autobot dropship soared through the air breaking the sound barrier. “I hate it when he does that,” Gears muttered back in the cargo bay, “It’s murder on my audio receptors.”

“It’s your voicebox that bothers me,” Cliffjumper replied dryly as some of the other Mini-Bots laughed in the background. Teletran had been picking up increasing Decepticon activity in the area recently, and with most of the Autobots out on patrols or guarding key strategic locations across the globe; Prime was left with no choice but to send out the few remaining members from Autobot HQ to investigate the disturbances.

As his passengers verbally sparred back and forth with each other, the pilot continuously scanned his radar for any signs of Decepticons. The dropship's radar scanners couldn’t come close to Hound’s equipment, but they were more than enough to get the job done.

As if on queue the scanners picked up what appeared to be an immense energy source located at the base of a canyon about three clicks away from his current position.

“Maybe you guys better save all that energy for the Decepticons, my sensors just picked up something ahead of us,” the pilot's voice echoed from a control panel in the cockpit.

“Finally, let’s get down there and bend some Decepticon metal,” Cliffjumper boasted!

“Hang on little buddies, I’m taking us down,” the pilot hollered back at his comrades as he began the landing cycle. After a few moments the ship was on the ground and the exit ramp extended so his passengers could drive down the ramp and exit.

“Thanks for flying Autobot Express,” the pilot chuckled as the last of the Autobots exited from his cargo bay. The Autobot officer took special care to make sure he landed as close as he could to the source of his energy readings without giving away their presence to the Decepticons. “According to my scanners the source of the disturbance is located a few miles due east of here,” the pilot informed the others.

“Right, we’re on it! Let’s move out team,” Cliffjumper ordered the other Autobots.

“I’ll hang back for a few minutes before I begin my air assault,” the pilot replied as he started taking off again; he began circling the area as he watched his allies drive off heading for the source of the strange energy readings. After a few seconds he could no longer see them anymore, just the dust they had kicked up filtering through the air.

The small strike force had finally made their way to where the signals were originating from. They transformed into robot mode and caught their first glimpse of the Decepticons a few hundred yards away. There was so much dust being thrown around by the wind that even with their optic sensors, which were far enhanced compared to human eyes, they still had trouble making out what was going on, but it looked like the Decepticons were building some sort of new weapon, a high powered laser of some sort.

Cliffjumper could make out the large figure of some Decepticon officer who seemed to be overseeing the project. He didn't know who it was and he didn't care.

Must be my birthday or something. Cliffjumper thought how much he would love to be the one to extinguish another Decepticon's laser core. Cliffjumper’s thoughts were interrupted when he heard Onslaught yelling off in the distance, “Autobot intruders! Decepticons destroy them all!”

All of the nearby Decepticons seemed to just drop what they were doing and began speeding towards the Autobots location. “I think it’s safe to say that we’ve been spotted,” Gears muttered.

"Sucks to be them," Cliffjumper shot back. “Alright Autobots, let’s show’em what we can do!”

The Autobots transformed and began to launch their attack.
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Skill: 4

Re: NEW Character Applications

Postby MasterSoundBlaster » Wed Mar 13, 2013 8:26 pm

Motto: "You can run,you'll just die trying"
Weapon: Fusion Cannon
Name: Banzai-tron
Allegiance: Decepticon
Sub-group: Decepticon Intelligence
Function: Martial Arts Warrior/Intelligence Operative
Alt. mode: Gunboat
Weapons: Quad Missile Launchers/Energy Blasters, Short-Range Rockets
Special Abilities: None
Height: 28 ft. / 8.5 m
Quote: “To the victor go the profits.”

Strength: 8
Intelligence: 7
Dexterity: 9
Speed: 8
Endurance: 8
Courage: 10
Firepower: 7
Accuracy: 6
Melee: 10
Tech Skill: 6
Charisma: 6
Rank: 6

Profile: A master hand-to-hand combatant, Banzai-tron sought to use his skills to better his financial situation by joining the Decepticons. After he turns his Autobot opponents to spare parts, he typically gathers up the pieces to sell for scrap. Banzai-tron is an avowed materialist who doesn’t believe in the spiritual aspects of practicing martial arts, unlike Bludgeon (whom Banzai-tron respects but secretly hopes to defeat someday). Banzai-tron is cocky and arrogant, but he can be—he is among the greatest fighters in the galaxy.

Abilities: Subject is the reigning master of Crystalocution, a Cybertronian fighting style that focuses upon exploiting the minute flaws in an opponent’s structure. In gunboat mode, Banzai-tron can travel at speeds up to 260 knotts. His primary weapons are four missile launchers; the two launchers in his bow can double as energy blasters. He also carries four short-range rockets with adjustable power outputs, which can be set from stun to disintegrate.

Weaknesses: Though lacking any known physical weaknesses, sometimes he becomes too focused on profit and fails to see the larger scope of events around him.


The dropship roared as its hull broke through the atmosphere of the unknown gas planet. Banzai-tron sat in the commander’s chair, issuing orders to the Decepticon drones.

“Are you sure these are the coordinates Shockwave gave us, Banzai-tron? We haven’t” one of the drones asked, looking away from his computer console.

“Shockwave would not have sent us to such a location if there wasn’t something valuable here. Now quick your yammering and continue to scan for that Autobot Science Facility!”
The dropship continued to fly through the endless clouds of gas for about 10 cycles before Banzai-tron stood up from his chair as the floating Autobot Science facility came into his view.

“Why wasn’t I alerted about the facility’s presence the moment the scanners picked it up?” Banzai-tron angrily questioned his troops.

“Scanners aren’t picking anything up Banzai-tron, sir...”

“Well it no longer matters now, fly in quietly so that we can infiltrate the facility undetected.” Banzai-tron ordered. The dropship served over an external ventilation shaft. Banzai-tron was the first to leap from the opened cargo-hold of the Decepticon dropship. He landed silently for a 4-ton, metal warrior. His landing was shortly followed by a few Decepticon infiltrators. Banzai-tron pointed to the vent as one of the drones began to cut open the titanium vent. Just before the vent caved in from being cut open, Banzai-tron grabbed the falling piece of metal in a single, lightning-paced motion, and flicked it into the harsh winds. He then pointed down into the new hole they had made as he put a finger to where his mouth would be in a “hush” kind of fashion. The drones nodded as they all swooped into the shaft. Banzai-tron was the last to follow, ensuring they weren’t being followed.

The shaft had lead into a large opened corridor within the facility. One of the drones pulled out a scanner and began scanning the area.

“Banzai-tron, sir!” the drone exclaimed, trying to get his commanding officer’s attention, “Whatever Shockwave is looking for is about 10.24 cycles West of our current location.”

“We better hurry before the Autobots even know we’re her-“ Banzai-tron was cut off by the sound of a large blast-door opening. Too late, they were detected. From the shadows of the now opened doorway stepped an Autobot Defender, a 50-foot behemoth wielding a large blast-cannon on one arm, and a Energon-hammer in the other.

“Nowhere to run now Decepticreeps!” the Defender boasted.

“Find Shockwave’s object, I can handle the soon-to-be-off-lined Autobot here!” Banzai-tron commanded. The drones rushed off behind a different set of blast-doors. Banzai-tron and the Defender circled around the corridor, in counter-clockwise motion, waiting for the other Cybertronian to make the first strike. Banzai-tron used the time to analyze his target.

Shoots right-handed, Uses the hammer with his left, He thought to himself. He came out of the doorway rather slowly; I can use his slower speed to my advantage. His bulk might limit his range of motion, but I can’t assume that...

“Quit wasting my time!” The brute hammered as he rushed the Decepticon Officer. Caught slightly off-guard, Banzai-tron rolled to the right, just in time to miss the Autobot’s hammer strike to the ground. Standing up, Banzai-tron upholstered one of his Energy blasters. He fired a couple of rounds at the Defenders face, trying to blind the brutish lug. The Defender recovered himself from the hammer pound and then switches to a more ranged approach, firing his blast-cannon in several bursts towards Banzai-tron.

That cannon sure has QUITE the blast-radius, He thought, I don’t think he’ll try and harm himself if I get too close...

Banzai-tron fired a couple more bursts of his energy blasters into the face of his adversary, finally striking one of the optics.

“MY OPTIC!!” The brute screamed in pain, as he dropped his hammer to cover the injury with his hands.

Perhaps I won’t need to even worry about that cannon now. Banzai-tron ran up and began using his Crystalocution techniques, hammering in small jabs into his adversary. He managed to cripple a couple of the Defender’s power couplings, disabling the use of almost half of his body. Banzai-tron stood atop of his former adversary, who was flailing his one good arm, and shaking his head.

“Nah uh ah!” Banzai-tron boasted victoriously. He placed one foot against the Defender’s flailing arms. “My, what a nice looking weapon we have here... Pulsar Cannon I take it?”

“Go to the pit!!” the defenseless Defender screamed.

“No. By those markings, I’d have to say it’s a Folly’s Blast-Cannon. Am I correct?” The Defender continued to scream in pain.

“When my teammates find me, they’re going to smelt you down into scrap metal.”

“On the contrary my friend, that’s what I intend to do to you.” Banzai-tron then ripped the cannon from the defender’s helpless hands, and then walked over to the fallen Energon-hammer. Walking back to the Defender, Banzai-tron stood over the Autobot’s trembling face. “I’m sure this will greatly help serve the Decepticon cause.” He said as he glanced at the stolen cannon in his hands. He then walked over to the doorway that his troops departed from and mounted the blast-cannon to his arm. He aimed at the disabled Autobot, who was lying in the middle of the corridor, and shot a power burst at the helpless Defender. His chassis exploded and sent bits of scrapped metal all over the corridor. Banzai-tron then transformed and began to fly off back towards the dropship outside.
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Re: NEW Character Applications

Postby Insidious » Thu Mar 14, 2013 1:20 pm

Motto: "Clarity of thought before rashness of action."
Weapon: Oxidating Laser
Skyswipe wrote:Name: Cliffjumper
Allegiance: Autobot
Function: Warrior
Alternate Mode: Pontiac G8
Weapons: Ion gun, grenades, Glass gas gun
Special Ability:
Height: 18 ft. 5.59 m
Quote: "Strike first, strike fast, strike hard."

Strength: 4
Intelligence: 4
Dexterity: 6
Speed: 7
Endurance: 4
Courage: 10
Firepower: 7
Melee: 5
Tech Skill: 5
Charisma: 5

Holomatter Avatar: A young, bruised up man. He is sporting sunglasses.

Profile: Cliffjumper never was one to be called patient. Courageous and eager for action, Cliffjumper always wants to be the first on the battle field. The day Megatron and the Decepticon threat became known, many Autobots were fearful and worried. Not Cliffjumper. He was ready to put those vile bots back in there place if they crossed him. This isn't to say that Cliffjumper wants the war to continue. Like his fellow Autobots, he wants nothing more than for it to cease. But, while it's still raging, giving the Decepticon's a beating is Cliffjumper's favorite pastime.

Abilities: While in his vehicle, mode Cliffjumper is a speedy, bright red, Pontiac G8. His colors often are able to draw fire from the other Autobots, towards him. This in unison with his speed makes him a valuable asset to the Autobot cause. In robot mode, he is able to fire a projectile that releases Glass Gas. This can temporarily weaken the Decepticon's metal structures, weakening them,and allowing the Autobots to get some shots in.

Weaknesses: Cliffjumper's recklessness could be the death of him. Though a loyal soldier, Cliffjumper's actions could end up in him and his fellow Autobots getting hurt. There's also the chance of the wind blowing his Glass Gas towards, him or an ally, weakening them instead of the Decepticons.


There was a loud boom as Autobot dropship soared through the air breaking the sound barrier. “I hate it when he does that,” Gears muttered back in the cargo bay, “It’s murder on my audio receptors.”

“It’s your voicebox that bothers me,” Cliffjumper replied dryly as some of the other Mini-Bots laughed in the background. Teletran had been picking up increasing Decepticon activity in the area recently, and with most of the Autobots out on patrols or guarding key strategic locations across the globe; Prime was left with no choice but to send out the few remaining members from Autobot HQ to investigate the disturbances.

As his passengers verbally sparred back and forth with each other, the pilot continuously scanned his radar for any signs of Decepticons. The dropship's radar scanners couldn’t come close to Hound’s equipment, but they were more than enough to get the job done.

As if on queue the scanners picked up what appeared to be an immense energy source located at the base of a canyon about three clicks away from his current position.

“Maybe you guys better save all that energy for the Decepticons, my sensors just picked up something ahead of us,” the pilot's voice echoed from a control panel in the cockpit.

“Finally, let’s get down there and bend some Decepticon metal,” Cliffjumper boasted!

“Hang on little buddies, I’m taking us down,” the pilot hollered back at his comrades as he began the landing cycle. After a few moments the ship was on the ground and the exit ramp extended so his passengers could drive down the ramp and exit.

“Thanks for flying Autobot Express,” the pilot chuckled as the last of the Autobots exited from his cargo bay. The Autobot officer took special care to make sure he landed as close as he could to the source of his energy readings without giving away their presence to the Decepticons. “According to my scanners the source of the disturbance is located a few miles due east of here,” the pilot informed the others.

“Right, we’re on it! Let’s move out team,” Cliffjumper ordered the other Autobots.

“I’ll hang back for a few minutes before I begin my air assault,” the pilot replied as he started taking off again; he began circling the area as he watched his allies drive off heading for the source of the strange energy readings. After a few seconds he could no longer see them anymore, just the dust they had kicked up filtering through the air.

The small strike force had finally made their way to where the signals were originating from. They transformed into robot mode and caught their first glimpse of the Decepticons a few hundred yards away. There was so much dust being thrown around by the wind that even with their optic sensors, which were far enhanced compared to human eyes, they still had trouble making out what was going on, but it looked like the Decepticons were building some sort of new weapon, a high powered laser of some sort.

Cliffjumper could make out the large figure of some Decepticon officer who seemed to be overseeing the project. He didn't know who it was and he didn't care.

Must be my birthday or something. Cliffjumper thought how much he would love to be the one to extinguish another Decepticon's laser core. Cliffjumper’s thoughts were interrupted when he heard Onslaught yelling off in the distance, “Autobot intruders! Decepticons destroy them all!”

All of the nearby Decepticons seemed to just drop what they were doing and began speeding towards the Autobots location. “I think it’s safe to say that we’ve been spotted,” Gears muttered.

"Sucks to be them," Cliffjumper shot back. “Alright Autobots, let’s show’em what we can do!”

The Autobots transformed and began to launch their attack.

Good sample post. Approved. Make yourself an entry in the roll call thread. You can start with Cliffjumper on one of the Autobot vessels around Earth and go from there.
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Re: NEW Character Applications

Postby Insidious » Thu Mar 14, 2013 1:24 pm

Motto: "Clarity of thought before rashness of action."
Weapon: Oxidating Laser
MasterSoundBlaster wrote:Name: Banzai-tron
Allegiance: Decepticon
Sub-group: Decepticon Intelligence
Function: Martial Arts Warrior/Intelligence Operative
Alt. mode: Gunboat
Weapons: Quad Missile Launchers/Energy Blasters, Short-Range Rockets
Special Abilities: None
Height: 28 ft. / 8.5 m
Quote: “To the victor go the profits.”

Strength: 8
Intelligence: 7
Dexterity: 9
Speed: 8
Endurance: 8
Courage: 10
Firepower: 7
Accuracy: 6
Melee: 10
Tech Skill: 6
Charisma: 6
Rank: 6

Profile: A master hand-to-hand combatant, Banzai-tron sought to use his skills to better his financial situation by joining the Decepticons. After he turns his Autobot opponents to spare parts, he typically gathers up the pieces to sell for scrap. Banzai-tron is an avowed materialist who doesn’t believe in the spiritual aspects of practicing martial arts, unlike Bludgeon (whom Banzai-tron respects but secretly hopes to defeat someday). Banzai-tron is cocky and arrogant, but he can be—he is among the greatest fighters in the galaxy.

Abilities: Subject is the reigning master of Crystalocution, a Cybertronian fighting style that focuses upon exploiting the minute flaws in an opponent’s structure. In gunboat mode, Banzai-tron can travel at speeds up to 260 knotts. His primary weapons are four missile launchers; the two launchers in his bow can double as energy blasters. He also carries four short-range rockets with adjustable power outputs, which can be set from stun to disintegrate.

Weaknesses: Though lacking any known physical weaknesses, sometimes he becomes too focused on profit and fails to see the larger scope of events around him.


The dropship roared as its hull broke through the atmosphere of the unknown gas planet. Banzai-tron sat in the commander’s chair, issuing orders to the Decepticon drones.

“Are you sure these are the coordinates Shockwave gave us, Banzai-tron? We haven’t” one of the drones asked, looking away from his computer console.

“Shockwave would not have sent us to such a location if there wasn’t something valuable here. Now quick your yammering and continue to scan for that Autobot Science Facility!”
The dropship continued to fly through the endless clouds of gas for about 10 cycles before Banzai-tron stood up from his chair as the floating Autobot Science facility came into his view.

“Why wasn’t I alerted about the facility’s presence the moment the scanners picked it up?” Banzai-tron angrily questioned his troops.

“Scanners aren’t picking anything up Banzai-tron, sir...”

“Well it no longer matters now, fly in quietly so that we can infiltrate the facility undetected.” Banzai-tron ordered. The dropship served over an external ventilation shaft. Banzai-tron was the first to leap from the opened cargo-hold of the Decepticon dropship. He landed silently for a 4-ton, metal warrior. His landing was shortly followed by a few Decepticon infiltrators. Banzai-tron pointed to the vent as one of the drones began to cut open the titanium vent. Just before the vent caved in from being cut open, Banzai-tron grabbed the falling piece of metal in a single, lightning-paced motion, and flicked it into the harsh winds. He then pointed down into the new hole they had made as he put a finger to where his mouth would be in a “hush” kind of fashion. The drones nodded as they all swooped into the shaft. Banzai-tron was the last to follow, ensuring they weren’t being followed.

The shaft had lead into a large opened corridor within the facility. One of the drones pulled out a scanner and began scanning the area.

“Banzai-tron, sir!” the drone exclaimed, trying to get his commanding officer’s attention, “Whatever Shockwave is looking for is about 10.24 cycles West of our current location.”

“We better hurry before the Autobots even know we’re her-“ Banzai-tron was cut off by the sound of a large blast-door opening. Too late, they were detected. From the shadows of the now opened doorway stepped an Autobot Defender, a 50-foot behemoth wielding a large blast-cannon on one arm, and a Energon-hammer in the other.

“Nowhere to run now Decepticreeps!” the Defender boasted.

“Find Shockwave’s object, I can handle the soon-to-be-off-lined Autobot here!” Banzai-tron commanded. The drones rushed off behind a different set of blast-doors. Banzai-tron and the Defender circled around the corridor, in counter-clockwise motion, waiting for the other Cybertronian to make the first strike. Banzai-tron used the time to analyze his target.

Shoots right-handed, Uses the hammer with his left, He thought to himself. He came out of the doorway rather slowly; I can use his slower speed to my advantage. His bulk might limit his range of motion, but I can’t assume that...

“Quit wasting my time!” The brute hammered as he rushed the Decepticon Officer. Caught slightly off-guard, Banzai-tron rolled to the right, just in time to miss the Autobot’s hammer strike to the ground. Standing up, Banzai-tron upholstered one of his Energy blasters. He fired a couple of rounds at the Defenders face, trying to blind the brutish lug. The Defender recovered himself from the hammer pound and then switches to a more ranged approach, firing his blast-cannon in several bursts towards Banzai-tron.

That cannon sure has QUITE the blast-radius, He thought, I don’t think he’ll try and harm himself if I get too close...

Banzai-tron fired a couple more bursts of his energy blasters into the face of his adversary, finally striking one of the optics.

“MY OPTIC!!” The brute screamed in pain, as he dropped his hammer to cover the injury with his hands.

Perhaps I won’t need to even worry about that cannon now. Banzai-tron ran up and began using his Crystalocution techniques, hammering in small jabs into his adversary. He managed to cripple a couple of the Defender’s power couplings, disabling the use of almost half of his body. Banzai-tron stood atop of his former adversary, who was flailing his one good arm, and shaking his head.

“Nah uh ah!” Banzai-tron boasted victoriously. He placed one foot against the Defender’s flailing arms. “My, what a nice looking weapon we have here... Pulsar Cannon I take it?”

“Go to the pit!!” the defenseless Defender screamed.

“No. By those markings, I’d have to say it’s a Folly’s Blast-Cannon. Am I correct?” The Defender continued to scream in pain.

“When my teammates find me, they’re going to smelt you down into scrap metal.”

“On the contrary my friend, that’s what I intend to do to you.” Banzai-tron then ripped the cannon from the defender’s helpless hands, and then walked over to the fallen Energon-hammer. Walking back to the Defender, Banzai-tron stood over the Autobot’s trembling face. “I’m sure this will greatly help serve the Decepticon cause.” He said as he glanced at the stolen cannon in his hands. He then walked over to the doorway that his troops departed from and mounted the blast-cannon to his arm. He aimed at the disabled Autobot, who was lying in the middle of the corridor, and shot a power burst at the helpless Defender. His chassis exploded and sent bits of scrapped metal all over the corridor. Banzai-tron then transformed and began to fly off back towards the dropship outside.

Another good sample post. :D Approved. You can go ahead and make an entry in the roll call thread, post this profile in the Decepticons profiles section (minus the sample) and start with Banzai-tron. Banzai was last seen doing business with the Decepticon forces in and around Nebulos (which are now engaged around Garrus-9). But given his connections with Decepticon intelligence, we can plausibly stick him anywhere. PM me if you need some help getting the ball rolling.
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Re: NEW Character Applications

Postby The J Writer » Mon Apr 01, 2013 3:26 pm

Name: Mirage
Allegiance: Autobot
Function: Spy/Counter-Intelligence
Alt. mode: Koenigsegg Agera R supercar
Weapons: Rocket-Dart Hunting Rifle, Electro-disruptor
Height: 28ft / 8.5m
Quote: “Who and what I am, I hide.”

Strength: 6
Intelligence: 9
Dexterity: 9
Speed: 7
Endurance: 5
Courage: 5
Firepower: 6
Accuracy: 10
Melee: 9
Tech Skill: 6
Charisma: 5
Rank: 7

Profile: Before the war, he was a member of affluent Cybertronian society, with his own large estate and high-priced friends. He enjoyed the finer things in life: vintage energon, swank evening events, and turbofox hunts on the grounds. But when the war started, he was forced to choose sides and found himself banded with a group of commoners he didn't really understand.

Mirage is not thrilled about being with a bunch of rough-and-tumble freedom fighters like the Autobots. He feels the war, even after all these millions of years, is beneath him. War is not, after all, how civilized, erudite beings conduct themselves. He often questions the Autobots' violent means, and not-so-secretly hopes they and the Decepticons can get along. Autobot leader Optimus Prime must constantly cajole him into continuing his service with the Autobots, but Mirage feels it may be a losing battle. Because of this, he has been labelled by a few others as a Decepticon sympathizer. Despite his coolness to the cause, Mirage is a surprisingly effective and deadly fighter and an even more effective intelligence gatherer, which is the role he much prefers. He is always there when the Autobots need him.

Upon arrival on Earth he selected the rather unorthodox alternate mode of a Koenigsegg Agera R supercar, one of the fastest, rarest, and most expensive automobiles on the planet. He has refused to change it, saying it is the only mode that befits his speed and agility. When deployed, he can simply change his appearance with his electro disruptor or use other tactics to blend into his surroundings.

His holomatter avatar is a young, lovely woman of Eurasian descent, with artfully tousled dark hair, striking green eyes, extremely expensive casual clothing, and pricey 1960s-vintage sunglasses. Mirage chose this avatar for his role as a spy because he noticed that human males - especially those in positions of power - tended to underestimate human females and divulge information to them more easily. This seemed exceedingly true if the female were an attractive, younger member of her species.

Abilities: Mirage carries a back mounted electro disruptor that bends photons and other waves so that he can render himself invisible or even change his physical appearance, which he can sustain for up to six minutes. All of this contributes to his effectiveness as an intelligence agent. He can also hit a screw head dead-center from 200 yards with his armor-piercing hunting rifle, making him one of the finest natural marksmechs in either faction. The rifle shoots liquid-fuel-powered darts. In car mode, he tops out at almost 250 mph. He is a practitioner of several elegant and deadly melee fighting styles, combining various forms (Diffusion, Crystalocution, and so on) into his own style that emphasizes the quick, quiet neutralization of opponents.

Weaknesses: He's unsure of the Autobots and their cause, and consequently cannot always be fully trusted. Optimus Prime is well aware of his coolness to the group, but considers him too valuable to let go. Though he’s capable of talking his way past the most vigilant of sentries, Mirage can be something of an antisocial jerk around his fellow Autobots (whom he just barely considers his fellows). As well, he’s not the bravest mech you’ll ever meet.

Sample Post

Mirage sighed in his head module as he sat parked in the cavernous garage, his ostentatious vehicle mode requiring no additional trickery to fit in with the other vehicles parked there. There were AMGs, Ferraris, and at least one Bugatti; three stretched Maybachs; exotic one-offs from boutique car companies that no simple Car and Driver reader would have even heard of; and even a customized Soviet-era armored car, complete with enormous chrome rims and tinted bullet-resistant glass.

Despite the optically pleasing company, the Autobot was bored. His patience had once been nearly infinite. Long ago - too long ago - on his estate, he would gladly wait cycles to see a particularly sublime ion storm as it scintillated in the skies above Cybertron, or for one of his favored artists to produce a new sculpture for his gardens. But for this? To accomplish some 'mission' in the 'war?' He could hardly wait to be done with his task.

The side door of the garage opened and the Sheikh entered with two of his bodyguards. All three wore flowing, ivory-colored robes and checkered headscarves, though the Sheikh's was obviously higher quality. Black-framed Ray-Bans and a black beard hid most of his face, and a chunky gold Rolex was on his wrist. Mirage noticed the outlines of compact MP-5 submachine guns under the bodyguards' outer robes, as did his infrared sensors. It would take more than a couple of small-caliber weapons to protect the Sheikh from Mirage, to be sure.

The Sheikh rattled off long strings of Arabic into his cell phone as he strode through the center aisle of the silver-walled garage, his Prada loafers squeaking on the gleaming polyurethane floor. He made his way toward the Bugatti, and Mirage flicked his headlights twice, emitting a loud chirp as his doors unlocked. You don't want that car today. You want to take a ride with me. The Sheikh fell silent and let his cell phone drop into his pocket. He slowly turned and took a step toward the blue and white Koenigsegg supercar on the other side of the aisle.

'Did you unlock this car?' he asked the bodyguards. They grunted in the negative and the Sheikh approached cautiously, leaning down to peer through the inky-tinted window of the passenger door. He pulled off his Ray-Bans and squinted into the glass. Inside he saw a woman, but it was no woman he knew. 'Who are you...and why in the world are you in my automobile?'

With a smile, the young woman opened the low door into his shins. He cried out in pain and then in shock as she grabbed him by the black cord securing his headscarf and dragged him into the car. With sharp, blink-quick motions she jammed him down into the passenger seat and clipped the five-point harness over his arms, pinning him there as the belts tightened automatically. 'Shut up, Sheikh.'

She dropped back into the driver's seat and the Koenigsegg's engine roared to life. The bodyguards pounded on the windows and yanked on the door handles to no avail. One swung up his MP-5 to aim at the windshield and the woman behind it, but the other pushed his compatriot's weapon back down. 'You could hit the Sheikh!'

Mirage gunned his engine and the bodyguards fell back. With an ear-piercing shriek of high-performance rubber, he shot out of the garage's open main doors and onto the private roads that crisscrossed the Sheikh's vast oasis-estate. At over a hundred miles per hour, it was no time at all until Mirage had made his way out onto the desert highway. He chose a winding, hundred-and-fifty-mile-per-hour route that would keep him away from any major settlements.

'Now,' the young woman said, looking over at the Sheikh. 'We can talk.' She pushed a few strands of her thick, dark hair away from her face and let her sunglasses fall low enough on her nose that the Sheikh could see her green eyes.

'Listen, young lady,' he said, perspiring. 'I don't know who you are, but I am quite sure that I can provide more than adequate financial incentive for you to take me back to my estate...or at least to drive perhaps not so fast. You are making me nervous.'

The olive-skinned woman laughed and put her hands behind her head, leaning back in the seat and using just one knee to steer. 'Nervous is good. It will make this conversation go a little more quickly.' The Sheikh gulped audibly.

'What is it you want?' The Sheikh seemed to steel himself a little. 'Money? I cannot guarantee your safety against retribution, but I can guarantee that I am worth far more money to you alive than dead...'

'You know, you remind me of a lot of the people I used to spend my time with,' Mirage cut him off. 'Money. Estates. Luxury and fun. And you know what? It was fun. A lot more fun than this,' he revved his engine to push up to around two hundred miles per hour. The Sheikh perspired more visibly now.

'But when times got bad, they made the wrong deals. They succumbed to temptation and picked a side - the wrong side, it turned out. They got used up and left to rot after they had outlived their usefulness. Honestly, a lot of them didn't outlive their usefulness, come to think of it,' the avatar speared the Sheikh with her green-eyed gaze.

Mirage knew the type he saw in the Sheikh all too well. He had seen many like the Sheikh back in the early days of the Great War. They had believed the Decepticons when they claimed to want to be partners in power, or had been seduced by other lies - that they would be left to their estates if only they would give up their peers to the Decepticons. They, of course, were very, very long-dead. This Sheikh would probably meet his end the same way, if Mirage's information were true. The Decepticons would use him, then abuse him, and then do away with him once he had ceased to be handy to have in their pocket.

'So, perhaps it's time you tell me, Sheikh, what you know about someone named Scrapper. I think you should also tell me why the Saudi government is dealing with him,' the young woman said. Mirage dodged around several other cars on the highway and then increased his speed a few more miles per hour, just enough so the Sheikh could hear his engine rev. The Autobot could hear his captive gulp again.

'Go on, keep me entertained. I'd hate to get bored and throw you out at two hundred miles per hour.'
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Re: NEW Character Applications

Postby Insidious » Mon Apr 01, 2013 3:59 pm

Motto: "Clarity of thought before rashness of action."
Weapon: Oxidating Laser
The J Writer wrote:Name: Mirage
Allegiance: Autobot
Function: Spy/Counter-Intelligence
Alt. mode: Koenigsegg Agera R supercar
Weapons: Rocket-Dart Hunting Rifle, Electro-disruptor
Height: 28ft / 8.5m
Quote: “Who and what I am, I hide.”

Strength: 6
Intelligence: 9
Dexterity: 9
Speed: 7
Endurance: 5
Courage: 5
Firepower: 6
Accuracy: 10
Melee: 9
Tech Skill: 6
Charisma: 5
Rank: 7

Profile: Before the war, he was a member of affluent Cybertronian society, with his own large estate and high-priced friends. He enjoyed the finer things in life: vintage energon, swank evening events, and turbofox hunts on the grounds. But when the war started, he was forced to choose sides and found himself banded with a group of commoners he didn't really understand.

Mirage is not thrilled about being with a bunch of rough-and-tumble freedom fighters like the Autobots. He feels the war, even after all these millions of years, is beneath him. War is not, after all, how civilized, erudite beings conduct themselves. He often questions the Autobots' violent means, and not-so-secretly hopes they and the Decepticons can get along. Autobot leader Optimus Prime must constantly cajole him into continuing his service with the Autobots, but Mirage feels it may be a losing battle. Because of this, he has been labelled by a few others as a Decepticon sympathizer. Despite his coolness to the cause, Mirage is a surprisingly effective and deadly fighter and an even more effective intelligence gatherer, which is the role he much prefers. He is always there when the Autobots need him.

Upon arrival on Earth he selected the rather unorthodox alternate mode of a Koenigsegg Agera R supercar, one of the fastest, rarest, and most expensive automobiles on the planet. He has refused to change it, saying it is the only mode that befits his speed and agility. When deployed, he can simply change his appearance with his electro disruptor or use other tactics to blend into his surroundings.

His holomatter avatar is a young, lovely woman of Eurasian descent, with artfully tousled dark hair, striking green eyes, extremely expensive casual clothing, and pricey 1960s-vintage sunglasses. Mirage chose this avatar for his role as a spy because he noticed that human males - especially those in positions of power - tended to underestimate human females and divulge information to them more easily. This seemed exceedingly true if the female were an attractive, younger member of her species.

Abilities: Mirage carries a back mounted electro disruptor that bends photons and other waves so that he can render himself invisible or even change his physical appearance, which he can sustain for up to six minutes. All of this contributes to his effectiveness as an intelligence agent. He can also hit a screw head dead-center from 200 yards with his armor-piercing hunting rifle, making him one of the finest natural marksmechs in either faction. The rifle shoots liquid-fuel-powered darts. In car mode, he tops out at almost 250 mph. He is a practitioner of several elegant and deadly melee fighting styles, combining various forms (Diffusion, Crystalocution, and so on) into his own style that emphasizes the quick, quiet neutralization of opponents.

Weaknesses: He's unsure of the Autobots and their cause, and consequently cannot always be fully trusted. Optimus Prime is well aware of his coolness to the group, but considers him too valuable to let go. Though he’s capable of talking his way past the most vigilant of sentries, Mirage can be something of an antisocial jerk around his fellow Autobots (whom he just barely considers his fellows). As well, he’s not the bravest mech you’ll ever meet.

Sample Post

Mirage sighed in his head module as he sat parked in the cavernous garage, his ostentatious vehicle mode requiring no additional trickery to fit in with the other vehicles parked there. There were AMGs, Ferraris, and at least one Bugatti; three stretched Maybachs; exotic one-offs from boutique car companies that no simple Car and Driver reader would have even heard of; and even a customized Soviet-era armored car, complete with enormous chrome rims and tinted bullet-resistant glass.

Despite the optically pleasing company, the Autobot was bored. His patience had once been nearly infinite. Long ago - too long ago - on his estate, he would gladly wait cycles to see a particularly sublime ion storm as it scintillated in the skies above Cybertron, or for one of his favored artists to produce a new sculpture for his gardens. But for this? To accomplish some 'mission' in the 'war?' He could hardly wait to be done with his task.

The side door of the garage opened and the Sheikh entered with two of his bodyguards. All three wore flowing, ivory-colored robes and checkered headscarves, though the Sheikh's was obviously higher quality. Black-framed Ray-Bans and a black beard hid most of his face, and a chunky gold Rolex was on his wrist. Mirage noticed the outlines of compact MP-5 submachine guns under the bodyguards' outer robes, as did his infrared sensors. It would take more than a couple of small-caliber weapons to protect the Sheikh from Mirage, to be sure.

The Sheikh rattled off long strings of Arabic into his cell phone as he strode through the center aisle of the silver-walled garage, his Prada loafers squeaking on the gleaming polyurethane floor. He made his way toward the Bugatti, and Mirage flicked his headlights twice, emitting a loud chirp as his doors unlocked. You don't want that car today. You want to take a ride with me. The Sheikh fell silent and let his cell phone drop into his pocket. He slowly turned and took a step toward the blue and white Koenigsegg supercar on the other side of the aisle.

'Did you unlock this car?' he asked the bodyguards. They grunted in the negative and the Sheikh approached cautiously, leaning down to peer through the inky-tinted window of the passenger door. He pulled off his Ray-Bans and squinted into the glass. Inside he saw a woman, but it was no woman he knew. 'Who are you...and why in the world are you in my automobile?'

With a smile, the young woman opened the low door into his shins. He cried out in pain and then in shock as she grabbed him by the black cord securing his headscarf and dragged him into the car. With sharp, blink-quick motions she jammed him down into the passenger seat and clipped the five-point harness over his arms, pinning him there as the belts tightened automatically. 'Shut up, Sheikh.'

She dropped back into the driver's seat and the Koenigsegg's engine roared to life. The bodyguards pounded on the windows and yanked on the door handles to no avail. One swung up his MP-5 to aim at the windshield and the woman behind it, but the other pushed his compatriot's weapon back down. 'You could hit the Sheikh!'

Mirage gunned his engine and the bodyguards fell back. With an ear-piercing shriek of high-performance rubber, he shot out of the garage's open main doors and onto the private roads that crisscrossed the Sheikh's vast oasis-estate. At over a hundred miles per hour, it was no time at all until Mirage had made his way out onto the desert highway. He chose a winding, hundred-and-fifty-mile-per-hour route that would keep him away from any major settlements.

'Now,' the young woman said, looking over at the Sheikh. 'We can talk.' She pushed a few strands of her thick, dark hair away from her face and let her sunglasses fall low enough on her nose that the Sheikh could see her green eyes.

'Listen, young lady,' he said, perspiring. 'I don't know who you are, but I am quite sure that I can provide more than adequate financial incentive for you to take me back to my estate...or at least to drive perhaps not so fast. You are making me nervous.'

The olive-skinned woman laughed and put her hands behind her head, leaning back in the seat and using just one knee to steer. 'Nervous is good. It will make this conversation go a little more quickly.' The Sheikh gulped audibly.

'What is it you want?' The Sheikh seemed to steel himself a little. 'Money? I cannot guarantee your safety against retribution, but I can guarantee that I am worth far more money to you alive than dead...'

'You know, you remind me of a lot of the people I used to spend my time with,' Mirage cut him off. 'Money. Estates. Luxury and fun. And you know what? It was fun. A lot more fun than this,' he revved his engine to push up to around two hundred miles per hour. The Sheikh perspired more visibly now.

'But when times got bad, they made the wrong deals. They succumbed to temptation and picked a side - the wrong side, it turned out. They got used up and left to rot after they had outlived their usefulness. Honestly, a lot of them didn't outlive their usefulness, come to think of it,' the avatar speared the Sheikh with her green-eyed gaze.

Mirage knew the type he saw in the Sheikh all too well. He had seen many like the Sheikh back in the early days of the Great War. They had believed the Decepticons when they claimed to want to be partners in power, or had been seduced by other lies - that they would be left to their estates if only they would give up their peers to the Decepticons. They, of course, were very, very long-dead. This Sheikh would probably meet his end the same way, if Mirage's information were true. The Decepticons would use him, then abuse him, and then do away with him once he had ceased to be handy to have in their pocket.

'So, perhaps it's time you tell me, Sheikh, what you know about someone named Scrapper. I think you should also tell me why the Saudi government is dealing with him,' the young woman said. Mirage dodged around several other cars on the highway and then increased his speed a few more miles per hour, just enough so the Sheikh could hear his engine rev. The Autobot could hear his captive gulp again.

'Go on, keep me entertained. I'd hate to get bored and throw you out at two hundred miles per hour.'

Given what day it is, I'm a little leery to touch this app :D . But I'll hope for the best and believe that another familiar face is returning to the fold. Mirage approved. You can make a roll call post and start him on any of the Earth Autobot threads. Don't hesitate to PM me if you need assistance getting the posting ball rolling again.
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Re: NEW Character Applications

Postby MasterSoundBlaster » Wed Apr 03, 2013 12:11 am

Motto: "You can run,you'll just die trying"
Weapon: Fusion Cannon
Name: Brainstorm
Allegiance: Autobots.
Function: Biomechanical Engineer
Alt. mode: Cybertronic fighter jet
Weapons: A pair of high-energy photon pulse cannons
Special Abilities: Can think of anything in any circumstance
Height: 31 ft/9.46 meters tall
Quote: “The strongest tyrant cannot crush freedom of thought.”


Profile: Always looking for ways to better the Cybertronian way of life, which at the current moment means finding ways to give him and his fellow Autobots the edge. A firm believer in that all problems can be resolved if they’re allowed to be developed free of outside constraints. A never ending fountain of ideas, Brainstorm regularly has new ideas working themselves out in the back of his processor while he’s working on a current project or in a battle. Those ideas form a background noise different from that other mechs normally deal with but instead of worrying about his impending demise or a shaky confidence, Brainstorm will be working out a complicated equation. Each idea that crosses his mind takes precedence over his previous one no matter the importance.

Never one to seek a break when he’s working, Brainstorm has often been taken to the Autobot medics for an overheated cranial unit. While not common, he has gotten to know the medics personally during his visits. At one point Ratchet threatened to have him placd on waste removal unless he slowed his pace. Of course he agreed to Ratchet’s demands but he never had any intention of following through. The idea may have gotten lost in the labyrinth of other ideas that make up his daily life.

Always the thinker, Brainstorm develops ideas for both the destruction and luxury of his fellow Transformers. While every Autobot dreams of peace, he does so for different reasons. At some point he knows the war will end and he’ll be able to concentrate fully on aiding his fellow mechs.

Abilities: When in jet mode Brainstorm can reach a maximum speed of 5200 mph. Along with his great speed he also enjoys and extended range of 8000 miles. Aside from his physical abilities, Brainstorm lives up to his name by producing idea after idea on as many ranging topics as his imagination can create. Never one ot be short on ideas, he tends to aggravate his superiors with his lack of focus.

Weaknesses: Brainstorm tends to become so wrapped up in his thoughts and projects he can forget to replenish his energon at times but more likely, his meta processor overheats and shorts out sections of his cerebro-circuitry.

RP Sample:

Brainstorm’s Log; Entry #3695: I am currently on the outskirts of a war-blazed Iacon. My mission was to come and assist the troops who are trying to retake one of the science facilities located on the rim of the city limits. I was chosen because I had a familiarity with the facility, and my knowledge of the building gave us a slight advantage over the unfamiliar Decepticons. We could see the building in our sight when we can under fire from the Decepticons stationed there. We quietly took shelter from the hail fire under a downed dropship whi-

“BRAINSTORM!” the Autobot commander yelled, “Quit filling out your logs and get back to helping us blast these Cons!” Brainstorm looked up from his data pad, trying to finish his log’s latest entry.

“I’ll have you know that if it weren’t for these logs, Commander, you possibly wouldn’t be holding that Laser Rifle in your hand now. These logs help me reevaluate past events and construct newer and better tech which we can use in future battles! Furthermore I-“ Brainstorm was cut off by explosion of a cannon shell just a few hundred feet away from him. He ducked just a tad to shield himself from the shrapnel that came flying overhead. “We’ll finish this later!” he retorted as he drew one of his pulse cannons. He perched over the debris of the dropship and fired a few rounds, striking a couple sweeps in the shootout.

“You know this location better than any of my troopers Brainstorm, is there any way inside that the Cons don’t know about?” the commander asked.

“There’s a loading bay just slightly west of our current location. We can make it there if you and your troops help me disable that cannon first.”

“We can give it a shot. All troops focus your fire on the cannon!”

The Autobot forces began to open fire on the Decepticon cannon. Their shots ricocheted off the hull of the heavily armored weapon. Brainstorm saw this and observed the area around him. He spotted a crane that was upgrading the science facility before the Decepticons attacked the place. The crane was frozen in place, dangling heavy metallic beams from its arm.

“I’ve got an idea!” Brainstorm exclaimed as he took a step back and transformed. He shot away from the gun-downed debris where his allies were stationed, leaving only a vapor-trail in his wake.

“Brainstorm, Stick to the plan!” The commander roared over the comms, “We’ve almost got this thing beat!” The cannon continued to fire off shells, sending shrapnel across the war-torn battlefield. A couple of the Autobots were thrown into the air from the explosions the shells made. Brainstorm reached the top of the crane. He transformed back into robot mode and searched for the crane’s controls. Brainstorm marveled at his luck, having not been noticed by the Decepticons yet after making such an exit. He soon spotted the controls and hopped into the seat. He hit the ignition switch and the crane began to whirl and buzz as the machine started up. The loud noises caught the attention of the Decepticons down below him. Soon, Brainstorm had Seekers and Sweeps alike buzzing around the control center of the crane, spewing hot plasma and laser-fire as they made strafing runs at him. The armor was thick on the crane and Brainstorm began to swivel the crane’s arm over the cannon. The Decepticons who were manning the cannon caught onto his plan and turned the cannon towards the crane’s controls.

“This wasn’t supposed to happen!” Brainstorm frightfully exclaimed. He transformed and darted off from the crane’s controls as the cannon fired off another shell. It struck the command center of the crane, leaving nothing but a scorching hole and some twisted hot metal.

“Brainstorm!” the commanding Autobot yelled, not seeing Brainstorm’s narrow escape.

“It’s alright commander!” Brainstorm reassured, “Have your troops charge the cannon now, while it’s back and controls are turned towards you!”

The Autobots charged from their foxholes and behind the debris covered battlefield and open fired on the cannon’s crewman while Brainstorm made a couple of strafe run, blasting a few Cons into tiny pieces with his pulse cannons. The remaining Decepticons fled into the facility as Brainstorm regrouped with the Autobot Commander.

“That wasn’t the plan Brainstorm.” He said very sternly as Brainstorm changed to robot mode.

“No it wasn’t, but my plan was better.”

“We may have driven their forces back, but they sure aren’t going to give up that easily once we get inside.” Brainstorm then began to walk his way westward towards the shipping bay he informed everyone about earlier, then commander following closely behind.

Brainstorm’s log; Entry #3696:-

“Primus, this is going to be a long war…”
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Re: NEW Character Applications

Postby Ember » Wed Apr 03, 2013 6:35 am

Motto: "I'm not psycho...I just like psychotic things."
MasterSoundBlaster wrote:Name: Brainstorm
Allegiance: Autobots.
Function: Biomechanical Engineer
Alt. mode: Cybertronic fighter jet
Weapons: A pair of high-energy photon pulse cannons
Special Abilities: Can think of anything in any circumstance
Height: 31 ft/9.46 meters tall
Quote: “The strongest tyrant cannot crush freedom of thought.”


Profile: Always looking for ways to better the Cybertronian way of life, which at the current moment means finding ways to give him and his fellow Autobots the edge. A firm believer in that all problems can be resolved if they’re allowed to be developed free of outside constraints. A never ending fountain of ideas, Brainstorm regularly has new ideas working themselves out in the back of his processor while he’s working on a current project or in a battle. Those ideas form a background noise different from that other mechs normally deal with but instead of worrying about his impending demise or a shaky confidence, Brainstorm will be working out a complicated equation. Each idea that crosses his mind takes precedence over his previous one no matter the importance.

Never one to seek a break when he’s working, Brainstorm has often been taken to the Autobot medics for an overheated cranial unit. While not common, he has gotten to know the medics personally during his visits. At one point Ratchet threatened to have him placd on waste removal unless he slowed his pace. Of course he agreed to Ratchet’s demands but he never had any intention of following through. The idea may have gotten lost in the labyrinth of other ideas that make up his daily life.

Always the thinker, Brainstorm develops ideas for both the destruction and luxury of his fellow Transformers. While every Autobot dreams of peace, he does so for different reasons. At some point he knows the war will end and he’ll be able to concentrate fully on aiding his fellow mechs.

Abilities: When in jet mode Brainstorm can reach a maximum speed of 5200 mph. Along with his great speed he also enjoys and extended range of 8000 miles. Aside from his physical abilities, Brainstorm lives up to his name by producing idea after idea on as many ranging topics as his imagination can create. Never one ot be short on ideas, he tends to aggravate his superiors with his lack of focus.

Weaknesses: Brainstorm tends to become so wrapped up in his thoughts and projects he can forget to replenish his energon at times but more likely, his meta processor overheats and shorts out sections of his cerebro-circuitry.

RP Sample:

Brainstorm’s Log; Entry #3695: I am currently on the outskirts of a war-blazed Iacon. My mission was to come and assist the troops who are trying to retake one of the science facilities located on the rim of the city limits. I was chosen because I had a familiarity with the facility, and my knowledge of the building gave us a slight advantage over the unfamiliar Decepticons. We could see the building in our sight when we can under fire from the Decepticons stationed there. We quietly took shelter from the hail fire under a downed dropship whi-

“BRAINSTORM!” the Autobot commander yelled, “Quit filling out your logs and get back to helping us blast these Cons!” Brainstorm looked up from his data pad, trying to finish his log’s latest entry.

“I’ll have you know that if it weren’t for these logs, Commander, you possibly wouldn’t be holding that Laser Rifle in your hand now. These logs help me reevaluate past events and construct newer and better tech which we can use in future battles! Furthermore I-“ Brainstorm was cut off by explosion of a cannon shell just a few hundred feet away from him. He ducked just a tad to shield himself from the shrapnel that came flying overhead. “We’ll finish this later!” he retorted as he drew one of his pulse cannons. He perched over the debris of the dropship and fired a few rounds, striking a couple sweeps in the shootout.

“You know this location better than any of my troopers Brainstorm, is there any way inside that the Cons don’t know about?” the commander asked.

“There’s a loading bay just slightly west of our current location. We can make it there if you and your troops help me disable that cannon first.”

“We can give it a shot. All troops focus your fire on the cannon!”

The Autobot forces began to open fire on the Decepticon cannon. Their shots ricocheted off the hull of the heavily armored weapon. Brainstorm saw this and observed the area around him. He spotted a crane that was upgrading the science facility before the Decepticons attacked the place. The crane was frozen in place, dangling heavy metallic beams from its arm.

“I’ve got an idea!” Brainstorm exclaimed as he took a step back and transformed. He shot away from the gun-downed debris where his allies were stationed, leaving only a vapor-trail in his wake.

“Brainstorm, Stick to the plan!” The commander roared over the comms, “We’ve almost got this thing beat!” The cannon continued to fire off shells, sending shrapnel across the war-torn battlefield. A couple of the Autobots were thrown into the air from the explosions the shells made. Brainstorm reached the top of the crane. He transformed back into robot mode and searched for the crane’s controls. Brainstorm marveled at his luck, having not been noticed by the Decepticons yet after making such an exit. He soon spotted the controls and hopped into the seat. He hit the ignition switch and the crane began to whirl and buzz as the machine started up. The loud noises caught the attention of the Decepticons down below him. Soon, Brainstorm had Seekers and Sweeps alike buzzing around the control center of the crane, spewing hot plasma and laser-fire as they made strafing runs at him. The armor was thick on the crane and Brainstorm began to swivel the crane’s arm over the cannon. The Decepticons who were manning the cannon caught onto his plan and turned the cannon towards the crane’s controls.

“This wasn’t supposed to happen!” Brainstorm frightfully exclaimed. He transformed and darted off from the crane’s controls as the cannon fired off another shell. It struck the command center of the crane, leaving nothing but a scorching hole and some twisted hot metal.

“Brainstorm!” the commanding Autobot yelled, not seeing Brainstorm’s narrow escape.

“It’s alright commander!” Brainstorm reassured, “Have your troops charge the cannon now, while it’s back and controls are turned towards you!”

The Autobots charged from their foxholes and behind the debris covered battlefield and open fired on the cannon’s crewman while Brainstorm made a couple of strafe run, blasting a few Cons into tiny pieces with his pulse cannons. The remaining Decepticons fled into the facility as Brainstorm regrouped with the Autobot Commander.

“That wasn’t the plan Brainstorm.” He said very sternly as Brainstorm changed to robot mode.

“No it wasn’t, but my plan was better.”

“We may have driven their forces back, but they sure aren’t going to give up that easily once we get inside.” Brainstorm then began to walk his way westward towards the shipping bay he informed everyone about earlier, then commander following closely behind.

Brainstorm’s log; Entry #3696:-

“Primus, this is going to be a long war…”

Good stuff. Approved. Have fun with him. I posted for him last on board the Semper Tyrannis in a cell.
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Re: NEW Character Applications

Postby MasterSoundBlaster » Thu Apr 04, 2013 1:23 pm

Motto: "You can run,you'll just die trying"
Weapon: Fusion Cannon
Name: Chromedome
Allegiance: Autobots
Function: Mnemosurgeon
Alt. mode: Cybertronian Drag Racer
Weapons: Dual Laser Pistols, Mnemosurgical Needles
Height: 32 ft
Quote: “The secrets to victory are buried within the memory.”

Strength: 6
Intelligence: 9
Dexterity: 6
Speed: 6
Endurance: 7
Courage: 7
Firepower: 7
Accuracy: 7
Melee: 5
Tech Skill: 10
Charisma: 7
Rank: 7


Before the war, during the days of the Clampdown, Chromedome (then under a different name) was a mechaforensic scientist in the police force. The poor bugger was nicknamed "Unlucky" because he had to work with Prowl, the most anal, full-autopsy loving officer of all time. Chromedome had a strong interest in mnemosurgery, the science of hacking into Transformer minds and "reading" their memories, and was fascinated by the conspiracy theories of the Institute.

Chromedome and Prowl investigated the assassination of Senator Sherma and backtracked his whereabouts to the posh Translucentica Heights. Unfortunately, the killer had struck again before they arrived! Chromedome attempted to chase down a suspect, who perished in a fiery crash. Their discovery of a second killer was of equally limited help, and the pair investigated a nearby Relinquishment Clinic under which they found a secret facility Chromedome believed to be the Institute. The evidence they found helped uncover a bomb plot.

After the group came up with a counter-plan, Chromedome borrowed a replica Matrix from Ironfist. At Prowl's insistence, Orion left Chromedome out of the main part of the plan, instead assigning him with Roller to guard Pax's senator friend at a safe house. Unfortunate the safe house was attacked by Senate thugs, and by the senator had already been taken by the time Pax dug Chromedome out of the rubble. He led Pax to the Institute he had found earlier, only to find it deserted.

By the time the war had started, Chromedome had fulfilled his dreams of becoming a mnemosurgeon. His unique talents were required quite often, to the point that he began to resent them and became cynical over their use. Many things he had to do during wartime were things that, in hindsight, he would regret. Eventually, Chromedome was on the verge of suicide due to the immense burden of his abilities and the terrible side-effects they had on his own mental health. It was then, at his lowest point, that he went to a Relinquishment Clinic to end it and, and found Rewind searching fruitlessly for Dominus Ambus. He formed a deep friendship with the diminutive archivist. Chromedome credited Rewind's optimism and caring nature as having saved his life, and the two were nearly inseparable since.

Abilities: While in vehicle mode, Chromedome can reach a top speed of 478 mph with traveling range of 630 miles. Chromedome can also use his laser pistols in both robot and vehicle mode. Although they are not the intended use, Chromedome’s Mnemosurgical needles can be used as a melee based weapon.

Weaknesses: Chromedome exhibits no know physical weaknesses, but sometimes he lets his emotions get the best of his judgment. He also often relies on Rewind to keep him honest.

The blast doors to the prison opened slowly with a menacing sounding hiss. Chromedome stood there a second, marveling at the size of the fortress. Once the doors fully opened, the mnemosurgeon stepped slowly inside, still gazing around the large arches that building had. From the distance he saw Brainstorm approaching in a calmly manner.

“Chromedome!” the engineer called out through the hallow halls of the fortress-like prison, “It’s about time you showed up, most of us here were getting worried.”

“Oh please Brainstorm; I know how much you miss my company.” Chromedome retorted in a joking matter.

“Well now that you’re here, we can get down to business.” Brainstorm then turned and the two mechs began to walk side-by-side into the depths of the fortress. Brainstorm placed a finger over the comm.-link on the side of his head. “This is Brainstorm to the Warden; Chromedome is inside and we are en-route to your location. Sedate the patient and ready him for Surgery.

“So what’s the story Brainstorm?”

“A couple of our troops picked up some Decepticons about a mile or so southeast of this fortress. We’ve been trying to gather as much Intel on the Decepticon war effort as possible. We’ve tried interrogation, but these guys just don’t crack. It’s rather impressive actually.”

“So, you need me to go digging into these Decepticons’ heads? Trying to gather as much info as we can?”

“Head actually.” Brainstorm corrected, “Only one of our captives has survived the interrogation without having to break a rust-capsule.” Chromedome let out a short sigh. He knew Rewind would chew his aft out for this.

The two mechs finally reached the interrogation room. Brainstorm opened the door and Chromedome was blinded by the intense light that poured out of the tiny room. When his optics finally adjusted to the light, Chromedome was greeted by the hulking Autobot warden.

“So, you’re the famous Chromedome.” The brutish looking warden stated to the mnemosurgeon in a very deep tone. “Brainstorm just wouldn’t shut up about you. Name’s Epsilon, I’m this prison’s warden.”

“Pleasure to help sir.” Chromedome replied, “So what are we dealing with?” The warden turned and switched on a single light. It revealed a single Decepticon, strapped tightly into his chair in the very back of the room. There were chains binding the chair to the floor, and a couple restraining the patient. “Wow, is he THAT dangerous?” Chromedome asked curiously.

“Not entirely, we just like to be sure. They aren’t called Decepticons because they can hold out in a fight.”

“Chromedome,” Brainstorm said, interjecting himself between Epsilon and Chromedome, “We’ve got him sedated in temporary stasis. If you’re going to operate, I suggest you do it now.” Brainstorm’s tone seemed rushed, as if he didn’t think the sedative was going to last. Chromedome approached the sustained Decepticon. He noticed that the Con was leaking Energon from a couple spots where the interrogators tried to break him, get him to crack. Chromedome walked behind the chair so that he could link up easier with the patient, and so he was safe in the event of an awakening.

“Brainstorm I need you to do something for me.” Chromedome asked as he readied the needles for his operation. Brainstorm looked up from the computer console he was studying intensively. Chromedome looked over to Brainstorm and gave him a very stern look. “Don’t let Rewind know.” Chromedome then place his hands horizontally around the crest on the Decepticon’s helmet. He took a deep breath, and let out a long sigh.

I’m sorry Rewind…


There was a sudden flash of white light. All Chromedome could see was nothing but white, going on for miles. This was common though, it means the connection was successful and that he’ll soon warp into the patient’s most private memories. Soon he was back in the interrogation room, but he saw the interrogators. He played the memory for a few seconds, just enough to hear the indistinctive chatter of the Brainstorm’s suggestion of mnemosurgery. Chromedome erased this, in fear of the Decepticon’s use of mnemosurgery as well.

Walking along into a different memory, Chromedome observed what appeared to be the interior of a Decepticon Warship. Here he played back the memory just so he could hear the orders. Most of it was indistinctive chatter over the ship’s comm. He played the memory back just a little further to see if he could locate where the Decepticon got his orders. He eventually found what he was looking for; the Decepticon’s orders were given to him and the rest of his legion in the hangar bay of the warship.

“Listen up!” A sharp voice screamed as Chromedome replayed the memory. “Your orders are to establish a landing zone for our warships to drop off the second wave of troops!” Chromedome noted what he was hearing and soon the drop hatch opened and the troopers poured out. Chromedome followed the legion of now free-falling troops to the planet’s surface below. He landed gently on his feet, as he descended gracefully like a sheet of paper in the wind. The legion transformed into the common “Seeker” jet fighters, and flew hastily towards the surface of the planet.

“How curious,” Chromedome thought out loud, “These troopers are seekers, yet I don’t recall seeing any wings while he was in the chair.” Chromedome fast forwarded the memory just a bit. He stopped at a point where the Seeker legion was talking to one-another.

“You all know the plan?” The commanding officer asked, “One my mark. 3…2…1….NOW!” Chromedome watched as the seeker leaped from the cliff and landed next to some patrolling Autobots. The captive Decepticon was the only Con to have jumped from the cliff, the others disappeared without a trace. Chromedome saw them fly off into the distance. He turned back to the single con, who was getting shot at and beaten by the patrol. The con’s wings got shot off after taking a concussion blast to his back. The con fell over and was left unconscious, and the patrol picked him up and dragged him back to the fortress.

When the wing-less con finally made it to the fortress, he was put with the other captured cons. Chromedome counted four cons who were captured, three of them were going to crush a rust-capsule before interrogation.

“Wait a second,” Chromedome thought out loud, “If that’s the Fortress, then that means that-“ He was cut off by a fainted beeping noise he could hear in the back of his mind. “I’ve got to warn the others!”


There was a bright flash of light again. He awoke right behind the Decepticon, in the exact same spot where he made the patch before. There was a look of awe in all the Autobots faces upon seeing Chromedome’s return. Chromedome stepped back slowly from the chair. He reached for his holstered laser pistol with lightning speed and shot several rounds into the back of the chair, piercing through and blasting the captive mech as well.

“Primus sakes Chromedome!” Brainstorm yelled from behind the computer terminal he was sitting at, “Was there a memory that scared you THAT bad?”

“That con,” Chromedome said trying to catch his breath as quickly as it could, “and the three other ones that died here, ALL had a beacon built into their chassis.” The Autobot’s looks of awe grew wider. “And they’ve got an invasion force powerful enough to wipe this fortress off the face of the universe.” The crowd of Autobots all looked at each other, worried about the imminent threat.

“We need to evacuate the prison!” Brainstorm quickly yelled out, instructing the warden.

“Everyone to battle stations!” Epsilon instructed over the comms, ”This facility is now under a Code Yellow. Repeat, Code Yellow! Brainstorm, Chromedome, you’re with me. We have to ensure everyone gets out!” Chromedome readied his dual laser pistols.

Rewind, I promised nothing would go wrong during one of the operations. Perhaps I was wrong all along.”
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Re: NEW Character Applications

Postby Insidious » Fri Apr 05, 2013 8:06 am

Motto: "Clarity of thought before rashness of action."
Weapon: Oxidating Laser
MasterSoundBlaster wrote:Name: Chromedome
Allegiance: Autobots
Function: Mnemosurgeon
Alt. mode: Cybertronian Drag Racer
Weapons: Dual Laser Pistols, Mnemosurgical Needles
Height: 32 ft
Quote: “The secrets to victory are buried within the memory.”

Strength: 6
Intelligence: 9
Dexterity: 6
Speed: 6
Endurance: 7
Courage: 7
Firepower: 7
Accuracy: 7
Melee: 5
Tech Skill: 10
Charisma: 7
Rank: 7


Before the war, during the days of the Clampdown, Chromedome (then under a different name) was a mechaforensic scientist in the police force. The poor bugger was nicknamed "Unlucky" because he had to work with Prowl, the most anal, full-autopsy loving officer of all time. Chromedome had a strong interest in mnemosurgery, the science of hacking into Transformer minds and "reading" their memories, and was fascinated by the conspiracy theories of the Institute.

Chromedome and Prowl investigated the assassination of Senator Sherma and backtracked his whereabouts to the posh Translucentica Heights. Unfortunately, the killer had struck again before they arrived! Chromedome attempted to chase down a suspect, who perished in a fiery crash. Their discovery of a second killer was of equally limited help, and the pair investigated a nearby Relinquishment Clinic under which they found a secret facility Chromedome believed to be the Institute. The evidence they found helped uncover a bomb plot.

After the group came up with a counter-plan, Chromedome borrowed a replica Matrix from Ironfist. At Prowl's insistence, Orion left Chromedome out of the main part of the plan, instead assigning him with Roller to guard Pax's senator friend at a safe house. Unfortunate the safe house was attacked by Senate thugs, and by the senator had already been taken by the time Pax dug Chromedome out of the rubble. He led Pax to the Institute he had found earlier, only to find it deserted.

By the time the war had started, Chromedome had fulfilled his dreams of becoming a mnemosurgeon. His unique talents were required quite often, to the point that he began to resent them and became cynical over their use. Many things he had to do during wartime were things that, in hindsight, he would regret. Eventually, Chromedome was on the verge of suicide due to the immense burden of his abilities and the terrible side-effects they had on his own mental health. It was then, at his lowest point, that he went to a Relinquishment Clinic to end it and, and found Rewind searching fruitlessly for Dominus Ambus. He formed a deep friendship with the diminutive archivist. Chromedome credited Rewind's optimism and caring nature as having saved his life, and the two were nearly inseparable since.

Abilities: While in vehicle mode, Chromedome can reach a top speed of 478 mph with traveling range of 630 miles. Chromedome can also use his laser pistols in both robot and vehicle mode. Although they are not the intended use, Chromedome’s Mnemosurgical needles can be used as a melee based weapon.

Weaknesses: Chromedome exhibits no know physical weaknesses, but sometimes he lets his emotions get the best of his judgment. He also often relies on Rewind to keep him honest.

The blast doors to the prison opened slowly with a menacing sounding hiss. Chromedome stood there a second, marveling at the size of the fortress. Once the doors fully opened, the mnemosurgeon stepped slowly inside, still gazing around the large arches that building had. From the distance he saw Brainstorm approaching in a calmly manner.

“Chromedome!” the engineer called out through the hallow halls of the fortress-like prison, “It’s about time you showed up, most of us here were getting worried.”

“Oh please Brainstorm; I know how much you miss my company.” Chromedome retorted in a joking matter.

“Well now that you’re here, we can get down to business.” Brainstorm then turned and the two mechs began to walk side-by-side into the depths of the fortress. Brainstorm placed a finger over the comm.-link on the side of his head. “This is Brainstorm to the Warden; Chromedome is inside and we are en-route to your location. Sedate the patient and ready him for Surgery.

“So what’s the story Brainstorm?”

“A couple of our troops picked up some Decepticons about a mile or so southeast of this fortress. We’ve been trying to gather as much Intel on the Decepticon war effort as possible. We’ve tried interrogation, but these guys just don’t crack. It’s rather impressive actually.”

“So, you need me to go digging into these Decepticons’ heads? Trying to gather as much info as we can?”

“Head actually.” Brainstorm corrected, “Only one of our captives has survived the interrogation without having to break a rust-capsule.” Chromedome let out a short sigh. He knew Rewind would chew his aft out for this.

The two mechs finally reached the interrogation room. Brainstorm opened the door and Chromedome was blinded by the intense light that poured out of the tiny room. When his optics finally adjusted to the light, Chromedome was greeted by the hulking Autobot warden.

“So, you’re the famous Chromedome.” The brutish looking warden stated to the mnemosurgeon in a very deep tone. “Brainstorm just wouldn’t shut up about you. Name’s Epsilon, I’m this prison’s warden.”

“Pleasure to help sir.” Chromedome replied, “So what are we dealing with?” The warden turned and switched on a single light. It revealed a single Decepticon, strapped tightly into his chair in the very back of the room. There were chains binding the chair to the floor, and a couple restraining the patient. “Wow, is he THAT dangerous?” Chromedome asked curiously.

“Not entirely, we just like to be sure. They aren’t called Decepticons because they can hold out in a fight.”

“Chromedome,” Brainstorm said, interjecting himself between Epsilon and Chromedome, “We’ve got him sedated in temporary stasis. If you’re going to operate, I suggest you do it now.” Brainstorm’s tone seemed rushed, as if he didn’t think the sedative was going to last. Chromedome approached the sustained Decepticon. He noticed that the Con was leaking Energon from a couple spots where the interrogators tried to break him, get him to crack. Chromedome walked behind the chair so that he could link up easier with the patient, and so he was safe in the event of an awakening.

“Brainstorm I need you to do something for me.” Chromedome asked as he readied the needles for his operation. Brainstorm looked up from the computer console he was studying intensively. Chromedome looked over to Brainstorm and gave him a very stern look. “Don’t let Rewind know.” Chromedome then place his hands horizontally around the crest on the Decepticon’s helmet. He took a deep breath, and let out a long sigh.

I’m sorry Rewind…


There was a sudden flash of white light. All Chromedome could see was nothing but white, going on for miles. This was common though, it means the connection was successful and that he’ll soon warp into the patient’s most private memories. Soon he was back in the interrogation room, but he saw the interrogators. He played the memory for a few seconds, just enough to hear the indistinctive chatter of the Brainstorm’s suggestion of mnemosurgery. Chromedome erased this, in fear of the Decepticon’s use of mnemosurgery as well.

Walking along into a different memory, Chromedome observed what appeared to be the interior of a Decepticon Warship. Here he played back the memory just so he could hear the orders. Most of it was indistinctive chatter over the ship’s comm. He played the memory back just a little further to see if he could locate where the Decepticon got his orders. He eventually found what he was looking for; the Decepticon’s orders were given to him and the rest of his legion in the hangar bay of the warship.

“Listen up!” A sharp voice screamed as Chromedome replayed the memory. “Your orders are to establish a landing zone for our warships to drop off the second wave of troops!” Chromedome noted what he was hearing and soon the drop hatch opened and the troopers poured out. Chromedome followed the legion of now free-falling troops to the planet’s surface below. He landed gently on his feet, as he descended gracefully like a sheet of paper in the wind. The legion transformed into the common “Seeker” jet fighters, and flew hastily towards the surface of the planet.

“How curious,” Chromedome thought out loud, “These troopers are seekers, yet I don’t recall seeing any wings while he was in the chair.” Chromedome fast forwarded the memory just a bit. He stopped at a point where the Seeker legion was talking to one-another.

“You all know the plan?” The commanding officer asked, “One my mark. 3…2…1….NOW!” Chromedome watched as the seeker leaped from the cliff and landed next to some patrolling Autobots. The captive Decepticon was the only Con to have jumped from the cliff, the others disappeared without a trace. Chromedome saw them fly off into the distance. He turned back to the single con, who was getting shot at and beaten by the patrol. The con’s wings got shot off after taking a concussion blast to his back. The con fell over and was left unconscious, and the patrol picked him up and dragged him back to the fortress.

When the wing-less con finally made it to the fortress, he was put with the other captured cons. Chromedome counted four cons who were captured, three of them were going to crush a rust-capsule before interrogation.

“Wait a second,” Chromedome thought out loud, “If that’s the Fortress, then that means that-“ He was cut off by a fainted beeping noise he could hear in the back of his mind. “I’ve got to warn the others!”


There was a bright flash of light again. He awoke right behind the Decepticon, in the exact same spot where he made the patch before. There was a look of awe in all the Autobots faces upon seeing Chromedome’s return. Chromedome stepped back slowly from the chair. He reached for his holstered laser pistol with lightning speed and shot several rounds into the back of the chair, piercing through and blasting the captive mech as well.

“Primus sakes Chromedome!” Brainstorm yelled from behind the computer terminal he was sitting at, “Was there a memory that scared you THAT bad?”

“That con,” Chromedome said trying to catch his breath as quickly as it could, “and the three other ones that died here, ALL had a beacon built into their chassis.” The Autobot’s looks of awe grew wider. “And they’ve got an invasion force powerful enough to wipe this fortress off the face of the universe.” The crowd of Autobots all looked at each other, worried about the imminent threat.

“We need to evacuate the prison!” Brainstorm quickly yelled out, instructing the warden.

“Everyone to battle stations!” Epsilon instructed over the comms, ”This facility is now under a Code Yellow. Repeat, Code Yellow! Brainstorm, Chromedome, you’re with me. We have to ensure everyone gets out!” Chromedome readied his dual laser pistols.

Rewind, I promised nothing would go wrong during one of the operations. Perhaps I was wrong all along.”

Looks solid, just as the two before it. Good job.

These will count for your initial three-character limit. If you're interested in more in the future and you are maintaining these characters just fine, we'll have no problems approving more. I'm sure you've already been working out with Fox where Chromedome will start so, approved and enjoy :D
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Re: NEW Character Applications

Postby Turbine » Fri Apr 05, 2013 4:09 pm

Motto: "You're only as good as you prove yourself to be."
Weapon: High-Velocity Sonic Blaster
Name of your characterTrick Shot

Allegiance: Auto-bot
Alternate Modes: Ford Mustang that is Black with Yellow side stripes
Weapons:Dual Arm Mounted Laser Blasters
Special Abilities:Enhanced Agility and Speed
Height: 12ft/ 4m
Quote: “I'm here, i'm there, I'm everywhere!”

Tech Skill:2
Rank: N/A

Profile:Trick Shot is as stubborn as a rock. Once he sets his mind to something, there's no changing it. With his medically enhanced speed and agility, he can take out a 'con before you can say "Primus"

Abilities:Enhanced Agility and Speed

Weaknesses:His stubbornness can get him almost killed because he rushes in to battle, not heeding the wounds.

Example Post:

Trick Shot sighed his head module as he was sent on yet another scouting mission. "When am I gonna get a real mission around here?" Trick Shot was just shooting at trees on the desolate planet when he heard something. *rustle rustle* "GOTCHA YA LITTLE DECEPTICON!" Yelled Trick Shot as he ran into the bushes, guns a-blazing. "What? I just saw a...There was something right over...What?" Trick Shot said as he ran into the clearing when he saw he was alone. "Ugh...nothing. Just like usual-" Trick Shot was cut short as he was tackled to the ground and put in stasis. "Where...Where am I?" Trick Shot said as he came out of stasis. "Scrap. A Decepticon prison. Who would've thought that old Trick Shot as stubborn and tough as he is, would be here in chains while a WAR is going on! A WAR! Scrap it, nothings gonna help me out of here." Just as he said this, a loud BOOM filled the air. "Seems to be a Auto-Bot bombing raid!" After a series of bombs hitting the prison, Trick Shot's Energon Shackle Bindings powered down. "Yes! Now I'm gonna free my fellow bots and kick the hub caps off of whoever put me here." Trick Shot ran out of his cell to be greeted by a Decepticon War Monger. With a smirk on his face plate, Trick Shot said, "'ello mate!" And deftly snapped the Monger's head in two.
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Re: NEW Character Applications

Postby xTailgate » Fri Apr 05, 2013 5:23 pm

xTailgate wrote:Tailgate

Allegiance: Autobot
Function: Scout
Alternate Modes: Sports Car (White)
Weapons: Laser Pistol
Height: 15 ft / 4.6m
Quote: “Let my fellow mechanical beings go!”

Strength: 5
Intelligence: 5
Dexterity: 8
Speed: 6
Endurance: 6
Courage: 7
Firepower: 2
Accuracy: 7
Melee: 8
Tech Skill: 7
Charisma: 8
Rank: 6


Tailgate is famous-and perhaps infamous-for his tireless dedication to and championing for the rights of his fellow beings. Optimus Prime's deeply held belief that freedom is the right of all sentient beings struck a profound chord with Tailgate, who took up arms alongside the Autobot army as a result of it. However, the vorns of viewing Decepticon atrocities have taken a toll on Tailgate's perceptions. He's now so sensitive to the plight of beings across the galaxy that he makes no distinction between sentient and non-sentient creations. When Blaster started showing the Autobots Earth TV transmissions, Tailgate was horrified by the wanton destruction of machinery there. No amount of explaining has thus far managed to convince Tailgate that Earth's machines aren't sentient like Transformers and other mechanical beings. Until he realizes otherwise, Earth's cars and appliances have a well-meaning but severely misguided champion in Tailgate.


In car mode, Tailgate can go as fast as 180 mph under his own power with a range of 600 miles. But a powerful ferrocobalt magnet under his hood allows him to be pulled by and within a few feet of any vehicle he chooses to follow, reducing his own fuel expenditure to nearly zero. His range has virtually no limit when he travels like this.


Tailgate is prone to overheating, particularly when he's all worked up over some imagined injustice done to a machine.

Sample Post:

"We'll find you a good home, promise."

It had been a long day for Tailgate. The day started explosively with Tailgate liberating a poor toaster from the abusive hands of an elderly woman who beat the poor being mercilessly for burning toast (She was rather insane expecting him to withhold his full power). Once freed, Tailgate promised his full efforts to find the poor being a new, non-abusive home; his success could not compare to his drive, as the toaster refused to respond to Tailgate's proposals nor reveal his robot form. It would take more than another stubborn Earth device to drop Tailgate's Morale.

"What about this place?" Tailgate and the toaster were perusing the local junkyard when they came across an area teeming with earth-deemed "place to cook food appliances": ovens, stoves and-"Look, fellow toasters! Maybe with their help, you can forget about that abusive madam." He waited for a response, slightly disheartened when the toaster failed to provide one. "Well I'm not going to put you in another bad situation, just don't be afraid to tell me what you want."

The day was beginning to dwindle to a close, Tailgate fearing the worst for his toaster ally. "Will you think less of me i-Woah!" Unaware of the oil slick in his path Tailgate slipped, falling to the gound and losing possession of the toaster. The mute being slid several yards from Tailgate's grasp, bringing a small sense of panic to the protective Autobot. "So sorry, I'll come get yo-" He stopped vocalizing when he noticed a human appeared, oblivious to everything in his surroundings except for the toaster that appeared to materialize in his presence. "Aww shucks, I've been looking for a new friend" the human exclaimed in glee, then lovingly embraced the device while skipping into the sunset. "Steve, we're going to be best buds! We can paint and shoot and shoot paint an..." Tailgate witnessed the jovial human proclaim to the toaster, satisfied with the outcome.

"I think you'll be happy with him....Steve."

I'm posting this again because when I applied for him, I was unaware of the sheer amount of IRL stuff that ended up taking my time I planned to dedicate to here.

With the advice of a friend, and a clearer look at my now effectively clear schedule, I'd like to re-apply and actually participate in this awesome community.
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Re: NEW Character Applications

Postby Insidious » Sat Apr 06, 2013 10:24 am

Motto: "Clarity of thought before rashness of action."
Weapon: Oxidating Laser
Turbine wrote:Name of your characterTrick Shot

Allegiance: Auto-bot
Alternate Modes: Ford Mustang that is Black with Yellow side stripes
Weapons:Dual Arm Mounted Laser Blasters
Special Abilities:Enhanced Agility and Speed
Height: 12ft/ 4m
Quote: “I'm here, i'm there, I'm everywhere!”

Tech Skill:2
Rank: N/A

Profile:Trick Shot is as stubborn as a rock. Once he sets his mind to something, there's no changing it. With his medically enhanced speed and agility, he can take out a 'con before you can say "Primus"

Abilities:Enhanced Agility and Speed

Weaknesses:His stubbornness can get him almost killed because he rushes in to battle, not heeding the wounds.

Example Post:

Trick Shot sighed his head module as he was sent on yet another scouting mission. "When am I gonna get a real mission around here?" Trick Shot was just shooting at trees on the desolate planet when he heard something. *rustle rustle* "GOTCHA YA LITTLE DECEPTICON!" Yelled Trick Shot as he ran into the bushes, guns a-blazing. "What? I just saw a...There was something right over...What?" Trick Shot said as he ran into the clearing when he saw he was alone. "Ugh...nothing. Just like usual-" Trick Shot was cut short as he was tackled to the ground and put in stasis. "Where...Where am I?" Trick Shot said as he came out of stasis. "Scrap. A Decepticon prison. Who would've thought that old Trick Shot as stubborn and tough as he is, would be here in chains while a WAR is going on! A WAR! Scrap it, nothings gonna help me out of here." Just as he said this, a loud BOOM filled the air. "Seems to be a Auto-Bot bombing raid!" After a series of bombs hitting the prison, Trick Shot's Energon Shackle Bindings powered down. "Yes! Now I'm gonna free my fellow bots and kick the hub caps off of whoever put me here." Trick Shot ran out of his cell to be greeted by a Decepticon War Monger. With a smirk on his face plate, Trick Shot said, "'ello mate!" And deftly snapped the Monger's head in two.

I'm afraid this application is denied. And looking through your past posting history, I'm going to recommend that you try for a canon first if you really want to play. Get a feel for the game, what types of fanmade characters fit and how the flow of the game goes.

As to why this character won't work, you did just allot 70 stat points, so that's fine, but no 10s without specific moderator approval (which you wouldn't get for your first character on the board as it is), and then you need to considerably expand the profile and abilities section. For the profile, that means delving into more detail with this character's history on Cybertron. Where was he? What was he doing? Just more info all around. For the abilities section, that means specifics regarding what his enhanced speed and agility actually translates to when you are playing him in the game. The sample post would also need to be worked on. I suggest finding places where it can naturally be broke up into paragraphs so as to make it easier for anyone reading it as well as running it through a spelling and grammar check. Your spelling's actually pretty solid and I'm not too worried but there's a lot of things that a grammar check would probably catch and fix for you when you post.

So yeah, as pertains to this character, if you really want to play him, I would advise saving this application, working on it over time and really fleshing it out, then after you've played in the game for some time and feel you're ready to give him a go, PM a mod and talk about it some and we'll let you know. As it is, though, we couldn't let this character in.
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