william-james88 wrote:Rodimus Prime wrote:The 1st Pointblank has been out long enough for them to acknowledge the negative response and implement the desired changes in such a short time? I just thought with all the steps a production usually requires, they had this version in the pipeline before the 1st got even released.william-james88 wrote:Some fans were upset by the headsculpt we got with the original pointblank, and now Hasbro is releasing a version to answer that need. It's the same toy but with deco and head to match the Headmasters cartoon version, hence the name of the listing.
I don't think this one exists explicitly as a result of what fans asked, and I didn't mean it as such. I just meant that some fans wanted a different point blank and this one will answer that want/need. There will be 2 point blanks just like there are 2 cyclonuses, that's how I see it.
I mean heck I remember Studio Series Grindor being a minor redeco of Blackout but used the opportunity to retool the hands, this doesn't really seem that wild to get a new Pointblank soon that'll address the articulation issue. I personally didn't find it that bad but, hey, if they wanna make an update on that mold and are confident it'll sell, why not? Maybe the price point might even chuck in the engine gun as originally planned too.