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Prime Effect 4

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Re: Prime Effect 4

Postby Apollo-XL5 » Sat Dec 07, 2019 9:35 am

Motto: ""It's all in the reflexes.""
Weapon: Star Saber Sword

The group just made it to their split-up location as the first of the morning light could be seen in the east, which had begun to make the night sky retreat over to the west. Orion looked at the time on his holo-tool, which stated four fifty AM local time.

'Sunrise is in another hour, so we have plenty of time to infiltrate the complex before we lose the cover of dark completely.' he thought while turning his attention to the others.

"Okay, this is where Alpha and Bravo part ways. We all know our targets and what's expected of us all."

"So, I will see you when this is done." Ser-Ket said as she turned her attention to Quickstrike, who smiled back at her.

"I'll be back before you know it, just be sure to watch your back because once your former comrades realise you're not dead, they will be gunning for you even more." he said back as he placed a hand on her shoulder affectionately, to which she placed her own over it.

"I will and the same goes for you." she replied before kissing his cheek, which made the blonde Bot blush in return. Meanwhile, Liara stood in front of Orion and gave him a concerned look.

"Liara, what's wrong?" he asked in return.

"I see you didn't bring it with you." the Asari said back, earning a knowing look from the Bot who simply shrugged his shoulders.

"Yeah...we were in a rush to prepare for the mission, and I guess I just left it behind in my quarters." he replied with a slightly sheepish tone.

"Orion, if you had the Star-Saber with you, then I don't believe you would have let that Stalker get as close as it did." Liara said with a slight shake of her head.

"And the fact that no one other than myself knows that you brought it on board. Why have you not told anyone...especially Rodimus?" she added, which made Orion turn them both away from the others who were still talking amongst themselves.

"Because I am still getting used to the idea that I can even use it, and I don't want to go round giving anyone false hope. Since that is what will happen when everyone starts seeing me in action with the legendary Star-Saber."

Liara looked the young Darby in the eyes and nodded reluctantly in return, for she knew he spoke the truth.

"Well, I know how skilled you are as a Spectre, Orion, but after seeing you in action with the Star-Saber, I guess I would just feel that much better knowing that you had it with you." she replied, earning a smile from the Bot.

"Hey, I have managed all these years without it before now. This won't be any different, trust me." he said back with a smile before turning back to the others.

"Okay, Quickstrike, let's go." The XO said to his cousin, who nodded back before pulling out of a hug with Ser-Ket. He then stood beside Orion while the Predacon joined Liara and Nightracer who looked back at the pair of Bots.

"We'll see you at the rendezvous, good luck." The Femme said back earning a nod from the cousins.

"You too." the young Darby replied before the two groups split up and headed off in different directions though both still heading toward the complex.


Back on the Achilles bridge, Rip-Claw was browsing through the numerous reports that had been sent to her from all sectors of the colony and it was starting to grind down what little patience she had. She knew as Commander of not only the Achilles but now of an entire colony, that everything came to her doorstep now.

Even things that she did not care for or want to know about, like status of the civilians or the colony's weather patterns. Now usually she should have directed all this nonsense to Ser-Ket and washed her hands free of it, but since the traitorous Femme had now switched sides, that meant that she had no choice but to take it.

The Predacon could not even delegate it to any of the Terracons, since they would have no idea how to deal with it. And so here she was, reading one boring report after another, her spark slowly burning with anger at each and ever line of words on the holo-screen directly in front of her.

The Femme sighed as her eyes drifted away from the influx of pointless information as she looked around the room, hoping to find something which she could fix her attention too. And as if some great unknown power had heard her silent prayer, Rip-Claw's eyes fell upon a Terracon that looked uneasy while sitting at it's station. In fact, the Femme recognised this particular soldier as the one that had mentioned the breach in the sensors an hour or so ago.

"Soldier, what is the matter?" she asked in a commanding tone that almost made the Terracon jump out of his seat as he turned to face her.

"Commander...Rip-Claw...sir!" he said with a nervous salute, which the Femme ignored as she looked back at him, quietly thankful for the distraction.

"Soldier, I said what is the matter?"

"..Sir,...the group of Stalkers, the ones you had me investigate the sensor breach earlier. I have yet to hear back from them." the Terracon replied, earning a curious expression from the Femme.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, I have yet to receive any data from the Stalkers and they should have reached the area well before now." he replied hesitantly. Rip-Claw got up and walked over to his station and looked at his terminal.

"Show me the communication screen for that particular group of Stalkers." She then said as she stood behind the Terracon, who nervously typed on his holo-interface until another screen appeared, making the Femme focus as she looked at it.

"Well, you are right. They haven't sent you any..." Rip-Claw began to say before her eyes spotted something.

"What is that?" she asked while pointing over to an active small data window in the bottom right-hand corner of the holo-screen.

"That is the failed comms section, where corrupted messages are stored before deletion. We never take any notice of them, since we receive so many corrupted messages from the Stalkers on a daily basis." the Terracon replied, making the Predacon point at the last message.

"Activate that one." she said back.

"But, Sir, it is corrupted. There is nothing we can..." he began to reply, only for the Femme to cut him off.

"Do it anyway. Indulge me."

The soldier reluctantly nodded and began the message which filled the screen, but the image was highly distorted with the only sound they could hear was static.

"See if you can clean it up." Rip-Claw ordered, gaining a nod from the Terracon who activated a cleansing program which began to defrag the message. And slowly the visual started to become clear, earning a wide-eyed look from the Femme.

"It's not a message but a single frame image, something the Stalker had seen. Keep at it." she stated, while the Soldier continued to work with the program which continued to go through every single bit of the message and clear it up, until the photo was completely repaired and visible before the pair. Rip-Claw just blinked as her eyes widened even more at the single frame on the screen before her.

"That's impossible..." she said in a shocked tone as the image showed her sister Ser-Ket readying herself for combat against the Stalker, whose visual data the pair were now viewing.

"She is dead, Ser-Ket is dead. Skystalker killed her and that Autobot scum." the Femme stated before activating her holo-tool and connected it to the colony's internal sensors, searching for the beacon that Galvatron had given her the frequency for.

But nothing appeared, which left the Femme even more confused. The Terracn meanwhile had noticed something else about the image and zoomed in on an area just behind the supposedly dead Predacon, which showed what looked like another female that neither of them had seen before.

"Who is that?" the soldier asked, making Rip-Claw shake her head in response.

"I have no idea, but I can tell what it is." she replied as she pointed at the red emblem that could be seen on the figure's armour.



The blade cut right threw the flesh, spilling blood-like fluid down the Terracon's chest before Ser-Ket removed her holo-blade from the now dead enemy's throat and dropped the body to the floor. She then turned around to see both Liara and Nightracer disposing of their respective Terracons as the Asari merely flickered her hand to the right, sending the Con smashing into the corridor's wall.

Nightracer, meanwhile, had kicked the back of one of her target's legs, causing him to fall to his knees before she aimed her gun at is head and pulled the trigger, spilling more fluid upon the wall next to her.

"There are no more Terracons in the immediate vicinity." Ser-Ket said after taking a sniff of the air.

"You can tell that by just sniffing the air?" Nightracer asked curiously.

"Yes, all Predacons have this ability, though we have to concentrate when doing so, or else we smell nothing."

"It is very impressive." Liara added, earning a head-shake from the Predacon.

"It's not as impressive as your biotics, believe me. I would rather have that over this." Ser-Ket replied with a smile as she gestured to her nose.

"So which way now?" the Asari asked, looking over to Nightracer who was consulting the map on her holo-tool.

"We have to keep heading down this corridor until we reach a cross-section, then take the right turn and continue for a hundred yards until we reach this T-junction. Then we take the left turn and move four hundred yards, and then we reach the target." the Femme said back as she showed them the holo-image, earning a nod from her teammates.

"Well, we better keep moving, especially if we want to capitalise on the lack of security that this plac..." Ser-Ket began to say before sirens blared out along with a voice on the inter-com.

"Intruder Alert, Intruder Alert. Autobots have breaches the complex, all Terracons to combat, I repeat all Terracons to combat!"

"Well, that didn't last long." Liara replied, earning defiant looks from both Nightracer and Ser-Ket.

"Let's move." the former replied as the two other women followed down the corridor.

Meanwhile, Orion and Quickstrike exited an elevator into a massive tunnel that made it look like they were in a mine, due to the rocky walls and support arch-ways that kept the area stable. Their infiltration had gone off without a hitch since they had yet to come across any patrols, but the pair knew that their luck couldn't last forever.

"We are now on the lowest level of the colony, the geothermal reactor is ten miles in that direction." the blonde Bot said while pointing behind them.

"Not that I am against a good trek, but is our target much closer?" the Spectre replied with a curious tone, gaining a nod from his cousin.

"Yeah, it's a couple hundred metres in the opposite direction." he said back with a smile, while Orion readied his weapon.

"Come on, we..." he started to say before suddenly their ears were bombarded with the same siren and intruder alert that was now being heard around the entire colony.

"Looks like we will have to fight our way to the room." Quickstrike states as he points over to the Terracon patrol that appears from a connecting tunnel ahead of them.

"Good." was all Orion said in return before opening fire on the enemy troops, causing them to take cover behind the nearby arch-way and fire back. Both Bots mirrored their foes as they shielded themselves with the arch-way nearest them, making both cousins smirk at each other from across the width of the corridor while bullets either flew past or ricocheted off the metal support beams.

"You actually preferred a straight fight to sneaking in, didn't you?" Quickstrike shouted to his cousin over the gunfire, as the young Darby took out two of the Terracons, one with a clean head shot as he peeked out from his cover and the other with two shots in his chest. The Bot then looked over to his blonde friend, who was firing back at the soldiers.

"I wouldn't usually say this, but...yes I do." Orion replied honestly, before noticing another Terracon stepping out of cover to fire upon them, and so killing him first with several bullets to his chest.

"I am really sorry, Orion, for your parents." Quickstrike said back, gaining a glance from the other Bot.

"Mom and Dad are out there, they can still be saved." the Darby said back in a hopeful tone, earning a knowing look from the blonde Bot as he dropped two more Terracons with headshots.

"Yes...they are, and I know that we can save long as we keep clear heads.

The last of the Predacon soldiers dived out of cover before spray his bullets at both Bots in a vain last effort to kill them, but Orion simply shot three bullets at him which impacted twice in his chest and the other in his head, sending him to the ground to join the remainder of his dead comrades. The blue-haired Bot then got to his feet and looked at his cousin with a confused expression.

"What do you mean?" he asked with an uncertain tone.

"How you were towards Ser-Ket earlier, that was the sort of behavior you would expect to see from a lynch mob. You were letting your anger towards the Predacons cloud your better judgment and that will end up getting the rest of us killed, the mission comes first." Quickstrike replied with a calm expression and honest tone, earning a wide-eyed look from the young Darby.

"You're kidding right? After what they have taken from us both. You're the last person I would expect to say that."

"Perhaps, but I haven't lost perspective. And there is no way I can ever blame Ser-Ket for what happened to my parents, for one I know that she was not responsible or even present to the events that killed my Father and put my Mother in a coma. That responsibility rests solely on the Predacons in general and helping to defeat them is all I feel I need to get by, you know what I am saying don't you Orion?"

The blue-haired Bot nodded in return as he looked down at the ground for a moment and thought on Quickstrike's words, met his cousin's eyes.

"My parents would be ashamed if they found out that I went full-on revenge against anyone, especially my Mom who had told me all about how wanting to avenge fallen friends had nearly cost the lives of herself and others many times in the past."

"Exactly because I also know that Stalker earlier would never have got the jump on you, not if you were completely focused on the mission. Now let's get moving because I swore I heard more enemies approaching from the way we came in." Quickstrike replied, gaining another nod from Orion before both Bots carried on down the tunnel towards their target.


Rip-Claw felt like she was climbing the walls as the Femme sat in the Captain's chair on the Achilles bridge and watched the Terracons frantically working around her, trying to get on top of the Autobot infiltration that was currently in motion somewhere in the colony.

"Report! Someone tell me they know where the Autobots are?" she spat, gaining scared and worried looks from the soldiers. None of them would say a word, for fear that the wrong one could cost them their lives.

"Come on! We don't have all day!" the Femme continued, earning an uncertain expression from the soldier as he typed on his holo-interface and brought up several com-links and camera feeds.

"Sir.., here are the Terracon comma chatter from across the entire colony." the soldier stated, earning a focused stare from the Femme as she looked at all the data feeds.

"They are in this one, the Eastern complex which is not far from the area where we lost contact with the Stalkers." Rip-Claw said aloud while pointing at the one window showing a straight line, not unlike a flat line on a heart-beat monitor.

"Sir?" the Terracon replied with a questionable tone.

"Have a group of Terracons meet me in that area of the complex now." the Predacon ordered as she got up out of her seat and started for the door, earning a nod from the soldier as he turned back around and worked his terminal. But as the Femme reached the exit, another Terracon gained her attention.

"Commander Rip-Claw, a patrol has reported in from one of the underground tunnels right below that area of the complex. They have found several dead troops and suspect that more Autobots are there."

"Have another squad of Terracons head down there, and send in Skystalker. Those tunnels are large enough for him to flush out the enemy." Rip-Claw replied before exiting the room and heading toward the shuttle-bay, leaving the Terracons to return to their duties.

Meanwhile, Nightracer, Liara and Ser-Ket took cover in a doorway, as the Autobot Femme took a peek and saw three Terracons walking into an open door just away from them.

"Okay, our computer access is through that door...which just had three Terracons walk through." she stated as she looked back at her companions.

"And who knows how many more are in there." Liara replied, gaining a knowing look from the Predacon.

"Well, I have an idea that might give us an advantage."

This made both the Asari and the other Femme look at her curiously as she gave them a smirk.

Inside the room, several Terracons were scattered around the room which was filled with large servers and terminals. A few of them were manned while the other soldiers merely stood guard with rifles in hand, ready for any trouble to come their way. They were so focused on their duty that when the door to the room opened, they immediately aimed the weapons at whoever would be standing in the now open doorway. But everyone suddenly stopped and looked wide-eyed at the person who entered the room and stood before them, shock took over as they lowered their weapons, it was if they had seen a ghost.

"C..Commander...Ser-Ket!" one of the Terracons stammered as the Femme looked back at them with her weapon holstered, seemingly defenseless but they knew better.

"...You are dead!" another Con said with shock evident in her voice, gaining a stare from the Predacon.

"And yet here I am." she said back, as two of the several Terracons re-aimed their weapons at her.

"Commander Rip-Claw had branded you a traitor to our cause, so dead or not...I am afraid we have to take you to her."

"Well, that certainly is not going to happen...Now!" the Femme exclaimed before both Liara and Nightracer burst into the room and began taking down the Terracons, with either gunfire or biotic blasts. The Asari even lifted one off the ground and threw him into some of the other Terracons that were gathered on one side of the room. Once they were done, the three women were the only ones standing as all the enemy soldiers were lying dead on the floor.

"Well, that was too easy." Liara said with an unconvinced tone, earning a shoulder shrug from Nightracer.

"I am not going to complain about it."

"The Terracons are a subgroup of us Predacons and while they are sentient and think for a point, they are easily distracted and surprised." Ser-Ket explained.

"Not to mention that I think we have killed a few of these guys already." Nightracer said back while looking down at one of the corpses.

"The footage and reports that Orion and I studied, about what happened at New Iacon showed that many of the Terracons engaged in that battle were identical to each other. They are probably clones of merely a handful of the original Terracons, and then were multiplied hundreds...possibly thousands of times. To created the army that Galvatron required." Liara replied, earning a nod from Ser-Ket.

"The footage and reports that Orion and I studied, about what happened at New Iacon showed that many of the Terracons engaged in that battle were identical to each other. They are probably clones of merely a handful of the original Terracons, and then were multiplied hundreds...possibly thousands of times to create the army that Galvatron required." Liara replied, earning a nod from Ser-Ket.

"That sounds about right."

"Wouldn't you know about that already? I mean, you were one of his lieutenants." Nightracer asked in a slightly disbelieving tone as she looked at the Femme.

"No, I wouldn't because out of all us Predacons, only Six-Shot and Shockblast have been known to converse with Galvatron privately. I have only seen him with the others all together or in the presence of the Terracons, but the brothers have definitely seen him behind closed doors. If Galvatron shared any information with his lieutenants, then it was those two."

The Asari gave the Femme a supportive look as she observed the pair of Cybertronains.

"I would have to agree with Ser-Ket, since I saw what Galvatron was like around both Shockblast and his brother." Liara said back as she remembered her time on Cybertron.

"But maybe we can discuss this after we have completed our mission." she added, gaining a nod from Nightracer and Ser-Ket. The former then looked back at the Predacon with a regretful expression.

"I'm sorry, I didn't what I said to sound distrustful."

"I know and I didn't take it that way." Ser-Ket replied before moving over to the nearest terminal and typing on it's holo-interface.

"Anyway, Liara's right. So, let's get on with this." she added whilst a number of data feeds appeared on her holo-screen, gaining a nod from both Liara and Nightracer. The former stood beside her while the Femme stood in the doorway and kept a lookout.

"How long do you think this will take?" she asked back while not taking her eyes from the corridor that was just beyond the doorway.

"I am already inside the system, seems one of the Terracons here did not log out before we arrived." the Predacon Femme replied.

"Well, that is a stroke of luck for us, isn't it." Liara said back while watching Ser-Ket activate and link her holo-tool to the terminal.

"It certainly is. I am currently downloading all the Intel I can from the Predacon database, while also gaining access to the Comms Network. I should be able to deactivate whatever changes were made silence the Autobots."

"Okay then, we won't trouble you any more then." Nightracer replied, earning a nod from Liara who stepped away from the Predacon, allowing her to work without distraction. And for the next several minutes, the team did not speak as Ser-Ket kept her focus completely on her task whilst Nightracer remained on guard, until Liara noticed a grin appear on the Predacon Femme's face.

"Done! I have managed to switch control of the Comms Network back to Autobot control."

This earned relieved and grateful looks of glee from both Nightracer and Liara from there respective locations near the Femme, the latter joining the Femme's side as she deactivated her holo-tool.

"That's great news." she exclaimed in return.

"I also downloaded Predacon fleet movements and Intel about the laboratories on Cybertron that are under enemy control and there exact locations." Ser-Ket added, gaining a nod from Nightracer before her face became serious as she aimed her weapon down the corridor before her.

"That's great, because we have a group of Terracons baring down on our position right..." she began to say before she suddenly felt a fist hit her directly in the face with such speed and strength, that it sent her flying through the air until she hit one of the servers and fell onto the floor unconscious.

"Nightracer!" Liara called out as both she and Ser-Ket looked on in shock at their friend who was on her front as a heavily armoured and very built person entered the room, it was someone that Ser-Ket knew only too well.

"Rip-Claw..." she stated,

Both females looked on in surprise as the Predacon Commander stood there in her Beast mode, her eyes narrowed as they stared back at the traitor.

"So you are alive, though surely you would be smarter than returning here. But then again you are hanging around with the Autobots so to the pit if I would know, since you have become nothing more than a stranger in my eyes."

"I will not act as if I care for what you think of me, Rip-Claw. And I will no longer play a part to what the Predacons have planned. Such slaughter and destruction, it sickens me right down to my spark." Ser-Ket replied as she stepped away from the terminal and clenched her fists, knowing how this was going to turn out. She looked over to Liara as three Terracons entered the room behind Rip-Claw.

"Are you going to further disappoint me and surrender considering that we outnumber you, or are you going to fight and prove that there is still some Predacon in you?" the Commander asked as she stared daggers at the Femme while baring her sharp teeth.

Liara looked down at the unconscious Nightracer before glancing over to Ser-Ket, who merely nodded back to her. And in that instant the Asari knew what her new friend wanted, and she clenched her fists until a blue glow appeared around them. The Terracons noticed this and aimed their weapons at her, unsure looks on their faces as Liara stared back.

"Commander Rip-Claw, what about her?" the soldier on her right asked, but this did not even get a reaction from the Predacon as she kept her eyes firmly on her Sister who activated her holo-blades.

"Deal with her. Ser-Ket is mine." she growled before launching herself through the air and tackling the former Predacon to the ground, leaving the Terracons where they were standing before they too opened fire on the Asari. But Liara instinctively erected a biotic shield directly in front of her, which the bullets harmlessly deflected off before she threw a biotic punch through the air, sending one of the soldiers on to his ass.

She then launched herself into a biotic charge, moving as a blue blur as she smashed into another soldier before turning to the last one who activated his holo-dagger and swiped it at Liara's face.

Meanwhile, Ser-Ket found herself pinned to the floor by her Sister who at this very moment was more powerful, considering she was using her Beast mode. If the Femme was going to win this, she knew that she would need to change too.

But that was something Ser-Ket did not want to do, so instead she looked up at Rip-Claw who drooled a little as she lowered her head closer and bared her teeth. That was all the former Predacon needed as she then head-butted her Sister who yelped in response as she pulled back, that freed the Femme's arms and she followed up by swiping her holo-blades across Rip-Claw's chest which cut deep enough through to reach the skin beneath.

This earned another howl of pain from the Predacon who got up off Ser-Ket, who followed suit and then attacked again with another swipe of her blades. Her adversary though managed to deflect the strikes with the armour of her gauntlets before reacting with an attack of her own with her sharp claws, Rip-Claw managed to get a hit on Ser-Ket across her face, which left a deep cut on her left cheek as she stumbled back a few steps.

The Predacon Commander then smiled deviously before showing her blood covered claws and took a lick from one of their tips, showing pleasure in the act of making her enemy bleed.

"Is that all you can do, Rip-Claw? Just make a little scratch?" Ser-Ket asked with a sarcastic tone, which made the other Femme's blood boil as she gritted her teeth.

"I will bath in your blood, you traitorous wretch!" she roared as she lunged at her former Sister, who dodged the attack and sliced her holo-blade at her adversary's side, spilling blood out and earning another cry from her as she covered the wound with her arm and backed off slightly.

"Come on, Rip-Claw. Where is that killer instinct you claim is always on the burn in your spark? Or do you only have that when facing enemies that clearly can't beat you?" Ser-Ket said, making her Sister's eyes narrow even more as she looked back with pure hatred.

'That's it, keep pissing her of until she can't think straight and just goes berserk, then Rip-Claw is simply another wild animal who can be out-thought and defeated.' the former Predacon thought before she went into another attack and brought both her holo-blades down upon Rip-Claw, who this time stopped the attack instantly by blocking both blades with her right gauntlet which earned a look of surprise from Ser-Ket.

"Not so animalistic as you thought, huh?" she spat back, leaving Ser-Ket completely gob smacked.

'She was playing me?' she thought before Rip-Claw with her free hand punched the Femme so hard in the chest, that it felt like a sledge hammer had hit her as it sent her flying into one of the serves behind her. As she hit the ground Ser-Ket's back and chest both ached, earning a grunt from her as she saw her Sister walking over to her slowly.

As this happened, Liara had just disarmed the Terracon of his knife and punched him in the face with another biotic attack, one that knocked him unconscious. She then saw Rip-Claw standing over Ser-Ket and was about to move to assist when suddenly the Asari stopped and raised her glowing hand in the air, which immediately made the other two Terracons, who had recovered and were attacking her from behind.

This made them stop and float in the air as blue energy covered their bodies, and then Liara snapped her fingers and made both men slam into each other, taking themselves out as they fell to the ground unconscious.

Liara then returned her attention to Ser-Ket and saw Rip-Claw preparing to give the killing blow and so reached her hand out at one of the servers and concentrated, which made the object glow with energy before it was ripped off it's hinges and made to float in the air. As this was happening, the Predacon Commander knelt down beside her traitorous Sister and held her sharp claws up, ready to strike.

"I have looked forward to this, Sister. So very much. I will be sure to send your Autobot friends to join you in the Allspark….. Farewell." she said with a finality to her voice before bringing the claws down upon Ser-Ket, when suddenly she stopped just short as someone interrupted her.

"Rip-Claw." a voice shouted, making the Femme turn round just in time to see a server hit he square in the face, knocking the Predacon to the floor hard. Liara stood there and maintained control of the broken server with her biotics, Ser-Ket could only lie there and watch as Rip-Claw tried to get back to her feet but was stopped in her tracks as the server was slammed down upon her, knocking the Femme unconscious.

"Are you alright?" Liara then asked as she released the server, which fell to the ground with a loud bang and rushed over to Ser-Ket's side.

"I will be, thank you, Liara." the former Predacon replied, earning a smile from the Asari as she helped her to her feet.

"You're welcome." she replied before turning her attention to Nightracer who was just coming too, heading over to the Autobot and leaving Ser-Ket by herself, who then felt a strange but familiar sensation in her chest.

'It can't be.' she thought as the feeling was from something she had thought gone as a look of worry appeared on her face, as both Liara and Nightracer looked over to her and noticed this.

"What's wrong?" Nightracer asked, making the former Predacon shake her head in return.

"Nothing, I am alright." she lied as she tried to push her fears aside and focus on the task at hand.

"We should get moving back to the rendezvous." she added while walking over to join her friends, Liara meanwhile looked over at Rip-Claw who as still unconscious.

"What about her?"

"Leave her. We don't have time to waste." Ser-Ket replied, gaining a nod of agreement from Nightracer.

"Ser-Ket's right, let's go." the Autobot said in return, as the trio rushed out of the room and back into the corridor. Nightracer then tapped her com-link as they ran back the way they came.

"Bravo to Alpha, do you read? We have achieved the mission objectives and are returning to the rendezvous point."

"We read you loud and clear, Nightracer. Good job." Orion replied into his com-link as both he and Quickstrike shot down two more Terracons who stood in their path, as the pair continued down the large tunnel.

"We are almost at our target, see you at the rendezvous." he added before ending the call, just as Quickstrike pointed at a doorway just ahead of them.

"There it is." he stated as the pair approached the door with weapons ready, taking positions on both sides of the doors.

"So how many Terracons do you think are in there?" Orion asked, as his cousin reloaded his rifle in preparation.

"Considering it usually takes around four Engineers to man a sub-station like this, I would say there would have to be the same number of Terracons in there."

"Well, only one way to find out." Orion replied as he pressed the door activation panel and opened the door, then his cousin went in first and immediately took note that there were exactly four enemy soldiers in the room, just like he said there would be.

They all had their backs turned to the pair who managed to enter quietly enough, Quickstrike moved over to the closest of the group first and grabbed him via the throat to strangle him.

Orion kept his rifle trained on the other three, but the struggling Terracon managed to kick the terminal as he fought back which alerted the others. They turned round and looked at the Autobots in surprise as they began to equip their weapons, but Orion fired a shot directly into the spark of one of them, making him fall to the ground in a heap, before following hrough and shooting the second in the head, earning a splat of blood-like liquid on the wall behind him as he fell to the ground.

But the third managed to get his weapon ready and began aiming it at Quickstrike who was still strangling the first Terracon, but before Orion could do anything his cousin kept hold of his target with one arm, while equipping his hand-gun with the other and then shot the third Terracon in the face in one quick smooth action.

Then as that corpse fell to the ground, he re-holstered his gun and then killed the Terracon in his hands by snapping his neck.

"Why didn't you do that to start with?" Orion asked as the blonde Bot dropped the body to the ground and looked around the room.

"Didn't think of that one at first." he replied, earning a surprised expression from his cousin.

"What?...I'm only Cybertronian. Come on, you use that terminal while I man this one." he added as he gestured to the blood splattered terminal next to the blue haired Bot, as he began typing on the holo-interface of the one next to him.

"Orion, you activate the diagnostic while I begin to overload the reactor." Quickstrike said, gaining a nod from his cousin who typed on the holo-pad in front of him. The pair then spent several minutes looking on the system until Orion smiled as a data window appeared on his terminal's holo-screen.

"I have found the diagnostic, Quickstrike, and I'm running it now." Orion replied, earning a smile from the blonde Autobot.

"That's good timing, because I have found the program that controls the reactor and it sub-stations. I am overloading one of them as we speak, hopefully the diagnostic you activated should keep the power build-up hidden until it's too late."

As Quickstrike typed in the last command, his holo-screen flashed red with a warning and a timer that began counting down.

'Warning, if final key entry is given, the reactor will overload in five minutes. Warning, reactor will overload in five minutes.'

The Bot then activated his holo-tool and typed on it's interface until another timer appeared on it's screen, this one said ten minutes which confused Orion a little as he looked at his cousin.

"Why the extra time?"

"It will only take five minutes for the reactor to begin an overload, but it will take a further five minutes for the overload to destroy the reactor, so.." the Bot explained before turning back to the terminal and pressing the key on it's interface, which began the countdown.

"Alright, time to haul ass." Quickstrike stated before both he and Orion ran out of the room and back into the corridor.

"It's this way to the exit, that should take us back to the surface." The blonde Bot added as the pair ran down the tunnel, with Orion tapping his com-link as they did so.

"This is Alpha team, objective complete. I repeat, objective complete. On way to the rendezvous point."

The Bot then ended the transmission and readied his weapon, as both Bots spotted three more Terracons approaching ahead of them.


"On way to rendezvous point."

That was what Nightracer heard from her com-link as she, Liara and Ser-Ket ran through the grassy field on the way back to the rendezvous. They had exited the complex just a few minutes ago and luckily had not come across any more Terracons, hence the good time they were making.

"Alpha team is on their way out." she said back to Liara and Ser-Ket, gaining looks of relief from the pair.

"That's just what I wanted to hear." the Asari replied with a smile, with the Predacon Femme nodding in agreement.

"Same here."

"Well, we should see them back at the rendezvous..." Nightracer said, before the sound of grass being crunched underfoot caught her's and the others attention. The trio stopped and raised their weapons in the direction the sound was heard.

"You think it's more Stalkers?" Liara asked, earning a shrug of the shoulders from Ser-Ket.

"I'm not sure, but..."

But before she could finish her sentence, Shen suddenly appeared from under the long grass with his sniper rifle aimed at them.

"Freeze!" he exclaimed, surprising the women before they realised who it was.

"Shen? What the hell! Stop pointing that gun at us." Nightracer spat back, gaining an embarrassed expression from the Turian before he lowered the sniper rifle.

"Sorry, I thought you might have been more Terracons."

"What do you mean? And why are you not at the rendezvous?" the Autobot Femme replied with a confused look, one that was shared by both Liara and Ser-Ket.

"I'm sorry, but the rendezvous is lost. There are Predacon troops all over the site. I first noticed them scouting out the areas nearby, sort of like searching the perimeter around the city. Then when they got to close, that's why I decided to move. Didn't think it would be good for them to find me, plus I was outnumbered so I made my way down here knowing that I would probably run into you guys." Shen said back.

"So why did you think we were Terracons?" Ser-Ket asked in return, still wanting that particular detail to be explained.

"I have been evading these enemies ever since you guys headed off for the complex, so I have been a bit on edge." the Turian replied.

"Okay, well I better let Bravo team know that we have a change of plan." Nightracer said before tapping her com-link.

"Alpha, this is Bravo. Do you read?"

Meanwhile, Orion and Quickstrike had just fought through the third team of Terracons as they made their way through the tunnel system when the XO's com-link went off.

"Alpha, this is Bravo. Do you read?" the Femme's voice came though, gaining a nod from Orion as he saw the last Terracon fall to the ground with smoke emanating from bullet holes in his chest.

"Read you loud and clear, Bravo, What's the sit-rep?"

"We are clear of the complex, but our rendezvous has been lost. So we should regroup at current coordinates?" the Femme replied.

"Why? What's happened to the rendezvous?"

"The Predacon patrols nearly found Shen as he awaited our return, he is with us now. But their patrols are apparently watching the perimeter around the city, so I think we should regroup here." Nightracer said back.

"Alright, well we are nearly out of here..." the Bot replied before turning to Quickstrike.

"How long until the reactor goes?"

This made the blonde Bot look at the timer on his holo-tool which just crossed the three and a half-minute mark, which was met by a tremor shook the entire area.

"Well, since my timer is down to nearly two minutes and the tremors are now starting, I would say it's close." he said back, gaining a nod from Orion as rocks and dust began to fall from the rocky ceiling due to the quake.

"Did you guys feel that?" he said back into his com-link.

"Yes, we did. So it's started. Better hurry up and get up here." the Autobot Femme replied.

"We are on our way, ETA one minute." Orion said back as suddenly he and Quickstrike felt another tremor, though this one felt different.

"What in the Allspark was that?" the Bot asked as both looked at each other confused.

"I don't think that was the reactor, that felt too close." Quickstrike said back before they felt another tremor followed by another.

"That feels more like footsteps." the young Darby replied as the Blonde Bot went quiet and his face looked worried.

"Oh crap." was all he said as the tremors got even closer and he pointed ahead of himself and Orion, towards the way they needed to go. His cousin looked too just in time to see a large white and blue metallic dragon turn a corner several hundred meters ahead and enter the tunnel that they were currently in, it's yellow eyes narrowing as it spotted them and growled.

"What the..."

"It's Skystalker." Quickstrike exclaimed before grabbing Orion's shoulder and yanking him back.

"Run!" he shouted just as the beast roared and began charging at them, the ground shaking with every foot fall from them Predacon.

"what's going on?" Nightracer asked frantically down the com-link.

"Our exit is blocked, by something called Skystalker." Orion shouted back while running as fast as he could.

"Nightracer?" the Femme replied before Ser-Ket's voice could be heard in the background.

"By the Allspark."

The pair of Bots continued to sprint through the tunnel as the beast gained on them with every stride, getting that much closer to killing them.

"Is there any other way out?" Liara could be heard asking in a panic before Nightracer spoke up on the Com-link.

"You guys have another way out right?" she said with a growing worry in her voice.

"No we don't...wait thats it!" Orion said back as an idea hit him.

"Have to end the call here, calling the Normandy." the Bot said back before ending the call.

"Wait...what?..." was all Nightracer could say before her voice fizzled out, and the Bot tapped his com-link again while breathing heavily as he forces his muscles to keep going as he and Quickstrike continued to run.

"Orion to Normandy. Come in, Normandy."

"This is Rodimus, what can..." the Commander spoke before his XO jumped in.

"We need a ground-bridge to Bravo team's location now!"

"Orion, our ground-bridge mode has not been tested yet." the Commander replied while Quickstrike looked over his shoulder to see the Predacon beast getting even closer as it roared.

"Whatever you're going to do, make it fast!" he shouted.

"There's no time like the present, Rodimus. Activate a ground-bridge portal in front of our signals."

"Roger that...get the ground-bridge operational...I don't care, just do it." Orion could hear his mentor and friend yell at the other end of the com-link as he spotted three Terracons as both he and Quickstrike ran past them. The Cons quickly equipped their weapons, but then suddenly looked surprised at the sight of their enemies fleeing. But then the sound of an ear-splitting roar from behind them made the Terracons look back, their eyes widened in horror at what they saw.

"Scrap!" one exclaimed as he tried to run before all three were then trampled on by the beast. Meanwhile, Quickstrike took a glance at his holo-tool while he ran before looking over at his cousin.

"nine, eight, seven…!" he began to shout as the tremors from the reactor grew in strength, causing rocks to fall from the ceiling.

"Watch out!" Orion shouted back before looking over his shoulder to see the beast roar and then follow through by keeping it's mouth open as it began to charge its fire breath, Skystalker was now so close behind them that the young Darby could see right to the back of it's throat as the fire started to emerge.

So he bit his lip and looked back to the front, silently praying for some kind of miracle to stop the pair of them from being incinerated. And then suddenly, as if someone had heard him, a green light appeared and reflected off Orion's eyes just as the timer hit zero.

And in that instant, miles away, the geothermal reactor located right below the Communications Tower which was under so much pressure and strain exploded all of a sudden, sending a massive shockwave out in all directions and a fireball of superheated plasma upwards.

Bravo team fought to keep on their feet as the entire area around them was hit by an earthquake the likes of which they had not experienced.

"What the hell?" Shen exclaimed as Ser-Ket suddenly pointed towards the Tower that could be seen clearly from their location, as it was the tallest building in the entire city. The structure began to shake and crack as it was rattled with internal explosions across it's entire surface, gaining a smile from Nightracer.

"They did it." she said with relief in her voice, but she then looked back at both Liara and Ser-Ket who were watching the spectacle with worry written across their faces.

"Where are they?" the Asari asked out loud as if hoping for someone to answer her, but it was a question to which no one could. All they could do was watch as the tower began to collapse and fall like a deck of cards to the ground below, creating a massive dust cloud that glowed as the fire continued to burn brightly at the center of the city. Everyone saw the destruction, from the Terracons patrolling the streets to the civilians trapped in their homes as prisoners, looking out of their windows at the sight before them.

"Surely they got out?" Ser-Ket asked with a slight glimmer of hope, before suddenly a bright green vortex opened up just a few feet away from the group. Everyone knew what it was, but held their breath to see who would emerge from it's event horizon when in the blink of an eye, both Orion and Quickstrike dived through and hit the ground hard.

They rolled on their sides across the grass as a fireball exited the vortex right behind them and burnt out safely over the pair, earning dumbfounded looks from everyone there. Then just as it quickly as it appeared, the vortex closed and the pair of Bots slowly got to their feet and looked up at the others.

"Hey, Guys. Mind if we drop in?" Orion asked, earning a big smile from Liara who rushed over and pulled the blue-haired Bot into an embrace. Ser-Ket followed suit immediately and embraced Quickstrike who gave her a kiss in return, which made Shen smile at Nightracer coyly.

"Wanna give me a hug or a kiss?"

The Femme simply shook her head and chuckled before slapping his shoulder, and then began walking over to Orion who was still in the middle of an embrace with Liara.

"I was so worried you were…" she started to say, before the Bot cut her off.

"It's alright, I did too…for a moment." he replied while hugging her back, happy to see that she too was unhurt. Similar happenings were going on between Quickstrike and Ser-Ket as they had yet to let go of each other, but then both pair's attention was caught by Nightracer, who approached them.

"So, they got the ground-bridge mode of the space-bridge generator working?" she asked, gaining nods from the cousins who finally separated from Ser-Ket and Liara.

"Yeah, just in the nick of time too." the blonde Bot replied, as Orion looked back at the Femme.

"So I take it the Communications blackout has been lifted?".

"Yes, we managed to deactivate the block that was keeping all ISF forces from communicating with each other, and now with the destruction of the Hub complete, there is no way for the Predacons to do it again." Nightracer replied, earning a smile from the young Darby.

"That's great, and did you manage to get any Intel from their database?"

"I downloaded everything I could from their systems, Orion, from fleet movements to intelligence reports. Plus, there is something very interesting I found concerning Cybertron. I would suggest you look at that first." Ser-Ket replied as she activated her holo-tool and began transferring the Intel to the Autobot Spectre's, which made the Bot give the Femme an appreciative smile in return.

"Thank you, Ser-Ket. I am glad you are on our side." he said back, earning a mirrored expression from the Femme.

"As am I, Orion."

Quickstrike joined her side and placed held her hand in his own as he smiled at her and then the others.

"Yeah, go team! But I think we should be getting out of here now…right?" he said, which made everyone but Ser-Ket nod back in agreement. The former Predacon looked back at the city, pulling her hand out from the blonde Bot's grasp, earning a surprised expression from him.


"Quickstrike is right, you should go. I can already tell that the others are coming." she replied in an ominous tone, one that caught the attention of everyone.

"Why did you say 'you' and not 'we' should go, Ser-Ket?" the blond Bot asked as he stepped in front of the Femme who had turned her eyes to the ground.

"Yeah, your part of the team now, Ser-Ket. I don't think Orion is going to say no to you now." Shen added, earning angry looks from Liara and Nightracer while the blue-haired Bot did not know where to look. But they were all ignored by Quickstrike as he kept his focus completely on the woman who had come to be his lover.

"Ser-Ket, talk to me. What's going on?" he asked gently, but she still kept her eyes from him.

"You should go." was all she could say.

"Not without you, I'm not. You didn't think that I was going to leave you here did you. Getting the two of us off this planet has been all I can think about since you helped me escape that prison cell." he said as he reached down and took one of her hands in his own while with the other, he touched the bottom of her chin and gently raised her face so that her eyes would meet his.

"..You're a part of my life now, Ser-Ket, and I…" he started to say before she pressed a finger against his lips and stopped him mid-sentence.

"I know, Quickstrike. You mean exactly the same to me. Which is why this has been made even harder for myself." she replied as she looked into his eyes, those beautiful eyes that she could just lose herself in.

"What do you mean?"

"I can't go with you. I want to be with you more than anything, Quickstrike, but you have to leave me behind.

The Bot's eyes widened at those words as he looked back at her in shock and disbelief.

"No, I won't leave you behind. Why do I have too?"

"Because if you don't, then you will risk the lives of every one of your friends standing here now." Ser-Ket replied before taking a step back from the blonde Bot and opening the chest-plate of her armour slightly. Everyone including Quickstrike looked on silence as a small light could be seen blinking on and off brightly under the skin of her chest.

"What is that?" Nightracer asked, beating the others to the question.

"It's a tracking beacon, it's giving off my position to the Predacons." Ser-Ket replied, making the others suddenly look around themselves, while Quickstrike continued to look at the Femme.

"It's how they found us back at the escape shuttle hanger, Quickstrike. I thought it had been broken during our fight with Skystalker…but…..I was wrong." she added as she closed up the chest-plate.

"That's why I cannot go with you. Because if I did, then the Predacons would know exactly where your ship is and attack it. And I can't take that risk."

Quickstrike then responded by grabbing the Femme by her arms and looking at her desperately, not wanting to let go.

"No, you don't have to do this. We can cut it out. Leave it here for them to find." he said back, but the Femme shook her head in response.

"It's too close to my spark, removing it would kill me."

"Then I am not going, I am staying here with you." the blonde Bot replied defiantly, earning shocked looks from the rest of the group.

"Quickstrike…" Nightracer said back, earning a calm and content look from the Bot as he came to terms with what he must do.

"You guys go without me because I am not leaving Ser-Ket."

But as he turned his attention away from his love, the Femme clenched her fist and shook her head gently.

"I am so sorry, Quickstrike, but I can't let you do this." she whispered, which made the Bot look back as he caught the end of her words.

"What did you sa….." he started to say as he looked back at her, but the last thing he saw was her fist hitting him straight in the center of his face.

"Whooooaaah!" Shen exclaimed as Quickstrike fell to the ground unconscious, earning shocked looks from everyone as Orion rushed to his cousin's side.

"Why did you..?" he asked as he looked down at the Bot before looking up at Ser-Ket.

"You know why. I cannot let him risk his life for me. I care about him too much for that." she replied before looking back at the city, noticing lights moving toward their location.

"They are nearly here, you should go."

"Shen, give me a hand here." Orion said, gaining the Turian's attention who then came over and helped him pick up his unconscious cousin. He then tapped his com-link with his free hand.

"Normandy, we need a ground-bridge now." he said and a second later the green vortex opened up behind them all.

"Remember what I said, Orion. Be sure to look at the data on Cybertron first, and take care of him for me." Ser-Ket said, earning a nod from the Bot.

"I will….on both counts, and thank you." he said back before offering he Femme his free hand, who looked at it for a moment before smiling in return and accepting it.

"Alright, everyone, let's go." Orion then said back, earning nods from Nightracer and Liara who took one last look at Ser-Ket before rushing into the vortex, disappearing in the green swirling light. Orion and Shen were about to move with the unconscious Quickstrike, but the Femme moved in close to the Bot and whispered in his ear.

"I hope you can forgive me. I love you, Quickstrike,….Goodbye."

And then suddenly, the former Predacon equipped her rifle, turned around into a kneeling position and fired several shots into a Terracon as it was charging towards them.

"Go!" she shouted back before laying down covering fire, making the enemy troops scatter while Orion and Shen carried his cousin towards the portal. Ser-Ket just kept firing at the Terracons, not allowing them a second to catch their breath. But the Femme could see that she would be overrun in a matter of seconds, and so switched to her holo-blades and began cutting down the enemy troops one after another.

Both Orion and Shen watched in amazement at Ser-Ket, who fought the enemy single-handedly as they both began to enter the event horizon of the vortex. But that was when Quickstike started to come too, and the first thing his eyes laid on was the sight of his lover fighting off the Terracon hordes.

"Ser-Ket!" he exclaimed as both his cousin and his friend fought to keep him in their grips as they pulled him into the portal.

"Don't fight us, Quickstrike." Shen pleaded with him.

"It's what she wants." Orion added with sympathy in his voice, but the last thing the blonde Bot would see, would be the Terracons surrounding Ser-Ket and tackling her to the ground before continually pummelling her, just as the portal closed around him and the others as they were surrounded by green light, but leaving his lover in the hands of the enemy as storm clouds gathered overhead.
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Re: Prime Effect 4

Postby Apollo-XL5 » Wed Jan 08, 2020 9:53 am

Motto: ""It's all in the reflexes.""
Weapon: Star Saber Sword

Everything happened so fast, one second Quickstrike was looking at Ser-Ket facing off against a horde of Terracons. Then in a flash of green light, he was standing what looked like a shuttle-bay.

The Bot saw the vortex close in front him before hearing footsteps approaching from behind, so he turned around to see Orion and Shen standing at either side of him.

Liara and Nightracer were also there, as was a man he did not recognise who was blonde and wore red and gold armour.

"Orion, report." he said, earning a nod from the blue haired Bot.

"Rodimus, We disabled the technology being used by the Predacons to jam all Autobot communications and then destroyed the tower to ensure that they could not do it again."

"Good job. You should know that we have already made contact with Autobot Command. They are mobilizing the fleets as we speak, so we can take back Omicron from the Predacons. That's just for starters."

"We also gained a significant amount of Intel from the enemy's database, with your permission I would like to start looking through it immediately." Liara added, earning a nod from Rodimus. So the Asari then activated her holo-tool and linked it to Orion's, transferring it to hers.

"Don't forget what Ser-Ket said. Look at the Cybertron data first." the XO said, earning a nod from her as the Commander gave them all a confused look.

"Who is Ser-Ket?"

"Ser-Ket is the one who made this mission a success,...Commander, and then paid for it." Quickstrike suddenly came out and said with a tinge of anger and pain in his voice, earning the Commander's attention as he looked back. But before he could say anything, the Bot walked out of the shuttle-bay, leaving everyone in there in a limbo-like state.

"That was Orion's cousin, Sir." Shen stated as a surprised Rodimus looked to his XO for answers.

"Ser-Ket was a Predacon who switched sides and helped us with our mission. Quickstrike is correct in saying that without her help, our mission would have failed." the blue-haired Bot replied.

"There's more to it than that though, right? I mean that's the impression I got from him." the Commander replied, gaining a nod from the team.

"Ser-Ket rescued Quickstrike from the other Predacons, and they became close over the time they were on the run." Liara added.

"I see." Rodimus replied with a thoughtful look, while Orion took a step towards the door.

"I'll go talk to him." he said while looking back.

"Want me to help?" Liara asked as she took a step towards him, but the Bot made a 'stop' like gesture in return.

"It's alright, I've got this. You should make a start on that Intel." he replied, earning a nod from her. With that Orion left the shuttle-bay, with Rodimus heading that way too.

"I should get back to the CIC, Liara keep me apprised on your progress."

"Of course, Commander." she replied as the Elite Spectre left took his leave.

"Want a hand going through that Intel, Liara?" Nightracer asked, gaining a smile from the Asari.

"Sure." she replied as the two started for the door, with Shen in pursuit.

"I'll go see what Smokescreen and Grunt are up too?"

And with that, the group all left the shuttle-bay.

Orion arrived on deck three and stepped out into the corridor, hoping he would find his cousin there since a passing crewman on the previous floor had seen someone of Quickstrike's description heading for the elevator. The blue-haired Bot checked the Mess, the starboard observation room and the Infirmary, saying a quick Hi to Red-Alert as he did but still did not find Quickstrike.

'Okay, there is only one place left on this deck he could go if he wanted to be alone.' he thought as he walked through the corridor to the door labeled 'Port observation lounge'.

He opened the door to reveal a dimly lit room with several chairs, two couches and a poker table at it's furthest wall. The only real light to enter the room was from the massive window that showcased the ocean of stars beyond the Normandy's hull. And it was there that Orion spotted Quickstrike, the Bot was standing there and looking out at the stars in silence until he saw his cousin's reflection in the glass.

"If you don't mind, Orion, I would like to be alone right now." he said calmly while keeping his attention on the view in front of him, but the blue-haired Bot merely entered the room with the door closing behind him, sealing out the light of the corridor and darkening the room once again.

"I am so sorry, Quickstrike. I was wrong about her, and I am sorry. I wish we could have brought her with us." the Bot replied with regretful tone in his voice.

"I still can't believe that there wasn't any other way, we didn't have to leave her back there." the blonde Autobot said back as he looked over his shoulder to Orion, who could see the Bot's eyes were slowly welling up.

"Ser-Ket saw no other way out of it, what she did...she did to protect protect you. She didn't want you to die on that planet, she loved you." Orion replied, gaining a knowing look from his cousin.

"I heard her whisper it into your ear when Shen and I were carrying you." he added, making Quickstrike nod in return.

"I know, I heard it myself. While I was unconscious, I heard a mixture of sounds echoing around me. They were faint and hard to make out, until suddenly everything went quiet and then the sweetest voice I had ever heard spoke. 'I love you...goodbye'." the Bot replied as he looked back out of the window, but as he said that last sentence, Orion could see there was far more meant in those words for Quickstrike.

"You love her."

"Yes..." the blonde Autobot replied, as he nodded back.

"We only knew each other for several days, but in that time I had to come to care for her more than..." he said until he felt himself being overcome by his grief and stopped, letting silence fall in the room. But Orion joined his cousin's side and placed a supportive hand on his shoulder, to let the Autobot know he was not alone as he wiped a stray tear from his cheek with his hand.

"What is it?" the blue-haired Bot asked.

"I just wish I had told Ser-Ket how I felt, what if she'd..." Quickstrike began to say before Orion cut him off, not allowing his cousin to finish that sentence.

"She knew how much you felt for her, Quickstrike. She knew through your experiences with her before we arrived, and how you stood by her side during know." the young Darby said with a regretful expression, the memory of how treated the former Predacon was still fresh in his mind and it certainly was not his proudest moment.

"...and finally in the way you wanted to stay behind with her, despite what that would entail. Ser-Ket knew you loved her Quickstrike."

Everything again went quiet as the blonde Bot thought on Orion's words until he finally turned around and faced his cousin, with a look of acceptance on his face.

"Your right Cuz, thanks." he replied, gaining a nod in return from the blue-haired Bot.

"So what do I do know? Go home and sit by my Mother's side until she wakes?" he then asked.

"You could do that, but...what do you want to do?" Orion asked in return.

"I...I want to keep fighting...for Ser-Ket and for my Father." Quickstrike replied as his face became serious as he looked back out at the stars.

"Then, in that case, I will tell Rodimus that you'll join my team. We can honor them both by defeating the Predacons and ruining whatever plans they have."

The blonde Bot nodded in return as Orion turned back towards the door.

"Want to come with me to the CIC?"

"I will in a bit, but first I just want to be alone with my thoughts." Quickstrike replied.

"Alright, take your time." the blue-haired Bot said back before he opened the door, letting the light of the corridor re-enter the room.

"Thanks, Orion." his cousin said back, earning a nod from him before he walked out. The door then closed, darkening the room again as Quickstrike looked out of the window at the stars once more.

"I love you, Ser-Ket." he said in a whisper, while another singular tear ran down his cheek again.

Meanwhile, the rain was coming down hard on the long grass of Omicron, while a mass of Terracons stood together in a huddle. Most of then were looking towards the center of the group, almost as if something of great value was located at that location. But there were a few stragglers at the outer edges who looked back at the city and the massive cloud of smoke that was billowing from the site where the communications tower used to stand.

"We have incoming." one of the troops shouted as a shuttle suddenly landed in the area, its hatch opening to reveal Rip-Claw standing at the exit.

"Commander Rip-Claw, you are hurt." the Terracon closest to the Femme observed as she stepped out from the confines of the small transport, wearing a bandage around her head.

"I am fine, my body is healing perfectly fine. I simply have a headache from some Asari who decided to hit me with a Server a few times, that's all." she answered in a sarcastic tone, earning a worried expression from the man.

"I meant no disrespect, Sir."

"Well, you're not the one who has to explain all of this to Lord Galvatron...are you? So please tell me we have something to cushion the blow?" she replied, gaining a sly smile and nod from the Terracon.

"We certainly do, Commander." he said back before he waved his hands, making the other Cons separate and reveal what lied at their feet at the center of the horde. The Femme's frown turned into a smile as she looked down at the site.

"Well, I say...Is she alive?"

"She has suffered multiple injuries, but yes...she is still alive." the soldier said back.

"Excellent, get her on board the Achilles and patch her up. Lord Galvatron will wish to see this traitor himself." Rip-Claw replied as she looked down at the unconscious and bloodied form of Ser-Ket, lying down in the muddy grass.


It had been a few hours since she had been captured, but Aria sat in her cell and stared with a blank expression straight ahead at the force field that was covering her one and only way out, but it wasn't escaping that she was thinking was vengeance.

The Asari was so fixated and caught up in her own thoughts, that she did not notice that Arcee was staring at her from the cell the Femme was sharing with her spark-mate.

"Aria, how are you holding up?"

"Absolutely fine." the former Omega leader replied coldly while keeping her attention on the wall, which was puzzling the Femme somewhat.

"I see. Well, if you need to talk.."

But before she could finish, Aria looked over and Arcee could see the anger in her eyes.

"I appreciate what you are trying to do, Arcee, but I am fine. I am simply waiting for our hosts to return." the Asari replied candidly before looking past the Femme to the Prime sitting beside her, a confused expression appearing on her face.

"What is he doing?"

This made Arcee turn her attention to Jack who was staring at his only remaining hand, he looked like he was looking at it with a very focused expression as he kept himself fixated on his appendage.

"Jack, what are you doing?" Arcee asked with a similar expression to Aria, who was looking at Jack too who was now clenching his hand into a fist and closing his eyes.

"Jack?" she asked again, finding this behavior strange from her lover.

"Hey, Prime. What's with the constipated look over there?" Aria then asked, earning a slight smirk from him.

"Sorry, but if you both could just stay quiet for a moment." he replied while keeping his arms closed and fist tightly clenched.

"Why, what are you doing?" the Femme asked.

"Just trying something, I'm not sure if it will even work." the Prime said back which gained a look from his spark-mate, one that told him she did not buy it.

"You're going to have to do better than that, Jack."

"Okay, you know that my Prime armour..." he began to say while gesturing to the very outfit he was still wearing, earning a nod from the Femme who glanced at it and noticed how damaged it was.

"...allows me to summon a holographic re-creation of both the Star-Saber and the Skyboom Shield.

"Yes, Jack. What are you getting at?." Arcee said back with an impatient tone, one that was reciprocated by Liara with a look.

"We have both seen this, Prime."

"...yeah, and I am generally left handed. So, that is the hand that gets the Saber. But I think I can summon it to my right hand." he said with an enthusiastic tone while holding his clenched hand before him, gaining a look of surprise from the women.

"How did you figure that out?" Arcee asked.

"Back when I was temporarily allied with MECH in an effort to stop the Quintessons, we boarded one of their ships to gain Intel. Now during our escape, I used the Skyboom Shield to protect Miranda...but I summoned it to my left hand."

"So, you think that if you could do that with the shield, that it should work with the Star Saber too." the Femme asked, gaining a nod from Jack.

"Exactly, so I just need a minute to focus."

"But in your current condition..., I mean using the Star Saber has an effect on your body even when you don't charge it up. So with what you have gone through..." Arcee replied with a concerned look on her face, but Jack gave her a reassuring smile.

"Arcee, I am feeling stronger now than I did earlier. And this might be our only chance to escape, but we need to do this together." he said back, before looking over to Aria who nodded in return but the Prime could see that she had something else in mind...and that was troubling.

"Aria, I want you to know that 'we' want to see Galvatron pay for our son's...death too. But if we have any hope of escaping, then we have to put that aside until we are in a better position to do so. We can't afford to let revenge cloud our senses, so I need 'your word' that you won't try to kill Galvatron now."

The Asari narrowed her eyes at Prime, letting him know that she wasn't happy with the terms but he wasn't about to take no for answer.

"Aria, I swear that we will help you take Galvatron down and make him pay for the crimes committed against the Federation, Omega and... 'us'. Surely we have proven ourselves enough for you to trust us?"

The Prime and the Omega Leader just looked at each other as Arcee watched, for she knew exactly how strong the pull of revenge was and what it takes to ignore it for the greater good. As did Jack, but then again...he is a Prime. They do not have the luxury of ignoring the bigger picture.

"Alright, Prime. I'll do it your way." Aria then said, earning a supportive smile from both Spark-mates before the Prime returned his attention to his hand, clenching it tightly and focusing on it alone.

"Don't know how long this wil..." he started to say before the sight of the holographic Star-Saber blade materialized, glowing with a gentle blue hue that silenced the Prime and earned wide-eyed expressions from both women.

"Well, I'll be damned." Aria said, while Arcee smiled at Jack.

"It worked,. Wait, do you feel?" she said, as she suddenly switched from impressed to mother Hen mode.

"I feel fine." Jack replied before getting to his feet, quickly followed by the Femme and Asari.

"Be ready, who knows how many guards are stationed on the other side of that door." he added before swinging the blade at the force-field and slicing a cut through it, which made the energy crackle as the cut expanded and then brought the entire field down in an instant. Which was followed by a siren blaring out of the inter-com while the room's illumination changed to a flashing red hue.

"Prisoners have escaped! Prisoners have escaped!" the Nemesis computer spoke calmly as Jack and Arcee left their cell.

"Arcee, open Aria's cell door." the Prime said back, earning a nod from the Femme who looked back at him And spotted two Terracons entering the room.

"Jack! Behind you!"

Darby saw this and immediately and with fluid movement, stabbed the saber into the chest of the enemy right in front of him. And before the other could raise his weapon quickly enough, the Prime removed the blade, spun around and sliced off the other's head. Both corpses fell to the ground, just as Aria's force field came down, allowing the Asari to walk out and give Jack an impressed smile.

"Not bad, one arm or two. You've still got it."

"He's my Prime." Arcee affectionately added, earning a loving smile from Jack.

"Now, could you get this thing off me?" the Asari then asked, while gesturing to the Biotic clamp around her neck.

"Hold still." Jack then said before perfectly slicing the device into two pieces that fell to the ground, earning a relieved smile from her.

"Thank you."

"Come on, I know the way off this ship." he replied as Arcee picked up one of the guns and the trip left the Brig.

Meanwhile, on the Nemesis bridge, Galvatron was looking around with a curious grin as the lights continued to flash the colour red and the inter-com continued with the computer's warning.

"Interesting, that Prime is more resourceful than I thought." he said while Six-Shot and Lazerback stood at either side of him.

"My Lord, I have called for extra squads of Terracons to guard all vital systems." the former said with a slightly panicked expression.

"And I have sent out Stalker and Terracon teams to recapture the Prisoners." the latter added, but Galvatron shook his head in return.

"You worry too much, Six-Shot. The Prime won't try anything as bold as that. And you can call off your squads Lazerback, I know where they are heading..." the Predacon Lord replied, before turning around and walking past them both.

"..and I will deal with them personally." he added, earning surprised expressions as they watched him leave the room.

"Lord Galvatron…" the Terracon manning the Nemesis's sensor array said aloud, gaining the Predacon's attention as he stopped short of the door and looked over to him.

"Omega reinforcements are coming through the space bridge." he added as he brought up the information on the main holo-screen for everyone to see.

"What is the status of those ships?" Galvatron asked.

"Their weapon systems are fully powered, but it seems that they have just stopped short of our front lines. None of our ships have reported being targeted."

The Predacon Leader smiled in return as he looked up at the holo-screen.

"That is a welcoming sign, that they are indecisive of what they should do. Let us hope that they continue to do so for just long enough for me to subdue their leader once again, the next part of my plan requires her presence" he replied before he then opened the door and exited the bridge, leaving all on the bridge somewhat confused as they returned to their duties.

Several decks below, another Terracon fell to the ground in a bloody heap as Jack, Arcee and Aria ran past and down the corridor, leaving yet another squad of Predacon troops dead in their wake.

"So, this is the way to the escape pods?" the Asari asked, gaining a nod from the older Darby leading the way.

"Yes, the Nemesis was meant to be the new Autobot flagship. So I made sure to familiarise myself with it's layout and systems. The escape pods are on the deck above us, so we need to access the maintenance ducts on this floor to gain entry to deck and it is just down this corridor."

The trio ran down the corridor until they came to a T-junction, earning a look of confusion from the women.

"Which way, Jack?" Arcee asked, gaining a knowing look from her Spark-mate.

"Left…I think." he replied with a smirk, which made the Femme roll her eyes in response.

"Very funny…" she said as they turned the corner and ran straight into another group of Terracons.

"Scrap!" the blue-haired Femme exclaimed as the enemies opened fire which should of riddled the group with bullets, but Aria managed to create a biotic barrier that shielded them from harm. Then Arcee opened fire with her rifle as Jack charged in and disarmed the closest Terracon by slicing his arm off, and then driving the saber into it's heart. Then suddenly three more Terracons appeared, those these ones looked more feral and beast-like.

"What the hell are they?" Arcee said in a confused tone as the animal-men rushed the group but Jack merely smiled as one launched itself at him, only for the Prime to charge the Star-Saber which glowed a bright blue as he swung it, cutting the creature right down the middle and splitting it into two halves. Another one jumped at Aria, who just held out her hand and channeled her biotic energy which stopped the creature in midair. She then saw the last one pounce at the Autobot Femme as she shot it several times. so she then threw the captive beast into it, sending both of the modified Terracons into the wall.

"Thanks," Arcee replied, earning a nod from Aria.

"You're welcome."

Meanwhile, Jack had found the hatch leading to the maintenance tube and opened it, revealing a ladder inside a tightly compact tube.

"Aria, you first." he said as the women joined him, earning a curious look from the Asari.

"Why? I don't know where we should go."

"Firstly, we are just going up to the next floor. Secondly, you can create a barrier to protect us if we happen to come across another patrol as we exit this tube." the Prime replied. Aria though instead of arguing, just accepted his reasoning and nodded before climbing into the hatch and climbing the ladder.

"Ladies first." Jack then said with a smile, earning an eye roll from the Femme.

"You just want to look at my bum as we climbing the ladder."

The older Darby feigned a look of innocence at that comment.

"Who…me?" he replied, but the Femme simply cocked her head and gave him a knowing smile.

"I know you too well…" she said back before climbing into the tube.

"..Enjoy the view," she added, making the Prime's smile grow a little wider as he then followed her.

"I will." he replied as he then closed the hatch behind her and started to climb the tube's ladder with them.

On the deck in question, a patrol of Terracons moved the corridor with their weapons ready as they kept an eye out for any sign of the escapees. The group walked past a hatch which then slowly opened to reveal Aria who climbed out while holding her hand out in front of her, which glowed blue with biotic energy. She noticed the Terracons walking out of sight and then gestured to the others below her before climbing out into the corridor.

"So where now?" the Asari asked as Jack and Arcee joined her, the Femme re-equipping her weapon as her lover activated the holo Star-saber again.

"Follow this corridor until we get to another T-junction and then take a right-hand turn…" he started to say before suddenly more Terracons turned the corner right behind the group and immediately aimed their weapons at them, making Arcee and Aria ready themselves for another fight. But instead of opening fire, the enemy troops simply backed away and disappeared the way they had arrived, leaving Arcee confused.

"What the!...Why didn't they fight us?" the Femme asked with a disbelieving tone that was mirrored in the looks of her companions as they stared back utterly dumbstruck.

"I don't know..." Jack started to say before being interrupted by the sound of someone clapping behind them, which made the trio turn around and see Galvatron standing behind them.

"I feel I have to congratulate you on your escape attempt, even if it has failed...because truthfully I never saw it coming." he gloated, earning a look of hatred from Aria while Jack and Arcee looked a little more cautious while noticing that no Terracons were accompanying the Predacon Leader.

"He is facing us alone." Arcee observed, gaining a nod from him.

"That is correct, for I do not need backup to deal with the three of you." he said before an evil smile appeared on his face as he clenched his hands into fists, which infuriated Aria, who's own fists began to glow with biotic energy.

"You have taken everything from me, Galvatron, so the most I can do is wipe that smile off your face." she replied before performing a biotic charge at the Predacon as Jack tried and failed to stop her.

"Aria, wait!" he shouted, but the Asari was already through to Galvatron who suddenly had a purple glow of his own and thrust his hand forward and caught the female round her throat, stopping her in his tracks.

"Have you not learned from your mistakes back on Omega, or do you need another lesson?" he said before punching her repeatedly as her companions could only watch, since the Asari was blocking their line of fire.

The Enemy Leader then threw her to the ground hard, making her grimace before she tried to recover. Arcee immediately fired her weapon at the Predacon Lord, who dodged it and took cover in a nearby doorway.

The Femme then moved closer, while keeping her finger on the trigger tightly so that the weapon's fire would keep Galvatron pinned behind his cover.

"Jack, get Aria!" she shouted, earning a nod from her Spark-mate who raced over to the Asari and helped her to her feet. Meanwhile as the Arcee kept firing at the doorway, a sudden flash of green light was emitted from within it that confused the Femme as she decided to move closer.

"What was that?" Aria asked while breathing heavily as she held on to the Prime's shoulder as he got her to his feet.

"I don't know, but that was foolish to just attack him on your own." he replied with a disappointed tone, gaining an angry look from her.

"He was blocking our escape route, what else were we supposed to do?" she spat back but before the Prime could answer, Arcee gained their joint attention.

"Guys, we have a problem."

They both looked over to the Femme.

"What is it?" Jack asked, gaining a gesture from the Autobot who pointed to the now empty doorway.

"He's gone."

"Then let's get moving before he comes back." Aria suggested as Jack looked between both women with an unsure look.

"He must have used an internal ground bridge." he answered just as another bright green flash appeared behind the Prime and Asari, who was suddenly sent flying into Arcee by a hit that felt like a sledgehammer. The three were knocked to the ground as Jack who was the first to recover, looked over his shoulder to see Galvatron standing in the wake of another ground-bridge portal which then closed up behind him, he had a smug expression on his face as he stared down at the Prime who got back to his feet while Arcee was still recovering and Aria was in a slump on the ground.

"What are you going to do, Prime? Attack me with the one arm you have left?" he gloated, earning a confident smile from the Darby.

"Something like that." he replied as he then swung his arm towards the Predacon leader, who's expression changed from smug to shocked as he witnessed the holo Star-Saber suddenly materialize before it hit him, sending Galvatron into the wall behind him.

Jack then took the initiative and moved in to hit the Predacon while he was recovering, swinging the blade down at him. But the Enemy Leader suddenly recovered and caught Jack's arm in his hand, and then stared into the surprised Prime's eyes as his own began to glow purple.

"You will pay for that!" he spat before twisting Jack's arm, making him cry out in pain before punching the Autobot Leader in the chest. This sent him back into the wall with thud as it winded him, and Jack dropped to his knees.

Meanwhile, Arcee was getting back to her feet, but was sent back to the floor as Galvatron punched her in the face while walking over to Jack and Aria. He then grabbed the Asari and threw her into another wall before turning his attention to Jack who was still weak.

"You're turning out to be more trouble than you're worth…" he said while grabbing the Prime by the throat and lifting him off the ground.

"..So I think it is time to kill you." he added while preparing to make the killing blow, as his fist glowed with purple energy. Jack though who was struggling to breath under the vice-like grip of the Predacon, recognised the purple energy in his enemy's eyes and fist. Bringing back memories of someone else the Prime had defeated decades before.

"…Unicron?" he muttered under his breath as Galvatron, poised to strike was suddenly stopped.

"Galvatron, do not kill the Prime..." the voice of the Chaos Bringer echoed in his mind, earning a surprised and confused expression from the Predacon.

"...because if you do, the prophecy will never come about."

'What prophecy?' Galvatron thought.

"You have yet to read from the Covenant!" Unicron replied with an annoyed tone, earning a begrudged sigh from the Predacon.

'Very well, I will do that...after this.' he thought, knowing fully well that the Aeon would hear him. He then looked down at the large cut which the holo Star-Saber had left on his chest-plate, and then at Jack.

"It is only fair that I return the favour, Prime." he said before grabbing hold of the chest-plate of his Prime armour which he then ripped off in one quick motion, before dropping him back to the floor just as a squad of Terracons came round the corner and stopped at his side.

"Lord Galvatron, Commander Six-Shot sent us to aid you." one of them said in an enthusiastic tone.

"Take these two back to the Brig and place them in separate cells, but be sure to remove the remainder of his armour first." Galavatron replied as he gestured to Jack and Arcee before dropping the damaged Prime's chest-plate on the floor, like it was a piece of scrap metal.

"Yes, My Lord." the Terracon replied before he and the other troops walked over to the spark-mates and escorted them away.

"Aria..." Jack said back while the Asari was left at Galvatron's feet, with the Predacon looking down at her.

"Now, Aria, we have an appointment to keep." he said as she looked up and saw the tyrannical expression on his face.

Onboard the bridge of one of the Omega cruisers, a crew made up of Asari, Turian, Salarian and Vorcha were working at all the terminals as a Human Commander sat in the Captain's chair.

"Sir, we are receiving a transmission from the enemy." the Turian at the communications station stated.

"Put it on the main screen." the Commander replied and then just a second later, Galvatron was seen by all on the holo-screen in front of them. In fact the Predacon Lord could be seen by all Omega ships, colonies and outposts as their crews and populations stopped what they were doing and turned their attention to the message.

"This is Galvatron, Lord of the Predacons, And I am speaking to the entire Omega Syndicate. I have a proposal I wish to share with you all. By this point you should already have heard of the attack on the Federation Capital of New Iacon on Earth by my forces, that act was to reveal our strength and intentions to the rest of the galaxy. And now here I stand on Omega itself..." the Predacon Leader spoke as the camera zoomed out to show that he truly was on board the station, standing before the entrance to Afterlife.

"...after taking down the one that has subjugated you for all these years through fear."

As everyone watched Galvatron speak, suddenly another person was pushed out into view of the camera. Falling to their knees in front of the Predacon Lord, who looked down at the prisoner with contempt.

"Feast your eyes on the one who took away your freedom and replaced it with her own twisted ideals...Aria T'Loak." Galvatron exclaimed as he grabbed the person by the neck and lifted her off the ground so that the camera could see the Asari's face. This image created a wave of emotion to spread itself across Omega's territories, as everyone gasped in shock at the sight of the beaten and broken Aria.

"I have taken control of her forces here at Omega, they have all sworn loyalty to myself and now I am offering this chance to the rest of you. Are you not tired of living under the rule of one that will not take take you to your true potential, one that is content to sit on what she has and not try to build upon it.

The Omega syndicate controls virtually half of this galaxy, yet it never occurred to Aria to expand and take control of it all. That is where I plan to take Omega, since my Predacons have left the Federation's Autobots in disarray and taken their own leader as a prisoner." Galvatron added as a screen appeared next to him showing footage of Jackson Prime and Arcee in their respective cells.

This image made everyone watching talk amongst themselves, since the very sight of the Prime captured was something they could not believe they had just seen.

"Warriors of Omega, join me and my Predacons and I promise that the galaxy will be ours."

The Predacon Leader then looked down at Aria and equipped his pistol.

"To show you that my resolve is absolute, I will leave her fate to you. What should become of Aria T'Loak? Does she die or live?"

Suddenly the communications terminal onboard the Nemesis was overcome by an onslaught of messages, which stunned the Terracon as he viewed them on his holo-screen.

'Kill her.'

'She never held our interests above her own.'

'All she cared about was her station and controlling it's military that was supposed to support us, what about our colonies that she said she would stand by.'

'Let her die.'

'The only people to get a better life than us were those on that station and that was due to Aria's single-minded Turian wretch.'

All the messages had a similar tone and choice of words to them and so the Terracon transmitted the messages to Galvatron's holo-tool, and he skimmed through them and saw the answer clearly before looking down at the Asari.

"Aria T'Loak, 'your people' have spoken." he said as he pointed the gun at her head.

"Any last words?"

The former leader of Omega looked up at the Predacon and spat at him in disgust.

"I will see you again, Galvatron..." she replied as her eyes met his, showing no fear for what was about to happen.

"...because you will ultimately fail and di..." she started to say right before he pulled the trigger and shot a bullet clear through her head, splashing blood onto the floor as her body fell to the ground limp.

"I don't think so." he replied with a smirk before turning his attention back to the camera.

"Aria is dead, her reign is over. Now you are free to take a hold of the destiny she had denied you, for together we can claim this galaxy for ourselves and become our own masters." the Predacon Leader said, earning cheers and applause from the masses.

From the ships that were that used to be in a standoff with the Predacon vessels, to the colonies that lied at the very edge of the Terminus systems that bordered with dark-space, everyone bought into Galvatron's words and were looking forward to an area of conquest and wealth, something that had been sorely missing under Aria's reign.

"Now I ask the ships that are with us now, join us in destroying the last remainder of that Asari...her beloved space station."

Galvatron then had a ground-bridge open up behind him, stepped through it and back on to the bridge of the Nemesis.

"Report!" he said, as he walked back to his spot overlooking everyone on the catwalk.

"Our ships are taking up firing positions around the station sir, and also the Omega ones are doing the same." a Terracon replied from his post, earning a smile from the Predacon Lord as he looked out of the ship's canopy, and saw the Omega station coming into view as the Nemesis moved into position.

"Have all ships sync up with us and prepare to fire." he ordered, gaining a nod from the Comms Terracon who then got on with the task.

Meanwhile, back in the Brig. Jack and Arcee sat as close as the energy barrier between their cells would allow. Their attention was on a holo-screen which was showing the event, it was being controlled by one of two Terracons that had been tasked with guarding the two Autobots.

"So that's all it takes for Galvatron to convince them to follow him." Arcee said, while the Prime continued to watch.

"It's not hard to see why they would turn against Aria, she didn't exactly govern the alliance fairly. She was always more concerned with Omega than with the colonies and outposts of those under her 'flag'. It was a powder-keg kept from igniting by only her feared reputation since the mercenaries, pirates and slavers would rather attack pillage and destroy. But Aria wanted them to protect her interests."

"And now that she is out of the way, everyone is free to do what they want and worse still, Galvatron is encouraging it." the Femme replied before looking directly at Jack who still had a worried expression on his face.

"What is it, Jack?"

"There was something I saw in his eyes during our fight, something I did not believe I would see again." he replied somewhat cryptically to Arcee, earning a curious look from her.

"What did you see?"

"His eyes glowed purple and for a moment I swore I felt a presence there with us..." the Prime replied while his Spark-mate just looked at him, waiting for an answer.

"..I swore it was...Unicron." he finished, as her eyes widened at that name.

"Unicron? But he is dead. You told me Primus's sacrifice destroyed him."

"I know and at that time, I believed it too. But now I can't be sure." Jack replied before they both turned their attention to the holo-screen, which now showed the Omega station nestled in the void of space.

"All ships report ready, my Lord." Six-shot stated as he stood beside the Terracon manning the Comms station, as the Predacon Leader stood at his own station and looked out at the symbol of Omega, that has stood for so many years and yet was about to be destroyed. He then tapped his com-link.

"Patch me into all ships." he said, earning a nod from that Terracon who typed into his terminal's holo-interface before gesturing to Six-shot, who looked back at his leader.

"You are on, my Lord."

"This is Galvatron, all at will!"

And suddenly every single ship, be it former-Omega or Predacon, opened fire on the station with every weapon their ships had installed. The exterior of the station was rattled by external explosions which shook it right through to it's foundations.

The civilians still trapped in what was left of Sanctuary looked around as they felt and heard the impacts of the weapons, parents pulled their children into their arms tightly and whispered sweet lies into their ears to keep them calm, despite the horrifying truth that was dawning for them.

Jack and Arcee could only watch as the station was devastated by weapons fire as hundreds of torpedoes and cannon blasts impacted the structure until it could not handle anymore.

And at that moment the Bottom of the station exploded from the Bottom and the fireball travelled upwards, tearing through the station as it killed the remaining civilians and then burnt through the area where Aria's corpse lay until the entire Omega station exploded in magnificent fashion, leaving only a debris field in its wake.

Galvatron looked out of the bridge's canopy and smiled as he witnessed the destruction, revelling in what he had achieved in that moment.

"Sir, the Omega Station has been destroyed." the Terracon manning the weapons station stated, as the Predacon Leader turned to look at Six-Shot.

"Welcome everyone to our ranks, Six-Shot, and tell them that our conquest of the galaxy will begin very shortly."

"Yes, Sir, and what of the meantime?" the Con replied, while his Lord began to head for the exit.

"Begin repairs on the ships that need them, I will be in my quarters for the next hour." Galvatron said back, as he remembered something that he had been putting off.

"Yes, Sir." Six-Shot answered enthusiastically as he watched the Con leader leave the room, for felt excited for what the Predacons would do next…now that they all were going to go on the offensive against their enemy.


Galvatron entered his quarters and looked over to the Covenant of Primus which was lying on his desk, exactly where he had left it. It was hard to believe that such a small object could answer the questions that had plagued him since his creation, but he snapped himself out of his thoughts and picked up the Covenant.

'This moment has been delayed long enough.' he thought as he opened it to its first page, looking at the glass page as Cybertronian letters flowed down the page like coding, making no sense whatsoever to the Predacon before he turned the page again...and then again...and then again. He could feel his spark beginning to burn with anger as his patience was threatening to desert him, since he had looked through the book's contents for nearly fifteen minutes and had only seen unreadable code on every page.

"Why is this not showing me anything?" he snapped and spoke loudly out into his room, bit the Aeon refused to answer and this only made the Predacon Lord angrier as he continued to flick through the pages. But then as he turned another page, something caught his eye and he turned it back to see that the code-like writing had begun to change and form words, and then sentences right before him. His eyes were fixed on its contents as he found he could now read it's passage.

'When the Vessel born from unnatural ways, uses 'his' blade and the spark of 'his' equal at the temple of rebirth, hidden where the Galaxy began. The Bringer of Chaos will return and everything will again be brought into darkness...forever.'

Galvatron looked down at the text, taking in the words as he re-read the passage again and again.

"You now know what you must do, Galvatron." Unicron suddenly spoke up in the Predacon's mind.

"I am to bring you back, but it said 'vessel'?" he said back.

"Indeed. When successful, I will be reborn as you. We will be one." the Aeon replied, earning a thoughtful expression from Galvatron.

" one?"

"And together we will crush our enemies and restore this galaxy to how it should be."

"Alright, so now that I have read this prophecy, that is about the two of us. I bet you can now give me some details on it, because I doubt that you know nothing of such things." Galvatron replied inquisitively.

"And you would be correct, my Galvatron. You are by far the smartest Herald of mine that I have met." Unicron replied, while the Predacon Lord looked back at the passage.

"The Prophecy mentions a spark that is your equal." the Con then said, thinking on the passage's meaning.

"It is the spark of my deceased brother...Primus, and you already possess the very last piece of it." the Chaos Bringer replied.

"You mean the Matrix that Jackson Prime carries on his person. That is why you didn't want me to kill him..." the Predacon leader said back as he looked around his quarters.

"Yes, for only one worthy can carry it. If the Prime was to be killed, the Matrix would not be going anywhere with us." Unicron replied.

"Then it is a blessing that we have one less thing to look for, but what is this blade and where do we find it and this temple of rebirth?" Galvatron then asked.

"The blade that you seek belonged to me back when I was mortal with the rest of the Aeons. It is called the 'Chaos Edge'. But do not ask where it rests, for I do not remember."

"How is that possible?" the Predacon replied with a sarcastic tone.

"You may be my Herald, but you would do well to remember who it is you are speaking too." the Chaos Bringer said back in an aggravated tone that surprised Galvatron who looked around again, because he could not be sure if he was really alone in his quarters.

"My apologies, but surely you can give me an idea about where to look? Since it is a very large galaxy out there."

"There is nothing I can do to help you, but you now control a fleet large enough to search the entire galaxy. Use it to search for any power source that does not fit with the planet it is on, that is all I can say on that matter."

"And what about this temple?"

"The temple is actually a device called the 'Infinite Combinatoric' and that it was built by Solus Prime on the behest of Primus as a failsafe which could resurrect an Aeon whose life has been ended, she built it on the planet that he identified as the first planet born when the galaxy was created." the Aeon replied, earning a curious expression from Galvatron.

"How do you know of this much?"

"From the Prime Megatronus, the one I managed to corrupt during one of my battles with the Thirteen. He was unaware of this as my influence which slowly overrode his consciousness, it was during this that I managed to learn where they would be and so chose a place far away from them where I could create my Reapers. I also learned other things, most of which could not help me before they finally defeated me. But as far as details on the device, that was all that Megatronus knew."

"I see….very well, I will use my resources to retrieve this Chaos Edge and find the Infinite Combinatoric. And with these I will fulfill the prophecy and bring you back." Galvatron exclaimed confidently.

"I know you will not fail me, Galvatron. Go and lay the foundations for the age of Chaos." Unicron replied before the Predacon felt his presence fade away, until he was alone again.

Back on the bridge, Six-Shot was overseeing the Terracons there with him as Galvatron re-entered the room.

"My Lord, the entire former Syndicate has confirmed the Alliance with us, and they are ready to bring the Autobots and their Federation to their knees." the Commander said happily as the Predacon Leader joined him.

"Never mind that, Six-Shot. I want as many ships as possible to be sent to all quadrants of the galaxy." he replied, earning a confused expression from Six-Shot.

"Uh,…Sir, you mean to attack the Autobots don't you."

"No, I want them to scan for any peculiar power signature that does not match with known records. Understand?" he said back in a serious tone, with a look that said he was not going to take no for an answer.

"…Uh, of course, my Lord." the Predacon said, though his face said different.

"What about the Autobots?" he then asked.

"What about them? They are in disarray and so pose no threat to us. Now go and complete my command." Galvatron said back before looking away towards the debris field on the other side of the canopy's glass, while Six-Shot began to walk away and back toward the other Terracons.

"Yes, Lord Galvatron."

'What in the Allspark has changed in him, Galvatron wanted war…and now he wants a scavenger hunt?' the Predacon thought before looking over his shoulder and looked back with an angry stare, but Galvatron had his thoughts elsewhere as he looked out at the void of space.

'We will prevail, my Unicron. We will have Chaos.'
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Re: Prime Effect 4

Postby Apollo-XL5 » Sat Feb 01, 2020 11:45 am

Motto: ""It's all in the reflexes.""
Weapon: Star Saber Sword

Rodimus stood in front of the galaxy map in the CIC, looking at the information that was being shown at key points on the display. They were ship positions and status reports from other Autobot vessels in all quadrants of the galaxy, and a number of them were coming together as a fleet and preparing to hit Omicron so that they could liberate it from the Predacons.

But the Commander's attention was caught by the sound of the elevator doors opening behind him, so he turned to see Orion entering the Normandy's nerve center.

"Orion, a moment please." he asked as he gestured for the younger Bot to join him, so the blue haired Bot did just that.

"How is Quickstrike?" Rodimus asked, the concern evident in his voice.

"Well, first he found out that his Father had been killed and his Mother is in a coma, then loses the woman he loves who sacrificed herself to help us escape. He is hurting sir, but I know that he wants to be a part of this fight...for them. So I want him on my team." Orion replied, earning a nod from his superior.

"Very well, Orion, he is all yours. So I guess that means the gang is back together then." he said back with a slight smile, earning a similar expression from the younger Bot.

"Yeah, its been a long time. But, yes, it is."

"I could not ask for a better team to be a part of my crew. Whatever the Predacons throw at us, I know we will be able to handle it." the Commander replied.

"Thank you, Rodimus." the XO said back before noticing the galaxy map.

"So we now have full communications with the rest of the Autobots?"

"Yes, it came back the moment you regained control of the Comms Hub. And we are right now transmitting the data that Liara and Nightracer have been going through from the Predacon Intel, Dr T'Soni is certainly a very talented Asari. She is also very adept at analysing information. She has already gone through and uploaded the flight plans for the Predacon ships in this sector alone." the Commander replied while pointing at the data screen which just appeared over the bottom right corner of the galaxy map.

"She certainly is." Orion said back with an affectionate tone as he looked at the map, which did not go unnoticed by Rodimus who merely sighed and regained his XO's attention.

"I see." was all he said while the young Darby gave him a confused and slightly red-faced look.

"..uh...anyway, I think I will go and see if I can give them a hand. May I be excused?"

"Of course, though I think at this rate Liara will be done by the time you get there...have fun." Rodimus said back with a knowing smile, gaining a nod from Orion, who turned away and took a deep breath as he headed for the computer lab. But unbeknownst to him, Rodimus was looking over his shoulder at the Bot before gently shaking his head and returning his attention to the galaxy map.

"Young love.." he muttered to himself as he smiled.

As Orion entered the computer lab, he saw both Liara and Nightracer sitting at the main terminal with a large holo-screen being emitted in front of them. The Femme was watching as the Asari typed at the holo-interface, cataloging and analysing all the Intel that she could find in the data-pack that Ser-Ket had given them.

"Hey, Guys." the Bot said, making both women look over at him with a smile.

"It's going well, I have managed to detail a number of flight plans and attack details for a number of the Predacon vessels." Liara replied as the young Darby pulled up a chair beside them.

"What about the data on Cybertron? Ser-Ket was very clear about how important that was."

"I am just starting on that now, since there was no way for me to prioritise and choose what Intel I find. So all I can do is go through it in the order it is in." the Asari said back with a slightly aggravated tone.

"You are doing the best you can, Liara. Rodimus just informed me that you have already found a lot of Intel that will help our fleets against the Predacons." he said back with a supportive smile, earning a look of gratitude from her that Orion could swear was more affectionate than he was used too...not that he would complain.

"Thank you, Orion." she replied with another smile and the two looked at each other for a moment.

"How is Quickstrike?" Nightracer asked, turning both their attention to the Femme.

"He wants to be alone right now, but I think he will be alright." Orion replied, earning a nod from both women.

"I wish I could tell him that the pain will pass…" Liara began to say, before the Autobot Femme jumped in.

"..Because you went through the same thing."

"Yes, with Shockblast. Seeing him murdered and reformatted into who he is now was an experience I would not wish on anyone, but it is a wound that will heal if you let it…given the time and help from those that care about you." the Asari replied, while looking over to Orion who knew what she meant.

"Well, he doesn't want to stay cooped up on the Normandy, he wants to be a part of our fight." the Bot said, gaining a slight smile from Liara.

"That's a good sign."

"Wait, something has just appeared on the screen." Nightracer stated, earning the others attention as she pointed at the main screen. The Asari immediately turned back to the terminal and began typing as the young Darby watched.

"What is it?" he asked.

"I had a search running for any particular words that might lead to something useful for us, it has found several entries." Liara replied as a window appeared on the screen with a number of links highlighted in green, she then clicked on one and opened it.

"Interesting, this appears to be a transmission from Shockblast to Galvatron." the Asari added before a video image of the Cybertronian turned Predacon appeared on the holo-screen.

"My Liege, since I am unable to speak to you at this moment, I will instead leave this message for you so that you can contact me at your convenience. I have discovered a secret in the tunnels that Shockwave had created around the Predacon Facility, so that he was able to easier gain the CNA from the corpses of the beasts. But it is in these very tunnels that I have found something that changes everything we were led to believe about our distant ancestors, I cannot divulge any more information over this channel. Shockblast out."

And with that the video ended and left the trio to look at each other, each with the same curious expression on their faces.

"What the in the All-spark does that mean?" Nightracer asked with an annoyed tone.

"I don't know, but Ser-Ket did say that something big was happening on at Cybertron. Perhaps this is part of what she meant." Orion replied.

"So we are going to Cybertron then, like I said we should earlier?" Liara asked with a knowing look that Orion knew he would have a hard time arguing with.

"Yes, I am just going to inform Rodimus of what we have found." the Bot replied as he tapped his com-link, but the inter-com activated first and gained the trio's attention as the Commander spoke.

"Orion, this is Rodimus."

"Good timing, Rodimus, we know where to go next..." the young Darby started to say back, before the Elite Spectre cut him off.

"That will have to wait, we have just picked up a transmission from Omega. You have to see it."

Suddenly their holo-screen reactivated, as the image of Galvatron standing before the entrance to After-life on Omega appeared before them.

"This is Galvatron, Lord of the Predacons, And I am speaking to all of the Omega Syndicate for I have a proposal I wish to share with you all."

The trio just sat and watched as the Predacon Leader spoke before showing footage of Orion's parents in their cells, the sight of them bloodied, beaten and devoid of any of the respect and honour that they had earned in their lives.

They were made to look like victims and that was not something he was used to seeing, which made the Bot's spark ache and blood boil.

But then the attention shifted from the Prime and his Spark-mate as Galvatron then executed Aria in cold blood and gained control of the Omega Syndicate.

This moment caught everyone off guard as the implications of this dawned on them all, even for a long moment after the transmission ended, they were all just staring at the now blank holo-screen.

"And here I thought we took the Predacons advantage away, now we find out that they have just gained control of the only other military that rivals our own." Nightracer said in disbelief, while Liara looked at Orion. She could see the pain in his eyes at seeing the state that his parents were in, so reached out and placed her hand on his in affectionate support.

"I'm sorry you had to see them like that, Orion." she said in a gentle tone, gaining his attention as he looked back at her with his blue eyes.

"...yeah, but they are still alive. At least we know that, so there is still hope." he replied.

"Orion, that transmission was broadcast across the entire galaxy. Everyone saw it, and this has the Senate worried." Rodimus spoke via the inter-com to the trio.

"So the Predacons have the same military force as us now, so what." Nightracer said in a defiant tone, gaining surprised looks from both the blue haired Bot and Asari and even though they could not see him, the pair knew from the Commander's sudden silence that he had the same expression.

"...because we have an advantage over them now." the Femme added, having noticed their faces.

"Nightracer's right..." Orion then replied with a look that showed that he knew what she was getting on at.

"...Galvatron said during the transmission that his forces had left the Autobots in disarray, so he clearly has no idea that we have regained fleet wide communications."

"Or that we have Intel on their tactics and fleet movements." Liara replied.

"That is true, well you said that you have found something before I relayed the transmission to you?" Rodimus asked in a more hopeful tone.

"We should head for Cybertron, it appears that the Predacons have found something there that could be of great importance." Orion replied, gaining a nod from Liara.

"Not only that, but Cybertron is where it all started so it is a base of operations for them and they are manufacturing more Terracon troops there. So if it were put out of commission, that will be another advantage lost to them."

"Exactly." the blue haired Bot replied.

"Alright, I will brief Command on what our next mission is while they oversee the liberation of Omicron. Rodimus out." the Commander said back before deactivating the inter-com.

"Okay, Liara, let's go over the details of the facility on Cybertron so that we have a mission plan to present to the others before we arrive at the planet." Orion then said, earning a nod from the Asari as she turned her attention to the terminal again and began typing on it, while the other two watched.


On board the Nemesis, Galvatron was sitting in his quarters and looking at the specifications of the newest ships to join his forces from the former Omega Syndicate.

'I have to say, these vessels and their armaments are impressive.' he thought while viewing each one. Things could not be going better for the Predacons right now, Galvatron had even managed to send off a number of ships on the mission to find the Chaos Edge, though he did not go into any real detail about what it is they are supposed to be looking for. That really annoyed Six-Shot who voiced his concerns over taking on a scavenger hunt when there are still the Autobots to contend with.

'Well, he can disprove as much as he wants as long as he continues to follow my orders.' the Predacon Lord thought as he dwelled on the fact that Six-Shot was showing his disapproval in front of the others.

'He should be more careful, to try and undermine my leadership in front of the others.'

"He is of no consequence, Galvatron. If this Six-Shot interferes with our goals, then you should eliminate him." Unicron spoke in his mind, surprising the Predacon.

'If he does try such a thing, then I will.'

Then suddenly the inter-com activated as the very person who they had just discussed, began to speak.

"Lord Galvatron, you have a transmission from Rip-Claw awaiting you."

"Very well, Six-Shot, I will take it in here." Galvatron said back before deactivating the call and turning his attention to his terminal, typing on it's holo-interface before a holo-screen appeared and showed him the Predacon Femme.

"Rip-Claw, report." he said, earning a weary expression from her in return.

"My Lord, we...have lost the Communications Hub." she said, earning a confused expression from her Leader, but then that soon changed as anger took hold and he narrowed his eyes at the Femme.

"What! How in the pit did you manage that?" he spat back.

"Ser-Ket and her pet Autobot managed to infiltrate the colony with the help of more Autobots, who sabotaged the communications network and but not before giving their forces use of their comms again." Rip-Claw replied, making Galvatron's spark burn even more.

"...but we did manage to drive the Autobots into retreat and capture Ser-Ket." she added, hoping to defuse the situation somewhat.

"I see, is there anything else I should know about the Autobots infiltration?" he asked under gritted teeth, wanting nothing more than to separate the Femme's head from her body at this moment.

"Not that I am aware of, my Lord." she replied with tinge of uncertainty in her voice.

"On the off chance that you are wrong, I will ne..." the Predacon Lord said back before being cut off by the sound of alarms going off on Rip-Claw's end.

"What in the All-spark is that?" he spat in an aggravated tone.

"Our sensors have detected an Autobot fleet jumping into the system, they must be here to liberate this colony." the Femme replied as her tone became more panicky.

"How many ships?"

"Over fifteen ships compared to our five. We are outnumbered." Rip-Claw said back.

"Evacuate our forces from Omicron, and head for these coordinates." Galvatron replied as he typed the numbers into his terminal's holo-interface.

"What about the colony?" the Commander asked back.

"The Autobots want this colony back. Then fine, they can have it. But I'll be damned if they get it back the way it is, just get yourselves out of there and bring Ser-Ket with you." the Predacon Leader snapped before deactivating the transmission and then reopening another.

"Galvatron to the 'Howling Wind', come in."

After a few seconds, a Vorcha appeared on the screen.

"My Lord Galvatron, how can we be of assistance?" he hissed.

"Your vessel is equipped with nuclear torpedoes, correct?" Galvatron replied, earning nod from the ship's captain.

"That is correct, our destroyer has a full complement. Why do you ask?"

"The Nemesis is going to open a space-bridge portal in front of your ship, I want you to arm and fire one of those torpedoes through it." the Predacon said back, earning a curious expression from the Vorcha.

"What is our target?"

"An Autobot colony. Will that be a problem?"

"Not at all, We have been hoping to use our nukes on something. Aria was always unsure what she could do with us, so our weapons have been collecting dust over the years. It will be good to finally get in on some bloodshed." the captain replied as a dark smile grew on his face, showing off his razor sharp teeth.

"Then prepare the torpedo and fire on my command." Galvatron replied, mirroring the other's expression.


Meanwhile, the Predacon evacuation was in full swing as Terracon troops retreated from the streets of Omicron City, disappearing onto the shuttles before they took off and flew up to the waiting cruisers as the Achilles waited just above them.

"How long until we have all Terracons back on board our ships?" Rip-Claw asked while sitting in the Captain's chair on the bridge.

"The last of the shuttles has just taken off now, and will dock with the Vanquish any second now." the Terracon manning the sensor array replied.

"Very good, have all ships break for high orbit and have their light-speed drives ready for immediate jump the moment we make that altitude." she replied, looking over to the minion at the Comms station, who nodded and began relaying her orders to the other ships.

As the cruisers left, the civilians left their homes and flocked into the streets, looking up and watching their former-occupiers running away as giant smiles grew on their faces while they saw the ships ascending into the early night sky. The crowd began cheering and celebrating as the enemy ships shrunk to tiny dots that then disappeared into the darkness above them.

The Autobot cruisers reached the planet just as their Predacon equivalent had reached high orbit and began firing their cannons at the enemy ships, which shields took the brunt of the assault while firing their own weapons back.

"All ships, jump!" Rip-Claw commanded as of a sudden, the engines of all ships began to brighten greatly before in the blink of an eye, the enemy ships jumped to light-speed and were gone, leaving the Autobot vessels as the only ships in orbit over the planet.

"All ships, launch shuttles. Let's get boots on the ground down there." the Commander of the fleet said over the comms before a large group of Autobot shuttles then flew away from the cruisers and descended to the planet.

The celebrations in the streets were picking up pace as fireworks were being launched all over the city, colourful explosions of nearly every colour of the spectrum could be seen illuminating the sky above the city.

"Look, the Autobots!" one of the people exclaimed as he pointed up at the shuttles which came into view as they closed in on the colony, their glowing red Autobot insignias could be clearly seen the closer their got which made the crowds cheer even louder.

Finally their nightmare of being occupied by a ruthless enemy, not knowing whether they would live to see tomorrow was now over.

But just as one firework exploded in a illuminating shower of green sparks, suddenly a space-bridge vortex opened up in the sky at a very high altitude.

It almost looked like a bright green star to the civilians on the ground who began looking at curiously, it even had the crews of the Autobot cruisers stumped.

"Is that one of ours?" was one of the questions being asked between the fleet's captains as they wondered where it had come from.

"No idea, but it is positioned directly over the center of the colony." another ship answered, then suddenly there was disturbance in the vortex as something came through from the other side and hurtled towards the ground.

"Daddy, look! A shooting star." a young child said happily while pointing it out to his Father. But the older Man's eyes widened as he realised that it was heading their way and what it really was as it got closer.

"My god!" he exclaimed before quickly kneeling down and pulling his son in to his arms to shield him, while the same realisation quickly came to everyone else.

"What the..." the fleet Admiral could be heard saying over the Comms just as the projectile hit the ground, causing a blinding white flash that enveloped the immediate area and incinerated all there in a blink of an eye.

The shuttles that were flying towards the city could see the mushroom cloud beginning to form as a shock-wave expanded in all directions, demolition everything else that had not been destroyed in the initial explosion.

And before they could try anything, the shuttles suddenly failed and crashed into the ground.

By the time the explosion was finished, there was very little left of Omicron City as it lay in the shadow of a massive mushroom cloud which reached up high into the sky.

On board the Normandy, Orion and Rodimus stood in the cockpit while Jetstorm opened up a space-bridge portal in front of the ship, preparing to fly the ship through.

"Commander, we are receiving a high priority message from Autobot Command." one of the crew said from her station, which was located in the tunnel like walkway which connected the cockpit to the CIC.

"Hold it until we have entered Cybertron space." Rodimus replied before turning his attention back to his pilot.

"Activate stealth mode and take us to Cybertron."

"Yes sir." Jetstorm replied as he worked the holo-controls before him, making the ship shimmer and fade to nothing as it passed through the event horizon of the portal and emerged on the other side.

Orion and Rodimus looked out of the bridge's canopy to see the dead planet of Cybertron, the original home-world of the Cybertronian species directly ahead of them.

"Wow, This is the first time I have ever laid eyes on Cybertron." Orion said with a wide-eyed expression as both Bots saw the heavily battle-scarred and barren world, not noticing that Liara was approaching them from the CIC.

"Its never easy to look at, is it?" she asked, surprising them as they turned to face her.

"No, it's not.." the Commander replied.

"I have seen the planet once before, and yet it still feels like the first time." he added before looking back to the crewman manning the comm station.

"Alright, let's hear the message."

The blonde haired woman nodded and tapped a sequence into her holo-interface and brought the inter-com to life around the cockpit.

"Commander Rodimus, I know you are on a stealth mission and therefore unable to reply to this message. But I am sorry to report that we have lost Omicron City, the Predacons were retreating as soon as our fleer arrived. Though it would appear that they were not about to just let us have the colony back, as they launched a Nuclear Torpedo which then obliterated the entire city, killing every Man, Woman and Child there, including the troops we sent down to secure it. The excess radiation is being blown over towards three of the closest population centers, so we are evacuating them now, minimising the body count as much as we can. I am sorry, we did not see this coming."

The message ended there as the cockpit became very quiet, as the Bots and Asari did not know where to look.

"They couldn't keep the planet, so they made sure we paid a heavy price for getting it back." Orion then said, the building anger evident in his voice.

"There hasn't been any Nuclear weapons in use by anyone for the last fifty plus years, since the Citadel Council outlawed them. Where did Galvatron even get his hands on one?" Liara asked, still in shock from hearing the news.

"Had to be one of the former Omega mercs, Autobot Intelligence knew that the Syndicate was in possession of Nuclear weapons but Aria had enough of a stranglehold around all of the Merc Leaders, that them using one was never going to be an issue." Rodimus replied.

"But now she is gone, Galvatron appears to have given them free reign " Jetstorm added, earning a pensive look from the Commander as he looked out toward Cybertron.

"Orion, get your team ready. Let's get down there and takes these guys down another notch." he then said as he looked back at his XO with a now determined expression, earning a nod in return.

"On our way." he replied before the pair turned around and headed for the elevator at the back of the CIC.


Shockblast stood at one of the many terminals that were scattered around the current lab he was in, which also housed large glass tanks filled with a yellow liquid that gave off a glow which only gave off a small amount of illumination to the already dimly lit room.

The Predacon was looking at an image on the holo-screen of his holo-tool, which had been taken from one of the probes he had sent down into the deepest part of the mine.

The expression on his face was that of someone who did not know what he was looking at, for what the probe had found was something that the Con was had not been expecting.

'This set of bones looks like a Predacon, isn't. This is not logical, there was only one race of Cybertronians before the Golden Age.' he thought as he changed the image to another set of bones and saw similarities to the previous one, but not the ones that the former owner...the Decepticon Shockwave had catalogued.

And that wasn't the only problem that Shockblast had found, for his probe's sensors could pick up a strange anomalous reading just a couple of hundred feet lower than the deepest part of the mine.

'Why have I not heard from Lord Galvatron yet? there is no logical reason for the lack of communication.' he continued as he checked his holo-tool and saw that he had not received a communicae from the Predacon Leader.

'And why is it that I am thinking more and more like an emotionless machine, it is not logic...' he then placed his hand to his fore-head, as he felt another headache coming on again.

This had now become more than a daily occurrence for him, and the only reason Shockblast could think of was because of the memory download he had from the mind of that particular deceased Decepticon.

Every single day since that moment, the Con has felt less like himself and that used to scare him.

Recently though he had started to feel nothing about it and that would of scared him even more.

But he was suddenly pulled from the presence of his thoughts as the holo-screen's visual changed to show a timer and table of calculations.

"Terracon cloning process eighty five percent complete." the computer stated, but Shockblast merely looked at the image with barely any interest before switching back to the Cybertronian bones he had been studying previously.

"Who were you?" he said to himself with a questioning tone before finally giving up for the moment, shutting down the terminal and walking out of the room.

Meanwhile, Orion peeked around the corner of one of the a-joining corridors of the facility as the ground-bridge vortex closed behind him, Liara and Quickstrike, before gesturing to them that the coast was clear and carried on moving.

"I can't say how I feel about being back here." the Asari said with an uncertain tone as she looked up at the massive corridor they were currently in, which had been built for those Cybertronians who used to tower over most other life forms like the titans of legend. Orion looked back at her and could see it in her eyes that this though was not the reason, but because of the memories of what had happened the last time she had walked through this place which were full of horror and death.

"I'm sorry, Liara. I did say you could stay on the Normandy and advise us over the com-link." he replied in an understanding voice, which earned a appreciative smile from the Asari.

"I know and I am thankful for that, Orion, but I had to come back. It was something I just had to do."

"I understand, but if it gets too much, just say the word and I will have a ground-bridge back to the Normandy opened for you." the blue haired Bot said back.

"Where are the Terracons? Don't you find it strange that we haven't come across a single patrol yet?" Quickstrike asked.

"You would think that after we rescued Liara from both the Predacons and the Shadow Broker back on Illium, that Galvatron would have increased security here." Orion replied.

"Let's just put it down to Predacon arrogance shall we." the blonde Autobot said as the trio arrived at a doorway that Liara recognised.

"This is the door to lab where I we found and awoke Galvatron." she stated as the memories of that day began to creep up on her, but Orion noticed the look on the Asari's face and placed his hand on her shoulder supportively. This brought Liara's attention to the Bot, forcing the memories back as she looked at his face.

"You alright?" he asked, his face showing nothing but concern for her well being.

"Yes, thank you." the Asari replied, earning a nod from Orion before he turned his attention back to the door.

"Okay, Liara, stay with me. Quickstrike, head to the other side so that we can cover the width of this door."

His cousin acknowledged with a nod as he then moved to the spot indicated and readied his weapon.

"We'll open the door and remain hidden behind this cover until we've determined who is in there." Orion then said after tapping is com-link and letting Quickstrike know without shouting it across the massive width of the door.

Both Bot and Asari acknowledged him before Orion activated his holo-tool, and accessed the door's control panel high on the wall above them. The door then slid open with a slight screeching noise.

'Someone forgot to oil these doors.' Quickstrike thought before he looked over to see his Cousin taking a peek into the next room.

"Clear." he then said while gesturing over to the blonde Bot before the trio then entered the lab, which was enormous.

"Seriously, where is everybody?" Quickstrike said with a hint of frustration in his voice while Liara and Orion's attention was on the large Cybertronian terminal that towered over them.

"Want me to give up you a lift to reach the keyboard?" the young Darby asked jokingly, earning a smile from the Asari as she activated her holo-tool.

"That won't be necessary." she said back while creating a link with the computer.

"Okay, I am in and...okay!"

"What is it?" Orion asked as he and Quickstrike stood either side of her and looked at the holo-screen which appeared before them.

"This terminal has been cross linked with the databases of a good number of the secret labs that were believed to be scattered all over Cybertron. I have access to nearly every project that is filed here." she replied as the screen showed images and paragraphs of coding.

"What can't you access?" Quickstrike asked back.

"There is only one file and that is called 'Gemini', I can't open it. But I can download and decrypt it later, along with all the other projects here."

"Do it." the blonde Bot replied, earning a nod from Orion in agreement as the Asari did just that.

"So what other projects are there?"

"Project Synthergon, Project Pretender, Project Iacon, some that are just numbers and...Project Predacon."

"What's Project: Predacon?" the Autobot Spectre asked, earning a nod from Liara as she opened that file which began showing images of ancient bones and lines of CNA, as well as concept images of what those beasts used to look like.

"That one looks like Skystalker." Quickstrike stated while his Cousin and the Asari recognised the other two beasts that appeared on screen.

"They're are the ones that attacked Earth."

"You mean Grimwing and Predaking...Ser-Ket told me their names." the blonde Bot replied as both looked back at him.

"Well, if I am reading this right, they were cloned by Shockwave from the CNA of ancient Predacon fossils that he found here on Cybertron." Liara said, earning curious looks from the Bots.

"They are clones!" Quickstrike said back in surprise.

"Not just them, but all the Predacons...including Ser-Ket." Orion added as he pointed at the information of the others.

"Their sparks were the only part that had been cloned at that time, but then Shockblast installed them into the prototype Pretender forms that Shockwave had created during Project: Pretender. Liara can you access each Predacon's individual file?" the blue Bot added, making the Asari nod and then suddenly shake her head in return.

"I can access all but Ser-Ket's, her file is encrypted...but I have downloaded the files anyway and can decrypt them back on the Normandy."

"Okay, check the plans for this facility's power source. We can then call in Bravo team to sabotage it." Orion replied, earning a nod from Liara as she then brought up the facility's layout.

"It is one thousand metres away from us at the west side of the facility, I am sending the coordinates to the ship now." she said back as Orion tapped his com-link.

"Normandy, send Bravo team to the coordinates that Liara has just uploaded. Their target will be the reactor there." he said before noticing that both his cousin and the Asari were looking at what was once a human sized containment tank situated in the center of the lab, with pieces of shattered glass all over the floor.

"That's where it happened?" Orion asked as he knew what this was, gaining a nod from the Asari.

"Yes, that is where we woke up Galvatron. Unaware of the threat he posed." she replied with a hint of guilt in her voice, earning a sympathetic look from the blue haired Bot.


Orion, I know..." the Asari said back, while Quickstrike looked over at the large opening in the wall just aways from them.

"What do you make of that?" he said, earning the others attention.

"If the Predacons are cloned from fossils of ancient Cybertronian remains, then I bet that hole leads to the mine where he retrieved the samples from." the young Darby replied.

"That means Project: Predacon should be housed in this facility too, so when we destroy this place we will also cripple their ability to clone more." Liara added, gaining a nod from the blue haired Bot.

"I guess that is the entrance to other lab then." Quickstrike said as he pointed over to an open doorway that had a yellow light glowing from it's other side.

"One way to find out, let's go." Orion replied, only for Liara to grab him by the shoulder.

"Someone's coming." she said as a set of footsteps could be heard entering the lab entrance behind them, which made the trio turn round and aim their weapons at them.

"Shockblast?" Liara then exclaimed with a wide-eyes expression, earning similar looks from the cousins. While the Predacon merely stopped where he was and pointed his weapon at them, only slightly looking like he was surprised.



Meanwhile, across the facility, a Ground-bridge vortex opened up and Nightracer, Smokescreen and Grunt exited it with weapons ready and found themselves standing before the reactor which glowed with a green hue.

"We are clear." Smokescreen stated as the portal closed and they saw that they were the only ones in the entire room, earning a disappointed sigh from the Krogan.

"Damn it, I was hoping there would be some Terracons to kill." Grunt replied.

"Well, this place looks like it is run automatically, but even I find it strange that there are no guards." the Femme said back before activating her holo-tool and bringing up plans of the reactor on it's holo-screen.

"According to these old plans, we should lay charges at these two points for maximum detonation of it's power-source."

Both the Bot and Krogan nodded after looking at the image before splitting up and heading to either side of the reactor, each holding an explosive device that looked somewhat like C-four. Grunt was the first to reach his spot, connecting his bomb to the side of one the supports of the large fuel tank on the reactor's east side.

"Done." he said, while Smokescreen did the same on the west side of the reactor.

"Done..." he began to say before a sound caught his hearing, making him look down to see an ever so small crack running down to the bottom of the fuel tank.

"Hey, Guys, is it me or does this look familiar?" he said while looking at a small dribble pf green liquid that was running down the tank's side and dripping onto the floor. Both Nightracer and Grunt joined him to look at the mystery liquid, with the Femme scanning it with her holo-tool.

"Don't touch it. It's Synthetic Energon. It's being used to power the facility."

"So I guess there can be a use for the unstable fuel." the Bot replied as he got back to his feet.

"Looks like it has been leaking for some time." Grunt added as he pointed at the puddle of Synthergon on the ground next to the tank.

"Come on, we should join up with Alpha team. Lets go." Nightracer said before the three left the tank and headed out of the room but unbeknownst to them, the Synthergon Puddle was leaking into a crack in the ground and had slowly dripped it's way down hundreds of feet below the facility, slipping through further small cracks and crevices until a single droplet ran down the length of a stalactite in what appeared to be a cave, it then stopped at it's very tip before dropping off and falling several feet before hitting a smooth jet black metal that looked almost like armour.

The drop of Synthergon then disappeared as it was absorbed into metal and everything remained quiet, until whatever the metal shape was began to shake slightly as it began to move.

It gave off a groan before a pair of blue optics activated and narrowed as the 'whatever it was' woke up and growled, which echoed throughout the cave.
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Re: Prime Effect 4

Postby Apollo-XL5 » Tue Mar 03, 2020 12:28 pm

Motto: ""It's all in the reflexes.""
Weapon: Star Saber Sword

"Shockblast…" Liara said with a sorrowful tone as memories of him came flooding back in her mind as she stood with Orion and Quickstrike, her former lover standing in front of them with his weapon aimed right at her.

"So that explains how you Autobots found this lab. The Asari that escaped 'us' before led you here. Coming back was a mistake though, Asari. You will not leave here alive this time." he said back coldly, as the cousins took a step towards the Con with their own weapons pointed back at him, Orion moving slightly in front of Liara while doing so.

"Shockblast, Galvatron has brainwashed you. You are not a Predacon, you are one of us." he said in return, attempting to get through to the Con.

"Yeah, they messed with your head." Quickstrike added, earning a bored expression from Shockblast.

"I see that Asari has been spreading her words of fiction again, I grow tired of such illogical reasoning." he said as Orion narrow his eyes in return.

"Her name is Liara T'Soni, you would do well to remember that." he said back while an annoyed tone, as he felt they were talking with a wall.

"That name means nothing to me, I am a Predacon and you are my enemies." the Con replied as Liara sighed and took a step toward him.

"Shockblast, look at me…really look at me. I can't believe that Galvatron has wiped your mind of what we had. There has to be a part of you still in there?" she pleaded, leaving herself completely open to attack which made Orion feel nervous.

'She is going to get herself killed.'

"It is illogical for you to continue with these lies, Asari, as I already told you before." he said back, earning a confused expression from Liara which was noticed by the young Darby.

"He never used to speak like that." she said while stepping back towards the Bot. But Shockblast noticed this sudden change in them and smiled back, while his holo-tool activated on his free arm.

"What's he doing?" Quickstrike asked.

"Well, I grow tired of this prattle and I still have work to do..." the Predacon said back, just as a group of Terracons entered the room behind him.

"...these men will deal with you...kill them."

The Terracons immediately opened fire on the trio, with Liara forming a biotic barrier to shield them as the cousins fired back and killed two with their first shots.

"...where the hell did they come from." the blonde Bot exclaimed, while the Terracons and Shockblast took cover behind whatever they could.

"I want their corpses out of my!" he shouted over the weapons-fire, before firing back with his own weapon. The bullets impacted harmlessly against the blue energy field as Liara kept her focus on it, but the Autobots were still pinned to their spot in there.

"Let's shake things up a bit." Quickstrike said, earning his cousin's attention as he equipped a grenade from his utility belt.

"Get them out from behind that cover and we can take them out the old fashioned way, Liara be ready to drop the barrier on my word." the blue-haired Bot replied as his cousin armed the explosive and threw it over the barrier, the small device landing behind the Terracons.

"Grenade!" one of them shouted before diving out from behind their cover as it exploded and knocked them all to the ground, while Orion unsheathed the Star-Saber and Quickstrike activated his holo-blade.

"Now!" the Autobot Spectre exclaimed as Liara brought down the barrier and the two cousins charged out at the Terracons, the blue-haired Bot slicing his way through two of the enemies in quick motion as the blonde Bot decapitated another before he could get back to his feet.

"Wait! Is that the Star-Saber? How are you holding it?" Quickstrike asked while disarming another Terracon and impaling it with his holo-blade as he looked over at Orion, who just killed another with the blade.

"Long story, not really the time or place for it." he replied before re-equipping his pistol in his free hand, and shooting another Terracon in the face, who had got back to his feet.

As the two Bots were mopping up the remaining Terracons, Liara saw Shockblast getting back to his feet just aways from the others.

"Oh no, you don't." the Asari said as she punched a glowing hand forward and surrounded the Predacon in a biotic shield, blocking his escape.

"Asari, do you really think this energy field can hold me?" he asked as he turned his attention to her, standing before her with nothing but the blue energy between them, as the Asari finally realised in the way that the Predacon was staring at her that there was nothing left of the man she once loved.

"You're not going anywhere. Try anything and I will have no choice but to kill you." she replied coldly as the Con noted that the Asari's attention was split between speaking to him and maintaining the shield.

"Really? You've just given up on trying to convince me, have you?..." he replied with a curious tone.

"You're not the Shockblast I knew, I should of seen that sooner." she said back, making him smile in return.

"Very good, that is a more logical answer than what you have prattled before now. But..." Shockblast replied, noticing that the blue female was watching him very closely like she was hanging on what he was about to say.

"...what if I have been lying, and do in fact remember you." He continued with an honest expression that caught Liara off guard, fracturing her focus which caused the field to fluctuate.

"What?" she gasped, but before she could comprehend what he just said, Shockblast activated his holo-tool which took the form of a gauntlet around his fist and forearm, before punching the biotic shield and making it collapse and leave the shocked Asari completely defenceless.

"How?" Liara muttered in disbelief as the Predacon grabbed her by her arm and pulled her into a hold, switching his holo-gauntlet for a holo-blade which he then held at her throat with his free hand.

"What I just told you was a lie, since it was logical to think that you might still believe that I might know you...which I don't. And so that left you concentrating less on your biotics, so I could easily break through your shield." he said into her ear as Liara tried to break free, making Shockblast tighten his grip.

"It would not be logical for you to struggle, since all it takes to end your life is a flick of my wrist..." Shockblast warned, as he held the sharp holo-blade on the skin of her throat.

"...which I will do anyway, since my Liege demands.." the Con was about to finish but was cut off by someone tackling him to the ground, which freed Liara who rolled away to be met by Quickstrike.

"You alright?" he asked, making the Asari look up to see the blonde Bot and the dead Terracons lying behind him.

"Yes, just a light cut." she replied while wiping a little blue blood from her neck, before looking back to see Orion beating on Shockblast.

"Orion..." she whispered as she watched in surprise at how brutal he was acting.

"You tried to kill her, your spark is mine!" the blue-haired Bot spat as he punched the Con repeatedly in the face, letting his anger get the better of him.

'This bastard nearly killed her, he won't get another chance.' he thought as he unsheathed the Star-Saber again and held it to the Predacon's throat.

"Let's see how you like this." he said in an angered tone, but the bloodied Shockblast just stared back with an emotionless expression.

"Orion!" Quickstrike exclaimed, making the furious Darby look over at him.

"Don't kill him,...not yet." he added, earning a confused expression from his cousin.

"Why the scrap not?!" he spat back.

"Because we can get Intel from him...after that, I don't care what happens to him." Liara interrupting the blonde Autobot, as she looked into Orion's eyes.

"You can do what you want to me, because..." Shockblast managed to say while his mouth was full of blood-like fluid, making the Spectre's eyes narrow at him.

"...I will not betray Lord Galvatron." he then spat as he reactivated his holo-blade and swung it up at Orion.

"Orion!" Liara shouted, as the blue-haired Darby instinctively brought the Star Saber down to block the blade at level with his stomach. The Bot and Con were in a struggle as both were pushing each other, staring with hate into their eyes.

But Orion then head-butted Shockblast, which made the Con stumble backwards before stopping himself. And the blue-haired Autobot then swung his blade upwards in a quick motion, and scratched up the Predacon's armour before reaching his face and cutting a line up his right cheek and threw his eye, which made him cry out in pain.

"My Eye!"

"Shut the **** up!" Orion replied coldly before side-kicking Shockblast in the face, knocking him out and sending him to the ground hard.

"You're coming with us, whether you like it or not." he added before looking over at Arcee.

"Are you okay?" he said, earning an appreciative smile from her.

"I am alright, Orion, thanks to you." she answered, making the Bot almost blush in return.

"Quickstrike, deal with his wounds would you please. I might kill him just for the sake of it, if I do it."

"Sure." his Cousin replied as he walked past and knelt beside the unconscious Predacon, taking out some medi-gel from his utility belt.

"Shockblast has been Galvatron's lead scientist according to the records, he should give us a substantial amount of Intel." Liara said while Orion looked back at their enemy with a more unsure expression.

"I don't know,...I..." he started to say before noticing Shockblast's remaining eye open and look up at His cousin.

"Quickstrike, look out!" the Darby shouted, but the Predacon managed to grab the Bot by his chest-plate and throw him back to the ground in front of the blue-haired Spectre and Asari, before looking at them with a completely emotionless face.

"Thank you for that, I can 'finally' see more clearly…." the Con said back cryptically, earning confused looks from the trio.

"…So allow me to give you some advice. Better start running." he added.

"What? There are three of us and one of you, so why should we run?" Quickstrike asked, gaining a knowing look from Shockblast.

"Because of him." he simply replied while pointing towards the lab's entrance, which made the two cousins and the Asari turn around and freeze on the spot as standing in the doorway was a massive green and silver Predacon beast.

"Oh crap." Quickstrike said as the monster looked down at them while Orion equipped a grenade off his utility belt, pressing and holding down the button on it's top as he did so.

"When I say go, run for the entrance to the mine. You got me?" the Bot said, gaining nods from his cousin and Liara.

"Grimwing, crush them." Shockblast then shouted, earning a roar from the Predacon dragon as Orion threw the grenade at the Beast's head.

"Now!" he exclaimed as the trio turned around and ran for large hole in the wall, the grenade exploded in a blinding flash of light that caught both Predacons off guard while the Autobots ran into the mine. Once the light died down, Shockblast and Grimwing looked around until their eye and optics fell upon the same hole.

"After them!" he commanded, the beast responding with a roar before charging into the mine after them.

'The mine is a dead-end, not a very logical choice Autobots.' Shockblast thought as he got back to his feet and walked over to a console, activating it with his holo-tool. He then brought up a screen which had a timer on it, setting it for fifteen minutes.

"Enable self destruct." he said aloud, earning a ping from the terminal.

"Voice recognition accepted, self destruct engaged. You have fourteen minutes and fifty-five seconds to reach minimum safe distance." the computer voice spoke, gaining a nod from the Predacon as he tapped his com-link.

"All Terrcons, this is Shockblast. Autobots have infiltrated the base and may have access to our database, I have therefore activated the joint self destruct of all 'my' laboratories to ensure they do not escape with any of the Intel stored on their joint database. You are to evacuate the bases immediately."

Once done, Shockblast then tapped his com-link again while looking back to see that Grimwing had disappeared into the mine.

"Lord Galvatron, come in. I repeat, Lord Galvatron, come in."


Orion led the way with Liara and Quickstrike following close behind, as they made their way down the dimly lit tunnel of the mine. They could hear the beast getting closer, with its roars echoing around them.

"You do know mines generally have only one entrance and exit, don't you?" the blonde Bot asked, which earned a knowing look from his cousin.

"Yeah, I do." he said back between breaths as they ran until the tunnel split into two slightly smaller ones.

"Take the left one." Orion said before the trio ran into that tunnel only for a few seconds later, Grimwing appeared at the same spot and looked at both openings before sniffing the air for a moment. His optics then narrowed as he looked into the left tunnel, growled and entered the tunnel.

"So what's the plan?" Liara asked as the trio kept moving through the underground tunnels, staying just ahead of the beast.

"We keep ourselves out of the Predacon's reach and hope that it has picked the wrong tunnel, then make our way back up to the lab and rejoin the others." Orion replied before a loud roar could be heard echoing down the tunnel they were in, making them stop and look back with panicked expressions as they stared into the dark tunnel.

"I don't think we will be able to sustain the distance between Grimwing and ourselves, it will have caught up long before then." Quickstrike replied, gaining a nod from Liara who then turned her attention back to what was in front of them, making her sigh with a frustrated tone.

"I don't think it will matter either way." she said as she pointed ahead of her.

"Why?" Orion said back as both cousins turned to the Femme and looked at what she was pointing at.

"You've got to be kidding." the blonde Bot exclaimed with a wide-eyed expression, which Orion mirrored.

"It's a dead-end!" he stated as the trio looked at the rock-face several feet in front of them with no other exit, except the way they had just came from.

"Oh scrap." Quickstrike said before a loud growl could be heard behind them, making the Autobots turn and face that direction while backing themselves into the dead end.

"What about a ground-bridge?" the blonde cousin then asked, earning an annoyed stare from Liara.

"You were at the same briefing as us, right? Rodimus did say that scans showed that areas near the center of the facility were protected by a null field that prevents any unauthorised ground-bridge vortexes from opening."

"Oh...yeah, that's right." Quickstrike replied sheepishly.

"I doubt we could even get a signal out from how far under the facility we are." Orion stated, gaining a knowing look from his cousin.

"What about the Star-Saber, if that sword can cut through a mountain...then it should make short work of a Predacon. I mean can't to just fire it's energy beam...things off at Grimwing?"

Orion unsheathed the blade and looked down at it before shaking his head.

"No, I cannot do that. Since I am not a Prime, then I can not activate every possible function of this relic." he replied with a worried tone.

"Surely it can hurt though." Quickstrike replied, gaining a nod from Liara.

"Orion, its better to try something than nothing."

"Okay, then get behind me you two." the blue-haired Bot said back as he held the blade in a defensive stance, his two friends standing back just as Grimwing entered the area. The metallic dragon looked down at the three, its optics focused in on each of them before it roared, the very sound made the cavern shake and brought down some dust from the cavern's ceiling.

And then Grimwing moved forward and raised it's front right claws and slashed at it's enemies, but Orion instinctively slashed the Star-Saber at the same time, the ancient blade sliced through the extended claws and made the beast cry out in pain as it backed off.

"Good hit, Orion." Quickstrike exclaimed before his joy suddenly disappeared as he, his cousin and their Asari friend looked at Grimwing, who growled lowly and narrowed it's optics at them angrily.

"I think I just pissed it off." Orion replied as the Beast pulled it's head back and opened it's mouth, a bright glow could be seen at the back of it's throat which made Quickstrike gulp as it brought back memories of another Predacon.

"Orion…" Liara then said gently as she grasped the blue-haired Bot's hand, making him look over at her affectionately.

"I know, Liara…." he replied as the three stood there, knowing full on well what was about to happen. When suddenly a slight tremor shook the cavern, startling Grimwing who shut his mouth and looked around curiously.

"Did you feel that?" Quickstrike then asked as dust once again sprinkled down from the ceiling, while both Orion and Liara looked around confused.

"Yeah, I felt….." the Bot began to reply before another tremor shook the place.

"Yes, I can say we felt that." the Asari finished as the Spectre looked at the rock face behind them, all the while the Predacon beast still looked unsure.

"Well, something's spooked Grimwing. Shouldn't we try and sneak past." Quickstrike asked, earning a disbelieving expression from Liara.

"You first…" she said in a sarcastic tone, as the blonde Bot noticed that Grimwing pretty much had the tunnel behind him covered. Then another tremor occurred, and then another as Orion's eyes widened as he watched the rock face begin to crack.

"Guys, we should…now!" he shouted as the tremors happened one after another, causing rocks to fall from the ceiling as Grimwing backed off more.

"Why?" Quickstrike began to ask before Orion grabbed him and Liara and pulled them both out of the way just as the rock face broke apart as something burst through, sending rocks and dust into the air. As the trio fell to the ground face first, another roar could be heard, but this one didn't sound like the Predacon Beast who had been hunting them.

So Orion quickly recovered and looked up at what had just announced it's arrival. His eyes widened as standing before him was a metallic dragon that looked not that dissimilar from the pictures of the one called Predaking, except that is was ever so slightly smaller. It was covered in jet black armour which had blue light glowing from it's gaps and blue optics that looked directly at Grimwing.

"What, another one?" Quickstrike stated as both he and Liara looked at the beast who did not take it's eyes off the Predacon.

'Why do I get the feeling it recognises Grimwing?' Orion thought as the black Beast growled and then roared before pouncing at the green and silver dragon, tackling it to the ground as the cavern shook under the power of the impact.

"Right, let's get out of here while those two Predacons take each other out." Quickstrike said as the trio got to their feet and made a run for it, while the two beasts slashed and gnawed at each other.

But then Grimwing got the upper hand by slashing the Black Dragon's neck, making it recoil in pain and shield itself with it's wings. The Predacon then looked back to see the Autobots retreating and roared at them, making Liara look back and see it charge at them.

"By the goddess, it's coming!" she shouted, as the cousins looked back. But suddenly Grimwing stopped in his tracks, as the Black beast appeared behind him with his tail in it's mouth, pulling the green and silver Dragon back to it.

"Is it just me, or is that creature helping us?" Orion asked in surprise, earning a mirrored look from his Cousin.

"More likely it just wants to chew on Grimwing here before it comes for us...let's keep moving." he said back, with the Asari taking Orion by the hand.

"Orion, come on." she pleaded, but the blue haired Bot stopped as something caught his attention about the black monster.

"Wait, I saw something..." he replied as he spotted something at the center of the beast's fore-head, it was an emblem though not one that he recognised.

"...that is no Predacon." he added before a large rock fell at his side and brought him back to reality.

"Okay, let's go!" he said as the three of them ran back through the tunnel as it began to collapse, due to the battle between the two giant beasts as they continued to bite and claw at each other.


"Well? Where is everyone?" Smokescreen said as he, Nightracer and Grunt entered the laboratory. All they found was a number of terminals, a containment tank that had been shattered and a large hole in the wall at the far side.

"I thought we would have seen them by now." the Bot added, while the Femme looked at her holo-tool.

"We were supposed to have rendezvoused with them at this location between this lab and our target but since they never showed, I reckoned we may still find them here." she said while the Krogan reloaded his shotgun.

"At least we managed to find some Terracons along the way." he said, earning a knowingly look from Smokescreen.

"Glad to see that your only worry is how many kills you got today, Grunt."

"I am sure they are fine. You forget one is the son of a Prime and the other is the son of Ironhide, and don't forget who their mothers are." the Krogan replied, while Nightracer's attention was caught by strange sounds echoing out of the large hole.

"Quiet you two, can't you hear that?"

Suddenly Orion, Liara and Quickstrike ran out of the mine and towards the group.

"I would run if I were you." the blonde Bot exclaimed as both groups met, earning confused looks from Bravo team.

"Why were you down there?" Nightracer asked, but Orion simply gave her a knowing look.

"You should listen to Quickstrike 'this time', run..." he started to say before both Grimwing and the Black Dragon smashed through the mine entrance together, shocking the Femme, Krogan and Autobot.

"By Alpha Trion's beard..." Smokescreen exclaimed, finally getting them to join him and the others as everyone ran out of the lab, while the new beast swung it's tail around and smashed it into Grimwing's face.

Meanwhile, outside on Cybertron's surface. Shockblast stood a quarter of a mile away from the base with his breather helmet, accompanied by a squad of Terracons. He then tapped his com-link.

"Lord Galvatron, we are ready for a space-bridge...yes, I have set the self destruct for silent countdown and we have five minutes left, the Autobots should have no warning..." he said before one of his troops, who was looking back through a pair of binoculars spotted something.

"Commander, look!" he said before handing them over to him, which then the Predacon looked out at the area his subordinate had pointed at.

"That is not logical." he spat as he saw the Autobots exiting the base with their breather helmets on, moving away from the base as fast as their legs could take them.

"They must not..." Shockblast began to say before suddenly the roof of the base burst open, with Grimwing's body thrown out of it and landing hard on the ground a hundred metres away.

Everyone, it did not matter if it was Predacon or Autobot, stopped and looked back to see the green and silver dragon getting back to it's feet before another beast appeared on the roof of the facility, where it then spread it's wings out and announced it's presence with a roar that echoed all around it.

"Fascinating.." the Predacon stated with a curious tone as he watched the black beast then jump off the building and land only a few feet from Grimwing.

"Sir, that beast is going to kill Grimwing." a Terracon said, earning a nod from his superior who tapped his com-link again.

"Lord Galvatron, Grimwing needs immediate backup...because there is another Cybertronian Beast that currently looks like it will defeat one of 'our' own...yes, please send both of them." the Predacon said as he and the Terracons watched.

As the battle between the two giant beasts erupted onto the surface of Cybetron, Orion and his team had stopped and watched in awe of the sight before them.

"Amazing, never thought seeing one of the Predacons being beat down would be such fun." Smokescreen said, gaining a nod of agreement from Grunt as Orion tapped his com-link.

"Orion to Normandy. Rodimus, come in."

"I am here, Orion. Report." the Commander spoke from the ship, which was orbiting the planet while cloaked.

"We have succeeded in rigging the Predacon base's reactor to blow and downloaded a lot of Intel from their database, but right now I need you to ground-bridge everyone back onboard." the Spectre replied, earning surprised and confused looks from his teammates.

"Why? What are you doing?" Nightracer said back first, knowing full well that both Liara and Quickstrike were about to say the same thing.

"That second beast isn't a Predacon...and it helped us escape from Grimwing back in the mine. I can't just leave it here." Orion said in return, gaining nods from Liara and his cousin.

"It is hard to believe, though Orion is right. But even if you can even convince it to come with us, how are we going to get it aboard the Normandy?" Quickstrike asked.

"The cargo bay should be large enough for it," Rodimus said, after listening to Orion.

"But how do you know it isn't a Predacon?" the Commander added.

"Not only did it protect us, but the creature also has a faction emblem on it's body that is definitely not Predacon." the blue-haired Bot replied.

"It would be good for us to have our own dragon, and it is making short work of Grimwing right now." Smokescreen added into his com-link while pointing to the sight of the black beast gripping the Predacon's neck with it's jaws.

"Okay, permission granted. Opening ground-bridge now...good luck, Orion." Rodimus answered and suddenly a green vortex opened up next to the group.

"Okay, Guys, go. I'll be right behind you." the young Darby said, earning nods from everyone except Liara and Quickstrike.

"I am not leaving, Orion." the Asari answered with a defiant yet caring tone to her voice.

"What she said, Cuz." the blonde Bot added with a knowing smile, causing the XO to sigh and nod back in acknowledgement.

"Okay. The rest of you go." he said and Smokescreen, Nightracer and Grunt ran into the vortex which then disappeared, leaving rest of Alpha team there as they looked back at the beasts fighting.

"So...what's the plan?" Quickstrike then asked but before Orion could answer, a space-bridge vortex opened up in the sky and Skystalker flew through and dive-bombed at the black beast who noticed this and dropped the wounded Grimwing back to the ground.

It then looked up at the blue and white dragon descending upon him, opened it's mouth and fired a stream of blue fire which hit the Predacon dead on and made it crash to the ground in a heap.

"Cool." Quickstrike then commented as the beast roared like it was acknowledging the compliment, but then Predaking suddenly exited the vortex and immediately made the creature narrow it's blue optics as it stared back and growled.

"Is it me or does that look like it recognises Predaking?" Orion asked, but no one answered as they were fixated on this fight in front of them.

The black dragon then roared at the new arrival before firing another fire blast, but the large Predacon performed a barrel roll like move, dodging the blast and swooped down with it's claws bare and tackled the dragon to the ground.

Predaking then slashed at it with it's claws before smashing it's head against the other, causing it to fall back on to it's back.

Orion immediately unsheathed the Star-Saber and began to run toward the fight, only for Liara to grab his arm and stop him.

"What are you doing?" she asked in an alert and worried tone, making the Bot look back at her.

"We need to help!" he exclaimed, earning a confused look from his cousin.

"...How are we supposed to do that? I mean there are three Predacon beasts out there...just how do..." he started to say before the Asari cut him off and pointed at the fight with her eyes wide in shock.


Both cousins turned their attention back to the beasts, their expressions mirroring Liara's as right before their eyes, the black beast started to transform as it rolled off it's back. Its wings folded neatly onto it's back as it's arms and legs changed to look more like a Cybertronian's. It's long neck And head folded back and disappeared into it's back as the armour shifted and changed, as another more humanoid head with a Prime styled helmet appeared and it's optics glowed blue as the dragon finished it's transformation and was now an armoured Bot in a kneeling position.

"Wow." Quickstrike exclaimed as the newly formed Cybertronian who's armour was mainly black with blue glowing engravings on it and looked smooth and curved perfectly to the slightly larger athletic build of the Bot. He looked directly at the orange and black Predacon and gritted his teeth.

"PREDAKING!" he then roared before launching himself at the beast, who bared it's teeth and did the same. But as it snapped it's head forward and attempted to bite the black armoured Bot, he dodged it and grabbed the beast's long neck tightly before swinging the dragon around and throwing it back to the ground.

"I would say he knows Predaking." Liara added before she, Orion and his cousin then noticed that both Skystalker and Grimwing were back on their feet and moving toward the Cybertronian, who was still focused on the lead Predacon Dragon.

"Hey, look out!" Orion then shouted as loud as his lungs would allow him too, which made the Bot look over his shoulder and not only notice them but also the two Predacons.

So he immediately turned and readied to fight them just as Predaking got back to his feet, which meant the three beasts now had him surrounded.

"So what now?" Quickstrike asked, as Orion tapped his com-link.

"Normandy, I need you to fire a few torpedoes at the Predacons."

This made both his cousin and the Asari look back at him in surprise.

"You know how close we are to the battle, don't you?" Liara replied.

"Danger close?" the blonde Bot added, while the three Predacons began circling the black armoured Bot, earning a confused look on his face.

"Alright, Orion. But you do know that reports have said that our weapons have barely slowed them down in the past." Rodimus replied via the com.

"I know, but we just need to distract the Predacons long enough for our 'new friend' to get away, also open a ground-bridge for us to the cargo-bay and make it large enough for our guest." the blue-haired Bot said back.

"Very well, torpedoes away in!" the Commander replied, before a second later four red projectiles appeared in the sky and hurtled towards the location of the fight.

The beasts and Cybertronian's attention turned to these as they looked up and saw the projectiles coming straight at them, which made the Bot dive out of the way while the Predacons kept watching.

The torpedoes then hit the ground directly in front of each beast and exploded, earning a roar from each as the rock and dust was sent up into the air, surrounding the beasts.

The Bot, who managed to get out of the way then looked up and saw the three small beings again.

"Come with us! Hurry!" the blue-haired one shouted as a large green vortex appeared behind them, but the Cybertronian noticed that this person was carrying an object...a blade that somehow felt familiar to him.

So he nodded in return and got to his feet and began running towards the group, who in turn ran for the vortex.

Meanwhile, Predaking, Grimwing and Skystalker all managed to recover and saw their enemies retreating for the portal, so they roared at them and began pursuit.

"That's right!" Orion shouted as he saw the towering Bot heading his way, so the Spectre turned his attention back in front and saw that Liara and Quickstrike had entered the ground-bridge.

He could hear and feel the Cybertronain's footsteps as they shook the ground while he caught up and ran alongside, all the while the three beasts charged up behind them.

The Bot then looked over his shoulder and saw that the Predacons had opened their mouths, and the light of their dragon-fire could be seen charging as they prepared to fire.

So the Cybertronian then picked up the Spectre, which surprised him all the same.

"what the hell!" the Bot exclaimed as he suddenly found himself in the larger Bot's hand, looking down at the ground which was flying past as the giant Bot ran towards the vortex.

"You won't fit! You have to transform!" Orion shouted and just as he did, the Cybertronian heard the sound of the Predacons unleashing their dragon-fire behind them.

"Hold on!" he replied before gently tossing the blue-haired bot into the air and transforming back into his beast mode, and then catching the man in his mouth before he could hit the floor.

"Sweet Jesus!" Orion gasped as he found himself firmly between the Dragon's jaws, but in no danger of being bitten in half. The metallic beast then ran into the vortex which closed before the joint dragon-fire from the Predacons could reach it.


Shockblast was still watching as he stared blankly at the dragons who had stopped and began looking around, as if they were confused to how their enemies could have disappeared. But the Con merely tapped his com-link as he looked away, having lost interest.

"My Liege, the Autobots have escaped and they took the beast with them...yes, opening a ground-bridge for us would be a logical choice." he said before one opened up and allowed Predaking, Skystalker and Grimwing to enter, before closing again. Then another one, one that was more Shockblast's size. And he and his Terracons walked through the event horizon just as the facility exploded.

Meanwhile, Orion found himself looking down at his friends, who had their weapons raised and pointed in his direction.

"Let Orion go now!" Liara said firmly as she held her pistol with one hand, while her other was a clenched fist and glowing with biotic energy.

"Yeah, put my Cousin down. He is not a chew toy!" Quickstrike added as he pointed his own weapon at the Beast, which looked back and gave off a confused whine.

"Guys, I'm okay. You can lower your weapons." the blue-haired Bot replied, before looking back into the creatures blue optics and giving it a slight smile.

The Dragon then lowered his head to the ground and released the Darby, who immediately turned back round to see that they were in the cargo-bay and the beast just had enough room to move around.

"Thank you, for what you did back there." he said.

"Wait, you saying this guy...beast was just carrying you in its mouth, like a lioness with its young?" his cousin said, gaining a nod from Orion.


Then the cargo-bay door to their right opened, with Rodimus and Bravo team entering the large room. Which made the beast look straight at them, it's optics narrowing.

"It's alright, you're among friends." Orion quickly said, regaining the beast's attention.

"By the All-spark." Rodimus exclaimed, while the others just looked at it in amazement.

"My name is Orion Darby, what's yours?" the blue-haired Bot asked, while sheathing the Star-Saber on his back. The dragon looked at him for a second before suddenly transforming right before their eyes.

Once the transformation had finished, the crew of the Normandy found themselves before a Cybertronian who was on his hands and knees as he looked down at all of them, before his optics fell back on Orion.

"My name is Onyx Primal, Leader of the Maximals."
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Re: Prime Effect 4

Postby Apollo-XL5 » Thu Mar 12, 2020 3:39 am

Motto: ""It's all in the reflexes.""
Weapon: Star Saber Sword
Chapter XXX

"What's a Maximal?" Smokescreen asked aloud, while everyone stood in front of the giant Cybertronian. Onyx looked at him with a confused expression.

"You have heard of a Predacon, but not a Maximal?

Rodimus activated his holo-tool and brought up images of wall paintings that showed the beasts, to which the Bot gave a curious look.

"Before Galvatron managed to resurrect the Predacon race through science, very little was known about the time other that great beasts walked the surface of Cybertron. As these images show, the writing underneath each identifies them as Predacon. But the planet suffered an extinction level event which we called 'The Great Cataclysm', which wiped out your entire species and civilisation overnight, because these pictures which were found underground in cave systems were all that we modern day Cybertronians could find." the Commander replied just as Liara activated her holo-tool for some show and tell.

"But recently, we discovered that was not the case, as it seems that remains of the Predacons were fossilised deep underground, far deeper than had been previously explored before. It was the Decepticon Shockwave who found those remains. And he cloned the Predacons, using the CNA he had extracted from them."

"Decepticon?" Onyx replied with tinge of confusion to his voice, making everyone look back at him.

"I know only of Maximals and Predacons, and have never heard of Decepticons." he added, making Orion step forward.

"Onyx, before we continue this conversation, I think it would be a good idea to update you on everything that has happened between your time and the present day." he said before looking over to Rodimus, who nodded in return and activated his holo-tool.

Then suddenly, a massive holo-screen appeared on the wall in front of the Maximal and began playing through historical footage and data, while Orion and his team-mates narrated their story for him.

Once done, Onyx had a very weary expression on his face while he processed it all in his mind, meanwhile everyone just stayed quiet and watched him.

"So it is true, I am the last of my kind. And the Predacons I fought…. Predaking included, are nothing more than shadows of who they used to be."

"I am sorry, Onyx. I cannot begin to imagine what you are going through right now." Orion said, while the Maximal looked back at the image of Cybertron on the large holo-screen.

"When I was knocked into stasis during the Cataclysm, which occurred during our last battle with the Predacons, the last I remember of Cybertron was it's landscape being devastated by a rain of fire. So when I awoke again and saw the surface during my fight with Grimwing, I thought that the devastation I laid my optics on was the result of that terrible day, but now I know that this is not the case. Let me tell you, when we Maximals fought against our Predacon Brothers and Sisters. We did so believing that it would be first and last time that a Cybertronian would ever harm another. But I guess that belief was misplaced, or maybe we were just naïve. After all 'our War' lasted merely a few of what you call... years, but this Autobot/Decepticon conflict lasted for eons. I guess there is no such thing as real peace...because no sooner did that war end, that another began with what you call the Reapers." the Maximal said with a sheepish tone while everyone listened, but Orion then took a step forward.

"It's true, peace may not last forever. But it's far from a worthless goal to pursue, in fact the conflict with the Reapers had the positive effect of uniting the entire galaxy. Just because something is hard to get, doesn't mean we should just stop trying." the blue-haired Bot replied, earning a smile from all around him, even Primal looked down at him with a similar expression.

"When I look at you, Orion Darby, I cannot help but be reminded of a friend of mine. He once said something very similar to me during the war."

Before the young Darby could ask who the Bot meant, Liara beat him there with a question of her own.

"When we were on Cybertron, I could not help but notice that you looked at Orion's Star-Saber. I get the impression that you have seen it before, and that is why you came with us." the Asari said, earning a nod from Onyx.

"That is correct, I have seen this blade before. It was when I first awoke and opened my optics for the very first time, I looked up and saw the magnificent of beings standing over me. His armour was gold and silver with a very heroic quality to it, he welcomed me into the world as I took my first look upon it. I was one of the first to be awoken, third only to Sentinal Maximus and Predaking. As our race….the Predacons came into being, the Thirteen remained to watch over us for a time and make sure we were acclimatizing to Cybertron. For we were only Beasts at the time, unable to transform as we did not know how to. But that would come in time and when it did finally happen, it was Predaking who lead the way and thus became the Leader of our people. And it was then that the Thirteen vanished mysteriously, we never knew where they went or what happened to them. And as the cycles past they ended up becoming legends of ours, while we created our own civilisation."

The Primal then looked back at Orion and at the hilt of the Star-Saber which could be seen over the blue haired Bot's shoulder.

"May I ask, how you came to be in possession of the 'Blade of Prima'?"

"My father….Jackson Prime held on to it after the passing of his mentor and close friend, Optimus Prime."

"Your father is a Prime, so their lineage continues….that is very intriguing. You must be special yourself for being able to hold such a powerful and mighty blade as the Star-Saber, for it will not let just anyone hold onto it. I remember witnessing Prima having a bout with Predaking who managed to knock the blade from the Prime's hand, but when he tried to lift it off the ground with his jaws…..the blade would not budge." Onyx replied with a knowing expression, which made the young Darby feel somewhat uncomfortable with what he was being told.

"I don't know about that….but since I can wield the Star-Saber, I will use it to do what's right."

Liara looked over at Orion and smiled as he said this, while everyone else except Quickstrike looked at the XO with a surprised expression.

"When were you going to tell us that you were in possession of the Star-Saber? I mean, you do realise what that means…don't you?" Nightracer asked, beating everyone else to the question, which left Orion feeling like he was stuck under a spot light.

"I know what you are getting at, though I do not entirely believe it myself." the Bot replied but before anyone else could speak up, Rodimus stepped forward. As he saw how uncomfortable his XO was getting with the current debate.

"Okay, we are getting off topic here.." he said before looking back at the Primal.

"What happened to you, Onyx Primal, how did you end up buried beneath the ground and not joined with your brethren in the All-Spark?"

"Well, as I just said before… the Thirteen had left us and we had begun to build our own civilisation, mastering our ability to shift between our Cybertronian and beast forms. There were two forms of Predacons, these were Flyers and Walkers. Now as our civilisation grew, these two groups had a settled but not perfect relationship. But slowly that began to change, as those of us capable of flight started to have a supremacist belief in themselves. And they started to see their Walker Brothers and Sisters as being not worthy to stand amongst them, and so this cancer spread over our world and thus created a chasm, one that effected split our people in two. And at first…I was one of those that believed." Onyx said with the guilt evident in his voice as everyone listened intently.

"Looking back at how times were back then, it was so easy to look down at those unable to join us in the sky and feel superior." the Maximal added.

"And here I thought the only prejudice Cybertronians went through was with the caste system during 'The Golden Age'." Nightracer replied, gaining a nod from the Primal.

"So what changed?" Orion asked.

"Sentinel Maximus was the first to openly question this way of thinking and as he did this, his popularity among other Walkers began to rise. Predaking though would not stand for any voice other than his own being heard by the general population, so he had Sentinel imprisoned." Onyx replied.

"I'm guessing that didn't stop his followers?" Smokescreen added.

"It did not. There were mass protests in every city across the planet. Even though the Flyers outnumbered the Walkers, the turnout for each protest was an impressive sight, to say the least. But then Predaking had the idea that if the Walkers followed Sentinel as much as they made out, that if he was suddenly to be killed before all their optics, then their collective voice would be silenced and they would finally accept their place in Predacon society." the Primal continued.

"So what did he do?" Liara asked.

"Predaking placed Sentinel in the 'games' which were held in the pits of Iacon. Maximus was meant to be killed by some of our Predacon warriors such as Inferno, Windrazor, Sawtooth and Quickstrike." the Maxima said, making Smokescreen look over to the blonde Bot with a wide eyed expression.

"You're named after a Predacon?" he gasped, gaining an eye roll from the Bot.

"No, I am not, Smokescreen. Can we get back to the topic on hand." he replied with an irritated tone, with everyone giving a nod of agreement as Grunt placed his hand on the other Bot's shoulder.

"If he speaks again, I'll kill him." the Krogan said with a joking-like tone, while Rodimus looked back at Onyx.

"I am guessing it didn't have the effect Predaking was hoping for."

"That is correct. No matter who entered the arena with Sentinal, he would come out the victor which would send his followers into a frenzy. He said that Predaking was helping his cause by letting him prove that Walkers were just as good as their Flyer Brothers and Sisters, so they should be treated equally." the Maximal added.

"So what happened next?" Orion asked.

"After this went on for a good number of cycles, Predaking had enough of the debacle and so entered the arena himself and challenged Sentinel. He wanted to prove once and for all that Flyers should be the dominant ones among our civilisation. The fight between the two was ferocious and bloody, with neither willing to give an inch to the other. Many thought that the fight would never end, as Both Predaking and Sentinal seemed to be fighting to a stand still. All of a sudden, the latter managed to get the upper hand on the Predacon and looked to be claiming the killing blow. But just as Walkers around Cybertron were about to celebrate, Sentinel had left himself open while he went for the kill, allowing Predaking to critically injure the Bot. And in the blink of an eye the tables had turned, as the Predacon leader stood over Maximus and right there and then, he executed his opponent in the most brutal way."

"Did that have the effect Predaking was after?" Rodimus asked.

"It had quite the opposite effect actually, because Sentinel had fought such a heroic and fierce display against the Predacon Leader, who had a reputation for being unbeatable, that it gave the Walkers more encouragement to fight for equality."

"What about you? Did it effect you in a similar way?" Orion said with a curious expression, gaining a head-shake from the Maximal.

"No,it didn't. I mean, I felt sympathy for the Walkers because of how my blood brother was treating them. But I didn't feel anything first." he said, before looking at a bulkhead.

"..At first?" Liara then asked.

"After Sentinel's death, there were a small number of sympathetic Flyers to the plight of the Walkers. My friend Airazor was one of them, she had been a close friend of mine for as long as I can remember and was an honourable and courageous Predacon Femme. She did not get on with Predaking and was very against his methods and leadership, but he would not even touch her. Looking back at it, I guess he was just looking for a reason to snuff out her spark. And then he got one, as one day a group of Terracons began harassing two Walkers in the main square of the Capital. Airazor witnessed the skirmish and immediately got involved and defended the Walkers, which had been the first time that a Flyer ever did this. Predaking did not take this well as he had her arrested and brought to the arena and there in front of everyone, who had been expecting to see a fight...instead saw the Femme getting tortured." Onyx then said as his face became one full of regret.

"Predaking condoned public torture, he sounds more and more like Megatron every time you mention him." Smokescreen said with a disgusted tone, one that was shared by everyone else in the room.

"I got there just in time to see them tear Airazor's wings from her body, and it was then at that moment that my spark became enraged. Because not only did Predaking have my closest friend and ally tortured as a scare tactic against the masses, and had also taken away the right for the accused to fight for their freedom in the arena, but he took it upon himself to torture Airazor. So I gate-crashed the proceedings and rescued her, but not before giving my blood brother a severe beating right in front of the arena's audience." Onyx replied.

"I bet that went down a storm with the Walkers.." Quickstrike said, earning a nod from the giant Bot.

"Yes, seeing the leader of the Flyers being humiliated by one of his own sent the Walkers in the Arena into a frenzy and they began fighting with Flyers and Terracons alike. A group of Walkers assisted me with getting Airazor to a safe haven outside of the Capital and it was there that she and others including Rhinox convinced me to help them fight, since my reputation as one of the Predacons best warriors and tacticians was widely known throughout Cybertron. They felt that I would make a perfect successor to Sentinel, but at first I was not interested since my only priority was Airazor's well-being."

"But I guess she managed to twist your arm." Nightracer said with a knowing tone, gaining a nod from the Primal.

"Yes, Airazor did have a way with words and she knew me too well." he answered with an affectionate tone, one that did not go unnoticed by the others. But instead of bringing it up, they all just remained quiet and let the Maximal speak.

"So I agreed to lead the Walkers against the rest of the Predacons and we agreed to name our faction 'Maximals' in honour of Sentinel Maximus, for he was the first to stand up to Predaking and his supremacist forces. Had it not been for him, then there would never have been an uprising."

"You said the war lasted a few years?" Smokescreen then asked, before anyone else could speak.

"Yes, despite the fact we Maximals were outnumbered by our Predacon brethren, we managed to give as good a fight as we received. We had victories….and we had defeats, losing…friends… along the way." Onyx replied while looking down at the ground, the blue of his optics illuminating the metal floor. A look of regret and pain on his face while the others remained quiet, silently paying respects as he did. After a moment the Bot looked back up and was ready to speak again.

"How did the war end?" the Commander asked with a curious tone, making the Maximal's optics turn to him.

"It could have been just another battle, but on that particular solar-cycle, my spark was as enraged as it had been on the very day it all started. I was convinced that killing Predaking would be the only way to end the war, and I had the conviction to carry me through to that end."

Orion just listened as did everyone else, but he could not help but wonder what had happened to make Onyx feel that way again. The blue-haired Bot felt that he may know the answer, but decided not to pursue an answer from the Primal and stayed silent.

"I fought with Predaking, it was a battle to end all battles between us. We had been friends, blood Brothers and were now hated enemies. Even as our armies fought around us, our optics were only focused on each other. But before a victor would be revealed, the entire planet began to shake as fire rain down from the sky. The entire planet's surface began to burn as it looked like the end of the world was upon us, but then the ground beneath me broke apart and I found myself falling into darkness and everything went black." the Maximal said.

"That must have been when you went into stasis-lock. But what brought you out of it?" Rodimus then asked, earning thoughtful looks from everyone before Smokescreen had a eureka expression.

"It must have been the Synthergon. You know, what we found powering the reactor." he said as he looked over to Nightracer and Grunt, hoping for some acknowledgment.

"Yes, that's right. We found a leak in one of the storage tanks that was dripping through a crack in the floor." the Femme agreed, gaining a confused look from Onyx.


"A synthetic form of Energon, but it is unstable due to it's formula being incomplete. We should have you checked to see what your levels are, because it can have an adverse effect on Cybertronian physiology." Rodimus replied before looking at the others.

"So the rest of you should get some rest in the meantime."

"If I may, Commander. I would like to get on with studying the Intel we took from the Predacon base. It could give us a clue to their next target." Liara then said, as Orion joined her side.

"I'll help, since two pairs of eyes are better than one." he said, earning a slight smile from the Asari.

"Very well, everyone dismissed." Rodimus replied as everyone headed out of the cargo-bay, before he turned back to the Maximal.

"I will have our doctor, Red-Alert come down and take some scans."

"Of course, but I would like to keep this up and read some more." Onyx replied while pointing at the large holo-screen beside him.

"Okay, I will be in the CIC if you require anything else." Rodimus said back before walking out of the room and back into the ship's corridor.

"Commander Rodimus, Jetstorm here." a voice spoke up on the inter-com.

"Status report?" the Commander replied.

"The base was completely destroyed, Sir." the pilot said back.

"Excellent.." Rodimus began to say back, but then Jetstorm cut him off.

"Yes, Sir, But at that same time, our sensors picked up similar explosions from all around Cybertron."

"But that wasn't us." the Elite Spectre replied with a confused expression.

"Perhaps they were all connected via the same power network, and they all just detonated." the pilot said back.

"Or the Predacons got jumpy and destroyed all evidence that they had been there, just on the off chance we were going to find those facilities too."


Meanwhile, on the Nemesis which was currently surrounded by a fleet of Predacon and former Omega ships, the bridge was uncharacteristically quiet. All the Terracons stationed there had they heads down and were focusing just on their own work, not even daring to look up and see what was happening around them.

For they could sense that a storm was about to be rained upon them as Rip-Claw stood on the catwalk above then with Galvatron, the Predacon leader staring at the Femme wit narrowed eyes.

"Do you have anything to say for yourself?" he asked with gritted teeth, showing that he was restraining his anger...for the moment.

"I am sorry, Lord Galvatron." the Femme replied with a apprehensive expression, but her words did not even make her superior flinch as he stared down at her.

"Is that all you have to say for losing not only the colony to the Autobots, but also our advantage over their forces." he then replied, with an anger building in the tone of his voice that set alarm bells ringing with Rip-Claw.

"My Lord, it wouldn't have been possible for the Autobots to do what they did without Ser-Ket's help. Surely you should blame her more than I."

"But it happened on your watch, Rip-Claw, and you will answer for that. In fact, had you not managed to capture your traitorous sister, then I would have had you killed right now." Galvatron spat back, which made the Femme lower her head in shame as she looked at the ground.

"Now get out of my sight, while I think what should be done with you." he then added before turning his back on her, a disgusted expression on his face.

"Give me another chance, my Lord. I will not fail you again." Rip-Claw pleaded, but the Predacon leader kept his attention to the void beyond the bridge's canopy.

"You are not helping your chances by begging, now get out!"

The Femme merely nodded shakilly before backing away slowly, until she was far enough away and then turned and rushed off the bridge, nearly banging into Six-Shot as he walked through the doorway.

"Hey, what was that?" he asked back in surprise, but Rip-Claw disappeared down the corridor before he could say anything else.

"Six-Shot.." Galvatron's voice then boomed, making the Terracons below stop what they were doing and remain very still as fesr took hold.

"...I am not in the best of moods, I suggest you leave me be." he added as his lieutenant walked up and stopped right behind him.

"I have just heard about my brother, is he alright?" the Con asked with concern in his voice.

"He is being treated in the Infirmary at this moment, but I have yet to question him on how he lost the facility, as well as 'why' he decided to detonate all the others...just because the Autobots found one..." Galvatron spat as his anger began to rise again.

"How did the Autobots even find the base, Cybertron is a dead planet." Six-Shot asked with a disbelieving tone.

"Your brother told me that Asari, the one you two failed to kill, was with the Autobots. My guess is that she lead them there." the Predacon leader replies as he looked over his shoulder at his lieutenant.

"First...Rip-Claw with Ser-Ket and now you two with that Asari, I am beginning to sense a pattern here. Are any of you capable of killing when it is utmost required of you. For I have now lost two bases to the Autobots and our main advantage over them, all in the space of a day or so."

But this then ignited Six-Shot's spark as he gritted his teeth and narrowed his eyes at his leader, not even remotely put off by Galvatron's imposing demeanour.

"You want to talk about mistakes, then let's go over nuking an Autobot Colony...shall we."

The Predacon Lord's eyes widened in surprise at his minion's impudence.

"You dare..."

"We are supposed to be conquering the Federation and their Autobots, not exterminating them. What were you thinking?" Six-Shot continued, letting his hanger push him further as he confronted Galvatron, who looked even more aggravated.

"How dare you question me and my methods! Or do you forget who you are talking too?" the Predacon leader snapped as he towered over his lieutenant, who looked as if he still would not back down as he stared back defiantly.

"I wanted to send the Autobots a message, and it was delivered perfectly. I doubt they will move against us so quickly again, since I am just cleaning up the mess my lieutenants have caused." Galvatron said, which made Six-Shot look away with a worried expression as he did see the Predacon Lord's logic and suddenly felt that he no longer have a leg to stand on.

"Now if I were you, I would make myself scarce before I tear your spark out for insubordination!" his leader continued as he noticed the change in his minion's behaviour, so Six-Shot bit his lip and clenched his fists tightly before turning around and storming off the bridge as Galvatron watched with narrowed eyes until the Con was gone.

In the Nemesis's science lab, Shockblast was standing at one of the terminals and looking at the holo-screen being emitted by it. He was typing on the holo-interface as he watched code scrolling down the screen at speed and despite losing an eye, his remaining one was working just fine as it kept up with the information on the screen.

'Where are the files, I know they are here. It would be illogical for these people to not download them from my laboratory.' he thought before the Science Lab's door opened and Six-Shot entered, which did not even make Shockblast blink as he kept his attention on the screen.

"There you are, I thought I was going to find you in the Infirmary but you had already left." the younger Con said as he walked up to his older brother's side.

"It was not logical for me to stay there, not when I have a great many tasks to complete." Shockblast replied coldly, earning a worried expression from Six-Shot.

'Why is he talking like that?' he thought, as his Brother noticed that he was still standing there.

"Is there something I can help you with? Because if not, then I must ask you to leave."

"Yeah, you can tell me what's going on with you lately?" Six-Shot asked, which gaining a confused expression from Shockblast.

"Of what do you speak?" he asked before turning his attention back to the terminal, typing into the holo-interface as a loading bar appeared on it's screen. But his younger Brother looked back with an even more confused expression.

"This is what I am talking about, you never used to act or talk like you are now...what is going on?" he pleaded, but Shockblast ignored it and focused on his work. But after seeing his brother becoming more distant and more distant over the their time with Galvatron, coupled with how angry he was after his latest spat with their leader, Six-Shot had enough of this and grabbed Shockblast by the arm which made the Con look at him blankly.

"What in the All-spark has happened to you, I don't even recognise you anymore. I Thought it might have been the workload that Galvatron placed on your shoulders, that it might be stress but I look at you...and its like your not even there." the younger Con said with an angry and concerned tone as his brother just looked at him.

"Remove your!" Shockblast said back with a deathly cold tone, while narrowing his eye with a stare that was just as cold. Six-Shot was surprised by the threat and so let go of his Brother's arm, just looking back with a dumbfounded expression which Shockblast ignored as he walked past, heading for the door.

"This conversation is over." he added before exiting the lab, leaving Six-Shot alone.

'What in the pit is going on around here, first Galvatron promises to conquer the galaxy only to start sending our ships out for a glorified scavenger hunt, and then starts nuking Autobot targets. And meanwhile my Brother is acting less and less like himself, which is now to the point where I swear he is a stranger.' the Con thought before his attention was caught by the sound of a beeping noise, so he turned and saw that it was emanating from the now completed loading bar.

Curious about what his Brother was looking into, Six-Shot activated his holo-tool and connected it to the terminal which then made the bar and the sound it was producing to stop.

Then the screen began to show large images that looked like video recordings, and the young Con found himself curious to what these were so he found himself clicking on one and making it play before him. What he saw made his eyes widen as the footage played out in front of him.

"No...I don't recall this!"


As the Normandy orbited an uninhabited planet in the Traverse, the 'nightshift' crew were all focused on their duties about the ship while the remainder were resting. But there was one person who was not, for he was unable to focus on anything but what he had recently lost.

And this was very punishing for Quickstrike as he walked through the Normandy's corridors, for when he was down on Cybertron with his cousin and the others or greeting their new Maximal guest, things were too hectic for the Bot to get sidetracked by the thoughts of the love he had lost.

But now that everything had quietened down, he could not help but lose his focus and let Ser-Ket dominate his thoughts. So the blonde Autobot carried on walking, from one end of the ship to the other.

He knew that he probably should be helping Liara with decrypting the Predacon Intel or anyone of his new friends with their duties or points of interest, but his spark was in pain right now and he had to let the storm of emotion take him and ride it out, until the next crisis hit and give him back some semblance of focus.

Quickstrike had pretty much walked two whole laps of the ship by the time he came to a stop at the entrance to the cargo-bay, not sure if he should enter what some crew were now calling 'Lair of the Dragon'.

He wasn't sure if that name was entirely deserving for the Maximal, who on first impression seemed very civilised despite his alternate mode.

But this nickname had originated from the crew who had yet to know Onyx Primal and as with anyone, when there was something you didn't understand then it was natural to fear it until you did.

But why was he currently standing outside the Maximal's living space aboard the Normandy, and at this ungodly hour. Maybe it was that during their first 'chat' with Onyx, there was a moment when Quickstrike felt that the Maximal had felt a similar pain to his own.

He had certainly alluded to it during his retelling of the his life before the 'great cataclysm', even if it was in a throw-away line.

'What did he mean by that, and if has had an experience similar to me...then how did he deal with it?' the blonde Bot thought while pressing the keypad next to the door, which opened and allowed him access.

Once inside, Quickstrike noticed that the lights in there had been dimmed, making the area look a little creepy.

Building that atmosphere more was the sound of breathing, which echoed throughout the room. But the Bot spotted the Maximal in his beast mode, curled up o the floor.

The image it presented looked like one of those seen in fantasy stories, the ones where there was a dragon sleeping in a cave.

But before Quickstrike could move any closer, the dragon's optics opened and looked directly at him, which made him feel uncomfortable.

"Oh, uh…sorry." he said back sheepishly, before the beast got to its feet and then transformed into the calm but physically imposing figure of Onyx Primal.

"..Quickstrike….., I sense something is troubling you?" the Maximal asked, earning a surprised look from the Autobot.

"What makes you think that?"

"Because while your team-mates are either focused on powering down or concerning themselves with other duties, you are walking around the ship by yourself." Onyx replied with an observant expression, which made the Bot suddenly feel guilty for walking in on the ancient Cybertronian.

"Look, you were resting. I will go." Quickstrike said back as he began to back towards the door but then Onyx gestured for him to stop, his blue optics staring at the Bot.

"You have lost someone….haven't you?"

The blonde Autobot felt like he was suddenly naked and without any kind of defence, as the Maximal's question had caught him off guard.

"How did you..?"

"I can see it in your eyes, you have lost someone who is close to your spark. I would know for I have...too." Onyx replied as he looked away, as the memory rushing back into his neural net.

"Was it Airazor?" Quickstrike asked sombrely with the Cybertronian nodding slowly in return, earning a similar expression from the blonde Bot.

"I am sorry."

"As am I, for the loss you have suffered. May I ask who she was?" Onyx replied as he looked back at the Bot.

"Her name was Ser-Ket, she was a Predacon who rescued me from one of their bases." Quickstrike said back as he looked at the ground, not wanting the Maximal to see the pain he felt as his own memories started to return to his thoughts.

"I see..." the big Bot replied as he remembered from the briefing that Predacons had been given pretender bodies to use.

"..What was Ser-Ket like?"

"Ser-Ket was...the most amazing woman I have ever met. She had a kind and compassionate spark, and was brave and honourable. She didn't fit in with the other Predacons, and didn't share their blood lust." Quickstrike reminisced with a slight smile as he remembered the Femme, how she would look at him, and smile. Onyx returned the smile as he looked down at the Bot.

"She sounds like she was a wonderful person and not at all like a Predacon. In fact, I would say she sounds more like a Maximal."

"I thought that both factions were the same?" Quickstrike replied with a confused look, earning a nod from Onyx.

"Indeed, but the blood lust was something that Maximals...Walkers had more control over. Since over time, they had been downgraded from equals to second class citizens and then to slaves. They had learned to be more in control of their animal instincts, proving that they were more than what their Predacon cousins thought themselves to be. For 'we' would still fall prey to our more beast-like behaviour as we believed ourselves superior, and felt that we were perfect. I too can still lose control to my more aggressive and monstrous side." the Primal said, gaining a nod from the blonde Bot.

"Ser-Ket was ashamed of that side of herself, never wanting to use it when we got into fights with other Predacons."

Onyx smiled again as he listened to Quickstrike.

"I think if both Airazor and your Ser-Ket had a chance to meet, they would have liked each other. They certainly have a lot in common."

"What happened to Airazor?" the Autobot then asked, earning a thoughtful expression from Onyx.

"As I said before, Airazor and I had been very close friends all our lives. But it was not until she was branded a traitor for helping some Walkers and then tortured, that I realised just how much she meant to me." the Maximal replied as his mind was flooded with memories of he and his Spark-mate.

"When I confessed how I felt about her, Ser-Ket revealed that she felt the same and we became spark-mates. We were together during the entirety of the war, We even had designs on what we were going to do after it. But in the final days of the conflict, it all fell apart..." he said as a regretful expression befell his face, earning a sympathetic expression from the blonde Bot.


"Because of Predaking!" Onyx then replied, as he found himself replaying the memory in his mind.

'The battle was bloody and brutal with energon spilling everywhere, as the forces of the Predacons and the Maximals continued to rip each other apart either in their Cybertronain or Beast modes. The entire metallic valley, which was one of the few wide open spaces on Cybertron, had every square inch filled with bloody slaughter. In the midst of the battle, a green and yellow wingless dragon charged it's way through the enemy line, sending numerous Terracons flying through the air. It roared into the air, as if to signal others around it. But suddenly found itself surrounded, as another group of Terracons ripped its way through the few Bot-formed Maximals that were standing between them and it.

The group was made up of three beasts and two Cybertronians, the former growled while the latter flashed evil grins as they readied their blades. But the yellow and green beast looked up behind them and gave off another roar, which made the enemies look back just moments before a jet black dragon flapped it's wings and swooped down, ploughing into them. The Terracons stood no chance as it picked up the two Bots and carried them into the air, leaving the beasts injured and unprepared as the yellow and green Dragon pounced on Both, quickly killing them with a throat rip from it's powerful jaws.

The black dragon then dropped it's two passengers back down into the battling masses, then flew back round and landed in the open area in front of the yellow and green beast. Both dragons looked at each for a second before transforming into two armoured Cybertronians, one was Onyx Primal, while the yellow and green beast transformed in to an Cybertronian Femme with light armour over an athletic build.

"Airazor, are you alright?" he asked with a concerned and caring expression, while she smiled back and flicked off some energon off her sharp fingers.

"Yes, thank you for the assist, Onyx. Though you know, I could have taken them." she replied, gaining a nod from the Maximal Bot."

"I know, but I could see you from overhead...I can always spot you." he said back with an affectionate tone, which would have made the Femme blush had she been able. And she would have said something back, but noticed that the Terracons were coming back.

"I guess we will have to put this moment on hold, until after we win this battle." she replied as Onyx noticed the incoming enemies, the two partners then equipped their swords and readied themselves.

"Their timing could be better." he said, earning a smirk from his spark-mate before they Both charged into the Terracons, cutting down the foes as they did so and spilled yet more energon in their path.

"So I take it since the Terracons are being pushed in the direction of my forces, that your plan was successful." the Femme asked as she sliced the head off one enemy unfortunate enough not to dodge her attack.

"Yes, my own forces have hit their northern front lines hard, pushing them further back into their own reserves." he replied while slicing then neck open of one Terracon, who in a frenzied panic stabbed his own mate in the side and killed him. But before he could bleed out, the Primal then sliced his head off as he and Airazor finished off the other two in easy fashion.

"Your idea to split up our forces and attack from different directions certainly looks to be working." the Femme said as the pair stood in the center of the bloody mess.

"Yes, this should make Predaking show his face now. I know he is here, I can smell him." Onyx replied before another wingless dragon burst out of the battle around the pair and ran up to them, this one had a three horns ranging from small to large on it's snout as it stopped before them.

"Rhinox!" the Maximal leader exclaimed as his friend transformed into a heavily built grey and green Cybertronian with red eyes.

"Primal, we are almost through their lines. Rat-Trap has sent word that a number of Predaking's lieutenants have appeared to regain control of the battle."

"Which means their leader cannot be far behind." Airazor added, earning a confident smile from Onyx.

"Right, So I want you two to hold our attack along with Jawbreaker and Nightshriek. I meanwhile will make myself known, so that if Predaking is out there then he will come to me…" the Maximal Leader said, gaining acknowledging nods from his friends.

"…and I will kill him." he added.

"With their Alpha dead, the Predacons will fall into disarray. So Airazor and I will make sure our forces maintain their focus in what should be our final battle. Good luck Primal, till all are one." Rhinox replied before transforming back into his beast form and returning to the battle. Airazor then walked right up to her spark-mate and cupped his face in her hand.

"I will be here when you are done, my Love."

"I will see you soon." he replied as he lowered his head to her own, letting them touch as he placed his hand on her chest-plate and she did the same.

"Go get him." she said back before he stepped back and nodded, then transformed back into his beast mode and flew up into the air. Airazor then did the same and rejoined the battle, fighting her way through the Terracons who were too preoccupied with her Maximal Brothers and Sisters.

Meanwhile, Onyx swooped back down into the battle, destroying one Terracon as he transformed back into his Cybertronian self, cutting down another enemy with his blade as his parts finished shifting around.

He then impaled another in the face with a second blade that had ejected from the Bot's armoured gauntlet, before ripping that blade back out and spinning around and slicing open the chest of another who was attacking from behind him.

As the bodies fell around the Maximal Leader, he could not help but wonder where his former blood brother was.

'Where is he? How many of his men do I have to kill?' he thought as he then defended himself from several more Terracons who charged at him. But as each one fell to his blades, falling to the ground to join their fallen comrades.

A familiar roar echoed through the sky, making Onyx look up to see the silhouette of Predaking's dragon form soaring through the sky as if watching the entire battle.

The Primal then transformed back into his beast mode and roared back, hoping to gain the Predacon Leader's attention. The beast then looked directly at Onyx and growled, but instead of flying straight for him, Predaking turned his yellow optics to an area far ahead of the Maximal and then roared as if he had spotted a target more to his choosing.

The massive dragon then dived down at the area making Oynx look at what his former friend was heading, straining his optics to zoom in.What his optics saw made them widen in horror as he saw Airazor fighting Scorponok and Blight, completely unaware of the danger flying down at her.

So the Maximal leader began running back, barging past fellow soldiers and enemies a like, Not caring about anything else but his Spark-mate.

But before he had gotten within a hundred yards of her, Predaking landed beside the Femme who had just finished off Blight and Scorponok, the former had his head removed while the latter fell to ground with a bloody slice that went the length of his torso.

Airazor turned round to see the Predacon leader transform into his heavily armoured bipedal form, a dark smile appearing on his face as he equipped his sword.

So she took on a defensive stance and readied herself to fight. Onyx though found himself slowed down by a large group of Predacon soldiers who like a dam, stopped him and caused the Bot to fight despite the fact that his love was facing their most skilled and deadly warrior.

Even as he fought back against the Terracons, Onyx could not keep his attention off Airazor or Predaking as the two began fighting with the Femme defending against the much larger Con's heavy attacks.

The Predacon leader swung his blade down at the Maximal who just managed to block the attack with her own sword, but did not have the strength to equal that of Predaking, so did enough to allow her to roll out of the way and gain some space between her and him.

Then the orange and black Con attacked again, which the Femme dodged before swiping her blade up through the air which caught Predaking's face, creating a slice from his cheek to his forehead in a diagonal cut. The Predacon grimaced as he pulled back, once again giving Airazor a moment to catch her breath.

But just after he wiped the dripping energon from his face, the Con's yellow optics narrowed and he stared daggers at her before roaring and charging her.

Onyx had just killed several Terracons in a row and finally cleared a path to the pair, but he looked up and suddenly felt his spark shatter as he witnessed Predaking breaking through Airazor's defences and stab her through the chest.

The Femme coughed up energon as she dropped her weapon which fell to the ground, with her quickly following as she collapsed to her knees. Onyx felt everything slow down around him as he screamed at the top of his voice while more Terracons moved in around him.

But all he could do was watch as Predaking stood over Airazor who looked up at him and spat energon in his direction, but the Con just wiped the liquid from his chest-plate and smiled back before glancing over in Onyx's direction, seeing the look of pure horror and desperation on his face before looking back to the Femme.

The Maximal Leader's optics then fell back to Airazor's who was looking back at him just as Predaking brought his blade up and readied himself to strike. The pair just kept their optics on each other as the blade then swung down and sliced through her neck in one clean motion.

The last thing Orion saw of Airazor was her head separating from her body as energon gushed out all over the place.

That image was forever burned into the Maximal's mind as he found himself back in the Normandy's cargo-bay with Quickstrike, who was looking back at him with a sorrowful and sympathetic expression.

"I am so sorry, Onyx." the blonde Autobot said, gaining a nod from the larger Bot.

"I never even got the chance to avenge Airazor's death, as the Cataclysm happened almost directly after. But what hurts my spark the most, is never hearing her call my name or feeling the warmth of her own spark with my own." the Maximal leader replied.

"I know what you mean…" Quickstrike said back with a knowing tone.

"...I would give anything to have Ser-Ket back in my arms, nothing would be out of bounds." he added.

"But the truth is…..we can't, no matter how much we want it. All we can do is live on and carry their memory within us, despite how much it hurts." Onyx replied, earning an accepting nod from Quickstrike as the pair stood there in silence.


Six-Shot marched up the corridor, his entire being was enraged by what he had witnessed on Shockblast's terminal. The Con had watched every video that had been decrypted from what he found out was Galvatron's private database, which had raised another question in his mind.

'Why did Shockblast go out of his to break into Galvatron's terminal, what made him want to do such a thing?' he thought as he turned a corner and spotted one of Bridge's Terracons walking toward him.

"Soldier, is Lord Galvatron on the Bridge?" he asked, in a tone that hid the majority of the anger he was feeling at this point.

"No, Sir. Our Lord is currently in his quarters." the Terracon replied, gaining a silent nod from his superior as he walked past.

"I believe he said he was not to be disturbed." the soldier added, but this fell on deaf ears as Six-Shot continued onwards, leaving the minion somewhat confused as he stood there in the corridor and watched.

In his quarters, Galvatron was busy looking through the reports he had received from the Captains of ships in the Predacon fleet.

But his attention was caught by the door to his room opening, making him turn to see Six-Shot standing in the doorway with his pistol equipped and pointed at the Predacon Leader. He had a look of pure hate on his face as he narrowed his eyes at Galvatron.

"Six-Shot, what is the meaning of this!" he blasted as he got up from his desk and stood before his lieutenant.

"You dare to ask questions of me? After what you did to Shockblast and myself." the Predacon spat back as he just entered the room, but not enough to make the door close behind him. Galvatron stared back in surprise, completely caught off guard by his minion's words.

" know, but how?"

"That is not important. The fact that my brother and I are not actually Predacons, but were...Autobots!" Six-Shot replied.

"You should be thanking me since when we originally met, you and your brother were weak and pathetic Cybertronians. But I reformatted you into stronger, more powerful beings." Galvatron said back in a justifying-like tone as he slowly moved his hand down toward his holstered pistol, but the other Predacon noticed and gestured for him to stop.

"Don't even think about it. You know I can't believe that we nearly killed that Asari for you, she was telling the truth about what you had done to us all along. Neither of us will ever remember the lives that you stole from us, and I can think of only one way to repay you for that." he said as his trigger finger started to tighten around his weapon's trigger but before he could end the Predacon Leader's life, a gunshot sounded out from behind him which made him flinch suddenly.

"Ugh!" he grimaced as he looked up at Galvatron in with a confused expression.

"What?" he added before falling to his knees as the Predacon Lord watched in surprise, then his eyes suddenly focused on the figure of Shockblast who walked into view and entered the doorway, earning a shocked look from his injured Brother.

"Shockblast? Why?" he said as blood filled his mouth, but the other Con merely looked down at him with a blank expression before aiming the pistol at Six-Shot's head and pulling the trigger. The shot went straight through his Brother's head, spattering blood on the wall of the doorway, before the body fell to the ground the head shot and back shot clear for Galvatron to see.

"Thank you, Shockblast." the Predacon Lord said back in a relieved manner, as the other Con looked down at the corpse of his late brother.

"Shockblast?" he asked again, making his Lieutenant turn his attention to him.

"It was logical to ensure that there would be no witnesses." Shockblast replied as he stared blankly at Galvatron, who's own expression had changed to confused.

"What?" he replied as the other Con suddenly aimed his weapon at him.

"I should never have agreed to clone you from my Liege...Megatron." Shockblast said back coldly, making Galvatron's eyes widen in shock.

"Shockwave?" he muttered back, gaining a nod from the Decepticon possessed Predacon.

"That is correct, it gives me a very logical sense of pride to finally be called by my actual name." Shockwave replied while never taking his aim from the Predacon leader.

"How...How are you here?" Galvatron asked in return.

"It took me a while to formulate a logical reason, but I would say that I am here because my memories slowly overcame the mind of the one you called Shockblast. Therefore, I now exist in this form and the other is forever erased." Shockwave replied as he stepped closer to his target.

"Once I knew that I was really here and in full control of this body, I began reading the Predacon files to discover what you had been up to since your reawakening, as well as decrypting your personal database. I never did find out what was there, but it is logical to believe that Six-Shot did so and that is the reason he was here to kill you, something that I will complete now."

"Shockwave, wait. If the details of your sudden resurrection are true, then it is because of 'me' that this happened." Galvatron pleaded knowing that he had to change his tactics to deal with this Decepticon, who would have no qualms with killing him there and then.

"Explain?" the Con replied with an emotionless tone.

"It was I that convinced Shockblast to download your memories into his mind. Had I not, then you would never have come to be here now."

"That is true, but I do not think that this is enough to not terminate your spark." Shockwave said back.

"True, but you said that you have studied our files. So surely you can see that I have accomplished more in my short time as Leader of Predacons, than Megatron ever did with his Decepticons." Galvatron replied with a confident tone underlining his words, earning a curious look from the Decepticon.

"That is logical, but..?"

"But? But what? You have been given a second chance at life, Shockwave. Something that would never have occurred if it had not been for me. So instead, I offer you a place among my Predacons, so that you can assist me with the conquering of this galaxy..." the Predacon Lord added, while Shockwave continued to stare back curiously.

"...and you will be able to continue with your scientific endeavours, no matter what they are." Galvatron then finished, a confident smile appearing on his face as he looked at the Decepticon who just stood there in a frozen pose. His gun still pointed at the Predacon Leader, though he had yet to pull the trigger.

"So will you join me or will you fire your weapon? Performing that action would make you a target to every Predacon on this ship. The choice is yours, Shockwave. I hope you make the logical one." Galvatron added while Shockwave stood there and contemplated his answer as the door to his quarters closed behind him.
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Re: Prime Effect 4

Postby Apollo-XL5 » Mon Mar 30, 2020 4:56 am

Motto: ""It's all in the reflexes.""
Weapon: Star Saber Sword

Liara and Nightracer sat at their respective terminals, busy searching through the data that had been retrieved from the Predacon lab on Cybertron.

They had both been at this for a few hours now, having found a number of entries that were interesting and informative about their enemies, and were completely focused on their work.

So much so that neither even blinked when the door behind them opened, with Orion entering while carrying a tray with two mugs of coffee on it.

"Thought you two could use a pick-me-up." the blue-haired Bot said, earning the women's attention as turned to face him.

"You read my mind, Orion." Nightracer replied as she took one of the hot mugs in her hands and smelt the aroma.

"Definitely need a caffeine fix now." she added before taking a sip of the drink, while Liara gave Orion a very appreciative smile as he handed her the second mug.

"You know, you didn't need to bring me a drink just so you could see me, Orion." the Asari said with a coy-like tone and smile, which made the Bot almost blush as he stood there in front of her.

"I know..." he said back with a smile before Nightracer faked a cough which made both Orion and Liara snap out of their little moment.

" how are you two getting along with the Intel?" the Bot asked with a slightly guilty tone, as he had forgotten that the Femme was even there.

"We have come across a lot of interesting and helpful data about the Predacons in the project of the same name." Nightracer replied before taking another sip of her drink.

"And we have also come across a number of coordinates that had been deciphered from Project Iacon, half of them were already highlighted as found." Liara added as she brought up the data on one of her holo-screens.

"I remember my Dad telling me stories about this since it happened during the Earth-bound part of the Autobot/Decepticon War. These marked coordinates are where both sides had found a number of relics and weapons which had been launched from Cybertron, with the Star Saber being the last one to be located." Orion said back, gaining nods from the women.

"That is only because these last few coordinates are located elsewhere in the galaxy, so I guess neither the Autobots or Decepticons were able to search for these last ones." the Asari replied.

"I wonder what those ones are, maybe something like the 'Blades of Time' or the 'Requiem Blaster'." Nightracer said with a curious expression as she brought the images of both up on her own screen, earning the attention of Liara and Orion.

"Who knows, but we should send this data back to Autobot Command. They can then send out ships to these other co-ordinates and retrieve whatever is there, better they are in our hands than the Predacons." the blue-haired Bot said.

"We were going to do just that." Liara said back with a knowing look, before turning her attention to the holo-screen on her far left which had the image of a bar scrolling from left to right and a percentage counting upwards on it.

"What's this doing?" Orion then asked as he looked at the screen.

"It's just decrypting another portion of the Intel..." Liara replied before it suddenly stopped at one hundred percent and pinged.

"...and it is done." she added before typing on the holo-interface, bringing up a list of codes which made Nightracer's eyes widen as she recognised them.

"By the All-spark, we have just hit the jackpot." she exclaimed as Orion's face mirrored her own as he too recognised it.

"What are they?" Liara asked with a confused tone, having noticed the looks on her friends faces.

"They are Predacon communication frequencies, meaning we can now listen in on their transmissions now." the blue-haired Bot said back with a smile.

With this significant discovery now in their hands, the trio made their way to the CIC.

Exiting the elevator to find Rodimus, Shen, Quickstrike, Smokescreen and Grunt standing next to the galaxy map, along with a holo-screen showing Onyx Primal looking back at them.

"So you're saying we can now eavesdrop on the Predacons...that's awesome." Smokescreen said with an enthusiastic tone, one that gained mirroring looks from the others around him.

"That's right. We just need to cycle through the frequencies until we find the one they are using." Nightracer replied as Orion activated his holo-tool and connected it with the galaxy map's holo-emitter, making the image of the galaxy disappear and replacing it with a com-link frequency program.

"Good work, so let's begin." Rodimus said as he looked over to Liara and Nightracer, earning nods in return from them as Orion tapped a button on his holo-tool and activated the program, which began to search through each frequency.

"With this, we will be able to stop any Predacon attack before it happens. Maybe even figure out the locations of all their ships, letting us take the offensive." Grunt observed before the program suddenly stopped on one frequency and analysed it.

"Looks like we have found one." Orion stated before an unfamiliar voice suddenly spoke from the CIC speakers.

"This is the former Omega cruiser 'Venture' to the 'Nemesis', do you read?"

"Acknowledged, read you loud and clear." a female voice replied, one that several of the group recognised, especially Quickstrike.

"Rip-Claw!" he said, his voice tinged with anger.

"Quiet." Rodimus said back as everyone focused on the transmission.

"We are currently in the Traverse, near the galactic core. Orbiting a planet which the database calls 'Scissio'. It's data file claims that the planet is uninhabited and yet we are detecting an energy reading from it's northern hemisphere, it is only just readable but I believe that Lord Galvatron wished to be notified if we found such a reading." the Venture's officer said back.

"That is correct, I will inform our Lord of your findings. Good work, Venture, we will be there shortly….Nemesis out." Rip-Claw finished, ending the transmission.

"Looks like we have our next destination." Grunt said, gaining a nod from Rodimus.

"Indeed, I will relay this information back to Autobot Command." he said before tapping his com-link.

"Jetstorm, I am sending you some coordinates, please set a course for this planet and prepare to engage the space-bridge generator."

"Roger that." the pilot replied as the Commander then turned his attention to Orion.

"Better get your team ready, we will be moving momentarily."

"Yes, Sir." his XO replied before looking back at the others.

"Let's get suited up." the blue-haired Bot the said, gaining nods from everyone else as they headed for the elevator and got inside, with it's doors closing behind them once the group had entered it. Once gone, Rodimus returned his attention to the galaxy map and activated his holo-tool.

"Get me a secure channel to Autobot Command."


The doors to Galvatron quarters opened and both the Predacon Lord and Shockwave exited the room together, as the former placed his hand on the latter's shoulder.

"You have made the right choice, Shockwave. Together, we will strengthen the Predacons and truly bring this galaxy under our rule. This will be the age of the Predacons."

"If I may say, I do not believe that it would be logical to let the rest of them know of my real identity. It is doubtful that they would understand." the Decepticon replied, gaining a nod from Galvatron.

"I agree, it will be easier to convince the others of Six-Shot's duplicity since he has shown elements of it already, very well. When you are out among the rest, you are to keep Shockblast's identity. I alone will call you by your real name and then only when we are alone."

Then before either Con could speak again, the ship's inter-com activated.

"Lord Galvatron, this is Rip-Claw speaking." the Femme then announced, earning a low growl from the Predacon Leader.

"Yes, I read you. What is it?" he replied with a sour tone to his voice, which was easily picked up by the Femme.

"...uh… my of our ships, the Venture, has picked up an anomalous reading on a planet in the Traverse."

Galvatron's eyes widened as he realised what this meant, and that was not the only sign he received as he felt his Master's presence surround him again.

"That is where the Chaos Edge lies my Herald, I can feel it in 'our' spark." Unicron's voice spoke in the mind of the Predacon Leader.

'I agree, Master.' he thought back, earning a curious expression from Shockwave.

"My Liege...?" he asked, before Galvatron looked back at him after a moment of silence.


"You had gone quiet for a moment, is everything alright?" the Decepticon replied.

"Yes, everything is fine..." the Predacon Lord replied as he felt Unicron's presence fade away again, and then returned his attention to the inter-Com.

"Rip-Claw, have the planet's coordinates plotted into the space bridge generator and open a portal. I will join you in the CIC at once." he commanded.

"Yes, my Lord." the Femme replied before the transmission ended, leaving Galvatron alone with Shockwave again.

"I should return to my laboratory and restart my projects." the Decepticon stated, earning a nod from his leader.

"Of course, Shockwave. Also, there is something I will have transported there for you later on." Galvatron replied, gaining a curious expression from Shockwave.


"More like someone. A person who has betrayed our cause. I have read your files on this….person, she has disgusted me that much that I cannot even bring myself to say her name. But you have a lot of experience with her and I believe you can correct her and return the Femme to our ranks." the Predacon Leader answered.

"Of course, my Liege." Shockwave replied before walking away towards an elevator while Galvatron headed towards the CIC.

A moment later, and the Predacon Lord entered the Command center to the sight of a space bridge vortex opening beyond the glass canopy that separated the Predacons there from the void of space, the green energy of the portal pulsing before them.

"Report!" Galvatron commanded as he joined Rip-Claw on the catwalk that overlooked the Terracons, who were working at their stations below.

"My Lord, the Nemesis is ready to join the Venture in orbit around Scissio. Only your word is required to proceed." the Femme replied.

"The word is given, take us to Scissio." he said back, earning a nod from the Terracon at the helm. And then almost instantly the Nemesis began moving toward the space-bridge, it's bright green spiral growing larger as they closed in.

"Rip-Claw, stand at ease." Galvatron then said, earning a confused and uncertain expression from the Femme.

"My Lord?"

"I know what you are thinking, but you can relax. Six-Shot has taken on your punishment." the Predacon Leader replied, gaining a surprised look from her instead.

"What?" the Femme said back in an almost stunned tone, while Galvatron stared back with a resolute stare.

"He attacked me and I killed him for it, because I will not suffer insubordination from anyone under my command….is that clear?"

Yes, Sir. Does that mean you are giving me another chance. Because I feel shame, all the way to the core of my spark for failing you on Omicron." Rip-Claw replied with a regretful tone, earning a nod from the Predacon Lord who narrowed his eyes at her.

"Yes, but now stop your groveling or else I will change my mind." he spat back, gaining a sudden alert expression from the Femme who began to step away and nod.

"Yes, Sir, of course. Just give me an order and I will see it done." she replied with a tinge of fear in her voice, making Galvatron roll his eyes before staring back at her.

"I want you to prepare a platoon of Terracons to join me down on the planet along with Blight, Vertebreak, Lazerback and Darksteel. I also want Predaking, Skystalker and Grimwing on standby in case we have any trouble with the Autobots and their own Predacon beast appear, though that should be highly unlikely."

"Of course, my Lord, I will see it done." Rip-Claw replied before turning around and walking out of the CIC just as the Nemesis entered the vortex, then a bright flash later the view changed as Galvatron could see a brown and green planet beyond the glass canopy as the ship exited the portal and entered orbit of Scissio with the Venture entering formation alongside it.


While the Predacons began to ready their ground-forces on their side of the planet, the Normandy in its stealth mode entered Scissio's orbit on it's other side. In the Cargo-bay, the entire team were readying themselves for the fight ahead as they checked their armour and weapons. Rodimus entered the room and immediately gained everyone's attention as they stared in surprise, since the Commander was in his own armour.

"Rodimus, you're coming with us on this one?" Smokescreen asked, gaining a nod from the leader as he walked over to the weapons locker and picked out a pistol and assault rifle.

"Yes, since Autobot Command feels that this mission could be the most significant engagement of our conflict with the Predacons." he replied, earning a smile from the Bot and a nod from Grunt who stood at his side.

"It's been too long since we last fought together." the Krogan replied as he placed a hand on the Commander's shoulder for a second.

"So, what is the mission?" Shen asked, gaining the trio's attention.

"Our sensors have detected two signals from the planet's surface, which are both within several kilometres of each other. One is the strange energy signature...the very reason that the Predacons are even here, while the other was a ground-bridge of which two MAKOs and a platoon of Terracons exited from." Rodimus said back before looking over at Orion.

"Now, one of the vehicles has left the area, moving towards the mystery reading. Which means that the other MAKO and the remaining troops make up a sort of FOB."

"Why's that then? I mean surely they could just open another ground-bridge elsewhere." Quickstrike said back with a confused tone, making the Autobot Commander shake his head in return.

"Well, this planet is certainly very different from most planets in our galaxy, our sensor scans have picked up an anomalous energy reading which appears to surround and bind the planet to its very core." Rodimus said as he activated his holo-tool and brought up the scans of Scissio.

"I am no scientist, but it looks like the planet is only half here and half elsewhere. The only really solid piece of information here is that it is in an unstable condition." he added as Liara stepped toward the image with a thoughtful expression.

"What you're talking about sounds like a dimensional flux." she said, gaining curious looks from everyone.

"Could we get an explanation to go with that please?" Shen then asked.

"It was a theory I remember hearing about that was doing the rounds in the Asari Scientific community, though I do not remember the name of the individual who produced the theory. But 'dimensional flux' is when something has been caught between two separate but neighboring dimensions or universes. Like most Asari, I did not take to this theory since there had never been any evidence to support the claim, I guess we were all wrong." the Asari replied.

"Theories aside, whatever the planet is going through will hinder our ground and space-bridge ability inside its atmosphere, just like it has for the Predacons. We can only open up a Vortex in one location, that is why the enemy is defending that area. It is their only avenue back to the Nemesis." Rodimus replied, earning a nod from Orion.

"So I take it we will be taking the area back from them." he said back with a knowing tone.

"Exactly, we will attack their beach-head after Galvatron has left to investigate the anomalous reading. Then we will split up into two teams, Orion, you will take your team and pursue the Predacon leader. Your job will be to stop him from acquiring whatever it is that he is after. My team will stay and prepare an ambush, on the off chance you are not successful." the Commander replied, before looking over at the others.

"Smokescreen, Grunt, you will be with me and, Shen, you will take up a sniper position."

The three nodded as Orion Stood beside the others not already named by Rodimus.

"So I will take Liara, Quickstrike and Nightracer with me after Galvatron."

"Yes...and, Onyx, if you could join us too. Just on the chance that the other Predacon beasts appear." the Commander added, earning a nod from the Maximal on the holo-screen.

"Of course." he replied, gaining a confident smile from Rodimus who then tapped his com-link.

"Alright, Jetstorm, prepare to open a ground-bridge at the coordinates stated, we will let Onyx through first before the rest of us follow through..." he said before equipping his rifle and looking back at the others.

"...Let's get on with it."


Down on the surface of Scissio, its landscape was a mixture of mountains and hill-like terrain. The later being covered mostly in grass, giving a strong green vibe to the it which was well balanced against the brown dirt of the mountains. Standing in what could only be described as a valley, a Terracon was walking round the currently not in use MAKO, keeping vigil as he patrolled the area alongside his comrades when his com-link activated.

"Th…is…..Galva…tron….rep..rt… ." the Predacon Leader spoke over the link, earning a confused expression from the soldier.

"My Lord? I can not understand, there is too much interference over the com-link." he replied with a slightly fearful tone as he could just imagine the reaction of his leader at this very moment.

" !…I…ca..nt…ma..e…yo…ot!" Galvatron spat back through the crackling and hissing noises, and the tone of his voice sent dread through the Terracon's spark before the transmission fizzled out.

"My Lord? My Lord?" he said back before his attention was caught by what sounded like a strong wind in the distance.

"Did you hear that?" he said to the other Terracon closest to him, earning the Con's attention.

"Yeah, sounds like we might have a storm on the way." his friend said back, making him shake his head in return.

"This whole planet is wrong, I mean there isn't just the energy reading that Lord Galvatron is investigating. Everything here is strange, from the anomalous readings that this place is giving off and now weather patterns that come out of nowhere. I just want to get back to the ship."

Then the wind picked up again, earning the attention of every Terracon there as they stood alert, with their weapons ready.

"I don't think that sounds like a..." another soldier said before suddenly a jet black Dragon flew low overhead, with the Terracons caught in his wake being knocked to the ground by it's force.

"That's not one of ours." one Terracon said as the beast flew back around and started to circle the group, making the enemies fire back with their weapons once they got back to their feet.

"That one is with the Autobots, kill it." the lead Terracon ordered, while another equipped a rocket launcher and aimed it at the Dragon.


The soldier then pulled the trigger and fired the rocket, which shot soared up into the air towards the giant beast.

Unfortunately for the group, the black dragon had spotted the incoming projectile and managed to evade it, by spinning around onto it's back and folding in it's wings.

The beast then started to fall, but this was enough to make the projectile miss its target and fly over the metallic creature harmlessly as continued into the open air behind it.

The black dragon turned it's body back around and extended its wings, catching the air beneath them and stopping it's decent as the beast began to fly again.

"Damn it..." the lead Terracon spat before he interrupted by the sound of a rifle being shot echoed around him, making the Con look around until he saw one of his comrades fall dead to the ground.

"We're under attack, defend the area." he shouted before kneeling down and tapping his com-link.

"Lord Galvatron, we are under attack. I repeat we are..." he said in a hurried and alert tone before he was quickly cut off by a bullet flying straight through his head.

"Now" Rodimus then shouted as he and the rest of the Autobots revealed themselves from their hiding places in the long grass, gunning down the hapless Terracons who stood in their way.

Meanwhile, above everyone else, Onyx Primal opened his jaws and released several fireballs which hit spots around the battle, trying to scare the enemy even more which was working as several panicked when the ground burst to into flames near them, making them scramble into view of the other Bots who then gunned them down.

But as the Terracons positioned in the open around the beachhead fell, there were three who were using the remaining MAKO as cover so that they could safely return fire against their enemies. Orion was in a kneeling position as he fired back at the Terracons and beside him stood Liara, who had erected a biotic barrier to protect them.

"Liara, you can make this barrier move with us, right?" he asked as the Asari had her hands outstretched before her, focusing on maintaining the barrier.

"Of course, why are you asking?" she replied with a curious tone, earning a confident smile from the blue-haired Bot with bullets continued to impact against the energy field in front of them.

"Then let's get those Terracons." he said, gaining a smile from Liara who nodded and then looked back towards the enemy soldiers, who were still firing at them despite none of their shots penetrating the barrier.

So the pair started to move forward, toward the Terracons who tried nothing else other than what they had already been doing.

Liara kept her mind focused on the barrier, pushing aside any thoughts that could weaken the energy field as Orion holstered the assault rifle on his back in the right slot and then unsheathed the Star-Saber, before readying himself to attack as the pair were now only a few feet from the Terracons, while the rest of the Autobots finished off the others.

The enemies then suddenly dropped their weapons and launched themselves at the Bot and Asari, activating their beast modes and becoming enraged.

"Now!" the blue haired Bot exclaimed as Liara dropped the barrier and Orion swung the Saber at the nearest Terracon, it's blade glowing blue as it sliced clean through the enemy. Meanwhile his Asari companion used a biotic slam to knock the Terracon closest to her into the side of the MAKO, as Orion moved onto the next beast-like soldier while his first kill lay on the ground in two parts.

He sliced off it's arm with the Star Saber before running the blade through it's chest, making the beast-man cry out in pain. The Spectre then quickly pulled the Saber back out and immediately decapitated the Terracon, before noticing that all the enemies in the area were now dead.

"Wow." Quickstrike exclaimed, making both Orion and Liara turn round to see the blonde Bot staring at the Star-Saber in his cousin's hand, it's blade still glowing a gentle blue.

"I thought you couldn't use it like that, I mean only a Prime can make it glow that way…right?"

The blue-haired Bot looked back and shrugged his shoulders.

"I just focused on the blade, but I cannot unleash energy waves. I guess that feature really does require you to be a Prime." he replied with a slightly uncomfortable tone, having noticed that everyone else was now standing around the pair with impressed expressions on their faces, just as Onyx Primal landed and transformed back into his Cybertronian form.

"I could do with a blade like that." Grunt said a somewhat jealous tone, which earned a smirk from Smokescreen as he stood beside him.

"You don't need it, Grunt, you can tear people apart with your bare hands." he joked, earning a low growl from the Krogan.

"Good job, everyone. Phase one of the plan is a success. We have control of the beach-head, now…." Rodimus began to say before stopping short, since his attention was drawn to Shen running up to the group from his sniper-spot.

"Shen, what you doing here?"

"Rodimus, I thought I would come down and tell you guys in person that our com-links will not work." the Turian replied, gaining a confused expression from the Commander.

"What are you talking about….." he replied before tapping his com-link.

"…Normandy, come in…..Normandy, this is Rodimus….come in?"

But the only response Rodimus received was static, so he looked back at Shen who had a knowing expression in return.

"My sniper rifle has a microphone that can pick up conversations at certain ranges, and I could see that the Terracons were having similar issues trying to contact Galvatron."

"So that means we can't keep in touch with each other or the ship….perfect." Quickstrike replied with a tinge of annoyance in his tone.

"Well then, it's a good job that I have a remote control to the ground-bridge isn't it." Rodimus said back as he activated his holo-tool, revealing the remote trigger to the team.

"Now that is a relief." Shen said as Orion took a step towards the Commander.

"But this also gives us an advantage, since the Terracons would be unable to warn Galvatron that we were here." the young Darby said, gaining a nod from Rodimus.

"Exactly, and we should get a move on. So, Orion, take the MAKO with your team and intercept Galvatron. My team and I will dig in here and prepare a surprise for the Predacons, should they manage to get back with whatever it is they are after."

"Alright, Liara, Nightracer, Quickstrike. Let's go." the blue-haired Bot said back as he opened the vehicle's door access hatch with his holo-tool, then the two women and his cousin got inside before the Spectre took one last look at Rodimus and the others.

"Good luck."

"Good luck to us all, Orion." the Commander replied, earning a nod from the blue-haired Bot before he got into the MAKO and closed the hatch behind him. Then the vehicle's engine activated and it moved away from the area, following the tracks left by Galvatron's as the other team watched.

"Alright. Shen, get back to your spot and keep an eye out. Smokescreen, Grunt….time to dig in." Rodimus then said, earning nods from the others as they began preparing for what could likely be the last battle.
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Re: Prime Effect 4

Postby Apollo-XL5 » Tue Apr 07, 2020 9:38 am

Motto: ""It's all in the reflexes.""
Weapon: Star Saber Sword

As the MAKO traversed the grass covered plains, following the tracks left by Galvatron and his own vehicle. Orion sat in the driver's seat and controlled the heavily armoured tank via it's holo-interface directly in front of him, Liara sat beside him in the passenger's seat while Nightracer and Quickstrike were located behind them.

"Orion, you're noticing this too, right?" the Asari asked while gesturing to environment they were passing through, earning a curious look from the Spectre.

"If you mean how the vegetation is slowly disappearing around us, yes I have noticed this Liara." he replied as both looked at the monitors in front of them, showing the greenery which had been so prominent when they had arrived on Scissio slowly decaying to brown and grey rock and dirt.

"It must be something to do with the energy signal, which is getting stronger the more with close on it." Orion replied as he saw the environment they were passing through become even more desolate and lifeless, with the hilly terrain being replaced with a mountainous region.

"Er… ,Guys, you noticing that?" Quickstrike asked as he pointed at one monitor, which was showing the outskirts of one set of small mountains that stretches across the horizon and yet had a curvature to it.

"I can't see the readouts from your console, Orion, but my guess is that energy signature is coming from over those mountains ahead of us." the blond Bot added, making his cousin who look down at the sensors before nodding back.

"Yeah, that's where it is coming from. So I say we take this a little closer and then carry on by foot, hiding the MAKO behind one of those rock formations at their base."

"Good idea, the mountains are not shaped like what we have come to expect from mountains. I just ran a scan of the area ahead, it seems that this region was created from what looks like to me like an earthquake, one that started from where ever this energy signal is located and spread outwards." Liara replied as she focused on the holo-interface before her.

"Like when a tsunami is formed in an ocean?" Nightracer asked, gaining a nod from the Asari.

"Exactly, a very powerful event must have occurred just over those mountains that changed the environment to what it is now."

"And now Galvatron wants to get his hands on it." Quickstrike added, earning a serious expression from his cousin who looked back at the others.

"Let's make sure he doesn't then." he said as the MAKO continued to close in on the location.

Meanwhile, just ahead of them. Galvatron sat in the passenger's seat of his MAKO with Lazerback in the driver's seat and looking at the holo-displays in front, while the other Predacons took up the aft section of the vehicle.

Their journey was almost over as the MAKO reached the top, which made the Predacon's eyes widen as he stared at the image on the screen.

For what it was like nothing he had seen before, as in front of the vehicle was a massive impact crater several miles wide.

The mountain they had climbed was actually no mountain, but instead the crater's ejecta which ran it's entire circumference.

"That's unbelievable." Lazerback said, while the other Predacons and Terracons got up from their seats to look at the images appearing on the monitors.

"That is some powerful scrap that made that." Darksteel replied, earning a dark grin from Galvatron.

"And it will be mine. Lazerback, take us down to it's center now." he then added, gaining a nod from the Predacon as the MAKO drove down into the depths of the crater.

Several minutes later and the vehicle came to a abrupt stop, it's wheels kicking up some dust in the process before the access hatch on it's side opened up and Galvatron climbed out and took in his surroundings. For he was now standing in the Bottom of crater which was that deep, it had blocked out the sunlight and cooled the air around him and his Predacons.

"Chilly." Blight said as he saw his own breath in front of him while he and the others climbed out and joined their Leader. But Galvatron merely ignored his men as his attention was caught by what was directly in the center of the sunk-in area only a few metres away.

"There it is." he said while looking at two swords embedded in the ground blade first, one was rusty and ancient, looking somewhat familiar to Galvatron yet he could not put his finger on why, while the other pulsed with red energy that was flowing down the engraved patterns on it's blade.

"What in the pit...why is there two swords embedded at the center of this crater?" Lazerback asked with a confused tone, while his leader walked closer to the blades.

"My Lord, perhaps you should keep your distance. We know nothing of..." Vertabreak said with a worried tone, but Galvatron continued toward the blades, reaching out his hand to the hilt of the red one.

"There is nothing to fear, I know what I am doing." he replied while never taking his eyes off the sword.

"But..." the Predacon said back, before he was suddenly cut off by the sight of Galvatron gripping his hand around the weapon's hilt and pulling it out from the ground and into the air.

"The Chaos Edge, at is back in 'my hands'." he exclaimed, gaining confused expressions from his Predacon warriors.

"What do you mean...back in your hands?" Lazerback asked before the ground, as if on cue started to shake as a tremor hit the crater from beneath.

"What in the scrap is happening now?" Blight said, his voice tinged with fear as the ground continued to shake. But even as this tremor shook the ground and area around them, Galvatron did not even notice as he looked up at the red glowing blade in his hand. But then he suddenly tensed up as if he was having a sort of seizure, his eyes glowed purple and the energy glowing from within the engravings changed from red to purple.

"What's happening to him?" Vertabreak exclaimed in a frightened tone, which made Blight rush over to his master and attempt to snap Galvatron out of it by grabbing his shoulder. But instead there was a flash of red ane purple energy which suddenly sent the Con flying.

"Blight!" Lazerback shouted as Vertebreak rushed to his hurt comrade and helped him back to his feet, all the while Galvatron continued to be frozen while holding aloft the blade.

"What's happened to him?" Vertebreak asked as the trio just stared at their Master.

"I have no idea, but don't touch him." Lazerback replied, gaining a knowing look from the Con.

"Yeah like I am going to try that now, after what just happened to Blight."

"But what can we do to help Lord Galvatron?" Lazerback asked as the three looked back at their Master, who was frozen to the spot as his mind became overwhelmed by images and sounds.

'The Predacon Leader found himself standing in grass covered plains as day gave way to night with 'dusk' taking over the sky above him, and he noticed that the plains went on for as far as the eye could see. But as he took in his surroundings, his attention was quickly turned by the sounds of metal and foot falls approaching from behind him and so turned round to see an army of soldiers marching towards him in columns alongside what looked like tanks and other heavy artillery.

They looked almost Cybertronian in their features but were wearing armour that looked alien to the Predacon Lord, which could only be described like liquid metal being held into smooth and sublime stylings that made the soldiers look god-like in their appearance.

Each soldier was carrying a staff-like weapon in one hand and a circular shield in the other, while also keeping a sword holstered on their utility belts. The tanks and machinery accompanying them looked of similar design to their armour and weapons, and all ground vehicles were hovering nearly a foot off the ground as they moved, emitting a low white light from their under-carriage.

'[i]Must be some kind of anti-gravity tech.
' Galvatron thought as he found himself in the center of this large army which continued onwards, and still none of the soldiers acknowledged Galvatron as they passed him, earning a confused expression from the Predacon.

'Is this real? Why can't they see me?' he thought before suddenly everyone stopped, including the soldiers and the vehicles.

'What is happening?' Galvatron could not help but think before his spark started to warm, which made the Predacon look to his left just as a soldier stopped beside him. He certainly was no ordinary soldier as he was wearing a dark gold and bronze armour with matching helmet which had two curved spikes, on either side reaching for the heavens. His armour had a similar design with large curved spikes on his shoulder guards and smaller ones on his gauntlets, and his boots had two twin spikes covering his knees.

Galvatron took a look at the newcomer's face and saw that he had a very well-trimmed beard that went down into a single point like the edge of a knife, as well as red glowing optics. And while this all earned a very familiar feeling from the Predacon Leader, it was not until this man unsheathed his blade that he truly recognised him.

'That's the Chaos Edge…it's Unicron…..but that means that this must be before written history...I cannot believe my eyes.' he thought before another soldier wearing a similar gold and silver armour, which looked far less threatening and more like the armour that had been worn by Jackson Prime. This soldier looked very similar to Unicron except for the beard and blue optics, he also held in his right hand a blade which suddenly brought up the memories of Megatron inside the Predacon's mind.

'That looks almost like the Star-Saber'.' he started to think before he was interrupted as Unicron turned to the other, looking right through Galvatron as though he was not even there.

"How are you feeling, Brother?" he asked, making the Predacon observer's eyes widen as he then knew who the second person was.


"I am ready, Unicron, as are our forces. I just hope the others are ready with their own, or else this will be a very short battle." his brother replied before looking away to the eastern horizon with a concerned expression, which did not go unnoticed by Unicron.

"Do not fret, Primus, the others will be ready. And so will Theia, I doubt your bond-partner would wish to fight anywhere other than at your side in this battle." he said back in a supportive tone as he placed his free hand on Primus's shoulder.

"She will be at your side by the time this battle is over, and we will all share in the glory of this day."

"I wish I shared your confidence brother, but then again you always did enjoy fighting more than I." Primus replied as he sighed, for he could see it in Unicron's optics….that desire for battle and warfare which had always eluded himself.

"My brother, always worried for my well-being. Well fear not, for as long as you are fighting at my side, we will never be defeated….not even by this 'darkness' that has blighted our species since we arrived on this planet."

"You mean that 'mistake' the High Council should never have let happen." Primus replied, earning a knowing look from Unicron.

"What the Council did was the for the best of all 'Aeonians', our Empire stretches across the entire universe because of their leadership. We are practically 'Gods' compared to the organic species we have come across in our expansion, so what is wrong with acquiring the power to make us so?"

"Because if God-hood is really meant to be in our reach, then fate will see it so. But because we tried to force it to happen, we instead brought on the very 'darkness' that we have barely held at bay." Primus replied, gaining an optic roll from his brother.

"Even with the fate of our entire species on the line, you can still find the time to disagree with me, Primus. I find it a small victory when we do agree on something."

"If the force behind creation wanted us to all be of one mind and opinion, then we would not have been given free will. Besides, despite all your grievances with us not being able to agree on most things. I know that deep down, you actually like arguing with me." Primus replied with a smirk, that made his brother sigh and smile back.

"You know me so well, Brother."

Then before anything else could be said, one of the soldiers approached the brothers, making them both look in his direction.

"Lord Unicron, Lord Primus. I have just received word from the other Lords….they are ready to attack when you are." he said, earning a nod from Unicron while his brother looked toward the plains directly in front of them.

"That's good timing, because 'its' coming our way." he replied while raising his blade towards the massive black liquid-like mass which broke free from the ground and began moving towards the army and with that Unicron and Primus moved to the front-line and faced their men, while Galvatron continued to observe quietly.

"Aeonians, hear me." Unicron shouted, earning the attention of each and every soldier within the range of his voice.

"We stand on the edge of an abyss, with our sparks now the only light that stands against the void which threatens to consume the entire universe and ourselves with it. But we shall not fear the darkness for we are Aeonians. We never give up and we never fail, and so we will conquer this 'force' and prove once again to the entire cosmos why we were why we were the 'first'…and why we are still here!" he added while thrusting the Chaos Edge into the air.

"For Aeonia!" he then screamed at the top of his voice, earning a mirrored reaction from every single Bot and Femme standing there in the army before him and his brother. Unicron then turned and thrust his sword toward the approaching darkness, Primus standing beside him with his Saber drawn.

"Attack!" he then finished before both brothers then charged towards the danger, with their whole army following behind as they ran past Galvatron who could only watch as the battle began before his very eyes. But even though this unknown and undocumented event was occurring right in front of his being, he found his attention was taken by what looked like a star shining far more brightly in the sea of stars that blanketed the sky of Scissio. The Predacon Leader stared up at the constellation that this one brightest star was shining in, and a name came to his mind.
'That must be where the planet Unicron was on about is located….'Aeonia'.' he thought before suddenly everything went white around him, making the Con close his eyes.'

"Lord Galvatron…" a familiar voice then called, which made the Predacon Leader reopen his eyes and find himself surrounded by his lieutenants at the crater's center once again.

"…are you alright, my Lord?" Lazerback asked while Galvatron looked around, as if still not entirely convinced look on his face.

"My Lord?" the Predacon then repeated, earning a nod from his Master who looked back at him and smiled.

"I am fine, Lazerback…..and thanks to this relic, I know where the Predacon cause can achieve its greatest victory." he added while the others looked at the blade in his possession.

"What do you mean, Lord Galvatron?" Blight replied with a curious expression.

"I was shown a vision of the distant past, a battle that was fought on this very planet." the Predacon Lord replied, which heightened the curiosity of the group as they stood round him.

"What battle? Who was involved and what was it about?" Vertabreak asked.

"It does not matter, Vertabreak, it has long since past and knowledge of it is not a requirement for our cause. But we need to get back to the Nemesis,so I can find our next destination via the galaxy map." Galvatron replied, earning a disappointed expression from the Con while the others looked ready to move.

"You're not going anywhere!" a voice suddenly spoke out, making his Lieutenants and Terracons turn round with their weapons to find Orion and his team standing in their way with their own weapons ready.

"Autobots!" Blight spat as he opened fire on their enemies, making the Bots dive for cover behind the boulders that were scattered around the area. The his comrades and the soldiers with them joined him as they kept the pressure with continuous fire on Orion and his friends, who returned the weapons fire in kind from the boulders, taking down three of the several Terracons supporting the other Predacons.

"Looks like we could use a hand here, they outnumber us three to one". Nightracer said, earning a smile from Orion who then shot two Terracons down in a row.

"I think we can handle them." he replied, as Quickstrike noticed the blade in the Predacon Leader's hand.

"What was that sword in Galvatron's hand?" he said over the sound of the gunfire to his cousin as Nightracer and Liara returned fire.

"I don't know, but we can't let him keep it." the blue-haired Bot replied while the Asari next to him spotted the other blade still embedded in the ground next to the Predacon group.

"Is it me or does that look like your Star Saber?" she asked, earning a curious look from Orion as he took a glance at the said blade.

"It does look very similar, let's take care of his entourage so we can ask him." he replied with a hint of sarcasm, which made the others smile as his cousin killed another Terracon.

Meanwhile, Lazerback had noticed how quickly they were losing the advantage and looked back at his Master, a serious expression on his face.

"My Lord, we need to get you out of here." he said, gaining a nod from Galvatron.

"Yes, we can not afford for this distraction to delay us." he replied, as Blight emptied a clip against the Autobots and took cover to reload.

"Then Lazerback, you, and Darksteel get our Lord out of here. Vertabreak and I can cover your escape." he said as he looked at them all, his expression was very serious and composed. They could see that he was committed to this decision, as did Vertabreak.

"Very well, but I will not leave you on this planet. Once we are clear, get free of this area and I will have a shuttle pick you up once I am back on the Nemesis." Galvatron replied, earning nods from the pair.

"What are they up to?" Quickstrike asked before suddenly a grenade was thrown into the open ground between the two groups.

"Grenade!" Nightracer shouted as they remained behind their cover as the device exploded, and the air was once again filled with gun fire as the Predacons continued their defence. Orion took a peek from behind his boulder and fired his weapon back at the enemies, killing the last Terracon before noticing that only two Predacons remained in the area.

"Where are the others?" he shouted to his friends who were still returning fire, which was impacting harmlessly against the large rocks that the Cons were behind.

"There, they are heading for their MAKO." Liara replied as she pointed to Galvatron, Lazerback and Darksteel who had made it to their vehicle.

"Damn it, we've got to stop them." the blue-haired Bot stated with a tinge of anger to his voice as they watched the MAKO then power up and take off back up to the top of the crater, before refocusing on the Predacons still attacking them.

Onboard the Predacon vehicle, Galvatron activated his holo-tool and began typing on it's keyboard, earning a puzzled expression from Darksteel.

"My Lord, what are you doing?"

"We cannot use our com-links down here, so I am sending a timed pulse signal that should pass through the interference in the atmosphere and to our ships."

"You mean something similar to what Humans called Morse code?" Lazerback asked while keeping his attention on his driving.

"Exactly, I found this data entry on the Federation database. And our computers should recognise and translate it for those on board, so that they can send us some back-up." the Predacon Leader replied while he continued to type, before then pressing the send button.

"Done, now we have no choice but to wait," he added, earning nods from his Predacons.

"Should we stop and wait, or carry on back to the ground-bridge? I mean there are probably Autobots there waiting for us," Lazerback replied.

"Carry on, we can't let them stop us." the Predacon Lord said back as their MAKO crossed over the crater-s ejecta and back down it's mountainous side.

While this was happening, Orion and his friends found themselves pinned down by the two remaining Predacons, as they had moved to two separate locations and were relentless in their attacks.

"Why couldn't it be just two Terracons remaining, they are so easy to kill compared to these guys." Quickstrike moaned between bursts from his rifle, earning a knowing expression from Nightracer.

"Because that's life, now quit your moaning and fight." she replied, which gained a smile from Liara who looked over to the Autobot Spectre beside her.

"That put him in his place."

"Yeah, but he has a point. Every moment we waste here is another step behind Galvatron. We need to end this now." Orion replied with a thoughtful expression, before looking back at the others.

"Do either of you have a grenade of some sort?"

Nightracer looked at her utility belt and showed it to her friend.

"I have a flash-bang."

"That will do…" he replied back before looking at Liara who could read on his face what he was thinking.

"I will be ready, do you want me to kill them?" she said back.

"I just want them out of the way, we don't have time to be thorough." the blue-haired Bot replied, earning a nod from her.

"Okay, Quickstrike, we will fire on them on 'One' and then Nightacer will toss the flash-bang on 'Two'…." he said back to the others over the gunfire, gaining a smile from Liara.

"And I go on 'Three'." she finished, earning a similar expression from the Bot.

"Exactly." he replied, the Asari nodding in return as the gunfire suddenly stopped and they could hear the Predacons reloading."

"One!" Orion then shouted as both he and his cousin got up and emptied their clips at the enemies who remained behind their cover.

"Two!" he then shouted as they both got back down and Nightracer tossed the grenade between the two Cons and dropped behind the boulder with the others.

"Scrap!" Blight shouted out loud before the grenade went off, giving off a blinding light to the entire area. Once it died down a split second later, he and Vertabreak stumbled out from their cover half blind and deaf.

"Three!" Orion then shouted as Liara stood up and using her biotics, lifted the two Cons into the air and slammed them into each other before throwing them back to the ground. She then looked back to see her friends stand up from behind the boulders.

"Nice." Quickstrike said back, while Nightracer gave the Asari a curious expression.

"Are they dead?"

"It doesn't matter, let's go. We need to stop Galvatron." Orion jumped in as he began to rush back up the crater's side, the others nodded in return and followed. But not before Liara activated her holo-tool and scanned an image of the ancient sword that still embedded in the ground there.

'This will be interesting.' she thought before glancing over to the two unconscious Predacons and then headning after her friends.


Back at the beach-head, Rodimus waited in the long grass with both Smokescreen and Grunt either side of him though several metres away, while they waited to see who would return from the signal's location. It was a thirty minute journey to the energy signal's location by MAKO and they had now been waiting fourty eight minutes, which was now showing amongst the others.

Smokescreen had started a conversation with Shen over the com-link twice and twice Rodimus had to stop them, Grunt too was growing restless and had impatiently begun re-checking his weapons, but he remained quiet and that had Rodimus worried.

'I hope the others are alright, I just wish there was some other way to find out what was happening other than waiting.' he thought before Shen suddenly came over to him.

"Commander, I have a contact heading towards us from the direction of the energy signal." Shen said, making Rodimus pick up his rifle and get ready. He looked at both Smokescreen and Grunt and they had done the same, the latter actually looked happy that something was finally happening.

"Talk to me, Shen. What do you see?"

The Turian then looked through the scope of his sniper rifle at the vehicle which was still at least over a kilometre away.

"This one has no sign of damage from our firefight earlier, so I would say that these are the Predacons approaching." Shen replied.

"Damn, that means Orion and the others failed. I hope they are okay?" Smokescreen interjected, earning a sigh from the Commander.

"Whatever has happened, we will deal with it later. But at this moment the enemy is approaching and we have to focus on stopping them." he said back, earning nods from the others at their respective positions.

"How long until they get here, Shen?" he then added.

"At the speed they are moving, I would say just over five minutes." the Turian replied.

"Okay then. Smokescreen, time to arm the Claymores that we have positioned between us and the MAKO and everyone, time for final-checks on your weapons. No matter what, the Predacons can not leave here alive….understood?" Rodimus said with a commanding tone,

"Understood." the others replied in unison as they readied themselves for the approaching enemies, with Smokescreen using his holo-tool to activate the mines while Grunt ran through his weapons checks one last time and Shen himself had gone back to his sniping spot.

The Commander though just got into a kneeling position, with his head only just above the top of the long grass and aimed his rifle at the MAKO that was still just a small shiny dot at the edge of his vision.

'This is it.' he thought before suddenly a space bridge vortex suddenly opened up nearby and the three giant Predacon beasts burst out of it and ascended up into the sky.

"What the?" Smokescreen exclaimed as the Autobots looked up at the Dragons.

"They are flying towards the signal's location." Grunt said with an urgent tone in his voice.

"Galvatron must have called them in to help against Orion and the others, so they are still alive." Smokescreen said back with a relieved tone.

"Well not for much longer, Rodimus why did you have to send Onyx to check the surrounding area. We could certainly use him right now, don't you think?" the Krogan spat back, but the Commander just remained calm.

"Watch it, Grunt. Remember who's in charge here…. and I have it covered." he added before a familiar roar echoed through the sky, one that made the flying Predacon beasts suddenly slow their speed as they looked around.

Then suddenly Onyx, in beast mode, burst out of the clouds and flew directly at the enemy dragons, firing three fireballs at them, making Predaking dive low and both Skystalker and Grimwing break left and right respectively.

"That's more like it." Grunt exclaimed happily as Rodimus noticed the MAKO very nearly upon them.

"Okay, Guys, let's do this." he said as they got into kneeling positions and aimed their weapons at the armoured vehicle that was speeding toward them.

Meanwhile, Onyx found himself in the middle of the three Predacons as he beared his claws and grappled the back of Predaking, earning a roar of pain from the beast as it tried to shake the Maximal off.

Grimwing and Skystalker had both turned back around and had begun flying in formation behind their Alpha, waiting for their enemy to be shaken loose.

But Onyx kept latched on, digging his claws into the Predacon's back while biting at the orange wings, causing Predaking to lose control and fall out of the sky.

But just moments before the orange and black beast hit the ground, the Maximal let go and pulled up. Letting his hated rival crash land, bringing up mud and dust as it slid across the ground to a stop. Onyx then turned his attention to the others who began to circle him, his blue optics narrowing as he let out a low growl.

Grimwing then swooped in with his teeth and claws beared, but the Maximal rolled to his left and dodged the beast.

But he failed to see Skystalker who breathed his ice breath up on the beast's wings freezing them up, making Onyx drop like a rock out of the sky.

As he fell, the black dragon transformed back into his Cybetronian mode, freeing his wings of the ice and continued to descend as both Predacons continued to circle as if happy to watch their enemy fall to his death.

But Grimwing was a little too curious and had drifted nearer than he had realised, letting Onyx reach and grab at the green beast's leg. Grimwing let out a roar as the Maximal got a firm grip of the beast's leg as it began to roll around and shake him off.

Onyx climbed up the Predacon's leg and got onto the green dragon's back before equipping his wrist blade and stabbing it into it's back, earning a painful roar from Grimwing as he dropped out of the sky.

Onyx then let go and re-transformed back into his black Dragon mode as the Predacon hit the ground, joining Predaking who was just starting to recover.

The Maximal then looked around for the blue and white beast that remained, but there was no sign of him, earning a confusing whine from the beast.

But all of a sudden, Skystalker, copying it's enemy's earlier tactic…burst out of the clouds and tackled Onyx before plowing the larger beast into the ground alongside both Predaking and Grimwing, who had got back to their feet and growled at their enemy.

As that battle was happening, the MAKO was now within the perimeter of the beach-head and set off the first of the claymores, rattling the vehicle and it's occupants.

"What in the pit!" Darksteel exclaimed as Lazerback kept his eyes on the road.

"The enemy is here too, and they…." the driver replied before another claymore went off on the other side, interrupting him while trying to keep the vehicle steady.

"Yes, keep focused on your task, Lazerback, and get us to that vortex." Galvatron finished saying for his lieutenant while pointing at the green portal just ahead of them. But suddenly the MAKO drove over another of the explosives, setting it off and throwing the vehicle into a roll as the Autobots watched from their hiding spots.

The MAKO rolled several times, throwing it's occupants around like rag dolls inside before finally coming to a stop upside down at the other side of the area.

Galvatron found himself lying on his face and feeling sore as he picked himself up and noticed that he was bleeding from a cut on his forehead, so he wiped the excess blood away before looking over to his comrades.

"Lazerback, Darksteel,…are you alright?" he asked as he shook both Predacons, but they were out cold and could not answer. So the Predacon activated his holo-tool and took a reading, sighing in relief a moment later.

"Do not worry, my Brothers, I will deal with whoever is out there." the Predacon leader vowed as he picked up the Chaos Edge and moved hobbled over to the exit, hitting the access panel and opening the MAKO up to the outside.

He then climbed out, and looked at the vortex which was several feet away and still open, so he lifted his hand to his com-link and was about to activate it.

"Freeze!" a voice commanded, suddenly making the Predacon leader stop and look in the direction that the voice had come from. What he saw was a Krogan and two Autobots standing before him, their weapons aimed directly at him.

Galvatron smiled as he stood against the hull of the MAKO and looked quite casual despite the situation, turning his attention to each of the enemies before him until his eyes locked in on the blonde Bot in gold and red armour.

"Commander Rodimus, I presume. That was a nice trick you did there, mining the area." he said while taking notice of where each Autobot was standing, as Rodimus walked a step closer towards him.

"So you have heard of me, I'm flattered."

"I read your profile….second Lieutenant to Jackson Prime, a fine soldier, etcetera, etcertera, that still won't save you." Galvatron replied with a confident tone, which made both Grunt and Smokescreen narrow their eyes at him with disgusted stares.

"You know something we don't?" the latter asked with an unconvinced tone.

"I know I am going to walk away from this…..and your all going to die." the Predacon said back with an evil smile, one that made Grunt's blood boil.

"Let's just kill him and get it over with." the Krogan spat back, but Rodimus held his hand up at his companion.

"Yeah, I was thinking the same thing." Smokescreen added, ,making Galvatron's smile widen which earned a confused look from the Autobot Commander.

"What's so funny?"

"You speak of killing me like it is a certainty, but you will not…" the Predacon replied with another chuckle, which this time stretched Rodimus's patience as he took a step forward and aiming his rifle at Galvatron's head.

"You sure about that? Ending your life will throw the Predacons into disarray and end whatever threat they are to the Federation." the Commander said back, and yet the Predacon leader kept smiling.

"Then do it, what are you waiting for?"

Both Grunt and Smokescreen looked on as their Commander just stood there with his gun aimed right at the center of Galvatron's forehead, the Predacon leader chuckling away as if nothing was even out of place.

"You will not kill me, for I have 'destiny' and it does not end on this planet." he said back, making everyone there look at him with confused expressions.

"I will leave this planet as I arrived, but you will be decorating it's landscape with your cold corpses before I do so." the Predacon said back with absolute certainty in his voice, earning an eye roll from both Smokescreen and Grunt.

"I've had enough of this 'destiny's child', let's kill him." the former said back, earning a nod from Rodimus who tightened his grip on the trigger of his rifle.

"Goodbye, Galvatron. You will not hurt anyone else." the Commander began to say before noticing the Predacon's eyes change from red to purple.

"And still you talk instead of taking action, pathetic!" he spat before a purple energy emanated from him and shot out in all directions, knocking Rodimus and his comrades to the floor while Galvatron smiled.

"You will all fall at my feet…" he replied as Rodimus as got back to his feet and activated his holo-blade.

"Not today." he said back before lunging at the Predacon, who deflected his attack with the Chaos Edge. He then elbowed the Autobot Commander with his free hand, before spinning around and knocking the Bot to the floor with another elbow to the back.

"Rodimus!" Smokescreen shouted as he then charged into the fight, managing to punch Galvatron in the face as he looked back. But this barely bothered the Con who then swiped his glowing red blade at the Bot, which hit him directly on the chest and catapulted Smokescreen across the long grass.

"Is this your bes…." Galvatron started to jibe before being tackled from behind by Grunt, who knocked the Predacon to the floor and began pummelling his face with his fists.

"Let me show you how we do things on Tuchanka." the Krogan spat before the Con grabbed his face and threw him off.

"I'm not impressed." he said back as Rodimus came into the fight again and slashed the Con's back, earning a grimace from Galvatron who spun round and swiped with his blade. But the Commander saw it coming and ducked under the attack, he then countered but the Predacon leader was quick and brough the Chaos Edge up just in time to block it, leaving the two in a stalemate as their blades clashed.

"Is this the best you've got to give me, Jackson Prime did a better job than you." Galvatron said back with a smile, which made Rodimus push harder and break the deadlock.

But this then left him open and the Predacon was quicker as he kicked the Autobot in the chest, sending him back to the ground.

Galvatron then turned round to see Smokescreen and Grunt readying themselves for another attack, so he beckoned them towards him.

"Come on." he said with a smile, earning narrowed stares from the pair.

"Together…" Grunt shouted as he and Smokescreen charged at the Predacon Leader, who instead swiped the Chaos Edge around before unleashing a red energy wave which hit the pair and carried them several feet before they hit the ground hard.

"Impressive." Galvatron then said as he looked at the blade in his hands before suddenly as if by a six sense, he then dodged another attack by Rodimus from behind. The Autobot then swung his holo-blade again, though the Predacon blocked the attack with his Chaos Edge and grabbed the Commander by the chest-plate of his armour. Galvatron then yanked the Bot close enough to head butt him, disorientating Rodimus as he began to stagger back. But the Predacon still had the Elite Spectre by his armour and kicked him square in the chest, sending the Commander onto the floor again.

Rodimus tried to regain some control as the disorientation from the head-butt started to fade and slowly got back to his feet, but he then fell back to his knees and panted heavily. Galvatron stood triumphant over the Autobot Commander, a confident smile appearing on his face as he clenched the hilt of the Chaos Edge tightly.

"You have a lot of fight in you, Rodimus, but you are no Prime." the Predacon Leader said back, making the Bot look up at his enemy. His eyes narrowed as his spark began to burn with anger, gritting his teeth as he fought through the pain he was feeling through out his body at this moment.

"I may not be a Prime, but I will never give in to the likes of you!" he spat back before lunging at the Predacon with his holo-blade, which was blocked yet again by Galvatron. But Rodimus then swung his free hand, just as another holo-blade appeared around it and it caught the Predacon on his chest and knocked him back. The Con looked down at his armour and saw the mark left by Rodimus's attack, which ran down the length of his chest-plate.

But then he was made to defend again as the Autobot attacked and made Galvatron bring up his blade, clashing them together again and again as the Bot continued the offensive.

And for a long moment the two Cybertronians continued back and forth, clashing their blades constantly until the Predacon Leader finally had enough and clashed the Chaos Edge against Rodimus's holo-blade one last time.

"This ends now!" he said before as the blade glowed bright red and smashed through the holo-blade as if it wasn't there, before slicing through the Commander's chest-plate. The Autobot cried out in pain as blood gushed out of the open wound, making him fall to his knees and hold his hands against the injury as Galvatron stood over him yet again.

"I told you that you would not prevail today, Rodimus. Now prepare to join the All-Spark!" he said while lifting the Chaos Edge over his head in preparation of delivering the killing stroke.

"No!" a voice suddenly shouted, stopping the Predacon in his tracks as he looked in the direction it had come from.

What he saw made his eyes widen as the second MAKO was now there, with a blue haired Bot staring back in angry disbelief as others climbed out behind him.

"Yet more Autobots for me to humiliate." Galvatron stated with a bemused tone before kicking Rodimus onto his back, making Orion stare daggers back at the Predacon leader for what he had down to his mentor and friend.

"What do we do?" Liara asked as both Quickstrike and Nightracer looked over to the XO, who in turn unsheathed the Star-Saber from his back.

"We stop him now!" he spat before charging towards the Predacon with the blade behind him, leaving the others where they were.

"Get to Rodimus, we will help Orion." Nightracer said back to the Asari as she and the blonde Bot ran after their friend, who had already caught up to the smiling Galvatron who readied himself for more combat.

Orion swung the saber at the Predacon Leader, who managed to bring his own blade up to block it. This caused both blades at the moment of impact to let off a mixture of blue and red energy that surprised both Bot and Con.

"Interesting blade you have there." the latter said with a curious tone as their swords remained locked together, but Orion just stared back with pure anger as he gritted his teeth.

"I'll introduce you… as I impale your spark with it." the blue haired Bot roared as he put all his strength into breaking the deadlock except the Predacon Lord instead pulled away and released the Bot, leaving him open as Galvatron punched him in the chest with his free hand before sweeping him off his feet.

"You look familiar to me somehow…" he then said while looking down at Orion, but before he could enquire he was again under attack as both Quickstrike and Nightracer took him on together. Both tried to attack high with a kick, the other low with a punch. But their adversary was experienced enough to read their attacks, so he dodged the kick and blocked the punch and made sure to grab hold of the Femme's arm while doing so.

"Let me give you a hand." Galvatron said back before pulling Nightracer around and throwing her into Quickstrike who had just turned around, sending them sprawling onto the floor.

"Seriously, is this all you Autobots have?"

As this was going on, Liara managed to make it round to Rodimus who was sprawled on the floor with his hands on his open wound, trying to keep pressure on it. But he had lost a lot of blood and was slowly losing consciousness, just as the Asari knelt down beside him and pulled some Medi-gel from her utility belt.

"Stay with me, Rodimus." she said while tending to his deep wound, in fact she was so caught up in helping the Commander that she had failed to notice that both Lazerback and Darksteel had come too and climbed out of the crashed MAKO.

The latter had spotted the blue female with her back turned to them, and so equipped his pistol before aiming it at her head.

But just a second before he could pull the trigger, a gunshot was heard and the back of his head exploded outwards as a bullet went straight through it.

Having heard the gunshot, Liara looked around to see the Predacon fall to the ground dead, while Lazerback dived behind the cover of the MAKO.

The Asari looked back to her front and saw Shen standing up on the higher ground.

'I have your back.' he thought while she continued treating Rodimus's wound, as he meanwhile looked over to see Orion attacking the Galvatron again.

"Why do you look familiar to me?" Galvatron asked between Orion's swings of his saber, which the Predacon responded by deflecting each and every one before pushing the Bot back, so he could get the chance to look him up and down.

"Who are you?" he spat in a confused tone, to which Orion gripped the hilt of his blade tighter and stared the Con directly in the eyes.

"My name is Orion Darby, and I will make you pay for what you have done to my parents."

Galvatron's eyes widened as it finally dawned on him, just as the younger Bot attacked again and clashed the Star-Saber with the Chaos Edge, sending blue and red sparks everywhere as the blades connected.

"The son of a Prime, living in your Father's shadow. I can relate to that." the Predacon replied as the two continued to push their blades against the other until his strength broke through and he slashed the blue-haired Bot's arm, making him drop the Star-Saber to the floor leaving him open.

And Galvatron took advantage by following through as he flipped the hilt of his blade around, giving Orion hard hit in the stomach with it and then knocking him to the floor with a backhand to the face.

"You are out of your depth…,Boy. I can see it clearly all over you." the Predacon Leader added as he looked down at the beaten Darby, who had blood running down the lower half of his face from his nose.

He looked around to see Nightracer and Quickstrike still down on the ground, as was Smokescreen and Grunt before looking back up at Galvatron, who's shadow was being cast over him.

"You are no match for me, just as your Father was not." the Con said before smiling as if something had come to his mind.

"That is why he and that wretched Femme of his did not want the Normandy destroyed, because you were on board. Well, they believe you are dead….so who am I to deny them that reality." he then said before raising the Chaos Edge above his head, readying to bring the blade down upon Orion who just kept his eyes on the enemy before, unafraid of what was about to happen as his growing anger kept his focus.

But then suddenly a gunshot sounded and hit the blade, earning Galvatron's attention as he looked in the direction it came from. His eyes widened a little as a curious expression appeared on his face as he saw a Turian slowly moving toward him, his sniper rifle aimed at the Con's head.

"Pitiful." he spat, before Shen fired again. And the Predacon deflected it with his blade, so the Sniper fired off several more shots and each and every time, Galvatron deflected them before only a few feet stood between them.

"Is that it? Is that all you have?" he said back with a hint of annoyance in his voice, which earned a slight smile from the Turian.

"Pretty much,…yeah."

"You must know you don't stand a chance against me, Turian." Galvatron replied, to which Shen gave him a knowing look.

"Oh, I wasn't trying to kill you….just 'distract' you." he replied, the Predacon's eyes then widened before he turned around to see a fist hit his face hard.

The Con stumbled backward before feeling another punch hit him in the stomach and then again in the face. He managed to open his eyes to see a resurgent Orion attack again with a kick that hit the Con in the stomach, which made him bend over and the blue-haired Bot replied by connecting an uppercut with his face, sending Galvatron back first to the floor.

The other Autobots just started to get back to their feet as they saw Orion standing over the Predacon Leader, who spat some blood onto the floor before looking up at the Bot who upholstered his pistol and aimed it a the Con's head.

"You've lost." the blue-haired Bot said, earning a smile from Galvatron who clenched his hands into fists which began to glow with purple energy.

"You underestimate me…,Boy, just like your Father. Now to pay the price!" the Predacon Leader then spat as he slammed his fists into the ground, sending out an energy wave which knocked Orion's balance and made him drop his weapon.

Galvatron then launched into a barrage of punches that pummelled the younger Bot relentlessly, until he was completely dazed and bloodied.

The Predacon then grabbed Orion's throat and lifted him off the ground, before looking into his eyes.

"And you are wrong, it is you that have lost…everything." he said, before hitting the Spectre in the chest, cracking his chest-plate before then throwing him to the ground hard.

The Predacon Leader then stretched out his hand to where the Chaos Edge lied and suddenly the sword shot from the ground and back into his possession, tightening his grip on it's hilt and making it's blade glow red.

"Orion!" Liara then shouted in a frantic and scared tone, making Galvatron look round to see her beside the fallen Rodimus with a horrified expression on her face.

"Oh, I will deal with you later, Asari," he said back, before noticing that he was surrounded. Quickstrike, Grunt, Nightracer and Smokescreen surrounded him with their weapons ready.

"You're not going anywhere." the blonde Bot replied, making the Predacon shake his head and sigh in return.

"You Autobots never learn." he said before Smokescreen was suddenly shot in the back, making him cry out in pain as he fell to the ground.

The others quickly turned and saw Lazerback with his weapon ready as he took cover from behind the damaged MAKO.

"Smokescreen!" Grunt shouted, before aiming his weapon at the Predacon responsible. Galvatron, though, smirked as everyone's attention had been drawn away from him, so he then stabbed the Chaos Edge into the ground and focused his thoughts into it.

"What's he doin….." Nightracer managed to say as she glanced back at the Con, before the ground around him suddenly exploded in a bright purple light which knocked all the Autobots to the ground.

"My Lord." Lazerback said as he walked over to his Master, ignoring the Autobots who were on the ground in pain at that moment.

"Lazerback, where were you?" the Predacon Leader replied as he sheathed the Chaos Edge onto his back.

"I managed to contact the Nemesis through the Space-bridge while you were dealing with the Autobots, they are ready to send more Terracons if needed." his lieutenant said back, making Galvatron shake his head in return.

"That will not be necessary, we are done here. Have a shuttle sent back for Vertabreak and Blight. And recall our Beasts, we'll leave the moment everyone is back on board."

"Yes, my Lord." Lazerback nodded back, before his Master noticed someone was missing.

"Where is Darksteel?"

"He is dead, killed by the Autobots."

"I see…" Galvatron replied before turning away, facing the ground-bridge portal.

"You have your orders." he said before leaving the Predacon there, who nodded before tapping his com-link as he followed. The pair then entered the vortex, leaving the Autobots there where they lay.


Meanwhile, Onyx Primal found himself in a similar position as he was pinned to the ground by both Grimwing and Skystalker.

The two Dragons had their claws dug into his chest as the lay on his back in beast mode.

Both were giving off deep growls as they bared the teeth at him and prepared to strike, when suddenly a massive roar stopped both as Predaking joined them and looked down at the Maximal.

It's yellow optics narrowed as it then opened it's mouth and charged it's fire-breath, forcing Onyx to break free from the other Predacons hold.

But Grimwing and Skystalker had too good a hold on him, so all he could do was watch as his hated rival readied himself to snuff out the Maximal's spark.

Then just as Predaking was ready to unleash a fire-blast upon the defenceless Onyx, suddenly all three Beasts looked away in the same direction and whined.

'What in the Allspark?' he thought as Predaking stretched out his orange wings and lifted himself off the ground, quickly followed by Skystalker and Grimwing who then flew away and left Onyx.

The Maximal quickly rolled on to his feet and took to the sky to chase them down before noticing that they were heading for the ground-bridge vortex.

Liara came too to find herself looking up at the cloudy sky, before realising that she had been knocked out by some kind of energy of Galvatron's making.

'Orion!' she thought before quickly got up and looked around, seeing the rest of her friends who were just coming round themselves.

But her eyes came to stop as she saw a blue-haired Bot lying several feet away from her, and she suddenly felt her heart beating very fast and heavy as numerous thoughts went through her mind.

The Asari pushed them aside and ran over to her friend, falling to her knees as she noticed the bruised and bloodied young man lying before her.

"Orion?" she said softly while cupping the left cheek of his face with her hand, hoping that her touch would wake him.

His eyes remained closed, which made Liara feel something inside herself that she had not felt since she had been back on Cybertron, the last time she saw Shockblast.

"No, don't do this to me, Orion, please?" she said back as she stroked his cheek with her thumb, before the Bot finally opened his eyes to her relief.

"….Liara.." he replied, earning a sigh from the Asari,

"You had me worried." she said back as the blue-haired Bot attempted to sit up, only succeeding when Liara helped him.

"Where's Galvatron?" he asked as he looked around, earning a confused expression from her.

"He and that other one are gone." Quickstrike suddenly said, gaining their attention as they looked over to see him walking over. The young Darby also notice Grunt helping with Smokescreen and Nightracer limping over to the unconscious Rodimus, a heavy feeling made Orion's spark dim within his chest as it dawned on him what this all meant.

"We failed." he said back with a heavy tone to his voice, making his cousin shake his head in return.

"Not yet, we haven't. Their ground bridge is still active. Let's go through and finish this." he said, trying to sound enthusiastic but coming off as just desperate.

"We are in no condition for that. Neither do we know what forces Galvatron has on the other side. It would be suicide to attempt that." Liara replied, gaining a nod from Orion.

"Liara's right…leave it and focus on our people." he said while looking over to both Rodimus and Smokescreen.

"What's their condition?" Orion said as his eyes fell upon his mentor, and his spark ached for young Darby knew he had failed him.

"I have stabilized the Commander as well as I can, but he has lost a lot of blood. We need to get him back to the ship." Liara replied.

"And the same goes for Smokescreen, he needs immediate medical attention." Grunt shouted over with an angry undertone to his voice, before reusing the Medi-gel in his hands on his injured friend.

"Well, we need to work fas…." Orion began to say before his and everyone's attention was caught by the Ground-bridge vortex suddenly expanding.

"What the hell?" Quickstrike said in return with a confused expression before a roar sounded out behind him, making the Bot turn round just in time for him and the others to see the three Predacon beasts fly low over them and into the vortex which then closed behind them, leaving the group alone on the planet as Onyx Primal landed and transformed near them.

"Is everyone alright?" He asked, his blue optics widening as he saw the condition the group was in.

"That remains to be seen." Grunt replied when Orion's com-link suddenly activated.

"Normandy to Orion, come in please?" Jetstorm said, making the Bot put his hand to his ear and tap the device and let the others hear it.

"Orion here."

"What's the situation down there?" the pilot replied.

"The Predacons…defeated us." the blue-haired Bot replied, earning a sigh of regret from the other end of the link.

"..I see, I guess that is why the Nemesis has just used a space-bridge to leave the system, and the other Predacon ship jumped away…after picking up a shuttle from the planet."

"Wait…how are you suddenly able to contact us, we have been unable to do so ourselves?" the Spectre asked with a curious tone, while the others listened with equally curious expressions.

"It was the same on our side too, but just now whatever had been blocking our com-signals has faded to nothing." Jetstorm replied.

"Must have been that sword that Galvatron had taken." Liara said back, earning an aggravated expression from Grunt.

"Could we just get back to the ship already." he spat while remaining at Smokescreen's side.

"Right.." Orion replied as he looked back at their injured friends.

"Jetstorm, open up a ground-bridge for us and have Red-Alert ready with a medical team, we have injured."

"Aye, Aye." the pilot said back before another green vortex appeared near them, which made Grunt pick up his friend and carry him into the swirling portal, Shen and Quickstrike together picked up Rodimus and did the same as Orion watched with Liara helping him and Nightracer joining his other side.

"Once we are on board, take us out of the system immediately." Orion then said before ending the transmission and looking over to the two women with him.

"Let's get moving, we've lost too much time already." he then said, earning nods from the pair as they then helped him walk through the portal which then closed behind them.

The Normandy then left orbit of Scissio and immediately jumped away, leaving the planet to float there in the void of space.

But if the ship had stayed for a moment longer they would have noticed an almost transparent energy wave suddenly expand outwards from the planet before slowly dissipating into the blackness as if it had never happened.
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Re: Prime Effect 4

Postby Apollo-XL5 » Sat Apr 18, 2020 1:22 pm

Motto: ""It's all in the reflexes.""
Weapon: Star Saber Sword

Galvatron stood before the Galaxy map at his station on the Nemesis's bridge, his eyes focusing on the holo-image of the galaxy as he tried to pin point the planet that he had felt drawn too in his vision. In fact the Predacon Leader's attention was so absorbed by his task, he did not notice both Rip-Claw and Lazerback entering the room and walk up to him over the catwalk.

"Lord Galvatron..." the Femme called though he simply ignored her and continued his search, making both Rip-Claw and Lazerback to look at each other, with the Con shrugging his shoulders in return.

"My Lord, if we may have a moment of your time." Lazerback then said as the pair stopped directly behind the Predacon Leader, making him sigh before turning to them.

"Will this take long, I am in the middle of something you all should know is extremely important."

"Lord Galvatron, we already have a number of our Terracons searching through the navigational charts for the star...that you saw in your 'vision'. There is no need for you to do the same." Rip-Claw said back, earning a supportive expression from her comrade who then looked at his Master.

"Because we have a problem, one that requires your attention, my Lord." Lazerback added, earning what looked like a curious expression from Galvatron.

"Well, spit it out then."

"Very well...while we were occupied on Scissio, the other ships you sent out to search the galaxy have met heavy resistance from Autobot forces that intercepted them at each location." the Con replied, which made the Predacon Leader look back in confusion.

"That's impossible, how would the Autobots know where to look?"

"Master, if I may make a suggestion?" Rip-Claw then said, earning Galvatron's attention though his eyes narrowed at her and made the Femme feel uncomfortable.

"Go on." was all he said.

"Taking into account how the Autobots know exactly where our ships are to attack them, it would be logical to assume that they may have access to our communication channels."

"That would make sense considering the attacks our ships have suffered in such a short time." Lazerback added, earning a thoughtful expression from Galvatron.

"We can't take the risk, have the fleet switch to new com-channels...ones that we don't currently have listed as available."

"I'll get right on it." the Femme replied before walking away, leaving Galvatron alone with Lazerback who noticed his Master glancing back to the galaxy map.

"Lord Galvatron, you're going to continue with your search through the star maps...aren't you?" he asked with a knowing look.

"Yes, it is too important to leave in the hands of our Terracons. I hope you don't disapprove?" the Predacon Leader replied with an inquisitive stare, making the Lieutenant shake his head in response.

"No of course not, my Lord. If that is your wish, then I will see to it that you are not disturbed."

"I would appreciate that, though I hear a 'but' coming along." Galvatron said back.

"...But..." Lazerback began to say, feeling his Spark-beat speed up as he suddenly felt like he was walking a minefield with his next few words.

"...are you sure that you really experienced a 'vision', my Lord. Telling the crew, let alone the fleet, would raise questions in their minds."

Galvatron looked away as he thought on his lieutenant's words, then looked back as his eyes narrowed slightly.

"Do you share the same view as the others on this?"

"No, Lord Galvatron, I am merely pointing out what the crew's reaction is." the Predacon said back as he felt sweat slowly building up on his face, which Galvatron noticed.

"All you and the others need to know is that when we find the planet in question, we will have the means to finally end our conflict with the Autobots and put the entire galaxy in our control." he then said while holding his hands behind his back.

"Do I have your support?"

"Yes, my Lord, and I am sure that everyone else in our fleet feels the same." Lazerback replied, gaining a nod from the Predacon Leader.

"Very well, you are dismissed." he said back before turning back to the galaxy map, with the lieutenant walking away in return. It was then that Galvatron felt the presence of his master around him as he looked at the image of the star cluster.

"You should watch your back, my Herald." Unicron suddenly spoke into his mind, making the Con shake his head.

"Out of all of my Lieutenants, only one…possibly two who would have moved against me. One of them is now dead….and the other is working with me, I have nothing to fear from the others Master." Galvatron replied softly, so that none of the Terracons below would hear him.

"Because they 'fear' you, Galvatron?"

"Yes. Fear, after all, is just another means of control….in the hands of the right person. And if that is required to help me achieve 'our' goals, then so be it." the Predacon Leader said back, feeling the purple optics of the Chaos Bringer bearing down on him.

"Very well, I will leave you to continue your search….unless you may prefer a gentle nudge in the right direction?"

"Do you know where Aeonia is located?.." Galvatron asked with a curious expression, too which there was no answer which heightened his curiosity even more.

"…Because I thought you said you could not remember such details, like with the Chaos Edge?"

"You must come to understand, Galvatron, that I am an Aeon and have a time-line that goes back almost to the beginning of creation itself. But I am not whole since your spark contains the last slither of my being, and my memory is in a similar state. So much of my experiences from before and after my ascension are still scattered in the ocean of time and are still outside of my reach. But when you held the Chaos Edge….my sword in your hands and witnessed that particular memory of mine, I did manage to recover a few more. Some that answered questions that I have, and some that have raised more." Unicron replied with a cryptic tone, earning a hint of impatience within the Predacon's Spark.

"So, is there anything you can tell me, Master? Can you point me in the right direction?" he asked with a tone that tried to hide his growing impatience, though Galvatron doubted whether he could do such a thing with the Aeon sharing his very spark.

"Using the words that exist in your mind, look in the 'Attican Traverse'. You should find the original home of my species there…..though it's name will be something quiet different from what I knew it to be." the Chaos Bringer replied before fading away, leaving the Predacon Leader alone with his thoughts again as he zoomed the galaxy map onto that region and continued his search.

Meanwhile, in his laboratory. Shockwave was looking through the files that his predecessor Shockblast had been cataloguing. This was something that the Decepticon had been in the middle of when Six-Shot had interrupted him, and Shockwave was eager to get through this without any more interruptions.

But he as he scrolled through the files, his one remaining eye taking in the data scrolling down the screen with photographic accuracy. The Con still found his attention waning as he looked over to the body lying on the berth to his right with a grey sheet covering it, since this was the body of Six-Shot that Galvatron had yet to deal with before leaving for Scissio.

'It is not logical for my Liege to leave this problem for too long, surely one of more of the other Predacons will question his absence before long.' he thought as he shook his head and looked back at the holo-screen in front of him. Several minutes passed as he continued with his work before his attention was once again taken as the lab's doors opened, making the Decepticon turn around to see a Terracon enter with a mobile berth which was carrying someone.

From where Shockwave was standing, he could not make out who the individual was on the berth except for the fact that it was a Femme. So he walked over to the berth and the Terracon who moved it towards the room's center, before being stopped by the Decepticon.

"Commander Shockblast!" the soldier said, earning a surprised expression from Shockwave.

'I find it illogical to assume that I will ever fully become used to being called by that name.' he thought while looking back at his subordinate.

"Why did you disturb my work?" he asked, quickly giving the Terracon a cold stare.

"I was commanded by Lord Galvatron to deliver this traitor to your laboratory." the minion replied, which made Shockwave look down at the unconscious Femme. He could see by examining her body that she had quite extensive injuries, which had not yet been fully healed.

"Why is she a traitor?" the Decepticon asked, which made the soldier look back with a disbelieving expression.

"You have not heard, Commander?"

"No, please explain?" Shockwave asked, ignoring the Terracon's stare as he activated his holo-tool and took a more thorough scan of the Predacon Femme.

"This wretch betrayed us…her family to the Autobots, at first helping one escape our clutches and then assisting the rest of the 'scrap' to sabotage one of our operations." the minion said, while the Decepticon continued to scan.

"I see….." he replied before his only remaining eye looked down at her face and widened, as the Decepticon found he recognised her despite the Femme being in a Pretender body.

"Ser-Ket?" he said, earning a nod from the Terracon.

"Yes, that is the traitor's name….." he began to say before Shockwave glared at him, making the minion nervous.

"Get out now!" the Decepticon spat, earning a nod from the soldier as he started to back slowly towards the door.

"…Sir,…yes,..Sir." he mumbled before leaving the room, though Shockwave waited for the door to close before returning his attention to the unconscious Femme before him.

"It has been a long time, Ser-Ket." he said before walking to the nearby table and picking up some Medi-gel.

'Or should I start calling you by your 'real name'.' he thought before heading back to the Predacon and injecting her with the medicine.

"This should help you recover…." Shockwave started to say as he accessed memories of her from after 'the Fall'.

'…since you are still my favourite creation.' he thought before his com-link activated and the voice of Galvatron could be heard.

"Shockwave, I am now in the middle of an important task. But I think we should discuss how to resolve our Six-Shot issue."

"You have my attention, my Liege. What did you have in mind?" the Decepticon replied as he turned from the unconscious Femme and walked back to his terminal.


The stars shone brightly in the night sky above Illium as Donovan Hock stood on his balcony holding a half-empty glass of whiskey as he leaned on the railing, his face unshaven, rough and his demeanor was that of a man who all but had given up.

For it had been well over a week since the party that was gate-crashed by not one but two groups, with one of them escaping with his favourite Asari 'pet' who he had shelled out a good amount of credits for as well. But that was just the beginning of the downfall, because since that debacle Hock's entire business had fallen apart around him.

'Where did it all go wrong?' he thought as he looked out at the city's skyline before gulping down the remainder of the whisky in his glass, before sighing and placing the empty glass on the rail and letting his thoughts run wild in his mind.

'I used to run one of the most successful weapons trading enterprises in the galaxy and now my name means nothing, Illium's government seized my assets and shutdown my operation. I still cannot figure out how they were able to do that.'

Hock was so caught up in his own thoughts, he did not even notice the man approaching him from behind.

"Donavon Hock?"

"And who wants to know?" Hock replied as he turned around to see who had just interrupted his thoughts, and looked at the new arrival with a confused expression.

"Who are you?" he asked as he found himself looking at a Caucasian man in his early fifties with white hair that was combed back, as well as a short trimmed beard. He was wearing black and green armour which had two spikes on each shoulder guard, and also both armoured boots. Hock then noticed what looked like an emblem which was heavily faded and scratched, but there was no mistake that it was a Decepticon emblem and it then clicked who this man was.

"'re Lockdown, a former Decepticon Assassin." he said, earning a nod from the former-Con.

"That is correct. So, you have heard of me?"

"Of course, with my line of work I have heard of and met many individuals such as yourself. But why are you here? If it is for work then I must apologise, for I am unable to offer anything…but I guess you can see that." Hock replied, his voice tinged with regret and self-loathing. But Lockdown just stared back blankly before taking a step towards the broken arms dealer.

"I am not here to find work. More so, I am here to offer you some." he replied, earning a confused expression from Hock.

"I do not understand?"

"In my time since the end of the Autobot/Decepticon civil War, I have worked for many such as yourself as well as men who do not ever wish to be identified. But never in that time was I ever tempted to join any of them permanently, that is until I met my current 'benefactor'." Lockdown said back before taking a metal sphere out from one of the pouches on his utility belt, which the former arms dealer had noticed and looked at.

"And who is this benefactor, do I know them?" he asked while looking back to the former Decepticon, who merely smiled and let go of the sphere which floated between them both.

"How about I just introduce you…and if I may give you a piece of advice, take what my benefactor has to offer because I doubt that there will be another chance in your lifetime." he said in a rather cryptic way, earning a curious look from Hock who looked down at the sphere which then activated and glowed with blue light. Suddenly a holographic projection appeared which revealed the silhouette of whoever Lockdown's benefactor, but since it gave no hint of who exactly it was then it might as well have been their shadow.

"Donavon Hock, I hope my associate has not caught you at a bad time?" the silhouette spoke, though the voice was heavily disguised and filtered as to not give away their identity.

"Not at all, I was just…" Hock started to say back before the unknown person cut him off.

"…hoping to drink yourself into oblivion so that your problems just disappear? You must know that will never happen."

"Look, I am not looking for anyone's approval or pity for what I am doing. Just who the hell are you!" Donavon spat back in anger at the hologram.

"I am someone who specializes in obtaining information from behind the 'shadows', I believe that is an adequate description of who I am."

Hock's eyes widened as it dawned on him who he was dealing with right at this moment.

"You're the 'Shadow Broker', aren't you? But there is no proof that you even exist,"

"That is correct. You must be wondering why I am speaking to you now?" the hologram replied.

"Lockdown has told me you have an offer to make?" Hock said back, not even attempting to hide his curiosity at that moment.

"Indeed I do. You see my organisation is moving into an expansion phase at this moment of time. And with the Federation and it's Autobots more focused on their conflict with the Predacons, there is no better time." the Shadow Broker's image replied, making Hock shake his head in return.

"I do not see what this has to do with me.."

"I wish to add you to my resources, since yours is a skill set I have been looking for, for some time. If you agree to my offer, then I will come to you first when I need weapons purchasing. You will receive a one hundred percent pay rise for your services, as well as all other bonuses that come with working for me."

"I see. Well, that is a good deal." Hock replied with a thoughtful expression as he looked away.

"Yes, it is. Plus, I will throw in an incentive. Just to show that I mean business." the Shadow Broker replied, regaining the Human's attention.

"What incentive would that be?"

"I know of the embarrassment that happened to you not so long ago with the Autobots, they managed to infiltrate your home and liberate one of your assets. I bet your colleagues and customers thought a lot less of you after that." the Shadow Broker replied, earning a nod from Hock.

"And you would be right." he said back as he looked at the ground in shame, the memories of the debacle playing back in his mind

"Of course I am right, there has never been a moment when I have been wrong. So, I bet you would like to pay those Autobots back for what they did to you." the hologram replied, which made Hock look back with narrowed eyes.

"I certainly would like the opportunity."

"So, do you accept my offer then?" the Shadow Broker said back with a knowing tone, gaining a nod from the Human.

"Yes, I accept."

"Excellent. I am looking forward to having you work for me. Now go with Lockdown, he will fill you in on the details of your first assignment. Good-bye." the Shadow Broker replied before the hologram disappeared, with the sphere flying back into Lockdown's hand.

"I knew you would make the right choice. Now, if you follow me." the former-Con replied, making Hock look at him with a curious expression.

"Where are we going?"

"To my ship of course. We already know where the Autobots responsible are located. We are going to attack and disable it, then a team of Mercs I have put together will board the Autobot ship.." Lockdown said before Hock cut him off.

"Why are you boarding the ship, why not just destroy it?"

"Because the Shadow Broker wants to capture the Asari who is among them." the former-Con replied, earning a confused look from Hock.

"You mean 'my' Asari, I don't think so. I paid good money for her."

"And you will be paid that back in full with more than enough extra for your troubles, Hock, This is not negotiable! Our Benefactor wants the Asari. And what he wants he gets. We will destroy the Autobot ship, so you will still witness their deaths." the Assassin said back with a commanding tone that put the arms dealer in his place.

"I guess that will have to do, considering I would never get another chance." he said back in defeatist tone, earning a smile from Lockdown.

"I am glad you can see reason, now let us be on our way."

"One thing though, who is going in this team of yours?" Hock then asked as the pair left the balcony and walked through his apartment to the elevator on its far side, gaining the former-Con's attention as he pressed the recall button next to the door.

"I have hired the same slavers who captured this Asari for you before since they have experience with her, as well as some individuals I prefer with me."

Hock smiled as the door then opened and they both entered the elevator.

"I see, well this will be interesting." he replied as the door closed and the apartment lights dimmed as it's sensors detected no one else in its vicinity, leaving it in complete darkness.


Rip-Claw walked amongst the stations on the Nemesis's bridge, watching the Terracons at work. Since her failure at Omicron, the Femme had done her best to ensure that Lord Galvatron would not be given any more reason to assume she was of no more us to him and the Predacon cause, only to complete the tasks he had given her to the best of her ability and not create waves so that he would not notice the Femme.

Also, she had not even given a singular thought to Ser-Ket either, for as far as Rip-Claw was concerned, the two were no longer sisters let alone Predacons.

The Femme walked in between the manned stations, only giving a passing interest in what the Terracons were doing as she collected her thoughts in herself.

"Yes!" Galvatron exclaimed in a wildly joyous tone from the catwalk above, gaining the attention of Rip-Claw and the soldiers around her with everyone looking up to see the Predacon Leader standing next to the galaxy map, which was right now showing a blue and white planet.

"My Lord?" the Femme asked with a curious tone, a few seconds past by before Galvatron turned round and looked down from the catwalk at her.

"I have found it!" he said back with a smile, making her even more curious.

"Found what, my Lord?"

"Our 'final destination', the place where from where our ultimate victory will begin."

'This planet was the original home-world of the Aeonians.' he thought before returning his attention to Rip-Claw.

"Find the others and make sure they all come here, I have an announcement to make." the Predacon Lord said back, gaining a nod from Rip-Claw before she tapped her com-link.

"Shockblast, Lazerback, Blight, Vertebreak, Scorponok, Six-Shot. Meet myself and Lord Galvatron on the bridge ASAP."

A few moments later and Galvatron stood at the galaxy map with most of his lieutenants standing behind him, except for the brothers.

"My Lord, how long do we have to wait for the others?" Vertebreak asked, earning similar looks from his comrades as they all looked to their leader for an answer.

"I am sure they will be…." he began to say in response, before the door at the far end of the bridge opened and revealed Shockblast to everyone.

'Shockwave…' Galvatron thought while the others looked more confused, as Lazerback took a step toward the late arrival.

"Shockblast, where is your brother?" he asked, earning a cold and emotionless stare from the other,

"…My brother is dead." he said back, making the other lieutenants whisper amongst themselves as they looked at each other in confusion.

"What do you mean, Shockblast? Why is Six-Shot dead?" Galvatron replied with a confused tone, though had the others known any of the reality of what had really happened. Then they would have seen through the Predacon Lord's screen play, that he and Shockwave had concocted between them.

"I killed him." the scientist Con said back, earning shocked expressions from the others while Galvatron fought to keep a smirk from his face.

"Why did you kill him?" Lazerback asked.

"Because I came across plans that he had on his personal terminal which outlined his intentions to kill our Liege and take command himself and when I confronted him about this, he attacked me and left me with no choice." Shockwave replied.

"Well, it's not like we haven't all seen his behavior over the last few weeks." Rip-Claw replied, gaining nods from the others which made Galvatron's smile widen more as he looked over to Shockwave.

'They bought it, excellent.' he thought before shifting his expression to concerned as the others turned to face him again.

"Thank you, Shockblast. You have done me a great service. It warms my spark to see that my lieutenants are watching my back as well as helping to our achieve my goals."

"You are welcome, my Liege." the Con replied before looking at the hologram behind the Predacon Lord.

"May I ask what you have found, Lord Galvatron?" he then asked, making everyone else look at their Leader with curious expressions.

"Indeed you may, Shockblast. After looking through our navigational records, I have found where we must go next." he replied before stepping aside and letting the others see the holo-blue and green planet being emitted on the galaxy map.

"This world is where we will find our victory, here on the planet which the database calls 'Virmire'."

"Does this have anything to do with that blade you picked up on Scissio, my Lord?" Blight asked, gaining a nod from Galvatron who then unsheathed the Chaos Edge and held it before them all.

"Yes, this blade, along with Jackson Prime's Matrix of Leadership, will activate an ancient Cybertronian Temple, which in turn will give us the power to crush all of our enemies and conquer this galaxy."

The other Predacons just stared back in wonder as it dawned on them how soon this would all be over, Lazerback took a step towards Galvatron and raised his hand.

"My Lord, what is our next move?"

"The Nemesis will be heading for Virmire at the close of this meeting, and I want the entire fleet to join us there."

"But, Lord Galvatron, since the rest of our ships do not possess their own space-bridge generator, it will take them at least a few days to reach Virmire via the nearest space-bridge." Rip-Claw replied, gaining a nod from the Predacon Lord.

"Then you better tell them to make a start, now go back to your stations and prepare for the jump to Virmire…its time for us to embrace our destiny."

The lieutenants all nodded before turning and walking away, leaving Galvatron and Shockwave alone at the galaxy map.

"That was nicely played, Shockwave. They all bought it, like I knew they would." the Predacon Lord said back, earning a nod from the Decepticon.

"You are welcome, my Liege, but now if I may ask to take my leave and return to my laboratory?"

"Of course, I believe you should have received Ser-Ket by now." Galvatron said back as he turned back to the holo-image of Virmire.

"That is correct, my Liege, and once her wounds are fully healed, I believe I have a way to make her a loyal soldier to you once more." Shockwave replied.

"Very well, you may go." the Predacon Lord said in return, which made the Decepticon Scientist walk off towards the exit just as the Terracon manning the helm-station below looked up.

"My Lord, coordinates are set, space-bridge generator primed. We are ready to move on your command."

"The command is given. Take us to Virmire." Galvatron replied as he stared out at the void beyond the glass canopy in front of him, earning a nod from the Terracon who then worked the holo-interface of his station. Then suddenly a bright green vortex opened and expanded before the Nemesis before it flew headfirst into it and flash of bright green light later, the ship found itself before the blue and green world of Virmire, on the other side of the galaxy.

"Excellent, now take us into orbit and start making sensor sweeps of the planet. I want to know if we can locate the Infinite Combinatoric." the Predacon leader said as he looked down at the world below him through the glass canopy.

"Sir, I am not reading any anomalous energy readings from the planet. The temple is obviously offline right now." another Terracon spoke from the right side of Galvatron below the catwalk.

"Then I guess we will have to wait for the rest of the fleet to arrive, then we should be able to locate the temple with our increased sensor range and depth." the Predacon Lord replied, earning a nod from the Terracon manning the sensors station.

"Yes, my Lord, but I am detecting a small area of the planet which is blanketed in radiation."

"That is of no concern to us, it is nothing but a footprint left from the early days of the Reaper Conflict. Pay it no mind." Galvatron said back before looking down at the Communications station.

"Has the rest of the fleet been notified of our location?"

"Yes, Lord Galvatron, we have used the new communication frequencies and the entirety of our fleet will be here inside of three days." the Terracon there replied, earning a smile from the Con leader.

"Excellent, and with the Autobots unaware of our location. That leaves us with all the time in the world to find the temple and activate it." he said to himself as he looked back out at the planet below, his smiling face looking back via his reflection from the canopy.


Hock stood in the CIC aboard Lockdown's ship, looking impressed at his surroundings as he watched the Mechs working at the room's various terminals. They looked very similar to the standard LOKI Mechs that were being used as a security measure around the galaxy, yet this model looked more armoured with a more humanoid physique.

"I do not believe that I have ever seen this type of Mech, Lockdown." he said as he looked over to the former Decepticon who was sitting in the Commander's chair, overseeing the rest of the CIC.

"They are a special design that the Shadow Broker gained possession of and feels are necessary to the operation of 'his' ever expanding organisation." he replied, though with a hint of uncertainty in his voice. This did not go unnoticed by Hock as he glanced back at the lifeless robots

"You don't sound like you really accept this." he said, gaining Lockdown's attention.

"I'm am not a fan of androids, they are programmed with only the data that is needed for them to complete their given tasks. I prefer people who can think and adapt to whatever situation is thrust upon them."

"I find that an interesting view, considering how you and your species began." Hock replied with a knowing look, making the former Decepticon stare back with narrowed eyes.

"We Cybertronians are nothing like these walking tin-men, we were all 'born' sentient. With the ability to choose our own paths in life, even if the dogmatic caste system that the original High Council had put in place led to the very Civil war that destroyed our homeworld. Since that bloody chapter of our history was put to an end, we have lived with greater freedom to pursue paths that seemed only like a dream originally. So don't go labeling myself and others of my species alongside these walking circuit boards."

"Forgive me, I meant no disrespect." Hock replied while taking a step back from the Assassin before looking back around the room.

"Why don't we have a canopy here, so that we can see what's outside?" he then asked, trying to change the subject which made Lockdown smirk in return.

"My vessel requires no canopy, for a view screen will appear when it is required."

Then one of the Mechs turned around and looked over to both men, lifeless red optics staring at them.

"Sir, we are approaching the target."

"Target?" Hock said back with a confused tone, but Lockdown ignored him and looked straight ahead.

"On screen."

Suddenly a blue holo-screen appeared on the wall before them, showing an Autobot frigate flying just in front of them."

"Wait, is that?" the arms dealer asked, earning a nod from Lockdown.

"That is the 'Normandy', the very ship that belongs to the Autobots who embarrassed you and the Asari that the Shadow Broker wants us to capture."

"How did we reach it so fast? I did not feel us jump to hyperspace. And how have they not detected us, we are right behind them?"

The former Decepticon smiled before nodding to one of the Mechs at his right.

"This vessel is equipped with both a Space-bridge generator and a stealth system, the same as the Normandy."

Hock listened while staring back out at the Autobot ship, still amazed that they were so close to them.

"How…" he began to say before the Lockdown cut him off.

"Let's just say that our benefactor has a way of getting his hands on the tech and equipment we require."

"You keep calling the Shadow Broker a 'he', how do you know that?" Hock then asked with a knowing look,

"I have never met the Shadow Broker, only one person in our organisation has had the honour of meeting 'him'."

"And who is that?" the Human asked back with a curious tone to the former Decepticon.

"Agent Zero. She alone is the Shadow Broker's most trusted confidante. She has told me that our Leader is a 'he'."

"And you believe her? Who is this Agent Zero?"

"It is not my place to reveal her identity to you, that should come from her when you meet. Anyway, that is enough questions for now." Lockdown replied as the doors behind them opened and a human and a Batarian entered the CIC.

"We are nearly ready, Lockdown. I am looking forward to seeing that Asari again." the latter said before noticing Hock.

"Mr. Hock, looks like we will be working together again."

"Yes, Varas, and what of you, Kane?" the arms dealer said as he looked over to the bald Human in rusty black armour.

"I am just looking forward to getting paid, so lets get on with it." he said back, making Lockdown shake his head in return.

"No, Slaver, we will go when I say so. So for the time being, just be ready." the former Decepticon replied as one of the Mechs turned to him.

"Commander, we have Agent Zero on hold for your attention."

"I will take it in my quarters." he said as he got up and walked out of the room, leaving Hock and the slavers in the CIC.

Once in his personal quarters Lockdown activated his terminal, a glowing blue inter-face appeared before him as he activated the audio transmission.

"Agent Zero, Lockdown here."

"The Shadow Broker wishes to know your status, Lockdown." the female agent replied. Earning a knowing look from the Assassin.

"Like he is not already aware of how our operation is proceeding. So I have to ask...why are you really contacting me?"

"Do you really trust these men you are working with?" the Agent asked back with an inquisitive tone.

"About as much as I trust these Mechs I have been burdened with, Zero, but I will see this mission completed and the Asari brought back to base." he replied.

"So why do I sense a feeling on uncertainty from you then?" she said back.

"What does the Shadow Broker want with this Liara T'Soni? There is nothing special about her whatsoever unless you count her being the daughter of Matriarch Benezia."

"It's not our place to question why the Shadow Broker wants, just that he gets it. I am sure he has good reasons for wanting the Asari. Now do your duty and attack the Normandy, Agent Zero out."

And with that the transmission fizzled out, leaving the Assassin to his thoughts before he tapped his com-link.

"CIC, this is Lockdown. Take us to battle-stations and prepare for the attack." he then said before the lighting around him changed to red and battle siren blared out of the ship's intercom as he walked over to the exit and headed for the CIC.


Meanwhile, the crew of the Normandy continued to perform their duties to the best of their abilities, but after what had happened on Scissio you could see that their moral had been hit hard. Both Grunt and Quickstrike were in the Medical-Bay getting patched up, all they could do was watch crewmen walk past the room as they sat on their separate berths.

Neither had said anything as they sat there, not even to the nurses who were dressing their wounds at that point. But then Red-Alert walked in from the operating theatre, gaining the attention of both men.

"How's the Commander and Smokescreen?" the Blonde Bot asked, beating the Krogan to it as he simply looked at the Doctor.

"Commander Rodimus will recover, if Liara had not stopped the bleeding when she did, then it would have been a different story. And as for Smokescreen, I have removed the bullet and patched him up. Both men won't be leaving their berths any time soon, so we will monitor their conditions and keep them comfortable. As for you two, I'll be letting you return to duty as soon as the Nurses have finished." the Femme replied as she placed a pad she was holding down on table nearby before looking back at the Blonde Bot.

"Where is Orion? I have seen Liara, Nightracer and the two of you. He is the last one left."

"Orion was in the CIC since he is next in line to take command in Rodimus's absence. He is taking the defeat pretty hard."

"Well, I told Rodimus to kill Galvatron when we had him dead to rights but he paused, this would never have happened if he had listened to me and Smokescreen." Grunt replied with hint of anger in his voice, making Quickstrike look back and narrow his eyes at the Krogan.

"That doesn't matter now, does it? It happened, save your anger for the Predacons." the Blonde Bot said back, making Grunt bare his teeth and get of the berth before the Nurse had finished.

"What did you just say? I couldn't hear you from over there." he said, barely hiding his angry tone as he walked over to Quickstrike.

"I'm saying that criticising our friend and Commander isn't helping our situation, so why don't you just shut up." the Blonde Bot said back, earning a growl from the Krogan as he walked right up to the Autobot and stared him in the eye.

"You dare speak to me like that!" he spat while slamming his closed fist on the berth Quickstrike was sitting on, he could feel the power in the hit as it made the berth vibrate. But the Autobot just sat there and looked back, as inside he held his breath while Red-Alert could do nothing but watch in shock.

"I'm trying to talk some sense into you. You're hurt and angry and ready to lash out."

"That's it!" Grunt then roared as he threw a punch at the blonde Autobot, but it stopped just millimeters from his face as blue energy surrounded the fist. The pair looked over to the door to find Liara standing there, she had her left hand stretched out before her which too was glowing with biotic energy.

"What in the Goddess's name is going on here?" she spat in an uncharacteristic show of anger as she stared at Grunt, who looked as shocked as everyone else.

"…these two were about to leave now, as their wounds have been tended too and patched up." Red-Alert replied as she finally found her composure due to the Asari's appearance, earning a nod from Grunt as Liara released his hand. He then took one look back to the operating theatre before storming out of the room.

"Thanks, Liara." Quickstrike replied as he got off his berth and prepared to leave the room, earning a gesture to stop from her.

"Grunt is just upset from the fact that both his friends nearly died today." she said back in her more characteristically calm tone, gaining a nod from the blonde Bot.

"I know, still thanks for the save. Anyway, why are you here?" he said back, earning a curious look from Red-Alert.

"Yes, I treated you already, Liara." she said in return.

"I was looking for Orion, I thought he would be down here by now." the Asari replied.

"No, we haven't seen him since we got back on board. I thought he was in the CIC." Quickstrike added, making Liara shake her head in return.

"No, he was not there when I went to see him just now. So, I thought I would check here…." she answered before the inter-com activated, cutting her off.

"Red-Alert, this is the Communications station. We have a transmission for you from Autobot Command." a female crewman said, gaining a nod from the Femme.

"Okay, put it through. I'm sorry, Liara."

"Of course." the Asari replied before going quiet and letting the Doctor deal with the transmission.

"Red-Alert, this is Admiral Hackett." a grizzly voiced older man spoke back over the inter-com, gaining a curious look from the Femme.

"Admiral? Please forgive my bluntness, but what can I do for you? I have a lot on my plate right now."

"I have read the report that was sent back to me about the mission, and I hope Commander Rodimus and Smokescreen make a quick recovery. God knows we will need them and everyone else onboard the Normandy in the days to come, but I have news for you about Long-Arm."

Hearing that name made both Red-Alert and Quickstrike's attention heighten.

"Long-Arm!" the Blonde Bot replied, gaining a look from the Femme.

"You know my boyfriend? She asked with an inquisitive look.

"Yes, we became friends while serving on Omicron. He and I helped some civilians escape when the Predacons attacked, he flew the shuttle away." he answered before turning his attention to the Admiral's transmission.

"That is correct, Quickstrike. I guess this is for you too." the Admiral said before going silent for a moment.

"Admiral, what is it?" Red-Alert said back, the tone of her voice becoming agitated at his silence.

"There is no easy way for me to tell you this…." Hackett then said, which made the sparks of both Red-Alert and Quickstrike suddenly go heavy.

"…but I am sorry to have to tell you that Long-Arm is dead." the Admiral finished, which made the Femme collapse into the chair that was behind her as the entire world shattered around her.

"What!" Quickstrike replied with a mixture of confusion and anger in his voice while Liara looked on in shocked silence.

"The Autobot cruiser 'Wrecker's Fist' found the shuttle adrift in the middle of the Ondeste system while searching for Predacon vessels. Everyone on board had died of exposure to the vacuum of space. The shuttle had suffered damage from what appears to have been a fire fight and had simply lost power." Hackett continued, but his words became background noise to Red-Alert who was had become lost in her own thoughts as she tried to comprehend the reality that just been dropped on her.

"I don't know what to say." Quickstrike replied in a shocked tone, as he too found the news hard to bare before turning towards the Medical-Bay's exit.

"I have…I have to go." he said as walked out of the room, his mind filled with thoughts of his fallen friend which also brought back similar thoughts of Ser-Ket. This left Liara and Red-Alert with the Nurses in the room.

"…Admiral, I would like to be alone now…if you don't mind." she said while fighting back the tears that were beginning to form around her eyes.

"I understand, Red-Alert. Again, I am very sorry for you loss. Hackett out." the Admiral replied before the inter-com went silent.

"Everyone….take a…break please, I would like to be alone." the Doctor said, earning sympathetic looks from her staff.

"We understand, Doctor, but what about…" one started to say, but the Femme cut her off suddenly.

"The Commander and Smokescreen are out of danger. I will monitor them…now, please go." she said again, this time with a slightly aggravated tone to her voice while she barely held back her grief. So the Nurses nodded in return before leaving the Medical-Bay, as Liara took a step towards the Femme.

"Red-Alert, I am so sorry for your loss. If you ever need to talk, then I am here for you….because I know what you're going through." she said in a sympathetic and experienced tone, gaining a nod from the Autobot Doctor.

"Thank you, Liara, but for right now….I would prefer to be alone." she said back in a respectful tone, earning a understanding expression from the Asari.

"Okay." was all she said back before walking out of the room, leaving Red-Alert on her own and there and then the Femme just let go of her control and began to bawl out there and then with her head in her hands, tears running down her face as she let her grief take over.

Liara though continued to look for Orion, and though she did not want to leave Red-Alert alone, in-fact the Asari wanted to do the exact opposite. But she knew from personal experience that did not always help, so she refocused on her original task and that was to find the ship's suddenly illusive XO, and she felt as though she knew where to look.

Orion sat in his quarters, his desk covered in datapads with the Star-Saber lying over them. The lighting was on a low setting as he tended to his cuts and bruises. He also had used syringes of Medi-gel lying around, which he had used to heal any damaged bones and organs that he may have suffered from due to his fight with Galvatron.

But after he finished dressing the last of his wounds, the young Darby just sat there and sighed before his attention was caught by his door chiming.

'Great, who is it now?' he thought before looking over to the door.

"Orion, it's Liara."

The Autobot suddenly felt a little better knowing that it wasn't any other member of the crew and got up from his chair.

"Open." he said, which made the door slide open and allow the Asari to enter, her eyes immediately falling upon the Blue haired Bot.

"Orion, what are you doing in here? You should be in the CIC." she asked with a concerned tone.

"I came here to think and to tend to my wounds. Basically, to get away for a moment." he said back in an honest tone.

"But with Rodimus incapacitated, that leaves you in command. You should be out there, where everyone can see you. To give them hope that all is not lost and so not lose themselves to despair." Liara replied as the Bot sat back down in his chair and gave her a knowing look.

"I'm sorry, Liara, but I screwed up." he said back before looking away, making the Asari walk over and kneel in front of him.

"How did you screw up, Orion? Because the way I remember it, Galvatron defeated us all." she asked with a serious expression.

"I had the opportunity to finish Galvatron off, but I was so consumed with anger for what he had done to Rodimus….that I lost control and gave that Predacon the advantage." he said back with a guilt-laden tone.

"Orion, we all make mistakes."

"Yeah, but I have made more than a few already, which I have yet to learn from." he then spat back as he got up and walked over to the other side of the room, surprising Liara who stood up too.

"What do you mean?"

"If it is not my anger, then it is my over-confidence. I still don't see why that blade chose me." he said as he looked back at the dormant Star-Saber lying over his desk, and Liara looked down at the blade too before refocusing her attention on the blue-haired man.

"Orion, the Star-Saber obviously sees something in you that is worthy of it, or else it would never have let you hold it. Nobody is perfect, I know for a fact that your Father and Optimus before him made mistakes too. You shouldn't beat yourself up for it, for no Leader is infallible." she replied while moving over to his side.

"But everyone out there is expecting me to know what to do and how to react." he then said back while looking back at the Asari directly in the eyes.

"But you have been in command before during this mission." she replied, making Orion shake his head in return.

"No, I have always been support for my Commanding Officer. I never wanted to be in command myself, and now this has happened and I find myself as lost as we are all feeling..." he replied as the Asari just watched and listened intently.

"...Because the truth is I have no idea what I am supposed to do, or even any idea on what I can do."

Liara though raised her hand up to his face, gently brushing her fingers against his cheek.

"Orion, I know this is hard for you…as it is for all of us. But your crew needs you right now, because while Rodimus is bed stricken, your all they have left and you need to be strong for them. Now I know you can do this…..and so does that." she said back while pointing down at the Star-Saber, making the Bot sigh in response before looking back at her.

"You don't give up, do you?" he asked earning a slight smile from Liara.

"On you? Never."

Orion smiled back as he took a breath and regained his composure, before taking the Asari's hand in his own.

"You know, I can't imagine what my life would be like without you in it, Liara." he suddenly confessed, which made her heart warm as she smiled back.

"I feel the same about you, Orion."

"I don't know exactly when it happened, but I want you to know that I am glad it did." he said back as the two began to lean in closer to each other.

"Orion…" she started to say before she felt his breath on her lips as they were now just millimeters apart, until she then closed the distance as they kissed. From the instance their lips met, everything else melted away as they lost themselves in each other. Orion wrapped his arms around Liara's waist and pulled her close, the Asari moaned into the kiss as she did the same. Nothing else existed for the pair at this time as time itself appeared to slow to a standstill, suddenly the Normandy was rocked by what felt like an explosion.

"What the hell was that?" Orion said as the pair pulled away in surprise, Liara giving him an equally confused expression.

"I don't know, felt like something hit us." she replied as the Blue haired Bot tapped his com-link.

"Orion to CIC, report!" he said in suddenly commanding tone, all the doubt and insecurity that had plagued him moments earlier now gone.

"Orion, we are under attack. An unknown ship just appeared behind us and open fired." Jetstorm replied, as the battle-stations siren blared out around the pair.

"Take evasive action, we are on our…..." the young Darby began to say, before being cut off as the ship was rocked by another explosion.

"Damn it, they just took out our engines. We are dead in the water." the pilot replied, earning a look of shock from Orion as he stared at Liara before picking up the Star-Saber.

"Let's go."

Meanwhile, onboard Lockdown's ship. The Assassin was in the Commander's chair watching the Normandy begin to drift on the view-screen as Hock and Varas stood either side of him.

"They never saw us coming." Hock said with an impressed tone, while both Lockdown and Varas ignored him.

"The Normandy has been crippled." one of the Mechs then said, earning a smile from the former Decepticon.

"Good, latch on to the enemy ship and prepare to dock." he said back as he stood up and looked at the Batarian.

"Varas, have your team ready. Our sensors have picked up a single Asari life sign at this section of the Normandy, so we will dock there and breach the hull for you to board and capture her."

"What will you be doing?" Hock asked back, feeling somewhat cut out of the plan.

"I will use a Ground-bridge to enter their shuttle-bay and plant an explosive device there, then we will destroy the ship remotely once everyone is back onboard." Lockdown replied while looking back at the arms dealer.

"You can watch the entire operation unfold from here, Hock."

"May I sit in your chair?" the human asked, earning an eye roll from the Assassin as he turned his back to him.

"Do as you wish, just remember who's ship it is. Let's go." he then said before he and Varas left the CIC and Hock made himself comfortable in the Commander's chair.

Back on the Normandy, the crew worked frantically either at their stations or putting out the fires in the CIC as Jetstorm remained at his post just as Quickstrike joined him in the cockpit.

"What the hell just happened?" he asked, while Jetstorm kept his attention on his holo-interface.

"We are under attack, I just informed Orion and he is on his way to the CIC as we speak."

"Where is the enemy now?" the Blonde Bot said in return, making the pilot type the holo-keys in front of him and bring up the sensor screen which hissed with static every now and then.

"Damn it, all systems are messed up. But…" the Autobot replied as he saw the red dot moving up alongside them.

"Looks like they are planning to board us…" he added with a tinge of shock in his voice, earning a serious expression from Quickstrike.

"Can you tell me where?" he said back, gaining a nod from Jetstorm before typed away and made a projected course appear on of the many holo-screens surrounding the pilot.

"The crew deck, starboard section….where Orion is."

"Right, tell Orion. I will get the others and meet him there." the Blonde Bot said back before turning around and making his way back to the CIC.

"Wait…" Jetstorm then shouted, regaining the Bot's attention.

"I am picking up a ground-bridge opening in the shuttle-bay."

"Damn it! Okay, I am on my way down there. Have anyone nearby meet me there and tell Orion what is happening." Quickstrike said back before heading back into the CIC, earning a nod from the pilot.

"Aye aye." he said as he returned his attention to his holo-interface.

On the crew deck, Orion and Liara exited his quarters and entered the corridor which was still basked in red light from the battle-stations siren which continued to blare out.

"We need to find the others and figure out our next move." the Blue haired Bot said, gaining a nod from the Asari.

"Orion, Jetstorm here." the pilot then spoke through the com-link, which Orion then reconfigured so Liara could hear it to.

"I'm here with Liara, what's our status?" the Bot replied as they stopped in the center of the corridor.

"We are being boarded, Quickstrike is rallying the others to join him in the shuttle-bay since a ground-bridge vortex has been detected there." the pilot said back.

"Alright, we will meet them there." the young Darby replied, earning a nod from Liara.

"I don't think you will have time for that, Orion." Jetstorm said, gaining curious looks from both the Bot and Asari.

"What do you mean?" she asked back.

"Because whoever the enemy ship is, they are attempting to dock with us…at your location!" the pilot said and as if on cue, the ship again shook as the strain on the hull could be heard around the pair.

"Roger that." Orion replied as he readied his pistol and Liara clenched her fists, before the wall in front of them suddenly exploded and knocked the two onto their backs. Everything went fuzzy for a moment as the Autobot Spectre heard ringing in his ears as he attempted to get back to his feet, and the Asari experience similar feelings as she looked ahead at the large hole which had been blown open in the wall. Her sight was somewhat blurry, but she could just make out several figures as they stepped out onto the deck.

"There she is, Boys, right where they said she would be." a voice spoke out, which made her eyes widen in shock before anger took over. For this was a voice that she recognised and thought she would never hear again as she sat up and looked at the new arrivals, just as he eyes regained focus to see the Batarian and his Salvers.

"You!" she spat, earning a smile from Varas.

"She remembers us, isn't that precious. Get her, Boys!" he then said, as the other armoured men rushed at her. But Liara's heart and blood began to boil with anger as her mind became overrun with memories of her time as their prisoner, empowering her and heightening her biotics. This made her glow with energy as she launched herself at the Slavers, just as Orion recovered and looked back in confusion and shock.

"Liara!" he shouted back as he saw her fight with the armoured men, earning curious looks from the Batarian and the other Human standing next to him.

"Who's that, Varas?" Kane asked, earning a shrug from his boss.

"Who cares, kill him." Varas replied, to which the Human Slaver raised his weapon at Orion and smiled before pulling the trigger. But Orion managed to use the Star-Saber to deflect the shot, to his own amazement and that of the Slavers.

"What the…how did he?" Kane asked before firing three more shots which the Blue haired Bot deflected with ease, gaining a confident smile from him.

"Take him out the old fashioned way….while I deal with our Asari." Varas replied before activating holo-armour around his body and walking towards Liara who finished with the last of the soldiers. Kane nodded as he activated his holo-sabers, each one looking like a Katana before he took a fighting stance. Orion did the same before they both charged at each other.

Meanwhile, Liara dropped the last soldier to the floor and looked back to see Varas walking over to her, a look of utter glee on his face as he licked his lips.

"I was hoping we would see each other again, my Dear. There is so much more you could 'learn' from me." he said back in a slimy manner, earning a look of utter disdain and hate from the Asari.

"I'll never let you or any Slaver touch me again!" she spat while taking on a defensive stance and began glowing with biotic energy, making the Batarian's smile widen even more.

"Oh, I will touch you, and make you feel it." he said back before launching himself at her.

Meanwhile, Lockdown and his Mechs were already in the shuttle-bay and planting the large explosive device in the center of the large room, just as Quickstrike, Nightracer, Shen and Grunt entered.

"Autobots!" the Assassin shouted before firing back at the group, making them scatter and take cover behind nearby cargo containers as several of his Mechs joined in. Nightracer fired back before her eyes widened as she recognised the enemy leader.

"Can't be." she said, gaining a curious expression from Quickstrike.

"What?" he asked before firing several shots back at the Mechs, blowing the head off one as he did so.

"That's Lockdown." she simply said back, earning a shrug from the Blonde Bot.

"Who's that?" Grunt said back, beating him to it.

"He was a Decepticon, I remember my mother telling me about him from her Con days." she replied before taking another shot at the robot soldiers.

"Whoever he is, let's kick him off our ship," Shen said back before putting down three more of the Mechs, gaining nods from his friends as they all fired simultaneously. This barrage of gunfire made Lockdown hide behind the heavily armoured bomb while the remaining Mechs were annihilated.

"That's what I have come to expect from Autobots." he said to himself with a measure of respect in his voice before bringing up his holo-tool and activating the bomb, a timer on it then lit up and revealed a three-minute countdown.

"You're outgunned and outmatched, surrender." Nightracer called out, earning a sigh from the former Decepticon as he threw his gun aside and stood up from behind the device. He looked at the group and smiled as he recognised the Femme.

"You must be Slipstream's daughter. I would recognise those eyes anywhere." he said back, earning a surprised expression from Nightracer who kept her gun on him as the others took positions around the Assassin.

"Lockdown,…you're under arrest." she replied, making him smirk back in an unconvinced manner.

"Really? I don't really feel threatened at all, if that's what you're trying to achieve." he said back, making Grunt grit his teeth and let off a low growl.

"We can change that." he said back, but the former Decepticon ignored him and continued to look at Nightracer.

"So what now?" he said back, though his expression was that of someone who did not care.

"Who are you working for?" she asked back in a firm tone.

"Is it the Predacons?" Quickstrike quickly added, gaining a knowing look from Lockdown.

"I work for someone who wants you all out of the way, that's all I…." he began to say before his com-link activated.

"That's the bitch that broke my nose! Kill her!" Hock suddenly screamed, earning a slight grimace from the Assassin as his ears felt that one.

"In good time." he replied calmly, earning confused looks from the Autobots.

"Who are you talking to?" Shen asked while keeping his pistol aimed at the former Con.

"Never mind that…." he said before looking around himself.

"…Can you hear that?" he then added, making the Autobots glance at each other with further confused expressions.

"Can we hear wh…" Quickstrike said back before he suddenly heard a low beeping coming from the large device next to them, so he looked down at it and saw the timer counting down.

"Oh ****! It's a bomb!" he exclaimed earning the looks of the others as they looked down at the device, earning a smile from the Assassin as a ground-bridge portal opened up behind him.

"Yes, it is. Have fun." Lockdown replied before stepping back into the portal which then closed before anyone could retaliate, leaving the group standing there with the explosive device counting down.

Back on the crew deck, Orion and Liara continued their fight with the Slavers as the Blue haired Bot got the upper hand on Kane, side kicking the human Merc in the side before grabbing his arm and throwing him to the ground hard.

The Spectre then turned his attention to the Asari and her adversary, with him lunging with his holo-blade only for her to evade with a biotic charge which made her dash to his right in the blink of an eye. She then grabbed his free arm and broke it, which made Varas cry out in pain before she got him in a head lock and kicked at his leg, causing him to fall to his knees.

"You Bitch!" he said back while blood filled his mouth.

"I'm going to make you pay for that!" he continued while the Asari tightened her grip around his neck, a look of complete calmness on her face at this moment.

"No…you won't hurt anyone ever again." she replied before then snapping his neck and silencing him once and for all, earning a look of surprise from Orion as she dropped the body to the floor in a heap.


The Asari looked back before Kane regained both their attention, as he got back to his feet.

"One more to go!" she then replied as the Human Slaver's com-link activated.

"Have you secured the Asari?" Lockdown spoke, making Kane shake his head while stepping back from the pair.

"Negative, our team is down and Varas is dead." he said back.

"Scrap! Get back to the ship. I know of another way to secure her." the former Decepticon replied, earning a nod from the Human as he then equipped a flash-bang grenade and threw it down to the ground between himself and the pair, which made Orion grab Liara and pull her towards him just before the device exploded into a blinding light.

"Orion." she said back in surprise before the light faded and the couple opened their eyes to find themselves alone in the corridor.

"You okay?" he asked as they looked at each other.

"Yes, but what about…" she started to say, making Orion cup her face in his hands and look her in the eyes.

"They were after you, Liara. There's no point running onto their ship and into what's obviously a trap." he said back calmly, earning a nod from her as she held on to him tightly before he looked down at the dead slavers, including Varas.

"These were the Slavers that…." he started to say before Liara cut him off.

"Yes! Yes, they are." she said back as he felt her physically shake in his arms, so he held her so close to his chest, the Bot swore that he could feel her heartbeat.

"I completely agree with what you did, Liara, and I swear we will get the rest of them. No one hurts…my girl." he then found himself saying, making the Asari pull back enough to look him in the eyes with a curious expression.

"Your girl?" she asked back, almost making Orion blush as he sighed.

"Oh…yeah. I just thought since we did kiss…uh.." he started to say before she interrupted him by placing a finger on his lips and smiling at him, he blue eyes glistening as he found himself lost in them.

"I like that…" she said back as they leaned in for a kiss, but suddenly the ship shook around them again as the sounds of something dislodging itself caught Orion's attention, making him look back at the hole in the wall.

"Scrap, we have to move now!" he said as he gripped Liara's hand tight and the two ran for the adjourning corridor, picking up the Star-Saber as they ran past.

The pair made it to the corridor just as the ship's atmosphere started to escape through the gaps being created from the unknown ship, with Orion bringing up his holo-tool and creating a force-field that blocked off their corridor from the other just as the enemy craft pulled away and exposed said area to the vacuum of space.

"That was close." Liara said with a breath of relief as she and Orion looked on as the dead bodies were sucked through the hole in the hull and out of sight.

"Orion to CIC, come in." the Blue haired Bot then said into his com-link, but the only reply he received was static.

Meanwhile, Lockdown re-entered the CIC of his ship and gestured for Hock to get out of his chair, all the while never taking his eyes off the Normandy which once again began to drift through the void in front of them.

"We have successfully broken off from the Normandy." the Mech manning the helm stated, earning a grin from the former Decepticon.

"Locate and target the section where the Asari life-sign is." he replied, earning a look of confusion from Hock as he stood there and watched.

"What are you doing?" he asked, but Lockdown ignored him and focused on the viewscreen.

"Arm one low-yield torpedo and prepare a Ground-bridge portal, targeted several feet outside that part of the Normandy to open several seconds after launch." he added, gaining nods from the Mechs at both the weapons and helm stations.

"Area targeted, weapons armed." one replied.

"Ground-bridge ready." the other added.

"Fire!" Lockdown then commanded, as the Mech pressed one mechanical finger down on it's holo-interface. With that the ship fired the glowing red torpedo which hurtled towards the stricken Normandy and impacted the hull, causing an explosion which ripped that section apart.

Suddenly, everything that happened next did so extremely fast for Orion and Liara as the ceiling over them was ripped open and exposing them both to open space.

Orion instinctively embedded the Star-Saber into the ground as he held tightly on to his lover, as they both suddenly felt like they were in the middle of a hurricane as the atmosphere was sucked out of the gaping hole over them and pulled their feet from beneath them.

The pair felt the extreme pressure of the vacuum of space yanking at their bodies as the Spectre held on to the hilt of the Star-Saber for dear life.

"Don't let go, Liara, the emergency force fields will kick in soon." he shouted back, gaining a nod from the Asari as she tightened her grip around his body while he did the same. But the force at which the Bot was fighting against was too much for him, and he could feel his strength beginning to fail him.

'No, I can't…I won't let us die….come on force-field, activate already.' he thought as his grasp started to slip slightly from the hilt of the Star-Saber which at this time was the only thing anchoring him and his Asari lover to the Normandy. But as another few seconds passed, the force field still did not activate and the blue-haired Bot felt his body fail.

"I'm sorry." he said before his grip completely slipped and he and Liara were sucked out of the gaping hole in the Normandy hull and out into space. But just as the pair felt the air vacate their lungs rather violently, a bright green vortex opened up and swallowed them whole before closing just as quickly.

Lockdown smiled as he tapped his com-link while watching the action on the CIC's main view-screen.

"Do we have them and are they alive?" he asked before a familiar voice spoke back to him.

"Yes, Lockdown. And they are alive, if slightly frost-bitten."

"Good, get them to the Infirmary and deal with their wounds. But don't let them out of your sight Thane, don't screw this second chance up or you know what the consequences will be." the former Decepticon replied before ending the transmission.

"So what now? When does the Normandy blow?" Hock asked, which made Lockdown look down at his holo-tool and read the timer that was currently counting down on it's small screen.

"It's several seconds away, Hock, take a look…" he replied before looking over to the Mech manning the helm.

"Bring us about and take us away from the Normandy, and set the view-screen to aft view."

The Mech nodded and did what he was asked as the screen showed them turning away before suddenly making the Autobot ship appear again and get smaller as it continued to drift through space.

"Its about time.." the arms dealer then said as he watched the Normandy drift further away before suddenly exploding in a massive fireball, which made him smile from ear to ear, earning a curious look from Lockdown.

"I suppose you are happy now?" he replied with Hock nodding in return while keeping his attention on the explosion, savoring every second of it.

"Yes, that was well worth it."

"Good, then let's get moving. Helm, set a course for the 'home'." Lockdown said as he leaned back in his chair as the view-screen switched back to the front view just in time to witness a space-bridge vortex open up and envelope the ship in green light.
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Re: Prime Effect 4

Postby Apollo-XL5 » Sun May 10, 2020 7:02 am

Motto: ""It's all in the reflexes.""
Weapon: Star Saber Sword

Minutes earlier…..

The situation was growing desperate onboard the Normandy which was still connected the to the unknown enemy ship. Down in the Shuttle-Bay, Quickstrike and the other Autobots stood around the explosive device, unsure of what to do while it's timer continued to count down towards zero and detonation.

"So, anyone here know bomb disposal?" Shen asked with a worried tone, making everyone else shake their heads in return.

"No. But even if any of us did, I don't see any openings or access of any kind for anyone to even try." Quickstrike replied as he knelt next to it and looked around the timer

"Well, what do we do?" Nightracer said as she walked around the bomb, looking at it's base, noticing another problem for the team.

"The damn thing has been fused to the deck, I don't think any of us would be able to move it." she added before looking up at the Blonde Bot and noticing his thoughtful expression.

"What is it?" she asked him.

"We may not be able to move it, but I know someone who can." Quickstrike replied before looking behind him at both Grunt and Shen, making the Krogan narrow his eyes back at the Blonde Autobot.

"Don't look at me, I can't move it." he spat back, making the Blonde Autobot shake his head in response.

"I wasn't looking at you!" he replied as he pointed behind the pair at the back wall of the Shuttle-Bay, gaining the others' attention as they looked back and noticed that it wasn't just a wall but closed blast door.

"Wait…that's the Cargo-Bay back there, right?" Shen asked, earning a nod from Quickstrike as he tapped his com-link.

"Jetstorm, do you read?"

"I'm here, what's going on down there. I have lost internal sensors across the Normandy." the pilot replied.

"How bad is the damage so far?" the Blonde Bot asked, while Nightracer gestured back to him about the timer,

"Engines and weapons are offline, not many systems are fully operational…why?" Jetstorm said back as he looked at the flashing images of the ship's schematics on his holo-interface.

"Tell me the stealth-mode still works?" Quickstrike replied as he tapped his com-link again and let the rest of the team listen in.

"It is still active, but I don't think it would last long. But we still have that other ship hooked onto us, what good would it do?" the pilot answered.

"Just be ready to use it and wait for my say so, I am leaving this channel online…so standby." the Autobot said before looking back at the others.

"So you have a plan?" Grunt asked, gaining a nod back.

"Yeah, that Lockdown is expecting that explosive to destroy us, right..?" he said while Shen glanced down at the timer and noticed that it had passed the two-minute margin, earning a gulp from the Turian before he activated his holo-tool and started a similar timer.

" we will let it go off." Quickstrike continued before activating his holo-tool.

"Say what?" Nightracer replied with a shocked look, earning similar reactions from the rest of the team. But the Blonde Bot ignored her and turned his attention to the Cargo-Bay door, and with a push of a button on his holo-interface made the door open with a grinding-like noise. And it opened to reveal Onyx Primal looking back at them while on his hands and knees.

"What in the All-Spark is going on here?" he asked back, his blue optics focusing on the group.

"We are under attack." Quickstrike replied while Nightracer smiled as she figured out her friend's plan.

"Is it Predacons?" the Maximal said back, making the Blonde man shake his head in return and point over to the explosive device.

"No, but they have planted a bomb here that we cannot defuse or move."

"But I can." the Primal replied as he crawled through the open doorway and into the Shuttle-Bay.

"Right. And since you don't need to breathe oxygen, we will vacate the room and open up the bay doors so that you can throw the bomb into space…." he then said, before suddenly the ship shook again and cut him off mid-sentence.

"The enemy ship has just pulled away from us." Jetstorm spoke back through the com-link.

"Good, so as I was saying…Jetstorm, once the device explodes you will activate the stealth mode to fool the enemy into thinking we have been destroyed." Quickstrike then finished, gaining nods from everyone.

"Quite the plan you have there." Nightracer replied.

"Well, let's get started." the Blonde Bot said back as he motioned everyone to follow him to the doorway before tapping his com-link again.

"Orion, Liara, you there?" he said but the only response was static as he made it to the exit and looked back at Onyx Primal, who nodded back before transforming into his dragon mode and grabbed the bomb in his jaws before pulling it free from the deck.

"Good luck." the Blonde Bot said before closing the door and moving over to the control panel next to it as the others watched.

"You think this will work?" Grunt then asked but before Quickstrike or anyone else could answer, Jetstorm suddenly shouted down the com-link.

"They are firing a torpedo, hold on!"

And suddenly, the Normandy was rocked by an explosion as the torpedo impacted another part of it, making the team lose their balance, also in the shuttle-bay Onyx too fall to the ground and dropped the bomb back onto the deck. His optics widened as he heard it make a strange noise after impacting on the ground, so he quickly grabbed it with his jaws again.

Meanwhile, outside the room, Quickstrike got back to his feet quickly, just as Shen looked at his holo-tool and gulped again.

"Fifteen seconds!" he exclaimed as the Blonde Bot leaned against the panel and typed into its keypad, before hitting the release button underneath. While inside the Shuttle-bay, Onyx Primal saw the landing ramp open up and expose the room to the vacuum of space with the atmosphere instantly starting to vacate that area of the ship.

So the Maximal dug his claws into the deck and opened his jaws, letting go of the bomb and watched as it flew out of the ship but not before clipping the landing ramp on it's way out, which would have made the Primal bite his lip if he had one before transforming back into his Cybertronian mode.

"It's done!" he shouted into his com-link just before the atmosphere was completely sucked out of the exposed area as the ramp was nearly fully open. So Quickstrike immediately pressed the re-seal button to close and re-pressurize the cargo bay, while Shen tapped his com-link.

"Three, two, one…."

Suddenly, the bomb exploded between the Normandy and the enemy ship and shielded it from Lockdown's view, though the energy and force of the blast damaged the Autobot ship and made everyone to lose their balance again.

But Jetstorm was fully strapped into his chair and managed to activate the stealth mode which made the Normandy disappear seconds before the explosion dissipated to nothing.

"We are cloaked, though we have suffered more damage from being so close to the blast." the pilot replied, while Quickstrike helped Nightracer back onto her feet as Grunt did the same for Shen.

"But has it fooled Lockdown?" the Femme asked, earning an uncertain look from the Blonde Bot.

"We'll know if they open fire." he said back before everyone went quiet and waited for one of two outcomes, either Jetstorm would give the all-clear or the ship would be destroyed by another volley of torpedoes. After what felt like an eternity, the pilot spoke again.

"The enemy ship has just left via a space-bridge, it worked." Jetstorm said, earning sighs of relief from everyone as Quickstrike put his hand to his ear.

"Orion….Liara, come in." he said into his com-link but again there was no answer, gaining a concerned look on his face which was shared by the others.

"They're on the crew deck, right?" Nightracer asked, earning a nod from the Blonde Bot.

"Let's go then." she replied as he looked back at the others.

"Shen, head back to the CIC and help Jetstorm coordinate repairs. Grunt stay here and make sure Onyx is alright in the shuttle-bay." Quickstrike then said, earning a stare from the Krogan.

"Who put him in charge?"

The Blonde Bot though merely ignored him and gestured for Nightracer to follow, leaving Grunt with Shen.

"I don't want to get involved….so I will just head to the CIC." he said before walking off so that Grunt was the only one left, and he reluctantly looked over to see that the shuttle-bay had fully re-pressurized. So he opened the door and looked into the Maximal staring back at him with a curious expression.

"So I guess it worked then." he said, earning a sigh from the Krogan.

A few minutes later, and a hatch opened up in the floor of the crew deck, with both Quickstrike and Nightracer climbing out and looking around at the damaged corridor they had entered.

"Damn. Look at this place. I hope they are alright." the Femme replied with a worried expression and tone, earning a similar look from the Blonde Bot as they began searching.

"Orion, Liara." they both took turns in shouting before spotting a force-field flickering just ahead of them, so the pair moved toward it until the sight before they made Nightracer gasp in shock.

"No…" was all she could say as they stared through the force-field to see the entire section had a gaping hole going from one end of the corridor to the other, exposing the area to the vacuum of space.

"Surely they weren't here, but on some other part of the deck?" the Femme asked but when Quickstrike did not answer, she noticed he was looking in a certain place so did the same. What she saw made her eyes widen, as there in the center of the wrecked corridor was the Star-Saber, embedded into the metal deck.

"I will not believe they are dead?" the Blonde Bot then said with a hint of defiance in his voice.

"This was where Jetstorm said that the enemy ship had locked onto us, so they forced their way on board here."

"You think they may have taken our friends, if so then why is the Star-Saber like that unless Orion left it so?" Nightracer asked while the Bot looked at the area with a thoughtful expression.

"What if they had tried to…but failed originally." he then said, earning a confused look from the Femme.

"I…what are you on about?"

"…whoever they are, Lockdown aside….they have space-bridge tech." Quickstrike added before tapping his com-link.

"Jet-storm, you there?" he asked, hearing nothing but static for a moment before it finally cleared.

"Shen here, Jetstorm is back in the CIC helping some of the crew. So is Orion and Liara okay?" the Turian answered back.

"No, they are not here." the Blonde Bot replied, earning silence from Shen as Quickstrike looked over to Nightracer, seeing the worry in her face.

"You don't think…." the Turian began to say, only for the Autobot to cut him off.

"No, I don't. Can you access the sensor logs during the attack from the cockpit for me?" the Bot replied.

"Yeah…..I guess, so what am I looking for?" the Turian said back.

"Check the external sensor logs for any ground-bridge activations outside of the ship."

"Looking at them now…..yes, there was a vortex just outside that area of the Normandy that you are in." Shen said back, gaining a nod from Quickstrike.

"Alright then, how are communications looking?"

"Our Communications are still operational." his friend replied.

"Good, Nightracer and I are on our way to the CIC now. See if you can get us contact with Autobot Intelligence and Matriarch Benezia." the Blonde Bot said back before deactivating his com-link and looking over to Nightracer, who was still staring at the Star-Saber.

"Come on, Ni. There's no point standing around here." he said while placing a hand on her shoulder.

"But we can't just leave it here…" the Femme started to say, but the Bot cut her off.

"Well, other than Orion, none of us can even move it. Plus it is in a vacuum right now, it's not going anywhere." he replied, earning a nod from Nightracer before she looked out of the gaping hole in the hull at stars outside.

"I just hope they are alright."

"So do I, Ni. So do I." Quickstrike said back before the pair started walking back the way they came.


In a system on the edge of the galaxy, a space-bridge vortex opened up and Lockdown's ship came through back into normal space.

It's dark grey hull did not even reflect the light of the nearby star as it flew towards a light green planet with heavy cloud cover. In the ship's CIC, Lockdown sat in the Commander's chair and watched as the planet appeared on the holo-screen while Hock watched at his side.

"Send the signal." he said, earning a nod from the Mech at the com station as it pressed a key combination into its holo-interface.

"Signal sent." it replied, then a moment passed before a beeping could be heard from the Com station.

"Signal acknowledged, we are allowed to approach and land."

"Very well, lock onto the base's beacon and take us down." the Assassin then said to the Mech pilot, and then the ship descended into the planet's atmosphere.

"Where exactly are we?" Hock asked as the ship started to vibrate and shake around them, earning a worrying look from the weapon's dealer. But Lockdown just looked relaxed as he sat in his chair.

"Relax Hock, my ship can take a little turbulence." he said back before a lightning bolt struck the ship, causing it to rock which made Lockdown's new comrade grab at the arm of his chair to keep himself from falling over.

"You didn't answer my question, Lockdown. Where are we?" Hock replied with anger in his voice, gaining a smile from the former Decepticon.

"Well, since you are now part of the organisation, I suppose you should know. This planet is Hagalaz, quite the hiding place wouldn't you agree."

"Hagalaz…" the Human replied as he looked out at the storm raging around them on the view-screen.

"It is known as a garden world, but is deemed too dangerous for colonisation because of its highly volatile atmosphere…correct?"

"Yes, you see it has a far slower rotational period compared to planets like Earth or Thessia…ninety eight hours I believe. So this leaves the planet pretty much boiling during the daylight hours and then as soon as the sun goes down, the planet's surface snap freezes a few minutes later. It's at this point that highly volatile storms are created…of which we are through now." Lockdown replied which made Hock nod back as he listened with a curious expression.

"And the Shadow Broker's base is in this?"

"That is correct, though it is more of a ship and it follows the sunset, so it remains completely hidden in this storm system. So the only way to find it is to have access to it's beacon's frequency, because otherwise, it's like trying to find a needle in a haystack…during a hurricane as you Humans say." the Assassin replied before noticing a shape in the storm clouds ahead of them.

"And there it is." he then said, making Hock look at the view-screen as the Shadow Broker's ship appeared before them. The vessel had a giant reflective shield on the side that was facing the setting sun, while the rest of the ship which looked like a battlecruiser.

"Impressive." Hock said as he looked at the giant ship, noticing that the vessel was getting it by multiple lightning strikes as the storm raged around it.

"I am no expert on ships you know, but it must be a pain to try to keep this ship from getting too damaged by the constant energy strikes it must receive?"

"Not at all since the entire ship except its heat shield, is covered in lightning rods which then draw the excess energy into capacitors that help power the ship. So the storm system not only hides the Shadow Broker, but also powers his vessel too." Lockdown said as he had the view-screen zoom in on the ship's hull, showing the lightning rods to Hock.

"A very efficient design, I must say." he replied before one of the Mechs turned to the Assassin.

"Commander, we have permission to dock."

"Very well. Take us in with thrusters only." Lockdown said back as he and Hock watched.

Aboard the Shadow Broker's ship, Agent Zero watched from the landing bay's control room while the arrow-head shaped vessel entered the large landing area, folding it's ventral and dorsal wings in as it extended it's landing struts just in time to touch the metal floor of the bay.

"I will go and welcome our guests." the Agent said to the Mech manning the control room's terminal before leaving the small room, just in time to see the ship's shuttle-bay ramp open up and reveal it's crew.

"Welcome back Lockdown." the female agent said, earning a nod from the Assassin as he walked down the ramp with Hock beside him.

"Thank you, Agent Zero. The Shadow Broker will be pleased to know that our mission was a success." the former Decepticon replied while Hock stared back in confusion at the unknown female Agent, because she was still wearing her breather-helmet. This did not go unnoticed by her, as she turned her attention to him.

"I take it this is Donavon Hock." she said back before offering her hand to the arms dealer, who looked down at it before shaking it in his own.

"Yes, and you are?" he asked in an inquisitive tone.

"Agent Zero." she replied, earning a smirk from the Human.

"Yes, that is your code name. But I make it a point to know who I am working with, so your name is….?"

"Agent Zero, that is all you need to know at this time." the female replied before pulling her hand away and stared back with narrowed eyes through the visor of her helmet.

"Okay.." Lockdown then said, making both Hock and Zero look at him before noticing the two mobile berths being moved down the ramp towards them. The female Agent saw that one carried an unconscious Liara T'Soni, while the other had a blue-haired man strapped onto it which made her walk over to his side.

"I know this man, he was…." she began to say, earning Hock's attention before Lockdown stepped in.

"..this is Orion Darby, Autobot Spectre, and son of Jackson Prime. You obviously recognise him from his profile." the former-Decepticon said to the female Agent with a knowing look, while Hock raised an eyebrow at the pair as they turned their backs to him.

"Hock doesn't need to know that you were there when the Autobots crashed his party to rescue the Asari here,…does he," he whispered to her, gaining a nod from Zero.

"Yes, of course. I just recall this particular Autobot being quite the annoyance to my mission then." she whispered back before her attention was caught by the Drell that stood behind both berths.

"Thane, I was not aware that you had been assigned to this mission." Zero said but before the Drell could respond, Lockdown beat him to it.

"I requested that he be put on my team, just on the off-chance that the forces under my command were not enough." he said before looking back at Thane.

"So how are 'our guests'?"

"They are both still unconscious, but we have healed any injuries that they had received during our mission." the Drell replied with a blank tone, gaining a nod from Zero.

"Good, though you could have just focused on the Asari. Since she was the only one that was supposed to be retrieved in the first place."

"So what should I do with the Autobot?" Thane asked back before looking down on the unconscious Bot.

"Have him put in the ship's detention area, we will let the Shadow Broker determine what happens to him." Lockdown replied, earning a nod from Agent Zero before her com-link activated.

"Excuse me." she said to the three before turning her back to them and receiving the call,

"Where do I go?" Hock then asked the Assassin, making him turn to the Human.

"One of the Mechs will take you to your quarters until the Shadow Broker is ready to see you." the former Decepticon said before gesturing to one of the nearby roBots.

"Please sir, if you will follow me." it then said, making the arms dealer follow it out of the Landing Bay as Thane took a step toward Lockdown.

"Since I have done everything asked of me as of late, maybe you can see if I can be allowed to see my son now?" the Drell asked.

"I do not know if that will be possible at this time, Thane. You did, after all, fail to acquire the Asari the first time round." the former Decepticon replied.

"I was not the only one who failed in that task Lockdown…" Thane replied while gesturing to Agent Zero who was still on her com-link.

"…it has been several weeks since I joined this operation, which I only agreed too since the Shadow Broker promised to not only help protect my son from whoever killed my wife but also discover the identity of her killer. But I have yet to have that evidence or see my son." the Drell replied with slight anger building in his voice, though Lockdown merely looked back calmly.

"I understand your frustration Thane, I do…..but there is nothing I can do at this time, as it is up to the Shadow Broker. Now can you take Orion Darby to the detention area please?" the Assassin replied, earning a reluctant nod from Thane, who then gestured to the Mech pushing Orion's berth to follow him out of the room. Agent Zero then deactivated her com-link and turned back to the former Decepticon.

"That was the Shadow Broker, he wants Dr T'Soni ready to meet him. But first he wants to see you in his sanctum." she said, gaining a surprise expression from the former Con before he nodded back.

"Very well, I will go see him immediately then." he replied before turning away from the Agent and leaving the room.

'He wants to see me, why would that be? he thought as he entered the corridor and walked towards the ship's bow.

A few minutes later and the former Decepticon Assassin entered a large dimly lit room that had a sphere-like shape to it's structure, and a large power conduit running through it's center which was surrounded by large holo-screens. Lockdown looked down to the far end of the room and saw the silhouette of a large being standing there in what looked like m, as if waiting for him.

"Lockdown, please come closer." a beastly and commanding voice spoke, which made Lockdown feel somewhat nervous. But he took a breath and did as he was told and walked through the room towards the shadowy large being, stopping next to the power conduit when he could see this person more clearly. For what he saw was an alien being that he recognised only too well, with it's large mouth and eight black eyes. For it's massive frame and primitive look. For it's species has a terrible reputation known throughout the galaxy, since it annihilated the former Citadel Council's first contact teams decades ago.

'It's a Yahg, but how?' he thought as the beast took a step towards him.

"Did you complete your mission?" the Shadow Broker asked in a very calm and conservative tone, which earned a quick nod from the Assassin in return.

"Yes, Sir. We retrieved the Asari and captured Orion Darby too while also destroying the Normandy as you ordered." he said back while trying not to show how confused he was at the Beast's behaviour.

'How is it acting so sophisticated and calm, considering it's reputation? In fact how did 'it' become the Shadow Broker?'

But the Yahg activated his holo-tool and brought up a data-log on one of the large holo-screens.

"Is that so, then perhaps you can tell me how the Normandy managed to contact the Autobot Command only minutes ago?" he replied with a slither of anger in his voice while showing his sharp teeth.

"I do not understand, Sir. My crew and I witnessed the Normandy exploding before us." Lockdown said back in shock as he looked at the data flowing down the screen.

"Well, an Autobot by the name of Quickstrike informed ISF Command of the attack on the Normandy before naming you as one of the attackers. He also told them that he believes you have taken Orion Darby and Liara T'Soni as captives. This is not looking good for you, Lockdown." the Broker replied again.

"Sir, I….can't really…come up with a good…excuse." the former Decepticon said back in a worried and confused tone, which earned a low growl from the Beast.

"If you could, then I would kill you where you stand. because I can not stand liars. I prefer the truth, that is why I am the most powerful information Broker in the galaxy. Lies and deceit do not go well in this business."

"I understand, Sir. So, what now?" Lockdown asked as if he was holding his breath at how the Shadow Broker would respond.

"Since you were truthful with me, and because this is the only time you have failed…..I am willing to give you another chance…..but only one chance, understand?" he replied, gaining a nod from the Assassin.

"Yes, thank you, Sir. I will not fail you again."

"You better not, now go." the Beast replied before turning his back to the former Con, who was about to move when he suddenly looked back at his employer.

"Sir, if I may ask. How did you find out about the Autobots?" he asked, regaining the Shadow Broker's attention as it looked back at him.

"I have contacts in both the ISF Senate and Autobot Command, I am the Shadow Broker after all."

"Of course, Sir, but what about Quickstrike and the other Autobots?" Lockdown replied.

"I have sent some of our forces to my contacts, they will have them deployed if the Autobots begin snooping where they shouldn't. Now go, I have another meeting to hold." the Broker said back, which made the former Decepticon nod in return before walking back to the room's exit.

"Of course, Sir." he said before reaching the door, which opened to reveal Agent Zero and the berth carrying a still unconscious Liara.

"Zero." Lockdown said as he passed them.

"Lockdown." the female replied before pushing the berth into the room as the door closed behind her.

"Agent Zero, how is our 'guest'?" the Yahg asked as the Agent stopped the berth just in front of it.

"Her injuries have been treated, but she is still unconscious. I was told by our medical Mechs that she should awaken soon." Zero replied, gaining a nod from the Broker.

"Good, I have looked forward to this moment for a long time."

"I know, do you think she will join us…once she knows the truth?" the Agent asked with a curious look, which made the Beast look back at her with a determined expression.

"For her sake, I hope so."


As the Normandy flew in orbit around a dead, crater covered planetoid in one of systems on the edge of galaxy. Nightracer entered the Communications room while Quickstrike deactivated the terminal before him and crossed his arms in frustration while turning around to the Femme.

"I take it by the look of you that it didn't go well?" she asked, gaining a nod from the Blonde Autobot as he sighed in return.

"I reported what had happened and who was responsible, but all Command could say was that they would pass our information to Autobot Intelligence since they were more focused on dealing with the Predacons right now."

"So…..we are alone on this then?" Nightracer said back with a disheartened tone.

"No, we have been ordered back to join the seventh Autobot fleet in the Exodus cluster." the Bot replied, making the Femme's eyes widen in shock.

"But what about Orion and Liara, we can't just leave them to Lockdown and whoever he is working with." she said back with a defiant tone and expression, earning a nod from her friend.

"Hey, your preaching to the choir on that one. And I am sure the others would agree, so I am up for ignoring the order to return if you are." Quickstrike said back with a slight smile, earning a mirrored look from Nightracer in return.

"Sure why not, I'm certainly not willing to give up on our friends…." she said back before the Communications terminal began to beep, which made the pair look over to it with a curious expression.

"We're receiving a call?" the Femme stated with a confused tone, which made the Blonde Bot tap his com-link.

"Jetstorm, do you know anything about us receiving a transmission?"

"We are? Sorry, there is nothing on my system about it Quickstrike." the Pilot replied, which made Orion's cousin look down at the blinking light on the terminal with a thoughtful expression.

"Well, you better answer it before whoever it is getting tired of being ignored." Nightracer replied, making Quickstrike deactivate his com-link and place his hands over the terminal's surface, thus activating the holo-interface before connecting the call.

"This is Quickstrike of the Autobot Spectre vessel Normandy, who is this attempting contact?" he then said.

"Well, that was certainly a very professional reply, and from me of all people." a familiar female voice spoke, making Nightracer's eyes widen as she recognised it.

"Kasumi?" she said back before the holo-emitter behind the terminal activated and revealed the Autobot Informant and Thief.

"Hello, Nightracer…and who is this?" she replied while looking at Quickstrike.

"This is Quickstrike. He is Orion's cousin." the Femme replied, gaining a nod from the Bot.

"I see, and where is Rodimus. He is still Commander of the Normandy…yes?" Kasumi asked in return.

"He was severely injured during our last engagement with the Predacons and is currently in our Medical Bay." Quickstrike replied, earning a worried and concerned look from the Thief.

"I see…. well, I hope he recovers. He is a good man." she said back with a caring tone in her voice, which earned mirrored expressions from the pair.

"Yes….but now if I may ask, why have you contacted us, Kasumi?" Nightracer asked.

"I was told to do so by Miranda Lawson, after she had heard about Lockdown's attack on your ship." Kasumi said back, gaining a curious look from Quickstrike.

"I only just contacted Autobot Command a few minutes ago, how did Commander Lawson hear about so quickly? Because I doubt our military leaders would have informed that fast."

"And you would be correct, Quickstrike, let's just say that Miranda likes to know what is going on around her before anyone has the chance to tell her. It's her MECH training asserting itself. But either way, she knows that I am your best chance to find out where Lockdown and your friends are." the Thief replied with a confident expression.

"How is that?" Nightracer asked in return.

"Hello….professional Thief, lives in the criminal underworld. I would know where the best places to look would be." Kasumi said back with a slither of sarcasm in her voice, which made Nightracer tighten up a little.

"You don't have to remind me of that."

"Well, getting back on topic. Lockdown was quite the household name amongst Assassins and Mercenaries back in the day, when he suddenly just disappeared off the map. Only appearing for very short periods of time and it was rumored that he had found himself a more permanent employer."

"Do you know who this 'employer' is?" the Blonde Bot then asked, making the female shake her head in return.

"No, but since whoever it is must be extremely secretive to keep themselves out of the public eye for so long. So they will be monitoring the entire galaxy for signs that their prized Assassin is being searched for, so we bait them into revealing themselves or at least someone who can lead us to them properly." Kasumi replied, earning a smile from Quickstrike and Nightracer.

"I like it, so where do we meet to set this trap?" the Femme said back.

"I will be in the city of Joughin on the planet Benning, I am sending you the coordinates now to meet me there. It is a more grimier section of the city where lowlifes and other unpleasant individuals like to congregate, and be sure to dress more incognito when you arrive, as the saying goes 'when in Rome..'." Kasumi replied while typing on her holo-tool.

"Do as the Romans do, Understood. We are on our way, Normandy out." Quickstrike said back before ending the transmission and making the holo-image of the Thief fade to nothing, he then turned back to Nightracer.

"As soon as we arrive at Benning, we will take a ground bridge down to the city a click away from Kasumi's coordinates. So inform Shen and Grunt that they need to suit up with us for this mission."

"Okay, will do. But there is one thing I want to ask before doing so." the Femme replied, gaining a nod from the Blonde Bot.

"Alright, what is it?"

"I know you contacted Autobot Command, but what of Matriarch Benezia? Did you tell her what has happened to her daughter?" Nightracer then asked, making Quickstrike shake his head in return.

"I tried, but I was told that she was not available at this time by her aide." he replied with a defeated tone to his voice.

"Surely you explained what had happened to Liara." the Femme said back with a disbelieving tone of her own.

"Her aide would not give me the time of day, she just repeated that Benezia was not available." the Bot replied, which made Nightracer sigh in return.

"Makes you wonder if the rumours of the Asari Matriarch's distrust of Autobots is true, huh? She could be no more different to her Daughter could she."

"Yes, now lets work on getting both Orion and Liara back." Quickstrike replied, gaining a nod from the Femme.

"Yeah, I'll see you in the armoury with Shen and Grunt then." she said back before leaving the Communications room, as the Blonde Autobot tapped his com-link.

"Jetstorm, open a space-bridge vortex to Benning and activate our stealth mode before taking us through." he said as he then exited the room, with the door closing behind him.


The sun was halfway through its descent behind the large skyscrapers of Joughin, the Capital city of the planet Benning. Quickstrike looked up at the large glass covered buildings which seemed like a miles away from where he was standing right now alongside Nightracer and Grunt, as the group made their way amongst the busy crowds of what was called the 'Flea trap Market'.

It was a name that felt somewhat deserved as it looked nothing like the more wealthier part of the city where those sky scrapers were standing, since the buildings here were basically minimum standard living trailers no bigger than industrial shipping crates, which had then been stacked on top of each other.

The whole area had a bad vibe emanating from it as the Autobots walked through the streets, though no one could guess that the new arrivals were anything more than your basic mercenaries. Grunt was wearing basic Krogan combat armour with a brown rusted look to it, while Nightracer wore black leather jean-like Bottoms and matching coloured tank top with faded leather jacket over that. Quickstrike though wore black heavily worn jeans and faded red t-shirt under a long brownish red coat, a far cry from their usual high quality Autobot armour.

"Anyone spot Kasumi yet?" Grunt asked with an annoyed tone to his voice as another person bumped into him as he walked past, earning a growl from he Krogan.

"I swear if another person walks in my way or bumps into me again, I will shoot them." he added, making both Quickstrike and Nightracer roll their eyes in response.

"Cool it, Grunt, we are all getting bumped around here. Its not just you." the Blonde Bot replied as he looked through the thick haze of people surrounding them, while Nightracer looked at her holo-tool.

"We are in a ten-metre radius of the coordinates Kasumi gave us, but where is she?" the Femme said with a confused tone as she looked up and around her, while the Bot tapped his com-link as Grunt pushed away another civilian who had accidentally bumped into him.

"Don't make me…." the Krogan spat back.

Meanwhile, on one of the higher makeshift balconies, Shen was in a kneeling position as he watched the crowds in the street below with his sniper rifle.

"Shen, can you see Kasumi from your vantage point?" Quickstrike's voice suddenly came through on the Turian's com-link.

"Let me see…" he replied as he scanned the area through the weapon's scope, looking at every face down there until he came upon his teammates.

"No, don't see any….wait." he added before spotting a shimmer of light behind the Blonde Bot, which suddenly revealed the female Thief.

"…she's behind you." he added with an impressed tone in his voice as he saw Quickstrike turn around to come face to face with Kasumi.

"Well, you don't stick out too much now, do you." the Thief said with a sarcastic tone, earning annoyed looks from the Autobots.

"You were with us the whole time, weren't you?" Nightracer said back, gaining a nod from Kasumi.

"I have been shadowing your group since you entered this district so I could see how well you blend in, and by the fact that you have several undesirables eyeing your group at this very moment shows that you stick out like a sore thumb." she replied with a stern expression.

"Well, we are sort of in a hurry Kasumi, with wanting to find our friends. We don't have the luxury of playing it slow and safe, so why don't we just get on with it already." the Femme said back before the group's com-links activated simultaneously.

"Guys, you have a group of six….maybe seven individuals heading right for you from the North." Shen suddenly said, making Quickstrike look over his shoulder and spot the gathering of Humans, Vorcha and Turians moving toward them through the crowds.

"Kasumi's right, let's get off the streets and take care of this group before we continue any further." he said before looking back at the thief.

"Conceal yourself, Kasumi. This shouldn't take long." the Bot added, gaining a nod as she reactivated her cloak.

"Head for the alleyway several meters south of here…"Kasumi then said as she pointed to the alley's entrance just away from the group just before disappearing from sight before them.

"Let's go." Nightracer said as the trio made their way through the oncoming crowds and entered the smaller street, being quickly followed by the others that blocked off the way they had came.

"Are you people lost, cause we could help you." a slimy sounding voice called back, which made Quickstrike and his friends turn round to face the other group, who all looked like common thieves with their dirty and ragged looking clothes.

"We…just took a wrong turn." the Blonde Bot replied while standing there with a casual demeanor. But the lead Human, who had a shaven head and scar over his left eye looked at Quickstrike and smiled, revealing his dirty teeth.

"But you are not from around these parts, are you?" he asked as his friends stood around the Autobots, looking at both Grunt and Nightracer….especially at the latter.

"We have watched you for a while now…" he said as he walked up to the Blonde Bot and placed a hand on his shoulder, gaining a knowing stare from Quickstrike.

"…You may dress like us, but you are certainly not like us."

"What are you staring at?" Nightracer said to the Turian standing next to her, after noticing that he had leered at her. Which only made the Turian smile back, making the Femme feel sick to her stomach. But the main attention of the group was on Quickstrike as the lead Human tightened his grip on the Bot's shoulder while equipping his knife, with the others readying their own.

"Give us all the valuables you have on you, and this won't have to get nasty." he said in a very casual way, making the Blonde Bot smile back.

'Knifes? Are you kidding?' he thought before noticing a slight shimmer appear behind the Vorcha at the back of the group, making his smile widen.

"What?" the lead Human asked with a confused tone when suddenly the Vorcha screamed out in pain, making the leader look back to see an invisible force beat down his friend.

"What?…" he started to say before Quickstrike grabbed at the guy's arm that was still on his shoulder, quickly pulling it off and twisting it. This made the Human grimace while Grunt and Nightracer made short work of the thieves standing next to them. The Blonde Bot then looked down at the man he was now holding in an arm lock, who looked back with a blend of anger and confusion.

"You picked on the wrong people." the Autobot then said before punching the Leader hard in the face wit his free hand, knocking him out cold. He then looked round to see the Human's friends all in the same condition as the Krogan and Femme stood over them, before looking at the alley's entrance just as Kasumi uncloaked before him.

"Nicely done, so let's going shall we." she said while gesturing to the group to follow her.

"So where are we going?" Nightracer asked as the group exited the alleyway and rejoined the busy crowds, who had not even noticed the scuffle which transpired nearby.

"There is a local bar nearby, a real dive compared to most similar places around here. But it can be a good source of information, for those with the right credentials." the Thief replied as she led them through the streets, while Shen followed very the balconies and rooftops overhead.

After walking down several similar looking streets, the group entered a seedy looking bar that was bustling with people not unlike the ones that they had encountered in the alley earlier.

"You think we can get something here?" Quickstrike asked with an unconvinced tone, earning a nod from Kasumi.

"Trust me, this will work. Now be ready for anything." she said before walking over to a table occupied by Humans, Batarians, Vorcha and Turians who had all but one of it's seats filled, as those sitting there had just begun a game of poker. So the Thief pulled out the remaining chair and sat herself down amongst them, earning confused looks from all.

"What are you doing, Kasumi?" a Batarian sitting opposite her asked as Kasumi took the deck of cards from the Human beside her and began shuffling them.

"I just saw that you had a spare seat and thought I might join in." she replied while the rest of table looked at her with a distrusting stare.

"You're well known for cheating whenever you play a game of poker here, Kasumi, so why the hell would we want you to join this game." the Batarian sneered back earning nods from everyone else before noticing Quickstrike, Nightracer and Grunt all watching them.

"Who are they? Friends of yours?"

The Thief glanced over to her acquaintances and nodded in return.

"Yes, they are. You see, my friends and I are looking for someone…" she answered before placing the deck back in front of the Human beside her and staring back at the Batarian.

"…so if I can't join your game, perhaps you can tell us if you have seen this person we are looking for?"

The men all looked at each other before the lead Batarian narrowed all four of his eyes at Kasumi.

"That will depend on who it is your looking for?"

"…we are looking for Lockdown." she then said casually, earning wide-eyed stares from everyone at the table he, as the whole room went quiet at the mention of that name.

"Well, that is someone we have not seen for a long time." the Batarian replied, as Nightracer noticed a black-haired Human in mercenary combat armour suddenly look over at the group suspiciously along with the others around him.

"Quickstrike, at my ten o'clock." the Femme whispered, making the Blonde Bot glance over to see the man slowly get to his feet with his friends.

"I see them." he replied while inconspicuously moving his hand down to his holstered pistol as he returned his attention to Kasumi.

"So, don't I get an answer to that question?" she asked, feeling the dagger-like stares everyone around the table was giving her at that very moment.

"I think you should leave, Kasumi. We only wanted to have a nice friendly game of poker here." the Batarian replied before noticing the same black-haired Human and his group equipped their weapons and slowly aimed them at the Thief's friends.

"You have a tendency of bringing trouble with you." he answered back, earning a curious look from Kasumi who noticed the Batarian's attention drifting away to her right.

'I hope you are ready guys?' she thought as she took a breath, knowing exactly what was about to happen…when suddenly.

"Have you people ever heard of what curiosity did to the cat?" an unfamiliar voice suddenly spoke, making Orion and the Autobots suddenly turn round with their weapons ready and aimed at the others.

"What's a Cat? I don't get it." Grunt replied with a confused tone as the Femme and Bot ignored him.

"Looks like we have ourselves a little Mexican stand-off." Nightracer observed as the entire room went quiet, while the rest of the customers got up and slowly backed up towards the room's walls.

"Drop your weapons." Quickstrike ordered as Kasumi shrugged at the Batarian before suddenly disappearing in front of him and the other poker players, earning confused looks from them as they returned their attention to her friends.

"I told you she was trouble." the Human player then said.

But this was ignored by everyone else as their attention stayed with the Autobots and their standoff against their unknown adversaries.

"Where did she go?" the black-haired man then said as he noticed her disappear, but before anyone could say something back. Suddenly one of his men was electrocuted from behind by an unseen force, making him and the others look back in shock.

"What…that….not compute!" he said back in a confused tone, earning a curious look from Quickstrike as Kasumi suddenly reappeared behind the leader and electrocuted him with her holo-tool before pulling him to the ground, leaving the rest of the men open to attack.

"Now!" the Blonde Bot shouted before he and his friends opened fire and riddled the other men with bullets, which made them all look on in surprise and confusion as all the enemies bodies began jerking awkwardly with electric bolts flowing around them before falling to the ground.

"Their robots?" Nightracer said in disbelief as Kasumi knelt beside the Leader and looked up at the team.

"I had no idea, I was merely trying to apprehend him for us to question, I had no idea that he and the others were Mechs."

As the Autobots surrounded the Thief and the disabled Leader Mech, everyone in the place except for the Hanar-Barman left in a quiet but quick fashion. The jellyfish just sunk back down behind the bar.

"They look too life-like to be Mechs." Grunt said back, earning a nod from the Femme while Quickstrike activated his holo-tool and took a scan of the body.

"No, Kasumi's right. it's a Mech, but an advanced one. Still….I have no idea who sent it and the other ones."

"I might….I mean there is a rumour that a particular person likes to use Mechs as soldiers but…" Kasumi began to say before Grunt glanced through the windows of the building, his eyes widening at what he could see.

"Everybody down!" he then shouted before the enter room was flooded with gunfire, shattering the windows and showering the team with glass as they all dived to the floor. But the attack did not stop as outside in the street there were several dozen Mechs firing their weapons into the building, hoping to eliminate the Autobot team in one foul swoop.


"I believe she is coming to." a somewhat familiar voice spoke as Liara felt herself slowly regain consciousness, opening her eyes to see the metallic curved ceiling above her.

'Where am I?' she started to think before it all came back to her, making her rise up into a sitting position quickly as her thoughts filled with only one thought.

"Orion!" she shouted before looking down at her surroundings and discovering that she was sitting on a berth in a large room with a spherical design to it, with a bright glowing power conduit in it's center and being orbited by large blue holo-screens.

"Orion?" Liara asked again, as she found that her lover was nowhere to be found in her immediate area. But before the Asari could move to look for her Autobot, her attention was caught by a female soldier walking over to her side whilst wearing blue and white armour. And though the person's face was covered by a breather helmet, that didn't stop Liara recognising her.

"Agent Zero!" the Asari spat as she quickly got off the berth and clenched her hands into fists, which began to glow with biotic energy.

"It's been a while, Miss T'Soni." the Agent replied in her disguised voice, though Liara just narrowed her eyes at her would-be adversary.

"Where is Orion?"

"Your friend is in one of our Detention cells, and will remain there….and unharmed as long as you behave yourself. So don't do anything foolish now." Zero said back in a firm tone, which made the Asari stare back with disdain before cooling down her biotics.

"What do you want?" she said back, not attempting to hide the anger in her voice.

"My employer and mentor wishes to meet you, which was the same reason I was sent for you the first time." the Agent replied.

"And just who is it that wants to meet me?" Liara asked, while crossing her arms over her chest, not even budging a little in the anger she was feeling right now.

"….The Shadow Broker." Zero replied before pointing to the area behind the Asari, making her turn round to see a large creature walking towards her.

'By the Goddess!' she thought while recognizing it's species, which seemed impossible considering it's reputation.

"The Shadow Broker's a Yahg, that's impossible!" she said as the larger being stopped in front of the Asari and looked down at her.

"It is not impossible…'Little Wing'." the Broker replied as his voice changed from heavy and monstrous to that of feminine and wise. It was a voice that Liara recognised even quicker than she had with Agent Zero, for it was the voice of someone she had known all her life.

Her eyes widened as she stood there in complete shock as the Yahg suddenly began to glow, revealing itself to be nothing more than a holo-image before fading to nothing and revealing an Asari standing in it's place. This female was wearing a black formal-like dress, and her skin tone was the same shade of blue as Liara's.

"…Mother!…." she gasped in shock as she looked upon Matriarch Benezia, who smiled back at her.

"…you're the..." Liara continued, only for the older Asari to cut her off.

"Yes, Liara. I am the Shadow Broker."
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Re: Prime Effect 4

Postby Apollo-XL5 » Thu Jun 04, 2020 1:06 pm

Motto: ""It's all in the reflexes.""
Weapon: Star Saber Sword

Back on Benning, the gunfire barrage from the Mechs continued to devastate the building that Quickstrike, Nightracer, Grunt and Kasumi was hiding in, using it for cover while bullets flew over their heads.

"We are pretty much pinned down here and since whoever is attacking us has yet to stop, we can't even get a chance to return fire." Nightracer shouted over the gunfire, gaining a nod from Quickstrike who then noticed Kasumi looking over the body of the human-looking Mech with her holo-tool. But before he could say something, a grenade was thrown into the room, landing between him and Grunt.

"Son of a.." Grunt spat before grabbing the explosive and throwing back out from where he was lying, with an explosion soon following in the street.

"Thanks, Grunt, that was a close one." the Blonde Bot said back appreciatively, gaining a nod from the Krogan.

"Don't mention it, but where is She….." he started to say back before a gunshot was suddenly heard outside, followed by a metallic body hitting the ground.

"Sorry I was late, Guys." Shen's voice suddenly came through on their com-links, earning a sigh from Nightracer.

"Better late than never. Now, can you help thin the herd out there?" the Femme said back.

"Already on it." the Turian replied before another two gunshots were heard, with another sound of bodies hitting the floor, Grunt and Nightracer then immediately got up into kneeling positions and peeked out of the shattered window to see that the Mechs attention was now diverted between them and Shen.

"Let's do this." the Femme said, earning a nod from the Krogan as they both returned fire and dropped two more of the enemy Mechs. Quickstrike meanwhile returned his attention to Kasumi.

"What have you found? And how can you concentrate while this is going on?" he asked loudly with a curious expression, gaining a smile from the Thief.

"Grace under pressure, Quickstrike. It comes with being a professional Thief. But I think I may have over done it here." she replied.

"What do you mean?" the Bot said back with an inquisitive tone.

"My electro-shock seems to have completely shut down its systems, meaning I can't gain access to its memory core." the Thief replied as the Blonde Bot activated his own holo-tool.

"Don't worry about that, because if we can get it's communication sub-system back to the Normandy, then we should be able to use our computers to study it's com-traffic and discover the source of its orders."

"That certainly sounds like a plan." Kasumi said back with a smile, while Quickstrike deactivated his holo-tool and grabbed the Mech's head.

"It's communication subsystem is located under its memory core, so…" he added before ripping the head from the body, earning a shocked look from the Thief.

"…we only need this part." he added with a smile as he tucked the head under his right arm while equipping his pistol with his left hand.

"Time to get out of here." he then said before peeking out over the cover to see Shen under siege via gunfire from the remaining Mechs in the street, managing to blow the head off one of them before taking cover.

"Guys, time for you to help me now." he then said with an aggravated tone over the com-link.

"Time to change your sniping position, Shen. Make the call and we will cover you." Quickstrike replied before the trio then fired their guns at the enemies, pulling their attention away from the Turian and back to them. The Autobots immediately retook cover as the Mechs opened fire on them again, the robots not noticing the green flash of light coming from the balcony that Shen had been located.

"Okay, now what?" Kasumi asked as she blew the arms and head off one of the Mechs with her pistol, earning a smile from the Bot.

"..Watch." he said before suddenly another Mech went down from a sniper shot, though this came from another direction up above them. The enemy robots suddenly looked up again as suddenly another one was shot dead.

"Wait! Where is he?" the Thief asked with a confused tone, though it did not stop her from shooting another Mech in the back whilst speaking, the Blonde Autobot just gestured to the tops of the buildings around them. So Kasumi looked up to see the Turian taking down another enemy before disappearing in a flash of green light, only for him to appear on a building top across the street and fire again.

"What the?" she replied.

"Before came down to the planet's surface, the Normandy scanned this area of the city to which your coordinates are a part of and Shen picked a number of spots on the roof-tops that would make good sniping locales." Nightracer said back before returning fire to the few remaining Mechs outside, while Quickstrike looked back at the Thief.

"Once we knew exactly where we would be going with you, Shen would have the Normandy activate the Ground-bridge when he needed it and transport him to the next spot in this area… you can see him doing now." he added.

"Impressive." she replied before the Turian spoke over the com-link again, just in time with his killing of the last Mech, only a split second after Grunt and Nightracer shot down their respective targets.

"Okay guys, time to go." he said before the group stepped out of the heavily damaged building and into a street, which was full of smouldering Mech corpses.

"That's a lot of scrap metal." Nightracer commented, earning a smile from the Krogan standing beside her.

"Yeah, I liked it." he replied while cocking his shotgun, but Quickstrike looked towards the adjourning street as something caught his eyes.

"…guys, we have more incoming." Shen's voice came through on the com-link.

"Yeah, I see them…..,Everyone, run!" the Blonde Bot shouted back to the others as the Turian began firing down at the oncoming horde of robots, which opened fire on the group the moment their singular optics saw them.

The Autobots ran down the street whilst returning fire on the enemy force pursuing them, as numerous civilians ran for the cover of the buildings nearby.

"Shen, return to the Normandy and have them open a ground bridge for us now!" Quickstrike ordered through his com-link.

"Will do!" the Turian replied before a green flash lit up the area where he was and quickly disappeared just as the team ran into the district's square, a large open area with little cover except for some benches and bins.

"Take cover." Nightracer shouted back as they dived behind the nearest bench, while the Mechs flooded into the area.

"I would really like to know who it is that is after us." the Femme added as they opened fire on the enemy drones, making the ones at the front of the attack topple like dominoes. Quickstrike fired at the Mechs, shooting another through its chest before noticing a red pulsing light on his pistol.

"My gun is overheating." he said, gaining a nod from Kasumi and Nightracer.

"Mine too, how much longer unti….." the Femme started to say before the bright green vortex of a ground-bridge opened up behind the team.

"Kasumi, take this head and go. We'll cover you." the Blonde Bot said as he handed the Mech's head to the Thief.

"Okay." she replied before he turned his attention back to the attacking robots.

"Covering fire!" he shouted before he and his friends opened fire simultaneously on the Mechs, killing several in a row as Kasumi ran from them and dived into the vortex.

"She's through, Guys, Your turn." Shen's voice spoke over the open com-link, as Quickstrike glanced at his friends.

"Let's go together. Now!" he said as they stood up and backed towards the ground-bridge, maintaining fire on the Mechs which were continuing to pursue them despite many of their number being shot down. As the trio got within a few metres of the vortex, Nightracer turned and ran through the vortex, and as Quickstrike and Grunt were about to do the same, the Krogan was suddenly hit in the side by two shots from the Mech nearest to them, the shots going straight through his body and spilling blood onto the floor behind him.

"****!" he shouted in anger as he turned his shotgun and blew the head off the one responsible before falling to his knees, his anger taking over as he saw red and fired his weapon at the other enemies.

"Grunt!" Quickstrike shouted before he equipped and threw a smoke grenade into the Mechs, surrounding the robots in a thick fog as he went to pick the injured Krogan up.

"What the hell are you doing? Get out of here!" Grunt spat back whilst pushing the confused Bot away.

"I'm not leaving anyone behind, not this time." he replied defiantly as he grabbed the Krogan and pulled him to his feet.

"We go together, now move!" he added before pulling his teammate towards the swirling portal behind them, just as the Mechs found their way through the dissipating smoke and regaining their focus on the two.

'They will be on us before Quickstrike can get me through the Ground-bridge.' the Krogan thought as he accepted what he had to do.

"No, I'm staying and you're going….Now get out of here!" he spat while breaking free and pushing the Blonde Bot towards the ground-bridge, making Quickstrike stumble backwards before losing his footing and falling into the vortex.

"I've got this!" he then said with the com-link still active before turning around to see the Mechs moving around him, with others heading for the vortex.

"Close the Ground-Bridge!" he shouted before using all his remaining strength and forcing his aching body into one last fight, as he pounced at the enemy robots. Shooting the head off one with his last shot before ramming the weapon into the head of another, while the ground-bridge closed behind him before the Mechs could enter it. This made them turn on the Krogan who was tearing through the enemy force, but they could not use their rifles since he was too close so instead surrounded him and tried to beat him down into submission.

But Grunt would not yield as he continued to fight back, smashing through each and every Mech he could, with his bare hands or whatever he could get his hands on, be it the Mech's own weapons or body parts that he ripped off. His anger and rage was the only fuel his body needed, even if it was still draining out of his body through his wound.

But his teammates on the Normandy could only listen to his fight on the intercom as the com-link connection to him was still active. Everyone remained quiet as his yells and grunts and punches could be heard until suddenly a large scuffle was heard and it all went quiet, making the entire team look to the ground in respect before Grunt spoke one last time.

"That….was…a good….fight….." he said before the com-link deactivated and the room was again in silence, everyone stayed that way for a while longer as they paid respects to their friend's sacrifice. Then a moment later Quickstrike looked up at Kasumi who was still holding the Mech's head in her hands.

"Let's get that to the computer lab and begin analysing it's data-core, We still have to find Orion and Liara. So lets not make Grunt's sacrifice was not in vain." the Blonde bot said, gaining nods from the team before they all walked out of the room together.

"Jetstorm, get us out of here, and then await for our new coordinates" he then said into his com-link,

"Alright, Quickstrike, we are on the move." the pilot replied, before the ship whilst under cloak, opened a space bridge portal and left Benning space. While back on the planet's surface, the remaining Mechs stood around the dead body of Grunt. They were staring at him as if confused, for on the Krogan's relaxed and lifeless face was a smile.


Meanwhile, Liara stood in front of Benezia, completely in shock at the revelation that had been thrust upon her.

"Mother…., how?" was all the Asari could say, gaining a nod from the Matriarch who walked over to her side.

"How did I become the head of the largest private intelligence organisation in the galaxy, it is as the saying goes….a long story." she replied as she gave her daughter a caring and reassuring smile.

"But what is important is that you are safe now, here with me." she added, though Liara still looked confused and pulled away from her Mother slightly.

"What is going on here, Mother? I want to know how and why you came to be here." the younger Asari replied with a slightly defiant tone, earning a frustrated look from Benezia.

"Have you forgotten who you are speaking to, Liara, or did you get that tone from your Autobot friends?" she replied as her tone became colder, but Liara could not help but notice the hostility in her Mother's voice when she mentioned her friends.

"Forgive me, Mother, but I am not a little girl anymore, so stop holding back on me. I want to know everything."

"Very well, you are my daughter after all. I was going to tell you all this later, but if you want to know now, then so be it. I only ask that you keep an open mind with everything that I am going to reveal to you, because after this I will be asking you to make a choice." the Matriarch replied, earning a knowing look from Liara.

"I have always kept an open mind just as you taught me, Mother, that is why I was such a good archaeologist." she said, gaining a smile from Benezia.

"Of course, so…" the Matriarch said as she activated her holo-tool and brought one of the large holo-screens above them to life.

"…as you well know, the Reapers before their defeat had left our people in a severely weakened state. No thanks to the Autobot/Human Alliance, who left us at the mercy of those machines. We received no help from to get our civilians out of harm's way, and so lost many to the Reapers." she said as the holo-screen began playing camera footage from the battle of Thessia. Liara looked up at it, memories began racing through her mind as she remembered those days. But she shook her head in return and stared at her Mother who just looked back with an aggravated expression.

"I can tell by the look on your face what your next words are going to be, so do us both a favour and just don't. For I know you took part in the evacuation of refugees from Thessia, and that you saw the exact things I am talking about." Benezia added, stopping the younger Asari before she could say anything.

'But there could be no help Mother, for everyone were under siege by the Reapers at that time. Why can't you see this?' Liara thought as the Matriarch continued.

"It was then that I realised the Cybertronians and their Human followers would always put themselves before anyone else, I even saw that after the war when the Inter-Stellar Federation was formed, going as far as to plead with the rest of the Matriarch Council not to accept membership. But they ignored my warnings and accepted, for they had been broken by the Reapers and would do anything to stop our people from disappearing into obscurity….us, the Asari! Who once were the most powerful species in the galaxy, as it was we who had rediscovered the Citadel and founded the original Council or our cycle. We were like gods compared to the other races, younger than our own who looked to us for guidance." she said while looking at her daughter with an expression which begged for understanding, but could not see any in her eyes.

"You do not understand, Liara. For you have not lived for as long as I have. I am nearly one thousand years old, and to see our people fall so far from what once made us great, it is heartbreaking. And to have not one but two unworthy species now standing over us, one which fell into a self-destructive pattern of civil war and another that was uplifted well before their time, and this I will not stand for. That is why I decided to find a way to ascend the Asari back to our rightful place, one that required no so-called help and support from Earth or the former Cybertron." Benezia added before using her holo-tool to deactivate the current holo-screen, making Liara look over to Agent Zero.

"So, what's her story in this?"

"She is, in fact, the one who should be thanked for how things have turned out for us Liara, because Zero was the person who put me in the direction of the one who was the Shadow Broker before me." the Matriarch replied before nodding at the Agent.

"Time to take off the helmet and reveal yourself to my Daughter."

"Zero acknowledged this and removed her helmet, earning a wide-eyed look from Liara as it was an Asari who's identity was hidden behind the helmet, and one that she recognised.

"Tela Vasir, I remember you were one of the few Council Spectres who were allowed into the newly christened Autobot Spectres." the younger Asari said back, earning a smirk from the other Asari.

"That's correct, and I regret ever making that damned decision." she replied before looking over to Benezia.

"Luckily for me though, I met your Mother."

"And how did that happen?" Liara asked in a curious tone.

"I was to protect Lady Benezia while the evacuation of Thessia was underway, but we came under attack by Banshees and it was only because of your Mother that we got out of there alive. She saved my life, and I was eternally grateful for that." the Agent added as she smiled at the Matriarch.

"After the war, we became good friends as we discovered that we shared similar views on our people and the growing situation with the Cybertronians and Humans." Benezia said back and returned the smile, while Liara stood between them and listened.

"And that is when I shared a secret with Benezia, one that spawned a glimmer of hope for our people, even if they would not know it." Vasir added.

"And that secret would be?" the youngest Asari in the room then asked.

"At that moment of time, Vasir was working for both the Autobots and the Shadow Broker….she was a double agent." the Matriarch replied, earning another surprised expression from Liara as she stared at the Asari Agent, you merely smiled back at her.

"I know what your thinking, that I was betraying the very principles that I was bound to as an Autobot Spectre. But the truth is Liara, things were far more simple as a Council Spectre. You were given the freedom to do what you thought was right to achieve your goals….which were the preservation of the Citadel Council. There was no black and white, everything was grey. The Council never cared how you got the job done as long as it was done with surgical precision, and that none of it could be traced back to them." Vasir continued while using her holo-tool to bring up images and video footage of her work for the Broker up on the holo-screens.

"By collaborating with a known enemy of the Council, I gained a lot of good Intel that helped me end many threats to Asari and Council interests. Which gained me a fast track through the ranks of the Spectres, and all it cost me was a few assassination and espionage missions from the Shadow Broker in return."

"When Vasir told me of her work with the Shadow Broker, I saw a perfect opportunity to gain the power to change our fate….real power, which people still believe can be gained mainly through a force of arms. I mean look at the Autobots, the former Omega Syndicate or even the Predacons." Benezia added as the holo-screens played videos of all three factions above the three Asari.

"But 'knowledge is real power' as the saying goes, and 'he' or rather 'she' who controls that power, has the potential to change the face of the galaxy and beyond." the Matriarch continued while Liara looked on in disbelief at what she was hearing, but could not help but listen on.

"So you had Vasir kill the Shadow Broker so you could take his place?" the younger Asari said back, gaining a nod from her Mother.

"Well, it was not easy as you just put it, as Vasir took a few years to secretly pinpoint the Broker's exact location….because he was quite paranoid. But in the end, we located him and I killed him right in this spot." her mother added as she gestured to the ground beneath her feet with a look of pure self-admiration, which Liara found frightening.

'By the Goddess!' she thought while the pair carried on, ignoring her shocked expression.

"Since the Broker never let anyone know his identity, it was so very easy to take his place." Benezia said while using her holo-tool to recreate the holo-image of the Yahg.

"In fact, I am using the image of the previous Shadow Broker as a disguise." she added while gesturing to it.

"So that is how you became the Shadow Broker, but you have yet to say how you intend to restore the Asari back to their 'rightful place'." Liara then said, trying to contain the emotions she was feeling at that moment. This earned curious expressions from both Benezia and Vasir.

"It first involves ridding ourselves of the Cybertronian species, not an easy task. But as the Shadow Broker, I have discovered many secrets about our 'so called' allies." the Matriarch replied before using her holo-tool to bring up images of a derelict ship.

"One such secret was this ship, which the Human organisation 'Unit:E' kept under raps due to the wishes of their Autobot allies during the final years of their Civil war. You see Liara, this particular ship's crew were killed by a Cybonic plague, which was of Decepticon design." she added as it's molecular structure appeared on the screen, making her Daughter look at it with wide eyes.

"I found that one of Autobots back then, Optimus Prime had become infected with the plague and it was only via extraordinary means that his comrades were able to find the cure and administer it to their Leader before his spark was snuffed out. Now the Autobots with their Human allies later destroyed the infected ship and it's crew, ensuring that the plague would never again endanger a Cybertronian again. But what Optimus and his Human liaison, Agent Fowler did not know was that there were individuals in Unit:E that still did not fully trust their alien allies. And they wanted some insurance just in case the Autobots ever turned on them, so they kept a small amount of the virus. It's funny isn't it, the Humans and Cybetronians never looked anything other than perfect allies and friends to the rest of the Galaxy. So to find that there were those amongst Humanity, other than MECH of course who had the same misgivings about the Cybetronians as I do, which I find to be very enlightening. Wouldn't you agree, Liara?" Benezia asked, earning a nod from Vasir. But the youngest Asari shook her head in response.

"No I do not, Mother, but then again I already know that every species has members who are less savoury than the rest." she said back, earning yet another disappointed expression from the Matriarch. But before she could say something back, Liara asked another question.

"But how does a virus which I assume was created to only infect fully autonomous robotic life forms, possibly affect that the same species if they are now fully biological?"

Benezia smiled at the question, remembering how smart her Daughter really was despite the choices she had made so far in her short life.

"Well, despite their closer physical appearance to Humans, Cybertronians still have the Cybernucleic Acid or CNA in their genetic makeup. And it is in this that the virus can be deployed…" the Matriarch added as she brought up footage showing lab work and Cybertronian test subjects.

"…, of course, we had tinkered with it to ensure that it would be as effective on the new Cybertronian form, so not to affect Humans."

Liara gave her Mother a knowing and curious look in return.

"Why are you making sure not to harm humans, aren't they the enemy in your view?"

"They are…. but without their Autobot protectors, Humanity will be that much easier to manipulate."

"So, you are going to infect the Cybertronian species with a virus that will effectively wipe them out, then what?" Liara asked, earning a look from Vasir before she glanced over to the Matriarch, earning a nod from her.

"Over the last twenty years, your Mother and I have built an organisation with the military strength comparable to that of MECH, before they were dissolved and their resources merged into the Autobots. With the Cybertronians gone, I will temporally take on the role of the Shadow Broker and launch a campaign of fear and intimidation upon the Federation, exploiting the weaknesses that are abundant throughout it, causing its people to question its leadership. This will open up an opportunity for Benezia to step up and lead the Asari as they rescue the ISF from this threat, putting our people back in control of the galaxy...just as it was always supposed to be." the Agent added.

"No one outside of this room knows who the Shadow Broker is, so by giving the galaxy a phantom threat to focus on, we can manipulate the conflict to suit our needs and objectives. This plan cannot fail, we have taken precautions on everything." the Matriarch said back.

"And what about the Predacons, where do they come in with this plan of yours?" Liara asked with a curious tone.

"We were originally going to infect the Autobots, but now we can use the Predacons as the means to spread this plague through the Cybertronian species. And no one will question it, as they will think that the Predacons were simply carrying it themselves." Benezia replied.

"And how are you going to infect them? Their forces are spread out amongst the galaxy?" the youngest Asari asked, which made her Mother activate a holo-screen which showed a large gathering of ships in one system.

"Give me some credit, Liara. I have been monitoring the Predacons since they first appeared. And as of right now, they are currently massing their whole fleet around the planet Virmire, so we just have to send a small group of ships to attack and spread the plague. The Nemesis is the primary target, since it's crew are all Predacons."

"It does seem that you have everything thought out and planned..." Liara replied as she looked over the information on the screens above her, earning confident nods from both her Mother and Vasir before she the. Looked over with a thoughtful expression.

"...but I guess you're not telling me this just because your feeling generous."

Benezia gave her Daughter a reassuring smile as she stepped beside her.

"You are correct, Liara, I have learnt to keep my cards close to my chest over the last twenty years, and don't make a habit of revealing them to just anyone. And I want you to join us." she replied, earning a surprised expression from Liara.

"You do?" she asked back, before returning her attention to the screens. As she did this, Benezia gave a nodding gesture to Vasir who then reequipped her helmet and walked out of the room, leaving Mother and Daughter alone.


As Vasir walked down one of the many corridors of the massive ship before stopping next to a door and pressing a button on the panel beside it, which let out a chime sound. Within a moment the door opened, revealing it's occupant to be none other than Donavon Hock.

"Agent Zero, can I help you?" he asked with a curious tone.

"Have you found everything to be to your satisfaction?" the Agent said back.

"The accommodations are satisfactory, but when do I get an audience with the Shadow Broker?" the Human replied, a slight slither of annoyance was present in his voice.

"The Broker is in a meeting right now, but he wanted to know if you would like to have some face time with the man who led the Autobot team who took Liara T'Soni from your care? Surely you would like to have some time to 'thank' him for that?" Vasir asked with a curious tone, though with her helmet on and voice disguiser activated, this didn't sound that way to him. But he smiled in return, obviously understanding what she meant.

"Yes, I would very much like to meet him." he said back as his smile grew wider.

"Then, by all means, show him your appreciation for his work. You will find him in the detention cells at this location." the Agent replied as she showed him a route on her holo-tool.

"I will have Kane meet you halfway, have fun." she said before turning away and walking back the way she came, just as Hock then left his quarters and headed in the opposite direction. The disguised Asari then turned a corner and came face to face with Lockdown.

"Zero, I thought you were in that meeting with the Shadow Broker and our Asari guest?" he asked with a puzzled expression.

"I am, but the Broker wished for me to offer an invitation to Hock to go and see our other guest." she replied.

"I see, so the Boss wants our new Weapons Dealer to keep himself entertained because his current meeting is taking longer than planned." the Assassin said back.

"It is not for you or me or any of us to question or analyse why the Shadow Broker does what he does, only that we follow his orders to the letter….surely you understand this?" the Agent replied with a harsh tone, earning a knowing look from Lockdown, as he remembered his past failure.

"Yes, I do. Only too well."

"Good, remember we were chosen because we are the best at what we do, so lets not give our Boss reason to believe otherwise." Zero said back, gaining a nod from the former Con.

"Of course…." he said before a curious expression appeared on his face, earning the attention of the disguised female.


"There was something I forgot to mention to the Boss earlier, but Thane has been asking for his son again." Lockdown replied.

"And? Did you give him the same response that both the Broker and I have repeated in the past?" Zero said back, earning a nod from the Assassin.

"Yes I did."

"Then I do not see a problem. Remember his Son is the reason why he is working for us to begin with, that and that something which we shall remain mum about." she replied with a knowing tone to her disguised voice, to which Lockdown nodded again.


"Well then, if you will leave me be, as I have something else to do before returning to meeting." the Agent said back, before the former Decepticon walked away as she watched until sure that she was alone. Then Vasir entered the nearest room and closed the door behind her, before activating her holo-tool and bringing up the security footage from detention Cell.

"Come on, he should be there by now." she said while keeping her eyes on the screen and then as if on cue, the two Humans entered the room and walked over to the Blue haired man who was restrained to an upright berth and unable to move, whilst behind a force-field.

"Right on time, this ought to make good viewing." Vasir then said as a devious smile appeared on her lips.
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Re: Prime Effect 4

Postby Apollo-XL5 » Tue Jul 07, 2020 4:44 am

Motto: ""It's all in the reflexes.""
Weapon: Star Saber Sword

Orion looked around at his surroundings as he remained restrained to the upright berth in his cell, having only regained consciousness several minutes earlier.

'Where I am? And more importantly where is Liara!' he thought as he tried to free himself, only for the restraints to beat him for the umpteenth time since his awakening. The last thing the Autobot remembered was holding onto both his Asari friend and the Star-Saber, trying to anchor them to the Normandy so they would not be sucked out into the void of space through the hull breach in the corridor. But his strength had failed him, and everything went black as he and Liara were pulled into the vacuum of space. But now he had awoken and found himself restrained in this unknown location.

'Those guys who attacked us were the same Slavers that had captured Liara the first time.' Orion thought as he tried to piece together the current situation from what he already knew, but this just left his spark feeling worse for Liara.

'I've got to get out of here and find her.' he thought while trying again to free himself, straining as he put everything he had into breaking free of his bonds but eventually had to stop when they would not budge.

'Scrap, I'm not going anywhere.'

Suddenly, the door opened and two Human men entered the room, gaining the Blue haired Bot's attention. The first guy was the bald Slaver that was part of the group that had attacked both him and Liara, but Orion's eyes widened as he recognised the person behind him.

"Hock! You're the one behind the attack on the Normandy?" he asked in a disbelieving tone, earning a smile from the Arms Dealer.

"I wish I was the one responsible, but alas, I am not." he replied whilst stopping directly in front of the force-field before gesturing to Kane, who then deactivated the energy-shield. Hock then walked in right up to Orion.

"Where's Liara!" the Bot spat,

"You mean my 'Blue Rose', don't you…." Hock replied, which made the Autobot grit his teeth as he glared back.

"Liara is not yours!" the Bot jumped in angrily, earning a less than interested look from the Arms Dealer.

"..whatever. Even if my Asari is now in the hands of the Shadow Broker, I still hope I get a chance to see you her again."

Orion's eyes widened at that name that had just be spoken, for he had heard it before.

'That was the name of Agent Zero's employer, the one who tried to grab Liara from us when we rescued her from Hock.' he thought.

"The Shadow Broker!" he then said aloud, earning a nod from Hock.

"Yes, he is the one who was responsible for the attack on your ship which was quite successful since I saw it explode afterwards."

The Blue-haired Autobot's face suddenly became one of shock and disbelief in return, as he the looked down at the ground.

"No….your lying…." he said back as he felt his spark sink in his chest, as his friends' faces began to appear in his mind.

"…your lying." he continued before Hock grabbed the Bot by the throat and lifted his head back to him so that he could look him in the eyes.

"Believe me, they are dead. They got what they deserved for messing in my affairs, I am sorry that I did not play a bigger role in their demise.." Hock replied coldly before showing Orion a dark smile.

"..but luckily I can show you what I would have done to them."

The Arms Dealer then looked over to Kane, who remained silent and watched the two men before him.

"Kane, what were the methods you and Varas did to that Asari, you know the ones to make her submissive and docile?" he said, earning a smile from the bald Slaver before looking back to Orion with a knowing look.

"Oh, that's right. I remember what you told me you did to her now…." He then said before punching the Autobot hard in the face, earning a grimace from the restrained Bot.

"You beat her for starters."

Orion spat what little blood had formed in his mouth on to the floor and looked up at Hock with an unimpressed expression.

"My Grandmother could slap people harder than that." he said back with a slight smile, making the Arms Dealer narrow his eyes at him.

"Joke all you want, but I will take great pleasure in causing you utmost amounts of pain for what you and your Autobots did to me and my operation." he said back as he raised his fist, ready to strike again. But Orion just smirked at him.

Give it your best shot because when I get out of here, you will die at either mine or Liara's hands….that's a promise."

But neither Hock nor Kane looked very concerned before the Arms Dealer began to punch the Bot again and again, as only those sounds and the grunts and grimaces of Orion could be heard within that room.


Meanwhile, Liara was lost for words as she stood beside her own mother, who only a few minutes earlier had revealed herself to be the infamous Shadow Broker.

"You want me to join you, why?" she asked with a tone that was both confused and curious, earning a smile from the Matriarch.

"Liara…." she replied while placing a hand on the young Asari's shoulder.

"….you are my daughter, I want you at my side as 'we' raise our people back to where they belong."

Benezia then pulled away slightly and looked back at Liara with a caring expression.

"I remember when I bought you your very first history book, the look on your face as you read it. I watched as you became deeply interested in the past, in the history of the galaxy, focused on the achievements and mistakes of those that came before us. And during the dark days of the Reaper War, you learned how to fight. You came through all those years stronger than I would have thought you capable of, that is why I believe you should be the one to succeed me as both Matriarch and Shadow Broker when it is the end of my time."

Liara merely looked back with a dumbfounded expression, unable to think clearly on what her mother had just said.

"You want me to one day replace you, but Vasir…." she managed to say back, to which Benezia simply shook her head in response.

"Tela Vasir has been like a second Daughter to me, but she is merely a warrior. The Asari will need a leader who can fight for them, but will also be unable to make the same mistakes that have blighted others throughout history. That can be only you Liara, my 'Little Wing'."

The young Asari looked back at the Matriarch, seeing the proud look on her face but Liara deep down knew she could not go through with what her Mother wanted and so took a deep breath, before looking back with a serious and regretful expression.

"Mother, I wish I could help you with the restoration of our people, but I cannot condone the actions you are going to take to achieve it..." she said back, whilst Benezia looked back as her expression changed to one that could not be read as she listened to her Daughter.

"…You admit that I am a student of history, but yet you think that I could just ignore the fact that you would commit genocide against the Cybertronians. I cannot and not just because my friends are Cybertronian or that I…care for one in particular…" she said, earning an expression from the Matriarch that she wished she could not read. But instead decided to ignore it and carry-on.

"….but also because it is wrong, with history proving it time and again. Just how far have you fallen, Mother?" Liara finished before noticing one of the holo-screens featuring details of mercenaries, recognising two of them as the Slavers that attacked her and Orion during the raid on the Normandy.

"And what kind of people are you surrounding yourself with? Scum like these." she said with a hurt expression as she looked back at Benezia.

"I work in an area of 'grey' Liara, there is no black and white with what I do. But I require the 'best' to work for me, which unfortunately includes those that society considers unacceptable." she replied as the screen then showed data on a Drell Assassin, one that Liara recognised from back on Illium.

"What about this one? This Thane Krios? It says that he is 'honorable' despite his profession. I doubt he would go along with what you have planned."

Benezia looked up at the Drell as he appeared on the holo-screen and smiled slightly, acknowledging what her Daughter had guessed.

"That would be correct, because despite my reputation and power. There are still those who say no to me…..though I do have my ways of encouraging them to accept my decisions." she replied, earning a wide-eyed look from Liara as she read a part of Thane's file.

"He said no to working for you, so… had 'Lockdown' kill his wife! Just so you could manipulate him into joining the organization by promising him that you would give him his loved one's killer."

"That was the only way I could think of to guarantee his cooperation, so I took it." the Matriarch replied with her tone suddenly cold and calculating, which was in reaction to her Daughter who just looked back with a further disbelieving expression after reading some more.

"And you're holding his son as a bargaining chip…." she started to say before Benezia cut her off.

"We told Thane that his young son Kolyat would be safe here, so long as he himself remained in our employment."

"…but surely as a parent yourself, you would not wish that kind of treatment on anyone els…." Liara said back before something else suddenly overcame her thoughts, stopping her from finishing her sentence.

'Why are the Slavers that tortured me working for Mother, surely she would….' she thought before looking back at Benezia with narrowed eyes, earning a knowing expression from the older Asari.

"Those Slavers you hired to get me off the Normandy, they were the same ones who captured and tortured me before selling me to that Bastard…Donavon Hock. But what I want to know is, did you know about this?" Liara said back with her voice tinged with a wave of building anger, but the Matriarch just stared at her with a blank expression.

"Yes I did."

"You...did..." Liara replied, as he thoughts were over run by the memories of her captivity and torture by those Slavers, the pain and suffering she had to endure every waking moment as those men attempted to break her body and her mind. She had been beaten, starved of food, water, light and heat. Made to suffer until she would beg for them to stop, except the young Asari never did so...

'Liara was on her knees in a darkened room, her hands held up over her head by restraints which hung from the ceiling above her. She had been left alone in that room for goddess knows how long, since the passage of time had become lost to her. Every part of her body ached, from her starved stomach to her cracked ribs and bruised skin. A biotic clamp was also fastened tightly around her neck, like a heavy weight on her already aching body.

'I will never give in to them, never let them see me break…..for I would rather die than give them the satisfaction.' she thought before the door to her room opened up, filling her surroundings with a blinding light. Liara felt her eyes sting as the brightness of the light over-rid her vision, joining the rest of her body in the physical pain it was going through. After a moment her sight began to refocus, allowing the Asari to see three figures standing before her.

"Are you sure about this, because I still think that our usual 'teaching methods' will eventually work on her, especially if we include….." a familiar voice spoke as Liara looked up to see that it was the bald Human who was called Kane, and on one side him stood a Vorcha that remained nameless while on the other was the leader, a Batarian by the name of Varas and he shook his head in return.

"No Kane, this Asari is the finest looking female we have had in our possession."

He then knelt in front of Liara and grabbed hold of her chin, lifting her face so that he could see her properly.

"This one is strong, I doubt we could break her mind before her body ultimately fails. And we will get our highest pay-day if we make sure that she remains….generally unharmed." he added while the young Asari narrowed her eyes at him in a hateful stare, earning a smile from Varas.

"Yes, I have a better idea for you."

The lead Slaver then let go of Liara and looked over to the Vorcha standing beside Kane.

"Hand me the shock adapter." he said, gaining a nod from the other who then gave the Batarian a small metallic device which he held before the Asari.

"This little gem will ensure you do exactly what we say from now on Asari." he then added before connecting it to the would be Slave's biotic clamp, before getting back to his feet and looking down at her.

"One way or another, you will know your place." Varas added before activating his holo-tool.

"Now stand up."

Liara though just stared back at him, not even blinking for a moment, earning a sigh from the Batarian.

"Very well, have it your way." he replied before tapping a button on his holo-tool and suddenly the biotic clamp came to life, sending a strong pulse of electricity through the Asari's body which made her scream out in pain for several seconds. Varas then tapped the button again to deactivate it, making Liara slump back onto her knees while breathing heavily.

"So now will you do as I say and stand up?"

But again the young but battered Asari ignored him and remained quiet, which made Varas narrow his eyes at her as he bit his lip.

"Have it your way, I can do this all day!" he spat before activating device again, which electrocuted Liara and made her scream out in pain as the energy lit up the room.'

As the memory faded, Liara looked back at Benezia with a look of utter disbelief.

"Why?…..why would you let me go through that?" she uttered just above a whisper because the young Asari could not believe that any parent would knowingly let their children suffer. But the Matriarch merely looked back at her with a resolute stare, like she was not even bothered as she started to walk around her Daughter.

"Only great men and women can lead others, Liara, but they must first be baptized in fire before taking their rightful place above everyone else. When I received word that you had been captured by Slavers, I knew that the horrors that they would put you through would change and shape you. But I knew you were strong and that it would ultimately forge you into a person more befitting of what I had planned, as I want a Daughter who is in every way my equal." she said while looking at Liara.

"You have survived your baptism of fire and emerged far stronger than I could have hoped, I have watched you since the Autobots took you from my grasp, and you are not only stronger physically, but wiser too. You will make an excellent successor for me, my Daughter." Benezia replied with an almost hysterical but proud tone in her voice, though the younger Asari looked back with a sickened expression.

"After what you have done, what makes you think you have the right to call me 'Daughter'. I am ashamed of what you have become and will have no part in this, I will remember and cherish the person you once were because I do not recognise who stands before me right now." Liara said back with a cold tone and firm expression, not letting her feelings get in the way of what needed to be said. But the Matriarch just stared back at her once 'little wing' for a long moment, before narrowing her eyes back in a hateful stare.

"You disappoint me, Liara. I am the one who brought you into this world. The one who raised you and loved you, and this is how you repay me….with this disgusting insolence, but I will have your obedience….one way or another." she spat before tapping a button on her holo-tool which brought up an image of Orion being beaten by Hock in his cell, this made the younger Asari's eyes widen as she watched her would-be lover being tortured.

"You will do as I say, Liara, or this Autobot will die. In fact, I was thinking of introducing him to the Cybonic Plague. It would be most interesting to see how it would affect a Cybertronian/Human hybrid such as him." the Matriarch added, making her Daughter look back at her with a stare of pure rage.

"I know that you care for this boy so stand down and join me…..or watch him suffer the consequences." the older Asari finished while Liara gritted her teeth in response.

"You think that I am going to stand down just because you have put Orion's life in jeopardy? Then you don't know me at all, 'Mother'. Because, I never let those bastard slavers break me, so what makes you think I will let you!?" she spat back while clenching her fists, which started to glow with biotic energy.

"...You have proven yourself to be just as big a threat as the Predacons are and I have to stop you, but now you have brought Orion into this and for that…..I will end you!"

Benezia though simply smirked in return as she followed suit and conjured biotic energy around her own fists. "You think you can take me on Liara, your own mother…a Matriarch no less? So be it!"

The younger Asari then launched herself into a biotic charge, speeding towards her Mother in a blue flash. But Benezia threw a biotic uppercut that stopped Liara dead in her tracks and sent her flying into the air, the Matriarch then held her glowing blue hand out in Liara's direction and caught her in a biotic energy field. Before the younger Asari could do anything, her more experienced elder then performed a biotic slam and smashed her into the ground.

"You dare raise a hand to me…..and expect me not to wipe the floor with you." Benezia said as she then lifted a hurt Liara off the ground with her power, holding her Daughter in the air as she walked over.

"This was never going to end well for you, Liara. You are simply no match for me." she said before slamming Liara into a nearby wall, making the young Asari grimace in pain. The Matriarch then let go of her, making her Daughter fall to the ground hard before walking slowly towards her.

"I will unleash the plague upon the Autobots, eradicating a species that should have wiped themselves out long ago." Benezia added whilst Liara slowly got back to her feet, holding onto the wall for support as she looked up at her mother approaching.

"The Federation will then be brought to it's knees before they beg for me to lead them back into the light. Only then will the galaxy be as it should." the Matriarch carried on before gesturing a low glowing punch to the ground, creating a biotic slam that knocked Liara back to onto the floor.

"But you my daughter will not live to see such a time, and neither will your Autobot lover." she said, making the younger Asari look up at her with a wide-eyed expression of fear, gaining a dark smile from Benezia.

"It sickens me to think you would choose someone like him as a bond-mate. I am doing the world a service by ending both your lives." she carried on with her scathing verbal attack on Liara, who in return narrowed her eyes and stared back with a wrathful expression as she clenched her fists tightly that in turn began to glow brighter with every second that past. But the Matriarch did not look impressed as she stood over her Daughter, her expression passive.

"You cannot…." she began to say before Liara cut her off suddenly.

"Shut the hell up!" she spat while thrusting her fists forward, which exploded in a biotic blast that sent Benezia threw the air several meters before she hit the ground and rolled to a stop. This allowed the younger Asari to get back to her feet whilst never taking her eyes off her Mother, who quickly recovered and readied herself for the next round.

"That is more like it, Liara. I knew you had it in you….but it still will not be enough." she said back, while her daughter took a deep breath.

"This ends now." she said before rushing Benezia, once again using biotic charge. The Matriarch did the same and rushed at her younger flesh and blood before the pair clashed in the center of the room, causing a biotic blast to erupt outwards from their impact.

The energy was so concentrated and powerful that it shattered the glass containment of the conduit near them, exposing it's own energy which shut down the holo-screens positioned around it. But this did not even phase either mother or child as they focused on defeating the other, as the battle had turned into a fist fight.

Liara threw a punch that connected perfectly on Benezia's face, knocking her backwards a step or two. But before she could recover, the younger Asari continued with her advantage and threw another punch.

'My Mother's biotics are more powerful than mine, but her close quarters combat is certainly lacking.' she thought as she then kicked her Mother in the side, earning a yelp from the Matriarch who stumbled backward.

"You will pay for that you little Bitch!" she spat before noticing the broken glass lying around them. So before Liara attacked again, Benezia used biotics to lift the shards off the ground and surround her Daughter. The younger Asari noticed this and looked at her with a thoughtful expression, pausing in her attack as the glass floated all around her.

"Die!" her Elder then spat as the glass shards then flew through the air at Liara from all directions, making her gasp out loud before quickly bringing her clenched fists up to her chest and focusing which then created a biotic sphere that enveloped her being. The broken pieces of glass flew like daggers into the sphere, but the energy surrounding Liara instantly disintegrated them into sand which landed harmlessly around her.

Benezia looked back with a surprised expression as her Daughter narrowed her eyes and met her own, pure anger could be seen in them.

"You first!" was all the younger Asari said in return before pushing her fists out in front of her in direction of the Matriarch, this in turn made the energy sphere suddenly move and engulf her mother.

Liara then tightened her fists more, ensuring that her opponent could not break free before feigning a throw with her clenched hands to the right, sending her Mother headfirst into the exposed energy conduit.

Benezia screamed out as the energy rushed through her body, burning it inside out as the electricity completely consumed her. The lights in the room began to short out and flicker on and off repeatedly as the older Asari was electrocuted, causing Liara to cover her eyes whilst hearing her Mother's screams before suddenly the power blew and sent the body flying out and hit the floor hard.

Liara withdrew her hand away from her eyes, letting her see that the emergency power and lighting had kicked in. She looked down to see the fully burnt corpse of her Mother lying only a few feet away, so she walked over and looked down at it with a look of sorrow and regret on her face.

"I am sorry, Mother, but you left me no choice." she said softly before bowing her head, mourning her Mother's passing. A moment later and the power in room turned back on, reactivating the holo-screens once again.

'Orion!' she suddenly thought before activating her holo-tool and syncing it to the Shadow Broker's computer.

'Where are they keeping him?' she thought whilst looking through the ship's schematics on her own holo-screen, when suddenly her attention was caught by a familiar voice crying out.



Liara looked over to the room's entrance and saw Vasir standing there with a look of complete shock and despair on her face, as she looked at the Shadow Broker's corpse. So the younger Asari stopped what she was doing and stood ready for whatever the double-Agent would do next, earning a similar angry expression from her as she turned her attention to Liara.

"What have you done!" Vasir spat whilst giving her Mentor's Daughter a dagger-like stare.

"What had to be done to stop this madness from going on any further." Liara replied as she took a step back from the Agent, who in turn stepped closer.

"Benezia was my mentor and my friend, you betrayed and murdered your own mother." she said back as she clenched her fists and made them glow with biotic energy, earning a mirrored response from the younger Asari before the entire ship shook around them with alarms blaring.

"Warning! Warning! Ship's power-core has ruptured. All hands are to evacuate before core-breach occurs in fifteen minutes." a synthesised voice spoke through the ship's inter-com, earning the attention of both Asari.

'That must of happened when I threw my mother into the power conduit, the excess biotic energy must have passed through it all the way to the core and destabilised it.' she thought as Vasir returned her attention to her.

"None of that matters. I will make you pay for what you did to Benezia." she said with a finality to her voice.

"You heard the computer, this ship is going to explode." Liara replied as her thoughts refocused back to Orion.

"Yes and if I don't kill you, I can at least delay you long enough so that the explosion will kill you and your Autobot friend. That is something I can take solace in." the double-Agent said back before charging a biotic energy ball and throwing it at the other Asari, causing Liara to dive out of the way just as it impacted the wall behind her.

'I don't have time for this.' she thought while getting back to her feet before throwing a biotic blast back, to which Vasir brought up biotic barrier in front of her. The blast impacted the energy-field causing a bright blue flash as it absorbed the attack, though the moment it started to fade Liara charged in and tackled the Agent to the floor.

"Why are you fighting for my mother? What did she do to deserve your loyalty?" she asked angrily as she pinned the other Asari down, earning a grunt from Vasir as she struggled to free herself.

"Because she shared my views on the Cybertronians and unlike others that felt the same, Benezia was willing to do something about it. I owe her everything, especially since she chose me to succeed her." she spat back before freeing her right arm, allowing Vasir to hit Liara hard in the stomach. This winded her and let the Agent knock her off herself, before performing a backwards roll back into a kneeling position. The younger Asari recovered and looked over at her opponent with a knowing look.

"You think that my mother really wanted you to succeed her as Shadow Broker, then why did she want me here?"

Vasir looked back at Liara with a thoughtful expression as she dwelled on the question for a second.

"Because she wanted you…her daughter to help." she said back whilst keeping her fists clenched, ready to attack at a moment's notice.

"Yes, that part is true. But my Mother also wanted me to later succeed her as both Shadow Broker and Matriarch, she never wanted you for that….not permanently." Liara replied in a calm tone, making the other Asari stare back with narrowed, hateful eyes as she gritted her teeth in response.

"You lie, you will say anything. I have worked with your Mother for over twenty years, while you never gave a damn. You were more bothered about your career and your Cybertronian friends. And now after Benezia opened her arms to you and wished for you to join her, you not only slap her hands away and betray her… have also killed her!" she spat before launching herself at her enemy, making Liara go on the defensive as Vasir began throwing punches and kicks which she blocked, one after another. The double-Agent kept up the offensive, charging her fists with biotic energy.

But the younger Asari did the same, blocking each and every one before countering with a punch to the face and then a kick to the stomach, knocking Vasir back.

"You talk to me about betrayal, but you betrayed the very principles you swore to abide by when you became an Autobot Spectre." Liara replied, earning a lopsided grin from her opponent before she threw another punch that connected with the Asari's chin, making her grunt as she recoiled.

"And I would do it again, they have done nothing to gain my trust and obedience." Vasir said back, as she watched Liara wipe a trickle of blood from her mouth.

"Your skills are impressive though, Liara. You are your mother's daughter. But I am a Spectre, you cannot keep this up for long, not with time ticking down as we speak."

"You're right about that, but are you forgetting that I did just kill my mother, a powerful Matriarch that eclipsed both of us…." the younger Asari replied, though the words made her heart ache with guilt and regret at what she had done. But she needed to keep that bottled up, because not only did her and Orion's survival depend on it. But also the rest of the galaxy, since she knew where the Predacon fleet was…thanks to her mother's Intel.

"…And I am fighting for more than my own survival, and you cannot stand in my way a moment longer." she spat before then firing another biotic blast from her hands, knocking Vasir several metres back. The Agent regained her balance and returned her attention to her opponent, who had started running towards her whilst glowing with a blue shimmer as she charged her biotics.

"You don't have what it takes, but by all means….show me what you've got." she sneered while creating a biotic barrier around her body like a shell, readying herself for whatever Liara had planned. But the younger Asari suddenly performed a biotic charge and smashed into Vasir, shattering her barrier with the strength of the impact and sending the Asari flying into the wall behind her and knocked her unconscious. As he body fell back to the ground, leaving a crater in the wall where she had impacted it.

Liara then used biotic lift to pull up a piece of the damaged wall off and hover it over the defeated Agent, a thoughtful yet angry expression on her face as she contemplated ending Vasir's life. But suddenly her attention was caught by the computer's voice as it spoke through the inter-com.

"Warning" Twelve minutes until power-core breach."

This earned a thoughtful expression from the Asari before suddenly throwing aside the large piece of debris.

'Orion.' Liara thought as she reactivated her holo-tool which by now had been completely synced to the Shadow Broker's database.

"Computer, where is Orion Darby being held?" she asked while looking at the holo-screen hovering over her forearm.

"That name does not compute. Please restate your question?" the synthesised voice replied, earning a look of frustration from Liara as she stood over the unconscious Vasir until it finally clicked in her mind why.

"Computer, where is 'the Autobot' being held?"

Suddenly, the holo-screen in front of her came to life and revealed a map of the ship, showing her position and another blinking spot in a location not far from her.

"Here." the Computer replied, earning a nod from the Asari.

"Download information concerning Predacon movements to my holo-tool." she then said, gaining a beep from her holo-device as the screen disappeared.

'Hold on Orion, I am on my way.' Liara thought before exiting the room, leaving the corpse of Benezia and a knocked out Vasir alone.
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Re: Prime Effect 4

Postby Apollo-XL5 » Mon Aug 03, 2020 12:19 pm

Motto: ""It's all in the reflexes.""
Weapon: Star Saber Sword

The alert sirens were blaring all over the ship as Liara ran down one of it's many corridors, hoping to reach her Orion and free him before the approaching destruction of the very vessel they were aboard.

But just as she turned a corner, the Asari ran into a group of six Mechs who looked at her with a blank expression that could only be read as confused.

Liara though focused her biotics through her right hand and thrust it before her, which made the Mech nearest to her suddenly fly backwards into the wall.

The other robots looked back at their comrade before turning their weapons on the Asari and open fire, but Liara was ready for them and surrounded herself with a biotic barrier that covered every inch of her athletic figure.

The gunfire was absorbed by it's blue energy as the young Asari launched herself into the centre of the group, and began to punch and kick at each and every one of punched straight through the chest of one robots then followed that with an elbow to another which tore it's head from it's body, exposing it's wires which flickered and buzzed before the body fell to the ground.

One of the remaining Mechs grabbed at the Liara's arm but she merely spun around and performed a biotic throw, sending it into the another one behind it and smashing them both against the wall.

She turned to see the last three Mechs ready themselves to attack her, so she again focused her biotics into a shockwave which flowed across the ground and destroyed them, sending their debris flying backwards down the corridor.

Liara then took a breath as she looked back in the direction of the detention cells, her mind only on one thing.

'I really don't have time for this, I have to reach Orion.' she thought as she continued down the corridor, hoping she would reach him in time.

Orion meanwhile felt aches all over his torso and face before Hock's fist once again connected with his face, earning a gleeful expression from the Arms dealer while a worried Kane looked on.

"Your friend looks worried." the Bot said back as blood trickled down his chin, earning a stare from the bald Slaver before he looked back to Hock.

"We should be going, just leave him here and let this place take him with it." Kane said, making the other man shake his head in return.

"I am having too much fun rearranging this guy's face." Hock replied before punching Orion square in the face again, which made the blue Haired Autobot spit out some blood onto the ground before grinning back.

"You….will have to do better than that." he managed to say, earning an angry look from the before all their attention was caught by the computer voice speaking through the inter-com.

"Warning, ten minutes until power-core breach."

Kane gave Hock a further worrying stare after hearing the message.

"We really should get to the shuttle-bay and leave." he said back with fear tingeing his voice, but Hock gave him a knowing look in return.

"Worried that all the shuttles will be taken are you? Apart from us, Lockdown, Agent Zero, that Drell and whoever the Shadow Broker is. The only others I have seen on this ship are Mechs, so I doubt we have to worry about our place on the escape craft. Besides we have plenty of time to reach the Shuttle-bay, almost ten minutes still." he replied as he pulled back his fist, readying to strike Orion again.

"But what if they have decided to leave us and each take a shuttle?" Kane then asked with a wide eyed stare, making the Arms Dealer stop in his tracks as a thoughtful expression crossed his face.

"What do you mean?" the man asked as he turned away from the Autobot and looked back at his companion.

"Apart from the computer warning, no one has come to get us in the last five minutes have they. What if they have decided to leave us behind?" the Slaver replied, making Hock look down at the ground as it sank in, whilst Orion just watched them both with a slight grin as he felt the strength around his restraints weakening.

'The drain of power to my restraints must be down to the power-core breach. I just need these idiots to stall a little more…wait, he said…Agent Zero.' he thought as a memory came to mind, while Hock looked back at Kane.

"You really think that they would do that to us?" he asked before both his and the Slaver's attention was drawn back to Orion, as the Blue haired Bot had started to chuckle to himself.

"What do you find so funny?"

"Well, I find it funny that you are now allied with the very people who attacked you to get Liara originally." he said back with a smile, making the man narrow his eyes at him.

"What are you talking about? That was you!" he said as he stepped right in front of the Autobot and grabbed his throat.

"I admit, I was there with the others and we rescued Liara from you, but we weren't the only ones there. We ran into Agent Zero who was also after her as well." Orion said back, earning a confused look from the Arms dealer before he shook his head and equipped his pistol.

"You're lying. You will just say anything to stay alive at this point." he replied while pointing his gun at the Bot's head.

"Think about it?" Orion added, not even acknowledging that a pistol was pointed at his forehead at that moment.

"No, I would rather take this Slaver's word of that of an Autobot." Hock said back as he touched the barrel of his pistol to the Bot's head.

"And I would prefer to see your blood decorate the wall behind you now." he added with a smile as he began to tighten his grip around the trigger.

"Don't you dare!" a familiar voice shouted at them, making all three look over to the doorway. And standing there was Liara with her glowing hand pointed at the pair.

"Ah, my Blue Rose. It is good to see you again. Now, stand down or I will put a bullet through this Bot's head." Hock said with a smile as he looked back at the Asari, who just stared back with a hateful expression.

"You do that and I will flay you alive." she spat back, gaining a smirk from Orion as he quietly moved his left arm, noticing that the restraint had weakened even more.

'All I need to do is one swift strong movement to break it.' he thought while both Hock and Kane kept their attention on Liara, unsure of how serious they should take her threat.

"This Asari shouldn't be a problem for you, Kane. I am right?" the Arms dealer said back, earning an unsure look from the bald Slaver in return.

"I wasn't alone the last time we subdued her…" he began to say back, but Hock then cut him off.

"But you're not alone, I am with you." he said, though Kane simply responded with a gulp as he kept his eyes on Liara, who just stared back whilst her hand began to glow a little brighter.

", we have an ace in the hole." the Arms dealer added as he again touched the barrel of his pistol to Orion's head, while looking back at the Asari.

"So how do you want to this to go…'Blue Rose'?"

Liara just stared back, narrowing her eyes at him as she clenched her hand into a fist before glancing at the Blue haired Bot. He gave her a slight smile while slowly moving his hand in it's restraint for her to see, gaining an ever so small smile in return from her before she looked back at Hock.

"I will shoot him if you don't stand down." he added as the Asari smiled back.

"No, you won't." she replied, which made Hock suddenly narrow his eyes at her in return.

"You don't tell me what to do, Asari, you do as I say!" he spat back, his grasp tightening around the grip panel as he held the gun to her lover's head though the Arms dealer kept his attention on her.

"You have no way to make me do anything you want. Not now, not ever!" Liara replied coldly as she slowly began to walk into the room, giving both men a stare like something had passed right through them.

This made them suddenly look rather fearful as Hock suddenly panicked and pressed the gun's barrel against Orion's head again.

"You brought this on yourself!" he replied in a scared tone as he began to pull the trigger, only for the Blue haired Bot to suddenly break the arm restraint on his left side and grab the gun, pushing it just away enough that the moment it went off, the bullet instead impacted the wall next to him.

"Wha…!" the Arms dealer started to say as Liara performed a biotic charge and slammed into Kane, while Orion pulled Hock close enough so he that could head-butt the man, making him drop the pistol as he stumbled backwards.

As this happened, the Asari looked over to the Autobot and waved her glowing hand in front of her, breaking the remaining restraints on the berth. Orion then dropped off it and fell to his knees before looking over to her with an appreciative smile on his face.

"Thanks, Liara." he said before turning his attention to Hock who stood before him.

"You're more than welcome, Orion." she replied back fondly before Kane suddenly grabbed her from behind, one hand on her arm while the other went round her neck.

"Liara!" Orion shouted as he saw the Slaver get his friend in a hold but just as he got back to his feet, Hock suddenly charged into him and pushed him up against the wall before punching him in the chest hard, winding him.

"Didn't think I was capable of that did you…" the Arms dealer sneered as the Autobot coughed hard, before looking over to see Liara in Kane's hands with the Slaver leering over her as he held her close.

"Remember, Asari, I told you once I would get my hands on you eventually. That I had such thoughts of what I would do to you when the time came." he said into her ear, making the Asari feel sick as she felt his breath on her skin.

"Well, first I will let you witness your boyfriend's death by Hoc hands, then with your will completely broken by that. Then I will let you taste how dark my imagination can be." the Slaver added as he tightened his grip on her.

At that moment both Liara and Orion looked up at each other, their eyes meeting as he had just heard every word of what Kane had said, making the Bot turn his attention to Hock and grit his teeth.

"Never!" he spat while suddenly putting all his strength into a punch that hit the man so hard in the stomach that he almost keeled over, before then following through with a punch to the face that sent the Arms dealer to the floor.

Both Liara and Kane watched this with surprise in their expressions, though the Asari had more of a smile on hers before she then made her left hand glow with biotic energy which coincided with a part of the Slaver's arm that was still around her neck, which began to glow too which earned a worried look from him.

"What the? I will break your nec…." he started to say just as Liara clenched her hand into a fist, earning a cry of pain from Kane as the bones in his forearm shattered from the stress the biotic field the Asari created around his arm. This made him let go of her, so she turned around and used biotic push to send him onto his backside,

"My arm!" he shouted before cradling his broken limb with his other while Liara stood over him, staring down at the Slaver with an expression that his heart go cold with fear.

"You talk about dark thoughts and imagination. Try mine!" she spat as her eyes suddenly went black, making Kane freeze where he sat and stare back like a statue for a long moment.

He then screamed so loud and covered his face with his hands, making Orion just watch because Kane looked like his head was about to explode with the way he was holding it in his hands.

The Slaver fell onto his side still screaming as he went into a spasm on the floor before finally going quiet, his hands dropping to floor revealing that his eyes were still open and glazed over.

"What did you do?" Orion asked with an uncertainty to his voice as Liara turned back to him, a look of fulfilment on her face.

"I gave him a taste of his own medicine. That man was a rapist and murderer of women, it was no more than he deserved." she replied, earning a nod from the blue haired Bot as he grabbed Hock and lifted him on to his feet.

"I couldn't agree more. Now, what do you want to do with Hock? I did tell him that either of us would kill him." he said back as the Asari nodded in return before grabbing the Arms dealer by the throat, staring into his eyes and seeing the fear reflected back, fear that was well deserved after he had witnessed the fate of Kane just seconds earlier.

"Please, show me mercy." Hock begged, gaining a look of disgust from Liara before the inter-com suddenly activated, earning all their attention.

"Warning! Eight minutes until power-core breach!" the computer stated, earning a thoughtful expression from the Asari before staring back at Hock.

"You are pathetic..." she said back with venom-like tone to her voice before dropping him back to the ground, making hin look up with a confused face.

", and pray I never see you again." she added, which made Hock get to his feet and run out of the room in almost one quick motion, gaining a confused look from Orion.

"I don't get it, I thought you would want to make him pay?" he said back, while Liara looked back with a caring expression.

"We don't have the time, and he just isn't worth it, Orion. Without the power and influence he had before, Hock is just a small, pathetic individual. Plus, he won't get off this ship before it blows, the shuttle-bay is in the other direction of where he ran off to for starters." she replied with a smile before looking the Bot up and down, noticing his injuries.

"Are you okay?"

Orion gave her a look of surprise in return.

"I'll be alright, all I had were two idiots hitting me. I was more concerned for you, Liara.." he said back, gaining an appreciative smile from the Asari as he spoke.

" what about you? What happened?" he asked, making her smile disappear as a more saddened expression befell her beautiful face.

"I will tell you about it once we are out of here, so let's not waste anymore time." the Asari replied while holding out a hand to the Autobot, who took it in his own.

"Okay, lets go." he said back with a nod, regaining her smile before the pair turned and headed for the room's exit, with Orion making sure to pick up Hock's pistol on their way out.


Vasir opened her eyes to find that she was lying on her side, and immediately the rest of her body let her feel the pain it had been enduring while she had been unconscious.

Every part of her being ached, earning a grimace from the Asari as she lifted herself up onto her knees.

'That Bitch certainly has more strength than I would have guessed.' she thought as she looked back around the room, only for her eyes to fall upon the burnt corpse of Benezia, earning a saddened expression from Vasir.

'I am so sorry I failed you, Benezia, your Daughter will pay.' she thought before tapping her com-link.

"Lockdown, this is Vasir. Do you read?"

"I read you, what's going on? How did the power-core breach?" the former-Decepticon replied, while the Asari kept her eyes focused on Benezia, a single tear running down her cheek as she thought about her mentor.

"We have been betrayed, the Shadow Broker is dead." she said back, earning a gasp from the other end of the link.

"..What! How?" Lockdown asked with a shocked tone.

"Liara killed him…" the Agent replied, knowing that she had to keep the pretence of who the others believed the Shadow Broker's false identity.

"..and she set off the power-core breach. How long until it blows?" she then asked.

"We have several minutes left, why do you ask?" Lockdown replied with a curious tone.

"Because we have enough time to escape the ship before the explosion, but first we will lay a trap for that Asari Bitch who is no doubt rescuing her Autobot friend as we speak. We can kill them for the Shadow Broker and then get to safety in that time." Vasir said back.

"What about Hock and Kane?" the former Decepticon replied as he thought about others.

"What about them, if they were still entertaining themselves when Liara arrived to save Orion Darby, then they are already dead." she said back coldly.

"And we should probably leave Thane and his son here too right? I don't know how long we could keep up the pretence of who really murdered his wife." Lockdown added, gaining a nod from Vasir.

"Very well, just go now and make sure you have enough Mechs with you at the Shuttle-bay. I will be….arrggh!" she said back while trying to get back to her feet, but falling back onto her backside as her leg gave way beneath her.

"Are you alright?" the Assassin said back, a concerned tone was clear in his voice.

"Just trying to shake off the after-effects of my fight with Liara, I will be there as soon as I can. Just don't underestimate her or that Autobot. Zero out." she replied before ending the link, and then took a Medi-gel syringe out of a pocket on her utility belt.

'This should get me moving, I need to get to the shuttle-bay.' she thought as she injected the medicine into her leg.

Meanwhile, Liara and Orion ran down the corridor, with the Bot following the Asari's lead as she glanced down at the map on her holo-tool's screen.

"Not far to go." she said back, gaining a nod from the blue haired Bot as he smiled back.

"We have plenty of time, Liara. We'll grab one of their shuttles and get out of here." he said back as the pair turned a corner and stopped in their tracks, with Orion raising his pistol at the Drell standing before them.

"Him again." the Autobot said with an angry stare, earning a similar expression from their adversary who too aimed his twin pistols back at both of them, though he looked less convinced as the ship's alarms blared again around them.

"Six minutes until power-core breach."

"Orion, wait!" Liara then said in a commanding tone as she stepped between both men, earning surprised looks from both.

"Liara?" Orion replied with a questioning tone.

"Your name is Thane Krios, correct?" she asked, ignoring the Bot while she focused on the Drell who nodded back, but did not lower his own weapons.

"That's right, how did you..?" he began to ask as he looked at her with a curious expression.

"Because I have access to the file the Shadow Broker had on you, and it has information on it that you must know." she replied whileusing her holo-tool to bring up a screen displaying the Drell's file. Thane walked up slowly to it, his pistols slowly lowering as he started to read what was on the screen.

"Liara, are you sure about this?" Orion asked, but the Asari ignored him while she continued to watch the Drell, whose eyes widened as he read the file.

"….Lockdown's responsible…..for my wife's murder." he said back in disbelief, gaining a nod from her in return.

'Lockdown, I have heard that name before.' Orion thought as he watched both Liara and Thane.

"Yes, the Shadow Broker figured it was the only way to gain your trust, by saying that you would get all the help in finding the killer as long as you joined the organisation."

"I have been a fool. Tell me, where is Lockdown and the Shadow Broker?" Thane replied, his face becoming stern.

"The Shadow Broker is already dead, killed by my hand. But as far as Lockdown goes…" Liara started to say before Orion jumped in.

"This ship has just over five minutes until it blows, I bet everyone else will already be there." the blue haired Bot stated while Thane's eyes widened, as his need for revenge was sudden over ridden by thoughts for someone far more important to him.

"My son, I need to find my son." he then said with panic in his voice, earning a sympathetic look from Liara.

"You mean Kolyat. I know where he is and I can get him for you." she replied, gaining the Drell's attention.

"We still need a way off the ship, can you help me secure us a shuttle while Liara retrieves your son?" Orion then asked, a thoughtful expression from Thane before he nodded back in return.

"Yes, I will help you. But if Lockdown shows up, I want him myself."

"Of course, he is all yours." the Autobot replied.

"Alright then, you two go get us a shuttle. I will meet you there with Kolyat." Liara said back, earning a nod from both Orion and Thane before they started to move back down the corridor, only for the Bot to look back to the Asari with a caring expression.

"Be careful."

"You too." she replied with a mirrored look before turning around and running in the opposite direction.


Liara continued down one of the many corridors of the ship, but she did not need to go very far to find Kolyat's location, in fact if they had more time then the three of them could have retrieved his son.

But with just five minutes to go before the ship's destruction, the Asari had to do this by herself, and she turned a corner to find two Mechs standing guard at one of the many doors that lined both sides of the corridor before her.

Before either of the robots could spot her, Liara took cover around the corner and reactivated her holo-tool.

'Yes, that is where Kolyat is located.' she thought while looking down at the yellow dot on the map that was being shown on her holo-tool, so she quickly turned it off and returned her attention to the two guards standing in her way.

'Got to make this quick.' she thought before and idea came to mind, earning a smile from the Asari as she focused her biotics into her left hand, gaining a blue energy glow around it.

The young woman then left the cover of the wall and stood in view of the two Mechs, who noticed and immediately aimed their weapons at her.

"Freeze." they said in unison, with a synthesized tone to their voices. But Liara simply smirked before throwing a blue energy projectile directly at them, which made her entire body glow for a split second before it left her and flew across the corridor at the pair.

It then hit the closest of the Mechs, causing an explosion of biotic energy that sent them both flying into the walls before they too exploded from the damage caused.

The Asari then ran down the hallway and used her holo-tool to hack the door controls and gain entrance to the room, finding it to be a standard living quarters….though kind of empty from the look of it.

'Where is he?' she thought while looking around the room.

"Kolyat?" she said in a gentle voice, before hearing a scuffle like noise from under the desk that was nearby. So Liara walked over to it and knelt to find an eight year old Drell sitting under it with a scared look on his face.

"Stay…back!" he said back with a stutter, but the Asari just held out her hands in a non-threatening gesture.

"It's alright, Kolyat, I won't hurt you." she said back softly, earning a surprised look from the child.

"How…do you know my name? Who are…you?" he asked with an unsure tone.

"My name is Liara, I am an acquaintance of your Father's." the Asari said back.

"You know my Dad?"

"Yes, I am here to take you to him." she said back as she held out a hand to the Drell, who looked down at it with a thoughtful expression before looking back at her face.

"I haven't seen my Dad for so long?" the boy replied, earning a kind smile from Liara.

"So come with me, and I will reunite you with him." she answered, earning a nod from Kolyat who reached out and took her hand.

"Okay." he replied before climbing out from under the desk, earning a curious look from the Asari as she noticed he had a toy ship in his free hand.

"You like star-ships?" she asked as she noticed that it was a toy replica of the Defiant, which made the boy nod back enthusiastically.

"I love this ship, I want to fly one just like it when I grow up." he said back with a smile, gaining a mirrored expression from Liara.

'He will love it when he sees the Normandy.' she thought before they both moved to the door, with the Asari taking a glance outside and noticing that the path was clear…. for the moment.

"Okay Kolyat, I need you to do exactly as I say alright. I promise you will see your Dad real soon." she said while looking down at the child, who gave her a knowing look.

"The other people kept telling me that, but you're the first person I want to believe." he said back, earning a nod from her.

"Let's go." she said before she took his hand in hers and the pair left the room and ran back the way she had came.

Not so far away, Orion and Thane turned a corner into an adjoining corridor, that had on it's right side only one double door and a windows either side of it's doorframe.

"There is the entrance to the shuttle-bay, if we are lucky then we can get a look inside and see what we will be up against." the Drell said, gaining a nod from the Autobot in return before the pair sneaked up to the nearest window and took cover under it.

"I'll take a look." he then said before raising himself up just enough to peek inside, taking in the layout of the room and the Mechs he could see from their location before sinking back down into a squat.

"I see several Mechs in there right now, they are guarding two shuttles. I don't see Lockdown in there though." he said back, earning nod from Thane who looked back with a serious expression.

"He's there, I know he is. I have worked with that Decepticon long enough to know what he can do." he said back, before sighing while looking down at his pistols.

"He played me, him and the Shadow Broker. He has to pay."

Orion gave the Drell a sympathetic look while placing a hand on his shoulder in support.

"Look, if Lockdown has in fact already jumped ship. I promise that I will do everything in my power to help you find him, it's the least I can do for your help." he said back, earning a smile from Thane.

"I appreciate that Orion…." he started to say before the blue haired Bot took another peek inside the Shuttle-bay.

"…so consider this an early thank, as I clear the way to the shuttle." the Drell added regaining Orion's attention as he looked back to see that his new friend had disappeared, his eyes widening at the empty air before him.

'Where the hell…?' he thought before noticing that the door had been opened, making him ready his pistol.

'Damn it.'

Inside the large hanger-like room, the Mechs patrolled area whilst using their optics to scan everything…even themselves.

"Scan complete, nothing to report." one said with it's synthesised voice, as Orion sneaked in and hid behind a cargo container near the now open door, being lucky to not be caught in the vision of one of the robots while it looked in his direction.

"Where is Thane?" he thought before suddenly hearing metal hit the ground hard, so he peeked around the cover to see a deactivated Mech lying on the floor at the far end of the room with a bullet hole in the back of it's head.


"Correction, one of us has been hit." another Mech stated as it's attention was drawn to it's fallen comrade, it's red optics let out a beam of red light that enveloped the corpse as it walked over to it.

"One bullet hole to the back of it's cranium, alert status!" it then said, earning a simultaneous reaction from the rest of the robots as their lifted their rifles into ready positions.

Suddenly, just as lead Mech turned away from the corpse, Thane dropped down behind it and wrapped his arm around it's neck and used his free hand to grab its head and yank it sideward, snapping its neck.

One of the other Mechs turned around and saw this, raising it's weapon at him in response.

So the Drell held onto the deactivated roBot with one hand while equipping one of his pistols with the other and fired back at the enemy drone, blowing a hole in it's chest.

This earned the attention of the other Mechs as they began firing back at him.

"Eliminate the intruder!" the robots said in unison before one had it's head blown off as Orion revealed himself, rushing the nearest Mech as he activated his holo-arm-blade with his free hand, slicing through it before the roBot could react.

"This earned a smile from Thane as dropped the metallic heap on the floor and dived behind the nearest shuttle for cover, while half of the remaining Mechs focused on him with their combined rifle fire.

The other half turned on Orion, opening fire on him and causing the Autobot to take cover behind another cargo container next to him.

But he still managed to return fire and take down two more Mechs, earning a smile from Thane who then climbed up onto the roof of the shuttle and fire down at the enemy drones, blowing holes in a few of them before they returned fire.

But he instead jumped down into the middle of the group and used both pistols for up close damage, firing bullets into their chests and heads whilst spinning around on the spot.

The other group that had been focused on Orion had took notice of what the Drell was doing to their comrades and had switched their priorities, so the Bot ran out from cover and using both his arm-blades, sliced up the remaining enemy troops until only Thane and himself were left standing.

"That was impressive, Orion, just like the day we fought back on Illium." the Drell said back, earning a smile from the Autobot.

"Thanks, though I have never met anyone with sneaking skills like yours." he replied humbly before an unfamiliar voice spoke from above them, gaining their attention.

"So, Zero was right…"

Both Thane and Orion looked up to see Lockdown standing on the roof of the other shuttle, hold twin holo-katanas that were being powered by the holo-tools around both this forearms.

"Lockdown!" the Drell spat as he narrowed his eyes back, as the former Decepticon performed a somersault jump off the shuttle and landed in between the pair before pointing both blades at them.

"Thane? Why are you helping this Autobot?" he asked.

"Because I know what you did!" Thane replied, gaining a knowing expression from Lockdown.

"..Ah… I see, well it was business, it wasn't personal for me." he replied before the Drell gritted his teeth and leapt at him.

"Well this is personal to me!" he spat back as the Assassin swung a katana at him but Thane ducked under it before landing a punch directly into his enemy's chest, knocking him backwards.

But Lockdown used the momentum to turn his attention to Orion and he made a swipe at the Autobot, who managed to block the attack with one of his holo-arm-blades.

The former Decepticon followed through with a front kick that connected with Orion's stomach and sent him flying onto his back and out of the fight, so Lockdown returned his attention to Thane.

"What are you doing?" he spat with a curious tone as he saw the Drell activating his holo-tool, bringing up the orange glowing device on his left forearm.

"This!" he replied before lunging back at his enemy, who lunged back with his right holo-katana. But Thane brought up his holo-tool and blocked the strike before giving the former Con a smirk.

"Thanks." he said back just as the holo-katana suddenly disappeared from Lockdown's right hand and reappeared in the Drell's possession, earning a shocked look from him.

"What the?" he replied before Thane took a swipe at him, scratching the Assassin's armour as he narrowly dodged the attack.

"My holo-tool can mimic any holo-weapon it touches, I think it would be fitting to kill you with your own weapon." he said before he again lunged at Lockdown, who deflected the blade with his own.

"Don't get ahead of yourself Thane, I have lived through countless eons fighting. Do you think you have what it takes to end my spark?" he said as he pushed the Drell back, separating the two again.

"I do no such thing, but I believe that my late wife will help guide this blade and bring an end to your life, finally bringing her and myself some peace." Thane replied before the two continued to fight, clashing their blades together numerous times.

Meanwhile Liara and Kolyat ran into the shuttle-bay, before stopping as they saw Thane and Lockdown fighting.

"Dad!" the little Drell shouted, earning his Father's attention as he deflected the former Decepticon's blade again.

"Kolyat, follow Liara into one of the shuttles." he said back as the Asari saw Orion getting back to his feet.

"Orion, Mechs were right behind us." she said while leading the child into the room as they ran toward the nearest shuttle, earning a nod from the Bot who readied his pistol.

"I'll cover you." he said before shooting a bullet into the chest of the first roBot to enter through the double doors, making it fall to the ground as the others took cover behind it.

Liara then opened the hatch of the shuttle before lifting Kolyat off the ground and into the small vessel's interior.

"Two minutes until power-core breach." the computer's voice spoke over the inter-com as Orion fired back at the door and killed another Mech, before his attention was caught by a grenade hanging of the utility belt of one of the dead robots lying near him.

"Liara cover me!" he shouted, earning a nod from the Asari who fired biotic blasts from her right hand at the doorway, pinning the Mechs to their cover on the other side.

So, Orion ran over to the body and picked up the grenade, and as Liara continued to assault the door with her biotic projectiles, even making one Mech slam back into corridor wall.

The Blue-haired Bot tapped the button on the top of the device and threw it through the open doorway before diving behind another cargo container.

"Fire in the hole!" he shouted, making his Asari friend erect a barrier around her and the shuttle hatch just before the grenade exploded, destroying the Mechs in the corridor.

The force of the blast also knocked both Thane and Lockdown to the ground, halting their fight as both tried to recover.

But the former Decepticon was the first to his feet as he laughed whilst standing over the Drell.

"Looks like your wife isn't listening, Thane." he said with a sarcastic tone as he lifted his holo-katana, readying to deliver a killing stroke.

But just as he began to drive the blade downwards, Orion suddenly tackled him to the ground.

"Oh no, you don't." he said as he began punching the Assassin in the face repeatedly, giving the Drell the time he need to get back to his feet. But his eyes widened as something came to mind.

'I forgot about that!' he thought before raising his hand to the small device on his forehead.

As that was happening, Lockdown managed to block one of Orion's punches and grabbed his arm.

"I have had enough of you Autobot!" he spat before punching him in the face with his free hand, earning a grunt from the blue haired Bot before Lockdown followed through with a swipe of his holo-katana which made the younger man dodge by rolling off him and back to the ground into a kneeling position.

"The feeling is mutual." he said back as Lockdown got to his feet and readied himself to attack again, but Orion's eyes caught his attention as he looked behind the Assassin.

So he spun around just in time to see Thane lunge at him with his holo-katana, making Lockdown swipe his own weapon in return.

But his eyes widened in shock as his blade passed harmlessly through the Drell, like he was a ghost or something.

"How?" he began to say before suddenly feeling a sharp white-hot pain in his chest, so he looked down to see the holo-katana that Thane had stolen had been driven through his body.

"This is for my wife." the Drell said back coldly as he twisted the blade round in the former Decepticon's wound, making him grimace as he looked back at him. His eyes noticed the device blinking with green and blue LEDs on his adversary's forehead and smiled back.

"A Phase-Shifter, well…play…" he began to say with what could be described as a hint of respect in his voice, but Thane did not want to hear any more as his anger got the better of him.

So the Drell ripped the katana from the former Decepticon's chest, causing blood to spill out on to the floor as he spun around and sliced the enemy's head clean from his body, and it bounced onto the ground as the rest of the Con's body joined it.

Thane stood there and looked down at the headless body lying before him, his face finally looking satisfied as he sighed with Orion just stood there and watched.

"Warning, one minute until power-core breach." the computer's voice suddenly spoke out over the inter-com, regaining the attention of both men before another voice did the same.

"Orion, Thane, lets go!" Liara shouted, earning a nod from them as they turned and ran to the shuttle before climbing in via it's open hatch.

"Okay everyone, strap yourselves in." the blue haired Bot said as he sat down beside Liara in the pilot's seat, while Thane strapped his son into one of the passenger seats before doing the same himself.

Kolyat gave his Father the most warm and happy smile he had seen in a long time. But before either could say a word, Liara spoke first.

"You know when this ship goes up, there is no guarantee that we will be able to outrun the shockwave from the explosion." she said with a worried tone, though Orion merely shook his head in return as he pressed numerous buttons on the green holo-interface before him.

"We'll just have to hope for the best then, won't we." he said while activating the shuttle's engines and then lifted the small vessel off the deck, while also opening the bay doors and revealing the stormy atmosphere outside.

Meanwhile, Vasir arrived at the shuttle-bay to see numerous Mech body parts lying around it's entrance with the walls scorched by what appeared to be an explosion.

'What the…?' she began to think before her attention was drawn to the sound of a ship taking off, so the Asari entered the room to see one of the two shuttles flying out of the ship.

"Damn it!.." she spat while looking around and spotting Lockdown's headless corpse lying a few feet away next to the other shuttle.

"...I was too late." she added before limping towards the other shuttle, just as the computer spoke up again through the inter-com.

"Thirty seconds until power-core breach."

This earned a wide eyed expression from Vasir as she ran to the second shuttle and opened it's hatch.

A few seconds later elsewhere on the ship, Hock ran through the corridors in a panic as he looked for what he could only hope was a way to escape what was coming.

"There has to be a way off this ship!" he spat while he continued down the hallway before noticing there was only a right hand turn ahead.

'Haven't seen that one yet, this looks hopeful.' he thought as he turned the corner, only for him to stop and stare in wide-eyed disbelief. For before him was a dead end, just as the computer spoke again through the inter-com which left the Arms dealer with a sense of dread creeping through his soul.

"Ten seconds, nine, eight, seven, six….." it said in a synthetic tone, as Hock felt his eyes tearing up.

"I don't want to die." was all he could say before the computer finished the countdown.

"….one, zero." it said before the ship suddenly shook rather violently from an internal explosion, which knocked Hock to the ground before he heard what sounded like a fireball quickly coming towards him.

"No, No, No!" he stuttered in a fearful tone as said fireball shot round the corner and enveloped him before the Shadow Broker's ship exploded.

"That's it, the ship just exploded, and I am detecting a shock-wave approaching us at a speed greater than what this shuttle is capable of." Liara stated in a worrying tone as she looked down at the holo-screen in front of her, while Orion kept his attention on flying the craft while watching the clouds and storm carry on around them.

"We just have to reach the edge of the atmosphere, give me all the power this shuttle has and channel it into the engines.

Take it from life support if you have too." he said to the Asari, earning a nod from her as she typed on her interface.

But still as the shuttle ascended through the dense and chaotic atmosphere of the planet, the shock-wave from the now destroyed Shadow Broker base continued to gain on them.

"It's no use, the wave is still faster than we are. It will hit us in less than twenty seconds." Liara said back before looking over to Orion as she reached out with her hand, so the Bot looked back and took hers in his hand before turning his attention to the Father and Son sitting behind them.

"I'm sorry." he said with a sad and accepting tone, earning a nod from Thane who then looked over to Kolyat and placed his hand on the back of the younger Drell's head and kissed his forehead.

"I love you Kolyat." he said in a soft voice, gaining a warm smile from the unbeknownst boy who could not understand what was happening around him.

"I love you too Dad." he replied, earning a smile from Thane that he found hard to keep since he knew what was coming.

"Close your eyes my Son." he said back, and watched as Kolyat did just that. Orion could not help but feel sad after seeing that as he returned his attention to Liara, so he just looked her in the eyes and gently squeezed her hand affectionately.

The Autobot took a deep breath as the Asari stared back, as their waited for the inevitable to happen.

"Liara, I.." he started to say, earning a knowing smile from her in return.

"I know…" she began to reply before suddenly a shadow was cast over the shuttle, darkening the interior and gaining their attention.

"What is that?" Liara said while Orion smiled as he looked up through the glass canopy in front of them, making the Asari give him a confused expression.

"What is it?" she asked, before a familiar voice spoke through the shuttle's inter-com.

"You guys look like you need a lift?" Jetstorm said, gaining simultaneous sighs of relief from all the adults on board the shuttle as Orion pressed a button on his holo-interface.

"Great timing, get us out of here." he replied as the Normandy descended over the shuttle as the shock-wave was almost upon them.

"Hold on." the pilot said back before the frigate scooped up the shuttle into it's open shuttle-bay, and then proceeded to ascend back up into high orbit, outrunning the shock-wave which slowly dissipated as the Autobot ship left the planet's atmosphere.

"Everyone alright?" Orion asked as he looked at first to Liara and then to the two Drell, with the older one nodding back in return.

"Yes, thank you Orion." Thane replied before his son got up out of his chair and looked out of the shuttle's canopy to see the landing ramp close and re-seal itself.

"Where are we?" the boy asked enthusiastically as he held onto his toy ship, which earned a smile from the Bot and Asari.

"You know your favourite ship?" Liara asked, gaining Kolyat's attention as he nodded back.


"Well, you're standing in one just like it." she added, which made the boy's eyes widen in wonder as an infectious smile appeared on his face.



Not long after, a ground-bridge portal opens up and Orion, Liara, Thane and Kolat step through to find themselves back on Earth. The older Drell looked around to see that they were standing on landing pad on top of a mountain, which is surrounded by a desert and similar rock formations.

"Where are we?" Thane asked as the vortex closed behind them.

"This is Autobot Outpost Omega One, it was the first Autobot base on Earth and has been in operation since the last days of the Cybertronian Civil war." Orion replied, gaining a smile from Kolyat who stood beside his father and marvelled at his surroundings.

"An Autobot base…wow!" he exclaimed before the blue haired Bot knelt in front of him.

"Kolyat, could I have a moment with your Dad? Liara will keep you company in the meantime?" he asked, gaining a nod from the child.

"Okay." he said in an innocent tone before walking over to Liara who began pointing out sights to him, so Orion got back to his feet and looked back to Thane.

"I am sorry that we have to drop you off here, I would have liked to take the both of you back to Kahje. But with the Intel Liara gained from the Shadow Broker about the Predacons gathering around Virmire, we have been recalled to New Iacon for repairs and new orders." he said, gaining an appreciative smile from the Drell.

"I understand, Orion. I am very grateful for everything you have already done. Because had it not been for you and Liara, I would still be working for the Shadow Broker and would probably never have seen my Son again. But instead I now have Koylat and I found out that Lockdown was the one murdered my wife. And he has paid for that with his life….though, I would of liked to make him suffer for a bit longer if we had the time." he replied with a hint of regret in his voice, which the blue haired Bot noticed.

"Are you alright?"

"In my life, I have always strived to kill my marks in a quick and clean manner. I never questioned if they should die, instead I believed that it was fate's choice which brought them into my sights. But with my dear Irikah's murder, I found myself wanting to kill those responsible and make them hurt for as long as I possibly could. So I find myself at a loss with how Lockdown's end came about." Thane said back, gaining a nod from Orion.

"I can understand that." he replied, making the Drell look at him with a knowing expression.

"I sense that you do, forgive my asking but this is because of your Parents isn't it?"

The Autobot nodded in return as he looked out at the desert around them.

"Yes, they are the prisoners of Galvatron. As far as I know, he has tortured them both and I want nothing more but to make him pay for that…" he replied before looking to the ground with a shamed expression.

"..but I am in a position of command and cannot let my need for payback get in the way of the mission." he added, which made Thane place his hand on the Autobot's shoulder in support.

"I do not claim to know you well Orion, but I have seen enough to believe that you can find a balance between your duty and your need to avenge your parents. I know it is possible to have both." he said while looking over to his Son, who was still marvelling at the wilderness around him as Liara watched. Orion looked over too and nodded in return, giving off a sigh as he did.

"Thank you Thane." the Bot replied as he held out his hand, to which the Drell took in his own and shook while Liara and Kolyat returned to their side.

"No, thank you. You have given my back my life and my Son…" he said as he placed his hand on the little Drell's head, earning a grateful smile from him.

"…and peace of mind. For that…. I would like to offer my services to you in this war, as your enemies are now my mine." he said, but Orion smiled and shook his head in return.

"I appreciate that, Thane. But like you just said, you have been reunited with your Son. So you should stay with him. We can handle the Predacons."

"Yeah, Dad. I mean, they are Autobots. They can handle anything." Kolyat suddenly spoke up with an enthusiastic tone, gaining the adults attention as they looked down at him and smiled. But instead of going shy, the young Drell just became more confident.

"When I grow up, I want to be an Autobot." he declared, which made Orion kneel down in front of him and place his hand in his trouser pocket.

"You certainly are brave enough, and if your anything like your Father, then I don't doubt that one day you will join our ranks. So in the meantime, I want to give you this…" the Bot said as he placed an item in Kolyat's hand, making the youngster look down to see that it was an Autobot emblem, which made him look back in surprise.

"…and make you an Honorary Autobot...until you're of age." he finished, which made the child's smile even wider as he saluted the blue haired man.

"Yes, Sir."

Thane chuckled in return as he looked down at his ecstatic son before returning his attention to both Bot and Asari,

"You've just made my Son's day, thank you. I will honour your wishes, but if you ever need help, you know how to find me."

"And me." Kolyat added, earning a smile from everyone.

"Take care of yourselves. You will need for nothing while staying at this base," Liara said, gaining a nod from Thane,

"Thank you, same to you,"

Orion then tapped his com-link.

"We're ready." he said before another green vortex opened behind them, with the pair turning face to it. The Bot though looked back at Kolyat.

"Watch the sky, you're going to like what comes next." he said with a smile, earning a curious expression from the child before stepping into the portal with the Asari. Both Thane and his Son watched as the Ground-bridge closed, when suddenly Kolyat spotted something coming out of the clouds and moving toward them.

"Dad, look!" he exclaimed as the pair saw the Normandy fly up to the mountain before circling above them both.

"Wow." the young Drell said with amazement as he looked up at the Autobot ship, recognising it as his favourite. Thane just smiled and enjoyed seeing his son's reaction as the ship then took off and did a barrel roll before flying away at top speed, leaving Kolyat breathless at what he had just witnessed.

"Dad, I definitely want to be an Autobot." he stated, as his Father placed his hand on the boy's shoulders.

"We'll see when you are older, Kolyat." he replied before noticing two Autobots stepping out of the elevator to greet them.

"Come on, my Son. Let's go." he then said while taking his Son's hand in his own, and together they walked over to and were greeted by the Autobots.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the galaxy, a damaged shuttle drifted slowly through the cold void of space. The interior of the vessel was dimly lit as Vasir sat in the pilot's chair, looking out at the star-field through the glass canopy in front of her. The Asari's expression was one of deep anger and reflection as she kept her hands on the holo-interface, and even though her eyes were fixed on what was ahead. her thoughts remained focused on only one thing.

'Benezia, I swear that I will make Liara pay for what she did to us. For betraying and murdering you, and for destroying my life as I knew it. I will make you proud and rebuild what we have lost…. and even if it takes the rest of my life, I will see to it that Liara and everyone she holds dear suffers….this I swear to you.'she thought as a dark smile began to form on her lips.
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Re: Prime Effect 4

Postby Apollo-XL5 » Thu Aug 27, 2020 1:34 pm

Motto: ""It's all in the reflexes.""
Weapon: Star Saber Sword

'We are so close.' Galvatron thought as he stood in one of the Nemesis's corridors, looking out at the blue and green world of Virmire through a window before him.

'But what is taking so long? We have been here for a few days now, and have every ship in the fleet spread out around this planet. Surely they would have detected something by now?' he thought with an aggravated tone before the Con felt a familiar presence around him.

"Patience, my Herald. 'Our' destiny is still ours to take. Before this day passes, the Infinite Combinatoric will be within our grasp.'

'Yes my Master, forgive my impatience. I just can't help but feel that the longer this takes, the higher the chance of the Autobots discovering our location.' Galvatron thought back, as he continued to feel Unicron in his mind.

"You did everything necessary to stop them from discovering your movements, am I correct?" the Chaos Bringer replied, earning a nod from the Predacon.

'Yes Master, we deleted our old communication frequencies and added extra protection to our new ones so that the enemy could not gain access again.'

"Then you can relax, because I believe you will get the answer you seek sooner than you think. You should start your preparations…." Unicron said back before fading away again, leaving Galvatron to look out of the window with a confused expression.

'What do you mean ,Master?….Master?' he thought before realising he was alone again, gaining a frustrated sigh from him in return.

"My Lord Galvatron?" another familiar voice suddenly spoke from behind the Predacon Leader, which made him turn round to see Vertabreak standing there.

"Yes, Vertabreak. What is it?" he replied with a slightly surprised tone and expression.

"Is everything alright, my Lord? Because Commander Rip-Claw has been trying to contact you for the last few minutes, but received no answer from your com-link." the younger Predacon said back, which made Galvatron tap his ear-piece and reactivate it.

"Ah, yes. I forgot that I deactivated it earlier. So, I guess you were sent to find me instead?"

"Yes, my Lord. I am to relay a message." Vertabreak replied with a tone which was both eager and nervous before going silent.

"Well, don't keep it to yourself, Vertabreak. What is it? The Predacon Leader answered, earning a breath from his lieutenant.

"…The Commander wishes for you to know that after numerous scans, our low-level search of Virmire's surface has found something."

Galvatron's eyes widened as his curiosity peaked.

"Found what?"

"I do not know the details, my Lord, but the Commander does." the lieutenant said back, earning a nod from the Predacon Leader.

"I will head to the CIC then, thank you for the message….dismissed." he then said, gaining a salute from the younger Con before both separated and walked off in opposite directions.

Once in the CIC, Galvatron walked along the catwalk and join Rip-Claw who stood at the forefront, manning the galaxy-map and terminal located there.

"I got your message, Rip-Claw, report your findings." the Predacon Lord stated, gaining a nod from the Femme who then tapped a sequence into the holo-interface's keypad before stepping aside, allowing her master to look at the large holo-screen which appeared before both of them. It showed a map of the planet and it's continents, as a red dot appeared on the eastern side of it's equator.

"As you can see, my Lord, after our fleet's scans of the planet came up empty. I decided that we should use our fighters to perform a low-level search of it's surface, and that is when we found this." she said while pointing up at the red dot on the screen.

"What is it?" Galvatron asked as his eyes focused on it.

"It appears to be a structure of some kind which has a metallic signature, that is not recognised alongside the metals that the planet has been surveyed for in the past, and it is also inside that mountain." the Femme replied as she tapped another button on the holo-interface, which made the map turn into a three dimensional image of the area and showed the mountain and the red dot's location within it.

"I see, so we will have to tunnel to it then." Galvatron said, gaining a nod from Rip-Claw.

"Yes, my Lord. We could have one of our cruisers fire upon the mountain…" she began to answer before the Predacon Leader gestured for her to stop with a wave of his hand.

"No, I have a better idea." he said before stepping in front of the terminal's holo-interface and typing away.

"..ugh, yes, my Lord?" the Femme replied with a confused expression before an image of the Nemesis appeared on the screen, which had it's armaments highlighted on ship and listed on its right.

"Along with our torpedo launchers and cannons, the Nemesis also has these particle beam turrets." Galvatron said as he pointed at those particular weapons, gaining a nod from Rip-Claw.

"Yes, these are the most powerful weapons in the Nemesis's arsenal. But they also create an incredible strain on our power systems, so they can only be used when absolutely necessary." the lieutenant added, earning a thoughtful expression from the Predacon Leader as he worked on the holo-interface, bringing back the three dimensional image of the mountain and it's surroundings to the screen.

"That valley on the south side of the mountain, we could land the Nemesis there right?" he asked, earning a curious look from Rip-Claw, who then examined the site.

"Yes, the geography of the area shows it to be relatively flat and stable. Yes the Nemesis could land there, why do you ask, my Lord?" she replied.

"Because once on the ground, we can use the ship's engines to power the particle beam turrets and use them to burrow through the mountain and create a tunnel to reach 'whatever' is at its center." Galvatron said back, which made the Femme nod back in agreement as she saw where he was coming from.

"And we could also defend the area from attack, should the Autobots discover our location."

"Plus, they would have to fight their way past our entire fleet before even coming up against the Nemesis's defences." he added.

"Ingenious, my Lord. If it is what you wish then I will have the Nemesis begin it's descent to those coordinates." Rip-Claw said back, earning a nod from the Predacon Lord who smiled back.

"Make it happen,…Commander."

Hearing this made the Femme smile as she felt a surge of confidence within her spark.

"Yes, my Lord. It will be done." she said back before looking down at the Terracon pilot below them.

"Prepare for atmospheric entry, we are going to land the Nemesis." she said, to which the Terracon acknowledged before returning his attention to his station.

"I am going to organise the landing party which will be accompanying me on the surface, so at this time you have the CIC." Galvatron then said as he turned around and began walking back down the catwalk towards the exit, leaving the Femme who smiled before returning her attention to the Terracons below.

Meanwhile, in the science laboratory, Shockwave was standing over the unconscious form of Ser-Ket who was lying on the berth in front of him. He had his holo-tool active and ran it over her body, before smiling as he looked at the result on the device's holo-screen.

'Excellent, Ser-Ket's vitals are steady and all her injuries are healed.' he thought as his eyes took in the information on the screen, he then turned it off and picked up a syringe and injected it into her neck and released it's contents into her bloodstream.

'Time to wake up.'

The Decepticon then watched as the Femme slowly came too, hers eyes opening and beginning to focus as she looked around the room with a confused expression.

"…where…am I?" Ser-Ket said aloud before her attention fell upon the one-eyed man staring down to her, recognising him despite his injury.

"You are safe, Ser-Ket. It has been a long time." the Con scientist replied in an emotionless tone, earning a further confused look from the Femme.

"Shockblast, what are you talking about? And what happened to your eye?" she asked in return, looking completely bewildered at her current situation as she attempted to sit up, only for him to gently push back down onto the berth.

"You are still weak, it is not logical for you to over-exert your self in your current condition, even if your injuries have been healed." he said back with what looked to Ser-Ket like a concerned expression, though it was hard to tell with his emotionless delivery.

"I wasn't expecting this kind of treatment, especially since I betrayed you all." she replied, still confused by it all. This made the Decepticon nod back in return, before looking at her with his remaining eye.

"The fact that the body I now inhabit is far different and inferior to my original, it is only logical that you would not recognise me. And I also found evidence of your neural net being tampered with after probing your mind with the cortical psychic patch."

"You're not making any sense, Shockblast…" the Femme said back before a thoughtful expression appeared on her face.

"..what do you mean…. my neural net tampered?"

The Decepticon Scientist then activated his holo-tool and brought up two images of the Predacon's mind.

"The image on the left is how your neural net looked when I created you, and the one on the right was taken when you were brought back on-line by Galvatron and Shockblast." he then added while pointing at the differences between the two.

"They are different because your memories have been altered since then, most likely so that you would believe you're actually a Predacon."

Ser-Ket just looked back at him with an expression that was getting more confused by the second, which made her shake her head in response.

"I don't get this Shockblast, what are you on about?" she asked whilst looking back at the Decepticon Scientist, who merely stared back at her.

"My name is not Shockblast." he said back with an ever so small slither of annoyance to his voice.

"Then what is it?" the Femme snapped, showing that her pertinence was about to break.

"I am Shockwave, former first lieutenant to Lord Megatron in all scientific endeavours that strengthened the Decepticon cause. I now serve Lord Galvatron in a similar role."

The Femme's eyes widened as she recognised the name, before looking the man in front of her up and down in disbelief.

"Shockwave! How…?"

The Con gave her what looked like a smile, which from someone who prided himself on logic and being emotionless was something to behold.

"I believe, it is what Humans call 'a long story.' and it would not be logical to waste time repeating it. I will just say that I have been given a second chance, and I intend to use it."

"So what is to happen to me, because I'm surprised that I am still alive?" Ser-Ket then said, gaining a nod from the Decepticon.

"Indeed. And as I said earlier, I have probed your mind and seen what you have done since your reawakening. It troubles me to see the choices that have brought you here, betraying your comrades for an Autobot and because of 'love' of all reasons, so highly illogical."

"Who said love was logical? I certainly will not apologise for it. You must also have seen my questioning of Galvatron's leadership and of the other Predacons, I never felt like I was one of them."

The Decepticon Scientist nodded in return as he used his holo-tool and brought up more images of her mind onto his screen.

"Yes, and I believe I have an answer for that. The only logical way to explain the bizarre behaviour you have exhibited since your reawakening. I believe that this all stems from your new-found belief that you are actually a Predacon, which is wrong on not one, but two counts."

This made the Femme cock her head with another confused stare, as she looked at the holo-screen and then back at the Con.

"You said that before. What do you mean?"

"The first count is the memory alterations that Shockblast, my predecessor did to you so that you would fit in more with your fellow Predacons. This made you feel out of place, considering that these alterations hindered your 'truer' nature and personality from taking hold, which then led into count two, for which I am at fault."

"Shockwave, I do not understand." the Femme replied with hint of worry in her voice at what he was telling her.

"Shockblast was under pressure to bring Lord Galvatron his Predacon army quickly and he misinterpreted my notes on Project Predacon, namely yours for he believed that you were a Predacon clone given the wiped neural net of a Decepticon volunteer. So that the increased intelligence would diminish your species natural primitive instincts, but he was wrong." the Con said as he brought up images showing an unknown Cybertronian Femme lying on a berth, and along side it were more images of Predacon bones and CNA.

"What really occurred was that a Decepticon volunteer had her CNA spliced with that of a Predacon, to create a more stable and formidable warrior to stand up against my earlier failures...the Dinobots."

Ser-Ket remained speechless as she stared at the screen, for she could not believe what she was hearing, but Shockwave continued regardless.

"But I made an error, because I recently discovered the CNA used was not of Predacon origin. But it was instead from one of their rivals, for which I still do not know the name of. It was from the bones of a beast that had it's wings forcibly removed. I believe that it was characteristics from whoever this beast was and the altering of your memories that caused you to feel apart from the other Predacons." he added, before noticing the wide-eyed stare from Ser-Ket.

"I am a… Decepticon?"

Yes…" Shockwave replied as he brought up a clearer image of the Cybetronian that had appeared earlier, she had a large build for a Femme and was covered in heavy black, purple and silver armour.

"…your real name is….Strika."

Ser-Ket stayed quiet for a moment as what Shockwave had said sunk into her mind, but the Predacon could not accept it as she shook her head in return.

"No, no, I don't believe it." she said back defiantly, but the Con Scientist just stared back with a blank expression before walking round her berth and bending down at it's side.

"Then I will just have to show you the truth." he replied before standing back up, revealing himself to be now carrying a cable with a device at either end that looked similar to a diadem.

"What is that?" the Femme asked with an unsure tone as her eyes fixed on what was in Shockwave's hands.

"This is the most recent update to the Cortical-psychic-Patch, and it will allow me to show you memories which will prove that I am telling you the truth." he sad back before placing one of the devices onto Ser-Ket's head, and then the other on his own.

"There will be some discomfort as our minds join, be warned." Shockwave added before tapping a button on the side of his own device, which suddenly made the Femme's head feel like it was about to explode as memories began flooding her mind. She saw the Decepticon Femme called Strika, the one that Shockwave claimed her to be and witnessed her leading Megatron's forces during early years of the War for Cybertron. The Decepticon General was an unrelenting monster who took joy in killing as many Autobots as humanly possible, it was a sight that made the Predacon-Femme feel physically sick before the barrage of violent memories changed and depicted the time when Strika volunteered for Shockwave's experiment and was transformed into Ser-Ket, but with the memories of her past life. Then the memories stopped as a quick flash of white light enveloped her eyes before she found herself staring at the walls of the laboratory, while Shockwave removed the patch from her head.

"So you see, Ser-Ket may be your name now but you were always Strika in your spark, and that was lost when Shockblast re-awakened you." he said while noticing that the Femme still had a look of denial on her face, so Shockwave took the cable and head devices and placed them on the table nearby.

'It can't be true, I could not see myself being so blood thirsty and cruel.' she thought as the images continued to play in her mind.

'This has to be a deception of some kind, I am a Predacon.'

Shockwave turned back to her and sighed, for he could see it in the Femme's face that she was not going to accept the truth.

'It is an extremely low probability that Ser-Ket will come to accept the information about her past and wish to rejoin our cause, so I am left with only one other option to work with.' the Decepticon thought before he began walking over towards the Lab's exit.

"I will return in a short while Ser-Ket, the restraints will keep you from attempting to escape in the mean time."

Shockwave then walked through the door, leaving the Predacon Femme restrained to the berth and unable to move. But at this time, escape was the last thought on her mind as she was still being plagued by the memories of who the Decepticon was claiming her to be. So Ser-Ket just lowered her head as a single tear ran down her cheek as her eyes began to well up.

'I cannot be her, I just can't be.'


A day earlier….

The city of New Iacon was still in the early stages of repair as the midday sun shone down upon it from the cloudless blue sky overhead, and the Normandy was docked to the outer ring of one of the surviving Autobot command towers that was located on the western outskirts of the city.

The ship had numerous repair bots and engineering crews working on it's hull as they were repairing it's hull, Orion could see it all from the room he was standing in at this moment as he looked out from the window before him.

"The Normandy's going to be fine, Orion…" Rodimus suddenly said, gaining the blue haired Bot's attention as he turned around and looked over to his friend and mentor, who was sitting in a hover-chair just aways from him.

"..the Engineering crew has assured me that the ship will be combat ready inside of a day, though I wish we had a little longer so that she would be like new. But since the Predacon fleet is gathering around Virmire, I guess a patch-up job is all we can afford." the Commander added as his XO gave him a concerned look.

"I am glad you are here, Rodimus, but surely you should still be recovering in the Medical bay?" Orion replied, gaining a slightly annoyed expression from the older Bot.

"I appreciate your concern, Orion, but I would rather do something than just lie down on a berth and watch everyone else around me fight, plus I thought you would want my help."

"I do, Rodimus, believe me I do. But you did get your chest sliced open a few days ago." the XO said back.

"That's true and had it not been for Red-Alert, I would probably be one with the All-Spark now. The fact that she managed to help both myself and Smokescreen, even after receiving the news that she had is a testament to her dedication and ability." Rodimus said back with a thoughtful look, earning a mirrored expression from Orion who nodded back.

"I heard Red-Alert was going to visit the Memorial Wall."

"Yes, she has been allowed to add Long-Arm's plaque to the rest of our honoured dead, since he died trying to rescue the civilians of Omicron Colony from the Predacons. She also told me that she will light a lantern-spark for him at the 'Well of All-Sparks' temple." the Commander replied.

"I know the Well has been dormant since the end of the Reaper War, but I didn't realise that it had become a temple." Orion said back with a curious tone.

"Every Cybertronian knows that when we die, our sparks return to the All-Spark. And that before it became dormant, the Well was the physical representation of the path each of our sparks must take to return to the All-Spark, so that the cycle of life can continue anew. Now in reality the Spark simply disappears and reaches there all by itself, but people like to believe that they can in some way help those they have lost, by lighting a lantern-spark which then descends into the well, lighting the way for their lost one's spark and guiding it back into paradise."

Orion crossed his arms as he thought about it for a moment, before looking back at the Commander.

"Do you believe in that Rodimus?"

"Yes. Yes, I do…." the older Bot replied with a nod.

"..I did the same thing after the death of my brother, Hotrod."

"I'm sorry." Orion said back, gaining a nod of appreciation from Rodimus.

"I have a feeling many more will be lighting lantern-sparks before our conflict with Predacons is over." the Commander added as he looked up at his XO.

"That is why we both agreed that the crew should have the day off…" Rodimus continued, earning a nod from the blue haired Bot as a solemn expression appeared on his face as the Commander continued.

" that they can spend it however they want, for example with friends and family. Because with the fight that is coming, I'm having a hard time seeing us all coming through it unscathed."

"I understand. Believe me, I do. We both got a real beating from Galvatron and his Predacons, but I am not going to throw in the towel." Orion said back with a serious tone and expression, earning a taken aback look from Rodimus.

"I'm not going to either, or else I would have stayed in bed. But I'm just pointing out how bloody the battle is going to get, especially since the Predacons have their entire fleet positioned around Virmire."

"Well, with the evidence that Liara gave the Autobot High Command, I can't see us having a hard time convincing them to send the entire fleet with us when we face them."

A half smirk appeared on Rodimus's face as he looked up at Orion.

"Orion, you're just like your father." he said back, earning a slightly embarrassed look from the younger Bot.

"I'll take that as compliment."

"Good, you should. Now then, surely the High Command should have an answer for us by now?" the Commander replied with a hint of annoyance in his voice, as Orion looked at the time of his holo-tool.

"Yeah, you would think that with the enemy fleet now in one sport, they would want to move on this as quickly as possible." he said back, while Rodimus looked back at the door leading out of the room.

"I thought Liara would be here though. It is her Intel, after all."

But Orion looked away as a concerned and thoughtful expression appeared on his face.

"Liara wasn't feeling that great, so I told her we could handle this ourselves." he said while looking back out of the window, so not to let his friend see the concern on his face.

'Liara has been quiet ever since we dropped Thane and his son off, no…in fact it has been since leaving Hagalaz.' he thought as the Asari took up his attention while watching the transports fly to and from the damaged part of the city.

'I was going to ask what her what was wrong, but haven't had the time to do so. I will see her as soon as we are done here.' he continued before Rodimus regained his attention.

"So where is Liara staying? With the others at the barracks?" he asked, making the younger Bot turn and face him.

"No, she is staying at my family's house right now. I was going to ground-bridge over once this meeting is done."

"Good idea. Take advantage of the this quiet moment we have right now." the Commander replied as the door on the other side of the room opened, with a Turian stepping out to see them.

"Commander Rodimus and Orion Darby, they will see you now." he said, earning a nod from both men before they began to move toward the door. The Autobot Commander used the control panel on the left hand armrest of his hover-chair to navigate, gliding over the floor with Orion at his side as they left the waiting room and entered a larger spherical-shaped room. Several Admirals sat around a large black table which was shaped like a horse shoe, the group consisted of a Turian, Human, Asari, Krogan, Quarian, Drell, Hanar, Salarian and a Volus.

"Commander Rodimus, we have reviewed the Intel retrieved by Doctor Liara T'Soni and have come to a conclusion on what we must do next." the Turian Admiral said before looking over to his Asari counterpart.

"We all agree that the Predacon threat must be stopped and with their forces all in one place, this will be the perfect opportunity to see it done." she added.

"So prior to our seeing you, we have just sent orders out to all Autobot ships with orders to head to these specified coordinates that are only one jump away from Virmire. Once there, the fleet will jump to the planet and engage the Predacon fleet." The Human Admiral then said as he tapped the holo-interface next to him, which brought up a holo-image of Virmire and the Predacon fleet surrounding it in the center of the table.

"We will also land ground troops to stop Galvatron from reaching whatever it is he is after down there." The Krogan Admiral said, which made Rodimus hold his hand up and gain their attention.

"This is a good plan, but I believe Orion here would like to make a suggestion." he said before looking to his younger friend, as did everyone else in the room.

"Yes, thank you, Rodimus." the blue haired Bot replied before taking a step toward the Admirals.

"This is a good plan, but the Predacons will be dug in well and ready for any kind of ground attack."

The Geth Admiral narrowed his optic as he looked back at the Autobot Spectre.

"Then what do you suggest we do?"

"Continue with the attack, but do it as a diversion." Orion replied, earning a curious expression from the Admirals.

"A diversion? For what?" the Quarian Admiral said back with a questioning tone, before the Bot activated his holo-tool which made a blue dot appear extremely close to the planet.

"So that the Normandy can space-bridge into Virmire's atmosphere and deploy a team led by myself, and together, we can take out Galvatron while he and his forces are focused on you."

"That's an ambitious plan. Do you agree with your XO, Rodimus?" the Human Admiral replied, earning a nod from the chair-bound Commander.

"I do." he said with a confident expression, which made the Admirals look at each other and nod in return.

"Very well, then we will have the fleet and the ground forces engage the Predacons." the Turian Admiral replied.

"The Normandy's repairs will take a day to complete, correct?" the Asari Admiral asked, gaining a nod from Rodimus.

"That is correct."

"It will take that much time for the fleet to assemble at the chosen coordinates anyway. In that case, we only have one other matter to discuss." the Human Admiral said before gesturing to the Hanar who used one of his tentacles to activate his holo-interface and change the image in the center of their table to that of two Asari with multiple screens around them.

"We were quite shocked to find out from Doctor T'Soni that the mysterious Shadow Broker was in fact one of our own Senators, Matriarch Benezia." the giant jellyfish said, its insides glowing with every word that it spoke. But both Commander and XO looked on in shock, Orion's eyes widening as he took in the information being fed to him while looking her holo-image.

'Liara's Mother was the Shadow Broker, why didn't she tell me?' he thought as the second image beside the Matriarch's focused into that of someone that Rodimus recognised as a familiar expression crossed his face as both he and Orion looked at the Intel that appeared on the screens surrounding the two Asari holograms.

The pair could see data on all the plots that the Shadow Broker had planned, including the plague she intended to unleash on the Cybertronian race….it was sickening to think that either person could be capable of such acts. But the Commander was taken completely by surprise by who he saw beside the Matriarch.

"Tela Vasir? You're telling me that she was working for the Shadow Broker?" he asked with a disbelieving tone, still coming to terms with the first bombshell which was Liara's Mother.

"Yes, Rodimus. One of your very own Autobot Spectres has worked for the Shadow Broker for decades now according to Liara. With your permission as Leader of the Spectres, we want to revoke her Spectre status and brand her a public enemy of the Federation." the Quarian Admiral added, making the Autobot Commander nod back solemnly in return.

"Yes, I agree. I can not believe it, but if Liara says it's true and has this evidence to back her up….then yes, you have my permission."

"We are currently preparing an investigation into Matriarch Benezia's dealings as a Senator, to see how much damage she has actually inflicted in the last twenty-five years behind everyone's backs, which will go into full effect once the Predacon threat has been extinguished. So if there is nothing else, lets call this meeting adjourned." the Human Admiral replied before pressing a button on his holo-interface, deactivating the holo-image as everyone got up from their chairs and left the room as they followed the Commander and his XO.

"I still find it hard to believe that Vasir of all people was a traitor, I worked closely with her for years and yet all this time she was playing us and working for Benezia of all people..." Rodimus said, still with a hint of disbelief in his voice before looking over to Orion and noticing that he was still quiet since hearing the bombshell.

"...I guess I can understand why Liara wasn't feeling so good since Hagalaz.." he then added, earning the younger Bot's attention as he looked back.

"…Finding out that the person who raised you was actually a nasty piece of work like the Shadow Broker would take a lot out of you."

Orion nodded before taking a step towards the elevator, gaining a knowing look from the Commander.

"Where you going?"

"We have a big day tomorrow, so we should take this time to rest, because we'll all going to need to be at our best before we launch." the blue haired Bot replied, earning a reluctant smile from Rodimus.

"Yes, you are right there. So, I take it you're going to see Liara?" the older man said back, earning a nod from Orion.

"That's what I was planning to do, what about you?"

"I think I will visit my brother, its been a while since the last time I did that." the older Bot replied, gaining a sympathetic expression from Orion.

"I see, do you know what the others are up too?"

"Well, Smokescreen is still recovering in the Medical Bay. Nightracer as gone to visit her Mother, while Shen said he was going to contact his parents who are both back on Rannoch. Quickstrike said he would keep Onyx Primal company after visiting his Mother in hospital, I managed to obtain permission for our resident Maximal to have the freedom to stretch his wings and fly around the city. I told the City's authorities that he has nothing to do with the Predacon dragons, but your cousin said he would stay nearby and make sure Onyx would not get any unwanted attention."

"Right, some people might look up at the sky, see a flying metallic dragon and think the attack is happening all over again." the blue haired Bot replied before sighing.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Rodimus." he then added, earning a nod from the Commander.

"Yeah, you too." he said back as he watched his XO walk up to the elevator and enter once it's doors opened.

Meanwhile, at New Iacon's eastern edges, Quickstrike looked out at the green plains that surrounded most of the city. He was trying to enjoy the quiet moment, just standing there and admiring it's natural beauty as its greenery complemented the blue sky that was starting to vanilla as the sun began its descent behind the horizon.

But the blonde Autobot's thoughts kept returning to Ser-Ket, the Predacon Femme who captured his spark after rescuing him from her brethren's clutches. He could not help but worry for what she may now be going through because of him, feeling guilt for not being able to save her, but before his inner torment could strain his spark more, the Bot's attention was drawn to the sound of large wings flapping in the evening air, so he looked up to see Onyx Primal in his beast mode soaring overhead. He watched as the beast flew around the plains ahead, before turning around and landing in front of him.

"Enjoy yourself, Onyx?" Quickstrike asked as the Maximal transformed back into his bipedal mode and looked back at him, nodding in return.

"Yes, I did. After spending the time I have in your cargo-bay, it is a nice change to be able to fly through the sky and enjoy the natural beauty of your world. And it is very beautiful, considering it is purely an organic world." the Cybertronian giant replied as he knelt down on one knee, gaining a faint smile from the Autobot in return.

"Yes, it is." the Bot said back, earning a sympathetic expression from Onyx.

"You wish you could share this beauty with Ser-Ket, am I correct?" he asked, gaining a slow nod in return from Quickstrike.

"You are." the blonde man replied with a hint of sadness in his voice, while looking ahead at the sunset.

"You know we were all given the chance to spend this day with our loved ones, but my Mother is still in a coma and all I could do was sit and hold her hand in the silence of that room. And the woman I love is either a prisoner of the Predacons or no longer of this life, either way I feel empty inside. The only thing I want now is to make the Predacons pay for that they have done. I have been able to hide this from the others while we on a mission, but standing here with nothing else to think about but what has been taken from me by those monsters, Ser-Ket and my Father I want is to tear them apart." the blonde Bot said with a building slither of anger in his voice.

"I understand what you are going through, Quickstrike. Believe me, I do..." the Maximal replied as he remembered the anguish and rage he felt for Airazor's death, which for him was only a short time ago despite the actual eons that had passed since the tragic event.

"...but you have to remain strong for your friends, for they will need you in the coming battle."

The Blonde Bot looked up At his friend and saw the sympathetic expression on his face, which made him feel somewhat better and less alone.

" do not yet know the fate of your spark-mate, so do not despair since there is every chance you may see her again." Onyx added, gaining a nod from Quickstrike in return.

"You're right." the blonde Bot replied as he looked over at the sunset, as the darkness of the coming night began to eat away at the light of the descending star. Onyx Primal turned around and joined his friend in the viewing before their attention was caught by something else.

"Excuse me?" a unfamiliar voice suddenly spoke up, making the pair turn around to see a Human Caucasian Woman with brown hair standing behind them. She looked up at the Maximal with amazement, while Quickstrike gave her a questioning expression.

"Can we help you?" he asked, gaining the Woman's attention.

"I hope so, my name is Ann Bryson and I am a scientist stationed in the Cybertronian Archives here in New Iacon."

"Bryson? Why does that name sound familiar?" Quickstrike replied, earning a confused look from Onyx while Anna returned her attention to the giant Bot.

"My Father was Doctor Garrett Bryson, he died during the Reaper War, while trying to find the Rogue Reaper known as Lucifer." she said whilst not taking her eyes off the Maximal, marvelling at his presence.

"I remember now, so how...can we help you?" the blonde Bot asked with an unsure expression and tone, having noticed the way she was staring at Onyx.

"Is there something on my face?" the giant Bot asked.

"I am sorry, it is just I have never had the chance to meet a Pre-Pretender form Cybertronian before. I had only heard the stories of how your people looked from my father, so I never dreamed I would one day get to see one of you like this." Bryson replied with a tone that was half excitement and the other embarrassment, which gained a half smile from the Maximal.

"I see. Well, then allow me to introduce myself. My name is Onyx Primal, I am a former Predacon and Leader of the Maximals."

'Maximals, never heard of them.' she thought as a curious expression appeared on her face.

"Then if you would do me an honour, Onyx Primal, we know nearly nothing of the era of the Predacons. So if you would, please tell me your story?" Bryson asked with a hopeful tone, earning a thoughtful look from the Maximal, before he then knelt in front of her and smiled.

"Very well, Ann Bryson." he replied, which made the Doctor's smile widen almost ear to ear with a quiet excitement while Quickstrike began to walk back away slowly, before Onyx noticed.

"Quickstrike, please stay. You may find what I am about to tell you both very illuminating."

"Alright, its been awhile since I heard a good old fashioned true story." the blonde Bot replied before both he and Bryson sat down on the grass and looked up at Maximal, whose blue optics began to glow brighter as the night took hold overhead.

"My story begins so very long ago, across the oceans of time that separate what you call the present from the distant past. It was a time of great change for my people as 'The Thirteen Primes', the ones who had guided us were now gone, leaving us to find our own path…." he began to narrate while the stars began to shine down from the night sky.


Meanwhile, night had already taken its hold over the Darby household as it stood there on the grassy hill overlooking the coast, then a swirling green vortex of the ground-bridge then opened up at the front porch. It's green light illuminating that side of the house before Orion stepped through, then a split second later the light was gone as the portal closed behind him, allowing the porch lights to dimly light his way as the Bot walked up the steps towards the house's front door. He had the look of a man who was in deep with his thoughts and concern while he took the door's handle in his grasp, looking down at it, but not really at it.

'I still don't get why Liara didn't tell me, letting me hear it second hand instead.' he thought as he opened the door and entered his family home which still felt empty and sparse, considering his parents were still in the hands of Galvatron and his Predacons.

"Liara?" he said as he walked into the front room, only to find it empty and devoid of the blue beauty that had gained his affections during the course of the last few weeks. So he checked the Kitchen….but nothing, went up stairs and yet there was still no sign of her.

'Where is she?' he thought as he stopped at the bottom of the stairs and thought about where else to look, until a faint noise from just aways caught his attention, making the blue haired Bot walked back to the Kitchen and found that the back door had been left slightly open.

Orion left the interior of the house and stepped out into the vast area which was the family's backyard, but it was all as he had left it originally, with the training area untouched and this left him scratching his head more.

'Okay, now I am getting worried.' he thought as he walked away from the house down towards the beach, before suddenly noticing Ravage lying on his front and staring in the same direction.

"Ravage, what are you doing here?" Orion said as he knelt down beside his old pet and friend, which made the feline look up at him and purr in as it rubbed it's head against the Bot's knee.

"Yeah, I missed you too." the Autobot replied as he placed his hand on Ravage's head and stroked it's hair softly, making the former Decepticon purr again.

"Do you know where Liara is, Ravage?"

The feline looked up at him before turning it's and looking towards the beach, thus making Orion look in the same direction. His blue eyes widened as he spotted a lone Asari sitting on one of the sun lounger beds that his parents had put down there years earlier, since that particular spot was still several feet away from where the tide would come in at night.

The Bot remembered that his Mother always did enjoy relaxing on one of them beds during a nice cloudless day, as did his Dad who would also sit down there and sift through his reports when he wasn't away at work. Orion smiled before looking down at his feline friend, placing his hand on the beast's back and giving it a rub.

"Thanks for keeping an eye on Liara pal, I'll take over now." he said, earning a soft whine from the family pet. Who simply lied his head down on the floor as Orion got to his feet and walked down towards Liara. As he made his way towards the Asari, further away from the synthetic lights of the family home.

Orion could see her more clearer, thanks to the light coming from the bright full moon, which was rising up into the star filled sky. He could see that Liara was sitting upright on the lounger bed with her feet up against her chest and her arms wrapped around her legs, and she had not noticed his approach since the Asari was just staring out at the ocean which was reflecting the moon light back into sky with a ripple effect from the gentle waves.

"Liara?" Orion then said as he got within two feet of her, making the Asari look over to him with an almost startled expression. She really must have been deep in thought for her not to have noticed, since he knew that someone of her age would probably be hard to sneak up on…not that it was his intention though.

"Orion." she said back as the blue haired Bot sat beside her on the sun lounger bed.

"What are you doing out here?" he asked as he looked back at her, his eyes then widening as he noticed the wet streaks running down her cheeks from her eyes.

"I just wanted to be alone with my thoughts." she said as she looked back towards the ocean and wiped her cheeks with her hands, while Orion looked back with a concerned expression.

"This is to do with your mother, doesn't it?" he asked, regaining the Asari's attention as she looked back in surprise.

"Why didn't you tell me that Benezia was the Shadow Broker?" the Bot said back, which made another tear run down her cheek, following the same path as the ones that had flowed before it.

"It's hard enough for me to come to terms with it myself, I didn't know how to tell you so.." Liara replied as she again wiped the tear away and looked back out at the ocean.

"…I thought that some time alone to think about it would allow me to make sense of it, but…." she added before stopping, earning a curious and concerned expression from the Autobot.

"But? But what?" Orion said back.

"But I can't help thinking that my Mother and I are more alike than I would like to think." the Asari said with shameful tone.

"What do you mean, Liara? You're nothing like Benezia." the blue haired Bot said back in a surprised tone, but Liara's eyes welled up as she looked down at the sand beneath her.

"Am I not? When our people fell during the Reaper War, my mother let her anger for that slowly corrupt her heart. That anger became a rage and hatred for everyone she felt was responsible for that, and then dedicated herself to ridding them from the face of the galaxy and reclaiming the Asari's status as the Federation's Elite." she replied.

"I know, Liara. I did see your Intel report. But how are you the same?" Orion said back with a questioning tone as he placed his hand down beside her own on the lounger bed's soft surface.

"I killed my own mother and those responsible for my enslavement, wanting to make them pay for what they did to me. Those slavers for the torture they put me through, and my Mother for letting them do that to me." Liara said back, her voice tinged with both shame and anger, gaining a horrified look from Orion.

"Benezia? She knew what was happening to you?" the Bot replied as he looked down at her hand, placing his over hers in a sympathetic gesture as the Asari nodded back.

"Yes, my Mother knew. She told me that it was necessary, so that I would be more like her and in turn be ready to succeed her as the next Shadow Broker."

Orion did not know what to say as he watched Liara look back towards the ocean, tears slowly running down her cheeks as she began to sob. So with his free hand, the Bot touched the Asari's chin and gently turned her face back to his, with their eyes meeting as he looked into her own.

"Liara, you're nothing like your Mother…" he started to say back in a gentle and affectionate tone, which had ensnared her attention completely as she found herself simply staring back into his blue eyes.

"…the fact that you are feeling guilt and remorse for those who do not deserve it proves the opposite, it's that clear in my eyes." the Autobot continued as his hand moved from her chin to gently cup her face as he began to lean in towards her.

"You are one of the most caring people I have ever met Liara, you always put others before yourself and I can vouch for that."

"..Orion.." she started to say in return as she mirrored his actions and leaned in closer.

"I do not know what I would have done with everything that has happened to me recently if you had not been here with me Liara." the young Darby continued, making the Asari's eyes widen as she listened to him.

"You have saved me in so many ways, and I don't think I have properly thanked you." he said as they now were so close, they could feel each other's breath on the other. So Orion closed the distance and pushed his lips against hers, earning a surprised but happy moan from the Asari as they kissed for a moment. And then he pulled away just enough to look her in the eyes, noticing that her tears had stopped as she looked back in to his, so he wiped aware the wetness with his

"Thank you, Liara." he said softly while looking into her eyes, before she suddenly closed the distance and kissed him back the same way.

"What was that for?" he asked with a smile when they pulled away, earning a coy expression from the Asari.

"You saved me first, remember? We would never have met had you not rescued me from Hock to begin with. So thank you Orion… kiss me again." she said as they both smiled at each other as the Bot then cupped her face in both hands and leaned into each other, their lips meeting again as she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him towards her more and intensifying their kiss, which went on for a long moment as while they remained locked by their kiss as their lips caressed the other, making them feel as if time itself had stopped around them.

But once the need for oxygen took precedence, the lovers pulled away enough to catch their breath while looking into each others eyes.

Liara then smiled as she moved her hands down the Bot's torso, enjoying the feeling of his muscles under his shirt before reaching its bottom and slipping her hands under it.

The Asari bit her lip as she then pulled the top up, earning happy sigh from Orion as he lifted his arms and allowed her to lift the shirt off him in one easy motion and dropped it beside her on the sun lounger bed.

Orion could not help but smile as he noticed Liara looking him up and down, taking every square inch of his muscular but yet athletic physique.

The Bot then pulled the Femme back into another passionate kiss, pressing his body up against hers as she placed her hands on his bare back, which made him shiver slightly as they were a little colder than expected.

But he soon felt they warm while they explored his back, taking in the curves of his muscles that made up his back as they continued to kiss. Liara then pulled away slightly so that she could focus on his ear, nibbling it a little one of her hands moved up to the back of his head so that she could run her fingers through his blue hair.

So Orion took the opportunity to begin removing the Asari's clothing by taking hold of the zipper on the back of her top and pulling it down, exposing her blue skin and earning a slight gasp from her as she felt the cool night air touch it.

The pair then pulled away just enough for the Bot to remove her top and reveal her beautiful athletic form and the edges of her breasts which were mainly covered by a dark blue bra which he then removed with ease.

'He's definitely had some experience doing that.' Liara thought as she smiled back before letting her lover lay her on the back, feeling the soft cushion like material of the lounger bed beneath her as he hovered over her and looked deeply into her eyes.

The only sounds they could hear were the waves behind them and their own breathing, which itself was only just out of sync, and then the Bot kissed Liara again before he then left a trail of kisses down her neck to her breasts before taking one in his hand, while the other went between his lips as he kissed and sucked it, gaining a sweet moan from the Asari as he gently massaged the nipple of her other breast with his fingers.

"Don't stop." she said as he then switched his focus to the other breast, kissing and licking it while freeing his hands which he moved down her body and over her stomach, feeling his way down to her trousers, which he then began to unzip and open while keeping his main focus on her breasts with his mouth, gaining further light moans of pleasure from Liara.

After a moment, while the Asari just lay there with her arms stretched out across the width of the bed, the Bot then left another trail of kisses from the peaks of her breasts down across her flat stomach which made her make the sweetest of giggles before he looked down at her open trousers.

The Asari looked back at him and made the most coy of expressions as she took in the image of his naked upper half lit up by the light of the full moon in the night sky, before she then lifted her legs in the air and made it easier for him to remove her trousers and underwear in one easy motion.

And just like that, Liara was now completely naked before her lover and he looked down at her with a loving gaze before crawling back over her and leaning down into another passionate kiss as he felt the Asari place her hands on his back and pull him down to her, allowing Liara to feel her skin against his.

She then surprised Orion by rolling them both onto the right side of the bed, so that she was now on top and this made him smile back as the Asari then mirrored his earlier action by leaving a trail of kisses down his neck and over his chest and stomach, until she reached his jeans.

The blue haired Bot then helped her remove them and his boxers in quick and efficient manner, which revealed his semi aroused member to both her and the night air that earned a gentle moan from him before the Asari climbed back on top of him.

The two then kissed passionately again, while she moved a hand down to his member and began to give it long strokes which earned yet another pleasure felt moan as he quickly returned the favour, by moving his hand up to her own sex and started to gently rub it's labia and so earn yet another sweet sound of ecstasy building up within his Asari Lover.

The pair continued like this on the sun lounger bed for a good long moment, slowly speeding up their masturbation of each other's sex which also quickened their breathing as they both felt their pleasure increasing.

'Oh goddess, I don't know how much more I can hold back.' Liara thought as she bit her lip slightly, but she knew Orion was no farther behind as his member was now completely stiff in her hand. Orion himself could feel how close she was with his hand on her own sex which was now soaking wet.

So Liara stopped her strokes with her Autobot lover following suit, and she repositioned herself so that her sex was now directly over his erect member.

They were so close, the Bot could feel the heat emanating from her. They both smiled lovingly at each other before she then gestured for him to sit up which he then did, meaning that she was now almost straddling him and she leaned in close to his ear so that he could feel her breath on his skin.

"Embrace Eternity, my Love.' she then whispered before lowering herself down onto his member which slipped in so easily due to how wet she was down there. This earned a moan of complete and utter pleasure from both of them as she took in the full length of his member, making her lean back and stare up into the night sky and revealing to Orion that her eyes had now turned completely black.

But it was not that which took the Bot by surprise, but instead it was the explosion of ecstasy he suddenly became overwhelmed with as he not only felt his own pleasure but Liara's too.

It felt as it the pair were now one, each and every feeling the other felt was multiplied as the Asari continued to rise and fall onto her Lover's member.

Their breathing now heavy and in complete sync with each other as they lost themselves in each other.

This went on for another long moment before Orion suddenly gripped his Asari lover tightly, lifting her up enough and turning them both around so she would land on her back with him on top of her once more. This made her smile back at him and tut coyly in return.

"You want your turn?"

The blue haired Bot merely replied with a nod whiled looking back at the Asari with a hungry stare before re-entering her moist sex with a slow thrust, earning another sweet moan from Liara as the Autobot began to build up his rhythm.

She was so lost in the joyous feeling that was spreading throughout her body, which was too being multiplied by what Orion was feeling too. The Asari had not noticed the fact she had begun to claw at his back, drawing a little blood as she did.

Though if Orion had noticed this, he certainly did not show it. For he too was so overwhelmed by this symbiotic relationship they had undertaken during their lovemaking, feeling everything that Liara was feeling on top of his own pleasure that he had simply lost himself in her, in exactly the same why she had with him.

And so the pair continued with their love-making, with no care to who may have been in hearing distance of their cries of pleasure. There was certainly no consideration for poor Ravage who had moved to the other side of the Darby residence and was trying to sleep at this very moment.
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Re: Prime Effect 4

Postby Apollo-XL5 » Wed Oct 07, 2020 9:15 am

Motto: ""It's all in the reflexes.""
Weapon: Star Saber Sword
Chapter 39

The scent of sea salt was strong in the morning air as Liara and Orion lay in each other's arms on the sun lounger bed, with nothing but a light duvet to cover them which the Autobot had picked up from the supply box under the bed. And the pair just lied there watching the sky slowly brighten up as night gave way to the new day.

The Asari had never felt so blissful and content in her life as she did with her lover's arms wrapped around her, listening to his spark beat as she lay her head on his chest. She couldn't think of a better way to start the new day as she ran a finger down the Bot's stomach, feeling the toned muscles of his six-pack as she did so.

Orion too was just as content to let this moment last as he lied under Liara with his arms holding her close, for he did not want to let her go. He could feel the Asari's chest expand and deflate slightly on his own with each and every breath she took, which was now more calmer and controlled than either of theirs had been a few hours earlier. For what they had experienced together then, was beyond anything Orion had felt with any partner he had before, Nightracer included.

He sighed happily as he looked up at the vanilla sky overhead which was slowly shifting from red to blue, and this earned a smile from the Asari which he felt through the skin of his chest.

"You're awake?" he asked in a caring tone, which made Liara turn her head and rest her chin on his chest while looking back into his blue eyes.

"..As are you." she replied coyly before leaning with a kiss, her lips tasting like a heavenly fruit to the Bot as he returned the kiss.

"Morning." she then said back softly after pulling away enough to look back at the Autobot.

"Morning." he replied as they then readjusted their positions so that they were still holding each other, but now at eye level.

"Last night, Liara, it was..." Orion began to say, only for the Asari to jump in as she smiled back with a slight shy-like expression.

"Orion, I know." she said back, marvelling at the wide-eye look of wonder on his face as she listened to him.

"I think only one word can describe last night." he added, earning a curious look from Liara.

"And what's that?"

"…Perfect." the blue haired Bot replied before leaning in close and kissing the Asari, who had begun to blush in return. But that did not stop her from returning the kiss in kind as she pressed her lips back into his, turning their kiss into a passionate one that continued for what felt like a lifetime between them.

If it had not been for the need to breath, the lovers might never have parted from their locked lips. But they both just looked back at each another and smiled as Orion shook his head in disapproval with a sigh.

"If I could, I would curse whoever thought needing to breath was a necessity." he joked while looking back out at the blue ocean before him and Liara.

"It's not that bad really, considering we can just do it again." she replied, regaining his attention.

"That's true." the Autobot said back as the Asari leaned in again. This time touching her forehead to his own as they looked deeply into each others eyes.

'Man, I could so easily lose myself in those deep blue eyes.' he thought before they both moved in for another kiss, only for their com-links to suddenly activate, pulling them both out of the moment as they sat back and tapped the devices.

"Orion and Liara here." the blue haired Bot said as his Asari lover listened.

"It's Shen, I know that I am probably interrupting you two…" the Turian replied, his voice laced with a mixture of embarrassment and guilt that was easily readable by them both, gaining an annoyed sigh from the Autobot.

"You kind of are….yes…" he said back with a reluctant tone while Liara chuckled, finding his reaction to be quite cute as she looked back at him.

"Oh…okay. Well, sorry….'did I already say that?'…" Shen replied.

"Yes, you did. So what is going on?" the blue-haired Bot said back, his voice becoming more serious so to snap his friend out of his embarrassed state.

"Yes, right. The Commander wants us all back on the Normandy. The ship and the fleet are ready."

These words suddenly made the Autobot and the Asari look directly at each other as they lied on the lounger, a knowing expression on both their faces. For they knew that what had been a perfect evening between them was now coming to an end, so Orion reluctantly sighed as he put his finger up to his com-link.

"We….are on our way, Orion and Liara out." he said with a deflated tone, earning a nod from the Asari.

"Should I feel bad that I don't want to go back now." she said with a mirrored tone which made Orion put his arms around more, with the blue female laying her head on his should as they both looked out to the ocean.

"I know exactly what you mean, Liara, because I don't want this to end either after what we shared last night." he replied before looking back at the Asari, who was now looking up at him.

"I don't want to lose you, Orion, not after we found each other and experienced what we could have together." she said back, making the Autobot squeeze her in his arms affectionately as he noticed the tinge of dread in the Asari's voice. For he knew of what she had already lost before now, with her friends during the Reaper War, then Shockblast and now her own Mother. So he just looked the Asari in the eye, never blinking once.

"And I don't want to lose you either, Liara. What I want is for us to build a life together, one that is our own...and maybe down the road..." he replied before looking back out to sea, noticing the sky becoming more blue-like as early morning continued to pass them by.

"...but we first have a duty to stop Galvatron and his Predacons, to save my parents and personally put that monster six feet under." he added as he looked back, noticing that Liara still had an unsure expression on her face. He did not know what else to say that could quell his lover's fears, but then something came to mind, something he had not had chance to really think about which had occurred only a dozen feet away from their location only a week or so earlier.

"You're not going to lose me, Liara, not now or ever...but..." he started to say, noticing the Asari's face becoming curious to what he was saying, so he gave her a slight smile in return.

"Remember when you said that 'I must have a destiny?'"

"Yes, why so you ask?" Liara replied with curious tone.

"Well, it said in the Covenant that I would bring about something called the 'Trinity of Primes'. Now I don't know what that is, but since everything written in the Covenant always happens, then that means I should be fine." he continued as his lover stared back with a hopeful expression.

"...and I will make sure that you do too. We will be in this fight together, side by side." he added, as Liara leaned in close and smiled.

"Yes, we will." she said back before the pair then kissed again, before pulling away and looking back out at the sea as the waves gently broke against the shore in front of them.


In the Normandy's CIC, Rodimus sat in his hover-chair and watched as the crew worked at their individual stations, using their holo-interfaces as they prepared the ship for launch. The Commander than activated his own holo-tool and synced it to the galaxy map, which changed to show a holographic version of the ship.

"So all the hull damage has been repaired?" he asked a female-Turian engineer standing beside him, who nodded in return while pointing at particular points on the hologram.

"Yes, but they are more like patch-jobs considering that the Normandy would really need a few weeks in dry-dock to bring it back to pristine condition. It was really the best we could do, given the time we had. So even though the breaches have been sealed, the hull integrity is still only at seventy percent. We have increased the structural integrity field of the ship to strengthen its hull and bring it up to around eighty-five percent. We have also repaired the shield generator and weapons systems, but the stealth system needs more time than we had to repair so it has instead been completely deactivated until we have the time." she added, earning a reluctant nod from Rodimus.

"I see. What about the other main systems, how are they holding up?"

"All other systems are working from around ninety to one hundred percent, I won't lie that the Normandy has seen better days. But it can still give a good fight, since my engineering crew and I have done our best to see that it would get the chance." the Turian said back.

"Well, thank you for all the hard work over the last day, it is greatly appreciated." the Autobot replied as the engineer deactivated her holo-tool.

"You're welcome, Commander Rodimus, but now I have to be excused." she said back before walking to the elevator and exiting the CIC, so the Commander then tapped his com-link.

"Nightracer, have Orion and Liara arrived yet?" he then asked.

The Femme tapped her earpiece as the Commander's voice came through on her end, looking around her in the Shuttle-Bay as people walked to and from the ship via the lowered landing ramp.

"Yes, Sir. I see them approaching the ship now." Nightracer replied as she spotted the pair walking towards the ramp.

"Good. Now, what is the status of our re-supply?" Rodimus asked, making the Femme look round to see the last of the metallic crates being placed on the deck near Onyx Primal, who was watching everyone in his beast mode. The loaders gave the dragon a wide berth as they moved slowly away, earning a smile from Nightracer as she turned back round.

"They have just finished it now." she replied.

"Alright, once everyone is on board then we will get under-way. Rodimus out."

Nightracer then deactivated her com-link and turned to see Orion and Liara approach her, holding hands as they did, which made her look to the ground slightly and sigh before they stopped directly in front of her.

"You guys are late." she said with a slightly apprehensive tone, gaining unsure looks from both the Bot and Asari.

"Uh, well.." Liara began to reply before her lover stepped in.

"Yeah….a lot happened between us last night." the young Darby said as he looked back to Liara, a big smile on both his, earning a mirrored expression. This made Nightracer sigh and smile in return, unable to keep up the act any longer.

"You guys don't need to explain yourselves, it's not like the rest of us haven't noticed how close you both have become since Illium…" the Femme said back, earning an appreciative smile from the pair.

"…And I know Liara is a good fit for you." she continued, gaining a nod from the Asari.

"Thank you, Nightracer, that's kind of you to say."

"Yes, thank you. Though I could have sworn that your reaction was going to be somewhat different, because of the way you were looking at us when we arrived." Orion added with a tinge of confusion in his voice, earning a chuckle from the Femme as she smiled back teasingly.

"That's because after all this time, you still fall for 'the look'. And you are so cute when you squirm, wouldn't you agree, Liara?"

The Asari gave the Bot a similar smile and nodded in return.

"Yes, I would agree with that…..and I will remember the look for future reference." she said back in a similar teasing tone, which made Orion sigh in defeat.

"Ni, do you have to give Liara ideas?"

"There's more where that came from." the Femme said to the Asari with an added wink, which Orion caught and smiled back at.

"I saw that, I know when your kidding, Ni." he said with a not completely convinced tone, which made his Ex smile wider.

"Oh really, do you think I am kidding…" she replied before looking over to Liara, who was just watching the pair with an interested smile. So the Femme leaned over slightly to the Asari and covered her mouth from the Bot so he could not see.

"…I am really, but he will still bite and squirm…then finally fold." she then said, gaining a nod from blue female.

"I've noticed that." she said back, which made the pair laugh as Orion just dropped his head in defeat and sighed again.

"Okay, you win."

"See what I mean." Nightracer said as the door behind them opened, gaining their attention as well as a sigh of relief from Orion who saw that it was Shen and Smokescreen, the latter sitting in a hover-chair like Rodimus's.

"Look who's finally up and about." the Turian said with an enthusiastic tone as the others walked over and surrounded the pair, earning a slightly embarrassed expression from the Autobot who looked up at them all.

"Not exactly the way I wanted to leave the Medical-Bay, but I guess it will have to do." he replied with a slightly disappointed tone, which made Nightracer place a hand on his shoulder in a supportive manner.

"Well, we are all just glad to see that you're on the road to recovery." She added, which made the others smile back in unison. But Smokescreen merely nodded back before looking down at his stricken legs, a sad look appearing on his face.

"Thanks, but I just wish that others were as lucky as I was."

Everyone's faces sunk somewhat, as they all knew who the Autobot was on about.

"Quickstrike told me what happened to Grunt on Benning, and I do not claim to have known him well. But I remember the stories that my father used to tell me when I was a child, of the adventures he had with you, Grunt, Rodimus and Garrus. And I do know that with how my Father described Grunt, the Krogan would not have had his death any other way." Orion then said with a knowing and supportive expression, which gained a nod from Smokescreen in return.

"Yes, Grunt always did relish a good fight and that was how he always envisioned himself going out. Wrex said the same thing, but still….I am going to miss him."

"We all will… but as long as we remember him, then he will always be with us." the blue-haired Bot replied before the Autobot looked back at him with a thoughtful expression.

"You are your father's son, and I know he would be damn proud of you, Orion. I certainly am, to have had the chance to work alongside you and this new generation of Autobots." he said back as a smile graced his face, while holding out a hand to the young Darby which he then shook.

"Just do me a favour and bring your Parents back safely, okay?" Smokescreen then added, earning a nod back from Orion.

"I will, you can count on it." he said back with a determined tone to his voice, which made the chair-bound Bot smirk back.

"Very well, I look forward to seeing you guys after this is all done. Good luck."

Everyone there then shook hands with Smokescreen, before he then pressed a button on the small control panel on top of his right hand side armrest, making his chair move down the ramp and off the ship.

"Okay, then I guess it's time we got moving." Shen then said as everyone watched the injured Bot disappear down the ramp, then suddenly the inter-com activated and gained their attention.

"This is Commander Rodimus, all hands to stations and prepare for launch."

Orion and the others immediately nodded at each other before heading out of the Shuttle-Bay, but not before Nightracer used her holo-tool to close the landing ramp and seal it from the ship-s exterior, then she joined the rest.

The CIC was a buzz with activity as Rodimus moved in his hover-chair towards the Cockpit, taking note of how efficient his crew were in performing their tasks at their individual stations.

"Jetstorm, report status." he said as he stopped behind the pilot, who was typing on the holo-interface in front of him.

"Sir, all decks report ready for launch. In fact, Docking Control has cleared us for departure." he said in return as Orion joined the pair, earning a nod from the Commander in acknowledgement.

"Very well, is the air-lock and outer hatches sealed?"

"Yes sir, Nightracer dealt with that. Everyone who's not supposed to be on board has disembarked." the blue haired Bot replied.

"Good, then by all means, Jetstorm, take us out." Rodimus said back, earning a nod from the pilot.

"Disengaging docking clamps, clearing all moorings. Thrusters at ten percent, easing us out." he then stated as the Normandy began to reverse out from the docking ring of the Tower, turning around one hundred and eighty degrees once it was at a safe enough distance to do so.

"We are clear of the tower." Jetstorm then added, as he and his Commanders looked out of the glass canopy to see the city of New Iacon before them.

"Alright, let's go." the Autobot Leader then said before the Normandy then flew up into the blue sky, taking less than thirty seconds to breach Earth's atmosphere and re-enter the void of space.

"Activate the space-bridge and aim it at the rendezvous coordinates." Rodimus then said.

"Aye, aye, Sir." the pilot replied before entering the numbers into the number pad of his holo-interface before pressing a button next to it, which was followed by the sudden appearance of a bright green vortex opening up before them.

"Space-bridge activated, taking us through." Jetstorm stated as the Normandy then entered the portal, reappearing on the other side and finding itself surrounded by the largest fleet seen outside of the Reaper War.

"Wow, I have never seen so many ships in one place." Orion said in amazement as he looked out at the many Cruisers, Destroyers and other Star-ships that filled up the void around them.

"It certainly looks like we have called in every ship we have." the pilot replied as he flew the Autobot Frigate between two of the largest vessels, but then as Rodimus was about to speak, a terminal before Jet-storm beeped.

"We are being hailed, it is Admiral Hackett on board the Apollo."

"Put him through." the Commander said back, and a second later another holo-screen appeared before the trio with the face of Caucasian man in his late fifties appearing on it. He had a well trimmed silver beard and a scar running down his right cheek, ending just above his lips.

"Commander Rodimus, glad you and the Normandy could make it." the Admiral said with a deep and commanding voice.

"There was no way the Normandy was going to miss this, Admiral. What is the status of the fleet?" Rodimus replied with a smirk, earning a mirrored expression from Hackett.

"With the exception of the scattered forces left to defend our major colonies and home-worlds, we have pretty much every ship in the fleet with us for our assault."

The Admiral's smirk dropped a little as his face became thoughtful.

"Though, I thought that we wouldn't ever need to show such a force of strength again….not since the Reaper War." he added, earning a nod from the Commander.

"I know what you mean, but we cannot let the Predacons continue with their campaign against us."

"Agreed. And considering their entire fleet is orbiting Virmire, we might never have a better chance to put an end to them. Though before you arrived, I sent a shuttle into the system for a quick in and out re-con. And it seems that the Nemesis has landed on the planet, taking up a very well defended position at the foot of a mountain." the Hackett said, earning a wide-eyed look from both Rodimus and Orion. With the latter turning to his Mentor and friend.

"Looks like Galvatron has found what he was looking for."

"Right, so we should get moving….now." the Commander replied.

"Yes, I agree. So I already have a basic outline of the attack plan…." the Admiral began to say before Rodimus stepped in.

"I will go over the details of the attack with you now…" he said in return, before turning to Orion.

"Time for you and your team to suit up." the Commander added, gaining a nod from the young Darby.

"Yes, Sir." he replied before tapping his com-link.

"Liara, Quickstrike, Shen, Nightracer. Head down to the Armoury and suit up, I will meet you there."

The XO then looked back at Rodimus, Admiral Hackett and Jetstorm as he readied himself to leave.

"We will begin as soon as you are ready. Good luck, Orion." the Commander then said, earning a nod from the young Darby.

"Good luck to us all." he replied, gaining mirrored reactions from the trio before leaving the cockpit, heading for the elevator at the back of the CIC.

"He certainly has the look of Jackson Prime." Hackett observed as he watched the Spectre walk off, while both Rodimus and Jetstorm turned back to him.

"He is his Father's son, and this attack plan was mostly his own idea." the Autobot replied, earning a nod from the Admiral.

"I see. Well, if he is anything like our Prime, then we will be in good hands."

"Of course, Admiral,. It is an ambitious undertaking, but it can succeed." the Elite Spectre said back as he sat in his hover-chair.

"That's good to hear. Now what do you want us to do?" Hackett replied, earning a slight smile from Rodimus who then activated his holo-tool, as he prepared to brief the Admiral.


Back at Virmire, Ser-Ket was still restrained on the berth in Shockwave's Lab. The Femme was deep in thought as she went over what the Decepticon Scientist had shown her, with the images continually flashing in her mind.

'I still can not believe that I was that Decepticon, it has to be a lie.' the Predacon thought as she looked down at her body, shaking her head in reluctance.

'But there is no denying the sense of familiarity I can feel with these images…these memories, that scares me more than anything.'

This form of thinking made Ser-Ket feel a cold dread pass through her spark, since it had been hard enough for her to believe that she had any kind of real connection to her Predacon brethren. But now with this bombshell dropped into her lap by Shockwave, someone she had believed to be long dead because of what the historical records had claimed. This had left the Femme feeling utterly confused and unsure of what her role was or where she supposedly fitted in this world and that did really frighten her.

But just as her mind had become engulfed in the rising tide of memories that were supposedly of her and the thoughts that followed, threatening to drown Ser-Ket in her own despair and anguish. There was one light that could keep her afloat and reinforce her focus and that was Quickstrike, the Autobot who she had come to love with the entirety of her being. One that she was willing to sacrifice herself for in order to save him, despite what that fate meant for her in return.

'Quickstrike, I know your out there and looking for me.' she thought as she remembered the blonde Bot' smile and eyes, which warmed her spark and calmed her down. But it was then that another thought came to mind, something which Shockwave had told her prior to the bombshell he then dropped into her lap.

'Shockwave said that my CNA was spliced not with a Predacon as he believed, but of one of their rivals. What if this is the reason for my detached feelings concerning my Predacon brethren, something that was brought out by Shockblast when he reawakened me.' Ser-Ket thought as she then remembered the dreams she had of the battles and black Dragon, the one that she felt no fear or animosity towards.

'Could those dreams have been remnants of the person I was spliced with?'

But before the Femme dwell on this thought any more l, the door to the Lab opened and Shockwave walked in. His face was entirely expressionless as he headed over to his restrained acquaintance.

"It has been decided." he said in a cold tone, which earned a concerned look from the Predacon in return.

"What has...?" she replied as her eyes remained focused on the Decepticon, who came to a stop right next to her and began looking over the instruments that lay on the small table beside her berth.

"I have spoken to Lord Galvatron and gained my Liege's permission to wipe your mind clean of Ser-Ket, leaving you free to return as Strika." he said back, earning a horrified expression from the Femme. Her thoughts overcome by the repurcusions of such an action.

'If he does this, I will lose Quickstrike forever!'

The Predacon started to fight against her restraints, gaining Shockwave's attention as he looked down at Ser-Ket with a confused expression.

"Do not fight it, soon you will be free of these conflicted memories and emotions, ones that were never really yours." he replied while picking up the Cortical Psychic Patch once again, and fitted one end onto the Femme's head despite her struggles.

"You will will instead be free of such confusion and illogical thinking, returning to the efficient and ruthless comrade that we Predacons need." the Scientist added as he placed the other device back on top of his head, before activating them with his holo-tool which made both units hum in response.

"No, No, I do not want to lose my memories. I need them!" Ser-Ket spat back, only for the Decepticon to ignore her and continue.

"All that is required of myself is to access your memory-core and wipe the majority of it clean, before then re-uploading your back up of your original memory via your secondary buffer. It is logical after all, to keep all options available."

'No, I cannot lose what makes me who I am. I will not become that Decepticon, the one who is ruthless and without even an iota of mercy...she who is a real monster.' Ser-Ket thought as she gritted her teeth and put everything she had into breaking her restraints, but found that they would not budge.

"Your struggling is illogical, I am giving you a gift. A chance to be yourself again, and lead a life without the conflicting and destructive emotions that control the rest of our species." Shockwave stated while watching the Femme continue to fight against her locked arms and legs, with a look of pure confusion plastered over his face. But as the Patch continued to hum louder as it came ever closer to full power, the Predacon came to one inescapable conclusion in her mind.

'I cannot break these restraints, not with the strength I have at this moment.' she thought before ceasing to struggle and looked down at herself with an expression of acceptance, one that Shockwave noticed and nodded at in return.

"Good, your struggling was futile and only delayed the inevitable for a moment or two more." he replied as Ser-Ket closed her eyes, looking like she was giving up.

'...I have to use the side of me I despise, my beast mode!' she thought before focusing on her anger and rage, letting it build inside of herself, before her eyes opened wide and startled the Decepticon Scientist. For what he saw were not the eyes of a Cybertronian, but instead were those of a Beast.

"No, you will fail. Even your increased strength cannot overcome your enhanced restraints." he said back with an increasing tinge of worry in his voice, as he activated his holo-tool's electric-shock function and grabbed the Femme's arm, delivering a powerful shock of electricity through her. This made the Predacon scream in pain, but it was a scream that slowly morphed into a roar as Ser-Ket continued to change before the Scientist's remaining eye, for he could not believe what he was witnessing.

"Impossible!" he spat in complete disbelief as the Femme broke out of her restraints and grabbed his arm off of her, staring into his eye for a moment before throwing him to the ground several feet away.

Shockwave quickly got to his feet while the Predacon easily freed the rest of her body from the berth's restraints and got off it, revealing the finished transformation into her Beastial form.

"You have to be neutralised!" he added before pulling out his pistol with one hand, while raising his other to his com-link in an effort to alert the rest of the crew. But before he could, Ser-Ket pounced and grabbed both arms while pinning the Decepticon against the wall. She growled deeply while gritting her teeth at the one eyed man. The Femme's thoughts were all over the place as a veil of rage blanketed everything in front of her.

"I swear by the Allspark, you will never hurt another person ever again." she spat before ripping off his arms, spraying blood out in both directions as she then dropped the limbs and grabbed his head in both hands.

"You are Strika, a Decepticon General. That is what you are and were always meant to be!" Shockwave managed to say through the Predacon's hands, but this made the Femme narrow her eyes at him in return while increasing the pressure around his head.

"My Ser-Ket, and it is time for you to die!" she spat before crushing his head into mulch with her bare hands, killing the Decepticon instantly as his headless body slumped to floor and twitched for a moment.

The Predacon just stood there and breathed heavily, staring down at both it and her blood covered hands.

'I...have to get out of here!' she thought before rushing out of the Lab, leaving Shockwave's body there to continue twitching in a pool of blood in the now empty room.


Meanwhile, Galvatron stood on the bridge with Lazerback too his right while standing behind him was Jackson Prime and Arcee who were both in restraints and surrounded by Terracons.

The Predacon Lord had a confident smile on his face as he watched the holo-screen in front of the group, which showed the particle beam cannon firing into the mountainside and crafting a tunnel through the giant rock formation.

"We are now only fifty metres from the object…." the Terracon manning the weapon's station stated as he kept his focus between working the beam and watching it's power levels.

"…..but the power is on the verge of an overload, having already passed one hundred percent."

This made Lazerback look over to his leader with a concerned expression, as the weapon's station began to sound an alarm.

"My Lord, we should deactivate the particle beam and allow it to cool down, or we risk burning out the cannon."

"Noted, now maintain fire on that spot and up its power level again." Galvatron replied with a growing anger in his voice, never taking his eyes off the screen whilst doing so. This made his lieutenants look at each other in equally perplexed expressions before nodding back in return.

"You heard Lord Galvatron." Lazerback said while looking down at the weapon's operator.

"Yes, Sir." the drone replied before typing onto his holo-interface, making the power readouts rise up into the red. This instantly made the beam glow even brighter and cut through the rock faster, earning a grin from the Predacon Leader as he continued to watch.

Another minute or so passed as the weapon's alarms continued to blare out of the CIC's speakers until the Terracon suddenly deactivated the cannon, he then turned around and looked up at his Commander.

"My Lord, the beam has crafted a tunnel through the mountain and hit something inside, something our sensors cannot identify."

Galvatron smiled back and nodded in return.

"Very good, and what is the condition of the particle beam cannon?"

"It was a good timing that the tunnel was created when it was, because if it had been used a moment longer then it would have overloaded. I am afraid that it cannot be used again." the Terracon replied, earning a knowing nod from Lazerback that did not go unnoticed by his Lord.

"Do you have something you wish to say, Lazerback?" he asked with narrowed red eyes, which made the lieutenant suddenly stiffen up and shake his head in response.

"No,… Lord." he stuttered back.

"Good, because you do remember what happens to those who question me,…don't you?" the Predacon Leader replied, earning a nod from Lazerback who said nothing else.

"Now then, take our 'guests' down to the ventral hanger. I have ordered three Terracon squads to meet you there, and wait for my arrival."

"I see, my Lord, and once you join us?" the lieutenant asked with a slightly nervous tone.

"Then we will go to that mountain and see what we have uncovered. Any more questions?" Galvatron said back, trying to hide his growing annoyance with his minion.

"Just one more, if you will indulge me, my Lord." he replied before gulping hard while the Predacon Lord stared back, but said nothing in return.

"…Why are we taking the Prime and his Femme with us, surely they would be better secured in the Brig?"

Galvatron gave his lieutenant a knowing smile, both Jack and Arcee did not even flinch at the sound of them being talked about as their thoughts more focused on everything that had happened to them recently… and what they had lost personally.

"Because the Prime carries something we will need for what is in that Rock, and his Femme will guarantee that he uses it for us."

This suddenly caught Jack's attention as he looked over to the Predacon Leader with wide curious eyes,
which made Galvatron smile back at him.

"Now do as I command." he said to Lazerback, who turned and faced the Terracons guarding their prisoners.

"Let's go." he said, earning salutes from the drones who responded by grabbing both Prime and Femme and turning them around to face the exit. Arcee then caught her Spark-mate's confused expression, mirroring the look with her own.

"Jack, what is it?" she asked, but all the older Darby did was look back at Galvatron who continued to smile back at him confidently, while they were escorted off the CIC.

Once the Autobots were gone, the Predacon Lord turned his attention back to the Terracons working below his station, who all felt his gaze as they continued with their individual tasks. This made him smirk as he tapped his com-link.

"Rip-Claw, do you read me?"

"Yes, Lord Galvatron. How may I serve you?" she replied with an eager tone.

"I want you and Vertabreak to lead our ground-forces outside, just in case the enemy find us. If that happens, you are to make sure that no Autobot reaches the mountain, is that clear?" Galvatron asked.

"Yes, my Lord. But what about their air support, there is no cover out there on that terrain?" Rip-Claw replied back with a concerned tone.

"You will have Predaking, Grimwing and Skystalker out there with you, and also the Nemesis will be laying down covering fire for you and the Terracons. Now execute my orders."

"By your command, Lord Galvatron." the Femme said back before deactivating the com-link, which then made the Predacon Leader look down at the Terracon manning the Communications terminal.

"Get me Blight on the Achilles." he said in a commanding tone, one that made the soldier in question almost snap to attention as he began typing on the holo-interface before him.

"Of course, my Lord, I have him now." he replied before a holo-screen appeared in front of the Predacon Leader, and Blight appeared on it.

"Lord Galvatron, I have positioned the fleet around the planet in a defensive pattern as per your earlier instructions." he stated in a professional tone, which impressed Galvatron as he listened.

"Very good, Blight. Tell me, have your sensors picked up anything outside of the system?"

"There have been no sign of any ships on the long range sensors, my Lord, but we are picking up a plasma storm which appears to be heading for the system." the lieutenant replied, earning a curious expression from Galvatron in return.

"Plasma storm? Does it pose any threat to us?"

"We have calculated its probable trajectory and we believe that it will pass through this system, but no where near Virmire."

"Good. I will not keep you from your duties, Blight. Keep me apprised…" the Predacon Leader started to say, before suddenly alarms began blaring around the Lieutenant, making him look over to his Terracons around him.

"What is it?" he said to those off screen, leaving Galvatron as nothing but an observer for a moment with a confused expression growing on his face.

"Blight, what is it?" he asked, earning a surprised and concerned look from his minion.

"We are detecting a large fleet of ships heading directly for us." he said back, making the Predacon Leader's red eyes narrow as he gritted his teeth.

"The Autobots have found us. Patch me to every Predacon in the fleet." he then spat at the Communications Terracon, who nodded and worked his station.

"You are on, my Lord." he replied, as his lieutenants, Terracons and Mercs alike all listened for their leader to speak.

"My Predacons, today we stand at the very beginnings of a new Golden age for us all. One that will see the end of the Autobots, the only ones left to oppose us. They have arrived to try and stop us from achieving our ultimate victory, so I say let them make their final stand. We will crush them all and take this galaxy for our own. So my Predacons….attack and TERROISE!" he commanded in tyrannical glee, earning cheers from everyone in his fleet, just as the Autobot ships entered the system.
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Re: Prime Effect 4

Postby Apollo-XL5 » Sun Nov 01, 2020 5:35 am

Motto: ""It's all in the reflexes.""
Weapon: Star Saber Sword

The CIC of the Achilles was rocked by several direct hits to the ship as Blight look around him at as two stations exploded, sending the Terracons near them to the floor hard.

"Shields down to eighty five percent." the soldier to his right shouted over the sounds the red alert blaring from the room's speakers, which made the Lieutenant look over to his helmsman in front of him.

"Evasive manoeuvres, get us out of the line of fire and cover our ventral side." he spat, gaining a nod from the Terracon before he then turned his attention to another on his right.

"Fire our torpedoes on that Autobot dreadnought the moment you have a clear shot, understood?" he said in a commanding tone, gaining a nod from the Terracon before he looked back to the helmsman who had started his manoeuvres.

So as the battle continued to play out around the Achilles which was still taking fire from the enemy in front of it, suddenly turned starboard, looking as if it was attempting to pull away.

So the dreadnought maintained its fire on the Predacon ship, hitting its shields with numerous cannon blasts that made the Achilles shake with each and every hit.

But the weapons Terracon maintained his cool and stared at the holo-screen of his terminal as the enemy ship entered the center of his targeting HUD and turned green, which made the Con press the firing button in return.

This made the torpedo launchers on that side of the ship activate and fire a spread of glowing projectiles back at their enemy, who spotted this move... though a little late and attempted to evade it by turning away. But the torpedoes hit their mark, shattering the shields of the Dreadnought in that section.

The Achilles then launched another spread of torpedoes, these ones passed through unchallenged and impacted on the front of the Autobot ship, causing heavy damage as the Predacon ship moved away.

"Sir, the dreadnought has suffered substantial damage." the Terracon manning the sensors then said, earning Blight's attention.

"Very good." he replied before looking at the Communications operator.

"Send an alert to any Predacon ship in range of that dreadnought, and tell them to destroy it." he said, gaining a nod from the minion in return.

"Take us to the other side of Virmire, our lines are weakening a little over there." the Lieutenant then said while looking at the holo-image of the battle on his interface, which made the pilot nod back.

"Yes, Sir." he replied before the Achilles turned away from the damaged Dreadnought which had come under fire from nearby Predacon cruisers.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the planet, more Autobot dreadnoughts hit the enemy lines there hard, with several cruisers fell before them.

Admiral Hackett stood on the bridge of the Apollo and watched the battle unfold, using multiple holo-screens around his personal station.

"Dreadnought and Cruiser wings seventeen and twelve have managed to punch a hole in the Predacons defensive line, I want Kalros Carrier group to begin landings now with cruiser wing thirteen and their fighter squadrons to cover them." he said into his com-link.

"Roger that, Admiral, we are making our run now." a voice spoke back over the com.

With that the carrier group which was made up of the Krogan designed Kalros troop carriers, heavily armoured cruisers that were somewhat larger than other ships of the same class began descending towards the planet's surface, firing their flak cannons and creating a buffer zone between themselves and the Predacon fighters that were trying to stop them.

Several enemy cruisers also attempted to block their path, only to come under attack from the ISF cruisers Undaunted, Farragut on the carrier group's starboard side while the Furies, Selani and Nefrane fired from the port side, their combined torpedo and cannon fire destroying the incoming cruisers and further clearing the way as the Kalros ships entered the planet's atmosphere.

After several seconds of atmospheric entry, the carriers broke through the cloud cover to see the dark blue ocean of Virmire beneath them while the fighter squadron flew in formation alongside them.

"This is Lead carrier Urdnot, we are approaching the landmass where our target is situated. Carriers Zeus and Verallas will land either side of us, while the Hyperion and the Bulkhead will offload their troops a quarter mile away." the Urdnot's Krogan Commander said over the com-link, while the large vessels flew toward the mainland.

"Aye, Aye, Urdnot. We will stay in formation with you and stop any enemy fighters from harassing you, Zeta squadron out." one of the fighter pilots replied.

Back at the mountain, Galvatron and his party had entered the tunnel and were making their way into the darkness it held, with nothing but torches to light the path ahead.

"Lord Galvatron, this is Rip-Claw. Come in please." the femme spoke over the Com-link, gaining her Leader's attention as stopped and gestured to the others to do the same, before tapping his earpiece.

"Rip-Claw, report."

"The Autobots have broken through our defensive lines and are now landing ground-forces less than a click away from the Nemesis's position." she said back with a concerned tone, which made the Predacon Lord grit his teeth in return.

"Then I hope you are adequately prepared for the ground battle because if any Autobots make it to our position, I will be sure to take it out of yours and Blight's hides. Do you understand me?" he spat, earning a gasp from the Femme who sounded a little rattled by his outburst.

"Understood Lord Galvatron, no one will make it to you. I will see to it." she said back, though the Predacon Leader merely scowled at her reply.

"Just get on with it, Galvatron out." he said before deactivating his com-link, earning a worried look from Lazerback.

"My Lord, should I send some of our Terracons back to help?" he asked, gaining his Master's attention.

"No, we carry on."

The Lieutenant nodded back, then looked over to the score of Terracons who stood behind them.

"You heard Lord Galvatron, let's move out." he ordered as the whole group continued into the tunnel, with the Predacon Lord leading the way. As they did so, Jack and Arcee were being escorted too with a Terracon at either side of them.

"Sounds to me like our friends are giving them a hard time, Jack." the blue-haired Femme whispered back in a hopeful tone as she looked back to him, but her face fell a little as she noticed the worried expression of her spark-mate.

"I don't think it will matter if the Autobots get here or not, Arcee." he said back.

"What do you mean?" she asked in return, gaining his attention.

"Because the more we move into this mountain, the more I feel that whatever is at its heart will spell doom for all of us." he replied, fear underlining his words as they carried on walking.

The battle in orbit was still very intense, with ships on both sides falling one after another but with no clear advantage given to either side. But that was nothing compared to what was now happening on the ground as the Autobot carriers deployed their MAKOs and troops, who began advancing on the Predacon defences.

Thousands of soldiers from all over the Federation, ranging from Human and Turian to Asari and Cybertronian were again fighting side by side under the Autobot banner.

The vehicles fired their cannons into the enemy fortifications, killing numerous Terracons. But they fired back with their own, returning the favour and ending the lives of Federation soldiers with each and every blast.

The Turian snipers looked through the scopes of their rifles, taking down any of the Cannon controllers who were unlucky enough to find themselves caught in their crosshairs while Asari brought up biotic barriers to defend their comrades from any further incoming fire.

"Lets take them!" a Krogan Commander shouted before he then lead Autobot Commandos in a charge toward the Predacon line, to which the Terracons followed suit while others let their beast modes take over and charged at their attackers, as the already unhinged Stalkers were let loose. Both sides clashed in the center of the field in violent fashion, Beastial Cons and Stalkers ripping into their adversaries with primal rage.

But the Autobots fought back with just as much determination and courage, refusing to buckle under the savagery of the Predacons.

Watching from the Autobot front lines, a grey and red armoured Japanese Man looked out at the battle with a pair of binoculars before activating his com-link.

"This is General Obsidian, we have engaged the Predacon forces. I repeat, we have engaged the Predacons on the ground."

"Roger that, Obsidian, we also have their fleet focused on us in orbit…." Hackett began to reply.

"…Normandy, it's now or never." he then added while the General listened and looked up at the sky.

"Normandy here, we read you loud and clear." Rodimus replied as he sat in his hover-chair inside the cockpit, just behind the pilot's seat. Then the Commander tapped his earpiece again as he turned his attention to Jetstorm, who was looking back over his shoulder.

"Alpha squad and Onyx Primal, you have a go. Jetstorm, execute attack pattern 'Hotrod Zero One'."

"Aye, Aye..." the pilot started to reply as he began typed away at the terminals of his holo-interface, opening a space bridge portal directly ahead of the shi

"...Prepare for atmospheric entry, I am taking us in." he added as the Normandy flew into the vortex, which closed up behind it.


Meanwhile, down on the ground, Rip-Claw was in the middle of the escalating battle, revelling in savagery of her Terracon brothers as they slaughtered all the Autobots they could get their hands on.

She looked down at the dying Turian that she was currently holding by his neck and snapped it like a twig, before throwing his body away like a rag doll.

"Anterus!" a Krogan shouted, earning the Femme's attention as she looked back with evil smirk.

"Arrragggh!" the soldier then spat as he charged at her with his holo-blades, but the beastial Predacon simply grabbed both his arms and stopped the attack instantly.

"I always heard Krogan were the strongest in the Federation physically…" she said back, earning a grunt from the Krogan as he gritted his teeth and tried to fight back against her strength which was like trying to push down a reinforced concrete wall. But Rip-Claw just smiled back and held him there without much effort.

"..But I guess whoever told me that was just exaggerating, weren't they?" she added before snapping both his arms, earning a painful yelp from the Krogan as she then picked him up and threw him into the middle of a pack of bloody Stalkers, who then hungrily ripped him apart in front of the Femme.

"Vertabreak, how are you faring?" she then said, having spotted the yellow armoured Con fighting with his twin holo-axes. Slicing off the head from one Asari, while impaling his other in the chest of a Geth and spilling it's liquids on to the already blood soaked ground.

"This is gloriously easy, its more like sport." he said back in a gleeful tone before spotting another few Autobots ahead and charging over at them, leaving Rip-Claw to look around for her next kill though she did have a lot of options. But just as she saw a group of Geth and Quarian soldiers nearing her position, she suddenly found herself looking up into the sky as a space-bridge vortex opened up above them.

"What the…..Skystalker, Grimwing, investigate." she shouted into her com-link while turning to face the two Predacon dragons, who were had been preoccupied by a group of MAKOs that they were destroying.

Then suddenly the Normandy flew out of the vortex like a bullet out a gun, as it descended towards the ground at full speed.

In the Cockpit, Jetstorm kept his complete and undivided attention on his flying as the ground was rushing towards him through the glass canopy before him and the ship.

"We're less than twenty seconds from the deck, opening the shuttle-bay now." he said, gaining a nod from Rodimus who was sitting behind him and clutching onto his armrests as the rest of the ship shook around them, then suddenly a shuttle and jet black dragon shot out of the ship towards the ground, with the Beast's wings folded in so it would gain speed.

Onboard the shuttle, Orion was in the pilot's seat with Quickstrike in the passenger seat, while Liara, Nightracer and Shen sat behind them.

"You guys are clear, we are heading back to the fleet, good luck." Rodimus added as the Normandy pulled up and ascended back into high orbit, while the shuttle and Onyx continued down.

"You too." the blue haired Bot replied as the interior of the vessel shook as the G-force began to overrule the inertial dampeners, pulling everyone back.

"This…is….fun." Quickstrike managed to say while Shen didn't look happy.

"No….it….isn't." he replied as the team Leader then reactivated the shuttle's engines and levelled it back out before turning it so that the Nemesis was now directly ahead, the Maximal following suit as it spread out its wings and allowed it to glide alongside. Everyone onboard breathed a sigh of relief as they started to feel better, with Liara placing a hand on her lover's shoulder in support.

"Nice flying." she said with an affectionate tone.

"Thanks, Liara." he replied while keeping his attention on what he was doing.

"So you think that drop might have kept us off the Predacons sensors?" Nightracer asked, earning a nod from the blonde Bot as he looked back at her.

"We only used a quick burst of our engines so we could get out of the Normandy's shuttle-bay and give us a boost of speed, then let gravity pull us most of the way down before turning them back on. So the enemy sensors should not be able to pick us up before we reach our landing coordinates."

Shen though placed his hand on his forehead and sighed.

"Well….FYI, I nearly threw up back here. I hope we don't have any more major manoeuvres before we land."

Suddenly an alarm began to beep loudly and flash on the holo-interface Orion was using, making him shake his head in return.

"You shouldn't have said that, Shen." he replied with a concerned tone, earning everyone's attention.

"Why? What is it?" Nightracer asked, while the Turian simply shrug his shoulders in reply.

"Because we have incoming." the Spectre added as he gestured in front of them, seeing both Skystalker and Grimwing approaching.

"I really shouldn't have had that big breakfast this morning." Shen said with a sigh, while Orion nodded over to Quickstrike who tapped his com-link.

"Onyx, we have two of your old friends heading this way. Think you could distract them for us?"

The Maximal dragon roared in return before flapping its wings and flying ahead of the shuttle, trying to intercept the two Predacons. Meanwhile the shuttle descended closer to the ground, so it could use a gorge located there as cover.

"Onyx should keep that pair busy long enough for us to sneak past the Nemesis and land nearer that mountain." Quickstrike said as he looked up at the sky to see the Maximal engaging the Predacon pair, but Orion merely nodded in return as he began weaving the shuttle through broken ground, much to the dismay of Shen who sat in his seat and clung onto his armrests.

Liara noticed this and turned her attention to her blue haired lover.

"Orion, are we…" she began to ask, when suddenly the shuttle was hit from below and sent spinning into the air,

"What the!" Quickstrike shouted as he and the others all grabbed onto their armrest and held on for dear life while the lead Spectre fought to regain control of the vessel.

It spun for several seconds before Orion brought it back under his control and steadied it, earning sighs of relief from them all.

"Something hit us from behind." he then said before everything around them darkened, like heavy cloud had just blotted out the sun. This made his cousin look up through the glass canopy above them and gulp at what he could see, gaining worried expressions from everyone around him.

"What is it?" Nightracer asked in return, but the blonde Bot ignored her and looked back at Orion.

"Get us out of here, Cuz, because we have Predaking directly above us." he stated, but the blue haired Bot shook his head in return.

"That hit has damaged the engines and made helm control sluggish…" he started to say before a targeting alarm blared out through the shuttle's speakers, stopping the Bot short as he looked at the sensor screen and then back out of the canopy.

"Oh scrap."

"What now?" Shen asked with a worrying tone to his voice, like he could guess what was about to happen.

"We are being targeted by the Nemesis, Predaking knocked us back into range of its sensors." Orion replied as Quickstrike looked out to see the black battleship ahead, with three flashes from the top of it's hull.

"We have incoming!" the pilot added before pulling the shuttle into a sharp ascent, as the three missiles locked in on them, with the first exploding just metres under them.

"They are flak missiles, two left." the blonde Bot said as he kept his attention on his holo-interface while Orion then made the vessel dive, just as the second missile exploded above them.

"One left." he said in return before the final one suddenly exploded near them, damaging the shuttle and causing it to fall out of the sky.

"Attempting crash landing, everyone hold on!" he said as he attempted to level out the damaged ship as smoke bellowed out of its rear as it continued its fast and erratic descent towards the ground, which at this time was closer to the Nemesis and the battle than it was to the mountain.

Everyone was thrown from their seats as the shuttle hit the ground hard and ploughed through the field, digging up earth and grass, throwing it up into the air as it slid along before finally slowing to a stop.

Orion opened his eyes to see that his torso and head and were sprawled over the now defunct pilot terminal, with it's holo-interface shut down. So he got to his feet, his body ached from the close encounter with the terminal's hard surface.

"Is everyone alright?" he asked while turning around to find the others slowly getting to their feet, Quickstrike found himself lying on the floor between the aft passenger seats and got up with a helping hand from Shen who was sitting over him.

"Yeah, don't know how I got flung back here. But I am thankful you didn't feel the need to vomit, Shen." the blonde Bot replied as he stood up beside the Turian.

"Well, I guess the thought that we might not survive this crash actually hindered my usual motion sickness."

"I'm fine, Orion, thanks." Liara said as the Blue-haired Bot helped the Asari to her feet, before she looked over at Nightracer who was standing beside the escape hatch and attempting to open it.

"A little help here please?" the Femme said, gaining Orion's attention as he went to her side..

"The mechanism for this hatch is damaged, we have to open this manually," she added, earning a knowing look from Shen.

"That was probably from the crash landing." he said back as both Bot and Femme stopped mid action to look back at him.

"We are all still here, so as the saying goes 'any landing you can walk away from is a good one'." Nightracer replied, gaining mirrored expressions of gratitude from both Orion and Liara.

"We will have to get to the mountain by foot now. And that means crossing over the ground-battle near the Nemesis." Quickstrike said as he looked out of the dirt smudged canopy, earning a nod from his Cousin as he and the Femme pushed open the hatch.

"You're right, so let's get out and….." he started to say when suddenly Predaking landed right before them, spreading it's wings out and roaring to the heavens before looking down at them.

"Take cover!" the Nightracer shouted as they all moved away from the open hatch, remaining inside the damaged shuttle.

"Where's Onyx when you need him?" Shen said as they felt the heavy footfalls of the orange and black Predacon as it moved closer to them before another small earthquake suddenly happened, gaining their attention as they saw that the blue and white Skystalker had just landed on the other side of the shuttle.

"Alright, I guess that's it then." the Turian added, which earned sombre looks from everyone else.

"There is no way this shuttle will protect us from two of those Predacons out there." Quickstrike then said, gaining a nod from Orion who looked over to Liara and placed his arm around her as they all waited for the inevitable. Which looked to be happening in any moment as they could see Skystalker looking in on them through the glass canopy, opening it's mouth and charged it's ice breath as it did so.

"I'm sorry." Orion said to the Asari and his friends in an apologetic tone before looking back into her eyes, as if making it the final image he could see before the end as she took his hand in her own.

But before the blue and white Predacon and his larger friend could deliver the killing blow, they were suddenly interrupted by Grimwing being slammed into Skystalker, making him yelp as Predaking looked up to see what had caused it.

Alpha team did the same as they all looked up through the glass canopy to see Onyx Prime swoop down into the area and smash into both Predacons before they had a chance to recover.

Predaking then roared and tried to rush the Maximal, but simply spun around and it the orange and black dragon directly in the face with his tail, knocking him over.

"Yeah, kick their asses!" Quickstrike cheered as he and the others watched Onyx keep Skystalker pinned under his claws, while both Grimwing and Predaking recovered and began to circle the Maximal, their optics narrowing as they then opened their mouths and let loose with their fire-breath.

But before the onslaught of white hot plasma fire could reach the jet black dragon, he suddenly launched himself back into the air, leaving the blue and white Predacon to get incinerated as the fire enveloped him.

Both dragons suddenly stopped when they saw what they were doing, leaving the ground around Skystalker scorched with burns as was his body and armour, earning agonising screeches from him.

But before Predaking or his green friend could do anything, the sound of transforming caught their attention and looked up to see Onyx shift into robot mode as he fell gracefully back to the ground, landing directly on Skystalker's head, which was crushed instantly under his right foot.

Both Predacons could only watch as their blue and white comrade died, with only his body and wings flinching for a moment before going limp.

"Good work, Onyx!" Quickstrike shouted back to his ancient friend, before looking back at his Cousin and the others.

"Now's our chance, we should make our move and head for the mountain." he said eagerly as he tried to climb out, but Orion placed his hand on the blonde Bot's shoulder and stopped him.

"Wait, we can't go yet." he said before looking back at what was transpiring before them.

"Orion is right, Quickstrike, I have to level out the battlefield first." Onyx said back as he then reached over his shoulders with both hands and pulled out two swords that had been holstered on his back, between his folded up wings, never taking his optics off of Predaking or forgetting that Grimwing was still behind him.

"Wait for my signal." he said before both Predacons charged at him, so he charged directly at the orange and black dragon while shouting out a battle-cry.

But a split second before he and his enemy clashed, Onyx then dodged him and the other Dragon as he spun around with his blades outstretched.

Both blades sliced through the wings of both Predacons, earning grimaces of pain from them as their wings fell to the ground.

Predaking and Grimwing had now switched sides as the Maximal Leader was once again between them, so they turned back round and pounced at the Bot once more as he swung both blades at them.


Meanwhile, the battle in orbit was continuing at a frantic pace as the Apollo came under fire from the Achilles, its main cannons ripping through the Autobot Cruiser's defences with ease.

In the CIC, Admiral Hackett watched as his crew continued to focus on their duties as fires broke out across the room, while the ship shook around them with every hit it took.

"Sir, we have lost shields on our port-side…" one crewman shouted over the sounds of explosions that were rattling the ship while numerous terminals exploded around the CIC, sending their operators flying onto the floor,

"…we are sustaining considerable damage to the hull." he added, which made the Admiral look back to his helmsman,

"Evasive manoeuvres, and keep our starboard side to the Achilles." he said, earning a nod from the officer as he looked over to the weapons station.

"Keep our weapons locked in on that ship, it's the lead vessel of the Predacon fleet. If we can take it out, that should destabilise the rest of the enemies and give us that extra advantage."

"Aye, Sir." the officer replied as the Apollo began to spin while the Predacon cruiser continued its barrage, with its weapon fire lighting up the shields of the Autobot ship as it manoeuvred itself so that its other side was now facing it's enemy, while whichever weapons turrets were now facing it continued to fire back.

"Admiral, we are weakening the shield grid around it's engines. If we can punch through it with say….a spread of torpedoes, then we could set of a chain reaction…." the crewmen manning the sensors terminal then began to say, earning a nod from Hackett who cut him off.

"…which would destroy that ship, good idea."

He then looked between the Helmsman and his weapons operator.

"Move us around to give us a clear target, and prepare to fire on my mark." he said in a commanding tone, gaining nods of agreement from the officers.

"Yes, Sir." they said in unison as the cruiser attempted to move around it's Predacon equal, while the battle raged on around them.

But no matter what manoeuvre the Apollo tried to use against the Achilles, it would just outmaneuver them. Both ships continued this for a while longer as they fired everything they had at each other, until two torpedoes fired from the Predacon cruiser hit part of the Apollo's engines, which slowed the ship to almost a crawl.

On board the Achilles, Blight smiled as he looked out at the crippled Autobot cruiser through the CIC's main glass canopy.

"We have them now, target all cannons and launchers at their weakened side." he said as the Predacon ship's weapons moved into position, taking what looked like a final aim at the Apollo.

"Once this ship is down, the rest of their fleet will panic and divide." the Lieutenant added, while the Terracon manning the weapons terminal looked over to him.

"All weapons locked on target."

"Fire!" Blight replied as a smirk grew on his face, keeping his attention firmly on what was sure to be the turning point of this battle. But just as the cannons barrel's lit up inside as they prepared to fire, suddenly a spread of torpedoes came out of nowhere and hit the top of the Achilles, exploding against it's hull and causing the ship to shake around the Predacon and his crew as they looked around with shocked expressions.

"What in the scrap was that?" he spat as the Terracon manning the sensor array station looked at his holo-interface.

"We have another ship inbound, it's the Normandy!" he said back, which made Blight stare out of the ship with an angry look as he narrowed his eyes.

The Autobot frigate fired another spread of torpedoes, damaging the area of the Achilles they hit as it flew between them and the Apollo.

"Hackett, Its Rodimus. Looks like you could use a hand." the Elite Spectre said into his com-link as he sat behind Jetstorm, who kept his attention on evading the weapons fire coming from the Achilles.

"Yes, thanks for the save. Now between our two ships, we can probably take this Predacon cruiser out." the Admiral replied, earning a nod from the Commander.

"Way ahead of you, get yourselves ready while we keep them busy." he said back before turning his attention to his pilot.

"Get us as close as you can to the Achilles and fire at any and all targets you have a clear shot at."

"Yes, Sir." Jetstorm replied as he veered the Normandy to the right sharply, just in time to miss some more weapons fire before turning the ship around and flying directly at the Predacon cruiser.

"Take this." he then said as the Normandy flew tightly around the enemy cruiser and fired it's weapons at every part of the ship, causing massive damage to all quarters.

"Destroy that damn ship!" Blight spat at his crew, earning a frustrated headshake from the weapons controller.

"It's no use, Sir, the Normandy is flying too close to our hull for us to get a clear target lock, its just too fast and manoeuvrable." he replied, which made the Predacon lieutenant equip his pistol and shoot the Terracon in the back.

This earned shocked and horrified looks from the other minions as they looked down at their now dead comrade, as smoke billowed out of the bullet hole in his back.

"Get back to work, I will handle the weapons!" he spat before storming over to the weapons station and began working the holo-interface, gritting his teeth with a building rage as the ship continued to shake with each and every hit it took from the Autobot frigate.

'Scrap!' he thoughtwhile trying to target the ship, finding it as hard as his now deceased comrade had stated.

The Apollo had gotten itself to a safe distance from Achilles, turning around to see the Predacon ship now in flames as the Normandy continued it's assault.

"Alright Rodimus, we are ready on our end." Hackett said into his com-link.

"Roger that." the Commander replied, and instantly the Admiral witnessed the small frigate pull away from the heavily damaged cruiser before turning back around to face it.

"Ready when you are." Rodimus then said over the com-link, as Hackett looked back at the lead Predacon ship.

"Fire!" he said as both the Apollo and the Normandy fired everything they had at the Achilles, from their torpedo launchers to their Thanix cannons. Every shot hit the target perfectly, causing the ship to be covered in external explosions which shook everyone onboard as if they were caught in an earthquake.

"Commander Blight..., we are taking too much damage. Our power-core is breaching, we have to evacuate." one of the Terracons said with a panicked tone, but the lieutenant merely stood at his station with an accepting look on his face as the CIC fell apart around him.

"There is nowhere to go." he said back, gaining confused and worried expressions from the crew around him as the ship shook hard once again, knocking a few of them off their feet.

"We have to take that chance." another said as he helped his comrade back onto his feet before running out of the room, leaving Blight standing there alone.

But just as the Terracons got outside into the corridor, they were quickly engulfed in a fireball that spread up through the hallway and into the CIC.

Then everything slowed down around Blight as if time hard come to an standstill almost, as he looked out of the glass canopy at the planet below.

"I am sorry, Lord Galvatron, we have..." he started to say before he too was enveloped by the fireball which then destroyed the CIC, before the Achilles suddenly exploded and sent out bits of debris in all directions.

This earned cheers from the crews of both the Normandy and the Apollo as they watched the lead Predacon Cruiser become no more.

"Great work, now let's finish this battle." Admiral Hackett said in a confident tone as he looked at his crew around him.

"We are with you all the way." Rodimus replied while the Admiral looked out at the Normandy as it began attacking the nearest Predacon ship, completely ignoring the holo-screen on his right which showed the sensor readings and the plasma storm which had just entered the system and was heading their way.


As this was happening, Onyx Primal was holding his own down on Virmire as he knocked away Predaking and grabbed Grimwing in a head lock.

The green dragon roared and tried to break free as it struggled against the Maximal but since he was in his robot mode, this gave Onyx an advantage over the Preda-Clones.

The large orange and black beast recovered and turned around just in time to see his enemy bring his sword down upon Grimwing, separating his head from his body and killing him once and for all.

Predaking's yellow optics widened as it watched it's friend's body drop to the floor in a heap, before looking back at the Maximal responsible and growling back as it bared its teeth.

"Come on!" Onyx goaded as he gestures at the beast, who responded with a deafening roar before pouncing at the Bot, with the stubs that were all that was left of his wings twitching as he did so.

But the Maximal Leader was counting on this as he put his hands up in front of him ans caught the Predacon on his underbelly, and using his inertia threw him over onto the other side of the area, with the Dragon landing on it's back and yelping.

"That was great, Onyx, now finish him." Quickstrike shouted as he, Orion and the others were still watching from the safety of the shuttle, gaining the giant Bot's attention as he looked over to them.

"You should run now, I will take care of Predaking." he said in a noble and yet telling manner before looking over to the Nemesis, which was busy shooting Autobot fighters out of the air.

Orion and his cousin noticed this, their eyes widening as it dawned on them what he was planning to do.

"You don't need to do this!" the blonde Bot said back with a concerned tone, but Onyx looked back with a knowing expression as Predaking slowly rolled over onto it's belly.

"You know I do." he replied before looking over at Orion.

"Take care of your people, Orion." he said, earning a nod from the blue haired Darby who then gestured to the others.

"Let's go guys." he said as they began exiting the shuttle via the opened hatch, while Quickstrike and the Primal looked at each other.

"Go Quickstrike and find your spark-mate. I believe in my spark that she is still alive."

The blonde Bot's face was one of saddened acceptance as he nodded back slowly before leaving with the rest of Alpha team, as Orion took one last look at the Maximal Leader.

"Thank you." he said, gaining a nod from the larger Bot.

"We will see each other again...Prime." Onyx replied with a cryptic tone before turning his attention back to the orange and black dragon, who was now on his feet and roaring back. So the Maximal swung his swords in his hands and charged at the beast.

"Let's finish this Predaking!" he roared while the Predacon followed suit, making the ground shake with each and every footfall they did as they ran at each other.

But before the dragon could strike, Onyx threw both his swords at Predaking which embedded themselves in his chest.

This made the Beast cry out in pain as it lifted itself on lt's back legs and began to stumble back, so the Maximal Leader followed this through with a shoulder barge to it's underbelly, making it fall onto its back hard.

He jumped in the air and transformed back into his jet-black dragon mode, landing on top of his defenceless adversary and digging his claws into the beast's skin.

Orion and the others had stopped just watching as Onyx then spread out his wings and beat them, launching both him and Predaking into the air.

And from there the Maximal turned around and flew in the direction of the Nemesis, beating his wings to gain more altitude before he and his enemy were right above it.

Then he suddenly went into a steep dive, tightly holding onto Predaking as they descended quickly toward the Predacon battleship.

'This is where it ends for us..., Brother.' Onyx thought before both he and Predaking then smashed into the engines of the Nemesis, resulting in a giant explosion which took out the entire aft of the ship.

But the explosion did not end there, as it then began to spread through out the rest of the ship until it was all engulfed in fire as it was destroyed.

Alpha team looked on at it's firey husk as smoke billowed high into the air.

"We have to keep moving, let's go." Orion said as he looked back from the wreck to his team, a saddened expression on his face.

Everyone nodded back with mirrored expressions before they all moved away, but Quickstrike stopped and looked back at the inferno.

'Goodbye, Onyx Primal, I hope you find peace at last.' he thought before turning back to his friends and following them toward the mountain.
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Re: Prime Effect 4

Postby Apollo-XL5 » Sat Nov 14, 2020 12:05 pm

Motto: ""It's all in the reflexes.""
Weapon: Star Saber Sword

Meanwhile, under the mountain, Galvatron and his party were still walking through the dark tunnel, following the light of their torches as it cut through the darkness and showed them the way.

Suddenly the entire area shook like an earthquake had hit, making the ceiling of the tunnel crumble as dislodged rocks fell down around the group.

"What in the All-Spark was that?" the Predacon Leader spat as he looked back at Lazerback, who gave him a confused expression in return.

"I do not know, my Lord, sounds like something had impacted the mountain above us maybe." he replied in an unsure tone, which made Galvatron narrow his eyes at him before tapping his com-link.

"Rip-Claw, what in the scrap was that?" he spat in an impatient tone, before the sounds of fighting could be heard on the other end.

"Lord Galvatron, we have lost the Nemesis. It's been destroyed." the Femme replied in a shocked voice, making the Predacon Lord's eyes widen in response.


"The Autobot's own Predacon just flew himself and Predaking into its engines and caused it to explode, that's what we saw." she said back.

"Get Skystalker and Grimwing to head for the tunnel's opening." Galvatron replied with a worried tone, one that did not escape the attention of both Jack and Arcee. With the Prime smirking back to his spark-mate.

"Sounds like the Autobots are giving them a hard time." he whispered, gaining a nod from the Femme as they looked back at the Predacon leader, who was still on his com-link.

"Then you better send as many Terracons as you can to the mountain, because I have a feeling that the Autobots are on their way." he said back in an angry and commanding tone.

"Yes, my Lord, I will despatch a squad now." she replied before ending the link, as Galvatron looked back into the black of the tunnel ahead.

"Move!" he spat as they carried on.

After a few more minutes of walking through the darkness, Galvatron suddenly raised his arm and made the group stop again.

"We are here." was all he said as the beam of light shone upon a metallic wall that looked completely alien to the rest of the rock around them.

"What is it?" Lazerback asked as he joined his Lord's side, with the Predacon Leader walking up to the wall and touching it's smooth and cold surface with his hand.

"It is what I have been looking for…" he said in return before noticing what looked like hieroglyphics which covered its metallic surface, but they could not have been engraved onto it as he would have felt it with his hand.

"That writing looks almost like Cybertronian?" the Lieutenant said with a curious look, earning a similar look from Galvatron.

"It's from the time of the Thirteen, and what is behind this wall will win us this war." he said before looking back at the Terracons standing around both Jack and Arcee.

"Find me a way in….now!" he ordered, gaining nods from the minions as they then spread out around the wall and began searching as the blue-haired Femme looked between the wall and her spark-mate.

"Jack, do you know what this is?" she asked in a worried tone, but the Prime shook his head slightly.

"No I don't, but yet it does feel familiar to me." he replied in an almost cryptic voice, as unbeknownst to either him, Arcee or any of the enemies that were with them, a dim light began to shine just below his neck, under his shirt.


Meanwhile, Ser-Ket found herself in the middle of the battle, surrounded by Autobots and Predacons who were to busy fighting each other to notice.

She had calmed down back into her normal frame of body and mind, and was now focused on getting away so she could try and find Quickstrike.

But after witnessing that black dragon perform a kamikaze on the Nemesis, which was now a smouldering wreck.

She could not help but wonder about the beast, as it looked really familiar to her.

'That looked like that black dragon from my dream.' she thought before suddenly being pulled out of her thoughts as her attention was drawn to Rip-Claw, who was leading several Terracons away from the battle.

'Where is she going?' the Femme thought before she suddenly felt a hand grab her shoulder, making her look back to see a beasted-out Vertabreak behind her.

"Ser-Ket, what the hell are you…." he started to ask before she grabbed his arm and pulled him into a throw, sending him flying as she made some space between them.

"Sorry, but I don't have time for questions."

The yellow armored Predacon got back to his feet and activated his holo-blade, preparing for a fight as he stepped between the Femme and her sister.

"You're supposed to be under lock and key in Shockblast's lab. I guess I should put you back in there myself." he replied, which made Ser-Ket shake her head in return.

"Leave me be, or suffer Shockblast's fate." she warned, but this just made the Con smirk back at her.

"I think I can handle you….since I am not exactly alone." Vertabreak replied as several Terracons surrounded him and the Femme.

"Really?" was all she said in return before then firing her pistols at each and every one of them, hitting them all directly between the eyes before their bodies fell to the ground like dominoes.

"What the?" he spat before growling back at Ser-Ket, who took on a more defensive stance as she readied herself for a fight.

"I think you will need to become beast-like if you want to beat me." Vertabreak then said as he raised his claws and prepared to attack, but the Femme merely smiled back at him confidently.

"I don't need to, certainly not against the likes of you." she replied with an unimpressed tone, earning a look of anger from the Predacon who narrowed his eyes at her before roaring and launching himself towards her.

Elsewhere, Alpha team had managed to keep themselves out of the continuing battle which had started to become less one sided, as the destruction of the Nemesis seemed to have had an effect on the Predacon ground-force.

This had given the Autobots more of a fighting chance, not that it mattered to Orion and his friends.

For the battle was simply a distraction to them, something to keep the enemy busy while they attacked their leader.

And that was what they were going to do by chopping off the head of the Predaon war machine, and stopping them before they unleashed whatever horrible things were on this planet.

That was what Orion was thinking right now as he lead the others towards the lone mountain, which was now directly in front them.

They all looked so small when compared to the giant rock formation, as the sun started to descend to the horizon behind it, casting it's shadow over the team as they could now see the entrance to the tunnel ahead of them.

"Is it me or has it just gotten a little cooler around here." Nightracer said as the sky over them began to change from blue to red as night started to descend over the planet.

"Yeah, certainly helps with setting the mood for this place doesn't it." Shen replied as Liara looked around the group with a puzzled expression, gaining Orion's attention as he looked back to her.

"Liara, what is it?" he asked before suddenly the Asari brought up a biotic barrier behind them.

"Watch out!" she shouted before an RPG came out of nowhere and hit the field, harmlessly exploding away from the team.

But Orion noticed that Liara had been physically affected by the sudden attack as she grimaced, causing her barrier to begin cracking.

So as the others took cover behind some nearby large rocks, he grabbed the Asari and pulled her down behind cover beside him, which made the barrier disappear while Shen took a peek through his sniper scope.

"What do you see?" the blue-haired Bot asked while he checked his lover, who gave him an appreciative nod in return.

"I see a full squad of Terracons and a woman in light blue and red armour, she looks like thier Leader and is carrying the RPG." the Turian replied, earning an angered expression from Quickstrike which caught the others attention.

"What is it, Quickstrike?" Nightracer asked him while Orion gave the Sniper a nod, which made him start firing back at the enemies and made them scatter behind cover.

"That's Rip-Claw. She was the bitch that tortured me back on Omicron and she claims to be Ser-Ket's sister." he replied, his growing anger evident in his voice.

"You're kidding right? I don't see much of a family resemblance." Shen replied as he took a shot at the Femme, making her duck behind cover.

"Ser-Ket doesn't believe it either but anyway, that bitch knows what has become of Ser-Ket...and I will beat it out of her." the blonde Bot said as he got ready to move, only for Orion to stop him by placing his hand on his shoulder.

"We are with you, Quickstrike, but to go out there now would be suicide." he said to his Cousin, earning a knowing nod from him.

"Then how should we go about this?" Quickstrike replied, which made Orion look around at the team.

"We have enough cover around us to keep them at bay, but..." he said back while looking at his Cousin.

"...we don't have the time for that, so Quickstrike and I will take them on. While the rest of you give us covering fire." he added while turning his attention to Shen, Nightracer and Liara, noticing the look of concern on his lover's face

"I am still feeling a little off from that RPG, I don't think I can create another barrier yet." she said with a regretful tone, but the young Darby smiled back at her as he handed his rifle to her.

"Don't worry, you can use this..." he replied as he equipped his pistol and began reaching over his shoulder.

"I have..." he added while grasping the hilt of the Star-Saber and pulling it free of its holster.


Quickstrike looked at the blade, before shaking his head in return.

"I forgot that you had that."

"I picked it up before meeting you in the shuttle, it was exactly where I left it." the blue-haired Bot replied.

"On the crew deck where we got sucked out into space." Liara questioned, gaining a nod from her lover in return.

"Yep, the repair crew couldn't remove it. So they left there, wish they could have seen me pull it out of the deck with no problem."

"Hey guys, how about some help here?" Shen suddenly jumped in, regaining the others' attention as he continued to fire at the enemy, taking down two of them as he spoke.

"Right, Quickstrike...let's go." Orion said as he tapped his Cousin on the shoulder, both of them moving off.

"Good luck." Liara then said, making the young Darby look back with a loving expression.

"You too." he replied before the cousins moved away, using the large rocks as cover.

"Okay, covering fire." Nightracer said in a commanding tone as she, Shen, and Liara began firing on the Terracons, causing them to halt their advance once again.


"What are you waiting for, get down there and kill them!" Rip-Claw spat as her Terracons took cover behind the nearby large rocks, just in time to miss the onslaught of bullets that the Autobots fired back.

"It's no use, Commander, they have a good defensive line over there. We cannot simply rush them, as they would most likely rip us apart." the Terracon beside her said back, earning an angry stare from the Femme as she grabbed him by the throat.

"Why are you hesitating, just beast out and rush them." she replied while tightening her grip around his neck, making him gasp for air.

"But….we….can't,,,,all….." the minion tried to say before his neck snapped in her hands, to which Rip-Claw merely dropped his body back to the ground uncaringly.

"Terracons….Terrorise!" she roared as the other soldiers looked back at her for a second before nodding back and roaring, as they engaged their beast-modes. Their bodies grew slightly larger and more muscular, while their overall looks became more ferocious. And then all of them charged towards the Autobots, unknowingly passing Orion and Quickstrike who were sneaking past while using the rock formations as cover.

"Err, they are charging right at us." Shen stated with a nervous tone growing in his voice while continuing to fire at them, only for the shots to the bodies only slowing them down and not stopping them for good.

"Aim for their heads then." Nightracer replied as she fired short bursts with her rifle, taking down two in quick succession as blood spilled out of their head wounds.

The Turian quickly nodded and re-corrected his aim, taking down three in just as many shots.

Liara too killed one, but yet there were still six left and they were over the halfway point towards the group.

"They'll be on us in seconds." the young Vakarian said while gunning down another, as Liara looked down at the Femme's utility belt.

"I have an idea." she said in return as she took a hand off her rifle and grabbed a grenade from it, before then focusing her biotics so that her hand and the grenade began to glow with blue energy.

"What are you….?" Nightracer began to say before the Asari lobbed the explosive into the path of the charging Terracons, who took no notice of the glowing blue object before it suddenly exploded, filling the immediate area with an expanding blue light as every Terracon in range was suddenly catapulted into the air before landing hard on the rocks.

"How did you?" the Femme began to ask, only for Liara to cut her off.

"I charged the grenade with biotic energy, call it a 'lift grenade'."

"Great work, Liara, now let's take them down quickly!" Shen replied as the three of them then stood up and fired back while the enemy troops tried to recover.

Meanwhile, Rip-Claw looked on in complete disbelief as she watched her troops fighting the Autobots, her anger rising to boiling-point at how their enemy was able to resist.

But just then, the Predacon's attention was caught by a familiar scent.

"I recognise that smell…" she said aloud before quickly ducking under Quickstrike's attack as he swung his holo-blade at her and in one move, quickly turned around and punched him in the stomach, sending the Bot flying to the ground as she activated her beast mode.

The Bot quickly recovered as he watched Rip-Claw transform before him, a confident smile appeared on her face as she looked down at him.

"Are you really that eager for another beating? I mean, you didn't stand a chance against me the first time we met, and I do miss our little torture sessions." she said while flexing her claws, looking down at the Bot who activated his other holo-blade and took a defensive stance.

"That's not going to happen this time…" he said before launching himself at the Predacon, swinging his blades at her and making the Femme go on the defensive, as she dodged each and every one of the attacks before one sliced her cheek.

But this just served to anger her more as Rip-Claw then went on the offensive and with one hit, broke through Quickstrike's attack and stunned him before grabbing him by the throat.

"You were saying?" she replied with a growl, while holding his head close to hers.

"…I…meant…because…" he tried to say while the Femme tightened her grip around his neck, which made her ease it slightly as a curious expression appeared on her face.

"Go on?"

"..because I didn't come alone." he then managed to say, making Rip-Claw's eyes widen in shock, before spinning around just in time to see a silver/blue armored man with blue hair lunge a Cybertronian blade at her, which ran through her stomach and made the Predacon grimace and groan in pain as she dropped the blonde Bot.

"Didn't see that coming, did you?" he said before nodding at his cousin.

"Thanks, Orion."

"Don't mention it." the young Darby replied before pulling the Star-Saber back out, making Rip-Claw fall to one knee in front of them.

"Now, tell me what has happened to Ser-Ket and we will make this quick." Quickstrike then said in a serious and threatening tone as the Femme looked up at him with a disgusted expression.

"That's it? After everything I did to you at Omicron? The torture and the murder of all the people you knew? That wretch is the only thing on your mind?" she answered with a painful laugh while holding a hand to her stab wound which was slowly bleeding out.

The blonde Bot though let his anger get the better of him as he then grabbed her by the hair with one hand and held his holo-blade to her throat.

"WHERE IS SHE!?" he spat with narrowed eyes at her in an enraged stare, though she continued to laugh before spitting out a slither of blood.

"That traitorous wretch is dead, you hear me?" she said back with an almost gleeful tone.

"You lie!" Quickstrike quickly replied as Orion looked on, holding the Star-Saber ready as he watched with a worried expression on his face.

"She was being held prisoner on the Nemesis, now look at it and tell me that she survived that?" Rip-Claw answered back, which made Quickstrike glance over to Orion with a disbelieving expression before looking back at the burning husk of the Predacon battleship.

"No, she can't be…." he said as the Femme observed his anguish, taking delight in it as she smiled.

"It's what she deserved. I just wish I could have seen her final moments."

This made the blonde Bot look back at her, his expression quickly changing back to enraged as his anger took control again, but the Predacon continued her taunting.

"She undoubtedly called your name."

So Quickstrike quickly held his holo-blade at the injured Con's neck again, looking completely ready to end her life.

"I will send you to the pit!" he spat before she smiled back with a knowing expression and suddenly took the two cousins by surprise and in one quick motion, got to her feet and grabbed them both by their throats, making Orion drop the Star-Saber onto the ground below him.

"Did you really think that wound would be enough to stop me?" she asked while looking at both Autobots in her grip, which was tightening so much around their windpipes that they were quickly gasping for air.

The Femme then slammed their heads together before dropping them back to the ground, observing the Bots as they tried to recover.

"I will send you to see Ser-Ket very soon…" Rip-Claw said to the blonde Bot, who was still on his back and holding his hand to his forehead as a cut bled from the area.

But she then turned her attention to the blue-haired Bot who had managed to roll over onto his front and look back to the others, but his vision was blurring from suffering a concussion.

And he could just make out Liara and Nightracer as they were fighting hand to hand against two remaining Terracons, while Shen was lying on the floor.

"..but you look familiar to me." the Predacon added before kicking Orion in the side and making him roll onto his back again, before taking a deep sniff of the air over him.

"You smell like the Prime and that wretch of his. Well, that is a surprise." she said in a delighted tone.

"Before I kill you, you should know that they are still alive…..well just…." she started to say, earning the Bot's attention as he looked back at her, his vision slowly starting to correct itself.

But what he saw next was Rip-Claw pinning him down to the floor with her foot on his chest, slowly applying extra pressure on his armor as she tried to push her foot through his body and onto the ground beneath him.

"…but they will join you, as soon as Lord Galvatron gets whatever he wants from them." she taunted with a smile before raising her claws above her, readying herself for the killing blow.

"Rip-Claw, leave them alone!" a female voice suddenly shouted, earning both the Predacon's and Quickstrike's attention as it sounded so familiar to them.

The blonde Bot rolled over onto his stomach and looked up at the ridge to see the most beautiful sight he had not seen in a good while, as standing there in yellow and green armour was Ser-Ket aiming an avenger rifle directly at the surprised Rip-Claw.

"What? But you were on board…" was all the Predacon Femme could say as she stepped off the young Darby, before her former sister cut her off.

"I managed to get off the ship before it was destroyed, killing Shockblast before doing so." she said which made the Predacon narrow her eyes back at her, making Ser-Ket smile.

"..And also Vertabreak on the way here."

"You really are not my sister any-more, are you? Since it is now so easy for you to kill your own brethren." Rip-Claw spat as she left Orion and Quickstrike, walking towards the new arrival while the blonde bot was still looking at his lover with a disbelieving expression.

"If I have learned anything in the last few days, it is that I am not related to you or any Predacon." Ser-Ket replied as she took a fighting stance and activated her holo-blades, gaining a smile from the Beastial Femme.

"You going to fight me like that, didn't you learn anything from our last encounter?"

"I did actually, but I am not about to lower myself to your standards to win a fight." the former Predacon answered, gaining an enraged roar from Rip-Claw who lunged at her. Ser-Ket quickly dodged the attack before slicing at her adversary, cutting the Beastial across the chest.

"Arrragh!" the light blue and red armored woman cried as blood began seeping from the wound, staining her armor.

But even though she was still bleeding out from the gut wound Orion had given her, Rip-Claw let her growing anger continue to fuel her body.

The Femme looked down at the blood before returning her attention to her former sister, gritting her teeth as she narrowed her eyes,

"I will kill you!" she spat while lunging at Ser-Ket again and again, with the Femme dodging each attack. Using her smaller and more athletic figure to her advantage, as Rip-Claw now was far larger and slightly slower

'I can't let her hit me in her current state, or else it will knock me senseless like last time.' she thoughtwhile ducked under a swing of the Predacon's claws, following through with a roll to make some distance between them, ending up back on her feet as she turned to face her.

Meanwhile, Quickstrike had managed to get up onto his knees as his head had finally stopped spinning, never taking his eyes off his lover as she fought their common enemy.

'Kick her ass, Ser-Ket.' he thought as he watched her gain another strike on Rip-Claw, as she made another deep cut on the Predacon's chest-plate.

This further enraged the Beastial who then swung her right arm at her former Sister, which made her duck again.

But then the blonde Bot's eyes widened as he watched the Predacon swing an uppercut with his left arm, catching Ser-Ket by surprise as it made contact with her chin.

The strength of the hit took the Femme right off her feet and sent her flying back onto the ground hard.

"SER-KET!" He shouted in a panicked tone, earning the Beastial's attention as she looked over to him.

"Wait your turn." she taunted before looking back at her Ser-Ket, who was lying on her back and bleeding from her mouth.

But just as she was about to walk up to her, Rip-Claw suddenly stopped and looked between the two with a thoughtful expression, one that ended with a sinister smile.

"Actually, now that I think about it…" the Predacon started to say as she turned around and walked over to Quickstrike as he slowly got to his feet.

"..There will be nothing more painful for you than to watch your Autobot die." she finished, as the blonde Man threw a punch at her that the Beastial easily blocked, before grabbing him by the throat yet again.

"No…" Ser-Ket cried weakly as she looked over to see her lover in the grips of her former Sister, who was intent on ending his life.

'I can't watch him die, I have to do something.' she thought, realising that just like Shockwave, there was only one way she could save him and their friends.

"You can close your eyes if you want, this will only hurt a lot." Rip-Claw said as she looked into the Bot's eyes while raising her free hand, readying her claws for one final blow.

But he just looked back at her with a defiant stare before his attention was suddenly caught by something behind her, making Rip-Claw turn around and see Ser-Ket getting to her feet whilst changing into her own Beastial form.

"Finally, I knew you still had some Predacon in you." the light blue and red armored woman said in a delighted tone, while her former Sister narrowed her eyes at her and pointed a claw at her.

"You hurt him again…..and I will make you suffer." she growled while bearing her sharp teeth.

"What….like this?" Rip-Claw replied before throwing the Bot away, letting him land on one of the rock formations that littered the area.

"You Bitch!" Ser-Ket roared as she charged at the Predacon, who looked back just in time to see the Traitor tackle her to the ground.

The yellow and green armored Femme then slashed continuously at Rip-Claw, spilling so much blood as she drove her claws deep into her adversary's chest.

But the Predacon replied by grabbing her enemy's right shoulder and digging her claws in deep, making Ser-Ket cry out in pain while blood spilled out of the wounds.

This made her pause as Rip-Claw then punched her in the face hard with her free hand, knocking the Femme off and back onto the ground. Ser-Ket tried to recover quickly, only for the Predacon to kick her in the face and back to the ground. And then she slashed at her former Sister's back, dragging her claws over the armor and cutting deep into her flesh. This made the Femme grimace and yelp as she felt a sharp white-hot pain in her back, but that was quickly replaced by even more agonising pain as Rip-Claw kicked her in the side several times.

Ser-Ket winced and gasped as it felt like her insides were being destroyed by the Predacon's continuous strikes, it only stopped when the former sister rolled over onto her back which only made the pain feel worse.

Rip-Claw looked down at her adversary, smiling down at the Femme as she withered in pain. So she leaped onto Ser-Ket and pinned her to the spot, holding her arms in vice-like grips.

"You never had a chance, you traitorous wretch." the Predacon said while looking down at her with a self-righteous stare, before she then looked over to the blonde Bot who was only just now beginning to recover as he tried to sit up, no matter how much pain he felt.

"Look at him Ser-Ket, at the Autobot you chose over us." she said with a venomous tone, making the former Predacon look over and lock her eyes onto Quickstrike's as the two just looked at each other.

"Do you realise how weak you have become, how his influence has changed you? When our Lord Galvatron re-awoke us, you were strong like the rest of me..." Rip-Claw said as looked back down at the Femme with pity in her eyes.

"But that Autobot has poisoned your spark, ripping you from the rest of us...your family." she added before looking over at the two Terracons, taking note that they had beaten the other Autobots as Liara and Nightracer joined their Turian friend on the ground with the two Beastials staring down at them.

"You, Soldier!" the Predacon called, gaining the attention of both as they looked over to her.

"Yes, you...come here." she said as she nodded to the Terracon standing on the right, with him nodding back in return before walking towards her as she looked back down at Ser-Ket.

"He has made you weak, of body and mind." she said, as her former sister looked back with a pained and unsure expression.

"Don't listen to her, Ser-Ket." Quickstrike suddenly said, gaining the attention of both her and Rip-Claw.

The former looked back at him with a wide-eyed stare, while the latter merely narrowed her eyes back before turning her attention to the Beastial that was approaching them.

"Restrain him." she said, gaining a nod from the Terracon while Ser-Ket quickly looked back at the Predacon with a shocked and despaired expression.

"He needs to die..." Rip-Claw then said with cold malice to her voice as the Terracon then grabbed Quickstrike by his arms and twisted them behind his back, before lifting him onto his knees and stood over him.

"...and with his poisonous influence gone, the damage he has caused between us will heal. And you can once more be a Sister to me, ...and a Predacon again." Rip-Claw added as Ser-Ket kept her attention on Quickstrike, who struggled against the Terracon's hold which only made it tighten it's grip and growl at him, making him stop and look back at her.

"Ser-Ket, you told me that you never really felt like you were a Predacon in your spark, that you were something else...arrrgh!" he then managed to say before the Beastial's tightened it's grip more, throwing him off his sentence in an attempt to shut him up.

But the Blonde Autobot kept his attention on his lover, looking at her with a determined and yet caring expression.

"...but I don't care what that is...because I love you regardless of any of it...arrrgh!" he cried again as the Terracon inflicted pain on him again.

"Let's silence him for good, kill him." Rip-Claw then said, which made Ser-Ket look directly at her former Sister with a dagger-like stare as her bestial eyes narrowed.

The Terracon nodded back before opening his jaws and lowering them toward the side of the Autobot's neck, readying itself for the kill.

Rip-Claw smiled as she watched, but that expression soon changed to one of confusion as she suddenly felt her hands moving off the floor with they were still gripping Ser-Ket's arms.

She looked down to see the Femme gritting her teeth, and growling deeply as she focused all her strength into her arms, lifting the Predacon away from her.

"Rip-Claw...Get OFF!" she roared before throwing her sister off herself, with the Predacon landing on the ground with a thud a few metres away, which made the Terracon stop and look back in surprise.

But Ser-Ket was quickly back on her feet before launching herself at him, ripping the Beastial from her Lover before sinking her teeth into it's throat and tearing it out, spraying a blood-like liquid onto the floor.

Orion and the others watched with wide-eyed expressions as Ser-Ket turned her attention back to Rip-Claw, while the Terracon bled to death on the floor beside her.

"Rip-Claw, I never felt like I was one of you and certainly not like your sister. But I know now without a doubt, that I am not nor will I ever be...a Predacon." she spat before launching herself at the surprised Femme, who tried to defend herself as the enraged Beastial lunged at her with her claws bared. But Ser-Ket was too much for Rip-Claw, slashing at her arms and legs which made the Predacon fall to her knees in front of her.

"What...?" was all she could say back, while her former Sister looked down at her.

"What? I'll tell you 'what' I want right now. For you to shut up and die!" she spat while grabbing both sides of Rip-Claw's head with an extremely tight grip, that made the defeated Femme stare back with widened eyes and an expression of agony.

Ser-Ket then pulled the Predacon's head right off her body in one swift action, with blood spraying everywhere as Rip-Claw' spine dangled from the underside of her decapitated head.

"Wow." Orion said in a wide-eyed stare, as the former Predacon then held the head in one hand and roared at the top of her voice into the heavens above them all.

It was at this moment, the only remaining Terracon suddenly fell to his knees and bowed his head in what could only be described as a submissive gesture.

"What the hell?" Shen said as he noticed this, while Liara and Nightracer getting back to their feet and joining his side.

Meanwhile, the Terracons battling the Autobots at the nearest edge of the massive ground-war then heard the roar, suddenly stopping what they were doing and looking over to the area it echoed from.

This finally gave those ISF soldiers, made up of numerous member species including Krogans, Turians and Asari, the chance they needed and they took it as one after another, the distracted enemies were taken down.

As that was happening, the younger Darby was still staring at Ser-Ket, his expression was one of both marvel and fear at the sheer ferocity and raw power that he had witnessed from both her and the now-deceased enemy, who's head she was now holding in her hands.

But his attention suddenly changed to his cousin, who had got back to his feet and was now approaching Ser-Ket while still in her beastial form.

"Quickstrike?" he called over, only for the blonde Bot to wave him off.

"It's okay, Orion." he said, as Ser-Ket turned her attention to him.

But despite her almost monstrous appearance, she looked at him with an affectionate stare.


"Are you alright?" she asked as he stood before her, with her larger and more muscular figure overshadowing him.

"Yes, thank you." Quickstrike replied as they pair looked into each other's eyes before leaning in close and touch their foreheads, with him gently stroking her cheek as she closed her eyes and enjoyed his touch.

"I thought I lost you." he said softly with relief in his voice as he let her sweet scent flow over him again, with her sighing sweetly in return.

"So did I." Ser-Ket replied before her eyes widened and she pulled away, turning from him with an ashamed reaction.

"What's wrong?" Quickstrike asked in a surprised tone, while everyone just stood and watched them.

"I don't want you to see me like this." the Femme replied, but then she again felt his touch, as the Bot cupped her face with his hand and gently brought her eyes to his again.

"As I said earlier, whether your beast-like or not. I love you." the blonde Bot said back with a soft and affectionate tone, which made the former Predacon smile back slightly as a single tear ran down her cheek.

"I love you." she said as Quickstrike wiped the tear away before leaning in close, making her do the same until they kissed. And once again their sparks were ignited in the pleasure of being together again, and they wrapped their arms around each other and intensified their embrace.

And as it felt like time was slowing down around them, Ser-Ket calmed down and reverted to her normal athletic human-like figure, which allowed Quickstrike to fully wrap his arms around her.

"Hey, Guys." Shen then spoke, earning the pair's attention as they stopped and looked at him with what the others could only describe as an annoyed stare, which made the Turian feel slightly embarrassed.

"Thanks for the save, Ser-Ket." Orion then said with an appreciative smile, with the Femme giving a nod in return as she looked around at the others, all of who had mirrored expressions to his own.

"Yes….its good to see you again." Liara added before Shen, who was still slightly embarrassed had now turned his attention to the submissive Terracon.

"What is it with this guy?"

This then made the rest of the team look in his direction as he kept his weapon aimed at the enemy, who was still on his knees with his head bowed.

Ser-Ket let go of Quickstrike and began walking over to the Terracon, a knowing expression appeared on her face as she stopped directly in front of him.

This made the soldier, bend down more as though he was frightened of her which did not go unnoticed by Orion and his cousin.

"He's afraid of you." the blonde Bot stated, earning a nod from the Femme.

"He is because I killed his Commander. So he now hopes that I will accept him as my minion."

"You mean it's like with a group of animals, where the strongest leads the group. But if he/she is challenged and killed, then the others will follow the victor...the Alpha." Nightracer asked.

"Yes, exactly." the former Predacon replied.

"Then all we need to do now is kill Galvatron, which should then stop his Terracons and end this conflict completely." Orion said.

"That is correct, Orion…." Ser-Ket replied though Shen sighed in return as he shook his head.

"Why do I feel a…..'but' coming on."

This earned another annoyed look from Nightracer, while Orion and Quickstrike ignored him and kept their attention on the latter's lover.

"It will not be easy." she said in a matter of fact-like tone, earning a nod from the young Darby.

"Yeah, I know. I fought him before."

"And he nearly killed you." Liara replied with a concerned voice, gaining his attention as he looked back and saw the growing worry in her eyes,

"I underestimated Galvatron before, allowed my anger to get the better of me. I will not make that mistake again." he said back, gaining nods from everyone including the Asari.

Though she looked a little more hesitant than the rest, though Orion tried to reassure her with a smile before turning his attention to Ser-Ket and the Terracon.

"Will he help us?" he asked as the Femme looked down at the submissive minion.

"Will you follow my orders?" she asked in a commanding tone, earning a nod from him as he continued to look a the ground.

"Yes, Commander. My life is yours to do with as you wish." he replied.

"Then stand and fight with us." she said, which made the Terracon look up at her and stand back up, earning a smile from the blue-haired Bot.

"Good, then let's get going. I just hope we are not too late." he said before the group started for the tunnel's entrance as Ser-Ket walked side by side with her lover.

"Quickstrike, while I was being held aboard the Nemesis, I found out some rather disturbing truths about my past…" she started to say, making the Bot stop himself and her before he put his hands on her shoulders in a supporting and caring gesture.

"Whatever it is, we can talk about it when this is done.." he began to say while looking into her eyes.

"..but no matter what it is, there is no way that it will change the way I feel about you…..okay?" he added in a soft and loving voice, which made the Femme sigh in return as she nodded back.

"Okay. Thanks, Quickstrike." she said back.

"Come on, before the others think that we are falling behind." he said before holding out his hand to her, which the former Predacon took in her own as the pair carried on to the mountain to catch up with their friends.


Meanwhile, Galvatron was becoming more and more aggravated as he stood and watched Lazerback and the Terracons at his side, fumbling around the ancient wall as they searched for a way in.

"How much longer will this take? We have already been here far too long." the Predacon Lord said in an increasingly angry tone, which made his Lieutenant turn back to him.

"I apologise, my Lord, but there does not seem to be any way into it. The wall is without any gaps or cracks, as the surface is completely intact and without seals. Can't that blade you recovered from Scissio help in any way?"

Galvatron unsheathed the Chaos Edge from the back of his armor and held in before him, but the blade remained dark, not even remotely glowing as it had in the past.

"I do not believe that this will be of hel…" he started to say before finding himself stopping, feeling a familiar presence surround him.

"Look at the Prime, Galvatron. He is the key." Unicron's voice spoke into his mind, making the Predacon Leader turn and look back at Jack.

"Bring the Prime to me." he ordered the two Terracons who restraining Jack, who both nodded before escorting him to their leader. Galvatron then looked the older Darby up and down, wondering what it could be that could help.

"I brought you here for a purpose, now what could it…." he said before his eyes suddenly focused on the dim light, which could just be seen under the Human's shirt.

This made the Predacon Lord's eyes widen as a hopeful expression appeared on his face.

"Of course, your Matrix. Take it in your hands and approach that wall." he commanded while pointing at the metallic blockade ahead of them. But the Prime just stood there, looking back at him with an uncooperative stare.

"Fine, have it your way…." Galvatron replied as he walked past Jack and pointed the Chaos Edge right at Arcee's throat.

"..if you don't do as I say, I will kill your spark-mate. So that she can be reunited with those you have already lost."

"Jack…." the Femme managed to say as she felt the sharp tip of the blade touching the bare skin of her throat, but the Prime shook his head and reached down under his shirt and pulled out the glowing Matrix crystal.

"Alright, don't hurt her." he said in a reluctant tone, knowing that he already had lost his son and did not want to see his spark-mate killed. So he held the glowing crystal in his hand, which then mass shifted into the recognisable gold and silver relic with a brightly shining crystal at its heart.

Jack then sighed before walking toward the ancient wall, with the Terracons and Lazerback stepping aside as he did so. And with every step closer he came, the matrix would shine that much brighter until the hieroglyphics on the wall began to glow brightly as he got closer.

"This is it." Galvatron stated with a dark smile as the mountain was suddenly hit by another tremor, shaking their surroundings as Jack stopped right before the wall which now had all of its writing lit up.

The older Darby then had a look of both complete understanding and dread, fully understanding what this could be.

'I know what this place is now. Primus, forgive me.' he thought as a bright white light suddenly appeared from the top of the wall and went all the way down it's center to the ground in a straight line, before the wall began to separate and reveal a blinding white light that enveloped the entire group and expanded through the tunnel.
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Re: Prime Effect 4

Postby Apollo-XL5 » Mon Dec 07, 2020 1:36 pm

Motto: ""It's all in the reflexes.""
Weapon: Star Saber Sword

When the light died down, everyone walked through the now open doorway and found themselves standing inside what looked like a massive domed hall, which was the size of at least ten combined football fields.

The interior had the same writing decorated on its surface as it had on its exterior, glowing with energy now as though the matrix had given it that sudden spark of power.

Galvatron marveled at the sight now around him as took in every detail of the temple, with its massive curved ceiling overhead.

"This is incredible." he said as Lazerback raised his hand and pointed over to the very center of the hall, at the giant circular pattern on the floor which all of a sudden began to rise up out of the ground, in with a structure to it similar to an Aztec pyramid.

That was what Jack thought it looked like as he and Arcee watched alongside the Terracons, as the ground rose up to at least the halfway point of the height of the entire temple.

The Femme could not believe what she was seeing, her eyes wide as she looked at it.

"Jack, this is amazing. You could fit Omega Supreme on that platform and still have room above him for more." she said before looking over at the Prime, who had a worried expression on his face.

"Jack, what is it you're not telling me?" she asked with a concerned tone, not noticing Galvatron now standing in front of the pair as she looked at the older Darby.

"It's because the Prime here knows what this place is. This is the 'Infinite Combinatoric'." he said, earning the Femme's attention while Jack just looked back at the Predacon Leader with a self-righteous stare though Galvatron just smirked back at him in return.

"It's a place that will give us Predacons our ultimate victory, and all we need is the Matrix of a Prime...namely your Spark-mate." the Predacon Leader added before looking over to Jack and motioning him to come forward, as a staircase appeared on the raised platform, allowing access to its summit.

"After you, Prime."

The one-armed Man sighed as he took the lead of the group, with Galvatron and Arcee behind him.

Lazerback and the other Terracons followed them as the group began walking up the stairs towards the summit while more of the temple started to come to life as Jack held the matrix in his hand before him.

The Autobot Leader was the first to step onto the summit of the circular platform, which itself was at least four football fields in width and length.

And the ceiling was still quite the distance overhead as Galvatron and Arcee joined him, with Lazerback and the soldiers remaining on the stairs.

The Predacon Leader looked over to the center of the platform, noticing a small glowing circle at the very center which began to pulse, and so made the older Darby's matrix pulse in unison.

"Now, Jackson Prime,…." Galvatron said as he equipped the Chaos Edge and pointed at the platform's center.

" and I will walk together to that spot. That is where we will activate this temple and use it for the purpose for which it was built."

But Jack just narrowed his eyes at the Predacon Lord, a knowing look on his face.

"Why? So you can resurrect Unicon, the Chaos Bringer."

This earned a shocked look from Arcee and all the Terracons, including Lazerback as they heard this.

"Unicron." the Femme gasped, not expecting to hear that name again after what had happened twenty-five years earlier.

"My Lord, what is the Prime on about?" his Lieutenant asked with a puzzled expression, which made Galvatron stare daggers back at Jack. But the older Darby just smirked at him.

"Didn't want them to know….did you." he said knowingly, making the Predacon Lord grit his teeth as he raised his arm in preparation to back hand the prisoner.

"Leave him alone!" a voice suddenly called out from the direction of the Temple's entrance, making Galvatron pause as he and everyone in the group looked down at the doorway to see another group standing just in front of it.

The Predacon's eyes narrowed as he recognised Orion and his friends, which made him grip the hilt of the Chaos Edge even tighter while both Jack and Arcee's eyes widened as they saw their son standing there.

"By the All-Spark Jack, Orion's alive!" the Femme said with a disbelieving expression, which quickly changed to a thankful smile that was mirrored on her Spark-mate's face too.

"And he is carrying the Star-Saber." he said in surprise as he looked at his Son who had the ancient Autobot relic in his hand.

But the pair were the only ones in the group that was happy to see him, because the Terracons and Lazerback all aimed their weapons at the Alpha team.

"What the hell is Ser-Ket and one of our own doing with the Autbots?" the Lieutenant asked, though Galvatron did not answer as he simply looked down at the blue-haired Bot, his anger building with every second that passed.

Meanwhile, on the ground, Orion looked up at the summit and saw that his parents were alive, though not well by the tired and beaten look of them, making his spark burn hotter as Liara stood beside him.

"Mum…Dad." he muttered while staring at them, gaining the Asari's attention.

"Your parents are right there, Orion. We can 'still' rescue them." she said in a supportive tone, earning a nod from him.

"Yeah, and Galvatron is going to pay for what he has put them through." he said, earning a concerned look from his cousin who was on his other side with Ser-Ket.

"Don't forget the mission, Cuz." he said, earning a nod from the blue-haired Bot.

"I know…" he replied before glancing at all his friends on either side of him.

" I am going straight for Galvatron." he added, gaining nods from the others as Ser-Ket looked over to him.

"We will cover you." she replied before their attention was caught by the sight of the Predacon Lord pointing down at them as everything went quiet for a moment.

"Crush them!" he then spat, with his voice echoing through the vast temple, as his Terracons began to pull the triggers of their weapons.

"Let's Roll!" Orion shouted in return as he and his team rushed at the pyramid, with Shen staying back to use his sniper-rifle on the enemies who returned fire, showering the Autobots in gun fire which impacted the ground around them causing sparks while the Alpha team continued to run an toward the raised platform.

More than half of the Terracons mirrored them as they ran down to the ground to meet their enemy and stop their advance, while the remaining Cons stayed on the high ground and fired covering shots.

But one after another was taken down by the Turian Sniper's weapons fire, as he could see his friends take on the Predacon soldiers before them.

Galvatron and Lazerback watched from the summit of the pyramid-like platform, with their Autobot prisoners keeping their attention on their son, who they saw charging toward their position with the Star-Saber in one hand and his pistol in the other, shooting down any Terracon who got in his way.

But as he shot one in the leg, making it fall to it's knees so he could cleave it's head off in one move with his Saber.

Three more suddenly rushed him, but before they could pounce, one of their number was suddenly covered in blue energy and then thrown into his comrades, knocking them down like bowling pins.

This made the blue haired Bot glance back to see Liara, seeing the Asari hold up one Terracon with her biotics while stretching out her other hand toward him, a supportive smile on her face.

"Go get them, Orion." she shouted over, gaining a mirrored expression from him.

"Thanks, Liara." he said back in an affectionate tone before turning around to see another Terracon before him, so he cut it down and ran past.

Meanwhile, Quickstrike was busy taking down an enemy with two shots into it's legs, making it fall to it's knees before he slit it's throat with his holo-blade.

He then turned to his left to see Ser-Ket and her Terracon minion in it's beast mode as she kicked another enemy into it's hands, before it then lifted him into the air and tore his stomach out as she shot another in the face with her pistol.

So the bot looked back to his right and saw his cousin nearing the pyramid-like platform as another hulking Terracon stood in his way.

"Ser-Ket, over there!" Quickstrike shouted, gaining a nod from the Femme who gestured to her bestial friend who then threw the heavy body of it's kill at the oncoming Terracon, with it impacting the enemy and sending it crashing to the ground.

Orion looked back and gave a thumbs up to both his cousin and the former Predacon as they then teamed up to fight another enemy that was closing in on them.

As this was happening, Nightracer was close to the blue-haired Bot as she used her holo-Bo staff to trip up a Terracon, who fell onto its back and then ran rammed it through the enemy's open mouth and out through the back of its head.

"Nice kill." she heard Shen say through her com-link, earning a smile from the Femme as she pulled the staff back out and turned to look back at him, smacking another Terracon in the face and sending it onto it's back.

She then gave the Turian an appreciative smile, that he saw through the scope of his rifle before he then looked over to see two more enemies in front of blue-haired friend, as he got even closer to the stairs.

Orion knew he was close as he charged at the two enemies that stood before him and the foot of the pyramid-like platform, so he spun the Star-Saber in his hand and fired his pistol at them both, hoping to hurt them enough for him to finish them up close.

But suddenly, both their heads ruptured as two bullets passed through them, spilling out blood as they fell down to the ground.

So the younger Darby looked back to see his Turian friend and saluted him before running up the stairs.

"I've got you covered, Orion." Shen replied as he then shot down the last two remaining Terracons who stood on the slope either side of the Spectre, who then began running up the stairs while his friends were still tied up in fighting the remaining enemies, though Liara managed to catch a glance of her Lover while stopping another Con with her biotics.

'Good luck, my love.' she thought before slamming it down onto the hard ground.

Both Jack and Arcee watched their son as he started up the stairs, and they could not help but smile as they felt nothing but pride for their child.

Though their attention was then cruelly snatched away as Galvatron grabbed both of them while he looked over to his Lieutenant.

"Lazerback, kill him!" he spat as he started to drag the parents towards the circular platform's center, gaining a nod from the Predacon who then looked back down the stairs at the young Bot.

He then roared before his body transformed into its bestial mode and launched himself at his enemy, bolting down the stairs at the Autobot.

But Orion was over a quarter of the way up the stairs when he noticed this, so he dropped his pistol and grasped the Star Saber's hilt with both hands and held it over his head, concentrating on it as the blade began to glow.

And just as Lazerback got close enough, he launched pounced at the blue-haired bot who then swung the saber down in front of him and sliced the Predacon in half, killing him instantly as both halves of his body fell either side of the young Darby who continued running up the stairs unhindered.

"Wow." Quickstrike said as he caught the moment while looking up at his Cousin, who then reached the top of the stairs,

"Galvatron!" Orion shouted as he ran towards the Predacon Leader, who turned round and looked at him with a disbelieving stare which quickly changed as he smirked back.

"Very well…" he replied while casually pushing both Jack and Arcee to the ground either side of him and re-equipping the Chaos Edge, taking a defensive stance as the Bot got closer.

"…show me what you've got, Boy." he added as Orion began to swing the Star-Saber at Galvatron's head, as the Con quickly brought his blade up to block it.

But just as both swords were about to touch, suddenly the entire Temple became enveloped in a plasma storm.

Green and Orange energy bolts shot through the structure and hit every single person currently engaged in battle, knocking down Liara, Quickstrike, Ser-Ket, Nightracer and Shen as well as any Terracons still standing.

They all cried out in pain as the energy hit them and passed through their bodies, causing them to fall to the ground and spasm with wide-eyed stares as they saw the storm rage around them.

At the summit of the pyramid-like platform, Jack and Arcee were on their knees when they saw the colourful bolts of energy suddenly envelope themselves and Orion and Galvatron.

But only the two combatants were struck by the bolts, earning similar reactions as the pair fell to their knees and dropped their blades.

Both the Prime and his Spark-mate watched in both surprise and disbelief as the storm continually hit their Son and the Predacon leader, it was as if it was intentionally taking pleasure in causing them pain with each bolt.

But the storm was not confined to the interior of the temple as it completely surrounded the planet Virmire in all its entirety, its bolts of energy quickly bringing an end to battle both on the ground and the one in orbit as the lightning hit each and every ship on both sides, as well as the troops on the ground.

While his friends had been quickly subdued by the bolts of energy, Orion gritted his teeth and tried to get onto his knees while reaching over to the Star-Saber, and Galvatron did the same with his own weapon as he kept his attention on the young Bot.

"You're…not… have…this day,…Galvatron." the Spectre managed to say without biting his tongue as he gripped the hilt of his weapon, but just as he tried to get back to his feet which was extra difficult because all of his being felt as if it was on fire.

He was suddenly hit by another bolt of energy.

"Arrrragh!" he screamed before falling down onto his back, earning a look of anger and regret from Galvatron as he gripped the hilt of the Chaos Edge and got to his knees.

"No….I….will….not…be...denied!" he spat while holding the blade up in the air as if he was ready to strike, but it was for nothing as another green and orange bolt of energy struck it, passing the energy down into the Predacon Leader and cause him to seize up.

"Nooooo!" he cried before falling back onto the floor, leaving Jack and Arcee as the only two people unaffected, like they were of no interest to it.

"Orion!" Arcee shouted in a concerned tone while attempting to move to her injured son's side, while he lied motionless on the floor.

But Jack stopped her as he suddenly saw two pairs of bright lights looking down at them from just below the ceiling.

One pair of these lights was orange and the other was green, keeping their focus on what was transpiring on the summit's surface.

"They look like optics." the Prime said aloud in a fearful and yet curious tone, earning his Spark-mate's attention as well as those of the lights, which appeared to look down at them.

"Fleshings, your fighting here has ended!" a female voice suddenly boomed from the green optics, which could be heard not only in the temple but all over the planet.

Orion managed to open his eyes despite the pain, and looked up at the optics staring down at them.

"We only have one question before we destroy you?" a male voice spoke angrily from the orange pair of eyes, which appeared to narrow as they looked down at them.

"What have you done to our 'brothers'?" he asked before everything suddenly went dark around the Bot as though unconsciousness had taken him.


All of a sudden, the fire and pain that Orion had felt encompass every fiber of his being was gone and replaced by a calmness that felt alien to him.

The Bot found it difficult to describe, but he felt as though he was either floating with his arms and legs stretched out in the middle of a lake or floating in an anti-gravity arena.

"It is time for you to open your eyes." the female voice suddenly spoke out of nowhere, breaking the Spectre's calmness and making him open his eyes.

"What the?" he said in a confused tone as he quickly rose up to his feet, finding that there was nothing but darkness around him.

"Orion!" a familiar voice suddenly spoke, making the blue-haired Bot spin around to see Liara standing there looking just as lost as he was.

"Liara!" he replied as the pair quickly pulled each other into a hug, taking what little comfort they could in the fact that they were real.

"I was in so much pain, more than I thought possible." the Asari said, gaining a nod from Orion as he held her close.

"Me too." the Bot said back as she then looked over his shoulder with a wide-eyed expression.

"Orion, your parents." she said, making him pull back and turn around to see both Jack and Arcee standing there.

"Mum, Dad!" he exclaimed as he then left Liara and ran over to his parents, his lover watching him with a thankful smile as he first hugged his Mother.

"Orion, thank the All-Spark you're alright." the Femme replied before pulling away so that he could then do the same to his Father, which earned a surprised but loving expression from Jack as they hugged.

"It's good to see you, Orion." he said back with a proud tone to his voice.

"You too, Dad." the Bot replied before they separated, which let their Son see the damage that had been done to his Father.

"Wait…are you?" he started to say, as concern filled his voice as he looked down at the stump which was all that was left of Jack's arm.

"I'm okay…but we have bigger problems right now." he replied as he looked around at the darkness surrounding them.

"Who is this, Orion? She looks familiar." Arcee then asked as she looked at Liara with a curious expression, which made the blue-haired Bot gesture to the Asari to join his side.

"This is Liara, we are…" he began to say before his father suddenly cut him off, unintentionally so.

"I feel like I have been here before, or at least somewhere similar." he said aloud, gaining curious looks from the others.

"What do you mean, Dad?" Orion replied, trying to refocus on the matter on hand as now was not the time to introduce his parents to his girlfriend, while his Mother gave Liara a reassuring and yet perceptive smile.

"Well last time, the surroundings were crystallized and not in this state of darkness." the Prime said back, gaining a nod from his Spark-mate.

"You mean when you spoke to…" she started to say before another voice spat at them from behind.

"You Bastards!"

Everyone spun around to see Galvatron standing behind Orion and before anyone could react, the Predacon Lord thrust his fist into the Bot's chest.

"Orion!" Liara cried out, as she was found wrong-footed and unable to help.

But in that instance, everyone including the new arrival had looks of confusion on their faces as Galvatron's fist had passed right through the Autobot Spectre as though he was a hologram or a ghost.

"What in the pit!" he spat as he pulled his fist back out and stepped back from the blue-haired Bot.

"There will be no violence committed by anyone as long as you are all in this place." the disembodied female voice suddenly spoke out, as the two pairs of green and orange balls of light appeared overhead, looking down upon the group.

"No one tells me what to do!" Galvatron spat before the orange pair of eyes narrowed at him angrily.

"You will do exactly what we tell you to do, Abomination." he spat back, gaining curious looks from both Jack and his Son as that last part of the voice's sentence did not go unnoticed by the pair.

But then a look of understanding suddenly appeared on the Prime's face as he took a step forward, looking up at the lights as Arcee gave him a worried expression of her own.

"Jack, be careful." she said, but her spark-mate ignored her as he stood under the glowing eyes.

"You're Aeons, aren't you?" he asked with an insightful tone.

"You know of our kind?" the female voice spoke back from the green orbs.

"Yes, I knew Primus." the Prime replied, which made the orange eyes narrow as they stared daggers back at him.

"And you killed him, didn't you?" the male voice spat, making Jack take a step backwards, taken aback by what was just said.

"No, I didn't." he replied.

"Do not lie to us, we heard our 'brothers' screams and traveled here to this galaxy, following what remained of their individual life-forces. And what do we find, that you carry the last of Primus around your neck, and that which is left of Unicron has been blended with the life-force of this abomination here." the male voice continued to rage, making everyone look at Galvatron who just stared angrily back but remained quiet.

"What do they mean,….abomination?" Liara asked, before Jack looked at the Predacon Leader.

"He's a clone, a clone of Megatron. That's it, isn't it." he said, making Galvatron grit his teeth and narrow his eyes at the Prime.

"You and your entire Predacon army, except for the Mercs of course,….are clones." he continued, making their adversary step towards them and point his finger with anger building up in his spark.

"Clone or not, I have taken a hold of my own destiny and shaped it in a way that Megatron never did." he spat back.

"And you did this with Unicron whispering in your mind, we can him even now." the female voice spoke from the green lights, while the orange ones floated down to eye level with Jack and Galvatron.

"They have yet to answer our question, what happened to our Brothers?"

"And we will tell you. But first, who are you?" Jack replied.

"My name is Garuda and this is Vok." the female voice replied as the lights remained over head.

"We are Aeons as you have already guessed. And we are here to find out what happened to our brothers Primus and Unicron, since this galaxy was under their joint guardianship." she added, gaining a nod from Jack as the others listened though Galvatron looked as if he had heard enough.

"Yes, and we find their last embers here at this mechanism which is of our technology." Vok said in return, earning a curious look from Orion.

"What does this place do exactly?" He asked and before the Aeons could speak, his father stepped in.

"Orion, from what I can gather..." he started while holding the Matrix in his hand.

"...this place or 'Infinite Combinatoric' as Galvatron called it, was built by Solus Prime using knowledge given to her by Primus. Its exact purpose is to resurrect a deceased Aeon using a remaining piece of it's CNA, or that of a sibling or another family member." the Prime replied.

"That is correct." Vok said, regaining the two Darby's attention.

"You know of us through the knowledge that this piece of Primus has granted you." he added as his orange glowing eyes focused on the Matrix, gaining a nod from the Autobot Leader.

"Yes, it carries the knowledge and wisdom of not only Primus, but also that of his Primes."

"Primes? We do not know of that term." Garuda replied with a curious tone.

"Then perhaps you should see for yourself." Jack said back as he held up the matrix for the Aeons to see, but then Galvatron suddenly stepped forward and held up his arms.

"Please, mighty Aeons, do not fall for this Autobot trick. They wish to deceive you from what is really happening here." he said, gaining the attention of both pairs of lights as they looked at him.

"Then by all means speak and enlighten us, prove that you are more than an Abomination." Vok replied, which made the Predacon Leader smirk a little as he glanced over to Jack.

"As you already know, I carry the remaining slither of Unicron's essence within my spark. I am doing this not because it just happened to be, but because it is my destiny to do so. To bring the aeon back to life after his own brother and those that followed him brutally ended his life, just when he was about to bring great change to the galaxy."

"That's a lie!" Orion spat, which made his father old out his hand to him in a restraining-like fashion, though all this did was make Galvatron smile back at the blue-haired Bot before returning his attention to the Aeons above him.

"I am here to use this temple to revive Unicron, and for that, I require the last part of his traitorous brother's spark...that Matrix." the Predacon Leader added as he pointed to the glowing crystal relic in Jack's hand.

"But even if what you say is true, none of it makes sense." Garuda replied with an unconvinced tone.

"Our way has always been to watch over and nurture life in the galaxies, not make any changes to it. That has never been our way, ever since the great tragedy..." she started to say before trailing off, which Orion noticed and looked curiously at.

'What great tragedy?' he thought while Vok looked down at them.

"But we did arrive here to find the two parties fighting over this place. Perhaps what the Abomination said is true, that Unicron was betrayed by Primus. They did not always see eye to eye on all matters."

"When do we ever make decisions without knowing both sides of the story first, Vok?" Guaruda said back, with everyone below them just listening and waiting.

"Of course you are right, Garuda, we need to know the exact details."

Then both Aeons turned to the two leaders, Garuda with Jack, while Vok looked at Galvatron.

"Will you let me see our fallen brother's memories, please?" the female asked, earning a nod from the Prime in return.

"Of course." he said back, before holding out the Matrix to her.

"I am going to enter your spark and witness Unicron's memories, you will feel some discomfort." Vok said to the Predacon Lord, who nodded and held his out his hands T his sides.

"If that is what you require, then do it."

Then both sets of lights merged into two separate energy streams, with the green one flying into the Matrix crystal and the orange one flew directly into the center of Galvatron's chest, which made him grimace and spasm for a long moment.

The Aeons minds mixed into the two remnants of their brothers, their thoughts and memories joining until everything was revealed to them.

Images and sounds flowed over the minds of both Karuda and Vok, enlightening them on the eons that had passed between the two Brothers. And a long moment later and it was over as both Aeons remerging from both the Matrix and Galvatron, with the Predacon stumbling backward a little as he readjusted himself.

"We have seen enough, and find that there is only one option for you to take." Garuda said as she and Vok looked back down at the group, earning looks of trepidation from Liara, Arcee, and Orion while Jack simply remained calm.

"And what is that?" he replied with a curious tone, gaining a similar look from Galvatron as he kept his attention between the Prime and the Aeons.

"Your sides have fought over this place for the right to use it, and we have decided that your battle should continue." Vok said back, earning a smile from the Predacon Leader.

"Excellent, I shall have more troops here momentarily…" he said while raising his hand to his ear-piece, only for the green lights to shine down on him brighter.

"You will find that impossible, nor is it necessary." the female Aeon replied, gaining an angered and confused expression from him.

"What do you mean?"

"We have already neutralized the forces of both your sides and we are now communing with you via your minds, which we have joined temporarily." Vok carried on, as Orion looked at his parents and Liara, before turning his attention back to the Aeons.

'I wonder why the others aren't here?' he thought.

"We can hear everything you can think of." the Aeon added, making the blue-haired bot stare back with a wide-eyed stare of surprise.

"Oh..okay, so…?"

"They were not necessary for this conversation…as you called it, so they are all left unconscious. The ones called Jackson Prime and Galvatron were chosen because they are the bearers of the remaining life-forces of our Brothers, you yourself were chosen because you wish to save the Prime and stop your enemy. The Females called Liara and Arcee were chosen because of how important they are to you and him." Karuda said, gaining curious looks from Orion's parents, making them look between their Son and the Asari.

"Yes, Liara is very important to me…" he said back in both an affectionate and determined tone, which made Liara smile back as she watched him.

"…so know that we know why we are here, what happens now?" he continued.

"Your conflict will be concluded, but the only combatants will be Primus and Unicron's bearers, in a fight to the death." Vok replied, which made Orion, Arcee and Liara stare back in a wide-eyed look of shock before turning their attention to the Prime, who nodded in return as a content expression appeared on his face.

"….Very well."

Galvatron simply smiled, as though he knew that his victory had just all but been guaranteed, though Orion quickly walked in front of his Dad and held his hands up to the Aeons.

"No, wait. You can't choose my Dad." the bot said, stealing the thunder from his mother who no doubt was about to say the same thing.

"Orion…" Jack replied as he placed his hand on his son's shoulder, gaining his attention as the blue-haired bot turned and looked at him with a worried and concerned expression.

"It's okay, this is my job,…remember?"

"No, you are in no condition to take on Galvatron in a fight to the death…" Orion started to say with his voice heavy with emotion, before turning back to the Aeons.

"…you can't ask or order him to do this."

"If he is their choice, who are we to question?" the Predacon Leader cut in, gaining a narrowed eye stare from the Bot, who clenched his fists tightly.

"Nobody asked you." the blue-haired young man said back, while the green lights focused on him.

"But Jackson Prime is the bearer of Primus, who would you have take his place?" Garuda replied, which all of a sudden brought a thoughtful expression to Orion's face as he looked ahead.

"Orion…?" Jack asked as he attempted to gain his son's attention, but Liara saw the look on her Lover's face and began to shake her head slightly as she knew what he was thinking.

"I'll take his place." the Spectre said, earning wide-eyed looks from all there, including Galvatron, though his expression was more of surprise than the trepidation that was clearly written on the faces of the Asari and his Mother.

"Are you sure?" Vok said back in a questioning tone.

"Orion,…" the blue-skinned woman said in a quiet and fearful voice as she moved to his side, while Arcee looked at Jack to do something. But as Orion turned round to face his parents with a content and determined look on his face.

"I won't let you fight and die in a battle that you had no chance of succeeding in…" he said while glancing at what was left of his Father's severed arm, before his eyes then met Jack's as the Prime stared back with a look of understanding on his face.

"..I have to do this. I mean, I can carry the Star-Saber after all. That has to mean something?" the Bot added, gaining a nod from the older Darby.

"Alright." he said while smiling proudly at his son, placing his remaining hand on the younger bot's shoulder.

The young blue-haired man then looked at his mother, who looked as though she was fighting to keep the tears at bay as her eyes began to well up.

"You look after yourself out there, you hear me. Don't even give 'him' an inch." the Femme said, her voice full of emotion as she gestured toward the Predacon Leader, who had crossed his arms while waiting for the fight to start.

"I promise." Orion said before he and his Mother then hugged, the blue-haired woman holding him tightly as though she never wanted to let him go.

"I love you, Orion."

"I love you and Dad." he said before glancing to his Father, who nodded back."

"Same here, Son."

The Spectre then let go of his mother and turned to face Liara who had a single tear running down her cheek, so he stepped in close and wiped it off with his thumb.

"Orion…" she started to say as he leaned in close until their foreheads almost touched.

"Ssshh, it's going to be alright, Liara." he replied in an attempt to calm her down, though she simply looked him in the eye with a disbelieving stare.

"The last time you faced Galvatron…..he almost killed you."

The bot's parents watched as their son and his lover talked, while the Aeons remained overhead and watched them all.

"I already said I won't make the same mistakes as last time. Do you trust me?" Orion asked in a quietly confident and calm tone, earning a nod from the Asari who looked down, only for him to gently lift her face back to his with a finger on her chin so that their eyes met each other again.

"So trust me now." he added before gently pressing his lips against hers in a kiss, which made Arcee's widen a little as she watched before the pair pulled back enough to look at each other again.

"I'll be back before you know it." he added with a lop-sided grin, one which made Liara smile back gently before he turned away and faced the Aeons.

"I am ready." he said in a calm and accepting tone, while ignoring the smirk that Galvatron was giving him from a few feet away,

"So you will fight for Primus, while Galvatron fights for Unicron." Vok then said, earning a nod from both Men.

"Yes," they answered in unison while the Bot's parents stepped beside his Lover and watched.

"We will power up the 'Infinite Combinatoric' in preparation for the victor." the male Aeon continued as Garuda looked down at the two men.

"Let the fight begin." Garuda added before everyone was suddenly enveloped in a blinding white light.


Orion opened his eyes to find himself standing at the outer edge of the pyramid-like platform, and immediately his attention was caught by the sight of the Temple around him, which was suddenly alive as energy vibrated through it's walls and up into the ceiling.

But as his eyes followed the energy up, they widened as he found that the ceiling was no longer there.

In fact, the mountain which had been overhead was now broken up into large chunks that were floating in the air above, being held up by the bolts of energy shooting out of the walls of the temple.

"Wow…" he whispered in disbelief as he then saw the Matrix floating at the very center of where the ceiling used to be, being held in place by four beams of energy which were being emitted by the four quadrant points of the structure.

It appeared to be powering the temple, which looked more like a giant mechanism now then it had before, but then he was pulled out from his thoughts as he looked down from the platform to see Liara and his parents alongside the others, who were watching from the safety of the ground.

He nodded at them before turning back around and looked over at the center of the circular platform, slowly walking toward it as he glanced up to see the cloud building over the floating mountain chucks and energy bolts that ran through them.

The night had fallen over their side of Virmire and yet he could just make out both the green and orange sets of glowing eyes, knowing fully well that the Aeons were still watching.

"Orion!" a voice suddenly called from the other side of the arena, which made the bot look in that direction to see Galvatron standing there with his Chaos Edge in hand.

"So all that stands between myself and Unicron…is you, this is going to be too easy." the Predacon Leader taunted, though the blue-haired bot simply stared back as he unsheathed the Star-Saber from the back of his armour, holding it at his side.

"No, not this time, Galvatron. You are going to pay for every atrocity you have committed, that is a promise." he replied in a determined and yet calm manner, which made Galvatron's smirk grow a little wider in return.

"Then by all means….give me your best shot…,Boy!" he spat back before holding his blade with both hands and running at the Bot, making Orion hold his blade just behind him as he did the same.

He then quickly ran out of the view of his friends and family who watched from below, earning a fearful sigh from Liara, who might have said a prayer for her lover had she been religious.

But as the Combatants charged at each other, quickly lessening the distance between them as they sprinted.

Galvatron quickly moved his blade behind him in preparation to swing it at his foe, but Orion just kept his own ready behind him as they both entered attacking range, which made the Predacon swing his weapon at him only for the blue-haired Spectre to suddenly dive into a roll as the blade cut through the air above him.

"What!" Galvatron spat as Orion quickly sprung back to his feet and spun around with his blade, making his adversary quickly bring up the Chaos Edge to block it.

The two then clashed their swords several times, causing small red and blue sparks with each hit before the Autobot deflected one hit and punched the Predacon Leader in the face, making him step back slightly.

So Orion smirked as he then concentrated and spun around on the spot, making the Star-Saber glow blue before he then hit Galvatron square in the chest and sent him flying through the air to the far side of the platform.

The Predacon hit the floor hard and felt a burning pain under the chest-plate of his armour, making him grit his teeth as he forced himself back to his knees.

'What in the pit was that?' he thought before suddenly feeling the need to look up and saw Orion swinging his glowing Saber down upon him, so quickly brought his own up in time for their blades to clash, which resulted in a blue energy wave expanding out from the pair and quickly absorbed by the walls of the temple.

Galvatron then pushed the Spectre back, forcing him to stumble slightly as the Predacon got back to his feet.

Then both Bot and Con then charged into each other again, dueling with their blades for another long moment before the Predacon managed to kick Orion in the chest and send him onto his back a few yards away.

"Let's see how you like it!" Galvatron spat before he held up the Chaos Edge, which began to glow red as the blue-haired Bot got back to his feet.

"Take this!" he roared before swinging the blade around and unleashed an energy wave that hurtled toward the Autobot, but Orion quickly raised the Star-Saber over his head as it glowed a bright blue again while he focused and brought it down just in time to cut the wave in half, passing by him harmlessly.

As the energy hit the walls behind him and again was absorbed into the mechanism, the blue-haired Bot suddenly felt weak as though that one action with the blade had drained him somehow.

But before he could process any of it, Galvatron was suddenly right in front of him and punched the Spectre hard in the chest which knocked the Autobot to the ground hard, making him drop the Star-Saber which clanged loudly as it followed suit.

"You are putting up a better fight than last time, Boy." the Predacon Leader then said as he stood over the young Darby, looking down at him with what almost looked like respect.

"...But you must have known that you would not stand a chance against me, so…yield and I can promise you a swift death?" he added, gaining Orion's attention as he looked up at his adversary.

"What? So that you can bring back Unicron and unleash chaos over the galaxy…..never!" he spat, making the Predacon Lord stare back with a surprised but angered expression.

"...I will never yield to you! Not now! Not ever!" he added while raising himself onto his knees, while Galvatron glared down at him.

"Have it your way then, but know that I will make everyone you care for suffer terribly before I kill them…" he replied with a knowing look, which the Spectre could guess who he meant.

'My family and friends…..and Liara!' he thought, which made his spark burn with anger as the bot looked into the red eyes of his enemy.

"….starting with you!" Galvatron continued before thrusting the Chaos Edge down at Orion, who just managed to move aside just enough for the blade to miss him and embed itself into the ground.

This made the Predacon's face suddenly show a shocked expression as he tried to pull the sword from the ground, but it was quite deep as Orion calmly got back to his feet and looked back at him with a slight smile.

"My turn…" he started to say before placing one foot onto the Chaos Edge and used it to launch himself into the air and jump kick the Predacon Lord in the face, making him stumble back as the blue-haired Bot landed and took up a fighting stance as he remembered the martial arts training that he had learned from Master Prowl.

"Why you little…"Galvatron started to say in an enraged tone before he was suddenly stopped by a fist to the face, as Orion took advantage of the situation and launched himself at the Predacon.

This made his adversary recoil but then the blue-haired Bot punched him in the stomach and again in the face, making Galvatron spit out some blood as he stumbled back again before the Spectre then hit him with a roundhouse kick to the same spot, which knocked him to the ground. Then as the Predacon Leader attempted to get back to his feet, while his bruised face stung from multiple hits. Orion quickly picked up the Star-Saber and began to charge it again.

" will pay for…." the Clone began to slur before his sight focused enough to see Orion charging at him with the bright blue Saber, but could not move fast enough as the Autobot slashed him again, sending the Predacon flying back across the arena and hit the ground hard on the other side.

Orion then stood on his side of the platform where his family and friends could see him as they looked up from their position at its base, while he watched Galvatron pick himself up yet again.

"Galvatron, you can end this quickly if you just use my power and your beast mode together." Unicron's voice suddenly spoke, echoing in the Predacon Leader's mind as he looked at his enemy.

'Very well.' he thought before he suddenly roared to the heavens as his body began to deform and change right in front of the Autobot's eyes, which widened as he took note of what was happening.

'Oh ****..' he thought while down on the ground floor, Ser-Ket could not help but recognise the roar that echoed throughout the Temple, earning a worried look from the Femme which was noticed by Arcee and Liara.

"Oh no." the Asari whispered as she clenched her hands in worry.

"I will have your spark!" Galvatron then spat as he in his beastial-form charged at Orion, with the Choas Edge in one hand and his other being extremely sharp claws. This made Orion dive into a roll as he got out of the way, just as the Predacon was about to strike which just angered his enemy even more as he turned around.

"Fight me!" he roared while lunging with the Chaos Edge, which the blue haired Bot managed to deflect with his own Saber. But Galvatron then swiped the Autobot's chest plate, cutting through it and ripping some flesh which made the Bot grimace.

But even as the sharp burning pain throbbed in the wounds, the Spectre stood his ground and managed to block another attack from the enraged Predacon Lord as he deflected the Chaos Edge and also his claws in a quick motion.

But the young Darby had now found himself on the defensive consistently as Galvatron just kept coming, and with each and every attack, he began to glow with a purple hue which just seemed to make him stronger as each of his blows and strikes felt like being hit by a wrecking ball.

Despite his best efforts, Orion was being quickly weakening from the heavy hits and strikes that Galvatron was dealing to him, despite deflecting each and every one of them, for it felt like each successful block was tiring him some more.

"He is nearly beaten. Finish him, my Herald….now!" the Chaos Bringer said with a joyous tone as the Predacon Leader managed to slash the Bot's cheek, spilling blood as he was forced to stumble back into view of his friends and family.

They saw him stumble and this made everyone's eyes widen as they helplessly watched the Predacon then hit Orion in the chest with his fist, making Orion nearly keel over.

"Orion!" Liara and Arcee shouted in unified horror as the Bot stopped himself from falling by using the Star-Saber as a stop-gap.

Galvatron smirked as he then prepared to hit the young Darby again, who looked virtually beaten as he breathed heavily.

But just as he threw his punch, the Spectre suddenly brought his remaining strength to bare and swung the Star-Saber up, slashing the Predacon across his chest.

This action brought cheers from his Parents and friends who were watching from behind him as well as a cry of pain from Galvatron, who was now bleeding from a wound across his chest.

"Enough!" the Clone then cried out as he clenched his fist and back-handed the bot so hard, it spun him around to face his friends and family who looked back in horror as he dropped the Star-Saber which fell down the side of the pyramid-like structure with several loud clang-like sounds.

Everyone's eyes widened in shock as they then witnessed Galvatron raise the Chaos Edge up behind the bot and thrust it through his back, making it burst through his chest as the blue-haired Spectre then cried out as his nervous system was overloaded by a white-hot pain that was simply too much for him to take.

"You lose!" Galvatron spat as he then twisted the blade while it was in the Autobot's chest, making the blood pour out more which made Orion stare down at the sword that was sticking out of his chest.

His eyes widened at the shock of it before he started to feel extremely weak as everything around him started to darken as the last of his life bled away.

But as darkness began to take him, the last sound he heard was Liara screaming his name before everything went silent.
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Re: Prime Effect 4

Postby Apollo-XL5 » Wed Jan 06, 2021 12:08 pm

Motto: ""It's all in the reflexes.""
Weapon: Star Saber Sword

Liara stared up at the summit of the pyramid-like platform, her eyes wide and full of grief as she saw Orion Darby, her friend, her Lover being run through by Galvatron's blade.

And at that very moment, all sound around her was drowned out by the beating of her own heart, not even registering her own voice as she cried out Orion's name, due to feeling like that same heart was in the process of being ripped from her body which made the Asari feel numb all over.

She suddenly tried to move toward the platform but was stopped as both Quickstrike and Shen had grabbed her arms and held her back.

"Liara, you can't help..." the blonde Bot said whilst a tear ran down his face, his voice full of emotion.

"He's right." the Turian replied in a mirrored tone, as Nightracer and Ser-Ket just looked on in complete shock.

Jack meanwhile was holding an inconsolable Arcee, tears flowing freely from her eyes as she sobbed into his shoulder.

He too had tears running down his cheeks as he looked up at the Predacon Leader, a look of pure hate and grief in his stare to which their enemy only smirked back before sliding the Chaos Edge back out of the blue-haired Bot, letting his limp body fall back onto the platform's cold metallic floor.

"I win!" he then roared up at the heavens while walking toward the center of the platform, before pointing his sword up at what he sought, knowing that the Aeons were watching.

"Now if you would be so kind, my Aeons. Give me the Matrix!" he added with an evil smile, which was met by the glowing Autobot Relic suddenly floating down to him very slowly.

But Galvatron just stared at it with a gleeful hunger as he held his outstretched hand to it, eager to feel it in his grasp.

'At last, our destiny is in our hands Unicron.' he thought feverishly, as he felt the Chaos Bringer's presence once more.

"Yes, my Herald. The age of Chaos is upon us." he replied in a hopeful tone.

Meanwhile, Liara had just witnessed her Lover's body casually dropped to the floor by the Predacon Leader, before he walked out of sight.

This combined with been held back by her friends finally pushing her over the edge of grief and into anger.

"Let go of me!" she spat as her biotics flared, covering her body in a blue glow which gave both Quickstrike and Shen a painful shock.

"Oww!" they said in unison as they released the Asari who bolted up the stairs to the pyramid-like structure's summit, not giving a damn that she had just hurt her friends.

This had gained the attention of both Jack and Arcee, with the Femme looking up at the summit before her desperate expression returned as she faced her Spark-mate.

"I…want to see him." she asked in an almost pleading like tone, with more tears ran down her already soaked cheeks.

"Alright." the Prime replied as the pair began to walk over to the pyramid before he looked back at the others.

"Stay here." he said, earning understanding looks from all but Nightracer, who had a mirrored look to her former Lover's Mother.

"Please…stay." he added, gaining a nod from the Femme as she looked down at the ground.

'I know Nightracer and Orion were close, but this is diff…..' he tried to think but found his thoughts wavering as his own grief threatened to overwhelm him completely, so he looked away from the others and instead helped Arcee up the stairs.

As the pair ascended up the stairs towards the summit, the trepidation of knowing what they were about to see when they reached the top hung over them, making their spark/heart sink further into despair.

But they continued upwards, for they had to see their son with their own eyes, no matter how painful it would be.

When they reached the summit, Jack could see Galvatron near the arena's center with his hand outstretched towards the Matrix which was descending towards him.

The Prime's attention then fell to the body lying only a meter or two away, earning a gasp from Arcee who started to sob again as she turned and pressed her face into his chest.

Jack, though, kept his eyes on the body of his dead son as another tear ran down his face.

"Oh, Jack,…tell me… it isn't… so." the Femme stammered between sobs, but all he could do was hold her as he watched Liara on her knees and leaning over Orion's body.

"This isn't how it's supposed to end?" he muttered faintly.

Liara lifted Orion's upper half of his body from the ground and pulled it into an embrace, his limp head resting on her shoulder as she wept freely.

"You can't be dead! You just can't. I don't believe it, not after…." she said in a grief-stricken tone, as her tears continued to flow.

"…you said you had a destiny. How can this happen if it was true?" she added as she then lay her head on his and just held his body close, feeling how cold his skin was to touch.

"I need you, my Love." she whispered.

Orion opened his eyes to find himself staring at what looked like a beautiful night sky, one without a cloud in sight as the thousands of stars that filled it were shining back brightly.

'Okay, that's pretty and all. But where did the temple go?' he thought to himself before getting into a sitting position and noticing that the ground beneath him looked and felt like crystal.

The Bot then continued to look around to see that his entire surroundings, including the mountains in the distance were all crystalline in their look.

It all looked so beautiful to Orion, but then his thoughts were suddenly drawn back to himself as he instantly remembered what had happened only a moment earlier, quickly placing his hand on his chest to feel the wound that Galvatron had caused him by running the Chaos Edge through the Bot's chest.

'What the?' the young Darby thought as he ran his fingers over the spot on his chest, but found nothing. The chest-plate of his armour had the damage, but his skin underneath was perfectly fine.

'How is that possible?' he thought with a confused expression as he stared down at his chest, only for his mind to come up blank. So he got to his feet and took a better look at his surroundings, but everything was crystalline as far as the eye could see.

"Where am I?" he said in a worried and confused tone.

"You are with us." a deep commanding and yet noble voice spoke, which made the Bot turn around to see that he was no longer standing there alone.

For thirteen giant beings stood there before him, all of them looked like the Cybertronians he had learned about as a child.

The same ones that his own mother used to look like before taking on humanoid form with the Pretender Tech.

Each one of these thirteen looked to be wearing some sort of armour, though they all looked different from one another.

One Cybertronian floated above the others while surrounded by an energy field, while another had a pair of wings on their back.

But they all stared down at Orion with their blue optics, making him feel more than a little nervous as they towered over him.

'They are the Thirteen.' he thought as one of them, a Bot who had blue colored legs and a red torso stepped toward him and knelt on one knee.

His armour looked more like the exterior of one of Earth's large ground vehicles, and Orion's eyes widened as he recognised who it was.

"You're Optimus Prime." he gasped, gaining a nod from the former Autobot Leader as he looked down at the young Darby.

"Yes. And you are Orion Darby, Son of my good friend Jackson Prime. The rest of the Thirteen and I have watched you for your entire life, observing the decisions and choices you have made."

This made Orion gulp as he looked up at the Prime and listened, feeling the optics of the others watching him as he stood there.

"You have been watching me, why?"

"Because before Primus sacrificed himself to defeat Unicron and his Reapers, he chose two people who would succeed your Father as the next Primes. And the first was to be you."

The blue-haired Bot could have sworn that his spark stopped beating for a moment after hearing that sentence, taking a deep breath as his mind began to fill with questions.

"Me? I don't understand. I mean…I guess I kind of do, since I can hold Star-Saber, but….why me?" he asked in a humbling tone, but Optimus just looked back at him with a knowing smile.

"I know you feel that you are not worthy of being a Prime, neither your Father nor I wished for such a fate either for ourselves either. But it is the choices made on our journey through life that shaped who and what we are. And like us, you have shown that you are courageous and willing to sacrifice yourself for the protection of all. These are the traits of a Prime, making you worthy to carry on our legacy."

The young Bot nodded back as he gave the Prime a serious look, pushing aside the doubts that had plagued him through out his life.

"Very well, I will accept this honour with all that I am." he answered in a stoic tone, earning a nod from Optimus and the others.

"You will now become the new Leader of the Autobots, you shall continue to lead and protect this galaxy in Primus's name, though that is not all that you must do, but there is not enough time to explain that. So wake up now and take the Matrix in your hands….and rise…..Orion Prime." the older Bot said, while a bright light started to surround Orion, blinding him as everything went white.


Back in the temple, Liara continued to hold Orion close before she suddenly felt his chest rise and fall, making her eyes widen as the Bot suddenly opened his eyes and take a breath.

"Orion!" he gasped as she pulled away just enough to look at him, gaining his attention as he looked into her eyes. Arcee and Jack both looked down at the pair, complete surprise and relief on their faces as they saw their son.

"Hi." Orion said, almost making the Asari and his Parents' mouths drop in return.

"Hi?!" she said back in total surprise before pulling him back into a warm embrace, the blue-haired Bot returning it in kind as Jack smiled back at Arcee.

But before any more could be said, the younger Darby pulled away from his Lover, who noticed his expression becoming more serious.

"I have a job to do." he said in a cryptic manner, which made her and Arcee look back with a slightly confused stare.

Jack, though, knew what he meant as the two gave each other a knowing look as his Son got back to his feet. Everyone watching from the ground saw this and breathed a collective sigh of relief as they looked up and saw this.

Meanwhile, Galvatron was completely oblivious to what was happening behind him, as his attention was focused on the Matrix as it descended towards him.

"At long las..." he started to say as the Matrix was just inches from his grasp, when it suddenly changed direction and floated past him.

"What?" he spat in confusion as he turned around, his eyes following it like a Hawk.

That was when he spotted Orion, who was standing at the platform edge with his hand outstretched towards the relic as it moved towards him.

"Impossible!" the Predacon Leader exclaimed as he unsheathed the Chaos Edge and started running at the Bot.

"Guys, stand back." Orion then said, earning a nod from Liara and his Parents who backed away as they watched him.

But just as the Matrix came within his grasp, Galvatron leaped and swung his blade down at him.

"No!" he exclaimed in desperation as he brought the blade down on him, but just as the Chaos Edge came within a centimeter of the Autobot.

The Matrix floated into his hand, causing Orion to become engulfed in blinding white energy, one that knocked the Predacon Lord onto his back with a grunt as he dropped the Chaos Edge.

But no one else was even slightly interested as they were all focused on the blue-haired Bot, who they could barely see through the blinding white light that had surrounded him, making them shield their eyes with their hands.

Liara, though, kept her fingers separated just enough to peek through despite the light's strength, and could just make out the silhouette of her lover while noticing that the armour that he was wearing was in the process of being transformed.

And then in the blink of an eye the light vanished, and there standing before them all was Orion in a familiar and yet new version of the Prime armour.

It had a dark navy blue colour, and was still very sleek and lightweight in it's design.

The recognisable red stripes with their thick silver outlines remained, still running down his arms from the new more sleeker shoulder guards all the way to his gloves.

And on center of his chest plate was the Silver Autobot insignia with Red outline.

"Wow." the Asari said, as she and the others looked back at him in awe. The blue-haired Prime then held out his hand to the Star-Saber, and the sword suddenly rose off the ground and into his grasp, with his grip tightening around it's hilt as it's blade began to glow a bright blue.

He then turned his attention to Galvatron, staring at him with a stoic expression as the Predacon Leader got back to his feet.

"This is the end of the road for you, Galvatron." Orion said, earning a hateful glare from his adversary as he picked up his blade.

"I killed you once…, Boy! Prime or not,…I will do it again!" the Predacon Lord spat as he lunged at the new Prime, who deflected the attack with the Star-Saber.

And for a long moment, the two clashed their blades multiple times.

Though this time, Orion was the more focused and controlled one as his adversary was becoming more desperate.

But then Galvatron attacked with an overhead strike, which the young Darby stopped by raising his weapon up to block it before following through with a kick to the Predacon's stomach, making him stumble backwards as he grunted.

Everyone watched as the clone recovered and attacked the Prime again, their blue and red blades clashing several more times before the young Darby spin kicked Galvatron in the face, sending him down to the ground hard,

"It is over….surrender." the blue-haired Bot said in a serious tone, but the Predacon shook his head as he got up again and charged at him.

"Never!" he exclaimed in a fanatical tone as he attacked with both his claws on one hand, and the Chaos Edge in the other.

Orion, though, was way ahead of him as he dodged one attack and deflected another, before spinning around and unleashing an energy wave that hit Galvatron and sent him flying across the arena.

"That's our son, Jack." Arcee said in a proud tone and smile, earning a mirrored look and nod from the older Darby as they and Liara watched Orion walk over to the Predacon, who was again picking himself off the ground.

"This was my destiny!" the Clone spat as he thrust the Chaos Edge at the Prime, but the blue haired Bot dodged it as he threw the Star-Saber in the air and grabbed Galvatron's attacking arm and twisted it, making him drop the blade before the Prime then back-handed him with his free hand.

The Predacon was spun around by the force of the hit, while Orion reached up and caught his own Saber again after it fell back toward him, before looking back at his adversary.

"You don't get it, Galvatron…" he replied as the clone turned back round and stared daggers back at him before leaping back at him with claws bared, roaring as he did so.

But Orion in a calm and professional manner, thrust the Star-Saber forward and impaled the Predacon Lord through his chest, making him spit up blood as he had a shocked expression on his face.

Jack, Arcee and Liara had similar expressions on their faces as the others joined them from the ground floor, watching as Orion had given Galvatron the killing blow.

But even with an audience watching, the new Prime just looked the Clone in his eyes with a stoic and honest expression.

"…you never had a destiny." he added before twisting the blade while it was in Predacon's chest, making him grimace in pain as he looked down at it.

"And you have something that doesn't belong to you…." the Prime then said, which then caught Galvatron's attention as he looked back with a worried expression.

"….time to give it back." the blue-haired Bot finished before ripping the blade from the Clone's chest, making his blood spray out and pour down his chest as he cried out in pain, before falling to his knees in front of Orion.

Then as everyone watched, a purple glowing swirl of energy began to seep out of the Predacon's chest, making all but the new Prime stare back with widened eyes.

"That's Unicron!" Jack said as the remnant started to float up towards the floating parts of the mountain, which were being held up there by the bolts of energy striking them from the temple and for one instance, the entire group could swear they heard the fading echo of a voice coming from the energy.

"Noooooo!" the remnant cried out as it suddenly stopped between the two Aeons, before finally fading to nothing in the light shone from their glowing eyes.

"No…, Unicron, that was my….des..tiny.!" Galvatron managed to say with a defeated expression before his eyes glazed over, his body then went limp and slumped to the ground in a heap.

"Farewell, Galvatron." Orion said with a stoic tone as he looked down at the corpse, and breathed a sigh of relief.

'It is finally over.' he thought before simply blinking, to which his eyes then widened in surprise. For he was no longer standing in the Infinite Combinatoric, but was back in the crystalline world and surrounded by the beauty and marvel of the glacier like mountains and vista.


"Optimus?" he called out while looking at his surroundings, but there was no answer as the Bot could see that he was alone. All he could hear was the sound of a breeze blowing through the air around him.

"Where is Optimus?" he said to himself before another voice spoke behind him.

"Optimus was here?"

The blue-haired Bot turned around to see his father standing there, looking back at him with a curious expression.


"Yeah it's me…" the older Darby replied as he looked around at their surroundings with a smile, marvelling at the sight once more.

"…you know, I always knew I would see this place one more time." he added, which made his Son look back with a questioning expression.

"What do you mean by that?"

But before the former Prime could answer, both their attention was diverted to two bright orbs of light that suddenly appeared on their right side.

"So it is done, the remnant of our Brother has chosen his next Disciple." Vok spoke as his orange orb shifted into the form of a humanoid, though one that looked more like a Cybertronian.

He had orange and black robes with armoured shoulders and forearms, as well as armoured boots.

His optics were bright orange and he also had a small metallic beard, which he stroked as he looked at Orion.

"Yes, everything now is exactly as Primus wanted. Just like we witnessed in his thoughts and memories." Garuda replied as her green orb shifted into a wise and noble-looking femme, with green and silver armoured robes covering her athletic figure.

Her optics were a bright green, which gave the Father and Son a curious stare while they looked confused at each other.

"Uh, excuse me. But what are you talking about?" the blue-haired Prime asked, which made Jack shake his head in return.

'My son needs to learn to be more respectful around the Aeons.' he thought, whilst Vok looked back at Orion.

"This insolence must be a trait of the young, and if you had not already impressed what remains of Primus, I would seriously consider punishing you for that disrespect."

"But Orion Prime does have a legitimate question, Vok. One that we can answer." the female Aeon replied, before looking back at the blue-haired Bot.

"You must understand, Orion. Before we came here, we have not had seen either Primus or Unicron, not since before what was left of our species separated to watch over our chosen galaxies."

Both Jack and his Son stood and listened as Garuda continued, ignoring the unsure stare coming from Vok.

"When we reached into the remnants of both, we saw everything that they had done since they had taken to watching over the Milky you call it. We saw their disagreements that led to Unicron taking it upon himself to rid the galaxy of the weak, what he turned himself into to achieve it. And we saw Primus's solution, the creation of the Cybertronians and their Primes. We witnessed their war and the creation of the Reapers and everything else that happened up to this very point, including Primus's pain at watching his creations fight while Unicron's Reapers obeyed him, doing exactly what he had commanded them too. For a while it looked as through he was correct, with his Reapers wiping out the weak whilst assimilating the strong into their numbers every hundred thousand years. Because Primus's idea of free will and cooperation was failing as his Cybertronians continued to war with each other..." she said while turning her attention to the horizon.

"...but that changed when his creations brought their conflict to a small unassuming planet, called Earth." Garuda finished, allowing Vok to take a step toward both Jack and Orion.

"Here a chaotic young organic species, one of many that Unicron would have wiped out in a spark-beat, was pulled into the Cybertronians conflict. But having learnt so much from their own Wars and bloody history, helped to end the eons long feud and bring Primus's children back together. And then the new friends and allies went out into he galaxy and helped the rest of its inhabitants cooperate with each other, just as our Brother would have wanted. And he saw great potential in Humanity for the continuing legacy of the Primes." Vok said before looking at Jack.

"That is why he chose you to be the first of a new generation of his disciples, because you were the best of your generation." he continued as Garuda looked at Orion.

"Once we saw all of this, we knew that we could not interfere. That we had to let the Matrix choose it's next bearer, and so we let you and the abomination called Galvatron fight. Because we knew that you would be the eventual victor, succeeding your Father in the process." she said, earning a nod from Orion in return.

"I see, but how did you know that I would defeat Galvatron? I mean, he killed me."

"He did so by using the power that Unicron had given him, but you fought him regardless. Willing to put your life on the line to protect others, exactly as Primus would. This along with your natural ability to lead others made you the right choice to become a Prime, just as he had foreseen." Garuda replied, earning a nod from Jack as he stepped beside his Son proudly.

"I too had seen that in you, Son, throughout your life. With how you were always the leader amongst your friends when you were younger, the many occasions you ended up being in charge as an adult. And yet you walked away from every chance of promotion given to you, well...before the Normandy."

Orion though turned to his Dad, giving him a curious look.

"But, Dad, there is more to it. I mean, it's as if you already knew what my life was going to turn out like?" he said, but the older Darby shook his head in return.

"I..always had a feeling that you were meant for more than you were aiming for Orion, that's part of being a parent." he said back in a hopeful tone.

"Orion, what your father does or does not know is not for him to reveal. Because no one can know what their destiny is going to be, for they have to experience it for themselves." Vok said in return, while Jack looked over to the nearby glacial mountains with a thoughtful expression.

'It was more than just a feeling I had though I can't for the life of me remember.' he thought as the blue-haired Prime kept his attention on the Aeons.

"Alright, so you ended up believing in me as Primus did. But how did you know I would win?" he asked.

"With the power that we Aeons possess.." Vok began to say, earning a regretful look from Garuda.

"Power that we paid a heavy price to obtain." she replied, earning a thoughtful nod from the male Aeon.

"Yes, but still. We now exist as beings of energy, with the ability to transcend space and time. After we viewed our brothers' memories, we took a look into the future….both the imminent and far." Vok added, earning an understanding nod from the Prime.

"So, you saw that I would be brought back and just let fate play its hand."

"Yes." Garuda replied.

"Okay, so what happens now?" Orion then asked.

"Now you are the Leader of the Autobots, it is your duty and calling to continue to help shape the future of this galaxy. But.." Garuda began to explain, gaining a curious look from Orion.

"But?" he asked.

"..we have also seen what Primus was planning for when he created the Primes, for it was not just to defeat his brother Unicron and lead the others." the female Aeon added.

"It was also to prepare for the return of a threat that we Aeons have long since believed was gone, but Primus knew better for he had seen it within Unicron's behaviour." Vok carried on, as both Primes listened intently.

"What is that?" Orion asked.

"It is a very powerful force that once threatened not only the galaxy, but the entire universe itself." the orange Aeon added in a cryptic tone as a sudden gust of wind blew through the area they were standing in, earning an uncomfortable look from the younger Darby.

"Well, that's ominous." he said before returning his attention back to the Aeons.

"This dark force is the result of a mistake that we made long before we took on these forms, it is the reason we chose to watch over the galaxies of this universe." Garuda replied.

"You mean in how you obtained this power that you now have?" Orion asked with a curious tone, earning a nod from her.

"Yes, that is correct. You certainly are an inquisitive creature, Orion Prime." Garuda said back.

"It is not yet time for everything to be revealed to you, though all we can say is that we made ourselves silent guardians to the universe, in an effort to make up for the damage that we had done." she added as look of regret appeared on her face.

"But it seems that we have still failed in that regards, for we did not foresee this great darkness's return."

"But Primus has, and his solution is you and the 'Trinity of Primes'." Vok then said as he looked directly at Orion, who just stared back at them with a curious expression.

"I saw that in the Convent of Primus. What is that?" he asked, but both Aeons gave him a knowing look in return.

"As we said before, Prime, you cannot know all that is meant to be and what will be." Garuda replied, gaining an understanding look from the blue haired Bot as he sighed.

"Yes, I know. I have to experience it."

"Now it is time for you to return to your plane of existence, Orion, but you visit this place and see us again when the Trinity is called upon. We cannot tell when that will be or more about what you will face, but we believe that you will be ready when the time comes. For with you becoming a Prime, you have already begun to connect the Trinity together." Vok then said, earning a nod from Orion before he suddenly felt everything around start to fade away.

"Until we meet again." Garuda said, and then the new Prime was gone. Now only Jack was left, standing with the two Aeons.

"For you though, Jackson Prime, we can tell you that this is the last time that you will see this place." Vok said, earning a nod from the older Darby before he took another look at his crystalline surroundings.

"I don't know why, but I had a feeling that this might be it." he replied with a tinge of disappointment in his voice.

"We know you do not truly remember what has already transpired, but we have seen the future and can tell you that your part in this is now over." Garuda replied.

"So, you have you seen how this will all end?" the former Prime asked, giving them a curious expression.

"We have seen to a point, time is forever fluid. But you have done exactly as you were meant to, so you can now go back and enjoy the rest of your life…you have earned it." the female Aeon continued, to which Jack gave them a thankful smile and nodded back before giving the place one last look, another disappointed expression appearing on his face.

"What is it?" Vok asked, curious to why the Human was looking around.

"I just thought that I might have seen Optimus one last time, since I know that he and others exist in this plane."

"Your friend and mentor will always be with you, Jackson Prime, but now it is time for you to leave."

"Okay, so….Goodbye." Jack replied with a wave, earning a nod from both Aeons as everything slowly went white around him.

"Farewell." Garuda replied as they faded into the bright white light as it enveloped the older Darby.

PRIME EFFECT 4 - Epilogue

Suddenly Orion found himself standing over Galvatron's corpse as if nothing had happened, which made him take a breath and sheathing the Star-Saber on his back before looking up to see his dad standing just away from him, an extremely proud look on his face as he smiles and nods to him.

Jack then looked to his son's right, making the blue-haired Bot turn and see his mother smiling at him as she walked up to him, wrapping her arms around him in a loving embrace before he could even react.

"By the All-Spark. Orion, I am so proud of you." Arcee said as she hugged him tightly, earning an embarrassed but mirrored smile back as he returned the hug.

"Sorry to scare you like that." he replied while noticing Quickstrike, Ser-Ket and the others smiling back at him as his Mother pulled away enough to look her Son in the eyes with a knowing expression.

"You would think I'd be more used to this by now, like father like son." she said back with a smile before her attention was drawn to over the new Prime's shoulder, making her let go of him and step back.

"Anyway, I believe there is someone who wants to see you." Arcee said before gesturing to him, which made Orion turn around and see Liara standing there just away from him. His eyes widened as he instantly left his Mother's side and walked over to the Asari, while Arcee just sighed as Jack stepped beside her and took her hand in his, earning a happy smile from her before they watched their Son go to reunite with his Asari lover who was walking towards him too.

"Orion." Liara said as they stopped right in front of each other, earning a smile from the Bot as she looked him up and down.

"Yeah." he replied while she placed a hand on the chest-plate of his Prime armour, and looked up into his eyes with a relieved expression.

"I thought I lost you earlier.." she said, which made Orion take her hand in his as he looked her in her blue eyes.

"I'm sorry about that, I promise it won't happen again." he replied with a lop-sided grin, which made the Asari smile back as she pulled him into an embrace.

"Yeah…like you can make that promise, come here." she said back with a tinge of a teasing tone in her voice as the two embraced.

"I love you." Liara then said as they held each other close, making the Bot's spark heat up as he rested his forehead against hers.

"I love you too." he replied before they then kissed, both losing themselves in the moment as they pressed their lips together.

But then the moment was spoilt as Orion's com-link activated, making the Bot pull away and tap his ear-piece.

"Orion, this is General Obsidian. I don't know what you guys did in there, but you should come and see this." the voice on the other end said, making the Prime look at everyone else.

"What is it, Cuz?" Quickstrike asked as the others joined the pair.

"Time we left, Autobots…lets roll." he then said in a commanding tone, which gained nods from the rest of the team.

But Jack and Arcee just gave each other knowing smiles as they followed their son and Liara down the stairs and back to the ground.

"What about this temple…and the Chaos Edge over there?" Nightracer asked, which made the blue-haired Prime place his hand on the center of his chest plate as he felt the matrix underneath.

"I'll have the fleet bomb this location from orbit and completely destroy it. I have a feeling that is what Primus would want." he replied, earning a confused look from Liara as they reached the bottom of the stairs.

"Are you sure that is good idea, Orion? I mean the historical importance of this place alone…" she began to say, only for the Bot to cut her off with an understanding look.

"I know. But once this place is gone, there will be no chance that anyone could ever again attempt to resurrect Unicron. We should make sure of that."

"I agree with Orion." Jack seconded as he and Arcee stood beside him and Liara, earning a nod from the Asari in return.

"That does make sense." she replied, which made the younger Darby turn and give her a slight smile.

"Yeah, but before we do though. I will have the Normandy take thorough scans of this temple so that we at least have something of it on file to be studied."

This made the Asari look a little less disappointed, before smiling back and gently squeezing his hand in her own affectionately. the way." the blue-haired Prime said as he looked over to his parents like something important had just came to mind.

"Mum, Dad, this is Liara T'Soni….. sorry for the delay." he said with a slightly embarrassed tone and look, but his parents just smiled back as they left the temple and walked back up the tunnel.

"No need to apologise, Orion." Jack said back whilst gently shaking his head.

"Yes, the end of the galaxy totally gets you out of jail when it comes to introducing your girlfriend to us." Arcee added with a lopsided grin, before holding a hand out to the Asari.

"It's very nice to meet you, Liara. Welcome to the family. Though, we have met before, haven't we?" the Femme asked, earning a nod from Liara.

"Yes, we previously met back during the Reaper War, on Thessia, when we worked together. It is an honour to meet you again."

This earned a smile from both his Parents, as Arcee suddenly left Jack and walked along-side the Asari.

"Liara, since this is a long tunnel. I thought we could have a chat as we walk it, get to know each other a bit more." she said in a friendly manner, which made her smile and nod back.

"Sure, I would like that."

Then both women began to walk away from Orion, which made him stare back with a confused look while his Father joined his left and his Cousin on his right.

"Bad move, Cuz. If you think that having your Ex hanging out with Liara was trouble, now she's making friends with your mother." Quickstrike said with a grin on his face, earning a nod from Jack.

"Yeah, Quickstrike is right there..." his dad said as they watched the women walking together ahead.

"Same thing happened to me when your mother and Grandmother were friends." he added as Orion watched while Arcee said something to Liara that he could not make out, but then the Asari burst into an uncontrolled laughter.

This made the Bot's spark sink a little, as he could only guess what his Mother had just said.

"Oh great!" was all he could say as the group continued back up through the tunnel towards the light.

PRIME EFFECT 4 - Epilogue

After leaving the remains of the mountain and walking back past the smoldering wreck of the Nemesis while moonlight shone down from the clear night sky, which was full of twinkling stars too.

Liara, Arcee and even Nightracer were talking and laughing as they walked together, while Orion, Jack, and Shen followed as the Father and Son had unsure looks on their faces.

Meanwhile, Quickstrike and Ser-Ket were lingering just a bit further back as a curious expression was on the Femme's face.

"I guess once your mother wakes from her coma, I will be getting this treatment that Liara is receiving now from Orion's Mother and Ex?" she asked, earning a nod from the blonde Bot as they walked hand in hand.

"Yeah, I was told she should be waking up any day now. But thinking about what I said earlier now. I probably shouldn't have taken the mickey out of Orion now." he replied with a slight smile, while the former Predacon looked at him with an unsure expression.

"I wonder how she will react to the fact that I was among the enemy ranks and had a part to play in…." she started to say, making Quickstrike look directly at her with a caring but serious stare.

"I have already said that will not matter, you were not physically a part of the attack. You and the other Predacons were pretty much brain-washed to follow Galvatron…who turned out to be nothing more than a Clone. You even questioned the tactics and needless slaughter, the fact that you turned away from them and helped us to end this war…" he said as they stopped and he held her hands in his, while looking into her eyes.

"…that is what it important, not the least that you saved my life. That is what my Mother will care about, so please stop worrying about it." he said, earning a sigh from the Femme who nodded back.

"Alright, but there is something about me that you should know. Something I found out while I was being held prisoner aboard the Nemesis."

Quickstrike just looked at her with an affectionate smile, as he remembered that she had tried to tell him this earlier only for him to stop her. It was true that whatever had happened in her past was not going to change what he thought of her now. But if she needed to get it off her chest, he wasn't going to stop her anymore.

"What is it?" he asked in a gentle tone.

"I found out that I am not a Predacon since I was not cloned like the others. I was, in fact, originally a Decepticon…" she said before stopping abruptly with that final word, gaining a curious look from her lover.

"A Decepticon….but who?"

"Her name was Strika." the Femme replied, as the blonde Bot recognised that name as his expression changed to a thoughtful one.

"I remember reading about her in history class when I was a kid. She was considered a monster who disappeared early in the Civil War."

Ser-Ket took a breath and sighed before looking to the ground as he said that line, making the Autobot realise what he had said as he gently raised her face back to his with a finger under her chin.

"I am sorry, Ser-Ket, but she is not you. Not even by a long shot."

"I know…" she started to say as a single tear ran down her chin, to which Quickstrike wiped it away with a finger gently.

"…I only had a glimpse of her memories and while they did feel familiar, they ultimately appalled me and I think I know why." she added, which made the Bot stare back curiously as he listened.

"Shockwave told me that the Decepticon I was had volunteered to have her CNA spliced with that of a Predacon, in the hopes of creating a hybrid of sorts. But he later found that the sample was not Predacon, but was from 'another faction'." she continued.

"Another Faction? You mean...Maximal?" Quickstrike then said with a knowing look, which earned a confused expression from the Femme.


"When you let yourself get captured, so we could escape from Omicron,.." the blonde Bot said, trying to not remember the pain he felt in that moment.

"…you told us to go to Cybertron. Well, we did and found what we thought was a Predacon down in the mines under Shockwave's facility. Except he was not one of them at all."

"What was he?" she only asked in return, keeping her eyes focused on her Lover as she listened intently.

"He called himself a Maximal, an enemy of the Predacons and his name was Onyx Primal."

This made Ser-Ket's eyes widen as though something had switched on in her mind.

"Was he that big black dragon that I saw fly into the Nemesis with Predaking?"

"Yes. Onyx sacrificed himself to give us the opening we needed to get to the mountain." the blonde Bot said with a sad tone as he remembered his friend, the Femme noticed this and gently squeezed the Bot's hand affectionately.

"I am sorry, Quickstrike. But if he had not done so, then we may not be here now. I understand why he did this, for I did it myself…and I would do it again." she replied, earning a nod from him.

"Yeah…" he replied as a thoughtful look appeared on his face.

"…Remember when we were on Omicron, and you told me about your dreams."

"Yes, I remember. I thought they might have been memories…." she started to answer as she thought about it.

"…in fact, when I saw Onyx Primal as you call him. I felt that I had seen him before."

Quickstrike then gave his lover a knowing look in return.

"Perhaps you did..." he said back with a slight smile.

"…I mean since your CNA is not Predacon but in fact Maximal, then that means you are actually the latter, I think that explains a lot." he finished as he put his arms around his lover and embraced her, with Ser-Ket doing the same as she enjoyed being in his arms.

"Okay, you're right. I don't have anything to worry about." she confessed with a smile as they looked into each other's eyes.

"I told you." he replied with a lopsided smile as they leaned in close.

"I love you, Quickstrike." the Femme said in a soft voice, which made the Bot's spark tingle in return.

"I love you." he replied as they almost kissed.

"Hey, Guys, you should see this." Shen then shouted back, snapping the pair out of their moment as they looked back at the Turian who was waving them over to him and the others.

What it is,,, it?" Quickstrike asked as he Ser-Ket rejoined the others, but stopped with wide-eyed looks at what they and the rest of the group could see. For in front of them was the remaining soldiers of the Autobots and the Terracon forces of the now defeated Predacons.

"What are they doing?" Jack asked they all looked upon the enemy troops, who were down on one knee with their heads bowed while the remaining ISF soldiers stood there in confused surprise.

"Take the words right out of my mouth.." Orion replied before his attention turned to General Obsidian, who was walking up to them and looking the blue-haired Bot up and down curiously.

"So, Spectre Darby, I assume that you are the new Prime?" he asked, gaining a nod from both him and his father.

"That is correct, General. My son now carries the Matrix and has succeeded me as Leader of the Autobots." Jack replied proudly.

"Well, congratulations…, Sir…" Obsidian said back with a nod, before looking back out at the Terracons.

"..but I assume you noticed this." he added.

"Yeah, what are they doing?" the Prime replied in return with a curious tone.

"Well, they just stopped fighting and knelt all of a sudden. Their ships even stopped fighting up in orbit over the planet." the General explained, earning a curious look from Shen.

"What? Even the mercenary cruisers?"

"No, the former Omega ships retreated as soon as the Predacons own ships stopped. I don't know what to do with them, should we just shoot them?" Obsidian asked, which made Ser-Ket step toward him and Orion.

"No, there is no need for that." she replied, making everyone look back at her.

"Who is this?" the Autobot asked.

"This is Ser-Ket, she is a former Predacon who turned against Galvatron and helped us defeat him both here and back on Omicron." the young Darby said back with respect in his voice as he gave her a smile.

"I see. Well, can you explain what they are doing?" Obisdian then asked, with the Femme looking between him and Orion.

"They have surrendered because you have killed Galvatron, they are now awaiting your orders." she replied, gaining a thoughtful look from Liara.

"Just like you said earlier when that Terracon joined us after Rip-Claw was killed."

"Exactly, Liara..." Ser-Ket replied before looking back at the Prime.

"...The Terracons are nothing more than weapons. They have sentience, but are completely loyal to their Alpha, which now is you….Orion Prime."

This made Orion take a breath as he thought about what she just said, while Shen and Quickstrike made their voices heard.

"They could come in handy, might not want to just 'off' them like that." the blonde Bot said, gaining a nod from their Turian friend.

"Yeah, they are nearly unstoppable too."

The blue-haired bot gave them both an appreciative nod, before looking back at his dad and the General.

"I will support any decision you make, Prime." Obsidian then said, so Orion looked back at the Terracons with a thoughtful expression before a slight smile graced his face.

"Okay…" he replied before walking between his team and the remaining armies, with the Autobots recognising his Prime armour and saluting him in return.

While the Terracons all just stood and looked at him in a synchronised movement.

And suddenly the Bot felt a little out of his element as he felt everyone's eyes on him, but he looked back at his friends and family who all gave him encouraging smiles back.

'Okay, lets do this.' he thought as he activated his holo-tool and synced his com-link to the Predacon ships in orbit, before looking back at the Terracons.

"My name is Orion Prime and I am the new Leader of the Autobots. I defeated and killed the one you called Galvatron, and now I want to know what you will do now that your Master is gone." he said in a stoic and commanding tone, one that Jack and Arcee were rather proud of as they watched.

"We are here to serve you, our new Master." they replied in unison, which gave chills to Orion's friends as they watched him.

"Very well, and you will follow any order given in my name?" he asked, and they all nodded again in unison.


"In that case, Ser-Ket will lead you….in my name." the blue-haired Bot said as he pointed up at the Femme, who looked back with a surprised expression as the Terracons turned to face her.

"Ser-Ket will be your Commander, and I assure you that she speaks for me. Will you follow her in my name?" Orion continued as he looked back at the beastial troops.

"Yes, we will." they replied as the Prime gestured for her to join him, making the Femme leave Quickstrike's side and walk down to him. And as she did so, the Terracons suddenly dropped to one knee and bowed their heads again.

"Commander!" they replied, earning a shocked nod from Ser-Ket before she turned her attention to the young Darby.

"What are you doing?"

"I can't think of anyone more qualified to lead these soldiers." he replied while looking at her stoically.

"But I am not a Predacon." she replied, earning a smile from Orion.

"Then that makes you a Maximal, doesn't it." he said with a knowing tone and look, which made her eyes widen more.

"How did you….did you hear us?" she asked in shock, thinking that he had somehow heard her and Quickstrike's conversation, but he simply shook his head in return as he continued smiling.

"No, I didn't. But after working with a Maximal, you remind me more of him than any of the Predacons I have met."

This made Ser-Ket smile back as she sighed in return.

"Well, I guess I am a Maximal."

"Good, so will you lead these troops for me? I am counting on you." he replied, gaining a nod from the Femme.

"Yes, I will." she said, which made the Prime smile back.

"Then, by all means, command your troops."

Ser-Ket then faced the Terracons, who were looking at her and waiting for what they should do next.

"Terracons, stand down and revert." the Femme commanded, and the soldiers nodded back before shrinking back down to their human-like forms.

Prime, I have the Apollo on my Com-link and they report that the Predacon ships have received and acknowledged Ser-Ket's order." Obsidian stated, earning Orion's and Ser-Ket's attention.

"Good, now let's get everyone on the transports and back up to the fleet. And once everyone is on board, have the ships' target and destroy this temple." the blue-haired Bot said as he pointed at the Infinite Combinatoric in the near distance, earning a nod from the General.

"I will inform Admiral Hackett of your orders, Sir, again...congratulations." he then said before saluting Orion and walking back to his troops.

"Okay, Autobots, we are leaving. Let's move out." he commanded as he joined them.

"Terracons, please follow the Autobots back to the transports. Thank you." Ser-Ket added, gaining nods from her new troops as they bowed to her before turning around and following the rest away, leaving her and Orion as the rest of their friends joined them.

"I think you going to be fine as the new Prime, Orion." Quickstrike said as he patted his Cousin on the shoulder.

"Yeah, that armour suits you." Nightracer added, earning a smile from the Bot as he looked first at his parents who looked back proudly and then finally to Liara.

"Thanks, now let's go home." he said before tapping his com-link.

"Orion to Normandy."

"This is Rodimus, I hear congratulations are in order." the Commander said back.

"You have heard already?" the young Darby asked with a slightly disbelieving tone to his voice.

"Yes, we have, and I can't think of anyone more deserving, well done." he said back.

"Thank you, Rodimus, now could you send us down a shuttle please and give the temple a full detailed scan with our sensors?"

"I'll have Jetstorm do it right now, and as for the shuttle, it is already on the way. I'll see you in a few minutes, Normandy out." the Commander replied before ending the link, leaving Orion and the group to watch as the Autobot transports began lifting off the ground and flying back up into the sky.


It had been almost forty minutes since their shuttle had docked with the Normandy as it continued to orbit Virmire with the rest of the fleet, and Orion, Rodimus and Jack had gone to the Communications room to speak with Autobot Command.

This left everyone else to talk amongst themselves in the CIC, while they waited for the others to return.

Liara was talking with Arcee and Red-Alert, while Nightracer and Shen spoke with Quickstrike and Ser-Ket.

The blonde Bot was looking very happy as he deactivated his holo-tool and returning his attention to the others.

"I have just been communicating with my Mum, she is now awake and waiting to see me." he said with a happy relief in his voice, which made Arcee turn and look at him with an equally relieved face.

"My sister's okay? Thank the Allspark. That is great news." she said in an ecstatic tone, earning an appreciative nod from him in return.

"Mum is looking forward to seeing all of us…." he started to say before returning his attention back to Ser-Ket.

"…especially you, Ser-Ket." he added with a loving smile, which made the Femme mirror his expression in return.

"I am looking forward to meeting her too." she replied as she took his hand and gently squeezed it affectionately.

"So, Liara, I hope you and Orion will be able to stay with us at the house for the next few days?" Arcee asked as she returned her attention to the Asari, earning a nod from her.

"Of course, I'd love too. And I know Orion would want to spend some time with you both as well."

This made the Femme smile back before everyone's attention was drawn to the elevator as its doors opened and out came Jack and Rodimus, with the Autobot still in his hover-chair.

"Where's Orion?" Liara asked with a curious tone, gaining the former Prime's attention.

"He is just finishing his conversation with the Federation Senate and Autobot Command, and should be down in a few minutes."

"And we have been given confirmation from the Apollo that the Infinite Combinatoric has been destroyed, but not before we took some very detailed scans of the temple." Rodimus added, as the Turian looked at the pair.

"So now that Orion is in charge of the Autobots, I guess that means he has a choice of which ship he wants as his flagship?" Shen then asked with a knowing look, earning everyone's attention.

"I wouldn't be surprised if he waited for the next Battleship class to be built, I am sure they will still build one after the Nemesis." Red-Alert replied, though Nightracer shook her head in return.

"I don't know, I think he might prefer the one he has already." she said with a knowing tone to her voice, earning nods from Liara, Quickstrike and Arcee. Which in turn made Jack smile.

"He has chosen the Normandy, and Autobot command acknowledged this." the Prime said, making Shen look at Rodimus with a puzzled expression.

"What's going to happen to you then, Sir?"

"I will be staying on as Orion's XO, he requested so." the Commander replied.

"Really, Rodimus? I thought you might have now settled for a desk job now?" Quickstrike teased, earning a smirk from the Elite Spectre as he looked up at him.

"Why? Because I am in this hover-chair, still? I'll be out of it in another few days, and I will never go for a desk job anyway." he said, earning a smile from Jack.

"Besides, I wasn't going to turn my back on my friend. He needs my help and I am happy to oblige him." Rodimus continued.

"Plus Orion is a young Prime, younger than I was when I took on the role. It makes sense for him to have his mentor by his side still." the former Prime added, while Arcee smiled at Rodimus.

"I am glad that Orion will be able to count on you to help him still." she said, earning a nod from the Commander as he smiled back appreciatively.

"My experience and knowledge have and always shall be at his disposal." he replied, which gained a knowing smile from Quickstrike.

"As will we as his close friends and colleagues," he said, which made everyone smile as Rodimus then turned and faced the crew members currently working around the team.

"Anyway….Orion's already given the rest of the fleet the order to leave for Earth, and they are waiting on us to lead the way so…" he said as he tapped his com-link and synced it for the entire ship.

"…Everyone to their stations and prepare to leave orbit." he said, which made the entire crew focus on their individual tasks as the CIC became abuzz with activity while the Commander than tapped his com-link again as he looked toward the Cockpit.

"Jetstorm, prep the hyper-drive and set its course for the nearest space-bridge. We will be leading the fleet straight home. No jumping ahead with ours." he said, earning a curious look from the gang around him.

"Can't say I am used to moving that slow." Shen replied, gaining Rodimus's attention just as the elevator doors opened to reveal Orion.

"Prime on deck." one of the crewmen said as the Prime stepped into the CIC, quickly acknowledging him before joining the others.

"That's because it will be morale-boosting for the folks back home to see the entire fleet return in triumph with our victory over the Predacons, the celebrations are already being planned for our arrival in just over fifteen hours time." he said, earning welcoming nods from his friends and family as Rodimus then motioned him to the galaxy map stand.

"The CIC is yours, Prime."

Orion nodded back before walking over to the holographic representation of the galaxy, looking down at its massive swirling shape and the millions of stars that encompassed it.

'I do not know what lies a head for us with the Trinity of Primes, or what this darkness that the Aeons say is coming..' he thought as a slight smile appeared on his face, while the others gave him a curious look which made Liara walk over to his side.

'..but since we have defeated Unicron, the Reapers and now Galvatron and his forces. I think that no matter what comes our way, we will be more than able to handle it.' he added before he felt a hand on his shoulder, making the Bot turn to see the Asari looking back at him lovingly.

"You alright?" she asked while taking notice of the matrix crystal that hung around his neck, its light shining dimly under his shirt.

"Yeah, I am fine." he added with a reassuring and loving smile back, earning a mirrored expression from the Femme.


Orion then gave his friends and family a smile, with them doing the same before he turned his attention to the Cockpit, activating his com-link as he did so.

"Jetstorm, take us home." the blue-haired Prime said before he sighed, a hopeful expression on his face.

"Aye, Aye. We are on our way." the pilot replied before the Normandy suddenly broke out of orbit with the entire fleet following behind it before they all suddenly jumped into hyperspace just as Virmire's star appeared from behind the planet and shone its light into the surrounding void.


Sometime after the dawn of the Universe, on the uninhabited planet of Scissio...

The tanks and heavy artillery fired up into the continually expanding dark liquid-like mass which now covered the entire area in shadow, as it blotted out the sky overhead.

Meanwhile, Primus and Unicron charged forward with their Aeonian brothers towards the center of the unknown entity, when all of a sudden purple lightning bolts shot down from with it.

Each one that fell to the ground either struck a tank and destroyed it in one it, leaving it a burning wreck within a few seconds or struck the center of a score of Aeonians, channelling its energy through them as they were electrocuted on the ground they stood.

In a matter of moments, hundreds of the warriors were killed, while their tanks and weapons barely seemed to make a dent in the entity as their continuing fire just seemed to be absorbed into the liquid-like mass.

Meanwhile, funnel-like tendrils suddenly flew down from the entity and begun sweeping through the army, decimating even more troops as it rapidly spread out in all directions.

One such tendril swooped down and almost hit Primus, only for Unicron to pull his brother down to the ground as it flew past by mere inches.

The former looked over to his sibling and gave him an appreciative smile before suddenly noticing another tendril coming up close behind Unicron who was oblivious as he nodded back.

So Primus quickly got back to his feet and pushed him aside before swinging his blade at the strange appendage, slicing it in half and spilling black goo-like blood onto the ground around them.

As both brothers looked around to see their own men doing the same kind of action to this threat, they both suddenly noticed that the spots of blood suddenly began to grow and form bodies before them which looked like shadow versions of the Aeonian soldiers around them.

So Primus and Unicron began to fight the dark clones of their comrades, slicing and dicing the enemies as they attacked. The dark gold and bronze armoured Unicron sliced off the head of one enemy, before spinning around and hacking down another that came up from behind.

While Primus, in his gold and silver armour, deflected the dark blade of a shadow with his own before kicking it in the side and then running it through, spilling yet more blood onto the floor, blood that again changed into more familiar-looking soldiers.

As both brothers continued to fight against the ever-increasing army that the darkness was creating, they could not help but notice as their army was still being overrun and wiped out by either the tendrils or purple lightning strikes attacked with.

But just as Primus killed yet another foe with his sword, suddenly another appeared from behind and took a swipe at him, though his attack was suddenly stopped by a blade which made both the gold and silver warrior and his sibling turn to see a blue and silver armoured femme standing between them and the enemy.

She then quickly took out with two quick slices of her katana-like blade, before turning back and giving Primus a warm smile which he mirrored in return.

But then the strangest thing happened as the trio found themselves beneath the very center of the darkness, as several of the shadow-clones suddenly joined together and formed one overall body, which was then hit by the same purple energy bolts that had been raining down upon the Aeonian forces.

This one form had glowing purple eyes as it's only characteristic, as they narrowed and stared at the Femme and the Brothers. It then roared and lunged at them with its right arm, which suddenly stretched out like it was elastic and hit the ground where they had been standing since they just narrowly dived out of the way.

The Femme was the first to recover as she then countered with several slashes that did no damage whatsoever, Primus got back to his feet just in time to see the being backhand her in the face and send her to the ground.

The Bot screamed 'No!' at the dark entity as he charged at it and buried his blade into its chest, only for it look back at him curiously while he twisted it in its apparent wound.

Unicron, meanwhile, had circled around it and charged it from behind, but it suddenly grew another arm out of its black liquid-like body and grabbed him, stopping him where was a it lifted him off the ground.

Primus's eyes widened as he saw this before being swatted away by the dark form, moving the blade out of its body and it dropping the weapon to the ground without even a look as it then picked up the Femme with another of its arms.

The gold and silver Bot found himself watching in horror as the darkness suddenly had every remaining Aeonian soldier in its grasp, as another tendril shot out from the mass at him.

But Primus rolled over to his blade and quickly sliced it in half before getting back to his feet.

And that was when he saw it, making his optics widen as purple energy suddenly shot down from the massive liquid-like mass of the darkness and into it's captives.

So Primus on instinct suddenly moved to Unicron who was nearest to him and sliced the arm that was holding him in half, making his sibling fall to the ground as some of the purple energy was absorbed into his body.

Though just as the gold and silver Bot turned to help the Femme, he then cried out in anguish as she as well as every soldier around them was suddenly burnt to a crisp in the entity's grasps, becoming nothing more than ash that was then blown away in the growing breeze that swept across the plains.

The entity then drew back all of it's tendrils and shadow-clones who were absorbed by the said tendrils as they retreated, which included the purple eyed larger clone that had just murdered the blue and silver Femme.

The Darkness then retracted into itself to form a perfect jet-black liquid-like sphere which floated in the air above the brothers as Primus helped his brother back to his feet.

They both watched as the sphere then dropped to the ground and suddenly morphed into a giant version of the form they had just fought, with its purples eyes looking down at them as it took on a more detailed appearance with what looked like Aeonian armour.

Primus though looked over to where the Femme had been, only to see nothing there as Unicron placed his hand on his Brother's shoulder in support, making him look back and show the anguish that was written on his face.

But then Unicron gave Primus a knowing look, which gained a reluctant nod back as though the latter knew what his sibling had in mind.

So they both got to their feet and gripped the hilts of their blades tightly before their optics suddenly glowed brightly, as did the joints and engravings on their armour before finally, their very blades glowed too, with Unicron's turning red as Primus's glowed blue.

This made the Darkness roar back at them as it's own purple eyes flared, while the Brothers suddenly charged back toward the monster as they cried out a battle cry.

But just as the Entity lunged down at them with it's massive fist, Unicron's optics suddenly changed from glowing red… purple.



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