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Transformers: Legends Mobile Device Game Updates

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Re: Transformers: Legends Mobile Device Game Updates

Postby durroth » Wed Dec 18, 2013 2:33 pm

Weapon: Double Barreled Multi-Purpose Launcher
its supposed to be that one gun FoC starscream/thundercracker/skywarp's figure's guns combine into, the neutron assault rifle issit?
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Re: Transformers: Legends Mobile Device Game Updates

Postby PrymeStriker » Wed Dec 18, 2013 2:54 pm

Motto: "When did I get this tattoo?"
Weapon: Thrust Gun
dedcat wrote:What is going on with Cliffjumpers gun? There is a second, disembodied turret floating next to the one attached to his arm. Someone forgot to hide a layer in photoshop.

I'm thinking it's the Neutron Assault Rifle from FoC

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Dead Metal wrote:Have you ever, and i mean ever seen/read/heard something that is completely original and does not copy/homage/pay tribute to something else? Here's a hint: Nope. You never have and you never will.
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Re: Transformers: Legends Mobile Device Game Updates

Postby Twitchythe3rd » Wed Dec 18, 2013 3:11 pm

Motto: "Embrace the coming oblivion."
Weapon: Black Magic
PrymeStriker wrote:
dedcat wrote:What is going on with Cliffjumpers gun? There is a second, disembodied turret floating next to the one attached to his arm. Someone forgot to hide a layer in photoshop.

I'm thinking it's the Neutron Assault Rifle from FoC


Or it's heavier cousion, the X18 Scrapmaker.
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Re: Transformers: Legends Mobile Device Game Updates

Postby Mindmaster » Wed Dec 18, 2013 3:45 pm

Motto: "For I have dipped my hands in muddied waters, and, withdrawing them, find 'tis better to be a commander than a common man!"
Weapon: Dark Saber Sword
Looks more like the NAR than the X18.
They call me “Tanker Chungus”!


Va'al wrote:I keep track of everyone. Backwards.
There are atandarfs to maintain.

LOST Cybertronian wrote:Hey, If Mindmaster survived then you should do just fine.
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Re: Transformers: Legends Mobile Device Game Updates

Postby Umbra » Wed Dec 18, 2013 4:40 pm

So I finally got a phone that can run this game. How do these events work? And is there any team building strategy besides hitting recommend?
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Re: Transformers: Legends Mobile Device Game Updates

Postby Nemesis Maximo » Wed Dec 18, 2013 5:53 pm

Motto: "Always Be’s-ing and do’s-ing, never cheesing or choosing!"
Weapon: Gatling Cannon
I'm usually not one for this kind of pessimism, but...

I am kind of tired of the WFC/FOC bodies showing up in other mediums. Like in the comics, I don't mind so much that the toys look the same, but it's different continuity. In this case, I saw War Within, and I got all excited. Like, I was hoping we'd see some badass artwork of the beloved designs by Mr. Figueroa from back in 02-ish when War Within came out. Ah, the memories.

On a more positive note, I know what I'm going to read over Christmas Break!
Back at it again!
Marvel Legends Domino

SW's SilverHammer wrote:Eat my ass funpub.

Burn wrote:And this is for taking Nemesis Maximo seriously.
*high fives Silly in the face*

carytheone wrote:I can't be assed to do any better right now.
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Re: Transformers: Legends Mobile Device Game Updates

Postby Burn » Wed Dec 18, 2013 6:34 pm

Motto: "Freedom is the right of all sentient beings to randomly click things in the Admin Panel to see what it breaks."
I'm sure this is another awesome episode with awesome cards but you know ... every time I play I get the whole "Cannot access SD card or it is full" error which they have no interest in fixing and the only way for me to fix it is to clear my cache.

For the record, I have plenty of space on my tablet. It's just this game.
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Re: Transformers: Legends Mobile Device Game Updates

Postby King Kuuga » Wed Dec 18, 2013 6:56 pm

Motto: "Yesssssssss....."
Weapon: High Energy MASER Cannons
Umbra wrote:So I finally got a phone that can run this game. How do these events work? And is there any team building strategy besides hitting recommend?

Deck-building strategy
*Don't get attached to R1 or R2 cards (common and uncommon, the ones witha 1 or 2 number value in the top right corner). Trans-scan pairs as soon as you get them to bolster your deck strength and for your cyberdex, and forget about them as soon as they're gone from your deck. You will quickly acquire several R3 (Rare) cards, and if you participate in events you can get some R4 (Super Rare) cards. With time you might be able to get a few R5 (Ultra Rare) cards. You can get an R5 Elita One by logging in every day, and an R5 Sky Lynx by connecting with 15 friends level 8 or under (most of us just made dupe accounts for this).
*For cards of R3 or higher (R4 or higher when you get to the point where R3s won't make your deck), always MTM them: Max, Trans-Scan, Max. This means max level each half of the card (bot and alt) first, then trans-scan them together, then max level them again. This will make sure your card has the highest possible stats.
*Leveling cards up will be hard at first, because you will lack resources. As you collect stronger cards, you can use the weaker ones to upgrade them. Eventually all cards R3 or below will be nothing more than upgrade fodder for you.
*You can also use transmetal to upgrade cards for cheaper. Transmetal is acquired through the daily login bonuses, occasional Mobage gifts, and from events.
*R3 and higher cards all have signature weapons. All R2 weapons and below are generic "energon hammer" types but R3 and above weapons are "Mirage's weapon", "Sky Lynx's weapon" etc.
*The "recommend" button will give you the deck with the highest possible attack power, but this is not the same as the best possible deck. Defense and Health are important stats as well, and a character's signature weapon is usually good at compensating for their particular weaknesses. If you have a character's signature weapon, it's generally best to use it over a different weapon assigned by the "recommend" feature.

*Events last six days each, starting Wednesday at 5 PM Pacific and ending the following Tuesday at 5 PM Pacific, with a day's gap before the next one. Every week.
*Remember that, despite Mobage's claims to the contrary, this game is pay to win. The best cards will be unobtainable if you aren't willing to pay $300 or more per week. If you're normal and don't like paying that much, it's okay, just learn to be happy with the cards you can get. Don't worry too much, in PVP matchups, you won't be paired up with opponents who are leaps and bounds stronger than you. You can still get GOOD cards, just not THE BEST cards.
*There are three event types: boss raid, Player vs. Player (PVP), and Campaign.
*In Raid Boss events, you play through the game normally and you'll randomly find boss cards. There are 4 bosses, with 9 levels each: ?? and 1-8. Stronger bosses will have far too much health for you to defeat without a lot of sacrifice, and are meant to be defeated with help from allies.
*In PVP events, you play through the game normally and you'll randomly find PVP battlefields. In these, you have to build up a win streak by defeating other players. The longer your win streak, the better your rewards. If you lose a fight, your streak is over and you have to find another one and start over.
*In Campaign events, you play through a bunch of new arenas similar to the ones in the regular game, and every other scan will be a mini-boss battle. You can try to capture the cards you face off against with Energon Nets (easily acquired, low capture rate) or Energon Chains (you'll be gifted a few for login bonuses and event bonuses, but mostly you have to buy them, they have a 100% capture rate). You work your way through three difficulty tiers and at the end of each tier are event cards that you can defeat and capture. As a beginner, you will probably only be able to play through the Easy campaign. If you participate in a Capmaign event, you'll get 2 of the Easy campaign event boss card, and you should be able to get enough points to get 2 Energon Chains. use these to capture two more of that card and evolve them.

*Evolving is like Trans-Scanning taken a step further. Instead of matching bot and alt cards, you have to match 4 alt cards and combine them, one at a time. 1+1=2, 2+1=3, 3+1=4 (fully evolved). As with MTMing, it's always best to max level each card before evolving to get the best stats on the final card. Yes, this is very resource intensive and Mobage knows it. They want you to spend money on Transmetal or card packs to upgrade your deck. But understand that with some patience and effort, you can do better and better in events to earn more transmetal and better cards without paying Mobage much or anything.
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Re: Transformers: Legends Mobile Device Game Updates

Postby Nemesis Maximo » Wed Dec 18, 2013 7:06 pm

Motto: "Always Be’s-ing and do’s-ing, never cheesing or choosing!"
Weapon: Gatling Cannon
Burn wrote:For the record, I have plenty of space on my tablet. It's just this game.

I'm sure you're right, Burn. Now let's get you back into your room, and we can get get you into some nice, comfy pants. Then we'll get you your grapey medicine, and we can read stories. :D
Back at it again!
Marvel Legends Domino

SW's SilverHammer wrote:Eat my ass funpub.

Burn wrote:And this is for taking Nemesis Maximo seriously.
*high fives Silly in the face*

carytheone wrote:I can't be assed to do any better right now.
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Re: Transformers: Legends Mobile Device Game Updates

Postby Umbra » Wed Dec 18, 2013 7:09 pm

Thank you for the tips. Good to know about the leveling separately first, I will have to do that from now on. I'm a bit sad to learn there is no way to upgrade lower level characters that happen to be favorites into fully usable characters. Also sad there's not bonuses for using characters that should work well together like the dinobots, seekers, or Soundwave and his tapes.
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Re: Transformers: Legends Mobile Device Game Updates

Postby King Kuuga » Wed Dec 18, 2013 7:32 pm

Motto: "Yesssssssss....."
Weapon: High Energy MASER Cannons
Umbra wrote:Thank you for the tips. Good to know about the leveling separately first, I will have to do that from now on. I'm a bit sad to learn there is no way to upgrade lower level characters that happen to be favorites into fully usable characters. Also sad there's not bonuses for using characters that should work well together like the dinobots, seekers, or Soundwave and his tapes.

Odds are your favorites will be reversioned as R4 event characters at some point, if they haven't already. Almost every character has at least 2 cards now, if not more. Jazz has 6. And yeah, the lack of "theme" bonuses is a little dismaying, but that's how it is. They've said that triple-changers and combiners are not possible in this game's coding, so there's that.
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Re: Transformers: Legends Mobile Device Game Updates

Postby Umbra » Wed Dec 18, 2013 7:45 pm

The seekers are my favorites, so hopefully they will pop back in an event at some point. No idea how to get the event cards though, i can't even figure out where it says how much chronogon I have
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Re: Transformers: Legends Mobile Device Game Updates

Postby Burn » Wed Dec 18, 2013 9:35 pm

Motto: "Freedom is the right of all sentient beings to randomly click things in the Admin Panel to see what it breaks."
Nemesis Maximo wrote:
Burn wrote:For the record, I have plenty of space on my tablet. It's just this game.

I'm sure you're right, Burn. Now let's get you back into your room, and we can get get you into some nice, comfy pants. Then we'll get you your grapey medicine, and we can read stories. :D

Or I could ban you. >:oP
CSR Racing is a better game.
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Re: Transformers: Legends Mobile Device Game Updates

Postby Nemesis Maximo » Wed Dec 18, 2013 10:05 pm

Motto: "Always Be’s-ing and do’s-ing, never cheesing or choosing!"
Weapon: Gatling Cannon
Burn wrote:
Nemesis Maximo wrote:
Burn wrote:For the record, I have plenty of space on my tablet. It's just this game.

I'm sure you're right, Burn. Now let's get you back into your room, and we can get get you into some nice, comfy pants. Then we'll get you your grapey medicine, and we can read stories. :D

Or I could ban you. >:oP
CSR Racing is a better game.

Try Hill Climb Racing.
Back at it again!
Marvel Legends Domino

SW's SilverHammer wrote:Eat my ass funpub.

Burn wrote:And this is for taking Nemesis Maximo seriously.
*high fives Silly in the face*

carytheone wrote:I can't be assed to do any better right now.
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Re: Transformers: Legends Mobile Device Game Updates

Postby Burn » Wed Dec 18, 2013 10:11 pm

Motto: "Freedom is the right of all sentient beings to randomly click things in the Admin Panel to see what it breaks."
Nemesis Maximo wrote:
Burn wrote:
Nemesis Maximo wrote:
Burn wrote:For the record, I have plenty of space on my tablet. It's just this game.

I'm sure you're right, Burn. Now let's get you back into your room, and we can get get you into some nice, comfy pants. Then we'll get you your grapey medicine, and we can read stories. :D

Or I could ban you. >:oP
CSR Racing is a better game.

Try Hill Climb Racing.

Been there, done that. Quite an addictive little game.
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Re: Transformers: Legends Mobile Device Game Updates

Postby King Kuuga » Wed Dec 18, 2013 10:52 pm

Motto: "Yesssssssss....."
Weapon: High Energy MASER Cannons
Umbra wrote:The seekers are my favorites, so hopefully they will pop back in an event at some point. No idea how to get the event cards though, i can't even figure out where it says how much chronogon I have

Wow, this new Space Bridge layout is terrible. Doesn't tell you how much of a resource you have when you don't have enough for a pull, and the inventory screen doesn't have Chronogon so you can't check there either. This will probably be fixed soon. Chronogon was JUST added last event and I was surprised they brought it back this time.

Seekers pop up pretty often, I've seen. Especially the coneheads. You might have better luck with the ruby bridges, though. A few rank-ups and a lot of bosses and you should have enough rubies for a pull from the Kickback bridge, which is 150 ruby medals per card with a 3x attack bonus for this event.
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Re: Transformers: Legends Mobile Device Game Updates

Postby Umbra » Thu Dec 19, 2013 1:40 pm

Another newbie question: Is it possible to MTM the initial Leader card you receive, or is it better to spend the resources when you start getting duplicate cards to MTM that character.
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Re: Transformers: Legends Mobile Device Game Updates

Postby Burn » Thu Dec 19, 2013 6:14 pm

Motto: "Freedom is the right of all sentient beings to randomly click things in the Admin Panel to see what it breaks."
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Re: Transformers: Legends Mobile Device Game Updates

Postby King Kuuga » Fri Dec 20, 2013 12:38 am

Motto: "Yesssssssss....."
Weapon: High Energy MASER Cannons
Umbra wrote:Another newbie question: Is it possible to MTM the initial Leader card you receive, or is it better to spend the resources when you start getting duplicate cards to MTM that character.

Since they force you to trans-scan your leader card halves at level 1 as part of the tutorial, no, it is not possible to MTM that particular iteration of the card. You can find the raw cards in the regular campaign or space bridges and MTM them, however.

I never checked the final leaderboards last event, so behold my surprise when I managed an initial tier 2 finish despite not playing much past the first day. Behold my further surprise when I log in today and see a Galvatron RAW set waiting for me (because they extended the T1 rewards to the top 500). I'm amazed I managed to stay in the top 500 since I peaked at around 150 or so on day 1 and didn't do much after they corrected the matchmaking. At the beginning of November I could only dream of having an R5 card, and now I'm two cards away from an all R5 deck. I could technically make an all R5 deck now with my stage 2 Ironhide and Perceptor, but Recommend places Dinobot with weapon above them, and this 5x Sharpshot naturally takes my top spot. Here's my current deck.
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Re: Transformers: Legends Mobile Device Game Updates

Postby El Duque » Wed Jan 01, 2014 10:00 pm

Motto: "I ain't got time to bleed!"
Weapon: Gattling Gun
Ring in the new year with the next episode in DeNA's Transformers: Legends mobile device game, "The Battle for Autobot City". Check out the details and art below. The game can be downloaded at the following link:


For the month of January, journey back in time with us to 1986. The year when Voyager 2 was reaching the outer planets of our solar system. The year when the protocol for e-mail was being defined. The year when the Mir space station was launched. The year that was “Beyond good. Beyond evil. Beyond your wildest imagination.”


Megatron and the Decepticons strain Autobot City’s defenses to the breaking point through an unrelenting barrage of attacks. Optimus Prime fearlessly launches into the fray, clearing a path through Decepticon forces to reach Megatron.

Who will stand and who will fall? Find out in “The Battle for Autobot City”!


Obtain Optimus Prime through the Premium Space Bridge and Teletraan-1 board rewards!
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Re: Transformers: Legends Mobile Device Game Updates

Postby Bumblevivisector » Wed Jan 01, 2014 10:17 pm

So wait, Autobot City was built in 1986, and had been around long enough to sustain repeated attacks by year's end? Attacks incredibly similar to a pivotal one 19 years later? I'll never play these games, but Sweet Primus, I love their continuity!

This reminds me of what a Dutch Transfan once wrote about the Marvel Movie adaptation replacing reprints of US#24 and 25 in the Netherlands, meaning that when things came back to the present, Optimus and Megatron were somehow dead 2 decades earlier due to their future deaths.

My only slight letdown is that this doesn't seem to be based on Digital Doom on the Highway to Destruction, which is what the first few sentences made me think of. Someone has to keep the spirit of S.T.A.R.S. mail-away ad continuity alive, and it may as well be these guys! (Though maybe that's just on my mind because the story below this is about Dairycon promoting and Omnibot to Convoy)
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Re: Transformers: Legends Mobile Device Game Updates

Postby Sabrblade » Wed Jan 01, 2014 10:31 pm

Motto: "Can't do a job halfway. What's worth doing is worth doing well, I say."
Weapon: Saber Blade
Bumblevivisector wrote:So wait, Autobot City was built in 1986,
The year is referring to when the movie came out, not when the city was built. Pretty sure it takes more than one year to build an entire city, and since Autobot City was not yet built in 1985, it's doubtful that it was completed less than a year later. ;)
"When there's gold feathers, punch behind you!!"

Shadowman wrote:This is Sabrblade we're talking about. His ability to store trivial information about TV shows is downright superhuman.
Caelus wrote:My wife pointed out something interesting about the prehistoric Predacons. I said that everyone was complaining because transforming for them mostly consisted of them just standing up-right. She essentially said, 'So? That's what our ancestors did.'
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Re: Transformers: Legends Mobile Device Game Updates

Postby Burn » Thu Jan 02, 2014 1:39 am

Motto: "Freedom is the right of all sentient beings to randomly click things in the Admin Panel to see what it breaks."
Oh to be able to play ... but silly me, thinking they'd prioritise a bug that stops people from playing the game.
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Re: Transformers: Legends Mobile Device Game Updates

Postby Janus Prime » Thu Jan 02, 2014 12:17 pm

Oh dude, I still have flashbacks from that battle, I still wake up late at night, sweating and yelling "Wheeljack! Nooooooooo! Where´s Ironhide, I´m not leaving without him!... damn it! get out of the freaking way Hot Rod!".
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Re: Transformers: Legends Mobile Device Game Updates

Postby King Kuuga » Thu Jan 02, 2014 2:20 pm

Motto: "Yesssssssss....."
Weapon: High Energy MASER Cannons
Last event I nabbed 3 full Orion Pax cards, but narrowly missed out on the top 5K because I didn't look at my rank until 5 minutes before the end of the event when I saw I was at 5700. I quickly finished up an H10 run and chained another Pax but it only pushed me up to 5200 with seconds left in the event. So no Alpha Trion for me. Grr. I'm going to farm this event. I noticed they failed to reset the Teletraan 1 again, but a blog post says this will probably be the last time. I'm 2 spots away from the top but no way can I secure enough points to snag even one Optimus without committing to the event, much less 4. So I farm, and wait for the next event that grabs me.
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