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Prime Effect 5

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Re: Prime Effect 5

Postby Apollo-XL5 » Tue Mar 15, 2022 3:47 pm

Motto: ""It's all in the reflexes.""
Weapon: Star Saber Sword

The conditions had become horrendous as the storm continued to batter the crystalline environment below it, hitting it with heavy rain, blinding lightning, and deafening roars of thunder.

But suddenly there was an explosion, a massive ball of dark energy that spread out in all directions and fried everything within its blast radius.

It even managed to cancel out the effects of the storm, leaving a giant hole in the dark clouds that gathered overhead, pushed aside by a cloud that had a familiar mushroom shape to it.

And once the energy blast had subsided, the area no longer looked like the shimmering crystal landscape it once had. For it was now burnt into a black, desolate wasteland.

Orion came too and found himself lying on the ash-covered ground, the blue-haired Bot's entire body ached and his Prime-Armor was steaming. Despite the pain Darby was currently feeling, he managed to look around him and see that Jack, Myra, and the Thirteen were all in similar conditions as they were lying unconscious about the area.

'What in the All-spark was that?' Orion thought as he tried to ignore the pain he kept feeling pulsing through his body each and every time he tried to move, managing to get onto his hands and knees.

'That's it...come on.' he thought before noticing the others slowly coming too, but before he could say anything, the Bot noticed the giant circular hold in the storm and the calm atmosphere surrounding him and his allies.

'Looks like we are in the eye of the storm.' he thought before a dark shadow was cast over him all of a sudden, making him look around.

'Oh Scrap!'

For standing over him and the other Primes was the Darkness, glaring down at them with its glowing purple eyes.

"This is all that stands before me, six of Primus's children and three primitives that are carry his remaining essence..." it started to say, with his voice echoing around the area.

"...I am not impressed."

"I know, my Master, these Primes are nothing like Primus." Unicron replied, while slowly everyone else came too and began to recover.

"Myra, you alright?" Orion asked as he looked over at his daughter, who grimaced and breathed heavily as she got back to her feet.

"I'll be okay, just need a moment." she replied, while Nexus, Jack, and Optimus looked up at their enemy.

"I don't think you are going to get one." the Human Prime said back as everyone's attention was brought to the behemoth in their midst, as Unicron stood between them and his Master.

"What you just faced was but one drop of the power that my Master has at his disposal after absorbing the majority of the sparks in this realm, including that of your Beast-friend. Do you not see that you are greatly outmatched by my Master?" the Chaos bringer asked, which made Optimus step before the group.

"It matters not, Unicron, for freedom is the right of all sentient beings. So we fight for them against any and all threats, including the Darkness that stands before us."

"...The Darkness! That is a very theatrical name, but that is not my Master's name." the Wraith-clone replied, gaining an uncooperative stare from Orion as he took a step in front of his Daughter.

"Then what is 'its' name?"

This suddenly made the giant's attention drift to the blue-haired Bot, with its eyes focusing on him as he tightened his fists while never taking his focus from it.

"My name is Xakron...the Bringer of Death." its voice boomed, which was followed by a roar of thunder and flashes of lightning as Unicron smirked.

"…which also includes your own." he added whilst pointing at the group, but this made Orion grit his teeth as he tightened his grip on the hilt of the Star-Saber.

"We'll see about that…let's get them!" he then shouted before lunging at the Chaos Bringer, followed by Myra and Jack as the Thirteen attacked his Master.

"You have no idea who you are dealing with…" Xakron replied as Nexus jumped onto its right arm and ran up towards its shoulder, while Optimus and Vector lept at its legs.

Micronus, meanwhile, transformed back into his powering form and attached himself to Solus's hammer, before the femme swung it down onto the Bringer of Death's left foot, making it explode into black liquid.

"Arrgh!" the Darkness cried out before quickly reforming its foot in time to kick the hammer welding Prime, while the former Autobot Leader and the holder of the blades of time stabbed their melee weapons into its knees, making black ooze leak out.


Meanwhile, Unicron ducked under Orion's attack, with the Prime's saber narrowly missing the Aeon's head as it swung over him before then countering with an uppercut, one that sent the Darby flying onto his back.

"Dad!" Myra called out in a panicked tone before firing several biotic projectiles at their common enemy, only for the Wraith to evade them by disappearing into the ground.

"Where did he go?" her Grandfather asked in a worried tone as the Asari ran to her Father's side, helping him to his feet.

"I don't see him." she said back as she looked around the area, only for her eyes to widen as the Chaos Bringer materialized behind Jack.

"Look out!" she shouted, which made him spin around just in time to block the Wraith's fists with his sky-boom shield.

"You are only delaying the inevitable." Unicron said back as he pressed his fists down on the holo-shield, but Jackson Prime managed to push back and knock their adversary away just enough to unleash an energy wave with his saber which hit the enemy directly in his chest, slicing his body in half.

All three Primes watched as both halves of the Wraith's body hit the ground and turned into liquid.

"You got him?" Orion replied as he readied his Star-Saber again, making Jack shake his head in return while keeping an eye on his surroundings.

"I don't think so, be ready."

This gained nods from both his son and his granddaughter as they prepared themselves for another attack, with all three of them going back to back as the battle between their friends and the Darkness unfolded just aways from them.

But as the Trinity kept their attention on the area around them, waiting for Unicron's next attack.

None of the Darbys noticed as a black liquid began bubbling through a crack on the ground behind their backs, gaining a puzzled look from Orion.

"Anybody hear…?" he started to ask before being cut off as the liquid suddenly shot up out of the ground like a geyser, completely enveloping the trio.

"gah!" Myra spat as she and the others felt a tentacle-like grip wrap itself around their bodies, incapacitating them as it held them there in place. The Primes tried to free themselves, struggling against the iron-like grip as Unicron reformed himself and looked at them with an evil smirk.

"I've got you now…." he began to say as he held out his arms, which had taken on the look of the very tentacles that now had captured the group.

As this was happening, Xakron managed to knock both Optimus and Vector from his body with similar-looking tentacles growing from his black liquid-like skin while Nexus slashed his way through the same growths with his Omni-Saber as he got onto the behemoth's shoulder, gaining its attention as it's eyes narrowed at him.

"I am growing tired of you…" it's voice boomed, while the Bot smirked as he rushed toward it's head.

"Let's cut you down to size." he jumped in while slicing down the last of the tentacles, with only the Darkness's face left before him.

But just as he pulled his blade back for the killing blow, another tentacle grew out of Darkness's skin behind him and swiped the Prime off himself.

"No!" Solus shouted as she saw her friend fall to the ground, having finally recovered herself.

"Enough!" Xakron then shouted, with his voice echoing around the entire area as the Thirteen suddenly found themselves frozen to the spot as more black liquid appeared around their feet and held them in place.

"I can't move my legs." Vector said with frustration tingeing his words as he struggled against the liquid's hold, while Nexus was quickly stopped from getting to his feet as his arms and legs were pinned down by the same substance.

"Scrap! Neither can I." he replied, which made Optimus look back at his siblings as their hands were bound by more of the tentacles.

"None of us can. Save your strength." he said in both a commanding and understanding tone, which gained Xakron's attention as the Darkness looked down at the former-Autobot Leader.

"Yes, do not struggle. For it only weakens you and I do desire to taste the strength of your sparks."

"Master, did I not tell you that they would fall to us." Unicron then said, making Optimus and the others look down to see that Jack and his family had also been captured.

"You did, my Servant. You continue to serve me well, even after your original demise."

"That isn't Unicron, we finished him off back on Virmire." Orion replied with a defiant tone, earning the pair's stare as their purple eyes focused on him.

"Indeed you did, thus bringing us all to this moment." Xakron answered, which brought a questioning look to Optimus's face.

"What do you mean, what are you exactly?" he asked, regaining the Darkness's stare in return.

"You wish to know what I am,…follower of Primus? This has to be a first amongst the inhabitants on this plain of existence…" he started to say as what looked like a smile appeared on his face, making him look at all of his enemies as they remained incapacitated before him.

"…very well. You wish to know of me,…then learn." he added as more jet-black tentacles grew out of the ground, one for each of the captive Primes.

"Where is that going?" Orion asked with a worried look as he watched the appendage before him slowly slither and stretch up towards his body, while Unicron simply smirked as he bare witness.

"Wait and see, Prime." he replied with a teasing tone, as the tentacles then touched the front of the heroes' chests and slithered up their armor towards their faces before pulling back enough to look at their faces.

"You have got to be joking." Myra then said with a hint of disgust in her voice, having noticed the tip of the tentacle pointing towards her mouth as it remained directly before her face.

But suddenly each black growth then surged at each Primes forehead and burrowed in, with black veins growing over the surrounding skin as it penetrated their minds.

"Think happy thoughts." Jack replied under gritted teeth as he felt his tentacle wriggling through his head before his eyes suddenly began glowing purple, with all of his friends and allies reacting the same way as Xakron connected to them.


It was then that a mist suddenly descended before the Primes, with each of them looking deeply into it as it swirled and took on the form of an image of vast emptiness.

"I am an Entity beyond your comprehension, one that comes from a universe so very similar to your own, though one that was unable to sustain the balance between light and darkness…" Xakron began to say as the image changed to show alien beings continuously fighting with one another in bloody conflicts, conflicts that spanned their entire universe.

"…until a group came together with a plan to end all conflict, by purging all negative energy from their realm."

The mist then shifted to show the group in question, made up of various bipedal and quadruped beings as they stood around a spherical device.

"So they created the Terminus Matrix, a device that could bring their chaotic universe the peace they craved for themselves and future generations. And once activated, it did just that and drawn all of the negative energy of their realm within it."

Everyone watched as they saw the device power up and the fighting that had consumed all of creation for that reality slowly stopped until everything was peaceful.

"In the span of a century, their worlds had changed from being ravaged by war to paradises that shared peace with one another…it was sickening."

None of the Primes could speak as their eyes remained focused on the images created by the mist before them, which then changed again to show the Terminus Matrix once more.

"With their plan an apparent success, the group had started to plan of how they would dispose of all the negative energy that the Matrix had collected, as it was nothing more than a repository…" the Death Bringer then started to say as the image then spread out to show the group talking as they stood around the device, with time passing to reveal new members of the group taking place of the old ones.

"…but as the years went by and their work passed down to their descendants, tasked to complete the disposal of this Dark Essence…"

The images changed to show the group disbanding and leaving the device on its own in the now dark room where it lay.

"…one by one, they all left to live their lives in the utopias that their ancestors had made possible. Leaving the Terminus Matrix to gain dust in a tomb of their own making."

But then the mist swirled again to now show purplish streaks of light being emanated from the device, lighting up the room.

"But in all that time, the energy that the device stored began to slowly change and evolve until finally, it achieved sentience. In other words,… became…me!" Xakron explained as the images then revealed a black liquid-like substance breaching the walls of the Terminus Matrix and escaping into the room.

"You see, you cannot simply bottle up all evil and darkness in the universe for it breaks the very balance that it exists on…you cannot have light without the dark."

It was then that the Thirteen and the Trinity of Primes watched as the images changed to show the more familiar black liquid-like form of the Darkness then escaping from the group's laboratory and spreading out over the planet, consuming all life on it.

"I was free and angry for my forced captivity and as I fed on all those that came into my path, I realized what my role was…which was to purge all sentient life from creation itself. I was the very embodiment of Darkness and this universe was going to pay for their arrogance in trying to hold me…" he added with anger underlining his words as the images changed to show a great war enveloping that universe, with armies fighting against Xakron and his growing hordes.

"The inhabitants of this paradise were at first overwhelmed by my presence, but they quickly regained the will to fight as their ancestors once possessed. And fought me they did as I spread myself across the cosmos, but they did not realize that as they battled to save their utopia, fighting with every ounce of hate they had for me. They were only making me stronger…"

The images then showed the Darkness consuming all those that fought against it, moving like a wave through the masses of soldiers.

"…and it was not long until I had eradicated all sentient beings from the universe, though my powers continued to evolve and I then consumed all life itself…leaving a dead cosmos in my wake." Xakron continued as the mist then revealed his black and purplish energy form passing through the void of space, surrounded by stars and dead planets.

"After I had consumed all life in my reality, feasting on their very essence and absorbing their combined knowledge. The very fabric of that realm began to unravel as though the universe knew that life was no longer possible within its boundaries and that it's balance had been completely torn apart. So I found myself bearing witness to the end of the very universe that had given me life as every star exploded into what you call supernove…"

The stars in the image then acted as the Darkness described, decimating themselves into energy waves that destroyed everything in their paths while the Entity watched, completely unharmed by the destruction happening around it.

"…I had become impervious to the wrath of a collapsing universe and waited to see what would become of me in whatever creation itself had in mind next, but instead I found myself trapped in what could only be described as a void…"

The mist then showed Xakron surrounded by what looked like spherical images, showing different forms of life forms living their lives.

"…and I could see into the very universal streams of entire universes that mine had been unaware of, a multiverse made up of either very different or similar realities with only slight changes to them." the Darkness explained as the Primes then saw the images in the mist more clearly, which made their eyes and optics widen.

'That looks like our reality, but I am still a teenager and Optimus looks a little different.' Jack thought as he stared at one, while Myra stared at one showing someone who looked very familiar to her fighting the Reapers.

'That can't be,….John?" she thought as more images appeared showing numerous versions of Optimus and Megatron battling alongside their comrades.

"I watched all of these realities as I waited in the limbo that kept them all separate until one 'window' appeared to me. After all of the universes that I had witnessed, this one felt newer like it had only just been created. It also had what looked like a crack running through itself…"

The group could only watch as they saw what the Entity was describing happening before them in the mist, witnessing its energy slithering into the cracked window-like aperture.

"…and it was something that I could pass through and so I left the nothingness of the void and entered this new universe, finding myself in a plane of existence that ran parallel with the world of the living, something that the other realities all had differing names for."

'The Allspark…' the Primes all thought in unison as Xakron spoke once more.

"I found new life there to feed upon as the ones called Aeonians had begun exploring this realm, looking for the very power they sought to make them gods…but they found me instead."

The images in the mist changed to show the war between the Aeons and the Darkness, something that the Asari Prime recognized from her dreams. For she saw Primus and Unicron fighting alongside their fellow Aeonians against their common Adversary.

"I quickly found a way out into the living realm of this universe and began spreading my influence amongst it's inhabitants, feeding on their aggressive and dark natures as I fought against those that freed me…" he added before the mist showed the world of Scissio and the final battle raging upon its surface.

"…but my enemies made a final desperate push to force me back into what you call the All-spark, but I was too much for their forces…until two brothers stood against me."

'Primus and Unicron…' Optimus and the other members of the Thirteen thought as they saw their Creator and his brother fighting against Xakron, before plunging their sabers into its heart.

"They managed to defeat me, sealing my essence back into the plains of the All-spark, into the very cracks that I had used to enter this universe. But I was not destroyed and I had left my mark…"

The images then showed Unicron's eyes glowing purple as he, Primus, and the survivors of the Aeonian species conferred after the Darkness's defeat.

"…for during our battle, I sensed the darkness in Unicron's spark. It was something that I could corrupt and control, so I infected him with a piece of myself. A piece that would grow and slowly reverse the connection that the brothers shared in their united stand that had trapped me in limbo once more. All I had to do was be patient and bide my time and if there had been anything that I had become good at while stuck between realities for what felt like an eternity, it was waiting." the Entity said with a sly and hopeful tone to his voice as the mist then showed his trapped form slowly becoming free of it's cage during the passing years.

"First, I felt Primus's life force fade away, which could only have occurred with his death. And then a short time later, I felt Unicron's essence disappear and the bonds that had held me in place were finally gone…"

'That was after the Primus-wave that ended the Reaper War…' Jack thought, while a knowing look appeared on his Son's face.

'…And after Galvatron and Unicron were defeated on Virmire.'

"…and I went back into the All-spark and began feeding on the sparks that resided there so that I could regain my strength, while also reaching out with my mind out into the realm of the living, influencing its sentient life-forms into conflict." he said, which made Myra's face take on a shocked look.

'Xakron is responsible for the rise in distrust, hate, and violence that slowly took hold over the galactic community over the last five hundred years.' she thought before suddenly the mist disappeared and everyone found themselves back on the barren wilderness of the All-spark with both the Darkness and Unicron stand before them.

"And that brings us to this moment, where I will now consume you all and continue with my purpose…" Xakron then said as the tentacles left the foreheads of all the Primes, slowly retracting back towards the ground from which they appeared. All but the one that had connected to Myra, which just remained eye-level with her as the Entity turned his attention to the Asari.

"...wait?! What is this I can feel from this one." Xakron then said as his attention turned to the Asari, which made Orion's eyes widen as he gritted his teeth.

"Leave her alone!" he spat, the Darkness ignored him as it closed in on his daughter.

"You have darkness in your heart, I could not sense it until now...but you are just like Unicron here." it said while gesturing to the Wraith standing beside her.

"Let's see just how far that darkness goes..." the Entity then said before the tentacle suddenly latched onto the Asari's chest plate and leaked inside, making her thrash about and struggle as it connected with her spark.

"Myra!" Orion then shouted as he fought back against the black liquid that was holding him down, gaining a similar reaction from his Father in return.

"No!" Jack spat as they and the Thirteen watched while Xakron probed Myra's soul, with her eyes glowing purple as thunder and lightning continued to crackle and flash in the storm clouds overhead.

"This one has seen much darkness in her life, starting with when her father died..." it began to say, glancing over to Orion with a knowing look, gaining a shocked expression from the blue-haired Bot.

"...watching him lying in his death-bed and passing away pained the Asari, for she had always had her father in her life before then..." the Entity continued before looking back into Myra's memories, with the young Prime now completely still as she was now completely under it's control.

"...then came a time when light reappeared in her heart when she met her first Love. But that did not last as On their 'Wedding' day, her mother was murdered and Myra here was forced to end her fiancée's life due to his fatal injuries."

Everyone there went deathly quiet as they listened to the Darkness as it spouted Myra's painful memories, Solus was the only one among the Thirteen who looked down to the ground with a pained and understanding expression.

But the look on Orion's face was one of complete shock and horror as Xakron's words sunk in, for he had heard that his daughter had gone through times in her life, but he had no idea how bad it really had been.

'...Myra.' he thought as a single tear ran down his cheek, while his attention remained focused on his 'little girl'.

"It was this event that poisoned the Asari's heart, making her thirst for vengeance and forcing Myra away from her friends and remaining family. Because she then spent the next few centuries alone in her pursuit of the one responsible, with only her pain and hate to sustain her." Xakron added with a gleeful tone as large smile appeared on its face, which made Jack's blood run cold as he helplessly watched.

Orion, meanwhile, was more focused on the gut-wrenching revelations that had been dropped on him from the Darkness about his daughter's life.

'Myra lost her first love, Liara was murdered…I don't kn…' he stared to think before his attention was once again brought back to what was happening in front of him, as the Entity's eyes glowed even more as it stared down at the Asari.

"Her inner turmoil and darkness will make her a fine servant for my purpose…" he said while shrinking down to their height, looking into the Prime's eyes as he did so.

"…accept the Darkness in your heart…accept me."

Then before anyone could say or do anything, Xakron shifted into a black and purple glowing mist and entered Myra through her mouth and nose, making her eyes turn to black as she stood there in a paralyzed state.


Myra found herself standing in what could only be described as a complete void, nothing but darkness surrounding her as she looked at her empty surroundings.

"What's going on?" she said aloud, her voice echoing into the distance as she immediately clenched her fists and took a defensive stance, as though feeling that something was a miss.

"We are inside your mind, you and I." Xakron's voice replied, making the Asari look behind her and see only nothing but blackness at her back.

"Get out of my head!" she shouted back defiantly as her fists glowed blueish/white with biotic energy as she continued to look around, hoping to see a target that she could attack..

"Why would I leave when we have a lot in common since you have spent the majority of your long life embracing the darkness in your heart." he then replied as he materialized behind the Prime, making her spin around and through a biotic punch at his face.

But Xakron simply blocked it with one hand, before grabbing the Asari by her throat with the other and lifting her off the ground.

"Ugh…fu…you." she managed to reply between gasps for air as the vice-like grip around her neck tightened, as the Entity's eyes narrowed at her.

"Perhaps you need a little reminder of what you are capable of…" he started to say while dropping her to her knees making her breathing become heavy, while he stretched his arms out to the sides.

"…very well, remember these moments and let their pain fuel your anger." the Darkness added as their surroundings began to change and take on a new form.

Myra's eyes then widened in response as she found herself observing her Wedding Day once more, showing Vasir's attack on the Church which ended with her Mother's murder.

This brought tears to the Prime's eyes, for she witnessed the Leviathan Leader shooting Liara in the head in what appeared to be slow-motion.

"No! Why are you doing this to me?" Myra pleaded as she could not take her attention from what was happening before her, with the scene shifting to her kneeling over Shepard's critically injured body.

"I am trying to make you see your true potential, to free you from the shackles of light that are holding you back." Xakron replied as they watched her younger-self euthanising Shepard, but the Asari shook her head in return.

"You're wrong because I may have been driven by grief and anger originally, but I then had friends who helped me see beyond my need for vengeance." she replied as Kat, Evac, Crosscut and Tolae appeared around the pair, earning an angry stare from the Entity as it noticed how Myra was focusing on the Human Woman.

"Very well..." he spat back while reasserting his grip around her throat and lifting the blue-Female off the ground once more, looking into her eyes as his glowed brighter.

"...if you will not see sense, then I will force you to change. Because deep down, you wanted to kill the one called Vasir, you wanted her to drown in her own blood. And unlike Unicron, who I had to corrupt through the darkness in his spark. You already embraced it once, so do so again!" he spat as purple energy glowed around his hand and then enveloped the Asari, making her grit her teeth as she felt it burn through her entire being.

"No...I...I will...not..." Myra tried to say through the pain, as she suddenly witnessed herself murdering Vasir in cold blood at the foot of Leviathan back on Earth time and again. She could feel the euphoria and elation that came with this moment...and it felt good.

"...No...I...I..." she continued to reply as she felt her dark feelings bubbling to the surface until a sinister smirk appeared on her face.

"...that Bitch deserved nothing less than to die by my hands."

"Excellent." Xakron said back with a smile of his own as he let go of the Asari, who stared back with glowing purple eyes as she and the Darkness stood beside the limp body of Vasir, before the darkness that surrounded them suddenly enveloped the pair.

"Myra...?" Orion then called out in a confused and worried tone as he saw Xakron release the other Prime, who dropped to her knees for a moment.


Everyone remained quiet and simply watches with bated breath as the Asari slowly got back to her feet, though keeping her back to them all.

"Myra!" the blue-haired Prime then called out, making her turn to face him.

"What in the All-spark...?" he quickly added as his eyes widened in shock, for his daughter's eyes were now permanently glowing purple and her skin was covered in black and purple veins. The Matrix stored in her chest plate was now flickering as well like it was struggling against whatever had taken a hold over her.

"Your daughter has accepted the darkness in her heart, Orion Prime. She is now mine." Xakron said with a smug grin, gaining shocked looks from everyone there.

"No." Jack replied.

"This can't be." Nexus added as the Asari joined Unicron's side while they stood beside their Master, who then grew back to his original towering size.

"Once again, Primus has failed. He chose to put his faith in imperfect sentient beings, just like those who created me. And now the Trinity has been broken, leaving this universe at my mercy."

"Myra, look at me." Orion said, trying to get his Daughter's attention. But the corrupted Asari simply stared coldly out at the other Primes, while the Darkness returned it's attention to him.

"There is only one task remaining that will forever stain this Asari's heart, ensuring that she always remains this way…" it started to say as a sinister smile appeared on it's face while pointing it's finger at the blue-haired Bot.

"…Mira Prime, this man is the very beginning of your pain and needs to be eradicated…kill him!" Xakron then commanded, earning a nod from the Prime's Daughter as she clenched her fists and focused her biotics into them, making her body glow with a purplish light.

"As you wish, my Master." she replied in a blank, emotionless tone.

"Myra, don't…" Jack tried to say back, trying to catch his Granddaughter's attention.

But the Asari merely walked by him and up to her bound father, while the other members of the Thirteen watched in shock.

"Myra, stop!" Solus shouted, only for Optimus to notice that his sister was still gripping her Hammer, taking notice of the green block-like object connected to it.

"Micronus,…Now!" the Big-Bot shouted, which made his Minicon-Brother suddenly disconnect and shift back into his Robot-form.

"Forgot about me, didn't you?" he said, gaining a surprised look from the Entity before it turned it's attention to its Wraith-servant.

"Unicron, crush that Minicon!"

But before the Chaos Bringer even had a chance to move, the smallest of the Thirteen jumped towards the former-Autobot Leader and shifted back into its alternate mode and connected to his right arm.

"That's more like it." the Bot replied as he felt a surge of power run through his body, enabling him to break his arm free from the tentacles and shift it into his arm cannon.

"Take this, Xakron!" he said as he aimed his weapon at the Darkness and fired off several energy blasts, each hitting its target directly in the face.

"Arragh!" it cried out as its concentration was broken enough for the Primes to free themselves from their bonds, which for Orion was just in time, for his daughter was about to strike him with a biotic punch.

"Myra, stop this." he said as brought up his hands to block her attack and grab her wrist, which made the Asari narrow her eyes in return.

"No, you have to die." she spat back before kicking him in the chest, sending the Prime onto his back.

"Orion!" Jack then shouted as he darted to his Son's side, but he was suddenly attacked by Unicron.

"Stay out of it, this is for them to work out. You though…are mine." The Chaos Bringer then said as he raised his arms over his head, which began to shift into blades as he readied to strike the Human Prime.

But the older Darby managed to activate his holo-Star Saber and deflect the attack, following through with an elbow to the face that made the Wraith stumble backward.

"I don't think so." he replied as he then lunged at his enemy, making it go on the defensive.

Meanwhile, Optimus managed to fire off several more shots at the Entity as the remaining members of the Thirteen freed themselves, joining his side as they readied their weapons.

"Orion…" the Autobot called back to the blue-haired Bot, gaining his attention as he glanced to his father's former mentor while preparing for Myra's coming attack.

"…keep your daughter at bay for as long as you can, while we will distract Xakron and give you the opportunity to get through to her."

Orion nodded back as the Asari launched herself at the Prime, making him fall on his back and catch her with his feet, using her momentum to then throw her over him and onto the ground behind him.

Optimus then turned back to his siblings as Micronus transformed back into his robot mode, looking at them with a serious and stoic expression.

"Xakron must keep his attention on us, no matter the cost." he then said before charging forward at the towering Behemoth, firing his arm-cannons at it as they joined his side.

"I'll power up your blades, Vector." the Minicon then said as he power-linked with his brother, making the Prime's blades glow extra strong.

"Thank you for the boost, my Brother." he replied before swinging his left blade towards the Entity's right arm, which was lunging down toward Nexus and Solus, only to stop it in its tracks as though it had been frozen.

"Arrgh…what…" Xakron spat as he fought to control his arm, which gave the Bot and Femme enough time to get out of the way.

"…Raaagh!" he continued as his arm then suddenly moved and slammed into the ground, before they both then turned around and attacked it, slicing and hammering away.

"Damn you!" the Darkness cried out as he pulled the arm back, while Optimus continued to fire a barrage of weapons fire at his face.


As this was happening, Orion and Myra circled each other as the bot gave his daughter a worried and caring look.

"I don't want to hurt you, Myra. Please snap out of it."he pleaded, which made the Asari grit her teeth in return.

"Too late. You already did that when you died…" she spat before creating a giant biotic-fist and smacking it directly into his face, sending him tumbling back onto the ground.

"…and now I am going to make you pay for leaving us." she continued while creating an energy-blade in her left and lunging at him with it, but Orion quickly rolled out of the way and got back to his feet as she landed next to him.

"I'm sorry for what happened. But, Myra, please think. I would never want any harm to come to either you or your mother, I love you both too much." he replied as she attacked again, throwing a punch and then a side-kick his way, only for the blue-haired Bot to block both and push her back once more.

Not too far away, Jack and Unicron clashed their melee weapons together, causing blue and purple sparks to fly off as they dueled.

"You are weak, Prime, just like the rest of your lineage. My Master will defeat and consume you before making your universe suffer the same fate." the Wraith said with a venomous and gloating tone, only to be met with a punch to the face which made him stumble back, which Jack then followed through with a back kick that knocked the enemy onto his backside.

"You're very confident in your Master, aren't you…" he started to reply as the Chaos Bringer quickly reformed himself and attacked, only for the Human Prime to dodge and slash at his back.

"…though you never talk about what you're going to do." he added as the Wraith grimaced and spun around with a hateful stare.

"I guess that's because I am going to kill you." Darby finished as he spun around and unleashed an energy-wave at Unicron.

The battle between the Thirteen and Xakron continued to rage on as the Entity struggled to hit each of the attacking Primes, due to his strikes passing through portals not unlike ground-bridges which were being created by Vector Prime.

"Nice assist, Brother." Solus said in an appreciative tone as she dodged yet another attack from the Darkness, one that passed through another portal and exited on the other side of the battlefield.

"I do what I can, my Sister." he replied while pointing one of his blades at the black limb and freezing it in time before the portal closed and cut it off from Death Bringer's body.

"Arrrgh!" he cried out in pain as he pulled back, allowing his limb to grow back while he looked down at the Cybertronian responsible.

"I have had enough of this trickery…" he began to say before punching down at the ground with his other arm, causing a shockwave that knocked Optimus, Nexus and Solus to the ground.

"…you die now!" the Entity spat as he shifted into a black liquid-like mass that swirled through the air towards Vector Prime, surrounding him in what looked like a tornado.

"Not today, Xakron..." he replied before creating a portal and diving through, just in time to escape and reappear several feet away as the Entity reformed himself and looked over at him.

"…because we will have this…" the Prime then continued to say, only to be cut off as he found his feet stuck in a familiar black liquid.

"…what in the All-spark?"

This gained a smile from the Darkness as he gestured down to his left foot, making the Bot look there and see that Xakron's foot had merged with the floor.

"You forget, 'Guardian of Time and Space', that I can be everywhere…" he started to say as black hands appeared out of the liquid that was holding Vector in place, quickly latching onto him and pulling him down into it.

"No…No…No" the Bot shouted, gaining the others attention as he started to sink into the Entity's liquid mass.

"…now, you and will be consumed!" Xakron added, gaining horrified looks from the other Thirteen as they watched their Brother pulled down into the darkness below him, though not before Micronus managed to detach and fall to the ground beside them.

"Vector, No!" Solus screamed as he disappeared from sight while the Death Bringer's purple eyes glow extra bright, like the consumption of the Prime strengthened him somewhat more.

"You piece of Scrap, I will kill you!" the Femme then roared as she turned and launched herself at the enemy's knee caps, swinging her hammer as she did so. But before she could make contact, several tentacles lunged out from the limb and quickly wrapped themselves around her, making Solus drop her weapon as she became entangled in them.

"Solus, we'll get you out." Optimus shouted as he and Nexus ran toward her, gaining the Darkness's attention as he looked down at them.

"Wait your turn…" Xakron then began to say as he swung his left arm and knocked the pair flying, before looking back at the trapped Femme and smiled.

"…I wonder what your spark will taste like." he then added before Solus was suddenly pulled into his leg, leaving no trace that she was ever there as the Femme was absorbed into its form.

"SOLUS!" Nexus and Micronus both cried out before the former started to charge at the Entity, only for Optimus to grab him by the shoulder and stop the Bot in his tracks.

"Nexus, wait! We cannot simply charge him or we will suffer the same fate as our comrades." the Autobot said, gaining an angered but understanding look from the other Prime.

"Then what is our plan of attack?" he replied while the Big-Bot glanced over to see that Jack and Orion's fights were not fairing any better, as Myra was slowly breaking down her father's defenses with hit after hit from her biotics, while Jack was now in a stalemate with Unicron's clone.

"There is only one path that remains for us, Brothers. We must combine our power." Optimus replied as Xakron turned his attention to the trio, his eyes glowing even brighter as his smile widened.

"I have tasted the sparks of your siblings. Now, you will join them!" he said with a victorious tone, which made the Prime shake his head in return as he clenched his fists.

"I think not, Xakron, for we will now make you pay for our fallen." the Bot replied before looking at both Nexus and Micronus, who nodded back.

"Combine!" the three then shouted out loud as both the Bot and Minicon lept into the air over Optimus, which caused the three to emit a bright white light that almost blinded Xakron as he shielded his eyes.

"What…" his voice boomed, gaining the looks of Unicron, Jack, Myra and Orion, who stopped mid-fight to see what was happening as the explosion of light continued to glow.

"…Impossible!" the Entity continued to say as it then died down and revealed a larger and more aggressive-looking Bot, instead of the three that had stood before him.

"…Optimus?" Jack muttered as he recognized the face of his friend and former-Mentor, but his body was now larger and more armored than before, with a mixture of red and bronze color to his new mold and with a green gem-like shape in the center of his chest-plate, one that fueled glowing green power through the grooves and joints of his armor.

"We are now Ultra Prime, Xakron, and you will fall before us." the Bot said with a voice that was a mixture of all three Primes at once before he suddenly launched himself into the air at the Entity and swung a now larger version of Solus's hammer directly into the enemy's face.

"Arrrgh!" Xakron cried out as he stumbled back a little, but Ultra Prime did not stop as he continued his advantage and swung the hammer once more and hit the Darkness again and again.

As this was happening, Orion moved quickly and grabbed the distracted Myra and threw her down to the ground, gaining a grimace from the Asari as she rolled to a stop just aways from him.

"I will get through to you, Myra. You are my daughter after all." he said with a hopeful tone as he walked over to his brainwashed opponent, who slowly recovered as she got onto her hands and knees.

"You can say nothing that I will believe, for you have been dead to me for centuries now. My life has been one of hate and anger, and now Xakron has simply reminded me that it is my true path to follow." she said back as he then stopped and stood looking down at her, which made him shake his head in return.

"You have no idea how wrong you are…" he started to say, giving her a compassionate stare. But the Asari suddenly shone brightly with biotic power and lunged up at her Father, hitting him directly under his chin and sending him flying across the area and landing several feet away.

'Damn it, I should have seen that coming.' he thought with gritted teeth as he struggled against the pain of that hit while lying on the ground before, suddenly, his daughter pinned him in place by placing her armored boot on his chest and holding her left glowing hand in the air.

"I have had enough of your bullshit! You are nothing but a painful memory to me,…Father…" she began to say while forming a biotic projection of a boulder directly over him, making his eyes widen as he looked into hers as they narrowed at him.

"…and I will make sure you stay that way."

Meanwhile, Ultra Prime managed slam his hammer into Xakron's face again, sending the Entity falling onto its back and causing a small earthquake to shake the ground as he landed on its chest.

"You will pay for the deaths of our brethren." he said with his unified voice while raising the weapon over his head, preparing to bring it down on the Darkness's face as it lied there with an unconscious look.

But just as the big-Bot was about to strike, the Death Bringer's eyes shot open and caused a large tentacle to rise up behind the Prime and latch onto the hammer, stopping the attack in its tracks.

"I am not defeated so easily,…Primes..!" Xakron's voice boomed as another tentacle suddenly rose up out of his chest and latched onto the green gem-like form on the Bot's chest.

"…and I will feast on your sparks." he added before the tentacle ripped the gem away, which transformed back into Micronus.

"Nooooo!" he cried out before being pulled into the jet-black surface of the Entity's body, leaving the remainder of Ultra Prime to fall off the body and land on the ground beside it.

'We've lost Micronus…what do we…' Nexus began to think, before being cut off as the Darkness quickly reformed himself and knelt down beside the Bot and then began to tear the armor from him with tentacles formed from his own fingers.

"Gaah, No!" the Prime cried out as this happened, feeling excruciating pain as he was torn apart until only Optimus remained.

The broken-off parts were then absorbed into the Darkness as it looked down with a gleeful expression at the fallen Autobot, who could barely move his gravely injured form.

"Optimus!" Jack shouted as he saw this, taking his attention away from Unicron who was currently recovering from a blow to the head as he lay on the floor.

Even Orion managed a glance, his eyes widening as he saw the Entity then pick up the former Autobot-Leader in his hand.

"You fought well, but now it is over." Xakron said as he looked at the defeated Prime.

"You may have defeated us, but…" the Bot started to say, only for the Death Bringer to grit his teeth and swipe a finger-like tentacle at the his face.

"I will hear no more prattle from you..!" he jumped in as the appendage tore off the Bot's jaw, gaining a painful sound as energon leaked out from the wound.

"…you will be silent as I devour you, Prime." the Darkness added as his clenched hand began to envelope the Cybertronian. But Optimus managed to look over at his fellow Primes, his optics conveying his sadness at failing his friends.

'I am sorry, we have failed you. And now this fight must be your own.' he thought before completely disappearing into the Entity's fist, making Jack's and Orion's eyes widen in horror as they then saw Xakron reopen his fist and reveal that their friend was now gone.

"At long last, the Thirteen are mine…" he said with a relieved tone, before turning his attention back to the others and smiling, as Unicron rose up behind Jack and Orion found himself at Myra's mercy.

"…now, where were we?"
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Re: Prime Effect 5

Postby Apollo-XL5 » Thu Mar 31, 2022 2:45 pm

Motto: ""It's all in the reflexes.""
Weapon: Star Saber Sword

"Where were we?" Xakron asked with a knowing smile as he looked down at the Primes, with one of them already at the mercy of another that was under the Darkness's control.

And the Entity's smile grew a little wider as he looked at Jack, who activated both his holo Star-Saber and Skyboom Shield as he looked at his Son and Granddaughter, failing to notice that Unicron had recovered and was preparing to attack from behind.

"Let your Father go, Myra! This isn't you!" he warned, earning a disinterested glance from the corrupted Asari as she readied to drop a biotic boulder construct on Orion.

"Stay out of this! Or I will rob Unicron of his prize as well." she replied, which made Jack suddenly spin around and shield himself from the Choas Bringer's attack, with his arm-blades slamming down on the Prime's shield.

"Thought I forgot about you, didn't you, Unicron?" he replied, earning an aggravated look from the Wraith as the two were locked together.

"It matters not, you and your son will die today." he replied with a hateful tone, pushing his blades down on the Skyboom shield in an attempt to break through.

But Jackson Prime simply smirked as he held his ground, readying his holo-saber.

"Not while I still have a say on the matter."

The Human then put his strength into his shield and pushed back against his opponent, forcing Unicron to break off and stumble back slightly.

Though before the Chaos Bringer could recover his balance, Jack followed through by swiping his Star-saber at the enemy's chest and slicing it open, which caused black liquid to spill out as the Wraith grimaced.

"Gah!" he cried out in pain with a shocked look on his face, with his arm blades shifting back into hands as he went to cover the wound.

But the Human-Prime then deactivated his weapons and grabbed the Wraith, using all his strength to pull Unicron with him as he performed a ground throw and launched his adversary into the air.

"What!" Myra quickly replied with a shocked expression before the Chaos Bringer then collided with her, sending them both crashing to the floor as Jack recovered and reached his Son's side.

"You alright, Orion?" Jack asked as he helped the blue-haired Bot to his feet, earning an appreciative nod in return.

"Yeah, thanks, Dad. But we need to free Myra of Xakron's influence."

"I agree, so I am going to keep Unicron busy so that you can concentrate on my granddaughter..." the older Prime started to say, only for a more serious expression to appear on his face as he looked at his younger successor.

"...but you can't play it nice with her now, understand? If you drop your guard again, Myra will kill you." he warned, gaining a nod from Orion in return as he looked at their two enemies who were getting back to their feet.

"I know and I have a plan, but..." he started to say, making his Father look back with a curious expression.


"...why is Xakron simply watching? He could sweep us aside with a snap of his fingers if he wanted to right now?" the younger Prime asked, making them both glance up at the entity who was merely watching them.

"I guess he wants his two disciples to finish us while he digests what's left of our friends."

The Darkness's purple eyes narrowed as it looked down at the pair, the grin never leaving its face as it towered over them.

"Then let's free Myra and kill Unicron, so we can finally wipe that smug look off Xakron's face." Orion said in a confident tone, which brought a smile to his Father's face.

"Let's roll!" he said back before the pair separated and charged at their targets, who had finally got back to their feet and turned to face the two Men.

The young blue-haired Bot equipped his Star-Saber, making it glow with blue/white light as he spun around and unleashed an energy wave towards his Daughter, only for the Asari to leap up and over it, performing a perfect somersault as the attack passed under her before stopping in mid-air as her body glowed with purple biotic light before unleashing an energy attack of her own at the Bot.

'Oh scrap!' Orion thought as he was forced to dive to the right, narrowly missing the projectile which hit the ground beside him.

But the impact caused a shockwave to expand from the spot, which then hit the Prime and knocked him back to the ground as the Asari landed on her feet before him.

"So you now take the gloves off with me, Father? I should have known that you would reveal your true colors." she said with a spiteful tone, before throwing another projectile at the blue-haired Bot as he recovered.

Orion quickly swung his saber down before him just as the energy ball was about to hit him, slicing it in half And making the attack pass him by.

"You're not giving me much choice, Myra. Please, think about what it is you're doing." he said back, hoping once more to get through to his Daughter.

The Asari merely gritted her teeth as she created a biotic blade in both her hands and charged toward him, her purple eyes glowing brightly.

"This will end with your death!" she spat while swinging her blades down upon her Father, making Orion bring up the Star-Saber and block the attack, causing purple and blue energy to erupt from the clash of weapons.


Meanwhile, Jack was in the middle of another duel with Unicron, his Saber and shield deflecting each of the strikes the Chaos Bringer caused with his own copy of his Chaos Edge.

"You remind me of my Brother, Prime. The two of you fight similarly..." he said, gaining a slight smirk from the Human as he deflected yet another attack, only to follow through by hitting his enemy with the Skyboom Shield, which made the pair separate slightly as the latter stumbled back.

"Thanks, that's quite the compliment...which I didn't expect." Jack replied before then lunging towards his enemy with the holo Star-Saber, only for Unicron to dodge and pin the blade between his two.

"It was not meant so, because like my weak-hearted Brother, your attacks are easy to read and manipulate to my advantage..." he replied with a knowing tone, before suddenly locking the Prime's weapon in place and yanking the Human towards him.

"Arrgh!" the Prime cried out before being hit in the face by the Chaos Bringer's elbow, which the latter then followed through with a knee to the man's chest and then an elbow to his back.

This made Jack fall to the ground as Unicron stood over him, looking down with a self-satisfying stare.

"Who do you think taught Primus how to fight? You never stood a chance."

'He's been playing me all this time.' Jack thought as he lay on his front on the burnt crystalline ground, trying to regain his breath as his back and chest ached.

But the Human Prime didn't get the chance as he was suddenly grabbed from the back of his neck and pulled back onto his feet by the Wraith.

"Let's see how much more I can hurt you." he said before punching the older Darby hard in his stomach, gaining another grimace from Jack in return.

Xakron watched with an inquisitive expression on his face, taking in every detail of Unicron's fight with the Human Prime.

'My servant has the upper hand, which means this Prime's life is about to come to an end.' it thought before turning its attention to the other fight taking place not far from them.

'Now this one is certainly interesting.' Xakron added as he saw Myra and Orion clash, each switching between defensive offensive techniques as they attacked one another.

'My new newest ally should finish her father off momentarily, making sure her spark remains in darkness.'

And the fight between Father and Daughter had certainly become a fierce one, with the latter angrily slashing her blades at her opponent.

Orion brought up his Star-Saber once again to deflect them, causing blue and purple sparks to erupt from the clashing weapons.

But the Asari then began to glow with biotic energy, which Orion recognized as the build-up for an attack.

So he quickly broke off and dived to his left, as the other Prime performed a biotic charge and went past him like a blur.

'That was a close one.' he thought as his Daughter stopped and spun around, a surprised but no less angry expression on her face as she gritted her teeth.

"How did you know I was about to...?" she started to say, only for the Blue-haired Bot to cut her off mid-question.

"I have seen Liara perform that more than a few times over the years, Myra. You and your mother are very much alike."

This suddenly made the Asari's expression soften for a moment as she stood there, gaining an ever-so-slight smile from her father in return.

'There, she's hesitating. I have to keep the pressure up. Hopefully, I can finally get through to her...'

But before the bot could finish that thought, Myra attacked him once again with her biotic blades.

The Prime, though, dodged her by spinning around, following that through by elbowing the blue female in the back and sending her to the ground.

"Come on, Myra. Surely your mother and I taught you better than that." he replied with a kind smile, which made her stare back with a hesitant expression again while on her hands and knees.

'I guess we did, so let's see if I can get her to remember more...even if I do not.' he thought as the Asari got back to her feet, so Orion sheathed the Star-Saber onto the back of his armor and took a fighting stance.

This made Myra stare back with a angry and confused expression in return.

"You aren't using your weapon, are you giving up or is this some kind of joke?" she asked, making the Bot shake his head in return as he clenched his fists.

"Neither, Myra. I want to see how well your mother and I taught face me!" he said in a serious and commanding tone, which brought a sadistic grin to the Asari's face.

"With pleasure..." she started to reply before firing a biotic blast at her Father, making him dive to his left and dodge it.

But just as he performed a roll and ended up back on his feet, the blue female used another biotic-charge to end up right in front of him.

"...since you won't last very long against me." Myra then added as she prepared to attack him with a double biotic punch, only for the Bot to suck under it and sweep-kick his opponent off her feet.

"You're not impressing me, Myra. Why are you relying only on your biotics? haven't 'we' showed you to mix it up with hand to hand as well...?" Orion said back as he watched his Daughter recover and get back to his feet.

'...after all, Liara and I sparred enough after the Predacon War, helping to hone her skills in that area.' he thought, which brought another hesitant look from the Asari.

"Now, impress me!" he then added, throwing a punch at her face.

This suddenly made the young Woman block the attack and grab the arm, before pulling the bot over her body and throwing him to the ground beside her.

"How was that?" she suddenly replied with a slightly softened expression, which then quickly changed to a confused look.

"What did I just...?" she asked, while the blue-haired Prime flipped back onto his feet and turned back to her.

'I got through to her for a second, that was Myra.'

But this earned a questioning look from Xakron as he watched the pair from just aways, taking note of his brainwashed Asari's behavior as she attacked her father once more.

'Why doesn't she simply kill him with her biotics?' it thought as it saw the Prime block the Woman's roundhouse kick, only for her to follow through with a reverse roundhouse and hit him in the face.

'Just kill him already!'

Myra's kick felled Orion onto his back as his opponent launched herself at him, only for the Bot to perform a backward roll and end up on his feet while she landed directly in front of him.

"That's more like it. You really are like your mother." he said as the Asari started to throw another punch his way, only for her to stop and stare at him hesitantly. This made the Darkness's eyes widen as it saw what was happening between them.

'No! That Prime is starting to get through to her...I have to intervene!' it thought before clenching a fist and making thunder book overhead.

"What in the...?" Orion said as a bolt of lightning suddenly streaked down and hit the ground between him and Myra, making the blue-haired bot fall back as his daughter froze to the spot.


"Why are you hesitating?" Xakron's voice boomed as the Asari stood there in the darkness of her own mind once more, its angry tone echoing around her as it spoke.

"I don't know what you talking about. My father will be dead momentarily." she said back, which made the Death Bringer seep out of the dark and appear before her.

"What? Just kill him now! Use your biotics!" it spat back, gaining a surprised and confused look from Myra.

"...but?" she began to say before an image materialized beside the pair, making the Death Bringer's eyes widen as he looked at it.

"What now!"

For what he was watching was a memory of the Asari's, specifically one of her and her Father.

It showed the blue-haired Prime teaching their Daughter how to fight via hand to hand combat, which made the Darkness narrow his eyes in return.

"I see what is happening here..." he started to say while turning his attention back to Myra, who merely stood there and looked at him.

"…so I guess I should intervene." Xakron added as he flexed the fingers on his right hand, making the Asari stare with a questioning expression.

"What do you..?" she started to ask, only to be cut off as the Entity grabbed her by the forehead and dug his fingers into her skin.

"Arrgh! What…are…you…" Myra tried to say as she felt his fingers slither and burrow through her skull, before wriggling into her brain.

"I am ensuring that you fulfil my wish...and kill your father!" he said back with a ferocious tone, with his voice echoing around the Asari as she fell to her knees before the Darkness and cried out in agony.


Meanwhile, Orion had a look of pure confusion on his face as he looked at his daughter, for she simply stood before him with her eyes closed.

"Myra?" he asked aloud with a cautious and yet caring tone, taking a step closer to the Asari.

But then she suddenly opened her eyes, revealing them to still be bright purple as she raised her arm to him and blast the bot with a powerful energy blast.

"Orion!" Jack shouted as the light from the attack caught his and Unicron's attention, with the Human Prime witnessing his Son hurtling backwards to the ground.

This gained a smirk from the Chaos Bringer as he looked back down at his quarry, who he had pinned to the ground.

"I think I will kill you only after you have witnessed your own granddaughter murder your only son." he said with a devious tone, which made Jack's eyes widen as he kept his attention on the brainwashed Asari as she walked over to floored Prime.

"It seems that I still have to take matters into my own hands." Myra replied with a dark and booming voice, which gained the blue-haired bot's focus despite the pain he was currently feeling from the energy blast.

"…Xakron? You're…controlling my…daughter?" he asked with a grimace, gaining a nod from the Asari as she stood over him and looked down.

"Yes, I am now. Because it seems that Myra here…" the Entity began to say, looking at the Asari's hands as he possessed her body.

"…cannot be entirely corrupted by just the Darkness that exists within her own heart alone. But I think having her witness your death by her own hands should finally tip the scale, don't you think?" Xakron added as Orion slowly began to lift himself back up into a sitting position, only for the Darkness to wave a glowing hand down at the Bot and knock him down onto his back once more, making him grimace as the energy surged through his body.

"Garrh!" he cried out with a painful tone, gaining a barely invested expression from his adversary in return.

"Please, stay down. You are only delaying the evitable…" he replied before clenching his right hand and aiming it at the stricken man, who looked up and saw that it was starting to glow even brighter than before.

"…and I think that I have waited long enough for this moment."

This sentence though gained a smirk from Orion, which made Xakron look down at him with a confused expression.

"And here I thought that you were a patient being, having spent how many eons locked away between universes." he said back with a slightly sarcastic tone, one that earned a dagger-like stare from the Darkness.

"Such insolence…!" it spat back while stamping Myra's right foot on the Prime's chest, making him cough up some blood.

"…you should suffer some more for such behaviour before me…" Xakron added while making bot's adughter get down and straddle her Father, who could only watch as she grabbed his throat with both hands.

"…and choking the life out of you should suffice, as well as poison your daughter's heart completely…so die!"

Orion suddenly felt a vice-like grip around his neck, which began to tighten as the Asari's hands began to glow with a mixture of biotic and dark energy.

"…Myra…" he began to say between gasps while grabbing the Woman's arms, trying to free himself in the process.

"…you…have to…fight…it. Take…back…control!" he managed to say, only for the Darkness to smile back with his Daughter's face as it tightened its grip even more.

"You waste your breath, Prime. For your daughter is currently reliving all her most painful memories and therefore unable to hear you."

But the blue-haired Bot removed his hand from the Asari's wrist and placed it on her upper arm, ignoring the evil expression she was staring at him with as he looked into her eyes.

"Myra,, because...despite...all...that I...know...that...deep heart..." the Bot started to say whilst trying to ignore the pain he was feeling, while the Dark-Entity increased the pressure around his throat.

Myra, though, was still in the Xakron's grasp and surrounded by images of all of her most dark and painful memories, all of which played out around her as the Darkness held onto her head with his hand. But despite this onslaught on the Asari, she heard a very familiar voice speak to her through the darkness.

'Dad?' the new Prime thought as she tried to focus on his voice, ignoring everything else that was happening around her.

" shouldn't...let" he continued to say, which gained Xakron's attention as he tightened his grip on the Asari's head.

"It is too late for you, Myra, for you have been in the darkness far too long to walk away now."

But Myra shook her head as she gritted her teeth, trying to keep her attention on her Father's voice while feeling Xakron's fingers slithering throughout her mind.

"…and…no…matter how…this…ends, I…will…always…love you."

This suddenly made the young Woman's eyes widen as his words dwelled in her thoughts, which did not go unnoticed by the Death Bringer as he narrowed his eyes more and strengthened his grasp on her mind.

"He is wrong, Myra. We are what we become and you belong in the darkness with me."

But out of nowhere, the Asari grabbed his wrist with a vice-like grip as her eyes locked onto his own and narrowed.

"What...!" the Darkness then started to say in a surprised tone, while she started to slowly pull his hand out of her head.

" cannot fight me! You don't have the strength." he added, but Myra gritted her teeth in return.

"My, Xakron, I may...have...made some questionable…choices in…my life. Allowed my…emotions…to guide me…down…a darker path…" she started to say whilst grimacing, fighting the Entity's control while continuing to pull it's hand from her head.

"…but…I will…no longer…allow…it…to…define…who I am…" the Prime added before ripping her Adversary's hand from her, earning a shocked look from it as she clenched her other hand and made it glow with biotic energy.

"…Now get out of my head!" she spat while thrusting her glowing fist through the Darkness's chest, making it explode before her as the memories that had been playing around her disappeared, leaving the Asari's mind as she stood there alone once more.

Suddenly, Orion felt the grip around his throat lessen as his daughter closed her eyes and sighed, making the bot look at her with a hopeful expression.

"Myra…?" he asked, which made the Woman open her eyes, revealing them to be back to their normal blue as she slowly nodded in return.

"Yes..., Dad, it's me." she replied as she got back to her feet, earning a curious look from the Bot as he followed suit, noticing a regretful expression appear on the Asari's face.

"I am so sorry..." Myra started to say but was quickly cut off as her father pulled her into an embrace.

"'s not your fault." he said with a caring tone, wrapping his arms around his daughter, who sighed in return as she did the same. But just aways from the pair, Unicron's eyes widened as a look of complete shock appeared on his face.

"What?" he started to say with confusion underlining his words, while a relieved smile appeared on the Prime's face as he looked at his family.

'Thank Primus.' he thought before returning his focus to the Adversary currently pinning him down to the ground, who then looked back down at him and began to smirk.

"Well, it's disappointing. But I guess that means I get to kill you now and end this Trinity finally." he said while clenching his right fist and raising it above his head, which then had a dark energy surround it as he readied to deliver the killing blow.

But Myra then looked over her father's shoulder and saw Jack's perilous moment, which made her eyes widen in fear as she suddenly pulled away from his arms and threw her glowing left fist before her.

"No!" she cried out, gaining Orion's attention as he turned and watched while she created a biotic construct of a giant fist and launched it at the Chaos Bringer.

'Wow.' he thought as the attack hit the Wraith perfectly and sent him flying off the Human Prime, making him hit the ground a few feet away with a thud.

"Dad? You alright?" Orion asked with a worried tone as he joined Jack's side, earning a nod back as Myra kept her focus on their common enemy.

"Yeah, I'm good...and Myra's back with us, I see." he replied as both Men witnessed Unicron quickly recover and attack the Asari, who blocked his attack with a biotic shield.

"Yes, she is. So let's get in there and help her finish off Unicron." the blue-haired Bot replied as he unsheathed the Star-Saber from his back, gaining a nod from his Father who activated his own Saber in return.

"My Master and I will finish you, Asari. You and your wretched bloodline." the Chaos Bringer spat while his arms morphed into blades as he swung them at her, only for the Prime to deflect both with her arms which were shielded in biotic energy.

"I think not..." she began to reply while kicking the Wraith in his chest, causing him to stumble backwards as her Father and Grandfather joined her side.

"...since he is not here right now."

"What?!…" Unicron spat back with a confused tone while the blue-Woman gestured behind him, making the enemy turn around and notice that he was completely alone with the trio.

"…what? Where is he?"

"I guess Myra here had something to do with that." Orion replied with a proud look, which almost made his Daughter blush as she smirked back, while Jack pointed his holo-saber at their Adversary.

"Good work. Now let's finish this Wraith before his Master reappears."

But the Chaos Bringer narrowed his glowing purple eyes at them, as several tentacles grew out of his body.

"Brave words, Jackson Prime, but I will not be easily defeated." he spat back before lunging at the trio with his tentacles, which swung high and low at the Primes.

"Watch out!" Orion shouted as he and Jack jumped back, with both performing backward somersaults just before the Wraith's attack could reach them.

Myra, though, used her biotics to launch herself up into the air with another of the tentacles surging up towards the Asari, only for her to catch and grab hold of it and then pull the Chaos Bringer off the ground.

"WHAT!" he managed to shout out as the Prime enveloped him in biotic energy as she swung him around and around, before throwing the Wraith into the ground below.

"Impressive." the Grandfather said with a surprised expression, gaining a mirrored look from his Son.

"I know, right." he replied with a slight smirk before returning his attention to Myra, who landed gracefully in front of them.

"You okay?

"Yeah. I just want to get this over with." she said back with a serious tone, never taking her eyes off Unicron as he reformed himself.

"Alright. Let's do it." he said before charging the Star-Saber and unleashing an energy wave towards their enemy, only for it to miss as the Wraith bent his body around the attack.

"You will have to do better than that, Primes!" he shouted back while lunging his tentacles at them, which made the Asari throw two biotic projectiles in return.

They both hit the Wraith directly in his center, exploding and enveloping him in a biotic stasis.

"Now, finish him off!" she then said, gaining nods from both her father and Grandfather as the pair charged at the frozen Chaos Bringer, who could do nothing but watch as Orion ran him through with a glowing Star-Saber.

"…No!" Unicron managed to mutter with a pained tone, feeling the energy of the Prime's blade eat away at his insides.

But it was then cut short as Jack quickly decapitated him with his holo-saber, sending his head flying from his body before hitting the burnt crystalline ground and turning to black liquid once again.

"One down…" the eldest Prime then said as they watched the Wraith's body do the same as the storm clouds began to converge on the area once more, closing the storm's eye that had revealed the starless night sky overhead.

"…one to go." Myra quickly added as she turned around to see Xakron reform himself and tower over them, a look of pure hate was written over his face as his eyes narrowed at the trio.

"You have defeated Unicron." he spat, with his voice echoing throughout the area.

"Yes, we have. And now it's your turn." Jack replied as the Asari and blue-haired bot stood on either side of him, their matrices beginning to glow as did his own. But this made the Entity burst into laughter, matching the thunder and lightning that the storm unleashed around the Primes.

"After defeating a mere puppet, a shadow of the Aeonian that became my slave. You really think you have what it takes to stand against me now?" it asked which made Myra clench her fists and focus her biotics, once more changing their natural blue glow to a more white-like one.

"Why not. I mean if you can be forced out of the mind of someone like me, then I guess sending you back into whatever black hole you seeped out of will be easy." she said with a slight grin, making the Darkness grit his teeth as he clenched his fists and growled deeply.

"Very well, Primes,.….FACE ME!" it spat as it lunged down at the trio, making Jack, Myra and Orion launched themselves back at him as the final battle began.


Thunder crackled and lightning streaked across the storm-cloud covered sky as the three Primes and Xakron lunged at each other before suddenly the giant behemoth exploded into a thousand smaller versions of himself that fell down towards the trio.

"Look out!" Myra shouted as she created two biotic blades and began slicing through the Wraiths, gaining similar reactions from her Father and Grandfather as they did the same with their own sabers.

But soon gravity regained a hold on the three warriors and they landed back down on the crystalline ground, followed by the massive gathering of Xakron's copies who were all around their own height.

"You cannot win, Primes of light." all of the wraiths spoke at once, with the same voice and level of hatred underlined with their words.

"Okay, anyone else find that really unnerving." Orion then said with an uncomfortable tone, earning a nod from the Asari while the three Primes went back to back as the Wraiths surrounded them.

"I would not count us out yet, Xakron. For we Primes have defeated everything that has been created from your interference in our Universe." he said in a confident tone as he held up his holo Star-Saber in front of him, which made Orion do the same.

"Yes. We defeated the Reapers…" he started to say.

"…and we defeated Unicron." Myra finished as she held her glowing fists before the clones of the Darkness, keeping her attention focused on them.

"And now you are all that stands between us and victory."

"There can be no victory in the battle between light and dark, between chaos and order. Have you not learned anything from this day?" the Xakrons replied, which brought a slight smirk to Jack's face in return.

"You're right. There can be only a balance and that is the victory we fight for. That is the reason that we stand here today…" he started to say as his and the other's matrices light started to flow through all the grooves and connections of their Prime-armors, even lighting up their Autobot insignias.

"…and your defeat will bring that balance back…" the Human continued to say as he activated his skyboom-shield and pulled his holo-saber back, which made both Orion and Myra ready themselves for combat.

"…for Primus!" he finished as he launched himself at the closest Wraith, lopping off its head with his weapon before slamming the shield into the one next to it.

The blue-haired bot spun around and unleashed an energy wave that obliterated a dozen enemies that stood before him, while the Asari performed a biotic charge and became a white/blueish blur that destroyed every copy of the Darkness that was in her path.

"[i]Your defeat to me is inevitable, for I am legion.[/i]"

But the Primes ignored the combined voice of the Wraiths as they continued to battle them, with the Human Prime dodging and deflecting attacks from all directions while beheading every enemy around him.

"There was only one Legion and he was a far better person than you, Xakron." Jack replied whilst Orion created another energy tornado around himself, sucking up numerous Wraiths into its funnel before they were ripped apart by the energy inside.

"Yeah, this guy loves the sound of his own voice." he said, gaining a nod from his Daughter as she joined his side and swatted aside several more with a large biotic construct resembling a hand.

"Don't all bad guys?" she asked while freezing another enemy to the spot, which allowed the Bot to swing his Saber down and slice it in two.

"Yeah. You have a point there, Myra." Orion replied as he unleashed another energy wave, while the Asari slammed her glowing right fist into the ground and created a biotic blast that travelled along the ground, throwing Wraiths up into the air before launching herself up there and slamming them back down to the ground.

Despite the trio defeating a large number of the Darkness's copies, the enemy force still outnumbered them and kept on coming as the storm continued to raze the sky overhead.

Orion quickly dispatched another clone with his Saber, before turning around to see yet several more closing in on him.

But just as he readied himself for another round, the Wraiths were destroyed by an energy-wave attack to his left.

"Thanks for the assist, Dad." he shouted back as his Father started cutting through another three that tried to jump him from behind, slicing his holo-saber through each one and spilling out more of the black liquid which covered much of the area where the battle was taking place.

"You're welcome Son, but I don't see this fight ending any time soon." he replied as he pulled the weapon up and lopped off the arms of another Xakron, with the blue-haired man quickly decapitating it in return.

"I can see that, though I know a Krogan or two who would be happy with these odds." Orion said with a slight smirk, gaining a similar look from the older Prime as he glanced back at his Son.

"Yeah, I know a Dinobot who would feel the same way..." he said back before slamming his shield into the face of Wraith, knocking it back into its comrades and making a little space between him as his Son ran his Saber through the chest of another.

"…but I think the only way to beat Xakron is to defeat the Darkness himself." the Human added as three Wraiths launched themselves at the pair, only to be obliterated by a biotic blast as Myra rejoined them.

"I have to agree, I think it is the only way we can beat him." she replied before spin-kicking a copy of Xakron in the face, gaining a worried look from her father as he kicked one enemy in the chest and ripped the Star-Saber out of another beside him.

"But I thought they are all Xakron, which one could it be?" he asked, which suddenly made all of the copies laugh as they continued to attack and make the Primes defend themselves.

"I can hear every word you say to each other, I hope you realize that." it replied, which made the Asari punch a glowing fist right through the nearest Xakron's head, exploding it and sending bits of black liquid flying out in all directions.

"We don't care." she spat back before putting both hands at her sides and creating a biotic barrier between the Primes and the Darkness, gaining a smug look from the Entity.

"This barrier will not hold me out for long, Asari."

But Myra ignored his words as she turned back to her Father and Grandfather, gaining surprised looks from the pair.

"Myra?" the former asked, but she simply gave them both a serious and thoughtful expression.

"I think I have a way of finding out which one is the source of them all, but…" she started to say, noticing the look on Orion's face.

"But?" he said back with an unsure tone, while the numerous Wraiths punched at the barrier repeatedly, reminding the trio of their decreasing time.

"…do you trust me, Granddad?" the Asari then said as she turned her attention to Jack, who gave her a silent but understanding nod in return.

This made her sigh slightly before returning her stare back to the blue-haired bot.

"Do you trust me, Dad?"

Orion looked at her with a thoughtful expression for a slight moment before a warm smile appeared on his face, giving her a gentle nod back.

"Of course I do. You're my daughter." he said back, gaining a slight smile from Jack as he watched his two descendants quietly, as a look of relief appeared on his Granddaughter's face.

"Good…" she started to say before her expression became serious once again, turning away from the two men and putting her hands together and bowing her head.

"…because I'll need you both to defend me as I find Xakron." she added, which made the other Primes step either side of her and ready their weapons.

"You've got it…" Orion replied, while the barrier began to flicker and lose its strength with every hit that the Wraiths gave it.

"…since I have an idea of what you're going to do."

"I have to give your daughter credit, Orion. It's not an easy thing to do…" he started to say as they waited for biotic field to fall, while Myra kept her eyes closed and concentrated.

"I know, Dad, but this is an end of the world moment. It's not like we Primes can be picky in what we do to stop such things." he said back, cutting his Father off mid-sentence as the older Man nodded back with a proud expression.

"Exactly." he said before the barrier suddenly dropped and the Wraiths rushed towards the Trinity, gaining serious expressions from both Orion and Jack as they swung their weapons and defended the Asari from the attacking horde.


Meanwhile, Myra blocked out all outside noise as the sounds of battle faded away, focusing on the sounds of her own breathing and the beat of her heart.

'Okay, I can do this. I just have to use my own darkness to find Xakron.' she thought before a familiar voice spoke up, bringing an eerie feeling to her being.

"I knew you couldn't resist it, Myra, the darkness in your spark is calling you home." the Entity spoke in her mind, making the blue woman flinch a little as the other two Primes fended off its Wraiths.

'No, Xakron, it's just the opposite. I'm using this darkness inside me to do some good.' she answered back with her thoughts, earning a slight chuckle from the Darkness in return.

"Really? You think that you can hone in on my essence by using your own darkness as a tether to connect to mine. I applaud your imaginative thinking, but once you let me in, there will be no escaping me this time." its voice said back, the tone of its voice making Myra's stomach turn as she kept her focus on the blackness, looking for that dark-spark she could latch onto.

'You would like to think that, wouldn't you, Xakron. But the truth is, I acknowledge that I have a darkness within myself. But never again will it control me…' she started to think before a smile appeared on her face, for she saw the opening she wanted.

'…for I control it!' she added with a confident tone, gaining the opposite feeling from her adversary.


Meanwhile, Jack and Orion fought with everything they had as they defended the silent and unmoving Asari, killing every Wraith that tried to pass them. Orion sliced one in half before unleashing yet another energy wave, one that decimated at least half a dozen Xakron-clones in one go.

His father was not holding back either as the older Prime impaled an enemy with his holo-saber while slamming his shield into another, knocking it onto its back.

He then ripped his weapon out of first Wraith's body, which turned to a black liquid before then plunging that same blade down into the face of one that was slowly trying to get back to its feet.

"None of these scrap heaps are getting within an inch of my daughter." Orion defiantly cried out before slicing the head off another Wraith, gaining an admiring glance from Jack before his attention was brought back to the matter at hand as another enemy tried to pass him.

"I've got it…!" the Asari suddenly cried out, making both Primes and the Xakron-clones stop as she opened her eyes, revealing them to be glowing white.

"…be ready." she then added, gaining a nod from the pair as she squatted down and placed her fists on the ground.

"Okay, so…" the blue-haired Bot started to say, only to be cut off as his daughter suddenly launched herself up into the sky.

"Wow!" Jack exclaimed as he and his son, as well as all the Wraiths, watched as Myra began to glow all over and shine down like a lone star in the night sky.

"Impossible! you cannot know…" Xakron began to say, gaining a confident smirk from the Asari as she floated above them all and looked down at one in particular.

"I'm ending this now!" she replied before throwing her fists out in front of her and flying back down towards the ground, aiming herself at that one Wraith as a tail of energy appeared behind her, making the Prime look like a shooting star just a moment before hitting the ground.

"Orion, get over here!" Jack shouted in an urgent tone, grabbing his Son by the arm and pulling him back behind the Skyboom shield as he used it to cover them both, just as she hit the ground.

This impact shook the area as a massive biotic shockwave was emitted, one that spread out in all directions and annihilated every Wraith it touched.

A few moments passed before both Orion and Jack stood up from behind the Skyboom-shield, which the latter then deactivated as the pair looked at their surroundings.

"By the Allspark, she did it." the blue-haired Bot said with a happy and proud tone, gaining a similar if more held back expression from his Father.

"That was impressive…" he started to say before his eyes fell upon the Asari who was just aways from the pair.

"Myra!" her father called out, noticing that she was in a knelt pose with her fist on the ground having left several cracks in the crystal it was made out of.

"Did it work?" she asked before looking up at the pair, which gained an encouraging nod from Orion as he offered her his hand.

"It look's like it…" he started to say while helping his Daughter to her feet, earning an appreciative smile in return.

"…I mean your biotics have neutralized it, right? That's a complete particle reversal." he then added, gaining a smile from Jack as he shook his head in return.

"Son, you need to stop watching Ghostbusters." he said with a chuckle, earning a surprised look from the Bot as Myra smiled back at them both.

"Hey, it was one of your Blu-rays originally, Dad." he said back.

"Yeah, even I recognize that line since you did watch it a few times with me when I was a kid." the Asari added with a caring but playful tone to her Father.

"Well, it's good to know that my Blu-rays are still being watched…" Jack started to reply before the trio felt the ground start to shake slightly, regaining their attention.

"…but back to the matter at hand, I don't think this is over yet." he said, making both Orion and Myra nod back.

"Xakron must be injured though, or else he would have been on top of us by now." she said back, looking out at the area that surrounded them as the rain fell down hard upon them.

"Right. So now what do we do?" the blue-haired bot asked back as he grasped the hilt of the Star-Saber tightly, making the older Prime look back at them both.

"We wait for the Darkness to reappear…" he started to say, which just coincided with the tremors getting stronger beneath their feet.

"…and when he does, we take it out. Because one way or another, this fight ends today." he added, earning serious stares back from his descendants as they nodded back.

"But I want you two to know…" Jack then continued as his expression softened as his eyes met theirs.

"…that it has been an honour and a privilege to a fought by your sides." the Human Prime finished as he placed his hands on their shoulders, earning similar looks from the pair as they smiled back.

"Likewise." Orion replied.

"The feeling is mutual." Myra said back before the ground really started to shake.

This made the trio return their attention to the task at hand as the men re-equipped their weapons and the Asari clenched her fists and made them glow, their serious expressions returning as they readied themselves for their enemy's return as they felt the rain hit their faces.

Then just as the tremors turned into a full-blown earthquake, the ground ahead of them exploded as Xakron burst out of the ground at his original towering size and stared down at them with hateful eyes.

"I have had enough of your resistance! You will die now!" it spat while throwing a punch towards the three Primes.
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Re: Prime Effect 5

Postby Apollo-XL5 » Sat Apr 16, 2022 2:57 pm

Motto: ""It's all in the reflexes.""
Weapon: Star Saber Sword

The three Primes narrowly evaded the Entity's attack, diving out of the way as its fist impacted the crystalline ground and shattered it's structure, leaving a crater in it's place.

Jack and Orion found themselves on either side of the cavity, quickly getting back to their feet as Myra landed gracefully just ahead of them.

"Don't give it an inch!" the Asari then shouted before throwing a barrage of biotic projectiles at the towering Behemoth, which impacted against Xakron's black liquid-like skin, producing ripples of energy to flow over the Darkness and making it grimace in pain.

"Arrgh!" it cried out as both the Human and Cybetronian Primes then spun around and unleashed energy waves from their Sabers.

The large projectiles cut through the heavy rain as they flew towards their target, creating crackles of energy bolts to spark outwards as they reacted against the water in the air.

"Not this time!" Xakron spat as it suddenly changed its shape and thus dodged the attacks, which passed by and slowly deteriorated in the sky above.

"Scrap, I didn't realise it could do that." Jack replied with a shocked tone, as Orion nodded back in agreement.

"Yeah, you would think that something that big would be hard to miss."

"Then we are just going to have to get closer." Myra shouted as she looked back at them while the Darkness reformed itself before them.

"What did you have in mind?" the blue-haired Bot replied, which made the Asari smirk back before turning back towards the Darkness.

"Just get ready." She said while holding her hands back towards the pair, gaining a curious look from Jack.

"Ready for wh...?" he began to say, only to get cut off as both the human man and his son were suddenly enveloped in biotic energy and started levitating off the ground.

"You can't be serious?" her grandfather quickly replied, just earning a slight smile from Orion as he readied his weapon.

"Just hold on." he added before the Asari then flung her arms in front of her and catapulted the two guys up into the sky towards Xakron's titanic form.

"What in the?" the Darkness replied with a surprised expression as he saw the Primes hurtling up towards him, with their Star-Sabers ready.

But before the Entity could react, they both swing their blades down in front of them and unleashed two more energy blasts, which this time hit their mark and made Xakron cry out in pain as the Primes landed on his chest and buried their blades in its skin to stop from falling back.

"I think we just pissed him off." Orion shouted as he looked over to his Dad, who was just away from him on the other side of the behemoth's chest.

"You will pay for that!" Xakron spat, its voice shaking the very air that it was echoing through as It quickly recovered and brought its arms down upon the pair.

"I don't think so!" Myra replied as she suddenly launched herself up at the giant, hitting it directly in the face with a large biotic construct of a fist.

"Gah!" the Entity spat as it was forced to stumble back, leaning back enough for Jack and Orion to stand up as the Asari landed on their Adversary's chest between them.

"Let's finish this!" The Human Prime then said as he pointed at the Darkness's head, gaining a nod from both his Son and Granddaughter as the three of them started to run up the rest of Xakron's torso. But the Entity began to stand back up straight as it recovered, making the trio's ascent an almost sheer drop.

"I know what you are attempting. You will fail." its voice boomed as the Primes closed in on its neck, only for Orion to notice their advantage quickly disappearing beneath their feet.

"We're not going to make it!" he said, just as several tentacles grew out of the Behemoth's skin and surged at them.

"Head for its shoulders then." Jack said back whilst slicing three of them in half with his holo saber, running through their liquefying remains as he changed his direction.

The blue-haired Bot did the same as he headed for the giant's other shoulder, while the Myra leapt up towards Xakron's head and used her biotics to levitate there for a moment as she fired off several more energy blasts.

"Arrrgh!" it cried out before swinging its right arm at the Prime, swiping her right out of the air as the other two climbed up onto the Entity's shoulders.

"Myra!" Orion shouted, having just seen his daughter get swatted out of the air like a fly.

"Orion, we have work to do. Let's move!" his Dad called back from the other side of Xakron's head, just as more tentacles appeared between them and their target.

The blue-haired bot just looked at the spot where he last saw his little girl, a saddened look on his face before he then nodded and re-quipped the Star-Saber.

"Right." he replied somewhat reluctantly while turning his attention back to the matter at hand, which now had several tentacles standing between him and the Entity's head.

"What are you waiting for? Attack me!" its voice bellowed, making both Jack and his son rush forward as they sliced their way through the Darkness's defences which tried to wrap themselves around the Primes, only to be cut down in the process.

More grew out of its skin and attacked the two men from all directions, but the blue-haired bot jumped and swung his Star-Saber around him and obliterated them all as several more appeared before Jack while he held back his own weapon, keeping his focus on the target.

"You are finished, Xakron." the human shouted as he broke through the tentacles and swung his holo saber at the Death Bringer's head, with Orion doing the same as both of them launched themselves at the Entity.

"I think not." it replied with a smug tone as several more tentacles shot out of its skin and grabbed them both, stopping the pair in their tracks as they tightened their grips on the Prime's arms and legs.

"Without the Asari, your Trinity was doomed to fail…" it began to say as the pair were moved to the front of its face, hanging from the tentacles like a pair of puppets as its glowing purple eyes focused on them.

"…and now it is I who will finish you, now prepare to join your deceased Myra!" Xakron added as his eyes glowed even brighter before the two men, as the tentacles started to pull at their arms and legs with a great amount of strength. This made both Jack and Orion grimace in agony as they felt their bodies being pulled apart from all sides, gritting their teeth as the pain reached their breaking point.

'It can't end this way.' the human Prime started to think, before both his and his Son's attention was caught by several biotic projectiles flying in out of nowhere and slicing up the tentacles, freeing the pair from the Darkness's grip.

"What!" Xakron spat as they landed on what could only be described as biotic platforms before a familiar voice spoke out from their right.

"You thought I was dead…?"

Both Primes looked in that direction to see Myra standing on the Entity's right arm, holding her glowing hands out before her as she controlled the energy platforms that saved them.

"…You were wrong."

"Myra!" they both said in unison, earning a slight smile from her before she noticed the enraged look on Xakron's face.

"What are you waiting for? Attack!" she then shouted, making them both nod in unison before leaping at their enemy's face with their Sabers ready, while the Asari began running up the Darkness's arm as tentacles grew out of its skin and attacked her.

"You will not….arrrgh!" it cried out as Jack ran his holo saber through the Entity's left eye, with Orion doing the same to its right as glowing purple liquid spilt out and ran down it's face.

"What will it take to shut you up?" the latter asked with a hint of annoyance to his voice as he twisted the Star-Saber around and caused Xakron to cry out even more while Myra fought off the obstacles attempting to halt her progress, cutting them all down as she reached the right shoulder and continued towards the pair.

"Okay, now drop!" she then said, which made both Men rip their sabers out of the Entity's face and slide down it's body, before pushing themselves off and dropping to the ground below.

Myra, though, charged her biotic-energies through her hands and swiped them from left to right in one flowing action, unleashing a glowing blue/whitish energy wave that quickly separated the behemoth's head from it's body.

"Gaahhh!" it cried out as the female-Prime followed up by jumping down and landing gracefully beside the others as their enemy's decapitated body soon joined them at ground level, falling onto it's back and shaking the area with it's impact.

"Nice work." Jack said to his granddaughter with an appreciative smile, making her blush as she noticed the proud and loving expression on her Father's face as smiled back.

"Very nice work, Myra, and thanks for assist."

"It's a team effort, we all have our parts to play." she said back with a humble tone, which made Orion place his hand on her shoulder as Jack noticed that the Darkness's body had started to liquefy and melt into the ground.

"When Xakron swiped at you, I thought..." the blue-haired bot began to say, only for his daughter to cut him off.

"...that I was dead? Yeah, I thought that too for a moment with the way it hit me." she replied with a relieved tone and smile.

"And you make that mistake once again!" a familiar voice boomed, gaining the three Primes' attention, earning an eye roll from Orion in return.

"Seriously? He still isn't dead yet?" he said back with an annoyed tone, while the Darkness reformed itself just away from the trio.

"I have survived many things in the time since my birth and when this is all over, I will have survived you three as well." it replied with a confident tone, which made the two Male-Primes ready their weapons once more as Myra stood between them and their enemy.

"No, you will not, Xakron. For the three of us are finally going to put you down, once and for all." the Asari spat before launching herself at the Entity, performing a biotic charge which slammed directly into their adversary and knocked him back.

"Take this…" Jack then shouted as he spun around and unleashed a white energy wave with his holo-Saber before watching it hit the Darkness while Myra leapt away, landing beside her Father as Xakron stumbled and fell to the ground..

"Dad, now!" she said, earning a nod from the blue-haired Bot as he charged the Star-Saber and swung its glowing white blade into the crystalline floor between him and the Entity.

This caused an energy blast to rip up the crystalline ground as it was shot towards their enemy while the three Primes watched.

"No, you will not…" Xakron started to say as it tried to evade the blast, but it failed as the energy hit the Darkness directly in its chest and blasted it up into the sky.

Myra then flung her biotically charged hands into the air, creating energy constructs that looked like a pair of hands that then grasped the Entity.

"Take that!" she then said before swinging her hands down to the ground, making her constructs mirror her actions as they plummeted back to the ground and slammed Xarkon into the crystalline environment.

"I think that might do it." Jack said with a slight smile before the trio started for the crash site, which looked similar to a crater as the Darkness was lying in the centre of the sunken ground, surrounded by cracked and smashed looking crystal.

"Urgh…" it groaned while slowly getting back to its feet, gaining a surprised look from the Human Prime and his son while the Asari stood between them.

"I don't believe it." the younger Man replied, while Myra looked on with a serious expression.

"…You…cannot…defeat…me!" it said back defiantly with a pained tone, which made the youngest Prime turn her attention to her Father and Grandfather.

'Wait! Our matrix energy is damaging to it. Perhaps…' she thought.

"Okay, final roll of the dice." she then said, gaining curious looks from both men as she made her hands glow with white biotic energy once more.

"What do you…?" Orion began to ask, only to be cut short as the Asari placed one hand on his shoulder and her other on Jack's. This made the pair go silent, gritting their teeth as her biotic energy flowed into their bodies while each of their matrices glowed even brighter like the three had become truly connected.

"Let's finish it off with everything we've got. We are the Trinity, after all." she said as her eyes started to glow white, as did Jack and Orion's.

The energy being generated by the trio's matrices suddenly made their bodies glow with white energy as Myra let go of her Father and Grandfather, instead of bringing her hands together and creating a biotic sphere between them.

Both Jack and Orion responded by spinning their Star-Sabers around them, making the blades charge up to incredible levels as Xakron's eyes widened at what it saw.

"That…is…not…possible!" it muttered in shock and fear, as all three Primes smirked in return.

"Sure it is, Xakron…" the trio all spoke in unison as their weapons pulsed continuously while they focused on charging them, before narrowing their glowing eyes at their adversary.

"…let us show you!" they finished before both Jack and Orion swung their Star-Sabers before them and unleashed two white energy waves, while Myra flung her hands in front of her and released the biotic sphere as all three projectiles hurtled towards the Darkness, who could do nothing but watch as it faces stared back in complete defeat.

"NO…!" the Entity began to cry out as the energy attacks suddenly merged into one massive wave which hit it directly in its chest, causing Xakron to scream in agony as it was forced off its feet and fell onto its back.

"Arrrragh..!" it cried out as the white energy spread throughout its body, making the Darkness roll around and fling its arms and legs about in a painful rage as it was overcome by the combined attack.

Jack, Orion and Myra all watched as Xakron's skin suddenly began to turn to dust, starting with its fingers and feet which became nothing more than flakes as a bright white hole appeared in its chest.

"What in the All-spark is that?" the Human-Prime asked as the trio were released from their joint trance, their eyes and bodies returning to normal as they witnessed the Darkness's defeat before them.

"…I…cannot…be…defe…" the Entity began to cry out in defiance, only to be stopped as the white hole in its chest suddenly exploded into a beam of bright light which shone up into the sky and broke the cloud cover, exposing the starless sky once more as the dark enemy's body continued to spasm under the pain it was experiencing.

"Wait...look!" the blue-haired Bot then added whilst pointing at the beam of light, noticing some movement within it.

"I see it too..." Jack started to reply as a slight smile appeared on his face, as the trio could see thousands of small coloured lights travelling up the beam and into the sky, which was now completely clear as the storm clouds had all but disappeared.

"...they are Sparks." the human added, while Myra smiled too as she watched the thousands upon thousands of souls escape up into the heavens, taking their places in the sky as they shone down like stars upon the crystalline environment once more.

"It's beautiful." the Asari said back, making the two Men nod back in return as they just stood there and witnessed the sight unfolding before them.


But after a few moments passed and the thousands of Sparks escaping Xakron's body became millions, the beam of light faded away and left only the Darkness's corpse, which then disintegrated into dust and was blown away by a light breeze that passed through the area.

"It is done." Jack said with a relieved tone as the last of sparks joined the rest and lit up the night sky with their light, earning a nod from his Son as the pair looked up at them.

"Yep, the place is starting to look like it used to." he replied as the crystalline landscape started to regain its shine as well.

"I don't think we are alone." Myra then said with an uncertain tone, gaining the pair's attention as she gestured to their left as several towering figures appeared just away from the trio.

"More bad guys?" the blue-haired bot asked as he reached for the Star-Saber, which was now sheathed on the back of his Armour.

"No, Orion..." Jack though started to say with a content tone, for one of the new arrivals started to come into view which brought a knowing smile to the Human Prime's face.

"...I don't believe it is." he added as the figure was revealed to be Optimus Prime, who with Onyx Primal was surrounded by the rest of the Thirteen.

This brought a smile to Orion's face as he stared between the Maximal Leader and the rest of the group, while the Asari looked over at Solus who just gave her a knowing nod and smile in return.

For a moment everything went quiet as Optimus and the Thirteen smiled back at their successors, the former Autobot-Leader himself had a warm smile on his face as he looked proudly at Jack, Orion and Myra.

"Your friends are at peace, everything is how it should be." a familiar voice suddenly spoke from behind the trio, making them break eye contact with the Thirteen as they turned to find Vok standing next to them.

"As are you." the Asari said, having noticed his appearance had returned to normal, earning a nod from the Aeon as he looked at the landscape returning to normal around them.

"Yes, I am." he said back with an ambivalent tone, while the three Primes watched as Optimus and the Thirteen faded away from view once more.

'Farewell, My Friend, rest in peace.' Jack thought with a content expression, before turning back to Vok with a curious look.

"Are you okay?" he asked, gaining mirrored looks from both Orion and Myra as the Aeon nodded back in return.

"I will be, though it appears that despite everyone that the Darkness consumed having been released back into the All-Spark, Garuda though has not yet appeared." he replied with a worried tone, which made the Asari look back with an understanding stare.

"You believe that Xakron devoured her energy completely before we could defeat him?"

"I am not sure, Mira Prime..." he started to reply while looking back out at the landscape as if hoping to spot her in the distance.

"...All I know is that when the Darkness was freed into this realm, Garuda and I faced it and she ended up being consumed by it."

"I'm sorry. You were obviously very close." Jack then answered with a consoling-like tone as he placed his hand on the Aeon's shoulder, gaining a nod back in return from Vok as he continued to look ahead.

"We had been together since the very beginning, watching our own galaxy before coming to this one and being brought into this conflict once more. But even if we were 'close', it is not in the same way as you would put it. We Aeons have outgrown such emotions and desires that you allow yourselves to be ruled by, but still...I will miss her company."

"You're not the last Aeon though, right? I mean there are still others out there?" Orion then asked, which made Vok look over to him and nod.

"That is correct. I am not the last of my kind. There are still Aeons out there, watching the galaxies of this Universe, though not nearly enough as there had been before we met the Darkness." he replied, though the Aeon did nothing to hide the shame in his voice as he spoke.

But this gained a slightly-annoyed look from Myra in response, who turned and faced him directly.

"Stop kicking yourself for that. We all make mistakes that we are not proud of."

This made the Aeon look back at her, a slight smirk appearing on his face.

"I guess you are right, Mira Prime, for it appears you have learnt that lesson yourself." he said back, earning a nod from the Asari.

"And anyway, we took care of Xakron. I mean it is gone now, right?" Orion then said, which made Vok sigh in relief.

"Yes, the Darkness has been vanquished fully...just as Primus had wanted when he lay the seeds for your Trinity. But even though the balance has been returned between the light and the dark in this universe, there will always be more threats to its stability over time."

This gained a confident smile from Orion as looked at everyone around him, gaining their attention.

"But that is why we are here, right? To stop such things from happening." he said, which made the Aeon nod back.

"Indeed. Because of what you three have achieved today, there will always be Primes to protect and guide the galaxy in the days that follow this. But your part in this has come to an end as the Trinity of Primes is no longer needed."

The three Primes nodded back with understanding expressions as they stayed quiet for a moment before Myra looked at the Aeon curiously.

"So what happens now?"

"The three of you will be returned to your own times, where you Myra will carry on your duties as a Prime until it is time to pass the Matrix to your successor..." the orange and black-robed Man started to say, only to stop as he noticed the trio staring back at him with curious stares.

"...who will not be Darby, as your bloodline has completed its role in Primus's design."

"So the next Prime could be anyone?" Orion then asked, gaining a nod from Vok.

"Yes, that is correct. As I said earlier, Jackson Prime was the link between Cybertron and Humanity, you Orion Prime are the link between them and the Asari. And Mira Prime finishes the link with the rest of the Galaxy, meaning that all future Primes that follow her will be anyone in the Galaxy, no matter their species. It was Primus's wish that the Primes Legacy belongs to all in the galaxy, not just to the Cybertronians. That was the secondary purpose of the Trinity of Primes, which Myra will one day complete after returning to her own timeline." he replied.

"Okay. Well, that's a relief. After finding out that not only my son, but my granddaughter too became Primes. I was starting to think that our family was going to continue to do so for while to come." Jack then said with a relieved tone as he smiled slightly at his descendants, who smirked back warmly.

"Your Family has served Primus's will commendably and will be remembered in the Legacy of Primes alongside Optimus and the Thirteen..." the Aeon started to reply, before noticing that the Asari had a questioning look on her face and decided to answer her before she could speak.

"...but I cannot tell you who the next Prime will be, Myra. Only the Matrix will know when the time arises, which is still centuries away from now."

"I understand, we cannot know too much about our futures." she replied before hers and the others' matrices suddenly sent out a pulse of energy around them, before beginning to glow brightly as the crystalline landscape started to shimmer.

"What's going on?" Orion asked as he touched the relic in the center of his Prime armour, gaining similar reactions from his Father and Daughter.

"Your Matrices are preparing to send you back home, for your time here in the All-Spark has now come to an end." Vok replied, which made Jack look at his descendants with a smile.

"Well, this is going to be quite a tale to tell everyone." he said, earning knowing looks from both Orion and Myra as they glanced at each other.

"Yeah...I guess it will." the blue-haired bot replied as he noticed his daughter look down to the ground as a white glowing portal appeared to their left and began to grow.

'How I can go back to my little girl and know what life she is going to have after I am gone...' he started to think, only for Vok to speak and cut him off.

"I am sorry but I should have told you this earlier, though at the time it was uncertain what the outcome of your battle with the Darkness would be..." he said, regaining the trio's attention.

"...but as you are here in the All-Spark, your own personal timelines are currently out of sync with the regular flow of time. So neither you Jackson Prime or Orion Prime will be able to retain the memories of what has happened here today." the Aeon added, making all three Primes' eyes widen as the Asari and her Father stared at each other knowingly, also gaining the oldest Darby's attention as he remembered what had been said about his granddaughter.

But the blue-haired bot quickly turned his focus back to the orange and black-robed Man.

" said my father and I would not remember, but what of Myra?"

"This day occurs far closer to your daughter's own timeline than it does to either of yours, five hundred plus years separates you and so only she will carry the memory of what happened here..." Vok began to answer, earning understanding looks from the trio.

"...but you may feel something has happened after you return to your own times, even though you cannot remember what. I believe a way to describe it would be like the human saying...deja-vu..." he added before turning his attention to Jack, who looked at the Aeon with a curious expression.

'Why is he focusing on me all of a sudden?' the Human Prime thought, while the orange and black-robed Bot raised a finger toward his forehead.

"...though, Jackson Prime, you will need to remember more than just a feeling, because you still have a role to play in how Orion becomes a Prime..." he continued, earning a knowing look from Orion, which did not go unnoticed by Jack as he glanced at his Son.

" I ask you, Jackson Prime, can you keep a promise and make sure that Orion follows the path to becoming the Prime that he is destined to become?" Vok then asked while the blue-haired bot smirked slightly as he watched his father.

'So this is how it started...' he began to think, only to be cut off as Jack started to speak.

"I think you would know what my answer was going to be Vok, I am his father after all..." the older Man said, only to stop and look at Orion with a proud and loving stare.

"...I mean, I kind of always knew that he was going to Prime, ever since his mother and I witnessed him holding the Matrix Crystal in his hands as a child..." he continued before looking back at the Aeon.

"...but if you need to hear the words...then I promise." he finished, which made Vok smile back in return.

"I do, Jackson Prime, and now remember that promise and carry it throughout your life..." he began to say as he touched the older Darby's forehead with his finger, before pulling away and stepping back.

"...because you will visit this place one final time in your future..." the Aeon added which gained a nod from Jack, before he turned his attention to the Bot and the Asari.

"...but, Orion and Myra, I am afraid that this is the last time that you will see this place or myself again in your life times." he continued, which made them both nod back in response.

"I understand." Orion replied with a slight smile.

"As do I." Myra answered too with a mirrored reaction, earning a warm smile from the orange and black-robed Man as he gestured to the portal.

"Then I will bid you farewell Primes and on behalf of the entire Universe…thank you."

"Farewell." Jack replied as he and his Descendants all smiled back appreciatively before turning away from the Aeon and walking into the glowing white portal, disappearing from Vok's sight and leaving him alone as he turned to look out at the crystalline landscape of the All-Spark.


A flash of bright light later and the three Primes found themselves standing inside what looked very similar to a Space-bridge, with different shades of blue and white energy spiralling around them in a tunnel-like construct.

"What's this then? The waiting room before we are back in our time-lines?" Orion asked aloud as he watched the energy pass by them, earning a curious look from his father in return.

"I suppose so, but at least it's a nice view though. Let's call it a Time-bridge." he replied as they witnessed the different coloured energies dance around each other, before the blue-haired Bot then turned to the Asari.

"Myra, are you alright?" he asked, having noticed that she had gone quiet since they passed through the portal.

But the blue-woman kept her back to the pair, gaining concerned expressions from them Men as they looked between themselves and her.

"I'm okay…" she began to say, only for her Father to walk around her and see that she was anything but okay, for the Asari had a rather sad expression on her face.

"What is it?" Orion asked, gaining Jack's attention too as the older Prime joined the pair.

"It's nothing, really." she replied, trying to end this line of questioning. But her Father simply looked back with a caring expression, one that she recognised only too well.

"Come now, Myra, don't lie to your father now." Jack said back with a knowing tone as he could see what was going to transpire before him, while the blue-haired bot placed a hand on his daughter's shoulder.

"Talk to me, Myra. It's not like we have a lot of time now. So tell me what's bothering you?" he asked, which made the Asari's eyes look into his own.

"But that's the point. I've just got the two of you back in my life, only to watch you leave me all over again." she replied, feeling her eyes trying to well up as she fought back the tears.

"But we will see you again." her grandfather tried to reason in return, only to make Myra shake her head back.

"Not from my perspective, which is nearly a quarter of a millennium since I saw either of you. And now that you're both here, I don't want to lose you again." she said back, which brought a knowing look to the Human Prime's face as Orion listened while still holding his hand on her shoulder.

"But that is life, unfortunately, Myra. You of all people should understand this, being an Asari. With your longevity, you're going to outlive virtually everyone." Jack replied, only for the blue-female to shrug her father's hand and turn away from them both.

"Don't you think I know that…" she began to say, the tone of her voice underlined with anger as she looked at the swirling energy surrounding them.

"After living so long on my own without any of my immediate family, I thought that I had gotten used to the loneliness. But having spent the past day with both my Father and Grandfather…" she continued before looking back at them with a heart-broken expression, which made Orion's Spark ache with regret.

"…I realise that I am not, because I have missed you both so much." she said as her voice broke, making her eyes well up.

"I kind of wish that I could be rid of the memories of this day, just like the two of you." she added, which brought an urgent look of concern to Orion's face as he quickly moved in front of his daughter and place both hands on her shoulders.

"Don't you dare say that, Myra. Don't even think it…not for a moment. I for one don't want to forget what we have done here today, or have witnessed the strong woman my daughter has become." he said back with a proud tone to his voice as he looked back at her lovingly, while she looked down to the ground in shame.

"But I know that keeping these memories would come at a price, one that none of us would be able to pay…" he continued to say, earning an understanding stare from Jack as he watched the pair.

"…because knowing the life that you have lived through up until now, the pain you have endured. I'd want to do everything in my power to ensure that you wouldn't have to experience that kind of life, the repercussions be damned…because you're my daughter." he added, earning Myra attention as she looked up at him with a saddened and knowing expression.

"But the cost of that would be too high, because everything that we have done as the Trinity would never happen." she replied, gaining a nod from the blue-haired bot in return.

"Exactly. it appears Fate has made sure that such a thing can never happen and so your grandfather and I will forget…" Orion continued to say, before a knowing look appeared on his face,

"…and I think you are looking at this all wrong, Myra." he finished, making the Asari look back with a curious stare as he let go of her shoulders.

"In what way?" she asked, earning a slight smile from the Prime in return.

"That the memories of our time together is a burden. When, in fact, you should see them as a gift."

"A gift?" she replied with a slightly questioning tone, while Jack just smiled at his Son's ingenuity as he continued to watch his descendants.

"Yes, because it's not every day that you get a second chance to spend time with your family, long after they have passed on. So, cherish the memories of this day and know that no matter the point of your life we are in, we are always proud of you….especially me." he said back in a loving tone, on that brought a slight smile to Myra's face.

"You're right, Dad. I'm sorry." she said back, which made the blue-haired Bot pull her into a caring embrace.

"Well, despite you being right about that, Orion. There is something you are wrong about." Jack then said as he walked up to the pair, making them pull away as his Son stared back with a curious look.

"And what's that?" he asked.

"That out of the two of us, I will at least remember something…apparently." the older Man replied, earning a knowing expression from the other.

"I know, I also know the reason why you will remember something too." the younger Bot replied, which this time made Jack look back questioningly.

"What do you mean…?" he began to ask, only for a surge of energy to swirl around the space-bridge-like tunnel they were standing in.

"Something tells me we don't have enough time to go over the details…" Orion started to say back as he watched the glowing colours of the walls change colour around them, but then he returned his attention to his Father and saw the curious look on his face.

"…but…just keep me on track, Dad,…as much as you can." he continued with a cryptic tone, one that made Jack nod back with a slightly understanding look.

But then the Human Prime suddenly started to fade away before both the blue-haired bot and the Asari, making their eyes widen in surprise as he looked at his own hands in response.

"I guess it's my time to go…" he then said, before looking back at his family and placing a hand on each of their shoulders closest to him.

"…so I just want you both to know that it has been an honour and a privilege to see you and to have fought beside you." he added, before looking at Orion with a warm smile.

"To see the man that you become, Orion…" he said, gaining a mirrored look from his Son, before turning his attention to Myra.

"…and to have met my future granddaughter."

This made the Asari smile back before the older man started to fade away once more.

"Good bye…" Jack then started to say, before fading away completely and leaving both father and daughter alone in the Time-bridge.

But this made Myra suddenly look back at Orion with a worried expression, as she knew what was going to happen next.

"No, that means…" she started to say with a panicked tone, only to stop as her father looked back with an accepting expression.

"…that I'm next. And with less than twenty-five years between us, I will be disappearing any time now." he replied, cutting her off and making her eyes widen as they started to well up again.

"No. No. That's not enough time." she said back with a fearful tone, which made the older Bot place his hand on her cheek tenderly as he looked into her eyes.

"I know, but it is all we have…come here." he said before pulling the Asari into another embrace, one that Myra followed through with wholeheartedly, holding on to her Father as if to stop him from going away as tears began to run down her cheeks.

"I miss you and Mum so much…" she said back, the tone of her voice filled with so much emotion as she held on tightly to Orion.

"I know, Princess, but your Mum and I will always be with you…even when we are no longer around." he said back while holding her in his loving embrace, which flooded the Asari's mind with fond memories of all the times she shared with both her father and mother, warming her heart in return.

"I…understand." she replied, trying to fight back the tears.

"But you have people who care for you, back in your time. I saw them myself earlier today." the blue-haired Bot said back, making his daughter nod back as she rested her head on his shoulder.

"I remember."

"So I want you to promise me something." he replied, which made Myra pull away just enough to look into her Father's eyes.

"Yes?" she asked, noticing the caring expression on his face as he stared back at her.

"Promise me, that from this day forward that you will start living your life, no more letting the past drive you onward. Just take care of the people that care for you and let them take care of you. Can you do that for me, Myra?" he asked, which made the Asari remember Evac, Tolae, Ser-Ket and Kat.

'Kat...' she thought before nodding back in return, making Orion smile again.

"I will, Dad. I promise you." she said back, which made the blue-haired Bot pull Myra into a loving hug once again, with both father and daughter enjoying the embrace.

"I love you, my little Princess." he replied, which brought a wide smile to the young woman's face as she rested her head on his shoulder.

"I love you too, Dad." she replied contently as she held her arms around him, closing her eyes and allowing herself to experience one last hug with her Father. But after a moment passed and no reply could be heard, the Asari opened her eyes to find that she was embracing thin air as Orion was nowhere to be seen.

'Dad...' she thought while looking around at her surroundings, the energy now swirling around her at a faster pace as a white light appeared at one end of the time bridge and closed in towards her.

"I swear, Dad. My life will be different from now on...I promise." she then said aloud as a calm expression appeared on her face, before turning to the light and letting it envelop her as everything went white.
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Re: Prime Effect 5

Postby Apollo-XL5 » Sun May 01, 2022 11:35 am

Motto: ""It's all in the reflexes.""
Weapon: Star Saber Sword

'Where am I?' was the first thought Jack had on his mind as he found himself enveloped by white light, one which surrounded the Human Prime where he stood. Despite his inability to see where exactly he was, due to the intensity of its brightness.

The older Darby felt no pain or discomfort, which was surprising to him to say the least. But before he could question his surroundings anymore, a male voice suddenly spoke out from beyond the light and caught his attention.

"Jack!" it said aloud, which brought a knowing expression to his face as he recognised who it belonged to.

'Garrus?' the older Darby thought, finding himself walking in the voice's direction as the white light started to dim.

"Jack!" the Turian said again, while the Human Prime's surroundings changed from the warm white light to empty darkness with every step that he took like the former was retreating in the latter's sudden appearance.

'What's going on?' Jack thought as he found himself staring at the changing scenery, with the vast blackness now passing him and cornering the dimming white light in a circle behind him.

"Jack, wake up!" his friend called once more, regaining his attention as turned away from the light and looked back in the direction of the Turian's voice.

'Am I asleep...?' the older Darby began to think as the light faded to nothing, leaving the Prime's surroundings as nothing more than darkness...pitch-black and empty.

' do I wak…' Jack then started to think, only to be cut off as he felt something touch his shoulder.

The Prime suddenly opened his eyes and sprang up into a sitting position, frantically looking around at his surroundings with a startled reaction before his eyes fell upon a surprised looking Garrus staring back at him.

"Jack..?" he asked with a concerned tone, while his friend looked back at his surroundings and found that he was on a bunk in an unfamiliar room.

"Garrus? Where am I?" the Darby asked, making the Turian's eyes widen slightly in reaction.

" are on board the ISF Ark, 'your' flagship." he replied, to which Jack looked back around the room as it suddenly became recognisable to him.

"Oh...yeah, that's right." the Human Prime said back with a slightly embarrassed tone as everything came back to him, quickly getting off the bunk and walking over to the sink nearby while Garrus watched.

"Everything okay?" he asked with a bemused look as Jack rinsed his face with cold water, waking him up more as it was a shock to his system.

"Yeah...I am fine..." Darby started to reply while grabbing the nearby towel and drying his face, before dropping it on the side of the sink and turning back to his friend.

"...I just had the strangest dream though." he replied, which made the Turian look back with a curious expression.

"Really? What was it about?"

This brought a thoughtful look to the Prime's face as he then tried to remember it, only for Garrus to cut him off after a moment.

"Come on, Jack, it shouldn't be that hard. You only just awoke from it, so it should clear in your mind, right?"

"I know, Mate, but for some reason, I just can't remember anything...nothing at all." the Human said back as he stared ahead of himself, still looking like he was searching for answers. But the Turian simply activated his holo-tool. Instead, bringing up a file as he smirked.

"Okay, I am just going to make a record of this and add it to the 'Strange moments of Jack Darby' list that I have been updating since we first met." Garrus said while activating his holo-tool and feigning typing, which made Jack raise an eyebrow as he stared back knowingly.

"Really? You're bluffing since it is more likely that the list you've got is a calibration report for the Ark's weapon systems." he replied with a slight smile, earning a shrug from the Turian in return as he deactivated his device.

"Okay, you've got me there. But seriously, you can't remember anything from that dream?"

"No, not that it matters. Anyway, I take it we're home now right, as that was why you came to check on me?" Jack said back, gaining a nod from his friend.

"Yes, we exited the Sol Space bridge just before I entered your room, so I am guessing we should be passing Neptune by now."

"That's good, and the shuttle?" the Human Prime asked as he turned his attention to what looked like a sports bag, placing some personal items in and closing it via it's zip.

"Fuelled and ready to go. We can take it as soon as you're ready, while Rodimus covers for you as the Ark begins its routine refit in Earth orbit." Garrus replied, earning an appreciative nod from Jack as he slung the bag over his shoulder via its strap.

"Well, Rodimus shouldn't have a hard time commanding the ship in my absence, nothing ever happens during refits."

"True, the Kid has more than proven himself during our year-long patrol of the Terminus and outer-rim systems, his older brother would be proud." the Turian said back, which brought a thoughtful expression to Darby's face as he turned towards the door.

"Yeah, Hotrod would be..." he started to say as he remembered his friend, who sacrificed himself during the last hours of the Reaper War years ago.

"..., I know I certainly am, and I will have his commendation ready for him when I get back..." he added before gesturing to the door.

"...anyway, it's time we got going. Or do you plan on keeping Tali and Shen waiting a little longer?" he continued, a knowing smirk on his face as he saw his friend's reaction.

"Good point, wouldn't want to get on the wrong side of her shotgun now...would I..." Garrus replied with a joking-like tone in return as both Men then exited the room and started walking down the corridor.

"...but kidding aside, I am just looking forward to seeing them both again." he added, which made the Human Prime nod in return as several crewmen walked past them as they continued down the busy corridor.

"Same here, since it has been a whole year since either of us have seen our Families. I just want to relax with Arcee and spend time with Orion know..." he started to reply, only for the Turian to cut him off.

"...duty calls. Well, the life of a Prime, right." he said back, earning a nod from Jack as they stopped beside an elevator, with the former pressing the control panel at its left side.

"Yeah, exactly." the Human replied as the doors then opened, allowing the pair entry before closing behind them as the elevator then took them to the shuttle bay.

Fifteen minutes later and the two friends were sitting in the Shuttle heading for Earth, with the Human Prime piloting the craft while the Turian sat beside him.

"I have to say, Jack, I understand now why you take a Shuttle back to Earth when usually you just use a ground bridge whenever going planet-side elsewhere." the latter said as they looked out of the glass canopy ahead and saw the blue planet coming into view.

"Yeah, I mean it may only take seconds via a ground bridge, but then you miss out on a view like this." Jack replied while gesturing to Earth, which grew in size as they got closer to it, with North America clearly visible due to the minimum cloud cover over that region.

"Yes, it is quite the view, Jack. But in my opinion, it doesn't beat Palaven." Garrus said back, gaining a lop-sided grin from the Darby.

"Would you say to Tali that Palaven is better than Rannoch?" he asked, making the Turian shake his head in return.

"No, I wouldn't. Again...shotgun. So I will just say that universally, everyone has a special place for their Home-world in their hearts."

"That's a very diplomatic answer, Garrus, one that I would definitely agree with." Jack replied.

"Well I have learned to be more diplomatic since Tali and I started a relationship, but I wouldn't have her any other way." the Turian said back with a caring tone, which made Jack smile as he piloted the shuttle into Earth orbit, with the California coastline directly below them.

"I know what you mean, though it was the opposite for me since Arcee was the one who learned to be diplomatic."

"Yeah, it's no wonder our better-halves have become such good friends since the Reaper War." Garrus replied.

"Well, we are going to be seeing them in just a few minutes. I am taking us down." the Prime said back, before making the Shuttle descend into Earth's atmosphere, passing down through the clouds until the pair could see the blue ocean and the coastline through the craft's glass canopy.

"There it is. Home sweet home." Jack said while gesturing to the white house that lay next to the mile-long beach, earning a nod from his Turian friend.

"And it looks like they are waiting for us." he observed as he saw two figures walking out of the house and down its porch steps, earning a smile from the Human Prime as he recognised one of them as his blue-haired spark-mate.

"Landing now." he said with an enthusiastic tone, before turning the shuttle so that its left side faced the house as it landed on the grass in front of the property.

"Opening hatch." Garrus replied as he pressed a button on the holo-interface before him, which caused the hatch just behind them to open and expose the Shuttle's interior to the cool ocean breeze.

"You took your time." a familiar female voice spoke from outside, which gained a gulp from the Turian as he and Jack both got up and walked over to the opened hatch.

And it was then that both men saw their partners waiting for them outside, with Tali crossing her arms and her face mostly hidden by the visor of her enviro-suit which gave her an angry posture.

But Arcee though just looked relaxed as she stared back at the Human Prime, making him mirror her expression as he and his friend exited the craft and walked over to them.

"Well? Why are you late, Garrus?" the Quarian asked with a questioning tone, one that earned an embarrassed look from the Turian.

"I'm sorry, Tali, but we were delayed by..." he started to say with a worried tone, which was cut off by his Wife suddenly pulling him into a loving embrace.

"I've missed you." she said back, gaining a sigh from him in return as he returned the hug.

"I've missed you too, Tali, and Shen too." he said as they hugged, while Jack Arcee returned their attention to each other, having just stopped to watch their friends' reunion.

"Welcome home." the Femme said with a caring tone, her blue eyes meeting his before he then wrapped his arms around her as the two kissed.

And as their lips met, the spark-mates felt that same spark of electricity they felt all those years ago when they first kissed, before pulling back just enough to look back at one another.

"It's good to be back, though we would have been here sooner had Mercs not att..." the Darby started to say, only to be stopped by Arcee as she gently touched his lips with a finger.

"None of that matters to me, Jack, just you being here is." she replied as her Man touched his forehead to hers affectionately.

"I have missed you terribly, Arcee. It's good to have you n my arms again." he said back, which made the Femme's smile widen.

"I know what you mean. Talking via a vid-link most nights just isn't the same."

"Well you and Orion have got me here for a few weeks before the Alliance can pull me back again..." he started to say, before looking around them curiously.

"...where is Orion anyway, I thought he might be here?" he asked, earning a gesture from Arcee in return as she pointed back to the house.

"Our son is in the house with Shen and Nightracer. He did say that they would be out here to see you." she replied and as if on cue, a blue-haired fifteen-year-old lad, a similarly aged Turian and a black-haired Femme all stepped out of the door.

"Hey, Dad, welcome back." the son said as he walked up to his Father, who pulled away from his Spark-mate and gave the young man a hug.

"Hey, Orion. You been looking after your mother while I've been away?" he asked, while Shen greeted his own Father behind them.

"Of course, Dad..." he replied with a slightly uncomfortable tone, knowing that both his Mother and Nightracer were watching. The former was looking at them with a caring and proud expression, while the latter stared back with an amused smile. Jack noticed this and let go of his Son, giving him a knowing smile back.

"Okay, I'm not going to embarrass you any further son." he said back, earning a confused look from Orion in return.

"Dad..?" he asked, which made the older Darby just nod ever so subtly towards Nightracer.

"…oh, I get it." the young man added before he started to walk over to the Femme.

"Wait? Where are you going?" Jack then asked as the Blue-haired Bot stopped by his friend, while Shen joined their side too.

"We are going to spend some time at the beach while we wait for Quickstrike to arrive with Uncle Ironhide and Aunt Chromia, so we will see you later at the party, Dad." his son replied as the three then left, with the four adults watching them go.

"There used to be a time when he would not leave my side after I got back from an assignment." the Human Prime said with a bemused tone and expression, which brought a slight smile to Arcee's face as she joined his side, taking his hand in her own and sighing comfortably.

"It's called growing up, Jack, our Son is slowly out-growing us." she replied, gaining nods from both Garrus and Tali.

"Tell me about it, we are having a similar experience with Shen." the Turian said, while a curious expression appeared on the blue-haired Femme's face, having noticed Nightracer and her Son holding hands as they walked down towards the white sandy beach.

"Though I think I am starting to see why he wanted to go to the beach now…" she began to say with a questioning tone, which made Jack gently squeeze her hand and regain her attention as he picked up his bag off the floor.

"Anyway, let's leave the young ones to it and go inside shall we." he said, earning a nod from his Spark-mate as the pair turned around and headed for the House with their friends behind them.

Once inside, Garrus and Tali headed upstairs to the guest room leaving Jack and Arcee to relax on the sofa as he dropped his bag beside him, before draping his arm around his Spark-mate's neck and holding her close as they look at the warm glow of the fire-place in front of them.

"Hmm…it's so good to have you home Jack, I could definitely get used to this." she said in a relaxing tone as she rested her head against his arm and stared into the fire, watching the flames dance over its burning logs.

"So could I…" he began to say, which brought a curious expression to the Femme's face as she turned her face to his.

"Why do I sense a 'but' coming in any second now?" she asked, which stopped him in mid-sentence.

"…but, as long as I wear this…" he continued to say while gesturing to the Matrix-Crystal that was hanging around his neck.

"…I'm afraid that I will only be able to stay for short intervals at a time." he finished, which made Arcee's expression turn to slight disappointment as she nodded back.

"I know, so I guess we should not waste a second of the time we do get together." the Femme replied, which brought a lopsided smile to the Human's face as he gave her a knowing look.

"I could not agree more." he said back while leaning in close to his Spark-mate.

"Jack Darby, what do you think you are doing..?" Arcee asked as she pulled away slightly, which made the Prime's smile widen as a shocked expression appear on her face as it dawned on her.

" cannot be thinking of doing what I think you want to do, not while we have guests under our roof." she said back, which brought an honest smile to his face.

"No of course not, but kissing isn't out of the question is it? I mean you did say we shouldn't waste a second of the time given to us." Jack said back, bringing a smile to the Femme's face as she quickly glanced towards the stairs before looking back at him lovingly.

"I did, didn't I…" she started to say as she leaned in close to her Spark-mate, who could feel her breath on his skin before they kissed and wrapped their arms around each other in an embrace.

But just as the pair began to enjoy themselves, the Human Prime's holo-tool activated and gained their attention, making them pull away enough for Jack to look at his device.

"Well, isn't that our luck." Arcee said with a slightly disappointed tone as she relaxed beside him, while her Spark-mate pressed a button on his holo-interface and brought up a holo-screen.

"I forgot that my computer here would begin uploading reports and articles to my holo-tool not long after entering the house…" he started to reply while looking at the list that scrolled down before his eyes, until one in particular caught his attention.

"…wait, have you seen this?" he then asked while stopping the list at one report, which made Arcee look and read its title.

"Orion's newest school report? No, I haven't. I've been busy with Tali and have not had a chance to check our mail yet." she said back before Jack then tapped the report and made it fill the holo-screen.

"Well then, let's see how our Son has been doing at school this past year." he then said as the pair settled down on the sofa and started reading the text before them, only for the older Darby's eyes to widen as he came to its grades section.

"Wait, these are not as good as last year's ones…" he started to say with a disappointed tone while comparing them with last year's ones, a concerned look appearing on his face as he turned to the Femme.

"…has he said anything to you during this year?" Jack asked, making his Spark-mate shake her head in return as her face mirrored his.

"Orion would say that school is just fine, so I assumed it was. I mean, he has been getting good grades every other year."

"I know that…" the Human Prime started to say, only for his own thoughts to cut him off.

'Orion can't be allowed to lose focus, not with the destiny that lies before him.' he thought, which made him stop and look at the fireplace in a trance-like stare.

Arcee noticed this and waved her hand in front of his face, regaining her Spark-Mate's attention.

"…what? What is it?" he replied with a confused tone and look, earning a concerned expression from the blue-haired Femme in return.

"You alright, Jack? You just stopped talking and began staring into the fire, almost like you were hypnotised." she said back, which made Jack shake his head and give her a reassuring look.

"…No, yeah. I am fine, just a little tired I guess." He replied with a slight smile, which lessened the concern on Arcee's face in response.

"Okay, so what do you want to about Orion's grades dropping?"

"I should have a chat with him, get him back on track with his school work." the older Darby replied as he started to get up from the sofa, only for his spark-mate to stop him as they heard what sounded like a Shuttle passing over the house closely.

"That will have to wait…" she began to say while standing up, a smile appearing on her face as she looked down at him.

"…since I am guessing that's Chromia and her family arriving outside." the Femme added with a hopeful tone before Garrus and Tali walked down the stairs and saw them.

"Hey, Guys. Chromia, Ironhide and Quickstrike are here. Let's go and greet them." the Turian said in an enthusiastic tone as he and his Quarian Partner held hands as they entered the hallway, gaining a smile from Arcee as she looked back at them.

"We'll be right there…" she started to say, before returning her attention to Jack.

"…come on, Jack, let's go and enjoy everyone's company and then afterwards, you, Orion and I can have a family discussion about his school grades." she said in a caring and gentle tone as she held her hand out to him, which brought a smile to the Human Prime's face as he looked into her eyes and took her hand in his own.

"Yeah, we can do that…" he replied while standing up beside her before the pair walked hand in hand out of the lounge and joined their friends outside on the porch as Chromia's Shuttle landed beside theirs.

"I love you, Arcee." he then gently whispered into his spark-mate's ear as they waved at the new arrivals, making the Femme blush slightly as she looked back at him lovingly.

"I love you too, Jack."


Meanwhile, there was a sudden flash of light, causing Orion to open his eyes and immediately take in his surroundings with a confused look on his face. For the blue-haired Bot found himself in a dimly lit room, lying in bed with a thin duvet sheet covering the lower half of his body up to his stomach.

'Where am…' he started to think before glancing and hearing steady and soft breaths coming from his right, making him glance over to see the slender form of an Asari sleeping beside him with the same duvet draped over her waist and exposing her blue back to him.

'…Liara!' he added with confusion clouding his mind as he took a second look around the room, noticing that he was actually in their bedroom, which sparked his memory as he sighed and sunk his head back into the soft puffy pillow.

'Okay, that was one hell of a dream...' he started to think to himself while listening to the sound of his Wife sleeping peacefully next to him, but this soon stopped as something dawned on him and made Orion's eyes widen slightly in return.

'…wait, what was it that happened again?' the Darby thought while trying to remember the details of the dream he had just experienced, only to come up blank.

'I could have sworn that I remembered it all as I woke up…' he added before a sound from outside suddenly caught his attention and made the Bot look over to the window, which was covered by the dark blue curtains. This earned a curious look from the Prime as he slowly pulled the duvet off him and got out of bed, doing his best not to disturb Liara.

But as he moved his legs over the edge of the bed, he looked back over his shoulder and saw that she was still asleep, which brought a slight smile to his face.

'Nothing would make me want to wake her right now.' he thought before returning his focus to the window as he stood up and walked over to it, then reaching out and pulling the left curtain away to reveal the window and the view beyond it.

'I don't see anything…' he started to think as he looked out at their view of the coastline, which was basked in white light coming from the full Moon that was present in the cloudless night sky.

But Orion was quickly cut off as a Bat suddenly flew up into view as it passed by, making the Bot flinch as it surprised him.

'What the hell!' he thought before taking a deep breath and calming himself, which made him sigh and smirk as he shook his head.

"Orion, are you alright?" a familiar voice suddenly spoke up from behind the blue-haired Man, which made his eyes widen as he turned around to see Liara sitting up and looking back at him with a curious expression.

"Yeah… it was just a Bat." he said back with a smile, trying to hide the embarrassment he now felt. But the Asari merely cocked her head and looked back at him with a knowing smile, one that he knew saw straight through his act.

"Oh, really? Then I want to see it too." she said before getting up out of the bed, revealing the white silk nightdress that showed off her athletic figure as she walked around the bed to his side.

"You don't need to get up, it's already gone." the Bot replied while gesturing to the window, but Liara ignored his hollow plea as she gently brushed past him, with her exposed blue skin touching his own bare chest as she looked out of the window.

It felt like electricity to the bot and instantly made his spark warm, making the Prime sigh as he turned to look out of the window with her.

"Well, since this Bat managed to lure you from our bed, then it's only right that I find out if it is competition for me." Liara replied with a teasing tone, one that brought a smile to the Bot's face as he blushed a little.

"You don't have competition, Liara." he said back as he looked lovingly back at her, which made her smile widen as she turned her attention to him and saw his slightly red face.

"I know…"

The Asari then looked back out of the window, as did her Husband while he wrapped his arm around her waist.

"It's a nice night, not a cloud in the sky." she observed, gaining a nod from the Bot in return.

"Yes it is, nothing but the Moon and the stars shining down upon us." he replied before the pair just continued to stare up to the sky, but then Liara turned her attention to Orion and gave him a curious look.

"So...going to come back to bed now?" she asked with an inquisitive smile, only for the Bot to shake his head gently in return.

"Not right now, since I don't feel tired." he said back, which brought a confused look to the Asari's face.

"But you were only…" she began to reply while turning her attention to the holo-clock that sat on the night table beside his side of the bed, noticing that it said Twelve Thirty Two.

"…an hour ago, we went to bed an hour ago and you're not tired now?" Liara continued with a confused tone, which made the blue-haired Bot shrug his shoulders.

"I can't explain it…" he started to say back as his Wife returned her gaze to his own, noticing a thoughtful expression upon his handsome face.

"…but I did have the strangest dream."

"A dream? What was it about?" the Asari then asked with a curious tone as the pair stood beside the window, while her Husband shook his head gently in response.

"That's the thing, I don't remember. I mean when I woke up, it was clear in my mind...or at least it felt so. But then in just a moment, it was gone." Orion replied with a tinge of frustration in his voice, which made Liara put her arms place her hands on his arms and look him in the eye.

"Perhaps if we meld, then I can help you remember it or at least some of its details?" she then asked with a caring tone, but the Prime gave her a loving smile in return as he looked back at her.

"I appreciate the offer, Liara, but it won't be necessary. It was just a dream after all…" he said back while looking over to the bed, which made the Asari do the same.

"…and you should get back to sleep since we do have a busy day tomorrow." the blue-haired Bot added, making her look back with a knowing smile.

"Yes, but that means you too. I do not think Quickstrike and Ser-Ket would be impressed when they arrive tomorrow and see that you are half-asleep, do you?" she replied, which brought a defeated slight smile to Orion's face as he sighed.

"Yeah, you win." he replied with a slightly sheepish tone, making her smile widen as she stared into his eyes.

"I always win, Orion. Now, come on back to bed. You can hold me until we both fall to sleep." she said back while gently squeezing his hand, making the Bot smile back as she led him back to the bed.

"Liara, I can't think of anything I would want to do more." Orion said back with a loving tone as he smiled back before the Asari then led him back to the bed.

But just before the pair could get under the duvet once more, a baby's crying could suddenly be heard outside their room. This gained a sigh from Liara as she sat on the bed while holding a part of the duvet in her hands, while the Prime gave her a knowing look.

"I guess Myra's diaper needs changing…" he started to say, only for the Asari to cut him off as she nodded back in return.

"Yeah, it's my turn too." she replied while starting to get off the bed, only for the blue-haired Bot to stop her by placing his hand on her shoulder.

"Yeah it is, but I'll take of it this time." he replied with a caring tone, making his Wife look up at him as he stood over her.

"You sure? You never usually volunteer when it's not already your turn." she said back with an unconvinced tone, which made the Prime nod back.

"That is true. But you're tired right now, so I'll cover for you."

Liara simply smiled back knowingly, before lying back down and pulling the duvet over her body once again.

"Alright then, thank you, Orion…" she began to say back, while her husband turned around and headed for the door.

"…have fun." the Asari added as he grabbed the door handle and started to open the door, only to stop halfway through the action and look back at her as a cautious look appeared on his face.

"Is it too late for me to change my mind?" Orion asked, remembering the 'not-so-fun' times he has already had with changing his daughter's diapers.

But Liara just turned on her side, resting her head on her hand as she smiled at him.

"Yes, it is. Now go on." she replied with a teasing tone, which made the Bot sigh and shrugs his shoulders in defeat as he opened the door fully.

"Okay…" he said back before walking into the corridor and gently closing the door behind him.

The Prime did not have to walk far to his daughter's room since its door was directly on his right as he stopped and took a breath before opening the door and entering.

The room was dimly lit by it's wall-lamps, with one positioned in the middle of three of the four walls that made up the room.

It was enough light for the Bot to see what was in there without waking up Myra, with Orion walking directly to the cot that stood in its center as its tiny blue occupant continued to cry loudly.

"Hey Myra, it's okay..." the Prime said softly while gently picking up the infant Asari out of her cot, before cradling her in his arms.

"...Daddy's here, My little Princess." he added while suddenly little Myra started to calm down, as though just being held by him was enough.

The blue-haired Bot then smiled as he looked down at the baby in his arms, watching as she completely stopped crying and stared back at him with what could only be described as a curious expression.

"Okay...that was fast...?" he then started to say, before noticing that his Daughter's diaper was bone dry and also did not feel full of anything either.

" didn't leave me a surprise either..." Orion continued with questioning and yet caring tone, while little Myra just kept her blue eyes on him.

"...and you don't have a fever." he added while placing his hand on his Daughter's forehead, noticing that her temperature was fine. He then noticed the little Asari watching his hand like a hawk as he pulled it away, which then made him move it left to right as he observed her eyes focusing on his appendage like a hawk.

"Did you just want mine and your Mother's attention?" he then asked, which regained the Baby's attention as she stared back at him with what could only be described as a look of innocence. This brought a smile to the Prime's face, one that was mirrored by Myra as she copied her Father.

"You did, didn't you…" Orion then said before he then started to tickle his baby girl's stomach, earning the most cutest giggle from the small Asari as his smile widened even more. But then he stopped and just held her in his arms, looking down with a loving stare as he watched the little Asari start to pant a little after giggling.

…well you don't ever have to worry little Princess, because you will always have mine and your Mother's attention…that's a promise." the Bot continued with a caring tone, while the Baby just looked back up at him curiously.

"So…" the Autobot Leader started to say, looking around the room before returning his focus to Myra.

"…you're tired, right?"

This gained a cute yet blank expression from the little Asari as she looked up at him.

"…yeah, me neither." he added before his eyes fell on the crib mobile that was hanging directly over his Daughter's cot, which brought another smile to his face as he saw the different ships that hung from it.

"So I guess I will tell you a story then." Orion said as he then put little Myra back down in her bed and draped her soft blue bedsheet over her tiny body, while she grabbed at one of his hands playfully.

'She does have quite a grip, especially for an Asari that's just over six months old.' he thought affectionately before she then tried to stick one of his fingers in her mouth to suck.

'Ah…no, that's not your dummy Myra.' he thought before gently releasing his hand from hers and picking up the dummy lying beside her head, instead of placing that in her mouth.

His daughter then started to suck on that instead, looking even more adorable in her Father's eyes as he then disconnected two toy ships from the mobile, with one looking like the Normandy and the other similar to a Merc Cruiser.

"You see, Myra, the last time I was working…three days ago, my ship…the Normandy…" he started to say while gesturing to the Frigate in his right hand, which the little Asari looked up at and smiled from behind her dummy.

"…was ambushed by a Merc Cruiser with a cloaking device…" he continued while playing with both ships, bringing the enemy ship up behind the Normandy.

"…and in their first attack, damaged us and injured Jetstorm, our pilot and my friend."

The little Myra just kept her eyes focused on her Father as he moved the ships around overhead, completely enamoured with everything he did with them.

"So I took over the controls while he was looked after by Quickstrike and Ser-Ket, pulling the Normandy into a loop and getting in behind the enemy…" he described while showing the move to his young audience.

"…before then firing a spread of torpedoes into it and…" he then began to add, before a very familiar voice cut him off.

"…completely destroying the enemy and saving the Normandy."

This made Orion almost jump out of his skin, accidentally knocking the mobile and making his Daughter spit out her dummy as she giggled once again.

"Liara,…I didn't know you were…, how long were you standing there?" he asked with an embarrassed tone to his voice, which made the adult Asari's smile widen in return as their Daughter continued to giggle while watching the ships moving around in the mobile overhead.

"Long enough…" Liara replied as she walked into the room and joined his side, before looking down at their baby.

"…this doesn't look like diaper changing to me." the blue Woman added with a smile as she looked down at little Myra, who calmed down and stared back up at her mother with a smile, while Orion then fumbled through refitting the toy-ships to the mobile.

"…Yes well, Myra just wanted some attention…no diaper change needed." he said back, earning a knowing glance from his bond-mate.

"You do realise that goes against the very reason we moved Myra into her own room so that she could get used to us not being around all the time." Liara replied, earning a lopsided grin from the Prime as he shrugged his shoulders.

"What can I say, when my little Princess needs me…I come running."

This made the Asari's smile widen as she sighed in response.

"I know what you mean, but still I think we should let our Daughter get some sleep." she said back.

"Yeah, in fact, I think Myra agrees too." he said back with a smile while gesturing to the baby Asari, who gave off the most adorable little yawn as her eyelids became heavy. This brought a similar expression to Liara's face as she then bent over the cot and kissed her daughter's forehead, gaining another slight giggle from the little one as her tiredness started to take hold.

"Good night, My sweet little Angel." she said softly, before standing up straight once more and looking back at her Husband who stared down at Myra lovingly.

"We should get some sleep too, don't you think?" she asked, which made the Bot nod back as he returned his attention to her.

"You won't get any…" Orion started to say back before a yawn worked its way out of his mouth.

"…argument out of me." he then finished as another embarrassing look befell his face, which only made the Asari stare back affectionately as she held her hand out to him.

"Let's go back to bed then." she said with an alluring tone, gaining a slight smile back from the Prime as he took her hand in his before looking back down at his baby girl one last time.

"Good night Myra, sweet dreams, My little Princess." he said before both he and Liara then left the room as the little one's eyes closed and sleep took her once more.

Once back in the corridor, Orion gently and slowly closed the door so that he would not wake his now sleeping daughter.

But when he then turned back to Liara, a curious expression appeared on his face as he noticed a thoughtful look upon her own.

"Liara, what is it?" he asked in a soft tone, which snapped the Asari out of her thoughts as her eyes met his once again.

"I can't help but wonder what kind of person our little girl will become in the future or what she will have to deal with, don't you?" she asked, which made the Bot smile back affectionately.

"Yeah, of course, I do. I think that's a given for any parent, no matter where who they are or what part of the galaxy they are from…" he started to say, which made his Wife nod back.

"…but if she is anything like you, Myra will grow up to be a strong and independent Woman." he continued as the pair looked into each other's eyes lovingly.

"Well…I think that she won't just be like me, because she should be somewhat like you too." she said back, while a thoughtful smile appeared on the Bot's face as stared back at her.

"What?" she then asked back curiously, which made the blue-haired Prime look to the ground as he sighed happily.

"I don't know why…" he started to say before looking back at the door to his Daughter's room, which made Liara do the same as she followed his action.

"…but I have a feeling that our daughter will be just fine."

"Okay, you do know that I am still going to ask how you know that?" she said back with a slightly unsure tone, to which Orion simply shook his head gently in response as the pair then entered their own room.

"I did say I didn't know how, but what I do know is…" he started to say as he closed the door gently behind them, before looking back at his Wife with a confident smile.

"…that no matter what life throws at you, or how bad things can get…in the end things do work out."

"And you 'feel' that Myra is going to be alright?" Liara then asked with a curious tone as she sat on her side of the bed, while the Prime joined her on his side.

"I can't explain it, but yeah I do. No matter what our little girl goes through in life, she will be just fine in the end." he replied with a confident tone, which brought a smile to the Asari's face as she looked into his eyes.

"If you believe that, then so do I..." she said as the pair then lay down, with the Bot pulling the duvet over them before his wife wrapped her arms around him.

"…I love you, Orion Darby." she added as he mirrored her action and pulled her into an embrace as they relaxed in their bed and kissed.

"I love you too, Liara Darby." the Prime then replied before the couple then lay in each other's arms and fell asleep.


Elsewhere in time, Myra found herself surrounded by a bright white light which was almost blinding to her as she stood there in it's intense shine. But before the Prime could start to fathom exactly where she was, a familiar voice spoke out and echoed around her.

"Wherever you are, Myra…good luck."

'Kat!' the Asari thought as her eyes widened as she recognised the voice of her lover, making Myra turn around in an attempt to pinpoint the direction that the Human had spoken from.

But unfortunately, the blue-Woman had to squint and cover her eyes, for the light's intensity was too much to handle.

'How do I find Kat..?' the Prime started to think before the white light suddenly brightened even more, completely bathing her armoured body in light as it encompassed her fully. But as Myra kept her eyes covered by her hands, she suddenly heard another familiar voice speak up in front of her.


This made the Asari remove her hands from her eyes and look directly before her to find none other than Sharptooth and his Dinobots standing just above her, looking back with surprised stares.

"What…?" Myra began to ask with a similar tone and look, before noticing that she was still in her Prime-Armour and was standing in the crater where she had defeated Vasir, in the exact same spot as a matter of fact. But before the young Darby could even say another word, another far more familiar voice spoke up from behind her.


This made the Prime's eyes widen as she immediately turned around to see Kat standing beside the unconscious form of the Leviathan Leader, but the Asari just kept her eyes focused on the Human Woman who gave her an affectionate smile back as she looked her up and down.

"…you're back...and you're okay." she added with a mixture of relief and confusion, while Myra started to walk up to her.

But before anything else could be said, the blue-Woman pulled her lover into an embrace and kissed her, surprising everyone there as they watched the pair in wide-eyed shock.

Even Kat was surprised, but only for a second before she returned the kiss and embrace in kind as their lips remained locked together as they forgot about the world around them and focused on each other.

"Don't they need to breath at some point?" Slash asked with a curious tone to his friends, earning an eye roll from Strafe, while their leader and Scorn ignored them and kept their attention on the two Women.

"Sorry about that…" Myra then said as the lovers pulled away just enough to look into the eyes of each other while remaining in their embrace, which made Shepard smirk back as she cut the Asari off.

"Sorry for what? That was perfect." she replied, causing the Prime to blush slightly in return.

"Thanks…but when I saw you, I just wanted to have you in my arms again…I feel like it has been an eternity since I last saw you."

"Really, but you only disappeared for a moment and then you were back…where did you go?" Kat asked with a curious tone and look, gaining a sigh from the Asari in return.

"It's a long story, but I will tell you everything later…I promise." she replied, which earned a nod from the Human Woman.

"Okay, I'm just glad that you alright."

Myra then stepped back and looked down at her gauntlets, which suddenly retracted back into her armoured forearms as if on some sub-conscious command from the Asari and revealed her healthy blue-skinned hands once more.

"Yeah, I guess the Matrix's light healed me and removed all trace of the virus." she said back before returning her attention to Kat, who was looking at her Lover's Prime Armour.

"And I have to say, you do look really good in that too." the young Shepard replied, making Myra's cheeks blush a little once more as she gently chuckled in return.

"Thanks, but I don't think Primus's remnant inside this Matrix had that in mind when the Armour was created." she said back while touching the center of her chest plate, gesturing to the relic's location on her person.

"Glad to see you're back Myra, looking good as well." Sharptooth then said, gaining the pair's attention as the Asari gave him an appreciative smile.

"Thanks." she replied, before the Dinobot Leader then gestured to the unconscious Vasir lying at their feet.

"So what should we do with her?" he then asked, making both Myra and Kat look down at their defeated enemy.

"Let's get a Biotic dampner around Vasir's neck and make sure she is properly restrained..." the Prime began to say before being cut off as a Ground-Bridge portal appeared just away from the group, gaining their attention as they turned to see Vraz and several security officers and Medics exit the portal.

"Commander, it's good to see you are alright...considering how Omega Supreme looks right now." Sharptooth said, earning a nod from the Bot as he and his team joined them."

"Yes, we were lucky that Leviathan was deactivated when it was." he replied, which made Strafe gesture to the Asari who was still standing in the crater with Kat, who was connecting the damper to Vasir's neck.

"Well the person to thank for that is standing just over there." the Dinobot-Femme added, gaining an understanding smile from the Autobot as turned his attention to the young Darby.

"Yes..." he began to say back, taking note of her new Prime-Armour as he joined the two women in the crater.

"...I think everyone knows who is our saviour today...Myra Prime." he then added while stopping directly in front of the Asari and saluting her, making the new Prime blush a little with embarrassment in return.

"Please, you don't have to do that for me." she said back with a humble tone, which only made Vraz shake his head as his smile widened a little more.

"But I do...we all do now, since the Morning Hope has kept a sensor lock on this area and broadcasted the events here to not only us on Omega Supreme, but to every ship in orbit as well..."

This earned surprised looks from the group as he continued to speak, with the Dinobots, Myra and Kat all keeping their attention solely on him.

"...and they all know that the Matrix has chosen a new Prime." he finished, his last sentence making Myra take a deep breath and sigh as those words hit her.

"So, what are your orders, Myra Prime?" Vraz then asked, gaining a wide-eyed stare from the blue-Woman in response.

"Excuse me...?" she said back with a surprised tone, which made Kat stand beside her and take her hand in her own, gently squeezing it affectionately.

This made the Asari smile slightly as she glanced at the ground for a second.

'Thanks, Kat.' she thought while returning the gesture, before looking back at Vraz.

"Well...our laws dictate as soon as a new Prime has been chosen, he or she will immediately take over as Commander of the Autobots and join the ISF Senate. These laws were put together by your Grandfather over five hundred years ago, with your Father doing the same when the Matrix was passed to him. The Senate will meet you in New Iacon, where they are putting together quite the celebration for you I understand." he added, bringing the surprised expression back to Myra's face once more.

"Wait? They already know?" she asked, which made the Bot nod back happily.

"Of course. The Morning Hope also sent the footage to the Senate, who I believe then broadcast it around the entire fact, I would not be surprised to hear that the entire Federation hasn't heard the news by now, with Vasir's defeat and a new Prime being chosen." he replied as Kat smiled at her Asari, who looked back at the ground in shock.

"Good news travels fast, huh." the Wrecker said as she gently bumped her upper arm against the other's, gaining the Prime's attention as she looked back to her.

"I guess it does..." she replied with disbelief still underlining her words, before returning her attention to the Autobot.

" we are going to the Morning Hope, right?" she then asked with a breath, calming herself a little as she tried to regain some self control in front of everyone.

"Yes, It has been handed temporary Autobot Flagship status due to what happened to Omega Supreme and awaits your arrival. The Eudora too has docked with the cruiser, so Evac and Tolae are waiting for you too."

"Okay then..." Myra began to say as she glanced over to see two of the Security Officers pick up the still unconscious Vasir, watching for a second as they then carried her towards the swirling green vortex before returning her gaze to Vraz.

"...let's go." she said, earning a nod from the Bot.

"Then please, follow me,...Myra Prime..." he began to say, only to be cut off by the Asari as she raised a hand slightly.

"I just want you to know that as a friend, you can still just call me Myra, the same as my close friends and family. But name is now Mira Prime." she explained, which made the Commander nod back with an understanding expression.

"Mira Prime? Okay I will let the Senate know, Myra." he said back before starting for the portal, with the Prime, Kat and the others following.

But Slash looked at the Asari with a confused expression, which did not go unnoticed by her.

"Wait a second, Myra and Mira both sound virtually identical. So why bother with a name change at all...Prime?" he asked with an unsure tone, bringing a knowing smile to the Darby's face.

"I don't have a clue, but are you really going to question the will of the Matrix?" she asked back, making the Bot look at the slightly raised silver Autobot emblem on her chest-plate.

", of course not." he answered back as he returned his stare to her face, bringing smiles to both Kat and Strafe's faces as the shook their heads in return.

"What about Omega Supreme, Vraz...?" Sharptooth then asked, making the Autobot turn and look back at the Dinobot.

" just going to leave him here in the desert?"

"No Sharptooth, Omega is severally damaged but still salvageable." he replied, which brought a smirk to Scorn's face.

"Tough little Autobot." he replied with a chuckle, which brought Vraz's attention to him as the Commander gave him a puzzled look.

"...little?" he asked back while looking between the Dinobot and the massive Autobot Guardian, who was lying on the desert floor away from them.

"Well...yeah, he is little when you compare him to the former City-Bot standing just over here." Scorn replied as he gestured to the dormant behemoth towering over them. But this just earned a happy sigh from Myra, while she walked hand in hand with Kat towards the Ground-bridge portal.

"Come on, Guys, let's go." she said back, which gained nods from both Bots as they quickly followed her and the others into the swirling energy vortex that quickly closed behind them.

A few moments later and the group were standing in front of an empty cell aboard the Morning Hope, while their enemy was escorted by two Autobots towards them.

"So where are you going to hold Vasir?" Myra asked as she, Kat and the Dinobots watched while Vraz's soldiers walked the former Leviathan Leader into her cell.

There was only one seat, a bed and a toilet to greet her as she silently sat down on the former, before the Autobots locked her handcuffs to the seat and left.

They then activated the door's energy field, sealing her in as she uncharacteristically remained silent and stared down at the floor with a defeated expression.

"She is going to be transferred to the Gravitron Prison we have built in the Hades Nexus, which is safely orbiting the local Quantum Singularity..." the Commander began to reply, only for Kat to interrupt him.

"So the ISF finally made use of the sensor readings the Normandy took of the Quintesson planet over five hundred years ago." she asked with a curious expression, which gained similar stares from everyone there in return.

"What? I remember hearing about that project before leaving the Wreckers." she began to say, before looking back at Myra with an affectionate and confident face.

", I know my history." she added with a wink, which made the Asari smirk back.

"Yes Kat, we did. But it was not like our scientists were sitting on the data for over half a millennium, we simply did not have a power source strong enough to keep any station we built in orbit around any kind strong gravitational anomaly…let alone a black hole." Vraz replied before the Prime looked at him with a knowing look.

"That is until the Synthetic Energon formula was stabilised, isn't that right, Commander." she said back, earning a nod from the Autobot.

"That is correct, Prime, the completion of the Synthergon formula has proven to be a godsend for the Inter-Stellar Federation…" he started to say while she, Kat and the Dinobots listened. But then everyone's attention was caught by Slash sighing as he stared at Vasir with a disinterested expression.

"Are we done here?"

Myra looked back at her adversary and nodded in return, for her defeated adversary really did look beaten as she simply sat there in silence and continued to keep her attention away from those watching her, staring down at the floor with a blank face.

"Yes, we are done here, Slash. I can take comfort in the knowledge that she will never again pose a threat to anyone ever again…and she knows it too..." she replied with a confident tone, before looking back at Vraz.

"…how is the permanent Biotic Dampner performing?" she then asked, which made the Autobot activate his holo-tool and look at the readings on its screen.

"Everything is in the green, the device is working at a hundred percent." the Commander answered, making Kat look at the screen with a curious expression.

"Vasir will be unable to remove it?"

"No, the permanent dampner has been made in a way that once it is locked around a Biotic's neck, it can never be removed, not by her, not by any Autobot….not by anybody. She is now powerless…" he was in the middle of saying before the Prime smirked and cut him off.

"It's like I just said, Vasir will no longer pose a threat to anyone ever again. She has no abilities, no power, no allies...nothing. She can look forward to nothing more than living the rest of her life in a cell with 'nothing'.." the Asari said, only for her Human Lover to finish her words.

"Which is as far removed from what she was trying to achieve, making her live with her failure."

"Exactly…" Myra then replied with a nod, before taking one final look at the former Leviathan Leader.

"…and I think I have spent more than enough time on her now, so let's get out of here." she added, which made Vraz and the others nod back, with the Commander looking back at the two soldiers who stood at either side of her cell door.

"Close it up, we are leaving." he commanded, gaining a salute from the one standing on the left. Before he turned to the control panel behind him, only to stop as Vasir looked up at Myra and spoke.

"You may think you are done with me, Myra, but I will always be on your mind." she said, gaining everyone's attention as they turned and looked back at her. But the Prime simply stared back with a disinterested expression as she shook her head.

"No, you won't be, because I have far more to live for now…" the younger Asari started to say, before glancing at Kat and then back to Vasir, which did not go unnoticed by the Human who smirked in response.

"…and I will no longer waste another moment or thought on you." she added before turning away and walking off, quickly followed by the others as the soldier then continued with his task as he activated the door control.

This earned a surprised and almost hurt expression from the former Leviathan Leader as she stared out at them before the thick metal door slid down over the energy barrier and sealed her away.


"So now that we have dealt with that little matter, what's next is on the agenda?" Myra asked as she and the others walked through one of the Morning Hope's many identical corridors, making their way to the Cruiser's CIC as they passed numerous crewmen who would all stop and salute the Prime.

'I don't know if I will ever get used to that.' she thought while trying to hide her embarrassment and slight annoyance, but this gained Kat's attention as she saw through the Asari's act and so slipped her hand into the blue woman's and gently squeezed it as Vraz began to speak.

"Well, Prime, once the fleet has completed its repairs…" he began to say, before looking at his holo-tool as the two lovers sneaked affectionate glances at each other.

"…which should be inside of the next hour, we will be setting course for New Iacon…" he then continued, only for the Prime to cut him off as she nodded back with an understanding if nervous look.

"Ah yes, the celebration." she said back, earning a smile from the Commander as he returned his attention to her.

"It is going to be quite the celebration, the first real party in five hundred years that everyone in the Federation will be able to enjoy." the Autobot said back, which brought smiles to the Dinobots faces as the group stopped by the nearby elevator.

"Well, in that case, we should get ourselves ready for it…since we Dinobots have quite the reputation at parties." Sharptooth said, making Myra, Vraz and Kat stop and look back at them curiously.

"Seriously?" the Wrecker asked with smirk, gaining nods from Slash and Scorn while Strafe simply rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, the original Dinobots were quite the party crashers back in the day." Scorn replied enthusiastically, making the Femme sigh.

"It's true, no party was complete without Grimlock or one of his team trashing something in the name of fun." she added, which earned a cautious smile from Vraz in return.

"Well, at least stay on your best behaviour…at least until the party actually starts." he said, gaining smiles from the Dinobots as the elevator door opened and they entered it.

"No promises, Commander…Prime." Sharptooth then teased before the door closed behind them, leaving Myra and Kat with the Autobot.

"Dinobots…" he sighed before his attention was caught by his com-link activating, while the Asari and Human smirked at each other.

"Commander Vraz, go ahead…they are…okay, we will meet them there…Vraz out." he replied while tapping a key on the Elevator's control panel, which made the Woman give him a curious stare.

"Alright, change of plans…we are not going to the CIC." he said in a cryptic tone as the door opened to reveal an empty elevator awaiting them, before gesturing to the pair to enter.

"Why? Where are you going to take us now?" Myra asked, to which the Commander would only smile back.

"You'll see, come on." he said before entering the elevator, with the pair following him as the elevator door closed behind them.

A moment later and the elevator door opened, making Myra and Kat smile as they saw Evac and Tolae waiting for them.

"Hey guys." the Pilot said with a lop-sided grin as the pair walked out of the elevator and approached the couple, while Vraz watched with a smile on his face.

"It's good to see you." the Prime said in a happy tone as she pulled the Bot into an embrace, while Kat gave the Ardat-Yakshi a warm hug in return.

"And you…" Evac replied before they pulled away, allowing him to look at his friend's new armour.

"…but should I actually salute you now?" he then asked with a cheeky tone, which made Myra shake her head as she chuckled to herself.

"No, that won't be necessary, Evac."

"I like your new armour?" Tolae then said, gaining Myra's attention.

"Thanks…" she started to reply, before glancing down at the armour with a disbelieving expression.

"…though I still think I am dreaming right now."

This earned a smile from Kat who placed her hand on her Lover's armoured shoulder, making the Asari look over at her.

"Well, I have an idea on how we can solve that little predicament…" she began to say, earning a questioning smile from Myra.


"…take off the armour and I'll show you." the Human Wrecker added, gaining curious looks from their friends in return.

"And how do you do that?" Tolae asked, which brought a knowing expression to the Prime's face as she looked around at them.

"Well if I remember correctly, my father said that he could control his Prime Armour by just thinking what he wanted it to do, so let's see…" she then began to explain, before a thoughtful look appeared on her face.

'Right arm retract.' she then thought which the armour automatically obeyed, with the pieces covering her entire arm and hand receding up to her shoulder, exposing her blue-skinned arm to the others as they watched with wide-eyed interest.

"Wow, that is impressive." Evac replied, earning nods from both Vraz and Tolae as Myra smirked at what she had done.

"So what did you have planned, Kat…?" the Prime then began to say as she looked over to Kat, only to be cut off as the young Shepard pinched her forearm.

"Ouch!" the Asari replied with a slightly annoyed tone and look, gaining an affectionate smile from the Human, one that eroded her lover's frustration almost instantly.

'Damn, it's impossible for me to stay annoyed at her.' she thought as a smile appeared on her face while sighing, while the Human Woman affectionately rubbed her arm.

"Well, I guess that proves it's no dream Myra…" she started to reply, gaining a unified chuckle from the others as the Asari's cheeks reddened slightly in embarrassment as her armour then re-covered her arm once more.

But just as she was about to say something else, the Wrecker's attention was caught by the appearance of someone who just came round the corner at one end of the corridor, which was directly behind Myra as she smiled.

This did not go unnoticed by the Prime, which made her look at her Lover with a curious smile.

"What is it?" she asked, regaining Kat's attention as her smile widened a little more.

"I think you should look for yourself." the Human Woman replied, before gesturing to look behind her. This made the young Darby look behind her before her eyes widened at who she saw.

"Hello, Myra." a familiar voice spoke, which made the Asari's smile widen in return. For Myra found herself staring at Ser-Ket who was sitting in a hover-chair directly in front of her.

"Aunt Ser-Ket..!" she exclaimed happily while rushing to the former-Predacon's side, kneeling down in front of her as the older woman took her hand in her own.

"It's good to see you." Ser-Ket replied, gaining a nod from her Niece as she gently squeezed her hand affectionately.

"And you, though I was not expecting you to be up and around yet." Myra said back, which earned a smirk from her Aunt as she looked down at her hover-chair.

"Well I won't be walking for a little while as my back heals, but this chair at least means I am not bound to a single place." she replied with an appreciative tone, gaining a nod from the Prime in return.

"I'm glad that you're alright, I mean when I heard what happened…" she started to say, only for the former-Predacon to cut her off as she placed her other hand on top of her Niece's.

"That's in the past, Myra. There's no need to dwell on it. Besides, I hear the one responsible is now paying for her crimes." Ser-Ket cut her off as she smiled at her Niece, gaining a nod from the Asari in return.

"That's right, I stopped Vasir's plan with the help of my friends and she is no longer a threat to anyone anymore."

"I always thought that you would, which is why I did my best to make sure that the ISF left you alone after you left to pursue her on your own." the Femme replied, which made the young Darby smile back.

"I wanted to thank you for that too since I always thought that I was on my own after leaving the Autobots." Myra replied with an appreciative smile, which made the former-Predacon merely smile back.

"I did promise your parents that I would always look out for you, I wouldn't be a very good Aunt if I hadn't."

"You're the best." the Prime said back, which made the Femme blush slightly before returning her gaze back to Niece.

"Well, I am very proud to be your Aunt, seeing the things you have accomplished. And I know in my spark that your Parents would be as well..." she started to reply before her eyes fell upon the Autobot insignia on the Asari's chest plate.

" I see that you received a promotion." the older woman added with a proud tone, bringing Myra's attention to her armour as she pointed towards it.

"Oh yeah, I'm the new Prime…surprise." she said back, earning a knowing smile from her Aunt.

"You're just like your father..." she began to say, gaining a curious expression from her Niece.

"...for he too was nervous when he became a Prime."

"Yeah, I remember him telling me so when I was a kid." the young Asari replied, making Ser-Ket nod back.

"Well, he also turned out to be an excellent Prime, just as your Grand-Father had been before him and I have no doubt that you will just like them as well." the Femme said as her smile widened, which Myra could not help but mirror as her cheeks reddened slightly with embarrassment.

"When you put it that way, no pressure."

Having heard that sentence, Kat joined the pair and gave her Lover a

"Don't worry, Myra, you won't have to see this through on your own as we will be by your side." she said as the Asari stood back up, taking the blue Woman's hand in her own as she gestured back to Evac, Tolae and Vraz.

The former-Predacon noticed her Niece and the Wrecker holding hands and could not help but smile before looking towards the other couple, who joined their side.

"Well guys, Tolae and I were planning on retiring from all of this after the battle…" he started to say as he and the Ardat-Yakshi too held hands, earning thoughtful looks from both Myra and Kat.

"…but we weren't counting on you becoming a Prime, Myra. So I can't simply walk away now, I mean just think of the kind of pilot you got in my place…" the Bot said in a teasing tone, which made both Women chuckle.
But then Evac's face became slightly more serious as he smiled slightly, one that was mirrored by Tolae who cut him off.

"What Evac is trying to say…is we will stay and support you in your new role, if you want us that is?" she asked curiously, but the Prime sighed as she looked between them and Kat.

"You know I would not want it any other way, we're a team after all…" she started to reply, only to stop and look at Vraz who was standing just away from them and looking at his holo-tool.

"…in fact, instead of having a new Flag-ship built for me. I would like to have my flag on the Eudora permanently, as it has been my home for a long time and I see no need to change it." she said, making the Autobot nod back in return as he looked back to her.

"Very well, Prime. So I take it you will want to arrive in New Iacon on board your ship? I only ask because I have just been informed that the fleet is ready to head to the Capital now." he asked, earning a nod from the Asari.

"Yes, as long as the Eudora is ready?" she replied before turning to Evac, who gave her a thumbs up.

"Of course, since repairs are complete and she is ready to go whenever you are." he said back, which made the Prime turn to her Aunt.

"Want to fly with us, Aunt Ser-Ket?" she asked with a smile, one that gained a mirrored look from the Femme as she nodded back.

"There is nowhere else I would rather be. After you." she said back affectionately, earning a smile from Myra before she returned her attention to Vraz.

"Have the fleet follow us once we have disengaged from the Morning Hope, we will give the City a surprise before we land." she said, earning a knowing smirk from the Autobot in response.

"Alright, Prime, I will inform the fleet myself." he said back before saluting her and turning around, heading away from the group as Evac took the lead.

"Okay, the Eudora is parked in the main shuttle bay which is this way." he said before walking in the opposite direction, as Myra and the others followed him.

The Metropolis of New Iacon was abuzz with activity as the Sun set over the Capital's skyline, changing its colour from blue to red as the star began it's descent. There was a party atmosphere throughout the city as people partied in the streets, though the main celebrations were happening around the Decagon as people had flooded it's gardens.

There was a Nine year-old blond-haired boy standing with his parents next to the large Memorial wall that surrounded the garden's perimeter, and he was looking at one of the names inscribed on it's marble surface.

"Daddy, what is...Optimus Prime?" the youngster asked, earning his Father's attention.

"Well, Cody, he was leader of the Autobots when they first arrived here on Earth, while also being the first Prime we ever came across. He was a very brave and heroic figure." the older Man replied, which made the Kid give him a confused expression in return.

"What's a Prime?"

The older man looked back at his Son and was about to answer before what sounded like a clap of thunder echoed in the evening sky, making him look up and smile.

"Hey, Cody, it's starting." he said, bringing a smile to the child's face as everyone looked up at the reddening sky to see a fleet of ships descending toward them.

The fleet was made up of Dreadnoughts, Cruisers and Fighters with the Eudora leading them all as all ships flying in formation while firing fireworks off as they passed over the City towards the Decagon. The sky lit up in a dazzling display made up of every colour imaginable, earning cheers from the citizens as they watched with amazement.

The fleet then came to a halt and hovered over New Iacon as they continued launching fireworks, while the Eudora herself broke off and around the Decagon, performing a barrel-roll and revealing that it had a holo-version of the Prime's insignia on both sides of its hull as it flew overhead before landing on the building's own shuttle-platform.

A few moments later and everyone's attention was caught as large holo-screens suddenly appeared around the city showing a close-up of the Decagon's main balcony as its doors opened, making the citizens look either at the screens or at the building itself depending on their distance to it while the fireworks suddenly came to a stop as a large group of people came into view as they walked onto the balcony.

The group was made up of several Senators and Admirals, with Nuwani leading the way alongside an Asian Woman in a black and red robe with light-blue highlights as they stopped and placed their hands on the railing before them, looking out at the masses who stared back up at them.

"Greetings Citizens of the Inter-Stellar Federation. I, Senator Windblade, have great news to share with you all, news that I believe many of you will already have heard. But considering the dark time our Federation has struggled through in the last few centuries, our Autobots…" she started to reply before gesturing to the Asari Admiral and her fellows, who nodded to the crowds in return.

"…have successfully defended our world from an Enemy that threatened to destroy not only ourselves and our children, but everything that our Alliance stands for…" the Femme continued as everyone went quiet as they listened intently.

"…but they did not do it alone, for they were led by a woman who has been chosen by the very light of Primus's Matrix itself. And it was she who personally brought an end to this 'Leviathan' and saved our world. I am proud to present to you the new disciple of Primus and Leader of the Autobots, Mira Prime." the Femme added before gesturing to her right, which made the rest of the group separate to reveal Myra standing alongside her team and Aunt.

But she could not help but stare out at the masses with a look of pure bewilderment and surprise as they cheered in return, so as Windblade gestured for her to come forward, the Asari looked at Kat who gave her an encouraging smile and nod back.

'Okay.' the Prime thought before taking a breath and walking up to the hand-rail, stopping beside the Senator and noticing that her face was now being televised on all of the large holo-screens.

But the young Darby kept her composure as the chest-plate of her armour retracted enough for her to take the Matrix crystal from around her neck, which then shifted into the more recognisable relic in her hands.

And as her armour reformed itself, the Asari held the Matrix with both hands and lifted it over her head as its crystal glowed so bright, it created a beam of blue/white light that reached up high into the sky.

This made the crowds erupt as their cheering became almost deafening as they witnessed their new Prime standing before them.

'Wow...' Myra thought before glancing around her to see the Senators and Admirals applauding her, before her eyes fell upon Evac, Tolae, Ser-Ket and Kat looking back at her proudly, with her lover beaming with an affectionate smile.

This made the Asari's own widen more before she returned her gaze back to the cheering crowds as the ships overhead resumed launching fireworks into the sky as the Matrix continued to shine brightly.

'It is finally over and I am home, at last.' she thought as relief came over her because for the first time in what felt like a lifetime, she could finally see a light at the end of the tunnel...and it felt good.


Over a year later…

It was a warm Autumn's night in the town of Bolinas, a small coastal community that lies southwest of Drake's Bay.

The sun had long disappeared beyond the horizon and banished the last embers of day for another night, allowing the stars to begin shining down from the clear darkening sky overhead.

And it was at this same point, as it was every night that the town's street lights activated, shining a light for those who needed in the midst of night's embrace.

And it was outside the gate of Bolinas Cemetery that two more lamps came on at either side of the entrance, as did more lamps scattered throughout its area.

But then a Ground-bridge vortex suddenly appeared, its green and blue swirling light overcoming that of the artificial lamps as Myra and Kat stepped out of it.

The Asari was wearing her Prime Armour, while the Wrecker looked every bit the civilian, wearing a red T-shirt and a pair of blue jeans and both showed off her athletic figure as she held what looked like a bouquet of flowers in her hands.

"Well, here we are…" the latter began to say as she looked at the cemetery gates, while the Prime tapped the Autobot insignia in the center of her chest-plate. This made the armour retract and shift back into an octagonal disc, revealing Myra to be wearing a black pair of jeans and a white T-shirt as she then placed the object into her right pocket.

"…are you sure you want to do this by yourself?" Kat then asked, gaining a nod from the Darby in return as she looked back at her Lover.

"Yeah, it's okay. I have held this off long enough, so I really should see to it now." she replied with an appreciative tone, which made the Human-Woman smile back slightly as she handed over the flowers.

"Don't say it like that, Myra, because it is not your fault that we have been rather busy these past months. Just because you're a Prime now, doesn't mean that every problem is your responsibility." the young Shepard said back with a knowing tone, one that the Asari could not help but agree with as she sighed and nodded back in return.

"Yeah, you're right. I guess I still have some way to go before I fully shake off that bad habit, don't I." she replied with a lop-sided grin, gaining a similar look from Kat as she stepped close and gave her Lover a kiss on the cheek.

"Don't worry, I know you can do it. It just takes practise." she then said while placing a hand on the blue-Woman's arm and gently stroking it affectionately, making her blush a little as she smiled back.

"So…what are you going to do in the meantime?" the Prime then asked with a curious tone, while Kat between her and the energy swirling around the vortex beside them.

"I will go back aboard the Eudora and help Tolae and Evac with their calibrations until you are ready to come back aboard…" she began to reply, before then looking back into her lover's eyes with an affectionate stare.

"…then we can go back to our new home….together."

This made Myra's smile widen as she thought about the two of them in their newly built home, which was actually less than a mile from the old homes of both her parents and grandparents.

"I am looking forward to it." the Asari said, making the Wrecker's own smile widen before both Women leaned in and kissed, feeling that spark of electricity between their lips as they pressed gently against each other.

"Well, I am going to go back to the Eudora now." Kat then said as the pair broke the kiss and pulled away, gaining a nod from the Prime in return.

"Alright, I will see you in a bit then."

With that, the couple then waved goodbye to each other before the young Shepard walked back through the portal, which then disappeared and left Myra standing alone at the Cemetery's entrance.

A moment later and Myra found herself walking through the Cemetery, taking note of it's wooden Church as she passed said building.

'That church has been standing here for as long as I can remember…' she began to think, taking note of it's new look of white painted walls and steeple and green roofing which was easily visible due to the night lamp shining brightly beside it.

'…the people who own this do take real care of this entire area.' the Asari added while walking past the graves, which had a mixture of old, worn-looking headstones and the more newer-looking ones.

'Well, here I am.' Myra then thought as she stopped at three graves, which were located under a large oak tree. The Prime looked at each of the headstones, the one on her left read 'In loving Memory, June and William Fowler'.

The middle had inscribed on it 'Though on longer with us, their memory still shines bright, Jackson Darby and Arcee'.

The Asari then laid some flowers at both of these graves, standing quiet for a moment before turning her attention to the grave standing to her right.

She then looked at it's headstone and read the message inscribed in it's stone, 'In most beloved Memory, Orion and Liara Darby'.

"Hi Mom...hi Dad..." Myra then began to say, before she squatted down and placed the rest of the flowers in front of their headstone.

"...I would have liked to have visited you sooner, but since becoming a Prime I have just not had the time..."

A thoughtful look then appeared on the young Darby's face as she then brought out the Matrix crystal from under her shirt, looking at the relic as it glows gently in her hand.

"...since I have been dealing with the members of the ISF that had sided with Leviathan, just like Vok said I would be." she added before a slight smile appeared on her face.

"I know what your going to say, Dad. Who's Vok? I mean that Aeon did say that only I would remember what happened when you, Granddad and I fought together to protect everything from Xakron. But perhaps you do know now since you and Mom are one with the All-spark, in which case you know what I am going to say. I mean other than Kat and Aunt Ser-Ket, the two of you were the only ones who knew me best." the Asari continued while returning her gaze to the headstone as an ashamed expression appeared on her face, letting go of the crystal and allowing it to hang freely around her neck.

"I can't tell you how hard it was to carry on without either of you in my life, allowing myself to live in darkness for as long as I did..." Myra then started to say, before she then smiled while turning her attention to the ring that was on the ring-finger of her left hand.

"...but then I met Kat and she helped me see that there was more to live for than revenge. And now we engaged, due to marry in a few months, I could not be happier." she continued to say with a happy and relaxed tone to her voice, before returning her gaze to the headstone, to her Father's name in particular as a stoic expression befell her face.

"I never forgot the promise I made to you, Dad, to live my life and to not let the past control me. I want you to know that I have and will always continue to live by those words, to make each and every day count for as long as I live." Myra added before standing back up, looking down at the grave with a more relaxed smile once more.

"Well I have to go now, but I promise that I will visit you more often in the future. So until then, this is goodbye...I love you." the Asari added while placing a hand on the top of the headstone before turning around and walking away, leaving the graves behind her as she started for the Cemetery's exit.

As the Prime walked towards the Church, with the gates in sight just further past it. She began to reach for her Com-link, only to stop as a familiar young voice spoke from behind her.

"Hi, Myra."

This made the Asari turn around to see a young blonde-haired girl standing there, looking at her with a curious smile.

"Sari,...hi." Myra said back with a surprised tone, earning a little giggle from the child in return. As this twelve-year-old lived with her Uncle and Aunt, who were Myra and Kat's nearest neighbours, living halfway between Drake's bay and Bolinas. And since the Asari and Wrecker had chosen to live there, they had become good friends with both Sari and her family.

'This girl does remind me of myself when I was her age.' she thought before a thoughtful smile appeared on her face as a question came to mind, only to be stopped as Sari thought of the question first.

"So what are you doing here, Myra?" the little girl asked, showing that curious and naive nature of hers.

"I was just visiting my family's graves, it's been a long while since I have done that." the young Darby replied, making the child point behind her towards a pair of gravestones just aways from the pair.

"So was I." she said back, which brought a slightly guilty look to the Asari's face as she looked over there and remembered.

'Oh right, Sari lost her Parents in a Shuttle accident when she was only six years old, having to live with her Aunt and Uncle out of necessity. I lost my own parents. I mean, we all do... eventually. But Sari lost hers at such a young age, though I admire her for how well she has coped with that loss considering because every time I have seen her…she has always been a joy to be around.' she thought while looking away for a moment before her eyes fell upon a pink bicycle leaning against one of the lamp posts near the still open front gates.

"And you rode all the way out here by yourself?" the Prime then asked, gaining a confident smile from the girl as she nodded back.

"Yeah, though I always had my com-link with me…" Sari said back while gesturing to her earpiece before her eyes widened as if she had just experienced a revelation.

"…wait! The last time I saw you and Kat, which was just after Christmas last year. You promised me that you would tell me a story, could you do that now…please?" she then asked with a pleading-like look, making Myra roll her eyes as she remembered that moment while a smile appeared on her face.

'She does have a good memory, I have to give her that.' the Prime thought, before looking back down at her little friend.

"I did, didn't I. Well then, just give me a moment to let your Aunt and Uncle, as well as Kat, know what is going on. And then I will tell you a story…" she started to say, which made Sari jump for joy in front of her with a burst of energy and enthusiasm.

"YES!" she exclaimed, earning a smile from the Prime as she activated her holo-tool and began typing a message for both Sari's family and for her lover. While Myra did this, her twelve-year-old friend had happily walked just a short distance away, stopping on the neatly mowed lawn and looking up at the clear star-filled sky overhead.

'Okay honey, I still have some work to do up here, just let me know when you are ready for pickup…love you.' the message read from Kat, earning a loving smile from Myra before she then deactivated her holo-tool.

"Okay, so your Aunt and Uncle are both happy that you are safe with me right now…" she started to say as the holographic device disappeared from around her left forearm, only to be cut off as the little girl spoke back.

"What about Kat?" she asked with a happy curiosity, making Myra turn around to see that she had moved just away from her on the lawn.

"Kat's fine with it, we will meet up later…" she then replied while walking over to Sari, who was looking up at the stars.

"So I see you have picked a spot." she observed, gaining a happy nod from the little girl in return.

"I like looking up at the stars and this is the best spot here, wouldn't you agree?" she said back, earning a nod from the Prime as she looked up at the starfield, which at this point reminded her of the view she had in the All-spark.

"Yes, it is a perfect spot…" she began to say, remembering something that she had been told by her own father, who himself had been told by her grandfather before him.

'Those stars are the Sparks of those that have joined the All-spark.' she remembered Orion saying, though he did say that he had altered the original wording that Jack had heard from Primus himself.

But as Myra looked up at the stars, she wanted to believe that maybe her family was up there and looking down on her now. This brought a smile to the Asari's face as she pictured her family's faces in her mind, before realising the perfect story to tell.

'I will have to change or hold back some little parts and moments, but it can be done.' she thought before looking back down at her little friend, who just stared back at her with an eager smile.

"Okay, so what's the story about then?" Sari asked, making Myra's smile widen a little in return.

"My story begins at what some would say was the beginning of a great time for the people of Earth, though it would also be considered the end of a very long and hard-fought war between both the Autobots and the Decepticons…" she started to say, only for the blonde-haired child to cut her off.

"You are on about the Great War." she jumped in eagerly, gaining a nod from the Asari.

"That's right and this story will follow my grandfather…" she tried to continue, but once again the twelve-year-old interrupted her.

"You mean Jackson Prime? The first Human Prime?"

This gained a sigh from Myra, who simply smiled back in return.

"Yes, but this was before he was chosen by Optimus Prime…." she started to say before looking up at the stars once more, with Sari mirroring her as they stared up into the clear night sky.

"…back when he was simply known as Commander Jack Darby."


A/N: Well after two years and nine months, the Prime Effect series has now come to an end. I hope that you have enjoyed this series as much as I have had writing it and I want to thank you for reading it, as I greatly appreciate it.

Thank you :D

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