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Transformers Northern Front

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Transformers Northern Front

Postby Rodimus_Major86 » Sat Aug 22, 2009 9:04 am

Motto: "The deadliest weapon is your imagination!"
Weapon: Hand-Mounted Lasers
Just a fanfic idea that came to mind when I made the movie styled Hot Rod drawing, this takes place after Revenge of the fallen, more autobots and decepticons who landed sometime before Bumblebee have woken up in Ontario Canada, but they have lost all contact with the rest of their faction, this also means they have no idea of the events that have occured, the allspark's destruction, the death of the Fallen, the formation of the NEST team. Hot Rod wakes up with some memory problems, he still remembers bits and pieces of his mission, and who he fights against, and who he answers too, and his name, but that is all. Now Hot Rod begins his search for the destroyed allspark.

Transformers: Northern Front

Chapter 1: Awakening

2009, Earth, unknown highway near Toronto Canada. More cybertronians have been landing on earth in the past, lying dormant for years, only now do some begin to reawaken, ignorant to the events that have occured. One begins to awaken unable to remember most of what occured before landing. Bits and pieces begin to return," 'allspark...', what does that mean? Where am I, whats my designation? Wait, Optimus!? It's all coming back, I think..."

The being surveys his surroundings while trying to wrestle with his memory banks," Right I'm here on earth looking for the allspark! I gotta tell Prime!" He tries to turn on the comm system, nothing happened," Slag!" he tried again," C'mon!" he punched the side of his head," Work!!"

"... Hot Rod..."

"Huh!? Who said that!?"

"Hot Rod!"

"Arg! My head!" the being says clutching his head, " Hot Rod, is that me, my designation!? I'll deal with that later, I've gotta contact Prime!"

He began to move, stepping clumsily past rocks and trees, Hot Rod had to find a structure to produce some sort of communications signal. He stepped onto a road, "Finally! Open land, I can search better like this, if I at least had a LIGHT!!!"

Just then a vehicle came speeding down the road, making some loud frequency to suggest frustration, Hot Rod was taken off guard, at least he had a light. Moving quickly to avoid the vehicle he slipped off the road and fell over the ledge of the highway. Hot Rod tried to break his fall, grabbing onto nearby rocks and trees, each rock came loose and every tree snapped and it only increased the speed of his fall, until he finally hit the ground, "Ugh, never do that again!" He groaned, pointing at the rock in his hand and continued on.

He eventually came to a clearing, a settlement! Perfect! Hot Rod would certainly find a radio uplink here. He observed his surrounding, he couldn't let the humans see him, he would have to be quiet, why did he have to go for a stasis nap during stealth training!? He stumbled into a metal and rock like structure. Upon further inspection Hot Rod determined the structure was transmitting radio waves, great, just what he was looking for, all he needed to do was find a manual way to match the frequency and reach Prime '... now ugh... how do you use one of these things?' he thought. Feeling he had no other option he began to climb the tower. He heard some sort of creaking noise on his audio recepters, but paid it no heed, he was finally going to contact his leader, what could go wrong? "Hey whats that?!" came a voice.

"Huh!?" Hot Rod shifted his visual sensors to his right.

"Yeah I know, what is it? Is someone filming a monster movie, another Terminator, or a mecha Godzilla!?" said another human.

"Whatever it is I want a snap shot!"

"Not if I get one first!"

Slag! Humans! And a whole crowd of them no less... Hot Rod had to act. Crick... There was that creaking sound again, CREEEEK! It was getting louder. Hot Rod tried to stay out of the human's sight, but that creaking sound was beginning to really-- CREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! " WHAT THE SLAG!?!?! WHOAAAAAAAAAAAAARG!!!!! Hot Rod yelled in surprise as he fell off the tower, then noticed the tower was starting to fall on him.

"Whoa did you see that!?" yelled one of the humans.

"Yeah it took down the tower!"

"Thats some really good rig work!"

"I hope they can pay the bill for destroying that CBC radio tower!"

Well that was another experience he didn't want to repeat, at least the humans were distracted. He needed a new way to contact Prime, the tower was destroyed. But Hot Rod couldn't keep running around in the open like this, he needed a disguise... Just then a vehicle came cruising down the road, looked like a perfect fit. Hot Rod quickly scanned it. Replecation complete, commence transformation sequence. Hot Rod transformed without hesitation and hit the road.

Driving on earth terrain wasn't so hard, all vehicles travelled in the same direction he was going, though there was the occasional vehicle that got in his way, was this normal? And why was there a line, it looked like it was dividing the road into two lanes, well that was a question for another time. Still no sign of another radio tower, and it wa too quiet on the earth roads, don't these humans hae some sort of entertainment system inside their vehicles, what was that console next to the stearing wheel for anyways? He made one of the dials turn, "Welcome to total axxess, I am Wally! And tonight we're gonna give you axxess to more great music!"

Whoa, this is the entertainment system, awesome. Hot Rod didn't know who this Wally person was but if he was hearing this, that meant he had caught a radio signal with the console, he could use this to contact Prime. Now another noise began, this one was loud, and it wasn't coming from the console, he dodged another vehicle that came at him head on, why were all the vehicles traveling against him on this side of the line? The new noise got louder, and all the vehicles began to move to the sides of the road and stop, hmm, weird, he kept going. the noise got louder, it sounded as if two other things were producing the sound. He shifted his scanners to his rear, two black and white cars with flashing red lights on the tops were coming right towards him, the sensors indicated the vehicles were Ford Mustangs, why was this hauntingly familliar, wait, these vehcles weren't just driving behind him, they were after him! "Decepticons!?"

Hot Rod increased his speed, and the two vehicles increased theirs, if they were Decepticons why weren't they transforming? Of course, they were trying to blend in as well. It seemed these two had taken on forms that the humans recognized as law enforcement vehicles, clever. One of them began to speak, the voice sounded like a female, "To the driver of the Dodge Viper up ahead, we order you to decrease speed immediately and pull over, comply or we shall use force!"

Driver? Hah, they weren't gonna get him that easily, odd how they could communicate out loud in vehicle mode like that, must be something they cooked up while he was asleep. "Driver we won't repeat ourselves again, pull over! We are OPP, we will fire on you if you do not comply!" the other 'Decepticon' said, this one sounded like a male.

This only made Hot Rod increase his speed, he was now going at at least 250 mph, how the two decepticons behind him could keep up with him was beyond him. "That was your last warning! Prepare to be fired upon!"

Sounds resembaling firearm shots came from the two 'decepticons', the hit Hot Rod in the rear, one of the red lights on his back shattered, another shot hit his bumper, a third hit his wheel and punctured the rubber cover over the wheel. Hey, watch the paint job, he thought to himself. The shot to the wheel forced him to decrease his speed, he dropped to 200 mph. Hot Rod began to dodge the next volley of firearm shots, something was coming into his view though, it looked like a strip of metal, and the road began to curve, no! he wouldn't be able to turn in time, those decepticons would get him if he stopped, and if he turned he would severely damage himself on that strip of metal, he had no choice, TRANSFORM!

He broke through the strip of metal and fell over the edge of the road. The hood of the vehicle folded back over the roof, and the trunk cover along with portions of the sides of the back folded over it, from undeneath the hood cover two yellow wing-like blades sprang out, two arms came out from undeneath the sides of the front, the doors attached right above the hands, the remnants of the back folded downward and covered the wheels, his lower torso folded out from underneath the main portion of the vehicle, and the front flipped forward and attached itself to the lower torso, Hot Rod's head came out of the front, as pieces of armor assembled to cover portions of the engine, and exposed portions of his head, blue lights came from his eye sockets, and he saw the ground before him, he reached out with his arms in an attempt to break his fall. He landed on a pile of jagged rocks, flipped and tumbled into a lake.

At the top of the hill the two cars pulled over, two humans stepped out of each one. " My God... what the hell was that?" asked the male police officer.

"I don't know sir. It looked like those robots that were all over the news a few weeks ago, should we inform the army, or request for the US to deploy the NEST team?" said the female officer.

"Not yet, Constable, we don't have enough proof. Get an inspection team down here immediately, I want to know what that was!"

"Yes sir!"

Two of the police went back into one of the cars and took off, the other two began to look for a route down the cliff. The water began to stir, as a mechanical hand reached out and clawed at the shores, another hand came out and did the same. Hot Rod surffaced crawling his way onto the shores. He tried to stand, but he had suffured severe damage, he could barely move properly. He slumped over on the ground, and tried to close his eyes, he eventually openned them when he heard shouting, did the Decepticons follow him down? No, these were human voices, great, just what he needed. He rolled over onto his belly, and transformed back into a Dodge Viper, missing a good deal of the paint job,not to mention some of the windows were shattered, no matter, those would repair themselves, he began to move. He wasn't moving as fast as he normally would, but then again he had popped two tires, and lost a great amount of fuel, the sluggish speed would have to do.

He moved onto the nearest road and began to move, he arrived at another settlement, great he could rest here! He pulled into an open space filled with other vehicles, parked then turned in to let the internal repairs to do their job.

* * *

"Hey Will! Ya found anything!?"

"Hang on Owen, I think so!"

Voices? More humans, what were then doing here? Hot Rod switched on his sensors and surveyed his surroundings, he had indeed pulled into a space full of other vehicles, but he didn't remember it looking like this! The vehicles were all lined up, some were on some sort of display stands, and they all had writing on their wind shields, numbers! He noticed some on his wind shield as well, there was a banner above him too,' 50% off damaged vehicles'. Well this was perfect, Hot Rod takes a stasis nap for a few cycles and wakes up as part of a slave market. At least some of the damages he suffured had repaired. Two humans, male, were walking about the lot, inspecting the other merchandise, slave traders, as far as he learned about humans, these ones appeared to be adolecents. "Hey Owen, I think I found one!" said the human closest to him.

"Great, I'll go get the dealer!" said the other human.

If the human furthest away from him was the one this human was calling Owen, that would mean that this one was Will. Odd name Will, he had somewhat long brown hair and brown eyes, he wore a white shirt and a black hood, and blue pants. The other human had short brown hair, wore a red T-shirt, and blue jeans, he was somewhat taller than Will. Will began to inspect the his new find. He sat down on the hood. Hot Rod began to shake. Will got off immediately after feeling vibrations, looked at the car for a moment, then sat down. Hot Rod shook more violently." Weird, does this thig have a built in massage machine?" WIll asked himself while looking at the car.

Hot Rod didn't know what a 'massage machine' was but out of all the names he had been called, 'thing' was his least favourite! He transformed then and there, he would not stand for this! He would not be a human's slave! Will was sent flying off the hood, and landed infront of the transforming vehicle. "Oh wow!" He said in amazement.

Hot Rod stood up, looming over the human boy. two cannon barrels appeared out from underneath the doors on his arms, both arms were pointed at Will, "Choose you last words carefully human, say one thing out of turn and I'll blast you, slave trader!"

"Wh-what? Slave trader!? What are you talking about!?" Will stammered, the robot did not look amused.

"Don't act stupider than you are human! Look around you, see these vehicles, how do I know they aren't Cybertronian!?"

"Cyber-whats!? This a used car lot!" Will got to his feet, "I only came to buy a car, we use them to mave around populated areas easier!"

This human wasn't making any sense, this clearly was a slave market, at least, Hot Rod thought it was. He retracted his cannons. "Well then human, what are you doing here?"

"Um... I'm trying to buy a car, I almost bought you." Will tried to make as much snese to the hulking robot as possible, but he wasn't sure teh right message was getting across. He looked over at the dealership, Owen was still talking with the dealer, what was he going to thuink if he saw a massive robot!? "Listen, um... whoever you are, you'd better turn back into a car. Cars who turn into giant robots aren't a common site around here."

Hot Rod felt completely stupid, he had already let too many humans see him, he couldn't let any more, whats worse was a human was reminding him of this. "Fine, buy me and get me outta here." He paused for a moment," And for your information I'm a robot who turns into a car, not the other way around."

"Er- right, sorry, just hurry up!" Will began to flail his arms around while looking at Owen and the dealer.

Hot Rod turned back into a car, just as the other human and an older human began to approach.

* * *

The dealer held out his hand, Will shook it, "Well then young man, what can I do for ya?" The dealer said with a smile.

"Well, I would like to put a down payment on this one." Will patted the hood, Hot Rod began to shake.

"Um, Will, did that car just move?" Owen asked with a look of concern on his face.

"NO! Er- I mean- umm, no of course not, why would a car do that, it's not like it's an alien robot or anything..." Will stuttered, the car made a noise resembling a cough.

"Er, well then son, given the state the vehicle was found in, along with the damages to the bumper, and the loss of paint, and the fact that it's 50% off, I'll only charge ya 5 grand for it, no other payments." He said pointing out the damage that Hot Rod had not yet repaired yet.

"Wow really, but wait, the car's a new model, why is it so cheap?"

"I'm pretty sure I just said why, I found it in the lot pretty banged up this morning, two or the tires were punctured so I put new ones on, but it had some massive damage done to it, by whoever owned it before I assume." The dealer stated, "I'm not the kinda person who charges full price for damaged vehicles, I figure you'll be spending most of your money on body shop works."

"Great, I'll get my card. I wanna get him- er- it on the road as soon as possible!"

"If ya say so."

"Woo-hoo! Now we're mobile, movies here we come!" Owen yelled,'of course he'd be happy, he's not the one who has to pay everytime they go to movies', thought Will.

'Someone please terminate me now ', thought Hot Rod, while Owen jumped into the passenger seat and started playing with the entertainment system, along with the other shiny buttons

* * *

Will and Owen pulled up to the campus of Sheridan college, a girl stood at the entrance, her dirty blond ponytailed hair waving in the wind, arms were crossed, she was wearing a blue shirt, with a hooded vest over top, and was wearing white shin high pants, she was glaring at the two boys as they exited the car, " Where have you two been!" She yelled, Owen and Will braced themselves for what would be a long and painful lecture.

"Do you have any idea what time it is!? Will! You said you were going to buy a car, you said it would only be about a half hour! You kept me waiting here for an hour and half! And you come back with a broken down piece of junk! You'd better have a good excuse mister because I'm hot and tired now!" the girl yelled, amazing how she could yell all that without having to come up for air.

"Well ya see Jen, um, the buses were--" Owen began but was cut off.

"Oh shut up Owen, I'm talking to Will, you butt out!"

"But they were really!"

"Ah!" Jen pointed an acusing finger at him


"Ah-pah-pah!" she thrusted the acusing finger at him again.

"Who's hungry!?" Will stammered, trying to change the subject.

Owen caught on," Oh I am, c'mon Jen lets get something at the residance!" He grabbed her by the arm and dragged her off, Will had never seen such a strange combination of anger, and surprise.

Will turned to Hot Rod," Okay, you can move."

Hot Rod transformed and stretcehd for a bit," Finally, I never thought that behemoth would leave." He turned to Will, "Ya want me to terminate?" he motioned his finger to Jen, who was now biting Owen's arm.

"Um, no, for her, that behavior's normal." Will shrugged," By the way, whats your name?"


"Yeah, your name, you know, what other people call you." Will looked at the robot, he looked confused, Will pointed to himself," um, for example my name is Will Stevens."

"Oh, you mean a designation?" Hot Rod finally caught on," My name is Hot Rod, at least I think it is."

"Whaddya mean?"

"I don't know," he said rubbing his head," I've been having some memory problems. Where are we anyway"

"You're on Earth, Oakville Ontario Canada, not many other ways I can phrase it."

Hot Rod tried to process all this. "Are you some kind of alien?" Will asked.

"To you I'm an alien, for me it's the other way around."

"Well, where are ya from?"

"Ugh, trying to remember kid, wait now I remember, Cybertron... Or at least whats left of it." Hot Rod scratched his head.

"You mean it blew up?"

"I think so."

"Oh, um, sorry for bringing up a painful memory."

"Don't worry too much about it." Hot Rod sat down," So, looks like I'm gonna be hanging with you for a while."

"Looks that way, course I'm gonna be in class most of the day."


Will pointed to the college campus,"Class, it helps educate young minds, I'm studying creative arts here."

"Will! Are you ready to go? The movie starts in 20 minutes!" Jens voice came from across the parking lot.

"Uh oh, hide!" Will stammered, luckily Hot Rod was hidden by a few trees, but Jen and Owen were getting close, Owen was putting bandages onto some odd bite marks on his arm.

Hot Rod pulled out his cannons, "I ain't afraid of them!"

"Yeah, but how am I supposed to explain to them about how I bought an alien robot!?"

Hot Rod paused for a moment, "I see your point!" He transformed, just as Owen and the 'Behemoth' walked up.

"So, uh, who wants to see a movie?" Will said, trying to remain calm.

This day was proving to be an odd one. For Hot Rod, and Will.
Those who act like they know everything annoy those of us that do.
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