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Steve Jablonsky and Imagine Dragons Working on Transformers: Age of Extinction Soundtrack

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Steve Jablonsky and Imagine Dragons Working on Transformers: Age of Extinction Soundtrack

Postby El Duque » Sun Apr 13, 2014 12:28 pm

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Thanks to the wonderful world of social media we have word that Steve Jablonsky, who worked on all three of the previous films, is collaborating with Imagine Dragons for the Transformers: Age of Extinction soundtrack. The first image was shared with the Ragin Nation Facebook page, the second comes directly from the Imagine Dragons Facebook page.


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Re: Steve Jablonsky and Imagine Dragons Working on Transformers: Age of Extinction Soundtrack

Postby Mindmaster » Sun Apr 13, 2014 7:21 pm

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...Who're "Imagine Dragons"? :???:
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Re: Steve Jablonsky and Imagine Dragons Working on Transformers: Age of Extinction Soundtrack

Postby MINDVVIPE » Sun Apr 13, 2014 7:25 pm

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Such terrible music... What a sad state mainstream music is in.

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Re: Steve Jablonsky and Imagine Dragons Working on Transformers: Age of Extinction Soundtrack

Postby Mindmaster » Sun Apr 13, 2014 7:27 pm

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MINDVVIPE wrote:Such terrible music... What a sad state mainstream music is in.

Quick, call in the hipsters to counteract your post!

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Re: Steve Jablonsky and Imagine Dragons Working on Transformers: Age of Extinction Soundtrack

Postby SlyTF1 » Sun Apr 13, 2014 7:30 pm

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MINDVVIPE wrote:Such terrible music... What a sad state mainstream music is in.

I seriously doubt you've heard the movie's score before it's even finished.
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Re: Steve Jablonsky and Imagine Dragons Working on Transformers: Age of Extinction Soundtrack

Postby Nerv103 » Sun Apr 13, 2014 8:00 pm

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I actually like their music, glad to hear they are trying to bring in some new energy for the music. :CON:
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Re: Steve Jablonsky and Imagine Dragons Working on Transformers: Age of Extinction Soundtrack

Postby MINDVVIPE » Sun Apr 13, 2014 9:30 pm

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SlyTF1 wrote:
MINDVVIPE wrote:Such terrible music... What a sad state mainstream music is in.

I seriously doubt you've heard the movie's score before it's even finished.

I was talking about the band. It is ass. Complete ass. Any parts of the score that feature this junk will be doomed to be more junk. I don't need to hear it before passing judgement, because there is enough proof that anything the band does sounds like emo/hipster/pop/garbage, not unlike Linkin Park.

Mindmaster wrote:
MINDVVIPE wrote:Such terrible music... What a sad state mainstream music is in.

Quick, call in the hipsters to counteract your post!


You just had to, didn't you? Thanks for that.

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Re: Steve Jablonsky and Imagine Dragons Working on Transformers: Age of Extinction Soundtrack

Postby T-Macksimus » Sun Apr 13, 2014 9:54 pm

Mindmaster wrote:
MINDVVIPE wrote:Such terrible music... What a sad state mainstream music is in.

Quick, call in the hipsters to counteract your post!


Screw the hipsters, how about a cranky, cantankerous 40-something stepping into defend Imagine Dragons? (bet ya didn't see THAT one coming, did you?)

This makes perfect sense... well, using Imagine Dragons, not someone like me defending them. It's a younger band and they are doing basically what Linkin Park has been doing for years, just with a different style of music. They actually write songs from the heart, from their experiences and what they view the world around them to be (for the most part) just like LP does/did. Only problem is, most folks don't get it or simply don't like the style so they have to sh** all over them in much the same manner that I do towards just about everyone on this site. Only difference being that Imagine doesn't really deserve it whereas most of the folks on here have it coming to them.

The fact that the "hipsters" gravitate towards them... well, that's kind of like taking a medication that just happens to have a really nasty side effect.

Back to the serious point, I do think this is a good move. LP has their own stuff going and their style is ever changing/evolving and I think their time with the franchise is done. I seriously doubt that anything they have now would really fit the darker tone this movie is taking and hiring them on just to try to shoe-horn something in would just be insulting to Mike, Chester and the rest of the crew.

Now we can cue the narrow minded rioters to start protesting my defense of both Linkin Park AND Imagine Dragons. Just remember, music is an art form, art is subjective WHICH MEANS each person comes away from it with something different based on their own particular tastes, feelings and life experiences. So while you may not like it yourself, which is perfectly ok, that doesn't warrant a blanket "They Suck!" statement. They don't suck, you're just too damn small minded to realize this world doesn't revolve around you and your tastes. And obviously Imagine Dragons isn't just for hipsters. No f'ing way do I fall into that category or solidly into any other but
I am quite capable of enjoying the music.
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Re: Steve Jablonsky and Imagine Dragons Working on Transformers: Age of Extinction Soundtrack

Postby Burn » Sun Apr 13, 2014 10:13 pm

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Would you say Imagine Dragons are a good fit for a darker toned movie?

I may not know much of their stuff but I wouldn't consider their music to be for a darker theme.
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Re: Steve Jablonsky and Imagine Dragons Working on Transformers: Age of Extinction Soundtrack

Postby MINDVVIPE » Sun Apr 13, 2014 10:26 pm

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T-Macksimus wrote:So while you may not like it yourself, which is perfectly ok, that doesn't warrant a blanket "They Suck!" statement. They don't suck, you're just too damn small minded to realize this world doesn't revolve around you and your tastes.

That is a pretty direct insult to me since I was the one that did say they sucked. So first off, you can go **** yourself. Second, anyone who likes music have the right to praise it. So then why do people who dislike the music get attacked for exercising that same right? I listen to a lot of different styles of music and I can form my own opinion of what is good or what is ass. Just because you don't agree with it, suddenly I'm small minded. Quite the hypocrite, you are. You say music is an art form and that it is all subjective to how people connect with it. Alright, fine, agreed. I don't connect with this music because I think their "art" is garbage. I don't care how hard you work on something, if the end result, and especially in the realm of art, it can still be garbage because IT IS ALL BASED ON OPINION, REMEMBER? So the next time you want to try and defend a band because you can't handle an opposing opinion, choose your defense more carefully. You can like this music all you want, and I won't call you narrow minded for it. But there is no way in hell you can censor my complete dislike for this garbage excuse for a band by trying to label my opinion as being an inferior one that is uninformed compared to yours.

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Re: Steve Jablonsky and Imagine Dragons Working on Transformers: Age of Extinction Soundtrack

Postby SW's SilverHammer » Sun Apr 13, 2014 10:26 pm

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You know I actually liked Imagine Dragons' first few singles, Like its time and Radioactive, but quite honestly they really started sucking with Demons, a bog standard four chord adult alternative number. Hopefully the new transformers tie-in single wont be anything like that, but hey this new vaguely alternative sounding electropop-tronica stuff always seems to surprise me, for better or worse.
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Re: Steve Jablonsky and Imagine Dragons Working on Transformers: Age of Extinction Soundtrack

Postby Va'al » Mon Apr 14, 2014 8:38 am

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While I don't listen to the band that much, I've heard their early stuff, and it's a welcome change from Linkin Park. I wouldn't pay for a gig or buy their stuff, but I'll listen it if it comes up or on streaming devices.

May I also offer this cover by Within Temptation of Radioactive?

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Re: Steve Jablonsky and Imagine Dragons Working on Transformers: Age of Extinction Soundtrack

Postby SlyTF1 » Mon Apr 14, 2014 9:06 am

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Va'al wrote:While I don't listen to the band that much, I've heard their early stuff, and it's a welcome change from Linkin Park. I wouldn't pay for a gig or buy their stuff, but I'll listen it if it comes up or on streaming devices.

May I also offer this cover by Within Temptation of Radioactive?

That, I can see being in the movie. New age = Age of extinction.
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Re: Steve Jablonsky and Imagine Dragons Working on Transformers: Age of Extinction Soundtrack

Postby YRQRM0 » Mon Apr 14, 2014 9:21 am

Idk if they're replacing LP, Chester already strongly hinted that they would be involved.
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Re: Steve Jablonsky and Imagine Dragons Working on Transformers: Age of Extinction Soundtrack

Postby Rodimus Prime » Mon Apr 14, 2014 9:33 am

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T-Macksimus wrote:So while you may not like it yourself, which is perfectly ok, that doesn't warrant a blanket "They Suck!" statement. They don't suck, you're just too damn small minded to realize this world doesn't revolve around you and your tastes.

That is a pretty direct insult to me since I was the one that did say they sucked. So first off, you can go **** yourself. Second, anyone who likes music have the right to praise it. So then why do people who dislike the music get attacked for exercising that same right? I listen to a lot of different styles of music and I can form my own opinion of what is good or what is ass. Just because you don't agree with it, suddenly I'm small minded. Quite the hypocrite, you are. You say music is an art form and that it is all subjective to how people connect with it. Alright, fine, agreed. I don't connect with this music because I think their "art" is garbage. I don't care how hard you work on something, if the end result, and especially in the realm of art, it can still be garbage because IT IS ALL BASED ON OPINION, REMEMBER? So the next time you want to try and defend a band because you can't handle an opposing opinion, choose your defense more carefully. You can like this music all you want, and I won't call you narrow minded for it. But there is no way in hell you can censor my complete dislike for this garbage excuse for a band by trying to label my opinion as being an inferior one that is uninformed compared to yours.


And I've never heard of that band. Apparently for good reason. >:oP
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Re: Steve Jablonsky and Imagine Dragons Working on Transformers: Age of Extinction Soundtrack

Postby TimothyR » Tue Apr 15, 2014 7:35 am

T-Macksimus wrote:So while you may not like it yourself, which is perfectly ok, that doesn't warrant a blanket "They Suck!" statement. They don't suck, you're just too damn small minded to realize this world doesn't revolve around you and your tastes.

That is a pretty direct insult to me since I was the one that did say they sucked. So first off, you can go **** yourself. Second, anyone who likes music have the right to praise it. So then why do people who dislike the music get attacked for exercising that same right? I listen to a lot of different styles of music and I can form my own opinion of what is good or what is ass. Just because you don't agree with it, suddenly I'm small minded. Quite the hypocrite, you are. You say music is an art form and that it is all subjective to how people connect with it. Alright, fine, agreed. I don't connect with this music because I think their "art" is garbage. I don't care how hard you work on something, if the end result, and especially in the realm of art, it can still be garbage because IT IS ALL BASED ON OPINION, REMEMBER? So the next time you want to try and defend a band because you can't handle an opposing opinion, choose your defense more carefully. You can like this music all you want, and I won't call you narrow minded for it. But there is no way in hell you can censor my complete dislike for this garbage excuse for a band by trying to label my opinion as being an inferior one that is uninformed compared to yours.

looks like T-mack's got nothin. lol. that was fun.
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Imagine Dragons Playing at Transformers: Age of Extinction World Premiere in Hong Kong

Postby Va'al » Tue May 13, 2014 2:53 am

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We reported a while back that the band Imagine Dragons are working with Steve Jablonsky on the new Transformers: Age of Extinction score, possibly replacing Linkin Park - though this is not confirmed, and the band may still feature! We now know, thanks to, that Imagine Dragons will also be playing at the Hong Kong world premiere of the movie, and their new single, Battle Cry, features heavily throughout the film. Check out the press release below!





HOLLYWOOD, CA (May 13, 2014) – Director Michael Bay, film composer Steve Jablonsky and Paramount Pictures are collaborating with the Grammy Award-winning band IMAGINE DRAGONS to feature the band’s original music in the upcoming film “TRANSFORMERS: AGE OF EXTINCTION,” one of the most anticipated movies of the summer.

Following an early footage screening of the film, Imagine Dragons wrote the original song “BATTLE CRY,” which Bay used in critical points in the film. Additionally, the band contributed original music during the scoring process by recording cues with Jablonsky, the film’s composer, and Hans Zimmer, who assisted in the process. The collaboration resulted in added depth to the sound of the film.

“We’re incredibly lucky that Dan, Wayne, Ben and Daniel were available to work with us,” says director Bay. “I remember being drawn to the emotion of ’Demons’ and ’Radioactive’ the first time I heard those songs, and I knew I wanted that same energy and heart for this movie. They’ve created a really epic, otherworldly sound for ’Battle Cry.’”

“The TRANSFORMER franchise has set the bar for cinematic innovation over the years, says Alex Da Kid, label head at KIDinaKORNER records. We are excited to collaborate with Michael Bay and Paramount Pictures and view this as an incredible global platform.”

IMAGINE DRAGONS will perform its new single live at the film’s worldwide premiere in Hong Kong, one of the locations in the film, on June 19th.

IMAGINE DRAGONS are Dan Reynolds (vocals), Wayne Sermon (guitar), Ben McKee (bass), and Daniel Platzman (drums).
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Re: Steve Jablonsky and Imagine Dragons Working on Transformers: Age of Extinction Soundtrack

Postby shockblast2 » Tue May 13, 2014 6:38 am

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Imagine Dragons is a good name for a band in this movie. Because rather than having actual dinosaurs, it is full of dragons claiming to be dinosaurs.
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Re: Steve Jablonsky and Imagine Dragons Working on Transformers: Age of Extinction Soundtrack

Postby shockblast2 » Tue May 13, 2014 6:43 am

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T-Macksimus wrote:So while you may not like it yourself, which is perfectly ok, that doesn't warrant a blanket "They Suck!" statement. They don't suck, you're just too damn small minded to realize this world doesn't revolve around you and your tastes.

That is a pretty direct insult to me since I was the one that did say they sucked. So first off, you can go **** yourself. Second, anyone who likes music have the right to praise it. So then why do people who dislike the music get attacked for exercising that same right? I listen to a lot of different styles of music and I can form my own opinion of what is good or what is ass. Just because you don't agree with it, suddenly I'm small minded. Quite the hypocrite, you are. You say music is an art form and that it is all subjective to how people connect with it. Alright, fine, agreed. I don't connect with this music because I think their "art" is garbage. I don't care how hard you work on something, if the end result, and especially in the realm of art, it can still be garbage because IT IS ALL BASED ON OPINION, REMEMBER? So the next time you want to try and defend a band because you can't handle an opposing opinion, choose your defense more carefully. You can like this music all you want, and I won't call you narrow minded for it. But there is no way in hell you can censor my complete dislike for this garbage excuse for a band by trying to label my opinion as being an inferior one that is uninformed compared to yours.

What kind of music are they? Rock? Like Linkin Park?
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Re: Steve Jablonsky and Imagine Dragons Working on Transformers: Age of Extinction Soundtrack

Postby shockblast2 » Tue May 13, 2014 6:50 am

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YRQRM0 wrote:Idk if they're replacing LP, Chester already strongly hinted that they would be involved.

I could never get past that name. Anyone remember the movie Airheads with Adam Sandler? Remember how the main guy is this tough hair metal rock guy named Chaz and then everyone finds out his real name is Chester?

I can't take a rock guy seriously that has the name Chester. I did like a few of Linkin Park's songs back in the day. Until I realized every song they made was the same song with a few different chords here and there.
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Re: Steve Jablonsky and Imagine Dragons Working on Transformers: Age of Extinction Soundtrack

Postby mooncake623 » Tue May 13, 2014 8:09 am

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I suspect the Change to Imagine Dragons from Linkin Park cause they're actually relevant right now? When's the last time Linkin Park's done anything?
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Re: Steve Jablonsky and Imagine Dragons Working on Transformers: Age of Extinction Soundtrack

Postby Burn » Tue May 13, 2014 2:01 pm

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mooncake623 wrote:I suspect the Change to Imagine Dragons from Linkin Park cause they're actually relevant right now? When's the last time Linkin Park's done anything?

Oh they keep putting stuff out but they're definitely not as popular as they use to be.
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Re: Steve Jablonsky and Imagine Dragons Working on Transformers: Age of Extinction Soundtrack

Postby Va'al » Tue May 13, 2014 2:16 pm

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Burn wrote:
mooncake623 wrote:I suspect the Change to Imagine Dragons from Linkin Park cause they're actually relevant right now? When's the last time Linkin Park's done anything?

Oh they keep putting stuff out but they're definitely not as popular as they use to be.

Yeah, I just checked this, and the latest Linkin Park album is from 2012, with another being released next month. They're also doing festivals, but I've really not heard that much of, about and from them.

Then again, I'm not that big a fan, so I would miss most of the news. :P
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Re: Steve Jablonsky and Imagine Dragons Working on Transformers: Age of Extinction Soundtrack

Postby Megatron Wolf » Tue May 13, 2014 3:41 pm

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Who the hell are these guys? Never heard of them & im pretty up to date with the newer rock/metal bands. They sound pretty generic so thats probably why i dont recognize the name, i tend to skip the commercial/generic sounding stuff. Much better than linkin park but still better bands out there. Still say they should've gotten Red Dragon Cartel, but then again they might not want to be associated with a mindless explosion fest movie. Surprised Metallica hasnt had a song in a TF movie yet youd think they'd be the front runners, probably to expensive to get them.
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