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Super-High-Res Pics of ROTF Omega Supreme

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Re: Super-High-Res Pics of ROTF Omega Supreme

Postby Rated X » Tue Apr 07, 2009 2:35 pm

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I like these guys, but wish they were Decepticons. I hope for repaints in dark colors because my favorite collection group is Decepticon jets. :)
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Re: Super-High-Res Pics of ROTF Omega Supreme

Postby Unispawn » Tue Apr 07, 2009 4:42 pm

Question. Based on the assumption that this transport plane is going to be in Transformers 2, transporting the Autobots on their escapades across the globe. Why? Weren't we specifically told with the first film that these are robots that can transform into anything (and obviously at any point what with Bumblebee's wardrobe change in that tunnel), and therefore why would they possibly need something like the ARK for space travel?

Space Travel. Yet they need a mate who can turn into a plane to get them to another country?

I'm confused. Space faring protoforms. Can they "blast off" Earth too in these forms, or am i forgetting a bit of Prime's speech at the end of TF1 that they are now trapped on Earth?
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Re: Super-High-Res Pics of ROTF Omega Supreme

Postby GetterDragun » Tue Apr 07, 2009 6:07 pm

Unispawn wrote:Question. Based on the assumption that this transport plane is going to be in Transformers 2, transporting the Autobots on their escapades across the globe. Why? Weren't we specifically told with the first film that these are robots that can transform into anything (and obviously at any point what with Bumblebee's wardrobe change in that tunnel), and therefore why would they possibly need something like the ARK for space travel?

Space Travel. Yet they need a mate who can turn into a plane to get them to another country?

I'm confused. Space faring protoforms. Can they "blast off" Earth too in these forms, or am i forgetting a bit of Prime's speech at the end of TF1 that they are now trapped on Earth?

I suspect Prime and the bunch more fell to earth, so maybe Earth's gravity presents an issue. I also always thought (my opinion) that some Transformers were just built with different parts, like engines that could produce enough thrust to make them fly.

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Re: Super-High-Res Pics of ROTF Omega Supreme

Postby Dr. Caelus » Tue Apr 07, 2009 6:50 pm

Plus, the movie comics retconned it so that only Megatron (and presumably Jetfire and a few others) is able to cross interstellar distances unassisted. The others use starships and spacebridges to make the trip back and forth from Cybertron's solar system to ours.

Once they're there though, they use either airborne alternate forms (e.g. Starscream) or simplistic drop-pod-like alternate forms (e.g. the Autobots) to travel to the planet itself (so they're Cap-Troopers who become their own capsules). That's still a horrendously long distance to cover in a short amount of time, but one gets the impression that the drop-pod forms are effectively launched by the starship at velocities far greater than what the Transformers could achieve on their own. Hence the Autobots' idea of landing on Earth was actually a graceless crash.

If that's an accurate assessment of the situation, then the Autobots would definitely need assistance getting around the planet. Especially if they don't want to have to constantly rescan alternate modes that are within their size limitations (Bumblebee would pretty much be stuck with a Cessna), capabilities (assuming he can adapt to powered flight at all), and functional parameters (flying alone isn't enough if you want to go from LA to Singapore in a timely fashion).
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Re: Super-High-Res Pics of ROTF Omega Supreme

Postby Prime Riblet » Wed Apr 08, 2009 5:03 pm

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GuyIncognito wrote:
Prime Riblet wrote:Why would that be Omega Supreme? I just don't get it, I guess. Am I missing something?

It's a huge vehicle: big enough to carry the Autobots inside, big enough to hold Megatron in his hand like a toy. Who else could it be?

I see your point. I just wasn't expecting to see what I saw when I looked at the pics. It just doesn't equate to Omega Supreme in my mind. there is nothing that ties back to the original character at all that I notice. I just can't see that being Omega Supreme. I'm not sure about Silverbolt either for that matter.
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Re: Super-High-Res Pics of ROTF Omega Supreme

Postby Head Shot » Wed Apr 08, 2009 5:54 pm

LimeWire-NTF-Archive wrote:you guys are so barely stupid and poor infantile :APPLAUSE:

you guys are all happy about to bash a guy who named this guys omega supreme - and thats not me, it was s250 and GenZhao wo named him so!

you all nemad him silverboldt, cause peaugh does it in his videoreview, you all participants with no own optinion i think.

i only read one thankyou, thats poor!

share these pics are not a matter of course!

so when you only have fun when you can talk about useless **** and bash somebody, than i will remove my permission to use these pics here!

no tleration here for other opinions, so poor from you gus, so poor!

go back to the kindergarten and build some sandcastles....

i'm so brutal angry about your useless nonsense here! AHHH! :-x :-x :evil:

Uhm, no one flat out attacked you, they're just questioning why YOU said the name omega supreme fits better than the other name. Nowhere in your post did you mention that s250 or anyone else gave it that name. There is not even an indication that anyone else but you suggested Omega supreme for the name of that toy.

In regards to your comments about "you guys are all happy about to bash a guy who named this guys omega supreme..." no one here even mentioned you negatively. Again they all questioned why his name should be Omega supreme as opposed to something else.

Yet here you are doing the very thing that you're accusing all of us of doing, and then you tell us to go back to kindergarten because we're apparently bashing you. (I don't know if English is your primary language or not, but telling us all to go back to kindergarten would not be a smart thing to suggest when most of your post is actually a bit confusing to read with the grammar and spelling errors).

Keep in mind, no one, NOT A SINGLE PERSON HERE, bashed you. They have a right to their opinions THE SAME AS YOU DO. I've read, and reread every comment here, and not a single person's post attacks anyone else, or for that matter attack's anyone else's opinions. This discussion was civil until your comments about kindergarten and "you guys are so barely stupid and poor infantile :APPLAUSE: " were thrown in here. So instead of being one of the bigger hypocrites I've seen on the board in the last few days, how about we take this discussion back down to being ontopic, and not derailing your own thread because people don't agree with you.

To get this back on topic, I too do not see the comparison to Omega supreme besides the sheer size he is supposed to be in regards to Prime and the other autobots. And even that is a bit of a stretch as Jetfire/skyfire in alot of instances was the same size as a lot of the other transformers (g1), yet when he was in his alt mode, he all of a sudden was big enough to transport many autobots at once? Same thing can be said for Astrotrain, same size robot as the others, but big enough in alt mode to transport many at the same time. The fact of the matter is, the movie toys are so obscure that really they could be named anything, including something that hasn't even been used for a transformer before.

I'm gonna hold off on the speculation to what this guy's name is gonna be because it could honestly be anything with the way the movie line has been naming characters.
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Re: Super-High-Res Pics of ROTF Omega Supreme

Postby Prime Riblet » Wed Apr 08, 2009 6:57 pm

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i agree. at this point, the name could be just about anything until we get the official word. i don't really care if it Omega Supreme or not; i just haven't been able to see a connection other than the scale/size comparison with other TF's. I also agree that if that is the basis of reason, then there have been plenty of other TF's that have been normal sized bots that turn into positively giant alt modes. if it turns out to be OS, then so be it.
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Re: Super-High-Res Pics of ROTF Omega Supreme

Postby Cliffjumper Prime » Thu Apr 09, 2009 3:42 pm

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Unispawn wrote:Question. Based on the assumption that this transport plane is going to be in Transformers 2, transporting the Autobots on their escapades across the globe. Why? Weren't we specifically told with the first film that these are robots that can transform into anything (and obviously at any point what with Bumblebee's wardrobe change in that tunnel), and therefore why would they possibly need something like the ARK for space travel?

Space Travel. Yet they need a mate who can turn into a plane to get them to another country?

I'm confused. Space faring protoforms. Can they "blast off" Earth too in these forms, or am i forgetting a bit of Prime's speech at the end of TF1 that they are now trapped on Earth?

They can only transform into something the same mass as their own... and I don't think prime could carry them all... Starscream is bigger than nearly all the Autobots, an he's just a fighter jet... not much else they could scan... Also I think they did use a starship and they basically fell to earth as meteoric protoforms without thrusters... Plus if Optimus became a plane we'd all be hearing "truck not plane! truck not plane!" as well as "I hate the flames on his plane mode!"
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Re: Super-High-Res Pics of ROTF Omega Supreme

Postby Sabrblade » Fri Apr 10, 2009 9:27 pm

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Cliffjumper Prime wrote:Also I think they did use a starship and they basically fell to earth as meteoric protoforms without thrusters...
Nope, they didn't. They did what Megatron and Bumblebee did: turned into space-traveling forms, and flew all the way to Earth from Cybertron.
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Shadowman wrote:This is Sabrblade we're talking about. His ability to store trivial information about TV shows is downright superhuman.
Caelus wrote:My wife pointed out something interesting about the prehistoric Predacons. I said that everyone was complaining because transforming for them mostly consisted of them just standing up-right. She essentially said, 'So? That's what our ancestors did.'
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Re: Super-High-Res Pics of ROTF Omega Supreme

Postby Elvaan » Sun Apr 12, 2009 2:32 am

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If they make an Omega Supreme, it should be the battleship that was in the design board for the first one.
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Re: Super-High-Res Pics of ROTF Omega Supreme

Postby Dr. Caelus » Sun Apr 12, 2009 2:40 pm

Sabrblade wrote:
Cliffjumper Prime wrote:Also I think they did use a starship and they basically fell to earth as meteoric protoforms without thrusters...
Nope, they didn't. They did what Megatron and Bumblebee did: turned into space-traveling forms, and flew all the way to Earth from Cybertron.

This was never explicitly stated in the movie, but was explicitly ruled out in the movie comics.

So, no, they used spaceships.
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Re: Super-High-Res Pics of ROTF Omega Supreme

Postby LimeWire-NTF-Archive » Mon Apr 13, 2009 2:51 pm

sorry to all of you guys, i was only very dissapointed that so many people has another opinion.

i couldn't retrace that, sorry.
best regards

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Re: Super-High-Res Pics of ROTF Omega Supreme

Postby dragons » Thu Apr 16, 2009 8:54 pm

this toy is kinda ticking me off no one knows the name of this figure yet suspense i cant take no more ok im done
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Re: Super-High-Res Pics of ROTF Omega Supreme

Postby Furtimus Maximus » Wed Apr 22, 2009 9:52 pm

The name is anyone's guess, but the aircraft is a C-17
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