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Tansformers Universe : Awakening

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Tansformers Universe : Awakening

Postby Poyguimogul » Fri Nov 25, 2011 2:13 am


As the prison stasis control monitor lit up Repugnus was filled with a sense of depressing nostalgia. He quickly executed precise keystrokes and complex system overrides while reminiscing about his time imprisoned in Deathsaurus’s lab. Beginning the final sequences to free an Autobot in need, he recalled how he had been taken and changed from what he and his fellow Monsterbots, felt was a curse, into a Predacon Insecticlone warrior. No longer was he a freak, but it had cost him his conscious and his companions. The stasis tube emanated a brilliant blue glow as it filled with Energon. Repugnus remembered the spill of his friend’s fluids as he rewarded their heroic rescue mission to save him with an emotionally painful and physically agonizing death. The tube opened with a loud whir, and compressed moisture expanded and filled the room with a cold fog. Repugnus was reminded, as he stared at the waking beast before him, of when he was saved. Even after disabling and killing his own comrades in battle this terrible warrior had by twist of fate, rescued him and restored him to his former glory. Now was the time to repay the debt.

As he recalled the tragic events that lead to this moment, the monster came online. His eyes lit up with a fiery red. His hands opening and contorting as if to invite Repugnus to let them grant his spark a brutal end. Repugnus wasn’t afraid. Even if he was responsible for his saviors imprisonment. He came to offer this captive friend the redemption that he had been granted. Still though, one step back wouldn’t hurt. He took that step. His fragment of concern was detected, and translated into fear by the waking beast. With an explosion of energy the prisoner, who had been held captive for the last five years emerged, consuming the space that once occupied Repugnus. Now on the floor, Repugnus looked up, and was met face to face by the bot that trained him, a bot notorious for his wild fits of rage and mercilessness in battle. Now Repugnus was afraid. Before he could process the situation, his audio receptors were assaulted by the beasts brutal scream: “ME, GRIMLOCK, AWAKE!”
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Re: Tansformers Universe : Awakening

Postby Poyguimogul » Fri Nov 25, 2011 2:14 am

Maximals of all shape and size were falling into the room. Soon Repugnus found himself surrounded. He fell to his knees, with his hands held high, awaiting the stasis cuffs. Grimlock did not wait. He drew his sword and proceeded to do what he does best. “Me Grimlock Hate Puny Maximals!” Grimlock’s sword made short work of the rookie guards that had been assigned to monitor him, and was now pointed at Repugnus. “Grimlock knows you?” Repugnus opened his optic sensors. As he looked over the carnage that had befallen the prison staff, he realized that they had just been maimed and were still functioning. Repugnus thought of how Grimlock was truly an awesome force. “Yes Grimlock, it is I, Repugnus, your pupil, and now former commander of the Monsterbots.” Grimlock chuckled and helped Repugnus up. “Me Grimlock has changed, smaller now, like you. But you don’t change so much as Grimlock does.” Repugnus wanted to tell Grimlock all that had happened to him, but now wasn’t the time. They rushed through the prison corridors bypassing security built to detect Predacons, not Autobots & Maximals. They were nearing an exit, then they would just have to make it underground, and be free. Repugnus was hit hard, but by what he couldn’t tell. He could hear Longhorn calling out his Maximize code. But before his optics could realign Grimlock had trashed the poor bot into a smoking heap on the floor. Repugnus opened the exit. The darkness of the outside world made the dreary prison seem like a sunny beach on some far off planet.

Long had it been since Cybertron glowed with the radiance it had during the watch of the Autobots. “Grimlock, we must escape into the underground tunnels.” Repugnus opened the lid to the underground and motioned to Grimlock, but Grimlock was elsewhere. Triceradon and Striker had located their ex-leader, and were prepared to teach him a lesson. “Your impulsive and foolish nature will finally be your undoing!” shouted an angry Striker. Triceradon added “What your actions have done to the Dinobots, is worse then when Shockwave cast you out with the insecticons.” Grimlock was wounded, not physically, but in his spark. He wasn’t sad by any means. Just concerned that maybe he had gone to far on Earth. But rational thought was not Grimlocks strong suit. Smashing chassis was. Grimlock lunged at his accusers and divided them, as he had planned. He grabbed Striker by the face, and used him as a balance. Pivoting off his heel he jumped up, and grabbed Triceradon by the shoulders with his talons, anchoring them to his collar bars he used them to smash Triceradon into Striker collapsing the two ex-Dinobots. As Grimlock stood over them thinking of a witty remark to gloat with, the world around him lit up. Lights from different sources exploded into luminance and surrounded him. Repugnus, also caught in the spectacle, could feel the warmth of the lights around him, something almost peaceful. Milliseconds felt like minutes in the shining radiance. Repugnus looked at Grimlock, who looked back at him, with a confused, yet comfortable expression.

A shadow pierced the light. It was massive. It was different. Its features were sharp and squared. It had no beast mode. No techno-organic components hindering a sublime robotic life with feelings and emotions, yet this life form had mastered both. This was a truly benevolent being. This was Optimus Prime!
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Re: Tansformers Universe : Awakening

Postby Poyguimogul » Fri Nov 25, 2011 2:14 am

The last time Grimlock was in Iacon, he stood before the Maximal council of Primes. Optimus Primal, Leo Prime and Maximus Primal had sentenced him for treason. A crime that, at the time, he would never confess to. Now standing before Optimus Prime himself. He felt like he was almost ready. “Grimlock, it is good to see you again. Old friend.” Optimus Prime put his hand on Grimlock’s shoulder. It was huge. It made Grimlock feel small. Angry and small. “Yes. Me Grimlock happy see you too Prime.” Grimlock shrugged off Prime’s hand, a little bitter at his size. Not only physically but in the sparks and processors of any Cybertronian. Even his enemies loved him it seemed. “Grimlock, I would like to welcome you back to the Autobots.” A pleasing prospect. “You and the Dinobots will be reinstated, but sadly you already have a mission.” Also a pleasing prospect. “We have managed to repel Unicron with the help of the Mini-cons, but he is far from defeated. The other Autobots and I are going with the Mini-cons to confront him on a distant astral plane in the Beta Quadrant.” Grimlock was confused. “So what me and Dinobots do?” Optimus looked at Grimlock. To anyone else it would seem unchanged. But Grimlock could see a sadness to Optimus’s face. Grimlock, knew, without knowing, that what he was about to hear wasn’t going to be pleasant. “Before we managed to repel Unicron he captured several Maximals and Predacons. Your mission is to rescue these captured Cybertronains and bring them home.” Again Grimlock was confused. “Wouldn’t Grimlock and Dinobots follow Prime?”

Repugnus stepped up. “Well that’s were things get tricky. Our long-range scanners have picked up an echo, created during the last battle with Unicron. A Mini-con named Prime absorbed so much Energon from Unicron that he manifested himself into a duplicate. He was able to help in the battle, but was severally damaged. Last we saw of the Green Unicron it was falling into another dimension.” Grimlock wasn’t smart, but he could do the math on this one. Two Unicrons. One was bad enough, but now there were two, and Grimlock is going to have to face it alone with the Dinobots, a team he hasn’t commanded in years. A team that betrayed him. “One Unicron, Two Unicron. It not matter to Grimlock. We Dinobots crush stupid Unicron, and be back to save puny Autobots.” Optimus smiled at Grimlocks attitude. “I’m sorry we don’t have more time together Grimlock, I would like to hear your side of the story in all that has transpired. Unfortunately there isn’t much time. I must leave to rendezvous with Ultra Magnus at the edge of the dimensional rift before it closes. Perceptor will meet you at your ship on dock 529, and, Good Luck.” Optimus reached out, and Grimlock shook his hand. “Grimlock says you need Luck Optimus. Grimlock no need fortune, Grimlock King!” Optimus chuckled. “Good to have you back Grimlock.” As Optimus walked away Grimlock thought that maybe it was actually good to be back.
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Re: Tansformers Universe : Awakening

Postby Poyguimogul » Fri Nov 25, 2011 2:15 am

Perceptor met Grimlock and Repugnus. Repugnus had secretly envied Perceptor as long as he could remember. Perceptor was a normal looking Autobot, a prized scientist and a proud warrior. Even his alternate mode a specialized scientific research device and it’s unique battle capabilities as a Triple changer tank. He was perfect. While Repugnus was hard to look at for very long by most Autobots, and his unique Transformation wasn’t suited for battle or science. He was far from perfect he felt. Now more then ever he coveted Perceptors body, a frame that sang through the ages as a pure Cybertronian, unaffected by Megatron’s diabolical Techno-Organic virus that created the subservient Vehicons. “Grimlock, Repugnus, your punctuality elates me. But time is incalculably important and haste is emphatically urged.” Grimlock patted Perceptor on the arm. “Good see your face too Perceptor.” Perceptor looked happy and annoyed. “I see your lexical skills are as adept as ever Grimlock.” As the two bots followed Perceptor towards the shuttle bay Repugnus felt the need to speak. “Grimlock, I know I’m not your closest ally or anything, but I want you to know, that I’m sorry.” Grimlock without the slightest hint of concern replied. “What you sorry for bug boy?” As funny as Repugnus thought that nickname was, it told him that Grimlock knew what he was talking about.

“Well.. You know.. The whole stopping you from breaking into the Ark and waking up the Autobots to kill the Decepticons.” Repugnus paused to see if there was a response. “And putting you in Prison for five years. That’s what I’m sorry for.” Grimlock still didn’t acknowledge the emotional severity that Repugnus felt. “You not wrong Repugnus. Me Grimlock sorry. Not sorry to friends that betray him. But sorry Grimlock fail.” As long as Repugnus had known Grimlock, that was as close to an apologetic understanding as they were going to get. “Well Grimlock, had you succeeded in altering the time stream that severely you may have caused a chronological catastrophe, and all your effort would have been for naught.” Perceptor was always good for a pick me up. “If Grimlock destroy everything, then there would be only Peace.” Perceptor obviously didn’t like this logic. “Peace and emptiness you big lugging lizard.” Grimlock looked ready to fight. “Who you call lugging lizard? What means lugging?” Perceptor laughed. “Don’t worry about that Grimlock, worry about what to say to the Dinobots. After what happened to them with Magmatron and T-wrecks. You’re the only one left they felt they could really trust and you abandoned them. But they are ever loyal, that’s why they had Repugnus break you out.” Subtly and for just an instant, you could tell, that that idea confronted Grimlock in his spark and made him uneasy. “Me Grimlock not worry ever!” It got real quiet after that, and even though it was just a short walk, it felt like forever.
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Re: Tansformers Universe : Awakening

Postby Poyguimogul » Fri Nov 25, 2011 2:16 am

The Dinobots sat in waiting. Swoop could tell the others were uneasy. Nervous, Excited, whatever it was, it was making the wait unbearable. “Me Swoop say King Grimlock great.” “Stuff it you old idiot. Out dated morons like you are what cost us many a battle.” Striker shouted. Striker was up in Swoops face, or more that Swoop was in Strikers chest. “You newbie’s don’t know nothing!” Swoop gave him a chest bump. Striker reached back to swing on Swoop, but something grabbed his arm. Next thing Striker knew he was half way across the shuttle bay. “Striker, Triceradon, you are relieved of duty. Report to your commander for further instructions.” Triceradon helped Striker up and hastily replied. “Your our commander you….” Grimlock was already upon him. Triceradon wasn’t concerned, but Striker was worried as Grimlock’s reputation for fits of rage were known planet wide. “Then me Grimlock say you download a filter for your mouth before Grimlock filters his fist in it.” “Alright, I get it, big bad Grimlock is the leader now, yeah!” Grimlock wasn’t pleased, but at least they understood. “Dinobots, me Grimlock have something to say.” Swoop, Slag, Snarl and Sludge looked on with eager ears. “Me Grimlock sorry me go to jail. But me Grimlock back now. And us Dinobots must go kick Unicron butt and save friends.” The Dinobots stared at Grimlock, then each other, and then back at Grimlock. In unison they shouted. “Alright!” Before they could get on the ship, Perceptor had to give them their upgrades and new commands. Gone were the days of the Maximization code.

New Autobot data tracks flowed into them like a relaxing oil bath. The rub signs reconfigured into Autobot sparks. And their Maximal logos were exchanged for the Autobot crest. In the spirit of reunification Perceptor and Repugnus coated them in a familiar new metallic paint that was resistant to enemy scanners. Perceptor stood back with Repugnus and Striker. “Don’t they look younger in these colors?” Perceptor asked Repugnus. “Like Protoforms they do.” Striker laughed. “New paint, same ol’ geezer bots.” Someone punched Striker in the arm. He turned to confront his assailant to find Hard Head walking in. “Hey all!” Grimlock looked at him. Recognized his Transformation and drew his sword. Hard Head didn’t know Grimlock very well. The time they spent under the command of Rodimus Prime and Fortress Maximus was brief. But he knew what was going on. He drew his sword. The two soldiers clashed in a brief, but fierce battle. Sparks flew. The veteran Dinobots cheered on Grimlock, the rookies for Hard Head, all while Perceptor and Repugnus shouted for them to cease fighting. Stalemated the two withdrew and complimented each other on his skills, and awesome beast modes. Perceptor chimed in. “What was that all about?”

Hard Head fielded the question, to avoid the incredibly awkward answer Grimlock was about to give. “Well Perceptor, me and Grimlock are Rapticons. Raptor based beast mode Transformers whose alternate modes and combat skills were inherited from the ex-Predacon Dinobots RNA. In our case Grimlock and me were captured by the Predacons while in our stasis pods and altered to be this way by Megatron and Tarantulas. Similar to Swoop, and well, all the Dinobots. Due to the traditionally unstable nature of Dinobot, mixed with Predacon influence, we Rapticons when in close proximity to one another have an under lying desire to fight each other. It’s not really in our programming and is sort of a inherited trait." “But all know Grimlock is King!” Grimlock banged his chest with a primal fury. Sludge kneeled before Grimlock. “It is a pleasure to meet you King Grimlock.” Grimlock looked confused. “What mean you Sludge? We friends for longtime now.” Sludge looked confused now. Perceptor urged them onto the ship. Grimlock lagged behind. As he ascended up the plank, he stopped and looked at Perceptor. Perceptor knew. “Amnesia, as the humans would call it. His memory banks have been partially formatted. It was a side effect of the new cybernetic brain we had to implant after…” Perceptor trailed off, his tone implied to Grimlock he was supposed to know the answer, but he didn’t. And it angered him. “What? You tell Grimlock now brain bot, or learn to walk without legs.” Perceptor replied sharply. “After you stabbed him in the head!”
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Re: Tansformers Universe : Awakening

Postby Poyguimogul » Fri Nov 25, 2011 2:16 am

Swoop was the most like Grimlock. Devoid of personality, intellect, and emotion. But what he lacked in these areas he made up for with a cunning fighting ability and a youthful energy, always eager to learn and journey to new places. He didn’t concern himself with past doings. To him, his days as a Predacon spy are like a far off dream, one he can only graze the surface of. But he knows quite acutely how it ended. He was ordered, with so many others to attack the Maximals. If they had been Autobots it may have been different, but it wasn’t. Without a connection to his targets, the Dinobot aerial bombardier was able to execute his mission without the slightest hint of conscious or remorse. Even after he accidentally blew up a random comrade he kept going. But little did he know the comrade he had accidentally attacked was in fact an angry beast that had been restrained, until then. Swoop was just coming back around for another routine fly by. He’d already done so much damage there was little left to score in terms of body count, now he was just blowing stuff up. But as he made his approach he could hear a voice. A loud and angry voice and it was getting closer. “Swoop Terrorize!” was all he had time to say before he could audibly process the voice he heard and what it was saying. “Grimlock Terrorize. Grimlock smash!” Swoop was hit hard on the head, and sent spiraling to the ground slamming hard on the surface of Earth. Pistons squeaked and servos whirred at a frenzied pace as Swoop mustered the strength to rise up. He felt the sword tip on his nose.

His optics followed the blade up, past the hand, and arm of his opponent, finally centering on the face. It took a second to focus, but as soon as it was clear. He could see the face of his enemy. It was his friend. “Me Swoop no fear Grimlock!” he shouted. Grimlock’s sword withdrew from Swoop’s nose and was replaced by Grimlock’s face. “Then me Grimlock think Swoop as brave and stupid as ever!” “Yeah!” shouted Swoop. “Yeah!” shouted Grimlock. Face to face. Fists clenched. To an on looker it would appear the rumble of the century was about to take place. Grimlock reached out his hand and helped Swoop up. “What take you so long?” Swoop asked. Grimlock slyly replied. “Me Grimlock was waiting for you.”

Swoop looked over at Grimlock who was positioned in the captain’s chair. He was excited to have him back.
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Re: Tansformers Universe : Awakening

Postby Poyguimogul » Fri Nov 25, 2011 2:17 am

Slag opened the com-link so Perceptor could instruct them during take off. Slag was one of Grimlock’s oldest friends and would follow his commander to ends of the universe. But after what happened on Earth between the Dinobots and Grimlock left him confused. His devotion and loyalty allowed him to forgive Grimlock. But he was also angry. In Grimlock’s previous disappearance Slag and Sludge had grown close. Even worked side-by-side with the Autobot detective Nightbeat to find their Dinobot brothers across time and space. Unfortunately all the Dinobots were captured and experimented on by Predacons. Slag had it the worst. His twisted spark had been led to believe he was the child of Guiledart and Killer Punch. He served them, aided them, and felt a sense of connection and dependence. But before he could be fully immersed in Predacon control, fate intervened. The Predacons had hatched a terrible plan to destroy the humanoids before they could evolve. Enroute to the battleground they were intercepted by Maximals. Slag burned away the surface layer of rookies, and found himself in a joyful pantera. He laughed as the bodies of Maximals burned around him. But a cold wind blew through his hellfire. Darkness crept though the flames. A silhouette of foreboding. Slag had battled Megatron himself, but this was nothing like that. The being before him had no sinister motive. Nothing drove him but rage and madness. Slag lifted his flamethrower towards the unknown attacker. “You make big mistake fire bot!” Grimlock took a special stance.

Like an earthquake of emotion slag was hit full force with recollections of the past. He recognized this stance. Because Grimlock developed it specifically for defense against Slag’s fire. “Dragon Hurricane Strike!” Grimlock leapt skyward with such force it almost knocked Slag over. The Rapticon spinning in the air and forming a funnel of flames and fury. Slag’s circle of fire was sucked into the sky. Predacons surrounded him. Attempting to save him and thwart the enemy. He wanted to tell his newfound comrades to run. But he was caught in awe. He knew they were Predacons anyway. None of them mattered except his parents. Slag looked around feverishly for his parental units. But all he saw was a Predacon ship lifting off in the distance, and then, flames. From all sides. Flames. Surrounding him. Enveloping him. The fire of rage purified the evil in his spark. He collapsed on the ground. Breathless from the awesome power he’d just been exposed to, and confused by his newfound memories of his past, and his true family. Slag was for the first time in his life, helpless for comprehension. He was succumbing to stasis as he’d been in robot mode too long. He wanted help. He needed help. Feeling his systems shutting down he called out the only name he could think of. The bot that raised him. Trained him. Protected him, and defended him at ever turn. “Grimlock!” He shouted in hopeless desperation. As the darkness filled his optic sensors and he slipped into Sleep Mode, he heard an all to familiar voice. “Me Grimlock here fire bot. Me Grimlock take you home now.”

As Perceptor spewed micro-adjustments to the thrusters, and verified variables, and made course corrections, Slag took the ship into Cybertrons orbit. “Ah! Me Slag ready to fire boosters.” He turned to Grimlock for confirmation. With a confidant look on his face Grimlock responded. “Me Grimlock say fire away!”
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Re: Tansformers Universe : Awakening

Postby Poyguimogul » Fri Nov 25, 2011 2:18 am

Snarl looked out across the endless void of space. He gazed upon stars and constellations that he could name, but the other Dinobots couldn’t even acknowledge. Snarl had a few secrets that not many knew. Few knew of his disdain for a Dinosaur alternate mode, and even less knew of his use of Nucleon. While Grimlock embraced the Nucleon energy to gain more physical strength, Snarl allowed it to expand his mind. He was one of the smartest Dinobots now, if not the smartest. Only the rookies could challenge his intellect. Maybe. Grimlock disbanded the Dinobots to join the Pretenders, and it was with much reluctance that Snarl reunited with Grimlock on Nucleon as Action Masters. After that ordeal Snarl went his own way, and found himself working with scientists. Even Wheeljack and Perceptor found themselves working with him. But he had to ask himself. Were his scientific achievements greater then his combat record? The answer seemed to be no. No one knew him as a scientist, only as a warrior. He accepted this. When he was a Predacon Saberback treated him like a slave. When he wasn’t formulating battle strategies or looking for weaknesses in Maximal defense grids, he was off performing some mundane task, or apprehending a traitorous Predacon. He was only sent out to fight once as a Predacon. It would be the first and last time. Snarl was dispatched to monitor the humanoids the night before the Predacons would come to eradicate them. As Snarl lurked around and recorded what miniscule and useless data he could obtain, he heard a rustling in the bushes.

He had nothing to fear from any prehistoric life forms and went in search of the disturbance. He broke through the bushes into a clearing. On the ground lay half a dozen dead Rapticon 1.0 bodies. Megatron and Tarantulas created these non-transforming clones in a previous failed attempt at erasing humanity. Upon investigation he noticed one had odd colors, and wondered if it could be the fallen body of Dinobot himself. No sooner had he leaned over to confirm the corpse did it leap up and attack. The dinosaur grabbed Snarl by his throat and shook him about violently. He reached for his gun, but with a swift kick the dinosaur disarmed him. It hurdled him into a nearby tree. Snarl’s internal gyroscope was offline. His balance was off, and standing was proving difficult. The dinosaur charged at him. Snarl was smarter then any beast! He grabbed the raptors mouth, and was proceeding to rip its jaw in twain, when the head itself split in two. Snarl closed his optics expecting a shower of blood and guts from an organic dinosaur. What he felt was a punch to the face. He collapsed on the ground unable to stand due to incorrectable balance errors in his processor, and his optic sensors being offline. Blinded he taunted his attacker, and lunged about desperately. His efforts were for naught, as all he was catching was air. He was getting low on Energon and needed to rest and recharge before returning to Predacon base. “What’s wrong with you? Let’s go back to base before you die.” A familiar voice called out from somewhere in the distance.

It was that brat Hard Head. A rookie Predacon brought in by Magmatron. “Forget that. I’d rather perish out here from exposure then go back knowing you defeated me.” Snarl was tired of the Predacons and their deceptive ways. “What do you mean I just got here to relieve you of your post?” Though he was disoriented and blinded he could hear a tone of truth in Hard Heads words. “Then who was I just fighting?” As he embraced the silence awaiting Hard Heads response there was none. Just the sound of metal on metal, metal hitting wood, and wood crashing to the ground. As soon as it was, it was gone. Snarl was slightly concerned. “Hard Head? Are you dead?” Snarl laughed as he felt around on the ground. He felt something sharp. A sword. He picked it up and flailed it about. “Whoever you are, just try and take me down!” He heard a footstep and swung in that direction, he hit nothing, but felt a breeze brush past him. He swung again to no avail. He gathered himself, and assumed a sword-fighting stance. How could he? Why did he know this style? When did he train with a sword? His confidant pose gave way to uncertainty as his processors accessed data files long thought lost. Snarl collapsed, dropping the sword. “Grimlock?” Wouldn’t that be funny Snarl thought? “You Snarl smarter then look.” Snarl laughed, and reached out his hand. Grimlock took his hand and helped him to his feet. Snarl could tell Grimlock was supporting him to walk while carrying an offline Hard Head. Even with all they’d been though Snarl was still amazed at Grimlock’s strength. “Thank you.” Snarl was still blind, but imagined Grimlock was smiling at him.

As Snarl entered the newest calculations and course corrections provided by Perceptor he was able to confirm a lock on the dimensional rifts location. “Location confirmed, soon we’ll rip Unicron a new exhaust port!” Snarl looked at Grimlock and Grimlock smiled.
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Re: Tansformers Universe : Awakening

Postby Poyguimogul » Fri Nov 25, 2011 2:21 am

“Man those 5 idiots are gonna’ git us kilt.” Striker was pacing about in the back section of the ship, between the mess haul and the war room. “I am a strategist! I should be helpin’ them formulate plans! Unicron isn’t as simple as say. Megatron.” He said aloud to no one in particular. “Why don’t you go chase your tail Striker, do something other then moan while I’m watching TV ok?” Striker looked at Triceradon. With all they had been through together, this was probably the lowest point in their careers, and their friendship. Both of their former commanders the ex-Predacon Magmatron and T-Wrecks had been killed in action. Striker was closer to Magmatron then T-wrecks, but only because he had been assigned to the team by Leo Prime to monitor Magmatron’s behavior. When T-Wrecks took over after his death Triceradon, his closest friend became 2nd in command, and Striker was just another soldier. T-Wrecks and Triceradon were as close as Optimus Prime and Ironhide. So when T-Wrecks went missing, Triceradon took it pretty hard. “Hey, Striker is it? Why don’t you help me?” Striker slinked into the war room to find Hard Head running system checks on the weapons. “What ya need Hard Head?” Hard Head put his hand on Strikers shoulder and lead him over to a Holo-Desk. With a bit more force then necessary Hard Head sat Striker down. “Do you really know Unicron?” Hard head asked, in a very serious tone.

Striker confidently replied. “Yeah! Of course I know Unicron, I was only like, there when he possessed the body of Galvatron and tried to infect Cybertron only to be thwarted by Maximus Primal and Leo Prime, like, yeah I know Unicron.” Hard Head wasn’t amused. “Well kid, I was also there. Not on the same squad as you, but I was there, and I can tell you. That was nothing.” Striker didn’t like his demeaning tone, and slammed his fist on the table. “What you mean nothing? That weren’t nothing! That was somethin’!” Hard Head rose to his feet. “That wasn’t Unicron. That was just a fragment of Unicron. Part of his spark that lives inside Galvatron.” Hard Head flipped a switch activating the Holo-Desk. It lit up in a brilliant blue and orange. Projecting the images of two planets. The blue one was Cybertron. Striker knew that. But what was that freaky looking orange one. “Striker. This is Unicron.” Hard head remarked pointing at the orange planet hologram. “What?” Striker found this a little hard to swallow. “Grimlock and the other Dinobots, and most Autobots can confirm this. Even civilian Cybertronians, the older ones. They know.” Striker needed more convincing. “How do they know?” Hard Head smirked. “It’s funny you ask that, given that there is a rumor about you, that you seem to embrace, that says you’re an original Dinobot.” Striker smiled awkwardly. “Well, I am all original!” They laughed. “Really though Hard Head, how do they know?” Hard Head activated the Holo-Desks data drive.

It played footage of a massive hand slamming into Cybertron and Autobots and Decepticons fighting a planet sized titan. “In the year 2005 Unicron was called by the power of the Matrix to Cybertron. He planned to destroy us all with the help of the Decepticons. If not for the bravery of Rodimus Prime, and the sacrifices made by the Autobots that day, Cybertron would have been consumed.” Striker was kind of shocked. He had heard stories, but never thought them true. “Wait a second. 2005, you weren’t even online in 2005 Hard Head, how do you know about it?” Hard Head didn’t seem himself anymore. “While I was activated well before 2005, I didn’t encounter Unicron that day. I was training at Autobot Academy, and as an instructor I had to see to it that my cadets were safe. That is were I met my future teammates. Chromedome, Highbrow and Brainstorm. We formed an awesome team, and had some pretty crazy adventures, even pioneering Headmaster and Targetmaster technology with the help of the Humans and the Nebulons.” Striker thought that if he were telling the story, he’d be generally proud. But Hard Head was just depressing. “As you probably know. There are no more Headmasters.” Hard Head looked Striker dead in the optics with an expression so serious he felt it in his spark. “Because Unicron ate them.” Striker was shocked. “I was the lone survivor.” Striker felt for the poor guy and understood why he was upset with this mission. “I’m sorry to hear that Hard Head. But I tell you what? This group of Dinobots ain’t going down without a fight.” Hard Head gave a hopeful smile. “Well alright!”
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Re: Tansformers Universe : Awakening

Postby Poyguimogul » Fri Nov 25, 2011 7:16 pm

Triceradon had lost interest in his program a while ago. He knew he’d been on the outs with Striker as of late, and wasn’t happy with his behavior. But he was being whiney. Watching him walk away made him antsy. Triceradon ventured into the war room to get some insight from Hard Head before talking to Striker and the others. “Hey I heard what you were talking about with Striker.” Hard Head spun around surprised to find Triceradon. “Which part?” “About you friends. The Headmasters. I was curious if any of them were really your friends and not just your teammates?” “Well Highbrow was older then me, a different generation of spark. He hung out with guys like Prowl and Mirage. Brainstorm was a scientist and a flyer. So he’d run around with Wheeljack and Skyfire on crazy expeditions which lead to experiments, which usually lead to a rescue mission for them.” The two laughed. Triceradon remembered before he left for his last Dinobot mission with T-Wrecks, they had some fun times like that. “Chromedome was younger then me, but he was my closest friend. We trained together, had plenty of adventures, got in trouble with the guards, and kicked a lot of con butt. After I joined the Autobots, he went into racing. We both mellowed out a lot. Then one day, I got a new group of recruits to train, and all those guys were in it. We bonded. Then Unicron attacked and we decided to form a team. We didn’t have a name until we crashed on Nebulos and became the mighty Headmasters!” Together they laughed.

“T-Wrecks was my friend. He was the one that got me, and most of the other Junior Dinobots out of the Predacons before we could become full-fledged terrorists. We united under Magmatron’s command. But someone betrayed him, and he was killed with some of our Dinobot brothers by a Decepticon monster. The Dweller.” Hard Head had heard about this creature during his days with the Headmasters. “After that we were lead by T-Wrecks, and I was his lieutenant. We were just doing a routine investigation of some weird planet, when it disappeared taking T-Wrecks and Terranotron.” Hard Head was curious. “That’s strange, what did the planet look like?” “It was a twisted orange planet with rings or tentacles, I can’t really remember.” Hard Head was concerned. “Triceradon, was this the planet you saw.” Hard head activated the Holo-desk. The orange glow reflecting on the two bots faces. Triceradon’s eyes grew wide. “Yeah! That was the planet.” Hard Head looked him in the optics, and sternly said. “That is Unicron.” The atmosphere grew ominous.
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Re: Tansformers Universe : Awakening

Postby Poyguimogul » Sun Nov 27, 2011 5:26 am

When Grimlock took on the roll of Dinobot commander at Optimus Prime’s behest he thought the toughest decisions he was going to have to make was who to smash and not to smash. But now Triceradon stood before him inspired with the notion that Unicrorn may have T-Wrecks. “Me Grimlock say talk in private. Hard Head you watch these Hard Heads.” Grimlock laughed as he walked to his private quarters with Triceradon and Striker. Hard Head sat down in the captain’s chair. “How long has this detector light been blinking?” None of the Dinobots on the bridge knew. Hard Head smiled.
In Grimlock’s quarters Triceradon and Striker sat before their commander. He was looking out into the stars. “Me Grimlock know pain. Know friends that are gone. Some come back, some not come back. But we here. We have orders. We find Green Unicron thing, and we smash it!” Grimlock turned, and looked at them, but mostly at Triceradon. “If you friend in other Unicron. If you friend can be saved. Optimus save friend.” Triceradon understood but still felt the need to retort. “ But Grimlock?” Grimlock slammed his fist down on his desk. “No! Me Grimlock give order! You follow order! You no follow. You go in stasis pod!” Triceradon withdrew, but his expression told Striker that he hadn’t given up the idea just yet. Grimlock turned to Striker. “What you want?” Striker was caught of guard but manage to stumble out his request. “I wanted to be on the bridge sir, not in the back quarters. I, I mean, we, are just as able as the other Dinobots. Let us take to the bridge, and they can train the new guy in the pod.”

Grimlock looked like he was thinking it over, but he wasn’t, he just knew it was something other then defying orders, so he liked it. “Ok, Striker, you take Swoop spot, Triceradon, you take Slag spot. We find Green Unicron, maybe he have you friend, not other Unicron.” Striker was content, Triceradon looked to agree, but Striker knew that he must have felt like he was given a childish excuse. Grimlock seemed amused.

Hard Head left the bridge before they returned. Grimlock returned to his chair, and commented on how it smelled like an old green junk bot. Swoop and Slag were sent into the back to get the rookie out of his stasis pod with Hard Head, if they could find him. Striker and Triceradon took their positions at the helm. After getting comfortable they turned to Grimlock for instruction. “Snarl has position in computer, you go!”
Last edited by Poyguimogul on Sun Nov 27, 2011 5:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Tansformers Universe : Awakening

Postby Poyguimogul » Sun Nov 27, 2011 5:27 am

Repugnus couldn’t wait anymore. Hiding in the back of the ship was getting to him. It was dark, cramped, dinghy, and he needed to interact with someone or he’d go mad. He crawled out from behind the rear landing gear and made his way under the engine room. He popped open a grate and emerged. Repugnus found himself in the room with the stasis pods. The emergency escape system and a medical transport. It contained a new Dinobot, the ex-Predacon Bazooka. Interesting. As Repugnus was looking over the technical specifications of the unit he started to feel like someone was watching him. He spun around in superstitious paranoia. He saw something move. Was it his imagination or had the ships engineer spotted him. “Hello?” he called out in a meek voice. “Hello. Reeepugggnussssssss. Why are you ssssskulking around thissss sssship?” “Well, you see I couldn’t just sit back and let the Dinobots go into harms way without helping them after they risked their sparks to help me.” The shadowy figure moved again. “That’ssss very noble of you Repugnussss.” Repugnus could see the figures eyes now, glowing through the darkness of the engine room. They were a cold amber. “Pleasssseee indulge me with a tesst of your skillsss.” Repugnus transformed into his insect mode, and brought his claws up in a defensive position just in time to stop Dinotron’s teal sword from piercing his optics. Repugnus repelled his attacker and slashed at his torso with each arm, then again countered another strike. “Yesss! Yesss! Good! Good!” Dinotron was an expert swordsman, in league with Grimlock himself.

Repugnus’s moment of admiration was shattered by a kick to the chest. Staggered, Repugnus was able to defend himself from further assault. Agitated he charged Dinotron and tackled him. Pinning him down he stared him in the eyes. He could imagine what it was like in his twisted processor with the RNA of Dinobot and Megatron inside him. “Excccellent. You have proved your worth to me Repugnusss.” Repugnus was relieved. “But never take your guard down!” Dinotron transformed and head butted Repugnus across the room. Repugnus was dazed. Dinotron transformed and walked over, helping Repugnus up. “Why are you here Dinotron?” Dinotron flipped his sword around and put it on his back. “Maximalsss friendsss. Saved Dinotron from Unicron. Now Dinotron sservess Dinobotsss asss engineer.” Repugnus was about to say more but they were interrupted by the arrival of Hard Head. “Ha, Repugnus, I figured the additional Autobot detected was you. Perceptor was certainly too busy processing data for the simultaneous attacks on Unicron to go gallivanting off into battle. I see you met Dinotron. He was my superior until Grimlock liberated me. Then after Unicron failed to take control of Cybertron he relinquished his post and joined the Autobots.” Dinotron stepped forward abruptly. “I did not join the Autobotsss, nor the Decepticonsss or Maximalsss or Predaconsss. I fight for me, and I fight for CCCybertron, and the glory and honor that memorializesss Maximusss Primal. My departed cccommander.”

Hard Head looked at Repugnus and then to Dinotron. “But we served under Magmatron?” Dinotron shook his head. “He wasss no leader, nor wasss Galvatron. Maximusss Primal, and Leo Prime! They were leadersss!” Repugnus and Hard Head understood his feelings, but Repugnus still had to ask. “So why ally with the Dinobots?” Dinotron grinned roguishly. “I want to sssee what ssso called King Grimlock isss made of.”
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Re: Tansformers Universe : Awakening

Postby Poyguimogul » Sun Nov 27, 2011 7:32 pm

Bazooka was starting to wear out. He’d been fighting off these two deranged Dinobots for longer then he could remember. They had initiated a routine training regimen and he had pasted with flying colors, deflecting all their attacks. But during the post practice talks, the two veteran Dinobots forgot they’d done the test, and started again. Bazooka had taken the test now fourteen times, and it was exhausting. Bazooka was contemplating switching to lethal rounds and dropping the two fools. Bazooka fell to one knee, unable to go on. The two Dinobots didn’t notice and continued their advance, a unison attack, one he’d deflected fourteen times before, but now, he didn’t have the strength. He closed his optics and accepted death. All he received was a shock to the audio processors. A loud clank! He opened his optics to find Dinotron and Hard Head, swords drawn, blocking the attack. “Thank You Swoop and Slag, you’ve done well in training this one.” Hard Head said in a sarcastic, yet reassuring tone. “Yesss, I believe he’sss had enough for today thanksss.” Dinotron didn’t share Hard Head’s generally positive nature. Everything he said has cold. “Ah. Slag say Bazooka good, Slag like Ba-Zoo-ka.” Slag was staring, and it was making Bazooka uncomfortable. “Squawk! Yeah! Swoop like Bazooka too, Squawk!” Repugnus laughed. Hard Head turned at looked at him with a devilish expression. “Slag, Swoop, I think Repugnus here could use some training.” Repugnus looked mortified, staring at the grinning face of Hard Head. Slag and Swoop stared blankly at Repugnus. Then in unison replied. “Dinobots, train!”

The two Dinobots drew their weapons and began the assault. Repugnus transformed eager to test himself, and afraid of the Dinobots unrelenting advances.

Dinotron was tending to Bazooka in the medical office. Bazooka was tired and cranky. “Man those two crazy idiots almost killed me!” Dinotron laughed inside. “Yesss. They are quite, obnoxious. But we only have to endure them for a little while longer. Once we cross over, we can rendezvous with the others, and complete our mission.” Dinotron sounded sinister, even to Bazooka. “This better be worth it, I know it is for you, but I better get something good out of this as well.” Dinotron twisted Bazooka’s head around, it was like some deranged evil embrace. Dinotron rubbed his face on Bazooka’s. It was really creepy. “Once I have the power! Once I am complete! Nothing imaginable will be impossible. Not for us!” Dinotron laughed manically.
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Re: Tansformers Universe : Awakening

Postby Poyguimogul » Mon Nov 28, 2011 11:32 am

Sludge was enjoying his mission. But an overwhelming sense of déjà vu was causing his processors to overheat giving him a headache. It was an endurable pain. Something about Grimlock captivated him. Was he really a King? How could he be? Cybertron observed no royalty. Optimus Prime was the closest thing to a centralized ruler, and even he was just a General governed over by the council. Sludge was feeling some cyber anxiety and needed lubrication. “Grimlock sir, can I be excused to obtain some lubricating fluid.” Grimlock chuckled. “Sure. Sludge go get drink. Bring Grimlock drink too.” Grimlock amused himself and laughed again. Sludge exited the bridge. Just doing that made him feel better. He could see Swoop and Slag were in the mess hall, he’d talk to them, surely they would know about it.

“Grimlock, the rift is ahead, it should be visible in minutes.” Striker said with gleeful confidence. “I can confirm this, but I can’t get any good readings on it.” Replied a concerned Snarl. Grimlock looked at Snarl, obviously pondering something. “Snarl, how you get so smart with computers?” Snarl was either blushing or frustrated. “It was the Nucleon energy we were exposed to as Action Masters. It made you stronger, and made me smarter. I don’t know if it’s what I needed, but it’s what I got.” Grimlock seemed pleased. “Grimlock say it good. We strong team. Many strong bots. Good for team to have smart guy, like Perceptor. You be Dinobots Perceptor.” The Dinobots on the bridge laughed together, and Snarl hastily added. “Please don’t call me Perceptor.” Grimlock laughed harder. “Ok! Perceptor!”
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Re: Tansformers Universe : Awakening

Postby Poyguimogul » Mon Nov 28, 2011 11:33 am

Hard Head was a soldier most his life. But he had other aspirations before. He wasn’t naive or stupid. He learned a lot before life decided to teach him a lesson. So it was greatly unsettling for him, just being with this group a short time, that he felt he couldn’t trust Dinotron, or Bazooka. He knew they were all ex-Predacons, but that was circumstantial. These two were born Predacons. Using the old adage, Once a Pred always a Pred, didn’t work anymore. Dinobot proved that. But it was something else, not some form of ancestral racism, but something he picked up while working with the Junior Headmasters, namely Nightbeat. How to spot a liar. Easy with humans, harder with Cybertronians. The first thing he found odd was that Dinotron, by all accounts attacked Repugnus. Which is common for Dinobots to do to test a comrade’s metal. But then he saved Bazooka, and bandaged him up, which is standard protocol and common sense if you’re a medic, not an engineer. He had to save Bazooka for some reason. Then the fact he disavowed his loyalty to Magmatron and Galvatron, in favor of their rival Primes. Dinotron hated all of them when they were predacons, especially the Primes for not acknowledging him as a Legacy, and a threat. And his new pattern of speech. Seemingly mocking the Dinobots and the great Dinobot all in one, yet when he addresses Bazooka, you can faintly hear the voice of Megatron.

Alas poor Hard Head was conflicted in processor and spark. He enjoyed his newfound fellowship but felt something was amiss with two of them. If he were wrong he’d be alienated from the group he’d grown closer to in the last few hours. For a moment his mind wandered and he could see the faces of his Headmaster friends. He shook it off as careless thinking. The past wasn’t relevant to this now was it? Hard Head had never known such inner conflict. Was it a sign? Bazooka and Dinotron were finishing up in the medical room, and three of the original Dinobots were having a heart to heart in the mess room. Where did Repugnus scurry off to? Hard head went in search of the only Autobot on the ship to serve with him during the time of Rodimus.

The dimensional rift came into view. At first the Dinobots bots couldn’t believe it, but now sensors have confirmed it.
An electro magnetic net covered in magnetic mines blocks the rift.
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Re: Tansformers Universe : Awakening

Postby Poyguimogul » Wed Nov 30, 2011 9:55 am

Perceptor was not amused. Whoever set up this magnetic mine net, had done so after the initial team that found the dimensional rift. Decepticons? Another Alien race? He needed more data. To Perceptor, knowledge was like an opiate, he couldn’t resist it, and would go to any length to have it. Snarl was reciting back scanner readings, but they told him nothing, yet something. Because the scans failed to yield results of Alien origin means the net has been extensively programmed to resist Autobot scanners, which left one likely culprit, Decepticons. Perceptor factored in variables. The Dinobots ship was created on the fly and its weapons weren’t powerful enough to destroy the whole net. Not even a space big enough for a 4th of the ship. Perceptor felt an annoying sense of jealousy and longing every time Grimlock slipped into fits of describing the rift. “Purple spiral, Green dots, glowing portal, why you not here Perceptor? Optimus have Wheeljack, but you still stay?” Perceptor was offended. “Wheeljack is hardly in league with my genius Grimlock, he’s more of a patent seeking trinket inventor then an actual intellectual genius inventor and scientist like myself.” Grimlock laughed. “Me Grimlock genius inventor make Technobots.” Perceptor shook his head though no one was around to see it. “You didn’t make the Technobots you just fixed them. Why they played along with your delusions of fatherhood is beyond me. Besides, aren’t two of them AWOL and three of them turned into mini-cons by the Decepticons?”

“IRRELIVANT!” Grimlock shouted though the tele-com system agitating Perceptors audio receptors. “Wait, where mini-con Technobots Perceptor? Tell Grimlock!” Perceptor sensed something in Grimlock vocal processors that hinted at concern. “They are with Optimus Prime confronting the real Unicron.”
Perceptor desperately searched for a way to help the Dinobots. But he couldn’t think of one. Their ship was just too makeshift, and any reinforcements he hoped to find where assigned to Unicron aftermath response or with Optimus Prime and Ultra Magnus. Perceptor was beginning to lose it when the Dinobots reported that they were under attack. “A massive space station appeared out of subspace and just destroyed all our weapons with precision blasts.” Shouted Triceradon. “Weapons are down, but the ships Energon grid and haul integrity are holding.” Reported Snarl. “Engine’s are functioning at 75%” Grimlock nodded to Striker. Their communications monitors opened. Perceptor couldn’t think of a way to help the Dinobots and now they were in real danger. His mind was racing when he heard a voice from the past, one he’d hoped to never hear again.
“Hello Dinobots. I am Deathsaurus.”
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Re: Tansformers Universe : Awakening

Postby Poyguimogul » Wed Nov 30, 2011 9:56 am

Hard Head found Repugnus collapsed in the back on the ships engine room. He rushed to give him aid, but found he was only woozy. “Deathsaurus.. is here..” A weakened Repugnus mumbled. Hard Head hoisted the former Monsterbot over his shoulder and carried him to the bridge. The whole crew was gathered together. Hard Head noticed that Bazooka and Dinotron were sitting in a distant corner together, no doubt they were intimately aware of what was transpiring. “What wrong with bug bot?” Asked a moderately concerned Grimlock. “He’s experiencing processor overheating due to being hyperlinked with the other insecticlone cerebral processors.” Noted Hard Head to the Captain. “I’ll.. be ok..” said the weary Repugnus, who was already beginning to recover. His optics came into focus, and he could see Deathsaurus’s smug face on the monitor. “There he is. The object of my obsession. If you would be so kind prestigious King Grimlock in handing over Repugnus, I’ll deactivate the net, and you can save your friends trapped inside.” This was news to Perceptor who was ease dropping on the conversation. “What friends trapped inside?” Grimlock asked. “A group of pesky annoying Autobots, that were monkeying around the rift before I arrived to intercept you. Don’t worry though. They won’t all be offline. We just gave them a push into the rift. No harm done.” Deathsaurus maintained a confidant and demeaning smile the whole time. He was as crazy and sadistic as Repugnus remembered.

“Why do you need me Deathsaurus? I’m just another insecticlone of which you possess hundreds. What makes me special?” Deathsaurus looked insulted. “What makes you special Repugnus? Have you forgotten the discovery I made after I captured you?” Repugnus couldn’t recall much of his past, except killing innocent friends, and being liberated by the Dinobots. “I know of no such discovery.” Deathsaurus looked happy to recount his findings. “Dear Repugnus. So simple and fragile. When I found you, you were an emotional wreck. You had abandoned your friends and escaped into the wilderness. Oh how long you must have wondered, traveling the earth, avoiding people. Just to be captured by Decepticons. If I hadn’t come along and taken you from that prison you’d be dead now. But I took you to my lab. Yes I did some ‘tests’ but nothing to hurt you.” Deathsaurus laughed at the idea of him doing anything in a delicate manner. “I, or should I say, We, discovered that you weren’t a monster at all, but a mantis. You were an insecticon. Albeit an ugly one. I was going to make augmentations to your body, when you broke free, and before my eyes under went a transformation. You evolved. New wings, stronger more potent acid spit, sharper mandibles. It was beautiful. So then I cloned you and created Buzzclaw. My first and only success.” Deathsaurus appeared pleasingly proud and dismayed at the same time. “Once Magmatron, Galvatron and Unicron had managed to decimate the Predacons ranks to near extinction. I had to find new subjects.” Deathsaurus looked deranged and desperate.

“Thrust, Dirge and Skywarp. I recreated them in your image. But they are unstable. I need to keep recreating them, because they die off so fast. I need your RNA!” Repugnus was mortified by what he heard. “I’ll never help you Deathsaurus, I’d rather die then assist in your terrible experiments.” Deathsaurus maintained a calm demeanor, but was clearly not amused. “You have little in the way of bargaining power on this one.” Repugnus was furious. “Me Grimlock call you back.” Grimlock disabled communication. “Dinobots form strategy.”
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Re: Tansformers Universe : Awakening

Postby Poyguimogul » Wed Nov 30, 2011 9:56 am

The ideas the Dinobots were formulating were too fantastic in nature to pull off. They lacked the technology needed to accomplish such feats. Perceptor was racking his processors. But the only logical solution came from Dinotron, and that was to abandon the ship and attack head on. Hardly a sure fire solution given that they were out numbered by the Insecticlones five to one, not to mention Deathsaurus and his space station. Time was crucial in getting to the green Unicron before it dissipates or is captured. The Wreckers could handle this, but Springer was off with Ultra Magnus and Impactor was still being rehabilitated by Refute. There was no aid available. Then it hit him. Perceptor remembered a crucial part of why the Insecticons are so frightening. Multiplication. “Perceptor to Repugnus, can you hear me?” “Yeah, Perceptor I can hear you.” Repugnus was curious why Perceptor wanted to talk to him, it had been many cycles since they worked together last. “Repugnus, if what Deathsaurus says is true, and you are in fact an Insecticon. You should be able to replicate like other Insecticons. Would you be willing to try?” Perceptor’s voice hinted at urgency. Repugnus was a proud and noble Autobot. He didn’t need time to think about it. “Yes! Of course I’ll try.” Hard Head and Repugnus left the bridge for the medical room in need of an open place to attempt the cloning.

Grimlock was in as deep a thought as he could get when the monitors switched on. It was Deathsaurus, obviously impatient, but never one to show it. “So almighty King Grimlock, have you reached a conclusion yet?” Deathsaurus was so full of himself it made Grimlock sick. “Me Grimlock have question?” Deathsaurus, like most smart Cybertronians couldn’t stand Grimlocks speech pattern. “Yes Grimlock, I believe you do have a question, and I also feel you wish to ask it, of me no less, so why don’t you just ask?” Grimlock likes it when they get mad. “Me Grimlock want know why you so shiny? Traannssmeetaal?” Deathsaurus got his confidant smug look back as he recited his tale.

“Why Grimlock, my King, you honor me by noticing. I still need Repugnus’s RNA to perfect my clones and I’ll stop at nothing to get it, but the fact you ask makes me happy. It started when I found out that this Decepticon turned Predacon clone of Megatron named Megaplex some how became a Transmetal. Then I learned that the Predacon warlord Cryotek, had stolen technology to make himself a Transmetal II body in the vain of Megatron. I copied that technology and used it to create Gigatron a Transmetal III that somehow got infused with the sparks of Megatron and Galvatron. He was a success, and yet he failed in his endeavors. But the data I collected, showed me with his power and my intellect I could defeat Optimus Prime, and Victory Saber, and anyone who challenged me!” Deathsaurus looked psychotic. “I took the power for my own, and made this body. I was unable to defeat Hot Spot, as he was able to solo combine with his trailer to make Defensor. But I did make him a mini-con!” Deathsaurus laughed maniacally. “And your technobot friends! And I’ll make you mini-cons too if you don’t Give me Repugnus. NOW!” Deathsaurus was furious. Grimlock disabled communications again and left the bridge.
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Re: Tansformers Universe : Awakening

Postby Poyguimogul » Wed Nov 30, 2011 11:44 am

Grimlock returned from the med lab with Hard Head, Repugnus and Repugnus. The cloning process had been a success. Swoop was excited. “Squawk! Me Swoop wish Kup here!” Grimlock agreed with Swoop. “Kup say it like fighting Inflatable Dalek with Dr. How.” Swoop and Grimlock laughed. “It was Who! And the Unphaseable Dalek.” Barked a frustrated Snarl, who had heard the story one too many times. “If you remember the story, Kup eventually shot the Dalek with his phase disruption rifle, so it was far from Unphaseable.” The idea of it all made Snarl laugh. Dinotron jumped in. “Sssooo what now? Hand over the clone and get through the rift?” Hard Head could see as Dinotron’s patients wore thin, so did his veiled disguise. “Me Grimlock give Deathsaurus bug bot clone. But me Grimlock not lose!” Grimlock activated the monitor system. They could see Deathsaurus in his lab working on a new breed of seeker. Starscream, Leozack, Lyzack and Skyquake all lay on tables, in new upgraded bodies getting fresh transfusions of Energon. Pieces of former Decepticons and Predacons lay on the ground. Decepticon Smokescreen, Smokesniper, Smokejumper and Predacon Hellscream. The Autobot onlookers were not envious. “DEATHSAURUS!” shouted Grimlock, causing the Decepticon dictator to drop his surgical tools. “By Primus be damned! Curse you Grimlock! You have shaken me in my time of triumph.” Deathsaurus realized they could see his newest creations.

“Let me introduce the new Energon Seekers. Old timers that needed new bodies, and this one fishy Predacon, whose spark I had to reformat into a jet in order to trap that traitorous glitch Starscream's ghost. Don’t worry Grimlock, most of his fish body is still intact, if you’re into Predacon sushi.” Deathsaurus smiled. Grimlock didn’t understand any of what he just said, but it sounded to Grimlock like he was talking down to him. “Me Grimlock not fish! Me Grimlock King!” Deathsaurus laughed. “Of course, of course. So you called me, I assume your ready to hand over Repugnus or die trying to escape?” “Grimlock say you turn off net, then get bug. Net more important then bug.” Deathsaurus thought this illogical. “What’s so important about the rift, my scanners indicate it’s just dead space. Nothing of interest what so ever. Regardless. I’ll turn off half the net now, and the other half after I get Repugnus.” Grimlock doesn’t negotiate with anyone. Compromise is defeat to a Dinobot. “All Dinobots on bridge being?” Grimlock looked around. “Confirmed.” Replied Hard Head. They sent out the Repugnus clone, which was greeted and escorted back to the space station by insecticlones. “Triceradon, fly at net NOW!” Grimlock barked the orders, and like a dog Triceradon followed, pushing the ship to maximum overdrive. “What are you doing Grimlock, the nets not safe?” Asked a seemingly concerned Deathsaurus. “Me Grimlock in hurry got to go now, bye bye!” Grimlock hung up on Deathsaurus. “Snarl, disengage back section!”

Snarl executed the commands. “Confirmed sir! We are detached.” “Triceradon! Striker! Make ship slow, follow back section through net!” The two Dinobots nodded.
Deathsaurus welcomed Repugnus onto the bridge. “Finally son, you’ve come home.” Deathsaurus turned to the monitor. “Thank you Dinobots, and now, I’ll take your bodies as payment for this little debacle!” Deathsaurus went to activate his weapons, but the Repugnus clone dove in the way grabbing Deathsaurus’s arm. Deathsaurus looked the repugnant clone in the face as it shouted. “Till’ all are one!” It was the detonation code to the bomb implanted by Hard Head. The clone exploded. The Dinobots visual monitor went black. They cheered. Repugnus returned to the bridge relieved. The back section of the ship hit the net at near full speed, and caused a massive chain reaction of explosions, rattling the Dinobot's ship. The Dinobots had to power through the shockwave to get to the rift. The blast nearly killing them. As they approached the rift they could see the continued explosions were causing it to collapse. They needed more speed to get through. The Dinobots activated and deactivated every system they thought might help, but no luck. The hull was degrading. Turbulence was intense as was the heat. Hard Head ran into the back of the ship, remembering an old trick he learned from Kup. He dispersed some anti pursuit mines and detonated them behind the ship, the explosions propelling them beyond their engines capabilities and safely into the rift. As they passed through the rift their monitors were still connected to Deathsaurus’s feed. The static was too thick to see what was happening, but the blast had woken Starscream who attacked his captures and escaped, the last thing the Dinobots heard was Deathsaurus speaking to them in a weak and sinister voice. “This.. isn’t..over..”
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Re: Tansformers Universe : Awakening

Postby Poyguimogul » Thu Dec 29, 2011 7:23 am

The emerald glow of the rift leading to Unicron’s ethereal plane enveloped the Dinobots and their ship. “Everybody hold on!” Shouted Hard Head. Through the ships fenestration Snarl and Sludge watched in awe as the brilliant colors of the rifts internals danced before their optics. “Me Grimlock feeling sick!” shouted the loud and nauseous Dinobot leader. “Twill not be long now sssir.” Said Dinotron. The end of the rift was becoming visible. Striker and Triceradon scrambled to reactivate any systems that may aid them once they are expelled into Unicron’s dimension. The ship hit the rifts edge, which was decaying in size. The density of space forced their ship to a crawl slamming the Dinobots to the cabin floor. With much resistance did the Dinobots ship eek it’s way through the last few feet of the rift and fall out into dead space.

Slag looked out across the new dimension. The blackened void they had just been in was replaced by a crimson wave of sub-space particles acting like a dimensional cyst. At it’s center sat the remains of the green Unicron. His body covered in fractures and pieces of debris larger then the Dinobots ship were floating around him. A single solitary planet sat adjacent to the wounded titan. “Dinobots report?” said a weary Grimlock as he rubbed his sore head. “Squawk! Me Swoop A-ok!” said the elated Swoop, who, while not the best flyer, knew he was better then the ship had just been. “ ‘Eeegh.. Slag and Sludge ok…”

Grimlock looked at Hard Head. Hidden by his visor was his inability to resist the Dinobot Virus encoded by Megatron in his RNA that made him desire combat with similar models. A lesser bot would succumb to the urges, but Grimlock’s resolve was beyond that of your average Transformer. He had endured hard ships and experienced things others could only dream of. “Hard Head ok?” asked a concerned Grimlock. “Yeah boss. I’m fine.” Looking around the only two not present anymore were Dinotron and Bazooka. “Repugnus!” shouted Grimlock. “Yessir!” replied the eager bug bot. “You find two newbies. Bring here for mission assignments.” “Yessir” replied Repugnus who ventured back into the ship now vastly smaller back section.
The ship was functioning at 83% capacity, and Grimlock continued to forge ahead towards the shining green Unicron.
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Re: Tansformers Universe : Awakening

Postby Poyguimogul » Thu Dec 29, 2011 7:06 pm

Repugnus entered the back section of the ship. It was dark. Had the journey through the rift knocked out the power in the rear he wondered. Repugnus was fumbling about in the dark when he heard the sound of footsteps. Thud. Clink. Thud. Clink. It was a Rapticon body type, he could tell by the sounds of the footsteps. “Dinotron! Turn on some lights will ya?” Repugnus was struck hard across the face. The size and bluntness of the object suggested Dinotron’s tail. Repugnus transformed and lashed out at the darkness with his sickle like mandibles. He caught something, but unlike previous targets he had stabbed there was no sound of pain. Repugnus was hoisted into the air. He hadn’t caught anything. They had caught him. Dinotron slammed him down hard on his face, knocking his processor ajar and sending him offline.

On the bridge, Striker and Triceradon have crawled out through the roof of the ship, and begun the physical repairs to the ships haul. “I don’t recall Unicron being so large.” Exclaimed Striker. “Aye! Because he was infecting the wee Galvatron when we fought him on Cybertron.” Triceradon looked out at the green goliath. It was unnerving. “We still gotta sort him out somehow!” “Yeah…” was all Striker could say.

The other Dinobots were barking orders and ideas at each other like ravenous children engaged in a less then civil discussion. None but Grimlock heard the thud from the back of the ship. Grimlock drew his sword and took a position in front of the door. It was thrown open by the two Predacons.

Before Grimlock could strike, before the other Dinobots could even register the situation. Dinotron hit them with a blast from a portable spacebridge emitter. Grimlock faded before his blade could reach Dinotron’s face. “Yesss… The ship is ours now Bazooka. In the glorious name of the Predacons! And soon, I shall be the new emperor of destruction!” Dinotron laughed that sadistic laugh that always made Bazooka feel uneasy.
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Re: Tansformers Universe : Awakening

Postby Poyguimogul » Thu Dec 29, 2011 8:57 pm

The Dinobots materialized on the planets surface. Grimlock did a head count. Swoop, Slag, Sludge and Snarl. Not everybody, but all he needed. “Dinobots remain calm. We find way off this rock!” The ignorant Dinobots cheered. Snarl however didn’t share Grimlocks optimistic view on their situation. He used his internal scanners to probe the planet. Despite his commanders statements the planet wasn’t a rock, but a Cybertronian alloy, with an Energon core. Snarl couldn’t believe it. Snarl interrupted the other Dinobots banter. “Comrades! I believe we are standing on a manufactured structure. This planet must be a manifestation of the glowing Unicron.” The Dinobots looked around confused. “You remember when the Decepticons used giant boosters to fly Cybertron through space?” The Dinobots did remember, and seemed pleased that they did. “We can potentially do the same thing if we can locate materials to construct the necessary devices. Granted it will be a vastly time consuming process.” Grimlock stepped forward. “We Dinobots search planet, maybe find something good.” Snarl nodded. The other Dinobots seemed to agree. “There is a fracture in the surface not far from here, we can penetrate from there.” The Dinobots set out in search of anything to help their situation.

Triceradon and Striker were finishing up repairs to the engines when Dinotron and Bazooka confronted them. “How isss everythinggg out here?” Dinotron had a sinister look on his face. Triceradon and Striker had spent enough time as Predacons to know something was up. They glanced at each other with a subtle nod. It was time for the dynamic duo to show their stuff. “All is well sir.” Replied Triceradon. “What of the other Dinobots?” Striker inquired. “What’s it matter punks?” asked an agitated Bazooka. Dinotron extended his arm to cease Bazooka’s confrontational attitude. “They have taken a Spacebridge to the planets surface to investigate. Do you wish to join them?” Dinotron was glaring at them. They could tell he was brutally insane. “Heck no!” Triceradon replied arrogantly. “We hate those ignorant glitches. Wastes of Energon if you ask me.” Striker nodded. “Yeah! We should leave them there while we go investigate Unicron.” Dinotron smiled. “Still loyal to the memory of Magmatron aye brothers?” The two Dinobots looked at each other. “To be honest I hadn’t really thought about him.” Replied Triceradon. “Yeah. We just hate those disgraceful excuses for Dinobots!” Striker angrily added, while glaring at Bazooka. Dinotron laughed. “Do you think the power of Unicron would be able to restore Magmatron?” Triceradon pretended to wonder. Dinotron turned and looked at Unicron. “With his power, WE CAN DO ANYTHING!” The two Autobot Dinobots were beginning to find Dinotron’s inane laughing annoying.
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Re: Tansformers Universe : Awakening

Postby Poyguimogul » Fri Dec 30, 2011 6:40 am

Grimlock and the other Dinobots arrived at a cavernous maw. The glow of Energon emanating from its walls filled the Dinobots with a strange sense of nostalgia, as if they were back on Cybertron. Grimlock radioed Swoop who had been dispatched to scout the area from the sky. “We Dinobots go in cave. You Swoop finish sightseeing and come to Dinobots.” There was no response. Snarl made adjustments to Grimlock's communicator. “Swoop?” Grimlock was concerned and it angered him. “Squawk! Me Swoop hear Grimlock.” There was a lot of static interference. “Dinobots find cave, Swoop come join Dinobots.” The hiss of the static was agitating Slag’s audio receptors. “Squawk! Me Swoop find broken ship.” Snarl was eager to know more, but mostly where it was, unfortunately Swoop was lost, and unable to reunite with them. Snarl used Grimlock’s communicator to track Swoop’s signal. He was on the other side of the mountain ridge, a short trip through the cave if it connected. The Dinobots agreed to enter the cave. If they couldn’t reach Swoop at least they could scout the inner workings of the planet for a more suitable source of Energon. Snarl had already examined a sample and determined it was safe, but due to exposure to atmospheric conditions its consistency had been degraded and would not give them sufficient energy. The Dinobots reluctantly entered the ominous cave.

Repugnus awoke in his cell. Striker was guarding him. “What’s goin’ on Striker?” asked a confused Repugnus. “Dinotron and Bazooka captured the ship.” Repugnus looked even more distressed. “I’m not sure exactly sure how they got the other Dinobots off the ship. Trice and Me have been pulling the Starscream shuffle on ’em. Playing loyal, but now that your awake we can make a move.” Striker was moving towards the cell. “No!” lamented a concerned Repugnus. “Why not?” Striker wasn’t happy to be startled and now he was confused. “I have a plan, and I think I can get out without tipping that your pretending to be preds. Either way we’ll find out what we need to know.” Striker nodded and began to head towards the bridge. “Be safe lil’ man.” Repugnus nodded. “Don’t shoot me if I put my hands up in surrender, ok?” Striker laughed. “Ok! I’ll tell Trice.”
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Re: Tansformers Universe : Awakening

Postby Poyguimogul » Wed Jan 04, 2012 10:08 pm

Swoop never had any aspirations to be an explorer or a detective, just a warrior. But he couldn’t help feeling a modicum of excitement while exploring the wreckage. Using his wings to put out small fires allowed him easier access to what little bit of the ships mid-section remained. He had discerned that it was an older Maximal battleship. Sadly it was unsalvageable in its current state. It had been shot up pretty bad before it crashed here. Remnants of the internal structure indicated that most of the crew had evacuated before the impact via stasis pods. None of the ships computers were functioning with most of them destroyed or missing from the crash. A single empty pod remained. If Swoop were a lesser bot he could use it to escape, but he figured it better to just report it. “Egh. Swoop to Dinobots?” There was nothing but static. No doubt by now they had entered the cave. Swoop decided it best to remember the pod, and report it as soon as possible. He started out towards the cave. It wasn’t long before he realized he could fly instead of walk. He stared at his legs. What had he just forgotten? The pod! He was about to take off flying with his news when he noticed an odd trail. Swoop flipped into pursuit mode. Whatever it was it was wounded and couldn’t have made it that far.

Slag and Sludge covered the rear. Grimlock was on point, while Snarl kept up a scan. The cave as they had been calling it had given way to a Cybertronian corridor. Very reminiscent of their home world. It hadn’t been long since Snarl had revealed his upgraded knowledge from the power of Nucleon. For a moment back there on the ship it seemed like he was being alienated, but now he was right back with the group. Snarl spotted a panel he could access. He motioned to Grimlock and the others to follow him. Snarl pried the panel open and connected to it. The chamber they were in was not long, a maintenance tunnel leading to… the knees? As soon as Snarl had his revelation the corridor went black. The emerald glow of Energon returned violently in a crimson hue. Staggered by the sudden surge of Energon the Dinobots regained their footing and looked about. Snarl was hit hard and fell to the ground. Sludge turned to attack his next target. Grimlock turned to see his companion Dinobots had been replaced by some evil Decepticon clones and they were attacking. Grimlock drew his sword and slashed his attacker. Sludge fell hard to the ground. Enemies surrounded him, and they were strong. Slag confused by it all released his flame breath. Snarl realized this was going to be rough.
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Re: Tansformers Universe : Awakening

Postby Poyguimogul » Wed Jan 04, 2012 11:42 pm

Triceradon was easing the ship along as slow as possible. He found it kind of humorous that Dinotron hadn’t noticed or said anything. He certainly wasn’t like Megatron in that respect. Striker had informed him of Repugnus’s plans to do something, and to not shoot him if he surrendered. The not knowing and the waiting were irritating Triceradon. “I’m reading more sub-space anomalies, we’ll need to make another course correction. With the ship as damaged as it is, we can’t risk much turbulence or we won’t make it to that green Unicron thing.” Striker nodded to Triceradon who proceeded to make the trip longer. “Gah! This is taking forever!” Shouted the impatient Bazooka. “Patientsss Bazooka.. We can sssee the goal, no need to russsh.” Retorted Dinotron. “I’m gonna’ go nuts waiting here.” Bazooka seemed adamant about his need for entertainment and Triceradon could relate to the feeling of inpatients. He wanted to smack Bazooka now! “Fine then.” The tone in Dinotron’s voice had switched. He sounded more like Megatron. “Go dismantle that repugnant creature we have captive in the back if you’re so desperate for something productive to do.” Dinotron glared at Bazooka, who was smiling like an idiot. Bazooka grabbed his axe and proceeded into the back section. The concerned Striker looked at Triceradon who seemed eager for battle. The wait was over.

Slag spammed his Flamethrower until he was exhausted. His effort had worked as the evil Dinobots had fled. Snarl had taken off in search of his friends, but every hallway looked the same. No indication of any inhabitance. He stopped for a moment to check his internal monitors, when he began to hear noises. The sounds of machinery all around him, like a giant self-sustaining space station. He began to look around for another access panel when heard new noises. The sound of footsteps rushing towards him. He turned in time to see an evil Sludge lunging at him. He sidestepped and Sludge collided with the wall. Sludge rose and hastily did an about face. He attacked the evil Snarl but it again dodged him. Snarl thought the planet must be scanning their memories and using their friends against them. Sludge noticed the evil Snarl was distracted and quickly shot him with his rifle. Snarl dove at the evil Sludge, his rifles fire bounced off him, just like the real Sludge, whose immense rifle had a power rating of only one. Snarl tackled the Sludge look-a-like. He stared him in the face. Suddenly the room shook and went black. “Help Me,” said a voice so loud that it seemed to come from inside the two Dinobots heads. The room illuminated again. The crimson walls had returned to their peaceful emerald glow. Snarl looked down and was surprised to find himself pinning Sludge to the ground. The two Dinobots arose, sore from battle, and that no clear victor had been decided between them. "Let's go!" said Snarl. Sludge nodded.
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