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ROTF Box Office Sales not deterred by Movie Critic Reviews

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ROTF Box Office Sales not deterred by Movie Critic Reviews

Postby First Gen » Mon Jun 29, 2009 1:43 pm

Motto: "Til All Are One."
Weapon: Dual Laser Cannon
In a report at, it is stated that Transformers Revenge of the Fallen may be the worst reviewed movie ever to possibly reach $400 million in sales domestically.

It's been common knowledge that movie critics and mainstream movie goers don't always agree, but this difference could mark one of the biggest in movie history.

Critics "forget what the goal of the movie was. The goal of the movie is to entertain and have fun," said Rob Moore, vice chairman of Paramount, which is distributing "Transformers" for DreamWorks. "What the audience tells us is, `We couldn't be more entertained and having more fun.' They kind of roll their eyes at the critics and say, `You have no idea what you're talking about.'"

Love it or hate, Revenge of the Fallen is a box office smash and the numbers don't lie. Fans can look forward to the same format of a movie for the third installation of the Transformers Movieverse saga.

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Re: ROTF Box Office Sales not deterred by Movie Critic Reviews

Postby First Gen » Mon Jun 29, 2009 1:47 pm

Motto: "Til All Are One."
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Well, we did it. Now we can look forward to the third film making even less sense with more explosions and slo mo boob shots.

There will be a collective FU TF Fans in the movie and we'll love it.

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Re: ROTF Box Office Sales not deterred by Movie Critic Reviews

Postby Counterpunch » Mon Jun 29, 2009 1:54 pm

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First Gen wrote:Well, we did it. Now we can look forward to the third film making even less sense with more explosions and slo mo boob shots.

There will be a collective FU TF Fans in the movie and we'll love it.


I can't wait till the next FU TF Fans!..because this one was incredible.

Like all the times before when some story teller somewhere has kicked all the fans in the balls:

Beast Wars
Beast Machines
Robots in Disguise

I'm going to love it.

(Interestingly enough, only G1 and Classics don't kick fans in the balls...)

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Re: ROTF Box Office Sales not deterred by Movie Critic Reviews

Postby Razorclaw0000 » Mon Jun 29, 2009 2:06 pm

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I am NOT he!"
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The movie was fun and entertaining and *epic* in scope. I did what it set out to do and it did it well. It was never pretending to be Citizen Kane. It's 2 and 1/2 hours of robots punching each other. I went to the movie expecting 2 1/2 hours of robots beating each other up and I WAS NOT DISAPPOINTED. I'll admit there were some annoying things, like the twins, Leo, Simmons in a thong, etc. But it was still a spectacle.
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Re: ROTF Box Office Sales not deterred by Movie Critic Reviews

Postby karellan » Mon Jun 29, 2009 2:06 pm

Counterpunch wrote:
First Gen wrote:(Interestingly enough, only G1 and Classics don't kick fans in the balls...)


That about sums it up. Transformers fans seem to forget that the G1 Transformers show and movie were every bit as stupid and derivative as the current batch. The only real difference between movie Transformers and G1 Transformers is that the movies have more pre-teen juvenile aspects (pottymouth, excessive violence and T 'n A, etc.) And even that isn't that big of a change from G1. It just ages the material up from 6- to 12-year-olds to about 8- to 14-year-olds.
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Re: ROTF Box Office Sales not deterred by Movie Critic Reviews

Postby Savage » Mon Jun 29, 2009 2:13 pm

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I'm with you, CP. I've managed to find something in every series to enjoy, even if it's not the fiction. Energon Megatron, for example, is still the only redeeming quality of Energon for me. I liked some series more than others, especially when it comes to figures.

I knew this movie was going to make some megabucks. And I'm happy to help it along. Gotta keep the franchise along. Besides, these ROTF figures are sweet (for those of us that dont mind Movie designs), and the paint apps, at least on mine, have been excellent.
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Re: ROTF Box Office Sales not deterred by Movie Critic Reviews

Postby Dead Metal » Mon Jun 29, 2009 2:16 pm

Motto: "Don't do drugs, beer's cheaper anyway!"
Wait, it made over $400 million domestically in the first week? :shock: That's $300 less then the first worldwide.

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Re: ROTF Box Office Sales not deterred by Movie Critic Reviews

Postby Primus C-00 » Mon Jun 29, 2009 2:20 pm

Motto: "" [An] Aquarius wants to share enlightenment with other species through righteous hands-on interaction, and he's gotta do what his heart wants, even if the Man ain't copacetic with it.""
Weapon: Indepentently Targetable Particle Beam Cannons
Savage wrote:I'm with you, CP. I've managed to find something in every series to enjoy, even if it's not the fiction. Energon Megatron, for example, is still the only redeeming quality of Energon for me. I liked some series more than others, especially when it comes to figures.

Don't get me wrong there are redeeming qualities within Revenge of the Fail-Line, but the bad's, IMHO, far outweigh the goods.

He's got some pretty far-out powers to go along with them, too, including teleportation, the projection of trippy telepathic visions and illusions, and the ability to groove on the language of 98% of all known species. To uses his powers to the fullest, though, he's gotta be feelin' good vibrations; bad karma can seriously harsh his mellow, y'know?
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Re: ROTF Box Office Sales not deterred by Movie Critic Reviews

Postby First Gen » Mon Jun 29, 2009 2:22 pm

Motto: "Til All Are One."
Weapon: Dual Laser Cannon
My official stance on this film is that the action was great the story was atrocious.

I loved the first film, this one did not do it justice story wise.

Starscream:...somebody had to assume command.

Megatron: Nobody commands the Decepticons but me, even in death.

Two seconds later...

Megatron: Master, I've failed you...

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Re: ROTF Box Office Sales not deterred by Movie Critic Reviews

Postby Dead Metal » Mon Jun 29, 2009 2:26 pm

Motto: "Don't do drugs, beer's cheaper anyway!"
First Gen wrote:My official stance on this film is that the action was great the story was atrocious.

I loved the first film, this one did not do it justice story wise.

Starscream:...somebody had to assume command.

Megatron: Nobody commands the Decepticons but me, even in death.

Two seconds later...

Megatron: Master, I've failed you...


The way I see it, Megatron commands the Cons while The Fallen commands him, kinda like Cobra Commander and Serpentor in GI Joe if I'm correct.

Jeep! wrote:Why do I imagine Dead Metal sounding exactly like Arnie?

Blurrz wrote:10/10

Leave it to Dead Metal to have the word 'Pronz' in his signature.
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Re: ROTF Box Office Sales not deterred by Movie Critic Reviews

Postby First Gen » Mon Jun 29, 2009 2:31 pm

Motto: "Til All Are One."
Weapon: Dual Laser Cannon
Dead Metal wrote:
First Gen wrote:My official stance on this film is that the action was great the story was atrocious.

I loved the first film, this one did not do it justice story wise.

Starscream:...somebody had to assume command.

Megatron: Nobody commands the Decepticons but me, even in death.

Two seconds later...

Megatron: Master, I've failed you...


The way I see it, Megatron commands the Cons while The Fallen commands him, kinda like Cobra Commander and Serpentor in GI Joe if I'm correct.

Um, no DM. If you remember Serpentor assumed full command of the Cobra forces and everyone was glad he did it. And no, Megatron answered to no one in the first film, he was to rule the Universe with the power of the Allspark, now he's the Fallen's bitch, a crap TF that has to have Megatron beat Prime for him cause he can't do it himself. Thats just sad.
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Re: ROTF Box Office Sales not deterred by Movie Critic Reviews

Postby ricardimusprime85 » Mon Jun 29, 2009 2:37 pm

Weapon: Accelerator Rifle
I saw the film in IMAX and I was not disappointed at all.

Closely structured the same way as the first film, ROTF has more eye-popping robot action and it is much darker, yet there are moments of dumb comedy which make us laugh. I am surprised there are more robots here and that they are designed beyond the box. This is definitely one of the best blockbuster films I have ever seen.

Now I have one phrase for those critics who panned the film: "SCREW ALL OF YOU!!!" Your reviews did not stop me from watching ROTF.
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Re: ROTF Box Office Sales not deterred by Movie Critic Reviews

Postby Shadowman » Mon Jun 29, 2009 2:41 pm

Motto: "May God have mercy on my enemies, because I sure as hell won't."
First Gen wrote:My official stance on this film is that the action was great the story was atrocious.

I loved the first film, this one did not do it justice story wise.

Starscream:...somebody had to assume command.

Megatron: Nobody commands the Decepticons but me, even in death.

Two seconds later...

Megatron: Master, I've failed you...


Think of it this way, Count Dooku is the leader of the CIS in Star Wars, but he still answers directly to Darth Sidious. In the same way, Megatron is the leader of the Decepticons, but still answers directly to the Fallen.
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Re: ROTF Box Office Sales not deterred by Movie Critic Reviews

Postby Primus C-00 » Mon Jun 29, 2009 2:42 pm

Motto: "" [An] Aquarius wants to share enlightenment with other species through righteous hands-on interaction, and he's gotta do what his heart wants, even if the Man ain't copacetic with it.""
Weapon: Indepentently Targetable Particle Beam Cannons
Let's not forget the mis-characterization of Prime also. One might as well have had the dialogue from the first film only thus:

Prime Decepticons don't deserve to live.

Megatron They deserve the right to choose for themselves.

Prime Then you will join them in extinction!

He's got some pretty far-out powers to go along with them, too, including teleportation, the projection of trippy telepathic visions and illusions, and the ability to groove on the language of 98% of all known species. To uses his powers to the fullest, though, he's gotta be feelin' good vibrations; bad karma can seriously harsh his mellow, y'know?
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Re: ROTF Box Office Sales not deterred by Movie Critic Reviews

Postby Counterpunch » Mon Jun 29, 2009 2:54 pm

Motto: "Everything I do is divinely sanctioned."
Weapon: Jawbreaker Cannon
Primus C-00 wrote:Let's not forget the mis-characterization of Prime also. One might as well have had the dialogue from the first film only thus:

Prime Decepticons don't deserve to live.

Megatron They deserve the right to choose for themselves.

Prime Then you will join them in extinction!


Oh please...

Megatron even taunts Prime for continuing to fight for the weak.
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Re: ROTF Box Office Sales not deterred by Movie Critic Reviews

Postby Baha08 » Mon Jun 29, 2009 3:08 pm

First Gen wrote:
Dead Metal wrote:
First Gen wrote:My official stance on this film is that the action was great the story was atrocious.

I loved the first film, this one did not do it justice story wise.

Starscream:...somebody had to assume command.

Megatron: Nobody commands the Decepticons but me, even in death.

Two seconds later...

Megatron: Master, I've failed you...


The way I see it, Megatron commands the Cons while The Fallen commands him, kinda like Cobra Commander and Serpentor in GI Joe if I'm correct.

Um, no DM. If you remember Serpentor assumed full command of the Cobra forces and everyone was glad he did it. And no, Megatron answered to no one in the first film, he was to rule the Universe with the power of the Allspark, now he's the Fallen's bitch, a crap TF that has to have Megatron beat Prime for him cause he can't do it himself. Thats just sad.

I'm going to assume maybe with the Allspark he would have figured a way to rule the Universe behind The Fallen's back, however the cube destroyed ruins that for Megatron. Even the Star Wars comparison and such, Sidious had to have people do his dirty work so he can have his goals set and I beat if Anakin never turned he would have killed or at least expose Sidious so he could never become the Emperor. Kinda makes sense in that way.
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Re: ROTF Box Office Sales not deterred by Movie Critic Reviews

Postby LiKwid » Mon Jun 29, 2009 3:10 pm

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First Gen wrote:Well, we did it. Now we can look forward to the third film making even less sense with more explosions and slo mo boob shots.

There will be a collective FU TF Fans in the movie and we'll love it.


Slo mo boob shots are a bad thing? Explosions too? #-o
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Re: ROTF Box Office Sales not deterred by Movie Critic Reviews

Postby Windsweeper » Mon Jun 29, 2009 3:15 pm

I don't like to agree with the critics but the first time I saw this film, I was ready to leave after half an hour. Wanted to see cool robots and what did we get? Demolisher, a unicyclebot and the most hideous TF since the Mini-cons.

Then we got the twins who again resembled oversized Mini-cons of the cheap KO variety. They were essentially Jar-jar Binks in TF form, even bearing similar faces. Buckteeth on a robot? Come on!!!

Let's not forget Wheelie. I'm sorry I don't want a TF that swears just to be funny and give the pretence of personality.

I almost forgot Scalpel. Has the Armada Trilogy thought us nothing? An accent doesn't seem right on an alien robot and is a poor substitute for personality.

What really gets me about the film is the lack of personality in the bots. When you consider that G1 had dozens of great characters brimming with potential as shown in the More Than Meets the Eye books, and they had to come up with crap new TF's? The Armada and Beast Wars profile books had great characters too who'd I'd gladly have seen translated to the Movie-verse.

I mean, Jolt, Sideways, Sideswipe, the Arcee-bots and Long Haul all had far superior aesthetic and were kept to the background overshadowed by the Crap-bots.

Am I the only one who found Jetfire's background unclear? As in how he ended up as a Blackbird? Had he just arrived on Earth, I'd assume he just scanned one but there's something that just doesn't mesh to me about it. He had a better storyline in the PS2 game.

I liked the idea of the Fallen and the Primes but wish they looked more like TF's than Ents. Of course if we're moving into LOTR territory, it's a shame Mr. Jackson didn't direct these films. Now there's a director who not only respects the source material, but makes it recognisable to the fans, accessible to the new audience and just comes out with a film everyone loves.

Now after 8 days, I managed to overcome my misgivings and go see it a second time, with considerably lowered expectations. Surprisingly I managed to enjoy it this time as knowing what was ahead of me, I could try and focus on the positives.

I did like Megatron, Starscream, Soundwave, Ravage, the Fallen, Prime and Bumblebee. After the first film, I would have liked to see more Ratchet, though I will never be a fan of Movie Ironhide.

Biggest surprise was finding Simmons likeable in this one. Hated him in the last but he wasn't as bad as Sam's flatmate. Not trying to be stereotypical but I just see Armada Carlos when I look at him and I find them to be the joint most annoying humans in TF's.

Still, we can only hope with the third one, the series redeems itself as did Star Wars and Spiderman.
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Re: ROTF Box Office Sales not deterred by Movie Critic Reviews

Postby originaldave77 » Mon Jun 29, 2009 3:16 pm

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Poor movie critics. They all seem so disillusioned. They seem to think they are the deciding factor in the Box Office when they never were. People are smart. They choose what appeals to them. I thought the Star Wars prequels indicated as much!

Franchises have a track record, a built-in audience. Spider-Man 3 sucked and still did big business. I don't know of anyone who says "I'll wait for the reviews" when it comes to an event movie. They pretty much decide beforehand.

Critics are only good for spotlighting obscure films that deserve some attention.
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Re: ROTF Box Office Sales not deterred by Movie Critic Reviews

Postby First Gen » Mon Jun 29, 2009 3:20 pm

Motto: "Til All Are One."
Weapon: Dual Laser Cannon
Okay, if we're gonna bring up Star Wars then you need to disregard Episodes 1, 2 and 3 because they were all prequels. Any RELEVANT comparison would be Vadar and the Emperor when it comes to Megs and the Fallen, and if you use that you're wrong. Why? Cause the Emperor was kicking Luke Skywalker's ass, the only one that posed a threat to him being the last Jedi, like Prime was the last Prime, and it took Vadar turning on him for Luke not to die.

Hey if you liked it, good for you, I'm glad you enjoyed it and that you really didn't care about the story. But when TF3 comes around and they just throw Unicron at you without rhyme or reason using the "Oh it predates us" excuse, then remember I told you so.
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Re: ROTF Box Office Sales not deterred by Movie Critic Reviews

Postby HECTOR » Mon Jun 29, 2009 3:24 pm

Reading these comments makes me sad :( If this movie didn't please fans then what will? Seriously! What do you nay-sayers want??
I thought that it was an awesome flick! There were so many satisfying G1 tidbits! Devastator, Soundwave (voiced by Welker himself!), Ravage, Energon, Pretenders, the first 13 cybertronians, a super-bad dude from an obscure cancelled comic series (awesome!) and even the Matrix of Leadership itself! Complete with a near death revelation!

A lotta people seem upset over Megatron's association with the Fallen. The IDW prequel comics shed a lot of light on that but yeah the best way to describe it is it's like Darth Vader and the Emperor. He's still No. 1 but there's also an older bad guy who can offer him a lotta power, and he kinda owes him for saving his life.

Just an overall great time. Prime's death had me on the edge of my seat saying 'what? . . .' You know you were too! Admit it! If Optimus Prime dying doesn't make you sad then you don't deserve to be called a fan.
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Re: ROTF Box Office Sales not deterred by Movie Critic Reviews

Postby Agent 007 » Mon Jun 29, 2009 3:25 pm

Take that Ebert! =; This movie was awsome and I hope it goes on to break even more records!
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Re: ROTF Box Office Sales not deterred by Movie Critic Reviews

Postby Archanubis » Mon Jun 29, 2009 3:27 pm

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At first I thought the new Harry Potter film would slow RotF to this goal, at least for a week, but apparently HP isn't opening next week as I thought, so RotF may come close. Not much opening next week.
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Re: ROTF Box Office Sales not deterred by Movie Critic Reviews

Postby Shadowman » Mon Jun 29, 2009 3:29 pm

Motto: "May God have mercy on my enemies, because I sure as hell won't."
First Gen wrote:Okay, if we're gonna bring up Star Wars then you need to disregard Episodes 1, 2 and 3 because they were all prequels.

So...Now I'm confused, they're prequels, but anything that happens can't be used as an argument? I don't understand.

First Gen wrote:But when TF3 comes around and they just throw Unicron at you without rhyme or reason using the "Oh it predates us" excuse, then remember I told you so.

Isn't that how they've always done Unicron?
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Re: ROTF Box Office Sales not deterred by Movie Critic Reviews

Postby SamYarbrough77 » Mon Jun 29, 2009 3:30 pm

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yes, its on a good pace, but i predict a 80% drop off this weekend with maybe a new number 1, it won't be the biggest movie of the year i half-promise you that. IDC what anyone says... skids and mudflap were awesome. funny, stupid valiant warriors with no fear...until they give bb his voice back (yeah right) s and mf were absolutely cool
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Transformers Podcast: Twincast / Podcast #354 - Identity Crisis
Twincast / Podcast #354:
"Identity Crisis"
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Posted: Saturday, July 13th, 2024

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